Poor Mike Aldrich. The guy lives in an outpost called Bellows Falls, Vermont, and he rarely sees black folks except on television. And now, as luck would have it, some dude comes into town and wants him to cut his hair. (First of all, no self respecting black man goes to a strange town and asks a white barber to clip his chrome. This post really should be about the dumb ass Doctor, but I digress.)
So anywhooo, to get out of what he thought was an embarrassing situation, Mike told a little white lie (no pun intended) and it came back and bit him in his clippers.
"BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. -- A Vermont barber who turned away a black customer says he was trying to avoid embarrassment for both of them because he's no good at cutting black people's hair.
Mike Aldrich, who is white and runs Mike's Barber Shop in Bellows Falls, told the would-be customer when he stopped in last month that the barber wasn't in.
The man, Dr. Darryl Fisher, of Taos, N.M., walked by the shop later and saw Aldrich cutting the hair of a white customer and realized then that Aldrich was the barber.
Fisher, whose cause was taken up Saturday in a sidewalk demonstration outside the shop, says he thinks the incident was racially motivated. Aldrich says no, it was because he has trouble with black people's hair. " [Story]
"The way he looked at me -- and this is just my opinion -- and the way he just said, 'No,' when I asked if the barber was there and wouldn't tell me when the barber was coming in, and then 15 minutes later he's cutting somebody else's hair. Through my experience with racism, I thought it was racially motivated," Fisher said Monday in a telephone interview...."
Sorry Doc, I agree with Mike the barber on this one. My racism meter is not budging. There is just no static on the racism antenna. I swear if Rev. Inc. gets involved with this one I will personally go to New York and knock the perm out of Al's hair.
Mike was not guilty of racism, he was guilty of being a liar and a wimp. He should have looked the good Doctor in the eye and said: "I am sorry sir, I would do a really bad job on your hair, because I have never cut a black person's hair before. Hey, I live in Bellows Falls, Vermont...."Let me stop. (Watch I am going to get some angry person from Bellows Falls writing me and telling me how ignorant I am.) Hey, I am sure Bellows Falls is a nice place with wonderful people.
Doctor, you might want to consider getting your dome done up like the fields. This might save you from these types of embarrassing and sad episodes in the future.
Anyway, here is more from poor Mike:
"Aldrich says that he gets only about one black customer a year at his shop in Bellows Falls, which lies on the Vermont-New Hampshire border and is 97 percent white. He tells them up front that he struggles with cutting their hair.
"I'm sorry," he said he tells them. "You can sit in the chair if you want, but I've tried cutting it, and I have problems. Whether I don't have the right equipment, I don't know." [Source]
So anywhooo, to get out of what he thought was an embarrassing situation, Mike told a little white lie (no pun intended) and it came back and bit him in his clippers.
"BELLOWS FALLS, Vt. -- A Vermont barber who turned away a black customer says he was trying to avoid embarrassment for both of them because he's no good at cutting black people's hair.
Mike Aldrich, who is white and runs Mike's Barber Shop in Bellows Falls, told the would-be customer when he stopped in last month that the barber wasn't in.
The man, Dr. Darryl Fisher, of Taos, N.M., walked by the shop later and saw Aldrich cutting the hair of a white customer and realized then that Aldrich was the barber.
Fisher, whose cause was taken up Saturday in a sidewalk demonstration outside the shop, says he thinks the incident was racially motivated. Aldrich says no, it was because he has trouble with black people's hair. " [Story]
"The way he looked at me -- and this is just my opinion -- and the way he just said, 'No,' when I asked if the barber was there and wouldn't tell me when the barber was coming in, and then 15 minutes later he's cutting somebody else's hair. Through my experience with racism, I thought it was racially motivated," Fisher said Monday in a telephone interview...."
Sorry Doc, I agree with Mike the barber on this one. My racism meter is not budging. There is just no static on the racism antenna. I swear if Rev. Inc. gets involved with this one I will personally go to New York and knock the perm out of Al's hair.
Mike was not guilty of racism, he was guilty of being a liar and a wimp. He should have looked the good Doctor in the eye and said: "I am sorry sir, I would do a really bad job on your hair, because I have never cut a black person's hair before. Hey, I live in Bellows Falls, Vermont...."Let me stop. (Watch I am going to get some angry person from Bellows Falls writing me and telling me how ignorant I am.) Hey, I am sure Bellows Falls is a nice place with wonderful people.
Doctor, you might want to consider getting your dome done up like the fields. This might save you from these types of embarrassing and sad episodes in the future.
Anyway, here is more from poor Mike:
"Aldrich says that he gets only about one black customer a year at his shop in Bellows Falls, which lies on the Vermont-New Hampshire border and is 97 percent white. He tells them up front that he struggles with cutting their hair.
"I'm sorry," he said he tells them. "You can sit in the chair if you want, but I've tried cutting it, and I have problems. Whether I don't have the right equipment, I don't know." [Source]
Mike, invite the Doctor over for some cider and apple pie and have your own little racial summit. Bring a black barber down to your area to teach you how to cut black hair while the cameras roll, and hug the Doctor and tell him that the next time he comes to Bellows Falls the hair-cut will be on the house. Oh, and don't forget to tell him that you will have gotten some of the "right equipment" by then.
Field: I don't know if the guy can cut hair or not. I live in NH and, as a transplanted Left Coaster, I can tell you NH and VT are the whitest states I've ever seen. It is total white bread up here. I lived in Richmond, VA for 8 years by way of contrast.
I feel sorry for both of them.
Sigh! Maybe, Mike, Darryl, John & myself can have a hair summit & talk about all of our issues.
Sorry, I could not resist.
The Dr should have know better. Well, unless he has that good hair.
Good post,Field!
I call shenanigans.
Even though I loc, I still CAREFULLY consider, weigh pros and cons and require a few references from someone who is to do my hair (kidding but...).
My ex and my brother in law had the same barbers for years. Men and women don't just walk in off the street and look for a new person to do their 'do.
