I see that the evil ones are still up to their old tricks in Washington:
"WASHINGTON – House and Senate Republicans on Wednesday thwarted Democratic efforts to award $250 checks to Social Security recipients facing a second consecutive year without a cost-of-living increase.
President Barack Obama and Democrats have urged approval of the one-time payment, saying seniors barely getting by on their Social Security checks face undue hardships without the COLA increase.
But most Republicans contended that the nation couldn't afford the estimated $14 billion cost of the payment, and that the COLA freezes in 2010 and 2011 come after seniors received a significant boost in 2009.
The measure was brought up under a fast-track procedure in the House that required a two-thirds majority for passage. The 254-153 vote in favor of the bill fell short of that." [Source]
Damn! You mean to tell me that you republi-clowns can't afford $250 for grandma? That's the cost of a tie and a shoe shine for you boyz. But I am not surprised, republi-clowns tend to roll like that:
"An Indiana baby needs life-saving surgery, but the state health care agency -- whose budget was slashed this year -- won't pay for it.
Six-month-old Seth Petreikis suffers from complete DiGeorge syndrome, which keeps him from developing a thymus, an infection-fighting glandular organ. He needs a transplant that's been pioneered by a specialist at Duke University in North Carolina. But the procedure costs $500,000, and the state's Family Social Services Administration won't pay for it under the state's Medicaid, reports the Northwest Indiana Times. It claims that the treatment is "experimental" -- even though 58 of 60 children to receive it have survived.
We last wrote about Indiana's FSSA after some of its staffers told parents to drop off their developmentally disabled children at homeless shelters. The parents had failed to receive schedule Medicare waivers to pay for care, after Gov. Mitch Daniels -- who is now weighing a possible 2012 GOP presidential run -- cut the agency's funding to deal with a budget shortfall." [Source]
At least we know that they don't discriminate; they f&^% over young and old.
But wait, there is more:
"WASHINGTON – House and Senate Republicans on Wednesday thwarted Democratic efforts to award $250 checks to Social Security recipients facing a second consecutive year without a cost-of-living increase.
President Barack Obama and Democrats have urged approval of the one-time payment, saying seniors barely getting by on their Social Security checks face undue hardships without the COLA increase.
But most Republicans contended that the nation couldn't afford the estimated $14 billion cost of the payment, and that the COLA freezes in 2010 and 2011 come after seniors received a significant boost in 2009.
The measure was brought up under a fast-track procedure in the House that required a two-thirds majority for passage. The 254-153 vote in favor of the bill fell short of that." [Source]
Damn! You mean to tell me that you republi-clowns can't afford $250 for grandma? That's the cost of a tie and a shoe shine for you boyz. But I am not surprised, republi-clowns tend to roll like that:
"An Indiana baby needs life-saving surgery, but the state health care agency -- whose budget was slashed this year -- won't pay for it.
Six-month-old Seth Petreikis suffers from complete DiGeorge syndrome, which keeps him from developing a thymus, an infection-fighting glandular organ. He needs a transplant that's been pioneered by a specialist at Duke University in North Carolina. But the procedure costs $500,000, and the state's Family Social Services Administration won't pay for it under the state's Medicaid, reports the Northwest Indiana Times. It claims that the treatment is "experimental" -- even though 58 of 60 children to receive it have survived.
We last wrote about Indiana's FSSA after some of its staffers told parents to drop off their developmentally disabled children at homeless shelters. The parents had failed to receive schedule Medicare waivers to pay for care, after Gov. Mitch Daniels -- who is now weighing a possible 2012 GOP presidential run -- cut the agency's funding to deal with a budget shortfall." [Source]
At least we know that they don't discriminate; they f&^% over young and old.
But wait, there is more:
"The Senate Republicans did what they said they'd do today -- they blocked a bill aimed at providing over $7 billion in federal money for 9/11 responders and their families because it came before a vote on taxes. But despite the almost scripted outcome, Democratic Senators behind the bill seemed shocked at the outcome.
"We are gravely disappointed," Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand (D-NY), a key sponsor of the bill, told reporters following the failed cloture vote. "When every Senator on the Republican side signed a letter saying no business can be done until they had a vote a vote on a tax issue, I find [it] to be morally reprehensible."
Sen. Chris Coons, a Democratic Senator from Delaware for all of three weeks, said the bill was the first one he chose to co-sponsor. The fact that the GOP stopped it in its tracks (for now, at least) was a surprise, he said." [Source]
Oh my! The young; the old; and first responders.
Still, if you are the GOP, it must be nice to know that you have a major news network in your pocket to work on your image for you:
"It's no secret that Fox News' political coverage isn't always quite "fair and balanced." But emails obtained by Media Matters show that Fox News' Washington managing editor Bill Sammon urged his staff to actually echo Republican talking points on the health care debate.
According to the emails, Sammon directed his staff to use specific wording when describing the health care debate, preferring the term "government option" over "public option."
Here's an email that Sammon allegedly wrote, outlining his instructions:
1) Please use the term "government-run health insurance" or, when brevity is a concern, "government option," whenever possible.
2) When it is necessary to use the term "public option" (which is, after all, firmly ensconced in the nation's lexicon), use the qualifier "so-called," as in "the so-called public option."
3) Here's another way to phrase it: "The public option, which is the government-run plan."
4) When newsmakers and sources use the term "public option" in our stories, there's not a lot we can do about it, since quotes are of course sacrosanct.
Apparently Sammon's instructions made an impact. Media Matters reports that Republican pollster Frank Lutz in August told Fox News' Sean Hannity that referring to health care reform as a "government option" creates more public disapproval than calling the reform a "public option." Media Matters also reports that the memo affected Fox News anchor Bret Baier's wording from one night to another." [Source]
You can't make this stuff up. And yet, there are folks in A-merry-ca who still believe that the folks over at Radio Rwanda are real journalist. Unbelievable.
Still, if you are the GOP, it must be nice to know that you have a major news network in your pocket to work on your image for you:
"It's no secret that Fox News' political coverage isn't always quite "fair and balanced." But emails obtained by Media Matters show that Fox News' Washington managing editor Bill Sammon urged his staff to actually echo Republican talking points on the health care debate.
According to the emails, Sammon directed his staff to use specific wording when describing the health care debate, preferring the term "government option" over "public option."
Here's an email that Sammon allegedly wrote, outlining his instructions:
1) Please use the term "government-run health insurance" or, when brevity is a concern, "government option," whenever possible.
2) When it is necessary to use the term "public option" (which is, after all, firmly ensconced in the nation's lexicon), use the qualifier "so-called," as in "the so-called public option."
3) Here's another way to phrase it: "The public option, which is the government-run plan."
4) When newsmakers and sources use the term "public option" in our stories, there's not a lot we can do about it, since quotes are of course sacrosanct.
Apparently Sammon's instructions made an impact. Media Matters reports that Republican pollster Frank Lutz in August told Fox News' Sean Hannity that referring to health care reform as a "government option" creates more public disapproval than calling the reform a "public option." Media Matters also reports that the memo affected Fox News anchor Bret Baier's wording from one night to another." [Source]
You can't make this stuff up. And yet, there are folks in A-merry-ca who still believe that the folks over at Radio Rwanda are real journalist. Unbelievable.
This is the sort of thing that happens -- not just gets proposed by some heartless Senator or Congressman, but actually happens -- when we've got a spineless political masochist in the White House who cannot get things done even when his party has strong majorities in the House and Senate. (No, I've not forgotten about Obamacare.) What can we expect of this man starting next month, when the Republicans take command in the House?
We can't afford $14b for seniors but we can afford a $700b tax cut for the wealthiest 1%?
Just a portent of things to come, Field.
Those Fox memos apparently go out to rightwing talk radio also because they copy everything the Fox hosts say. Everyone on the right says the same talking points word for word.
If you think things are crazy now, just wait until the next congress starts. You'll have plenty of material.
I'm watching the Sixers game. Barkley and Ernie talked about my guy bad at halftime
Excuse me for thinking this, but that what happens when you repeatedly support people who don't give a damn about you. Oh sure, they say the right code words, slap a cross and a flag on their poster and call you a "Real American." The sad thing is, people over thiry who should know better by now, always fall for it. The folks who most likely voted these scumbags in will thankfully feel the brunt of it, one way or the other. Sorry, my sympathy is very limited towards these wingnut supporters, regardless of their age. Maybe next time they'll turn off the idiot box and think things through before voting on emotions (fear and prejudice).
c'mon man, where's your love for the homogays, nothing on DADT? not chumming that group today.
that kid should die, if the parents did not work hard enough to save for this surgery or make payments, maybe they will learn their lesson.
stupid folks always wanting a handout...queers and poor folks.
