Things seem to intensify during the holiday season. People's emotions tend to get the better of them, and their true feelings always comes out. It's why my man racism works in overdrive around this time. But I have no problem with chasing his ass around the room and shining a light on him when he stops. The trick is to find the real Mr. R, and not fall for the fake ones like this author did.
Dateline Indiana:
"A business owner in Nobesville, Inidana has been selling soap with racist slogans. Residents of his town have come to support him after he was criticized for the racist soap. Fox 59 Reports:
The controversy over soap with racist labels being sold at a Noblesville store continues. In addition to those who are offended by the store selling these items, there is also growing support for the vendor who has been ordered to take the soaps off the shelves or face eviction.
After hearing about the soap, Carolyn Gentner bought two bars including one labeled “Kolored Kids.”
“I don’t think they’re offensive, I think they’re nostalgic,” she told Fox59 News. “I believe if this is going to be an issue, we should be in Kroger for selling Aunt Jemima syrup. " [Story]
"Growing support", indeed. Oh for those good ole days.
Dateline Illinois:
"CHICAGO-Chicago Sun-Times) A 4-year-old boy was Duct-Taped at the Pui Tak Christian School, in Chicago Illinois and the boy’s parents, Harold and Cara Irving, who are African-American, are claiming that race was a factor. The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
“I received a call from the school informing me that my son was in the principal’s office because he refused to take a nap, and he didn’t want to wash his hands,” Irving told me.
“I told them that I would come and pick him up. I arrived shortly after that and found him standing there with his hands duct-taped together.”
“She told me that I have to tell my son that it is not acceptable not to listen, and this is how it ends up with kids getting guns,” Irving said.
“My reaction was: ‘Are you kidding me. Is this what you think of little black kids?’ ”
Irving said he’s also concerned that school administrators treated his son like a criminal, thus reinforcing the stereotype that young black males are dangerous.
“I can’t think of any other race that they would have done this to,” Irving said. “If we don’t stop stereotyping and demoralizing black boys, we will precipitate the stereotype. We have to send a message that this is unacceptable for anyone’s child.” [Story]
Dateline Indiana:
"A business owner in Nobesville, Inidana has been selling soap with racist slogans. Residents of his town have come to support him after he was criticized for the racist soap. Fox 59 Reports:
The controversy over soap with racist labels being sold at a Noblesville store continues. In addition to those who are offended by the store selling these items, there is also growing support for the vendor who has been ordered to take the soaps off the shelves or face eviction.
After hearing about the soap, Carolyn Gentner bought two bars including one labeled “Kolored Kids.”
“I don’t think they’re offensive, I think they’re nostalgic,” she told Fox59 News. “I believe if this is going to be an issue, we should be in Kroger for selling Aunt Jemima syrup. " [Story]
"Growing support", indeed. Oh for those good ole days.
Dateline Illinois:
"CHICAGO-Chicago Sun-Times) A 4-year-old boy was Duct-Taped at the Pui Tak Christian School, in Chicago Illinois and the boy’s parents, Harold and Cara Irving, who are African-American, are claiming that race was a factor. The Chicago Sun-Times reports:
“I received a call from the school informing me that my son was in the principal’s office because he refused to take a nap, and he didn’t want to wash his hands,” Irving told me.
“I told them that I would come and pick him up. I arrived shortly after that and found him standing there with his hands duct-taped together.”
“She told me that I have to tell my son that it is not acceptable not to listen, and this is how it ends up with kids getting guns,” Irving said.
“My reaction was: ‘Are you kidding me. Is this what you think of little black kids?’ ”
Irving said he’s also concerned that school administrators treated his son like a criminal, thus reinforcing the stereotype that young black males are dangerous.
“I can’t think of any other race that they would have done this to,” Irving said. “If we don’t stop stereotyping and demoralizing black boys, we will precipitate the stereotype. We have to send a message that this is unacceptable for anyone’s child.” [Story]
Momma don't let your sons grow up to be Negroes.
Still, I don't know; it doesn't seem that anybody is safe in A-merry-ca these days.
I fought about getting some Church's Chicken tonight but decide on Panera's instead as for the soap... if it don't make my legs ashy like Ashy Larry, I might have to get a few bars
"“I received a call from the school informing me that my son was in the principal’s office because he refused to take a nap, and he didn’t want to wash his hands,” Irving told me."
And for this, you duct-tape the kid's hands together. Yeah, I think I'll enroll my kid somewhere else.
"Irving said he’s also concerned that school administrators treated his son like a criminal, thus reinforcing the stereotype that young black males are dangerous."
Well, he's Black, and they're all criminals at some point....
For what it's worth, the soap slogans are indeed offensive. It's not nostalgic, where do you draw the line? They always say, give em an inch... And could you imagine soaps with slogans in reference to the holocaust? (And don't forget how it's said they made soap from the fat of dead Jews for an added touch).
If you notice, the racist inclined still seem to take more liberty to offend blacks more than they do others... the way we treat each other, you ever wonder why?
As for the little black boy being duck taped, that was inappropriate and damaging towards the esteem and emotional well being of any young child. I would have given them the benefit for not being a racial issue if they didn't mention anything about "guns". I don't see the connection unless we are missing some other parts of the story regarding the child's behavior towards other children, or clearly something he should not be doing with his hands.
However, there are some children who do lack discipline and home training, people are down right tired of that mess. Where I live, old people always tell you, train your children so that others don't have to train them for you.
Now, can you blame some people for stereotyping the "dangerous black male"? Yes I went there, I have to be real. I am not saying all black men are dangerous, but there is a largely growing element of the population who ARE dangerous to society as well as to the reputation of other law abiding black males. That's where you should also direct your anger and frustration, towards them. Come up with a solution.
Just yesterday morning I was standing in line at the bakery. A young black male in front of me got frustrated with the server and with his own self for not making up his own damn mind. Eventually when he calmed down he happened to turn around to give me "that look" as if I said something to him. He looked like he was ready to fight me for just merely witnessing the situation. My instinct was to duck bullets and run for shelter.
