There is something that always infuriates me with the political debate here in A-merry-ca. It's this obsession we (by we I mean conservative black and white folks) have with going after poor people and giving those with means a pass. This is why I can't blame folks like my girl Eco.Soul for being pissed.
For instance, this latest blingnut (That's a black wingnut in case you were wondering.) found it convenient to go after the folks in Atlanta who were clamoring for heat subsidies, recently:
"Things almost spun out of control and people had to be sent home. Why is this happening there and not all over? Simple, welfare mentality.
For instance, this latest blingnut (That's a black wingnut in case you were wondering.) found it convenient to go after the folks in Atlanta who were clamoring for heat subsidies, recently:
"Things almost spun out of control and people had to be sent home. Why is this happening there and not all over? Simple, welfare mentality.
Is Atlanta that much worse off than the rest of the country? No. I think the city's unemployment rate is slightly higher than the rest of the country, but clearly people have come to think that they can get money from "the government." But the government doesn't have any money. The government never has any money. It must take money from other people.
How many of these people were on their cellphones while waiting in line? How many of them have flat panel televisions? Cable tv?
There are people in our government who understand that the more they get us dependent on them, the more power they have. " [Link to the clown. You are welcome for the hits]
How many of these people were on their cellphones while waiting in line? How many of them have flat panel televisions? Cable tv?
There are people in our government who understand that the more they get us dependent on them, the more power they have. " [Link to the clown. You are welcome for the hits]
Hmmm, I wonder if my man did a post about millions of dollars worth of farm subsidies going to rich folks in New York? -----No, there is not a lot of farm land in New York.
He called it a "welfare mini-mob", and he was outraged that some of them might actually have "flat panel televisions", cell phones, and a "Cable tv" in their homes. Granted, I have issues with folks trying to have certain luxuries when they can't afford it, as well as them not prioritizing their spending. I get that. But I also have problems with greedy corporations not reinvesting in A-merry-ca and sitting on trillions of dollars that they could be spending to give people jobs. Not to mention them using every tax loophole available to pocket their billions and billions of dollars in profits. Why doesn't this clown do a post about them? I will tell you why: because he has fallen into that same rich man good, poor man bad trap that has become the norm in political discourse here in A-merry-ca. It's always much easier to demagogue poor folks and score easy brownie points with folks of a certain stripe that you are trying to impress. It's harder to speak truths and to attack the real problem with poverty here in the land of the [some are] free.
But don't worry Kenneth, they don't need you, they already have all the lobbyist they need to do their dirty work. You posting on a blog to a few of your conservative friends won't get you Thomas Sowell status. It only gets you in the house and raises your slave catcher bona fides. Which, of course, I am sure you won't mind.
i wish hobama had that same obsession with the poor...
then maybe he would not have given ALL that tarp money he stole ONLY to banksters...nahmean?
TARP = totally about RICH peers
"It's always much easier to demagogue poor folks and score easy brownie points with folks of a certain stripe that you are trying to impress."
They're clamoring for that pat on the head and a few crumbs thrown in their direction for being such a good supporter. Hell, they may even get a seat at the table for being so loyal.
Yeah, right.
30 years after the beginning of Reagonomics which the first President Bush called Vodoo Economics. Look where it got us. But the thing about the right is they will continue to repeat the same line over and over, and regardless of the results they stay on message no matter what. You see it now in the Tax Debate.
Hmm...cell phones can be vastly cheaper than landlines...flat panels are now the standard for TVs...and Cable is cheap entertainment.
Sounds like wingnut isn't happy unless those sharecropping lazy shiftless folks are doing totally without. Makes him feel like a man. Maybe they should give up their store-boughten clothes and go back to flour sacks.
How many of them are living on the precipice? How many have substandard diets? How many can't work because studly won't pay for that lazy shiftless public transport? How many were productive citizens before st reagan and bush?
"How many of them are living on the precipice? How many have substandard diets? How many can't work because studly won't pay for that lazy shiftless public transport? How many were productive citizens before st reagan and bush?"
Mold, it doesn't matter, they are poor. They did it all to themselves.
