I am totally hyped for my "birds" going into Big D this Sunday and taking on the Cowgals. Here is hoping that my main man, Michael Vick, chuck and ducks out another win for the birds. (Did I mention that I hate the Cowgals?)
Michael Vick is a perfect segue into my next post, because I want to talk about my girl Sarah Palin and an interesting double standard being played out in A-merry-ca.
Unless you have been living on another planet you know by now what Michael Vick was accused -and ultimately found guilty- of. He served two years and lost a hundred million dollars for his mistreatment of Fido. But thankfully, and with all due respect to F. Scott Fitzgerald, there are second acts in American lives. And Michael Vick is burning up the stage while he plays out his. But I digress.
Sarah Palin has been torturing animals and killing them for sport as well, and she is a hero to a lot of people here in A-merry-ca. Why? Where is the outrage for this heartless killer? Sadly, it took a Hollywood screenwriter to point out our willful hypocrisy:
Unless you've never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather chair or eaten meat, save your condemnation."
You're right, Sarah, we'll all just go fuck ourselves now.
The snotty quote was posted by Sarah Palin on (like all the great frontier women who've come before her) her Facebook page to respond to the criticism she knew and hoped would be coming after she hunted, killed and carved up a Caribou during a segment of her truly awful reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska, broadcast on The-Now-Hilariously-Titled Learning Channel.
I eat meat, chicken and fish, have shoes and furniture made of leather, and PETA is not ever going to put me on the cover of their brochure and for these reasons Palin thinks it's hypocritical of me to find what she did heart-stoppingly disgusting. I don't think it is, and here's why.
Like 95% of the people I know, I don't have a visceral (look it up) problem eating meat or wearing a belt. But like absolutely everybody I know, I don't relish the idea of torturing animals. I don't enjoy the fact that they're dead and I certainly don't want to volunteer to be the one to kill them and if I were picked to be the one to kill them in some kind of Lottery-from-Hell, I wouldn't do a little dance of joy while I was slicing the animal apart.
I'm able to make a distinction between you and me without feeling the least bit hypocritical. I don't watch snuff films and you make them. You weren't killing that animal for food or shelter or even fashion, you were killing it for fun. You enjoy killing animals. I can make the distinction between the two of us but I've tried and tried and for the life of me, I can't make a distinction between what you get paid to do and what Michael Vick went to prison for doing. I'm able to make the distinction with no pangs of hypocrisy even though I get happy every time one of you faux-macho shitheads accidentally shoots another one of you in the face." [Source]
Michael Vick is a perfect segue into my next post, because I want to talk about my girl Sarah Palin and an interesting double standard being played out in A-merry-ca.
Unless you have been living on another planet you know by now what Michael Vick was accused -and ultimately found guilty- of. He served two years and lost a hundred million dollars for his mistreatment of Fido. But thankfully, and with all due respect to F. Scott Fitzgerald, there are second acts in American lives. And Michael Vick is burning up the stage while he plays out his. But I digress.
Sarah Palin has been torturing animals and killing them for sport as well, and she is a hero to a lot of people here in A-merry-ca. Why? Where is the outrage for this heartless killer? Sadly, it took a Hollywood screenwriter to point out our willful hypocrisy:
Unless you've never worn leather shoes, sat upon a leather chair or eaten meat, save your condemnation."
You're right, Sarah, we'll all just go fuck ourselves now.
The snotty quote was posted by Sarah Palin on (like all the great frontier women who've come before her) her Facebook page to respond to the criticism she knew and hoped would be coming after she hunted, killed and carved up a Caribou during a segment of her truly awful reality show, Sarah Palin's Alaska, broadcast on The-Now-Hilariously-Titled Learning Channel.
I eat meat, chicken and fish, have shoes and furniture made of leather, and PETA is not ever going to put me on the cover of their brochure and for these reasons Palin thinks it's hypocritical of me to find what she did heart-stoppingly disgusting. I don't think it is, and here's why.
Like 95% of the people I know, I don't have a visceral (look it up) problem eating meat or wearing a belt. But like absolutely everybody I know, I don't relish the idea of torturing animals. I don't enjoy the fact that they're dead and I certainly don't want to volunteer to be the one to kill them and if I were picked to be the one to kill them in some kind of Lottery-from-Hell, I wouldn't do a little dance of joy while I was slicing the animal apart.
I'm able to make a distinction between you and me without feeling the least bit hypocritical. I don't watch snuff films and you make them. You weren't killing that animal for food or shelter or even fashion, you were killing it for fun. You enjoy killing animals. I can make the distinction between the two of us but I've tried and tried and for the life of me, I can't make a distinction between what you get paid to do and what Michael Vick went to prison for doing. I'm able to make the distinction with no pangs of hypocrisy even though I get happy every time one of you faux-macho shitheads accidentally shoots another one of you in the face." [Source]
I could not have said it better myself.
