Remind me not to go partying in "The Atl" anytime soon. What's wrong with you young bucks? I know it's hard to respect another human's life when you do not value your own, but this cycle of depraved violence has got to stop. In fact, all of the ignorant and inexplicable s&^t that we do from time to time has got to stop. Crack in a toddler's shoe? WTF?
Still, I won't lay all of the blame at the feet of these young bucks. They live in a very f^%$#d up society where black is white and white is black, and where there is all kinds of gray in between. It's easy to rationalize away morality when you see politicians on the take and everything around you is driven by shallow consumerism and a live for the moment ethos. We glorify the very rich regardless of how they accumulated their wealth and we wonder why these kids have no morals. Joseph Kennedy was an alleged bootlegger and his son went on to become the president. Many wealthy A-merry-can families built their fortune on the backs of enslaved human beings. ,and we think nothing of it. The depravity we are seeing from some of those in our society should not be so surprising. I know that I am not. I talk and interact with enough of these kids to see just how messed up their heads are and why the think the way they do. Many of the tings I outlined mirror what they spit back at me when I try to lecture them about getting their lives on the straight and narrow. Live for the moment, that's all they do. In their minds the future is now. There is no wife, kids, and a picket fence anywhere in their dreams. Just joining their home boys upstate or hoping that their mother's don't cry too much at their funerals.
Anyway, sorry for the brief reality check. Now back to politics:
Lately I have been more pro O than usual. I am not a huge fan, but I am not a hater like some people. I think the guy has done a decent job, and, more importantly, he did pretty much what he said he was going to do. I expected what I am getting now, so I am not like some of those Obamaholics who are feeling this great disappointment because their boy didn't walk on water and feed every A-merry-can with one happy meal.
He is what he is. And, he is better than the last guy. I actually read an article recently that kind of crystallized my position. The author was speaking for me:
"Nowadays, the political stage has become America’s communal fun house, and nobody looks stranger than Barack Obama.
The president’s critics on the right deride him as a radical socialist seething with anti-American rage. To them, he’s a frightening success who has transformed the federal government, ruined the economy, and undermined national security. To the left, Obama is a tragic failure who squandered his chance for dramatic change: no single-payer health-care plan, no heated battle against Wall Street, and endless war in Afghanistan. If the president is struggling these days, the critics say, it’s perhaps because he’s out of touch with Americans, and even at odds with his own principles.
Yet Obama is doing exactly what he said he would do. Perhaps the critics should read—or reread—the president’s own books. Dreams From My Father (1995) and The Audacity of Hope (2006) are the most substantial works written by anyone elected president since Woodrow Wilson (who wrote several books before he won election in 1912). In laying out his philosophy, Obama contrasts the GOP’s excessive individualism with the ideal of “ordered liberty” and the rich traditions of civic engagement typical of America in the 18th and 19th centuries. He also criticizes orthodox...
...Almost everything you need to know about Obama is there on the printed page. In contrast to the charges coming now from right and left, Obama is neither a rigid ideologue nor a spineless wimp. The Obama who wrote Dreams and Audacity stands in a long tradition of American reform, wary of absolutes....
...Throughout his career, Obama has refused to demonize his opponents. Instead, he has sought them out and listened to them. He has tried to understand how they think and why they see the world as they do. His mother encouraged this sense of empathy, and it’s a lesson Obama learned well. Since January 2009, Obama has watched his efforts at reconciliation, experimentation, and -consensus--building bounce off the hard surfaces of political self-interest and entrenched partisanship, but there is no reason to think he will abandon that strategy now. He knows that disagreement is a vital part of the American fabric, and that our differences are neither shallow nor trivial......
....Although Obama’s reform agenda echoes aspects of those advanced by many Democrats over the last century, he has admitted—and this is the decisive point in understanding his outlook—that his opponents hold principles rooted as deeply in American history as his own. “I am obligated to try to see the world through George Bush’s eyes, no matter how much I may disagree with him,” he wrote in Audacity. “That’s what empathy does—it calls us all to task, the conservative and the liberal … We are all shaken out of our complacency.” Obama rejects dogma, embraces uncertainty, and dismisses the fables that often pass for history among partisans on both sides who need heroes and villains, and who resist more-nuanced understandings of the past and the present." [Article]
My sentiments, exactly.
Still, I won't lay all of the blame at the feet of these young bucks. They live in a very f^%$#d up society where black is white and white is black, and where there is all kinds of gray in between. It's easy to rationalize away morality when you see politicians on the take and everything around you is driven by shallow consumerism and a live for the moment ethos. We glorify the very rich regardless of how they accumulated their wealth and we wonder why these kids have no morals. Joseph Kennedy was an alleged bootlegger and his son went on to become the president. Many wealthy A-merry-can families built their fortune on the backs of enslaved human beings. ,and we think nothing of it. The depravity we are seeing from some of those in our society should not be so surprising. I know that I am not. I talk and interact with enough of these kids to see just how messed up their heads are and why the think the way they do. Many of the tings I outlined mirror what they spit back at me when I try to lecture them about getting their lives on the straight and narrow. Live for the moment, that's all they do. In their minds the future is now. There is no wife, kids, and a picket fence anywhere in their dreams. Just joining their home boys upstate or hoping that their mother's don't cry too much at their funerals.