AB, many of these people were made poor because of the policies from the guy right before Obama. Besides, see what Wesley R said.
As usual Field you nailed it. Thanks
for coining or introducing us to the term "blingnut". It's much handier than writing ultra right wing black conservative. Does Thomas Sowell have any other friends other than white crazy conservatives, Shelby Steele, Williams and a few others? Also, does his offspring disown him in public or come around "scrooge" during the holidays? Just wondering!
field :"many of these people were made poor because of the policies from the guy right before Obama"
that is demonstrably false .
As usual Field you nailed it. Thanks
for coining or introducing us to the term "blingnut".
Not bad, but you got me thinking. I prefer to use the term "moonbat" for your typical breathless liberal.
Would "coonbat" be out of line for a raving black liberal?
If the government is poor and they get their money from us, I would like for them to return all the flat panel tv's I see on a daily basis in local and federal government private offices (we could all be reminded of the FEMA Playstation Game rooms they set up during Katrina while the homeless couldnt get running water to their trailers), as well as the blackberry's they hand out to what appears to be anyone over a gs-9. If they are spending my money, I'll let them set the standard on how I should live.
I've been underpaid since before the recession started and my company now uses the recession as an excuse not to give bonuses, lay off workers, cut our pay all the while workload increases in the office and new contracts are brought in. They have realized that fear of being jobless now without extended unemployment means they can force us to work unpaid overtime, with less benefits and we wont......cant leave and find better employment. Work without pay? Sounds like a return to those 'good old days' everyone has been talking about.
I agree people are abusing the system. But those people include the unemployed as well as business owners.
Maybe there is some common ground, maybe those tea baggin wingnuts ain’t so crazy.
To wingnut and blingnut. I'm not insulted by the progressive/liberal
tags. In fact,it was progressives that forged the way for the kind of society that you and your ilk can thrive in and state openly your repressed and inhumane views. During "the good old days" that most white ultra conservatives pine for; your point of view wouldn't matter and you would be invisible. Today, they give you a platform for a period and then discard you like they're trying to do to Michael Steele. "Moonbat" is fine for me "coonbat" is more appropriate in describing you! I'm done and I wish Field would put up the "Troll Alert" again.
i keep waiting for the executive wing to buckle down and do the right thing cuz the legislature sure won't. Joe Scarborough said that whenever Clinton was being stymied by Congress, he'd veto. He said he was a master of negotiation and positioning the Repubs as the bad guys. Why won't the Prez do that now?
"I've been underpaid since before the recession started and my company now uses the recession as an excuse not to give bonuses, lay off workers, cut our pay all the while workload increases in the office and new contracts are brought in."
Yes, that's called greed. This is why "trickle down economics" will never work.
Carolyn, you are right. We should get up the troll alert. I mean we welcome them, but we just need to be prepared. Which reminds me; I just watched my new favorite show on the tele (The Walking Dead) these wingnuts remind me of the zombies on the show. :)
BTW wingnut, I, like Carolyn, will wear that name (progressive/liberal) like a badge of honor.
"Why won't the Prez do that now?"
Cali Girl, when you get the answer let us both know.
blingnut, ease up on the Beckstaria. :) I don't like crass commercialism, either, but I am not out buying seeds and stocking up on water. I think our civilization will be around for awhile.
