"The true hypocrite is the one who ceases to perceive his deception, the one who lies with sincerity" ~Andre Gide~
In a way, I am glad for the President's Debt Commission and their seemingly draconian measures to reduce the A-merry-can debt. Let's see if A-merry-cans can practice what they preach. They kicked the bums out because they were spending too much of the people's money. Let's start cutting back on that spending and see where it takes us. More tax cuts for the rich and less money for the government coffers. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Anyway, now that the republi-clowns have taken over congress and damn near every state house in A-merry-ca, I have a pretty good idea of what will come next. And, apparently, so does Dr. C. Alonzo Peters:
"It will pull the plug on grandma"
That was one of the hyperbolic accusations hurled by conservatives against the President's health care plan during the height of debate. Republicans claimed the health care bill would jeopardize the health of seniors. It would submit seniors to "death panels" that would decide if our grandparents would continue to receive medical care.
It's stunningly ironic then that the true threat to our senior citizens comes not from the President's healthcare bill, but from Republican lawmakers hell bent on dismantling the social safety net programs as we know them.
Just yesterday the President's Debt Commission recommended raising the Social Security retirement age while at the same time cutting taxes.
This is nothing new. Every since FDR's New Deal created the first wave of social safety nets, conservatives have railed against social spending. But a direct frontal assault to popular programs like Social Security and Medicare would amount to political suicide, permanently alienating voters from the Republican party.
No, a more cynical plan would be needed to stop government spending on social programs. Enter "starve the beast" - a concept popularized in the Reagan administration. This "starve the beast" game plan was quite simple: Implement large tax cuts that deny the government tax revenue, creating massive deficits. Then claim that to deal with these deficits we must cut spending, most notably spending for social programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Yes this back door attempt to convince Americans of the need to downsize the social safety net has been going on for nearly 30 years. During the 2000's the plan was placed on steroids. In the midst of record high budget surpluses, President Bush enacted large tax cuts that mainly benefited the wealthy and cost the government over $2.4 trillion dollars in revenue. Bush proudly proclaimed tax cuts would create a fiscal straight jacket for Congress.
Predictably surpluses turned into deficits and the cries for spending cuts came to a roar. Republicans are now using the current budget deficits of their own making as an excuse to push for radical cuts in spending. At the same time they're advocating for extension of tax cuts for the top 2 percent, a move that will only exacerbate the deficit - and of course lend credence to the argument for more spending cuts. The insanity continues.
Since sweeping to power in state legislatures throughout the country Republicans are already vowing drastic cuts in public spending. Indiana, for example, is proposing cuts in unemployment benefits. In Maine, the spokesperson of the Republican governor-elect suggested a probable scale back of the state's social safety net. In Texas Republican law makers are considering cuts to Medicaid and even dropping out of the program altogether.
On the national front, Paul Ryan, the Republican point man on budget issues and next leader of the Congressional Budget Committee has revealed the Roadmap for America's Future - the GOP budget blueprint for the coming years.....
...As the debate over whether or not to extend Bush tax cuts for the very wealthy heats up in the next few months, we must realize these proposed tax cuts are just another conservative ploy to starve the government of much needed revenue, thereby strengthening the argument for spending cuts to the social safety net.
Conservative arguments for smaller government sound appealing until you realize that real people suffer when Social Security, Medicare, and other programs that affect the most vulnerable are cut. The real "plug may be pulled on grandma" when Medicare is no longer available to take care of our senior citizens.
In the simplest of terms, a vote for tax cuts for the rich is a vote against Granny. We must make our voices heard." [Article]
In a way, I am glad for the President's Debt Commission and their seemingly draconian measures to reduce the A-merry-can debt. Let's see if A-merry-cans can practice what they preach. They kicked the bums out because they were spending too much of the people's money. Let's start cutting back on that spending and see where it takes us. More tax cuts for the rich and less money for the government coffers. Yeah, that's the ticket.
Anyway, now that the republi-clowns have taken over congress and damn near every state house in A-merry-ca, I have a pretty good idea of what will come next. And, apparently, so does Dr. C. Alonzo Peters:
"It will pull the plug on grandma"
That was one of the hyperbolic accusations hurled by conservatives against the President's health care plan during the height of debate. Republicans claimed the health care bill would jeopardize the health of seniors. It would submit seniors to "death panels" that would decide if our grandparents would continue to receive medical care.
It's stunningly ironic then that the true threat to our senior citizens comes not from the President's healthcare bill, but from Republican lawmakers hell bent on dismantling the social safety net programs as we know them.
Just yesterday the President's Debt Commission recommended raising the Social Security retirement age while at the same time cutting taxes.
This is nothing new. Every since FDR's New Deal created the first wave of social safety nets, conservatives have railed against social spending. But a direct frontal assault to popular programs like Social Security and Medicare would amount to political suicide, permanently alienating voters from the Republican party.
No, a more cynical plan would be needed to stop government spending on social programs. Enter "starve the beast" - a concept popularized in the Reagan administration. This "starve the beast" game plan was quite simple: Implement large tax cuts that deny the government tax revenue, creating massive deficits. Then claim that to deal with these deficits we must cut spending, most notably spending for social programs like Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid.
Yes this back door attempt to convince Americans of the need to downsize the social safety net has been going on for nearly 30 years. During the 2000's the plan was placed on steroids. In the midst of record high budget surpluses, President Bush enacted large tax cuts that mainly benefited the wealthy and cost the government over $2.4 trillion dollars in revenue. Bush proudly proclaimed tax cuts would create a fiscal straight jacket for Congress.
Predictably surpluses turned into deficits and the cries for spending cuts came to a roar. Republicans are now using the current budget deficits of their own making as an excuse to push for radical cuts in spending. At the same time they're advocating for extension of tax cuts for the top 2 percent, a move that will only exacerbate the deficit - and of course lend credence to the argument for more spending cuts. The insanity continues.
Since sweeping to power in state legislatures throughout the country Republicans are already vowing drastic cuts in public spending. Indiana, for example, is proposing cuts in unemployment benefits. In Maine, the spokesperson of the Republican governor-elect suggested a probable scale back of the state's social safety net. In Texas Republican law makers are considering cuts to Medicaid and even dropping out of the program altogether.
On the national front, Paul Ryan, the Republican point man on budget issues and next leader of the Congressional Budget Committee has revealed the Roadmap for America's Future - the GOP budget blueprint for the coming years.....
...As the debate over whether or not to extend Bush tax cuts for the very wealthy heats up in the next few months, we must realize these proposed tax cuts are just another conservative ploy to starve the government of much needed revenue, thereby strengthening the argument for spending cuts to the social safety net.
Conservative arguments for smaller government sound appealing until you realize that real people suffer when Social Security, Medicare, and other programs that affect the most vulnerable are cut. The real "plug may be pulled on grandma" when Medicare is no longer available to take care of our senior citizens.
In the simplest of terms, a vote for tax cuts for the rich is a vote against Granny. We must make our voices heard." [Article]
Ahh hell no! Hands off my Granny!
