Oh my! It is getting ugly here in A-merry-ca folks. Over at the NAACP they are blaming the tea party folks for doing not so nice things:
"A mysterious package arrived at the NAACP’s headquarter in Washington D.C. this afternoon. The envelope, filled with a white powder, sat in a conference room as staffers worked to alert authorities. While the organization is still investigating the envelope’s contents, it cannot confirm if it is a threat. But NAACP President Ben Jealous says the organization has seen a number of death threats over the past few weeks as it has ramped up pressure on the conservative Tea Party movement.
“We have received dozens of death threats, more than 100, since we called for the Tea Party to expel racists from its ranks,” Jealous told Blackenterprise.com today. The 37-year-old says the NAAC,P along with a number of black congressmen and women, have been at the end of racially motivated intimidation over the past few weeks. He says the harassment stems from their protest against racism within the Tea Party. " [Article]
Say it ain't so, Ben. And here I thought the teabaggers were just a bunch of nice older white folks.
Speaking of the tea party; it seems that their candidate up in Alaska has his own ideas about the First Amendment:
"Security guards for Alaska senate candidate Joe Miller handcuffed and detained the editor of the online magazine "Alaska Dispatch" on Sunday while he tried to interview the Republican nominee, according to multiple reports.
The Anchorage Daily News reports that Tony Hopfinger, who founded and edits "Alaska Dispatch," was arrested by Miller's private guards at an Anchorage school. The senate hopeful was on hand as part of a town hall event.
The firm that handles Miller's security says that Hopfinger shoved a man, but Hopfinger claims that he only pushed back at a guard after the guard began pushing him.
According to an article at the website for "Alaska Dispatch," Hopfinger was warned that he would be charged with trespassing if he did not cease asking questions and leave the premises:" [Article]
Yes, watch those questions. Some of my tea party friends aren't very comfortable with things like questions. Answering them might actually involve using their brains.
Yep, those tea party folks are something else. I just hope that they stick around for awhile. Politics is so much more fun now.
Finally, on a far more serious note: I see that another young African American man lost his life due to the actions of the po po up in the Empire State. I wonder what he did which was so egregious that caused him to pay for it with his life? Wait....
"..Investigators said several dozen police officers responded to a large brawl that occurred outside Finnegan's Grill in Thornwood, N.Y. early Sunday morning, and Mount Pleasant Police Chief; Louis Alagno said at least 4 officers were directly involved in the incident with Henry.
A Mount Pleasant police officer, identified Monday as Ronald Gagnon, approached Henry's Nissan Altima which was parked in a fire lane. For reasons unknown, Henry junior drove away into the path of a second officer, Aaron Hess, who ended up on the hood of the vehicle as it accelerated, reports CBS station WCBS.
Alagno told the station that at some point Officer Hess drew his weapon and fired into the vehicle.
The chief said in addition to another officer who was struck by Henry's side view mirror, the fourth and last officer involved in the incident drew his weapon as Henry's vehicle came in his direction, and also fired.
Henry who hails from Easton, Mass. was shot and killed, and his front seat passenger, 20-year-old Brandon Cox of South Easton, Mass., was also shot, but survived. A third, rear seat passenger, 21-year-old Desmond Hinds of Stamford, Connecticut, also survived with unknown injuries." [Article]
"A mysterious package arrived at the NAACP’s headquarter in Washington D.C. this afternoon. The envelope, filled with a white powder, sat in a conference room as staffers worked to alert authorities. While the organization is still investigating the envelope’s contents, it cannot confirm if it is a threat. But NAACP President Ben Jealous says the organization has seen a number of death threats over the past few weeks as it has ramped up pressure on the conservative Tea Party movement.
“We have received dozens of death threats, more than 100, since we called for the Tea Party to expel racists from its ranks,” Jealous told Blackenterprise.com today. The 37-year-old says the NAAC,P along with a number of black congressmen and women, have been at the end of racially motivated intimidation over the past few weeks. He says the harassment stems from their protest against racism within the Tea Party. " [Article]
Say it ain't so, Ben. And here I thought the teabaggers were just a bunch of nice older white folks.
Speaking of the tea party; it seems that their candidate up in Alaska has his own ideas about the First Amendment:
"Security guards for Alaska senate candidate Joe Miller handcuffed and detained the editor of the online magazine "Alaska Dispatch" on Sunday while he tried to interview the Republican nominee, according to multiple reports.
The Anchorage Daily News reports that Tony Hopfinger, who founded and edits "Alaska Dispatch," was arrested by Miller's private guards at an Anchorage school. The senate hopeful was on hand as part of a town hall event.
The firm that handles Miller's security says that Hopfinger shoved a man, but Hopfinger claims that he only pushed back at a guard after the guard began pushing him.
According to an article at the website for "Alaska Dispatch," Hopfinger was warned that he would be charged with trespassing if he did not cease asking questions and leave the premises:" [Article]
Yes, watch those questions. Some of my tea party friends aren't very comfortable with things like questions. Answering them might actually involve using their brains.
Yep, those tea party folks are something else. I just hope that they stick around for awhile. Politics is so much more fun now.
Finally, on a far more serious note: I see that another young African American man lost his life due to the actions of the po po up in the Empire State. I wonder what he did which was so egregious that caused him to pay for it with his life? Wait....
"..Investigators said several dozen police officers responded to a large brawl that occurred outside Finnegan's Grill in Thornwood, N.Y. early Sunday morning, and Mount Pleasant Police Chief; Louis Alagno said at least 4 officers were directly involved in the incident with Henry.
A Mount Pleasant police officer, identified Monday as Ronald Gagnon, approached Henry's Nissan Altima which was parked in a fire lane. For reasons unknown, Henry junior drove away into the path of a second officer, Aaron Hess, who ended up on the hood of the vehicle as it accelerated, reports CBS station WCBS.
Alagno told the station that at some point Officer Hess drew his weapon and fired into the vehicle.
The chief said in addition to another officer who was struck by Henry's side view mirror, the fourth and last officer involved in the incident drew his weapon as Henry's vehicle came in his direction, and also fired.
Henry who hails from Easton, Mass. was shot and killed, and his front seat passenger, 20-year-old Brandon Cox of South Easton, Mass., was also shot, but survived. A third, rear seat passenger, 21-year-old Desmond Hinds of Stamford, Connecticut, also survived with unknown injuries." [Article]
OK, carry on A-merry-ca, there is nothing to see here. Law and order must be maintained at all cost.
We don't want to end up like the people in Germany. Thank goodness the tea party folks are coming.
Field, from his actions, it sounds like he wanted the cops to shoot him. Doesn't it sound that way to you?
For reasons unknown, Henry junior drove away into the path of a second officer, Aaron Hess, who ended up on the hood of the vehicle as it accelerated
I am starting to think that part of parental advice to Young Blacks is, if you in trouble with the police try and run them down. Once you try and run down a cop, especially when one ends up on the hood of your car, most likely you will be the lucky recipient of a few bullets.
OK, I'm gonna say something stupid here but...
The NAACP passing a resolution calling the Tea Party racist is about the same thing as the Tea Party passing a resolution saying the NAACP is a bougie organization that no longer cares about the community it professes to serve.
Both statements are sweeping, maybe a little unfair, and based in truth.
Looks to me like both organizations have lost sight of any real goals, are mostly concerned with themselves, and have no idea how to actually make society better.
Now if either of them could actually deliver Police reform, I'd be on board.
"Field, from his actions, it sounds like he wanted the cops to shoot him. Doesn't it sound that way to you?"
"I am starting to think that part of parental advice to Young Blacks is, if you in trouble with the police try and run them down. Once you try and run down a cop, especially when one ends up on the hood of your car, most likely you will be the lucky recipient of a few bullets."
Let me guess: you are voting for your local tea party candidate this November. *turning slowly away*
The NAACP gets an envelope in the mail full of white powder, and without any evidence at all, assumes it's the "Tea Party", and you repeat it on your blog. What a joke!
I've got another hot tip for you Field: Julian Bond was going in to work yesterday when he stepped in a big pile of dog shit. Now I know some them Tea Party people gotta have dogs....
Hey Field, here's Sharron Angle talking to some Latinos she thinks might be Asian. Have you noticed that no one ever mistakes Blacks for any other race?