I read Russell Simmons article the other week about why is wasn't thankful about Thanksgiving with one reason being the destruction of Native Americans, then the commercialism of Black Friday and the final nail the coffin was the murder of 9 million turkeys. I am going to say that I thought that was one of the biggest kind of bull that I have read or hear in my life. He may have a point about Native Americans, but Simmons is one of the biggest capitalist around. The man has a pre-paid credit card by which charges fees to use, and he knows that mainly low-income people. He is making money off the backs of poor people, the Bastard. Prior to writing to article, I saw him on the Martha Stewart doing a segment making vegan recipe for what holiday, why Thanksgiving. Lastly, I wasn't aware of the fact that you can murder a turkey, I always thought it was an unlawful act of a human being. That's my rant about Russell Simmons. Capitalist can discuss who poor people are lazy and immoral, but do not mind making money off of them. We discuss in the previous post about 62.7 million people who do not pay federal income tax simple because they make under $8,375. People do not realize that there are some place throughout New York City where food banks are running out of food they unable to keep up with demand of the people who coming to get food. People do not like poor people. They are the first group to be attack because they are most vulnerable and an easy target. They are considered to be weakest. I was in a conservation with a person about an article in a NYC local paper of a woman who's lives in the city making around $10,800 and she said that's not even trying. We tend to take an experience of someone we know who is shiftless and apply that to everyone who's circumstances are not better than ours. There are times when are so self-absorbed and talk about what we would do in that person's situation, and not actually placing ourselves in that person's shoes because we do not want to be like them. One of people's biggest fear is being poor and it's possibly the reason why we adverse to poor people. I am speaking generally when I say we and do not mean anyone making comments. It's after mid-night, I have to sleep.
CAROLYN MOON said..."In fact,it was progressives that forged the way for the kind of society that you and your ilk can thrive in and state openly your repressed and inhumane views."
Actually, it was the founding fathers who decided to incorporate freedom of expression into our constitution.
Liberal/progressives today work tirelessly to silence dissent (see the Fairness Doctrine, campus speech codes, attacks on conservative speakers, etc.). Just listen to the moonbats on this site who constantly call for Fox news to be shut down.
Progressives want to dictate what you eat, where you can live, what you can drive, how much you can earn, and what you think. No thanks, I'll take America.
"Actually, it was the founding fathers who decided to incorporate freedom of expression into our constitution."
About those "founding fathers"....
fn and w:
how dare you keep blaming bush for giving rich men money
while hobama gives more money to richer men daily???????
hobama has made every bush/bubba/ronny sin worse...by deliberate elitist design!
how long will you excuse that????????????
no prez before hobama EVER gave 23 trillion directly to banksters!!!
Bush left a 1.3 Trillion dollar deficit, and it took him 2 wars and 8 years just to get that high! Obama in his first year only, has left over 5 trillion in debt!
What is most astounding about President Barack Obama's radical economic recovery program isn't its breadth, but its continuation of the most destructive policies of the Bush administration. These Bush policies were in themselves repudiations of Franklin Delano Roosevelt, Mr. Obama's hero.
Another horrific Bush policy that Mr. Obama has left untouched concerns short selling. In 1938, the SEC, created by FDR, enacted the so-called uptick rule, which held that investors could not short a stock unless it went up in price. In July 2007, the SEC, whose commissioners were handpicked by the White House, got rid of the rule. Market volatility exploded.
If the president really takes Roosevelt's legacy seriously, he should suspend mark-to-market accounting rules, restore the uptick rule, and enforce the prohibition against naked short selling. If he doesn't, historians will look back in utter amazement at Mr. Obama's preservation of Mr. Bush's worst economic policies.
Obama had his own plans to go down in history as the president that “reined in” so-called entitlements: Social Security, Medicaid and Medicare. On his own initiative, he caused the creation of a deficit cutting commission whose recommendations are due, next month. The president planned for commission members to threaten entitlements, whereupon he would position himself as the Great Compromiser and Conciliator, further weakening the safety net while pretending to salvage portions of it. But that was before Tuesday’s Republican tidal wave. In the new relationship of forces, an Obama attempt at triangulation on entitlements would invite utter catastrophe. We can only hope that the Republicans are so consumed with destroy-Obama fervor that they reject his entreaties to bipartisan collaboration. The people’s interests would best be served with the GOP charging ahead with their own Neanderthal agenda, forcing Obama to respond with vetoes, if necessary. The people have no champion in the White House or the Congress. The best we can hope for is that the two evils cancel each other out. Let there be gridlock
hobama will be documented in history as MUCH more brutal to poor people than ANY prez before him
hobama is RABIDLY more racist/more elitist/golfs more/takes more vacations/
his wars are more endless and bloodier etc...
wake up!!!!