*Pic lifted from TheLoop21.com
If the government isn't paying for your healthcare, the government can't decide when to pull the plug.
When Obamacare runs out of money, they will have to start pulling plugs.
Private hospitals will not have the authority to decide when you should die.
End of life decisions should be left to the family.
Now that the healthcare takeover will be repealed, Granny is safe.
God bless.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
Interesting article that puts it all in perspective by providing a historical context, Field. But hey, since the country has shifted right, who am I to be different. So I'll tell you a line I've memorized from my conservative cousins (actually I've been waiting for the day to use this, and that time is now):
I've never gotten a job from a poor person, therefore, I support any conservative agenda!Especially any effort to cut the deficit and those social programs taken advantage of by lazy people.
Damn, I didn't even get sick after saying that. See Barack, I'm getting just like you buddy! Just like you I'm caving to the Republicans.
Long Live Corporate welfare
masako said...
Private hospitals will not have the authority to decide when you should die.
Silly rabbit - Yes. They. Do.
Let all tax cuts expire, reduce the military budget by 400 million (to the mid 1990's level), and bring the troops home. Do the math, where would the deficits be then?
I do back office work for a medical firm and 1 of our biggest payers are Medicare recipients and I'm gonna tell you right now, with that 21% pay cut from Medicare reimbursements - if it goes into effect in December because of Congress, the GOP is gonna have hell to pay, especially from those "Blue Hairs" - the ones who put the RepubliTeas in office, i.e., older white voters. And don't look at us Negroes, we don't go to the Dr's "like talking about" (old southern phrase, so turn around on that shit.) Matter of fact if the cuts DO take then guess what? My company is seriously thinking about not accepting Medicare payments after the 1st of the year. And as the saying goes, "Shit rolls downhill", look for MORE people to lose jobs - Black and White. I got my popcorn supply ready for the next 2 years.
"I got my popcorn supply ready for the next 2 years."
You're going need a little more than popcorn to stay alive. Medicare is as good as cut. Tax cuts across the board is as good as done. And SS will be privatized.
ANYTHING the Repubs/Tea Party set out to do, they will do. In fact, they just 'might' shut down FN Blog based on too many atheistic posters commenting on it.
Get ready for a life and death change. As a black Republican/Tea Partier, I highly recommend to other Blacks to become Republicans--and become happy, joyous and free!
I agree Wes BUT at the same time, I think that the Big Brass might think that reducing the military budget will.. perceive to China that the US is "weak". We as US Citizens have been conditioned to think that no country can kick our ass. Pride is a motherfucker if you ain't got shit else. **SMH**
"In the simplest of terms, a vote for tax cuts for the rich is a vote against Granny. We must make our voices heard."
Field, Field, Field. Look how many of you weak-ass folks showed up to vote. In case you didn't know it, Nov 2 was the day for your voices to be heard-- but apparently you folks still don't believe in voting. So quit your whining and accept your fate.
I remember so many Field Negroes on this blog saying, "don't worry O'man, we got your back!" Then you back watchers didn't even show up to support Obama by voting.
Whenever I hear Negroes saying, "Don't worry, I got your back"... I START WORRYING.
RK: "the GOP is gonna have hell to pay,"
Didn't you say earlier that these Medicare cuts were already happening? Isn't cutting Medicare part of Obamacare? Why would the Republicans get the blame for this?
All of the debt commission's proposals sound good in theory, but their are real people behind those numbers, and real constituencies.
The only thing that will piss off the elderly more than the deficit is the notion that their part in that spending is eligible for a reduction. Will they sit down for this? Who will they blame? If this is some sort of triangulation, here's how it will play out: The tea-party and assorted conservative groups have advocated for a reduction in spending at the same time resisting the notion to specify what they will cut. Now social security ages go up, Medicare and Medicaid payouts are reduced, Farm subsidies are slowly phased out, and tax credits for earned income are rescinded.
Who gets hurt the most? The same people who "wanted their country back", of course. Not poor blacks and latinos, per their plans, because they know how to survive in bad times with minimal support and a fluctuating income supply. Elderly people, those with fixed incomes, who can least deal with market fluctuations and policy changes will be the ones dealing with this directly.
Cat. Food. Conservative.
Fox News will have hour-long news magazines showcasing the plight of former rank-and-file teapartiers as they get older and realize that the things that they fought for, the things they marched for were not for them, but for the astroturfers that financed their anger that long time ago.
Anonymous said...
"I got my popcorn supply ready for the next 2 years."
You're going need a little more than popcorn to stay alive.
If I had a choice to stay alive then I would load up on MRE's (you can Google that acronym)
Medicare is as good as cut. Tax cuts across the board is as good as done. And SS will be privatized.
Tax cuts..u might be right. Big mistake though...I don't know how much you make bro, but I suspect you make a couple of $'s more than I do but umm that'll change soon. I hope you have a 401K, like I do, might need a "loan".
SS? Nope. Old heads WILL go on the RAMPAGE!! lol..
ANYTHING the Repubs/Tea Party set out to do, they will do...
Yeah we know
Get ready for a life and death change. As a black Republican/Tea Partier, I highly recommend to other Blacks to become Republicans--and become happy, joyous and free
Dude. Shut up.
I think we are going the false premise that tax cuts are real. There is no such thing as a tax cut because the government has to find a way to pay it and that's usually by way of borrowing money to fund the cuts, or cut programs to pay for the tax cut. Social Security would not be in the financial mess, if Congress hadn't borrowed money from the fund to fund the Star Wars programs under the Reagan Administration. Something will have to be done with Social Security and Medicare because these programs will not be sustainable in several years, and politicians on both side of the aisle will not make changes in these programs because it's political suicide.
The Republicans will add to deficit. Now the debt will be larger, and the government will not shrink. I do not understand why people listen to Republicans because they are not interested in making the government smaller or reducing the debt because it would be the end of their existence. They are not going to do anything either, this one of the reason's why I hate the two-party system.
Anonymous said...
RK: "the GOP is gonna have hell to pay,"
Didn't you say earlier that these Medicare cuts were already happening? Isn't cutting Medicare part of Obamacare? Why would the Republicans get the blame for this?
10:03 PM
There are no cuts to the traditional Medicare benefit. The lion's share of spending cuts are in Medicare Advantage -- a program that uses private firms such as Humana and UnitedHealth Group to deliver Medicare benefits. Many of these providers offer extra coverage and some of those extras could be dropped as Medicare Advantage subsidies are bought more in line with the cost of traditional Medicare benefits. Medicare Advantage payment rates will be frozen in 2011 and then gradually reduced giving companies time to adjust to the changes.
This is going to force the insurance companies to compete for business. Why? Because the government is cutting them off. They gonna need money to pay those fat salaries and at the same time can't cut off your health insurance. Why? because no matter how raggedy you are as a person - you can't be denied because you paying for it and you FORCED to pay for it. There are some tweaks that need to be made I'm sure, but this puts everybody in "economic sync".
"Get ready for a life and death change. As a black Republican/Tea Partier, I highly recommend to other Blacks to become Republicans--and become happy, joyous and free!"
A "black Republican/Tea Partier"?
