WTF is wrong with folks who have the name O'Donnell here in A-merry-ca? This time it's Lawrence and not Christine I have to talk about.
Seems my liberal friend got into some hot water when he made -what some would consider- racially insensitive remarks about Hip Hop Mike.
"As the first congressional election during his party chairmanship approaches, Michael Steele is dancing as fast as he can trying to charm independent voters and Tea Partiers while never losing sight of his real master and paycheck provider, the Republican National Committee"
Ahhh Lawrence, you can't say that. Just because you are a liberal and we are ideological soul- mates don't ever believe that you can get away with saying the same ignorant s&^# that I have to call republicans and conservatives on. I can call Hip Hop Mike all kinds of names, but you can't. It's that simple. You will have to find another way to make your point.
For the record, I am not one of those black folks who believe that liberals are anymore enlightened than conservatives when it comes to matters of race.- Although I do believe that they, at least, more often or not, make an effort to try and understand us. They try not to seem as insensitive.- Folks like O'Donnell think that they can get away with saying certain things because they are on the same political team as most blacks. That would be a mistake. We are on the same team but we are not the same. We are the same as Hip Hop Mike but we are not on the same team as he is. Hip Hop Mike knows this, which is why he screams bloody murder when he gets the business from liberal whites. Anyway, he demanded an apology from O'Donnell and he got one.
..I chose a word that could be misinterpreted as a racial reference on the same night that I took to this pulpit to so righteously condemn the racist e-mails sent by new york billionaire and Republican candidate for governor, Carl Paladino is ironic. So too, that Michael Steele has yet to pass judgment on those same e-mails.
I completely understand and sympathize with the many ways in which a party chairman’s public speech is constantly constrained. i think we all know what Michael Steele would like to say about his New York candidate’s e-mails and I think we all understand why he hopes he’s never asked about them. My public speech is not similarly constrained by political considerations. I am honored that Michael Steele believes me to be the kind of person he can call to explain his hurt and politely request and expect an apology. After apologizing to him on the phone, I told him I would apologize on this program, something he did not request. I also told him that I, too, thought the interview was a lot of fun, that I enjoyed our give and take. and that I would love to do it again whenever his schedule allows. Mr. Chairman, I sincerely apologize."
Seems my liberal friend got into some hot water when he made -what some would consider- racially insensitive remarks about Hip Hop Mike.
"As the first congressional election during his party chairmanship approaches, Michael Steele is dancing as fast as he can trying to charm independent voters and Tea Partiers while never losing sight of his real master and paycheck provider, the Republican National Committee"
Ahhh Lawrence, you can't say that. Just because you are a liberal and we are ideological soul- mates don't ever believe that you can get away with saying the same ignorant s&^# that I have to call republicans and conservatives on. I can call Hip Hop Mike all kinds of names, but you can't. It's that simple. You will have to find another way to make your point.
For the record, I am not one of those black folks who believe that liberals are anymore enlightened than conservatives when it comes to matters of race.- Although I do believe that they, at least, more often or not, make an effort to try and understand us. They try not to seem as insensitive.- Folks like O'Donnell think that they can get away with saying certain things because they are on the same political team as most blacks. That would be a mistake. We are on the same team but we are not the same. We are the same as Hip Hop Mike but we are not on the same team as he is. Hip Hop Mike knows this, which is why he screams bloody murder when he gets the business from liberal whites. Anyway, he demanded an apology from O'Donnell and he got one.
..I chose a word that could be misinterpreted as a racial reference on the same night that I took to this pulpit to so righteously condemn the racist e-mails sent by new york billionaire and Republican candidate for governor, Carl Paladino is ironic. So too, that Michael Steele has yet to pass judgment on those same e-mails.
I completely understand and sympathize with the many ways in which a party chairman’s public speech is constantly constrained. i think we all know what Michael Steele would like to say about his New York candidate’s e-mails and I think we all understand why he hopes he’s never asked about them. My public speech is not similarly constrained by political considerations. I am honored that Michael Steele believes me to be the kind of person he can call to explain his hurt and politely request and expect an apology. After apologizing to him on the phone, I told him I would apologize on this program, something he did not request. I also told him that I, too, thought the interview was a lot of fun, that I enjoyed our give and take. and that I would love to do it again whenever his schedule allows. Mr. Chairman, I sincerely apologize."
Yeah OK Lawrence, if you say so.
Still I am disappointed with Hip Hop Mike, we slam liberals when they go all David Duke on him but he refuses to condemn the ignorance on his team. Go figure. But that's alright Mike, you are a republican, you are just doing what comes natural.
Finally, I have a couple of stories I would like you to comment on for me because (for professional reasons) I can't.
This one and this one. Thank you!
