I see that Ms. Thing finally went on her dream date with Jackie Jackson after all these years. Nice. When are you Negroes going to try and get me a hook up with Lark? That's the least you could do for a brotha toiling out here in the fields. You mean to tell me that not one of you people know Lark? Or, someone who knows someone who knows her?
Anyway, enough of that. Now on to some more serious matters: I see that a certain wingnut "bloviator" still has O man assassination issues. What gives, here? I mean this has been going on for awhile with this guy. I know I know, if you say it enough and all that stuff, but this is beginning to become a dangerous obsession. Hey Glenn, I don't hear the dog whistle, but I am sure that somebody out there does.
This post is from Jerry Bowles, who seems a lot angrier about this than I am:
"If you check the Google and Twitter trend charts, one of the hottest viral memes running around the internet right now is the Biblical verse Psalm 109:8 which has started popping up on bumper stickers and t-shirts with the seemingly harmless directive to Pray for Obama. Sounds benign enough and the verse itself seems to be a harmless piece of rightwing wishful thinking: "May his days be few, may another take his office."
Where it becomes seditious and anti-American are the lines that immediately follow that one:
“May his children be fatherless
and his wife a widow.
May his children be wandering beggars;
may they be driven from their ruined homes.”
Friends, it does not get any uglier than this. As Frank Schaeffer, author of Patience with God: Faith for People who Don’t like Religion or Atheism, said on the Rachel Maddow show:
"...This is the American version of the Taliban. The Taliban quotes the Qu'ran, and al Qaeda quotes certain verses in the Qu'ran, in or out of context, calling for jihad, and bloody war, and the curse of Allah on infidels. This is the Old Testament, Biblical equivalent of calling for holy war. Now, most Americans'll just see the bumper sticker and smile and think that it's facetious. Unfortunately, there are 22 million Americans or so who call themselves super-conservative evangelicals. Of this, a small minority might be violent. But, the general atmosphere here is really getting heated.
And what surprises me is that responsible, if you can put it that way, Republican leadership and the editors of some of these Christian magazines, etc. etc., do not stand up in holy horror and denounce this. You know, they're always asking 'Where is the Islamic leadership denouncing terrorism? Why aren't the moderates speaking out?' Well, I challenge the folks who I used to work with... I would just say to them: 'Where the hell are you? This is not funny anymore. And be it on your head if something happens to our President..." [Link]
Anyway, enough of that. Now on to some more serious matters: I see that a certain wingnut "bloviator" still has O man assassination issues. What gives, here? I mean this has been going on for awhile with this guy. I know I know, if you say it enough and all that stuff, but this is beginning to become a dangerous obsession. Hey Glenn, I don't hear the dog whistle, but I am sure that somebody out there does.
This post is from Jerry Bowles, who seems a lot angrier about this than I am:
"If you check the Google and Twitter trend charts, one of the hottest viral memes running around the internet right now is the Biblical verse Psalm 109:8 which has started popping up on bumper stickers and t-shirts with the seemingly harmless directive to Pray for Obama. Sounds benign enough and the verse itself seems to be a harmless piece of rightwing wishful thinking: "May his days be few, may another take his office."
Where it becomes seditious and anti-American are the lines that immediately follow that one:
“May his children be fatherless
and his wife a widow.
May his children be wandering beggars;
may they be driven from their ruined homes.”
Friends, it does not get any uglier than this. As Frank Schaeffer, author of Patience with God: Faith for People who Don’t like Religion or Atheism, said on the Rachel Maddow show:
"...This is the American version of the Taliban. The Taliban quotes the Qu'ran, and al Qaeda quotes certain verses in the Qu'ran, in or out of context, calling for jihad, and bloody war, and the curse of Allah on infidels. This is the Old Testament, Biblical equivalent of calling for holy war. Now, most Americans'll just see the bumper sticker and smile and think that it's facetious. Unfortunately, there are 22 million Americans or so who call themselves super-conservative evangelicals. Of this, a small minority might be violent. But, the general atmosphere here is really getting heated.
And what surprises me is that responsible, if you can put it that way, Republican leadership and the editors of some of these Christian magazines, etc. etc., do not stand up in holy horror and denounce this. You know, they're always asking 'Where is the Islamic leadership denouncing terrorism? Why aren't the moderates speaking out?' Well, I challenge the folks who I used to work with... I would just say to them: 'Where the hell are you? This is not funny anymore. And be it on your head if something happens to our President..." [Link]
Relax Jerry, he isn't as powerful anymore, maybe they will leave him alone now.
Finally, in my ongoing effort to be "fair and balanced", I would like to leave you with a commentary from a black republican that someone sent me. (h/t Mike)
"The message from voters in the 2010 election was two-fold: a rejection of President Barack Obama's job-killing Socialist agenda and a denunciation of the Democratic Party's divisive politics of race-baiting. The accusation by Democrats that the Republican Party is a racist party was exposed, once again, to be absolutely false when these three black Republicans, shown below, won their elections and were added to the long list of black Republicans already serving in elected positions in multiple states at various levels of government. Newly elected to Congress are Tim Scott in South Carolina and Allen West in Florida. Also in Florida, Jennifer Carroll became that state's lieutenant governor, the first black woman Republican ever elected to this position. These victorious candidates received scant media coverage since they contradict the image promoted by Democrats that the Republican Party is racist.
During the election, Obama and his fellow Democrats tried to avoid the political tsunami by resorting to acts of desperation, including scraping the bottom of the Democratic Party's racist barrel. Blacks in Florida were startled and incensed when former President Bill Clinton, at the apparent behest of Obama, tried to get black Democrat U. S. Rep. Kendrick Meek to drop out of the race for U. S. Senate and endorse white Gov. Charlie Crist, the one-time Republican who ran as an independent after withdrawing from the Republican Party primary. There would have been a firestorm of charges of racism by the liberal media and black civil rights organizations, such as the NAACP, had a white Republican tried to force a black Democrat out of a race for any elected office.
So, what was a focus for the NAACP during the 2010 election? That once great organization was busily digging its own grave of irrelevancy by issuing a bogus and racially incendiary report written by far left wingers in the Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights. That report falsely accused the Tea Party activists of being racist because they oppose Obama's socialist agenda and want to reduce the size of our government, cut spending and keep our taxes low. Without a doubt, the NAACP report was a blatant attempt to get black voters to the polls by stirring up hatred against their fellow white Americans who Obama described as "the enemy." [More]
Tap tap, skip. Tap tap, skip. You hear that Obama? Leave those good "white Americans" alone, or those dog whistles could get louder.
I love this country.
1 – 200 of 245 Newer› Newest»The bastardization of scripture is quite telling of their true agenda. And that is plain sad. Then again, I was raised under Liberation Theology so my view of God is a lot different than theirs.
Mr. Beck is right. I am also concerned about Obama's trip to India. It's a dangerous place with over 300 million Muslims who not only hate Christians but hate Hindus and Buddhists as well. It is a grave sin in Islam to renounce Islam for another religion such as Christianity. I would hate for anything to happen to him. He is a nice man, but lacks the strength and fortitude to be a President. I hope he doesn't go.
Beck worries about Muslims assassinating the President, and that bothers you?
Did it bother you last week when Obama referred to white Americans as "enemies"?
Your fake outrage falls flat again, Field.
M. Rigmaiden said...
The bastardization of scripture is quite telling of their true agenda.. .. I was raised under Liberation Theology so my view of God is a lot different than theirs."
What's your view of God, Karl Marx?
And whose "true agenda" are you talking about? Don't extend it beyond the numnuts who put bumperstickers like that on their cars.
anon10:04pm You are quite right about Field. But he never said that FN was fair and balanced liked Fox News and O'Reilly.
I agree. Field is a hypocrite. But please understand that he is under a lot of pressure to shore up Obama who has proven to have spine made out of spaghetti. It's a black male thing...bm are known to be weakest of the genders in the Black Community. It's sad.
Are the folks really concerned about President Obama's well-being or they afraid that he might find something out that they are trying to hide?
*folks on the right*
I wish that Cynthia McKinney was still up on Capitol Hill in the House so she could put Ms. Crazier than a Road Lizard Bachmann in her rightful looney place.
anon9:59pm-I totally agree with you. I would just like to see him finish out his term, if he can make it without becoming paralyzed with fear. BM tend to be inexperienced when it comes to power. Most don't know how to handle power, let alone how to wield it.
The GOP and Tea Party are going to have an even BIGGER field day(no pun intended) now that they have the power.
Granny, "I wish that Cynthia McKinney was still up on Capitol Hill in the House so she could put Ms. Crazier than a Road Lizard Bachmann in her rightful looney place."
First, Cynthia McKinney isn't there anymore and so deal with reality, if you can.
Secondly, Michelle Bachmann is ten times better looking than anything on the left. She is attractive and will be in the Senate for as long as she likes. Cynthia can't say that.
Third, it's clear that you hate Whites so much that you can't sleep at night.
Yeah, white men sure do know how to handle power. All of the Americans who lost their homes while the GOP white men drove the economy into the ditch for eight years are evidence of that. Yup, they are experts in greed, stealing, and causing major disasters everywhere they go.
Be forewarned black people over in the Islands, white CEOs are buying property on your Islands. They must be getting ready to demonstrate how they handle power over there. *sigh* I sure do hate that because the Islands are still beautiful and have natural beauty. That won't last long once they get their grubby greedy hands on it. (no pun intended)
"I love this country."
I can't stand this fucking country.
You gotta love concern trolling by anonymous posters. Glenn Beck and our beloved anons would love nothing more than some fundie with a car bomb running into the Presidential Motorcade in Jakarta screaming "Allahu Akbar!!!" before blowing himself and the motorcade up.
Its funny listening to you guys. Really. I'm really betting that most of these anons are black. Because as hard-core as our anons claim to be, you would think that they would be on Free Republic or Fox Nation, with all the other pogues that think that Michelle Bachmann is jack-off material and that Jesus talked to and tamed Sabre-Toothed tigers and Mastodons six thousand years ago.
The same people that hate obama hate:
NFL players,
blacks with education,
blacks in the checkout line,
the black person in the workplace that asks a question during a meeting that none of the white people thought of,
blacks that have a better car than they do,
blacks that have a better job then they do,
blacks who date whites,
blacks who don't,
black organizations that advocate for people of color,
blacks that actually understand politics and don't vote against their interests,
blacks with cell phones,
And especially the black President of the United States.
"I agree. Field is a hypocrite. But please understand that he is under a lot of pressure to shore up Obama who has proven to have spine made out of spaghetti. It's a black male thing...bm are known to be weakest of the genders in the Black Community. It's sad.
10:13 PM"
P.S. There's a reason white males are the biggest 2nd amendment proponents. They need the false security a lot of guns provide them, for they are the biggest pussies on the planet. You can't even pick a moniker on an ANONYMOUS forum, too scared that an enterprising racism fighter might find out where you bastards reside.
Give me a fucking break. No one is fazed by you pasty fuckers anymore.
"anon10:04pm You are quite right about Field. But he never said that FN was fair and balanced liked Fox News and O'Reilly."