I think I need a shower.
Wesley R, I co-sign.
"I think we are going the false premise that tax cuts are real. There is no such thing as a tax cut because the government has to find a way to pay it and that's usually by way of borrowing money to fund the cuts, or cut programs to pay for the tax cut. Social Security would not be in the financial mess, if Congress hadn't borrowed money from the fund to fund the Star Wars programs under the Reagan Administration. "
Hennasplace, there you go with facts again. Wingnuts don't like facts. They get in the way of talking points.
TSC-"Fox News will have hour-long news magazines showcasing the plight of former rank-and-file teapartiers as they get older and realize that the things that they fought for, the things they marched for were not for them, but for the astroturfers that financed their anger that long time ago."
Nah, that's just a little pipe dream you are having. Tea Partiers know exactly how they are shaping the future. That's why the American people voted them in...for a better future.
The only regrets lie with the Liberals and Dems in 2010 who screwed up an opportunity in less than 2 years. That HAS to be a new record for you folks. Fox News and the major networks probably will have a 5 part-hour-news magazines about that. lol
Leftist hatred arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies.
RK, you sound like a decent bro. How would you like to become a Republican and double your money?
Also, in our party, we have interracial couples. Those racist Dems and light-wt black liberals have NONE. That ought to tell you something about where their party is going.
Nah brah, I have my own style of "Black Conservatism" and it's working for me
I don't know if anyone watched the Colbert Report this week, but he had satirical piece about Rand Paul discussing with Wolf Biltzer that the rich and poor are interconnected. He had some philosophical nonsense that there are no poor, middle class or rich people, we are interconnected in the economy. We are either work for rich people are sell stuff to rich people which Colbert astutely pointed that Paul mentioned said they do not exist. It's from Monday night's episode. It was simultaneously funny and sobering.
I see the Medicare advantage programs charging more for the same coverage the years before all of the health care bill go into effect.
I looked at what I would pay if I did not have an employee retirement plan now. I would have higher co-pays in my advantage plan and pay more than what I pay for Medicare.
What congress forgets is that although they will not have the first wave of boomers paying into the Medicare system through their payroll, they will have those boomer directly paying into Medicare. The amount is approximately the same because at one time I was paying both ways at the same time. With the advent of the boomers, one could make a case, that their numbers might actually lower the overall cost of Medicare. It is a given that the premiums will go up and the boomers will initially be healthier than the previous generation.
hp-That is true, We ARE interconnected. From that point of view we are all the same and need each other. That's why the Repubs and Tea Party want an across the boaard tax cut..for everybody. Otherwise, you are cutting off a part of your connection to brothers and sisters. Make sense?
It irks that once a tool/slave/worker is no longer productive the ownership society has to use funds to maintain its existence. You might be all Lib'rul and point out that most of the retirements are a form of deferred compensation...but I tell you, according to Ayn Rand, the money was just sitting on Grannies table with no name on it.
Hospitals make decisions on who dies all the time...which one would know if they bothered to do the work.
I do find it strange that the most hated program only offers a modest and barely comfortable retirement, if that. Why do so many conservatives detest the idea of an old person doddering along with a mere pittance? Aren't these the same sooper-geenuses that tell us to save a percentage of income for later years? Are they not wailing and gnashing their teeth over those who burden society?
End of life decisions to be for the family? You mean like Terry Schiavo's parents? The ones who offered up a highly doctored vid so folks would not realize their daughter had less mental capacity than a flatworm? Families who often have no concept of possible outcomes. Families who might have a 'fiancial interest'. Families who shove lifepartners out of the room?
When I hear Family Values I immediately search for the mistress, the rentboy, the pilfered funds, the extravagant lifestyle, the pregnancies, the drug use, the abuse of children and women, the trips to areas where pedophiles are not arrested, the scams.....
Tea Party is nothing more than disaffected Republicans, and wealthy people are driving the Tea Party such as the Koch Brothers. Think about it's another way of Rand Paul telling people the wealthy people are more important than everyone else. Ayn Rand's thought that it's the intelligence class are the important class and working people are not needed. It's utter nonsense. It's also Rand Paul's way of telling that he isn't going to do anything as Senator. He is politician now and that's why came up with that nonsensical statement. The Tea Party will not last long because it isn't organized and people within the party are fighting over a cohesive platform. If all you have is cut taxes and lower the deficit, then it's more of the same. You have society of more than 310mm people, and you will need a government to govern and serve the people because I do not think you want to be responsible for overseeing the transportation system. If you think that Tea Party is going to do anything for the people, then you are in for a rude awakening because their interests will outweigh your interests. We are talking about human beings and human nature. Everyone has an interest, I am cynical and you have question everyone and everything. Believe and trust in the Tea Party, I can't stop from doing that, but I tell you going to get your feelings hurts. Politics today isn't about the issues, it's what side of the political table can base an emotional argument that has not basis in fact or truth. Politics is more about reaction than pro-action. You keep wishing upon that star, and I also have a bridge to sell you as well.
HP-"Believe and trust in the Tea Party, I can't stop from doing that, but I tell you going to get your feelings hurts. Politics today isn't about the issues, it's what side of the political table can base an emotional argument that has not basis in fact or truth. Politics is more about reaction than pro-action. You keep wishing upon that star, and I also have a bridge to sell you as well."
My feelings have already been hurt by Obama and the Democrats. So, that will be nothing new.
The fact that Tea Partiers were elected says more about Obama than it does about the Tea Party. No one on this blog seems to want to acknowledge that.
You really have to be in bad shape to win by a landslide and then lose the American people in less than two years. I am not a dreamer. This country is finished and I think deep down in every American's heart they know that. America will never be what it was before. It will go down in history as the world power that quickly ended as fast as it started.
Obama and the Tea Party are symbols of the chaotic and painful end.
Masako you are a moron.
Governments all over the world run health care systems, they don;t run out of money and they don't pull the plug on patients.
Private health care systems do. My late father-in-law was released too early from a cardiac care unit in Wisconsin, and died of a heart-attack on his second day at home. This after his doctors had been constantly pressurized by his insurance company to move him out of the expensive cardiac care unit. Sometimes bombarding the Cardiologist with five or six phone calls a day.
So thanks to private health insurance, my father-in-law's reward for a lifetime of public service in education, leading to him becoming vice-chancellor of his university - was an early and entirely preventable death.
This could NEVER have happened under a socialized medical system that puts the dignity of human life ahead of corporate profits.
"Leftist hatred arises from the fact that they blame "society" for their own personal problems and inadequacies."
That's funny, most "leftist" I know are actually quite successful and happy in their personal lives.
So, no, we have no "personal problems and inadequacies". We care about the collective. We already have our own s&*^ together.
You wingnuts, on the other hand, are quite miserable. Thus the hatred and anxiety when dealing with other groups such as immigrants and_________fill in the blank.
It says that people are angry was they feel as if they no control. The Tea Party is fueled by wealthy people that do what they always do get the poorer folks to fight their battles for them and these people go against their interests.