"Field, from his actions, it sounds like he wanted the cops to shoot him. Doesn't it sound that way to you?"
10:23 PM
Well, how do you read it? Let me guess...the cops lied. The real truth was that the black guy was doing nothing wrong, he was just sitting in his car. And the cops decided to eff with him because he was Black. Then they shot him and made it look like he tried to run them over. Right? Is that the way you see it?
anonymous said..."Well, how do you read it? Let me guess...the cops lied. The real truth was that the black guy was doing nothing wrong, he was just sitting in his car. And the cops decided to eff with him because he was Black. Then they shot him and made it look like he tried to run them over. Right? Is that the way you see it?"
It wouldn't be the first time that cops have lied, and received support from the likes of you.
Admit it. Down deep you're glad that another black American is dead. And at the hand of cops, hell that's a bonus.
"For reasons unknown, Henry junior drove away into the path of a second officer, Aaron Hess, who ended up on the hood of the vehicle as it accelerated, reports CBS station WCBS."
And at this point, I put my Air R's back on the shelf. Running over a cop and aiming your car at another cop is pretty much asking for "suicide by cop". The question is what made him try to break out in the first place?
"A Mount Pleasant police officer, identified Monday as Ronald Gagnon, approached Henry's Nissan Altima which was parked in a fire lane."
Did he have warrants? Was he a fugitive? Child support? Weed and coke in the car? What did he have on him? Did he have anything on him?
More importantly, were there any witnesses? Cameras? I want to hear another, hopefully unbiased side of the story.
"I am starting to think that part of parental advice to Young Blacks is, if you in trouble with the police try and run them down. Once you try and run down a cop, especially when one ends up on the hood of your car, most likely you will be the lucky recipient of a few bullets."
All young Blacks do this? Well, do they? Every single last one? Begs the question....
"The NAACP gets an envelope in the mail full of white powder, and without any evidence at all, assumes it's the "Tea Party", and you repeat it on your blog. What a joke!"
Plenty of government agencies get nutcases or pranksters who sprinkle some baby powder in an envelop and send it off for shits and giggles. It could be from any number of "patriotic" Americans who feel the government isn't operating or organized the way they want it. Or it could be from some snot nosed punks who get off on doing this sort of thing. I swear, those shows "Punk'd" and "Jackass" set some pretty bad precedents.
Oh, and I don't want to drag bullshit from one post to another, but LAA, you got some issues to work out. You can't just keep attacking someone and not expect them to break their foot off your ass in return. Get your shit together offline and come back when you've worked those complexes out.
brohammas said...
OK, I'm gonna say something stupid here but...
The NAACP passing a resolution calling the Tea Party racist is about the same thing as the Tea Party passing a resolution saying the NAACP is a bougie organization that no longer cares about the community it professes to serve.
Both statements are sweeping, maybe a little unfair, and based in truth.
Uh, you really need to go back and read the NAACP's official statement about the Tea Party.
The NAACP stated that the Tea Party needs to denounce the racist elements within its organization. The NAACP did not call the entire Tea Party racist.
It's funny because right after the NAACP made the statement that Tea Party disassociated itself with Mark Williams who penned that sarcastic racist open letter supposedly from Ben Jealous to Abe Lincoln.
Whomever it was that sent the package to the NAACP is a coward mofo. A spineless impotent coward!
Justice58 said...
"Whomever it was that sent the package to the NAACP is a coward mofo. A spineless impotent coward!"
A spineless impotent coward? Are you accusing uptownsteve? That bastard!
@ anon 2:24
You made me laugh out loud but don't put me in that fight with you & uptownsteve. I'm mad at the coward mofos targeting the NAACP. First it was the hillbilly slob hiding behind the telephone yelling nigger & threatening about what he'll do. What did Tuco say in the Good, Bad & Ugly?
Hey Field, I know your a schill for moveon.org, you seem to post the same stories they make up in a political sense. How come you don't ever talk about the Dim O Crats? You know, like THis guy the NY Governer candidate? From the Party of the "rent is too high"
or Nick Joe Rahall Democrat Wisconsin " To Deny Global Warming exists, is like saying Santa Claus doesnt exist"
Or that it took Obama 20 months to borrow 3 Trillion dollars. Compared to the same amount for all presidents from 1776 until 1990.
Or that JOE BIDEN In front of a rowdy crowd of 45,929 in Philly was booed when he was shown on the video board with wife Jill
Or why Howard Dean is running from Obamacare:
I don’t think we should be making the case right now,” Dean said. “Elections are not the time to educate people.
Or that Harry Reid says Obama is like a trapped Chilean Miner
Or that Farrakhan accuses Obama of sending FBI into Mosques, inspiring Muslims to attack Jews and that there is no proof of Bin Laden
Or anything of your man Alvin Greene. I could go on forever, but it is pretty telling that you publish hit pieces but nothing REAL on democrats.
Just wondering why you are ignoring the independant study conducted by far left leaning washington post that found the Tea Party is not racist as race baiters like yourself like to claim without one shred of evidence?
How did the NAACP thing work out? I remember about 3 months into their project of looking for racism in the tea party, they had found one guy with a T shirt walking around the edge of a mall. Maybe they were too busy looking for more of the Black Hos at scientific communities around the country?
If you were the driver of a car and by accident, just sheer coincidence through no fault of your own were just minding your business but all of a sudden found a cop hanging onto the moving hood of the vehicle you are driving with a gun pointed at you trying to hang and yelling at you to stop as you are speeding away...then another cop is right in front of you would you..
A) Stop?
B) Speed up and try and get a twofer by hitting both cops?
"Well, how do you read it? Let me guess...the cops lied. The real truth was that the black guy was doing nothing wrong, he was just sitting in his car. And the cops decided to eff with him because he was Black. Then they shot him and made it look like he tried to run them over. Right? Is that the way you see it?"
Have you ever had the pleasure of cross examining a police officer in open court? Take your time with the answer. I will wait......
Hey Anon 4:31 am, isn't A-merry-ca beautiful? See how I just gave you a chance to post your wingnut talking points? And they all seem to be legit. All except this one:
"Or that JOE BIDEN In front of a rowdy crowd of 45,929 in Philly was booed when he was shown on the video board with wife Jill"
Here in Philly we boo Lassie and Santa Claus, so that means nothing.
Sorry. :(
"If you were the driver of a car and by accident, just sheer coincidence through no fault of your own were just minding your business but all of a sudden found a cop hanging onto the moving hood of the vehicle you are driving with a gun pointed at you trying to hang and yelling at you to stop as you are speeding away...then another cop is right in front of you would you..
A) Stop?
B) Speed up and try and get a twofer by hitting both cops?"
What is the race and gender of the driver in your hypothet? Depending on whom it is I would..
A) Tell the passenger in the car to tell my mamma I love her, and, if I were religious, start saying my prayers. Or..
B) Start thinking about all the money I am going to make from my lawsuit after my daddy calls his friends in the mayor's office.
"I've got another hot tip for you Field: Julian Bond was going in to work yesterday when he stepped in a big pile of dog shit. Now I know some them Tea Party people gotta have dogs...."
Well, it might not have been dog shit. It could be shit from the tea partier himself. Most of them are older and could have some issues in that department. I am just sayin.;)
Mack do you wear women's underwear? You are far more vicious and troublesome than a gossiping woman sitting under the fish market. Have you no shame? Can't you move on like a real man?
That outburst of yours didn't do me anything, that's how you start things. All you did was expose your own lame dramatic imagination and grossly insulted white women. Stop looking melee and spreading rumors. Be a man. You really need to get over yourself, work on your own issues.
And you better be glad when I respond to you at night or late afternoon, by then I'm exhausted. I am fully energized and even more vicious during early daytime. Now go with jesus and go buy a pack of Hanes your way.
with the way black people are being evicted and starved by hobama, the naacp should have NO time to fret over the tea party...
the naacp should be helping black people brew some tea ASAP!!!
