What's all the fuss about body scanners here in A-merry-ca? You A-merry-cans are such prudes. So the TSA guy saw your business. So what? Do you really think he is going to go home and play palm meet johnson with images of your rump- shaker dancing in his head? Stop it!
And, to think, this all started with some guy out in Cali not being comfortable with his manhood:
"Tyner was irate about having to either undergo a full-body scan or endure security officials' new pat-down methods, which the Associated Press said now include running hands up the inside of passengers' legs. The New York Times said the more aggressive pat-downs – "in which women's breasts and all passengers' genital areas are patted firmly" – began Nov. 1.
Tyner refused to go through the scanning machine, and so was offered a pat-down as an alternative, which he also declined. He then exchanged words with airport security staff, while recording the showdown.
"I don't understand how a sexual assault can be made a condition of my flying," Tyner said at one point.
"This is not considered a sexual assault," responded an unidentified airport security official.
"It would be if you weren't the government," Tyner snapped back.
You can hear the exchange on an Associated Press video report here. [See link above]
The airline he was due to fly on eventually refunded his ticket and he never boarded his plane. Tyner later told Fox News that he was concerned about the scanner's invasion of his privacy.
"I didn't want anybody looking at my naked body," he told Fox. Tyner said he recorded the exchange to protect himself"
"Cry me a river"! There is no pleasing the A-merry-can public. They want tighter security and all types of civil liberty protections at the same time. These same people will be the first in line bitching and moaning about how the government couldn't protect them if something goes wrong. "It's all those democrats fault. They are soft on terrorist." And now they have a problem with a hard pat- down because a government employee is doing it. I guess they would feel a little better if security was outsourced to a private company at the airport. Then it wouldn't be those- easy to pick on- government employees doing the frisking.
I am declaring right here and now that I have no problem with body scanners or extra pat downs. Please feel free to feel on me. Hell, I might enjoy that s*&%. ("Sir, you will have to put your laptop in the bin". You can't keep it between your legs.".....let me stop )
Finally, I am going to stay with a certain theme and leave you with the following story:
"The evacuation of a Chester County hotel earlier this month was caused when staffers entered a room, found an Indiana man's naked, lifeless body next to various sexual devices and a gas mask, and smelled the stinging odor of unknown liquids, police and sources said.
The liquids turned out to be cleaning solutions that the man had been huffing as part of a solo sexual act, a source said yesterday.
State Police responded to the Fairfield Inn and Suites, on Baltimore Pike near McFarlan Road, in Kennett Square, on Nov. 4, after hotel employees found the 48-year-old man, whom police did not identify, dead in his room.
A chemical odor and unknown, potentially hazardous liquid substances found in the room prompted a partial evacuation of the hotel.
As a result, the Chester County hazardous-materials team was called to the scene, which was deemed safe, police said.
The substances were various inhalants, including VHS tape cleaner and other cleaning solutions.
Police believe the substances were being inhaled by the man to create a euphoric sensation.
A source said that the sexual devices and the gas mask indicated that the man's behavior may have been "ritualistic."
Although the investigation into the death is ongoing, police do not suspect foul play." [Story]
And, to think, this all started with some guy out in Cali not being comfortable with his manhood:
"Tyner was irate about having to either undergo a full-body scan or endure security officials' new pat-down methods, which the Associated Press said now include running hands up the inside of passengers' legs. The New York Times said the more aggressive pat-downs – "in which women's breasts and all passengers' genital areas are patted firmly" – began Nov. 1.
Tyner refused to go through the scanning machine, and so was offered a pat-down as an alternative, which he also declined. He then exchanged words with airport security staff, while recording the showdown.
"I don't understand how a sexual assault can be made a condition of my flying," Tyner said at one point.
"This is not considered a sexual assault," responded an unidentified airport security official.
"It would be if you weren't the government," Tyner snapped back.
You can hear the exchange on an Associated Press video report here. [See link above]
The airline he was due to fly on eventually refunded his ticket and he never boarded his plane. Tyner later told Fox News that he was concerned about the scanner's invasion of his privacy.
"I didn't want anybody looking at my naked body," he told Fox. Tyner said he recorded the exchange to protect himself"
"Cry me a river"! There is no pleasing the A-merry-can public. They want tighter security and all types of civil liberty protections at the same time. These same people will be the first in line bitching and moaning about how the government couldn't protect them if something goes wrong. "It's all those democrats fault. They are soft on terrorist." And now they have a problem with a hard pat- down because a government employee is doing it. I guess they would feel a little better if security was outsourced to a private company at the airport. Then it wouldn't be those- easy to pick on- government employees doing the frisking.
I am declaring right here and now that I have no problem with body scanners or extra pat downs. Please feel free to feel on me. Hell, I might enjoy that s*&%. ("Sir, you will have to put your laptop in the bin". You can't keep it between your legs.".....let me stop )
Finally, I am going to stay with a certain theme and leave you with the following story:
"The evacuation of a Chester County hotel earlier this month was caused when staffers entered a room, found an Indiana man's naked, lifeless body next to various sexual devices and a gas mask, and smelled the stinging odor of unknown liquids, police and sources said.
The liquids turned out to be cleaning solutions that the man had been huffing as part of a solo sexual act, a source said yesterday.
State Police responded to the Fairfield Inn and Suites, on Baltimore Pike near McFarlan Road, in Kennett Square, on Nov. 4, after hotel employees found the 48-year-old man, whom police did not identify, dead in his room.
A chemical odor and unknown, potentially hazardous liquid substances found in the room prompted a partial evacuation of the hotel.
As a result, the Chester County hazardous-materials team was called to the scene, which was deemed safe, police said.
The substances were various inhalants, including VHS tape cleaner and other cleaning solutions.
Police believe the substances were being inhaled by the man to create a euphoric sensation.
A source said that the sexual devices and the gas mask indicated that the man's behavior may have been "ritualistic."
Although the investigation into the death is ongoing, police do not suspect foul play." [Story]
Well I will be damned! "Ritualistic" masturbation? You A-merry-cans are freakier than I thought.
I wonder if this guy would have objected to a full body scan?
I understand civil libertarians' point - but there's a time for pragmatism and a time for idealism. The government tapping my email and cellphone without a warrant is wrong and unnecessary. Data Mining theory shows that such a broad net rarely reveals anything.
But the government installing full body scanners so the next underwear bomber or Tim McVeigh doesn't hop on the plane with me and my girl on our flight to New York for Thanksgiving? Who am I to complain?
I would only demand that the FDA sign off on the devices first. Hell, the FDA has to sign off on ultrasound equipment and EKG devices, which are some of the most non-invasive medical technologies next to a stethoscope. Why not make sure that a giant X-Ray device isn't going to give travelling salesmen cancer in 5 years?
Other than that? I'm good.
Now, there are other things to we could do to deter terrorism as well. We could pay our Airport security more than a fry clerk at McDonalds and give them more training than a mall cop. We could rethink and reshape our middle east policies as not to give people reason to blow us up (but that's another story).