This is yet more theater of the absurd. The coummuntiy college dropout queen does not really like killing animals, it just plays well for the dumb ass NRA crowd who seem to love voting against their economic self interest (except for that one inbred goober baseball player HHNOTD).
Wait a minute, you are comparing legal hunting with illegal dog fighting? Hunting is torture?
Is finding another angle to attack Palin worth going all PETA on us?
Meat is murder!
I would love to see a reality show where Ted Nugent hunts Ernesto, though.
'You weren't killing that animal for food or shelter or even fashion, you were killing it for fun. You enjoy killing animals.'
Unless a person lives at the extreme end of existence, and survival, that is, as far from civilization as is possible, I will not give him or her a pass for 'killing that animal for food or shelter or even fashion.'
Or, for that matter, to gin up television ratings!
We have developed an industry for this sort of thing. Rarely is it necessary to take gun in hand, enter the wild, and take down a wild animal for our physical survival.
Let's leave animals in the wild in the wild, unmolested, and free from our human lust for blood, that we often misname a sport to cover up, and excuse, our failure to evolve.
Ted Nugent, and Palin, need to turn in their guns for a basketful of coupons that they can use at their local supermarket.
"Ted Nugent, and Palin, need to turn in their guns for a basketful of coupons that they can use at their local supermarket."
That's a great idea Zing, it would be great for Ted and Sarah to come to this Philly supermarket.
I didn't see you there, Field, I guess you were busy. It sure was a proud day for Philly progrssives.
Field, "Sarah Palin has been torturing animals and killing them for sport as well, and she is a hero to a lot of people here in A-merry-ca. Why? Where is the outrage for this heartless killer? Sadly, it took a Hollywood screenwriter to point out our willful hypocrisy:"
What Sarah is doing is very different from what Vick did. Sarah's actions are legal and approved by America.
Vick's actions was nothing but plain murder of dogs. You FN flock ought to take a basic course in morality.
But we know what the real issue is, don't we? You are jealous racists against lovely Palin.
ESPN did reports on Vick when he was being investigated and they went to dog fights in different parts of the country and at some of those fights where Police Officers placing bets. That is something that some people in parts of this country do. They also fight chickens and anything else they can get their hands on. They made Vick an example and he got more time then some folks do for murder and rape. The whole thing was bull ish
When I moved to my current location one of my relatives tried to get me to go hunting. I told him no because if I needed something I can get at the meat market.
"Sarah's actions are legal and approved by America."
Yes, you are right,thanks for validating my post.
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Wesley R said...
"That is something that some people in parts of this country do. They also fight chickens and anything else they can get their hands on."
Wesley once fought a pigeon. It didn't go well, and he wound up getting hurt pretty bad. In his defense, it was a pretty big pigeon.
Wesley R said...
"When I moved to my current location one of my relatives tried to get me to go hunting. I told him no because if I needed something I can get at the meat market."
Cue the cheesey porno music.....
Wesley R said...
"That is something that some people in parts of this country do. They also fight chickens and anything else they can get their hands on"
Once, when I was down in Alabama, I paid $15 to get into a worm fight. It was boring as hell. It didn't even look like the worms were fighting. I complained, but they wouldn't give me my money back. Just thought I'd share.
Booker said...
"Once, when I was down in Alabama, I paid $15 to get into a worm fight. It was boring as hell. It didn't even look like the worms were fighting."
Next time, if you get the chance, check out the squirrel wrestling. Lots more action.
I am glad Palin is acknowledged and approved by so many FN. Finally, you folks are getting smarter and seeing the light!
10:42 and 10:43,
Too weak to post under a real name, and too weak for me. Try someone else buster.
Sixers looked better yesterday. Collins will get them right. The Eagles need to remember the back to back beatdown they got last year by Dallas and return the favor.
Field, it doesn't matter if you kill the animal yourself or have someone else do it for you, the pain and suffering are still on your hands. That's why I am a vegetarian.
I don't understand vegetarians. I don't understand what they feed their cats. And they all have cats. Isn't it strange that a person would go through their entire life saying, "Well, I don't think an animal should ever have to die just so I can eat... but Mr. Mephistopheles loves his giblets!"
Wesley R said...
"10:42 and 10:43,
Too weak to post under a real name, and too weak for me. Try someone else buster."
Strong words from a man who got beat down by a pigeon. Yaysir!
"I would love to see a reality show where Ted Nugent hunts Ernesto, though."
I would, too. Then I could call it self defense and legally bump off one of those inbred morons. A little chlorine in the gene pool, as it were.
