Put this one down in the "duh!" category. Tell me something I didn't already know. The problem for his O ness is that the folks who love him won't vote this mid-term, so all of his peeps (even the ones running away from him )are going down. The only thing that will help dems salvage a couple of seats is the craziness of the teabag folks. (Did Sarah light really start a political spot by saying "I am not a witch"?Okkkkaaayy then.) But, other than that, things are looking bleak. Independent white voters already shot their liberal guilt load and there will be no more votes for the beige man. It's that simple.
Here in Pistolvania the dems are trailing in all the polls, and there is a full fledged rust belt rebellion against all things O in places like Michigan and Ohio. And, over at Radio Rwanda, they are happier than Bishop Eddie in an NFL locker room. (Sorry, low blow.)
But, all is not lost: the good news for you Obamaholics is that O has two years to get his s%^t together. It's time for him to get out of that Ivy League cocoon that he has been living in for the past two years. He has been surrounded by know it all handlers and nerdy wonks, but it looks like he finally broke free and is coming out to see the real world. "Yes we can"? No you can't. Not if you don't stop working on your golf game and playing college professor in the beltway. Still, maybe he is starting to get the message, and as a result dems gained some traction. But is it too little too late? I think it is. My man Rahm should have left about a year ago.
Meanwhile, O will be back in Philly again on Sunday to try and stir up the faithful. He is hoping that they will be fired up enough to go out and vote come November 2nd. (Good luck with that) Here in Philly we are getting used to seeing O around these parts. We are just wondering where he has been for the past two years. Oh well, at least The Roots will be playing. I wonder if they will give us a few bars of "Don't feel right"? I think that would be appropriate.
1 – 200 of 204 Newer› Newest»Well, don't forget Donna Brazile's complicity in the meltdown.
Anyways, silly season is now upon us, so let's refresh and revisit the inimitable George Carlin (warning: language not safe for work, small children, parakeets and one legged midgets named Fred)
The term "midget" is offensive.
Democratic party voters have always been undependable. They are "actionless" citizens. They are big mouth wind-bags who do nothing, esp. the progressive liberal black dems who never vote anyway. It will take something out of this world to get them to get off their asses and vote...like the possibility of a Black President.
Well, that's already happened and has already been a disappointment.
Forget the Nov elections. We all know how it's going to turn out, thank God.
The Democrats’ winning 2008 strategy–positioning Barack Obama to blacks as the black candidate, to Asians and Hispanics as the minority candidate, and to whites as the postracial candidate–did not make for a long-term stable political strategy. A black-led four-race coalition is an inherently fragile thing.
This is aptly illustrated by recent electoral crack ups in Washington D.C. The central complaint of young white liberals living in Washington D.C. became D.C.’s schools, which were not only full of black students, but were administered by black bureaucrats for the benefit of black bureaucrats. D.C. whites compared the local black-run public school system to Chicago and New York, where dynamic white administrators, Paul Vallas and Joel Klein, respectively, were installed to shake up the systems. Publicly, nobody ever put it in terms quite that blunt—everybody hand-waved about "bad schools"—but it was hard for Washington D.C. whites (even though they voted 86-12 for Obama in 2008) to avoid thinking that way. Adrian Fenty, a yuppie black, appointed as school chancellor the energetic and ambitious Korean-American Michelle Rhee. So when she fired a large number of teachers for underperforming (many of the teachers black), the white press was ecstatic.
Black voters were not, however. Blacks also see the school system as a primary employer, providing jobs to thousands of teachers, school bus drivers, administrators and secretaries. When Chancellor Michelle A. Rhee laid off hundreds of teachers, many blacks saw an assault on economic opportunity.
This deep, angry split in Washington D.C. between white liberals and local blacks is quite rational on both sides. It's perfectly understandable for white liberals in D.C. to expect at least K-5 public schools to be good enough for their children. And it's perfectly understandable for blacks to despise a Korean lady whose plans are, in effect, to fire a lot of black workers and replace them with whites and Asians being paid twice as much.
"I am not a witch...I'm just like you" - Christine O'Donnell
Well no, you are not just like me. I've never had to deny being a witch!
Val said...
"I am not a witch...I'm just like you" - Christine O'Donnell
Well no, you are not just like me. I've never had to deny being a witch!"
That's because nobody even f*cking talks to you or gives half a f*ck about your life. Geez, you are lame.
"I am not a witch...I'm just like you" - Christine O'Donnell
"Well no, you are not just like me. I've never had to deny being a witch!"-Val
11:17 PM
She meant that she is human like everybody else...Give the lady a break! She just wants to make our country better.
Field, I just realized why Vick got hurt. He built up a lot of bad karma by taking the lives of so many dogs. Like all humans, they too want to live. Therefore, it was a grave sin for Mike to do what he did. But he is working off that bad karma. A few more crushing hits later in the season by the Redskins and Giants and he will be even with God.
Then the Eagles will start to get their mojo going. Unfortuanately, it'll be too late in the season. But there's always "next year."
Obama has been very good for this country. He has made it certain that there wont be a democratic/marxist/socialist congress/senate or any type of government leader for a long, long time.
Good news is Nov is right around the corner and we can stop with the insane agenda, get back to work and start making money once the crazy hippy kids are out of the way.
I see the Gremlins are making their rounds.
Anonymous, didn't your momma teach you not to count your chickens before they hatch. I don't care what the polls say right now or what you think. It's not gonna turn out like you think come November 2. Nope!
Yup, when the elections are over in Nov. the President can get back to the business of cleaning up the mess your party left behind when Bush and Cheney's term was up. And they left the biggest mess behind. I tell ya, America is still reeling from it.
Yup, when the elections are over in Nov. the President can get back to the business of cleaning up the mess your party left behind when Bush and Cheney's term was up. And they left the biggest mess behind. I tell ya, America is still reeling from it.
So you dont' care what americans are saying or what I think but you know its going to be different. How do you know this? Hope? ?
Ask yourself this. Who was in charge of Congress since 2006? Demoncrats. Obams has spent more in two years then ALL, I said ALL of U.S presidents combined. Can you imagine? Spent more then the entire history of the United States in JUST 2years. How long do you think taking money from some and giving it to others will last? Anyway, I guess we will see very shortly. Cause this much I am certain, if his socialist policies continue, there wont be any america left. We are already so broke its a joke. The stimulus is gone. When we cant borrow another trillion dollars and welfare checks are stopped and foodstamps are cut and teachers and governement officials are laid off.......the chicken crap will hit the fan. Thats what happens when no experience petulant children are in charge, they kill the chicken cause it didnt lay enough eggs and they arent bright enough to see the very obvious results of their actions. Hope that last bucket of chicken tastes good cause after this, its all gone.
"Obama has been very good for this country. He has made it certain that there wont be a Black leader or a government that's the least bit sympathetic towards Blacks for a long, long time."
Oh you anons, so easy to read through.
Rottnkid said...
I see the Gremlins are making their rounds
Your not a Gremlin, I heard you look like a dirty hobbit .
When Bush was spending and starting wars with countries that weren't involved in 9/11. The right was singing two songs, either your with us, or against us and unpatriotic. Now, all of a sudden they've decided that too much money is being spent. hahahaha.
Was Bush a socialist when he was spending big and when he was letting corporations and lobbyist make the policies and deregulate?. The only welfare that your afraid will get cut off is Corporate Welfare. Because poor people's welfare was cut off when Clinton was in office. Clinton's program was called "welfare to work." or "work for welfare." Those people were forced to get a job because of that lie Reagan told about the "welfare queens" that did not exist. Yeah, there were some welfare queens alright, but only in reality they were welfare kings for example; Haliburton, Oil Companies, Bankers, Mortgage Companies,and Enron, etc. Those were the biggest welfare recipients and still are.
Mack Lyons said...
"Obama has been very good for this country. He has made it certain that there wont be a Black leader or a government that's the least bit sympathetic towards Blacks for a long, long time."
Oh you anons, so easy to read through
WRONG dont project your racism on me pal. Obama is a horrible president no matter what his skin color. Just because you feel you have to align with someone because of their skin color no matter how incompetent, makes you Racist. Only cowards and weaklings who accomplish nothing use race as an eternal excuse. Get off your crutches and out of your racial wheelchair and man up.
When in the history of this country has it been ok to be socialist, communist and all the things progressive liberal democrats are now? Have we forgotten history? Or is the real world and real history a lie? Did all of the failed socialist societies accompanied with literal enslavement and wholescale murders not happen?
Here is what caused the economic mess. Here is proof in the democrats own words.
President Obama fulfilled some of his promises, but they don't highlight them in MSM. Instead they highlight BS and negatives and mislead the public. Those Koch brothers must be paying them good. What folks won't do for the LOVE of money.
I think that is pretty good for a President that has only been in office one year,9 months, and 5 days. I wish I could say the same for the prior presidents. It must be embarrassing to have a skinny black guy come in and keep his promises.
GrannyStandingforTruth Said
It must be embarrassing to have a skinny black guy come in and keep his promises.
Who cares what skin color he has? This is serious and not the fourth grade. Skinny...Black....grow up. Why is Skin Color the most important thing to obamabots? His mother was white, He was raised by White people and sodomites, Muslims and Indonesians, that doesnt matter, just like his skin color doesnt matter. Does the wrapping of your food really matter that much to you? You know when its time to eat, that wrapping gets thrown out and its what was inside that counted all along. When you die is the only thing you want people to remember is what your skin color was? Really? Or maybe who you were and what you did?
He kept his promises allright. To fundamentally change and destroy america. Did you notice most of the promises kept were spending bills? Can I be your friend? You can buy my friendship and we will worry about someone else paying the bills after they take your house and you are going hungry and the field has been filled with poison so you cant grow anymore. But, I will still like you....
As for the MSM, thats pretty Ironic. 80% of the MSM is so pro obama that they cover up daily. Thats a fact. Why do you think no one watches CNN, NBC, MSNBC and their ratings have plummeted etc. They are all big government hacks who get huge kickbacks from ObamaWorld such as George Soros MOveON and GE, they literally fire reporters for telling the truth if it paints Obama too real as this will screwup the radical in the whitehouse with the checkbook for his freinds.
"WRONG dont project your racism on me pal. Obama is a horrible president no matter what his skin color. Just because you feel you have to align with someone because of their skin color no matter how incompetent, makes you Racist. Only cowards and weaklings who accomplish nothing use race as an eternal excuse. Get off your crutches and out of your racial wheelchair and man up."
Such a reflexive response. I merely translated for everyone else here exactly what you were thinking and this is the "thanks" I get? Gotta love working hard and being unappreciated for it.
BTW, "race" is more or less a social construct that has so far allowed many groups of people to single out, devalue, dehumanise and rationalise the mistreatment of other ethnic groups, whether for political or economic gain or as a social "punching bag" whenever one ethnic group feels the need to wail on something "lower" than itself just to get an ego boost. You've got penniless rednecks in southern Kentucky who probably think they're better than those "niggers" because it's all they have keeping their ego intact.
