Who says Haley doesn't have Negro friends? There he is, right there, with a Negro.
Anyway, I am going to leave Haley alone tonight. He is what he is: a good ole boy from another time who happens to be still with us, and who holds a considerable amount of power and admiration from his fellow southern whites; members of his conservative gang; and certain black apologist here in A-merry-ca. Yes, he made a racial gaffe, but it was only a gaffe because he said it publicly. We all know that what he thinks he says privately, like so many folks in the majority population, (present company excluded of course) is much worse.
Folks in the National media are already writing off this latest little verbal faux pas and they are saying that it should not have any effect on his 2012 run. (I don't know who I want to come out of the republi-clown primary more; Haley or Sarah.) Good luck with your run Haley, you will be just fine.
Hold up, did I read the following headline correctly?:
Who says Haley doesn't have Negro friends? There he is, right there, with a Negro.
Anyway, I am going to leave Haley alone tonight. He is what he is: a good ole boy from another time who happens to be still with us, and who holds a considerable amount of power and admiration from his fellow southern whites; members of his conservative gang; and certain black apologist here in A-merry-ca. Yes, he made a racial gaffe, but it was only a gaffe because he said it publicly. We all know that what he thinks he says privately, like so many folks in the majority population, (present company excluded of course) is much worse.
Folks in the National media are already writing off this latest little verbal faux pas and they are saying that it should not have any effect on his 2012 run. (I don't know who I want to come out of the republi-clown primary more; Haley or Sarah.) Good luck with your run Haley, you will be just fine.
Hold up, did I read the following headline correctly?:
Yes, I think I did.
"RIO DE JANEIRO, Brazil -- A bridegroom fatally shot his new wife, his best man and then himself after announcing to horrified guests that he had a "surprise" for them, authorities said Monday.
Witnesses reported that 29-year-old Rogerio Damascena, a sales manager in Camaragibe, outside the northeastern Brazilian city of Recife, did not give any previous indication that anything was wrong at his wedding reception, police investigator Joao Brito said.
Brito would not speculate on a possible motive, saying family members were in shock and he had not interviewed them yet.
Brito did say the killings are believed to be premeditated because of the groom's announcement and because he had hidden a gun in his father's pickup truck.
Twenty-five-year-old bride Renata Alexandre Costa Coelho and best man Marcelo Guimaraes were both killed in Saturday's murder-suicide. A brother of the bride was treated at a hospital and released.
The website Globo.com quoted a sister of the bride who left before the shootings as saying she didn't believe it was a crime of passion.
"My sister was a wonderful person who loved and wanted to be loved," Lucia Helena Coelho was quoted as saying.
"He was happy, she was happy, the party was beautiful. His family adored her and doesn't understand this," Coelho told Globo.com. "He revealed himself as a sociopath who fooled the entire family and killed his best friend, who was ... the best man."'
Maybe the poor guy was a New York Giants fan.
Finally, I see that the FCC passed some form of "net neutrality" rules today. I am still not sure how I feel about this latest move on the part of the feds. I know that wingnuts are against it so it can't be all bad, but then there are some folks I respect who are on opposite sides of this particular issue.
I should really care more and do a better job of educating myself about this subject because I stay on the Internet. I have been sitting on the sidelines and letting other folks fight this particular battle because, quite frankly, a lot of this stuff goes right over my head. But I am getting better thanks to some really smart folks on this subject who keep me in the know.
Still, It looks like his O-ness and his people had some kind of compromise (What else is new?) and decided on the something is better than nothing approach.
We will see.
... because I stay on the Internet. ...
Real men stay on dat ass.
(their wives).
Net neutrality is not a wing nut issue. The internet content could become like Xfinity or Fios.
I am just waiting for the free stuff to end, but I am at a point I could give up my blog, reading blogs and go back to reading paper books.
I think I'd be willing to pay a fee to pay bills online if it doesn't get too stiff.
I not that sure exactly how things will work and the President may be as clueless as both you and me. I have heard differing version about what net neutrality means and the interviewers never ask the questions I would. The one scary event was when Google partnered with Verizon. I believe their interest is more than just the smart phone, Perhaps control of a third of the US's bandwidth.
It seems to me the media companies want to return the Internet to a more easily controlled (and infinitely more milkable) state. Because the Internet represents not just a way to leave the established network media players behind, but also entire governments and their censoring authorities. It's not just about making $$$ -- it's also about keeping people from pulling shit on the government (i.e. Wikileaks).
I don't think anyone really knows what the term "Net Neutrality" really means. I was musing about exactly what it was all about myself. And then it hit me -- look up "radio payola", because from the sounds of it, that's exactly what the major players in the network media game (i.e. Comcast) are angling for -- "pay to play" media content that heavily favors their own sourced content, with the Internet essentially divided into two tiers: a "premium" tier for those who can afford to pay for their content to be pushed through at top speed, and a "regular" tier for everyone else who can't fork up the dough. Their content goes through at a third of the speed, if at all. This, of course, leaving out the whole issue of government censorship.