Anyway, sorry for the brief reality check. Now back to politics:
Lately I have been more pro O than usual. I am not a huge fan, but I am not a hater like some people. I think the guy has done a decent job, and, more importantly, he did pretty much what he said he was going to do. I expected what I am getting now, so I am not like some of those Obamaholics who are feeling this great disappointment because their boy didn't walk on water and feed every A-merry-can with one happy meal.
He is what he is. And, he is better than the last guy. I actually read an article recently that kind of crystallized my position. The author was speaking for me:
"Nowadays, the political stage has become America’s communal fun house, and nobody looks stranger than Barack Obama.
The president’s critics on the right deride him as a radical socialist seething with anti-American rage. To them, he’s a frightening success who has transformed the federal government, ruined the economy, and undermined national security. To the left, Obama is a tragic failure who squandered his chance for dramatic change: no single-payer health-care plan, no heated battle against Wall Street, and endless war in Afghanistan. If the president is struggling these days, the critics say, it’s perhaps because he’s out of touch with Americans, and even at odds with his own principles.
Yet Obama is doing exactly what he said he would do. Perhaps the critics should read—or reread—the president’s own books. Dreams From My Father (1995) and The Audacity of Hope (2006) are the most substantial works written by anyone elected president since Woodrow Wilson (who wrote several books before he won election in 1912). In laying out his philosophy, Obama contrasts the GOP’s excessive individualism with the ideal of “ordered liberty” and the rich traditions of civic engagement typical of America in the 18th and 19th centuries. He also criticizes orthodox...
...Almost everything you need to know about Obama is there on the printed page. In contrast to the charges coming now from right and left, Obama is neither a rigid ideologue nor a spineless wimp. The Obama who wrote Dreams and Audacity stands in a long tradition of American reform, wary of absolutes....
...Throughout his career, Obama has refused to demonize his opponents. Instead, he has sought them out and listened to them. He has tried to understand how they think and why they see the world as they do. His mother encouraged this sense of empathy, and it’s a lesson Obama learned well. Since January 2009, Obama has watched his efforts at reconciliation, experimentation, and -consensus--building bounce off the hard surfaces of political self-interest and entrenched partisanship, but there is no reason to think he will abandon that strategy now. He knows that disagreement is a vital part of the American fabric, and that our differences are neither shallow nor trivial......
....Although Obama’s reform agenda echoes aspects of those advanced by many Democrats over the last century, he has admitted—and this is the decisive point in understanding his outlook—that his opponents hold principles rooted as deeply in American history as his own. “I am obligated to try to see the world through George Bush’s eyes, no matter how much I may disagree with him,” he wrote in Audacity. “That’s what empathy does—it calls us all to task, the conservative and the liberal … We are all shaken out of our complacency.” Obama rejects dogma, embraces uncertainty, and dismisses the fables that often pass for history among partisans on both sides who need heroes and villains, and who resist more-nuanced understandings of the past and the present." [Article]
My sentiments, exactly.
I voted for the man, and I'm not disappointed in him at all. We elected him president, not God. I blame the party of "No" for any lack of progress.
I also voted for him; and if he runs; I will vote for him again.
What's up with all of these dropped passes in the first half? McNabb had the same problem today.
... Still, I won't lay all of the blame at the feet of these young bucks. They live in a very f^%$#d up society where black is white and white is black, and where there is all kinds of gray in between. It's easy to rationalize ...
field negro
Yes, you are rationalizing; rationalizing like a punk-motherfucking-fool.
Society does not make these trifling Negroes fuck each other and pump out babies.
Tell them nas-sti-dy Black hoes to suck cock to orgasm instead of fucking cock to orgasm; keep the cum out of their stinking pussies and in their mouths, swallow nigger bitch swallow; there will then be fewer unwanted black babies to grow up to be punk gansta ass motherfucking fools.
Lay the blame at the feet of these base, nas-si-sty, pipe laying Negroe sperm donors.
Where dey Nigguh damn daddies at?
Tell them nas-sti-dy Black hoes to suck cock to orgasm instead of fucking cock to orgasm; keep the cum out of their stinking pussies and in their mouths, swallow nigger bitch swallow; there will then be fewer unwanted black babies to grow up to be punk gansta ass motherfucking fools.
So, which patch of concrete did you fall and bump your head on before you posted this?
The trouble lies at home with these kids. They have no parents to guide or care about them.
"If you don't care about children, they won't care about you."
They pulled it off despite dropping 2 touchdowns and a blocked field goals. But the team has major speed and as they say speed kills
yes i hated gwb
and yes i hate his blackish cloned cuz hobama
and i am proud of it!
it proves i am not a racist or a blind adoring fool.
and it proves i know that hobama has done NOTHING deserving of any adoration!!!
see hobama/gwb 2.0's cloned sins here:
hobama even ignores lost children in chicago...
he could not care any less for baby mongrels in atl!
"Many of the tings I outlined mirror what they spit back at me when I try to lecture them about getting their lives on the straight and narrow"
Excuses, excuses, excuses.....
"Yet Obama is doing exactly what he said he would do."
True. And we had Rev. Wright, and Bill Ayers, and lot's of other red flags. But the media sold him as a moderate, and millions of people had no idea who they voted for. A f**king disaster.
In South Penn, a fire destroyed a multi story block of houses. A Jamaican family of six con artists lived on the first floor, and all six died in the fire.
An Islamic group of seven Pakistani welfare cheats, all illegally in the country, lived on the second floor, and they, too, all perished in the fire. Six Somalian ex-cons lived on the 3rd floor and they too, died. Four Afghanistan families in the 2 apartments on the 4th floor also perished.