And Ernesto is a little turd in the gene pool, if you know what I mean.
Field, it doesn't matter if you kill the animal yourself or have someone else do it for you, the pain and suffering are still on your hands. That's why I am a vegetarian.
Thanks for this one, FN needs to think a little before he says stupid stuff.
Now I have seen everything. FN who knew you were a liberal whacko commie.
Here is hoping you never need to be a man and forage for food and shelter. For you surely would have to call a woman like Sarah to feed you as you shrivel into a pathetic incompetent liberal heap of tears as you go hungry. Isn't that a sad case for liberals. Now you not only don't know how to fish for yourself, you can't hunt either.
Only whackjobs would try and call someone who hunts a "heartless killer" Do you have any idea how the world really works? next thing you will try is calling her racist for talking about Black Bears. Are all liberals such hypocritical whiney incompetent delusional people who have no clue of nature and the world?
Here goes life in a disney film again. In this film, all food magically appears on the table and as always you don't want to do the work that feeds you, but don't mind stuffing your face at the trough as long as someone else does the work to feed you.
Yup, liberal and like everyone you "know" couldnt take care of themselves if their life depended on it, once the supermarket filled by adults closed.
hunting is a fav topic of mine. one of my gfs is living with a family where the, um, slightly inadequate men spends a lot of time out in the Blind. with his whiskey and radio and heated blanket thingee. and of course, his big, long, phallic signifier.
don't get me wrong. i grew up in +400 acres of "virgin" white tail country. i remember the faux "hunters." we called them "drunks" and "roadside shooters." you know what they used to do?
they were cityfolk. they worked in nearby midsized cities. they'd drive up, the week the Season started; one or three of them in the pickup truck had a permit, maybe even a Doe permit! but they didn't know any of us who actually owned the prime whitetail land. so they'd drive down the dirt roads between our homes, separated by actual Country Blocks (define that without google, you exurb posers) waiting for what? the property owners like my family, and our actual hunting friends, who were mostly bow hunters. guns are for pussies, when one is "fighting" or "hunting" an animal. but these city drunks would come by, stuffed into their backwater cousin's late model pickups, late at night or too early in the morning on the first legal day, gunz a'blazin n stuck out the window, reeling back and forth along our narrow country dirt road.
the deer would sometimes "cross a property line" (much like the undocumented do, hmmm) and in that narrow space when these morAns would have a chance to shoot in "neutral" roadside territory? sometimes, some lucky hilldick wanna be would bag one... usually with his truck, which he couldn't move fast enough to avoid slamming into the helpless animal, like a speed fueled trucker on a late night highway. of course, these cowards would rarely do the hard work of stinging and strapping a bloody deer carcass on their rust-encrusted late models, dragging them back to their trailers in the parks outside the factory towns down south. no, they'd take the rack, or some other trophy, and leave us locals to clean up the carcass. if i could tell you the number of times we had a half processed deer corpse hanging from our garage, as we drained the blood before taking it to the butcher to process. always lamenting that it was people like these, who made our docile deer population skittish, where all we wanted to do is thank them, for gracing our lands and occasionally giving our real hunters a little sport. meh.
don't listen to your anon posers, FN. i am a hunter, and like all real hunters, i do so sparingly, only in need, always using all the harvest, and never for vanity. then again, i don't have a dick and my strap on isn't small.
also: bragging about shooting an endangered species like northern moose or wolf, from a *helicopter?* the very definition of "not a real hunter." the staunchest environmentalists i know? guys who would be a part of the 'tea bagger' community, except that they actually understand: selling out our national parklands for vanity hunters is the very opposite of knowing what it means to live off the land, to survive on what one can kill, or why there must be a Balance with what wild lands are left to us, and what our people want to feel "strong." it is the Native communities that taught the white settlers these lessons. for all most of their children have forgotten.
never "compromise" with a rapist. there are no Dodos anymore. soon, there will be no tuna, nor whales, nor wild turkeys. because asswipes like cheney are too weak to hunt on anything but vanity preserves, and their republican policies have slaughtered all the lands where such thrives. they kill children in africa now, for "fun." because euro "hunters" who needed 100 servants and a thousand guns to take down one elephant or lion did so, just to prove how "tough" they were. nobody remembers them now. nobody will remember how north american euro short-dicks had to do so, either, to kill our version of the buffalo, the prongbucks, the passenger pigeon, the eagles, etc.
republican teddy roosevelt hated people like you. for a reason.
this link is for the previous "evildoers" post
when AB says:
"the repubs and dems are the current clandestine interchangeable captains of one single evil ship"
truer words have never been spoken.
it is for this reason, time will NOT find me indulging folks wanting to debate which party is greater or better for the american populance. they have BOTH done immeasurable damage. all one would need to do to understand this is READ.
