"There's something about the icecream truck that makes kids lose it. And they can hear that shit from ten blocks away. They don't hear their mothers calling but they hear that motherfucking icecream truck. " ~Eddie Murphy~
Yes, kids in the hood love the ice-cream man. It's not like they have shit else to look forward to from day to day. Anyway, apparently one corporation figured this out. But, instead of the ice cream man, it's the cigarette man they allegedly went pushing on the kids from the hood.
Yes, kids in the hood love the ice-cream man. It's not like they have shit else to look forward to from day to day. Anyway, apparently one corporation figured this out. But, instead of the ice cream man, it's the cigarette man they allegedly went pushing on the kids from the hood.
"BOSTON (AP) — Leslie Adamson said the white truck that stopped at the Boston housing project she grew up in brought adults and children running, much like a visit from the ice cream man.
But instead of sweets, the truck brought free cigarette samples.
The cigarette giveaways are a central issue in a lawsuit brought against Lorillard Tobacco Co. by a man who claims his mother was introduced to smoking as a child through the free samples and became so addicted that she was unable to quit and eventually died of lung cancer. Lorillard denies that anyone from the company gave out cigarettes to children.
Willie Evans, the son of Marie Evans, alleges in his lawsuit that Lorillard gave away Newport cigarettes in urban neighborhoods in an effort to hook black children and teenagers on cigarettes. Marie Evans died in 2002 at the age of 54 after smoking for four decades.
Adamson, Marie Evans’ younger sister, was the first witness to testify as the trial opened in Suffolk Superior Court on Friday. She said she first began getting free cigarettes in packs of 4 when she was about 7 or 8 years old in the Orchard Park housing project.
“It looked like a Frosty truck,” Adamson said. “I just remember people clamoring and cigarettes being handed out.”' [Full story]
But instead of sweets, the truck brought free cigarette samples.
The cigarette giveaways are a central issue in a lawsuit brought against Lorillard Tobacco Co. by a man who claims his mother was introduced to smoking as a child through the free samples and became so addicted that she was unable to quit and eventually died of lung cancer. Lorillard denies that anyone from the company gave out cigarettes to children.
Willie Evans, the son of Marie Evans, alleges in his lawsuit that Lorillard gave away Newport cigarettes in urban neighborhoods in an effort to hook black children and teenagers on cigarettes. Marie Evans died in 2002 at the age of 54 after smoking for four decades.
Adamson, Marie Evans’ younger sister, was the first witness to testify as the trial opened in Suffolk Superior Court on Friday. She said she first began getting free cigarettes in packs of 4 when she was about 7 or 8 years old in the Orchard Park housing project.
“It looked like a Frosty truck,” Adamson said. “I just remember people clamoring and cigarettes being handed out.”' [Full story]
WTF? The "Frosty truck" pushing Newport? "Oh come on now field, you know you black folks love your Newport cigarettes. So this company is trying to start them out a little young, what's the difference? We all know that they are going to end up smoking the damn things." Yes, black folks do love their menthols. Maybe some smart company can develop ice cream with nicotine in it. That way they can kill two birds with one stone. Or, one ice cream truck.
Finally, as if the poor post office isn't having enough problems. Now you have white folks taking out their frustrations on postal carriers of color; all because they happen to be the messengers. "Don't shoot the messenger", or, call the messenger the "N" word. I wonder who the certified letter to this frustrated woman was from? I am guessing it was the committee to re-elect Barack Obama.
Would the same people who allowed NO to drown give out cigarettes to children? Would the same folks who created 'religious skools' to keep AfAms from attending give out cigarettes to children? Would gawd-fearin biznessmen who run Enron, Arbusto, Halliburton, asbestos companies, tobacco companies, S&Ls, and bankers give out cigarettes to children?
Field, I watched the utube video of that angry white woman calling the postal service worker the N-word. I can only assume she expressed the feelings of all Whites in A-merry-ca.
Did you hear the part where she said black women are against black men? I guess FP and LAA's campaign against bm is working.
It's getting rough out there.
Field, "I wonder who the certified letter to this frustrated woman was from? I am guessing it was the committee to re-elect Barack Obama."
ROFL. Field, you are funny. I wonder if that woman went upside his head again cuz she did not want that letter! lol I hope we find out what it was...lol
I am guessing those four in a pack, were the same ones they made up for soldiers to issue with their C rations, mess kits and TP.
Anyone seen how horrible that poor woman looked? I tell ya, hatred can do a hell of a number on a person's face. Every ounce of that hate just pouring out of that woman's face...