However, actually using better security techniques isn't a bad thing. If I had a choice between some TSA agent 'touching my junk' and having a bomber, I'll take the frisking. Hell, I've been in East Coast hip-hop clubs since high school and drag queen laden discos in the Village (don't ask) - getting pat down at the door is nothing for me. They can't be an rougher than a the typical 6-5 NOI looking bouncers in the Meat Packing District.
yardstyle :
people should really protest against this ..and look at the deeper picture ,,,,, govt keeps manipulating " fear" to justify intruding on peoples lives and fulfilling orwell 19 84 schmes and really what is the effective ness of this stuff ....doesnt anybody really get it yet ....its like the thinking that invading iraq would stop terror ism..
make thhe world freer haha
I'll tell you what. YOU can have a naked scan done of yourselves. I swear, why not just strip butt nekked in the security line and bend over like they do in jail. That's what they want to see after all. At least you won't get cancer or harmful waves from those machines. I mean screw your own privacy and sense of respect, now let's make everyone throw up or get excited.
Do you really think, Limbaugh, Obama, Senator Boner, Lindsay Lohan , Rupert Murdoch or that ilk will ever go through this even when they fly commercially?
Keep telling yourselves that that machine is harmless and won't cause cancer. You and your babies can pay to be sexually assaulted and be told it's for your own good. Yes, while they grope your six year old's groin area after you told him or her never to let anyone touch him or her there, you can say, "It's ok to let them finger you, they're from the government. It's not YOUR body right now."
Let some GED, low class, uncouth criminal with a badge touch your husband, wife or significant other. I wish they would try that shit on me or my family.
I'm not a convicted criminal, most likely neither are any of you. You all get angrier at a driving while black situation. Weeping over Oscar Grant and that fool with the $2k sunglasses. Did you ever read the rights granted in the Constitution? Oh yes, that fox news line, flight is a privileged, not a right...pay to get probed. Why don't you just let the klan in and rape your women and flog your sons while you're at it. Hey, you could always move.
Meanwhile, keep holding hands with the real enemies of America as ALL borders are kept wide open for every illegal immigrant (not just from Mexico and Central America), terrorist, Faux News share holder, and drug dealer. Keep letting people visit and immigrate from nations that are hostile to the US and/or have over a 70% Islamic population majority. They're brown, or at least not white, so they should be down? Right? That is who we're supposed to bend over and take this security screening in the ass for, Muslim Terrorists? Or was it the drug dealers polluting the south west as others have already done to the urban areas.
Americans of all colors have turned into a nation of pussies. It's the black folks who should know better than to let them do this to us. The terrorists and/or fox news won!
I do not know who this is a good idea. Why don't we just show up to the airport nude and avoid all of this together? But then we would be arrested for indecent exposure. This isn't effective way and I don't feel any safer. So we get randomly felt up or going through the the radiation scan, no one is checking the cargo. That is where the problem lies, I can send a package by airfreight and it could be a bomb, but no one will ever check the package.
What about people who have been sexually assaulted and are randomly chosen for the body scan or getting felt up? Random checks do not work, so while you feeling up grandma, you allowed the young guy disguised as an elderly person to walk through, but didn't noticed the old person with young looking hands. I don't know how you can expect a TSA worker who is not a trained law-enforcement officer to discern what people to check. Did anyone use any critical thinking skills while coming up this procedure?
But the government installing full body scanners so the next underwear bomber or Tim McVeigh doesn't hop on the plane with me and my girl on our flight to New York for Thanksgiving? Who am I to complain?
Or, they could train dogs to sniff for explosives and other chemicals. It seems to work in other countries. They already profile you based on you race, appearance, method of ticket purchase and other things. I can't bring chips through the gate and have to explain why I have so much formula or medication for an international flight.
Field said, ""It's all those democrats fault. They are soft on terrorist." And now they have a problem with a hard pat- down because a government employee is doing it. I guess they would feel a little better if security was outsourced to a private company at the airport."
You just had to throw in the politics on this one, didn't ya? The man didn't want anyone feeling his jones but his wife and doctor. FYI...he is a progressive liberal Dumbocrat, like you..except that he is White.
Of course a brotha will have no problem with a governmental pat down. No Blacks will DARE refuse a pat down from the government.
Only Whites who are NOT afraid of the government and the police are going to question and refuse such outrageous treatment. But I understand where you are coming from as a Black person.
Well, next year this kind of stuff is going to stop because the 'new' Congress isn't going to have any of this invasiveness of private parts. And when they changed it, you will benefit as well, even though you did nothing.
Basically Smashed already wrote everything I would have written. Of course I might feel differently if I had lost someone in 9-11 but I don't think that looking at people naked or grabbing people's private areas does much good.
Sorry Field, I'm not feeling this one. I don't fault Tyner, he has a right to his feelings, manhood insecurity or not (why do some of you black men always have to go there).
As a woman, I'm horrified by those images of a very personal and invasive silhouette of a female body. And I don't take kindly to being "felt up" by strangers either.
This is not acceptable, find some other way. I agree with STTBB at 9:15pm.
Field, you shouldn't make fun of a dead man who was addicted to drugs and sex. Sex and love addiction is a terrible thing. It is lethal, as demonstrated by this man.
I know the man was Black cause you didn't mention his color. Plus the substance used was the cheap stuff he could get over-the-counter or out of the local ghetto liquor store.
Btw, I am a bm, so don't be thinking that I am some MackLying dude who consistently doesn't know his ass from a hole in the ground.
And another thing, I would be damn pissed if my minor female child has to be "sexually" exposed in this body scan, or felt up.
(You like child porn or invading the privacy or children? Forget about becoming a priest or a camp counselor, just sign up with the Airport security).
And of course they said they don't keep the images stored from the scanner. Yeah right.
STTBB-"Americans of all colors have turned into a nation of pussies. It's the black folks who should know better than to let them do this to us. The terrorists and/or fox news won!"
On the contrary, Blacks DON'T know any better than to let them do this to us. But we DO know better than to refuse the government and police to say or do anything, as Field has demonstrated.
Btw, LAA...your assessment of manhood,..well let's just say that Tyner showed what 'true' manhood was-- when he refused to allow them to treat him in a way that was offensive and degrading. He modeled what a man does in such circumstances not only for himself, but for his woman or wife and children..
Of course, Tyner's actions probably does not fit with the majority of bm like Field...They live by a different code of what it is to be a man. Actually, I think it's a cover-up for fear of authority-for MANY- but not all.
"Do you really think, Limbaugh, Obama, Senator Boner, Lindsay Lohan , Rupert Murdoch or that ilk will ever go through this even when they fly commercially?"
Eh? Those guys have private jets. They don't have to go through this song and dance like the serfs have to.
Um, regarding the dead master baiter, can't you buy weed in Chester County? Seems a lot less complicated. Healthier too.
I really think it is too invasive, but the safety is questionable. The radiation level may be OK as long as those machines are maintained. That's doubtful when the airports have a hard time maintaining scanners. I would rather not be scanned or frisked, but I opt for frisking.
"At least you won't get cancer or harmful waves from those machines. I mean screw your own privacy and sense of respect, now let's make everyone throw up or get excited."
OK Smashed..., you make a good point with the "harmful waves" argument. (If it is in fact, true)
Still, I have two words for all of you whining about the TSA screening: "GO GREYHOUND".
"Um, regarding the dead master baiter, can't you buy weed in Chester County? Seems a lot less complicated. Healthier too."
I wouldn't know about such things.
"I understand civil libertarians' point - but there's a time for pragmatism and a time for idealism. The government tapping my email and cellphone without a warrant is wrong and unnecessary. Data Mining theory shows that such a broad net rarely reveals anything."
*nodding head* @ La~Coincidental
Did I write "so" and not "saw"? Shhhhsh*
Sorry about that folks. :( I was rushing to get to something.