"Mike was not guilty of racism, he was guilty of being a liar and a wimp. He should have looked the good Doctor in the eye and said: "I am sorry sir, I would do a really bad job on your hair, because I have never cut a black person's hair before. "
Field I agree. And what is a black professional man doing up in Vermont anyway? Gee, let me take a guess. Next.
LOL at Tafari.
My father doesn't have an afro-centric hair texture, but even he's programmed to sit his behind in a black barber's chair. Black barbers/beauticians are notoriously versatile to accommodate almost all hair types.
I have one kid with regular hair, and one with rather Caucasian/straight hair. You need clippers for one kid and scissors for another. I tell both kids not to let anyone except their barber/stylist, their parents or grandma to touch their hair. A white barber in a all white town? Really...he was just looking for drama. I'm sure his momma or someone else told him never to do this.
Field, fyi. Bellows Falls, Vt is a great place with wonderful people there. It's kind of like being in Scandinavia...everybody loves having a Black there cause they get tired of all the blinding whiteness. Anyway, the people are great and you never here the N-word cause there are no loud mouth Negroes calling each other N-word.
Btw, I am a black REPUBLICAN. I believe people should be married before having children. Vermont is a moral state. Come visit me sometime. Bring your clippers with you.
As a part-time Cosmetologist there is no such thing as "Black" hair unless you mean color. Many other races posess what is know as over-curly hair (nappy). Jeffery Toobin, John Turturro, and other whites have "overcurly" hair. The barber was a dumb racist. You can bet that if Jeffery or John went to his shop he'll hook them up. Maybe I should open a shop up there.
Mr. Aldrich should have cut his hair to make a point.
"Patches...I'm depending on you son"
Give the Clarence Carter song a complete new meaning....
Kid, "You can bet that if Jeffery or John went to his shop he'll hook them up. Maybe I should open a shop up there."
Kid, stay out of my town and my territory. I don't need any Cleveland Dem Negroes moving up here screwing up everything.
Didn't I tell you? See what Anon @ 9:44 PM said. OK, I will make a visit. I want lots of cider. :)
Anon @ 9:51 PM, that was funny.
La~Audio, you need to quit.How do you know why that poor Doctor was in Vt. ?
I can't help it, I almost hurt myself laughing at that anon 9:51 pm.
Anony 9:44, let a few more of you negroes infest... I mean relocate to Vermont or any other heavily white populated community, and you'll see how friendly they'll continue to be. You'll turn from being that cute little yorki crossing the street, to a big rat on the sidewalk.
"Anony 9:44, let a few more of you negroes infest... I mean relocate to Vermont or any other heavily white populated community, and you'll see how friendly they'll continue to be. You'll turn from being that cute little yorki crossing the street, to a big rat on the sidewalk."
That was funny as well. :)
Gal pickney yu pon a roll.
LAA, "Anony 9:44, let a few more of you negroes infest... I mean relocate to Vermont or any other heavily white populated community, and you'll see how friendly they'll continue to be. You'll turn from being that cute little yorki crossing the street, to a big rat on the sidewalk."
That's why I am concerned about Kid moving up here. I don't need that shit.
Dear Mr. Field, it looks like the perfect black liberal progressive Dumbocrat will be making a bid for President in 2012. I am passing this along because I know you and your readers such as LAA and FP would like that bm are starting to take things seriously and stepping up their game in life...
There is a difference between a cosmetologist and a barber. If you were in a state with few Negroes or other ethnic groups, how would you train and if he's 80 like my dad's barber they would have never cross trained.
BTW I haven't seen a barber younger than seventy who can shave with a straight razor. I sometime go to a barber to have my hair cut.
Three stories:
1) This reminds me of a commercial in which a black kid goes off to college and visits a white barber who gets coached by the kid's hometown barber on cutting the kid's hair.
2) Long ago, when my family was the first African American family to move into the neighborhood, my older brother, a teenager at the time, went to the neighborhood barber for a haircut. Said barber messed up his hair so badly that my brother wound up wearing a winter hat for the remainder of the summer.
My mother, while trying to console him (he was in tears) laughed and told him he should have known better than to go to some white barber and assume that he would know how to cut his hair.
3) Back in the 1990's, I was working for a newspaper in Carbondale, Ill. There was only one black beautician in town -- and she was always booked. Carbondale is a college town and what black kids who were there went to her to get their hair done.
One day I had an assignment that conflicted with my standing hair appointment and I canceled. A change in the assignment came up and three minutes later I called the beautician to reschedule. Within that time span, someone snapped up my place.
So, I called J.C. Penny's hair salon. Thankfully, the person who did perms was out(and probably not the kind of procedure that black folks think of when it comes to perms), so I settled for a wash and set.
And the nicest white beautician set about doing my hair. (She even called afterwards to see if I'd like to set up another appointment).
She was the sweetest little thing, but she didn't know what she was doing. And the result, this child had me looking like Nancy from the comic strip.
Was I angry with her? No, as much as I was dismayed, no. If anything, I could have kicked myself for having to cancel my appointment with my regular beautician in the first place.
And as much as I was distressed then, it makes for a good laugh today. LOL.
Haircuts...Racist Barbers?? Really.....Damn FN you are stretchin. Don't tell me you can't find better fictious race baiting then this right here.
I got it, how about an expose on Rev Al Sharpton and how many lies and or cases turned out to be fake race baiting. Lets see what shakes out of that. I guarentee you you will win the Golden Malt 45 award if you do this.
Rev Sharpton is an honest progressive liberal who does not believe in race baiting. He sees everybody as the same, regardless of color.
Many white anons have gone to him for blessings, prayer and meditation. They will attest that the Rev is no race baiter.
its one of the draw backs of living in Vermont/ New Hampshire lack of places to get a decent fade and no popeyes
Haircuts...Racist Barbers?? Really.....Damn FN you are stretchin. Don't tell me you can't find better fictious race baiting then this right here.
I got it, how about an expose on Rev Al Sharpton and how many lies and or cases turned out to be fake race baiting. Lets see what shakes out of that. I guarentee you you will win the Golden Malt 45 award if you do this.<<
If you bother reading the post again, Field goes after the doctor who was silly enough to go to the barbershop in the first place.
