Looks like you Negroes are rioting out in Oaktown. (I prefer the term uprising) And, to think, the Raiders didn't even win the Superbowl. Negroes hate what they perceive as injustice. Two years in the big house for Oscar Grant's killer doesn't sit well; as it shouldn't, but riots? I don't know.
If it were up to me I would find other s&*t to riot about: like these past mid-term elections, and the constant fear mongering and race baiting used by some poli-tricksters to get elected. If we really want to loot and burn s*&t in our neighborhoods we should be burning the liquor stores and the broken down schools that keep churning out kids who can't master the basics in education. Not to mention that mega churches who just take and never give back. But that's just me. Not that I am condoning violence or anything. I am speaking in strictly in hypothetical terms here.
(BTW, FOX NEWS studios are in New York. I am just sayin. )
Anywhooo, one of the problems I have with these uprisings, is that they always seem to be centered around the areas where the people doing the protesting actually live. Why not take the "ruckus" uptown? I am not too familiar with the Bay Area, so someone has to help me with this question: Is the East Oakland Lake Merritt part of that city predominantly black and poor? If it is, you Negroes seem to be following a very bad pattern.
Uprisings get people's attention every now and then, they were very effective in the sixties. [To get our attention]Although, sadly, some of the solutions folks tried to come up with after A-merry-ca's eyes were opened didn't necessarily give us the best results. Hopefully we won't go back to those days here in A-merry-ca. [ And it wasn't always the Negroes] Hopefully. But as wealth and justice gets more scarce every day, the natives continue to get more restless. Seems like it's too much for even us happy and seemingly content A-merry-cans to take.
You can only pursue happiness for so long. At some point the pursuit will stop.
In addition to the things you mentioned, people NEED to protest black-on-black violence as much as they protest "pigs". We terrorise ourselves even more/worse than "they" do. Gotta save oneself from oneself oftentimes.
I wasn't aware of the Bellingham riots. Thanks for the information.
I wonder what would happen if the if the unemployment rate surged to 50+%. I wonder if Tea Party folks would resort to Bellingham-like tactics.
I'll tell you this, I wouldn't be burning my own shit down. That's the only part of that I disagree with. I would be burning down the neighborhood of the coward who shot an unarmed, subdued man.
If I'm gonna be stereotyped anyway, I might as well get some bang for my buck.
Trolling commences in 5,4,3..........
The NCAA is up to it's old BULL. There's an African American QB killin' this year at Auburn and guess what? The NCAA has decided to 'investigate' him. Same old BS, different year. Whenever we have a African American come up when THEY didn't expect it, THEY decide to 'investigate'. WTF?
If I'm gonna be stereotyped anyway, I might as well get some bang for my buck.
Trolling commences in 5,4,3..........
C'mon over. I promise you a big bang for your Buck.
You can piss in your own hallway and riot in your own neighborhood. But going to someone elses may just not work out to well for ya.
"C'mon over. I promise you a big bang for your Buck.
You can piss in your own hallway and riot in your own neighborhood. But going to someone elses may just not work out to well for ya."
***Yawn**** A wingtnut with a gun fetish.
East Oakland is the more troubled end of the city. Lake Merritt is one of the nicer sections. Unfortunately, as of late, there are powerful gentrifying forces working in Oakland. Now that's something worth rioting about--in Oakland and San Francisco.
"Two years in the big house for Oscar Grant's killer doesn't sit well; as it shouldn't, but riots?" Then what should Black People do?
Hold Hands and sing we shall overcome.
March on City Hall?
If 1 million Black People gave their lives to save 20 million that would be an small price to pay.
***Yawn**** A wingtnut with a gun fetish.
Yawn....more violent rioting Blacks....I saw this coming a mile away. Lets see how the looting goes.
Seriously. This is nothing. Just think about what will happen when the real budget is published and emergency entitlement cuts will have to be made.
Then what should Black People do?
Hold Hands and sing we shall overcome.
March on City Hall?
If 1 million Black People gave their lives to save 20 million that would be an small price to pay.
So brave, you will sacrifice 1 million people for a guy that got stupidly shot for resisting arrest by a dumbass cop.
It was injustice, I remember the last riot due to injustice when OJ got away with killing....oh wait...he was a hero then.
Maybe something you should do is Get the word out to everyone not to resist arrest so they dont get accidently shot by some asshole or shot when they try to run over the cop with their car.
"Why not take the "ruckus" uptown?"
Because the force dispatched to quell the ruckus will be overwhelming and unrestrained.
And that might be what people need to get their point across. If you're willing to die over what you believe in, you're gonna make a lot of indelible impressions on people's minds.
"You can piss in your own hallway and riot in your own neighborhood. But going to someone elses may just not work out to well for ya."
Not satisfied with the hunting, gun club and Medal of Honor games, are ya?
"Then what should Black People do?
Hold Hands and sing we shall overcome.
March on City Hall?"
It would be a nice start. But I can't even get you Negroes to vote. :(
"Negroes hate what they perceive as injustice"
uh...NO quite a few don't. Negroes just hate to be on the RECEIVING end of the injustice. and AT NO TIME do they like to be accountable to their contribution to injustice. take a peak at the exploitation/trafficking of little black girls in Oakland before anyone dares to argue.