One white couple lived on the top floor. They survived.
Relatives of the deceased and local do-gooders were furious. They travelled into Philly and quickly demanded a meeting with the fire chief.On camera, they loudly demanded to know why the Blacks, Muslims, Somalians and Afghanis all died in the fire and only the white couple survived.
The fire chief quietly replied, “They were both at work.”
Its funny how people are now experts on the liberals. Most people under 50 didn't know who Bill Ayers was until he became a Republican talking point or even knew about Liberation theology even though it may have been espoused in their all white Methodist, Presbyterian and a few other denominations' churches. Putting a Black perspective on it, didn't make it that if different. This also happened the 50's and 60's. This only effected people lives if they were poor or sensitive to the plight of the poor. Who knows if some of these people who think it is now a dirty word, may have benefited.
I guess ignorance is bliss among those who have to hate and can't take the time to understand more than a 10 second sound bite.
It is also interesting when Rev. Wrights comments were taken out of context and he speaks of America, whites folks think they are only speaking of them, discounting the other American citizens who vote and who have fought to implement the US policies. I am sure Rev. Wrights service gave him a broader perspective than any of 101st Keyboarders.
Anon. 3:12 AM, work on your material. That's an old joke. :(
Wesley R, you are right, speed does kill. Fortunately the Iggles pulled it off in spite of themselves. Fans here are loving Vick. Even the dog lovers. :)
I swear I hate the G men.
Peter & BBC...I can't say I blame you. I don't see anyone else on the horizon right now.
Nsangoma, why don't you pray for Pookie an em?
Obama is not a fighter. Whether this is because he's afraid, he honestly thinks he's above it all and we should be too, or actually agrees with continuing much of the Bush policies on civil liberties and foreign affairs is almost irrelevant at this point.
Being unable to engage with opponents is seen by EVERYBODY as weakness and timidity. This includes Republicans, Democrats, progressives, conservatives, the Chinese, Netanyahu..EVERYONE.
So if BO really wants to be a one term President, that's his prerogative. All he has to do is continue on his current path.
Let's not forget about the Administration's claim to be able to assassinate American citizens without trial, the expansion of war into Pakistan and Yemen, the defense of expansive executive powers and secrecy, the defense of the shredding of the 4th Amendment via porno scanners, and oh yes the coming cave-in on the Bush (now Obama) tax cuts and Trojan Horse deficit commission. And the occupation and wars in Iraq and Afghanistan are still going on.
MLK broke with LBJ over much less.
As far as the murders, that's why I am not opposed to the death penalty.
A real death penalty-like it was back in the day-not get convicted and maybe get a lethal injection twenty years later. Whack em and stack em. Either folks learn how to behave or they're out of here.
... Nsangoma, why don't you pray for Pookie an em? ...
field negro
field negro, you elite edumacated Negroe, you do not understand low dogg Negroe speech patterns; it is:
... Pookie 'n'em ...
More than 92,000 “black farmers” have signed up for reparations from the Obama USDA after the Pigford case was extended this past year. That’s five times the number of blacks who were actually farming during the time period in question and would possibly qualify for the reparations.
What a country!
... So, which patch of concrete did you fall and bump your head on before you posted this? ...
Mack Lyons
Motherfuck you, Mack Lyons, and the baboon that rode in on you.
So it is society's fault, i.e., white peoples fault that these get mo' pussy than deh law allow ass motherfucking Niggahs; these lay mo' pipe than deh law allow ass motherfucking Nigguhs are fouling up our neighborhoods with their uncivilized killer spawn.
Again, fuck you!!!!
Negroe males; parent, nurture, raise your children.
To hell with these Mack Lyons' ass motherfucking fools.
As you can read field negro breaph, when it comes to blaming and criticising white people; hundreds of comments.
But when it comes to looking at ourselves, criticising ourselves; few, few, few, self-critical, Negroe-critical comments.
That's some kind of reparations.
You can't get a new SUV for that.
And why is it that only the rightwing websites are reporting this "92,000" figure?
Coould it be because it's bull$hit?
Good stuff, FN.
I am not like some of those Obamaholics who are feeling this great disappointment because their boy didn't walk on water and feed every A-merry-can with one happy meal.
Pretty much my stance, as well. In fact, it kinda bothers me whenever I hear people speak harshly of President Obama when the truth is - he has actually done a fair job, all things considered.
Far as the troubled youth of today and their Scarface mentalities ... well, we are the generation that raised 'em so we should just as much of the blame, I imagine.
Wouldn't you agree?
"I am not like some of those Obamaholics who are feeling this great disappointment because their boy didn't walk on water and feed every A-merry-can with one happy meal."
Yes, but he did bring back the McRib.
Field your opening was insightful and eloquent, bravo my brother, bravo:
Field said:
"Still, I won't lay all of the blame at the feet of these young bucks. They live in a very f^%$#d up society where black is white and white is black, and where there is all kinds of gray in between. It's easy to rationalize away morality when you see politicians on the take and everything around you is driven by shallow consumerism and a live for the moment ethos. We glorify the very rich regardless of how they accumulated their wealth and we wonder why these kids have no morals. Joseph Kennedy was an alleged bootlegger and his son went on to become the president. Many wealthy A-merry-can families built their fortune on the backs of enslaved human beings. ,and we think nothing of it. The depravity we are seeing from some of those in our society should not be so surprising. I know that I am not..."