These old buzzards will relocate themselves underneath this ol' earth soon enough, but their views and ideology won't die with them, thanks to various idiots, bigots and jackasses spreading the spirit of bigotry and hatred like the plague.
Yes, they will get our kids hooked on their corporate poison, and in typical negro fashion, Blacks will allow it to go on unscathed.
Goddamn, when is enough enough?
I grew up around smokers. It's a eye opening experience to see family members so sick that they cant hardly move but they want someone to put a cigarette to their mouth for a few puffs. These were older people so they were hooked long before Kools and Newports where the norm.
I left a state the banned smoking in public places, moved to another, and went to one to visit that hasn't banned smoking, went to a restaurant and couldn't eat becuase of the smokers. And I grew up around them.
As far as the Postal Workers Video, I wont hold my breath to see if Foxnews will cover this story 'fair and balanced'
I almost woke the neighborhood laughing. That postal worker should have gotten more than a slap from Ms. Becky.
He had no right sitting there entertaining that sick silly woman. He should have stated his peace and drove off a long time ago. But no, she had time to surprise him with the n-word, the palm of her hand, and then her theory on IQ. But did he drIve off even after that? Noooo, for some reason he still stuck around to act surprised.
And yes I am going to say it. If that was a black woman who went upside his head, he would have turned into the incredible hulk on her behind. In fact, it wouldn't have gotten that far, he would have wasted no time to drive off, while leaving the poor sista behind with just the one arm attached to her body.
But but ma'am... but ma'am. LOL
As for the cigarette situation, I have mix feelings, so I'll sit that one out.
Shabazz said...
"Yes, they will get our kids hooked on their corporate poison, and in typical negro fashion, Blacks will allow it to go on unscathed. Goddamn, when is enough enough?"
Ah lighten up and have smoke, shobizzo.
They should just abolish the post office, and send all those lazy f**ckers home.
Mold said...
"Would the same people who allowed NO to drown give out cigarettes to children? Would the same folks who created 'religious skools' to keep AfAms from attending give out cigarettes to children? Would gawd-fearin biznessmen who run Enron, Arbusto, Halliburton, asbestos companies, tobacco companies, S&Ls, and bankers give out cigarettes to children?"
The people who "allowed" themselves to drown were the dumb sons of bitches who stayed in NO during a hurricane, and who probably voted for Ray Nagin for mayor.
This is just another scumbag lawyer trawling for lawsuits.
You don't have a job, do you Moldy? You probably know all those daytime TV lawyer commercials by heart.
"Did you hear the part where she said black women are against black men? I guess FP and LAA's campaign against bm is working."
lol. you give too much credit too freely. i submit to you that all that consistent bad behavior coupled with the non stop excuses, deny deny deny tactic, and the silent "good" bm is getting the job done. in due time ANYONE will get fed up and declare ENOUGH. nonblks folks that i know have wondered why it was taking so long for bw to wake up and snap out of it. how do they call it? bm don't know how to treat their women. that's it. the only ones that are missing it are quite a few bm.
this woman is going off. what in the world? poor postal worker. now you know if not at work, that exchange would have looked a lot different.
but wait...ww can't be racist! its just the wm. lol. she was just having a bad day i am sure.
LOL. i was SO tickled. negroes have been trained to allow ww, even the most undesirable to tap dance across their faces...in high heels. LOL. i HAVE to believe that he would have behaved differently had he not been at work. not hit her, just sternly invite her to knock it off. heck, call the police on her. something.
"And yes I am going to say it. If that was a black woman who went upside his head, he would have turned into the incredible hulk on her behind. In fact, it wouldn't have gotten that far, he would have wasted no time to drive off, while leaving the poor sista behind with just the one arm attached to her body."
ROFLMBO! if a bw had hauled off and hit him, that would have been his green light to treat her like a man, or a strong black woman. LOL.
ok, i have laughed REALLY hard behind this video.
it kills me how when non blk folks notice little stuff like quite a few bm would rather sell drugs than go to school or that smarter bw are starting to see that they have been hoodwinked, that it is bw going around spreading the word. the ONLY ones that can't see what is right before them are quite a few bm and heavily indoctrinated/conditioned, waiting for their black prince ('cause they are out there in abundance and on the way home, they are just stuck in a bit of traffic. LOL.) sista soldiers.