The NAACP is a bundle of contradictions – but, by virtue of history, it is our bundle, to criticize when necessary and, when possible, to support. For the corporate media, which virtually invented the Tea Party, the NAACP’s resolution demanding that the various Tea Party outfits disassociate themselves from racists, was the big news of the NAACP convention. Of course, if racists were actually purged from the Tea Party, it would disappear, since race is its reason-for-being as a white nationalist phenomenon. White American nationalism celebrates the fruits of genocide, slavery, aggressive war and empire, and is therefore inherently racist. Lots of non-Tea Partyers are also American empire worshippers, including the Black imperial commander-in-chief, himself, Barack Obama. But the NAACP limits the scope of its criticism to those Tea Partyers that use racist language and images in public – especially when that language is directed against the First Black President.
why are men only allowed to be emotional and focused and heard...???
female rage = male passion
female issues = male crusades
bravo sista!
FN said:
Well, it might not have been dog shit. It could be shit from the tea partier himself. Most of them are older and could have some issues in that department. I am just sayin.;)
Now that was a pretty shitty comment. Just cause some people say you talk shit doesnt mean you have to live up to it. I mean what is this shit anyway? Just sayin :)
ALL dissent is patriotic!!!
especially with a demonic elitist like that brutal wolf hobama who is beloved by blind sheeple!!!!
and the Tea Party is no different.
If anyone wants to oppose the Tea Party for spreading misinformation, do that. But to assert that it's wrong to take part in civic engagement is utterly silly. The best of this country came out of the action of those in the streets.
For those who oppose the Tea Party, you have every right to gather with those who agree with you and take to the streets. If they oppose the policies of President Obama, and you support them, demonstrate your support for his agenda. Don't whine about someone else making noise. Men and women, stand up and be heard.
And if you want to oppose the Tea Party, do so on the facts
La♥audiobooks said...
Mack do you wear women's underwear?
Does his wife takin care of him and payin all de bills like a little bitch count?
Mack got his panties twisted now that shit is funny.
WHat did the blind guy say when he walked past the fish market?
Good morning MackLyons you buceta breath fishmongering gossip making little bitch whore....now go change them dirty panties and beg your wife for sum mo money.
the naacp should be fretting over where blacks will drink and brew tea and live!!!!
hobama and his banksters are evicting poor black people from all public housing and whitening cities all over america!!!
President Obama's greatest domestic imperative is the transfer of public wealth and resources to the private sector. He moved tens of trillions of dollars to Wall Street in the guise of rescuing the economy. Hundreds of billions in public funds are scheduled for transfer to private insurance corporations over the next decade or so, masquerading as a health care plan. His support for corporate-backed charter schools and other so-called public-private partnerships has dramatically escalated the privatization of education in the United States. Obama calls it a "Race to the Top." Now, the Obama administration is serving up to corporate vultures the nation's dwindling stock of public housing, with bankers as the ultimate beneficiaries
Those are Obama's kind of people. I'm not just talking about the mega-banks and hedge-funders that backed him to the hilt in his presidential campaign. Obama's closest cronies and former clients from Chicago - including senior advisor Valerie Jarret - made their fortunes milking government subsidized housing programs for the poor until the federal government had to step in and pick up the pieces.
If Obama has his way, speculators will descend on all 3,000 of the nation's public housing agencies, bribing every official in sight in a frenzy of corruption over federal land and subsidies. And the poor will start counting the days before they are put out in the street
"Mack do you wear women's underwear? You are far more vicious and troublesome than a gossiping woman sitting under the fish market. Have you no shame? Can't you move on like a real man?"
Don't you just love these man-hating bearillas?
They want the game totally rigged in their favor.
THEY can talk $hit, hurl insults, demean character, question intentions and in their warp minds a "real man" will just bow his head, hang his lip and accept the ugly truth about himself as told by the all-knowing "strong" black woman.
No wonder they can't get anybody.
They mentally reside in a fantasy world.
u r the shortest mental midget on this blog
u r the resident gash man
get a clue u sexist distracted dog!!!
why is it always men like uts that no one wants lamenting women who cannot get a man????
i have never heard blair underwood or brad pitt degrade women so!!!
only limp uncle ruckus clones like uts!!!
u r a witless unwanted beta male bitch
and on your own pvt idiot island of dr. moreau:
a bearilla always slays a weaselmouse like u!!!
the naacp needs to brew GALLONS of belated black tea!!!
And there have been many weaknesses. Obama allowed Congress to negotiate the details of his healthcare reform while he deliberately held back. What emerged was a half-hearted reform that is complicated and that is really a reform of the health insurance system. But to get that reform, Obama used up his political capital, the one window of opportunity every new president gets.
Weren't there more urgent issues he could have tackled, like energy reform for example, which would have entailed a real change of direction and which would have meant re-educating America's consumers? Or what about the labor market? Obama admits he underestimated the problem of unemployment, which stubbornly hovers above 9 percent. He also concedes that he set himself up to be portrayed as yet another Democratic big spender who happily doles out tax dollars.
During the presidential election campaign, he masterfully controlled his public image. In office, however, he has been sending out some rather strange signals. As the BP oil spill was polluting the Gulf of Mexico, his wife and younger daughter flew to Spain, while the president himself played basketball with his chums. It gave the impression that Obama was part of a carefree, macho group that amused itself while the country suffered.
Obama has done little for African-Americans, and nothing for homosexuals. As a result he has lost voters on the left. It was inevitable, of course. Everyone who is elected in the US moves to the center when they come to office. But the fact that the president managed to lose the support of this middle ground too was a remarkable achievement.
It may well be that America can't simply walk out of Afghanistan, but nobody in the US understands this war any more. The conflict long ago ceased to be Bush's war, and is now Obama's. Worse still, it will inevitably end with an inglorious withdrawal. Why, then, should the US send in yet more troops? Why spend $100 billion a year waging war when train stations and schools back home are falling to pieces, and the money would be better spent on other American projects and research? Congress refuses to approve extra spending on renewing America: The money has already been spent.
Hey AB, notice Steve only comes out during the day, and not at nights nor on weekends. He's going to say he has a life, but I suspect he can't afford a computer and internet service at home. In this economy he has to cut back to continue living in that so call gated community.
I doubt he even has furniture. And I bet he stole paper and scotch tape from his warehouse job to cover up the windows so you can't peek in and see him with his blonde blow up doll and lemonade drink.
Anyway, I got to run, don't let them stress you "smile".
However we KNOW you have no life as you can be found here whining about black men bedding white women at all hours of the night.
Maybe if you get off the web for awhile you could think of some clever insults to hurl cause that last shit was weak.
naacp needs to brew some tea for single moms!!!
A new report from NYU’s Women of Color Policy Network, “At Rope’s End,” offers a definitive examination of wealth in families headed by single mothers. The findings are not surprising: women of color, who bear the compounding and accumulating weight of racial and gender inequities in the economy, are most likely to be left with no wealth. Wealth, as opposed to income, is the balance between all assets and debt; it’s what provides a cushion in hard times and a step up for children.
With recent cuts to the social safety net pushed through Congress by obstructionist Republicans and defecting Democrats, these inequities are set to grow. “At Ropes End” offers a set of proposals to prevent this and begin to create a more equitable economy.
Among the report’s many findings:
• Single mothers possess only 4 percent of the wealth of single fathers: $100 compared to $25,300.
• Race and ethnicity are significant factors. Black and Latino single mothers have a median wealth of zero, whereas white women report a median wealth of $6,000.
uts is here whining constantly!!!
he should cc that to his neglected wife
"Maybe if you get off the web for awhile you could think of some clever insults to hurl cause that last shit was weak."
I thought it was hilarious, serves you right. Was it too close for your comfort? lol
a direct hit:
"I doubt he even has furniture. And I bet he stole paper and scotch tape from his warehouse job to cover up the windows so you can't peek in and see him with his blonde blow up doll and lemonade drink."
and he invites that fat psycho bastard apervoi and his doll
when they all really want to get a party on!!!
the naacp needs to brew some tea for MILLIONS of poor black foster kids/orphans!!!
n 2009, a few years after Oher left his adoptive home in Memphis, the local paper profiled another of the city’s top football prospects. The 315-pound O.C. Brown, the story explained, had a chance to earn a college scholarship but was struggling in school. The solution: The African-American football star left his grandmother’s place and moved into the 7,000-square-foot home of one of his white football coaches. The plan worked — Brown is now an offensive lineman at the University of Southern Mississippi, and he’s the subject of an upcoming documentary.
If we’re so charmed and fascinated by these Blind Side stories—and if newspaper editors are so taken with assigning them—then why has no one noticed how common they are? Aside from that brief note in Sports Illustrated acknowledging that three other NFL players have a similar background as Michael Oher, I haven’t found a press account that aggregates the many cases of cross-racial athletic adoption.