We keep putting our issues in the limelight...and using theirs as stepstools.
Maybe the two should have a chat.
Just so you-uns know...some barbers in Witesylvania voted for Sarey for President...as Franco was dead.
This was a humorous break from all the tumult we've been experiencing of late. Sharon...calm down.
"If you bother reading the post again, Field goes after the doctor who was silly enough to go to the barbershop in the first place."
Well, it doesn't matter. Field is a racism chaser and you are just trying to cover up what he is really saying. You must have a crush on Field.
I'm going to Vermont for Thanksgiving -- I'll bring my clippers for the good doctor!
And no, I wouldn't expect a white hairdresser/barber in Vermont to be confident enough to do my hair.
But that's me.
kid said...
"As a part-time Cosmetologist there is no such thing as "Black" hair... The barber was a dumb racist.... Maybe I should open a shop up there."
I walked into kid's shop in Cleveland once and asked him to cut my Whiteman hair. He stammered and said the barber wasn't in. I glared at him for several long seconds until I noticed the dark urine stain spreading across his pants, then turned and left.
On the way back from getting my hair cut at Great Clips, I walked by kid's shop again. He had uptownsteve in the chair with a KFC bucket on his head, getting a flat top. Uptown was looking at a Juggs magazine and tapping his toes on the footrest. When they saw me looking at them through the window, they both froze and turned white as ghosts, or more accurately, as white as kid and uptown could look. The Juggs magazine fell to the floor, and kid started to wet his pants again. I turned and made my way down Euclid Avenue, never to return, the image of the two most ridiculous human beings on the planet burned into my memory forever.
True story.
@Sharon from WI
JC Penny is notorious for screwing up Black women's hair.
Good points. I agree.
Sharon from WI said...
Haircuts...Racist Barbers?? Really.....Damn FN you are stretchin. Don't tell me you can't find better fictious race baiting then this right here.
I got it, how about an expose on Rev Al Sharpton and how many lies and or cases turned out to be fake race baiting. Lets see what shakes out of that. I guarentee you you will win the Golden Malt 45 award if you do this.<<
If you bother reading the post again, Field goes after the doctor who was silly enough to go to the barbershop in the first place.
11:42 PM
Oh Sharon, tounge in cheek, irony , humor, get it yet? Damn some race baiters take their chasin a wittle bit to sewiously, where dat waacist amber lamps at?...sorry for slippin into Sharpton Tongue.
Hmmm, I don't think the barber was being racist. Give me a break. It's Vermont, it's not like he's cutting black hair all the time.
I live in Rome and before I started going to my current hairdresser (who is not black) I went in for a consultation. There are black hairstylists who don't know what to do with a natural. Why would I assume that an Italian-Australian women could do my hair?
She does a great job cutting my natural but can she do a double strand twist? No. I would need to go to one of the African salons for that.
True hair has a medullary tube, a central core, which in Whites is generally partly filled with light fatty tissue and collagens (allowing the various shades of color we display, and translucence). In Asians it's filled with a dark proteinized "pith", tending toward dark browns and black. In addition, the hair of Whites is oval in cross-section, tending toward waviness, and in Asians, is circular, tending toward straightness. Forensics investigators can instantly identify Race of subjects as indicated by hair samples
The head cover of Blacks is flat on one side, and the opposite side grows faster, which causes the shaft to grow in spirals. The medullary tube is absent. This is not true hair, it's wool. Only two common animals share this: sheep and Negroes.
Harry, "On the way back from getting my hair cut at Great Clips, I walked by kid's shop again. He had uptownsteve in the chair with a KFC bucket on his head, getting a flat top. Uptown was looking at a Juggs magazine and tapping his toes on the footrest. When they saw me looking at them through the window, they both froze and turned white as ghosts, or more accurately, as white as kid and uptown could look. The Juggs magazine fell to the floor, and kid started to wet his pants again...
True story."
I was shocked to have read about this 'true story' on FN blog so damn early in the morning. It fucked my day up. Never in a million years would I think that Kid would be so afraid that he would piss on himself TWICE in one day.
I always thought of Kid as the 'bad ass' of Cleveland, maybe the entire country. I even thought that the brotha would whip the shit out of any white man for just 'glancing' at him, let alone 'glaring' at him for several seconds. I don't think I can take many more disappointments like this...(tears)... Kid was my hero.
Mr. Field, please stop the "True Stories" on FN Blog that make bm cry and bw like FP and LAA laugh. It's too much to take.
from an FN devoted anon,
Harry Whiteman, you must have those 'crazy white man' looking eyes for Kid to pee on himself twice in one day. You must be a Grand Wizard, Nazi, or 'Dumbocrat' that just lost the election.
Btw, how many pieces of chicken were left in the bucket?
Tafari, "The Dr should have know better. Well, unless he has that good hair."
Hmmm. By 'good hair' do you mean white hair? So, if the Dr. has light skin or white skin, does that mean his skin is 'good skin'?
"Haircuts...Racist Barbers?? Really.....Damn FN you are stretchin. Don't tell me you can't find better fictious race baiting then this right here.
I got it, how about an expose on Rev Al Sharpton and how many lies and or cases turned out to be fake race baiting. Lets see what shakes out of that. I guarentee you you will win the Golden Malt 45 award if you do this."
What an idiot! Hey genius, can you even read? -I swear this is getting old. - Read the post again you moron. Sorry folks, I know it's early, but some of these Anons are really really stupid.
But then, on the other hand, some Anons -like Anon. 5:55 AM- are funny.
Calling prez. of Anon Inc. calling prez of Anon Inc.
"its one of the draw backs of living in Vermont/ New Hampshire lack of places to get a decent fade and no popeyes"
Do they at least have KFC's?
"This is not true hair, it's wool. Only two common animals share this: sheep and Negroes."
Anon. you sound like you know a lot about sheep. What other part of the sheep have wooly hair? I'm just asking. :)
The barber should have said straight up, "I'll try to cut your hair, but I don't have any experience cutting hair like yours. If you don't like the cut, it's on you."