Field thanks for shining a light on the roaches. It's too bad most people in this country know more about what's going on in Hollywood than D.C. and prefer dumbass "reality shows" to actual reality.
Distraction, diversion and a dumbed down electorate make all this possible.
We havent seen anything yet. The Evil Ones gained 60+ seats in the House of Representives. Two more years of evil will give them control of the Senate and the keys to the White House.
"that kid should die, if the parents did not work hard enough to save for this surgery or make payments, maybe they will learn their lesson.
stupid folks always wanting a handout...queers and poor folks."
Go to bed, Newt!
"Field thanks for shining a light on the roaches. It's too bad most people in this country know more about what's going on in Hollywood than D.C. and prefer dumbass "reality shows" to actual reality."
Ernesto, maybe they should get a reality show in DC featuring these clowns. Maybe then folks will tune in.
Ernesto said...
Field thanks for shining a light on the roaches. It's too bad most people in this country know more about what's going on in Hollywood than D.C. and prefer dumbass "reality shows" to actual reality.
Distraction, diversion and a dumbed down electorate make all this possible.
Just one question. If you are upset that seniors didnt get a pittance that will mean nothing to them. I assume you must be livid with what Obamacare does to senior health care and also advances rationing. You do remember the lie about Obamacare bringing down the deficit while double counting and raiding medicare right? If Obamacare is not appealed, this wont be the last time you hear about surgeries that cannot be afforded. Even before it was passed they were telling women they didnt need to have breast examinations....save money. What are they up to now? Over 200 companies were given waivers to the cost of Obamacare so they dont go out of business and have to totally drop company funded benefits. Wasnt the whole idea behind Obamacare that everyone pays or gets fined (not including obamas union friends) this way the 47 % who pay NOTHING in taxes can be further supported.
Look up Cloward Piven. Compare to Obama and the moonbats actions. You cant spend what you dont have and keep giving away what you cant borrow anymore. Sometimes adults have to tell the children, no you cant have that toy if you want to eat and have a place to live.
FREE RIDES ARE Coming to an end. So, go out and create some personal wealth and then maybe you wont be so pissed off when it become harder to steal what someone else sacrificed and gave up so much to be able to earn later in life. Its not a tax cut, its allowing those who earned it to keep their own money and not pay for those sloths who made so many bad choices in life and now want to be supported. You shouldnt have bought that 250K house if you cant make the payments. Now, your neighbor who has paid all along and sacrificed and ate peanut butter and jelly sandwiches to pay for his kids school, that you get for free from his taxes, who buys cheap bologna to give to his kids for lunch (that you get for free from his taxes) who works 2 or three jobs to pay for his kids college tuition (that you or illegals get subsidized or for free from his taxes) is going to lose his house, , while you stay in free off of his taxes. Oh and that unemployment extension just may break him and put his small business out, because the regulatory fees and insurance bills have been sent to small businesses and they cant afford your lifestyle anymore. IN fact no one can. Too many people are in the wagon and complaing about those that are forced to pull them. This country if you had your way would be just like those countries in Africa. Thank god adults are back in charge in Jan.
Call them all the names you want, at the end of the day, they will save your ass from yourself and your deluded liberal mind of how reality works. For you cant keep giving everything for free to everyone and blaming and villifying the very people who support you. That wont last long now will it, before those villians (business creators and owners) get broken themselves. Then who will create money for you to feel you are owed what you havent created or earned?
"FREE RIDES ARE Coming to an end."
So that's what doing right by your poorer fellow man is called.
"So, go out and create some personal wealth and then maybe you wont be so pissed off when it become harder to steal what someone else sacrificed and gave up so much to be able to earn later in life."
Cognitive dissonance in a nutshell. You support people whose policies effectively prevent the working poor from accumulating personal wealth and when the working poor rightfully bitch about how all of the hand-ups are being killed off one by one, you sneer at them and tell them essentially to go fuck themselves until they get some wealth on them, which they most likely will never have a chance to do thanks to the asshattery the corporate-bought GOP and Dems are coming up with.
Most people who are on Social Security are on a fixed income that's being torn to shreds by inflation. SS income is sometimes all the income they can muster, unless they have enough energy and health to work at Wal-Mart.
"I assume you must be livid with what Obamacare does to senior health care and also advances rationing. You do remember the lie about Obamacare bringing down the deficit while double counting and raiding medicare right? If Obamacare is not appealed, this wont be the last time you hear about surgeries that cannot be afforded. "
I thought you would be proud of Obamacare, as it was largely a boon to insurance companies and HMOs who now have a juicy captive audience....oh, you're talking about universal health care, which nearly every other country seems to do relatively well. Except this one, because we're fucking stupid when it comes to such things.
"Sometimes adults have to tell the children, no you cant have that toy if you want to eat and have a place to live. "
This is more like Mommy Dearest slapping little Sally around the room, screaming "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS" when it's the only hanger in the house, period.
Let's face it. You people are assholes and people tend to want to emulate an asshole if they can get away with it. A party full of assholes with supporters who dream they can be assholes just like them.
Gregory said...
We can't afford $14b for seniors but we can afford a $700b tax cut for the wealthiest 1%?
No one is cutting taxes. The republicans stopped a tax INCREASE.
$250 for senior is a ridiculous stunt - that's 80 cents a day! Everbody's share of the debt will go up by more than that. Have some sense, will you!
Obama compromises ONE TIME after two years of ramming through legislation and appointments without so much as letting Republicans into the room, and it's the end of the world to you people!
The utter disregard for public opinion shown by the democrats is why they lost 63 seats in the House last month, yet you guys bitch and moan because they have to strike a deal with the party that just won the last election.
Are you for real, or just a bunch of bitches crying for attention?
Anon, to summarize what you said, we must bow before our paymasters and not ask that these overlords pay their fair share in taxes, because 'they make jobs.'
If Republicans want to help small business, they'd fund SBA loans and green tech research, which directly stimulates small business. They'd fund infrastructure - since subcontractors are technically small businesses.
This isn't about helping entrepreneur like my brother or my friend from back home, who owns their own delivery businesses. No, this is helping guys Diddy and Baby buy more $400K sports cars.
The reason we'll never have real progress in this country, is because fools like this actually believe the horse crap the GOP and their corporate puppet masters are shoveling.
Mack Lyons said: "I thought you would be proud of Obamacare, as it was largely a boon to insurance companies and HMOs who now have a juicy captive audience....oh, you're talking about universal health care, which nearly every other country seems to do relatively well"
Obamacare was specifically designed to cause a huge increase in private health insurance costs (which has started already) in order to drive people to the conclusion that they need a "government" option. Left unrepealed, it will destroy most private health insurance in under 10 years. In typical leftist fashion, they have to sneak their schemes by an unsuspecting public.
And no country does universal healthcare anywhere near as well as we have it here. Britain's system is a nightmare. Canadians have to come to the US and pay out of their own pocket or face dying on a waiting list at home.
"green tech research" = flushing money down the toilet.
viable technologies don't need to be funded with money expropriated from the productive economy.
President Urkel said...
"green tech research" = flushing money down the toilet.
viable technologies don't need to be funded with money expropriated from the productive economy.
Hey Urkel, if were true, the internet would not exist, and neither would cellphones, because some business guy would have vested the billions required to make these technologies work.
And for the righties peeing their pants over Thomas Freidman's columns over the last few weeks about how China is kicking our ass in technology - this was his point. the Chinese, for all their warts, see the economic future in conservation and independent energy sources, and are putting their money behind it. Americans are still debating whether global warming exists.
Larry Smackabitch said...
Mack Lyons said: "I thought you would be proud of Obamacare, as it was largely a boon to insurance companies and HMOs who now have a juicy captive audience....oh, you're talking about universal health care, which nearly every other country seems to do relatively well"
Obamacare was specifically designed to cause a huge increase in private health insurance costs (which has started already) in order to drive people to the conclusion that they need a "government" option. Left unrepealed, it will destroy most private health insurance in under 10 years. In typical leftist fashion, they have to sneak their schemes by an unsuspecting public.
And no country does universal healthcare anywhere near as well as we have it here. Britain's system is a nightmare. Canadians have to come to the US and pay out of their own pocket or face dying on a waiting list at home.
This is a right wing fantasy that simply not true. Americans have the highest morbidity rates and worse health care outcomes in the world, precisely because we don't have any form of signal payer or any viable form of guaranteed public health coverage. America gives great medical care, if you've got the money.
OH NOOOOOOOO. Fox News “Caught” Sending Out A Style Sheet.