"I thought it was hilarious, serves you right. Was it too close for your comfort? lol"
Yeah but I heard you like to hang around service station restrooms so I just consider the source.
"Yeah but I heard you like to hang around service station restrooms so I just consider the source."
losing your touch? Your Rosanne joke had more flavor.
As you know that was me above.
I was wondering which ass-non you were.
Okay, you're the fat redneck broad.
That "Roseanne" line must have really cut you deep.
That was over a year ago.
LAA: "I doubt he even has furniture. And I bet he stole paper and scotch tape from his warehouse job to cover up the windows so you can't peek in and see him with his blonde blow up doll and lemonade drink."
This time of year, I'm guessing Steve prefers pumpkins and hard cider. I'd even bet he puts a blonde wig on the pumpkin.
Thank God he covers up the windows.
the naacp needs to brew some black tea for some black jobs asap!!!
politically engaged elites have reached the same conclusions: the White House is in over its head, isolated, insular, arrogant and clueless about how to get along with or persuade members of Congress, the media, the business community or working-class voters. This view is held by Fox News pundits, executives and anchors at the major old-media outlets, reporters who cover the White House, Democratic and Republican congressional leaders and governors, many Democratic business people and lawyers who raised big money for Obama in 2008, and even some members of the Administration just beyond the inner circle.
(See Obama's troubled first year, issue by issue.)
On Friday, after the release of the latest bleak unemployment data — the last major jobs figures before the midterms — Obama said, "Putting the American people back to work, expanding opportunity, rebuilding the economic security of the middle class is the moral and national challenge of our time." But elites feel the President has failed to meet that challenge and are convinced he will be unable to do so in the remainder of his term. Moreover, there is a growing perception that Obama's decisions are causing harm — that businesses are being hurt by the Administration's legislation and that economic recovery is stalling because of the uncertainty surrounding energy policy, health care, deficits, housing, immigration and spending.
And that sentiment is spreading. Many members of the general public appear deeply skeptical of Obama's capacity to turn things around, especially, but not exclusively, those inclined to dislike him — Tea Partyers and John McCain voters, but also tens of millions of middle-class Americans, including quite a few who turned out for Obama in 2008.
(See how some Americans are facing the prospect of long-term unemployment.)
The misery afflicting the country has no political affiliation. Listen to the voices from this striking TV ad for Rob Portman, the Republican former Congressman and Bush budget director who is running for Senate from Ohio. One woman at a Dayton career fair says starkly, "There are no jobs." A man announces plaintively and with obvious frustration, "I've been looking for a job now for 13 months." Events like this job fair are becoming the grim iconic gatherings of our time, the breadlines for the Obama years
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/politics/article/0,8599,2024718,00.html#ixzz12oyAPc2R
I am a house Negro. Correction, I am a slave owner with House and field negroes. Why do I say this?
Well the article inspired me. First this whole house filed thing boils down again to something, people do not talk about class which in A merry-ca is interwined with, race.
In A- merry-ca(thx for this field), the house negores end up being the ones who are semi assimilated not because they wanted to leave black folks in the hood, but shit, they believe in moving ahead and don't look to their blackness as some defining paradigm on their whole essence(well they kinda do, prob went to HBCU's, b/c a different world inspired them. Inspired them out of the big piece of pie, while they share the 5% they were given.
Example - Harvard Vs Howard or(insert any "prominent"HBCU)
I say I am a slave owner who owns house and field negroes, because, if they are quibbering in stuff I don't believe in, then they are just as likely to be a negro for a negro who doesn't need to yell that he's a negro.
The black community in America, is shit. WhY? we seem to be on some all black crap, like the world is all black.
So while we are callign each other slave like character defamating adjectives. The so called other races are working to ascend, we been here 400 years and nothing's changed, still shucking, jiving and cooning.
Don't worry keep doing you, this slave owning negro will be the one whose son will be next president of america, all the wile ya'll will still be saying he's not as "black" as me.
there has been no greater house nig in americanhistory than that hnic hobama
hobama has hand crafted more permanently underclassed black slaves in amerikkka than ever before!!!
hobama's gray swag has made racism in america worse than ever before!!!
Wise, a white anti-racism activist and scholar (and author of White Like Me), pushes plenty of buttons in this methodical breakdown of racism's place in the wake of Barack Obama's victory. In the first of two essays, the author obliterates the canard of the US as a post-racial society; bigotry and insititutionalized discrimination, he contends, have simply morphed into "Racism 2.0," in which successful minorities are celebrated "as having 'transcended' their blackness in some way." While racial disparities in employment and income, housing, education and other areas persist, Obama has become an amiable sitcom dad like Bill Cosby, putting whites at ease by speaking, looking and acting "a certain way"-not to mention avoiding discussion of race. In his second, more incendiary essay, Wise concludes that whites must take responsibility for racism. What the majority of whites fail to grasp, he says, is that they continue to benefit from a system of "entrenched privileges" centuries in the making, and that racism remains a serious obstacle for millions of African Americans. There's no sugar coating here for whites, nor are there any news flashes for Americans of color, but Wise bravely enumerates the unpalatable truths of a nation still struggling to understand its legacy of racist oppression.
hobama has fiercely worsened racism by flagrantly ignoring it!!!
President Obama’s “fawning, damn near servile behavior when accommodating Zionist demands” to boycott and sabotage the Durban II conference on racism “should have been a deal breaker” in his relations with African Americans. But what passes for Black leadership accepts any and all insults from Obama, who naturally treats them like the spineless creatures they are. Meanwhile, the White House keeps “Jewish leaders” up to date with conference calls on how Obama is protecting Israel from charges that it is an apartheid state, and also ensuring that the United States is not compelled to make amends for its racist past and present
You crack me up about that older Tea Partier and the pile of *hit....
Reading you every day whether it is over morning coffee or in the evening after sunset I always get a laugh and something to think about too!
Don't ever stop writing.
and thank Mrs. Field for letting you do your work in the fields.
Aloha from Makaii
shut up ya buceta breaf moron alicia u r truly useless!
Hey Field thanks for this info. I really don't know what to say to the brother who brags about being a slave owner and a house Negro.
Steve- I was really too busy working on keeping the school board from shutting down the only high school in the predominantly black part of town here, to respond to your slanderous insults yesterday.
But let me say that your saying or implying that I on any level either sit on the sideline as you included me in your fight with focused purpose and an anon, or hate or despise black folks is an absolute and total falsehood.
You don't really know me so fair enough you can throw rocks at what and who you think I am.
But for the record I have been a real life activist for the majority of my life. While not in the streets fighting the good fight, I have edited and written for two black weeklies in two cities in this country and in both of those efforts I served the black community well advocating for it while exposing its enemies and racism and policies that were detrimental to our overall health as a people. I have also written for Black Agenda Report and a few other online sites.
I have hundreds of witnesses to this fact. I have never sat on the sideline. I also have fought for the rights of black folks and other oppressed and wronged people most of my life. You will not find a living black person who can or will say that I on any level despise,dislike or hate black people.
Yes I disagree with Obama but I don't hate him, nor do I hate anyone on this blog that I disagree with.
I get where you are coming from Steve. You think it important to stress the postive aspects of the black experience and black achievement. I get that and agree with you on that.
But I also fight for those so-called underclass folks and feel like they too are worthy of efforts to better their lives.
So in the future my brother lets just agree where we do agree and when we don't agree to disagree.
But please don't talk about what you don't know. I don't feel the need to put my resume out there or to explain myself in full, but there are folks who respond to this blog who know who I am and would tell you that your accusations have no basis in fact.
Wow Mellaneous!
I see your juices are flowing.
For the record I respect you and often agree with you.
I got the feeling that you were directing this quote toward me and I didn't appreciate it.
"You see them (the comfortable)even on this blog getting pissed when anyone dares say that this system doesn't work for everyone and is the direct cause of much of the suffering that is experienced in the third world.
On some level whether they are aware of it or not they are acting just as the house slave did, especially when confronted with the suggestion that they should leave and that maybe life could be better under different circumstance."
For the thousandth time, what pisses me off is the black community at large being reduced to caricatures of ghetto thugs, domestic brutes, welfare queens and baby mamas.