That said, what's the big deal? My Jamaican husband cuts his own hair with electric clippers. I wish he wouldn't, but he can't stand going to the barbers. That and the black barbers in Switzerland aren't in the nicest shops.
"Tafari, "The Dr should have know better. Well, unless he has that good hair."
Hmmm. By 'good hair' do you mean white hair? So, if the Dr. has light skin or white skin, does that mean his skin is 'good skin'"l
Nooo, by "good hair" I think he meant wooly, like a sheep. :)
Seriously, I am guessing Tafari's tongue was in his cheek when he said that.
I am getting a great education about barbers and beauticians all over the world here. This is great stuff! Thanks folks.
Someone above mentioned an old school straight razor. (Hathor I think) and you are right. There used to be an old guy up in Germantown (Shout out to Nash's Barber Shop) who I used go to every now and then to get my dome really scraped clean. He is not there anymore, and I have been on the prowl to find another good one ever since.
If anyone reading this happens to live in the Philly area and knows where I can get a good straight razor shave, please holla at your boy.
JC Penny is notorious for screwing up Black women's hair.<<
Lol, apparently so.
It's funny how when I was in the Coast Guard, black and asian barbers had no problem cutting white, black or asian people's hair but the white barber's always claimed they could not cut black people's hair.
I even see Asian barbers working at black hair salons in the DC area.
Once upon a time, as the only white guy in ATL's West End, I tried countless barber shops to get a hair cut.
Anyone, barber or not, who says cutting white and black people's hair (with few exceptions)is all the same is a foolio.
A) You do not shave a part into a white man's head.
B) You do not "line up" the hair line on a white man's forehead.
C) If you do not know what thinning shears are, you do not touch my head.
In defence of the barber in question, who should have been honest, society teaches white people they cannot say ANYTHING regarding race without getting in trouble. If Mr. Barber was anything like the white folk I know he probably thought he would get sued for turning away a black man due to his race... or hair texture.
If the Good Dr. sues this man for not speeking up. he will only enbed this fallacy in the popular white cukture even deeper and than we will never get enywhere... unless further division is where you are trying to get.
"In defence of the barber in question, who should have been honest, society teaches white people they cannot say ANYTHING regarding race without getting in trouble."
White people say stupid clueless shit about race all the time.
They just hate being challenged about it.
i once let a white person do my hair in a fancy white people hair shop. Never. Again. she really, really messed it up. so yeah, i'll defend the barber. they aren't trained how to deal with our hair, in those places where white people learn how to be barbers and hairdressers. i used to work in a white people hair salon, and every single one of the white stylists admitted to me that they very little training with our hair types. however, they did say that increasingly (for upscale shops like this one, anyway) that's changing. companies like Aveda are incorporating learning about our hair into the mandatory training their stylists receive.
We are in agreement on this one. Honesty is the best policy.
As a young lad, I once made the huge mistake of going to a white barbershop. Within 10 minutes I knew they did not have a clue. That being said the very best barber I ever had was an old white Cuban fellow. He may have been painfully slow, but his work was meticulous!
i wonder at what point does an incident like this cross over into something you want to go public about, rather than just confronting the barber. he didn't try to contact the NAACP but he got the man shamed. was that productive, useful, necessary? or divisive?
i happen to agree with brohamas. whatever the guy said would have come off sounding wrong, but he should at least have been honest.
what's a doc from modesto, who went to medical school at howard, doing trying to get a cut in a white shop anyway? was this some kind of lunch counter protest--to see if he could get served? surely he didn't think the guy would have much experience given the demographics. i would not go into an all black salon, any more than i would take my honda to a toyota dealer.
I think cutting hair is an art. Yes you can be trained and I think the training has to be specific on hair types, but some people just know how and what any hair will do. I think people should be honest about what they can do.
I initially went natural because a Black beautician cut my hair where I could not keep it neat. I had asked her only to trim the ends. It was cut as if she put a bowl on my hair. Neatness and off the shoulder was a requirement in the Army. There was someone from Chicago who wore her hair natural and the Army didn't complain, so I cut mine shorter and went natural too.
Sometimes later a white girl in my platoon cut my bushy hair and did a great job. She didn't have any formal training, but liked cutting hair.
She is one of those people who I call an artist.
If you want the probability of someone being able to cut Black hair in an unknown place, it is better to go to one of those chains, like Supercuts.
Why in the hell would he think that white man would know how to do it. He's in freckin VT. C'mon son! Okay I live on Maine. And my boys have straight/wavy hair and if needed I can go to a white barber shop. But if I want it edged up nicely and looking clean, I do it when I go home to the Bronx. And I do not get my hair done here AT ALL! I do it myself, I can't have anyone playing in my hair.
i would not go into an all black salon, any more than i would take my honda to a toyota dealer. <<
Oh, but you could certainly do so. Black hair comes in all types of grades--from very straight to very coarse. Beleive me, a good black beautician would know what to do with your hair.
I was once erroneously told that beauticians, regardless of color, were trained to handle all types of hair, hence my ill-fated trip to JC Penney's salon. But black beauticians, by neccesity, learn to treat all types of hair.
Have any of y'all tried poodle cuts, they are specially trained..
Having lived in the Michigan Upper Peninsula for 18 months, my suggestion to brothers who venture into the Great White North is......learn to cut your own hair.
uptownsteve said...
"Having lived in the Michigan Upper Peninsula for 18 months, my suggestion to brothers who venture into the Great White North is......learn to cut your own hair."
What, they don't have KFC's up there?
The association between KFC's and barbers is?
BTW I thought all you anon pantloads went back to the padded rooms after 6:00 am.
Because you need to put an empty KFC bucket with the bottom cut out on your head to get you a proper flat top!
The barber should have been honest. Plain & simple.
THIS didn’t have to get HERE. & it is sad to me that this did come here & many other stories do, too.
"In defence of the barber in question, who should have been honest, society teaches white people they cannot say ANYTHING regarding race without getting in trouble."