Progressives at Media Matters, hilariously, cry foul for reporting the news ACCURATELY and are passing a pine cone (the wrong way) over an e-mail that Fox New’s Bill Sammon sent to Fox anchors that said to call the “public option” the “government option.”
The public option IS the government option. But in the progressive world it is very important to not describe their ideas accurately, they need to properly grease the enema nozzle so that it will be painless.
If you are not a liar, you expect others to tell the truth. You may eventually learn not to trust certain people, but your first instinct it to believe what others say.
Progressives live telling lies, cheating, stealing and perverting every good thing. They expect the same from everyone else. Progressives truly believe in nothing, therefore assume no one else does either.
How sad.
LAC: "the Chinese, for all their warts, see the economic future in conservation and independent energy sources, and are putting their money behind it. Americans are still debating whether global warming exists."
No we're not, those of us who hadn't figured it out already learned that global warming was a complete hoax with the release of the climate gate emails last year. Where you been?
And oh man, you're right, those Chinese sure know how to run a country! No messy elections where evil Republicans might win, no first ammendment talk radio to worry about (Lush Rimbaugh?), everybody just shuts the hell up and does what you tell them. A progressive utopia!
LACoincidental said... "This is a right wing fantasy that simply not true. Americans have the highest morbidity rates and worse health care outcomes in the world"
You've said a lot of dumb things, LAC, things that make a right thinking man's brain spin round, but that absofuckinglutely takes the cake! Bravo, Dr. Dumbfuck!
Thanks, wingnuts for proving my point about a dumbed-down electorate. Virtually every one of your Fake News talking points can be shown to be bogus in about 5 seconds of googling.
OK, now you can return to building your personal fortune of Glenn Beck-approved gold coins.
Keep up the great work. This is indeed an outstanding blog; enlightening to all shades of humanity. I don't stop by as much ( busy as hell.........oh, I'll send you a facebook link showing some now declassified science stuff I've been doing on the DL for the DOE ). Anyway, as I was going to say, I don't stop by as often due to inhuman fatigue, but it's always nice to come here and get some intellectual juice. AND THE HOUSE NEGRO OF THE DAY summary ALWAYS has me rolling, LITERALLY ! That jackass baseball player was a perfect pick this go around.
Bro. " X "
Yep, that GreenTech has no munny...except the French, Germans, Spanish, and Scandanavians all sell the tech in the global market. Since you did not even Google this, I must assume beleef is more important than Fact.
ObamaCare was RomneyCare...which was faulty from the start with the wingnut welfare to corporations. So, line jumpers are your heroes? Some obese Canadian lies to you about their wait...and you fell for it? Can I sell you a bridge?
The issues with the Canadian and British systems stem from Conservatives cutting funding. You could, like, read the ongoing debate about decresed funding...in English...that the countries are having. Oh wait, that's work. Wingnuts have a congenital aversion to anything termed labour.
Why should we be surprised about wingnuts and their hatred of anyone who toils?
Calling the return of rational tax rates an increase is a tool for selling such nonsense to the mathematically illiterate. Sorry, you need to recall that not every person has a degree from Legacy U or ReligioCrazee KKKollege.
I personally don't fault the Civil Service employees for giving out the best information they can. Gag Rules still apply.
Mack Lyons
"Let's face it. You people are assholes and people tend to want to emulate an asshole if they can get away with it. A party full of assholes with supporters who dream they can be assholes just like them."
That's your tea party conservative in a nutshell.
Most of them are uneducated and barely have a pot to piss in themselves but they figure as long as they identify with asshole elites that they will BE one of them.
Kinda pathetic.
uptownsteve, once again unable to to coherently (or civilly) critique non-collectivists, resorts to calling them poor assholes.
Poor people are a moral prop to you when they are useful, and pathetic vermin to be mocked when they are not.
It's so much easier to debate a cartoon than to think, right steve?
Tax the rich. Rebuild the nation.
I WANT my taxes to go up to lower the deficit.
hobama and the dems are not victims
the repubs and dems are the current clandestine interchangeable captains of one single evil ship
one from which all who are not VERY rich are being brutally ejected without life rafts into stormier financial seas each day...
like hobama, hobamacare will be far worse than most have ever even imagined...
With a black president leading the charge to eviscerate Medicare, Medicaid and social security in the name of “deficit reduction,” what is there left of black politics? What is the relevance of so-called black leaders in the Democratic party, and the remains of our historic civil rights organizations?
The masters of corporate media proclaim that their raid on social security, is a done deal. “Entitlements,” their code word for Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security, will be cut in the lame duck session of Congress, with Democratic president Barack Obama taking the lead. Though the outlines of this raid have been clear for months, what passes for black America's political leadership class have been silent. As far as we know, they have not been ordered to shut up. They have silenced themselves, in abject deference to the corporate black Democrat in the White House.
For the current crop of black leaders, the only legitimate “black” issues are voting rights, (but not for the incarcerated or formerly incarcerated) minority contracting, and funding for HBCUs and various “civil rights” museums and memorials. But in the real world where most African Americans families live, proposals to raise the retirement age,and cut Medicaid or Medicare are dire economic threats. In the U.S. which existed before social security, elders with dwindling assets and little savings unable to work simply went hungry, or were a financial drain upon younger members of their families until they died. This is the real world that corporate Democrats and Republicans intend to bring back.
In the real world, very few elders, and percentage-wise, even fewer black elders will be able to lead anything like a dignified life off retirement savings and 401K plans. If real black leadership existed right now, it would stand up for lowering, not raising the retirement age. Besides obligating millions who are physically unable to seek or sustain employment far into their seventh decade, raising the retirement age will add millions of unemployed elders to the work force, where they will compete with their own children and grandchildren for scarce employment opportunities. If black America had a real voice you'd hear it on the radio and TV explaining that lowering the retirement age would open up millions of jobs for deserving younger workers. You'd read in black newspapers and magazines that a modest rise in benefits would encourage more people to retire, and that those benefits would be immediately spent to fire up the economy, unlike the hundreds of billions in “quantitative easing” doled out to banksters who aim to use it to buy up foreign assets.
Parallel campaigns have turned what used to be a core of black political leadership into corporate slaves, and done away with black broadcast and print news, and made journalism an all but extinct profession. The American people are unable to see their own opinions reflected in the media they consume, in the politicians they elect, or the policies their governments enact. We are nearly defenseless, and despite black faces in city halls, state houses, the congress and the White House, black America is more defenseless than anyplace else.
Anon.11:54 pm,do you own a company?it's friday, do you have employees to pay? Just curious.
Bro x, thanks for the kind words.uts and others,please carry on wity the verbal wingnut beatdown,we are emjoying it.
"Wingnuts have a congenital aversion to anything termed labour.
Why should we be surprised about wingnuts and their hatred of anyone who toils?
Calling the return of rational tax rates an increase is a tool for selling such nonsense to the mathematically illiterate."
wingnut = taxpayer
high tax rates on the productive = irrational
increase = increase
mold = something that grows on shit in the dark
Seexpak Chopra,
"It's so much easier to debate a cartoon than to think, right steve?"
Okay let's try this.
Why would Michelle Bachmann, Republican Congresswoman from Minnesota take to the House floor to denounce the Pigford settlement ($50,000 awards to aggrieved black farmers) when her own family received over $250,000 in farm subsidies while the Pigford case was being litigated????
It's that wonderful knack of compartmentalization that rightwingers do that always amazes me.
When rich white folks get goverment largesse, no bid contracts, special admission to colleges, or hired for jobs above their native ability, they're not "really" handouts or slidebyes but "how America has always worked".
Poor or working class whites who are conservative may get psychological satisfaction from identifying with the fat cats but in reality they're getting fucked over just like the rest of us.
You're just too blind and racist to see it Seexpak.
And THAT folks, is how you shut up a wingnut.
Ask them a direct question or issue a direct challenge.
They'll haul ass faster than Usain Bolt.
They can't debate, they only rant.
I wish I could say something witty but negative against the GOP. But, the truth is, I'm thinking about switching teams, Field.
As an Obama supporter I must follow his lead. What? You didn't know all black people worship him and defend his proposal to give money to the wealthy?
But anyway, given that my man Obama has finally come out of the closet, as a republican. I think it's best that I do some capitulation of my own. Besides, it's not like any of you poor Negroes ever gave me a job anyway.
QLTM (Quietly Laughing To Myself)
Candidate Barack Obama told us to judge his first term by whether he delivers quality affordable health care for all Americans, including nearly fifty million uninsured. So why does his proposal not cover the uninsured till 2013, after the next presidential election when Medicare took only 11 months to cover its first 40million seniors? Why are corporate media pretending that no opinions exist to Obama's left? And why has the public option part of the Obama health care plan shrunk from covering 130 million to only 10 million, with 16 million left uninsured altogether?