Do those people exist? YES.
Do they DEFINE the black community?
Some folks seem to think they do I and I would characterize them as Toms and or racists.
And for those folks who talk incessantly about the suffering in Black America I applaud anyone who puts their asses where there mouths are and getting their hands dirty trying to make a difference.
To those who run their mouths exclusively on the web about "black dysfunction", STFU cause y'all do more harm than good.
You only help white racists feel more secure in their hate.
Lastly, I need no lectures on inner city life.
I am a product of it.
Spent the first 18 years of my life there and it motivated me to make something of myself so I wouldn't have to STAY THERE.
My contribution (and I've done mentoring work thank you very much) is to provide an example to young brothers in the hood of somebody who came from similar circumstances made it out.
the people u dare to ignore and censor are the NORM in this country in ALL races!!!
they are poor people of all races who hobama ignores as much as u do!!!
we do not lament that u fled the inner city by choice.
we hate that u pretend such collective flight plays no role in the collective demise of those left behind
and we loathe that u never visit or help those u fled and bash those of us who do.... as u excuse those who are as cold & apathetic as u
we lament that hobama has FORCED poor blacks to leave the whiteneing inner cities in droves via abject poverty and gentrification and u dismiss this elitism driven exodus!!!
In this clear-eyed and compassionate study, Robinson (Coal to Cream), Pulitzer Prize–winning journalist for the Washington Post, marshals persuasive evidence that the African-American population has splintered into four distinct and increasingly disconnected entities: a small elite with enormous influence, a mainstream middle-class majority, a newly emergent group of recent immigrants from Africa and the Caribbean, and an abandoned minority "with less hope of escaping poverty than at any time since Reconstruction's end." Drawing on census records, polling data, sociological studies, and his own experiences growing up in a segregated South Carolina college town during the 1950s, Robinson explores 140 years of black history in America, focusing on how the civil rights movement, desegregation, and affirmative action contributed to the fragmentation. Of particular interest is the discussion of how immigrants from Africa, the "best-educated group coming to live in the United States," are changing what being black means. Robinson notes that despite the enormous strides African-Americans have made in the past 40 years, the problems of poor blacks remain more intractable than ever, though his solution--"a domestic Marshall Plan aimed at black America"--seems implausible in this era of cash-strapped state and local governments.
i hate u for pretending that droves of the poor blacks u ignore are NOT leaving cities by choice as u did...they are being relocated by the rabidly elitist abuses of hobama and his banksters!!!!
hobama and his regime have made american cities whiter than ever!!!
In urban Black America, stable communities are the exception rather than the rule. It's a fact of black life in the US that our urban communities, especially poorer ones are rarely allowed to exist more than a couple generations. Low and moderate income black communities, especially renters are not valued, either by our black elite or by the larger society. Portrayed in the media as desparate sinkholes of despair they are inevitably slated for gentrification, displacement and dispersal. Communities of public housing residents have been conspicious targets of this model of urban redevelopment. Last summer, Black Agenda Report talked to USF's Dr. Susan D. Grreenbaum, one of the few scholars studying the outcome of the national policy of demolishing and dispersing public housing communities. It's a question most scholars and our black elite seldom ask. For too much of our black business class leadership, gentrification isn't a question of economic justice. It's just another way to get paid
evictions and gentrification have become national epidimics via hobama!!!
i hate u for your elitist racist silent consent!!!
i hate u 4 pretending that hobama's HORRID abuses of poor black people are ok just because his deadbeat dad was black!!!!
We love this community but we will have to work to restore it to all its splendid capacity. And that does not happen with wholesale removal of the current population. I drove downtown to meet with James Keys, leading candidate in District 6, on Sixth Street and I was astonished at what looks to be a poverty pipeline.
With this campaign we have to fight to plug the mass leak of people systemically pressed into nearly abject poverty. It is like watching the death of the spirit of a city that the world depends upon to be the one place where right is right and fair is fair.
So what’s really going on, San Francisco? Where has the love of San Francisco gone? It is looking more and more like the policies of our city are driving its populace, its neighborhoods and its political choices to a strange place.
"we hate that u pretend such collective flight plays no role in the collective demise of those left behind"
See this is the $hit that pisses me off.
AB you can rant and rail till dogs fly but I know damn well that you don't live in the hood.
Nor does LAA, FP and the other yappers.
It's like black people have to feel guilty about busting their asses to succeed and provide safe, nourishing environments for their families.
I didn't run to any white community. It was important to us that our family live in a community of black professionals and achievers so that THIS would be the norm that our children accept.
People like so to really resent the notion of black success..
If it sad but still another manifestation of the incredible self-hatred that many of our brothers and sisters are still afflicted with.
like hobama
u lie
quote me or stfu
who said u ran to a white community????
who denied u a life of wealth????
it is your pauper mind and soul that i loathe!!!
i was born into black success and still i feel more for poor balcks than nig rich soulless fools like u!!!
i have never lived in the hood yet i have always spent and still do spend more time than u and u WERE born there!!!
i do more than LIE as u do about people who dwell there NOW not being an increasing NORM and deserving empathy and help from hobama!!!!
that should embarass u as u lie and betray your own!!!!
shame u amoral lying mongrel!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"So what’s really going on, San Francisco? Where has the love of San Francisco gone? It is looking more and more like the policies of our city are driving its populace, its neighborhoods and its political choices to a strange place."
Uh, that would be liberal policies, AB. That strange place is where Detroit, Oakland, and Newark went.
u r a lying racist race traitor!!!
there is no better example of self hatred than a native ghetto nig like u who disses the global ghettos of the new world order and adores hobama who is creating global ghettos for decades to come
liberals are broke!
they own no banks or politicos in dc!!!
rich neocons own urban properties
wake up!
those u call yappers are real revolutionaries
who are not deluded by ghetto nigs who came up and bailed out like u did!!!
we understand that when white racists who rule dc and hobama yap about nigs
they include us ALL!!!
IRRESPECTIVE of our elite addresses bloodlines degrees etc!!!!
the world is a ghetto u mongrel
and when u realize that
u r not your lawn
u will wake up too u foolish mongrel!!!!
"Uh, that would be liberal policies, AB. That strange place is where Detroit, Oakland, and Newark went."
Which "liberal" policies are you referring to???
While you're at it, how detailing a time and place when the great urban American cities were run by conservatives.
See this is okey doke that racists and Toms continue to try to run on the uniformed.
The great old urban centers like Detroit, Cleveland , Milwaukee, Buffalo, Pittsburgh have been run by liberal Democrats for 100 hundred years.
All was hunky dory when the mills and factories were pumping out products to the worldwide market.
Unions were powerful. Social Services were plenty for the people in trouble.
When American industry outsourced or went under AND the US government financed white flight to the suburbs, these areas became overwhelmingly non-white and poor.
Don't forget ass-non to tell which "liberal" policies destroyed the inner city.
Stupid ass.
the hood is harder than ever under hobama!!!!
while being a bankster = sheer bliss!!!
About 55,000 children in California and 4,000 in Alameda and Contra Costa counties will lose their child care services on Nov. 1 because of a $256 million cut made by the governor to help balance the state's shaky budget, according to estimates from a statewide child care advocacy group and the California Department of Education.
Their parents -- given only about two weeks notice -- might have to leave their jobs to care for them. "When I heard this, my heart just dropped," said Rosa Sanchez, a medical assistant at the O.A.S.I.S. Clinic in Oakland who lives in Castro Valley with her two daughters, who are 4 and 7. "Everything that I've ever worked for is just gone."
to LAA--you need to stop. you won.
i am simply incapable of being as mean as you. i don't have it in me, and i will not waste my energy attempting to think of clever personal insults like do, which have no relationship to who you are or what you are like IRL. i live a real, honest, authentic life in which i am productive member of society.
you cannot say the same.
instead, i'll just remind you of what we ALL know to be true about you and that is your blatant racism. you are the only one who ever made an issue of my race. i haven't.
you come here everyday to separate white from black. but you're not content to do just that, oh, no. you also split your own race with your colorist attitudes. then you turn on black men, and for pure sport it would seem, you next attack latinos and others you think are beneath you.
white women you hate most, yet reserve your strongest vitrol for women and men in interracial relationships.
you treat this blog like it's the comments section of essence magazine or a dating site.
it's neither. i didn't come here to pursue an inter-racial relationship. i can here to pursue interracial POLITICS and justice, which if you ever bothered to read, you'd see is what most posts are about.
you've never had a productive relationship with a white person in your life, because you think every one of us is "privileged"--and yes--you are jealous. of what i have no idea, because you don't know what resources and opportunities any one of us have had.
you turn against me even when we agree simply because i am white. you're the very same HN that FN was writing about in his last post. you bring nothing positive or productive to this blog. ever.
i'm not your enemy. you are your own enemy.
do u not just puke as i do when maria goes into her mother theresa meets kim kardashian swag?!?...
maria has no problem being mean to me and many others herein
and she is proving her catty amorality by daring to insult and degrade your superior intellectual regal posts
a black woman has no rights that a wf bimbo cheered on by oj nigs is bound to respect even on a black blog
that is a gd shame!!!!