How the fuck do you suppose hate mongering and racist one-sided opinions are "fair and balanced"?
You know what they say; if it looks like a klan rally...
I've got a prayer I'd like to share too, but I can't put it on a bumper sticker 'cause I'll probably get shot in traffic by some redneck hick in an F-150.
Trapped in SC said...
"You gotta love concern trolling by anonymous posters. Glenn Beck and our beloved anons would love nothing more than some fundie with a car bomb running into the Presidential Motorcade in Jakarta screaming "Allahu Akbar!!!" before blowing himself and the motorcade up."
No, because then Joe "Dumb as a Box of Rocks" Biden would be President. Also, that would mean Obama would be remembered as a martyred hero, instead of the pompous, incompetent narcissist he actually is.
Hey TSC,
I know the kind of Blacks you hate: The ones with jobs!
Muha haahhahahah!
Brighten up loser, now that the House will at least be run by grownups, there might even be a job for a weak-assed mofo like you.
Obama finally created some new jobs - 60 for Republicans in the House, 6 in the Senate, 16 governorships, and 680 in state legislatures across the country.
Thanks Chief! Keep up the good work!
Nope, I don't hates whites. Matter of fact there are some on here that I like because they know that their whiteness ends where humanity begins. I despise white bigots and especially arrogant ones. That's the difference and where you got it wrong at.
Puleeze! When is your next appointment? Because Michelle Bachmann looks like a freckled-face, giraffe on meth and raggedy ann combined with her goofy looking self. Mr Ed the horse looks better than her. Hey...could that be her daddy? She does resemble a horse with her big buck teeth and big glossy on some type of high eyes.
Barbara Boxer and a few other Democrat women make Michelle Bachmann look like a wino on crack.
Since, I'll be leaving I feel like clowning your silly behind today. Yeah! You can call it my going away celebration.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Trapped in SC said...
"You gotta love concern trolling by anonymous posters. Glenn Beck and our beloved anons would love nothing more than some fundie with a car bomb running into the Presidential Motorcade in Jakarta screaming "Allahu Akbar!!!" before blowing himself and the motorcade up."
No, because then Joe "Dumb as a Box of Rocks" Biden would be President. Also, that would mean Obama would be remembered as a martyred hero, instead of the pompous, incompetent narcissist he actually is.
10:47 PM
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Hey TSC,
I know the kind of Blacks you hate: The ones with jobs!
Muha haahhahahah!
Brighten up loser, now that the House will at least be run by grownups, there might even be a job for a weak-assed mofo like you.
Gotta love internet wingnuts.
God-damned idiots.
I like to add retarded cowards to that.
I'd like to add gasoline alley teabaggers and roadkill republicans.
Hillary Clinton in 2012.
Sorry, but Hillary is very happy and content with her position. She loves her job. You can see it in her face.
Apparently Ms. Rice is still none too happy. Did she she think the wins of this election was going to change Black people?
I told you guys last night. I like the term "Cat Food Conservatives".
Because that's what these fuckers will be eating if the republicans get their way.
Palin/Romney 2012!
Shabazz-"I can't stand this fucking country."
We know. so, when are you going to move to Somalia? You can shoot, rape, kill and rob those white boats until your heart is content. Plus, they'll welcome you because you look like them...same color, too.
Clinton / Dean 2012.
Let's get some democrats who can handle the job!
Hey Field you know that the scripture you quoted was actually a spoken wish to the Divine that their Babylonian captors be destroyed. They were pissed at them for having kicked their butts and carried some of the best and brightest into exile.
It is supposed to be representative of the oppressed real feelings toward the oppressor.
And of course the devout have to temper these real feelings of hatred toward those who oppress them by turning to God as their avenger.
The ugly truth to this scripture could be an expression of some in the Third World who have been wronged by the US and could very well not think kindly of the leader of the country that supports their local despot, or who ordered the bombing of their village, or whose spy agency snatched up their loved ones (rendition), or who gives aide and comfort to the companies that reek havoc on their population, or who give subsidies to companies who take their material and mineral wealth and give little to nothing back.
I know its not pretty and we don't like to think of the US as an oppressor, but our deluded truth is not the reality of many in this world.
TSC, "Its funny listening to you guys. Really. I'm really betting that most of these anons are black. Because as hard-core as our anons claim to be, you would think that they would be on Free Republic or Fox Nation, with all the other pogues that think that Michelle Bachmann is jack-off material and that Jesus talked to and tamed Sabre-Toothed tigers and Mastodons six thousand years ago."
Well, you have a good sixth sense, cause most of us anons are Black. We're the up and coming black conservatives and the future of the black community. We hope we aren't too late cause you liberal progressive black dems have virtually destroyed Detroit and all of the other urban places where our people live...if you don't believe me, ask Field in Philly and Granny in Oakland.
You jackoffs don't know what you are doing. Of course, you never did know. That's why you folks can never stay in power more than two years at a time.LOL
Just think Obama and Dems were voted in by the biggest landslide in history. And within two years you managed to fuck everything up. You folks are some really really dumb people.
Mr. Field, did you see the very beginning of the Oprah segment with Jackie Jackson? The part where they showed the meeting of Oprah's employees?
If so, did you notice that there were no visible Black people in the meeting? I thought that was very telling.
I guess she doesn't mind building schools for those poor little African kids but she doesn't seem to like giving jobs to African Americans.
"You mean to tell me that not one of you people know Lark? Or, someone who knows someone who knows her?"
Why don't you ask any of those make-up artist who do the make-up for the circus clowns. Does Mrs. Field read this blog regularly? I don't think so (smile).
Well, I'm glad for Oprah. When I was as child, looking at Jackie's mug on on my mother's old records used to scare me. I thought his cheek bones would eventually explode or something.
As for politics, I don't have any comments on the mainland elections, here in the VI the damn voting machines were rigged again. LOL-sigh.
Back to lurking.
How do think Oprah got to be so successful, Val?
Granny, "Sorry, but Hillary is very happy and content with her position. She loves her job. You can see it in her face."
Then who else can the Dems come up with, Biden? Surely they want someone White who can win and know how to wheel the power against the GOP?
I am sure with a little negotiation HRC will run. She has wanted it for the longest.
Mellaneous said...I know its not pretty and we don't like to think of the US as an oppressor, but our deluded truth is not the reality of many in this world.
Obama is an oppressor, and the people shall rise up and throw out this evil tyrant!
Palin = the GOP mascot.
Will she be wearing her RED leather to one of those famous S&M parties that the GOP are famous for to celebrate? I'm sure Stepin Steele will throw down the old Carte Blanche card and spring for a big double cake. Palin and Bachmann can jump out of it. Because in reality that is what they both are to the GOP party--entertainment.
TSC, "Gotta love internet wingnuts.
God-damned idiots."
10:59 PM
I know you wish you were a conservative. Hey, we are inviting Field to cross over to save himself. We will even teach him ethics and morality. It will even make him an honest lawyer.
Maybe you and Granny would like to also? That way you won't have to be jealous of us strong black conservatives anymore.
"I guess she doesn't mind building schools for those poor little African kids but she doesn't seem to like giving jobs to African Americans."
I've always felt that Oprah feels somewhat insecure among black people.
And it's like she won't be able to "put it on" in front of blacks and get the same effect that she gets from whites.
The Anonymous people claim to be black, but notice how they use the word "you folks" a modern version of "you people". I'm just saying.
Granny giving major eye rollage!
Mell, "Obama is an oppressor, and the people shall rise up and throw out this evil tyrant!"
Preach it! say it loud so Granny can hear the truth and change her ways!
Granny, "The Anonymous people claim to be black, but notice how they use the word "you folks" a modern version of "you people". I'm just saying.
Granny giving major eye rollage!"
Blacks use the term "you folks" and "you Negroes" to differentiate themselves from each other all the time. Where have you been? Oh, I forgot. You live in Oakland where they fly Confederate flags in your neighborhood. You have been too busy kissing white asses out there to assuage your fears of the white man.
Any 'real' Black can tell right away that an anon like me is Black, UNLESS they are from Oakland.
Anonymous 11:59:
Nope! Sorry, but I am not plastic like some folks on the right. Granny is gonna stay just the way she is. Keeping it real! Now, preach that!
Amen, brotha anon. TSC pegged us a while back. there's something wrong with Granny, though. Maybe it's an Oakland thing.
Anonymous, I have never kissed ass in my entire life, black or white or brown. I've kicked a lot of ass before in my lifetime though. BTW, you have an abnormal obsession with Oakland. You should get some help with that. BTW, I do not LIVE IN OAKLAND.
Granny, "BTW, I do not LIVE IN OAKLAND."
Then you have been lying as usual over the years. You folks who are loyalists to the Dumbocrats are big time liars.
That was a link from me. Seems Ms. Rice thinks I'm ignorant because I pointed out the fact that electing TWO Blacks to the congress does not make the GOP any less racist and she is a bit shortsighted by calling the Dems racists when they elected the first Black prez and has at least 20 times as many Blacks in the congress. Insane.
@ Anon 10:26 Bachmann is in the house not the senate. If you're gonna be a conservative at least TRY to be correct about SOMETHING. Oh yeah, that's right, carry on.
Granny lives in Richmond, CA.
These people had better be careful what they wish for. An assassin making his mark on Obama may very will be The End of America as we know it. And the ensuing backlash will get Beck, Limbaugh and others like them killed.
"We're the up and coming black conservatives and the future of the black community. We hope we aren't too late cause you liberal progressive black dems have virtually destroyed Detroit and all of the other urban places where our people live...if you don't believe me, ask Field in Philly and Granny in Oakland.
You jackoffs don't know what you are doing. Of course, you never did know. That's why you folks can never stay in power more than two years at a time.LOL"
Funny how you can say that when your patron saint Michael Steele has to quietly sit back like a good house nigger and watch the party he was charged with leading instead be lead by talk radio mouthpieces like Limbaugh and Beck. I remember when he talked out of turn against Limbaugh and got put to the lash just as good as any field negro.
Black conservatives are only window dressing within the GOP, the equivalent of an old white racist touting how many Black friends he has.
Nope, I have never lied in here about anything. I used to live in Oakland many, many years ago for a couple of years and I have relatives that stay in Oakland. LIke I said before I didn't stay locked up in the house. I traveled a lot.
PilotX, "@ Anon 10:26 Bachmann is in the house not the senate. If you're gonna be a conservative at least TRY to be correct about SOMETHING. Oh yeah, that's right, carry on."
Well, she operates like she has the power of a Senator. I meant to say, our beautiful 'future' Senator.
"our beautiful 'future' Senator."
Hahahahaha...I almost puked, but I couldn't stop laughing.
"We know. so, when are you going to move to Somalia? You can shoot, rape, kill and rob those white boats until your heart is content. Plus, they'll welcome you because you look like them...same color, too."
This is White Bigot thought in a nutshell. All Whites do not think and act in this manner, but plenty of them do.