That wheelchair? I don't need it. You, on the other hand, can plop your frail, faint self right down whenever you feel the "vapors" coming on.
"When in the history of this country has it been ok to be socialist, communist and all the things progressive liberal democrats are now? Have we forgotten history? Or is the real world and real history a lie? Did all of the failed socialist societies accompanied with literal enslavement and wholescale murders not happen?"
History is always written by the victors. It could explain how most of our plutocratic, corporatist, "conservative" governments have always been given a free pass in regards to causing untold amounts of economic, social and political chaos, while "leftist" entities are wailed on relentlessly as a rather convenient scapegoat and smokescreen that gullible "real Americans" such as yourself eat right the fuck up.
Millions of people are being economically inslaved. The middle class is being vanquished and the top 2% of this country are rearranging this country's political power structure into a plutocratic engine that holds the preservation of wealth among the top 2% as its #1 priority, bar none. And here you are raving about "commies", "socialists" and other bullshit you read about in some Buck Rogers comic as a little kid. Your eyes are off the ball and focused on the shiny plug nickel, exactly as the political elite hope for.
"Here is what caused the economic mess. Here is proof in the democrats own words.
You guys are desperate to find anything that'll offload the Bush administration's incompetence onto Obama's. I suggest you keep looking.
Anon 2:31 is proof that history, geography, and politics really isn't taught in american schools anymore. all the things you rail against as being too socialist..universal healthcare, welfare, free/affordable tertiary education, paid parental leave etc..are things that EVERY OTHER SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPED NATION ALREADY HAS IN PLACE. and many nations that have such socialist policies have weathered the global financial crisis better than the US. australia for example, which didn't go through a recession at all. what part of france, japan, sweden, canada, the UK, switzerland are not failed societies do you not understand?
"Why is Skin Color the most important thing to obamabots?"
Apparently skin color mattered when it came to preserving the economic and social interests of certain locales. If skin color "didn't matter", then no one would have heard anything about "Jim Crow" or "Separate, But Equal".
In other words, when a Black guy can walk up and down a street with two blonde White women in each arm and not get ANYONE to give him a single glance or glance of disgust or revulsion or when a White girl can bring a Black guy home and not get any race-related grief whatsoever*, then one can say race "doesn't matter".
Race matters because Americans made it matter.
*I hate to frame the argument in such a manner, but it's probably the most effective one out there. And I do realise that Thrasher and/or LAB will be here shortly to beat my ass because (or in spite) of it.
"As for the MSM, thats pretty Ironic. 80% of the MSM is so pro obama that they cover up daily. Thats a fact. Why do you think no one watches CNN, NBC, MSNBC and their ratings have plummeted etc. They are all big government hacks who get huge kickbacks from ObamaWorld such as George Soros MOveON and GE, they literally fire reporters for telling the truth if it paints Obama too real as this will screwup the radical in the whitehouse with the checkbook for his freinds."
I'm fascinated by this belief among conservatives that the liberals have television all sewn up and in their pocket, especially when not only conservatives have Fox News, but they also have damn near all of talk radio cornered and hog-tied.
BTW, your own "conservative" representatives are behaving very much like the "big government hacks" you constantly deride. It's getting to the point where debasing yourself in front of corporate interests in exchange for monetary backing and entertainment "perks" can be legitimately called a "conservative value".
"Anon 2:31 is proof that history, geography, and politics really isn't taught in american schools anymore. all the things you rail against as being too socialist..universal healthcare, welfare, free/affordable tertiary education, paid parental leave etc..are things that EVERY OTHER SUCCESSFUL DEVELOPED NATION ALREADY HAS IN PLACE. and many nations that have such socialist policies have weathered the global financial crisis better than the US. australia for example, which didn't go through a recession at all. what part of france, japan, sweden, canada, the UK, switzerland are not failed societies do you not understand?"
I wouldn't bother.
The Powers That Be™ have done a number on Americans such as Anon 2:31. He's been successfully brainwashed into believing "American Exceptionalism" whole-hog and how human rights are "communist" concepts that are "un-American". When George W. Bush told him and other Americans after 9/11 to "go shopping", he did -- and he's since put himself and his family deep in debt after splurging on material things he really couldn't afford. The corporate interests can, will and do brainwash him into believe pretty much anything they tell him. If they tell him that cars are passe and riding the bus is the "American thing to do", he'll do it -- and rant and rave for someone to run a bus route to his suburban abode.
Universal healthcare is "socialist" because Cuba, Canada and those other commie countries have it. And because the healthcare insurance industry told him it was bad.
Affordable tertiary education is "socialist" because those other commie countries have it. And because the financial aid industry told him everything was hunky-dory.
Saving the environment is "socialist" because it's something hippies, drug addicts and spoiled kids do on their spare time. And because the petrochemical industry told him it was bad.
When most Americans think on such a binary yes/no true/false level, it's easy to sucker them into believing and doing pretty much anything you ask of them.
WRONG dont project your racism on me pal. Obama is a horrible president no matter what his skin color. Just because you feel you have to align with someone because of their skin color no matter how incompetent, makes you Racist. Only cowards and weaklings who accomplish nothing use race as an eternal excuse. Get off your crutches and out of your racial wheelchair and man up."
Was George Bush a good president?
I want an honest answer. And if he was not, how easy do you think it was going to be for the next guy. The problem with O, ironically, is communication from the WH. Actually he has been doing a decent job, but he has to communicate that to the rest of the country.
Mack, great points.
Also anon. see what c&c said at 5:21 am.
"When in the history of this country has it been ok to be socialist, communist and all the things progressive liberal democrats are now? Have we forgotten history? Or is the real world and real history a lie? Did all of the failed socialist societies accompanied with literal enslavement and wholescale murders not happen?"
You might want to leave out that "enslavement" part.
Anon 12:07 a.m. if Vick was a victim of bad Karma for killing dogs, what will happen to "W", Dick, and company for those wars they got us into?
Anon 11:11, if all you're gonna do is post columns from other people, at least have the intellectual honesty to cite the author...
Field, if Obama is smart then he would be trying to fire up his base, not insult them and lecture them. Hopefully for the democrats he'll change his tune. But if not, then Obama will have even more chances over the next two years to engage in the bipartisanship he loves so much.
this post made my day
white guilt has nothing to do with hobama
he is losing because of green grift!
he is losing because we are broke and jobless and homeless and hungry...and his beloved banksters are not!!!
he is losing because he gave us all change and no hope!!!
we know who he is now
he has shown us all to well!!!
and we believe him
and do u have to be 18 to be in the nfl?
i think the boys in those locker rooms are way too OLD for eddie long
he is a chicken hawk tree jumper for jesus who prefers his prey be aged 14-16 per his sinful track record
i meant:
he is losing because he gave us all NO change and no hope!!!
hobama has done NOTHING except make every ill he inherited worse!!!
and 4 decades it will all worsen:
racism/mongrels with no prez agenda
crack laws/dna arrest laws
bank fees
credit fees
internet for the rich only
horrific hobamacare/ rx fees
and he has DOGGED teachers and gays he pimped with lies in 2008:
dadt bs
equal human marital rights
nlcb II
massive layoffs and scaprgoating etc
Mack Lyons
Brother Obama can't win and we, especially black men, should have seen the scenario coming.
The righties have complained that he's behaved like a "dictator".
The far lefties are saying that he's too conciliatory.
Make no mistake though. The Tea Party and their Faux News Patrons are going to get in the mud and get as putrid and ugly as possible so that from now on no Negro, half negro, or Cablinasian will even think about running for what they believe is a position that belongs only to white people.
if americans had jobs and homes and schools and change and hope and soldiers home etc...
it would not matter at all what half breed hobama was...
if hobama was 100% purple and did ANYTHING he promised in 2008 he would be beloved by all
hobama had the very LOWEST bar in history after his horrid cuz gwb and he still FAILED...
he failed at everything!!!!
your sexist racist excuses & denials will never make hobama a competent prez or create his unmet false ads of hope and change!!!
Yeah AB.
American was a utopia with milk and honey for everyone until the black guy took over.
You sound just like the Faux News lunatics.
Go outside and get some fresh air.
u r a racist beta male fool
who said it was a utopia???
i said hobama made it a HOTTER hell for decades to come
u have to shamelessly blatantly lie to defend him
that only proves he is INDEFENSIBLE!!!!
glad u r not hobama's campaign mngr
"yes i am closer to utopia"
that will not bless him with a victory ever
too many people miss the jobs and homes and food they had when gwb was in office!!!
u go outside your gated enclave u mongrel
see how poor people are choking on the elitist hellish bs hobama has done within the homeless air they breathe!!!!
"i said hobama made it a HOTTER hell for decades to come"
That's a pile of crap.
Obama's TARP and stimulus packages prevented the economy from falling into a full bore depression.
The rightwingers who precipitated the mess had no alternative but to watch it happen.
only drones like u pretend tarp was not a failure
a global crash STILL LOOMS!!!!!
wake up!
if it was a success, why are they begging for more???
where are the jobs? saved homes? loans???
u r blind
but most voters will not be in 2012
hobama will be selected to win
but NOT by votes from blind broke fools like u
The job of reinflating the Wall Street bubble fell to President Barack Obama, whose executive branch joined with the Federal Reserve to put the entirety of the nation's current and future wealth at the disposal of the bankster class. By July of 2009, Obama and the Fed had committed $23.7 trillion dollars of the people's cash and credit to bail out the banks. In a real sense, it does not matter how many trillions were actually spent, or will be sucked up by Wall Street in the future. The point is, the U.S. government in 2009 put everything the people of the United States own or create, or can ever hope to own or create, permanently at the service of Wall Street. Like the young “Alien” in the science fiction movie series, Wall Street has attached itself to the face and body of the nation and is sucking it to death.
The picture that best explains the historical significance of the year 2009, is President Obama holding a teleconference with bankers who didn't bother to show up for a meeting with him at the White House, in mid-December. Obama is pleading with them to at least pretend to act in the interest of the public whose national resources they have stolen. But the banksters see no need to pay even token respect to a president who is actually their servant. Having swallowed the state whole, they simply...digest it, knowing they can come back for seconds and thirds until the people's credit is exhausted
Field,don't believe the hype.
Now that it's less than a month from the mid terms,people ARE paying attention AND fired up.
The GOP establishment are horrified at the monster they've created in the Tea Party and at how they've overplayed their hand with the current crop of loony candidates.
Their extreme positions on Social
Security,Medicare,the minimum
wage and abortion have been exposed.Christine O'Donnell
in CT ,Rand Paul in KY and Sharron Angle in AZ are running from interviews with everyone but Faux Noise,because they know that their brand of crazy won't play in a general election.
Here in CA,Whitman and Fiorina have been revealed as the soulless,amoral,lying profit driven corporatists that they are.
Everyone is aware that we're in a world of hurt. Polls or no polls,voters want someone who can help solve our problems,and NONE of these Tea Party clowns are the answer.
The internet and the media are filled with stories on how various factions of the right are so rabid to regain power that they're feuding and eating their own.