Why is there an immediate assumption that the young lad was pure and blameless?
Just as Black is not an automatic "guilty"...it is not an automatic "Angel from heaven".
Let us peruse the evidence first...
what could u possibly have that laa envies?????
pray tell
long blonde hair?
can you read?
and yes--you are jealous. of what i have no idea, because you don't know what resources and opportunities any one of us have had.
only in your own oj mind
my long lovely black soft locks surpass that dyed horse hair u make your stepford wife wear always!!!!
u r one lost s-curled balding smooth brained nig...starving for knowledge!!!!
oj has made u a cloned fool
what resources?
how do those help u as a divorced single mom????
ab, the only "mean" thing i ever said to you was that you are insane.
which isn't mean, it's just true. you are the queen of snarky insults. but i am not talking to you.
that conked shi* u wear on your head and that blonde wig your wife buys to look like maria only looks good to u
You're so eloquent.
Your post at 3:17 moved me to the core.
Harold Ford....uhhh...Steve
all wf bimbos like maria move u
because oj nigs like u have no cores
and soulless bitches like maria are your hollow shallow cloned soulmates
what is crazy is that a moron like you would think any intelligent bf would envy you
anytime a trifling lying cave bitch like you disses any black woman
u r talking to me
u have allowed ojs herein to pump u up
but u r still one flat airhead in my book
"Mack do you wear women's underwear? You are far more vicious and troublesome than a gossiping woman sitting under the fish market. Have you no shame? Can't you move on like a real man? "
"Does his wife takin care of him and payin all de bills like a little bitch count?
Mack got his panties twisted now that shit is funny."
"Good morning MackLyons you buceta breath fishmongering gossip making little bitch whore....now go change them dirty panties and beg your wife for sum mo money."
So this is pretty much all you and your doppelgangers can do -- hurl insults at one's manhood and hope they either back down or blow up? From the looks of things, you're just about done.
These complexes of yours have you in a death grip, madam. I suggest you seek wise council to have those issues worked out as soon as possible, before they completely ruin your physical and mental well-being.
u r a blatant liar
you have posted many mean things about me not wanting to do hobama and breed babies that look like him...as u long to do daily
u prove your amoral amnesia with each lie u post about me
just as u prove your jungle fevered arrogant ignorance with each brazen blatant lie u post about laa
jill nelson described u and uts well here maria
may god rest her eternally bf soul
Jill and I, and our kindred sister spirits are not bitter, we are battered; emotionally/racially/physically/politically/financially/socially etc…We are not anti-male. We are anti-misogyny. Many mindless females are misogynists too. We are not "bitches", we are survivors and warriors. We are not racists. We are realists. I prefer womanism to feminism because too many feminists prefer racism/elitism to global sisterhood.
From Straight, No Chaser: “White feminist women ignore me, cut deals for themselves, and then invite me to the meeting, panel or forum as an afterthought, when it suddenly occurs to them that they need a visible- and preferably silent- black woman on stage to give their self-interested agenda the image of inclusion…Nationalists essentially colluded with white men and mainstream media to portray feminism and the feminist movement as antithetical to black women who, unlike those crazy white women, had never had it good, loved men, weren't dykes, and liked wearing a bra…Twenty years later racism is alive and very well, there is no national voice or organization fighting for the rights of black women, and most of us are far from being Miss Ann, although more black men, many of them lapsed nationalists, are busy balling her.”
abbey lincoln describes bar/blog trolls like u and uts equally expertly:
Jazz stylist and author Abbey Lincoln managed to capture this exact same offensiveness as exhibited by heterosexual white women, in her enraged classic essay entitled “Who Will Revere The Black Woman?”, published in the renowned womanist anthology The Black Woman, edited by Toni Cade (1970):
“We are the women whose bars and recreation halls are invaded by flagrantly disrespectful, bigoted, simpering, amoral, emotionally unstable, outcast, maladjusted, nyphomaniacal, condescending white women...in desperate and untiring search of the “frothing-at-the-mouth-for-a white-woman, strong backed, sixty-minute hot black”.... We are the women who, upon protesting this invasion of our privacy and sanctity and sanity, are called “jealous”, and “evil”, and “small-minded”, and “prejudiced”...
When a white man “likes colored girls”, his woman (the white woman) is the last one he wants to know about it. Yet, seemingly, when a Negro “likes white girls”, his woman (the Black woman) is the first he wants to know about it. White female rejects and social misfits are flagrantly flaunted in our faces as the ultimate in feminine pulchritude. Our women are encouraged by our own men to strive to look and act as much like the white female image as possible, and only those who approach that “goal” in physical appearance and social behavior are acceptable. At best, we are made to feel that we are poor imitations and excuses for white women.
Evil? Evil, you say? The Black woman is hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, resentful, frightened, and evil! Who in this hell dares suggest that she should be otherwise? These attitudes only point up her perception of the situation and her healthy rejection of the same.”
then there is the timeless classic song from meshell about insane nigs like u and uts!
Meshell Ndegeocello powerfully conveyed this very same rage in her classic rebel tune entitled “Soul on Ice” from her debut CD Plantation Lullaby ( 1993):
"We've been indoctrinated and convinced by the white racist standard of beauty
The overwhelming popularity of seeing, better off being, and looking white
My brothers attempt to defy the white man's law and his system of values
Defile his white women....
Visions of her virginal white beauty Dancin' in your head
Your soul's on ice
Illusions of her virginal white beauty dancin’ in your head
You let my sisters go by
Brother brother brother
Are you suffering from a social infection/mis-direction
Excuse me, does your white woman go better with your Brooks Brothers suit?...
Used to be customary to bow one's eyes at the sight of a white face
conks and fade creams
sad passion
deferred dreams
I am a reflection of you
Black and blue
pure as the tears of coal-colored children
crying for acceptance
You can't run from yourself
She's just an illusion...
Black love anthems play behind white-skinned affection ...
But you no longer burn for the motherland brown skin
You want blond-haired, blue-eyed soul
Snow White passion without the hot comb
Is that open-minded love thing an equality thing?
Take a look in the mirror
You don’t love yourself..."
"You don’t love yourself..."
I love me some me.
Where da white women at?
nothing is an insane in america as loving blackness!!!
u uts and hobama will never qualify!!!
no matter how geeked teh resident ojs make u,
u will never be black enough to diss laa or me or any bf
wiggas like u and nigs like uts even inspired a classic tome:
There's an old remark to the effect that if you toss a Harvard boy in a locked room with a ghetto kid for a month, well, who'll come out sounding like whom? This collection, edited by Village Voice critic Tate (Flyboy in the Buttermilk), attempts a sociology of that transaction, as repeated perpetually throughout American culture. Contributors including Carl Hancock-Rux (on Eminem), Hilton Als (on Richard Pryor) and Renee Green (on a complex of film and social theory) advance considerations more specifically directed than Norman Mailer's classic "The White Negro."
How does the majority, dominant, power-holding culture appropriate elements of the disenfranchised minority culture? In myriad ways, according to this collection of new essays edited by Village Voice writer Tate. From Picasso and Pollock to Steely Dan and Eminem, the white imitation of black ways has profoundly "colored" Western culture. Despite the book's subtitle, this work is as much about the varied emotional and intellectual responses of black thinkers to this phenomenon as it is about cultural appropriation per se. Ranging from Hilton Als to Jonathan Lethem, the contributors include professors, artists, musicians, and writers, and their essays embrace research (on the Left and the "Negro Question"), theory (on the primal history of thugs), and personal reflection (whether an impassioned account of sexual jealousy or reserved observations on James Brown and Malian youth), plus snippets of verse and drama. The degree of formality in the language varies enough to be distracting. The collection's stylistic diversity and idiosyncratic selection of topics create a provocative, if rather trying, reading experience. Recommended for substantial academic and public collections on race and American culture.