Wherever Black folks interests are in play and in peril we must be trhere from the GOP to the Tea Party..
Mike Steele is no different from any Black corporate employee when in rome one must dress accordingly..
Trust me FN does not invoke and insert the same posture and verbaige here as he does in his professional venue ..
From Willie the Pimp:
"Trust me when I get on top of thee I know I got to plea to get a taste of that honey"
"SO whatever it takes to get a piece of that ass I am going to I'm going to holla like a baby to climb on top of that ass....."
ya piece of garbage u said u was leaving for a while get thee be gone ya nasty chrick!
those police officers r shady field just shady they ought to be thrown under the jail and tried in FEDERAL court!
and whether or not joseph k smith was right his black ass used pooooooor judgment when he refused to allow the plea bargain for that 24 year old white child sheeit he was acting like a reverse racist we all know he was sick and tired of seeing the blatant discrimination in legal structures in this country yet he is not supposed to be robin hood! eye would not want to have him as my judge cuz he might rule arbitrarily!
Out of country...Will return one day...
Just saying
go away and dont come back ya coohole!
Field said, "Ahhh Lawrence, you can't say that. Just because you are a liberal and we are ideological soul- mates don't ever believe that you can get away with saying the same ignorant s&^# that I have to call republicans and conservatives on. I can call Hip Hop Mike all kinds of names, but you can't. It's that simple. You will have to find another way to make your point."
Why is it you can say some insulting demeaning words and phrases but others can't? Are you the police of the english language?
Well, at least Lawrence has the courage and integrity to apologize. On the other hand, I cannot name ONE Black who has had the integrity and courage to apologize. Must be unacceptable in our black culture.
Ohh...poor Mister Steele done need his smelling salts....the Vapours! Why, that icky white man just said stuff that was not for polite company. How could he be so...mean and correct and Truthful? Why, Missuh Steele has him some feelins too!
Why is the R side so eager to wrap their idiocy and mental illness in the flag of victimhood? They sound much like the 'poor me' wails of those caught by the justice system and now have to, like, do the time for the crime.
"hy is the R side so eager to wrap their idiocy and mental illness in the flag of victimhood? They sound much like the 'poor me' wails of those caught by the justice system and now have to, like, do the time for the crime."
"Well, at least Lawrence has the courage and integrity to apologize. On the other hand, I cannot name ONE Black who has had the integrity and courage to apologize. Must be unacceptable in our black culture."
I apologize for reading your entire comment.
Field, call it cop-style blase'. I have been in the PA courts a few times and it strikes me as odd that many who are in the system decline to weep fake tears. They did the crime, own up to it, and accept that there are consequences.
Then I have to agree with the judges...it is irksome to hear the 'poor-mes'. Beat a child nigh to death...it was that eveel Man and his not hiring me to be a part-time astrophysicist. Steal from the neighbour...it was that eveel neighbour who worked OT at two jobs to buy the TV I done wanted. Nobody hire me...it aint the gangsta clothes and affect...they all racists and s**t.
Judge just telling you what is. We all know that the system go much easier if you from Penn than from 'those urban areas'.
Thank you for the blog, I can't tell you how much fun it is to read your views and opinions.
I get the feeling that there has to be more to the judge story kinda like the ACORN and Shirley Sharrod stories. That does not sound like something that a judge would say but I could be wrong. As far as Mike Steele is concerned I feel sorry for him. He has to defend stupid stuff from the GOP which is over 90% white and has highly controversial stances ranging from climate change denial to no abortions even in cases of rape. I think bro would be welcomed with open arms in the Dem party but he needs to act soon before he is viewed as damaged goods because they are looking for a way to can him. C'mon Mike, you know you couldn't really lead that party and the only reason you got that job was.........you know.
PilotX, "As far as Mike Steele is concerned I feel sorry for him. He has to defend stupid stuff from the GOP which is over 90% white and has highly controversial stances ranging from climate change denial to no abortions even in cases of rape."
Mike doesn't have that much to defend because Repubs are pretty direct and honest, and are usually on the money. Most of the controversial stances are on the dem side. Abortions are controversial because liberal dems think it's ok to kill vulnerable babies. All because it would be "inconvenient" for them to care for the child they made as a consequence of ANOTHER unrestrainded undisciplined lustful act. Liberal Dems need morals and a God.
"Liberal Dems need morals and a God."
I agree. Every party needs a good god. Look at the republicans; their god is going to help them win the elections this year......
"I agree. Every party needs a good god. Look at the republicans; their god is going to help them win the elections this year......"
It is God's Will.
"I'm just telling you what my observation is. If this had been a black kid who did the same thing, we wouldn't be talking about three months' probation."