Spinster, i hear you. there is nary a peep about this GIANT elephant in the room. if these folks were burning down the areas where rapes, murder, and mayhem occur on the regular to the point that folks treat it like "normal";and folks were taking out the known offenders THAT would make more sense to me.
whoever said:
"C'mon over. I promise you a big bang for your Buck.
You can piss in your own hallway and riot in your own neighborhood. But going to someone elses may just not work out to well for ya."
hit the nail right on the head. the "rioters" KNOW this. THAT is why they tear up their own stuff. not the first time and unless more snap out of the stupor, it won't be the last time. it is so predictably dumb that it is embaressing at this point.
i am a little curious as to why more bm don't ACT like they know american "justice" isn't as blind as she is supposed to be. she OBVIOUSLY can see their black behinds. why don't more act accordingly? this goes out to the bw too, understanding rapists apply quickly to work among female inmates. BEFORE being shot to death, this guy was fighting in public. BEFORE said fight would have been a good time to think about his toddler. avoiding the situation where folks could pretend/lie/mistake him for one that needed to be shot with anything-gun/taser- would have been wiser. kindda like bw have to conscious of their surroundings, who they are with, what they are wearing, what time it is, etc. when folks do stuff to us; as they do all day everyday; folks are NOT going to care as much as they would about less melanined women.
be clear, this is not to say Grant "deserved" anything. his murder was wrong. i am simply pointing out, as others would quickly if he were NOT a bm; how his wrong choices contributed to his demise. at least Grant's killer is doing time. most find themselves on paid vacation. surely i am not the only one that notices this?
"C'mon over. I promise you a big bang for your Buck.
You can piss in your own hallway and riot in your own neighborhood. But going to someone elses may just not work out to well for ya."
Said by an anonymous Cat Food Conservative.
Internet courage is so sexy.
Put the wii down, buddy. We couldn't melt your pasty ass down and pour you into a real life situation where you could get really fucked up, so don't tell us what you would do on an anonymous blog.
Really now.
"Then what should Black People do?
Hold Hands and sing we shall overcome.
March on City Hall?"
Try voting. Try developing a powerful political force to contend with. Everybody knows this is the way, yet after 400 years Blacks don't, esp in the Oakland-SF area. There is something very retarded about that.
Let us be clear
It's So-Called Negro
You claim to be an So-Called Field Negro.
When did Malcolm ever have an voter registration card.
Negro Please!
Preach FP...preach it!!!Please note that Field is biased in his thinking. He would not make a good reporter who seeks the truth. He only sees what he 'wishes', which is to make weak cowardly bm look brave..
After many decades, however, 'everyone' knows better.
"Let us be clear
It's So-Called Negro
You claim to be an So-Called Field Negro.
When did Malcolm ever have an voter registration card.
Negro Please!"
You can't be serious. I am guessing that not many black folks had voter registration cards in the FIFTIES & SIXTIES!! *sheeeesh*
I swear blogging is hard work sometimes.
"Preach FP...preach it!!!Please note that Field is biased in his thinking. He would not make a good reporter who seeks the truth. He only sees what he 'wishes', which is to make weak cowardly bm look brave.."
My my, you got me. Yes, I am "biased" in my thinking. As a bm myself, I think self preservation is very important. BTW, you are right; I would not make a good reporter; that is why this is called a BLOG!
*taking another drink*
Your work is not in vain but your blaming the victim for being victimize keep that***********
Field, "You can't be serious. I am guessing that not many black folks had voter registration cards in the FIFTIES & SIXTIES!! *sheeeesh*
I swear blogging is hard work sometimes."
Blogging isn't that hard...It's being Black that's hard-esp. when you get dumb comments like anon12:26am. Btw, there a lot of bm like him...welcome to the Black race, Field.
Field, "My my, you got me. Yes, I am "biased" in my thinking. As a bm myself, I think self preservation is very important. BTW, you are right; I would not make a good reporter; that is why this is called a BLOG!
*taking another drink*"
Field, you seem awfully fiesty tonight. What the hell are you drinking?
"As we get closer to November 2nd, his O ness and the dems are making their usual push for votes from the usual suspects. Old reliable. Black folks. "
"hit the nail right on the head. the "rioters" KNOW this. THAT is why they tear up their own stuff. not the first time and unless more snap out of the stupor, it won't be the last time. it is so predictably dumb that it is embaressing at this point."
I don't know if you want us to be as fearless as some of the folks who riot in other countries. Maybe that's what's needed, too. Imagine hundreds of heavily armed Black men and women descending on Oakland city hall. Shit, such a thing would be called an "insurrection" and the government would break it's own neck trying to shove Posse Comitatus aside.
You're right in one respect: America works so damn hard at keeping us divided and at each other, and a lot of times it seems we're doing all the work for them.
"As we get closer to November 2nd, his O ness and the dems are making their usual push for votes from the usual suspects. Old reliable. Black folks. "
LOL. I love this blog. Field, you are a genius.
"Field, you seem awfully fiesty tonight. What the hell are you"
I can't tell you the exact mixture; it's a secret recipe. Think sweetened condensed milk, coffee, and your favorite coffee liquor. ("Tia Maria" is the choice in the fields) :)
"When Barack Obama was elected, black unemployment stood at 11.1%; today, it stands at 16.1%. That's still roughly twice the rate of white unemployment. "
Just maybe if O did something about
the unemployment Black People would be motivated to keep an good thing going
Mr. Mack Lyons said, "You're right in one respect: America works so damn hard at keeping us divided and at each other, and a lot of times it seems we're doing all the work for them."