I agree, Brohammas. Please ignore that dumb black Dumbocrat, UTS. The man is an idiot.
Btw, I am a black Republican recruiter for the GOP. I usually recruit brothas. However, there is no reason I can't bring in some white brothas, too. Being married to a sista, you seem like an "open-minded" chap. Maybe you can discuss this with your wife? Maybe the GOP/Tea Party could get both of you as 'two-for-one' deal?
Who knows, the two of you 'could' become the poster couple of the GOP and Tea Party. You could become famous and lift Philly to national prominence.
Interested? just remember to give me credit for the idea.
Just for the record, white folks in VT are some of the best Americans in the country.
"In defence of the barber in question, who should have been honest, society teaches white people they cannot say ANYTHING regarding race without getting in trouble."
You mind telling me how Pat Buchanan can say blacks should be thankful for slavery and still be employed by MSNBC?
Glenn Beck can say that Obama hates white people and become a cult hero?
I'll patiently await your response.
"You mind telling me how Pat Buchanan can say blacks should be thankful for slavery and still be employed by MSNBC?"
There are no blacks employed by MSNBC!
And you should be grateful for slavery, a great evil perpretrated on your ancestors, but the reason you and 40 million other black folk are here, comprising the richest, best educated, and healthiest black population in human history.
"And you should be grateful for slavery, a great evil perpretrated on your ancestors, but the reason you and 40 million other black folk are here, comprising the richest, best educated, and healthiest black population in human history."
And so should you right? Are you white, and in America? If so, YOU are also here lapping up the best education, health and the richest in this country off the blood of African slavery.
It's ironic how some whites are so quick to tell blacks in America how lucky they are, yet they'll be the first to deny their own "luck" and privileges because of African slavery.
"YOU are also here lapping up the best education, health and the richest in this country off the blood of African slavery"
Is that where the free market engine of prosperity and the great advances of science and technology came from, spurting from the veins of African slaves?
The labor of slaves powered the economic basis of the agricultural south, but the south was poor and undeveloped compared to the rest of the country.
None of my ancestors ever owned slaves.
"None of my ancestors ever owned slaves."
But you and your ancestors benefitted from the work performed by slaves and the free labor which established this nation's foundation of wealth.
Which provided those white minds the wealth, comfort, and opportunity to explore science and technology.
Cuz blacks were doing all the real work.
"It's ironic how some whites are so quick to tell blacks in America how lucky they are, yet they'll be the first to deny their own "luck" and privileges because of African slavery"
Right on.
"Cuz blacks were doing all the real work."
Most of it. In the south.
The legacy of slavery has benefited every white person in this country--directly and personally. In a very gross analogy, if you run a series of foot races over 300 years but prevent 13 percent of the participants from learning how to run for 180 years and then give them concrete sneakers for another 80 years--but allow them full access for 40 years, it will take the 13 percent quite a few races to be competitive because the other 87 percent advanced their skills by practice and repetition.
"Cuz blacks were doing all the real work."
Most of it. In the south."
Well Einstein before the mid 19th century this America was an agrarian nation.
The economy was powered by crops like rice, tobacco, corn and cotton which were sold in the European market.
And guess who did the work?
AB: Your foot race analogy is confused, but has some validity.
Of course you can't just say "sorry about that slavery and segregation thing, we're cool now right? and move on like nothing happened.
But....things have been pretty cool for 50 years now.
And, does it help the 13% more by holding the 87% back, or by focusing on teaching them how to run faster?
"Well Einstein before the mid 19th century this America was an agrarian nation."
Well, Douglas, we are now a decade into the 21st century. Move on.
We have.
A brother is in the White House.
Didn't you notice?
Ok, so we ARE cool.
Good, i'm glad that's settled.
What's settled?
There is no more racism in America?
Or is it that you don't want to hear any race talk from black folks.
Meanwhile you will continue your attacks on black folks, right?
Lawd help these children.
Yes, there is no more real racism in America, AND I don't don't want to hear any more race talk from anybody.
And i'm not attacking anyone.
Sorry to keep you waiting.
The reasons those idiots mentioned still have jobs is the medias taste for sensationalism. The reason they are popular is because they buck convention and say things a lot of white people think.
I am not saying those knuckleheads are right in what they say, or that all those silent whites are right in what they think, but I am saying that whites in general feel unallowed to express themselves.
You can say I'm wrong, I question your intimate knowledge of behind closed doors white society, but try this experiment: Go up to any white tsranger on the street and challenge them to say what they really think of Al Sharpton, OJ, and afirmative action. Then watch as they attempt some egg shell dance and have a minor anxiety attack.
We will never get past being idiots unless we can address our idiocy directly.
Hey Anon, I'll take the bait...
but I will never be a part of the GOP as long as they support fools like Sonny Perdue when he ran on the platform of returning the Confederate battle flag to the GA state flag.
brohammas said..."but I will never be a part of the GOP as long as they support fools like Sonny Perdue"
What about Sonny Bono and the Purdue Boilermakers?
FN this is something that matters in the community, blog on it. The racial achievement gap is crazy. Even if from common socioeconomic backgrounds blacks do worse. Sucks.
"but I am saying that whites in general feel unallowed to express themselves."
A lot of racists feel that a right has been taken from them because they can't vent their hate in black folks faces anymore and get away with it.
"Go up to any white tsranger on the street and challenge them to say what they really think of Al Sharpton, OJ, and afirmative action. Then watch as they attempt some egg shell dance and have a minor anxiety attack."
I think if some stranger rolled up on me in the street and asked me the same thing I'd probably tell them to get the hell out of my face.
We'll have to agree to disagree on this one.
I have white co-workers who I'm pretty friendy with who have no problem talking about how much they hate Sharpton, Farrakhan, Jesse Jackson or how unfair affirmative action is. Of course our one black director is an affirmative action recipient according to them. Even though the guy was in the top 3 in gross revenue for the company 5 straight years, that doesn't matter.
President Obama is never referred to as "President Obama". He's just Obama.
And on it goes.
uptown steve, please respond to the article the anon just posted up. this is all over Yahoo news. black folk is fuckin up!