I'm torn between chiding the judge for letting his "personal bias" get the best of him and at the same time, I'm wishing the judge could have said something else, so the white boy can get his lumps just as his black counterparts receive on a regular basis.
Judge is a bitter, immature racist - he sounds kind of like uptown steve.
Thrasher said...
"Out of country...Will return one day..."
No hurry, thrash.
Thrasher said...
"Out of country...Will return one day..."
And then there will be a village in Africa that is missing its idiot.
MackLying, "I'm torn between chiding the judge for letting his "personal bias" get the best of him and at the same time, I'm wishing the judge could have said something else, so the white boy can get his lumps just as his black counterparts receive on a regular basis."
Well, you certainly show your bias clearly...you racist.
I think you might be over-reacting here, Field. Didn't Steele say that he was going to use a "hip hop" approach when they gave him this job? I think he did use that term, so I would say that he brought the "Hip Hop Mike" moniker on himself.
I personally don't have a problem with what Laurence said about House Nigger #1. If he continues to act like a slave, then he should be called out for what he is: AN F'N SLAVE! I get tired of watching him jigging on television. Him, Lloyd Marcus, and all the other ones. Sharon Angle likes to talk about 2nd amendments remedies, hell in his case I'd like to say that we should use some ANC remedies.
"Well, you certainly show your bias clearly...you racist."
So....how long we're you waiting to get that dig in?
I think a lot of these comments are missing the point. I thought the judge was being unbiased, and he got in trouble for admitting he was being unbiased. I dont get how that was racist. It seems that all is well in the world when we treat prejudice like the elephant in the room, we all know its there, but dont dare call it out. Dont delineate from the program, negro, let the white boy free and your seat in the high chair is safe.
Odonell was wrong, flat out. Just because black people feel that they are privy to talking like that, doesnt make it right, therefore it doesnt make it a good argument for why white people should be allowed to say it.
Mutt said...
"I think a lot of these comments are missing the point. I thought the judge was being unbiased, and he got in trouble for admitting he was being unbiased."
Mutt = Idiot
Gonna have to disagree with you there anon. As a liberal I am against any killing, I'm a vegetarian so as not to be too hypocritical but when it comes to a woman's body it's none of my business what they do. If you feel the need to step into a decision best made by a woman, her family, her beliefs and her doctor then so be it, I prefer to let medical decisions be personal. On another note I have as many morals as the next person but I don't feel the need to believe in a god or religion. Don't be fooled, the GOP has alot of nutty and controversial stances on issues such as teaching creationism in schools and such. While some are honest most try to avoid their true convictions as Palin did. If the true beliefs of GOP candidates really came out there'd be fewer of them as their stances are downright scary. If my belief in limited abortion is immoral then the majority of Americans are too because the majority of us believe in limited abortion thus Rowe v. Wade will never be abolished. Next...
Oh yeah anon, had to include the proof so I wouldn't be like No-Slapz and just pull stuff out of my arse. http://www.nytimes.com/2009/10/02/us/02abortion.html?_r=1
Roe vs. Wade was a faulty decision, and should be overturned. There is no right to abortion in the Constitution, and the Federal government has no right tomake any laws whatsoever on abortion.
Any laws regarding abortion are the rightful province of the States.
That being said, I personally do not think abortion should be illegal, but should be limited based on the community standards of the citizens of the individual states.
Some people should learn when to speak and when not to....ahem Judge. He's probably correct about sentencing disparities, but you have to work to correct it in a more intelligent way. Don't let the other card players know your hand.
1. The cops obviously weren't threatened by the white guy. The incarceration stats in this country tell me that they would've been by a black guy.
2. Cops are the biggest felons loose on the street. Shocking............. I think I figured that out 35 years or so ago when I was 15 when they beat the crap out of me thinking I was someone else and then arrested me for resisting arrest.
Anonymous said...
"I personally don't have a problem with what Laurence said about House Nigger #1. If he continues to act like a slave, then he should be called out for what he is: AN F'N SLAVE!"
I am in complete agreement with you Anonymous. Does a slave catcher not have a master?
People need to stop demanding apologies for the chip on their shoulder's get rocked a little. What sort of repugnant culture would constantly sift through speech to find an axe to grind? What's next looking for "racism" in science fiction movies? Oh yeah nevermind.
I respect the judge for speaking his mind and then calling his own number by recusing for his admitted racial bias. Refreshingly honest for a black boy.
You deserved that beating Whitey.
Field Negro said...'We are on the same team but we are not the same. We are the same as Hip Hop Mike but we are not on the same team as he is.'
That's true, and we take umbrage when anyone denigrates blacks (at least most of the time), regardless of whether those blacks are from the elephant camp or the donkey camp.