We ARE doing all the work. Take a look at anon12:26am's comment.
Odd, rioting over a death due to what is possibly mistaking a Taser for a firearm. Why not riot over craptastic skools? Why not riot over lack of jobs, groceries, or reasonable rent. Nope, gotta riot over some guy getting shot during an arrest...and watching the vid only serves to bolster the officer's version.
Why not riot over the deaths in "Filthydelphia"?
When folks get all mob over this...Frank Rizzo wins!
Field, "I can't tell you the exact mixture; it's a secret recipe. Think sweetened condensed milk, coffee, and your favorite coffee liquor. ("Tia Maria" is the choice in the fields) :)"
Sounds like my kind of drink.
Don't get made at me
To all you cowardly So-Called Negro
grow an spine.
Anon.@ 11:13 AM, I am going to have to tell the President of Anon Inc. to give you some special recognition. If you are willing to take a sip of the field's nocturnal juice you just might be worthy. :)
You White Wash Negro are an joke to the memory of Malcolm X
mold-"Why not riot over lack of jobs, groceries, or reasonable rent..."
You are asking too much of black people. Jobs? food? reasonable rent? That kind of action requires a change in behavior. It is quite foreign to our folks. It's too "constructive" and could work for the well-being of our community.
Nope. that won't work for us.
"You White Wash Negro are an joke to the memory of Malcolm X"
You know the type of Negro that's a "joke"to Brother Malcolm's memory? the type that doesn't take the time to learn in school.
Think about it. ;)
why not go after the city officials, judges (and their families) and others who were complicit with the light sentencing? but oh no niggas never think organized like that instead they DESTROY their own neighborhoods imagine that?! and we wonder why we got 72% illigitimacy rate duh? sheer stupidity and lack of planning!
and hatred of black men like that nasty cow fp or buceta breaf makes it hard for a good black man in this world to find a good black woman that dont castrate his ass from the offset
yall r a bunch of sick morons!
Field, "Anon.@ 11:13 AM, I am going to have to tell the President of Anon Inc. to give you some special recognition. If you are willing to take a sip of the field's nocturnal juice you just might be worthy. :)"
Thanks Field. Your recognition would give me a raise, maybe even a bonus. Keep drinking. Sounds like you are having a great time. I have got to get some of that. Send me the recipe. Now I am thirsty.
Thanks Field. Your recognition "would give me a raise, maybe even a bonus. Keep drinking. Sounds like you are having a great time. I have got to get some of that. Send me the recipe. Now I am thirsty."
LOL! Sorry, I can't send you the recipe. I wouldn't want you getting hooked on this stuff. :)
I have a lot of work to do and it keeps me going at night.
Hey, maybe one day I will post the mixture on the blog. I have a few crazy brews from the homeland.
You are trying to steal our Hero Legacy when you are not worthy to utter his name
"Raised in the house, but field certified."
Negro change the name of this blog to malcolmXYZ213 or something
Then go back and review the lecture because you are assimilation soft.
"Why not take the "ruckus" uptown?"
It's called cowardism, and infective foolnuttery.
It reminds me of children who can't get their own way, so they bang upside their own heads and stomp on their own toys in a useless tantrum, thinking it's hurting somebody else.
How come blacks don't riot when Ten black teens rape and torture a black mother and son for hours, and only get slaps on their wrist?
Some of you Negro ought to have testified for Oscar Grant's killer
considering all the apologize being made.
No wonder racist police shoot down Black men because they know all you are going to do is talk about it.
If you where an real man you would protect your own womens from harm
I meant ineffective, not infective.
Thank you, FP and Spinster.
Anon said: "It's too "constructive" and could work for the well-being of our community."
After, we help others first. We don't even own anything our own communities yet.
Speaking of which, I hope those black folks didn't destroy any one of those gazillion shops that are owned and operated by our oh-so oppressed non-black immigrant allies, they know better I bet. I am not familiar with that area, but where there's a black community, we always have "friends" who are willing to exploit and reach into our pockets.
Gee, and I wonder how many of our friends were so bothered by the injustice of Oscar's death anyway?
I'm in the North Bay, and the local tv news today has been carrying a story about cops becoming averse to even using tazers. In that sense, progress is occurring. That's what ultimately killed Mr. Grant: the easy use of tazers.
I don't know about in Philly, but out here "was then tazed" ends almost every report of a police encounter. I noticed a trend almost a decade ago, in interviewing young arrestees; cops using the contact wands on men's groins or in in close proximity during the course of the arrest; often as not with overwhelming physical control already established. Nothing poisons the relationship between the public and the popo's as their abuse of this tool that should really only be used in deadly force situations to preserve life.
And Yeah, that demonstration belonged out in Napa, Meserle's rich white hometown. That;s where the message needs to be heard.
Sure, riot in the areas where they are just itching to 'control' the behaviors. Remember New Orleans? Some of our neighbours are looking for an excuse to rid the world of 'mud people'. Show up in some of Whitesylvania with riot on your mind...and you will discover that they all are strong supporters of the Second Amendment. Yes, that includes automatic weapons...or those that can quickly and easily be made so.
Posters have mentioned that the rioters are all upset and hissy and miffed that a man was shot...and that there is vast silence over the mistreatment of women. Accurate and makes the claim that The Man allus keepin' us down is specious. Especially when any cracker driving through town during working hours can see numerous youth doing very little work and most certainly not looking for a job.