Oh, wait... sometime back I was in my parked vehicle waiting for a friend, enjoying the radio and minding my own damn business. I decided to write down a couple of the songs so I could grab them on itunes. I happened to look up and saw a couple of loitering street pirates staring in my direction with suspicion and fury on their faces. I dropped the notepad, debated hauling ass and hoped no bullets would find the back of my head.
Something similar happened to my elderly mother in a corner grocery, the young dred-up street pirate asked her "wha yo watchin me fa? yo want somtin?" Well that was her cue to scram and haul her poor arthritic behind in her car. She could have been his grandmother. For years my mother have always said, if they scare "us" sometimes, imagine how the white people feel.
Just a couple weeks ago after a club, a young black male shot and killed another young black male because the victim spilled his drink on the shooter's car. Splendid.
And some of you wonder why some people are fearful when they see a certain amount of black males in the line to enter a club? And you wonder why someone would panic if they see a 4 year old black boy throwing a temper tantrum these days?
Ok, let it rip...
I guess it's ok for some whites to say the long for the good old days since the Tea Party has taken their country back and Obama is trying to apease the angry white folks asap.
As for the little boy, what did his parents expect from a 'Christian' school? smh
They should sue the shit out of the school and use the money to start one of their own.
Aw we usta duct tape little negra kids to all kinds of things, pert near everyday. Weren't nothing mean about it. Just funnin'
roderick said..."As for the little boy, what did his parents expect from a 'Christian' school? smh"
Here at the Islamic school, we set them on fire
I'm just kidding. We behead them.
LAA, "If you notice, the racist inclined still seem to take more liberty to offend blacks more than they do others... the way we treat each other, you ever wonder why?"
You are right on target, LAA. It's too bad uts will be attacking you--with his dumb apathetic blind ass. Unfortunately, he and Gump are the typical bm who defend the wretched degrading behavior and threats of bm in the black community...
I LOVE THE TRUTH. Unfortunately, quite a few bm don't because truth tears down the veil of denial. Truth is like kryptonite in the black community, esp to bm like uts. They get very weak from it. lol
We need more people(bw and bm) like you and FP and less people like uts, gump and mellaneous. Thank you.
LAA, "Just a couple weeks ago after a club, a young black male shot and killed another young black male because the victim spilled his drink on the shooter's car. Splendid.
And some of you wonder why some people are fearful when they see a certain amount of black males in the line to enter a club? And you wonder why someone would panic if they see a 4 year old black boy throwing a temper tantrum these days?
Ok, let it rip..."
I can't let it rip cause you already ripped it, sista. Thanks.
T-Roy Dale said...
Aw we usta duct tape little negra kids to all kinds of things, pert near everyday. Weren't nothing mean about it. Just funnin'
COmon man, dat shit be middyEvil. You dont needs no duckt tape. Just wet dem lips and stick em to de walls like sucker fish.
Hm, I was just standing at the bus stop minding my own business in my uniform as I just got back from the war and a pickup truck full of WMs pulled up to me and told me they'd lynch me right there on the spot because I looked like someone who offended them in some way. There was this other time I was in Mississippi for the summer with my cousins and got dragged out of bed in the middle of the night for admiring a white lady. Then......and we wonder why white males get stereotyped, oh wait a minute they don't.
Sorry LA but us BMs and got nothing on crazy white guys. Shooting up a PTA meeting? WTF???? Really? I can see getting shot in a club cause some fool got wild but a damned PTA meeting? Damn, it ain't safe to be drunk anywhere. At least brothas shoot you in obvious places but leave it to the paler homies to surprise your ass. In calculus class BAM! In church, POW! At the damned ballet BOOM! Maybe it's just me but at least in the hood I know where to go and not to go.
PilotX said...
Sorry LA but us BMs and got nothing on crazy white guys. Shooting up a PTA meeting? WTF????
Yeah but delineate the difference my brother, this here nutjob was one of you, he was a democrat/Socialist/communist anti adulthood thinking man.
"I LOVE THE TRUTH. Unfortunately, quite a few bm don't because truth tears down the veil of denial. Truth is like kryptonite in the black community, esp to bm like uts"
You clowns wouldn't know the truth if it was dangling on your chin.
You just use these boards to vent your anger and frustration toward black men because you're lonely and bitter and feel that black men are supposed to absolve you of your misery.
So rail on. What's going to be the result?
Brothers like myself will continue to do what we do.
Live, love, strive and succeed.
Other brothers will date ww because theyre sick of the finger pointing and self-righteousness of bw like you.
The criminals will continue because this society has left them nothing else but the underworld to flourish.
And you'll still be baying at the moon because you refuse to look honestly at yourself and realize YOU'RE the reason why your miserable.
continued from previous post:
Sexism is alive and well in the black community among black male elected officials, black leaders, black activists, black preachers, black workers. I don't disagree! So what are we going to do?"
i don't know what you menfolk are going to do. i DO know that whatever it is, ya'll need to get cracking. that forty year vacation has put ya'll behind the eight ball. whatever it is, i hope ya'll can talk less about it and work more to get it done.
now, i DO know what i am going to do. i am going to challenge the bat crazy and mucknuttery at EVERY turn when it serves my purposes to do so on line, offline, in general. i am ALSO going to IGNORE those that are annoyed, inconvenienced, in denial, etc. by my commitment. i am going to do my part to wake more bw and bgs up. some are sleeping , uts calls this “content”. LOL. the others are straight confused.