11:33 PM
"Btw, LAA...your assessment of manhood,..well let's just say that Tyner showed what 'true' manhood was-- when he refused to allow them to treat him in a way that was offensive and degrading. He modeled what a man does in such circumstances not only for himself, but for his woman or wife and children.."
Yes, Tyner would rather be alone in a hotel room.
I hate security because they have no idea what they are doing. I am pragmatic and I am telling you that it is not efficient. No one seems to have powers of observation in observing behavior which is a better indication than randomness. If there is another attack, it will be through out ports because they are not checked because wants to spend the money to do it. Politicians have said that we can't afford to protect the ports, but we spend money on body scan which are ineffective and proven not to work. Israel does an effective job in securing the airport with the body scan and feeling you or I up. Where I work, security as an application for employees to register guests. If the guest is not registered, then I have to go down it get him or her. When I get to the desk, the guard asks me to see my work ID. Here is the thing, I am already in the building, and you called me to get the person. It's random drug testing, I get tested for drugs when every knows that the other employee comes in high. This is pure laziness. The reality is they check everyone that comes through because it would take too long, so it's easier to put Omar Shariff on the no fly zone and he's three years old. Oh yes keeping that three year old off the plane certainly makes me safer, now I can breathe easier. This is nothing more than a false sense of security. If you think that this will make you safer, I have a tunnel in New Jersey I would like to sell to you.
I'm with Goldblog @ the Atlantic: Opt out in freeballin kilts!
I've still got my $500 kilts and jacket from a wedding and it's my new traveling suit. Yup, from now on every time I'm in the air; so are the boys'! And I'm gonna box a spliff beforehand so that I've got the giggles.
Yes, poor VictimTyner who just had to tell that lowly serf not to do their job. Poor VictimTyner who mad a declaration of where not to touch. Maybe some posters will wonder why the TSA was less than thrilled with VictimTyner...but ask, if a visitor to one of PA's fine prisons said "touch my nethers, and I will have you arrested" would you want to know why.
Poor VictimTyner felt Entitled to be lordly on a TSA employee doing their job as outlined by the union-free environment. VictimTyner went aggro and then shared his digital trophy to his 'friends'.
Sorry, simply because some jerkhole waves their tiny self-important nothingness is not a loss of Civil Liberties. I suggest some review the Civil Rights struggle and see that there were real, and drastic, consequences for seeking one's Constitutional Rights. He just treated the TSA staff like he treats all persons toiling away in areas like retail, service, and support. Wonder if the wee jerkhole tips at all.
That's a good idea. Some guys look terrific in them. Even if they don't, I endorse that form civil disobedience or protest, provided that the men feel comfortable doing it. Go for it.
"Although the investigation into the death is ongoing, police do not suspect foul play." [Story]
Well I will be damned! "Ritualistic" masturbation? You A-merry-cans are freakier than I thought. "
This is how I always thought uptownsteve would go out. That man is as committed to masturbation as anyone.
The reason this is a problem is that political correctness prevents us from profiling security threats. 85 year old nuns receive the same scrutiny as 23 year Yemeni dudes with no luggage and a one-way ticket bought with cash.
Mother Teresa should not be talking about sex. That is a grave sin. It's too late now, you are going to hell. so you might as well keep on talking.
Brandi was robbed!!
Sorry, you can't indulge in racism just yet. One has to wait for Prezzy Palin to differentiate solely upon the basis of colour. Quick, who is the greater danger to life and limb...Barack Obama or a hedge fund manager from Vail? If you automatically picked Obama, congrats...you am teabagger! If you picked the hedge dude...you live in Reality.
Here's an interesting article about Rahm Emmanuelle's new book. Sounds like he felt Obama screwed up badly with the Dems and Repubs.
Field, I use to work in a Correctional facility, and there is a process for bringing in contraband called SUIT CASING, and let me tell you, there are some talented people in this art if you know what I mean. I believe that the record in the state of GA, has been 6 cell phones, and a charger. Now think about that the next time you board a plane.
Hi 5-ving Mold @ 12:21 AM.:)
Wait..Rham has a book coming, too?
Wow! Just goes to show you that you can't trust folks anymore.
Anon 5:21 AM. Maybe this is why I don't find this as offensive as some folks. I have been through quite a few of those prison checks myself.
As someone who was profiled routinely at customs as a drug mule, (black female travelling alone to the Carribean. Couldn't a single girl take a damn vacation?)I quit flying years ago. On the way to MY wedding, I got pulled out of line, on a plane full of Russians, UAE, and Chinese people shortly after 9/11. The only person they decided to stop was the home grown black girl. ( Hell, I was on my way to get married. At 45 years old. I would have personally killed any MF'ing terrorist thinking he was going stop that plane.)
I am not travelling by air anymore. The supposedly private body scans are already being saved and passed around by TSA employees (from Jezebel.com) and I'll be damned if somebody is getting a free grope on the breasts that have been referred to by a bra manufacturer as "perfect." You want to feel up my cookie, you buy me a really nice dinner first. And then, of course, five years from now, we'll learn that the scans are carcinogenic and everyone who went through them is going to die horribly without any recourse against the government. Just not gonna fly. I can drive in country and cruise to the islands.
It gets worse than this, they are letting corporations rape women in the workplace, more than 147,000 cases per year according to the Dept of "Justice"....500,000 according to the Office of Violence Against Women.
They are literally, selling women to rape , by the corporations under this Violence Against Women's Act.
I would like help to put one serial rapist in prison....he raped more than a dozen women before me.
The government covered up the rape and murder of children on this case
for that corporate money....
I can prove the government is allowing the rape and murder of women and children.......for money
In America
I would like help to put one rapist in prison, he rapes women, in public, the government covers it up for money......
I can be reached at beverlyprather1@verizon.net
It gets worse than this, they are letting corporations rape women in the workplace, more than 147,000 cases per year according to the Dept of "Justice"....500,000 according to the Office of Violence Against Women.
They are literally, selling women to rape , by the corporations under this Violence Against Women's Act.
I would like help to put one serial rapist in prison....he raped more than a dozen women before me.
The government covered up the rape and murder of children on this case
for that corporate money....
I can prove the government is allowing the rape and murder of women and children.......for money
In America
I would like help to put one rapist in prison, he rapes women, in public, the government covers it up for money......
If that man were black, he would be doing double life
but he is a white man with money
Please help me with this case
they let him rape and torture more than a dozen women before me
he is still out there
I can be reached at beverlyprather1@verizon.net
The government tapped my phone, my cell, I was under 24-7 video surveillance, by the rapist, the government, the court, the DOJ, women are hunted like animals for being raped on their jobs......and they are doing it for the money a corporation will pay to keep him out of prison...
they are selling women to rape
in America
and they "investigate" the women that file charges of rape
they "investigate" you for YEARS
and the government has the nerve to tell me it is not a federal crime to rape women in the workplace......
someone please help me bust this rapist
any black man is doing double life
on his first felony rape
this man did more than a dozen before me, and they "seal" his rape cases for him.....covering it up
Your wife is worth more to the government IF she gets raped on her job......
Please help me bust that rapist
he rapes women,, IN PUBLIC
they "seal" his rape cases for him
Beverly Prather beverlyprather1@verizon.net
when federal spying and stripping and groping and snooping become routine...we are all doomed...
even if we never fly...
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."