This is the subsect of America that sanctioned segregation, nonexistant voting rights and a general mistreatment and contempt for Blacks. Unless Blacks are cleaning up behind, feeding or taking care of Whites, these bigots have absolutely nothing but malevolence towards them.
It's a psychosis that's thoroughly embedded into the bedrocks of this nation, and I believe only a fundamental change that completely revamps the face of this nation can cure such a mental illness.
Granny, "Hahahahaha...I almost puked, but I couldn't stop laughing."
I can't believe how jealous some of you bw are of Bachman. She has a lot going for her. Have you ever looked into her soft beautiful eyes. Check it out. They are hypnotizing. The cameras love her. She could have been a movie star.
Which one is Dumb and which one is Dumber? Sarah or Michelle?
Trapped in SC said...
The same people that hate obama hate:
NFL players, Nonsense. We need animals to entertain us, besides they too stupid to do anything else.
blacks with education -Yeah well thats only gonna be a very small amount of hate now, wouldnt you say. Affirmative Action education doesnt count. College Degress with IQS of 80 is still silly.
blacks in the checkout line, - You know it, holding up the line with thier foodstamps, cutting in line, yellin at everyone.
the black person in the workplace that asks a question during a meeting that none of the white people thought of - Because the white people arent 3 year old dumbasses and already knew the answer to the question before the meeting.
blacks that have a better car than they do, - are you serious? THis is important to you? Is that why Blacks comit so many carjackings?
blacks that have a better job then they do, - Now this is laughable. Again, affirmative action doesnt count. Everyone knows the Black in the departement who is lazy only has the job because of qoutas and that he should really be shoveling shit somewhere.
blacks who date whites - Please, keep taking the rejects from other races. No one else will date them so they have to go jungle.
blacks who don't - who cares.
black organizations that advocate for people of color- You mean those racist organizations that are led by small minded vicious black racists?
blacks that actually understand politics and don't vote against their interests - Now this is really funny. Blacks dont understand thier own interests. If they did they wouldnt continue to vote democrat and try to annhilate anyone who goes conservative. If they understood their own interests they would realize that 40 years later things are even worse staying on the democratic plantation. Yet the conservative brothers are doing allright....hmmmm
blacks with cell phones -cause you scream your conversations at the top of your lungs, besides tax payers paid for them anyway.
And especially the black President of the United States - Nope, dont hate him. Loathe HIS POLICIES. Like yours. Dumb ill founded unskilled illogically based crazy ass no sense idealogies.
"I agree. Field is a hypocrite. But please understand that he is under a lot of pressure to shore up Obama who has proven to have spine made out of spaghetti. It's a black male thing...bm are known to be weakest of the genders in the Black Community. It's sad.
10:13 PM"
P.S. There's a reason white males are the biggest 2nd amendment proponents. They need the false security a lot of guns provide them, for they are the biggest pussies on the planet.
Really, you mean Black Males who cry waacism , life is not fair, take care of me white man, send me your money, cancel the tests, I cant compete...are the pussies? Ever hear of a one on one Black fight? Nope...always attack in packs like rats.
Mack Lying said, "This is White Bigot thought in a nutshell. All Whites do not think and act in this manner, but plenty of them do."
Isn't it pass your bedtime? You are too old to be up this late.
Fyi...those thoughts expressed to a black racist like Shabazz- were voiced by a conservative bm who loves his country, GOP and Tea Party. I see nothing wrong or any psychosis with that. Now go to bed, it's past Obama old folks time.
Anon12:35am, whoa! that was one hell of a stinging comment. There won't be any comeback on that one, esp from TSC or Granny. It's too deep, and painful. Maybe tomorrow that moron UTS will have something irrelevant and ignorant to say.
Granny, "Which one is Dumb and which one is Dumber? Sarah or Michelle?"
Neither is dumb but both are attractive women. You are soooo jealous of them.
The trolls are having a bit of fun tonight eh? In any event, to answer the anonymous poster who asked how I viewed God, I believe God is merciful, forgiving and patient. There are countless passages in the Bible where God is vindictive and mean in the Bible, but the best parts of the Bible are where Jesus is speaking and I think he spoke with spiritual authority, compassion, righteous indignation at times and wisdom.
I am certain that we can wish that the President was not reelected next term and so forth, but that doesn't mean that we should wish for his family to suffer. For goodness sakes, we should pray for his salvation not that his wife would become a widow and his children fatherless. That is the lamest bullshit! And it doesn't represent a true Christian ethos. Or have you forgotten that Jesus was pretty big on that concept?
The concept being forgiveness...
One other thing, why the need to denigrate Palin or whoever elses' intelligence? You might not agree with their stances, but geesh! The vitriol here is just as bad as GOP vitriol towards Dems!
"NFL players, Nonsense. We need animals to entertain us, besides they too stupid to do anything else."
Oh, seeing how the majority of any team is white, I guess you like white cave dwelling animals too.
"blacks with education -Yeah well thats only gonna be a very small amount of hate now, wouldnt you say. Affirmative Action education doesnt count. College Degress with IQS of 80 is still silly."
Puleeze, the national school average is not based on urban scores alone, it is based on nationwide average scores that includes dumb ass white bigots like you who are included in that child left behind. Of course you are too dumb to figure that one out. Smh!
"blacks in the checkout line, - You know it, holding up the line with thier foodstamps, cutting in line, yellin at everyone."
Yup, and those whites wearing their wife beater tee-shirts standing in back of them with their foodstamps in their hand and with their cart loaded up with twelve pack of beer yelling at their wife to shutup while slapping her.
"the black person in the workplace that asks a question during a meeting that none of the white people thought of - Because the white people arent 3 year old dumbasses and already knew the answer to the question before the meeting"
Now, that's funny right there, but you meant because they don't ask questions because they don't want anyone to know how dumb they really are.
"blacks that have a better car than they do, - are you serious? THis is important to you? Is that why Blacks comit so many carjackings?"
Nah, they do it because they are hungry.
"blacks who date whites - Please, keep taking the rejects from other races. No one else will date them so they have to go jungle."
Nah, you got that twisted, once they go black they don't want to go back. The jungle has rhythm. But we understand you trying to save face.
"black organizations that advocate for people of color- You mean those racist organizations that are led by small minded vicious black racists?"
Nah, those are organizations that realize that they don't have to kiss your ass or bow down to you.
"blacks that actually understand politics and don't vote against their interests - Now this is really funny. Blacks dont understand thier own interests. If they did they wouldnt continue to vote democrat and try to annhilate anyone who goes conservative. If they understood their own interests they would realize that 40 years later things are even worse staying on the democratic plantation. Yet the conservative brothers are doing allright....hmmmm"
Dang, what planet do you live on. we just endured eight years of Bushonomics and before that eight years of Reaganomics and I don't remember them doing one thing for blacks. You're in worser mental condition than I thought. Are you a Stepin Fetchit twin?
"blacks with cell phones -cause you scream your conversations at the top of your lungs, besides tax payers paid for them anyway."
Wrong, blacks can talk on cell phones as loud as they want, it's a free country, at least that is the lie that has been told for ages. If they have any cell phones that taxpayers are paying for please tell me where I can get one. Do I have to be a CEO to get one?
"And especially the black President of the United States - Nope, dont hate him. Loathe HIS POLICIES. Like yours. Dumb ill founded unskilled illogically based crazy ass no sense idealogies."
Oh Lawd, If you were as skilled logically as you think you are, you would be a genius. However, I hate to be the one to rain on your parade, but you not deep at all. In fact, you are very simple-minded and naive to boot.
M. Rigmaiden, "One other thing, why the need to denigrate Palin or whoever elses' intelligence? You might not agree with their stances, but geesh! The vitriol here is just as bad as GOP vitriol towards Dems!"
Thanks MR. I needed to hear that. You bring some sanity and wisdom to the conversation. You are truly a mature wise person.
It's too bad elders like Granny is spouting vicious speech at Bachmann and Palin. But some of us grow up, and develop self-dignity and some don't.
This blog has always been full of hate and vitriol. That is the only way some folks on this blog know how to talk to each other. It's part of the environment they come from.
Granny @ 1:21am, you have no dignity. You are shameless in your vicious hatred toward others. You are a sick old lady.
Rigmaiden, I understand exactly what you are saying. But I for one am sick and tired of their BS.
I'm celebrating my going away party. And I don't know any better way to celebrate it then to clown their silly behind before I leave. I'm gone unleash the devil in me tonight. So, they need to pray.
M. Rigmaiden said...
One other thing, why the need to denigrate Palin or whoever elses' intelligence? You might not agree with their stances, but geesh! The vitriol here is just as bad as GOP vitriol towards Dems!
1:12 AM
Personally, I have little patience for ignorant people in general. But the issue of Palin's aptitude is somewhat scary because someone thought this unbelievably uninformed woman was Presidential material.
Bachman, Palin and O'Donnell are ultimate cynicism in politics - rather ill-informed and woefully under-prepared Right wing political mouthpieces who get a pass because they're woman. The irony is these women spout the asinine statements while being protected by the very liberal feminism they bemoan.
Anonymous 1:24:
Thank you! Before I leave up out of here tonight, you gone wish that you would have left this old woman alone. I suggest you pray.
M. Rigmaiden said...
One other thing, why the need to denigrate Palin or whoever elses' intelligence? You might not agree with their stances, but geesh! The vitriol here is just as bad as GOP vitriol towards Dems!
I have no need to 'denigrate' Palin or anyone else, and you have the right to denounce it whenever you see it, but to say that the 'vitriol' here is as bad as the GOP, then you've led a sheltered life on the Internet.
The liberal folks here got a long way to go to match the volume, the intensity, and the sheer ugliness I've seen on one too many Republican blogs and sites.
I am so tired of phoney ass folks, especially the ones that hide behind anonymous to speak their true feelings.
Dayum, you all are not playing roun'here!
FN, I'm not in LA, but you best believe that I'd find you sum Lark Vorheez if I were. No doubt. LACoincidental gotz to have some clues, lol.
Rock On--WEE are watching You!
Hello Webb. I like y'all spot. Y'all keep it real over there. No fake anonymous folks over there playing games. That's what I like.
Granny, "Thank you! Before I leave up out of here tonight, you gone wish that you would have left this old woman alone. I suggest you pray."
You sound ominously wicked and onery. Well, I guess because you are leaving is as good enough reason as any to act a mean-spirited fool. The problem is that karma still goes with you wherever you go. It's too bad an elderly woman like you wouldn't know that. Only unforgiving angry people who are resentful and want revenge do what you do. I guess that's your point.
I pray everyday. God is my guiding Light. What is yours, Lucifer?
Btw, where are you going?
Zing, "I have no need to 'denigrate' Palin or anyone else, and you have the right to denounce it whenever you see it, but to say that the 'vitriol' here is as bad as the GOP, then you've led a sheltered life on the Internet."
There are other blogs far more vitriolic than this one? I don't believe it. You are trying to minimize the ugliness of this group of people.
Anonymous 1:52, you are preaching to the choir if you call yourself talking to me. Stop lying! You have about as much Jesus in you as Glen Beck...NONE, ZERO, NODDA, MINUS NEGATIVE. You are as phoney as fried ice cream.