Obama and the Democrats are the only adults in the room who are focused on governing,instead of turning the country into a theocratic,tax free corporate haven.When the dust settles on November 3,
I HOPE we'll see the beginning of the end of the current Republican party.And not a moment too soon.
I hope that you're right.
Obama is coming to Bowie, MD tomorrow to rally up the troops.
Gov. O'Malley, LtGov Brown PG County Exec-Elect Baker and other Maryland Dems will be there.
I am exhorting all my friends and associates to show up and raise hell.
The 'necks are counting on us laying down and that cannot happen!
no one who does not own a huge corp bank has any sane reaason to vote for hobama!!!
hobama has proven that voting for him ONLY
because his daddy is black is INSUFFICIENT & SUICIDAL!!!
The bailouts, subsequently, failed to restructure the financial system, or to place serious regulations upon the largest banks and investment houses. He declares, “The full consequences are not yet known. But almost surely, the failures of the Obama and Bush administrations will rank among the most costly mistakes of any modern democratic government at any time. In the United States the magnitude of guarantees and bailouts approach 80% of the US GDP, some &12 trillion (110).”
“The failures of the Obama and Bush administrations will rank among the most costly mistakes of any modern democratic government at any time.”
The wealth and income divide is the widest in the world and that between whites and African Americans is so immense that it makes the African American community appear like a neo-colony. Africans Americans are experiencing a transfer of wealth and income from their families and communities to the wealthy, and white people generally, on a scale not seen since slavery. We are in the throes of de-development. There is no way to avoid the racist foundations to the economic crisis. Stiglitz, like other progressive economists, neither grasp nor factor racism into their analyses. In historical terms, racism, slavery, Jim Crow and the new forms of black oppression have always distorted the economy and predisposed it to crisis. Among the multiple determinates of the current situation, race is a huge factor. Liberating the masses of black folk from the plunderous combination of white supremacy and finance capitalism is fundamental to solving the crisis.
“Africans Americans are experiencing a transfer of wealth and income from their families and communities to the wealthy, and white people generally, on a scale not seen since slavery
what has hobama done to earn such loyalty?
hobama has dogged poor blacks WORSE than poor whites
fewer evictions happen in trailer parks than apts!!!
why would any unemployed bm show up to cheer hobama???????
As the grip of the recession eases, U.S. unemployment has leveled off at 9.7 percent for the past three months. But unemployment among black males hit a record 19 percent in March. And in Michigan, the 2009 jobless rate was worse than one in four for the black male population: 26 percent.
why would any black person who is not a billionaire/bankster vote for hobama????
I know my dear brother, President Obama, has a bust of Martin King right there in the Oval Office, but the question is are is he going to be true to who that Martin Luther King, Jr., actually is? King was concerned about what? The poor. He was concerned about working people. He was concerned about quality jobs. He was concerned about quality housing. He was concerned about precious babies in Vietnam, the way we ought to be concerned about precious babies in Afghanistan and precious babies in Tel Aviv and precious babies in Gaza.
Martin King was fundamentally committed to the least of these. Of course, he was a Christian soldier for justice from the 25th chapter of Matthew.
And so more and more black folk tend to be well-adjusted to Obama's presidency, but does that mean they're well-adjusted to injustice? Because we don't hear our president talking about the new Jim Crow, the prison-industrial complex.
We don't hear our president talking about the need for high-quality jobs for everybody, giving it priority, not just giving a speech in Detroit. That's fine, but speaking to Tim Geithner, speaking to Larry Summers. When are you going to make jobs, jobs, jobs a priority rather than Wall Street, Wall Street, Wall Street a priority? That's what I'm concerned about.
I said, well, my mother and father raised me right. I respect my dear brother, but I don't like to be demeaned and humiliated in that way, and I didn't get a chance to respond to him. And I hope maybe at some time we can. But it was very, it was a very ugly kind of moment, it seems to me, and that disturbs me because then it raises the question for me: Does he have a double standard for black critics as opposed to white critics?
If the people are not courageous, if the people are not compassionate, if the people dont recognize there's a national emergency in the nation when it comes to jobs, when it comes to education for working and poor people, if the people dont recognize that these issues are issues of national security in the same way that national security issues are debated about Afghanistan and Iraq, all the technology in the world doesn't mean that much if people are cowardly, intolerant, myopic, shortsighted and in some ways bigoted.
We all have to wrestle with those kinds of issues. It's about courage. It's about organizing. It's about telling the truth, allowing suffering to speak and being honest and candid about those in power.
We live in a society now where big business and big finance are so thoroughly have such a thorough stranglehold on big government. Even the Tea Party brothers and sisters, these are right-wing brothers and sisters feeling weak and impotent.
Well, you know what? Sometimes I feel weak and impotent, but I try to be courageous. I try to be all-embracing enough that I dont scapegoat the most vulnerable. I look at the most powerful, not just in government but also corporate elites and financial oligarchs on Wall Street.
The Tea Party people are wrestling with fear and impotence. We all are. They just have the wrong direction. They have the wrong energy. It's not moral enough. It's not concerned with the poor enough. It's not concerned with working people enough.
cornel west
real black male hero
that post from cornell is from august, and you have already linked to it more than once.
and if you think ANYONE is taking their lead from him, you're even more crazy than we all know you are.
I am somewhat disapppointed with Obama but dammit black folks have to be adults about this.
Obama cannot be a fist pumpin tribune specifically for the downtrodden at this time because we have widespread economic crisis which is effecting a sectors of society and markets.
As Bill Maher stated so eloquently yesterday, "hold Obama's feet to the fire, YES, but when it's time to VOTE, be an adult. Realize that it's better to have a disappointing friend than a dangerous enemy."
Is this what you want AB?
For the friggin Tea Party to take over?
Sometimes I think that you really do.
Mack Lyons: "When most Americans think on such a binary yes/no true/false level, it's easy to sucker them into believing and doing pretty much anything you ask of them."
What, like corporations pursue profit because they are evil; republicans espouse personal liberty because they are greedy; non-favored groups oppose racial preferences because they are racist? Is that "binary" enough for you?
Corporate brainwashing (e.g. commercials) is small change compared to the government-media complex big "Change" line of shit we are being sold 24/7. America is exceptional. Socialism does suck, and the American people are going to stop it.
i want u to stop lying and pretending that hobama has not been the greatest repub ever
i want blacks to brew their own tea and save ourselves
i will never vote again
but i will keep saving black babies and educating moral black adults until the day i die
that is my tea that i brew daily
alicia banks said...
i love bill m
but he is a hobama nazi wigga
and he is blind and stupid enough to believe that repubs and dems are NOT one party
they are!!!
who can be more racist and elitist than hobama????
who has ever bilked and robbed the poor more than hobama?
who has been a bountiful angel for banksters more than hobama?
who can do any more for rich and any less for poor people for decades to come???
who has been more openly brutal and divisive and apathetic to black mongrels?
hobama's dem label does nothing to mask his repub antics!!!
Granny, "It must be embarrassing to have a skinny black guy come in and keep his promises."
This statement defines who Granny is and how she thinks...racist and hatred toward Whites. She feeds racism, separation, and tension between the races. That's why the Tea Party will continue to grow...people like Granny feeds it.
A woman in a hot air balloon realized she was lost. She lowered her altitude and spotted a man in a boat below.
She shouted to him, "Excuse me, can you help me? I promised a friend I would meet him an hour ago, but I don't know where I am."
The man consulted his portable GPS and replied, "You're in a hot air balloon, approximately 30 feet above ground elevation of 2,346 feet above sea level. You are at 31 degrees, 14.97 minutes north latitude and 100 degrees, 49.09 minutes west longitude.
She rolled her eyes and said, "You must be an Obama Democrat."
"I am," replied the man. "How did you know?"
"Well," answered the balloonist, "everything you told me is technically correct. But I have no idea what to do with
your information, and I'm still lost. Frankly, you've not been much help to me."
The man smiled and responded, "You must be a Republican."
"I am," replied the balloonist. "How did you know?"
"Well," said the man, "you don't know where you are -- or where you are going. You've risen to where you are, due to a large quantity of hot air. You made a promise you have no idea how to keep, and you expect me to solve your problem.
You're in exactly the same position you were in before we met, but somehow, now it's my fault."
Field, "Anon 12:07 a.m. if Vick was a victim of bad Karma for killing dogs, what will happen to "W", Dick, and company for those wars they got us into?"
Oh, he'll suffer. But it 'might' not happen in this lifetime. But he has many more lives to live. Sooner or later, his karma will catch up with him and he'll end up in a black body to work off his karma, like so many Blacks are doing in A-merry-ca today. That's how reincarnation and rebirth works. Please keep this in mind and do your best to be a decent human being in this life...don't end up like Granny who will suffer even more in lives to come.
your silly story is deeply flawed
gwb gave hobama a global balloon
hobama and his banksters blew it up globally AS NEVER BEFORE!!!
that global balloon will soon burst...
hobama nazis will still be distracted by their own suicidal blowing when it does so!
we are WORSE than ever and getting worse daily because hobama has been WORSE than gwb!!!
buceta breaf moron aint have no damn job bytch been online on this blog since the wee hours of the morning how does it feel not to have a life ya phukkin loser? hey hows that 250 iq treatin ya? come up with any cures for diseases lately ya cretinous sow alicia banks moron!
u put wk in!!!!
you work OT daily as the LOW IQ MNIC...resident Mongrel Nig Ignoramus Chickenhead in chief!!!
get yo paper on ho!!!
do dat den!!!!!!
your false hobama god has lost his halo
like your bald head dropping a yak track!
What up Field! Hey ditto this:
"Anon 12:07 a.m. if Vick was a victim of bad Karma for killing dogs, what will happen to "W", Dick, and company for those wars they got us into?"
I'll take it a step further if karma were really fairly applied then Americans in general for the most part would be catching hell for sitting back and being quiet while this government invades and kills tens and thousands of Iraqis, Afghans and others for the sake of minerals,oil and just power.
And I believe Christians are going to be surprised when God calls them out for failing to heed the cries of the hungry and the homeless and in particular failing to fight for and advocate for policies that would allow the entire world including the underdeveloped world to eat and drink uncontaminated water and not be felled by diseases that cure for is pretty cheap.
I don't think we are going to be judged as harshly for what happens to animals as to what we allow and what we do the human animal.
It shows what kind of twisted society we live in when folks can get more excited about the abuse of animals than they can about the abuse and daily suffering and dying of fellow human beings.
And worse yet some of us have allowed ourselves to actually believe that some human beings count more than others.
The hypocrisy involved with those who point fingers at Micheal Vick is just astounding.
why would the vdlr or anyone else with an ebt card vote for hobama again?????????
Food Stamp Recipients at Record 41.8 Million Americans in July, U.S. Says
By Alan Bjerga - Oct 5, 2010 3:46 PM CT Tweet LinkedIn Share
Business ExchangeBuzz up!DiggPrint Email .The number of Americans receiving food stamps rose to a record 41.8 million in July as the jobless rate hovered near a 27-year high, the government said.