--Benjamin Franklin
i hate all fake reality tv and never watch it...
i saw clips of brandy and she was
flawless always!!!
most people are racist morons
and should never be allowed to vote on tv/on juries etc
100k screening images saved in California
FN said: "Anon 5:21 AM. Maybe this is why I don't find this as offensive as some folks. I have been through quite a few of those prison checks myself."
I heard you got busted "suitcasing" a Bill O'Reilly coffee mug. True?
BTW, the story out today is that Michael Chertoff, former Homeland Security Secretary, owns a consulting firm that lists one of its clents as Rapiscan, the company that got the $165 million contract to make the TSA scanners. Neat deal, huh? Even better: George Soros is amajor investor in OSI Systems, the company that owns Rapiscan.
The stories may change, but the characters remain the same.
As usual, Wayne and his sycophants like LAC are stupidly wrong and Alicia gets it right: "when federal spying and stripping and groping and snooping become routine...we are all doomed..."
It's uncanny that it happens all the time.
Your wife is worth more to the government IF she gets raped on her job......
Let me guess. Your wife was a federal squirrel nut logistics provider?
LACoincidental said...
I understand civil libertarians' point - but there's a time for pragmatism and a time for idealism. The government tapping my email and cellphone without a warrant is wrong and unnecessary. Data Mining theory shows that such a broad net rarely reveals anything.
But the government installing full body scanners so the next underwear bomber or Tim McVeigh doesn't hop on the plane with me and my girl on our flight to New York for Thanksgiving? Who am I to complain?
Dude, get over the Lefty talking points. McVeigh was eons ago and did not hijack a plane. Pragamtism means look at and profile those who do hijack aircraft and have tried to kill americans in the name of Allah...Muslims.
I suspect most people who object to this will be fat people who you wouldn't want to see naked or to feel them up to begin with.
If that keeps them from sitting next to me on a plane with their lard oozing all over into my sitting space, then I'm down with it.
Let me point out something to the black racists who idolize Wayne. A decent man would immediately think, "I don't want my wife/girlfriend/daughter going through that". But Wayne immediately and exclusively thinks, "me/me/me".
Wayne Bennett would be a distorted doof no matter what his race. But you black racists follow him just because he's black - the same as you do with Obama.
Remember the video of the white doof at the baseball game who ducked aside and let his girlfriend get hit with the foul ball? That'd be the same with Wayne and LAC and the rest.
Field, and others interested in how the 2012 run for the presidency WILL turn out, please read this very important link:
Brandi was Robbed!
Watch the reactions of the dancers, judges, and hosts. They knew it was rotten in the State of Alaska...but dared not say so.
Bristol is an unwed teenage mom of two with no fan base. Brandi is an international entertainer with a large fan base. Bristol clumped around...Brandi brought it.
Anonymous said...
LACoincidental said...
I understand civil libertarians' point - but there's a time for pragmatism and a time for idealism. The government tapping my email and cellphone without a warrant is wrong and unnecessary. Data Mining theory shows that such a broad net rarely reveals anything.
But the government installing full body scanners so the next underwear bomber or Tim McVeigh doesn't hop on the plane with me and my girl on our flight to New York for Thanksgiving? Who am I to complain?
Dude, get over the Lefty talking points. McVeigh was eons ago and did not hijack a plane. Pragamtism means look at and profile those who do hijack aircraft and have tried to kill americans in the name of Allah...Muslims.
To say only Muslims are extremists who cause mass murder to further political/religious world view is like saying only Black women and gay guys get AIDS. Its an asinine statement.
If you don't think there aren't droves of right wing militia nuts who wouldn't think twice about blowing up a plane or building, or shooting random people - you need to watch the news a little more.
Field your stance on this is strange and unexpected, and so is yours LAC. Have you not read the PHYSICS papers that point out that the terrahertz spectrum can possibly UNZIP DNA?
If you are too dense to get the philosophical objections to privacy then at least listen to the scientific objections. These body scanners are NOT a good idea because we don't know the long term effects of terrahertz radiation exposure in this fashion. Here is a link from MIT since they have more credibility than little ole me...
LAC your stance is what right wing and left wing statists say all the time. They justify intrusion by the state into all aspects of our lives under the guise of 'protection'. Yet terrorists will always find away to get around existing safety structures and meanwhile innocent people suffer. I cram to understand why you support this madness.
M. Rigmaiden said...
Field your stance on this is strange and unexpected, and so is yours LAC. Have you not read the PHYSICS papers that point out that the terrahertz spectrum can possibly UNZIP DNA?
If you are too dense to get the philosophical objections to privacy then at least listen to the scientific objections. These body scanners are NOT a good idea because we don't know the long term effects of terrahertz radiation exposure in this fashion. Here is a link from MIT since they have more credibility than little ole me...
Here's what I said:
"I would only demand that the FDA sign off on the devices first. Hell, the FDA has to sign off on ultrasound equipment and EKG devices, which are some of the most non-invasive medical technologies next to a stethoscope. Why not make sure that a giant X-Ray device isn't going to give travelling salesmen cancer in 5 years?
Other than that? I'm good. "
Because I work in Healthcare IT and Medical Imaging, I know that sending large doses of radiation through the human body. My point, I agreed with you on the health component.
The 'philosophical objections to privacy' are somewhat mute - we put up with a lot things that under the strictest interpretation of the Constitution would be wrong. Why carry passports or Driver's licenses?
Also, I've had really uncomfortable searches at night clubs and I didn't threaten the bouncer. Because I understood the 45 second discomfort of being frisked is better than lifetime of terror and harm from a bullet. And I'd take a bullet over a bomb.
Again, its about safety first and foremost. I would think it were overkill too if we didn't have terrorists putting bombs in their shoes and underwear (that one sounds really uncomfortable). In other words, the whackos of the world are getting smarter.
And, we would all scream bloody murder if some guy with a bazooka in his belt buckle sat down next to us because we didn't use existing technologies. And so long as we're strip searching everyone - we haven't reached the abyss yet.
But, I also offered a far more cheaper solution in my initial response:
"Now, there are other things to we could do to deter terrorism as well. We could pay our Airport security more than a fry clerk at McDonald's and give them more training than a mall cop. We could rethink and reshape our middle east policies as not to give people reason to blow us up (but that's another story)."
So again, I agree with that this is drastic, but not the worse thing that government could think up. My primary concern is safety of the technology, which you highlighted.
To me this ultimately looks like a defense industry introducing a new toy break into the 'security game'.
M. Rigmaiden said...
LAC your stance is what right wing and left wing statists say all the time. They justify intrusion by the state into all aspects of our lives under the guise of 'protection'. Yet terrorists will always find away to get around existing safety structures and meanwhile innocent people suffer. I cram to understand why you support this madness.
I think you missed the point that this 'Total Recall' body scanner isn't the only way stop terrorists. Better intelligence, working with the international community and actually treating and training the TSA guys like cops and not the losers making sure no one shoplifts a brassiere at Target.
My point is that so long as we can ensure we don't mutate into the incredible hulk on our flight back east - I'm not all that concerned.
We're not stripping searching
Why carry passports or Driver's licenses? Yeah why? Why should the state have their business in every body else's business? I don't agree with the concept. I don't think that the state should be able to take the car that YOU bought or lien it if you didn't pay the state a fee. The state is an arm of tyranny via extortion.
I don't think that going to a venue where you'll be treated like a common criminal is kosher. I once blew up the spot on a bouncer over that whole concept. Screw those people. Really. Shootings don't tend to occur at Heiroglyphics concerts! And notice you don't get searched when you go to the symphony!