Granny, "No fake anonymous folks over there playing games. That's what I like."
Anons are not fakes. We are honest happy people who enjoy having fun. You are just a mean old woman who has never had any fun and don't want others to have fun either.
Too bad you didn't turn out to be a wise warm elderly person on this blog. Instead, you have added to the vitriolic madness. You are no better than the people you criticize.
Oh, I'm having fun tonight can't you tell?
So, you want to have all the fun, but I can't have any is that it? That's rather mean of you don't you think?
Granny, "Anonymous 1:52, you are preaching to the choir if you call yourself talking to me. Stop lying! You have about as much Jesus in you as Glen Beck...NONE, ZERO, NODDA, MINUS NEGATIVE. You are as phoney as fried ice cream."
Granny, I happen to know anon and know that he DOES pray everyday..once in the morning, and once in the evening. You don't know anon, so how would you know?
You anonymous folks like to play and have fun. Well, tonight Granny is having a little fun too.
I'm having a ball myself. Aren't you?
Field,THIS floored me As you head to the polls tomorrow remember the advice of Solomon, "A wise man's heart inclines to the right, but a fool's heart to the left." (Eccl. 10:2)
I really can't believe the way a black president has thrown this country into a talespin. The above was the Facebook status of a man who is getting a PhD in theology. I reminded him of the separation of church and state. I needled him about persons on the right not having hearts. He responded that the separation of church and state is not in the constitution and is an invention of the Supreme Court. I asked him if he were aware that laws of privacy are not explicit in the constitution and gave up on the discussion. What's going on? Everyone is just hypnotized by Fox News--especially Glenn Beck. We WERE a smart country--what the hell is going on? Ya think Limbaugh and Beck sit around laughing at the havoc they wreak?
Granny, you don't know what fun is. You grew up in a family that did not allow fun.
So, what you know anonymous. He must not be praying too hard with that judging attitude of his and some of the little sly insults he throws out.
Look like your friend might need a little help too. So, you should stop worrying about me and help your friend out. Cause see, I'm having fun like you anonymous people have fun on here on a daily basis.
Anonymous you are so full of Dung!
You really are, but all of you anonymous folks asked for it. Y'all want to have some fun. And I'm gone make you have a lot of fun tonight. I plan to have a ball up in here tonight with you phoney anonymous folks.
Anonymous said...
Mack Lying said, "This is White Bigot thought in a nutshell. All Whites do not think and act in this manner, but plenty of them do."
Isn't it pass your bedtime? You are too old to be up this late.
Fyi...those thoughts expressed to a black racist like Shabazz- were voiced by a conservative bm who loves his country, GOP and Tea Party. I see nothing wrong or any psychosis with that. Now go to bed, it's past Obama old folks time.
You stupid steppin' fetchett nigger, you're not fit to shine my shoes, how dare you come at me like that.
You stupid coon, you sound more racist than the honkies on this blog.
I hope they hang you at the next teabag/kkk meeting.
Anonymous said...
Granny, "Which one is Dumb and which one is Dumber? Sarah or Michelle?"
Neither is dumb but both are attractive women. You are soooo jealous of them.
Those ugly, pasty-ass white bitches couldn't look better than the nost busted sister on any day.
So you have a secret lust for white pussy too, you sellout?
BTW anon. stop responding to your own posts, everyone knows it's you, you fucking plant!
It's a case of the blind leading the blind. These folks are in a what you call a slumber and have been lulled to sleep by lies. They'd rather believe a lie than the truth. Those people would rather believe Beck and Hannity the two devils imps than the word of God. Smh!
What makes it so bad, the ones that are lying to them are telling them right to their face that they are lying to them and they still don't see it. Sad!
Hey there again guys, I think that it's better to criticize policies that people are pushing rather than their intelligence. That's why I hate partisan bickering so damned much; the campaigns get nasty and personal. I could give a hot damn what politicians do in their personal affairs provided they aren't child molesters or act in a financially irresponsible manner while in office!
To Palin's credit, she might be uninformed with certain facts and figures, but she has balls and a lot of women can relate to her. I am not a fan of hers, but admire the ganas!
BrookLyn said...'What's going on? 'Everyone is just hypnotized by Fox News--especially Glenn Beck. We WERE a smart country--what the hell is going on?'
You're right. Fox has out-foxed them all. But they were lambs for the slaughter to begin with. Fox is only appealing to the appetite that is already there...people's bigotry, hatred and fear.
If they were so 'smart' they wouldn't be so easily led by the nose, and they wouldn't have sold their souls for cheap labor, then and now, nor held a people back using Jim Crow, nor bring a people to practical extinction in an effort to rob them of their land, and their natural resources.
The people of this country have never been smart. In their quest to exploit their fellow man, they have exploited something more precious...their souls.
"The Republican anonymous trolls (12:35, specifically) are a prime example of the complexity of race and politics. One the on hand, they will laud the election Allen West and Tim Scott citing they are independent thinkers who dared to stray off the plantation. But on the other hand, they show their hate and contempt for black people by uttering hateful and ignorant stereotypes. Deep down, they cannot stand black people. However, they are tolerant of those who support their ideals."
Exactly! You nailed their way of thinking down to a tee.
Race and politics are complex issues. The paradigm is not as simple as Republican Party = racist and Democratic Party = non-racist. In my opinion, one of the bluest and most so-called diverse (diversity is only skin deep) states, Hawaii, is very racist and prejudiced.
The overall paradigm, in my opinion, and as Camille Cosby cited previously, America teaches its citizens (native born and naturalized) to hate black people.
Once one realizes this overall paradigm, one will realize that just because the Democratic Party elected Barack Obama to the White House doesn't mean that the party has love for black people. The party loves the loyalty of the black vote. And equally, just because the Republican Party elects a couple of token blacks to office doesn't mean that it likes black people. It means that they want a couple of outliers to forge the notion that they are an inclusive party. However, its stance on a lot of issues says otherwise.
I genuinely believe that the Tea Party came about because they oppose expansion of government. However, the election of a black man to the White House further galvanized the movement.
The Republican anonymous trolls (12:35, specifically) are a prime example of the complexity of race and politics. On the one hand, they will laud the election Allen West and Tim Scott citing they are independent thinkers who dared to stray off the plantation. But on the other hand, they show their hate and contempt for black people by uttering hateful and ignorant stereotypes. Deep down, they cannot stand black people. However, they are tolerant of those who support their ideals. This holds true, to a greater or lesser degree, for Democrats.
Zing said...
BrookLyn said...'What's going on? 'Everyone is just hypnotized by Fox News--especially Glenn Beck. We WERE a smart country--what the hell is going on?'
You're right. Fox has out-foxed them all. But they were lambs for the slaughter to begin with. Fox is only appealing to the appetite that is already there...people's bigotry, hatred and fear.
If they were so 'smart' they wouldn't be so easily led by the nose, and they wouldn't have sold their souls for cheap labor, then and now, nor held a people back using Jim Crow, nor bring a people to practical extinction in an effort to rob them of their land, and their natural resources.
The people of this country have never been smart. In their quest to exploit their fellow man, they have exploited something more precious...their souls.
RJ your post is still showing. LOL! I thought that it was a great post that is if we're talking about the post at 2:43.
Corollary to 2:43 AM: With regard to race and politics, conversely, Democrats/progressives (especially over there at HuffPo) will excoriate West and Scott as Uncle Toms. But these are the folks who claim to be progressive.
No Granny, I was talking about 2:36 AM.
"The people of this country have never been smart. In their quest to exploit their fellow man, they have exploited something more precious...their souls."
Not_RJ said...'I genuinely believe that the Tea Party came about because they oppose expansion of government.'
Yes, because that government is interfering with billionaires becoming richer, who don't like being forced, by way of federal regulations, to do things to protect the environment.
They see this, and other such measures, as an 'expansion of government.'
Google the Koch brothers. They're the money behind the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party is not a grassroots movement. It's as AstroTurf as they come.
The Koch brother don't want anyone standing in their way, not the federal government, or environmentalists.
The only thing we have standing between us and free market forces, which is nothing more than another name for the 'outsourcing' of jobs, the run-away abuses of corporate America, who now has, thanks to a conservative Supreme Court, the money to out-speak you, and being fleeced by rapacious bankers, is the federal government.
Beware of those who tell you that they want to downsize government. Ask them...what exactly does that mean?
What's needed is more government, not less government.
It was less government that gave us a massive oil-spill in the Gulf with accompanying deaths, and the deaths of coal miners in one of Massey Energy Co. coal mines.
The Tea Party movement in this country should keep you up at nights. What they have planned for the people of this country is nothing short of scary.
Blogger GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Thanks, granny. We're going to miss you around here. I may move on too.
I am gonna miss y'all too.
Those Koch brothers and Murdoch are something else all right and and people need to wake up and take the scales off their eyes. The Koch brothers played the people like a piano during the elections.
Harold Melvin and the Blue Notes were ahead of their time when they made that record..."Wake Up Everybody."
Wake up everybody no more sleepin in bed
No more backward thinkin time for thinkin ahead
The world has changed so very much
From what it used to be so
there is so much hatred war an' poverty
Wake up all the teachers time to teach a new way
Maybe then they'll listen to whatcha have to say
Cause they're the ones who's coming up and the world is in their hands
when you teach the children teach em the very best you can.
The world won't get no better if we just let it be
The world won't get no better we gotta change it yeah, just you and me.
Wake up all the doctors make the ol' people well
They're the ones who suffer an' who catch all the hell
But they don't have so very long before the Judgement Day
So won'tcha make them happy before they pass away.
Wake up all the builders time to build a new land
I know we can do it if we all lend a hand
The only thing we have to do is put it in our mind
Surely things will work out they do it every time.
Granny, Rupert Murdoch is from down under, but he's on top now.
He has no love for this country, and he surrounds himself with those who would sell this country out as easily as does Rush Limbaugh, who was born here.
This country, I'm afraid, granny, is overdue for a good drubbing. It's on its way. Here's the irony...the people of this country could have avoided it, but they preferred Fox and Company to 'change,' and 'hope.'
You want to hear something cool, granny? 'Hope is thought made divine.'
Yes it is. That was cool. :)
The people missed out on their blessing because they'd rather believe a lie than the truth. It's their choice.
Goodnight and peaceful dreams.
"Well, you have a good sixth sense, cause most of us anons are Black. We're the up and coming black conservatives and the future of the black community."
God help us. :)
Granny keep fighting the good fight. It's Grannies like you who made BM like me strong and able withstand the daily wingnut barrage here in murka. :)
"This country, I'm afraid, granny, is overdue for a good drubbing. It's on its way. Here's the irony...the people of this country could have avoided it, but they preferred Fox and Company to 'change,' and 'hope."
Yep! The change agent looked funny and had a funny name.