LAA, your comment caused ANOTHER round of good for the soul laughter. thank you.
on a serious note, with regard to the cigarettes. when i was 7 or 8, there was no such thing as going ANYWHERE unsupervised. are those days completely over? there are strange adults in the ice cream trucks, stores, malls, etc. going by yourself was not the business or an option.
are folks REALLY shocked that big business targets children to increase their profit margin? they have been doing it for the longest with all colored children. from the cartoons on the boxes to now the ice cream trucks...
Field, "WTF? The "Frosty truck" pushing Newport? "Oh come on now field, you know you black folks love your Newport cigarettes. So this company is trying to start them out a little young, what's the difference? We all know that they are going to end up smoking the damn things."
Field, do they still push drugs? Guns? Liquor? Homelessness? So what's your beef with cigs?
With each generation of Blacks, it is getting tougher and tougher to be a black kid. No where is it safe for them, even at home. It can be overwhelming for some kids.
OT..“The white racist leadership of the Democrat Party is trying to ace out Clyburn,” Limbaugh said. “Clyburn has had power, but they want to take it away from him.” (frm Politico)
Field, fyi. Rush is standing up for Clyburn, not against him. Rush is right... The Dems are trying to take away Cly's power. Field, you have it all wrong-- it's the DEMS who are being racist. {You owe Rush an apology.}
The woman in the video was identified by some folks on Gawker and has a history of bizarre behaviour and is probably mentally ill. She's still a racist, but at least she can claim craziness as a defense. Some of these other junior Klu Kluxers...not so much.
MackLying, "Anyone seen how horrible that poor woman looked? I tell ya, hatred can do a hell of a number on a person's face. Every ounce of that hate just pouring out of that woman's face..."
Stop exaggerating, Mack. The woman just wanted to return a certifide letter that didn't belong to her. In case you missed it, she made it clear to the postal worker, that she was not a racist and tried to convey her empathy for him and his race. But folks like you have ignored that very important piece in the video.
When it comes to facts, you are one selective biased dude.
One more thing--that was not hate in that woman's face...It was fear, so don't get it twisted. The poor woman was afraid of being left with a certified letter that she merely wanted to return.
The postal worker wasn't being cooperative so she had no other choice but to unload and smack his uncooperative ass.
For pete's sake, Mack-- she is a tax paying citizen...she makes it possible for that worker to have a job. Can't you see that? The bm refused to do what she asked. I'm no lawyer, but legally , that could amount to serious 'insubordination' by a postal worker.
I bet if the postal worker was White, she wouldn't have had such trouble. My God, Mack! have a little compassion for a frightened old lady.
You really need to check yourself.:)
Dear Field, I believe that little old lady was the 'white' edition of Granny.:D Have a good week.
"As for the cigarette situation, I have mix feelings, so I'll sit that one out."
"MIXED FEELNGS"? La~Audio, I am not sure that there is any room for mixed feelings on this one. They were [allegedly]pushing cigs. to KIDS!! You don't have a problem with that?
"Stop exaggerating, Mack. The woman just wanted to return a certifide letter that didn't belong to her. In case you missed it, she made it clear to the postal worker, that she was not a racist and tried to convey her empathy for him and his race. But folks like you have ignored that very important piece in the video."
OK, that was meant to be a joke, right? :)
the cig companies are truly evil. big piece on front of NYT about how they're all banding together to oppose regulations OUTSIDE the US, because we've been too tough on us.
they are a global menace!
as far as marketing to blacks, they've always done that. and now that the FDA wants to ban menthol, which is more heavily smoked by minorities, there's a big cry that the FDA is being racist.
FP--i dispatched with you on the other thread; you'll have to wait for FN to post the comments.
I can't beleive that folks are still smoking. Everytime I see someone with a cigarette I'm awestruck, and I use to smoke, like a million years ago.
can u even imagine a cig truck selling to rich white kids in gated enclaves?...
those evil racist cig companies are saints compared to the burnt lipped life long cig addict hobama...
shame how u see so selectively!
Oh looky here
FP and LAA are doing their usual thing, claiming that if it had been a black woman slapping and cursing the brother he would have retaliated violently.
And if the brother had slapped this racist skank they would have been the first ones yelling "OJ!!"
fp & laa:
and uts would be defending him and harping about how more bros need to slap more of us etc....
Nah Ab,
What I'm saying is that you 3 really should come to grips with your totally irrational hatred of black men and resentment and jealousy of white women.
I mean really, who are you hurting but yourselves?
Black men and white women aren't really affected.
White guys sure aren't affected.
And the only sisters who will ally with you are the ones nobody wants anyway.
Rant on.
"And the only sisters who will ally with you are the ones nobody wants anyway."