Apparently you don't remember the riots after the Rodney King incident.
Why are all these Anons here? Why don't they go over to Stormfront? It's should be obvious that we don't want them here.
How come blacks don't riot when Ten black teens rape and torture a black mother and son for hours, and only get slaps on their wrist?
Maybe people are ashamed.
Not_RJ said...
Why are all these Anons here? Why don't they go over to Stormfront? It's should be obvious that we don't want them here.
What Not_RJ really meant is. Mommy they tryin to make me think. I don't like it. Please go away anons I am so a skared.
Facts don't require much thought, just recognition.
Scared? Nope, not hardly. I just can't stand you for the hypocritical folks that you are!
Is there such a thing as e-White Flight? If so, why don't you exercise it. Since you folks are good at it in reality...lol.
Anonymous said...
why not go after the city officials, judges (and their families) and others who were complicit with the light sentencing? but oh no niggas never think organized like that instead they DESTROY their own neighborhoods imagine that?! and we wonder why we got 72% illigitimacy rate duh? sheer stupidity and lack of planning!
1:32 AM
Anon - I understand your frustration. Its amazing how so many Black folks, Latinos, economic justice advocates and other left leaning folks think that violent destruction is the only recourse. How many of those bomb throwing Negroes showed up to the ballot box to vote out the Mayor and the DA for allowing this travesty to happen? How many of these fools** have ever been to a community policing meeting or railed against bad schools.
Yes Oscar Grant shows just how worthless Black and Brown people are to the American justice system. Not even a peep on the national news (Hell, did BET or TV One even mention it? Never mind, actually talking about issues that effect Black people would interrupt Baldwin Hills or Frankie and Neffie.)
Anger means nothing if its directionless, ineffective and works against your best interests. The Malcolm debate about the Bullet or the Ballot is over - the Ballot takes a long time but gets things done; the Bullet is uselessly counterproductive.
** (Yes, I understand the frustration, but destroying your own neighborhood for the sake of political show boating is foolish.)
What kind of world do we live when TRUTH TELLER like Focused Purpose is considered a "man-hater", specifically a hater of black men?
I am a black man. I do NOT feel sorry for Oscar Grant. If he had sat his behind down on the train, minded his business and left everybody else alone HE WOULD STILL BE LIVING TODAY.
If the idiot rioters are STUPID enough to start rioting in white neighborhoods they will be put down like dogs. They are not that stupid. They know where to riot.
I see LAA is banging on her Latino hate drum again.
"I see LAA is banging on her Latino hate drum again."
Since when is telling the truth about our immigrant minority "friends" is considered hate? I don't see them rioting.
Race baiting Latinos and saying that because Black people didn't drag out those thugs who raped a family (which we should have) shouldn't negate outrage over the slap on the wrist for police brutality and injustice.
You are an Cowardly Negro so stay on the sideline an write (blog)
about revolution
I post anon: because I am new to this whole message board comment tag.
For the Record:
I bear witness that I love myself first
I love Black People: and
I love Black Womens: and I don't care who don"t like it.
Negros just love to riot. They'll do it at the drop of a hat. Too light a sentence for a cop who shot a negro is just a pretext, like a Rodney King beatdown, an NBA championship, or just a power outage. Gots to get me a new TV and some diapers! And kill any white person we can get our hands on! And burn down any businesses owned by Koreans or Jews! Someday, rioting won't be worth it anymore. You'll see.
"Some of you Negro ought to have testified for Oscar Grant's killer
considering all the apologize being made."
In the BA, esp in Oakland and SF, Blacks are the most fearful and weak. Their only outlet for their cowardice is to riot from time to time in their own neighborhoods. It helps to release pent-up self-hatred for having surrendered to fear, and being controlled by it. The self-hatred is for not having the guts to stand up against white injustice, which the soul cries out for.
This paralyzing fear is not something new about our race... Our ancesters surrendered themselves and their children to slavery out of fear. That fear has been passed down to present day. It is an old and destructive. It breathes and lives in the 'unconscious'...it 'drives and controls' HOW most Blacks respond to White injustices.
Because of that self-destructive mind, Black behavior and actions regarding an outright killing of a bm by a white cop seems weird and highly dysfunctional to others. Beecause it doesn't make sense. Yet, to the Black 'unconscious' which carries the DNA of slavery, fear and shame, it makes 'perfect' sense.
Yes, Blacks get angry at injustices but won't do much outside of rioting in our own neighborhoods. To actually face the White perpretator means one must be willing to die in order to live with dignity. Not since MLK and Malcolm X has that level of courageous commitment to life been seen in America.
Blacks won't vote, and Blacks won't riot against Whites. What Blacks 'will' do is talk loud; use a lot of profanity; criticize and argue with the ugly truth; and use the degrading N-word numerous times in conversations. But all of these behaviors is merely a pretense..a cover-up for paralyzing fear and SHAME.
As a bm who has observed the behavior of Blacks rioting over decades I have concluded this very painful truth about the Black race:
'There are very few, if any, Field Negroes in the Black race today. There are only frightened House Negroes who 'want' to be Field Negroes-- but overwhelming fear and shame prevent such courage. The denial about this glaring truth only perpetuates the HN syndrome. It's the funky elephant in the living room.'
Hmm...the verdict seems fair and appropriate for the actions of the officer. So why is this an excuse for rioting?