Recipients of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program subsidies for food purchases jumped 18 percent from a year earlier and increased 1.4 percent from June, the U.S. Department of Agriculture said today in a statement on its website. Participation has set records for 20 straight months.
Unemployment in September may have reached 9.7 percent, according to a Bloomberg News survey of analysts in advance of the release of last month’s rate on Oct. 8. Unemployment was 9.6 percent in July, near levels last seen in 1983.
i love mike v and he served his time like a warrior
he has paid his dues and then some!
i bet he looks at chris brown daily and wishes he had also just beat a human female like a pit bull and left her in the street like roadkill...
rather than abuse those vicious pit bulls who maul and kill humans daily!!!
An anon said:
"How long do you think taking money from some and giving it to others will last?"
Actually anon its worked quite well for the ruling class which takes the majority of what workers make and keeps it for themselves.
Again proof positive that some folks have no idea what they are talking about when they spout off.
apathy is en vogue like racist blindness!!!
most people who adore hobama think of poor people as disposable pit bulls
they could not care less what hobama and his banksters have done to them....shame!!!!
ditto re eddie long
millions of hypochristians are praying for him/cheering him on/defending him/standing by him...
while his child prey are alone and slandered and gaybashed...shame!!!!
there is absolutely nothing godly about that tree jumper for jesus or his blind sheeple fans!
Thanks Alicia I agree Mick Vick has paid his dues and continue to pay his dues.
People seem to forget that though its sick to kill animals, he still didn't kill any human beings or ordered the execution of a semi retarded woman like one state did recently. He didn't drop a drone on a family in Pakistan and say, "well we think we got one of the bad guys we were after." He didn't bomb a few wedding parties in Afghanistan, nor did he for sport beat up Iraqis at roadblocks or shoot and kill families trying to get to the hospital, or shoot folks from a helicopter who were clearly unarmed and laugh about it.
And he isn't as heartless as the anon poster who makes fun of people who have actually been victimized. Really, its okay to make fun of folks in crutches or in wheelchairs? Is it okay to make fun of folks who are suffering from mental maladies?
What that poor excuse of a human being is implying is an outright lie. Racism indeed does exist and only someone who has the heart the size of a mosquito would make fun of someone who stumbles because of it.
field negro said...
WRONG dont project your racism on me pal. Obama is a horrible president no matter what his skin color. Just because you feel you have to align with someone because of their skin color no matter how incompetent, makes you Racist. Only cowards and weaklings who accomplish nothing use race as an eternal excuse. Get off your crutches and out of your racial wheelchair and man up."
Was George Bush a good president?
I want an honest answer. And if he was not, how easy do you think it was going to be for the next guy. The problem with O, ironically, is communication from the WH. Actually he has been doing a decent job, but he has to communicate that to the rest of the country.
Hell no. But talking about George Bush incessantly WILL NOT change one thing about Obamas actions or capabilities now. I dont buy the hype two years later, that he hasnt communicated properly to the country, thats why he is failing. I am not a dolt. I dont need the teleprompter in charge to tell me how a bill is good for me, unlike democrats, I read them. Its the latest democratic talking point where it isnt total rejection of his failed policies, no it must be because people are dumb and don't get his brilliance and he needs to communicate better and its all Bush's fault. Well, no matter how much you tell me something will save money, when I look at the budget for myself and it doesnt, you don't need to improve your lying skill and communicate better. Rather, the country isnt relying on his MSM spins and finding out for themselves the real root of matters, that is why he is failing.
Bottom line is look at how so many people are convinced or should I say were that Black is White and White is Black and up is down.
As for slavery, no. I have no guilt and nothing to hide. Why shouldnt I mention a form of enslavement? I never enslaved anyone and never knew anyone who was enslaved or had enslaved anyone. I know all about horrific history and that is precisely my point. I am intelligent enough to see the same signs and fight against it. So mention it I will, there is no credit or discredit to anyone today that warrants excuse making. My father was an alcoholic wife beater, I am not. So, do I dwell on what he was and become a permanent victim instead of someone who is in complete control of his life or do I dwell on who I am and who I can be? Never forgetting history, but also never forgetting that it is just that...History.
Slavery can come again in different forms and I and most people who don't get shackled by history will not let it be repeated, in any form!.
Finally all of which, have absolutely nothing to do with Obama so any reference would simply be an obfuscation of what he is doing as president.
If you want to see some examples of Obamas MSM affiliation and the liberal spin. Check out this site.
"Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich man and his fine home, says: 'No man should have so much.' The capitalist, seeing the same thing, says: 'All men should have as much.' "
–Phelps Adams
many people and all hobama nazis/hypochristians have dried up old gizzards where their missing hearts should be!
UTS said, "As Bill Maher stated so eloquently yesterday, "hold Obama's feet to the fire, YES, but when it's time to VOTE, be an adult. Realize that it's better to have a disappointing friend than a dangerous enemy."
UTS I know you disagree, with this idea but for once just consider there may indeed be a third option. I don't believe that we have to for the rest of eternity be stuck with the "lesser evil" political choices.
The Democrats and Republicans have not really been friends of black folks nor the working class for that matter. Both parties have simply bent to the pressure brought by mass movements which is the only reason that society is even tolerable for people of color and working white folks.
Malcolm X himself said years ago that both parties have "sold us out."
Why can't we for once the citizens the working class get off our butts and implement the kind of government and the kind of society that we really want.
A society that really allows equal opportunity.A society that provides real health care for all (yes universal healthcare) A society that actually invests in educating All of its citizens. A society that has a real justice system that doesn't enforce petty laws or society's prejudices. A society that makes sure that if a person works they can actually make enough to provide for their family. A society that discourages all kinds of discrimination. A society which does not go to war for profits, minerals or for power.
And finally one that recognizes that some humans are indeed weak and may fall off the wagon and so we make allowances for them because they are still human beings.
"Capitalism and communism stand at opposite poles. Their essential difference is this: The communist, seeing the rich man and his fine home, says: 'No man should have so much.' The capitalist, seeing the same thing, says: 'All men should have as much.' "
Lets make the quote more accurate. The socialist or communist actually says that everyone should have a little and if a group having too much prevents that (which is exactly the case in capitalist countries) then they should redistribute their wealth.
In this country less than one percent of the people own over 90 percent of the wealth. So lets not pretend that when folks are talking about wealth redistribuiton they are talking about some guy making nearly six figures but is employed by someone.
And the capitalist see folks with a lot and say if it means that you will have a little as a result of me having so much, they will say tough, that that is how God ordained it.
Check out anon 11:57's comment on my post, Pet Peave
starvation trumps slander
homelessness trumps hype
joblessness trumps jesters
banksters trump blindness
fatal dope & strange trump false hope and change
this is why hobama will lose voters even if he is still president select!!!
What they obviously don't feel very good about is explaining a record of increased deficit spending, the expansion of government programs, jumps in the numbers of federal employees or the nation's high unemployment rate -- all of which happened on their watch.
They also don't want to explain why they didn't pass a budget or even a budget resolution this year, which is their most important job. They also don't want to explain why they didn't vote on extending the tax cuts that they and the president have promised for two years
Since the Democrats can't sell a positive message, they have to resort to the oldest rule in politics: When you're behind, attack and change the subject.
mell, "And he isn't as heartless as the anon poster who makes fun of people who have actually been victimized. Really, its okay to make fun of folks in crutches or in wheelchairs? Is it okay to make fun of folks who are suffering from mental maladies?
What that poor excuse of a human being is implying is an outright lie. Racism indeed does exist and only someone who has the heart the size of a mosquito would make fun of someone who stumbles because of it."
No, it's not fun to make fun of the suffering of human beings. Neither is it fun to use dogs for a fighting and killing sport, unless you have a twisted mind and a cold heart. Who do you think you are, Mr. Holy Christian? Where in the bible does God ok the hanging and electocution of dogs?
Field and others like you on this blog has made it clear that in the black culture dogs are considered expendable because they are less than human; therefore their lives are not valued so much.
Well, if you were a dog or any other being in a non-human body, you would disagree with crooked minded humans such as you and Field. Dogs and other beings value their lives just as much as you sick humans do. To kill dogs and think it's fun and ok is just as HEARTLESS as you think making fun of cripples! But you are probably used to the daily killings in the black community, and think nothing of it. I am sure God thinks like YOU, which means the human race is headed straight to hell.
I am surprised that a minister like you would think such. BTW, how do you know whether God has decided that Vick has paid his dues? Maybe according to man-made law has served his time in prison. However, by Divine-Karmic Law he could very well have a lot more to work off, like getting his violent ass hit again by a mean bone crushing tight-end who loves dogs.
Only until that past Karma has unwinded will Vick stop getting hurt. And Mell, you aren't that wise or smart to know what's in the Mind of God. I doubt if you even know God's Law or follow the Commandments. Btw, I am Black, I consider dogs 'man's best friend' and I DO value their lives.
"In this country less than one percent of the people own over 90 percent of the wealth."
Not true. The latest estimates suggest top 1% own 38% of the wealth. Now that's not a very even distribution, but it's not 90%.
One point that is missed is that there is a very high turnover in that top 1%. Most people who fall in that category are there for only a short time.
You socialists are zero-summers. You believe if someone has more, it must be at someone else's expense. You believe wealth is a fixed size pie that is divvied up.
Capatalists believe in making the pie bigger, so everyone has more. Of course the baker gets a bigger share - he did the work. But everyone benefits.
Stop whining and start baking!
Mellaneous, "A society that really allows equal opportunity.A society that provides real health care for all (yes universal healthcare) A society that actually invests in educating All of its citizens. A society that has a real justice system that doesn't enforce petty laws or society's prejudices. A society that makes sure that if a person works they can actually make enough to provide for their family. A society that discourages all kinds of discrimination. A society which does not go to war for profits, minerals or for power."
You are asking for a perfect world with perfect human beings who live by the 10 Commandments...GET REAL. Humans are greedy, angry, lustful, self-centered selfish and deluded beings. And you are asking everyone to appeal to a higher conscious? GET REAL.
You are advocating for socialism and capitalists want to be able to get MORE than their fair share. Forget it, Mell. This is A-merry-ca and we live on Earth. Go to another planet with that ridiculous shit.
mell, we normally see eye to eye, but I think you missed the point of the Bill Maher quote from UTS. No one is seeing Obama's perfect or even great. The point is that there are bigger threats out there than Obama, and, in terms of realpolitik Obama is kicking ass and taking names.
(That's realpolitik, not the militant far-left fantasy Island many of folks on this blog seem to want to inhabit.)
Yes, I had 'hoped' we would be further in two years. But, change takes time and even if Malcolm himself were President, many would be disappointed in the slow pace.
The problem is that we an entrenched, anemic congress. Between soapboxes, backroom deals and outright corruption, its a wonder anything gets done. Our structural problem existed long before Obama got office. He's cleaning up not just George W. Bush's mess, he's cleaning up his daddy's mess, Reagan's mess and Clinton's mess. And many of the so-called 'liberal' representatives sat there for years, rolled over and played dead.