I don't think anyone's gonna give a tinker's damn about this until government or the media players start messing with porn. If you get a Carrie Nation-type crusader against porn with enough pull within the Comcast/Verizon/etc media edifice to seriously mess with these sorts of things, you'll be amazed at how people will object. The "spice" must flow, after all!
Lets see, what happened today.
Reuters announced just in 2010. The US went another 2 TRILLION in debt now at 13.473 VS 11.456 TRILLION, last year in Obama time.
The Labor department under Obama has failed to release its union corruption tracking report. In fact the last one was released under the Bush Administration. Wonder what corruption they are hiding?
The report would tabulate the number of cases nationwide of union leader prosecution, the amount of funds they embezzle and the misuse of union funds. It also would keep track of indictments.
Also, coincidentally today Obama continues the pro-union regulatory assault The National Labor Relations Board is now proposing new regulations requiring workers to be notified of rights to create unions and pay dues.
Also out today is that Obama knew Honduras Manuel Zelaya was a marxist yet backed him in the governmental overthrow to please and prove he could get along with Hugo Chavez. The progressive dictator of venezuala.
Oh and also out today, the Federal government under Obama STILL has not passed a budget as they dont want the country to know how badly in debt we are and where all the spending is going (first time in US history) but they did approve another 250 Billion in emergency borrowing to keep the government spending going until March. Guess what....no money for obamacare.. the 1 billion dems wanted for the plan that was to cost only 797 million was not funded.
Oh and how can we not mention the illegal FCC vote. Despite a court order ordering the FCC head to stop. Obama instructed him to go ahead against the constitution (congress and senate approval) and in violation of federal court order.
there is so much more.
Moral of the story is, this is just the beginning when things really start to get exposed, you can run Al Sharptons niece against Obama in 2012 and she would win. Better yet, put up Tawana Brawley or Lady GaGA.
"Also out today is that Obama knew Honduras Manuel Zelaya was a marxist yet backed him in the governmental overthrow to please and prove he could get along with Hugo Chavez. The progressive dictator of venezuala."
As if that's a bad thing.
"there is so much more.
Moral of the story is, this is just the beginning when things really start to get exposed, you can run Al Sharptons niece against Obama in 2012 and she would win. Better yet, put up Tawana Brawley or Lady GaGA."
Folks, that's called a hater.:)
Mack, you are right about "Net Neutrality" and how hard it is to get a grip on it. It seems that there are layers to it.
Hathor, I agree that it is not a wingnut issue, but the wingnuts, as they do with everything else, push the automatic default button for big business. I, like you, live in Philly. We see what the Comcast cabal and other capitalist giants can do when they control everything. I don't see cable costs going down anytime soon, do you?
Field, "(I don't know who I want to come out of the republi-clown primary more; Haley or Sarah.) Good luck with your run Haley, you will be just fine."
As an Anon, I hesitate to voice my opinion because Field has nasty things in his reply. I don't know why.
Anyway, I will risk sharing my thoughts: Whether Haley or Sarah runs in 2012, either one will win. If they join together, they will be an unstoppable force and America will rejoice. I think that is what Mr. Negro Field is afraid of. The days of immoral progressive liberalism is over.
anon, there is nothing wrong with your opinion. I am sure Field will have only good things to say about your political insights, which are right on the money.
As if that's a bad thing.
FN please tell me you are fooling around. You really don't support a marxist communist dictator who is literally causing venezualans to starve are you? He used every socialist trick in the book, literally qouted by leftists here and crashed the economy, nationalized banks, food distibutors and so on and people are broke and starving in what used to be a flagship Latin Amreican country. This is the man who is also in discussions with Iran to put missiles on Venezualan soil. You know Iran, run by another madman who Obama bent over for. Oh and don't forget this. He just siezed total power and will rule by decree.
In fact Chavez and Venezuala is a great living example to look at the failed policies lefties promote. As if there arent so many historical examples (every single country who tried to be socialist) went donw in flames big time.
CARACAS (Reuters) – Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez moved on Tuesday to bypass parliament and govern by decree for one year in the oil-producing state
Hathor, I agree that it is not a wingnut issue, but the wingnuts, as they do with everything else, push the automatic default button for big business. I, like you, live in Philly. We see what the Comcast cabal and other capitalist giants can do when they control everything. I don't see cable costs going down anytime soon, do you?
FN you really need to check your stuff. Your hatred and Bias for the GOP is making you a piss poor lawyer. The GOP is against Net Nuetrality. Obama is pushing this. He wants to control all aspects of your life. The court ordered the FCC to stop this and the FCC LOST. Obama had them look for a workaround. But don't worry it will be stopped. Read on.