Ain't that the truth!
u r a colorist eurocentric rabid black old fool in deep denial
carry on!
the only one here who hates black women and adores white women is you.
i adore black women and real black men that whiny lying beta male bitches like you never meet...
i adore real black men like tavis smiley and cornel west and mumia abu-jamal etc
the stepford doormats/marias you covet in both races are as nonexistent to me as all real black women and men are to court jesters like u
Heidi Klum ain't got nutting on me.
Hey AB,
Field, read what FP said at 1:43 am. That should cover it for me.
Maria why are you trying to provoke FP? You remind me of children who insist on playing with matches, or dumb chickens people always have to "shoo" out of their flower beds.
And you know when dumb chickens don't get the message or fail to see the danger, they eventually end up as... Now Maria, I'm trying to do you a kind service. Run along before the only thing that gets dispatched is a deep fryer and a bowl of wing dip.
FP, I apologize for Maria. I don't know who left the cage open, she was safe inside. Somthing musta gotten into her, I doubt it had anything to do with her mandigo prayers. It must be that Loreal hair dye, dumb blonde edition. Someone needs to dispatch a warning against THAT.
Yeah girl, I've been catching up on the previous threads. FP you are laying it down. You know I like reading the comedy, why some people provoke you and set themselves as fodder for comedy, I don't know. LOL.
fp slays all herein as always!
what got INTO maria were all of the adoring loyal protective flattering ...oj nigs on this blog...literally!
laa, fp and alicia buceta breaf stanks all yall r a bunch of phukking losers! and r the same bitter person u arent fooling nobody ya cooholes!
nobody slew anybody today ya tired chrifling turnip truckin fool! if anyone got slew it was ur ignint ass ya kuntheaded goat!
This story about the Newports is unbelievable except that we all know that too many major corporations absolutely have no soul. I will definitely share this story with others.
Did you hate-mongering black racists catch the recent news about yet another chimp out? It seems 5 or 6 "thug" negroes stomped to death a decent black teenager at a party. Sounding familiar, isn't it? Gosh, all that stirring up of resentment and hatred was supposed to be only directed at whitey, right field? It wasn't supposed to be directed at you 'privileged' negroes and your offspring.
You'd better hug them twice when they go back to college after Thanksgiving, because they are seen as being 'privileged' by the amoral thugs that'll be crashing their college parties.
maria is enabled in her INCESSANT offensive brazen and arrogant ignorance by her oj posse herein just as that vulgar ghetto illiterate retard vdlr is enabled by fn...
fn allows her UNIQUELY free reign in her moronism and XXX profanity as he exclusively and formally censors others while simultaneusly allowing her to remain a stupid nasty unchecked resident dunce clown...
atlanta really has become ground zero for the murderous turbo bred buck wild heathens that pour out of vdlr's and her clones' wombs like fatal waters flow from sewers...
nobody slew anybody today ya tired chrifling turnip truckin fool! if anyone got slew it was ur ignint ass ya kuntheaded goat!
and talking about someones parentage real or imagined is tacky just like ur unemployed ass ya buceta lickin coohole! u aint have no sense ya idgit stank banks bytch!
Here you go: "Georgia prosecutors said Wednesday they are searching for more suspects in the killing of an 18-year-old who was stomped to death in an apparently random attack at a house party over the weekend, even as three of the four men charged with the teen's murder say they are innocent."
Notice how they say "random". What a joke! It's the field negro type of thugs versus the object of their resentment: your privileged children. And would anyone not immediately know they were negroes who did the murder, before being told? You bet we knew.
Well, you rap what you sew. Oops, that should say "reap". Or should it?
Just a side note: I can't see why you people allow that white slut Maria to be here day after day. We've all heard of computer viruses, but can she infect the blog with a virtual STD?
Let's ask that anon that insults innocent Alicia, he's probably caught it from Maria and it's eating his brain.
LAA why do you enjoy cracking on Maria? She won't make us anymore pizza if you don't stop.
Field brother aren't you a smoker?
Sure, all those NO folks just stayed because they didn't want to get their SUVs dirty by driving them. And the buses ran. And the military was available to assist. And Chertoff listened to Brown's requests for aid. It is so good to be brave well behind the lines.
Some posters are unaware of the requirements to remain employed at the USPS. Telling some crazy wite they are crazy is probably a quick way to be outsourced.
"And yes I am going to say it. If that was a black woman who went upside his head, he would have turned into the incredible hulk on her behind. In fact, it wouldn't have gotten that far, he would have wasted no time to drive off, while leaving the poor sista behind with just the one arm attached to her body.