Actually, I all for a third party, but not if they only going to be disaffected Democrats and Republicans with the same stale ideas.
Here is another reality President only has so much power in his role. President has little control over the economy. The economy is reciprocal, it has an inclination to go and down. President Obama is blamed for not focusing on jobs, it's about the economy and if politicians were honest there is not very much they can do to improve it. We know that tax cuts doesn't create jobs because these existed during the Bush Administration and when Republicans had control over the House and Senate. The economy will take a while to recover, currently it's growing, but typical jobs take longer to follow the grow. There are jobs out there, but problem you do not have a workforce that doesn't possess the skill set fill the jobs. A lot of manufacturing jobs not returning, and the American people will have to educate themselves for new opportunities on the job front.
Believe it or not, local farming is a growing business. However, people are not willing to go into that business because the work is hard and the hours are long. I was watching Martha Stewart yesterday as she introduced a new app for the iPad for a digital magazine. The digital issue contains a moving cover of a peony opening, along with videos discussing the varieties of peonies and how to grow them. I understand that gardening may not be your thing, but I love with she did with the idea to advantage of new technology to increase her existing business. If she doesn't continue invest and innovate of media business, it will die. Creativity is key to survival of a business to increase its profit margin. Many companies to do not update their technology, so now we have become those people who not on the highway to 21st century, but on the bus to Atlantic City with a roll of quarters. One needs to take some things that good about the past, improve it, and embrace the new ideas. Politics are not very creative people in a sense they lack the ability to see a problem and solve it. That includes the Tea Party
It says that people are angry was they feel as if they no control. The Tea Party is fueled by wealthy people that do what they always do get the poorer folks to fight their battles for them and these people go against their interests.
Actually, I all for a third party, but not if they only going to be disaffected Democrats and Republicans with the same stale ideas.
Here is another reality President only has so much power in his role. President has little control over the economy. The economy is reciprocal, it has an inclination to go and down. President Obama is blamed for not focusing on jobs, it's about the economy and if politicians were honest there is not very much they can do to improve it. We know that tax cuts doesn't create jobs because these existed during the Bush Administration and when Republicans had control over the House and Senate. The economy will take a while to recover, currently it's growing, but typical jobs take longer to follow the grow. There are jobs out there, but problem you do not have a workforce that doesn't possess the skill set fill the jobs. A lot of manufacturing jobs not returning, and the American people will have to educate themselves for new opportunities on the job front.
Believe it or not, local farming is a growing business. However, people are not willing to go into that business because the work is hard and the hours are long. I was watching Martha Stewart yesterday as she introduced a new app for the iPad for a digital magazine. The digital issue contains a moving cover of a peony opening, along with videos discussing the varieties of peonies and how to grow them. I understand that gardening may not be your thing, but I love with she did with the idea to advantage of new technology to increase her existing business. If she doesn't continue invest and innovate of media business, it will die. Creativity is key to survival of a business to increase its profit margin. Many companies to do not update their technology, so now we have become those people who not on the highway to 21st century, but on the bus to Atlantic City with a roll of quarters. One needs to take some things that good about the past, improve it, and embrace the new ideas. Politics are not very creative people in a sense they lack the ability to see a problem and solve it. That includes the Tea Party
sorry for your loss, purple cow. but you've been sold a bill of goods with that explanation.
if your father in law was discharged too soon, it was his doctors' fault. they ALWAYS have the power to object AND his family could also have said no.
there's more to your story and you simply cannot blame it on private insurance.
"So thanks to private health insurance, my father-in-law's reward for a lifetime of public service in education, leading to him becoming vice-chancellor of his university - was an early and entirely preventable death."
So what your gonna say because he was black? They would haev done it to him if he was white too.
In this situation you should only speak what you know. What the patient's rights are, the law or even the hospital policies, do not always work.
It wasn't life threatening, but I have been dismissed from the hospital while kicking and screaming only to be re-admitted days later because there was still a severe medical problem.
Was I suppose to perform a sit-it and sing I shall over come?
what did hobama do for poor elders before 11/2????
how did he help them with:
no public option
no help with foreclosed homes
nothing to say about the tax cuts for the rich hobama set up and allowed???
hobama has been no angel
he is a coach and a QB for one elitist party
wake up!
Most elders homes are paid for and they already have medicare.
how long will they have medicare?
do they have candles and cat food too?
what country do u live in???
been to a shelter lately?
and how many are starving to feed serial grandkids/great grandkids???
i actually fear blind flag waving fools like you...
The commissioners and the media are billing the report as a call for “shared sacrifice.” This is a fraud. Not only are the cuts directed overwhelmingly against the working class, including cuts in health care for veterans, but under the cover of deficit-reduction and fiscal responsibility changes are being proposed to the tax system that will effectively transfer trillions of dollars from the government to the personal bank accounts of the financial aristocracy.
The proposals demonstrate that the economic crisis unleashed by the criminality and greed of the ruling elite is being used to fundamentally and permanently alter social life and class relations to the benefit of the self-same elite.
This class-war policy has the support of the Obama administration and both political parties. Speaking from South Korea on Thursday, Obama jumped to the defense of the commissioners, criticizing members of his own party for suggesting that the cuts went too far. “We’re going to have to take actions that are difficult and we’re going to have to tell the truth to American people,” Obama said, echoing the talking points of the report itself.
The dumping of mostly low-income nursing-home patients—including a growing number of African-American elders, such as those in North St. Louis—is a nationwide problem, one involving a complicated dance between nursing homes that complain of low Medicaid payments, hospitals put on the spot to find another facility that will take the person, and frail elders and their families.
Federal law requires skilled-nursing facilities to give residents 30 days notice if they want them to leave. As nationally mandated advocates for elders, local ombudsman offices in every American community receive complaints about legal violations at long-term care facilities.
Newly released Census data for 2009 show the largest number of poor Americans in the 51 years the bureau has measured poverty. This news is yet another piece of mounting evidence that the recession has wiped out decades of gains in our society's material well-being.
Poverty rates increased for children and working-age adults, but they actually declined for seniors age 65 and older. This bit of seemingly good news points to Social Security's success in ensuring bedrock security for seniors. But as we focus on combating poverty among children and their families we must not neglect our rapidly growing aging population and its unique challenges. The decrease in the senior poverty rate belies the fact that far too many of our nation's elderly scrape by near, just at, or below the poverty line after a lifetime of hard work in the labor market, raising children, and managing families.
hathor, why the nasty tone?
i'm not naive nor do i need to be told that "What the patient's rights are, the law or even the hospital policies, do not always work."
i AM speaking only of what i know--and i pointed out that i did not know, nor does purple cow, what the whole situation is.
i know that hospitals get paid based on DRGs, bundling, etc, and that there are allowable lengths of stay. we all know stories of premature discharges--some valid, some not.
in your case, you were discharged because your doctor ALLOWED THAT TO HAPPEN.
you can sing whatever you want. just make sure you have a good voice.
hathor's tone is not as nasty as it is perpetually naive
she just posts a lot of bs that makes no sense.