@ Mellaneous: you would pick that passage as your favorite. If fits right is with your philosophy of external blame for all pathologies that afflict blacks. "it's not lack of any morals, it's the capatalist system that makes people shoot each other for no reason, steal from their neigbors, and treat human life as worthless. And besides, white people are worse."
You help no one by offering blanket excuses for any behavior, no matter how reprehensible.
funny how bush was FAR less brutal and bloody and racist than hobama...and no one ever dared call him "fair" in 8 yrs!
shame how the rabidly elitist hobama's free pass and freefalls are excused by his poor black fans!!!!
We’ve become a hapless, can’t-do society, and it’s, frankly, embarrassing. Public figures talk endlessly about “transformative changes” in public education, but the years go by and we see no such thing. Politicians across the spectrum insist that they are all about job creation while the employment situation in the real world remains beyond pathetic.
All we are good at is bulldozing money to the very wealthy. No wonder the country is in such a deep slide.
We don’t even seem to realize how deep a hole we’re in. If student test scores jumped a couple of points or the jobless rate fell by a point and half, the politicians and the news media would crow as if something great had been achieved. That’s how people behave when they’re in denial.
America will never get its act together until we recognize how much trouble we’re really in, and how much effort and shared sacrifice is needed to stop the decline. Only then will we be able to begin resuscitating the dream.
So basically this dudes argument is "Obama is keeping it real."
Have to disagree with you on Obama, Plantation Negro. Technocratic head fakes. This is about Obama being apart apart of an ongoing imperial project. Killing humanity for greed ain't where it's at. Even Bush abandoned the al-Qaeda threat hoax because he executed his true intentions. Obama is "black face in the right place" for sharecropp'n thinking Negroes. Moving into a run down ghetto meme neighborhood (Afghanistan threat) where "de whyte foke dun" moved out of.
Ronald Reagan got on TV talking about dirt poor Nicaragua (poorest country in Latin America) was two days march from Brownsville. Here we are with some "packages from Yemen." The public is so stupid, you don't even need good excuses. Sad.
No, Obama doesn't demonize his opponents. The Negro is black. You think Michael Vick can get away with some Ben Roethlisberger antics? The Negro got no choice.
"You think Michael Vick can get away with some Ben Roethlisberger antics?"
He can't even get away with Michael Vick antics. I don't know of anyone else in sport's history that did prison time for killing pets. Pets!
But that was a good point. Obama can't fight or Fake News would call him a white-people-hating terrorist. Wait a minute, they already do.
I swear that Constructive Feedback is back here as a black guy pretending to be a white guy pretending to be a black guy.
Or something like that.
Was this post your way of flushing him out of the wood pile?
hobama has no problem fighting poor people and black mongrels and gays...
he chooses not to fight his bankster/elitist/repub/warmonger peers.
see much more on that note
and on mike vick too:
Back on topic: if these "street pirates" were killing off brown folks half way around the world with such efficiency they'd be media darlings with all kinds of colorful award ribbons.
Obama. He lost me when he hired Rahm Emanuel. I knew it was all downhill from there.
And I don't care what Obama wrote in his books, as soon as he put corporate whore Max Baucus in charge of health care he assured the electoral debacle we just witnessed. Now he is doing the same thing with his Catfood Commission on Social Security. Bad public policy and even worse politics. I'm thinking the financial industry has a nicely-feathered nest for him to retire to when he is done with us.
even BILLIONAIRES have more mercy on the poor than the brutal blackish elitist hobama and his banksters!!!
American Billionaires and Millionaires think it is ‘Pay Back Time’ and they aren’t talking about getting even. Friday, Forty Millionaires signed a statement asking for the Bush era taxes on their wealth be ended. Patriotic Millionaires for Fiscal Strength (PMfFS) made the statement on a starkly simple website,
hobama also has no problem fighting teachers/unions and fox news and any media/journalists who do not adore him etc
For all the talk about the need to improve the public schools and get rid of incompetent teachers, school systems around the country are being hammered with dreadful cutbacks and teachers are being let go in droves, not because they are incompetent, but strictly for budget reasons. There was a time when the United States understood the importance of educating its young people and led the way in compulsory public schooling. It also built the finest higher education system in the world. Now, although no one will admit it publicly, we’ve decided to go in another direction.
In New York City, for example, Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s choice to run the public school system is Cathleen Black, a wealthy corporate executive with no background in education whose children attended expensive private schools. Mr. Bloomberg has asserted that Ms. Black’s management expertise will be a boon to the city’s public school children. But the truth is that Ms. Black, if she gets a necessary waiver for her new job, will be presiding over budget cuts that can only hurt the schools. As part of a proposed austerity budget, the mayor is planning to eliminate the jobs of thousands of public school teachers over the next two years. Take that, kids.
obama also has no problem fighting poor black mongrel parents who dare to desire their kids be educated like sasha and malia are...
Despite giving lip service to education reform, the Obama administration has decided to put an end to the very successful D.C. school voucher program. This despite a United States Department of Education report that found students in the nation's capital that were provided with vouchers allowing them to attend private school through the D.C. Opportunity Scholarship program had made statistically significant gains in reading achievement.
"Among the general public," the report says, "only 11 percent of American students attend private schools." What's more, the Heritage report found that one fifth of members of the 11th Congress attended private high schools themselves, which is nearly twice the rate of the public at large.
Former North Carolina Sen. and Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards liked to go around talking about the "two Americas." Where education is concerned, he may have been on to something. There's one America for the elites, like members of Congress and the President and Mrs. Obama, who send their children to private schools; and there's one for everyone else, the regular people who, at least in the District of Columbia, are seeing the educational dreams they have for their children shattered on the altar of politics.