President Bush expanded the federal budget by a historic $700 billion through 2008. President Obama would add another $1 trillion.
President Bush began a string of expensive financial bailouts. President Obama is accelerating that course.
President Bush created a Medicare drug entitlement that will cost an estimated $800 billion in its first decade. President Obama has proposed a $634 billion down payment on a new government health care fund.
President Bush increased federal education spending 58 percent faster than inflation. President Obama would double it.
President Bush became the first President to spend 3 percent of GDP on federal antipoverty programs. President Obama has already increased this spending by 20 percent.
President Bush tilted the income tax burden more toward upper-income taxpayers. President Obama would continue that trend.
President Bush presided over a $2.5 trillion increase in the public debt through 2008. Setting aside 2009 (for which Presidents Bush and Obama share responsibility for an additional $2.6 trillion in public debt), President Obama’s budget would add $4.9 trillion in public debt from the beginning of 2010 through 2016.
wake up!
Five AB posts in 15 minutes. Is this med-free Monday? And guess what? THERE WAS NOTHING NEW IN ANYTHING YOU POSTED. Wayy to continue to ruin this blog. Congrats.
bold baseless assnon:
what is new about your faceless denial???
what do u ever post worthy of counting even IF we could id you as u do so?????????
where is your invisible blog?????
field-negro breaph, I was for Hillary Clinton before being for Hillary was kool "!!!
Chalky White should be our President, not this he is civilized, because he is half-white pusillanimous high-yellow Negroe.
Don't Punk-Out Obama !!!!
selectively set off assnon:
why do my repeated and increasingly effortless slayings of hobama herein vex u so?
but you and your hobama nazi peers' repeated and increasingly suicidal denials and inabilities to defend that indefensible hobama NEVER vex u so????
stone cold junkie assnon:
every day is hobama nazi denial day herein...that is a fatal drug!!!
i have the truth that cures what ails u!!!
hobama has been a fatal QB for bush...shame!!!!
As unemployment in the U.S. nears the dreaded 10 per cent mark, it is a chart to chill the bones of any job hunter.
Comparing previous recoveries from all 10 American recessions since 1948 to the current financial crisis, the stark figures show almost no improvement in employment figures in the past year.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1336078/Post-recession-unemployment-scariest-job-chart-worst-WW2.html#ixzz17LYEj1nc
Four more in 20 minutes...I hear the sirens. Do ambulances have wifi?
i hear blaring silence from u re; hobama.
it is far too late for ER services...hobama nazis like hobama are DOA!!!
blind cowardly inept transparent weak assnon:
does hobama denial have an expiration date?....ever???
Give it a rest, Alicia. There is no stopping Obama.
give it a rest and get a job ya buceta breaf moron! what u doin from 735PPM on sunday to 1108AM on monday? blogging on someone else's blog cuz urs aint ha no comments u a gottdam fool nucka! and u aint ha no sense neither ya idgit! have a phukked up day ya moron! must be nice collectin unemployment ssdi and sittin on that fat phugly ass of urs huh chrick!
field-negro breaph Negroes, I was for Hillary Clinton before being for Hillary was kool !!!
Chalky White should be our President, not this he is civilized, because he is half-white pusillanimous high-yellow Negroe.
Don't Punk-Out on taxes Obama !!!!
anon 153PM directed towards that nasty filthy dyke obamahater buceta breaf alicia banks
blissfully late assnon:
hobama was stopped quite well on 11/2/10...how did u miss that???
done deal!
stay tuned...that hoax hobama gets better at stopping himself each day!
decode your vulgarities..k?
your filthy ghettoese is retarded greek to me
your "posts" read
like tourette's syndrome + lethal crack + glaring illiteracy + 4 loko... all mixed up into one hobama nazi cocktail!!!
Good one Field, bravo! And there will be more scapegoating as times get even harder.
And while folks are pointing fingers at the defenseless poor, workers are catching hell like Mutt said. Workers are being forced to work more hours without getting paid and being required to do the work of the folks they lay off.
Tough times indeed. And anon has it wrong its not progressives that determine what you eat where you live or where you drive, its economic policy that dictates that.