"I just don't see how when someone posts about someone committing a racist act against a black women that becomes a time to talk about sexism in the black community."
and THIS is because you focus on the external factors which in most cases are beyond your control. you do this while willfully ignoring the INTERNAL factors that men have the patriarchal power and responsibility to regulate. in short, quite a few bm LOVE to whine about OTHERS' refusal to look at themselves and be accountable for their poor behavior; while refusing to look at themselves and be accountable for their poor behavior. THIS is why folks give black folks the side-eye. of course, it is more sensational to say the side-eye givers are racist if they are non blk, self haters if they are black, and lonely, bitter, or lesbian man haters if they are women . ALL of these labels are designed to silence folks, so bm may continue to enjoy zero accountability and their last days before their annihilation is complete. IF externally folks are taking you out and internally you are taking yourselves (and your women and children!) out, wouldn’t it make more sense to start working from the inside out? ESPECIALLY when you see how much more effective the internal forces are? bad police officers are WAY behind in the murder of bm than other bm are.
you have been so busy talking, philosophizing, and reminding folks you are an activist, that you have failed to hear the bw, courageous enough to speak, say CLEARLY:
bw, in growing numbers are declaring we are NO LONGER williing to be used for bm to UNSUCCESSFULLY pick at wm. and it is wm ALONE ya'll hold responsible. you don't dare heap the responsibility bm collectively love to heap on bw on ww-DESPITE all signs indicating their complicit and beneficiary status. aren’t ww white folks’ first teacher’s, too? further, as more bw focus on our best interests as women, the less appealing it is for males to consistently highlight their historical and present inability to protect and provide (be men) , quite frankly. it is not hatred you hear in my words. it is a loss of respect, which must be earned. similar melanin won’t get it anymore. nope, those days are over for me. may MANY bw and bgs join me!
there is NO true concern, for the bw that are violated, damaged, raped, molested, slandered and destroyed. this assertion is supported by the CRICKETS one hears when the MANY MORE BM violate BW all day every day with impunity in most cases. in fact, the so-called black community comes to the PERPETRATORS defense when the legal system dares to hold him accountable, again and again and again. THIS LUNACY cuts across religious, political affiliation, and socioeconomic lines among bfolks.
"If the story was a black man beat a black woman then in that thread we would talk about sexism in the black community. That is the point I am trying to make."
and IF you ruled the world or this blog, THAT would be the case and a great point. however, you do not and therefore it is not as far as i am concerned. NO one needs your permission to address anything at anytime, except maybe your wife and children, sir. THOSE are the folks that must afford you the illusion of control.
i made the points i did because it is ONLY going to be a good time to point fingers at OTHERS in the so-called "black community"! true to form, you are admonishing folks to "wait" for a better time to address injustice. sound familiar? when all addressed are black, it is the WOMEN'S fault and responsibility. in fact, blaming the bw is running a close second to blaming the wm.
everything from procreation (despite it taking two) to the decisions their grown sons (who bw often struggle to raise and socialize BY themselves) make well after they are old enough to know better, gets laid at the feet and heaped on the shoulders of the bw; IF she is foolish enough to stand there and shoulder it. how many times have you heard the crazy crap bm insist on doing being due to the mothers that raised them? never a mention of the fathers that deserted them. unless it is excusatory. oh, well see, he didn't have a father. that dang fool diddy was just on tv with that same mouthful of crap. he should be real dang thankful i wasn't there to ask him, who showed him how to become a millionaire. since folks just GOT to show you everything. FOLKS FIGURE OUT what they deem IMPORTANT, and since bm have been deserting their offspring for generations LONG after the end of slavery, MORE must get busy figuring out how to function as men. great segway into a relevant link. now you know this evil fool’s mother howled long and hard about how the system was racist and failed her poor son. more bw need to clue up soon. notice the pics. the “sisters” must have been “practice” a la eldridge cleaver. MORE than wm have been “practicing” atrocities on bw! didn’t THAT raping fool get AWARDS for recounting his horrific tales. uh huh. THAT’S what i thought. HE was an “activist”, too. lol. the link: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1338111/Alfred-Gaynor-Serial-killer-confesses-EIGHT-sex-murders-Springfield-Massachusetts.html
duh! to your point that something must be done. man, please. you’re joking, right? my point is bm need to consider getting together to "work together" and get it done or at least started! STOP being cowards only capable of blaming wm and sternly addressing the womenfolk. address EACH OTHER. like THE REST of the men on the dang planet. all the begging white men to take care of you AND THEN respect you...demanding bw "work with you" after "waiting" for you to "return home" while working themselves to death and THEN respect you; even as you consistently remind us of all the cases where you failed to protect us… see, this make bw scared of and angry with wm campaign is back firing. bm can’t donate sperm for so many oow children and STILL maintain it is the evil wm that will only sex and not marry you. bm cannot rape, maim and murder so many bw and maintain that bw should be fearful of non blk men most of all. even the dumbest woman is bound to ask, at some point, as Khadija says, Qui bono? who is benefitting from this madness? stating BOTH benefitted from the civil rights movement, won’t stop folks from asking WHO benefitted more? WHO did the bulk of the dang work?! who took the glory and prominent place in history? heck for most, black history IS black MAN history. go back and watch the tapes. SEE the women and children RIGHT THERE in harm’s way. oh yeah, we are REAL equal when it is time to suffer. it’s just the rest of the time folks remember we are women and discriminate and violate accordingly. DO NOT expect my cooperation!
all of the isms, religion, sexual orientation, political affiliation, etc are designed to keep us apart as human beings. with my additions to your statement, i can find a point of agreement...at last. whew!
first teachers...plural. LOL. that's what i get for messing with that man that didn't want "no negro's". LOL.
"everything from procreation (despite it taking two) to the decisions their grown sons (who bw often struggle to raise and socialize BY themselves) make well after they are old enough to know better, gets laid at the feet and heaped on the shoulders of the bw;"
Then you sure have f*****ed things up, haven't you? It does take two to exercise responsibility. Why should a man stick around and help raise children he's not sure are his? There are plenty of good bm around - if you didn't lay down with dogs, you wouldn't have so many fleas.
Maury Povich has freed more black men than Abraham Lincoln.
"As for the little boy, what did his parents expect from a 'Christian' school? smh"
I wonder if there was a dearth of good Black Christian schools in their area or if they felt that no harm would come of their kid by being in what seems to be a largely White environment. Some people may feel me on this, but I bet others won't.
I will say that most of my schooling was done in private church-run Christian schools that were often 20-30 minute drives to get to. Because the county school that was literally blocks from my house was run by a bunch of inbred hicks with a thing for deliberately and subconciously kneecapping young Black children's potential.