Some college frat boys got 'tuff' on some 'town' polic...and discovered the joys of nightsticks, canines, and being mouthy to police. Odd how being jerkholes to officers is not a good policy to follow.
Being AfAm is not the same as 'Special'. There are no free passes.
anon3:25pm- I agree. But that doesn't matter to some people, esp to those who specialize in rioting...now that is "Special".
*thinking about what Anon @ 1:30 PM said.
Hey, most riots that occur after sporting events and on college campuses are white kids, no? Where is the psycho analytical mumbo jumbo about them? Just curious.
"You are an Cowardly Negro so stay on the sideline an write (blog)about revolution."
I tell you what; when you start the revolution please let me know. If you can promise me that you will be there I will be right there beside you.
my e-mailaddressis:fnblg@yahoo.com
I will wait......
Anonymous 1:30:
Where have you been? Standing up to white injustice started in the Bay Area with the Black Panthers, Stokey Carmichael, Rap Brown, Angela Davis, etc. Are you trying to revise history and act like they did not stand up to white injustice. I don't know what part of Oakland or S.F. you lived in or visited. Evidently, it must have been up in the Oakland Hills where the wealthy live. You need to stop pushing that false hood.
I guess you don't remember this either:
or this:
or this:
What are you doing to stand up against white injustice besides belitting black people?
BTW, it wasn't negroes that lived in Oakland rioting. The majority of the rioters were from out of town and they were all colors...white, Hispanic/Latinoes, asian, and black. The media shows you what they want you to see, a biases version, but they never show you the truth of what happened.
Oscar did not deserve to die. What's special is how cold-hearted some people can be with their remarks regarding another human beings life. However, if it were one of their loved ones they would want people to have empathy and compassion for them yet they show none for others.
Anyway, young black men have gone back to what they do best anyway, killing each other other. Three dead this weekend so far. there won't be any riots over these dead guys. Just blacks killing blacks. Yawn.
Anonymous 4:37:
Okay, So what organization do you belong to that is trying to help in trying to prevent blacks from killing blacks?
If you do not belong to any organization what is stopping you from starting one?
The harvest is plenty but the workers are few.
Field, I am going get back in my bed, watch some movies, and finish getting me some much needed rest. You have a very blessed and victorious day.
Hathor said...
Apparently you don't remember the riots after the Rodney King incident."
Oh Gawd Hathor, please stop with the riddles. What is it you are trying to communicate.
I'll give anyone fifty bucks and a kidney if they can translate and tell me what on earth is Hathor's point. The suspense is killing me.
Hathor, are you saying that there were non-blacks who were also rioting after the the RK incident? And if so, what were their agenda, maybe a new TV? Were they doing it for the sake of RK, and or black police brutality?
"Maybe people are ashamed."
GrannyStandingforTruth said:
"Okay, So what organization do you belong to that is trying to help in trying to prevent blacks from killing blacks?
If you do not belong to any organization what is stopping you from starting one?"
My response:
The "organization" that is needed has actually been in existence for thousands of years. It's called a TWO PARENT family.
Everybody in the world seems to understand this EXCEPT modern black people in America.
BTW, I am a black man myself. Message to black people: Get married first have children second and then only when you can actually afford to have and RAISE them.
Thank God I am Not_RJ said...
Facts don't require much thought, just recognition.
Scared? Nope, not hardly. I just can't stand you for the hypocritical folks that you are!
A little tip for ya, apparantly Hypocritical doesnt mean what you think it does. It doesnt mean someone who is logical and does not agree with you, as you seem to think it does.
" White E flight" I am not white, but only a dumbass negro would look to destroy the neighborhood with crime and threaten everyones safety, then get pissed when the white folks leave and dont take care of them anymore. What a dumbass you are.
What should they do? Stay and live in your shit?
Insurance covers all the property damages protest will remind the authorities they will always be outnumbered and outgunned in any urban venue..
US constitution provides for self defense and a jury of your peers...People reacting to injustices should never pay attention to the moral and legal references created and offered up by the very insitutional interests that failed the people and create the specter of an unarmed human being getting murdered by a state police officer..
MLK was quite correct an injustice never goes unanswered...
Your comment indicated that you felt the "others" have been spared during the rioting.
Being ashamed to publicity keep speaking of an atrocity in your family.
To many, white folks have enough fodder to keep them bashing Negroes.
You have a habit of speaking about every hateful and despicable thing about Black folk. Which is your right, but it would seem that if you had solutions you wouldn't have time to bash Black folk. Sometimes is borderline house.
Hathor said...
"LAB,Your comment indicated that you felt the "others" have been spared during the rioting.
Being ashamed to publicity keep speaking of an atrocity in your family."
Vick does it again Baby!!
"How come blacks don't riot when Ten black teens rape and torture a black mother and son for hours, and only get slaps on their wrist?"
La, to do so would call for "accountability" which seems to have become a synonym for "hatred".
collectively, bm are castrating themselves by refusing to conduct themselves, in greater numbers, as they should as men. having a penis makes one male. being a provider and protector of one's women, children, and communities makes one a man.
and yep, more bw expecting accountability and responsibility will make it REAL difficult for the average bm to secure a quality mate. i am happy to hear the report. more bw are starting to wake up.