And I'd argue that a dose of terrahertz radiation through the body is like getting a strip search!
MR, you are a libertarian to the core, that's for sure.
But we both agree that the science is at the best still debatable and at worst not a good idea at all.
Do some research. Skeletor, aka former Homeland Dept Secretary Michael Chertoff, has been pushing for these since he was Homeland Secretary. Guess which company got the first $25 contract? Rapiscan. Guess who is on their payroll? Chertoff. The government has set aside $300 mil to purchase these scanners. American Science and Engineering has hired a lobbying group, Wexler & Wexler, guess who's on their payroll and lobbying for AS&E? Tom Blank former Deputy Administrator for the TSA. Are these scanners safe? Janet Napolitano said "These things ... have been examined six ways to Sunday...The [Food and Drug Administration], Johns Hopkins University, the U.S. Science and Standards Association, have all measured the radiation involved...t's almost immeasurable, it is so small." But a representative for Johns Hopkins University Applied Physics Laboratory said the group did not evaluate the advanced imaging machines for passenger safety. "That was not our role," spokeswoman Helen Worth said. "We measured the level of radiation, which was then evaluated by TSA." Like with everything follow the money
Why should anyone be able to look at naked images of you because you want to travel? Get a search warrant.
Same thing is true of invasive gropes-especially on KIDS. That stuff is wrong.
Like I said I didn't lose anyone in 9-11 and perhaps I'd feel differently if I did but it's really not the government's right to be doing this sort of stuff.
This might be the first (and last) time you ever hear me positively reference Israeli security measures but AFAIK they don't use body scanners, calling them useless. Our own GAO report says it's not clear that the porno scanners would have detected that crazy African.
Inevitably with travel in a "free" society there will be some risk. We can minimize it but we can't eliminate it.
And am I the only one who finds it ironic that American citizens are being given a choice between ultra revealing and possibly dangerous porno scanners or a humiliating and invasive pat down while at the same time we're given to believe that merely ASKING a person (possible non-citizen) who's already broken the law/infracted some code for proof of residency/citizenship is INTOLERABLE and must be fought at the highest levels?
What we need to do is find smarter solutions. But those solutions shouldn't require such a demeaning surrender of privacy. Certain things are just off limits and that's that.
If this were happening under Bush instead of Obama, some people would be rushing to talk about police state this and 1984 that. The person at the top may have changed but the f****d up philosophy about state power remains the same.
It's more about how people are so willing to give away their liberties for the sake of security and being surprised when they get neither. So exactly how is the TSA protecting American citizens, other than behaving like the DMV and some jackleg Loss Prevention team writ large? Meanwhile, anyone who's going to pull off a terrorist act will have enough smarts to bypass all of the song and dance and pull it off somewhere unexpected. Like, say....via an ordinary U-Haul truck, filled up with thousands of pounds of fertilizer and fuel, driving across the country and parked next to some important building filled with innocent lives. Now where have I heard of that before...
I've never flown. I've always drove to my destinations or took a cruise to them. But knowing how big of a pain this government is, I fully expect this backstabber.....ahem....backscatter crap to be installed in cruise ship ports and along highways, especially the toll areas and DUI checkpoints. And people won't make too much of a fuss about it either. Gotta "protect our freedoms". Yeah.
no hope
no change
no boycotts/rebellions/refusals etc =
air travel will continue to become more hellish torture each yr
i have to fly too often but do so only when i absolutely must...
i always prefer a car or train
Field I have to part ways with you on this one. You have bought the hype a bit.
First you have to always keep in mind that the whole airport security thing is pure propaganda.
If you get use to this invasison what other invasions of privacy will you get use to? Listening to your phone converations, breaking in your house stealing your files because they don't like a client you are representing.
Whoa Nellie, this is indeed a slippery slope.
And do we really believe that all these folks doing all this feeling have "clean hands" so to speak?
I know this is propagands because I know a lot of folks who have worked for airlines and they will tell you that if someone really wants to blow up a plane there is really not much that can be done about it.
I can't remember which news service did this, but it was either in the Twin Cities or Miami in which a news crew was able to gain access to the tarmac, proving what a sham airport security really is.
Its all for show!
You wouldn't sleep well at night if you actually knew how many access points to airplanes that aren't well guarded or only takes a keycard to access. I don't have to tell you that there are more ill paid airport personnel who just might be susceptible to bribes.
And M Rig is correct there is no conclusive data showing that these scanners are harmless.
This is really designed to make the American public more frightened and more willing to give up its hard earned rights. It also reinforces ethnic prejudices.
Keep in mind some of the latest incidents were carried out by the underwear bomber and the shoe bomber who found a way around the system.
I think LAC hinted at the real way we can travel and feel safe --and Field please don't blow off what I am saying as just some revolutionary ranting - and that is if this government stopped attacking and invading Muslim countries as well as stop unfairly, supporting Isreal financially while taking Isreal's side when it is clearly wrong.
As crazy as terrorism is, its not that crazy when you consider that folks feel like they have no other options left to get their point across.
If want peace when we are in the air we should consider fighting for justice on the ground.
Shady Grady what you said here is what I have been saying for years, but folks keep drinking the koolaid while many of our brothers and sisters in the developing world including Africa and yes poor folks right here in the US continue to suffer under the oppressive and classist policies of this government its banks, corporations and military.
Shady Grady said"If this were happening under Bush instead of Obama, some people would be rushing to talk about police state this and 1984 that. The person at the top may have changed but the f****d up philosophy about state power remains the same."
Shady Grady said...
"And am I the only one who finds it ironic that American citizens are being given a choice between ultra revealing and possibly dangerous porno scanners or a humiliating and invasive pat down while at the same time we're given to believe that merely ASKING a person (possible non-citizen) who's already broken the law/infracted some code for proof of residency/citizenship is INTOLERABLE and must be fought at the highest levels?
Here, here, Mr. Grady.
The problems leftists have with civil liberties only pertains to whose priorities are infinging on those liberties.
In the case of the Arizona law, a law which mirrors existing federal statutes and specifically prohibits racial profiling AND asks for nothing more than is required of everyone else (ie show an ID)during a traffic stop, it's the jackboot of white racism stomping on the face of poor brown people, many of whom just happen to be here illegally. However, leftists have no problem whatsoever subjecting 85 year old nuns to cavity searches so CAIR doesn't get offended, or shutting down right wing radio so Air America can be broadcast at government expense.
why is everybody questioning the government, security, Obama and the Dems? You all sound like Tea Baggers. What is happening, here, the end of the world?
Stop listening to AB, she doesn't know what she is talking about. Instead, listen to your President, esp YOU mellaneous.
i guess u have a private jet like hobama?
lucky u!
So here’s my not-so-modest proposal: If the President’s Homeland Security department is so adamant that this is the absolute best way to prevent terrorism, I think the President and his family should voluntarily submit to one of the new invasive pat down procedures. I know the Obamas don’t fly commercial at all these days, so they should probably get a pretty good idea what the rest of us are putting up with.
The President and his family — preferably with DHS Secretary Janet “The system worked” Napolitano — should show up at Dulles or Reagan airport on a weekday with a camera crew in tow, as airport pat downs are typically done in full view of hundreds of travelers. All of America will to see the TSA handling the President’s crown jewels. Then a rubber-gloved federal agent will run his hands all over his wife and daughter’s privates while he watches. Then I want him to turn to the camera and tell all of America that this is no big deal and we should all be good citizens and comply with the necessary security procedures.