Ernesto said...
Back on topic: if these "street pirates" were killing off brown folks half way around the world with such efficiency they'd be media darlings with all kinds of colorful award ribbons.
So what are you trying to say Stilt Walker? That its all a matter of perception and there is nothing wrong with Black On Black Crime? Tell us he who walks on wood height increasers. Where did you learn this type of talking point. Oh yeah, your a dumbocrat. It's not that America has rejected you and found you wanting, its that you didnt say it the right way.
See ya Later Ernesto Madcow, hows that tingle up your stilts feeling?
i love nelson george
in a classic episode of bet's "american gangsta"
he eloquently reminded us that DC is a legal plantation that is taxed without representaion
it is a formal legal black annex of political apartheid
a banished plantation
the white house is overlooking a black ghetto of officially second classed citizens
and dems have run it and allowed that travesty always...NOT repubs!
and hobama has left that hopelessly unchanged!
Did you know that more than half a million Americans live in Washington DC and do not have congressional voting rights? That’s right, DC was established by our forefathers as a federal district to be governed by Congress and residents of our nation's capital do not have democratic representation in the U. S. Senate or the U.S. House of Representatives. People who live in DC pay the second highest per capita federal income taxes in the country but have no vote on how the federal government spends their tax dollars and no vote on important issues such as health care, education, Social Security, environmental protection, crime control, public safety and foreign policy.
An amendment to the Constitution needs to be passed to give DC voting rights. Congress has passed laws to modify the DC government structure in the past. In 1961, the 23rd Constitutional amendment granted DC residents the right to vote in Presidential elections. In 1973, Congress passed the District of Columbia Home Rule Act giving DC the right to a local government (mayor and city council). For decades DC residents have written letters, protested, and filed lawsuits striving to change the city’s voting status. Unfortunately, to date they have been unsuccessful.
Unfortunately, the only viable alternative to Democratic duplicity is Republican treachery.
The corporations like the two party system because it makes it relatively cheap and easy to buy influence and set policy.
that blackish boy hobama and his beloved bankster bros in the big white house have made the view inside that other black DC worse than ever...4 decades!
hobama also has no problem fighting those whom has used and discarded
he is the icy brawler at his will...but ONLY when HE and his bankster owners/pals deem that he must be so...
On "whitewashing within [the Obama] administration": "What happened to the black elites inside Obama's campaign, Valerie Jarrett, John Rogers and Eric Whitaker? They're practically invisible or gone. Instead Obama has a savvy political team — brother [David] Axelrod, Bbrother David Plouffe, brother Robert Gibbs, brother [Rahm] Emanuel — who are eperts at PR. ... Black folk can't be blindsided by Obama's pigmentation and historical symbolism. What I'm saying is I wish he could be more Martin Luther King-like. ... But by necessity, Obama has had to downplay his blackness to appease the white moderates and independents and speak to their anxieties."
On his current relationship with Obama: "He doesn't return my calls. ... I did 65 events for my dear brother Barack on the campaign trail but have not seen him since Martin Luther King Day 2008. ... I couldn't even get a ticket to the Inauguration for my mother. ... I think he has the kind of disposition where he just moves on."
alicia banks said..."Did you know that more than half a million Americans live in Washington DC and do not have congressional voting rights? That’s right, DC was established by our forefathers as a federal district to be governed by Congress and residents of our nation's capital do not have democratic representation in the U. S. Senate or the U.S. House of Representatives. People who live in DC pay the second highest per capita federal income taxes in the country but have no vote on how the federal government spends their tax dollars and no vote on important issues such as health care, education, Social Security, environmental protection, crime control, public safety and foreign policy."
And? It was established as a federal district run by congress, therefore if you live there, you don't get your own congressman. Congressman are for states. If you don't like it, move to Maryland, or Virginia, or f**cking Alaska.
apathy always trumps equality for racist fools in denial
poverty is an anchor in all 50 states
i bet u enjoyed all that poor immobile black road kill in nola after katrina too?
Ernesto said...
"Unfortunately, the only viable alternative to Democratic duplicity is Republican treachery."
Unfortunately, the only alternative to AB's nonsensical prolificacy is Ernesto's half-witted douchebaggery.
the most arrogantly ignorant racists are always the first to pretend that racism is cured by mere travel/evasion/delusion etc
ps bigoted buffoon
like hobama, u lie
but gee...thanks for the backhanded compliment
u r no match for me
prolificacy always trumps philistinism
"That its all a matter of perception and there is nothing wrong with Black On Black Crime?"
Quite the opposite. Seems pretty simple to figure out, even for a Becktard: Killing is B-A-D.
Now go back to buying your gold coins and right-wing bling that the the messianic wack job is selling you today.
alicia banks said..."prolificacy always trumps philistinism"
But Love conquers all. You and I can make some giving to be thankful for this holiday season. Come to me my shiny black butterball. I've got some gravy for your stuffing!
Stover said:
"You help no one by offering blanket excuses for any behavior, no matter how reprehensible."
First your statement is an inaccurate description of how I see things. I don't offer blanket excuses "for any behaviour." However I do think there are indeed reasons why folks do what they do.
For example the US ruling class bombs,destroys and kills and uproots whole populations because it wants to take other folks minerals, riches etc and because it can take what it wants. And because it is motivated by a system that requires it to constantly acquire materials, minerals, precious metals etc to feed its continuing need for aquisition and expansion.