"You are right on target, LAA. It's too bad uts will be attacking you--with his dumb apathetic blind ass. Unfortunately, he and Gump are the typical bm who defend the wretched degrading behavior and threats of bm in the black community..."
There's this fine line between merely agreeing with someone on valid and very salient points and using those same points as a springboard for veiled, color-aroused invective.
Mack Lyons: "I will say that most of my schooling was done in private church-run Christian schools that were often 20-30 minute drives to get to"
Was you that pointy headed little negra we duct taped to a cow?
PilotX-"Sorry LA but us BMs and got nothing on crazy white guys. Shooting up a PTA meeting? WTF???? Really? I can see getting shot in a club cause some fool got wild but a damned PTA meeting? Damn, it ain't safe to be drunk anywhere. At least brothas shoot you in obvious places but leave it to the paler homies to surprise your ass. In calculus class BAM! In church, POW! At the damned ballet BOOM! Maybe it's just me but at least in the hood I know where to go and not to go."
You and some of your FN pals must be cousins of sort. Everytime there is mention of the atrocities of bm in the black community, you try to minimize those atrocities by talking about how much worse the wm are. I guess we should not complain and be happy, huh?
Mack Lyons-"There's this fine line between merely agreeing with someone on valid and very salient points and using those same points as a springboard for veiled, color-aroused invective."
You are absolutely right. But it more distinguishable when the line is not fine but obvious. However, a judge like you will always know the difference. Why not apply your judgment to uts and gump when they are dumping on LAA and FP?
Let me answer that for you...because you are against doing the right thing if it means calling out bm. You sir, are a yellow-back coward.
the soap IS nostalgic for me. it is representative of a time when black people, despite great odds, truly worked together better and were focused on the come up.
with less freedom and opportunities, the oow rates were much lower. there was now a new nasty term to denigrate black women. REAL MEN were real serious about regulating the behavior of the knuckleheads. oh, you got her pregnant? you ARE marrying her and raising your child.
this new school mess now makes me want to roll back the clock. blk americans need a do-over. before the do-over, black folks, both genders will need to meditate on the truth that the sum is greater than the parts. even non praying (talking to God) folks can meditate (listening to God) on this truth!
duct taping the child requires no further discussion. the next time school officials hear of this matter, they will hear of it in the form of court documents.
associating bm with stereotypical pimping, violence, guns, gangs, and other sheer stupidity- ice t, ice cube, jay z, and all the other black males that fully participate, should understand their behavior affects children unborn yet.
on a side note:
IF this is how the children of men AND women are treated, wonder how those single, baby mamas' unprotected, unprovided for children are treated?
"Then you sure have f*****ed things up, haven't you? It does take two to exercise responsibility. Why should a man stick around and help raise children he's not sure are his? There are plenty of good bm around - if you didn't lay down with dogs, you wouldn't have so many fleas.
11:40 PM"
and folks, THIS is your brains on drugs. just say NO.
the notion that undisciplined males behave like "dogs" is an insult to dogs. dogs are kind, loving, patient, LOYAL, compassionate and consistent. COME UP with a new word for you total failures! leave my mini dobi dog out of it losers!!!!
these alternate schizo buceta breaf personalities are lame and yall expect a nucka to read ur phukkin diatribes off bullshit shut the fuck up ya coohole fuckin puck fp!
And some of you wonder why some people are fearful when they see a certain amount of black males in the line to enter a club? And you wonder why someone would panic if they see a 4 year old black boy throwing a temper tantrum these days?"
Yes, because you never know what that FOUR YEAR OLD might pop a cap in your ass. *tipping slowly away*
"Just yesterday morning I was standing in line at the bakery. A young black male in front of me got frustrated with the server and with his own self for not making up his own damn mind. Eventually when he calmed down he happened to turn around to give me "that look" as if I said something to him. He looked like he was ready to fight me for just merely witnessing the situation. My instinct was to duck bullets and run for shelter."
Why would that be your first instinct? Why not suggest that he order the wheat bread? He might have found you attractive and didn't know how to start the conversation. That "ready to fight" look might have been fear and apprehension on his part because he was taken aback by your beauty.
"Was you that pointy headed little negra we duct taped to a cow?"
The only cows left in those neck of the woods were portly, porcine white women, so you're probably mistaken. I imagine it's just as terrifying an experience to any kid, regardless of skin shade.
"You are absolutely right. But it more distinguishable when the line is not fine but obvious. However, a judge like you will always know the difference. Why not apply your judgment to uts and gump when they are dumping on LAA and FP? Let me answer that for you...because you are against doing the right thing if it means calling out bm. You sir, are a yellow-back coward."
You sound like you have all the answers, anon. Perhaps you can tell me how the weather's gonna look in a couple of days. Or the correct numbers for the Powerball next week. Or why I should even dignify your comment with a response. Answers on a postcard, please.
"Why would that be your first instinct? Why not suggest that he order the wheat bread? He might have found you attractive and didn't know how to start the conversation. That "ready to fight" look might have been fear and apprehension on his part because he was taken aback by your beauty."
Damn, Field. I didn't know you wanted to get jumped on THIS early in the morning.
Sorry, just because a poor man realizes that the rich done worked him over doesn't make him a Socialist....it makes him smarter than a teabagger.
christian skool? Watta maroon!
About the only thing christian skools turn out is conservatively groomed low wage workers. Some who eventually figure out they have been massively shortchanged.
Quick and dirty...a christian skool graduate is about Grade 5 or 6 in a decent public school. For that, the parents pay for the 'privilege'.
Before I claim it was race...how about the kid having other issues? I have sat in court and heard our fine young men tell a judge that it must have been somebody else. Riiiight. That Social Security check of Grandma's done been cashed by your evil twin.
I would have seen red at the sight of my son's hand duct taped. They would have had to call the police to get mew off of that woman. Since lack of discipline causes kids to bring guns, well is what happens when you duct tape my child. Now he'll learn that no one should ever disrespect him that way and she will learn once her arms are out of the casts to think before she acts.