ELDERS are the poorest of the poor in america!!!
and they do not have the mobility and flexibility/options of youth...ie parents/lovers to move in with etc
my parents are retired...a teacher and a nea exec...yet BOTH are watching their portfolios evaporate and their med bills soar...
and they are among the richer elders who are also being axed immediately from all fed med perks!
most elders do not even own homes
they rent/live in nursing homes etc
and due to hobama and his banksters
owning a home is becoming a relic like retirement/privacy/peace/job stability etc... for all americans of all ages
hennasplace said..."Here is another reality President only has so much power in his role. President has little control over the economy. The economy is reciprocal, it has an inclination to go and down."
Wait a minute, I thought everything was Bush's fault?
Actually, you are right. the actions of congress, in particular the budget process, have amuch more direct affect on the economy.
Since the left wing of the democrat party took the house and the senate in 2006, things have gone to hell.
The current recession started with the implosion of the sub-prime lending market, a democrat intiative run by democrat cronies.
Amazingly, the press was able to bury much of the facts of this matter, and it wound up getting a democrat elected to president!
What Obama has done (along with Pelosi and Reid) is extend a temporary crisis in the financial sector to a long term downturn throughout the economy. He has pursued vast entitlement expansions, huge payoffs to public sector unions, crippling regulatory burdens, and tax hikes at exactly the worst time. The uncertainty as to what's next has extended the recession at least 18 months now from when it should have ended.
The election of a Republican house will put a stop to the worst of the nonesense, and will add a degree of stability on the situation. Businesses will start to invest and hire, and things will pick up in 2011.
Bank on it.
Unsilent Generation
A site for pissed-off progressive old folks (and future old folks)…because we're not dead yet.
Live Poor or Die: The New American Retirement
Posted on October 19, 2010
by James Ridgeway| 4 Comments
The very idea of retiring in America had become a mirage–tantalizing, but always sliding into the distance. Those visions of golden years spent playing golf in Tucson or bridge in Boca Raton, promoted by AARP magazine and purveyors of retirement investments, are now nothing more than a chimera for most Americans. The exception, of course, is a wealthy minority, who for the past decade has been squirreling away money they should have been paying in taxes. For everyone else, old age been reduced to three alternatives: Those of us lucky enough to have jobs can keep working indefinitely; the rest can live poor or die.
Anyone who doubts this blunt truth should take a look at a few few recent trends. Start with something called the Retirement Income Deficit. Retirement USA, a consortium of non-profits and unions, which came up with the term, describes the deficit as follows:
AB--this is the only response you are getting from me. STFU and go get a job! you are fucking delusional about everything.
@AB: I notice you haven't posted anything at your blog in a couple of months.
Why don't you spend some time over there?
schizo assnon:
you never read it..
like hobama
u lie!
mareally a hypocrite:
thanks for proving yet again that you are the biggest hypocritical wigga wench on this blog...
hathor has NEVER been as "nasty" as you or your overused jungle fevered bedsheets
i will take her cluelesness to your "toxic" hatred, envy, and ignorance anyday!
hobama fans have done nothing since 2008 but blame bush
now thru 2010 they will only blame republicans
neither will wash the DECADES of rivers of blood from hobama'a blackish hands or bring one iota of the hope and change he promised...
Alicia: Is this "Med-free" Friday or something?
every day is sanity free day and valid debate free day for u and maria.
carry on!
bush never even used the net
hobama is shutting it down!
blog everywhere u can while u can!
I think the Debt Commission (what many cynics called the 'Cat Food Commission') are making a whole lot of hyberbole about pulling plug grandma (hence the Catfood meme) or going back to the Bush-era hillbilly armor on Humvees with realizing what the commission is really saying - if we're going to clean up our debt we have talk serious about raising revenue and cutting cost. We need to be adults.
But that missing in many discussions about this report. The report was a draft by the leadership. Now here's a few things that are misnomers.
1. The commissions calls for lowering overall taxes but suspending all tax deductions, this is primarily loopholes for the rich. For all the housing deductions and stuff we as middle class folks get, its nothing compared to how corporations can right off everything and anything.
2. Most of the cuts from military spending - 240B over 3 years. For all the howling on the left, few are talking about the fact that the Deficit commission agrees that having military bases in Germany and Korea is a waste of money.
3. It's a draft created by the co-chairs to start the conversation. Its not binding nor is it a final draft.
4. The overall cuts to social programs were small compared to the military, in terms of pure dollars. But given the size of those programs, those cuts are rather steep.
And like every rational liberal, that ticks me off too. But that's the point of the report. Is it perfect? Hell no. The chairs drafted a rather Scrouge-esque bill so that we could actually start talking about debt in real and tough terms. Neither party wants to cut Medicare or Social Security in any real way, because old people are the most dependable voters. And no one wants to seriously talk about cutting the military down, because all the big donors are tied up in the weapons business.
I think we as Americans have become to polarized, myself included that we can't have a real discussion about solving problems. I also, I don't think we see people who disagree with us as fellow Americans, rational, humane or sometimes even human.
That's my two cents, and now I'm going to enjoy my comp day.
how has hobama helped old black farmers and old gulf fishermen????
before 11/2???
On Obama’s first trip to Louisiana after the disaster, the governor describes how the president took him aside on the tarmac after arriving to complain about a letter that Jindal had sent to the administration requesting authorization for food stamps for those who had lost their jobs because of the spill.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/1110/45021.html#ixzz155BF5f8v
Though this election was a resounding defeat of white Liberals and the policies of Obama, members of the Congressional Black [Progressive and Socialist] Caucus went essentially unscathed. Black people continued to support these government-funded extortionists, despite the destruction these black overseers have wreaked in black neighborhoods. Blacks seem annoyed at the idea that Obama lost ground in the last two years, and the Right is said to be taking the country back.
The Right would argue that they are taking the country back from the socialist policies that have weakened the country. Back to the Constitution.
Blacks argue differently, saying that Conservatives want to take black people back to slavery. This may explain why black Democrats continue to allow ineffective and criminal leaders to be their caretakers.
One thing is for sure: Black Democrats love handouts. They know that the Congressional Black Caucus will continue to fight for these handouts, which black Democrats now consider “entitlements.” Payback for slavery.
These days anything black Democrats want is considered an entitlement. Gucci purses, 60” flat screen TVs in their taxpayer-funded, government-gifted homes are all entitlements.
For black Democrats the government is supposed to provide food, shelter, clothing, cars (tricked out, of course), cable TV and PlayStations (the in-home babysitters), childcare, healthcare, and of course a check.
What the government does not have to provide to black Democrats are safe schools, crime-free neighborhoods, adequate education, or jobs. The government also doesn’t have to provide real hope. False hope is fine, however.
Thus you have the one stipulation black Democrat leaders impose on their minions, as it is mandated from the higher ups in the Democrat Party: Ask for just enough to get by, but not enough to get over!
Black Democrats are socially conservative, but fiscally communist. That reliance on government has made black Democrats the weakest group of people in America, with no sense of pride. Black Democrat pride has been bought, not by the highest bidder, but by the only bidder—the Democrats.