Actually Stover helping to explain why folks do what they do usually goes a long way toward curing what ails them.
And in reality a truth based analysis of what ails folks helps them to get rid of that thing that ails them so that they can indeed live the full life they were meant to.
Good diagnoses is always precluded by good analysis, otherwise the patient winds up only getting at the symptons.
And the truth is --whether you admit it or not-- ( its still true) that folks who are oppressed or treated, or thought of as second class act in accordance.
And in the US you see a lot of exceptional folks who overcome barriers, but does not mean that the barriers are not there.
And you are probably half right in thinking that folks should just jump barriers or shouldn't use them as an excuse (and of course its easier said by someone who either doesn't encounter the same barriers or is an exceptional hurdler or barrier jumper)
But the point is that the barriers to equal access and equal opportunity shouldn't exist.
AB you have Obama absolutely dead to rights on the education issue. You are absolutely right Obama has opened the door to more privatization.
And AB DC does seem like a metaphor at times doesn't it.
I kept pointing out to folks who thought that Obama was other than who he said he was which is a moderate to liberal bourgeoisie politician, that all you have to do is look at his choices for his staff. I mean Rahm Emmanuel, Max Bauchus and public school hatchetman and leader of the fight for privatization to head his Ed Department.
Its incredible how many folks he deceived for so long. I said that we would wind up having to defend his black butt against racist attacks while he does little to fight racism or the more obvious injustices.
Folks on this blog keep saying that folks were expecting too much and they totally ignore folks like myself and you who say they had no expectations of him but for him to carry out the capitalist agenda which he has very well.
mell thanks
hobama has no problem fighting sobbing kindergartners and their fans too!!!...shame!!!
Here we have President Obama and his administration saying, 'Here we are for the common, middle class people,' and here he is not letting 150 5- and 6-year-olds into the White House because he’s throwing a lunch for a bunch of grown millionaires," Stine said.
Thursday night the White House released this statement: "The President and First Lady are dedicated to opening the doors of the White House to the public, and it is unfortunate to see young people miss a tour. The visitor’s office is already working to reschedule the group."
Parents say it's probably too late. The school year ends in a few weeks and they doubt the tour can be made up in that time
my only expectation was that he would do ANYTHING better than gwb...
that was the LOWEST bar in history and he STILL failed!!!!
he is a clone not a changer!!!!
and his being worse than gwb began EARLY ON:
donnie mclurkin
rick warren!!!
as mike dyson asked:
what if abe lincoln/jfk had said:
i am not prez of the blacks!!!
do not ask me for a thing!!!
bigoted blue balls:
lewd limp wm like you freak out with turkeys etc because black men have all your women...
carry on!
buttered blue balls:
i am deeply amused by the freudian slip though...thanks!
your liquid gravy can never stuff a solid thing indeed
your wet software is why so many wfs stay so thankful for that black
hardware...ya know?
happy follyday fool!
AB folks may have forgotten but this indeed happened last year and it is a perfect analogy for how the little folks really are viewed by this government.
From May 22,2009
"Thursday was supposed to be the highlight of the year for more than 100 kindergarteners from Stafford County, Va. They got up early and took a chartered bus to the White House for a school field trip. But when they arrived, all the 5-year-olds got was a lesson in disappointment.
The buses from Conway Elementary arrived at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue a little later than planned, and they were locked out.
"We were going to the White House, but we couldn’t get in so I felt sad," 5-year-old Cameron Stine said.
Parents say they were just 10 minutes late for their scheduled tour. School officials say White House staff said they needed to get ready for the president's event with the Super Bowl champion Pittsburgh Steelers, so they couldn't come in."
amen mell
and then i ntypical fashion
the WH PR simply lied about the duration of the tardiness
rather than make any efforts to ammend the horrid abuse of these adoring dejected babies....shame!!!
It's easy to rationalize away morality when you see politicians on the take and everything around you is driven by shallow consumerism and a live for the moment ethos. We glorify the very rich regardless of how they accumulated their wealth and we wonder why these kids have no morals.
Boo Hoo. That's been going on since the dawn of time, different rules for wealthy folks. Steal a Big Mac and you'll still end up in jail. Start a war by lying....Contrary to western religion and the self-harming twisted lessons it heaps on the non-elite, ONE must, to be intelligent enough to survive their time on earth, make themselves the priority. For example, thinking "Does this harm me of affect me negatively in any way?" before acting. I doubt these demons are religious anyway, so....Shooting someone on camera will not only harm the victim, but it will throw you stupid butt in jail or death row. Even as I teen I knew not to repeat the blantantly obvious mistakes of others, especially if they didn't have to happen to me.
Believe it or not, I understand about violent and toxic environments. There comes a time where you ask "What's in it for me." Don't give me that crap about "they know no other way." I know people who did figure out other ways and never returned to this "lifestyle."
I don't pity these kids...monsters...if they're killing people like this they're no longer children. I pity the innocent victims. These murderers are the spawn, for the most part, of people too stupid, damaged or irresponsible to be allowed to reproduce. I and everyone else should not have to see our children's lives at risk, or our neighborhoods destroyed, because people we keep "forgiving" the shitbags in the community that can't ever get it right.
On Obama,
Donna Brazile said that it looks like, to her anyway, that Palin is running. Some think that Barbara Bush was warning Palin not to get in Jeb's way this election season by telling her to stay home.