Everyone just thinks nowadays can whatever the fuck they want and there are no repercussions. They want to be on the news talking about. Nope I'm not talking shit. I'm going to ruin you, maim you, make you regret that decision that put you here in the first place. Fuck around with my kids and they will blood.
it is inexcusable to ever duct tape a child...
what is even MORE inexcusable is the wild ways MOST children have TORTURED TEACHERS..and driven teachers insane because their heathen "parents" have never taught them to behave and LEARN!...
i have never seen a male dog brutally attack/betray his mothers/sisters as uts does herein daily!!!
there is a classic female blues band named "sapphire"
they penned a rare classic ode called:
"don't treat your man like a dog"
it is about how dogs are always more loyal and faithful than woman haters like uts
AB: "it is about how dogs are always more loyal and faithful than woman haters like uts"
Maybe if you could buy yourself a man and keep a chain around his neck, he'd stick around too.
sadistic pedophile sexist gimp/uts:
such a shame how your s&m mom and dad really twisted your world view...
so sad how your chained sperm donor was unable to teach you sex ed 101 before he broke loose and ran away!!!
"Maybe if you could buy yourself a man and keep a chain around his neck, he'd stick around too."
Go ahead and get jumped on. I'll stand right cher, popcorn and cell phone camera in hand.
no school staffer is safe from those students who torture teachers!!!
and no one is safe from wild children osd of schools either:
poor black elderly persons suffer most!
Hey Anony, thanks... I function better living in reality than to live in perpetuating denial.
Field said, "He might have found you attractive and didn't know how to start the conversation. That "ready to fight" look might have been fear and apprehension on his part because he was taken aback by your beauty."
Oh, that's what that is? You see, a self-respectable and beautiful black woman such as myself would in fact be accustomed to all sorts of welcomed appreciation coming from gentle, respectable, and well mannered men - men who wear belts with the appropriate size pants, and don't call women bitches/hos.
Therefore, such a woman would become automatically non-receptive to a man's attraction who is anything less. Instead, the nearest escape route or quick shelter under a bakery table would understandably be instinctive.
And as you know, all street pirates were at one point four years old, don't you?
All I am saying, what they did was wrong regardless of the child's race, and there should be repercussions for their inappropriate and obviously racial influenced actions. However, you don't have to look too far to figure out why/how they came up with the "big idea" in the first place.
the kings who woo you would never ever behave as the court jesters herein!!!
i once had a fascinating conversation with an african american art dealer, his gallery was pretty high end and he was well known in the local art world. he was absolutely opposed to the collection of stuff like that soap, on the part of some african americans; apparently there is a brisk trade in the "authentic" stuff like that from those good old days you mention. i can't really think of why a black person would want to have a collection of coon soap and darky toothpaste posters, but i guess some people do and consider it some kind of ironic or reflective gesture about how bad things used to be. i certainly would not want my beautiful black boy nephew exposed to that sort of crap.
and i guess the guy defending the soap missed it: auntie J got "updated" (with a perm, even!) some time ago; she's all respectable self employed now.
"Oh, that's what that is? You see, a self-respectable and beautiful black woman such as myself would in fact be accustomed to all sorts of welcomed appreciation coming from gentle, respectable, and well mannered men"
Reminds me of a play I once saw.
@anon 1241, that's not at all what I was doing. My point is with all the Black male bashing going on up in hurr we still have the fact that we are human just like everyone else.Years on trying to dehumanize us and figure us out has done real damage evident by the treatment of a 4 year old. Your grass ain't no greener. Betting the parents that moved to Littleton, CO because it was soooooo safe thought differently when those two teens went on a shooting and bombing rampage. Just saying, watch your back.
This Black male bashing by our own sistas is getting out of hand. We have a common enemy i.e. institutional racism, income inequality, outsourcing, diminishing influence of labor/unions ect. The time we spend attacking each other is les time attacking the real problems. Both sides STOP IT! This ain't fourth grade when all the girls sat on one side and the boys on the other. We're on the same damned team, start acting like it.
Carry on........ducking.
"This Black male bashing by our own sistas is getting out of hand.
It's downright sick but it won't stop.
Black male bashing is an emotional salve for certain angry, unattractive, egotistical bourgeois black women who have this inflated view of themselves that the world doesn't share.
It helps them get through the day.
Yep, junior knows that as soons Moms or Dads get to school, they gets to see violence done to a teacher or administrator for the High Crime of accusing junior. How dare they duct tape his hands!
Take a page from your social betters and calmly discuss the incident, find out what happened, and implement steps to prevent the occurrence. Or, just yell and scream and hissy and whine....and wonder why nothing is done 'your way'.
One of the joys of christian skools is the insistence upon punishments. I think only the Friends opt out of hitting kids.
Things have been pretty good here in the US. Buying the old-timey items serves to remind us how bad it was and to never, ever 'take our country back'.
Mack Lyons said...
"As for the little boy, what did his parents expect from a 'Christian' school? smh"
I wonder if there was a dearth of good Black Christian schools in their area or if they felt that no harm would come of their kid by being in what seems to be a largely White environment. Some people may feel me on this, but I bet others won't.
Well I spent my first 29 years in Mississippi and the many of the privates schools were set up when the public schools were forced to integrate.
When I was growing up I noticed that there seems to be a strong correlation between deeply religious white folks and racists.
uptownsteve said...
"It helps them get through the day."
That, and Oprah.
these alternate schizo buceta breaf personalities are lame and yall expect a nucka to read ur phukkin diatribes off bullshit shut the fuck up ya coohole fuckin stank banks!
i never ever bash any black man like you and huey newton...only perps like uts and uncle ruckus!
and i do also gleefully bash their surrogate uts in drag king garb/retarded dl bulldyke mascot...the vdlr!!!
like hobama, u lie
i have never been an oprah fan.
i despise oprah almost as much as i hate you.
"i despise oprah almost as much as i hate you."