The real Obama Plan: doesn't cover the uninsured till 2013, if then.
If the Johnson administration with no computers back in the sixties could implement Medicare for 45 million seniors in under a year, why does it take three and a half years in the 21st century to cover some, but not all, of America's fifty million uninsured? And why does the Obama Plan make us wait till after the next presidential election? Politicians usually do popular things and run for election on the resulting wave of approval. Delaying what ought to be the good news of universal and affordable health care for all Americans till two elections down the road is a strong indication that they know the good news really ain't all that good. And it's not.
The Obama plan is about health insurance, not health care.
As BAR has been reporting since January 2007 [7], the Obama plan is not a health care plan at all, it is a health insurance plan. Based largely upon the failed model in place in Massachusetts since 2006, the Obama plan will require employers to provide coverage or pay a special tax. Everybody not covered by an employer will be required to purchase insurance under penalty of law, in much the same manner as you're currently required to buy car insurance.
As private insurers use their marketing muscle to recruit younger, healthier people who'll pay for but not use their benefits, the public option will be a dumping ground for the customers they don't want... the middle-aged, the poor, those with pre-existing conditions. And of course the Obama plan's “public option' will be managed by contractors from the private insurance industry.
The Obama plan will not contain costs. It will subsidize the insurance vampires well into the next decade. On the other hand, single payer would eliminate the private insurance industry altogether. In many advanced industrial countries, most of the practices private insurers follow here, such as cherry picking healthy patients while dumping and denying sick ones, are illegal. Why can we do that?
"When you talk about rigged bid processes, "special" admission to colleges, and affirmative action, you are talking of course about all the obscene handouts to blacks"
What I tell you people?
Just for instance, Cheney's Halliburton got a no bid contract from the US government, Bush gets admitted to Yale as a legacy, Mike Brown was a Horse Race Commissioner who got appointed FEMA director but Seexpak sez that only "blacks" get handouts??!!???
Ignorance IS bliss.
field negro said...
Anon.11:54 pm,do you own a company?it's friday, do you have employees to pay? Just curious.
Bro x, thanks for the kind words.uts and others,please carry on wity the verbal wingnut beatdown,we are emjoying it.
a merciful referee would have made uts's corner throw in the towell a long time ago. that boy's been KOed so much he's startin to drool like Ali.
down goes uptown
upscrunt: "Just for instance, Cheney's Halliburton got a no bid contract from the US government, Bush gets admitted to Yale as a legacy, Mike Brown was a Horse Race Commissioner who got appointed FEMA director but Seexpak sez that only "blacks" get handouts??!!???"
Legacy careers? Can anyone say Joe Biden?
Everyone knows rich people take care of their own, but it's usually with their own money.
Affirmative action costs everybody. If you want examples, you need to look no further than the White House. Ever read Michelle Obama’s senior thesis paper? Talk about pitiful! Not exactly Princeton material, was she?
At least Barak has been smart enough to hide everything he ever did in school.
And Halliburton was not "Cheney's" - he didn't make a dime off the deal. Halliburton is the only company that could pull off the projects that were given to them. In fact, Obama has continued the same process. Are they Obama's Halliburton now?
like all who refused to vote for hobama or swill his lethal gray kool-aid or worship him as their blackish false god...
we birthers WILL be vindicated someday also...
"People talking in movie shows
People smoking in bed
People voting Republican
Give them a boot to the head!"
-The Frantics
If some people can't see how they're getting screwed over by the Republicans, perhaps they really are too stupid to worry about. Folks can't put 2 and 2 together to see the link between more tax cuts for the rich/corporate welfare and cutbacks for the needy and elderly.
Umm...wingnut is not equal to taxpayer..that is what one calls a false equivalence.
What high rates? We have the lowest taxes on the rich. One should also not equate rich with productive. That is almost like equating royalty with godliness.
Keep selling rational tax rates as an increase...there is the irrational 25% who beleeves you.
There is this wonderous modern invention called the Internet and one could use it to look up Mold and discover many things...and learn.....or one can remain a wingnut.
Oh, if one had looked up the term...the usage would be clear...to an adult.
Cheney did make money...he was investigated by bush's SEC for 'irregularities'...and should have been charged. As far as Halliburton being the only company able to do the task...horseapples...there are at least five that I know of...and I am not in the business.
Brown was an appointee...bush and Chertoff changed the FEMA position from performance to political...much like the rest of the bushista junta. Then many of the bushistas were given Civil Service protections just before Obama was sworn in. Brown at least tried to react...bush and Chertoff declined to assist.
Mold (above the understanding of wingnuts)
shut up kunt breaf banks
the vdlr =
2012 will be great hobama TV!
Instead Mr. Obama said, essentially, that he hates the deal he just agreed to, hates the people he made the deal with, and hates even more the people who'll criticize it. His statement was startling in the breadth of its animosity. Republicans are "hostage takers" who worship a "holy grail" of "tax cuts for the wealthy." "That seems to be their central economic doctrine."
As for the left, they ignore his accomplishments and are always looking for "weakness and compromise." They are "sanctimonious," "purist," and just want to "feel good about" themselves. In a difficult world, they cling to their "ideal positions" and constant charges of "betrayals."
Those not of the left might view all this as straight talk, and much needed. But if you were of the left it would only deepen your anger and sharpen your response. Which it did. "Gettysburg," "sellout," "disaster."
The president must have thought that distancing himself from left and right would make him more attractive to the center. But you get credit for going to the center only if you say the centrist position you've just embraced is right. If you suggest, as the president did, that the seemingly moderate plan you agreed to is awful and you'll try to rescind it in two years, you won't leave the center thinking, "He's our guy!" You'll leave them thinking, "Note to self: Remove Obama in two years."
Modern presidents are never challenged from their base, always by the people who didn't love them going in. You're not supposed to get a serious primary challenge from the people who loved you. But that's the talk of what may happen with Mr. Obama.
The Pigford settlement has been exposed as a scam!
hobama is as brazenly arrogant and conceited as the vdlr is ignorant and vulgar.
that is to say, VERY!!
So on this notable occasion, the White House released a statement from President Obama on the awarding of the prize to Liu in absentia. And this is how Obama's statement began:
One year ago, I was humbled to receive the Nobel Peace Prize -- an award that speaks to our highest aspirations, and that has been claimed by giants of history and courageous advocates who have sacrificed for freedom and justice.
Critics have often said of Obama that "it's all about him," that he has a tendency to reference himself no matter what subject he is discussing. Could he do any more to prove them right? But just to show that he is, in fact, humble, the president followed his opening sentence with this:
Mr. Liu Xiaobo is far more deserving of this award than I was.
(as if hobama was deserving in 12 days as a war prez AT ALL!!!)
Ernesto said...
Thanks, wingnuts for proving my point about a dumbed-down electorate. Virtually every one of your Fake News talking points can be shown to be bogus in about 5 seconds of googling.
OK, now you can return to building your personal fortune of Glenn Beck-approved gold coins.
The wittle leftist moron that spouts the same and I do mean SAME talking point over and over and over and over again actually thinks he is intelligent?
Then you wonder why the world dismisses you as a moron with the only exception being your shop steward, because he needs your union dues to further the leftist communist agenda.
It's refreshing to peruse these comments absent the fruitless yammering between uts and ab.
For the record: The profoundly illiterate; the pornographic ignorant and laughably deluded conservative christians and evangelists ARE our relatives, friends and neighbors. And, sadly, they are here for the long haul - "dey ain't goin' nowherez"; they breed like cockroaches and mice. Did any of us actually think or expect a different outcome from the loud swill of the repignicans and their ilk?
Meanwhile, back at the ranch: Our 'Spook Who Sat by the Door'; HNIC, while brilliantly educated and gifted with a glib tongue "...fiddles while Rome burns.." And, you know, methinks we deserve exactly what we are getting - with more to come. One of my regrets is that I have a grandchild who will have to witness the flaming demise of this so-called empire.
please pray for all teachers daily!
Mack Lyons said...
"FREE RIDES ARE Coming to an end."
So that's what doing right by your poorer fellow man is called.
Doin right when you untwist your words means taking care of someone who is unjustly down. If by arrogance and laziness you decided to skip school and all the hard things that comes with becoming sucessful in life then not getting anything is just. Smokin pot and playin video games does not make the person who worked hard to improve responsible for you. Thta is not doing right!!! I will teach you to fish, I will not keep fishing for you, because you are just lazy.