UTS, by the way that's a great analogy. Where did you find it?
look anyone who can't see what happened this year has been asleep.
obama hasn't been able to get done as much as he wanted because the fillibuster that the republicans did every fucking time legislation is introduced.
every fucking time. so stop blaming obama, stop blaming the democrats and start assessing blame where it is due: the republicans!
what did people expect after only two years? i am so sick of people criticizing him. he can't win. no matter what. and the republican media has gotten ahold of the message and the truth has been strangled.
it doesn't matter that it's all lies. it's said over, and over and in that echo chamber and then stupid people--often racist people--believe it.
i am so fucking TIRED of the baseless, fact-less attacks on obama. the economy would be worse if not for the stimulus. he got healthcare passed. sure it isn't perfect and many changes don't kick in until 2014 but a lot have.
and if people don't vote in the midterms, the house and senate fall to republicans, you will cause us all to suffer under the reactionary, right-wing, pro-life, pro-business, anti-environment platform that they will push.
if you don't vote you get the government you deserve!
LAC, "He's cleaning up not just George W. Bush's mess, he's cleaning up his daddy's mess, Reagan's mess and Clinton's mess. And many of the so-called 'liberal' representatives sat there for years, rolled over and played dead."
You must have taken Field's photo of Obama seriously. You sound like Obama is the savior sent to fix all the sins of past Presidents because they were inferior to this "special" Godsend President. Of course, he is special and can clean up all the mess that the fallible White Presidents made.
Well, let me wake your Black Obamaholic racist ass up! Obama is making quite a MESS HIMSELF. Take a look, a real close look and you will see. That's why an outrageous party like the Tea Party can continue to grow. GET IT, Mr Racist?
Anon I am not arrogant enough to think I know the mind of God. I am however taking what I have surmised in the Old Testament and New Testament to come to a personal conclusion about what seems to be important in the eyes of God.
It seems overwhelmingly clear that God is concerned about how we treat our fellow human beings. In the Old Testament the first thing that God Yahweh tells the Isrealites after they are freed from Egyptian slavery and oppression is not to oppress the stranger and the alien because they themselves were strangers.
The Old Testament has included lots of laws and mandates that clearly indicate that God is concerned about how the Isrealites treat their neighbors especially their lesser off neighbors. Thus you have the laws regarding the Jubilee in which all land was to be returned to its original owner. The Psalms and Proverbs talk about how to treat your neighbor. There are laws about usury and taking care of widows and orphans and the poor. It goes on and on..
In the New Testament when Jesus is cornered and asked, which of the laws is most important he says that one should love God and then love their neighbor as themselves.
Paul says we are neither Greek nor Jew, but children of God. Apostle James says that while grace is important you ought to do something for somebody to show that you are indeed a servant of God.
And the Apostle John says that how can you say you love God and yet not love your neighbor.
I didn't say what God has in store for Micheal Vick, in fact it is you that is sure that he will inherit bad Karma. I was just making the point that if anyone would inherit bad karma as you assert, that it would seem to reason that human beings would reap it as a result of treating human beings badly as the scriptures voice. Its kind of quiet on dogs, but the Genesis stories imply that humans have dominion over the animal kingdom.
I didn't say who was going to heaven or hell or who was going to have bad karma, you did. I am just speculating.
And I know lots of black folks who are dog owners and dog lovers. I have not heard of dogs being expendable in any of the communities I have lived in. In my opinion that simply is not true.
But I do believe that black folks believe that the well being of human beings should be considered first and foremost and that it really seems silly in a world where many human beings can't thrive or eat --or as in some cases live-- that so much fuss would be made over animals and little to no fuss be made over the suffering of human beings.
And if you read carefully you would have noted that I said, "its sick to kill animals" so I did not nor do I condone the killing of animals.
I didn't judge anyone my friend it was you that condemned Micheal Vick.
Anon I don't get it. Because someone has a different viewpoint than you they are whining? I simply disagree and see more clearly that the folks who dominate this society and have the most money didn't just get it harmlessly, but many exploited, oppressed and stole and did dishonest things to get it. They also continue to make sure the underdeveloped world won't develop by corrupting its leaders and extracting their wealth.
I make more sense than you do because you keep trying to defend the larceny of folks who don't care about you, but would exploit you if given the chance.
And what has you so up in arms about sharing anyway?
maria, "every fucking time. so stop blaming obama, stop blaming the democrats and start assessing blame where it is due: the republicans!"
Hey! we elected Obama for change. That's what he ran on, and that's what we expect. If he can't get the Repubs to move, then it's his fault and maybe we should get Bush back because he knew how to get things done.
Hell, Obama can't even use "teaching moments" for the nation without apologizing and having a drink with a cop who obviously was an ass, and a Professor at Harvard who also was an ass...and a weak one at that.
Face it. You are an Obamaholic who believes in the photo that goes along with this post.LOL
LAC I got the point of the Bill Maher quote as I pointed out in my post, I disagree. The lesser evil way of doing politics has not and will not get the average person where they want to go.
We do agree however that the problem is structural and systemic. The very nature of this system is not designed to be fair just or equitable. We keep trying to get milk from a bull.
Nothing significant will change for the fortunes for the little person until they change the system that keeps them from being all it can be.
u r a blind hobama nazi dingbat in deep denial
hobama is a republican
and he signed every bankster check solo!!!
no republican ever called us mongrels on the view
no republican bailed out aig while kicking out gm employees
no republicans told blacks in nola
to stfu about checks
no repub bromanced rick warren
hobama has been the biggest threat EVER to poor people
he has made more homeless and jobless than ever
he has robbed them to pay banksters more than ever
wake up!!!!!
hobama has been the worst threat EVER to poor people in america
buceta breaf moron aint have no damn job bytch been online on this blog since the wee hours of the morning how does it feel not to have a life ya phukkin loser? hey hows that 250 iq treatin ya? come up with any cures for diseases lately ya cretinous sow alicia banks moron!
hey hows that 250 iq treatin ya? come up with any cures for diseases lately ya cretinous sow alicia banks moron!
Anon said:"You are advocating for socialism and capitalists want to be able to get MORE than their fair share. Forget it, Mell. This is A-merry-ca and we live on Earth. Go to another planet with that ridiculous shit."
Actually if I am allowed to say what I think (without you labeling me or putting words in my mouth) I would tell you that I am not a socialist or communist. If I were to label myself I would say that I am a Christian and I have a internationalist perspective on things.
And since I am a citizen and most people agree that the Constitution allows me to express an opinion different than yours I will stay on this earth, in this country, in this city and in this black body and express my perspective.
Maybe you aren't aware that when you tell someone to leave the country its a concession that you are losing the argument.
I however believe that every human being who works ought to be able to put a roof over their heads and food on their plates.
I think every human being should have a home a place to sleep.
I think every human being should be afforded the dignity of work.
I think in a modern technologically advanced society such as ours every one should have universal heath care. I think that every child should be afforded a quality public education. I think that the justice system should indeed be just and not used as an occupying force by the rich to reinforce their class and race prejudices.
I think the death penalty should be outlawed. I don't believe that economic refugees should be denigrated for simply trying to improve their lives.
I think that differences should be tolerated and not used as an excuse to further divide folks.
I think that when goes to work they should not be fired at the whim of the employer esp if they are doing their job.
I think that discrimination of all kind should be outlawed.
I think instead of spending trillions to fight wars that benefit the rich that those funds should be used to help put folks to work and help other countries properly develop.
I think that other societies have the right to choose how they want to live and this gov't nor any other has a right to occupy another country.
If that makes me some kind of evil person in your eyes I am okay with that.
buceta breaf moron aint have no damn job bytch been online on this blog since the wee hours of the morning how does it feel not to have a life ya phukkin loser?
many men and women are madly and masochistically in love with hobama...
shame that hobama will just never be into them until they own a megabank!!!
but this hobama photo suits maria much better!
hey hows that 250 iq treatin ya? come up with any cures for diseases lately ya cretinous sow alicia banks moron!
Anon@3:24 PM - No one's saying that Obama's Jesus. You take a look - the problems we have existed or were a long time coming. The issue is that our problems with our system - a faltering economy, environment disasters, crumbling schools and war all started when Obama was still at Columbia. Chickens have truly come home to roost.
And the Tea Party simply see 'Nigger' and got their panties in a massive bunch. It wouldn't matter if Obama walked around Iowa handing out Publisher Clearinghouse checks - some white folks would still be losing their minds.
Mell - All the tools necessary to change things stand right in front of it. You can still vote, you can run for office yourself, you can change things at the local level. Simply rolling over and saying 'Republicrat' doesn't solve anything, it makes things a lot worse.
Maria -Amen. Many somehow think that Obama can magically change a country with an opposition party hellbent on simply being contrary.
vdlr will repeat her retarded kamikaze vote for hobama in 2012
precisely as she dares to cut and paste her own incredible ignorance incessantly...in case we miss its fatally idiotic glow initially....
buceta breaf moron aint have no damn job bytch been online on this blog since the wee hours of the morning how does it feel not to have a life ya phukkin loser? bullying people is lame ya forty seven year old loser!
hey hows that 250 iq treatin ya? come up with any cures for diseases lately ya cretinous sow alicia banks moron!
where r ur publications again scholar genius?
buceta breaf moron aint have no damn job bytch been online on this blog since the wee hours of the morning how does it feel not to have a life ya phukkin loser? bullying people is lame ya forty seven year old loser!
ya cretinous sow alicia banks moron!
where r ur publications again scholar genius?
diseased vdlr:
if i ever cure a disease,
it will be the fatal cancer of ignorance
and u will indeed be the VERY first to know as u vaporize as immediately as the IQ of this blog does each time u post
bet dat trick...4 real!
like all hobama nazis,
u boldly lie
all we wanted from hobama was a modicum of what he promised
any hope/change/relief/new politics
stop hating on the tea party while hobama slays poor black men
the tea party organized with their own agenda and they are working!
where is your tea????
lame dame same untamed tiger keeping vdlr:
if bullies are lame, then you are the lamest baldest most psycho stalker inept bully on the net
u r such a bald headed smooth brained hypocrite!!!!!!!
Alicia, I specifically decided to ignore you, mainly because talking sense into you is a waste of time.
Let's see what the Tea Party actually advocates for:
Overturning all health care reform. Not just fixing stuff to make it better, not replacing it with single payer -- trashing it all together.
Keeping the Bush tax cuts. As a school teacher how could you argue for this?
And how exactly is the Tea Party hoping to help poor Black folks. Oh that's right, according the Tea Party NY Governor candidate, we should lock poor black people in abandon prisons and teach them hygiene.
I don't need to join up with the Tea Party - they need to be exposed for the ignorant astro-turf useful idiots they really are.
Your gripe with Obama is simply irrational and partly based on truth, but most based on insane conspiracy theories worth of the only the most cynical and/or ignorant. I think you have a secret crush on the man or his wife.
I've chosen to ignore you because you're a rather angry, miserable and irrational person too convinced of their own brilliance to see when you're wrong.