Based on the results of this election, black Democrat politicians will operate “business as usual.” In fact, their intent is to double-down on their far Left agenda, evidenced by Keith Ellison’s bid to lead the Congressional Progressive Caucus, a group that bragged that they only lost three congressional seats (of their 80 members) in the carnage of Eviction 2010.
Progressives are emboldened by their limited election losses, which is why Obama finds himself between a rock and a boulder. He knows that America has rejected his “Progressive” policies. Nevertheless, he must continue to push for “Progressive” policies, since that is what his most ardent supporters—blacks with their hands out—will demand.
Democrat centrist however will be shifting right, like a Tiger Woods slice. Most have already begun the dramatic move away from Obama’s policies, and Obama can expect more of the same over the next two years. Eventually Obama may be forced to abandon his base, though he will leave them kicking and screaming.
At that point, the question becomes, “Can Republicans seize on this opportunity and begin to shift black thought to empowerment?” After all, Conservative values are the clear path to black empowerment. Should be an easy sell, right?
I’m not sure that I believe Republicans have the answer or are really even willing to try to reach the black vote. There are those who say, the Republicans really don’t need the black vote, if we can resonate with the rest of America. Like Reagan did.
Have you seen anybody close to Reagan in the Republican ranks?
When Republicans win, they feel the cancer of Liberalism is in remission. In 2008 that cancer came out of remission and infected other cells. Those cells formed into a guy who occupies the oval office, a guy who had no business considering leading this great country.
Republicans seem to expect black Democrats to “get it,” as if there are not years of indoctrination to overcome in the black community. As if blacks will suddenly slap the hand that feeds them. Black Democrats often ask, “What has a Republican done for me?” Republicans should fire back, “What have Democrats done to you?”
Alicia, yes Obama should do more for Black farmers - but their grievances go back to the Clinton era, if not further. And the last time I checked, some of those liberal lions have been around that long and didn't change anything then.
As usually, my analysis is a little more nuanced. This is both the President not going after 'low hanging fruit', what are these guys asking for, a little over 1B? The Pentagon spends that on lunch. But its also the case of the CBC and the Progressive Caucus to having the balls to stand up and fight for Black farmers, and hiding behind 'Obama didn't do it' to cover up for their own cowardice.
Also, why are you quoting a shill mouthpiece like Bobby Jindal? The LA governor who bitched about earmarks and stimulus but runs around his state passing out stimulus check like Ed McMahon on Publisher's Clearinghouse. He's also getting on his high horse about Obama & BP, but Jindal wants to relax environmental laws for more off shore drilling. There are legitimate gripes with Obama's handling of the Gulf spill, but Jindal is full of it. He's definitely an Honorary House Negro.
unlike u
jindal is telling the TRUTH about hobama
i respect any truth from ANY source!
what u called nuanced, i call suicidally edited/omitted/ignored ie
your list above did not mention (as usual):
hobama and his banksters' complete erasure of the middle class
bailouts for pharma corps via hobama care
blatant soulless stat lies re real PERMANENT job losses & unemployment/depression etc
endless cash flows to endless wars...old and new...ie afghan/iraq/iran/pakistan/africom etc
the absolute amoral gutting of ANY mercy to anyone poor of any race etc
as long as u pretend that hobama and the dems are angels...as long as u blame bubba and king shrub for every REAL sin of hobama
we are all doomed to hell
omg @KJ. just what american needs: ANOTHER black conservative who attacks democrats, proposes nothing positive and thinks (apparently) republicans would be better.
are you the son of CF?
the racist LEFT? what country are YOU living in?!
LACoincidental said...
"As usually, my analysis is a little more nuanced."
Beacuse you are so schmart.....what a windbag!
And how hard is it to be more "nuanced" than AB?
Again, Nuanced (Me) vs. Binary thinking (You).
I didn't say that Obama didn't sell out or compromise, and I never had. But because I don't but into your "Obama is the Anti-Christ" logic, I'm a 'hobama nazi'.
You blame Obama for a problem that has been existing before I left high school, with some of the same liberals who were in Congress when I was in high school getting no traction in the issue.
To prove that Obama bungled the BP Oil spill, you site a Republican Sock puppet who talks out of both sides of his mouth.
But like Maria, I'm going to ignore you after this point, because, well, you're not all there.
And Kevin Jackson, everyone's entitle to their opinion, but that's got to be most self-loathing Reaganomics dribble I've read in a very long time. I've been reading and doing politics since puberty. The Republicans want to 'take us back to the Constitution'? Seeing the original constitution didn't give Black people any more rights than my cat - I'd say we have plenty to be alarmed about.
Of course, the new GOP Congress (which ain't that much different than the GOP congress that was present when Clinton was in office, except a few more whackos) are pushing the same ideas of tax cuts and destroying social services - Ayn Rand's Objectivism in Government 101. Republicans want to privatize every social program except the military and lift government regulations on everything corporations make money on. And then when your public schools are closed, your roads aren't paved and we're all back to living in 'Hoover Tents' the GOP will blame Muslims, gays, Black folks (hell, Conservatives are blaming Obama for an economic mess their bullshit policies caused), immigrants even 'Gingers' (watch out CoCo).
And lets not forget the race-baiting, sexually repressed culture warriors who are returning to DC. We have a Senator filibustering a Defense Spending Bill because the Bill would also end DADT (another 'brilliant' compromise from the Clinton era). The first thing these goobers want to abolish is the NEA, which accounts for less than 1% of our budget?
Democrats are far from perfect (and are frankly too conservative for my taste), but lets not pretend that the GOP wants little more than return to failed (yes, failed) Reaganomics and 'gonadal politics' to keep the rubes busy.
u and maria ignore me as poorly as u debate and defend hobama
i deeply regret all that
maria said...
"omg @KJ. just what american needs: ANOTHER black conservative who attacks democrats, proposes nothing positive and thinks (apparently) republicans would be better."
Actually, that is just what we need.
We certainly don't need any more sanctimonious white liberals willing to inflict untold amounts of misery on blacks just so they can feel better about themselves.
Honestly Maria, you are such a parrot of liberal platitudes. Have you ever had an original thought in your life?
We've gotta start fighting this out on their turf instead of ours. Fighting on our own turf all the time and we start out losing, and then get bum-rushed. Gotta take it to them. The best defense is was and always will be taking the offense.
hobama is a legendarily elitist and a rabidly republican prez
his very real evil is far more fatal than any fictional anti-christ
even as u refuse to see it
the halo that u and maria see above his blackish bloody pinhead, is visible only to fellow hobama nazis like u
LAC: "We have a Senator filibustering a Defense Spending Bill because the Bill would also end DADT"
The purpose of the military is supposed to be to fight our enemies, not provide a platform for the self-actualization of homosexuals.
Once the military starts attracting a large number of open homosexuals, it is finished as an effective fighting force. That is exactly what the left wants.
unlike most het morons like u, most homos are not homicidal
all homos do EVERYTHING better than you...even murder in wars etc
only soldiers who rape and harass female peers fear gays in the military...as they fear they may reap what they sow
they flatter themselves
just as u do
Bravo Field the writer has it right they are after granny cause grannies money is easier to get. But they will back off as they have in the past if they get the sense that folks are going to stand up for granny.