And BTW it is this administration that has sought to shut down Wiki leaks sites which are definitely a form of free speech.
Where do you guys get these crazy ideas that have absoutely no basis in fact? People like that anon are perfect foils for the system they are the kind of unthinking non -analytical bunch that makes facism possible!
Poor people tend to live in clusters.
all these racist wms slandering hobama as a wimp forget how "gangster" he is when he is slaying poor people and shutting down the net etc!...
Over the Thanksgiving Holiday something very disturbing took place… Homeland Security along with ICE (Immigration & Customs Enforcement) , the Department of Justice and the National Intellectual Property Rights Co-ordinating Center seized over 80 websites including popular Hip Hop websites RapGodfathers.com, dajaz1.com and Onsmash.com. These Hip Hop sites were accused of copyright violations, which is crazy, because these sites were popular because they mostly worked with artists to promote their work and help establish a buzz.
Obama is a Blue Dog, versteh?
He ran, as Blue Dogs do, on a Progressive/Liberal platform. That could make him a one-term President...unless the wingnuts and religio-crazees get Sarey or some other wack as the R choice.
Umm...Fairness Doctrine increases free expression...it was how wingnuts got airtime, back in the day. I can imagine the soiling of diapers if a rational, Fact-based Liberal was allowed to challenge the statements of the frequent visitor to sex tourism locations. Fox would wet themselves if actual Progressives could give debate.
Campus free speech makes frat boys sad. They miss the days when one could be a jerkhole without consequence. Funny, I would term the alleged attacks upon conservatives as the free speech the writer wails about...except that conservatives have an assumption that their ideers come from gawd or some such and are not up for dissent or debate.
Weeping that Federal Employees have the same tools as private sector is an odd whine. Pouting that you have it rough...but want those who took public jobs should have it worse reminds me of the proles who have hissy fits that a teacher makes a modest wage. Instead of crying that you can't be a man without some form of slavery or guaranteed superior status...vote Progressive/Liberal.
Though, I have to empathize with Obama on the issue of the 'family' always wanting a handout. The Cosby show never seemed to illustrate the numerous moochers who gravitate to those who had some success. When the person was making an attempt...I donated. When they wanted freebies... I gave them the name and number of folks looking to hire.
Iyauta Moore may be many things — a single mother raised by a single mother in the South Bronx, a 34-year-old woman with a master’s degree in public administration from American University, a top-level government employee who makes a little over $100,000 a year — but she bristles at the notion that she is just another overpaid, underworked, cosseted bureaucrat.
“What I do here involves creating something that doesn’t exist,” she said of her job at the Department of Education, where she is establishing a group to help oversee all of the department’s grants. “That’s not pushing paper.”
Ms. Moore, who is a member of the American Federation of Government Employees, added: “We’re out and we’re making a difference in the community. And I don’t really think you can put a dollar figure on that.”
But as politicians intent on cutting the federal budget try to do just that, career government employees are feeling besieged.
A moldy fool said: "Fairness Doctrine increases free expression...it was how wingnuts got airtime, back in the day."
No, the Fairness Doctrine ensured political speech was kept off the radio, because it was too onerous to have to provide an extra hour of airtime for every hour of a talk show. When it was in place, there were no conservative political talk shows on the radio.
Once the fairness doctrine was repealed, political talk radio took off. Conservative shows dominated because it was the only outlet not controlled by liberal conglomerates who controlled all TV and most print media.
Fascist progressives want to reinstate it to get conservative talk shows off the air. They are not similarly worried about balancing liberal National Governemnt Public Radio, or balancing TV news broadcasts etc.
It's not enough they control all other media; they need to squelch legitimate dissent that flourishes on the once forgotten AM radio.
What possible reason would government want to control what gets aired on private radio stations other than censorship?
Thanks in part to such shows, the tyranny of the progressives is in decline.