Janet Ingraham Dwyer, Worthington Libs.
u dsigrace the entire black race
and your mammy most
"In A- merry-ca(thx for this field), the house negores end up being the ones who are semi assimilated not because they wanted to leave black folks in the hood, but shit, they believe in moving ahead and don't look to their blackness as some defining paradigm on their whole essence(well they kinda do, prob went to HBCU's, b/c a different world inspired them. Inspired them out of the big piece of pie, while they share the 5% they were given.
Don't worry keep doing you, this slave owning negro will be the one whose son will be next president of america, all the wile ya'll will still be saying he's not as "black" as me."
It's the underlying tone and antagonism towards "lesser" Blacks that mark you as a "House Negro". The fact that you would gleefully and ruthlessly use other Blacks as your own personal step ladders to success marks you as a "slave-owning House Negro". While it's understandable for anyone to put themselves and their families in a place of security and well-being, denigrating and running from the Black community while making no effort to help improve it can be marked as "House Negro behavior".
"The black community in America, is shit. WhY? we seem to be on some all black crap, like the world is all black."
The world is not all "White", even though the sheer influence of White Americans and Europeans make it seem that way. The worst thing the Black community can do is to take your underlying advice and assimilate into White American culture, completely losing its own in the process.
"So while we are callign each other slave like character defamating adjectives. The so called other races are working to ascend, we been here 400 years and nothing's changed, still shucking, jiving and cooning."
You assume this lack of progress is completely and totally the fault of African Americans. I take it you are not a big fan of history. This does not excuse the ill behavior of some within the Black community, but to accuse it of being it's own barrier of progress seems a bit disingenuous.
"When a white man “likes colored girls”, his woman (the white woman) is the last one he wants to know about it. Yet, seemingly, when a Negro “likes white girls”, his woman (the Black woman) is the first he wants to know about it. White female rejects and social misfits are flagrantly flaunted in our faces as the ultimate in feminine pulchritude. Our women are encouraged by our own men to strive to look and act as much like the white female image as possible, and only those who approach that “goal” in physical appearance and social behavior are acceptable. At best, we are made to feel that we are poor imitations and excuses for white women."
The above suggests that a Black man's word is the only validation of a Black woman's self-worth.
Something's really wrong with that picture.
The same ones were on here jumping up and down cheering for the Prince of Lichtenstein and his black wife.
The neuroses and hypocrisy is mind-boggling.
how did u possibly get to that????
u r lost in an imaginary forest and missing real trees
confusion never trumps truth
we love many interracial duos
what do 2 broke blog trolls/a wf peasant like maria and a black mongrel court jester like u have to do with that regal interracial couple???
we love halle and olivier!
scan up
see uts become orgasmic over blonde hair
that is proof of truth!
I like everything that has been said since my last comment. Even the things i disagree with.
However, i must clarify that by saying i have house and field negroes was a reference to the fact that the majority of the black community maybe thru "the struggle" sees ourself as different from mainstream. Whereas i am saying that i want to own the team not be a player hence the reference to owning them both.
But the world keeps spining, immigrants keep coming and going into America and yet we still remian challenged by the same issues.
Yes Obama is upper middle class and may have not faced as much of the struggle as the next black guy. That does not make him any less black or half-black depending on your political correctedness.
Alcia banks keeps calling obama , hobama.
but what dimwits like her don't realize is that those blacks who end up in Token situations do more to alleviate racial tensions than all this fighting and bickering and activism. Because let's face it when can you being an 'angry black' get close to someone in power who can actually help when you keep being all militant? Never.
because let's face it, white privilege ain't going anywhere, and blacks in america are viewed in athletic, sexual or entertainment prowess and not brain prowess.
untill that changes we will all be field negroes.
And while we are at it, the white man doesnt have to do shit, b/c last i checked we are the onses killing ourself and stuffing our bodies, with"soul food.
Keep it on, I'llhave my grilled chicken with no macaroni and hear killing cheese.
Instead let's work on positive images of black people in the media to help our kids.
Thee blackest brady
gawd that loser buceta breaf moron has ruined ur comments section field clearly that iq has failed her cuz this shit is tiresome old and yawn boring! at a damn idgit convention or sumthin!
UTS: "The great old urban centers like Detroit, Cleveland , Milwaukee, Buffalo, Pittsburgh have been run by liberal Democrats for 100 hundred years."
WRONG (as usual). Modern liberalism had no control of anything until Great Depression. Even then, the democrats were more conservative in most ways than the tea party is today. Liberals took over only after WWII and really got in gear in 1960's. These were great cities, but it didn't take long to run them into the ground.
Today it is liberal taxes and anti-business regulations that keep the jobs away, and liberal teachers unions and corrupt democratic patronage school boards that keep the residents away.
It's so obvious that to deny it you have to want not to believe it.
black shady:
hobama and his illuminati ilk are fashioning a GLOBAL field as deluded house nigs like you admire his imagery
no one has ushered in more white privilege in america than that half white corp whore hobama and his white banksters!!!
hobama's blackish imagery will never pay your rent or sign a check
or stop him from robbing your broke black ass to pay banksters
hobama has ERASED the middle class in all races
but the black middle class has been erased WORST!!!
hobama is a rabid elitist reared by a cia bankster!!!
shame that hobama nazi drones like you care more about black imagery than black poverty
and fret over what i call hobama rather than calling him out by any name u choose!!!!
i have never attended any of your defective dna family reunions
as always
u lost me
black shady:
hobama's blackish
imagery will never create one job in america
cc that hnic hobama
his imagery will save no jobs for him or his peers
The president and his party may have racked up one legislative victory after another — on the bank bailouts, the stimulus package, the health care bill, and so forth — but ordinary Americans do not feel as if their lives or their prospects are improving. And they don’t think it’s a public relations problem.
Nearly 15 million are jobless and many who are working are worried that they (or a close relative) will soon become unemployed. The once solid foundation of home ownership has grown increasingly wobbly, with the number of foreclosures this year expected to surpass a million. And the country is still at war.
The voter unrest that is manifesting itself in myriad (and often peculiar) ways reflects a real fear that not just family finances but the country itself is in a state of decline. “I don’t know where we’re headed,” said a businessman named Chuck Carruthers, who chatted with me in a coffee shop in Atlanta last week. “But I’ll tell you the truth, I don’t think it’s anyplace good.”
Neither the Democrats nor the Republicans have come to grips with this fear, although the Republicans have done yeoman’s work exploiting it.
black shady:
was hobama a militant when he helped banksters and pharma corps???
why do u assume he must be militant exclusively to help poor people????
u mindless hobama nazis are more blind each day
Brady: "Yes Obama is upper middle class and may have not faced as much of the struggle as the next black guy. That does not make him any less black or half-black depending on your political correctedness."
You're getting close on some things Brady, but on this you are wrong. Obama is NOT "Black" in the American sense of the word.
He is not descended from slaves. He grew up in Hawaii and Malaysia in places he never even saw black people. For most of his life, he lived in White America. He never knew his father. His blackness is a costume he fashioned, with the help of Michelle and Rev. Wright, to further his political career. He helped himself to the vast political capital blacks had slaved for centuries to accumulate, and he blew it all in two years on white liberal fantasies.
He has used his considerable gifts toward the goal of self-promotion instead of self-improvement, and his narcissistic cluelessness is destroying the country.
black shady:
hobama is starving and abusing your kids...even the ones unborn!!!
sherrod said it best
hobama knows nothing about black america and that is why he is abusing us so!!!
shame we still don his tees and seek his autograph as he slays us!!!
hobama organized slums and pimped the tucc in chicago
we know how much he cares about poor blacks in chi!!!
grove parc slums
slumlord valerie jarret
uber slumlord tony rezko etc
hos flock together!!!
black shady:
that blackish evil elitist nig hobama was angry enough to brawl for banksters/RX corps/skippy gates but not angry enough to fight for jobs or deal with race or sean bell....
that should make you MUCH angrier than my righteous nickname hobama!!!
nothing is more dimwitted than a broke safe tame nig who defends hobama being angry only for banksters!!!!
that hobama got so angry for banksters that he made them CEASE doing anything to ease the anger of foreclosed homeless of all races....
hobama banned the ban...got anger???