In the wake of the Federal Communications Commission’s (FCC) passing of a net neutrality plan, some Congressmen are already planning how to fight back. For some, that means the 1996 Congressional Review Act (CRA).
Michigan Republican Rep. Fred Upton, the incoming chairman of the House Energy and Commerce Committee, Oregon Republican Rep. Greg Walden and Nebraska Republican Rep. Lee Terry have pledged to use that law to fight the FCC’s new regulations.
The CRA gives Congress the authority to review federal agency regulations, and repeal them if necessary with a joint resolution.
“The FCC’s hostile actions toward innovation, investment and job creation cannot be allowed to stand,” said Upton in a statement. “Today’s vote is a sad commentary that this administration and the FCC continue to ignore the will of the American people – our new majority is committed to protecting personal liberty and reducing the size and scope of the government.”
Upton went on to say that while the FCC may claim broad industry support for net neutrality, that support is really just “’cries of ‘uncle’ resulting from threats of even more onerous regulation.”
While promising to use the CRA to fight the FCC’s plan, Walden released a statement saying, “If left unchallenged, this power grab will allow the Commission to regulate any interstate wired or wireless communication on barely more than a whim
"Finally, I see that the FCC passed some form of "net neutrality" rules today. I am still not sure how I feel about this latest move on the part of the feds. I know that wingnuts are against it so it can't be all bad"
Field Negro in a nutshell. Censorship and government control are fine, as long as it's my side doing the controlling. If this were the Bush administration doing this, you'd be wetting yourself.
"As if that's a bad thing."
The Obama adminstration ignores the rule of law, subverts the will of the Honduran people and supports a thug to please another thug, and you apparently are cool with that.
The elasticity of your ethics are impressive.
FN, net neutrality is one of those issues the popular left and right should be sharing. it affects all of us, after all. no, don't be happy about anything the FCC does, not this FCC and not in these times. yes, you should educate yourself about this issue, because what rulings like these will mean is that fewer americans will have the internet, in a time when the economy virtually requires it. people who do have it will pay more, and there will be less oversight of the private firms that run most of it. it's like the insurance racket; where they can always increase your premiums for the most bullshit of reasons. do you want your ISP to have the right to do that to you, or control what you view? and the government to read everything and anything you type?
the wedding thing is pretty obvious, innit? or am i just too imaginative? dood, if a guy waits until that moment to blow away the bride and his bff, um, right. i wonder on what night he caught them, i bet he didn't let them know he'd seen them. and was just stewing over it, all this time. wow. walk away, that's what i say, just walk away, if monogamy means that much to you. it's not worth dying or killing over. there's new dating service for "virgins only," give them a try instead of murder-suicide. that's the problem with the Patriarchy. it makes guys nuts sometimes, when they don't have to be.
Merry Christmas infidels!
I don't think anyone really knows what the term "Net Neutrality" really means.
there are *plenty* of people who know what it means, and it's all over the techie and political sides of the internet. go skim some. wired, EFF, reddit, open left- those kinds of places.
you got most of it right. censorship is the big worry, we don't want an internet like they have in china. but also the rents, being told there are "tiers" of service when such is an artificial creation and not a technological issue. it's classic overton window strategy too. "there's a problem, we have to make it more difficult to use in order to solve it (and a corporation will get rich in the process)." instead of "this is working pretty well, man! how can we make it better?"
Anon: we'll see. /padme voice/ i think you poor saps are going to get the rug pulled out under your feet, and soon. libertarians in congress are as 'reliable' as democratic progressives. oh, they talk a good game, and froth about "freedom" and "liberty." but you just watch them on the votes that count, in the Kabuki game on c-spam. one after another, they'll cave. And Ye shall know them by the closet case that lobbies them most.
chicago dyke said...
"FN, net neutrality is one of those issues the popular left and right should be sharing. it affects all of us, after all. no, don't be happy about anything the FCC does, not this FCC and not in these times"
Not in any times. I agree this is bad thing. The internet is cool the way it is - we do not need government's hand directing content or services.
The FCC was created in 1934, when Ma Bell and Western Union operated communications monopolies. That problem no longer exists, yet the FCC still does. Why? And why should they be given power over the internet? There is no compelling reason, other than the government's need for power. Keep the internet free.
Hey where is Purple Cow?
Speaking of the internet Moo-Boy. Understand over there in the wonderful multicultural land of British Islamic Shariah Law is here Britain, they are talking about banning all Porn now.
Does that mean we will see more of you if this happens?
"FN you really need to check your stuff. Your hatred and Bias for the GOP is making you a piss poor lawyer. The GOP is against Net Neutrality. Obama is pushing this. He wants to control all aspects of your life. The court ordered the FCC to stop this and the FCC LOST. Obama had them look for a workaround. But don't worry it will be stopped. Read on."
I did read on, and I am sorry I did. My mind can only process so much BS in one day. It's early, I have to save space for later in the day.