And I'm happy that you observed, too, the following:
'Still I am disappointed with Hip Hop Mike, we slam liberals when they go all David Duke on him but he refuses to condemn the ignorance on his team.'
And he's not the only Black Republican/conservative who looks all cross-eyed when it comes to standing up for blacks regardless of political persuasion.
Some of these blacks are more Teabagger than the Teabaggers, and more Birther than the Birthers.
These Blacks are more eager to prove Obama's illegitimacy as president than any Republican, forgetting that the US Constitution wasn't originally written with our "Unalienable Rights" in mind.
And if Obama did fudge (which I don't think he did), why in the Hell should it matter that much to them--Blacks have been disenfranchised for centuries.
Poetic justice, I say.
ever notice how when trasher goes zingbat shows up? buceta breaf and company must be busy!
and just as eye suspected some anon commentator used the word nigger to show that others aside from buceta breaf and her clones use the word chrite tired yawn! that 250 iq aint workin trash buceta!
"And he's not the only Black Republican/conservative who looks all cross-eyed when it comes to standing up for blacks regardless of political persuasion.
Some of these blacks are more Teabagger than the Teabaggers, and more Birther than the Birthers."
"..hell in his case I'd like to say that we should use some ANC"
remedies." Ouch!
You must remember, we sold ourselves into slavery. So this is a ongoing problem.
Anonymous said...
Roe vs. Wade was a faulty decision, and should be overturned..Blah blah blah
1:29 AM
"There's no right to abortion in the Constitution"
Your right, but there's also no "right" in the Constitution that says a female can't have one and for me not to be allowed to pay for it.
"Any laws regarding abortion are the rightful province of the States"
Yeah, and if a state does allow abortions, you loonys will try and find some way for the federal government to, I don't know, punish or not allow federal funds for a highway or some other public work project because of abortion ties to that state.
"but should be limited based on the community standards of the citizens of the individual states."
Now your talking out your ass.
Go protest a clinic or something.
"Why is it you can say some insulting demeaning words and phrases but others can't? Are you the police of the english language?
Well, at least Lawrence has the courage and integrity to apologize. On the other hand, I cannot name ONE Black who has had the integrity and courage to apologize. Must be unacceptable in our black culture."
"Our black culture" my ass you phony.
Fox TX and rightwing radio have made their reputations and billions by offending minorities, being politically incorrect, and representing the thoughts and resentments of White racist America everyday.
Limbaugh, Buchanan, Beck, Ingraham and many others rant like Klansmen on the airways EVERY FRIGGIN DAY and get away with it.
No black could possibly get away with hurling anti-white hate over the SCC regulated airways in the same fashion.
Get real.
i respect the truth from any source
reps and dems are equally racist
mike s and hobama are equal sock puppets
hh mike & his crew could be no worse than hobama has been for poor black people/gays etc
gwb never invited rick warren to the white house or gave banksters trillions in free checks
no issue here for me
have a great day
"reps and dems are equally racist"
Gidafuggouttahere AB.
Show me where the Aryan Nations are recruiting at Democratic events.
Show me the Democratic candidate who opposes the Civil Rights Act.
Show me the Democratic candidate who wants to revoke the 14th Amendment.
Show me a black Republican elected official while you're at it.
hobama is a dem.
i rest my case.
African people who dedicated their lives to the freedom struggle during the 1960’s still rot in U.S. prisons, and U.S. wars have expanded beyond the African community in the U.S., to Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, and now threaten Venezuela, Iran, and the People’s Democratic Republic of Korea.
Under Obama there has been an escalation of the establishment of the U.S. Africa Command (AFRICOM), a comprehensive military presence of African soil to defend the capitalist imposed status quo in Africa against efforts of African liberation and their own imperialist competitors.
Under the Obama regime the proxy wars in Africa continue along with the promotion of U.S. imperialist foreign policy objectives that require the permanent subjugation of African people for its ongoing success.
And under Obama, the UN Military forces, including U.S. Marines still illegally occupy the Republic of Haiti, and the U.S. and European funded war in the Congo that has caused millions of African lives has no let up in sight.
In Washington, D.C. on November 13th, beginning at historic Malcolm X Park, the imperialist policies of the Obama regime will be countered with a massive show of solidarity and unity with the oppressed people of the world.
Notice how AB NEVER answers a direct question.
like hobama, u lie!!!
u answer this direct question:
Not all Rs are loons. There are more than a few pre-st reagan rational pols.
State's rights for abortion...now there is a twist on that old canard. Seems I recall how well that worked with schools....jobs...voting....
On ODonnell's apology.... not sure I agree that is was owed... but then he did make the comment on national teevee.... but I will say, notice that he did not use the classic "if I offended you I apologize" the non-apology apology... he just apologized. He gets credit from me for that.