A quality mate isn't the answer, parenting is. You can have the "best" mate, but will it make a difference if you check out. All those Black men had mothers they are not hatch-lings.
anon 10:15am- thank you. when folks come at me hard, i always ask if i am lying. because if they cannot point to what i am saying as a lie, then they are simply disagreeing. which they are perfectly well entitled to do. i am starting to think the truth is the enemy for most. after witnessing the fights folks will have with it, yep, truth has become the enemy.
anon 1:30pm- i have heard others speak of bfolks feeling shame. understanding that i don't look at things like most, it has always seemed to me that the survivors of the most inhumane, evil type of bondage and oppression known to mankind would have no reason to feel ashamed. WE survived.
now, if i were the descendent of the perpetrators that through their actions demonstrated their total separation from their humanity...i would feel it shame now and again. but that's just me. i am thankful that long ago i realized that the world was operating from a backwards place.
at this point, i don't think either group should be focused on anything other than learning from the lessons of the past and doing our parts to live, thrive and progress as people.
anon 7:17pm- LOL. i had this convo with a never married, mother of four, three time babymama yesterday no less. i was floored, speechless, with no words (imagine that!) when she vehemently declared that she does not care about societal rules. noting that there was a time when societal rules made slavery ok.
though silent, i had a Winnie Mandela necklace moment in my mind; thinking of her teaching her offspring THAT madness.
the notion that folks need "organizations" or "government programs" to act like they are a part of the human circle gets on my nerve. even as the government bankrupts itself, folks are STILL expecting these silly expenditures. oh, did i mention, this woman does not work? when i suggested that the side-eye she and others like her get is due to her expectation that others will fund her irresponsibility, she looked like she were hyperventilating.
because she OBVIOUSLY has no self control or personal accountability; i WAS concerned how she would react to my giving myself permission to speak candidly. despite the concern, i refused to sugar coat my words. THAT is courage. the notion that folks don't feel fear or concern is wrong. it is moving DESPITE those feelings that constitute courage. more bfolks MUST get some.
folks can call me whatever they like. as long as they don't call me a "liar" with good cause...i take no offense. especially considering it is not what folks call you but what you answer to, LOL.
did these black males have FATHERS that taught them HOW to be MEN? WHY are so many marching into the belly of the beast PIC, like they have NO IDEA how to navigate this racist country and avoid the CENTURIES LONG pitfalls? WOMEN cannot/should not be expected to teach and socialize their SONS to be MEN alone. ONLY bfolks are attempting this lunacy. NO OTHER collective on the PLANET has undertaken such an exercise in futility.
we KNOW others participated in the notion that bfolks should cooperate with the break down their families. WHY are we cooperating? folks can't even blame welfare anymore! AT WHAT POINT do we hold ALL parties ACCOUNTABLE? folks are REAL comfortable coming for the womenfolk. why such cowardice when it is time to address THE MEN, that are to be the heads of the families?
WHY are folks opposed to addressing THAT? i have even heard males whine about the "matriarch" that the so-called black community is. the sacks of pus should be ashamed of themselves that they concede defeat as men so freely. UGH!
IF i were Obama, i would ignore bfolks, too. he TRIED to address the BIGGEST obstacle facing bfolks and folks went bonkers. he is a blackish male, so he KNOWS he can do NOthing that will require him to be accountable or responsible in the minds/eyes of most bamerican folks. other folks see the madness and exploit it, even if most blacks walk around like excuse making zombies in denial.
you know, Hathor, if you don't catch up soon, i am going to stop engaging you. i no longer find you amusing. if you are trying to be funny, you get an epic fail. if you are being serious, there is NO POINT to further in engaging you. it would be like one person speaking japanese and the other speaking swahili expecting there to be an understanding without a translator. seriously.
and before i allowed Hathor to pluck my last nerve...i had another thought.
WHERE is Grant's non blk woman? while the negroes tear up their neighborhoods, there hasn't been a peep out of her. i guess we will see her when she collects the settlement and goes on about her business?
Bell's bw fiancee has been quite visible when he was on the receiving end of police bullets, after getting all "traditional" before his wedding, and indulging in a bachelor party at the strip club. this DESPITE have several children BEFORE getting married. man, go home and be with your family! any money you are spending in the strip club could go towards your children's education. and most definitely don't be fighting with the police! i have ONLY seen white folks do that mess successfully. namely white women. though women's lib is causing them to be tased and cuffed all up these days, too.
that is what folks won't say. ANYONE doing what Grant was doing runs the risk of catching a bullet. it is just NOT a best practice for anyone.
i am with Cosby...come on people!
focusedpurpose said...anon 7:17pm- LOL. i had this convo with a never married, mother of four, three time babymama yesterday no less. i was floored, speechless, with no words (imagine that!) when she vehemently declared that she does not care about societal rules. noting that there was a time when societal rules made slavery ok.
though silent, i had a Winnie Mandela necklace moment in my mind; thinking of her teaching her offspring THAT madness."
But that's the whole philosophical foundation of left-liberal progressivism, that the original sin of slavery delegitimizes everything about America; that because there was Jim Crow in the past, no amount of redress can ever be enough; that crimes against one's ancestors provide a univeral and permanent excuse for abdicating personal responsibility. The point is to make people hate without thinking.
Somewhere along the way I lost my rose colored, post racial, multicultural glasses and now strive to see things for what they are.