But but ma'am... but ma'am. LOL"
Alright, I'll give you that one, because if he drove off with that white woman's arm, he would have not only lost his job over that, but he'd also be in jail right now looking at a lengthy prison sentence, a criminal record, a civil suit from the woman's family and the fact that no one else other than the minimum-wage slaveships will hire him.
Get into an altercation with a Black woman? He'll be "talked to" by a supervisor and the woman will go to jail for attacking a postal worker* and it'd just be another clip you'd watch on WorldStarHipHop.com.
*wait, why hasn't this woman been charged with assault yet?
when being an oj hero goes wrong!
here are more details on the psycho racist and the noble oj postman who tried to play hero to her...
it appears that his uts like chivalry for this maria like shrew backfired all the way to the unemployment ofc
On the Web site for the Council of Great City Schools is the organization's own press release, which uses language more dire than the blackamericaweb.com story:
"New Report on Black Male Achievement in America Reveals 'National Catastrophe,' " reads the headline. In the body of the story, there is this foreboding quote:
"Black males continue to perform lower than their peers throughout the country on almost every indicator."
Now that the problem has been defined, we can talk about the particulars. Anybody notice the gender question? We're not talking about black girls underachieving, or black girls having a crisis when it comes to education. We're talking about black boys. That means the girls are achieving, and the boys aren't. That means black America's old, reliable whipping boy -- white racism -- might not be solely to blame for this crisis. And a crisis it is.
What we have here is a failure to communicate about the Great African-American gender crisis. It's our nasty little secret, the dirty laundry we don't want washed in public. If, indeed, white racism, specifically institutional white racism, were the cause of black academic underachievement, we would expect it to affect black girls and black boys in equal, or near equal, measure.
As it is known that males are, on average, smarter than females, just what the hell is going on?
"Get into an altercation with a Black woman? He'll be "talked to" by a supervisor and the woman will go to jail for attacking a postal worker* and it'd just be another clip you'd watch on WorldStarHipHop.com."
Mack, you are so full of sh*t your eyes are brown, hell, you all brown!
fp & laa:
had she been a psycho sista...
uts would have just swiftly called her a sapphire feminist and pressed immediate FULL criminal charges and kept his job while ranting on about her being deservedly lonely and miserable etc...nahmean?
"And if the brother had slapped this racist skank they would have been the first ones yelling "OJ!!""
What if it was a white male postal worker retaliating against a Black woman slapping and cursing him? Seems like this sort of thing wouldn't get that much press, nor would it elicit much comment from the WAOD crowd. I guess they'd hold back and save their bullets for those of a darker hue.
those 2 bf teens who got slapped by that white police officer got TONS of press...
so no pt there.
shut up buceta breaf coohole u aint shit and dont nobody care about ur opinions ya idgit!
uts boldly blamed those girls for their beating by a beefy elder wm then too...
a black female NEVER has any honor/issue that any oj bruh is bound or inclined to defend....
That falls under the category of "Never Swing on a Cop".
Despite the yapping of you and FP, a white cop won't hestitate to cold-cock a black woman, especially if she swung first.
I'd pay good money to watch UTS and AB go at it. That'd be fight, for damn sure.
uts only cares about black teen males who are beaten by cops because he is a soulless sexist dog.
if those had been 2 wf teen clones of maria, uts would be defending them and crying about police brutality.
my mom told me to never be a bully or hit sissies.
i could never hit a beta bitch like uts.
i would pay to see that beta male coward uts say what he just posted to both of those black girls' dads/bros/uncles etc!
"Mack, you are so full of sh*t your eyes are brown, hell, you all brown!"
How cute.
"What we have here is a failure to communicate about the Great African-American gender crisis. It's our nasty little secret, the dirty laundry we don't want washed in public. If, indeed, white racism, specifically institutional white racism, were the cause of black academic underachievement, we would expect it to affect black girls and black boys in equal, or near equal, measure.
As it is known that males are, on average, smarter than females, just what the hell is going on?"
Peer pressure and low self-esteem. Young Black boys who have few people to turn to who can encourage them to achieve great things and pressure from society in general to either "do nothing and be nothing" or throw away their lives on the "rap game", "dope game" or pinning all of their hopes on being a successful basketball or football player. The teachers have all but written off Black boys as "problematic" and relatively "unteachable", and if you think that vibe doesn't reach the kids themselves, then you've got problems of your own. I don't know how any kid can cope with being treated as "damaged goods".