The GOP is against net neutrality because big business wants to be able to make a profit by providing faster service on that old superhighway known as the www. Kind of like toll roads, no? Again, I am no expert on this subject, but I know enough about it to know when a wingnut is trying to pull a fast one.
I think this is the issue in a nutshell: if you believe that private corporations (see wingnuts) will do the right thing when they have their free reign to charge whatever, you want the FCC to stay off your Internet. If you believe, as I do, that the government IS the people, and good government is a good thing; you want the FCC having more control over what happens on our little superhighway.
I liked the US Highway system, it works pretty well. Wingnuts drive on it, leftist drive on it; everybody drives. When the wingntus take over and start charging a toll for faster service poor people will suffer.
"Field Negro in a nutshell. Censorship and government control are fine, as long as it's my side doing the controlling. If this were the Bush administration doing this, you'd be wetting yourself."
Yes! Because if you were in control, you would want it the other way. Real talk!
"Not in any times. I agree this is bad thing. The internet is cool the way it is - we do not need government's hand directing content or services."
Will you still think it's cool when Verizon, Comcast start charging more for faster service?
"The FCC was created in 1934, when Ma Bell and Western Union operated communications monopolies. That problem no longer exists, yet the FCC still does. Why?"
Because now we have new monopolies. That's why.
Anon.11:01 PM and 11:11 PM, you are wrong about me. Please contact your president. We have had a wonderful working relationship. I always try to be respectful to all the Anons.
"I think this is the issue in a nutshell: if you believe that private corporations (see wingnuts) will do the right thing when they have their free reign to charge whatever, you want the FCC to stay off your Internet."
He believes that private corporations are inherently good guys who'll always do the right thing if only the government got the hell out of the way. Straight out of "Atlas Shrugged", that one. Given the historical track record of corporations being given a mile and taking five....no, I don't think they'll "do good" if left alone. They never do.
And I forgot to touch on the cost issue surrounding Net Neutrality. Basically speaking, telecom companies like Comcast would rather not constantly upgrade and improve their infrastructure because, you know, that costs money and takes away from executive bonuses and stock performance. If they have their way, you'll get the same or less amount of service for a higher cost that gets higher every year. I hope these guys know that trying to make money on a "maintenance-only" plan only means that they'll spend ever-growing amounts of money on maintaining an aging infrastructure rather than building new infrastructure that will over time bring those maintenance costs down.
"In fact Chavez and Venezuala is a great living example to look at the failed policies lefties promote."
Notice how wingnuts tend to talk about foreign leaders who don't follow America's "Democracy" script. Chavez is his own man who doesn't stand for American meddling in his country's affairs and he's considered a "lefty failure".
Note how right-wingers rarely mention their failed policies. Iran-Contra, Columbia, War on Drugs, "Austerity" programs that cripple a country's working class, etc.
PinkCodPiece said: "Understand over there in the wonderful multicultural land of British Islamic Shariah Law is here Britain, they are talking about banning all Porn now."
ahhh bless, my new dim-witted little buddy is back for another schooling.
So let's start your education shall we?
Firstly "they" are not talking about "banning all pornography."
ONE government minister floated the idea of blocking access to ONLINE PORN SITES by UNDERAGE INTERNET USERS directly by the ISP.
Since this one single interview was published, this has been shown to be completely impossible so the (Conservative) minister has accepted that and withdrawn his idea.
So the committee has awarded you a score of 1/10 for this sad little effort, PinkCodPiece. You must try and do better in the future.
hey stevie, how many dicks did you suck last weekend? are your knees sore?
study all asap online...while u can!
there is nothing about hobama's elitist internet coup/cyber apartheid plan that is nearly as neutral as you are about ALL of hobama's blatant and increasingly glaring rabidly fascist/elitist sins...
hobama pimped the internet to get voters...
now he uses his power ro shut the internet down...
That is a huge deal. It means we are entering an age in which we will have two Internets—the fast one, with great content, that costs more (maybe a lot more) to use, and then the MuggleNet, which is free but slow and crappy. Cable TV vs. rabbit ears.
On wireless—which eventually will be the more important platform—that disparity will be even more evident. The rich will get great stuff. The poor will get, well, what the poor usually get, which is not much.
Oddly enough this bifurcation resonates beyond just the speed of our Internet connection. It also is happening to information itself. We could be heading into a world where the rich get better information, from a wider choice of sources, while the poor get less.
That’s already happening, to some extent. If you’re a trader on Wall Street and can afford a Bloomberg terminal, you get better information sooner than the poor schlumps who are home trying to play at being day traders.
Consider that in the 2008 election both sides were struggling to reach so-called low information voters. What happens when access to information becomes even more restricted? Where your ability to become informed is based upon your ability to pay? That’s the world we’re heading into. The first 15 years of the Internet, where it was all about peace and love and freedom, are drawing to a close.
The ultimate irony is that we are creating an information age where some of us—many of us—will get less information instead of more.