"The Republican anonymous trolls (12:35, specifically) are a prime example of the complexity of race and politics. On the one hand, they will laud the election Allen West and Tim Scott citing they are independent thinkers who dared to stray off the plantation. But on the other hand, they show their hate and contempt for black people by uttering hateful and ignorant stereotypes. Deep down, they cannot stand black people. However, they are tolerant of those who support their ideals. This holds true, to a greater or lesser degree, for Democrats."
Well said, Not_RJ. I am going to post about this sometime.
Anon 12:35 AM. You sound bitter and scared. Shoot me an e-mail and send me your address; I will send you some money to feed your family over the holidays. I am just trying to show you that us black folks are a kind and generous bunch. ;)
I learned last night that the only white demographic that obama won over in 2008 was the 18-29 year old. So that the majority of crackers voted for a cantankerous 80year and dumb broad from alaska.So this is a post racial amerikkka , dont kid yourself. i would rather see hilary run let these crackers have there country back, however wall street and corporate ceo's only see the col0r green.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
I'm having a ball myself. Aren't you?
Aha, the real reason you are such a shrill old crone. You wish you were having two balls and getting teabagged at that.
anonyass 8:07:
You are one small, disrespectful piece of shit!(my apologies to shit)
How would you like it if I said those things to your mother or grandmother?
Your vile contempt and utter disrespect toward Black people is very disturbing since you claim to be Black.
How dare you, as a so called Black person in good conscience disrespect a Black woman, an elderly one at that, and in the same breath, shame others for dissing the hillbilly buffalo gal stalin palin?
Nigga, do you shine shoes?
You should be ashamed of yourself!
I've read alot of shit here, we all get randy(pun definately intended)and rowdy in here, but I can't sit back and let you disrespect Granny like that.
You are always one to speak about God and karma,but you know, if you live in a glass house...
It's ok though, carry on with your foolishness.
We'll still be here when you lose a close family member or get diagnosed with cancer.
Granny dont go!
We need the sane voice of knowledge and wisdom in the fields!
Same goes for you too Zing I love reading your posts,thought provoking,good food for the mind.
Black people, don't let these assholes get you down.
I promise you, the only way to make waves is to be persistent and consistent. Why do you think these anonymous trolls won't go away?
They have an agenda, they are trying to break every bone in our collective race. Trust me, alot of people are threatened by blogs like this; this one in particular as well. Now because the Black Muslim guy is in the "white house", they are trying to take away one of our most important part of our liberties and freedoms (as if we ever had any)away from us, which is our political power, and our power to stand as a collective. We cannot allow this to continue. Something must be done.I am sick and tired of watching us die a slow death, just like the Native Americans, only slower.
I ask you Black people, how much do you love yourselves, or your loved ones to stop these bastards from making our lives miserable?We have a right to live and breathe just like the next guy.
People like anonymous is very attached and scared of something at the same time.
They probably used to torture small animals and insects as a child.
Stay BLACK,and STRONG always!
anonyass 8:07:
You are one small, disrespectful piece of shit!(my apologies to shit)
How would you like it if I said those things to your mother or grandmother?
Your vile contempt and utter disrespect toward Black people is very disturbing since you claim to be Black.
How dare you, as a so called Black person in good conscience disrespect a Black woman, an elderly one at that, and in the same breath, shame others for dissing the hillbilly buffalo gal stalin palin?
Nigga, do you shine shoes?
You should be ashamed of yourself!
I've read alot of shit here, we all get randy(pun definately intended)and rowdy in here, but I can't sit back and let you disrespect Granny like that.
You are always one to speak about God and karma,but you know, if you live in a glass house...
It's ok though, carry on with your foolishness.
We'll still be here when you lose a close family member or get diagnosed with cancer.
Granny dont go!
We need the sane voice of knowledge and wisdom in the fields!
Same goes for you too Zing I love reading your posts,thought provoking,good food for the mind.
Black people, don't let these assholes get you down.
I promise you, the only way to make waves is to be persistent and consistent. Why do you think these anonymous trolls won't go away?
They have an agenda, they are trying to break every bone in our collective race. Trust me, alot of people are threatened by blogs like this; this one in particular as well. Now because the Black Muslim guy is in the "white house", they are trying to take away one of our most important part of our liberties and freedoms (as if we ever had any)away from us, which is our political power, and our power to stand as a collective. We cannot allow this to continue. Something must be done.I am sick and tired of watching us die a slow death, just like the Native Americans, only slower.
I ask you Black people, how much do you love yourselves, or your loved ones to stop these bastards from making our lives miserable?We have a right to live and breathe just like the next guy.
People like anonymous is very attached and scared of something at the same time.
They probably used to torture small animals and insects as a child.
Stay BLACK,and STRONG always!
hey anon at 7:07--you're about two years late to your analysis and intellectually dishonest at best.
"The sad reality is that no Democratic candidate for president since Lyndon Johnson has won a majority of white votes."
anonyass 8:07:
You are one small, disrespectful piece of shit!(my apologies to shit)
How would you like it if I said those things to your mother or grandmother?
Your vile contempt and utter disrespect toward Black people is very disturbing since you claim to be Black.
How dare you, as a so called Black person in good conscience disrespect a Black woman, an elderly one at that, and in the same breath, shame others for dissing the hillbilly buffalo gal stalin palin?
Nigga, do you shine shoes?
You should be ashamed of yourself!
I've read alot of shit here, we all get randy(pun definately intended)and rowdy in here, but I can't sit back and let you disrespect Granny like that.
You are always one to speak about God and karma,but you know, if you live in a glass house...
It's ok though, carry on with your foolishness.
We'll still be here when you lose a close family member or get diagnosed with cancer.
Granny dont go!
We need the sane voice of knowledge and wisdom in the fields!
Same goes for you too Zing I love reading your posts,thought provoking,good food for the mind.
Black people, don't let these assholes get you down.
I promise you, the only way to make waves is to be persistent and consistent. Why do you think these anonymous trolls won't go away?
They have an agenda, they are trying to break every bone in our collective race. Trust me, alot of people are threatened by blogs like this; this one in particular as well. Now because the Black Muslim guy is in the "white house", they are trying to take away one of our most important part of our liberties and freedoms (as if we ever had any)away from us, which is our political power, and our power to stand as a collective. We cannot allow this to continue. Something must be done.I am sick and tired of watching us die a slow death, just like the Native Americans, only slower.
I ask you Black people, how much do you love yourselves, or your loved ones to stop these bastards from making our lives miserable?We have a right to live and breathe just like the next guy.
People like anonymous is very attached and scared of something at the same time.
They probably used to torture small animals and insects as a child.
Stay BLACK,and STRONG always!
Oh, I don't know why my post went up so many times, sorry Field!
"The sad reality is that no Democratic candidate for president since Lyndon Johnson has won a majority of white votes."
And no Republican since Eisenhower has attracted more than 20% of black voters.
And Hispanic voters tend to vote Democratic between 60 and 70%
Proof positive that the GOP is the white folks party.
"Black people, don't let these assholes get you down."
Shabazz, I hear you.
However if we look at this with a clear eye, it's really not us who need to be cheered up.
These yahoos are whistling in the dark enjoying the last throes of white male domination and in their hearts they know it.
I'm convinced that after the next two years of the GOP accomplishing absolutely nothing but investingating Democrats and wasting taxpayer dollars in the process, the independents who were scared into voting Republican last Tuesday will realize they were duped by ideologues and obstructionists.
But Obama has got to get better communicators and political infighters on his team.
"Proof positive that the GOP is the white folks party."
Correction, the GOP is about 60% of white folk's party, the other 40% are democrats.
Hispanics vote 65% democrat and 35% republican.
About 95% of blacks vote democrat, vs. 5% for republicans.
So, only blacks seem to vote overwhelmingly as a racial block. Other demographic groups seem to have a higher propensity to consider the positions of each party and make their decisions as individuals.
You are wrong uptown, Obama's greatest accomplishment has been to reinvigorate and renew the Republican Party. In two short years he has inspired a movement that has begun to purge the party of corrupt shysters and RINOs and create a party that provides a clear alternative to the viciously corrupt, morally bankrupt, tyrranical socialist party of organized labor and crime. By his overreach and incompetence, he has saved America. God bless President Obama.
i have always despised oprah
remember when oprah was the hobama of tv land?
when she openly evaded all things and orgs black and bragged about it?
how she even said she hated the angry black college kids in the 60s because no one ever called her a nig etc?
and bragged about not hiring any blacks???
ow was shamelessly eurocentric
so was vanessa williams once before bob guccione woke her to her blackness
i love vanessa now
hobama and oprah are still asleep racially...shame!
i will never forgive oprah or stealing beloved from askia bousia and then butchering it with white men
i will never forgive her for helping hobama hoax us all
and hobama will never wake up because he and his fellow banksters are ONLY green!
i hate oprah as much as i hate hobama
both had UNIQUE power to help black america and awaken racists who truly adore them
and they both used it to betray blacks and make money
donahue was my fav tv talk host and smart black females ran his reign
race is a state of mind
phil donahue is blacker and more of a feminist than dl euro oprah will EVER be!!!!
ditto for that dl corp ho hobama!!!
they have both sold their souls
and only soulless fools worship both
kitty kelly has superbly exposed that like hobama, oprah's entire life is a LIE!!!
"i hate oprah as much as i hate hobama"
Jealousy is an ugly thing.
more on o
Thandie Newton is a superior actress. It is legendarily shameful that she was so
misdirected in this film. She deserves and is capable of a far better performance.
In the book, Morrison took generations of African female pain and wove them into
a haunting tale as multifaceted and complex as a patchwork quilt. Oprah and her
crew took that quilt and shredded it into a confusing pile of pretty rags. What was
haunting became annoying. What was tragic became comical. What was profound
became inane.
In the book, Beloved is the incarnation of a wounded soul on a healing mission.
In the film, she is the incarnation of a black female “Beetlejuice” on a crack high.
This is not the first time a classic black literary gem has been destroyed on film.
And, it is probably not the last.
" What was
haunting became annoying. What was tragic became comical. What was profound
became inane."
What a succinct take on Morrison's work: Annoying, comical, and inanne.
Thanks Alicia.
only morons envy soulless euro black celebs like hobama and oprah
and ignorant nigs like you need to stop assuming that every valid critique of anyone is envy
got a life?
i have
a blessed and charmed one
that is why i envy no one
especially hobama nazi mongrel groupies like u
did u mean "on oprah's work?"
morrison's book beloved is a sheer masterpiece
it is one of my most prized posessions...ever
and one of the most poetic reflections of the etrnally productive power of anger EVER...
please read it
the horrid movie is a stain on the flawless book
even toni morrison had no comment on oprah's "film"
"So, only blacks seem to vote overwhelmingly as a racial block. Other demographic groups seem to have a higher propensity to consider the positions of each party and make their decisions as individuals."
So what exactly is the GOP position on, let's say, the economy and job creation.
Remember, "Obama is a Socialist" doesn't count."
"You are wrong uptown, Obama's greatest accomplishment has been to reinvigorate and renew the Republican Party."
Oh please. This is the same $hit they said about Bill Clinton in 1994. READ MAUREEN DOWD'S COLUMN FROM WEDNESDAY.