Meanwhile, Black girls are considered more manageable and easier to teach, which is true of girls of any race in the context of our current way of teaching students. Boys in general have this pent of energy that ends up being expended inside the classroom through roughhousing and generally disruptive behavior if it isn't expended somewhere else. And since physical education and outside breaks are being cut in favor of cooping kids up in a room with a bunch of standardized test papers all day, it's little wonder you have kids bouncing off the walls out of boredom. And people handing out ADHD medication like, well, those cigarettes off the ice cream truck.
Discipline is another area that's lacking, because many teachers either don't know, don't care to know or simply can't wield any discipline. Corporal punishment in the schools has fallen on the wayside in light of lawsuits and scandals. Plus it doesn't help much if discipline isn't rooted in the home. Yep, you got scores of parents who don't have the time, energy or will to beat their badass kids whenever they step out of line.
Nah, it's not White racism anymore. Or if it is, then they've fallen on a perfect divide and conquer game plan whose endgame is to make Black seeds socioeconomically nonviable and disconnected from Black wombs. Black women either end up without mates or they date outside the ethnic group. "Black skin" turns lighter and in a few generations, the Black race is effectively "beiged" out of existence. You gotta hand it to the Man, so crafty and patient. And you gotta hand it to some of our dumbass members of the Black male community who follow along the path of destruction without realizing how they're being played like chumps.
and millions of fatherless white boys are failing and acting out in schools today too...but the racist media censor them
Mack Lyons said...
"Meanwhile, Black girls are considered more manageable and easier to teach, which is true of girls of any race in the context of our current way of teaching students."
This is a large part of it. The modern education system has been designed by and is run largely by females, and the model student is a girl. Boys don't fit in so, so they must be "managed", often with medication, and are treated as though their nature is not natural.
the most angry and violent and mentally limited child i ever taught was a poor nordic blue eyed blonde wm...who had a dad who was lost as he tried to save him!
i had to alter all of the methods i was taught for most boys
allow them to move and stand etc
AB: It must be difficult for someone who is so mentally limited to limn the mental limatations of others. How do you manage it?
"those 2 bf teens who got slapped by that white police officer got TONS of press..."
Which died off after a couple of weeks. Sites like WOAD may have carried the torch on that one for a few weeks afterward, but mainstream places already moved on to the next big story.
No one but bloggers have kept up with the story of the Scott sisters in Mississip. Being jailed for life over 11-fucking-dollars...
u r too retarded to pose as assnon.
AB: It must be difficult for someone who is so mentally limited to limn the mental limitations of others. How do you manage to limit your management within it's limitations?
ditto mack
it is easier to see msm and think that all prisoners are male only.
sexism is a reality.
and black female pain is ignored by msm and celebrated by oj nigs like uts.
look how paris hilton was coddled and excused while ti was dogged and jailed again
the nyt has given scott sisters some pub
ALL boys are failing in academia because ALL fathers are failing as parents...and we need MILLIONS more male teachers
this is even an ivy league issue!
boys NEED male role models at home and at school!
shut up coohole! what u say has no no meaning u aint shit a mentally ill phukk like urself wouldnt be allowed to be around kids in a half way normal district!
we need to revamp gender segregated public ed all over
and stop vdlr and her male and female clones from turbo breeding!!!
a rich dad who is absent with work and mistresses is just as toxic as a poor dad absent due to 4 jobs and jail etc....
great dads have sons who are great students
ask any teacher
ennis cosby was a great student and teacher because his dad was both!
parenting is the MOST important factor in all ED.
ask those who have taught vdlr's bad dumb defective spawn!
AB, "if those had been 2 wf teen clones of maria, uts would be defending them and crying about police brutality."
4:14 PM
AB, face it...Maria's beauty, sophistication and captivating eyes can cause a man to want to protect her and her children.
oj assnon:
all white women are your god.
and you protect them to your death.
you kill your own souls and those of your sisters as you do so.
you are no kin and no danger to me.
i have no oj dna
"AB, face it...Maria's beauty, sophistication and captivating eyes can cause a man to want to protect her and her children."
I think it is more her perfect round buttocks and her beautiful, pink sphincter.
like fp said
u ojs rule a twisted tribe and a killer kingdom we evade and ignore
For those “brothers” who have a problem with sisters because you prefer Miss Ann, go hang out with O. J. Simpson. He needs some company these days. I refuse to mimick Nicole for your comfort!!! Just as black kids sit together in cafeterias because they grew weary with the myths and madness of integration, sisters are WEARY with the myths and madness of SEXIST men. If we cannot be with real black men like Malcolm, we would rather be alone. To all of you court jesters posing as “African kings”, KISS MY ANGER!!! TWO TIMES ON EACH CHEEK!!!