De-regulating a Utility, which the Internet has become, is so great for executive bonuses! Look at how profitable Enron was! Private hands are so much more efficient than muni-owned ones who are limited to about 3% profit.
Love it when wingnuts pretend to have even a minute knowledge of South American politics. The wailing over Chavez makes me chortle.
The groom was crazy, duh.
The wingnut who mentioned radio monoply issues forgot to mention that the debate was similar. Our evilbiggubmint made the airwaves public until st reagan. Somehow those geezers felt a diversity of voices was better than 24/7 limbaugh.
The wealthy in the US have always wanted a plantation economy. A home-grown low-wage low-info peasantry would fit their plans quite nicely.
Field Negro: "Will you still think it's cool when Verizon, Comcast start charging more for faster service?......Because now we have new monopolies. That's why."
We do not have monopolies on interet access. If Verizon starts charging more, I'll go to Comcast. It's called the free market. In the past, we had one telephone company and one telegraph company. Now you have numerous options as to who gets your business.
Mack Lyons: "He believes that private corporations are inherently good guys who'll always do the right thing if only the government got the hell out of the way."
Actually Mack, I don't share your cartoon vsion of private corporations that you got from watching Michael Moore and Oliver Stone movies. Private corporations exist to make money. I don't trust them to be good guys, I expect them to pursue strategies that increase profits. If Verizon offers you better service for less money, you'll take your business there, forcing Comcast to invest in it's service. It's called competition.
There is no problem with communications monoplies today. None. Once the government starts interfering with the market, inefficiencies will rise as will costs. More importantly, the completely open and free information marketplace that has existed since the internet started is now regulated by the government. Maybe someday when Obama isn't president you'll have a problem with it.
Purple Cow Said...
ONE government minister floated the idea of blocking access to ONLINE PORN SITES by UNDERAGE INTERNET USERS directly by the ISP.
Ahhh, Moo-Boy. Fortunately you SAY it was withdrawn.
Oh yes, one I suppose could block porn from the providers side just for one ISP at the user side if every person in the house had their own computers and different IP addresses.....oh wait, thats not gonna work. SO in effect it is blocking all porn. Unless you call up the ISP and get on the "porn list"
Oh wait, thats right. You socialists live off the dole so that wouldnt be a problem, the peoples taxes could buy each person a computer in the house, if they haven't already been given one. After all, we cant make the IMAMS underproviliged and innefficient in their terrorist efforts can we.
Moo at ya later
Love it when wingnuts pretend to have even a minute knowledge of South American politics. The wailing over Chavez makes me chortle.
Precisely what do you know about Venezualan politics. I am the anon who has the issue with Chavez being a dicatator and I am Venezualan. So now tell me, why do you like dicatators and why do you admire someone who has literally oppressed the people in venezuala and destroyed the economy the foodmarket, made it a literal lawless society where the scum of the globe can live without fear of any laws from any country.
What do you know of Venezuala that makes you so clearly support a dictator and apparantly want that for the US other then the moronic Leftists support him becaue they know people who want a democratic republic are against it? Tell me, why do you love when wingnuts "pretend" to have a knowledge of SA politics by showing me WHAT you know.
Mack Lyons said...
Notice how wingnuts tend to talk about foreign leaders who don't follow America's "Democracy" script. Chavez is his own man who doesn't stand for American meddling in his country's affairs and he's considered a "lefty failure".
Note how right-wingers rarely mention their failed policies. Iran-Contra, Columbia, War on Drugs, "Austerity" programs that cripple a country's working class, etc.
Notice how leftists are so intellectually unarmed that they can never, ever discuss the topic at hand. If you disagree with conservative views of Chavez and think having a dictatorship that destroys the country and makes a once wealthy latin american nation into a third world cuba, oppressing all but the very few elite friends of el president then tell us why. Don't dip into your history trough as support. I can go back into history two dozen times, well actually more for each and every experiment at dictatorship, socialism and the like showing each and every one has failed and ended with horrific amounts of murder and total economic destruction.
But be a man and tell me WHY you like Chavez not be a weak minded man and provide some events in history that are totally non related to support your weak argument. Tell me why you are ok with supporting a literal madman. You do know he demands you watch Chavez TV every day and has closed TV stations that say anything negative about him or cut short his daylong....DAYLONG programming.
Since Congress declined to adopt the Orwellian "net neutrality" legislation, the FCC stepped into the breach. It's another example of the usurpation of constitutional government by the administrative state.
This is a criminal administration that is absolutely shredding the constitution on a daily basis.
The wealthy in the US have always wanted a plantation economy. A home-grown low-wage low-info peasantry would fit their plans quite nicely.
Seriously. Do you live your life as disconnected as your thoughts are? The only person keeping you a peasant is you. No one can stop you from doing anything you want in this somewhat free society right now. So do it, achieve and stop making up these eternal boogeyman who without, you would be so great, yet you havent done anything yet.