It only seems fair.
all of my haters hate the truth!
LA CoinkAdink Said....
To say only Muslims are extremists who cause mass murder to further political/religious world view is like saying only Black women and gay guys get AIDS. Its an asinine statement.
If you don't think there aren't droves of right wing militia nuts who wouldn't think twice about blowing up a plane or building, or shooting random people - you need to watch the news a little more.
12:54 PM
Typical Lefty MSNBC illogical rant. No - equating those who wish to kill and destroy America AND western society stemming from a very strong religious calling (Read the Koran) is not equivalant to a racial statistic of Aids. It is totally incomprehensible that you try and link the two. In fact the Muslim terrorists TELL you what their beleifs are and they prove their agenda at every opportunity. Got a photocopy toner cartridge nearby? Nor is stating that there are "droves" of "militia" nuts who must be out there and ready to blow up planes. You as you suggest should read and watch the news a little bit more and not MSNBC spun news. Where it is not ok to name a muslim terrorists and they become man made disasters or overseas contingency operations.
McVeigh was in 1995. It is well known he was the product of a democratic strong union (auto workers) household and has absolutely nothing to do with Muslim Extremist terrorism. However despite the clear actions and beliefs of Muslims, lefties continually whip out McVeigh as if that is a logical point to close our eyes to todays situation. How illogical that one event 15 years ago should wipe out all of todays muslim extremism or even be on topic and matter.
Remind me never to put a lefty like you in charge of anything. You would use all manpower to search for the next Timothy McVeigh while overlooking the Underwear Bomber, Fort Hood Shooter and on and on and on. What is like to be liberal to the point of delusion? Do facts and reality ever get in the way of your emotionally driven thought processes?
Can you name one time in history to back up your statement that Militia groups have even gone to the airport let alone committed an act of terrorism in an airport, on an aircraft? Do you truly believe that in the interest of insanity we should coddle those who protest profiling yet do nothing within their community to stop terrorism? Is it effective to continue to search Nuns and Grandmas? Despite all of the freely availible evidence? I said evidence, not lefty conjecture. Again, the extremist muslims TELL US what they beleive and will do and have done so. Why arent you listening?
LA CoinkAdink Said....
To say only Muslims are extremists who cause mass murder to further political/religious world view is like saying only Black women and gay guys get AIDS. Its an asinine statement.
If you don't think there aren't droves of right wing militia nuts who wouldn't think twice about blowing up a plane or building, or shooting random people - you need to watch the news a little more.
12:54 PM
Typical Lefty MSNBC illogical rant. No - equating those who wish to kill and destroy America AND western society stemming from a very strong religious calling (Read the Koran) is not equivalant to a racial statistic of Aids. It is totally incomprehensible that you try and link the two. In fact the Muslim terrorists TELL you what their beleifs are and they prove their agenda at every opportunity. Got a photocopy toner cartridge nearby? Nor is stating that there are "droves" of "militia" nuts who must be out there and ready to blow up planes. You as you suggest should read and watch the news a little bit more and not MSNBC spun news. Where it is not ok to name a muslim terrorists and they become man made disasters or overseas contingency operations.
McVeigh was in 1995. It is well known he was the product of a democratic strong union (auto workers) household and has absolutely nothing to do with Muslim Extremist terrorism. However despite the clear actions and beliefs of Muslims, lefties continually whip out McVeigh as if that is a logical point to close our eyes to todays situation. How illogical that one event 15 years ago should wipe out all of todays muslim extremism or even be on topic and matter.
Remind me never to put a lefty like you in charge of anything. You would use all manpower to search for the next Timothy McVeigh while overlooking the Underwear Bomber, Fort Hood Shooter and on and on and on. What is like to be liberal to the point of delusion? Do facts and reality ever get in the way of your emotionally driven thought processes?
Can you name one time in history to back up your statement that Militia groups have even gone to the airport let alone committed an act of terrorism in an airport, on an aircraft? Do you truly believe that in the interest of insanity we should coddle those who protest profiling yet do nothing within their community to stop terrorism? Is it effective to continue to search Nuns and Grandmas? Despite all of the freely availible evidence? I said evidence, not lefty conjecture. Again, the extremist muslims TELL US what they beleive and will do and have done so. Why arent you listening?
*****TEAM VIC!!!*****
*fu*k PETA*
German Interior Minister Thomas de Maizière on Wednesday warned the government had indications Islamists were planning terrorist attacks in Germany later this month.
Hey LAC. I see this kind of thing in the news very very often for a large number of countries of Western Civilization. Do you think these are all homegrown terrorists like you seem to in the U.S? Can you make the logical leap? Should we protect ourselves against radical or rather fundamental Islam? Or are all the attacks around the world a plot by homegrown terrorists as you lefties try and say here in the U.S?
My goodness! I just posted a link about Rahm Emmanuelle making negative comments about Obama in his recent book.
NOW Soros-- is telling Democratic donors that Obama is NOT a good investment. Soros says that they would be better off by sending their money elsewhere.
It's NOT looking good for Obama and his Obamaholic followers.
Dear Field, I have continually worked my ass off to feed you important info over the years and NOT ONCE have you made a h/t to me. Granted, the info was painful to you as an Obamaholic, but still...
mellaneous said...
I think LAC hinted at the real way we can travel and feel safe --and Field please don't blow off what I am saying as just some revolutionary ranting - and that is if this government stopped attacking and invading Muslim countries as well as stop unfairly, supporting Isreal financially while taking Isreal's side when it is clearly wrong.
Thanks Mell, allow me to elaborate. It amazes me how so many Americans are outraged that the government would want to scan people to ensure they're not carrying weapons but thinks its quite alright the government targets 'suspicious looking people'. So, my manager and her husband, who are Muslim can be stopped everytime they go to LAX because they scare Juan Williams. But, we 'real Americans' shouldn't be subjected to a extensive body search - because "we don't look Muslim". This is the stupidest load of crap I've ever heard. As if there aren't Muslims with blonde hair named 'John Smith'. We can't tolerate inconvience for the sake of "civil liberties" - but our neighbor can get screwed over because he's swarthy. Also, weren't we bitching that security at airports was too laxed 10 years ago? SMDH.
Now the third way requires political courage and a battle plan. That is, we could reshape our diplomatic and military policies. We could close the bases in Germany and S. Korea. We could end both wars bring our troops home. We could cut our overall military expediture in half and focus on intelligence gathering - saving money and actually fighting terrorists with tools that work. We could work with the international community - Strengthen the UN so we can stop being the world cops. And ultimately pull our financial and military support (or atleast modify ) for Isreal so that we could be a true 'honest broker' in peace talks. We could agressive for clean energy. We could talk to Muslim leaders as if they're rational leaders and not a bunch of madmen with guns.
In other words, we can take straightforward and simple steps (not easy, simple) to reduce the reason so-called Muslim Extremist to blow us up. The way to win a fight is to avoid fighting in the first place.
The problem is political courage and a battle plan. The Right simply doesn't care to change status quo and ulitmately wish to reinforce it. The centrist/moderates lack the political courage to stand up for real change. We saw that with watered down healthcare and financial reform. We see it now with the war - Obama and Democrats unwilling to quickly and definitely ending the occupations and risk losing everything for the short term.