This type of violence has always happened to black males in America. Nothing new or shocking. What's shocking is that no actions have been taken by us, or whatever so called leadership we have today, to find long term solutions. (i.e. raising our kids with appropriate survival techniques so they don't get in these situations, gaining more economic power in order to influences or overtake political systems in our own communities and states)
Anon @ 1:30 made these points:
Blacks won't vote, and Blacks won't riot against Whites. What Blacks 'will' do is talk loud; use a lot of profanity; criticize and argue with the ugly truth; and use the degrading N-word numerous times in conversations. But all of these behaviors is merely a pretense..a cover-up for paralyzing fear and SHAME.
As a bm who has observed the behavior of Blacks rioting over decades I have concluded this very painful truth about the Black race:
Not true of everyone in the "race." In fact, leave America and you will find that most black people are not like this. It has nothing to do with DNA, but rather low-self esteem and poor morals.
Self hate is kindled by relatives, caretakers, educators and the media. There are far too many books and studies that expose the purpose of this conditioning self-loathing and how to rid your mind of it. It really does start with you.
Soon, you'll start looking out for your own best interests despite conditioning and start prospering in many ways.
Until a mass awakening, teach you own kids well. Tell them to avoid the appearance of evil. Teach them not to put themselves in this situation.
And yes, rioting is a waste of time, money and most importantly, life. It's time to start valuing ourselves and our own homes and communities above others. Has not looking out for our own first worked? That might start to reduce black on black violence and illegitimacy. The reduction of Oaktown-esque situations might follow.
"Oh Gawd Hathor, please stop with the riddles. What is it you are trying to communicate.
I'll give anyone fifty bucks and a kidney if they can translate and tell me what on earth is Hathor's point. The suspense is killing me."
In the spirit of this week's G20 meeting I wonder about the people who actually start and join the riots. Some (conspiracy) theorists would suggest that riots are often started by outsiders with larger agendas. For example, I've seen movies that hinted that WTO riots were started by agents in disguise for divisive purposes.
Is it possible that the riots in Oaktown and other cities in the past were not started by locals? Is it always as reported? Thankfully, I've never been in a city as it was in riot mode, so I want to know if it is possible that this was not "triggered" by the citizens.
Field, "*thinking about what Anon @ 1:30 PM said."
Yeah, me too.
it is a sad day = Oscar Grant's killer was given a two year sentence, I looked at that video over and over again, I just DO NOT see a taser, I see something all too sad for me to repeat. a sad day for Justice, JUST Us. yes.
"The point is to make people hate without thinking."
Actually, I am quite thoughtful before I hate.
"Actually, I am quite thoughtful before I hate."
Really Field? Too much thought and you will have to confront the potential conflicts facing a racism chasing civil rights movement-turned-industry by Barack Obama's stunning, rapid rise.
Those who most fear the reality of a "transformation" to a "post-racial" America are those who've most benefited from the decidedly racial nature of recent American politics--again, embarrassingly demonstrated with Obama's success. The end game of affirmative action and discrimination-through-litigation is revealed as long overdue. The intent of the "conversation" about race, now more than ever, is to de-legitimize that challenge by declaring it unfit for conversation.
If we should start taking seriously the "post-racial" nature of Obama's rise, we might start asking that it mean something beyond assigning a professional and political premium to certain individuals based on Obama's myth of "race and inheritance." But the obvious advantage that race played for the inauthentic son of slavery and segregation contradicts the myth. The notion of a white American jackboot forever on the neck of our culturally most powerful--black Americans--was questionable before Obama's remarkable campaign and the ecstatic reception of his inauguration. Now it is farcical.
But it isn't only that Barack Obama renders the white/black reparations dynamic absurd. The nascent Diversity State finds itself too soon and too totally triumphant. The bogey of white oppression threatens to become no longer plausible, and those groups assigned varying stature within the hierarchy of grievance are already eyeing one another uneasily.
The order now threatened by diversity is not pre- but post-civil rights. That minority became synonymous with oppressed, and "underrepresented" synonymous with denied, once only enhanced the power of the dominant minority, which extracted concessions from a still comfortable majority (that could still afford them and held an expectation of final conciliation). Smaller minority groups were content to follow the leader and accept a subordinate position. But what happens to that dynamic in a "post-racial" ("post-white") America where the majority of individuals have a birthright claim against the white plurality and no sense of obligation toward a black population that is culturally dominant, politically favored and stubbornly lagging in professional and scholastic achievement?
The most important thing for status quo defenders like yourself is to preclude any challenges to black America's position atop the hierarchy of grievance. Black equality is more than simple equality
Oakland is a town that is hopeless. Blacks are not valued in that town. As Granny pointed out in a past comment, there are Dumbocrats flying Confederate flags in their yards. Do you think Blacks know anything about justice there in Oaki-town? Those Whites are Oakis.
Anonymous 7:17:
"The "organization" that is needed has actually been in existence for thousands of years. It's called a TWO PARENT family."
It takes a village to raise a child. There is some truth in that proverb.
Actually, I agree with you about there needs to be a two-parent home. But there's something that black men need to start teaching young men and that is the value of responsibility and what being a man really means and that they should impregnate women they marry. Seeing how most of the young men today for some reason think that it's okay to have fun making babies, but then when it comes to establishing a stable, legitimate(husband & wife) two-parent home for that child they are off to make the next baby somewhere else. Instead of playing that game called "rabbit" hopping from this bed to that one.