Hey AB, Obama just signed an executive order to enhance education for Hispanic students (ONLY). Funny, he isn't concerned about any type of racial "backlash" from the majority population for just singling-out and helping a particular "race"/community. What about the poor black inner city students who are also at disadvantage?
Y'all negroes keep playing with this blackish president. LOL
Looks like Aleesha was right all along. But none of you dummies has enough class to apologize to her. Aleesha, have you looked at the new book "The Mendacity of Hope"?
La♥audiobooks, are you cute? Where's your photo?
Maria said: "you've never had a productive relationship with a white person in your life, because you think every one of us is "privileged"--and yes--you are jealous. of what i have no idea, because you don't know what resources and opportunities any one of us have had."
If No_slappz or some other white man had said that ignorant fool-nuttery, Steve and the usual suspects would have been on his ass like hot fry chicken.
LAA, "If No_slappz or some other white man had said that ignorant fool-nuttery, Steve and the usual suspects would have been on his ass like hot fry chicken."
You are right. White liberals can get away with saying anything to these dummies, let a conservative say something equally stupid.
Anony said: "You are right. White liberals can get away with saying anything to these dummies, let a conservative say something equally stupid."
I know, but it's not fair for Maria though, even when she says something this stupid and racially ignorant, she still can't get a black man to get on her ass. LOL. Ok let me stop....
nice blog...visit me back
amen sista!!!
king shrub did not do HALF of what his blackish hoax kin hobama has done and he was crucified by blacks like me for 8 yrs!
shrub is still hated and blamed for all hobama has done...
i will NEVER EVA judge hobama by any lesser bar than his kinder gentler cloned wm cuz king shrub because unlike his blind black hobama nazi fans...i am NOT a racist coddler!!!
i stand by all i say even solo
before the horrid hoax of hobama is history,
debra d
mike d
cornel w
harry b
and i etc...
ALL of us will be vindicated
hobama is just warming up and has shrewdly set up his worst sins for 2016
my 1st name is spanish
my dad named me after 2 spanish & french profs' daughters
"uh lee see uh - meshell"
alicia michelle
"If No_slappz or some other white man had said that ignorant fool-nuttery, Steve and the usual suspects would have been on his ass like hot fry chicken."
Anyone seen him lately? Him, Grinder and a lot of other folk are MIA these days.
sanford grady:
we need more anger about real issues in america!!!!....not less!!!
americans need to get as angry about hobama as they do about nfl/nba games and fake reality tv!!!
when house nigs like u learn to be like the field nigs of all races in brazil britain and france etc...the revolution will come and hobama will have no more blind nazi fans like YOU!!!!
"Today it is liberal taxes and anti-business regulations that keep the jobs away, and liberal teachers unions and corrupt democratic patronage school boards that keep the residents away."
So if that was the case why didn't big industry like the steel mills and the tire factories and the auto assembly lines just move to more conservative Republican areas of the US????
Instead of to China and India?
It's the lack of a middle class tax base which prevents these urban areas from providing proper education and services to their poor residents.
LAA, "Hey AB, Obama just signed an executive order to enhance education for Hispanic students (ONLY). Funny, he isn't concerned about any type of racial "backlash" from the majority population for just singling-out and helping a particular "race"/community. What about the poor black inner city students who are also at disadvantage?"
Wow. Well, at least he is consistent in his regards to Blacks. We shouldn't expect anything from him. Besides, everyone, including a lot of Blacks on this blog, think Latinos should be taken care of first.
I am glad you addressed your comment to AB, cause Field doesn't talk about the way Obama ignores Blacks. You see, Obama is powerless to do anything directly for Blacks without getting criticized by White Americans. That's why he did the next best thing and helped Latinos. But don't worry, as soon as they move ahead of Blacks, then maybe, i.e. "maybe" poor Blacks will get help.
LAA you have me laughing out loud. girl you are messing up my eyeliner. LOL!
AB, forever educating. know that as a lover of knowledge, i appreciate you and others like you!
"Oh, and I don't want to drag bullshit from one post to another,"
sure you do! otherwise you would not have done it. that rock of truth LAA hurled at the pack of dogs hit you square between the eyes and you can't help but yelp! and still yelping today. LOL!
it is the truth that when one hurls a rock into a pack of dogs, the one that yelps is the one that got hit!
"but LAA, you got some issues to work out."
now that is a classic case of PROJECTION. your issues have you spending time bickering with women , like a ladyboy does extremely well. it is one of the only things ladyboys do well...act like women. what is really sad is that you KNOW the womenfolk ARE NOT lying! you are making noise because your little feelings got hurt. who decided the menfolk feelings mattered more than the women with black folks? isn't that the exact OPPOSITE of how humans behave? aren't WOMEN supposed to be the emotion led ones?
i don't know who said they would not allow their sons around a woman like me. whoever said it did so with as much profanity as his fingers would allow him to type. and if the current parenting style is any indication, he is probably teleparenting and sending checks only when he feels like it. whether forced by the government or of your own volition...if that.
please know it is good you would not allow your son, ESPECIALLY if he is emulating your model of "manhood", around me. see, i believe in calling the police on fool acting, out of control, undisciplined, overly emotional negroes. and since quite a few are disrespectful, teenaged, fatherless superpredators these days; it could be the wisest thing i have heard you say thus far.
especially, since i know the justice system is set up to secure as many of you negroes as possible and ya'll can't WAIT to help them by your unacceptable MISbehavior; your proactiveness would allow me to not feel any type of guilt at your child being tried and sentenced like an adult, which happens routinely. see? win win.
now on topic:
AB, the naacp is trying desperately to remain any type of relevance. it is exceedingly difficult to do, when the enemies of black folks are mostly INTERNAL these days.
for every news story about a bad cop shooting a black person, there could very well be, if folks cared, MANY more where the killer(s) is/are a black person(s). yet black folks have been conditioned to default to racism for EVERY ill. a lot of our ills today are a result of abandoning standards, accountability, responsibility, good ole common decency, and sense.
it would not matter to me if the naacp COMPLETELY dissolved. they are as plugged into the current times and timely , as an organization, as calling folks "colored" is today...NOT.
just ONE example of my assertion can be found here:
the naacp has demonstrated that in practice, it could NOT care less about black women and black children. there was a black boy that was irreparably scarred by that crime against humanity linked. the naacp didn't care about him EITHER. THAT is how BLACK PEOPLE come to be...through the women and children. surely it is not SO difficult for folks to understand that the girls and boys of today, become the women and men of tomorrow? the naacp got off easy as far as i am concerned.
"If No_slappz or some other white man had said that ignorant fool-nuttery, Steve and the usual suspects would have been on his ass like hot fry chicken."
I don't recall Maria engaging in the vile foamy mouthed racism that slappy regularly displayed.
You have to wonder why AB and LAA never gave slappy one-tenth of the hate and harassment that they've directed at Maria.
Well actually you really don't have to wonder.
BTW Maria,
LAA and AB haven't had meaningful relationships with white men for lack of desire.
The white boys just aren't cooperating.
hey sanford grady:
tame tom nigs like u inspire me so!
u will love this too sista!
Dear Maria, just want you to know that you are very much missed. Please come back.
AB is evil for treating you so wrongly. UTS and LAC should have protected you. Guess they aren't very strong men. But Anons will protect you from those witches. It is clear that your D C neighbor mr. UTS is a weak man, and undependable. But we have some anons who will slam dunk AB and make her wish she was never born.
AB is afraid of anons because we are strong men, not weak like LAC and UTS. I am so sorry AB acted like a shit. But please, please, please, come back.
***FIELD, please say something encouraging, this is a special case...NO..it's an emergency. You have not said one nice comforting word to Maria and you need to.
Field, I know you don't usually get involved in matters like this, but dammit, this is a special affirmative action case! We can't have ghetto mongrels running all over Maria...Now do your duty as black man. And knock the laughing. this is not funny.
it is clear that all of u lying foolish delusional loyal nigs who slave for maria grow loco weed on her plantation...
stop smoking her crops!!!
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