The second is a battle plan - where liberals fall short. Platitudes matter little when you have no cohesive course of action. Which is why the so-called 'professional left' doesn't matter in politics - its easy to say something, its harder to do something. And a plan requires analysis of likely possible scenarios. In other words, how do you ensure that Isreal doesn't become a mushroom cloud if we pullback our support. What do you do with the millions out of work because we stop buying aircraft carriers and bombers?
Again, like debt reduction and global warming, national security is a complex and heady issue that requires adult thinking and adult conversations. No solutions will be perfect, but we all have to agree what we can live with. But ideologues have staked out their claims on sides of the issue. And until we learn to listen and understand each other and work on real solutions - we will continue to get more overblown options like a giant X-Ray machine in the airport and virtual groping by the police.
Let us 'once again', acknowledge the fact that AB has been right all along about this administration. You Obamaholics OWE her a BIG TIME APOLOGY..esp UTS, Maria, LAC and Mack Lyons.
anon thanks!
and they owe many others apologies too!
mike dyson
debra dickerson
glen ford
bruce dixon
uhuru news
danny glover
harry belafonte
cynthia mckinney
hobama is being slain by many who are FINALLY daring to call him out!
“He just has a different belief system than most Americans.”
That seems a rather loaded phrase—different belief system—even if you strongly disagree with most of Obama’s policies. It fits the view of those who are trying to paint the president as being outside the mainstream. But from the big second-floor office at Fox’s Midtown Manhattan headquarters, it’s the rest of the media that are using a distorted lens.
“He’s had 3,000 press secretaries since he got into office,” Ailes says of Obama, but these days, “he’s making it harder for the press to make him look good… When the press falls in love, they fall in love hard. They’re like teenagers in love. It’s like the old Frankie Lymon song, ‘Why Do Fools Fall in Love?’”
Ailes brushes aside suggestions that journalists have been much harder on the president as his sliding popularity has led to a Republican takeover of the House. He is far more sympathetic to Obama’s predecessor:
“This poor guy, sitting down on his ranch clearing brush, gained a lot of respect for keeping his mouth shut. I literally never heard an Obama speech that didn’t blame Bush.”
hobama's belief system = only banksters and elites matter!!!
AB, "“He just has a different belief system than most Americans.”
That seems a rather loaded phrase—different belief system—even if you strongly disagree with most of Obama’s policies."
I think behind that phrase is an underlying belief that bm think, act and behave out of the norm of A-merry-can society.
Losing Soros is a tremendous loss.
AB, notice how silent your critics are?
Also, some credit goes to Mellaneous who spoke out too.
they owe many:
chicago dyke
black agenda report soldiers
the urban league
alex jones
david icke
john conyers
banished charlie rangle
gerald celente
pastor manning
jeff rense
brother dawud
the silence and hobama's global sin's have ONLY just begun!
they even owe the late howard zinn and millions of tea partiers who are NOT racists/voted for hobama etc
and do not forget the pimped tucc and the beloved sage and revered ex-marine rev wright!
they owe him and bobby rush too!
they both told us first that hobama was just another fake politico
AB, "ditto:
they owe many:
chicago dyke
black agenda report soldiers
the urban league
alex jones
david icke
john conyers
banished charlie rangle
gerald celente
pastor manning
jeff rense
brother dawud
That's quite a list. They will have to eat a lot of crow apologizing to the first three on the list. LOL I doubt they will do so, esp Maria and UTS. They have too much foolish pride. It would 'kill' them to admit their wrongs.lol
The one name I never would have thought to EVER be correct=Rev Manning. I always thought he was a nut. But maybe NOT!
before the curse of hobama ends, they may all be homeless and hungry and jobless...then they will have no choice but to eat crow as their only repast!
rev manning is a nut and a homohater...but he is also very brave and often tells many cold hard truths and he has been spot on about hobama including his kenyan birth and cia agent missing yrs since day 1
i respect the truth from any source...even nuts
manning was also the first to sound a national alarm on how harlem has become white via elitist gentrification and how the elitist hobama was similarly whitening every city in america
now charlie is out too so a white replacement can rep harlem's new rich white residents
AB, "and do not forget the pimped tucc and the beloved sage and revered ex-marine rev wright!
they owe him and bobby rush too!
they both told us first that hobama was just another fake politico"
I remember that. Isn't it amazing that throughout the black blogosphere, no one blogged about it, ie, that they 'could' be right? No one thought so.
Even HRC said so, but Field Negroes accused her of racism.
many of us did blog about rev w
but only the blacks who adore hobama and slander and libel rev w are considered "black bloggers" by msm
i am a chicagoan and here rev w and the tucc are unmatched rebel icons
a great man and a superb church!
they all remain undaunted
see much more
AB, "i respect the truth from any source...even nuts"
That's wise. An open mind that can face reality can see and hear the truth from anybody.
LACK said>> "It amazes me how so many Americans are outraged that the government would want to scan people to ensure they're not carrying weapons but thinks its quite alright the government targets 'suspicious looking people'. So, my manager and her husband, who are Muslim can be stopped everytime they go to LAX because they scare Juan Williams. But, we 'real Americans' shouldn't be subjected to a extensive body search - because "we don't look Muslim". This is the stupidest load of crap I've ever heard. As if there aren't Muslims with blonde hair named 'John Smith'."
Only someone with an Ivy League education could say something as dumb as LAC spews here on a daily basis.
Profiling is common sense. If you are looking for a rapist, do you focus on the male suspects, or do you spend just as much time checking out females as well? To deny that islam-inspired terrorism doesn't account for 99% of the threat to airline passengers is an epic triumph of willful ignorance.
If Saudi Arabia had a problem with Americans blowing themselves up and killing their citizens, I would fully expect to receive all sorts of extra scrutiny should I find myself in Saudi Arabia. They would stupid not to do so, and I would be wrong if I thought my sensitivities outweighed their legitimate security concerns.
It is absolutely ridiculous to go through these ever escalating, ineffcient security procedures so as not to offend the sensibilities of muslims. So cavity search the blonde haired muslims named "John Smith" and every other muslim who gets on a plane, including your manager and her husband. It's the price you have to pay for being a member of a global death cult.
i respect your open mind and rebel spirit too
I think Obama might not get the nomination in 2012. They will have to find someone else.
Btw, all of the degrading Bush took, he never opened his mouth to hurt Obama. I find that admirable.
I wonder what the response would have been if instead of John Tyner we had Muhammad AlHakim..
i think hobama is praying that sarah palin will run...she may be the only person he can actually beat
i also think like his cuz gwb won in 20004...he will win irrespective of any real votes
hillary and bill are no more racist than most other humans...but they are far less evil and corrupt than those bush boys...including their blackish cuz hobama
and HRC would be a far better prez as a 2fer with her hubby!
top bush boys books
more on chertoff
"However, leftists have no problem whatsoever subjecting 85 year old nuns to cavity searches so CAIR doesn't get offended, or shutting down right wing radio so Air America can be broadcast at government expense."
I would never trust an 85 year old nun. Yes, search her ass as well.
"Dear Field, I have continually worked my ass off to feed you important info over the years and NOT ONCE have you made a h/t to me. Granted, the info was painful to you as an Obamaholic, but still...'
Anon. 4:59 PM, thank you! And tell the President of Anon Inc. thank you as well.
LAC Said.,..
In other words, we can take straightforward and simple steps (not easy, simple) to reduce the reason so-called Muslim Extremist to blow us up. The way to win a fight is to avoid fighting in the first place.