"adore & excuse obama!!!!"
will do nothing to help him win in 2012
ONLY his record will do that
he has nothing but doom and flops on record!!!
u r a fake fool
we see u
the tea party does not need your help or harping so????
we know all about the tea party
still we ask:
their brew will never save you!!!!
bashing their shining brew will bring no shine to any black hood in america!!!!
maria said...
look anyone who can't see what happened this year has been asleep.
obama hasn't been able to get done as much as he wanted because the fillibuster that the republicans did every fucking time legislation is introduced.
every fucking time. so stop blaming obama, stop blaming the democrats and start assessing blame where it is due: the republicans!
what did people expect after only two years?
There you go. Its all someone elses fault. Do you have clue? Do you know that he could have passed anything he wanted as Democrats had the majority in congress and the senate since 2006? Of course the small group of republican senators dont agree with borrowing more money and spending to get out of debt. Or more realistically stealing money from people who have earned it and then buying votes from your freinds like ACLU and unions.
As far as what do we expect. We expect him to do his job, he has been president for TWO YEARS, both of which democrats have the majority. He lies through his teeth and couldnt run a deli on the corner he is so incompetent so then he focuses on racism and dividing the country. That is not a leader!! You can thank the republicans for stopping some of his insanity....there have to be some adults around to tell the kids, no you cant spend all our rent money on candy to give to your friends and be popular!!
Don't worry in November the conservatives will change policies that have doomed america, then once conservatives save this country you can still collect your checks while bitching about the people who work and fund you to sit at home and blog having money they EARNED!! Dumbass!!
it amazes me that u hobama nazis think people are jobless and homeless because they do not want to date hobama????
being crushed trumps buffoonish crushes
wake up and brew some black tea now!!!!
Black America is now at a lower point politically and economically than in any other time in the post-Jim Crow era. Chattel slavery ended in 1865, segregation was destroyed forty years ago at the same time that voting rights became protected by law. Yet the political life of black America was endangered for some time and its death rattle can now be blamed squarely on the ascendance of Barack Obama.
Black America continues to be held in a trance like state because a man who looks like them sits behind the desk in the oval office. A Pew Research Center study, “How the Great Recession has Changed Life in America,” reports that black Americans were more likely to lose jobs, have pay or work hours reduced, and to lose their homes or have them lose value ever since the so-called Great Recession began
The black freedom movement created a storm of activism which gave birth to the anti-war, feminist, environmental and other movements. Now the people most responsible for the justice we have in this society have made a conscious decision to turn their backs on their birthright. For the first time ever, they will go along with theft on a grand scale and endless warfare.
In return for seeing a black president, black Americans won’t even utter the word “ouch” when the knives go in their collective backs. We are witnessing the worst political deal ever consummated in world history. A people agrees to its own destruction out of misguided love for one man.
For Black America, it is the worst of times, but a kind of collective insanity leads African Americans to believe they live in the best of times. A Pew Research Center study shows Blacks are the most upbeat on the economy of any major group, despite being the group most negatively affected by the economy. The root cause of the delirium: Obama.
Obama’s term in office has been and will be an awful time for the people who love him the most. It is a great tragedy and one can only hope that the unknown factors that drive history will ameliorate in unexpected ways what now appears to be an ever worsening downward spiral.
LACoincidental said...
And how exactly is the Tea Party hoping to help poor Black folks.
You tell me, how are us poor black folks planning to help ourselves? Or do we always need someone else to feel guilty and pay for our lifestyles? The teaparty will set up an environment that strengthens your ability to succeed and do anything you have the capabilities for. Not keep providing handouts you havent earned that they have stolen from someone who has. This country is great, look at real African Immigrants, asians, koreans, etc, they come over with nothing and are succesful, why are native blacks not and its all someone elses fault?
You can be anything you want to be, but you have to do it. Living in a ghetto doesnt stop you from going to the free schools and paying attention, only you do that. Only you do that. Living poor doesnt stop you from taking all the free money and programs designed to help, but what you do with them matters.
The same old adage, you want someone to give you fish everyday, what you should be doing is learn how to fish yourself so you can feed your own and not be a leech on society because you were born poor. Boohoo.....80% of millionares are first generation and were born poor, only they sacrificed, learned, improved themselves and created something.
Now, like someone else said, stop whining and go bake your own pie. Then you can decide how much to give away and stop fighting to steal what other bakers have made, as if its your right because of the bad choices YOU make.
i am certain that when the illuminati decided to pimp ALL black racist drones via a blackish manchurian cia prez they had no idea just how well it would work!!!
most racist drunken broke uneducated illiterate
blacks like the vdlr are even dumber and blinder than they knew...shame!!!
hobama has done more for political blindness and fatal denial than mj did for wigs like vdlr dons and skin bleach like sammy sosa covets!
LAC said:
Mell - All the tools necessary to change things stand right in front of it. You can still vote, you can run for office yourself, you can change things at the local level. Simply rolling over and saying 'Republicrat' doesn't solve anything, it makes things a lot worse.
Maria -Amen. Many somehow think that Obama can magically change a country with an opposition party hellbent on simply being contrary.
You know and I know that I am talking about serious structural change. I am talking about a total new system. This system cannot nor is inclined to produce liberty, justice and the basics for all.
And where did you get the idea that I or anyone else who opposes this system is rolling over. I agree with what you said about changing things on the local level.
Again because we disagree doesn't mean that I have given up I am a fighter. Lets leave out the generalities and accusations and just discuss ideas. Thats all I am doing.
Maria I disagree! Obama has no intentions to really change things, he is as much in agreement with the way things are as any of the other members of the US ruling class and its lackeys.
If you examine Obama's real record there is little hint of this radical guy you and others keep trying to make him. That is not who is! He is who he is, the willing representative of US imperialism. His job is just to put a happy face and a more tolerable face on the same ole same ole.
I know, I know I am supposedly cynical and out to lunch but time will surely tell.
ONLY hobama nazis dare to bash PROACTIVE WINNING POWERFUL tea partiers while simultaneously doing NOTHING to brew their own tea/agendas/wins etc...
the vdlr proves daily herein
envy trumps energy/excellence!!!!
while the tea party is taking over, broke black fools like the vdlr are slandering them while saving up coins to buy skyrocketing bus passes to get to the polls for hobama...shame!!!!
do u ever read labor stat???
just because u amd maria want to do hobama does not mean anyone else does
he nor michelle are not my types!
unlike u 2
i am happily wed
i love my wife
i need no lover
i need a prez!!!!
u hobama nazis just think this is all american idol/blind date
it is not!!!!!
hating is not a profession or political party!
unlike black racist fools,
the tea partiers know that
so they are organizing and winning while black uneducated unread blind adoring hobama drones hate on them....
the revclution will come when hobama's nazis wake up and start hating how much hobama has hated and destroyed poor people!!!
no sane american in any evil empire would bash any protestors/dissenters...tea partiers included!!!
see what a real bm says about that here
If anyone wants to oppose the Tea Party for spreading misinformation, do that. But to assert that it's wrong to take part in civic engagement is utterly silly. The best of this country came out of the action of those in the streets.
For those who oppose the Tea Party, you have every right to gather with those who agree with you and take to the streets. If they oppose the policies of President Obama, and you support them, demonstrate your support for his agenda. Don't whine about someone else making noise. Men and women, stand up and be heard
mellaneous, "If that makes me some kind of evil person in your eyes I am okay with that."
Mell, you need to seriously read what you wrote because it DEFINITELY smacks of socialism. Anyone can see that, except you. Socialiam is ok if that's what you want. Just don't try to fool everyone...don't be like a crooked politician who says one thing but do another. Be like a true Tea Partier: "say what you mean, and mean what you say."
hobsma is a socialist...but ONLY for rich banksters!!!
all of the rest of us have been robbed and slain!!!
AB, our President's name is OBAMA, not hobama. what does that mean?
AB, "hobsma is a socialist...but ONLY for rich banksters!!!"
That's why I am voting for Christine O'Donnell. Thank you for pointing me in the right direction. Are you voting for her?
he is a corporate/cia whore
he is a corp brand like pepsi
he is a hoax/liar
he is a ho
why does my name for him bother u rather than his actions??????
i will never ever vote again
hobama is a corp owned prez
bankster/pharma corps/bp oil
they paid for hobama long ago
Sowhile King left 1963 only to increase his calls for and action towardan end to militarization, capitalism and White supremacy Obama'sbrand is able to assume this political trajectory while actuallyworsening each of these "evil triplets" as King calledthem. Brand Obama has, in the words of one commentator, confusedthe fact that when honestly polled his "positions are inverselyproportional to his popularity." And this isespecially so in Black America. His positions on healthcare, war, poverty, racism, incarceration and reparations all runcounter to why some said they rallied this weekend and yet the brandconvinces so many of the opposite. From preachers to unionworkers to students no one Ispoke with at the rally saidthey were there to challenge Obama to practice the politicsof Dr. King. Nonewere there to challenge Obama whose presidency has so far been anabsolute reversal of any of King's most pronounced politicalconcerns; an end to poverty, war and capitalism as an uncheckedeconomic system. All were there to protect Obama againstthe Tea Party or to support some amorphous and undefined concept of"justice." In fact, when asked to define her useof the term "progress" one participant told me that povertyin 2010 is a "luxury" compared to 1963
Mell - never said Obama was a radical. And in politics, radicals rarely get very far and are often counter-productive in legislative politics. Moderates are the ones who get things done. This is the dirty secret of politics, career politicians and technocrats are a necessary. The whacked out ideologues and hardliners either get smacked down (Kuicinich) never get anywhere (Nader) or completely screw up (Bush).
And what is this 'structural change' that you want to see and how exactly wouldn't be achieve through the means I've laid out? What's the plan? What's the ultimate goal? Like I told some wannabe hippie 10 years ago - if you're ass is too lazy to go to a PTA meeting or check your kid's homework, don't be shocked that little Johnny can't read.
Lay out a real plan - real tangible objects and a means of implementation. And I mean a plan you would present to your manager or a CEO - not some bullshit talking points that will get you cheers at a Code Pink rally.
AB - The Tea Party has made it quite clear they don't like independent women, gays, minorities, teachers, union members, non-Christians or people with college degrees.
(sarcasm started)Yeah, Alicia, you'll fit right in at your local Tea Party rally and I should run down to the costume shop to get a tri-corner hat an "Obama as the Joker" poster. (sarcasm ended)
No one is slandering these fools, Alicia, they're continually making asses of themselves and showing what kind of soft underbelly makes up the tea party. We all have TV and internet connections. We can all read. And we know a corporatist rent-a-mob when we see one. For God's sake - the Tea Party candidate in New York wants to look welfare recipients in prison! We have Sharon Angle thinking bartering for medical services is better than universal health care. And lets not forget, the Tea Party was started by folks getting antsy over health care reform and the very thought of single payer in any form.
Just because you're too neurotic and self-absorbed to put two and two together is on you. I still stand by the theory that your issues with Obama are personal and have little to do with any real politics. So leave me alone and I leave you alone.