Death to government censorship!
interesting speech from the Senate floor by Vermont independent senator Bernie Sanders. He asks the right questions.
the neocons paid cold hard cash for every station/media empire they own...mike powell helped them when he led the fcc to give them free reign as unchecked media monopolies/ponzi portfolio scams etc....
therein lies the problem
liberals are always too poor to compete with unchecked capitalists
who silenced all radio rebels like me and mike malloy long ago!
pay attn
the same thing is happening to the internet NOW!!!
amazon may soon be gone too
"unchecked capitalists" = shows people actually want to listen to
clueless unchecked assnon:
"unchecked capitalists" = rich bullies who make sure they have no competition so they can pretend to be real winners in nonexistent media wars
millions of great liberal hosts would BLOW rush and his clones away easily...that is why we have 0 mics!!!!
mike malloy and i slew sean hannity at wgst
but we were fired and he went to nyc via newtie g
i would slay rush anytime anyday still!....
but i refused to sell my soul like ken hamblin/larry elder etc to do so
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
black radio via rap and gospel are co-conspirators in our demise
my entire crew was fired via format change at wigo...all talk to all gospel
rebellion to oblivion
the tjms caused millions to be fired nationwide so that his apolitical hobama loving minstrel show could thrive in syndication
so all those political rebel blacks were silenced for the buybull gospel drones that ghetto apolitical holy morons like the vdlr love listen to now...
and i am mad at mike powell
but i am not mad at rush or any other neocon who bought power in media...
as long as rich blacks choose to buy white strippers/cars/clothes/hobama tees rather than real power in america...we will stay powerless in all media
my bad!
hobama even hates mongrels who own banks too!!!
Maxine Waters is undergoing an ethics investigation over federal support for black owned banksOn Wednesday of last week, the Federal Reserve released data detailing all 21,000 of its emergency transactions to counter the effects of a global financial meltdown. According to its own figures, close to $9 trillion dollars was loaned out at zero percent interest.
The list of borrowers from the Federal Reserve included all of the big banks including Bear Stearns, Lehman Brothers, Merrill Lynch and Countrywide, who are now either out of business or have been acquired by larger entities. Even foreign banks such as Barclays, Deutsche Bank and BNP Paribas got to borrow a little change from the Fed but out of the 21,000 transactions listed, there wasn’t a single black owned bank on that list.
"millions of great liberal hosts would BLOW rush and his clones away easily...that is why we have 0 mics!!!!"
Right....so why exactly are all these radio stations throwing away all the ad revenue that would be generated by these scintillating liberal talk shows?
In case you didn't get it the first time, there is not a huge audience for left-of-sanity lesbian politics/tribal chanting/erotic story reading radio shows.
Do us all a favor and see how long you can hold your breath.
give it a rest and get a job ya buceta breaf moron! what u doin from 735PPM on sunday to 1108AM on monday? blogging on someone else's blog cuz urs aint ha no comments u a gottdam fool nucka! and u aint ha no sense neither ya idgit! have a phukked up day ya moron! must be nice collectin unemployment ssdi and sittin on that fat phugly ass of urs huh chrick!
Correction what is ur phugly ass doin fro 735PM sunday to 413PM now almost 24 hours on the internet ya phukkin loser with no gottdam life no gottdam job and no prospects
the definition of LOSER asswipinthunderkuntbreaf havin fool!
u claim to have a job buceta breaf banks it must be a job that dont need much concentration cuz ure always on this blog ya coohole! how ur employer think about that ya lying chriflin chrick!
In case you didn't get it the first time, there is not a huge audience for left-of-sanity lesbian politics/tribal chanting/erotic story reading radio shows.
Do us all a favor and see how long you can hold your breath.
word up nucka word up!