How delusional can you get? Are you up on whats happening in the world? WHat has happened throughout history with Islam? Obama tried your way. He bowed and kissed ass and offered more the other side of americas face and what happened? The Arabs and Muslims think he is worthless weak and despicable now. He even went as far as to call Americans who were worried about Radical Islam racists...you know the thing you do...he eliminated Terrorist, Muslim, Islam and all sane references to appease the non infidels. How did this tactic work with Iran? Only a delusional leftist would say no, there are no bad people in the world. Lets all be nicey nice and give them what they want, then they will WUV us and send kiss and hugs instead of making demands.
LAC - Son ,no offense, but you need to grow up soon. You walk down the worst street of the ghetto lookin like a victim, your ass is theirs no matter how nicey, nice you make it. You can blow them kisses and give them head while they beat your ass and take your stuff. Now, the same thugs wont mess with a well armed guy who shows he doesnt want to fight, but will defend himself at all costs. THIS is human nature.
Radical Muslims laugh at useful idiots like you who they would destroy in a heartbeat for being racially unclean. Yet you throw your countrymen under the bus under the jane fondaish infantile belief that if we appease them suddenly they will no longer believe in the KORAN and its teachings.
Especially when driven by a religion that calls for elimination murder and mayhem of Western Civilization just so they can get laid in heaven without guilt and get a promised 72 virgins. Wake up....
"I wonder what the response would have been if instead of John Tyner we had Muhammad AlHakim.."
Well, we know one thing: he wouldn't have been allowed to be on FOX NEWS telling his plight to all those who will listen. In fact, I suspect that there would be no outrage coming from the right, and the TSA worker would be on conservative talk radio programs all over A-merry-ca.
Anon 7:05
" WHat has happened throughout history with Islam? Obama tried your way. He bowed and kissed ass and offered more the other side of americas face and what happened? "
Through out history with Islam?
You mean the crusades, when the nice christians from the west declared a holy war and invaded jerusalem multiple times?
Obama bowed and kissed ass? Are you kidding me?
Bowed and kissed ass like the way the Bin Laden family were flown out of the US immediately after the 9/11 attacks?
Like the way Bush condemned Saudi Arabia for having the most anti-women laws in the world? Or for exporting their fundamentalist version of Islam through out the world in a sort of religious imperialism funded by petro-dollars? Oh wait a minute, thats right..you didn't hear a peep out of Bush when it came to that..
We funded and cheered on the Taliban when they were fighting the commies. We were friends with Saddam Hussain. We didn't say much when he gassed 5000 kurds back in the 80s. We helped to overthrow a democratically elected, progressive, leader in Iran in the 50s and to install the undemocratic, corrupt and abusive puppet-regime of the Shah. Look how that turned out. We're silent on Saudi Arabia's appalling record of women's rights.
Obama's policy in the middle east has not changed much from Bush's. Biggest difference is that Obama is a well-spoken, rational and respectful human being..not an ignorant, arrogant, war-mongering moron.
I've said it before and I'll say it again: American policy in the ME is nothing but hypocrisy and money-grubbing at its finest.
Iraq, Afghanistan, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Palestine, Israel...the thing that defines our relationships with these nations at any one time is money. Thats it. No moral, democratic, or human rights considerations. Just money.
If you think differently you are a) seriously deluded and b) need to start reading instead of parroting random catch-phrases that faux news throws out at you.
C&C - Thanks, I think you summed up the complete nonsense which is the typical neo-con justifications for blatant xenophobia that has little do with political realities.
Especially when driven by a religion that calls for elimination murder and mayhem of Western Civilization...
No it doesn't.
just so they can get laid in heaven without guilt and get a promised 72 virgins.
Here we go again...
The 72 virgins thing is a myth, as I've pointed out here countless times before.
1. The Quran doesn't actually say they are virgins.
2. Nowhere in the Quran does it say that the 72 'fair of face and pure' women are available as sexual play things of the shaheen.
3. The Quran says that the women are 23 meters tall. That would make sexual congress with them rather difficult I would have thought.
The point about the women is that they are an abstract expression of the ecstatic feeling of being in the presence of god.
Wake up....
Yes, why don;t you?
coffee and cigarettes said...
Anon 7:05
A bunch of shit.
Hey Coffee. Please explain something to me. Why whenever there is a rational discussion to be had do people like you say, oh yeah, well Bush didnt do this either. Or oh yeah, well a long time ago in a far away galaxy this happened so there...
Seriously. I wont even address your childish "he did it first, mommy talking points" but will ask you so what now? Whats the solution. Bush did things just as bad as Obama. So now that is out of the way, dont us it as an excuse to avoid commenting on the real issue of Islamic Extremisism.
It was brought up how horrible Islam/Muslims treat women and how we differ in our opinion in life with Muslims including disagreeing with murdering infidels and becoming a martyr to meet 72 virgins. (They don't tell them it will be 72 virgins like you, guys who could never get laid in life)
Are you saying this is OK because your only comment and argument is that Bush didnt say anything about Saudi Arabia. Thats it? Is that as far as your outrage will go? Pretty useless isn't it.
So now you GTFOH and go watch more MSNBC for your man made contingency actions while I CONDEMN terrorism of all forms no matter what some ex president did or said. Or what the current one is doing!!
“I am declaring right here and now that I have no problem with body scanners or extra pat downs. Please feel free to feel on me. Hell, I might enjoy that s*&%. ("Sir, you will have to put your laptop in the bin". You can't keep it between your legs.".....let me stop )”-FN
Why would you say that? Is the intent to use humor to defuse how inflammatory these radical changes are that’s being made to human life? James Evans just been killed and all you can say is “DYNOMITE!!!”
These creatures are quoting directly from Edward Bernays’ Bible while you in the isle doing holy ghost cartwheels brotha. This ain’t a game. It’s cute to you, but it’s like Col. Prouty said, “Nothing just happens, everything is planned.”
Humans have integrity, honor, dignity, privacy.
Yeah I know, “They want tighter security and all types of civil liberty protections at the same time. These same people will be the first in line bitching and moaning about how the government couldn't protect them if something goes wrong.”-FN
But do you know the difference between reality and manufactured perpetual fear? Think about it, why do you believe people want “tighter security?” Do you see rallies and protests with “Tighter Security” signs held up? “WE WANT GOVERNMENT PROTECTION” Where are you getting this meme from?
Who is telling you Americans want the government to take these measures? I’ll tell you who. The same media campaign creating an atmosphere of fear are the same ones telling you everybody thinks like this.
This is 2010, you think marketing, PR and propaganda has not a science? Fear is 10 niggas runn’n up on my black azz. Fear is loosing a job and not knowing where the next meal for eight children is going to come from. Fear is you act’n like you don’t use a rear view mirror cause the police been following you for two blocks.
Fear is not the human race being threatened by pregnant women because they release x amount of carbon. I don’t want to hear no shyt coming off the trolley straight from King Friday’s Castle. Subliminally suggesting population control because the Nazis created a bad name for an open eugenics programs that we started.
Don’t want to hear about Yemeni packages because Christmas is around the corner. Baby Hue’s blue & Big Fred’s red gang violence needs tuff crime laws for my safety. Don’t want to hear about some vaccines or x-rays so I can exist in peace.
Col. Prouty said, “Nothing just happens, everything is planned.” Nobody is crying for government protection. This is manufactured perpetual fear and you playing Larry Tate advertising this nonsense with a joke jingle.
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