On the judge.... Folks need to understand that most Common Pleas judges in PA (and I suspect many other jurisdictions) think of their courtrooms as little Fiefdoms and they are the Kings and Queens. You would be amazed at some of the things Judges say and do that do not get media attention. So, this one does not shock or surprise me... and, he was speaking the truth.
Dang AB, I just gave this to ya yesterday.
The GOP cut social services for the poor throughout the Bush Administration and the Tea Partiers have vowed if they get in they'll make even deeper cuts.
Obama initiated the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act - Part of which provides $5 billion to fund Head Start and other child intitiatives.
And the Childrens Health Intitiative - Extending Health Insurance Coverage to poor children.
Bushs had vetoed this twice.
alicia banks said...
8 mil jobs have been lost and counting
hobamacare will GUT medicaid and medicare and make all care WORSE!!!
daycares do not pay parents' rents etc and hire 8 million staffers...so???
wake up!!!
busy day
someone else sane will have to play with u today.....bye
US Economy loses another 95,000 jobs in september. Obamanamics continues to fail. When will the sheeple wake up?
LOL. All judges have their own personal biases. Didn't you people know?
The thing is, some are smart enough to hide it. Judge Williams should have kept his mouth shut and do what he had to do, just like his white counterparts.
Field if you think those Philly cops are anything.... FBI arrest nearly 100 Puerto Rican law enforcement officers on a drug raid. (And If your mail or luggage ever had to pass trough PR, you are screwed). No haters please, I still visit family in Puerto Rico, and it's the damn truth.
uptownsteve said...
"reps and dems are equally racist"
Republicans are the party of race neutrality.
Democrats are the party of racial division.
You confuse cuts in in social programs (that dispoportionally affect blacks) with animus towards blacks.
You also confuse meager, soul-crippling handouts with beneficence.
You cannot embrace racialist policies as a way to eliminate racism.
It is time to restore Black Republicanism.
How's that Obama post-racial presidency working?:
"A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that just 36% of voters now say relations between blacks and whites are getting better. That's down from 62% in July of last year at the height of the controversy involving a black Harvard professor and a white policeman."
"African-Americans are much more pessimistic than whites. Thirty-nine percent (39%) of whites think black-white race relations are getting better, but just 13% of blacks agree."
"Interestingly, 59% of African-American voters continue to believe the country is moving in the right direction, a view shared by just 27% of whites."
Hmmmm....blacks believe race relations are getting worse, but the country is headed in the right direction. You could almost get the impression that the Obama is not expected to get along with Whitey, but to tear down his world.
Rationalize that, why don't ya.
The only way to end racial tension is to integrate and assimilate — which stands in direct contradiction to the liberal strategy of balkanization through "multiculturalism." The more power liberals hold, the worse race relations will inevitably get.
"reps and dems are equally racist" was AB's remark and I effortlessly showed her the nonsense of that statement.
"Republicans are the party of race neutrality."
Then by definition you would have a variety of different races in the Republican party which you don't. It's virtually all white and they want it that way.
"You confuse cuts in in social programs (that dispoportionally affect blacks) with animus towards blacks.":
A racist lie. Whites from the time of the Depression to today have been far and away the biggest beneficiaries of government largesse.
It was only when the same government assistance was extended to blacks and other minorities were the programs viewed as handouts and giveaways.
Just like that famous picture from New Orleans during Katrina.
Blakc folks loot, white folks "find things".
"You cannot embrace racialist policies as a way to eliminate racism."
Tell that to the Republicans who still hate the Civil Rights Act and want to revoke the 14th Amendment.
"It is time to restore Black Republicanism."
Blacks didn't leave the Republicans, the Republicans left blacks.
"The only way to end racial tension is to integrate and assimilate — which stands in direct contradiction to the liberal strategy of balkanization through "multiculturalism.""
Please tell me of a time when this country wasn't balkanized and conservatives weren't doing the balkanizing?
You righties think people are stupid.
Your problem with "multi-culturalism" is simply that you don't feel that any culture or lifestyle is valid except the one you approve of.
@ uptownsteve: You used the fact that Republicans cut social programs as evidence that they are anti-black; now you say whites are the primary benficiaries of social programs. So I guess what you meant to say is Republicans are ant-white?
Try for a little consistency.
The purpose of multi-culturalism is not to confer validity on people's lifestyles, it is to weaken the common culture and to enhance divsions that can be exploited politcally.
It is time to restore Black Republicanism.
11:52 AM
You can't restore something that never existed, and Steele is a coon. Good for O`Donnell for telling it like it is.
"Please tell me of a time when this country wasn't balkanized and conservatives weren't doing the balkanizing?"