"So, go out and create some personal wealth and then maybe you wont be so pissed off when it become harder to steal what someone else sacrificed and gave up so much to be able to earn later in life."
Cognitive dissonance in a nutshell. You support people whose policies effectively prevent the working poor from accumulating personal wealth and when the working poor rightfully bitch about how all of the hand-ups are being killed off one by one, you sneer at them and tell them essentially to go fuck themselves until they get some wealth on them, which they most likely will never have a chance to do thanks to the asshattery the corporate-bought GOP and Dems are coming up with.
Nonsense, its called learn and improve, work two jobs like that indian, korean immigrant, save and dont buy rims, open a business, like that immigrant who you buy everythign from. Again laziness doesnt make your greed someone elses responsibility.
Most people who are on Social Security are on a fixed income that's being torn to shreds by inflation. SS income is sometimes all the income they can muster, unless they have enough energy and health to work at Wal-Mart.
So then stop raiding SS for your social programs to pay for people who are disabled from sitting on thier ass too much and got fat. Or want a flat screen tv, cell phone and house even though going to school was too hard and working 2 jobs to save like these old folks did was too hard.
I thought you would be proud of Obamacare, as it was largely a boon to insurance companies and HMOs who now have a juicy captive audience....oh, you're talking about universal health care, which nearly every other country seems to do relatively well. Except this one, because we're fucking stupid when it comes to such things.
Yes, I agree with you here. You are too fucking stupid to understand the real cost of obamacare and how EVERY other socialistic policy of this nature has provenly failed and is bankrupting all other countries.
This is more like Mommy Dearest slapping little Sally around the room, screaming "NO MORE WIRE HANGERS" when it's the only hanger in the house, period.
Bullshit. YOU come for a handout, I say sure. I earned food you can have all you want, no go do some work for me. You don't like that. You want it free while you play video games and watch TV.
Let's face it. You people are assholes and people tend to want to emulate an asshole if they can get away with it. A party full of assholes with supporters who dream they can be assholes just like them.
Well, I will take your word that you want to be an asshole .From my point of view your already doing a very good job.
uptownsteve said...
Mack Lyons
"Let's face it. You people are assholes and people tend to want to emulate an asshole if they can get away with it. A party full of assholes with supporters who dream they can be assholes just like them."
That's your tea party conservative in a nutshell.
Most of them are uneducated and barely have a pot to piss in themselves but they figure as long as they identify with asshole elites that they will BE one of them.
Kinda pathetic.
Now, UTS your getting your Rachel Madcow instructions confused. Remember, the tea party is racist and oppressive because of that poll that highlighted it was composed of mostly older rich white folks who were then racist and oppressive and didnt want to help a brother.
Now you are saying they are uneducated morons who just cant seem to grasp your brilliance? You sound just like Obama.
What you really fail to realize is the tea party composition is overwhelming the majority composed of productive citizens (not necessarily wealthy, but those who despise useful idiots who have no shame of not earning their way but being handout prone) of this country who simply ignore whining petulant, gimme, gimme, gimme, destructive mental midgets like you.
People like you have the intellect and ability to face reality on a level equal to a selfish child. Liberalism is a form of selfish mental disease that most 9 year olds grow out of by 10. Not you. You still want mommy and daddy to provide everything for you, while you totally ignore how someone else sacrificed to eventually become successful, it doesnt matter. You don't have what they earned and you want it now. Its not fair that that little kid who ran a newspaper route, washed cars, mowed lawns earned a new bike. YOu dont have one even though you just watched cartoons, so take his away and make him buy you one too. Thats what you are saying will keep this country running. Really now, Really? Well, no wonder why liberalism is becoming extinct.
Sup Field, the last week of current events coming out of the White House on both sides of the ruling classes aisles reminds of the lyrics of an old song, "sometimes I can't help seeing all the way through."
I think that it has to take gigantic mental gymnastics to avoid the obvious and that is that the system doesn't benefit those who are not rich.
Its also becoming more obvious why the folks running things need racism and yes nationalism.
How else can one explain some the remarks that right leaning working folks have made on this thread.
LACoincidental said...
Anon, to summarize what you said, we must bow before our paymasters and not ask that these overlords pay their fair share in taxes, because 'they make jobs.'
Now how in the world did you get your thoughts out of very different words? The overlords or paymasters as you so liberally paint them as oppressives with your funny choice of words in fact DO pay their fair share of taxes. MOre then you obviously could imagine. First of all this is a tax raise not a cut, second of all keep in mind the magic number of 47% of US households (not counting illegals recieving social program assistance etc) DO NOT PAY TAXES!! Nothing, nada or in fact receive a refund. Who pays all these taxes and has their money taken from them to run the government and PAY the free SOCIAL programs? WHo?
The top 10, 5 and 1% income earners. The evil oppressive people who lived a life of hell working jobs to pay for thier own schooling, working 2 or 3 jobs to pay bills and save for someday opening a business. These are the people who should now get broken because someone is fat, laxy and too uncaring to try and improve thier skills? Who is really the victim?
We are rapidly becoming a society in which a very few pay the greatest part of the cost of government. While a lot of people like you including our president want to make this true even more.
Put aside your liberal theology for a moment and apply reality. Do you really think the model of propping up non creators who are healthy and choose not to work the only jobs they are qualified for as this is demeaning is sustainable? I would say obviously not. Look at our country today. Or look at any socialistic utopia in history. It never worked and always wound up in murder and mayhem with a new elite getting all the resources. Just look at most of EU/UK and the failed policies of social programs.
Today I prefer the thought that anyone of us who Chooses to work hard/smartly can improve and become successful without the thought of needing government or the elites sanctioning.
Share of Taxes (%)
Top 10%
Top 5%
Top 1%
All Federal Taxes
Individual Taxes
Social Insurance Taxes
Corporate Inc Taxes
Excise Taxes
LACoincidental said...
Anon, to summarize what you said, we must bow before our paymasters and not ask that these overlords pay their fair share in taxes, because 'they make jobs.'
Now how in the world did you get your thoughts out of very different words? The overlords or paymasters as you so liberally paint them as oppressives with your funny choice of words in fact DO pay their fair share of taxes. MOre then you obviously could imagine. First of all this is a tax raise not a cut, second of all keep in mind the magic number of 47% of US households (not counting illegals recieving social program assistance etc) DO NOT PAY TAXES!! Nothing, nada or in fact receive a refund. Who pays all these taxes and has their money taken from them to run the government and PAY the free SOCIAL programs? WHo?
The top 10, 5 and 1% income earners. The evil oppressive people who lived a life of hell working jobs to pay for thier own schooling, working 2 or 3 jobs to pay bills and save for someday opening a business. These are the people who should now get broken because someone is fat, laxy and too uncaring to try and improve thier skills? Who is really the victim?
We are rapidly becoming a society in which a very few pay the greatest part of the cost of government. While a lot of people like you including our president want to make this true even more.
Put aside your liberal theology for a moment and apply reality. Do you really think the model of propping up non creators who are healthy and choose not to work the only jobs they are qualified for as this is demeaning is sustainable? I would say obviously not. Look at our country today. Or look at any socialistic utopia in history. It never worked and always wound up in murder and mayhem with a new elite getting all the resources. Just look at most of EU/UK and the failed policies of social programs.
Today I prefer the thought that anyone of us who Chooses to work hard/smartly can improve and become successful without the thought of needing government or the elites sanctioning.
Share of Taxes (%)
Top 10%
Top 5%
Top 1%
All Federal Taxes
Individual Taxes
Social Insurance Taxes
Corporate Inc Taxes
Excise Taxes
Wingnuts want 'their' country back...where one could say "at leasts I ain't no migger". Wonder what academic quals the writer had when they dismissed Michele Obama's thesis? Was it Libertee? Was it BJU? Was it finishing high school?
Oh...it was BeckU.
Teabaggers swear they work, pay taxes and can read. How do they afford all the teabagger paraphernalia? How can they leave work to protest those icky brown folk who are soooo lazy, shiftless and unable to spent all that time away from the job and family? Signs with 'alternate' spellings and the distinct odour of a lack of education beyond the bare minimum allowed by law?
Somehow Europe and others manage to be profitable and also invest in infrastructure with much, much higher tax rates. Can the wingnuts describe how this is done? Or do they wish to cling to the dogma of tax cuts is the onliest cure as st reagan once gave them this holiest of holy writ?
Ten years of bush tax cuts...where were the jobs? Why did the economy tank so bad if tax cuts were the Universal Cure? How many jobs came from giving tax cuts to the wealthy? Were any of these in the US?