That's funny, Oprah always spoke well of you.
i hafta say: i'm too busy battling racism in the predominantly white american queer community to have noticed if straight BW are bashing BM or vice versa too much. i am always annoyed by what i perceive in "our" popular culture, and the way that hip hop has turned from being mostly political to mostly bling oriented, but whatever, pop music usually devolves like that and we live in a Patriarchy, so it's never surprising to see young black women being exploited and young black men being devalued and reduced to stereotypes. my african american best friend "little brother" just took his PhD and i went to the ceremony, and i was wondering about some of the things the Folk were saying at the celebration. it would sadden me greatly to realize that BM and BW have been turned against each other in str8 culture, for all it wouldn't surprise me. i'm sort of clueless in this way: i don't go to church, and i mostly hang out with queer folk, and i don't own a TV, so i would've missed this if it's the new narrative of "what's wrong with the Black Community." but i'll remind folks that any time you read or are told such? almost always, a white media strategist has come up with it. trust me, i work with them; many of them are that Evil.
Good vibes to you AB, have to support hometown. I'm just getting a bit uncomfortable when even on a black site I see attacks. I understand it on conservative sites and even some Black sites where whites feel they have to insert themselves and unload their racism but now this girl vs. boy stuff is a bit new. I delt with it back in college when my gf at the time was taking a womens study course and reading bell hooks and becoming very anti-male. I was somewhat offended because hell I agreed with her views about sexism and I thought I was one of the good guys but by virtue of me being a male I was an enemy. I get exactly what Field was trying to say and I have to catch myself doing it too when we stereotype. When we project onto these brothas we make them criminals when most are just kids trying to grow up in a negative environment. How many of these "pirates" have ever had even a simple kind word directed to them? Some have angry mothers who project their anger at their father to them so ain't no love there. Everybody else looks down on them and assumes they're crap because they wear their pants a certain way. How quick we are to judge. Personally, I don't mind cause I know who I am and no words will make me more or less successful but think about what we are doing to our kids, they need us and if we give up on them what's the point? Who else will give a damn? I get the whole anxiety and anger towards some men but be careful when we attach that same stigma to good brothas like some on this blog. Don't lose an ally in this war by going after the wrong target and don't make me tell the story of the cow and the cat.
oh, this is awesome. i finally made my grav work here. heh. social networking and me don't often get along so well and i have been frustrated with the gravatar shit for a long time.
Love how they claim it's not racist...as if anybody would agree with them. What is racism to these folks? Lynching? Equal Opportunity? Or not letting low-infos keep their treasured fantasies about the South?
@ Chicago Dyke. I too am saddened by the lack of diversity in hip-hop as I was young during the heyday of conscious rap but that is because we allowed so much income inequality in this country that the only thing there is left for lower/middle class folks is class envy so young people will of course chase the bling. This next generation has only a choice of extreme wealth (good luck with that) and extreme poverty. Hell, just read a report that 68% of future retirees will not have enough money to live and we have poor folks fighting for the rich. Not surprising as this has always been a bi-polar country and probably always will be. I have to laugh at a country that is a leader in technology but most people believe the world is only 6,000 years old and other religious myths.
"i mostly hang out with queer folk, and i don't own a TV,"
Not even to watch the L Word? Who knew.
PilotX said...
@ Chicago Dyke. I too am saddened by the lack of diversity in hip-hop as I was young during the heyday of conscious rap but that is because we allowed so much income inequality in this country that the only thing there is left for lower/middle class folks is class envy so young people will of course chase the bling. This next generation has only a choice of extreme wealth (good luck with that) and extreme poverty. Hell, just read a report that 68% of future retirees will not have enough money to live and we have poor folks fighting for the rich. Not surprising as this has always been a bi-polar country and probably always will be. I have to laugh at a country that is a leader in technology but most people believe the world is only 6,000 years old and other religious myths.
@PilotX, great article. I also like the article's point about education and income disparity. If we wonder why a) we're falling behind in high tech jobs & b)we have a nation of babbling idiots who couldn't pass a basic citizenship exam given to immigrants, it all goes back to education.
i am about to do it again. i am about be a "self hating, male bashing, lonely bitter bw", and hopefully since i have already thrown out the silencing tactics/bat crazy script terms; folks will resist the urge to be redundant. i am not holding my breath though. lol.
i think it is RACISM that allows episodes like THIS to go on for as long as it has:
do folks want to chase THAT racism for a minute?
the negro fool in my office, thought laughing and talking to me about r. tinkle time kelly getting away with his molestation was the business. when i smilingly informed him that the not so dumb bm KNOW who to victimize; the negro almost choked. LOL. the truth is a negro fool repellant. he went running away like i had maced him. lol.
FN, while you are tipping through the fields, you may consider that RIGHT NOW little poorly socialized negroes are TERRORIZING grown women. pretending like it isn't so, changes this fact NOT. believe it or not, there are very small children that demonstrate all the signs BEFORE the age of four that they can comfortably get on the wrong path. what did the comic Robin Harris call these little folks. he was laughing and telling jokes, but he was ALSO telling THE TRUTH. proper parenting, which is exhausting as heck and why few stay the course, STILL doesn't always mitigate that individuals' choice. you could see what i am talking about IF you would take time to volunteer with little people that look like you.
it is not uncommon for innocent folks to suffer due to the jacked up behavior of others that look like them. maybe this could be a great catalyst for more negroes to get in touch with their courageous parts and start calling each other out? if folks would practice being courageous, the cowardice would fall right off.
LAA, AB, and Real Man Anon- i got nothing but love and respect for you.
PilotX-"This Black male bashing by our own sistas is getting out of hand. We have a common enemy i.e. institutional racism, income inequality, outsourcing, diminishing influence of labor/unions ect. The time we spend attacking each other is les time attacking the real problems. Both sides STOP IT! This ain't fourth grade when all the girls sat on one side and the boys on the other. We're on the same damned team, start acting like it."
NO, bm and bw ARE NOT on the same damn team...we ARE divided. Where the hell have you been? Damn, all the rap music that degrades and demeans bw...you know bitches, hos, yo moma, 'beat that bitch', nappy headed hos, etc...bm have sat by while this crap has been going on for decades. And now you want everybody to work together to solve 'real' problems? GTFOH! That IS the REAL PROBLEM. Some bm like you don't get the point that you should stand up for bw, NOT trash them.