And they are after all of the social welfare net even with times being as hard as they are.
AB you are right Obama's remarks don't sound like he is opposed to these ideas.
An internal Pentagon study finds that most U.S. troops and their families don't care whether gays are allowed to serve openly and think the "don't ask, don't tell" policy could be dropped, the Associated Press reports, quoting officials familiar with its findings.
so many blind adoring fans love hobama more than they love truth/empathy/mercy/fairness/20/20 vision etc....
thanks for being sane always bro!
u are the epitome of all true christians to me
even when we agree to disagree
i refuse to ignore hobama's & his bankster's money green massacres of hobama's black fans
To fully understand why the foreclosure crisis has so disproportionately affected working- and middle-class blacks, it is important to provide a little background. Many of these American families watched on the sidelines as everyone and their dog seemed to jump into the real estate game. The communities they lived in were changing, gentrifying, and many blacks unable to purchase homes were forced out as new homeowners moved in. They were fed daily on the benefits of home ownership. Their communities, churches and social networks were inundated by smooth-talking but shady fly-by-night brokers. With a home, they believed, came stability, wealth and good schools for their children. Home ownership, which accounts for upwards of 80 percent of the average American family’s wealth, was the basis of permanent membership into the American middle class. They were primed to fall for the American Dream con job.
If anything, the foreclosure crisis is likely to produce a ripple effect that will continue to decimate communities of color. Think about the long-term impact of vacant homes on the value of neighborhoods, and about the corresponding increase in crime, vandalism and shrinking tax bases for municipal budgets.
"The American dream for individuals has now become the nightmare for cities," said James Mitchell, a councilman in Charlotte, NC who heads the National Black Caucus of Local Elected Officials. In the nearby community of Peachtree Hills, he says roughly 115 out of 123 homes are in foreclosure. In that environment, it's impossible for the remaining homeowners to sell, as their property values have been severely depressed. Their quality of life, due to increases in vandalism and crime, diminished. The cities then feel the strap of a receding tax base at the same time there is a huge surge in the demand for public services.
and the poor & middle classes of all races are only getting poorer each day
Go to the pristine cul-de-sacs where this supposed middle class lives and you will find, every couple of streets, a lawn as high as a wheatfield, indicating a home that has been repossessed. Even the survivors hang on by a thread. Juan and Kenyoda Pullen have been renting here since their home was repossessed. Sometimes the rent does not get paid. When they lost their jobs – as postman and bank clerk – their combined income dropped from $75,000 to $14,000 a year.
Do you still feel middle class, I ask them. They do, they say, “though we’re not really certain what that means any more”. America’s “middle class” was always a construct of ideology, indeed the expression of a dream. For the black and Mexican casual workers in the car park the dream is the thing they have in common: they are there because they prefer work to welfare. They believe themselves to be entrepreneurs and will battle against the economic headwind to the point of self-abasement to avoid admitting otherwise.
Yet America’s middle class is disappearing. A lifestyle sustained for 30 years by rising debt is dissolving as the credit dries up. And the question beyond the crisis is: can it ever come back?
Actually, it's the Republican control house may not fair better as you have to remember that they do a better job playing public relations than creating policy. Lewis Black said it best the Republicans have bad ideas and the Democrats have no ideas, or as my grandmother used the adage in between a rock and hard place.
The Republicans at the moment on set on derailing the President's vision for the country which means two years of seeing very little done. One also has to remember that all Republicans into to the next session of Congress are replacing conservative democrats. If I should ever heard what remotely sounds like a new good idea from either side, well that is the day that hell may freeze over. The republicans do not want to invest in new forms of energy because it's too expensive which is another translation we really do not believe creating new companies for the ecomony. I heard some republicans say that China has the money to invest in such innovation. Just because there is a recession doesn't mean we create new businesses. Cutting taxes isn't going to solve the problem after the last administration and republican congress used money to fight two wars and cut taxes at the same time, and see how well that is working. I haven't had a chance to read the book "Too Big to Fail", but bleak reality is that some government intervention was needed because the ecomony could have been more worst than we imagine, but we may not know for certain.
Note the membership of the CatFood Commission as many Lefty bloggers have...and you see that most are ideologically opposed to any continuation of that most hated of programs, Social Security. It would be like setting up a Commission to address Biology Curricula...and choosing only IntelligentCreationismDesign beleevers.
Odd that despite all evidence to the contrary, the wingnuts still fantasize that Obama is Leftist/Progressive. In their delusion, all AfAms are so...because they needs them that free Federal money and are totally undeserving of anything more than sharecropper or servant.
If 'Mericans are so inclined, most European MSM publications have short surveys to show one's political leanings. What is alleged to be center in the US is near-Fascist in other lands...including Russia.
"If 'Mericans are so inclined, most European MSM publications have short surveys to show one's political leanings. What is alleged to be center in the US is near-Fascist in other lands...including Russia."
and which is the better place to live, america or russia?
I don't wan't progrssive to do to america what they did to russia.
viva the Republicans!
FN, my brother: for the record, i'd like to take this moment and say "i told you so." not you in particular, but the entire af-am blogging community. me and my brother X over at my old blog? we tried to tell the Folk. we're from Chicago, we were on campus with this man, we knew him from back in the day. i don't say this to be smug or superior, but i want to use it as a teaching moment. this man always was what he is. which is to say, as they would've said back in 1970 "a conservative republican." i blame white folks for being racist, and thus incapable of seeing that just because a brother has coco skin it doesn't automatically make him a "progressive" or "liberal." i also blame the Folk for being less critical of him and what he is and was saying back when our criticism could've tanked his candidacy. cause, you know and i know that among the Folk, these concerns were whispered, but not shouted.
what he is doing now, is why he was chosen. and believe me, he was chosen. in that "only nixon could go to china" way, only the first black and "democratic" president could destroy the New Deal. and he will. we've got two more years to go. ya aint seen nuthin yet, my friend.
boilerplate: to say what i have just said in no way negates my ability to say that many white people in america with a conservative slant are attacking Obama purely because of their own racism. both can be true at the same time, and i recognize that.
@ chicago dyke: If you actually think Obama is a conservative republican, you are more than just stupid, you are insane.
He is intentionally bankrupting the United States so as to bring about an economic and politcal collapse so that a new socialist constitution can replace the nation that exists today.