Still, I anticipate with glee the end of all that eveel Federal subsidy to the slackers. Wonder how the South will do? What will teabaggers do without the Feds?
mellaneous said...
Sup Field, the last week of current events coming out of the White House on both sides of the ruling classes aisles reminds of the lyrics of an old song, "sometimes I can't help seeing all the way through."
I think that it has to take gigantic mental gymnastics to avoid the obvious and that is that the system doesn't benefit those who are not rich.
Its also becoming more obvious why the folks running things need racism and yes nationalism.
How else can one explain some the remarks that right leaning working folks have made on this thread.
Self acountability, self improvement, self initiative, taking advantage of all this country has to offer to you translates into nationalism and racism? Then you wonder why you fail and have no other recourse but to forcefully take from someone who actually succeeded despite all the obstacles. You keep playin those cards and see how many hands you win in the future. Or how easily and rightfully dismissed you will be.
To use a fishing analogy someone wrote on this blog. When you know how to fish and you do the work to tie the knot, bait the hook and learn how to catch and actually go to the ocean to fish. The fish dont care what race you are, they just care that you learned how and did the right things for them to bite.
So fish or blame the people that get up and learn how to and actually go catch some fish for not giving you what they caught. Blame and hate wont fill an empty stomach.
Sweetie, the UK has a problem because the Thatcherites shipped jobs away to cheaper lands. I'll assume you weren't born yet.
The EU doesn't have a social program problem...it is that conservatives refuse to pay for them. Which is why when I dine with wingnuts, they pay up front for the meal.
Liberals and Progressives don't have a theology. By definition, they are Reality and Fact based. However, to change the hypothesis (remember this from last week?) one must show that the old model was in error...not just pray to st reagan.
Sure, it is the fault of women for Gag Rules...it is the fault of AfAms that bush had Legacy promotions...it is the fault of the poor as they were born with million-dollar trust funds like Santorum...it is sheer laziness that makes kids not want to work for less than subsistence wages...it is their fault...because you need a scapegoat and you don't have the minimal courage to blame those who deserve it.
For a historical note, check out the JUDEN comments by the Nazis. You will find that you are aping them quite well.
Somehow Europe and others manage to be profitable and also invest in infrastructure with much, much higher tax rates. Can the wingnuts describe how this is done? Or do they wish to cling to the dogma of tax cuts is the onliest cure as st reagan once gave them this holiest of holy writ?
Ahhh, a shining example of a liberal minded (well educated, I mean indoctrinated) person. Who despite the obvious lack of ability to string a coherent sentence together with any semblance of clarity is not allowing that to stop his fantasy land.
Mold. Do you get out much?
Do you mean such profitable and higher costing infrastructure as the education system in the UK?
Where they had to recently raise "fees" on subsidized education and the liberals attacked prince charles vehicle in protest?
Where it is working so wonderfully that in the UK they are cutting 81 Billion pounds due to massive budget deficits stemming from their advanced entitlement failures over the years?
"Cameron's government describes the move as a painful necessity to deal with a record budget deficit and a sputtering economy. To balance its books, the U.K. passed a four-year package of spending cuts worth 81 billion pounds, which will eliminate hundreds of thousands of public sector jobs and cut or curtail hundreds of government programs".
Sweetie, the UK has a problem because they threw the Thatcherites out of power 20 years ago. I'll assume you weren't born yet.
The EU has huge a social program problem...it is that there is huge dependent population which refuses to work. Which is why I don't dine with moonbats.
Liberals and Progressives don't have a theology beyond worship of the Self. By definition, they are amoral. However, to change the subject (Mold has trouble concentrating) one must understand that progressives have no idea what they are talking about.
Mold translator
There is no real need for Cameron's budget cuts. He is using the financial crisis as a cover for bringing in his small government doctrine. It has little or nothing to do with the U.K.'s actual financial situation.
Our politicians are running scared - every single one of them.
In 2008 they suddenly realized that they can no longer control the flow of the world's capital.
Now in 2010 they have suddenly realized they can no longer control the flow of the world's information.
That is a terrifying concept for politicians to grasp.
These are very scary times for politicians.
Seexpak Chokra ,
If you think one college paper makes a degree, I can tell that you never went or you never understood the grading system.
I had a course was required to graduate, a major component was a research paper. Initially when the course was put in the curriculum, students figured out the get a "C" in the clas without writing the paper, then the school made it mandatory to write the research paper. Even so, one could put little effort in the paper and still pass the class with a "C". If you are pressed with other classes and not intent in graduating with a 4.00 and would settle for a 3.86, one sometimes will fail to sparkle.
If you graduated with a 4.00 I hope it has gotten you farther than the your internet endeavors.
Hathor: "If you think one college paper makes a degree, I can tell that you never went or you never understood the grading system"
I undertand very well that Michelle Obama was not smart enough to be admitted to any Ivy League school on the basis of anything other than her skin color. She apparently wasn't even smart enough to realize this fact, or if she did, could only react with resentment toward the society that gave her the break.
Here's Christopher Hitchens on the subject, back in May of 2008:
To describe it as hard to read would be a mistake; the thesis cannot be "read" at all, in the strict sense of the verb. This is because it wasn't written in any known language. Anyway, at quite an early stage in the text, Michelle Obama announces that she's much influenced by the definition of black "separationism" offered by Stokely Carmichael and Charles Hamilton in their 1967 screed Black Power: The Politics of Liberation in America. I remember poor Stokely Carmichael quite well. After a hideous series of political and personal fiascos, he fled to Africa, renamed himself Kwame Toure after two of West Africa's most repellently failed dictators, and then came briefly back to the United States before electing to die in exile. I last saw him as the warm-up speaker for Louis Farrakhan in Madison Square Garden in 1985, on the evening when Farrakhan made himself famous by warning Jews, "You can't say 'Never Again' to God, because when he puts you in the ovens, you're there forever." I have the distinct feeling that the Obama campaign can't go on much longer without an answer to the question: "Are we getting two for one?" And don't be giving me any grief about asking this. Black Americans used to think that the Clinton twosome was their best friend, too. This time we should find out before it's too late to ask.
The Purple Cow said...
There is no real need for Cameron's budget cuts. He is using the financial crisis as a cover for bringing in his small government doctrine. It has little or nothing to do with the U.K.'s actual financial situation.
Our politicians are running scared - every single one of them.
In 2008 they suddenly realized that they can no longer control the flow of the world's capital.
Now in 2010 they have suddenly realized they can no longer control the flow of the world's information.
That is a terrifying concept for politicians to grasp.
These are very scary times for politicians.
PC, brother from across the pond, thanks for laying down the real. I also like the fact that the Brits are calling a spade a spade in terms of the recent round of college fee hikes. Cameron's neo-cons raise tution rates by 300%? Hundreds of people protest in the street and even egg Prince Charles' car. Republicans hog tie the President into a bullshit deal between a bullet to the thigh or a shot gun blast to the chest? Liberals bitch about how Obama isn't a 'fighter', the Tea Party goons are dancing in the streets not realizing that they just wrote a $700B check to China, and moderates don't even understand why Congress is voting on anything this close to Christmas. In other words, we did nothing constructive to fight back.
This is why I respect conservatives' hustle. The GOP know how the game is played and stick together to block the little bit of good the President tries to do. In the normal world, a 53/36 vote passes a measure in national parliaments. However, in the GOP Bizarro Universe where they filibuster everything - it takes 60 votes to do anything. They also make a lot of noise and hammer lies until many Americans think its true. And, they throw red meat to their ignorant racist, anti-intellectual base who make up a vocal but relatively insignificant minority.
They also know that unlike the Brits and Greeks, the American people don't know how to fight for their socioeconomic good and will sit by and just blame the Black guy and the Botox Lady for everything.
The rest of the developed world understands that people shouldn't be afraid of their governments, the government should be afraid of their people. They also understand that the poorest shouldn't pay the burden while the rich flaunt their ill-gotten wealth.
What is so amazing about what you write, is that almost everything is completely wrong.
You couldn't do that if you were only somewhat confused. You are obviously not stupid, so what is going on?
You must purposefully say things that deep down you know are not true.
Why? Because you think reality is just a construct of the human mind, and you can make what want to be true real by saying it enough?
Senator Sanders is coming up on five hours in his filibuster against the bill. It's not scheduled for a vote until Monday, though.
Shady_Grady said...
Senator Sanders is coming up on five hours in his filibuster against the bill. It's not scheduled for a vote until Monday, though.
Bernie Sanders can always be counted to do the right thing.
the brits are awake!
when will the american sheeple awake en masse too???
how hungry and homeless do americans have to become before they stop begging hobama ONLY for his autograph???...donning draping hobama tees?...and defending his ruthless blackish antics????