BW have been crying out for help for a while, but some of you sorry cowards only criticize them more-- and play down what's happening to them. And now you want to claim bw should forget about how they have been treated BY BM and should try to work with bm?
As soon as some of you black gutless wonders show that you are 'willing' to stand up for what's 'right' and become protectors in the community...instead of destroyers in the community...then maybe our genders can get together on amicable terms. Until then, nothing changes.
ure a gottdam carpet lickin man hatin fool! fp shut up!
"Field said, "He might have found you attractive and didn't know how to start the conversation. That "ready to fight" look might have been fear and apprehension on his part because he was taken aback by your beauty."
Oh, that's what that is? You see, a self-respectable and beautiful black woman such as myself would in fact be accustomed to all sorts of welcomed appreciation coming from gentle, respectable, and well mannered men - men who wear belts with the appropriate size pants, and don't call women bitches/hos.
Therefore, such a woman would become automatically non-receptive to a man's attraction who is anything less. Instead, the nearest escape route or quick shelter under a bakery table would understandably be instinctive."
LOL! what a concept. a bw with standards we existed. who knew we existed? i guess SWEARING all bw like thugs doesn't quite make it so, huh?
"Mack Lyons-"There's this fine line between merely agreeing with someone on valid and very salient points and using those same points as a springboard for veiled, color-aroused invective."
You are absolutely right. But it more distinguishable when the line is not fine but obvious. However, a judge like you will always know the difference. Why not apply your judgment to uts and gump when they are dumping on LAA and FP?
Let me answer that for you...because you are against doing the right thing if it means calling out bm. You sir, are a yellow-back coward."
now, i would only add "You sir and those like you, are yellow-backed and bellied cowards deserving of the "no respect" you receive."
AB- thanks for the dog link. i am on the run right now. i will send you an email in a bit sis. in the interim, notice my treatment of the gutter bug anon. LOL.
"ure a gottdam carpet lickin man hatin fool! fp shut up!"
dear Mr. PilotX, mellaneous, Gump, AND the esteemed compassionate Mr UTS-- Do you bm EVER have anything to say about the above kind of bw bashing? Of course not. It's all about you, isn't it?
a bw with standards we existed. who knew we existed? i guess SWEARING all bw like thugs doesn't quite make it so, huh?
i meant:
a bw with standards. who knew we existed? i guess SWEARING all bw like thugs doesn't quite make it so, huh?
i am not Anon 4:55pm, however, I AGREE WHOLEHEARTEDLY W/ THEM. i assign my thoughts to my name, as i could NOT care less who tries to feel some kind of way about my thoughts.
EVERYONE that can see CLEARLY what is transpiring may not feel compelled to stand and speak like me. may it make you sick to know, there are PLENTY that think as i do, even as they don't speak on it. it is kind of like the civil (human) rights movement. some are waiting to see if there is progress before they sign on. i am ok with this. as i have said before, my God of my understanding and me constitute a majority. as such, i don't require a crowd.
please note in the link that the grim sleeper serial killer was married to a bw for 32 years. so i am going to need folks to stop pretending that means a thing. no doubt she worked, as bm will note a household requires two incomes and have only one job...IF that...
ok, gotta go...
before i forget- CD said, "i'm too busy battling racism..."
uh, IF you hung out with straight folks you would know straight bm in alarming numbers, like to pretend bw "have it easy" when it comes to racism. somehow in their minds, bw are not battling simultaneously racism AND sexism. add some classism in there and maybe folks would understand why some "sisters" are not all laid back and "easier" like the other women of the world with functioning providers and protectors.
i will say in my way a point of agreement. yes, quite a few bm have ripped pages from the white supremacy handbook and use these evil tactics AGAINST bw and black children. they, like white supremacists expect folks to quietly cooperate and go along. like white supremacists they need to get over that foolishness and expect a fight for justice.
the allies know me and i know them... i respect the ally in you my brother....
uts never has been nor will he ever be an ally...neither will that dl butch king/macho bulldyke inside the vdlr...
i adore bell hooks
and she is often slandered and libeled like all who tell hard truths...she is beloved my many men i know...
and she has penned many wonderful odes to black men that rarely get any press....
"LAA, AB, and Real Man Anon- i got nothing but love and respect for you."
ditto fp!
i love u all just like jah do!...
you are the kindred air my african soul breathes!
ellis cose is a bro i adore
and this is my fav book ever about real black men
by a king
4 queens
about all kings like u
peace king!
ted bundy had a live in lover and she had a kid the entire time he was legendarily slaying females too...
just like
thomas jefferson
lou dobbs
jeb bush
jeff dahmer
one's spouse/lover may be no reflection on their true soul/deepest being...
see much more on femicide and misogyny:
some of the greatest feminists i know are het men like phil donahue and dr. mike dyson
and some of the worst misogynists are women who hate themselves like "dr." laura and the vdlr!!!!!!!
chicagodyke: "i'm sort of clueless in this way"
In a lot ways baby, a lot of ways.
FP, "LAA, AB, and Real Man Anon- i got nothing but love and respect for you."
Thank you, FP. And I feel the same about you. I am still bummed that there aren't more folks willing to face the truth about our race. I know I sound like a broken record, but that's how I feel about it. Maybe in the next life time?
"Well I spent my first 29 years in Mississippi and the many of the privates schools were set up when the public schools were forced to integrate.
When I was growing up I noticed that there seems to be a strong correlation between deeply religious white folks and racists."
I still don't know how someone who can profess love for the Lord can turn around and hate someone by dint of their skin color. Then again, a lot of these so-called "christians" cling to their religion when they're right in the middle of doing dirt.
"now, i would only add "You sir and those like you, are yellow-backed and bellied cowards deserving of the "no respect" you receive."
All of this, because I won't hop on the FP/LAA bandwagon and suss out Uptownsteve and gump. I've noticed when PilotX commented on how fed up he was of the constant set-tripping between Black men and women, FP and LAA had very little to say.