"President Obama is never referred to as "President Obama". He's just Obama."
Just like I'm sure you always referred to "President Bush" rather than just Bush.
"Even if from common socioeconomic backgrounds blacks do worse"
Ohh bull$hit.
You're not going to tell me that the well spoken highly intelligent middle class black boys of my community are being outperformed by trailer park rednecks.
That's garbage.
I've got kids in my sub-division who have been accepted into the Naval Academy, Georgetown, and Howard.
And you're saying the goobers working at the Jiffy Lube are smarter?
we abused scapegoated teachers told u all so long ago
and hobama and his charter school scams and vet/best teacher layoffs will make this all worse
Those who can, do.
Those who can't, teach.
u aint a teacher ya bloviating buceta licker! u dont have a credential and u aint have any other qualifications to teach 'gifted' children ya kuntwad!
and uptown steve ure a lyin sack of shit maybe u r senile!
Notice how kid took off as soon as Harry Whiteman showed up at 12:00 AM, and hasn't been seen since? Word.
but anon 416 doers make the best teachers which is why buceta breaf aint no teacher cuz she aint never 'DONE' nothin! buceta breaf moronic fiendish rodent!
ditto for bill cosby
he said so long ago too
Students who never behave will never learn. Students who are never taught to revere education at home will never excel in schools. Students who torture teachers will never encourage superior educators to remain in classrooms.
Academic ability is more important than ever before in our global economy. Children must now compete with global intellectuals. Retirement is a fiscal fantasy in an increasingly technological world, where students must learn many skills for perpetual job changes. Today, an inability to learn is suicidal.
Politicos will only continue to scapegoat and betray teachers. Those acts of cowardice are easier than dealing with the complex socioeconomic realities of toxic parenting. Fatally flawed, racist, and elitist federal educational programs like No Child Left Behind (NCLB) will never repair broken American schools. They only serve to sabotage the minority of students who revere education.
Typically, private schools do not adhere to any of the genocidal and mindless tenets of NCLB. Private schools do not tolerate misbehavior or enable abusive or absentee parents. Teachers at private schools are allowed to teach, while public school teachers are forced to compulsively test and perpetually discipline. This is a tragic national disgrace!
As I grieve about leaving the wonderful babies and positive parents that I adore, I religiously read two books as therapy: Come on People: On the Path from Victims to Victors by Bill Cosby and Dr. Alvin Poussaint, and The Shame of the Nation: The Restoration of Apartheid Schooling in America by Jonathan Kozol. I recommend these two classic books to anyone who cares about education. I hope they heal your emotional wounds as they do mine.
Whose Who in American Education - 2007-2008
Who's Who Among Americas Teachers - 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education - Praxis III Score: 57/57 - 2004
Who’s Who in America 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in the World 2007 & 2010-2011
Who’s Who of American Women 2008 - 2011
Who’s Who in American Education 2007-2008
Who's Who Among America’s Teachers 2005-2006
Arkansas Department of Education’s Praxis III Score: 57/57 2004
Who's Who Among African-Americans 2001
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Trailblazer Award 1996
Outstanding Young Woman of America 1986
Who's Who Among Students in American Universities & Colleges 1984
UIUC Dean's List 1984
UIUC Senior 100 Honorary 1984
UIUC Black Alumni Association Earl Dickerson Achievement Award 1983
UIUC Black Alumni Association Potential Leadership Award 1982
UIUC 5.0 GPA Award 1982
I am a teacher in Florida.
I went to school at one of the best universities in the country and completed undergraduate and graduate programs in Education. I am a master of my craft. I know what effective teaching entails, and I know how to manage the curriculum and needs of the diverse learners in my full inclusion classroom. I graduated at the top of my class and entered my first year of teaching confident and equipped to teach effectively. Sadly, I am now being micro-managed, with my instruction dictated to me. I am expected to mold “out-of-the-box” thinkers while I am forced to stay within the lines of the instructional plans mandated by policy-makers. I am told what I am to teach and when, regardless of the makeup of my students, by decision-makers far away from my classroom or even my school. The message comes in loud and clear that a group of people in business suits can more effectively determine how to provide exemplary instruction than I can. My expertise is waved away, disregarded, and overlooked. I am treated like a day-laborer, required to follow the steps mapped out for me, rather than blaze a trail that I deem more appropriate and effective for my students—students these decision-makers have never met.
I am a teacher in Florida.
I am overworked, underpaid, and unappreciated by most. I spend my weekends, my vacations, and my summers preparing for school, and I constantly work to improve my teaching to meet the needs of my students. I am being required to do more and more, and I’m being compensated less and less.
I am a teacher in Florida, not for the pay or the hardships, the disregard or the disrespect; I am a teacher in Florida because I am given the chance to change lives for the good, to educate and elevate the minds and hearts of my students, and to show them that success comes in all shapes and sizes, both in the classroom and in the community.
I am a teacher in Florida today, but as I watch many of my incredible, devoted coworkers being forced out of the profession as a matter of survival, I wonder: How long will I be able to remain a teacher in Florida?
behind every great person are great teachers
and behind every great teacher is a clueless fool who has never spent 1 hr in an avg public classroom
While many of the students in Tammy McCartney's Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, middle school classroom were attentive, more than a handful preferred to horseplay and wander the room. Administrators signed off on her plan to place troublesome students at an isolated desk in the corner, but that became a pipe dream in a room so crammed with students that one needed to turn sideways to walk the aisles. Administrators discouraged sending students to the office. When one absolutely needed to be sent, the teacher had to first stop and fill out a referral form, and even then the student was usually sent right back to the classroom, his or her behavior unchanged.
Compounding the problem were phone calls to parents that yielded indifference or blatant animosity. McCartney's breaking point came the day that a boy put a sweatshirt on as a pair of pants and waddled around the classroom, creating havoc. When she called his house, his mother said he must have just been cold, and hung up. "I said, 'I think I've had enough,'" McCartney, 29, says. She quit last spring.