AB, "why does my name for him bother u rather than his actions??????"
Have you noticed the photo of this post? Obviously, you have missed the point because you keep slandering him while Blacks like Granny, LAC, maria and Uts worship him and his holy name.
u know i am neither a tea party or a hobama nazi
just as u know i am not an envious blind hobama loving mongrel like u
u r feigning ignorance because u have no defense for hobama
brewing yor own tea is impossible because hobama has given u no tea leaves
we get that
so u bash the tea party because they have tea
and u do not
Anon said:
"Mell, you need to seriously read what you wrote because it DEFINITELY smacks of socialism. Anyone can see that, except you. Socialiam is ok if that's what you want. Just don't try to fool everyone...don't be like a crooked politician who says one thing but do another. Be like a true Tea Partier: "say what you mean, and mean what you say."
anon that is an excellent point that you make. You are right my ideas do indeed sound socialistic they are communalistic as well as egalitarian. But I always say exactly what I mean and I make no apologies. So I'll try to state where I am coming from for the umpteenth time.
Because I believe in a society that is fair and provides everyone an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive, does not make me a socialist. And yes I have read communist works but I disagree with some of the basic premise. But I do agree with some of its tenets. And you should know that religion and Socialism/communism are practically at odds with one another.
I really do feel what you are sayin and it makes sense, but I am intelligent enough to know what I am and what I want.
I am a Christian with a liberationist perspective. I truly believe that some elements of socialism along with some elements of free market principles would bring about a more fair and equitable society and world.
- Anon@5:14 PM The only people who think Obama's some sort of messianic figure (or failed one) are tea party goobers and the standard cynics.
u hobama nazis love the blackish manchurian hoax FAILED hobama ONLY because he is black
u adore and excuse him no matter how he starves ignores slays betrays u...
it NEVER gets more personsl than that
your inability to defend hobama as u bash the tea party is surpassed only by your horrid tangential fake bs
i document all i say about hobama
all u do is proclaim your homoerotic adoration for him
THAT is personal indeed
we see u!
and the adoring jungle fevered maria too!!!
hobama IS the messiah!
but ONLY to hobama nazis like u!!!
he is just another lying failed ruthless elitist politico to the rest of us!!!
and we refuse to pretend he is god as u do just because he is half black!!!
real politics =
endless global wars
jobless homeless global droves
banksters wild
bleeding homes
prison & military industrial complexes etc
u mindless mongrels are IGNORING all real politics
that is the ONLY way any blind fool can ever personally love hobama
lac SAID:
"Lay out a real plan - real tangible objects and a means of implementation. And I mean a plan you would present to your manager or a CEO - not some bullshit talking points that will get you cheers at a Code Pink rally".
LAC whats with all the hostility? Why can't we just agree to disagree. I have many times laid out plans, concrete plans on how folks on the local level can empower themselves. I have even tried to organize communities I have been in around some of these ideas. And the problem has always been that folks don't really believe that they can effect change.
You know where I am coming from I am an old schooler I believe that what is really needed is a complete overhaul of the system and have it replaced by one that actually works on behalf of the people and not the rich.
I am not silly or foolish enough to spell out a revolutionary program on a blog thread. Call what you will but I don't feel the need to expose myself like that.
We will simply disagree my friend and you got me, I don't have all the answers, but I definitely know that this system has not worked well at --least not for the majority-- for a long time.
But I agree that small changes can be implemented on a local level which is what I actually do. So please don't attack me with the sitting on the sideline thing, that doesn't rightly apply to me. And I don't feel the need to tell folks all that I am doing, but if you really know me and what I have done and what I continue to do in the communities that I have lived in you would never throw that charge at me.
So lets go back to agreeing to disagree, but don't try to denigrate me because I don't think this system works and think it ought to be changed.
As Malcolm X once said a chicken can not produce a duck egg and if it did it would be called a revolutionary chicken. This system this system we live under can not and will not provide the kind of society in which everyone can thrive and truly enjoy life liberty and the pursuit of happiness.
Its record speaks for itself!
loser buceta breaf unemployed and unwed alicia banks! so did ya find any cure for diseases today with that 250 iq and all? so how many papers did ya publish today coohole?
how many papers did ya publish today coohole? what journals did u publish in again? phukking liar!
I am a liar and a loser as well as a piece of shit. I've accomplished nothing of worth in my life and think that sounding off on a blog makes me important. I am a pathetic negative soul.
Alicia - you're a lunatic and completely ill-informed, so please shut up and leave me alone.
Who gives a damn if Obama is "Half Black"? What is this Brazil? My grandparents was only "half Black" does that mean I only have partial rights to Blackness? Has that ever stop the cops from beating a brown person's ass?
When have I ever claimed he was the Messiah? You want a brown man with superpowers to save your soul, go to church and read a Bible.
Again, you're a bitter, angry person who adds little to the discourse. You site off the wall conspiracy theories about the President, insult single mothers as turbo breeders and have a general distain for anyone who doesn't share your narrow, unrealistic Black militant bourgeois fantasy niche. You're the same woman who claimed we should celebrate Micheal Jackson's music because of his plastic surgeries. You're either a nasty, spiteful kook or you're a parody of so-called New Left intellectuals. How anyone ever let you around children is beyond me.
Field I have been meaning to ask whats with that picture of Jesus with the straight hair and European features. The Isrealites and the Hebrews were originally black in skin color. At the time of Jesus because of all the mixing they did they would still look more like light skinned black folks or Puerto Rican or like some of the darker Palestinians.
Now many folks will say that the color of Jesus or the color of God does not matter but they have never complained about the Europeanized pictures of Jesus. But if someone paints a picture of Jesus as what he more accurately looked like they scream, it doesn't matter what color Jesus is.
Which makes me suspect that it does indeed matter how Jesus is portrayed by those who want to maintain racial hegemony
hobama has failed and lied!!!
no one loves a liar or a loser!...ask the vdlr or her stray untamed tiger!!!
The question, of course, is always the time frame. In other words, did Obama need to do it all at once? And, in the end, was the overarching ambition -- no matter how understandable -- ultimately self-defeating?
Think back to the beginning. There's an economic crisis, which the public believes Obama inherited. Then there's his bucket-list of things he wants to get done. He has a choice: Handle the crisis or do the campaign to-do list.
And what does Obama decide? To do both. That is, the economy plus the rest of it -- including health care.
"The irony is he didn't even run on health care," says one Democratic pollster. "In truth, it wasn't a large part of the general election campaign."
Even so, Obama became convinced that solving the health care mess was key to solving the nation's economic problems, especially bringing the deficit under control. In fact, when he first spoke of the importance of health care reform, it was all about "bending the cost curve," a slogan lost on most of the public.
What's more, in the new-Obama-open-secrets-Washington, voters felt like they weren't even part of the conversation. Meetings were held behind closed doors. Democrats battled each other. Republicans complained they were left out.
u r a liar
quote me or stfu
i adore mj's music as much as i hate his mutilated bleached face...
turbo breeders are real
ask any teacher
or look at the vdlr
hobama is starving their kids...
does that bother u too???
and u wasting time lying on me and insulting me will do nothing to save hobama's face in 2012
Mellaneous, "Because I believe in a society that is fair and provides everyone an equal opportunity to succeed and thrive, does not make me a socialist."
We already live in a society where anybody can be whatever they want, including President of the USA. However, they must work to get it, whatever the obstacles are. That's what every American has done. Native African Americans have had an 'advantage' with the full support from government, civil rights, affirmative action, and education--and we still can't make the grade. In fact, we have pissed away every advantage we have had.
When will it be enough for Blacks? When will Blacks stop whining like children and DO? That is, take ACTION, like everyone must do?
Imo, it will happen once the Tea Partiers rise to power.
like hobama, u lie!!!
we see u evading
see much more on mj and hobama at my blog
quote me or stfu
AB, if you will never vote again, then you have joined the rest of your race in not voting. Since when did most Blacks give a damn about voting anyway?
bitter and angry decoded =
"u r not sweet on hobama...
staring at hobama does make you blissfully content and happy!!"
spare me u hobama nazi drone
mongrel pleez!!!!
steve harvey does a whole classic routine on a niece who is a turbo breeder
u mad at him too?
can a comedian be bitter and angry???
If Obama had not saved the banks we would be in worse shape than we are now and your black ass would be starving. He actually saved your ass and like an ingrate, you call him names....SHAME!!
u r a hopeless changeless lying fool
fix that asap b4 2012
That U.S. companies are in worse financial shape than we're being told is clearly bad news for those thinking of investing in U.S. stocks or bonds, as leverage makes investments riskier. Clearly it's bad news for jobs and the economy.
But why is this line being spun about healthy balance sheets? For the same reason we're told other lies, myths and half-truths: Too many people have a vested interest in spinning, and too few have an interest in the actual picture.
Journalists, for example, seek safety in numbers; there's a herd mentality. Once a line starts to get repeated, others just assume it's correct and join in.
Wall Street? It's a hustle. This healthy balance-sheet myth helps sell stocks and bonds. How many bonuses do you think get paid for telling customers the stark facts, and how many get paid for making the sale?
You can also blame our partisan age too. Right now, people on the right have a vested interest in claiming businesses are in healthy shape. That makes the saintly private sector look good, and demonizes President Barack Obama and Big Government for scaring away investment. Vote Republican! Meanwhile, people on the left have an interest in making businesses sound really healthy too: If greedy companies are hoarding cash instead of hiring people, they can cry "Shame on them! Vote Democratic!"
As ever, the truth is someone else's problem and no one's responsibility.
When it comes to the economy, let's just hope the public is too hopped up on painkillers and antidepressants to notice. If they knew what was really going on, there'd be trouble.
alicia buceta breaf banks said...
I am a liar and a loser as well as a piece of shit. I've accomplished nothing of worth in my life and think that sounding off on a blog makes me important. I am a pathetic negative soul.
i am not the behavior u model herein daily!!!
but i thank u for the incessant backhanded retarded kudos!
u jes be accidentally cool like dat!...ha!!!
mellaneous said...
LAC whats with all the hostility? Why can't we just agree to disagree. I have many times laid out plans, concrete plans on how folks on the local level can empower themselves. I have even tried to organize communities I have been in around some of these ideas. And the problem has always been that folks don't really believe that they can effect change.
My hostility comes from 17+ years of activism hearing the same arguments, complaints and strategies from Progressives. My hostility is a lifelong annoyance of hearing lefties bitch about how the 'system is stacked against them' but they won't use the tools they have at their disposal. I could go either way on Bloomberg but there should be no way a center-right billionaire white dude should waltz away with the mayoral race in New York City. The city is predominantly non-white and certainly not made up of millionaires. Liberals could have thrown Lieberman out on his ass in the last Senate race in my homestate of Connecticut. But instead of playing smart, we let that corporatist slime walk back into office. But, from the looks of California, we hopefully won't make that mistake again by letting Fiorina and Whitman into positions of power. (BTW, I donated $30 to the Jerry Brown campaign.)