"Everybody in the world seems to understand this EXCEPT modern black people in America"
I don't know what you mean by "modern black people." Do you mean in this day and age? I'm from that old fashion era when folks were getting married and not putting the cart before the horse so to speak. :)
However, with modern black people as you call them, usually the young males making babies, don't have fathers themselves or know who their fathers are. Therefore, organizing some type of organization that would give that type of guidance would be a good idea. I don't know where the idea comes from that it has to be government funded or funded with money. It could be an organization with a group of men who are willing to donate a little bit of their time to fatherless young males, since there are so many of them these days.
"Get married first have children second and then only when you can actually afford to have and RAISE them."
However, I'd like to add mature enough to that too. Other than that, I totally agree with you.
My nephew was on the BART the night Oscar was murdered in cold blood and recorded the whole incident. I got to see and hear the unedited version. He told me the BART train was packed like sardines and there was no fight on the it. It was a minor argument and the ones arguing were drunk and were together. That it was no big deal. A white woman pulled the cord and said that some blacks and Mexicans were fighting, magnifying it out of porportion and made it seem like it was gang fight on the BART. That she might have been drinking too. However, my nephew said that it wasn't no room on the BART train to have a fist fight. There was more that went on that night regarding the BART police's actions towards minorities that was more shocking to all of the passengers that night than a minor argument. smh!
The rioting only confirms the worst stereotypes abt blacks.
And does nothing to alleviate the underlying conditions.
"Actually, I am quite thoughtful before I hate."
Really Field? Too much thought and you will have to confront the potential conflicts facing a racism chasing civil rights movement-turned-industry by Barack Obama's stunning, rapid rise.
Those who most fear the reality of a "transformation" to a "post-racial" America are those who've most benefited from the decidedly racial nature of recent American politics--again, embarrassingly demonstrated with Obama's success. The end game of affirmative action and discrimination-through-litigation is revealed as long overdue. The intent of the "conversation" about race, now more than ever, is to de-legitimize that challenge by declaring it unfit for conversation.
If we should start taking seriously the "post-racial" nature of Obama's rise, we might start asking that it mean something beyond assigning a professional and political premium to certain individuals based on Obama's myth of "race and inheritance." But the obvious advantage that race played for the inauthentic son of slavery and segregation contradicts the myth. The notion of a white American jackboot forever on the neck of our culturally most powerful--black Americans--was questionable before Obama's remarkable campaign and the ecstatic reception of his inauguration. Now it is farcical.
But it isn't only that Barack Obama renders the white/black reparations dynamic absurd. The nascent Diversity State finds itself too soon and too totally triumphant. The bogey of white oppression threatens to become no longer plausible, and those groups assigned varying stature within the hierarchy of grievance are already eyeing one another uneasily.
The order now threatened by diversity is not pre- but post-civil rights. That minority became synonymous with oppressed, and "underrepresented" synonymous with denied, once only enhanced the power of the dominant minority, which extracted concessions from a still comfortable majority (that could still afford them and held an expectation of final conciliation). Smaller minority groups were content to follow the leader and accept a subordinate position. But what happens to that dynamic in a "post-racial" ("post-white") America where the majority of individuals have a birthright claim against the white plurality and no sense of obligation toward a black population that is culturally dominant, politically favored and stubbornly lagging in professional and scholastic achievement?
The most important thing for status quo defenders like yourself is to preclude any challenges to black America's position atop the hierarchy of grievance. Black equality is more than simple equality.
Kill a dog: 4 years
Download music: 8-10 years (or house arrest)
Smoke some Marijuana: instant felony
Pig shoots somebody: a slap on the wrist (OOH 2 years in Club Fed prison) and a meaningless apology
Of course, everyone takes the usual cop-outs and says "Blacks are too irresponsible", "We need to teach our kids survival techniques". Fuck that. No, black people have been in the United States for generations and we shouldn't have to tolerate this kind of garbage. The real problem is the institution of the police itself. They have no accountability to anyone but themselves and no amount of meaningless voting (the pathetic midterm "election" should have shown that to the liberals in the comments) will change that. They wear their uniforms and hold their superiority over the rest of us while real criminals (ex. the CEOS of AIG, Citibank, BP, George W. Bush, etc.) get away with any BS that they do.
this will get lost in the masses of comments but, i live in the east bay... under a tunnel from oakland in a suburb. my suburb is where the cop lived. im black and all i can say is that white folks where i live dont care about the riots as long as it stays on the other side of the tunnel. now im not saying i want all of oakland to come over to my neck of the woods and start rioting but, if you want to really get white folks attention, just give me a heads up first so i can make sure my renters insurance is paid up to date.
"The commanding officer on the Fruitvale BART platform the night Oscar Grant III was shot in the back and killed by another officer said Wednesday the 22-year-old victim posed no threat to either him or others seconds before he was killed.
The admission, by Officer Anthony Pirone, came during the sixth day of testimony in the preliminary hearing of former BART Officer Johannes Mehserle, accused of murder in the killing of Grant on Jan. 1.
Pirone agreed with the prosecutor that the position Grant was in just seconds before he was shot made it virtually impossible for the Hayward resident to grab and use a weapon against officers even if he had one.
“I didn’t see the hands, so I didn’t see a threat,” Pirone said. “It didn’t pose a threat to me “… or any other officer.”
I live in the bay area and I can tell you it always frustrates me when brothers tear up their own town. We all have to live here and destroying your own neighborhood is like a child destroying their room after getting punished. I'm with you Field - if you want to tear up shit, go to Walnut Creek or better yet go tear up the courthouse.
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