We are not anti-male. We are anti-misogyny. Many mindless females are misogynists too. We are not "bitches", we are survivors and warriors. We are not racists. We are realists. I prefer womanism to feminism because too many feminists prefer racism/elitism to global sisterhood.
From Straight, No Chaser: “White feminist women ignore me, cut deals for themselves, and then invite me to the meeting, panel or forum as an afterthought, when it suddenly occurs to them that they need a visible- and preferably silent- black woman on stage to give their self-interested agenda the image of inclusion…Nationalists essentially colluded with white men and mainstream media to portray feminism and the feminist movement as antithetical to black women who, unlike those crazy white women, had never had it good, loved men, weren't dykes, and liked wearing a bra…Twenty years later racism is alive and very well, there is no national voice or organization fighting for the rights of black women, and most of us are far from being Miss Ann, although more black men, many of them lapsed nationalists, are busy balling her.”
Not a surprise, most of the corporations have no decency. The average smoker got hooked at the age of 12. Also, I thought black folk liked Kools....
"Not a surprise, most of the corporations have no decency. The average smoker got hooked at the age of 12. Also, I thought black folk liked Kools...."
Some do like Kools but a lot prefer Marlboro light(non-menthol)
Have you seen her? Have you seen my beautiful lady and her anus? Unless you are an ex-boyfriend, her proctologist, or an art student in that class she modeled for, you probably have not have glimpsed the fairest orifice on God's green Earth. For this, you have my deepest sympathies.
My lady does not like me to go on and on about her anus, but how can I resist? When I look into that one brown eye, it's like gazing into a deep, untouched lake. Sometimes, it's as if I'm gazing through a taut, puckered window into her very soul, placing myself in danger of being hypnotized by the swirls of her rectum. Her anus is like a vessel I can't seem to fill with enough love, no matter how hard I try. I am not what one would call a holy man, but when I am gently kissing my lady's fragrant anus, I am convinced that there must be a higher power out there who made this sacred aperture.
AB, "For those “brothers” who have a problem with sisters because you prefer Miss Ann, go hang out with O. J. Simpson. He needs some company these days."
Stop trying to pigeon-hole all bm with OJ. Most bm with ww are good honest hard-working husbands and fathers. They haven't harmed anyone, they have only loved.
Btw, YOU don't know if O.J. killed his wife. They found him innocent, and I ACCEPT the verdict. O.J. is innocent by court decree. GET THAT IN YOUR HEAD, AB!
"If we cannot be with real black men like Malcolm, we would rather be alone. To all of you court jesters posing as “African kings”, KISS MY ANGER!!! TWO TIMES ON EACH CHEEK!!!"
Malcolm's dead.
Where de white women at?
oj ssnon:
uts is a clone of oj not because he is a serial killer
but because he adores white women and hates his mom/face/hair/skin etc
just as u do
and oj is as guilty as maria of all accused!
oj assnon:
cc your played out denials to:
those 13 fresh cuts on oj's hands
his bruno magli shoes
marcus allen
kato kaelin
mike gilbert
oj' niece terry baker
his vegas cell etc
AB, they ALL tried to frame poor OJ.
OJ's only sin is that he didn't find the true killer.
maybe oj should have hunted beyond cheap public golf courses and strip clubs?
At least OJ no longer threatens my Lady's anua. As I am very protective of my lady's anus, few have seen it. Nevertheless, I am fond of waxing rhapsodic on its beauty. This can be difficult, though, for how does one describe the beauty of a Tuscan moon? How does one tell of the glory of the cosmos? Shakespeare would have written sonnets about it. Beethoven would have discarded his "Ode To Joy" in favor of "Ode To My Lady's Anus." And Raphael would have tried–and failed–to render its essence in oils. Lo, prodigious as these immortals' artistic gifts were, my lady's anus would have proven too elusive a muse for any of them to capture.
oj should thank god daily they tried to frame a guilty man...they made him look innocent of a sloppy crime
AB, "uts is a clone of oj not because he is a serial killer
but because he adores white women and hates his mom/face/hair/skin etc"
Maybe UTS's mother taught him to see ww as beautiful and more desirous than bw. Ever thought of that?