My point about the 'Code Pink' thing is that what liberal call a 'platform' I call talking points and ideals - they don't translate into real things. Its one thing to say 'I propose we expand Medicare for all americans' or 'We could allow states to set up their own Medical funds and give them seed money' than saying 'Free Health Care for All!!'. The first two are real concrete ideas, the latter is a applause line. Frankly, people don't have time nor energy to waste of mau-mau postering and asinine and infantile statements about 'revolution'. We need a plan, and we need implementation.
Mell, you've organized local community groups. Good, that's more than most progressives have ever done. My point is that those community groups always have the ballot and can build. The problem is that too many people feel that because some wingnut or corporatist DLC type can blaster their town with TV ads, change can't happen.
Our ancestors had a lot less and made great strides. We now have all the freedoms they shed their blood for, and we sit on our asses complaining about how 'the system is stacked against us'.
u calling ANYONE a negative soul is akin to lac calling larry sinclair a hobama lover...really!
LAC and Anon here is very interesting article about economic inequality in the Washington Post today.
And anon I did have the figures off on what the top one percent had in wealth but it is still way out of proportion.
From the article:
..."Even within that top "decile," the distribution is remarkably skewed. By 2007, the top 1 percent of households took home 23 percent of the national income after a 15-year run in which they captured more than half - yes, you read that right, more than half - of the country's economic growth. As Tim Noah noted recently in a wonderful series of articles in Slate, that's the kind of income distribution you'd associate with a banana republic or a sub-Saharan kleptocracy, not the world's oldest democracy and wealthiest market economy."
..."The biggest problem with runaway inequality, however, is that it undermines the unity of purpose necessary for any firm, or any nation, to thrive. People don't work hard, take risks and make sacrifices if they think the rewards will all flow to others. Conservative Republicans use this argument all the time in trying to justify lower tax rates for wealthy earners and investors, but they chose to ignore it when it comes to the incomes of everyone else."
hostile = bitter and angry...no?
u hypocritical hobama nazi mongrel!
special rights = equal rights for other people
angry and bitter = passionate and
driven for the OTHER side!
and may i say i am passionately proud to be eternally driven as YOUR rebel OTHER lac!
lac only reads such info to blame repubs
all hobama nazis blame all hobama has done on repubs
alicia buceta breaf banks said...
I am a liar and a loser as well as a piece of shit. I've accomplished nothing of worth in my life and think that sounding off on a blog makes me important. I am a pathetic negative soul.
alicia buceta breaf banks said...
I am a liar and a loser as well as a piece of shit. I've accomplished nothing of worth in my life and think that sounding off on a blog makes me important. I am a pathetic negative soul.
see the messianic lie u posted at
u expose yourself and your false god hobama each time u post such bs
i have sexual attraction to president obama since he would never in hell give me sexual attention i turn it outwards and hate him cuz i could never have him and this makes me angry i secretly wished i had light skin like him i am envious
i have sexual attraction to president obama since he would never in hell give me sexual attention i turn it outwards and hate him cuz i could never have him and this makes me angry i secretly wished i had light skin like him i am envious
i haven nothing better to do with my pidly pathetic life then to insult people on the internet all day the folks at troll inc pay shitty but with all the overtime ive put in ill make a good fifty cents today!
i lie all the time and say i have a job but all yall know im really an unemployed loser who aint had a job in twenty years
i lie all the time and say i got a 250 iq but in truth it is only 75 im the retarded one
i am sadistic and insecure most women i talk to r offended by my bug eyes and stomach tire in addition to my halitosis
i hate lite skint womens cuz one rejected me in high school it broke my heart i hate the nappy short hair gawd gave me i wish i was white
i wish my uterus wasnt dried up but since it is i hate all womens who have chillun i hate all womens who look better then me cuz ise a loser
mell - that's a pretty good article, underlining that even the business people realize that plutocracy benefits no one in the long term. However, we still have more power than we think we do.
Alicia, until you have something intelligent to say, shut the hell up.
My fiend Mack Lyons said: "In other words, when a Black guy can walk up and down a street with two blonde White women in each arm and not get ANYONE to give him a single glance or glance of disgust or revulsion or when a White girl can bring a Black guy home and not get any race-related grief whatsoever*, then one can say race "doesn't matter"."
I agree with you 100%
Especially when a black woman can stand next to those same white blondes and don't get overlooked by black men based on disgust and revulsion for her black skin and nappy hair. Oh and when a white man can walk up and down the street with a black woman... and when a black woman can take a white man home in the black community and....
Yeah, then we all can say "race" doesn't matter.
anon at 4:20 -- as i said the fillibuster as been used to halt legislation. you're the one who needs to wake up.
and no one "funds" me and the only checks i collect are from my employers.
Mell said: "Maria I disagree! Obama has no intentions to really change things, he is as much in agreement with the way things are as any of the other members of the US ruling class and its lackeys.
If you examine Obama's real record there is little hint of this radical guy you and others keep trying to make him. That is not who is! He is who he is, the willing representative of US imperialism. His job is just to put a happy face and a more tolerable face on the same ole same ole."
I just want to say that I think those are fair statements.
Ok, back to lurking...
Mr Field,
Much as I have been enjoying your blog I have to say your commenters leave a lot to be desired. I would have thought that blog so cogent and savvy would attract smarter people. I'm not even talking about the trolls; these are a given, and easy enough to ignore.
Actually I suspect strongly that you DO have smarter readers: there must be more than a couple of lurkers who'd comment if it didn't mean scrolling past all those inane posts like "Leave her alone - she's just trying to make the country a better place."
I'm not sure what can be done about this, or even if you care. I am writing to tell you that I LOVE your posts, even the ones about sports. (I'm not a sporty type, but since I live in Phila with a Jersey boy, at least I recognize the names of the teams. . .)
Two of Us said...
Mr Field,
Much as I have been enjoying your blog I have to say your commenters leave a lot to be desired. I would have thought that blog so cogent and savvy would attract smarter people. I'm not even talking about the trolls; these are a given, and easy enough to ignore.
Actually I suspect strongly that you DO have smarter readers: there must be more than a couple of lurkers who'd comment if it didn't mean scrolling past all those inane posts like "Leave her alone - she's just trying to make the country a better place."
Another case of YT tryin to be superior. What would you like us to say so you are pleased Ms Whitebread?
Two of Us said...
Mr Field,
Much as I have been enjoying your blog I have to say your commenters leave a lot to be desired. I would have thought that blog so cogent and savvy would attract smarter people. I'm not even talking about the trolls; these are a given, and easy enough to ignore.....
Some of black folks would tend to agree but since you're white , well, some of us black folks can't comment without opening a can of..shit..I gotta go - they're here!
sorry, mell, i never EVER said any such thing about him being a radical. not today or any other day.
he did make a lot changes.
you are attributing things to me that i never said. YOU are the one who expected too much from him and can't accept that things move slowly.
i live in DC. i follow politics. i know how it works and doesn't work.
i have patience. i am a liberal and progressive for the long haul and i am not deserting him after two years.
"Another case of YT tryin to be superior. What would you like us to say so you are pleased Ms Whitebread?"
Leave her alone, she's looking for an OJ.
Alicia banks said...
steve harvey does a whole classic routine on a niece who is a turbo breeder..
Steve Harvey is a hypocrite. If you want some real shit listen to Paul Mooney. Matter of fact Obama should have hired Mooney for Chief of Staff, at least he won't bullshit hi
La♥audiobooks said...
I agree with you 100%
Especially when a black woman can stand next to those same white blondes and don't get overlooked by black men based on disgust and revulsion for her black skin and nappy hair. Oh and when a white man can walk up and down the street with a black woman... and when a black woman can take a white man home in the black community and....
You ever walk down the street next to a white man? English, Spanish, Australian, etc..
I can see it now, "Alicia, are there any last words you like to say before you go to 'sleep'" Alicia: "Yes" Paster: "Go head my child" Alicia: "Obama doesn't like black people". The End.
Rottnkid said...
You ever walk down the street next to a white man? English, Spanish, Australian, etc..
Sure, have you ever had sex with a white man? NO? Why homophobic?
Not very rational is it?
It wasn't the point.
Rottnkid said: "You ever walk down the street next to a white man? English, Spanish, Australian, etc.."
I'm not seeing your point. You need to stay off of that facebook, either Maria is rubbing off on you, or you're Hathor's long lost secret son.
Great writing, I'm a adding a link on my blog.
Two of Us, "Actually I suspect strongly that you DO have smarter readers: there must be more than a couple of lurkers who'd comment if it didn't mean scrolling past all those inane posts like "Leave her alone - she's just trying to make the country a better place.""
Nope, you are reading the best we have to offer. Everyone thinks because of Field's sharp-witted and intelligent posts that it would attract smart commenters but it has been just the opposite. It draws mediocre minds like MackLying, LAC, UTS and Gregory.
"Oh and when a white man can walk up and down the street with a black woman... and when a black woman can take a white man home in the black community and...."
Are you suggesting that the reaction they would recieve from blacks would be any different than when a black man walks down the street with a white woman or when a black man takes a white home?
How so?
You seem to feel that it's the black community who are keeping black women from being with white guys and I find that crazy.
"Everyone thinks because of Field's sharp-witted and intelligent posts that it would attract smart commenters but it has been just the opposite. It draws mediocre minds like MackLying, LAC, UTS and Gregory."
No surprise that your tired ass would be offended by the opinions of strong righteous black men.
On a larger scale, it's the same impetus that fuels the intense hatred from some quarters toward our first black President.
UTS, "On a larger scale, it's the same impetus that fuels the intense hatred from some quarters toward our first black President."
It's people like you who make our President's job harder. You need to STFU. And stop attacking our bw and using them to justify your craving relentless desire for ww.
When are you leaving your black wife?
uts said, "No surprise that your tired ass would be offended by the opinions of strong righteous black men."
you are a very weak man, and you know it.
La♥audiobooks said...
I'm not seeing your point....
Well I didn't want to use mainland white American men but digress..Well have you?
"Nope, you are reading the best we have to offer. Everyone thinks because of Field's sharp-witted and intelligent posts that it would attract smart commenters but it has been just the opposite. It draws mediocre minds like MackLying, LAC, UTS and Gregory."
Ironically, one tactic of a mediocre mind is to downplay the intelligence of others.
"Especially when a black woman can stand next to those same white blondes and don't get overlooked by black men based on disgust and revulsion for her black skin and nappy hair. Oh and when a white man can walk up and down the street with a black woman... and when a black woman can take a white man home in the black community and...."
I figure this would happen. But there's nothing I can say to you without me getting tagged (yet again) as some "complicit/hateful/worthless Black woman-hating Black man with a prediliction towards stringy-haired blonde white women". And as you hold on to this victim/persecution complex thing, it becomes utterly worthless to disabue you of such notions, hence the disclaimer.
Your constant lashing against Maria suggests some sort of deep-seated jealousy. Perhaps one of the island boys back home walked off and left you for some stringy-haired tourist white bitch?
i am not blond, i am not stringy-haired and i am pretty...and i'm smarter than her, and not a racist, so of course, she's jealous.
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