Newsflash FP, LAA and the dick-riding anon: I'm not about to kiss your ass just because you call me a "coward" for not participating in your misandric bullshit.
my soul grieves for an entire generation of serial killers/sexists who are being reared by THE MOST HORRID turbo breeders ever...in all races
they hate themselves/the men who impregnate them/and all others....
these boys are being taught to hate women and themeselves by their toxic fertile moms who are clones of the vdlr....shame!!!!!
teachers fear and lament this budding nation of serial killers we witness on the front lines daily...
"BW have been crying out for help for a while, but some of you sorry cowards only criticize them more-- and play down what's happening to them. And now you want to claim bw should forget about how they have been treated BY BM and should try to work with bm?
As soon as some of you black gutless wonders show that you are 'willing' to stand up for what's 'right' and become protectors in the community...instead of destroyers in the community...then maybe our genders can get together on amicable terms. Until then, nothing changes."
"Amicable terms" won't happen until the misogyny and misandry on both sides come to a halt. I'm pretty sure other races won't mind us tearing each other to shreds while they continue to advance at our expense.
Come to think of it, those races are pretty paternalistic and quite a few treat their women like shit, but they don't engage in this low-level guerrilla warfare that Black men and women seem steeped in. All you have to do is just check the comments.
Yes, there are many, MANY problems that the brothers have to take care of if they want any respect from the sistas. But you can't expect those problems to be solved if you keep treating Black men, especially those who respect and stand up for Black women, like they are not only beneath notice, but as though they are the same as their "pookie" and "baby boy" counterparts.
I really wish RiPPa or Granny could come in and straighten out some of you. Seems like this is becoming a game where the only way to win is to not play at all.
Carry on.
Mack Lyons-"I still don't know how someone who can profess love for the Lord can turn around and hate someone by dint of their skin color. Then again, a lot of these so-called "christians" cling to their religion when they're right in the middle of doing dirt."
Do you know why people become Christians or part of any religion? Because they want to become better people. They know they are sinners with faults but are working to do better. So yeah, Christians are human beings who sin, but are doing their best to do better in the name of their LORD. Get it? If they were perfect like YOU, they wouldn't need a religion....get it?
Wow, I am glad my wife isn't as bitter and depraved as most of the black women of this blog.
They will grow to be bitter old hags and go to their grave spewing vitriol.
What a sad existence.
Mack Lyons-"I really wish RiPPa or Granny could come in and straighten out some of you. Seems like this is becoming a game where the only way to win is to not play at all."
Maybe it's YOU who needs straightening out?
Rudy, "Wow, I am glad my wife isn't as bitter and depraved as most of the black women of this blog."
Give her some more time living with you before you come to such deluded conclusions. i bet she is pissed but haven't told you....YET.
"i am about to do it again. i am about be a "self hating, male bashing, lonely bitter bw", and hopefully since i have already thrown out the silencing tactics/bat crazy script terms; folks will resist the urge to be redundant."
Well don't forget ugly, fat, crazy, jealous, and missing one left horn. Did I forget anything else? Geesh I hope that covers it, Steve will let you know in a minute. LOL.
I wish someone would duct tape my kids mouth. I wish someone would..As for the soap, isn't it "nostalgic" to wash ones' mouth out with soap? Just saying..
Mack Lyons said...
I still don't know how someone who can profess love for the Lord can turn around and hate someone by dint of their skin color. Then again, a lot of these so-called "christians" cling to their religion when they're right in the middle of doing dirt.
Mack, you obviously don't listen to a lot of white Evangelical Christians like Pat Robertson who believe that being an American Christian makes them special and makes them the chosen of God.
They believe in American Exceptionalism and add to that religion and you get arrogance.
OK, do I have to be the only fucking adult here? Jesus Christ. Yes woman bashing is bad and I do not condone it so stop it! I also hate the fact that there are starving children while we throw away tons of food. I hate reality tv, cockroaches, Fox News, cold weather, child molestors, rapists, racists and unfunny people. Now let's all play nice and try to get along ok? WTF people?
@ anon 509. Hey anybody and everybody Stop bashing the sistas!
Happy now?
"OK, do I have to be the only fucking adult here? Jesus Christ. Yes woman bashing is bad and I do not condone it so stop it! I also hate the fact that there are starving children while we throw away tons of food. I hate reality tv, cockroaches, Fox News, cold weather, child molestors, rapists, racists and unfunny people. Now let's all play nice and try to get along ok? WTF people?
@ anon 509. Hey anybody and everybody Stop bashing the sistas!
Happy now?"
It's never gonna stop. The best thing to do is refute what needs to be refuted and ignore the rest. Otherwise, you're gonna end up validating everything they believe about Black men when you get fed up and bless them out.
The anons? Jumping on the bandwagon of misandry and tomfuckery. Fuck 'em.
Now we can move on to other shit in the next blog post.
@Mack. This country is insane. Talking to some conservative co-workers I learned that Mooslims are evil and non-human and it's ok to kill them, they want the local parents to control the school curricula or they'll home school their kids, they don't believe in evolution but think amerikkka will continue to be the world leader in technology and this country has done more good than any other nation on the planet. So after that yes I can see it is easy for certain Christian types to profess their faith and act in a very un-Christian manner. Hell, humans are full of contradictions and hypocrisy but it's a bit easier to see that in people who think they are better than others. I have to quote Lister from Red Dwarf "religion is just an excuse to treat other people like crap".
PilotX, "@ anon 509. Hey anybody and everybody Stop bashing the sistas!
Happy now?"
PilotX, you are making rapid improvement. Thanks.
I hope you grade on a curve anon.
Hey anybody and everybody Stop bashing the sistas!"
Don't fall for this Pilot.
Nobody is bashing black women in general.
The 3 valkeries on this board like to present themselves as representative of black women in general but they are hardly.
My attacks have been on THEM specifically.
But listen to their yapping.
Are you going to tell me that they are not demonizing and stereotyping black men????
@ uptownsteve- I live near you and you are probably one of the brothers strutting around Bowie and Laurel with his Becky aren't you? I will be sure to spit on your dumb ass when I see you. Stupid MF!
@ uptownsteve- I live near you and you are probably one of the brothers strutting around Bowie and Laurel with his Becky aren't you? I will be sure to spit on your dumb ass when I see you. Stupid MF!
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