If you hang out much with thinking people, conversation eventually turns to the serious political and cultural questions of our times. Such as: How can the Americans remain so consistently brain-fucked? Much of the world, including plenty of Americans, asks that question as they watch U.S. culture go down like a thrashing mastodon giving itself up to some Pleistocene tar pit.
Thousands of students, furious at government plans to raise the cap on tuition fees almost threefold, fought running battles with police throughout the center of the capital on Thursday.
At one point the protesters surrounded a limousine carrying Prince Charles, Queen Elizabeth's oldest son and heir, and his wife Camilla, kicking the doors, cracking a window and throwing white paint on the car. The couple escaped unhurt
(see the fear on the royal faces here)
"how hungry and homeless do americans have to become before they stop begging hobama ONLY for his autograph??"
Americans are all eating doritos and watching their flat screens, dumbass. Nobody is hungry or homeless here! You should bow down and thank President Obama everyday for the riches America bestows upon your worthless ass! Now begone woman!
Seexpak Chokra
"I undertand very well that Michelle Obama was not smart enough to be admitted to any Ivy League school on the basis of anything other than her skin color."
Even if you believe this (because you damn sure can't prove it) MICHELLE OBAMA GRADUATED FROM PRINCETON.
She matriculated for 4 years, did the work, met the standards and graduated.
This is why the anti-AA arguments from you brain-dead wingnuts are so asinine.
All AA does is get you in the door. Doors that have been traditionally closed to people of color.
What you do once inside is all on your ability and drive.
And obviously Michelle Obama met the challenge.
moronic blind hobama nazi assnon:
cc that bs to the nearest homeless shelter/food bank/unemployment office/public housing exodus/foreclosed home owner/pink slipped worker/evicted renter/food stamp ofc etc...
cc that bs to the nearest tj maxx store's staff too...
Another question Seexpak
What Hitchens' rant about getting "two for one" with the Obamas have to do with Michelle Robinson Obama's performance at Princeton?
closed boarded bankrupt businesses are the new malls
Six hours and still going. When does session end? Can Sanders hold the floor over the weekend? Will this push the Monday vote back? Landrieu and Brown have been helping Sanders. Will Brown do his own filibuster? And how do you get the sound "yuuge" out of the word "huge"? =)
alicia buceta breaf banks =
unacquainted with deep thought
and unapologetically insane
UTS: "What Hitchens' rant about getting "two for one" with the Obamas have to do with Michelle Robinson Obama's performance at Princeton?"
Obviously, you're not Princeton material either.
And the fact that Michelle, like so many others, was shuffled through and given a degree means only that Princeton was doing its liberal duty.
After "graduating", she took that Ivy League degree and parlayed it into several positions which she couldn't handle. She eventually fell to being a mid-level bureaucrat at a Chicago hospital. After her husband got elected senator, she got a 160% raise in one year! She went from earning $121,910 in 2004 as to making $316,962 in 2005.
$121 K is lot to a broom-pusher like you, but for an Ivy league lawyer 20 years out of school, that ain't whole lotta scratch. Good thing her husband got himself to a position where he could kick back money to the hospital, otherwise they never could have afforded that mansion Tony Rezko bought for them.
Even after all life's handouts, she still deeply resented the country and institutions that had bent over backwards to give her everything, witholding her "pride" for her country until they made her husband president. That's our First Lady.
how's that job treatin ya coohole?
where are those scholarly publications again buceta breaf?
Seexpak Chokra,
I'm disappointed in Christopher Hitchens if that is a proper quote. His knowing Stokely Carmichael does not an argument make. How can the breakdown of Carmichael's bio contradict something he claims not to understand.
hilarious vdlr:
thank you for posting your typically reversed projecting and shameless envy yet again.
do know that each stain of filthy mindless transparent stalking graffiti you spew herein proves that you are so very:
acquainted with deep thought
and apologetically insane...
that guffaw truly made my day!!!
vdlr =
REALLY more Retarded each day!
Anon said:
"Self acountability, self improvement, self initiative, taking advantage of all this country has to offer to you translates into nationalism and racism? Then you wonder why you fail and have no other recourse but to forcefully take from someone who actually succeeded despite all the obstacles. You keep playin those cards and see how many hands you win in the future. Or how easily and rightfully dismissed you will be.
To use a fishing analogy someone wrote on this blog. When you know how to fish and you do the work to tie the knot, bait the hook and learn how to catch and actually go to the ocean to fish. The fish dont care what race you are, they just care that you learned how and did the right things for them to bite.
So fish or blame the people that get up and learn how to and actually go catch some fish for not giving you what they caught. Blame and hate wont fill an empty stomach."
I have no idea what you are talking about. I am not a failure but a professional who was having a philosophical discussion.
Racism does exist in this country whether you accept it or not. In a very simple way it plays out in the inequity in our education system and in our justice system.
But you are making my point about the problem of nationalism. It blinds one to the realities of life around them.
If you have done well and when you fish the fish are biting good for you, but I am concerned about the folks who are victimized in the developing world so we folks in the so-called developed can live the kind of lifestyle we enjoy.
I am concerned about the folks who don't enjoy all the privileges that you take for granted.
Whats really sad and dissapointing is that you don't know whats going on in the lives of others and you don't really care to know what is really going on with the other side.
Seepak Chokra,
No matter what you believe or think of Michelle Obama, she is not a politician nor the president.
Evidently you think that any black person can be smart, but you know that is not our problem, unless you can effect policy that would be detrimental or in a position to hire us. From what I gather from the content of your comments that you are not in either of those positions.
Instead of attacking Michelle Obama with statements such as "she was admitted because of her race" and "she was shuffled along," can these haters present facts or answer the following questions:
1. What was her high school GPA and SAT score?
2. What was her undergraduate GPA?
3. What was her rank graduating from law school? Was she at the bottom?
We owe Ralph Nader and Cynthia McKinney an apology. They were right about Barack Obama. They were right about the corporate state. They had the courage of their convictions and they stood fast despite wholesale defections and ridicule by liberals and progressives.
Obama lies as cravenly, if not as crudely, as George W. Bush. He promised us that the transfer of $12.8 trillion in taxpayer money to Wall Street would open up credit and lending to the average consumer. The Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. (FDIC), however, admitted last week that banks have reduced lending at the sharpest pace since 1942. As a senator, Obama promised he would filibuster amendments to the FISA Reform Act that retroactively made legal the wiretapping and monitoring of millions of American citizens without warrant; instead he supported passage of the loathsome legislation. He told us he would withdraw American troops from Iraq, close the detention facility at Guantánamo, end torture, restore civil liberties such as habeas corpus and create new jobs. None of this has happened.
Social change does not come through voting. It is delivered through activism, organizing and mobilization that empower groups to confront the hegemony of the corporate state and the power elite. The longer socialism is identified with the corporatist policies of the Democratic Party, the longer we allow the right wing to tag Obama as a socialist, the more absurd and ineffectual we become. The right-wing mantra of “Obama the socialist,” repeated a few days ago to a room full of Georgia Republicans, by Newt Gingrich, the former U.S. speaker of the House, is discrediting socialism itself. Gingrich, who looks set to run for president, called Obama the “most radical president” the country had seen in decades. “By any standard of government control of the economy, he is a socialist,” Gingrich said. If only the critique were true.
The hypocrisy and ineptitude of the Democrats become, in the eyes of the wider public, the hypocrisy and ineptitude of the liberal class. We can continue to tie our own hands and bind our own feet or we can break free, endure the inevitable opprobrium, and fight back. This means refusing to support the Democrats. It means undertaking the laborious work of building a viable socialist movement. It is the only alternative left to save our embattled open society. We can begin by sending a message to the Green Party, McKinney and Nader. Let them know they are no longer alone.
858 BILLION trumps all other swindleus pkgs!!!
hobama's best socialism for the rich EVER!
AB, you're gonna spend the next hour calling a 'hobama nazi', but screw it, I'm going to take panty waist liberals to task.
Chris Hedges is another example of a lefty blogger/professional talking head puffing himself up by abandoning ship. Funny how these folks have tripping over themselves for two years telling Obama how to run the nation when half of them couldn't run a funeral procession. And what's even more amazing, is that the yakkers weren't using all that brain trust to fight the GOP.
We owe Nader an apology? Hardly. If anything, we owe Gore an apology for letting Clinton's penis convince 48% of the popular vote that Bush was competent and falling for that Bush=Gore bullshit.