Unmanageable discipline problems mean more than a headache in the classroom. For teachers like McCartney, they erode desire to invest time and energy in lesson plans that make the content come alive for students. Preservice training is often of little help, too. "We spent very little, if any, time on discipline," McCartney says of the training she received the summer before entering the classroom. "I entered the profession completely unprepared for discipline problems."
Deciding to leave devastated McCartney, a once optimistic and enthusiastic young teacher. "Gosh, it was a really big defeat," she says, letting out a deep breath. "Teaching is important, but I got to the point where I wasn't willing to sacrifice so much anymore."
absent dads breed horrid male students of all races!!!
A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher.
bill cosby
Mike should hire a black barber instead.
u aint shit worse who awards are BOUGHT by poor saps who need an ego stroke those awards mean absolutely NOTHING ya coohole!
Brohammas, re:UTS. Didn't I tell you that UTS was an idiot? He thinks he KNOWS how Whites feel even when it is clear that they are telling him otherwise. He doesn't care what you or any other person says(Black or White) about who they are, or how they feel. UTS only cares what HE is feeling, because he thinks he is the center of the universe.
In UTS's world, all human beings, Black or White, don't know what they are talking about. Therefore, he does not consider or 'hear' what you are saying. As said so many times before, it is impossible to have an intelligent discussion with a self-centered ignorant narcissist like UTS.
You would do well to tell him to kiss your white ass and to go fuck himself.
This suggestion comes from a brotha.
AB, "A mother can usually teach a daughter how to be a woman. But as much as mothers love their sons, they have difficulty showing a son how to be a man. A successful man can channel his natural aggression. Without that discipline, these sons often get into trouble at school because many teachers find it difficult to manage their "acting out" behavior. If you think we're exaggerating, talk to a teacher."
So true. The REALITY is this: A mother can bring a son into the world, and nurture him. But she cannot take him to manhood. It takes another man to do that.
Despite this, there are bw who think they can teach their sons how to be men...that is a very BIG mistake, and very harmful to the son.
"Go up to any white tsranger on the street and challenge them to say what they really think of Al Sharpton, OJ, and afirmative action.
Speaking of OJ, a lot was made in the (white) media about how blacks celebrated his acquital.
What wasn't discussed nearly as much was how angry and enraged a lot of white people were at the verdict.
At my job at the time white women were crying. One white guy screamed "FUCK" and ran out of the conference room in a rage.
Another turned beet red, slammed his fist on the table and stormed out vowing that this was going to "turn back race relations."
Whenever white folks get mad it's "bad for race relations".
"Whenever white folks get mad it's "bad for race relations"."
Yep. Right after the OJ verdict is when we invented AIDS.
"Yep. Right after the OJ verdict is when we invented AIDS."
So what did Liberace and Rick Hudson die of?
Sammy Davis Jr. killed them. That's when we invented crack.
ditto on oj!
i was on the air in atlanta daily at wigo during the oj trial
my audience was split down the middle by race
50% in each race thought oj was guilty and vice versa!
just as the globe is still split now by 50% in each race
ONLY the racist white media made this a racial issue
That's garbage.
I've got kids in my sub-division who have been accepted into the Naval Academy, Georgetown, and Howard.
Say thank you to Affirmative action and reduction of test scores.
And you're saying the goobers working at the Jiffy Lube are smarter? Ask any geneticist. Its a fact.
Getdafugouttahere. So the truth comes out, your a wannabe Italian who is forced to live with the fact that not only could he never be made because he is not pure italian. You wouldnt even be allowed to sit at the same table unless you were bringing the mooliyan parmigian.
this wm had the final word on oj for me:
remember when bush was called a racist for scheming to axe ssi?
ditto for hobama!!!!!!!
With a black president leading the charge to eviscerate Medicare, Medicaid and social security in the name of “deficit reduction,” what is there left of black politics? What is the relevance of so-called black leaders in the Democratic party, and the remains of our historic civil rights organizations?
It took a Republican Richard Nixon to open relations with China in the seventies. It took Democrat Bill Clinton to impose draconian cuts in welfare and end college courses for prisoners in the nineties. And today, only a black Democratic president can sufficiently disarm Democrats, only a black Democrat can demobilize the black polity completely enough for the raid on “entitlements” to be successful
In the real world, very few elders, and percentage-wise, even fewer black elders will be able to lead anything like a dignified life off retirement savings and 401K plans. If real black leadership existed right now, it would stand up for lowering, not raising the retirement age. Besides obligating millions who are physically unable to seek or sustain employment far into their seventh decade, raising the retirement age will add millions of unemployed elders to the work force, where they will compete with their own children and grandchildren for scarce employment opportunities. If black America had a real voice you'd hear it on the radio and TV explaining that lowering the retirement age would open up millions of jobs for deserving younger workers. You'd read in black newspapers and magazines that a modest rise in benefits would encourage more people to retire, and that those benefits would be immediately spent to fire up the economy, unlike the hundreds of billions in “quantitative easing” doled out to banksters who aim to use it to buy up foreign assets.
shut up ya dumb animal dont nobody give a flying PHUKK what chu think about oj or whoever the hell ya stanky breaf fool!
like eye said u aint shit ya idgit a whose who award is laughable ya coohole! u deserve to have a phukked up rest of the week ya fool!
the bottom line is that u aint have no education and no real achievements in ur pathetic life chrick and when called upon this the onliest thang u ca do is show shit that u supposedly did in 1995 nucka please!
alicia banks is a gottdam loser liar shill and unstable essentially a waste of human organs
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
1993-1994 none of these sources have u listed in their archives from that time, eye mean the sources that actually exist!
u r a pathetic piece of garbage! if the only thing u can point to is some shit from damnear 20 years ago then u r worse off then eye thought
go back to ur padded cell and stop sullying this blog with ur bullshit ya worthless sack of cat shit!
girlfriends magazine has an online archive and ur ugly cast iron underbelly ass aint mentioned there at all ya liar! hows that 250 iq treatin ya buddy? clearly it aint treatin u well cuz smart people come up with much better lies than ur pathetic ass!
like hobama
u lie!
got google?
see ajc archives etc
haters never sleep or succeed
envy drains them so!...
u r the bald headed faceless poster gal for vulgar ghetto haters who have no education/lives/licks etc
Anonodon said...