"Why has Alicia Banks, a beloved radio voice, gone back to school? 'I want to be as radical and renowned as a professor as I am as a talk show host.' Her FM show...has been her 'labor of love' for a decade...'I decided to change careers at this point because radio has been entirely locked down by white male neocons'...The same forces that inspired Banks to head to the hills of academia conspire against marginal forces in music...She points out that the vast majority of radio stations are owned by a small number of companies, and playlists are increasingly computerized...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 7/2000
"Musicologist, activist, and cyber columnist is how Alicia Banks describes herself. But she's better known to her fans and detractors as a popular talk radio personality. She is the producer, creator, and host of two radio shows...Alicia heats up early morning airwaves with her take-no -prisoners approach. But her shock-jock comparisons end with her eclectic mix of music and anti-racist interpretation...." GIRLFRIENDS MAGAZINE 9/1997
"Alicia Banks drops a weekly bomb fused with consciousness and sister melodies..." HUES MAGAZINE 11/1996
"If talk radio seems dominated by clones of Rush Limbaugh, Alicia Banks is the answer...Her fans revere her...The creator of two immensely popular radio programs, Banks has her finger on the pulse of American culture. There's a growing hunger for her message..." VICTORY MAGAZINE 1/1996
"Banks makes it her business to deliver music, news and commentary in a way that challenges...Her show has become ground zero for a fire storm of controversy...Banks has built an enthusiastic audience and won a second prime time talk show...."OUT MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' programs are no ordinary talk shows...Her broadcasts are not to be taken lightly. She seems ready for anything. She is fearless..." DENEUVE MAGAZINE 6/1994
"Banks' program combines the voices of Dinah Washington and Billie Holiday with tribal songs, fictional readings, erotica, and political discussions. It is the politics which have caused a stir..." THE WASHINGTON BLADE 2/25/1994
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
"Since 1989, Alicia has been heating up the airwaves with her eyebrow raising program...Although the show is packed with great voices of the past and present, there's room for deep talk...Banks is now having the last laugh with her success..." ATLANTA MAGAZINE 10/1993
"Alicia Banks is no wimp... It's that kind of outspokenness that has brought an audience to her show..." SOUTHERN VOICE 6/17/1993
why do politicos prefer to spend more to keep bm in jail than send them to college???
why are wedding cake cos/greeting card cos etc owned by those who seek to ban gay marriage?
why do countless corps evade the black radio stations who do exist with ad funds???
because racism and elitism trump revenues of all others
black/gay cash is tainted cash!!!
hatred trumps profit!
why do owners of car corps and clothiers and liquor empires fight reparations when black mongrel fools like the vdlr will hand them the cash back in 24 hrs???
reparations = instant cash back for white corps
but they fight that windfall to make sure blacks get nothing for 24 hrs
hate trumps profits!!!
"black/gay cash is tainted cash!!!"
All cash is green.
clueless assnon:
tell that to insurers who want no spousal premiums from gays!
and tell that to black radio sales agents who cannot even undercut sales pkgs to white merchants etc
The first target was CompUSA, which didn't focus on black customers, even though blacks spend about $750 million a year on computer products. In August the two began urging listeners to send in sales receipts to prove that blacks shopped at CompUSA. They sent five big boxes to CompUSA but got no reply. Then Joyner read on the air an insulting letter that had been faxed to the show on CompUSA stationery. It turned out to be a hoax, and he had to apologize. It looked like the campaign might fizzle
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,992449,00.html#ixzz17N2utXin
Once boycotted nation-wide by labor, African-American and Latino groups over alleged discriminatory hiring practices and union-busting, Coors Brewing Co. has in recent years made peace with most of its critics by agreeing to change its policies. Now, the company has launched a new PR blitz to kill off the boycott's last vestiges in the gay and lesbian community -- a campaign spearheaded by the recently surfaced gay son of the company's chairman himself. But behind the happy talk, the Coors family continues to support a panoply of far-right, anti-gay groups.
clueless assnon:
tell that to realtors who refuse to rent or sell even to elite blacks daily
ditto for arabs in france who can pay triple in cash!
alicia banks said...
"and tell that to black radio sales agents who cannot even undercut sales pkgs to white merchants etc"
I'm sure they get plenty of diaper and sneaker ads.
" the Coors family continues to support a panoply of far-right, anti-gay groups."
Pop me another Coors then!
I am anon at 9:59 a.m. Did i not call this AB lunacy? Med-free Monday to be sure. God, you are a blog killer. Go Over To Your Own Blog!
dimwitted drunken assnon:
police your own blog!!!
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