Dear Mrs Anonymous 11:36.
My advice is, when you've got nothing to say, the best strategy is to say nothing.
I wasted 10 seconds of my life reading your six lines of nothingness.
"Actually Mack, I don't share your cartoon vsion of private corporations that you got from watching Michael Moore and Oliver Stone movies."
I'm disappointed -- it's what the whole gist of "Atlas Shrugged" was all about. Maybe you should kick your feet up and watch a Michael Moore flick.
"More importantly, the completely open and free information marketplace that has existed since the internet started is now regulated by the government. Maybe someday when Obama isn't president you'll have a problem with it."
[add obligatory dig at Obama here]
"We do not have monopolies on interet access. If Verizon starts charging more, I'll go to Comcast. It's called the free market."
I live in a semi-rural area where there is only ONE, count em ONE, cable company to go to. Verizon doesn't offer service in these neck of the woods. Neither does Comcast. Unless I move. Or get vastly slower DSL and live with slow Internet and no Cable TV. Which isn't much of a choice when you think about it. In other words, your "free market" shibboleth falls apart when a monopoly on service is established (i.e. when there's only ONE choice, unless you pack your bags and sell the house).
Dear Mrs anonymous 2.08
First of all nobody intelligent enough to use a flushing toilet without adult supervision believes anything they read in the Daily Mail, and second of all, you haven't actually managed to read the stories that YOU posted properly (!) You're a regular intellectual heavyweight aren't you?
The survey of Muslim students which was undertaken several years ago when Islamic milllitancy was at it's height, said that 40% of Muslim students wanted Muslims in the UK to be subjected to Sharia law. NOT all Britains. Now about 3% of Brits are Muslim. How many of those are students? Not many, let's say 5%. So the headline should have said:
40% Of 5% of 3% of People in Britain want Muslims in Britain to be Subject to Sharia Law
Bit of a non story, even by Daily Mail standards, doncha think?
No of course, you don't think, I forgot. You just cut-and-paste from hate sites.
Moving on, your second story shows that some bloke in London who's some kind of religious nutjob, has put up a couple of posters saying Christmas is evil.
Big deal. He's insane, but in the UK even nutcases have a right to put posters up. We don't ban them or gaol them like you guys. Really? This is the biggest shock story you can come up with?
How would you say that compares with Christians shooting abortionists in AMerica, or for that matter blowing up buildings in Oklahoma?
hobama is the new michael powell...shame!!!
the internet will look like most talk radio sounds ASAP!
With the “compromise” on Internet neutrality, President Obama has betrayed another campaign promise, and this time has no excuse that the Republicans made him do it. The outcome was really never in doubt, since Obama named as his FCC chairman a man who helped make radio and television into a corporate wasteland, under Bill Clinton’s administration.
President Obama, of course, controls a majority on the FCC, and is ultimately responsible for the commission’s decision. He can’t claim that the Republicans forced his hand by holding anything hostage. No, Obama stabbed Internet neutrality in the back because that’s the job description of a corporate politician – to facilitate the orderly dispensing of public property to private pockets.
The FCC decision was described as a “compromise” between public and corporate interests. Politicians like Barack Obama believe that corporations have an inalienable right to make ever-increasing profits, and that right supersedes any claims by the non-corporate citizenry. Therefore, it is perfectly logical that the wireless sector of the Internet – which is growing by leaps and bounds and holds the most promise of fantastic profits – become a playground for the corporations, who will be allowed to do pretty much as they see fit. On the non-mobile side of the Internet, the FCC’s new rules are full of loopholes, allowing Internet carriers to create fast lanes for higher paying companies and customers. Think of the Internet as a vast plain on which a great city is to be built. Now, consider that a few huge corporations will be given the privilege to draw the grid for that new city, and to decide who gets to live in the high-class neighborhoods, and who winds up in the ghetto
"How would you say that compares with Christians shooting abortionists in AMerica, or for that matter blowing up buildings in Oklahoma?"
The willful ignorance of cows is astounding. Now shut up and walk up that ramp to the slaughterhouse.
Net Neutrality, Team Obama punted and split the baby. So both the Left and the Right are howling bloody murder. No big shock, what else is new?
So long as most people can post silly pictures to YouTube, we don't bother to care.
Haley Barbour is a good ol' boy racist and much like his fellow traveler, Sister Sarah, will get big time Tea Party support if he runs. Too bad for that America is becoming increasingly browner and we darkies don't to kindly on old white men who celebrate Southern Succession and downplay the Civil Rights movement.
Sure you are Venezuelan. Riiiight.
Try that on wingnuts...they might fall for it.
No problems with communication monopolies? How about the Lefties not getting equal time? How about Limbaugh being the only voice for three hours? How about the stories that get killed (bush's Glorious War) or those that are puffed (Christie can't balance his budget without making public employees slaves)?