In 1998, the GOP started to bleed congressional seats and Gingrich resigned in disgrace.
In 2000 Gore actually received more votes than Bush so the GOP had to steal the election and Bush used an unjustified war and scare tactics to get elected.
The GOP is presently a house of cards about to be imploded by the rightwing extremists of the Tea Party.
This is a short term victory buddy.
Beat your chest now while you can.
see the reviews here
the book is truly art for our ancestors
and our progeny
yes, steve--that's the point. a majority of whites didn't vote for obama not because he was black but because they don't vote for democrats, regardless of race. from that slate story:
obama--"He won a larger proportion of white votes than any previous nonincumbent Democratic presidential candidate since Carter.
More whites voted for Obama than for the very white John Kerry or Al Gore. That doesn't sound like racist behavior. It's Democrats who most whites dislike, not black people."
The alignment of whites with the Republican Party hasn't made it impossible for Democrats to win presidential elections, but it has made it fairly difficult. For the past 40 years, whites have made up 74 percent to somewhere north of 90 percent of all voters. Jimmy Carter got elected president by narrowing to four percentage points the gap between whites voting Republican and whites voting Democratic. Bill Clinton did it by narrowing the gap to a remarkable 2 percent. I don't think it's a coincidence that both men drew some appeal simply from being white Southerners. The South is where the GOP holds its tightest grip on the white vote.
It's no puzzler why Johnson was the last Democrat to win a majority of the white vote. He signed the 1964 Civil Rights Act and the 1965 Voting Rights Act into law, observing as he signed the former that "we have lost the South for a generation." (Actually, it's been two generations, and nobody would be surprised to see three.) What Johnson didn't allow himself to think was, "We have lost the white vote for a generation." (Again, it's been more like two.) Were LBJ transported to the year 2008, he would be deeply moved to discover that the United States had elected a black man president. But he would find it very depressing to learn that none of his Democratic successors ever won a white majority."
bankster pals, 0 jobs and the lies he told about hobamacare slew hobama.
now hobamacare will slay us all
millions like me have seen co-pay and premiums increases already
In an e-mail to employees, AARP says health care premiums will increase by 8 percent to 13 percent next year because of rapidly rising medical costs.
And AARP adds that it's changing copayments and deductibles to avoid a 40 percent tax on high-cost health plans that takes effect in 2018 under the law. Aerospace giant Boeing also has cited the tax in asking its workers to pay more. Shifting costs to employees lowers the value of a health care plan and acts like an escape hatch from the tax.
As a white person I can see how you would frame this as a "party not race" issue.
But ask yourself "Why do so many whites hate the Democrats?"
Isn't it because they feel that they are too accomodating of blacks and other minorities. That the Dems are ready to give away to underserving people what rightfully belongs to whites?"
The difference between Obama and Gore/Kerry were YOUNG WHITE VOTERS who are not as bound to race politics as their parents.
This was a mid term election which was dominated by extremists.
In the next Presidential race, after the GOP has stalled any progress toward economic recovery, you'll see the same black/brown/liberal/young coaliton that lifted Obama in 2008.
"So what exactly is the GOP position on, let's say, the economy and job creation."
You ask the same question every day uptown. Do you have cognitive problems? Lower taxes + lower spending + smaller, less intrusive government = growing economy and jobs. Get it, chump?
One would, at this late date, have to be a moron to be reading a Maureen Dowd column.
"In 2000 Gore actually received more votes than Bush so the GOP had to steal the election and Bush used an unjustified war and scare tactics to get elected"
We have something called the "Electoral College" here in America uptown, and Bush actually won the election, despite Gore's attempt to steal it through a manipulated and fraudulent recount process. God Bless the Constitution!
It's different now, uptown. People have more sources of information and cannot be so readily controlled by the statist media. The socialist, anti-American agenda of the hardcore leftists who control the democrat party have been exposed to a signifcant portion of the electorate. As more people become aware of the true facts, these vile liberals will be removed from power. The democrat party will continue to wane until the cancer of progressivism is expunged.
Is it just me or do the anons that call Blacks racists and paint our organizations as racist use some of the most vile and digusting racist language towards us? Do you have to live in bizarro world to be a conservative? Really? As far as Black people voting their own interests we don't vote republican because one they are infested by racists and their policies are insane.
PilotX said...
"we don't vote republican because one they are infested by racists and their policies are insane."
You are projecting again, PilotX.
"Lower taxes + lower spending + smaller, less intrusive government = growing economy and jobs. Get it, chump?"
I hear this crapola every four years then watch the GOP expand government, cut taxes for the rich and cause recessions.
BTW anon, what programs are the righties going to cut?
better questions:
why do hobama & the dems hate blacks so???
why do so many blacks like you love THEIR hatred so much????
There are nuts on the right who say Obama hates whites but provide no evidence but the drool coming out of their mouths.
Then there are the nuts like you who claim Obama hates blacks because he didn't appoint Cynthia McKinney Secretary of State.
I'd like to put all of you on a cruiserliner heading straight toward an iceberg.
Hey Field as you know this debate about which exploitive party of the ruling class is the best for the average American, is usually wrong headed since none have our real best interest in mind. But as folks are wont to do we can pretend as long as reality is held off and life is good for you.
But I thought this editorial in the NY Times today put what Obama has done in perfect perspective."How Obama Saved Capitalism and Lost the Midterms"
The editorial tells how Obama saved capitalism and makes some great points, but leaves out the point about how he saved the auto industry in Michigan while wringing concessions of out of the union as well as how he continued the capitalists expansionist and profit and material seeking wars.
And at bottom it demonstrates how truly lost the folks are who continue to call the president a Socialist. Its one of the craziest things I have witnessed in my lifetime. Nothing he has done on any level can be considered socialism unless they are referring to the taking of wealth from the general population and giving it to the banks.
The capitalist propagandist are having a field day, but this article goes a long way toward dispelling much of the foolishness that the nameless anon posters continue to parrot on this blog.
ONLY you are ignoring hobama's MANY sins!
voters...not so much!
only a truly rabid hobama nazi mongrel like you would deny that hobama has slain blacks and their unborn paupers for decades to come...
i did not see one voter among the MILLIONS who slew dems tue even utter "cynthia mckinney"...
did u fool???
you need no extravagant gesture to fashion your demise as
only a frozen corpse would print such icy insanity as u just did.
u r one hopeless hobama loving zombie
NYTimes article con't.
"We have done things that people don’t even know about,” Obama told Jon Stewart. Certainly. The three signature accomplishments of his first two years — a health care law that will make life easier for millions of people, financial reform that attempts to level the playing field with Wall Street, and the $814 billion stimulus package — have all been recast as big government blunders, rejected by the emerging majority.
But each of them, in its way, should strengthen the system. The health law will hold costs down, while giving millions the chance at getting care, according to the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office. Financial reform seeks to prevent the kind of meltdown that caused the global economic collapse. And the stimulus, though it drastically raised the deficit, saved about 3 million jobs, again according to the CBO. It also gave a majority of taxpayers a one-time cut — even if 90 percent of Americans don’t know that, either.
Of course, nobody gets credit for preventing a plane crash. “It could have been much worse!” is not a rallying cry. And, more telling, despite a meager uptick in job growth this year, the unemployment rate rose from 7.6 percent in the month Obama took office to 9.6 today.
Billions of profits, windfalls in the stock market, a stable banking system — but no jobs.
Of course, the big money interests who benefited from Obama’s initiatives have shown no appreciation. Obama, as a senator, voted against the initial bailout of AIG, the reckless insurance giant. As president, he extended them treasury loans at a time when economists said he must — or risk further meltdown. Their response was to give themselves $165 million in executive bonuses, and funnel money to Republicans this year.
Money flows one way, to power, now held by the party that promises tax cuts and deregulation — which should please big business even more. Of course, the big money interests who benefited from Obama’s initiatives have shown no appreciation. Obama, as a senator, voted against the initial bailout of AIG, the reckless insurance giant. As president, he extended them treasury loans at a time when economists said he must — or risk further meltdown. Their response was to give themselves $165 million in executive bonuses, and funnel money to Republicans this year.
Money flows one way, to power, now held by the party that promises tax cuts and deregulation — which should please big business even more.
Shelby Steele distills Obama’s essence completely.
Bills passed by President Obama and the Democratic Congress
Health Care Bill (children's health insurance)
Easier to sue employer for pay discrimination
Equal Pay (for Women) (languished in Congress for years)
Credit Card Companies (prohibits sudden interest rate hikes)
FDA unprecedented power to regulate tobacco companies
Federal crime to commit assualt based on sexual orientation
Increased funds for HBCUs and other educational institution
Major revamping of how college loans are being handed out (guaranteed loans will be offered only by DOE; no longer by banks)
Edward M. Kennedy Serve America Act (trippled size of Americore)
Stimulus Bill (single largest tax cut, clean energy, education and health reform, etc.)
Financial Reform Law (roll-back of financial deregulation)
Did more for veterans than any other President in a very long time (expanded VA access; for female soldiers, additional assistance
Land Conversation Bill
Increased unemployment benefits (over Republican objections)
Tax cut (seen on your paychecks and not at the end of the year; compare your checks from the last one against say one in June)
hobama knows that none of the things we do not know about will help us pay rent/buy food/pay for medical bills etc....
only the most icy cold happily blind hobama nazis pretend they do not see what hobama knows...
good point AB Obama has saved capitalism and hasn't gotten the credit for it because it benefits the ruling class to keep people confused about even that.
Steve you are right the Obama admin has done some things. It almost has to do some things for folks. But of course where me and you and I part company is on the expansion of wars, the continuation of unequal education, an unjust justice system, failure to force the banks to renegotiate with homowners who were ripped off in good faith, police brutality, no "real" universal health care, no job creation working people, while creating wealth for the rich (okay a little was done) and no new treatment centers for the drug addicted,etc.
I know, I know Steve what do I want. Its simple. I want us as working people to create a government that serves the needs of all the people and grants all or at as many as can equal rights and equal opportunity and a living wage, shelter for everyone, quality public education.
But I admit it, I am just a silly Christian with a liberationist perspective that doesn't know any better.
the day that all americans start hating BOTH parties as BOTH earn...rather than letting each party play musical chairs for ONE elitist agenda and play us all like mongrels like uts...
is the day the revolution will come
power to the people!
Obama saved capitalism?
You is a silly negro!
Anonymity is the shield of a coward. Cowards have no credibilty.
You can just keep sniping from the bushs, Chalky, if it makes you feel better. You obviously have nothing else to jack-off too, Anonymous.
ps mell:
did u notice how uts' elaborate list of hobama's edited kudos failed to mention so much ELSE that hobama has done???...
like pay banksters 23 trillion and grossly fund the prison and military industrial complexes and corp charter schools ETC!!!...as no prez before????
not to mention his opulent field trip to india today
like hobama, uts is a clueless liar!!!!
only truly brazen hobama nazi mongrels can simultaneously be so selectively sighted/blind!!!
and the repubs and dems are already tag teaming re: hobama's latest untimely vacation/official global fiasco
Congressional Republicans ought to wake up every day thinking about how to talk about the disaster that is Obamacare, about rising premiums and deductibles, about seniors losing coverage and companies dropping retiree benefits, and about companies getting out of the health insurance business.