Conservative are not doing the balkanizing today. After this election, Tim Scott, Allen West, Ryan Frazier, and Bill Randall have a strong shot of representing majority white electorates.
Of the 39 democrats in the house, all but TWO represent districts where blacks are a majority or a plurality.
In this election, Republicans are running more blacks in white majority districts than the Democrats are.
Republicans offer a real alternative based on common interests, versus the democrats' coalition of competing group interests.
just a question since you most likely know something about it, is it true that non-whites would NOT have been offered a plea?
Also, what kind of punishment was likely to be given to the white guy for whatever he was charged with? Was it that much worse than the plea? Did he have a chance to be acquitted?
Anonymous 11:52 AM said...
"You can't restore something that never existed, and Steele is a coon. Good for O`Donnell for telling it like it is."
You don’t know your history. This is what a Black Republican looks like.
"I am you" lol. What kind of shit is that?
"uptownsteve: You used the fact that Republicans cut social programs as evidence that they are anti-black"
No I did not. I presented the facts that Bush and the Repubs cut social programs and that Obama restored to refute AB'S claim that Obama was no different than Bush vis-vis the poor.
"it is to weaken the common culture and to enhance divsions that can be exploited politcally."
And what exactly is the "common" culture according to you?
Why was it okay to have Italian and Polish celebrations or St Patrick's Day but Kwaanza and Cinco de Mayo are signs of "creeping multi-culturalism".
Republicans are all about whites and white supremacy.
"Of the 39 democrats in the house, all but TWO represent districts where blacks are a majority or a plurality."
Which 2 are you speaking of?
Because I know for a fact that Rangel and Waters represent majority hispanic districts.
Edwards, Ellison, Lee, Clarke and Hank Johnson just for a few other examples represent highly diverse districts.
Among your black Republicans, they may be running but the only one who will win anything is Scott so the GOP Congress will have their one token negro to prop up ala Watts and Franks.
Meanwhile black Democrats like Obama, Moseley Braun, Wilder and Patrick have won statewide office at the top of the ticket.
Black mayors like Dinkins, Washington, Street, Nutter, Byron Brown, Wellington Webb, Norm Rice have won and ron large multi ethnice and multi racial cities.
How come all the black Repubs who ran statewide in 2008 (Blackwell, Swann and Steele) got their asses handed to them?
Because the Republican base, WHITE CONSERVATIVES, won't vote for blacks.
Keep dreaming fool.
In this election, Republicans are running more blacks in white majority districts than the Democrats are.
I give Lawrence O'Donell props for correcting his mistake and saying (as honestly as an old DC hand can say) that he was wrong. We may not agree with Hip-Hop Mike but we should stand up and call a wrong a wrong.
That being said, it couldn't be truer. Hip-Hop Mike is a house negro who buck dances far too often into 'slave catcher' territory.
"How come all the black Repubs who ran statewide in 2008 (Blackwell, Swann and Steele) got their asses handed to them?
Because the Republican base, WHITE CONSERVATIVES, won't vote for blacks."
Blackwell and Steele were vicitms of racist smears by their DEMOCRAT opponents, and each won the whit econservative vote. But that's OK, because democrat racsim is cool.
Field that judge most likely told the truth. I say most likely cause I don't have the facts for that particular region of the country but in most places in which justice is supposedly dispensed it is done so with a distinct bias.
Its always amazing how when folks call out racism that they are called racist.
For those who want to remain dishonest about what goes in the courtrooms of this country I say whether you believe that bias occurs has nothing to do with reality, it happens whether you choose to believe it or not.
And of course in the case the white kid got what the white kids who don't pose any kind of threat to the system usually get.
Those who are interested in the truth and not holding on to their misperceptions about the real world should take upon themselves to look up the statistics and see for themselves how folks are treated differently in this system.
Now had this white kid been participating in a protest against some injustice they would have treated him to like a n---r.
"Blackwell and Steele were vicitms of racist smears by their DEMOCRAT opponents, and each won the whit econservative vote. But that's OK, because democrat racsim is cool."
That's a lie. Produce the evidence.
I bet you don't.
Black conservatives lose when they run for statewide office at the top of the ticket because white Republican base voters oftimes will either sit out or cross party lines rather than vote for a black.
In Maryland in 2008, after election polls showed 25% of Republican voters crossed party lines to vote for Cardin over Steele. AND STEELE GOT 30% OF THE BLACK VOTE!!!!
What Republican would ever lose if they got 30% of the black vote?
A black one.
TO all concerned about the Unholy Alliance Between the Obama Administration and Wall Street....here is a video about that. AB, you will be very interested in this:
uptownsteve said...
"That's a lie. Produce the evidence."
OK Jughead. How about here? And here.
Your links prove nothing.