Ad hominem? I never said I was a peasant...that is your dream. Still, there is historical precedent to my point. Read Washington's plaint about "mechaniks". Read Marx...you know, the book that could taint yer very soul! Read what the Robber Barons wrote. Or those who hated them Social Security.
Umm...inefficiencies are things like clean water and air....living wages....social safety nets....workplace safety rules...I think we'll take those 'inefficiencies', thank you. Some of us remember 'breaker boys'...and I'll see you having endless hissy fits before I let you re-introduce such evil.
So, you passed Econ 101 at BumpkissU, congrats...now you can, like, read the advanced texts.
The Purple Cow said...
Dear Mrs anonymous 2.08
First of all nobody intelligent enough to use a flushing toilet without adult supervision believes anything they read in the Daily Mail,
Libtard response tactic number one. When faced with reality you don't like....attempt to discredit the source. Ok, no need to read further.
I am sure it will be followed with instead of reality based discussion. Some type of nonsensical rhetoric of how we all know that Christianity is worse then radical muslims by pulling some obscure event in history out of your tea biscuit. Yes we all know that there is no problem with radical muslims in the world and its the christians that are killing in the name of allah...er sorry. I mean Jesus nowadays.
Your dismissed as a leftard lightweight.
Well, ok one point to highlight your lightheadedness.
"Big deal. He's insane, but in the UK even nutcases have a right to put posters up. We don't ban them or gaol them like you guys. Really? This is the biggest shock story you can come up with?"
First off no one said it was the biggest. There are so many daily it ludicrous that a person who has half a brain cell can still fervently deny reality.
Secondly. Are you seriously in front of the world trying to say that there are no repercussions with Islam when someone mentions ham in school or draws a picture of Allah or has the temerity to honor British Military? That is your comparison? YOU have more freedom then America? HAH. No you have more insane political correctness and delusional lying bullshit, which the majority of real Britains agrees with. Thus the major outing of the previous political party.
Try some added weight to keep that light skull on the earth. It seems about to float away. What with being coupled to all the hot air you are spewing that is a dangerous mix.
How did you know I was a Mrs? Or are you homophobic and trying to infer that a man being called Mrs is a slur?
Moo at ya Later, much, much later
shut up buceta breaf stanks fool kunthead!
Shooting doctors is OK, cause they arrogant an' won' lissen when I tells 'em whats they should do cause I all smarter and more holier than them. Damn doctors, think they all smart and sh*t. They ain't no bettern' me! I done graduated from the BeckU with a Master's in Baiting!
It ain'ts terrism when wites does it cause we is bettern' all them wogs an' miggers an' sech.
Obama is a 'stealth' candidate. Just like the wackaloons who run for school board and hide their crazy until elected...he hid his right-of-Nixon self until now. Still, he's better than John McCrazyBoutTehGay or Snowbilly Sarey. One is obsessed with teh gay and the other...well...she is soooo Appalachian.
the day will come when this blatant evasion will no longer fly:
"hobama did wrong...who cares?"
we who will never dismiss hobama's evil do indeed care...
Anonymous said...
Sure you are Venezuelan. Riiiight.
Try that on wingnuts...they might fall for it.
Well, I am waiting. I specifically asked you what you know about Venezualan politics for you to make such an outrageous claim against something. You have not answered but still come back and call me a liar. Test me Libtard. But first advise why and what you know about Venezuala or publicy apologize for being a mindless hate monger.
No problems with communication monopolies? How about the Lefties not getting equal time?
HAHA the entire main stream Media is pro lefty you dolt. The only thing conservative is a few talk radio stations and FOX. Leftards dont like truth leaking in any fashion so they want to shut these down.
How about Limbaugh being the only voice for three hours? How about the stories that get killed (bush's Glorious War) or those that are puffed (Christie can't balance his budget without making public employees slaves)?
Yeah, OK public employees Slaves. God you get stupider by the comment. Do you mean, Christie is telling them they have to work and cant have endless benefits and pay raises taken from tax dollars for nothing?
Ad hominem? I never said I was a peasant...that is your dream.
Now ask yourself. Your a name on a blog. WHy in the hell would I care wether you snort cow manure or have your nails manicured. Your the one who listed the Leftard qoute that really was in bad english but said " A home-grown low-wage low-info peasantry would fit their plans quite nicely".
The rest of your babbling is like watching a baby have his first conversation. Many disconnected thoughts that go nowhere. So no. I wont read Marx again. But I will refer you to look at history and find one example of Marxism that actually worked and didnt wind up killing untold numbers of the population.
The Purple Cow said...
Dear Mrs Anonymous 11:36.
My advice is, when you've got nothing to say, the best strategy is to say nothing.
I wasted 10 seconds of my life reading your six lines of nothingness.
Awww, don't be so harsh there moo-boy. You can get back to playing your video games on the couch while telling the world how bad everyone is for not supporting you properly in a minute. How are you doing on the New Gran Tourismo? Word has it that this is the new thing for the on the dole crowd.