This is the key ground in the campaigns of 2012 which are already underway whether or not they are declared. Every Democratic senator on the ballot in 2012 has to own their vote to jam this disaster down the throats of the American people and they have to decide whether to obstruct the repeal process.
At the same time the GOP must push forward its very clear, very concise set of proposed replacement reforms, including opening the national market to cross-state sales, tort reform and the end of pre-existing condition exclusion. The sooner the House GOP puts together and passes a "repeal and replace" bill to send to the Senate the better. There is no reason why that cannot happen early in 2011.
As a white person I can see how you would frame this as a "party not race" issue.
But ask yourself "Why do so many whites hate the Democrats?"
Isn't it because they feel that they are too accomodating of blacks and other minorities. That the Dems are ready to give away to underserving people what rightfully belongs to whites?"
The difference between Obama and Gore/Kerry were YOUNG WHITE VOTERS who are not as bound to race politics as their parents.
This was a mid term election which was dominated by extremists.
In the next Presidential race, after the GOP has stalled any progress toward economic recovery, you'll see the same black/brown/liberal/young coaliton that lifted Obama in 2008.
10:44 AM
steve--i'm not framing it this way "as a white person." first, i was simply trying to counter what the anon said earlier this morning, and i found and quoted from that slate article that explained white/dem voting patterns.
the article concludes that if a republican ran who was black, he get the marjority white vote.
let me say that again: if a black ran as a republican, he'd get elected. that's what the writer concluded.
i'm not claiming anything. i guess "as a white person" i can only explain myself: i am a registered democrat, usually always vote democrat, am pro choice, anti-war, pro environment. all the things i believe in are things i believe are in common with the democratic party. yes, they have their faults but overall i could never, ever see myself as a republican.
i never thought, "gee, as a white person, who best represents my interests?"
Hey UTS, I posted a link that laid out Obama's accomplishments in detail. But, I guess pointing out truth is just "Hobama Nazi Drone propoganda", as Alicia would put it.
I think the problem that many progressives like Mel and AB have is that Obama has achieved many liberal things (health care reform, banking reform) by avoiding liberal orthodoxy. In other words, Obama didn't consult Amy Goodman or Noam Chomsky, so he's corporatist screw up.
We got Health Care Reform which expands Medicare for people making less than 1.3 the poverty level and keep young cats like my brother on my parents insurance for 2 more years. But because we didn't get the public option and Obama had to broker deals with AMA and the hospital lobby - its a failure.
Also, many hard left activist who regard Obama and the 2008 Congress as screw ups act as if its just Obama, Pelosi, Kuicinich, the CBC and Reed in a room together when laws are passed. Its not. Its all those folks plus the Blue Dogs and the GOP. And unless I'm the only one who watches C-SPAN the Blue Dog conservatives did everything but hide under a table and the Republicans made it clear that their goal was to destroy Obama. You can't pass perfect law, and certainly not with cowards on one side and drooling thugs on the other. Even if Amir Baraka was President, he'd get no further on a strident liberal agenda - he get shot down and we'd really complain about him doing nothing. Obama has to cut deals or get nothing - its the way of the world.
But I tell all my activist friends - go on and follow left wing media pundits like Michael Moore and Ralph Nader, who are still pushing the nonsense about "Obama = Bush". It wasn't true when they were screaming that BS about Al Gore and it certainly isn't true now.
Follow their "woe is me" advice, and say hello to President Palin.
Maria: "i never thought, "gee, as a white person, who best represents my interests?"
Allen West and Tim Scott, that's who.
hey lac:
what is liberal about 23 trillion to elite banksters???
or endless global wars filled with poor corpses???
Maria, Republicans say that they'd vote for a Black man - but only if that Black man does next to nothing for other Black people or the poor.
Hopefully, these two new Black conservatives will be little more than Right wing mouthpieces and stand up for injustice. But I'm not holding my breath.
There is an "otherness" about Mr. Obama, the sense that he is somehow not truly American. "Birthers" doubt that he was born on American soil. Others believe that he is secretly a Muslim, or in quiet simpatico with his old friends, Rev. Jeremiah Wright and Bill Ayers, now icons of American radicalism.
But Barack Obama is not an "other" so much as he is a child of the 1960s. His coming of age paralleled exactly the unfolding of a new "counterculture" American identity. And this new American identity—and the post-1960s liberalism it spawned—is grounded in a remarkable irony: bad faith in America as virtue itself, bad faith in the classic American identity of constitutional freedom and capitalism as the way to a better America. So Mr. Obama is very definitely an American, and he has a broad American constituency. He is simply the first president we have seen grounded in this counterculture American identity. When he bows to foreign leaders, he is not displaying "otherness" but the counterculture Americanism of honorable self-effacement in which America acknowledges its own capacity for evil as prelude to engagement.
Bad faith in America became virtuous in the '60s when America finally acknowledged so many of its flagrant hypocrisies: the segregation of blacks, the suppression of women, the exploitation of other minorities, the "imperialism" of the Vietnam War, the indifference to the environment, the hypocrisy of puritanical sexual mores and so on. The compounding of all these hypocrisies added up to the crowning idea of the '60s: that America was characterologically evil. Thus the only way back to decency and moral authority was through bad faith in America and its institutions, through the presumption that evil was America's natural default position.
Among today's liberal elite, bad faith in America is a sophistication, a kind of hipness. More importantly, it is the perfect formula for political and governmental power. It rationalizes power in the name of intervening against evil—I will use the government to intervene against the evil tendencies of American life (economic inequality, structural racism and sexism, corporate greed, neglect of the environment and so on), so I need your vote.
"Hope and Change" positioned Mr. Obama as a conduit between an old America worn down by its evil inclinations and a new America redeemed of those inclinations. There was no vision of the future in "Hope and Change." It is an expression of bad faith in America, but its great ingenuity was to turn that bad faith into political motivation, into votes.
But there is a limit to bad faith as power, and Mr. Obama and the Democratic Party may have now reached that limit. The great weakness of bad faith is that it disallows American exceptionalism as a rationale for power. It puts Mr. Obama and the Democrats in the position of forever redeeming a fallen nation, rather than leading a great nation. They bet on America's characterological evil and not on her sense of fairness, generosity or ingenuity.
When bad faith is your framework (Michelle Obama never being proud of her country until it supported her husband), then you become more a national scold than a real leader. You lead out of a feeling that your opposition is really only the latest incarnation of that old characterological evil that you always knew was there. Thus the tea party—despite all the evidence to the contrary—is seen as racist and bigoted.
But isn't the tea party, on some level, a reaction to a president who seems not to fully trust the fundamental decency of the American people? Doesn't the tea party fill a void left open by Mr. Obama's ethos of bad faith? Aren't tea partiers, and their many fellow travelers, simply saying that American exceptionalism isn't racism? And if the mainstream media see tea partiers as bumpkins and racists, isn't this just more bad faith—characterizing people as ignorant or evil so as to dismiss them?
ONLY excusing adoring fools like you pretend that hobama is not a PRECISE CRUELER MORE RACIST & ELITIST CLONE of bush....
i thank god that sane americans of all political persuasions and races have LOUDLY PROVEN that they bear NO resemblance to you...
and they could NEVER have been mistaken for YOUR clone on tue!!!
very few children of the 60s were born into the cia and grew up to worship banksters and pose as prez...
hobama is unique indeed
and 2016 may make him even more exotic as one of the few one term prezes in my era
Blogger alicia banks said...
hey lac:
what is liberal about 23 trillion to elite banksters???
or endless global wars filled with poor corpses???
1:27 PM
Let's see - if we didn't do the bailouts our banking system (and subsequent to that, our economy) would have collapsed. Also, Bush started the first round of bailouts. The difference is that Obama actually required the banks to pay us back.
And, Obama always said that he would push more on the Afghanistan/Pakistan border. Do I like it? No. But he told us exactly what was going to happen. And the last time I checked, the other guy wanted to start a war with Iran and fight the Russians in Georgia.
But it doesn't matter. Folks like you are locked in your political bubble and believe the sky is always falling. Good luck with that, the rest of us have work to do.
"the article concludes that if a republican ran who was black, he get the marjority white vote.
let me say that again: if a black ran as a republican, he'd get elected. that's what the writer concluded."
That's absurd.
I believe that 14 black Republicans ran for Congress this last election cycle and 2 won.
One, Allen West who very easily could be a convicted war criminals, became the darling of the Tea Party and received big rightwing money.
Republicans talk all the time about how they would have voted for Colin Powell for President.
However Powell never ran because he knew that GOP love for him was shallow.
Remember how he got booed at the 96RNC Convention when he defended Affirmative Action?
A Black Republican still hasn't come close to winning a statewide race at the top of the ticket. Lt. Governor is a powerless office.
"And if the mainstream media see tea partiers as bumpkins and racists, isn't this just more bad faith—characterizing people as ignorant or evil so as to dismiss them?"
You think it might have something to do with them carrying placards of Obama with a bone through his nose, cursing and spitting at black congressmen on the steps of the Capitol, white supremacists recruiting at their events, stomping on the heads of political opponents etc.....
And no Tea Party leaders (or GOP leaders for that matter) denouncing that $hit?
did hobama tell us that he would ignore mongrels like you no matter how you coddle excuse and adore him too?
did he tell us real jobs would never be on his real agenda too?
did he tell us he would only claim blackness and embrace us when he needed voter drones too?
u r hopeless!!!
why should the repubs or dems do anything for masochistic fools like you???
your unconditional worship begs their incessant contempt!
"LACoincidental said...
Hopefully, these two new Black conservatives will be little more than Right wing mouthpieces and stand up for injustice. But I'm not holding my breath.
From my perspective, most black conservatives are Right-wing/Tea Party mouthpieces and are incapable of championing social justice issues.
The only black conservatives that I have seen in the last 20 years that is worth a damn and I actually respect are Colin Powell and Condelezza Rice.
The other black conservatives come across as consummate amateurs who parrot Right-wing talking points, take digs at black folks and are short on grace. It's not hard to identify them (Angela McGlowan, Juan Williams, Armstrong Williams, Jesse Peterson, Amy Holmes, et al). And they say black liberals cannot think independently...lol.
Have you ever noticed that when these "analysts" are invited give their analysis, that the issue is more times about race/politics?
RARE is the occasion when a black conservative is invited to give analysis on an that does not have a racial angle. And when they do, it not one from the aforementioned lot; It's the Ron Christie type that is invited to give his analysis. BTW, I think Christie is extremely smart. But I don't like his views.
UTS and Maria - I think we all agree that the GOP would vote for a Black candidate so long as its their kind of candidate. This is the "Sarah Palin Principle" - the GOP will vote for a woman or a minority, so long as they back whatever craziness flies for long amongst racists, xenophobes and misogynists. Marco Rubio is a Cuban-American, but I bet as a Tea Partier he can't wait to start booting Latino undocumented workers back over the border. Again, Colin Powell and JC Watts were GOP darlings, so long as they kept their mouths shut.