"Notice how kid took off as soon as Harry Whiteman showed up at 12:00 AM, and hasn't been seen since? Word."
he probably pissed himself again and has been doing laundry all day.
Anon, and UTS for that matter,
You do realize this is the internet right?
I'm not really talking, er... typing, to him, I'm writing to everybody.
As far as white people getting mad being bad for race realations, HELLO, race relations is not a black issue, its (in this case) a black and white issue. Reality is we are all Americans and our attitudes affect each other. White people being mad IS bad for race relations, as in, pissed off white people are not going to care about education gaps (real or imagined) Police profiling, unbalanced incarceration rates, inequality to capital, etc etc.
Look if "We" are in fact part of the problem (which we are) than we need to start talking to each other rather than about each other.
So, UTS, or anyone else who watches what white people do; I'm telling you how we tell each other we feel. You may think I'm off, but its how it is.
u r the bald headed faceless poster gal for vulgar ghetto haters who have no education/lives/licks etc
kudos!!!buceta breaf
yep just as eye suspected when called upon ur bullshit u come back with some tired ass fourth grade insult about who ever is bald
bitch u aint shit with ur pathetic and easily unverifiable lies ya coohole!
why not try answering the question about where ur scholarly works are published oh wait ure a gottdamn liar!
brohammas uts is senile and suffers from the worst type of senility; hes in denial about everything including his senility u know his ass is a real troublemaker at the home those nursing assistants stay pissed at him and only change his diaper twice a day no wonder hes so gottdamn salty!
brohammas, "So, UTS, or anyone else who watches what white people do; I'm telling you how we tell each other we feel. You may think I'm off, but its how it is."
Again, I am in total agreement. As a bm, I know from direct experience that Whites are hesitant to speak up about how they feel to a black person.
Anybody of 'any' color in America has to know that. But there are some people who just don't care how Whites feel(UTS). Hopefully most Blacks and Whites don't think or feel like UTS. We cannot afford that.
Don't even have to think about this one. We had an African professor go into a small town barber shop here in NC in the '70s and the barber refused to cut his hair. The professor sued. Turns out the barber wasn't trained to cut the tight, curly hair of black folk at that time.
So, I'm with the barber. He gets a pass.
BTW, next door in the QC, they're closing schools on the West Side and folks are up in arms. Yet, none of these folks up in arms are volunteering to mentor the young folks or to assist in schools. Especially the young males......Really putting the mayor in a spot....
BTW, that mayor is family member.
Ya'll do realize most of those Who's Who's that AB lists out are essentially a paid ad. You pay them to put your name in one and then they send them out. They tried to get me in them for a National Negro Merit thing back in the day. Think they wanted $75 a pop.LOL!!!!!!
"White people being mad IS bad for race relations, as in, pissed off white people are not going to care about education gaps (real or imagined) Police profiling, unbalanced incarceration rates, inequality to capital, etc etc."
What planet do you live on dude?
White people by and large don't give a $hit about these issues already which is why they have gotten to the extreme points that they have.
You seem to be one of these "we white folks have been real patient with you blacks" guys and of course I totally reject that.
As far as the supposedly "black" Anonymous, doesn't all that buckin and shufflin make you dizzy?
like hobama
u lie!!!!!!!
u have never been to college
i have never paid for any award because
all real awards are free!!!!
here is some more info on works for ya!:
The other professors hated him because he was lazy, unqualified, never attended any of the faculty meetings, and it was clear that the position was nothing more than a political stepping stool. According to my professor friend, he had the lowest intellectual capacity in the building. He also doubted whether he was legitimately an editor on the Harvard Law Review, because if he was, he would be the first and only editor of an Ivy League law review to never be published while in school (publication is or was a requirement).
on real college campuses real national awardees are selected 1 yr in advance by their mentors/profs/peers...
ditto for real naional teacher awards
they are based on principals & peers who nominate teachers due to the test scores of their students/parental evals etc
someday u may get a real education
and then u may know about such real awards in academia
until then
i proudly and do hereby officially nominate you for the:
2012 who's who among vulgar baldheaded retarded hater bloggersaward!!!
who's who among vulgar baldheaded blog
like hobama
u lie!
no one tried to get u
and if they did
got envy?
got hallucinatins?
u had no money u broke bitch
Though its nice we can use the same toilets and all, Black business did take a dive as a result of integration.
So seems to me a lesson not emphasized enough is why the hell would you be mad somebody didn't want to take your money.
Is this stuff being made up! because on an earlier post we had a white guy being called a racist at a polling station now we have this nonsense about a white barber.
I just think it is sad that hair stylists in general are not trained to do ALL hair.
What if a black man gets transferred to Vermont for a job and needs a haircut? Or hair products for that matter?
You are screwed as a black person trying to keep their hair up if you are anywhere outside of the deep south, New York State, or california.
Dear Field,
Just learned of this controversy the other day--news travels slowly in Bellows Falls. Mike the barber lives on our road--dead end dirt. I'm white and have a crew cut and I wouldn't go to Mike; styling hair--we're talking any style--just isn't his thing. So, the good doctor was ill advised in thinking he could just hop in a chair and come out looking like anything but, well, a Vermont farmer (the majority of Mike's clients). Bellows Falls has a very small number of African American residents and they inevitably stand out in a crowd. That said, we're a tolerant bunch and welcome pretty much everyone to this worn out town. Mike's no different. He's just rude. This is a guy who puts bread crumbs on the hood of your car, if you park in front of his shop longer than he thinks proper. And we have pigeons...
You got it right. Maybe Mike will, too, one day.
Worst haircut ever.
The good Doctor was better off without a haircut from Mike. He is quite untalented.
I made the mistake of getting a haircut there a couple days ago. I won't make that mistake again, and recommend that you, no matter your race, steer clear of an uneven cut full of rookie mistakes.
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