You claimed that Blackwell and Steele were targets of racial smears by their Democratic opponents which is clearly not the case.
And why is that you rightwing phonies get all bent out of shape with Steele being called an Oreo but don't say shit about tea partiers carrying placards of our President as an African witch dictor????
Or pictures of the First Lady on rightwing blogs morphing into a gorilla?
You're a fraud.
And you are hypocrite.
Portraying the healthcare zealot as a witch doctor is somehow equivalent with calling someone an Oreo, and throwing oreos at him as he tries to speak?
The "throwing oreos" claim is a lie but what else is new for righties???
Anonymous said...
equivalent with calling someone an Oreo, and throwing oreos at him as he tries to speak?
That 2002 Oreo incident never happened. It was a lie perpetuated by Michael Steele and the Maryland GOP.
Obama is just a Post Turtle."
What's a 'Post Turtle?'
When you're driving down a country road and you come across a fence post with a turtle balanced on top, that's a post turtle."
You know he didn't get up there by himself, he doesn't belong up there, he doesn't know what to do while he's up there, he sure as heck ain't goin' anywhere, and you just wonder what kind of dumb ass put him up there in the first place."
I love it when blacks get up in arms over something one of these pandering white liberals says or does. Classic.
Nobody deserves more hell poured out on their heads than the butt kissing white liberal. There is justice in this world when the "diversity" champion, and president of the student body at UNC is dragged from her home by blacks and shotgunned in the face.
Or the crusader white girl campaiging for Obama in New Orleans who also got kille dby blacks.
Please keep smacking those liberal whites around so they will wake up.
Firm Proof Pelosi Lies about Obummer
Media matters is not a credible source. The "oreo" incident is well documented by first hand eye witnesseses.
You can lie to yourself, but not to me.
There are some insane notions going on here. Accuse Democrats for being racists? You mean the party that elected the first president of color and had the most diverse convention ever in 2008 vice the GOP which had the least diverse convention in modern history and had not one Black member in either chamber of the congress? Wow, if that ain't projection what the hell is? Tea parties recognize themselves as Republicans and are 91% white according to CBS News. I have to agree with Steve when people claim they want assimilation and one culture but what one culture do they want? America is a diverse place with Latino influences and culture, Creole language and culture, Cajun, Indigenous, ect. so which one is authentic and should be hailed as the one true culture? Amrica ain't all apple pies and blonde hair. And to the conservatives that want us to ignore race and ethnicity and all be Americans I say you first.
"Anonymous (no, not THAT one) said...
You deserved that beating Whitey."
Oh, indeed; and I'm glad for it. I never mistook what should be for what is again.
A book could be written on how you have been boondoggled. For now:
Democrat opposition to the Civil Rights Act was substantial enough to literally split the party in two. A whopping 40% of the House Democrats VOTED AGAINST the Civil Rights Act, while 80% of Republicans SUPPORTED it. Republican support in the Senate was even higher. Similar trends occurred with the Voting Rights Act of 1965, which was supported by 82% of House Republicans and 94% of Senate Republicans.
Democrat Senators organized the record Senate filibuster of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Included among the organizers were several prominent and well known liberal Democrat standard bearers including:
- Robert Byrd, current senator from West Virginia
- J. William Fulbright, Arkansas senator and political mentor of Bill Clinton
- Albert Gore Sr., Tennessee senator, father and political mentor of Al Gore. Gore Jr. has been known to lie about his father's opposition to the Civil Rights Act.
- Sam Ervin, North Carolina senator of Watergate hearings fame
- Richard Russell, famed Georgia senator and later President Pro Tempore
The complete list of the 21 Democrats who opposed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 includes Senators:
- Hill and Sparkman of Alabama
- Fulbright and McClellan of Arkansas
- Holland and Smathers of Florida
- Russell and Talmadge of Georgia
- Ellender and Long of Louisiana
- Eastland and Stennis of Mississippi
- Ervin and Jordan of North Carolina
- Johnston and Thurmond of South Carolina
- Gore Sr. and Walters of Tennessee
- H. Byrd and Robertson of Virginia
- R. Byrd of West Virginia
Hip Hop Mike should be heard and heard again cause he has made some valid points concerning more than a few issues.
Not really sure what Michael Steele is thinking, or has been thinking for awhile now.
When it gets close to election time I've learned that the majority of those involved (directly or indirectly) will pretty much say anything.
It's not really like they have a price to pay anyway.
To PilotX
Republican Or Democrat? You decide.
Do you have children? Do you teach them to be strong, self reliant? Capable to handle anything?
Or are you the type of parent that says don't worry about the world, keep coming to me and I will fix that problem, knowing all along you can't fix it and that you won't be around for ever and absolutely will harm them in the long run? Who do you care about more? Your power and influence over the child or raising that child to be strong, competent and self reliant? Would you rather have love built on mutual respect or totally out of tyranical need?