And lets not forget how quickly Michael Steele was shut down for calling out GOP leadership for racism. And he's been all to silent on the obvious racism within the Tea Party movement. And now that Boehner is the de facto leader of the party as the 3rd most powerful man in DC - Hip-Hop Mike's days are numbered.
hey uts:
a fake bone in hobama's blackish nose will never trump americans' emaciated bones as real entire starved bodies...and millions of really bone dry bank accounts/incomes...always.
but kudos to that huge collective bone white memo sent to hobama tue...though that blackish hoax is still too boneheaded to take heed!!!
@ Not RJ - exactly. I know Black conservatives who do stand up for Black people. The local head of the GOP in my hometown was an older brother my church - he still has a personal letter from Nixon framed on his wall. But he also was Malcolm X's speeches in New York city (dudes in his 90's) and marched at the MMM. He's conservative, but he believes in his people.
I highly doubt the two dudes elected Tuesday be caught dead with a copy of Brother Malcolm's biography, let alone admit to ever supporting the man.
@AB - I could explain things to you, but I really have work to do and don't have to give you a daily civics lesson -again.
"I think we all agree that the GOP would vote for a Black candidate so long as its their kind of candidate."
I'm not convinced.
Nobody shuffled and buckdanced harder than Michael Steele and Ken Blackwell in their statewide races yet a large percentage of white Republicans in Ohio and Maryland admitted to crossing party lines to vote for the white Democrat.
They don't get nuttier than Alan Keyes and what office has he won after 20 tries?
UTS: "You think it might have something to do with them carrying placards of Obama with a bone through his nose, cursing and spitting at black congressmen on the steps of the Capitol, white supremacists recruiting at their events, stomping on the heads of political opponents etc.....
And no Tea Party leaders (or GOP leaders for that matter) denouncing that $hit?"
If there wasn't an overflow of denunciations, it was because the incidents described were meaningless (witchdoctor posters), had nothing to do with the campaign (the stomping), or were hoaxes (the spitting incident; white supremecists etc.) There certainly has never been any kind of endorsement of racism by the Tea Party.
@UTS - good point, if the Tea Baggers were serious about winning an election, they'd run Alan Keyes. But, he usually gets less votes than the janitor.
Alan Keyes is kind of crazy. Very intelligent, an unbelievably talented speaker, but crazy.
"Marco Rubio is a Cuban-American, but I bet as a Tea Partier he can't wait to start booting Latino undocumented workers back over the border."
I've spent a great deal of time in South Florida and the Cuban-American Republicans down there consider themselves "white".
Nicomachean said...
Alan Keyes is kind of crazy. Very intelligent, an unbelievably talented speaker, but crazy.
In deed, but the GOP has elected crazy people before.
"uptownsteve said...
I've spent a great deal of time in South Florida and the Cuban-American Republicans down there consider themselves "white"."
Do fair-skinned Cubans in Cuba consider themselves white?
Per comments from Cuban pro athletes playing ball in America, I hear that skin complexion is not that big of a deal in Cuba. However, when Cubans immigrate to America, the emphasis on skin complexion is part of the implicit indoctrination process.
Not_RJ - the reason many Cubans came after the Castro Revolution because they were fair skinned and weren't going to be treated like kings as they were under Batista. The second wave (80's) were primarily economics - Cuba's economy was dying out due to increase pressures on the USSR.
your drooling bromantic arrogant ignorance is always so amusing.
how can you teach what you are too blinded by adoration to ever see?
did that blackish elitist liar hobama ever tell us why:
he would enrage the masses so that after only half of his 1st term dc would look like it did in 1928?
he would get all of his dem allies slain in his stead to paint the us map as red as your thick deep rosy glasses?
he would send said dems to the very same elongating unemployment lines and soup kitchens that house his most devoted fans?
he would revive republicans with a bright rolling red wave and make poor people need CPR within a bloody brutal depression?
he would lie about his imaginary end of the bloodiest ongoing wars in iraq worse than gwb???
he would have soldiers guarding opium fields in afghanistan???
he would spy on us all worse than gwb?
he would respect latinos/gays/muslims far more than his poor black fans...yet equally fail and betray us ALL anyway????
he would fortify the same nclb he promised the teachers he is laying off that he would axe?
hobama has destroyed and dejected his OWN duped and bamboozled base...
he insulted them by pimping them for 2010 votes after 2 yrs of his apathy and abuse
and they pimp slapped him back tue!
like hobama, u refuse to take note of that UNPRECEDENTED FACT!
no civic lessons needed...but a basic bio course in optometry/20/20 vision is what you clearly need!
hope you have better luck with that than hobama has asap
"0 blacks are left in congress."
further proof of just how hopeless and unchanged u hobama nazis are:
the dems were decimated.
the tea party won many victories and mass respect.
0 blacks are left in senate.
all YOU loveless loyal dems are STILL doing is bashing the victorious tea party!
i rest my case
when u sweat truth the way you sweat grammar etc on this blog...
that is the day u will be a free nig.
You were deliberately trying to be deceptive and you got busted.
The one black in the Senate, Roland Burris, didn't run for reelection so what's your point?
i am not like u
i never need to make things up to fail at making any point
as always
u r a tiny mindless maggot
insanely majoring in the minor
carry on
take a fantasy break &
read the news sometime...
as always
u r late!!!!
In the new Senate there will be zero.
All three African-American candidates are projected to lose their races: Florida's Kendrick Meek to Marco Rubio, Georgia's Michael Thurmond to Johnny Isakson and South Carolina's Alvin Greene to Jim DeMint. (All three are Democrats.) Burris is retiring, and neither of the contenders to fill his seat is African-American
Once again, what is your point?
None of those 3 had a chance in the first place.
Isakson and DeMint were strong incumbents in states with weak Democratic parties.
No black is winning a statewide seat at the top of the ticket in South anytime soon.
"No black is winning a statewide seat at the top of the ticket in South anytime soon"
Correction, no Democrat is winning a statewide seat at the top of the ticket in South anytime soon. Outside of majority black areas around Atlanta and Memphis, there will soon be no democrats in the South at all.
@anon 10:57 such a witty retort. If I'm projecting why do the republicans have less than 1% representation by Blacks in the congress? I'll wait.
@Hugh, cross state lines and tort reform will equate to health reform? Ask yourself who wants those provisions? If you answered the insurance companies you get the gold star. When it comes to tort reform the insurance companies and other corporations will just figure the amount that payouts are capped at and not worry about being sued for negligence or deceit. Is that a good thing? As far as selling policies across state lines they will just choose the state with the least regulation. Combine those two and that is guaranteed disaster for regular folks. If you think the law can be repealed and replaced by 2011 you've been listening to Fox News a bit too much. How will that bill be passed by a Democratic majority and not vetoed by the president that created the bill in the first place? Answer that honestly and I'll send you two gold stars.
alicia banks said...
your drooling bromantic arrogant ignorance is always so amusing.
how can you teach what you are too blinded by adoration to ever see?
Whose blinded with adoration? I only point out what many mainstream and progressive news sources have been saying for a while - Obama's good a policy and bad on message. His administration made sure that our banking and auto industries didn't fall off a clean, tightened up health care regulation (something that's never happened before, a national bar for medical coverage) end the 40 year hustle banks were pulling on student loans.
If anything, you're blinded by your own neuroses and misinformation. For Pete's Sake, you claimed that the President is some sort of CIA hatchling. Alicia, despite your typical mindless rantings, you still don't get it.
I think you and the Obamas have some sort of history personally from the Chi that has nothing to do with politics. Or, you just say stupid things to have something to do during the day. Or maybe you're just plain crazy.
Either way you're a lost cause. the rest of us can debate real ideas.
diito n!!!
like hobama, uts lies to live and lives to lie!
Willya stop?
The GOP elects two black congressman and now you clowns are claiming the White House????
Name one black Republican who has a chance at a statewide seat in the South or anywhere else.
uts is in deep denial
just like his god hobama
The GOP's civil rights-era Southern strategy to win over the South is all but complete. After Tuesday, the Democratic Party barely holds a presence in the region outside of majority-black urban areas such as Atlanta and Memphis.
WASHINGTON — The white Southern Democrat – endangered since the 1960s civil rights era – is sliding nearer to extinction.
After this week's elections, the Democratic Party barely holds a presence in the region outside of majority-black urban areas such as Atlanta and Memphis. The carnage for the party was particularly brutal in the Deep South, where just one white Democrat survived across Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia and South Carolina.
your DEEP fantasies will never define my reality or sanitize hobama's...
hobama fared no better in chi than ALL over the usa
and he is a cia baby...but even his cia could not save him from the wrath of the entire
usa tue!!!
see that asap.
PilotX: "How will that bill be passed by a Democratic majority and not vetoed by the president that created the bill in the first place? Answer that honestly and I'll send you two gold stars."
Because there are 23 Democrat senators who didn't have to stand for reelection this time who will be up next election, many of whom will be trying to backtrack on their Healthcare vote to save their skins. And Mr. President will be thinking long and hard how bad he wants to be a two termer. That's how.
Two stars, please. Gold.
hey lac:
nothing is more stupid than poor blacks who adore hobama
your stupid bromance proves that with each post
carry on.
end game =
watching u and uts RUDELY awaken...asap
The phony racial narrative of 2008 has been undone with the abrupt termination of the Age of Obama. After two short years, the illusion of a post-racial society has gone the way of all mirages – poof! – and we are forced to behold the United States as it actually exists
Progressives, of course, had no movement, having opted to become Obama’s groveling left flank, instead.
The corporate media wonder what will become of any future Obama initiatives with the House under firm Republican control and the Senate only nominally in Democratic hands. But, from a progressive standpoint, any new Obama initiatives should be feared like the plague. Even with Democrats in charge of both chambers of Congress, Obama persisted in attempting to forge a grand coalition with Republicans, which they steadfastly rebuffed. If he continues true to form in the next, much more troglodyte Congress – and there is no reason to think Obama won’t try – we will witness a repeat of the Clinton years, when a Democratic president oversaw passage of NAFTA, welfare "reform," vast expansion of the prison Gulag, and deregulation of Wall Street.
so-called entitlements: Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. On his own initiative, he caused the creation of a deficit cutting commission whose recommendations are due, next month. The president planned for commission members to threaten entitlements, whereupon he would position himself as the Great Compromiser and Conciliator, further weakening the safety net while pretending to salvage portions of it. But that was before Tuesday’s Republican tidal wave. In the new relationship of forces, an Obama attempt at triangulation on entitlements would invite utter catastrophe. We can only hope that the Republicans are so consumed with destroy-Obama fervor that they reject his entreaties to bipartisan collaboration. The people’s interests would best be served with the GOP charging ahead with their own Neanderthal agenda, forcing Obama to respond with vetoes, if necessary. The people have no champion in the White House or the Congress. The best we can hope for is that the two evils cancel each other out. Let there be gridlock.
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