Also, if your trying to be witty. God that attempt was just awful and so, so tired and old.
Oh..wait. I said God did I offend you? Should I say Mohammed the pedophile..oh no...I may have done it again....well you nutcases arent easy to deal with, I tell ya.
Anyway SalamiLickem and may your next bride be a child one or may you get those 72 virgins in the afterlife for your actions and beliefs in this one. Hopefully they will be men/women or cows. Whichever strikes your fancy. (cows would be nice right? Milk and Hamburgers after you pop them in the rear,. right moo-boy?) boy )
Later Mooey Cupcakes.
LACoincidental said...
"Haley Barbour is a good ol' boy racist"
On what possible basis can you make such a serious charge? Does not sufficiently saying how horrible things were during his childhood now qualify as making a man "racist"? With such casually offered accusations you are getting close to defining down racism to the point it is meaningless.
When the source fits...
The Mrs was to upset your finely honed misogynist no-manhood. And you jumped at the bait.
Umm...since you are just a lad...review the Scientific Method and note how often the source of conservatives is fraught with error. Sort of like quoting a Young Earf intelligentCreationistdesign adherent is going to taint your supposed 'point'.
Logic is not my forte...
Sarey Palin would know. I really have very little in the way of useful knowledge. Fox news. My vagina is quite dusty. Where have all the flowers gone? Montana! And I'm sick of corn flakes.
Oh, so you aren't a Venezuelan. Why am I not surprised.
Whining about Christie shows you have now concept of the pay and benefits offered to NJ employees. You just want to torture someone and seek a justification. Public employees run about one-third to one-half of similar private pay. The stealing of private benefits from employees is not a reason to steal from public employees.
Trolling only shows your failures. And makes others laugh at your obvious inadequacies. How about bringing adult thought to the table and earn some respect? The days of being a jerkhole should have been left in middle school.
Does vermillion come after a trillion? Stealing steel from stealers steels my steel. Your knowledge only highlights my ignorance. Fox news. Christie gave me a wedgie. how amny dollars fell down the well? Sarey Palin lives in the trees.
shut up buceta breaf stanks fool kunthead!
Wow. The anons really whipped Purple Cow good. I am sure he won't be back. lol
"Awww, don't be so harsh there moo-boy. You can get back to playing your video games on the couch while telling the world how bad everyone is for not supporting you properly in a minute. How are you doing on the New Gran Tourismo? Word has it that this is the new thing for the on the dole crowd.
Wouldn't know, not being on the dole like.
"Also, if your trying to be witty."
I wasn't. It was a statement of fact.
"God that attempt was just awful and so, so tired and old.
"Oh..wait. I said God did I offend you?"
" Should I say Mohammed the pedophile..oh no...I may have done it again....well you nutcases arent easy to deal with, I tell ya."
You can call him Mohamed the Goatfucker, for all I care. I'm an atheist.
"Anyway SalamiLickem and may your next bride be a child one or may you get those 72 virgins in the afterlife for your actions and beliefs in this one. Hopefully they will be men/women or cows. Whichever strikes your fancy. (cows would be nice right? Milk and Hamburgers after you pop them in the rear,. right moo-boy?) boy )"
"Well young Master Anonymous, what do YOU want to do when you grow up?"
"Well Miss, I would like to write completely incomprehensible paragraphs aimed at somebody on the other side of the world, who I have never met and never will meet, just on the off-chance that something in what i say will offend him. Because I see that as a really useful and rewarding way to spend my spare time. That's how interesting my life is going to be when I become an adult."
"Well young Master Anonymous, what do YOU want to do when you grow up?"
Well at least you are learning. Yes, I am your master.
Anybody want a purple burger?
Anonymous said...
When the source fits...
The Mrs was to upset your finely honed misogynist no-manhood. And you jumped at the bait.
Umm...since you are just a lad...review the Scientific Method and note how often the source of conservatives is fraught with error. Sort of like quoting a Young Earf intelligentCreationistdesign adherent is going to taint your supposed 'point'.
Mold, Seriously are you retarded? You didnt even write the post with MRS yet you are explaining what it meant and how you got me?
Third request, what do you know about Venezualan politics that made you chuckle or was it snortle when you read a conservative discussing it? What exactly do you know? As I mentioned before if you make a statement, back it up or publicly apologizes for being nothing but a mindless parrot hatemonger.
"Well at least you are learning. Yes, I am your master."
Oh I seeeee, you're into that whole master/slave thing.
Sorry, I'm not homophobic at all as you know, it's just not my scene.
Maybe calling Haley a racist was a bit premature but the evidence does tend to point in that direction. I say we have enough to bring him up on charges and let the jury decide. This time however unlike during his favorite time in Mississippi we will have Black people on the jury and not just his fellow citizen counsel folks.
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