If he honestly expects us to believe that two lightweights like Nader & McKinney would do better than Obama (or Clinton for that matter) against the Right Wing noise machine, he's either delusional or cynically thinks his audience are absolute fools. Both of these egomaniacs, though right on many principles, are well-known for their mistrust of their counterparts and incredibly thin skin. It take a lot to rile up Obama, and that's a good thing for President. The last thing we want is the most powerful man on Earth having a hair trigger temper. The same can't be said for Nader, who regularly lashes out at former support or Cynthia 'slap a cop because he better damn well know I'm a Congresswoman' McKinney.
And for his bashing the so-called liberal class, this includes him. He can take the high and mighty attitude towards American politics, but he's just as guilty and nowhere near as effective as the failed Democrats he bemoans.
LAC: "We owe Nader an apology? Hardly. If anything, we owe Gore an apology for letting Clinton's penis convince 48% of the popular vote that Bush was competent and falling for that Bush=Gore bullshit. "
No, we owe Clinton's penis an apology for doing its part to keep Gore out of the white House!
As oligarchical collectivists brave 100-year record cold in Cancun to push the shopworn global warming hoax, ever more scientists are defying authorities to refute this cornerstone of moonbat ideology. More than 1,000 dissenting scientists (updates previous 700 scientist report) from around the globe have now challenged man-made global warming claims made by the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) and former Vice President Al Gore. This new 2010 321-page Climate Depot Special Report — updated from the 2007 groundbreaking U.S. Senate Report of over 400 scientists who voiced skepticism about the so-called global warming "consensus" — features the skeptical voices of over 1,000 international scientists, including many current and former UN IPCC scientists, who have now turned against the UN IPCC. This updated 2010 report includes a dramatic increase of over 300 additional (and growing) scientists and climate researchers since the last update in March 2009.
Selected highlights from the report [PDF]:
"Any reasonable scientific analysis must conclude the basic theory wrong!!"
— NASA Scientist Dr. Leonard Weinstein who worked 35 years at the NASA Langley Research Center and finished his career there as a Senior Research Scientist. Weinstein is presently a Senior Research Fellow at the National Institute of Aerospace.
"Please remain calm: The Earth will heal itself — Climate is beyond our power to control… Earth doesn't care about governments or their legislation. You can't find much actual global warming in present-day weather observations. Climate change is a matter of geologic time, something that the earth routinely does on its own without asking anyone's permission or explaining itself."
— Nobel Prize-Winning Stanford University Physicist Dr. Robert B. Laughlin, who won the Nobel Prize for physics in 1998, and was formerly a research scientist at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.
"In essence, the jig is up. The whole thing is a fraud. And even the fraudsters that fudged data are admitting to temperature history that they used to say didn't happen… Perhaps what has doomed the Climategate fraudsters the most was their brazenness in fudging the data"
— Dr. Christopher J. Kobus, Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Oakland University, specializes in alternative energy, thermal transport phenomena, two-phase flow and fluid and thermal energy systems.
"Hundreds of billion dollars have been wasted with the attempt of imposing a Anthropogenic Global Warming (AGW) theory that is not supported by physical world evidences… AGW has been forcefully imposed by means of a barrage of scare stories and indoctrination that begins in the elementary school textbooks."
— Brazilian Geologist Geraldo Luís Lino, who authored the 2009 book "The Global Warming Fraud: How a Natural Phenomenon Was Converted into a False World Emergency."
LAC, wouldn't you agree that the Administration should be judged not on what Obama says but on what he does?
Obama has been a massive disappointment on civil liberties-from his support of the material support aspect of the Patriot Act to the FBI targeting of antiwar and socialist activists. In fact the person who argued the Administration's position on the material support law in front of the Supreme Court, Kagan is now a Supreme Court Justice.
Guantanamo is still open. The Administration claims the right to kill American citizens anywhere in the world without trial or judicial review, using "state secrets" to do so. He mused about the possible need for preventive detention and has asserted that the judiciary has not right to release detainees from Gitmo into the US even if judge has found that the detainee should not be held. Holder made it very clear in case any jury made the mistake of finding a "terrorist" not guilty, the government was prepared to ignore that ruling and continue to imprison the person indefinitely.
Obama's and Holder's refusal to accept that the federal judge or jury don't have the ability to release someone or find them not guilty is repugnant. Completely repugnant.
The limits on the FBI's ability to spy have been completely removed-as we discover over and over again.
The Administration is seeking new powers to spy on everyone-specifically seeking that anything that's encrypted should be able to be read by the government. The Administration has expanded use of Baghram and has denied access to attorneys or even the Red Cross. The Administration is assassinating people in Yemen and Afghanistan and Pakistan and Iraq. It's spying on UN diplomats and attempting to get biometric data from them.
These are all things that are under the President's control. He has the power to do things differently but chooses not to do so.
On these issues Obama is no different than Bush and in some ways worse.
The "evildoers" are wasting no time in going about their evil deeds.
The US education system is a wasteland- the proof is an electorate that has been hoodwinked into thinking the Oompaloompa, et al, cares about them. The Party of White Angst played on the fears of angry, ignorant, "middle Americans" (knowing full well that lazy colored folk stay home for midterm elections) to pull their greatest con to date.
The rich have had their tax cut for years- where are the jobs? They've been spending the money on themselves!
But in the land of "a dollar and a dream" poor folks is suckers for protecting the rich folks interests.
The Dems are a bunch of dickless wonders- jeez grow some ovaries and fight like a bitch. I've known some seriously wimpy black guys- but the prez is setting a whole new standard for our Urkels.
I cannot wait to see more from "evil empire" and their official network- an education is the only thing they can't take away from you.
"Soylent Green is People!"
Shady_Grady said...
LAC, wouldn't you agree that the Administration should be judged not on what Obama says but on what he does?
Shady, agreed, though I think that saying Obama is worse than Bush is rather hyperbolic. If anything, he's not different in his treatment of dissidents than Clinton, Bush, or that stalwart of liberalism FDR.
But, taking what you said at face value, it that takes me back to my overall point - the American people are too stupid and self-absorbed to demand better.
(Note, if he did any different, he'd be shot, but that's another story.)
If we had Congressional leadership (or more specifically, if we the people demanded more from our Congressman than good teeth, catch slogans and mastery of college-level English) Obama couldn't expand his overall policies that hamper civil liberties.
Obi1isOurOnlyHope has it right - the real crime are the American people who simply don't educate themselves and demand real solutions from their leaders. By real solutions, I don't mean the claptrap talking points that have been regurgitated by the Left and the Right since God was a teenager. No "People Have the Power" or "Fight the System" bullshit and none of that "Taxes are Robbery" or Socialism crap either, we ain't got time. What I want to see are real solutions and plans, with cost and benefits laid out clear.
I think we should demand the same level of competency, temperance and dedication from our congress that we demand in business partnerships. If I ran IT projects as ineptly as Congress functioned, I'd be out of work. And if I let software salesmen snowball me the way the American people let GOP hacks (and to a lesser extent, the Democrats and outside agitators) bamboozle them in the 2010 election, I would bust my budgets every year and my company would go broke.
I didn't expect Obama to walk on water. I think there's plenty to take note of. But there's a difference between challenging the quarterback for a bad play and having public temper tantrums in the middle of the game when the other side is 10 points ahead with 20 seconds left on the clock.
I demand that before we are start bitching, we should look at the imbeciles that we call the American public.
"Put aside your liberal theology for a moment and apply reality. Do you really think the model of propping up non creators who are healthy and choose not to work the only jobs they are qualified for as this is demeaning is sustainable? I would say obviously not. Look at our country today. Or look at any socialistic utopia in history. It never worked and always wound up in murder and mayhem with a new elite getting all the resources. Just look at most of EU/UK and the failed policies of social programs."
The irony is that the UK and EU, with their "failed" social policies and programs, have a better quality of life for their citizens than the U.S. It's true you can become moderately rich if you work hard/smart, but chances are you'll be working at it for quite some time. Not because of taxes, but because you stand the chance of falling into the consumerist ideology where you're pressured to "keep up with the Joneses" by buying bigger homes, flashier cars, nicer entertainment toys, etc. You won't get to enjoy any of that because you'll be too exhausted from working to pay for all of that.
"we should look at the imbeciles that we call the American public."
Progressive elitism as encapsulated by LAC.
"To use a fishing analogy someone wrote on this blog. When you know how to fish and you do the work to tie the knot, bait the hook and learn how to catch and actually go to the ocean to fish. The fish dont care what race you are, they just care that you learned how and did the right things for them to bite."
You mean the fish doesn't mind being eaten?
Hello Field, this might not be on the subject but what is your take on Dancing with the Stars, and Brandy being kicked off and Bristol Palin still being in? I am just sayin......What do you think?
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