If Jeb doesn't run, and all they have is Palin. I'd like to think that it's too easy for Obama to win. You can fix policy, but you can't fix stupid.
Hey Field you are in Philly so give me the rundown.
I thought Micheal Vick went to jail for running or participating in a dog fighting ring and for the killing of a few dogs.
Did Mike Vick kill a human being? I want to make sure that all this hair pulling and questioning of whether he has reformed and what kind of person he will be in the future is about killing a dog.
Tell me did he rob a bank and kill the occupants or knock off a liquor store and shoot the owner. Did he run somebody down in his car? Did he rape his children? Did he order the bombing of folks who had some stuff he wanted? Did he send his boys on some mission where lots of people died and whole populations were displaced?
The hypocrisy of the American public is just sickening. I am at the point where if I see Chris Collingsworth I'll call him out for being the punk that he is.
The broadcast last night was shameful. And the truth is, if Mike Vick's character is all that in question then don't broadcast his games. Give everybody back their money who had to come and watch him play. Collingsworth should give his check back!
And the sportscaster and writers who won't let this die and who keep making me think that he shot someone in cold blood, should just walk off the job in protest.
I mean if its causing all this consternation then I think they should have the courage to stand on their convictions.
ENOUGH ALREADY!! All these folks in their glass houses with rocks in their hands are turning my stomach!
hobama has no problem fighting hillary clinton/paul ryan/john mccain...
Sure, we've had lots of evidence of his oddities over the last two years -- Obama giving the finger to Hillary during the campaign; Obama thrilling to the sound of his own voice echoing at the Berlin Victory Monument, using Karl Marx's own words in Marx's old haunting grounds; Obama speaking to the whole Muslim world from Al Azhar Mosque in Cairo; Obama rushing to Copenhagen to rescue a scientifically phony climate treaty; Obama suddenly looking enraged last week when Rep. Paul Ryan demonstrated with impeccable logic that ObamaCare just doesn't add up. It's simple arithmetic. That C-SPAN shot of Obama's sudden expression of rage when he couldn't answer
Paul Ryan is now being analyzed frame-by-frame by the intelligence agencies of the world. Their psychological teams are trained to look for momentary facial expressions, to study this man in every conceivable way, to see out how his mind works. If he can change the destiny of nations, you can be sure that lots of nations have whole KGB Directorates trying to read him. It's hardly a perfect science, but they would be fools not to try.
charlie sheen
chris brown and oj prove this:
mike should have abused human females in a brothel rather than pit bulls...
he may have never spent one day in jail
hobama has no problem fighting cornel west
Crow, the prison-industrial complex.
West also accused Obama of treating him like a “cub scout.”
Well, I’ll tell you, I had not talked to my dear brother since the Martin Luther King gathering in South Carolina, and very briefly Super Tuesday. But he did come and make a beeline to me after his speech on I think it was Thursday morning in Washington, D.C. I hadn’t seen him for two and a half weeks, and he made a beeline to me, though, brother, and he was deeply upset. He talked to me like I was a Cub Scout, and he was a pack master, you know what I mean?
I said, well, my mother and father raised me right. I respect my dear brother, but I don’t like to be demeaned and humiliated in that way, and I didn’t get a chance to respond to him. And I hope maybe at some time we can. But it was very, it was a very ugly kind of moment, it seems to me, and that disturbs me because then it raises the question for me: Does he have a double standard for black critics as opposed to white critics?
hobama has no problem fighting joe lieberman
Sen. Joe Lieberman, the self-described "Independent Democrat" who caucuses with the Democratic party in the Senate even though he has endorsed Sen. John McCain, R-Ariz, got some tough talk from Sen. Barack Obama, D-Illinois, yesterday about his advocacy for the presumptive Republican presidential candidate and the general tone of the campaign, Democratic sources tell ABC News.
Returning to the Senate after his securing the Democratic presidential nomination, Obama and Lieberman greeted each on the Senate floor in the Well as they were voting on the budget resolution.
They shook hands. But Obama didn’t let go, leading Lieberman - cordially - by the hand across the room into a corner on the Democratic side, where Democratic sources tell ABC News he delivered some tough words for the junior senator from Connecticut, who had just minutes before hammered Obama's speech before the pro-Israel group AIPAC in a conference call arranged by the McCain campaign.
Watch video of the encounter on the Senate floor HERE.
gawd when will this mad woman stop! thought u had a job alicia buceta breaf stanks how u have the time to post all this inane bullshit if u got a job nucka?
ya lyin ignint chriflin chrick!
if vulgarity and ignorance were evidence and debate...the BVDLR would have a job!!!
Motherfuck you, Mack Lyons, and the baboon that rode in on you.
Yikes! What strong feelings you have. Seems to me you're not exactly yourself. I thought I'd have one of those "off" days, too.
Word Verification: farting. *chuckles*
I think I've proven my point.
Nsangoma prayer probably wouldn't hurt. Why so hard on folks who look like you who at least have an excuse for the way they act unlike the suit and tie crowd that gives the nod to killing organizers, or bombing a village, or letting a automobile get placed on the market even though they know that under certain circumstances it might blow up.
Ahh but you feel good coming on posts and talking about folks who are bound to act crazy with all the crazy crap they see and experience and as you pointed out many of them have insane parents and come from insane environments.
But you got no venom for the class of folks the rulling class and their lackeys --the real enemies of human kind -that had everything handed to them or stolen for them and yet act like monsters and rape and kill and pillage and defame at will.