Would you love someone who needed to keep you in thrall so bad that they painted everyone who might also be in your life as out to harm you and evil? You know like a possesive jealous mother who son can never find a girl good enough?
The problem with the whole 'Democrats didn't Support Civil Rights' is that the majority of those so-called 'Dixiecrats' joined the GOP after the Nixon came to office and the Goldwater campaign.
So its a little disingenuous for the Right to claim to have the mantle of Civil Rights. Race baiting white folks on both sides opposed civil rights in the 60's. But today, the majority of those Race Baiters have a home in the Grand Ol' Party.
@ PilotX: CBS News is not a credible source. The Tea Party racial breakdoen is similar to the country as a whole.
" people claim they want assimilation and one culture but what one culture do they want? America is a diverse place with Latino influences and culture, Creole language and culture, Cajun, Indigenous, ect. so which one is authentic and should be hailed as the one true culture?"
All of them are authentic. You said it yourself: American culture is diverse. There IS a common culture where it all comes together; multiculturalists want to push everyone out to the edges. White people a have gone first.
"just a question since you most likely know something about it, is it true that non-whites would NOT have been offered a plea?
Also, what kind of punishment was likely to be given to the white guy for whatever he was charged with? Was it that much worse than the plea? Did he have a chance to be acquitted?"
*biting tongue* *biting tongue* no comment. I will say this; his lawyer did a very good job. He was being charged with ag. assault which is a felony, and under Pa. sentencing guidelines carries a much stiffer penalty than disorderly conduct.
TheSeeker, I take it you have heard of the Southern Strategy. Must I give this history lesson again? Here is the deal: the repub party as you know it today was the dem.party then. It's that simple. I swear (some) people don't read their history. I wonder why that is?
Anyway Seeker, see what La~Coincidental said.
CBS is not a credible news source???!!!!
"WTF is wrong with folks who have the name O'Donnell here in A-merry-ca? This time it's Lawrence and not Christine I have to talk about."
Ummm...excuuuuse me...FN literary license gets just one pass in this case! :D
Best regards,
Hugh O'Donnell
I apologize for my link @2:15pm because I 'now' realize that the video was too complicated for most on FN.
And the few who can understand the video are Obamaholics and lack the maturity to admit the truth about Obama.
Again, I am sorry.
Anonymous said...
"CBS is not a credible news source???!!!!"
Actually, no. Don't you remember how Dan Rather lost his job?
@ Seeker, I live in Illinois so there are many choices on our ballots to vote for. I'm an independent so I don't have to choose but since you brought it up. I dislike the GOP because they are a combination of corporate interests, racists and the hyper-religious. I do not want a certain religion pushed in public schools as I believe in the freedom to choose a religion so therefore I don't vote Republican. The Dems have fought for workers like me while the GOP seems to be in the pocket of corporations. If I'm not seeing things correctly let me know.
Hugh, that was classic!!! :)
"I apologize for my link @2:15pm because I 'now' realize that the video was too complicated for most on FN."
Yes anon. we prefer to read. ;)
A urine smell permeated the stairwell. In the darkness due to smashed light bulbs, the sound of broken wine bottles underfoot echoed off the concrete walls. I was nine years old. With the elevators out of service half the time due to vandalism, I was forced many times to take the scary trek into the shadow of death up the stairwell to our sixth-floor apartment in the projects of east Baltimore.
All I kept hearing was that everything was the "white man's fault". Even at the age of nine, I sarcastically thought to myself, "how can we stop these evil white people from sneaking in here at night peeing in the stairwell, leaving broken wine bottles, smashing the light bulbs and attacking people?"
good question, anon. did you ever get that question answered? i don't ever recall anybody telling me 'how' to stop the white man. it seems as though blacks were and are still powerless. hence, there is nothing to do but blame and complain.
We are on the same team but we are not the same
You just summed up why the right is usually on top; they are on the same team and they are the same.
I would not have apologized. HipHop Mike Steele does have a master. His name is Rush Limbaugh. We all remember the jigging Mike did after Rush called him to the carpet.
You're a slave, Mike. You're fatso Rush's house negro. Admit it.
So why does Hip Hop Mike need an apology. Yet his own party supports and has people speaking racist language and he doesn't get on his ass? I understand what you are saying as it relates to Lawrence O'Donnell well meaning liberal white man apology. But I am sorry Hip Hop Mike is a joke and a hypocritical POS in my eyes! He needs to be called out on stuff his party does and is doing in this election season with their candidates. He can offer a punk ass apology to Limpballs but can't stand up as a black man to the bigoted stuff in his own BACKYARD??
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