Go back to gazing into your coco lesbian navel. You have no idea what the real world is up to.
amen homie!
and he will be chosen again in 2012 just like his blue blooded cuz gwb was chosen twice in 2000 and 2004...bet
that is why hobama is so calm now
he knows the game is fixed and set!
anyone who calls hobama a socialist has no idea what one is...
hobama is a fascist and an elitist
socialists do not hate and starve poor people!!!
socialists do not coddle and obey banksters!
standard def of socialism:
a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
hobama and his peer elites and banksters own it all!!!...globally!
that is not socialism
that is the new world order
where poverty is a weapon and dissent is a crime
hobama has not empowered the people...he has made us all more homeless and powerless than ever...including our unborn paupers to come
"hobama and his peer elites and banksters own it all!!!...globally!
that is not socialism"
You are correct, it is more like the fascism practiced in Germany, where the Nazis left businesses in private hands but exerted total control on their activities. Modern progressivism is just fascism in nicer clothes.
amen anon!
hobama is the shiny new blackish face at the helm of an evil empire that is more colorless and ruthless than ever
the racists in the tea party are angry and belated because they are living too SIMILARLY to poor blacks now...class is the new black
what the hell will hobama do to old people before they are 69????
and how will that affect poor teens fighting these same POORER OLDER elders for the same FEWER jobs at mcdonald's???
Erskine Bowles (left), accompanied by former Wyoming Sen. Alan Simpson, co-chairmen of President Barack Obama's bipartisan deficit commission, take part in a news conference on Capitol Hill in Washington Wednesday. They proposed Social Security reforms that would include raising the retirement age over time.
from debra dickerson, another clairvoyant re hobama like tavis:
Now that a black man is president, and could not have been made so without the efforts of millions of whites, the temptation for them to run out of patience with blacks' continued complaints will be tremendous. Simultaneously, millions of blacks woke up on November 5 with yet another buppie made better off on their backs while they remain jobless in dangerous neighborhoods, their immediate futures no brighter for knowing that cornbread may start appearing at the White House Thanksgiving table. When we all stop weepily singing "We Are the World" and emailing each other about what Great-Aunt Bessie would say now if she weren't dead, we'll find that race is still a festering wound. A wound believed to be self-inflicted on one side, daily resalted on the other. It was distressing to hear John McCain, in his otherwise gracious concession speech, invoke "the special significance [Obama's win] has for African Americans and for the special pride that must be theirs tonight." The pride is America's, not blacks' for finally winning one for their side. Our new president must constantly require us to work for "country first"—not for our individual factions.
cc that to hathor and maria
they have no clue
When Speaker Pelosi took over Congress the national deficit was $162 billion. When she leaves office it will be at $1.29 Trillion dollars.
The Obama-Pelosi-Reid Regime tripled the national deficit in one year.
When Speaker Pelosi took over Congress the unemployment rate was at 4.6%. Today it’s at 9.6%.
They doubled the unemployment rate from where it was when they took over Congress.
They passed a failed Trillion dollar Stimulus bill. In fact, 48 of 50 states have lost jobs since the so-called stimulus passed.
They rammed through the most radical piece of legislation in US history – Obamacare – Without even reading it. Remember… “We have to pass it so you know what’s in it.”
Finally, Speaker Pelosi saw 60+ democratic representatives lose their seats to Republicans- a 70 year record.
Good riddance.
pelosi and all those numbskulls is incompetent just like alicia buceta breaf stanks is too incompetent to come up with credible lies peas in a pod...
interesting. i left a long comment a few hours ago. i had to try twice to make it stick... but apparently, it won't. FN: any clue here? you're the blog owner, you know what i'm talking about. it's odd. it was directed at Dick Van D. can you see it? i guess no one else can.
i wonder how often this happens. i know i left it. i remember what i wrote, and what showed up in the comment box. but now it's gone. -ChiDy
"i know i left it. i remember what i wrote, and what showed up in the comment box. but now it's gone. -ChiDy"
Must not have been very important.
I didn't like your tone, in fact it didn't really require your two cents. It annoys me when people haven't dealt with health care as a patient and being a social worker doesn't impress me either.
Maria, "i AM speaking only of what i know--and i pointed out that i did not know, nor does purple cow, what the whole situation is."
Considering PC was talking from what he knew about a love one, one can assume he knows a LOT MORE than you do.
Therefore, instead of acting like you know so much, why don't you STFU?
You lack heart. No wonder you are alone.
I was only pointing out the facts and initially you stated about only what Obama had done.
As far as Medicare I stay up on it, because I use it. I am a senior although not a grandmother and I have health issues that are more serious than most. I also seen how Medicare has changed over 8 years, 6 which were the previous congresses. The boomer who are going to in to system are not going to be some doting, absentminded and illiterate old people. They will be on the asses of their congressman. The AARP are a pretty large lobby, even though I haven't agreed with the compromises in health care, they have gone along with. I think in the future they will have more influence.
It is good that they won't allow the repeal of "don't ask, don't tell". It would weaken the military and cause heterosexuals to feel threatened within their own ranks. They cannot afford to have open gay and lesbians in the military.
u posted:
Most elders homes are paid for and they already have medicare."
i disagree
i stand by my reply
as one pt is a flat out lie
the other is a fragile fleeting temporary net
Hathor said...
I didn't like your tone, in fact it didn't really require your two cents. It annoys me when people haven't dealt with health care as a patient and being a social worker doesn't impress me either.
5:35 PM
who are you to say what i can and can't comment about?
the guy said the whole of private health insurance should be thrown out because his FIL was discharged early and died. i hardly saw the logic in that and asked him for more information.
you think what i wrote was "tone?" here's some tone:
everyone in the world, including me, has been a patient at one time, as have many of my family members, include one who is gravely ill right now. i have kids, where do you think they were born? of course i've been a patient (just not a mental health one, which is more than i can say for some folks here).
i know how to effectively advocate--i do it all day, everyday. my friends and family come to me for help and i give it.
and what's that "social worker" crack supposed to mean?
i try to talk to you here and support you when i agree and when people unfairly attack you.
but it's a losing battle. you always come off like a lonely unhappy person who got shit on at some point in your life and now can never see the positive side of anything. you're the one who comes off as a know it all.
my guess is you got thrown out of the hospital early because you were too unpleasant to have around.
you can go back under your cloud now, eyeore.
and to the anon above i am NOT alone and i have more heart than anyone you'll ever meet.
but hathor:
you have NEVER EVER been nasty as that witless wigga maria and her uneducated filthy ghetto dreg mammy maid/the vdlr et al...
i know many entire families who have never had one single member of any age who has ever owned any hm....just as no one in the vdlr's family has ever been to college.
the next generation will own fewer homes than ever as they will be poorer and earn lowes wages than ever.
that is a global truth
thanks to hobama and his banksters
have a great weekend,
the only soldiers who feel threatened by gays are fools like you who rape and harass and kill female soldiers.
no biggie.
you are in the VAST minority.
there are no gaybashers or atheists under fire!
Just how will foreclosure law effect those who have no mortgage.
It has nothing to do with how many older people are poor, live in apartments or senior housing.
You sound like some 2nd amendment self defense arguments, where as you will always be the hero in you own mind.
So what your gonna say because he was black? They would haev done it to him if he was white too.
My father-in-law was white.
Hathor said
You sound like some 2nd amendment self defense arguments, where as you will always be the hero in you own mind.
6:29 PM
the right to bear arms...hero in my own mind....hmm. you could be trying to say something here, eyeore, but only you know what. life's too short for me waste time on it it.
Purple Cow, that was classic!
Sorry ChiDy, I am not aware of what you are commenting about.:( Hopefully it worked itself out.
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