In Black America, the lighter the bw is, the more beautiful and desirous they are. Surely you know that? Ever seen a black Black Miss America? Now before you come at me, think about it.
my money is on his dad teaching him to be a colorist
and wms rule all media
did u know that charles manson was a racist who wanted to start a race war?...
but he said blacks only know what white men teach them.
so he slew to teach bms how to slay.
i bet cm only knew dumb bm colorist euro beta males clones of uts!
AB, "maybe oj should have hunted beyond cheap public golf courses and strip clubs?"
Now you are being facetious. OJ probably looked all over creation including the golf courses and strip clubs.
Imo, OJ isn't very smart; and could not have done it without leaving glaring evidence. He is too stupid NOT to leave a trail of evidence a child could follow to him. But the case and murders seemed rather complex and well thought out. OJ has NEVER in his life thought anything out very well. That's why he is in prison over stupid bs--trying to scare some people into giving him his stuff back.lol
AB, "did u know that charles manson was a racist who wanted to start a race war?...
but he said blacks only know what white men teach them.
so he slew to teach bms how to slay.
i bet cm only knew dumb bm colorist euro beta males clones of uts!"
Oh pleeese!
And don't even get me started on her perineum
Only an idiot would say the postal worker maintained his composure because he's been trained to show deference to white women. ONLY AN IDIOT!
This man maintained his composure because he represented the U.S. Postal Service. Although he was foolish to entertain a conversation with a person who is clearly irrational, he maintained professionalism while doing so.
I have no reason to believe that he would have acted differently had it been a black woman. You black women, here, who have been wronged, scorned or dumped for a white woman, need to get over yourselves. There are some black men who do respect those black women WHO CHOOSE PRESENT THEMSELVES IN A RESPECTABLE MANNER! Hell, some of you don't know how to act when a black man treats you with respect.
This schism is beginning to fucking old, real fucking quick.
"Have you seen her? Have you seen my beautiful lady and her anus? Unless you are an ex-boyfriend, her proctologist, or an art student in that class she modeled for, you probably have not have glimpsed the fairest orifice on God's green Earth. For this, you have my deepest sympathies.
My lady does not like me to go on and on about her anus, but how can I resist? When I look into that one brown eye, it's like gazing into a deep, untouched lake. Sometimes, it's as if I'm gazing through a taut, puckered window into her very soul, placing myself in danger of being hypnotized by the swirls of her rectum. Her anus is like a vessel I can't seem to fill with enough love, no matter how hard I try. I am not what one would call a holy man, but when I am gently kissing my lady's fragrant anus, I am convinced that there must be a higher power out there who made this sacred aperture."
*turns computer off*
*walks away, shaking head*
"This schism is beginning to fucking old, real fucking quick."
Somebody has a guilty chip.
"No one but bloggers have kept up with the story of the Scott sisters in Mississip. Being jailed for life over 11-fucking-dollars..."
Not_RJ said...
Only an idiot would say the postal worker maintained his composure because he's been trained to show deference to white women. ONLY AN IDIOT!
This man maintained his composure because he represented the U.S. Postal Service. Although he was foolish to entertain a conversation with a person who is clearly irrational, he maintained professionalism while doing so.
I have no reason to believe that he would have acted differently had it been a black woman. You black women, here, who have been wronged, scorned or dumped for a white woman, need to get over yourselves. There are some black men who do respect those black women WHO CHOOSE PRESENT THEMSELVES IN A RESPECTABLE MANNER! Hell, some of you don't know how to act when a black man treats you with respect.
This schism is beginning to fucking old, real fucking quick.
And thus, a voice of reason rises amongst the ashes of insanity. I don't know how every interaction becomes some "poor Black woman not being defended by sorry Black men". Its getting really tired. From the story, this white woman was crazy and this guy was doing his job - being polite and professional to an otherwise whacked client.
Also, what's with all the Postal Office bashing? Why isn't the Post Office going broke front page news? And what imbecile would want to privatize the postal system? We should all be a little freaked out that the postal service is going broke. Or, would you rather have Fed Ex and UPS running your regular mail and have your postage based upon how much money some hedge fund manager can make off a short sale? Nothing the big delivery companies would to do more than monopolize our means to move documents and packaging wholly.
Just what American needs, more privatization of government services, and hence another bubble.
When I first read this article I was amazed I did not know there was a cigarette truck. I wonder was there a truck giving out sample of malt liquor. I know, I'm stupid.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
"Anonymous said...
"This schism is beginning to fucking old, real fucking quick."
Somebody has a guilty chip.
Nah, just a weary chip with the musing of idiots. Thats's all.
Carry on.
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