The criminals in the hood kill their dozens while the criminals in high places kill their tens of thousands and it make it so that millions will never prosper.
YOU should save all that profanity and guile for the folks who really deserve it!!!!
Regarding Michael Vick: what he did to those poor pit bulls was outrageous. For some folks to take an attitude of 'they are just dogs', shows they have no right to complain when Whites take an a similar attitude of 'they are just Negroes'.
It seems to me no one in the Black race could not think that way even about a dog. But hey, stranger things have happened..
It is 'unbelievable' that a Black minister like Mellaneous would consider the suffering and deaths of pit bulls caused by Mr. Michael Vick to be 'just a minor flaw in character'.
"It is 'unbelievable' that a Black minister like Mellaneous would consider the suffering and deaths of pit bulls caused by Mr. Michael Vick to be 'just a minor flaw in character'."
OMG! Where do ministers like Mellaneous come from?
i do have empathy for the dogs
but i have MUCH MORE for mike v and rihanna etc
he served his time
and she was left in the street like road kill!
why is mike v being abused more than chris brown or r kelly????
even after he served his time???
and pit bulls maim and kill humans daily!!!!
see more on all of that at my blog
the box guy said:
"...if they're killing people like this they're no longer children. I pity the innocent victims. These murderers are the spawn, for the most part, of people too stupid, damaged or irresponsible to be allowed to reproduce. I and everyone else should not have to see our children's lives at risk, or our neighborhoods destroyed, because people we keep "forgiving" the shitbags in the community that can't ever get it right."
Black Box these could easily be the words of Iraqis and Afghans and Pakistanis who must wonder what kind of people raise a generation of children and young people who find it so easy to attack and murder and just destroy other folks countries and many without a hint of conscience.
They must wonder what is in the water in this country that finds it so easy to hate and disdain those who don't share the same culture or color.
The victims of US Imperialism abroad must wonder what kind of people allow their children to be used in such a way.
They must wonder what kind of people sit back while their country sends soldiers and guns to Haiti first before they send aide and food.
Your anger should also be aimed at the people the policies and the politics and the system that spawned a generation of hopeless children!
I'm out Field got meetings, won't be able to respond to any responses for a while, but want your take on your boy Mike Vick. The analyzing of his every move is getting nauseating.
And I agree with your assesment of Obama, he is who he is.
yep ya stank buceta breaf moron u always answer cuz ur ass has to have the last word this is funny and very pathetic it is clear u aint have no job Tommy so quit frontin like ure part of the rank and file employed people
ur cast iron underbelly ass prolly gets a GA check every pay period and ssi for ur mental disability ya coohole!
hows that 250 iq worked for ur employment prospects ya lying coohole!!?!!!
why is mike v being abused more than chris brown or r kelly????buceta breaf moron
if this is what 250 iq thought processes look like then my seven year old is smarter than u ya coohole! u have no depth to a gottdam thing that u write dumbass idgit!
so by ur logic everybody should be abused for fucking up at one point in their life huh? stand in line ya imperfect piece of shit!
"Hey Field you are in Philly so give me the rundown.
I thought Micheal Vick went to jail for running or participating in a dog fighting ring and for the killing of a few dogs.
Did Mike Vick kill a human being? I want to make sure that all this hair pulling and questioning of whether he has reformed and what kind of person he will be in the future is about killing a dog."
Well, actually, in A-merry-ca dogs are pretty high in the pecking order. (If Iraq was a country full of dogs we would have never invaded it. Too many innocent dogs would have died.) To answer your question: Vick is getting a lot of love hear in Philly of late. Even from dog lovers. Hey these folks love their "birds" more than all else.
"Quite the opposite. Seems pretty simple to figure out, even for a Becktard: Killing is B-A-D.
Now go back to buying your gold coins and right-wing bling that the the messianic wack job is selling you today."
"And why is it that only the rightwing websites are reporting this "92,000" figure?
Coould it be because it's bull$hit?"
Did the wingnut have a link?
Did the wingnut have a link?
Field, this link is about the Sister at a town meeting who commented to Obama that she was exhausted defending Obama and was fearful of her financial future.
Well, her worst fears have come true: (AB, what do you think?)
AB, "but i have MUCH MORE for mike v and rihanna etc"
Here's the problem: Some feel MV got off too lightly--and you know it. But as long as he can throw a football, folks like Field could care less about the deaths of those dogs.
That's probably one of the reasons we black folks aren't thought very highly of in civilized A-merry-ca. We need to learn empathy, compassion, and civility in a great civilized country like A-merry-ca.
Thank goodness for the GOP and Tea Party! I hope during their reign that they will make sure the next Michael Vick pay a more hefty price for taking the life of a dog!
field, check the comments section on this blog post:
Some wingnut cited the Fake News article about "92,000" black farmers and was given a factual beatdown. Then came back wimpering about a "race card". Soooo typical.
It's not fake Ernesto. Read the link.
A few years ago Michael Vick was accused of KNOWINGLY giving genital herpes to a woman. Mr. Vick KNEW he had herpes and had unprotected sex with the woman anyway.
The case was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum of money.
How is Mr. Vick even remotely a good person? He is a DEGENERATE.
i am praying for velma
she is my shero!
i am prouder each day that i voted for hillary!
how many male whores in the nfl have herpes???
why is mike suffering so exclusively!!!!
ab, mike is suffering because of what he did to those poor innocent dogs. don't you get it? are you blind and deaf? he created an enormous amount of karma by killing those dogs. you should never destroy God's creatures.
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