Sarey is not a hunter...it is theatre for the stoopids. Like the bush 'ranch'. Oh, don't just take my Librul Word for it...or Chicago Dyke....read what the actual hunting community says.
Cutting brush, shooting at a cage hunt..it is Potemkin Village fodder for stoopids.
FN, you might want to watch hunting pron on The Outdoor Channel. Every TV host does the 'end zone dance' after a kill. Reminds of the bravery of Nugent or the skills of Cheney. Idiocy for hunting...but better TV.
Ummm....cats are carnivores by evolution. Humans can choose to be Vegan as our ancestry is more in the herbivores. Which is why it might be difficult for some to grasp that one may feed Kitty meat, but decline to eat flesh.
Liberals who dream of but can't have Sarah Palin, bed their Daughters in frustration?
Let’s begin with a flashback, shall we? In July 2009, when Sarah Palin resigned as governor of Alaska, Columbia University professor David Epstein wrote at his Huffington Post blog:
Palin has done what weak, self-centered people do when the going gets tough — they quit and blame someone else. (Sounds Like Ernesto doesnt it? )
Epstein also said Republicans are guilty of ”taking hypocrisy in their personal lives to new levels of self-indulgent weirdness.”
Epstein an avid Obama supporter also frequently presented on how Obamas policies were saving the economy.
Oddly enough, while saying all these things and blogging the liberal talking points that many on this blog spout so much, he was doing some really sick things.
Columbia professor David Ernesto --I mean David Epstein is charged with incest, accused of bedding a young relative for 3 years
According to court papers.
He was arraigned before a Manhattan judge on a single felony incest count.He had relations with his daughter, now 24, from 2006 through 2009, the complaint said.
Hey, by the way, didnt Obama turn over his press conference yesterday on taxes and the economy so he could go to a christmas party? Didn't he turn this serious matter over to only the second president in U.S history ever to be impeached (Clinton) Wasn't Clinton impeached for lying about sexual misconduct?
Yup liberals one and all.
Moral of the story. Lock up your children and keep them and any small animals away from the crazy liberals. The animals they may try to eat, as for the small children, well.........
chicago dyke said....
never "compromise" with a rapist. there are no Dodos anymore. soon, there will be no tuna, nor whales, nor wild turkeys. because asswipes like cheney are too weak to hunt on anything but vanity preserves, and their republican policies have slaughtered all the lands where such thrives. they kill children in africa now, for "fun." because euro "hunters" who needed 100 servants and a thousand guns to take down one elephant or lion did so, just to prove how "tough" they were. nobody remembers them now. nobody will remember how north american euro short-dicks had to do so, either, to kill our version of the buffalo, the prongbucks, the passenger pigeon, the eagles, etc.
Are you high or just drunk? You are completely illogical and make no sense.
I hadnt read about "them" killing children in Africa because they needed 100 servants and 1,000 guns to kill an elephant or lion. Can you give us a link for that story? Or is this a drug induced thought?
Really interested in why hunters would need to kill children to get an elephant or who these people actually are.
"republican policies have slaughtered all the lands where such thrives"
WOudl this be the Haitian rip and burn republican policy? Or the Kill em all and sell the tusks African Republican policies? I didnt know countries in Africa had a republican party. Heard of the African genocide and rape young virgins so you dont catch aids parties though.
MOLD said..
Ummm....cats are carnivores by evolution. Humans can choose to be Vegan as our ancestry is more in the herbivores. Which is why it might be difficult for some to grasp that one may feed Kitty meat, but decline to eat flesh.
This is YOUR MIND on liberalism. So sad. I guess Mold and Mildew , has no idea what life and survival have ever entailed before governement support and supermarkets. Or ever heard of an Omnivore much less understand what one is.
"Once, when I was down in Alabama, I paid $15 to get into a worm fight. It was boring as hell. It didn't even look like the worms were fighting. I complained, but they wouldn't give me my money back. Just thought I'd share."
And, let me guess, you choked your chicken instead. ;)
"Now I have seen everything. FN who knew you were a liberal whacko commie."
If you are going to label me get it right: It's godless "liberal whacko commie"!!!!
"Field, it doesn't matter if you kill the animal yourself or have someone else do it for you, the pain and suffering are still on your hands.
No it's not; I get a special dispensation from the Colonel.
Mega Fist Dap! I wonder when of if PETA is going to come down on Sarah Palin like they did Michael Vick?
that was completely set up and fake, too. animals jump after hearing shots fire. she's such a fraud.
...Field, what does Micheal Vick has to do with this post? Or did I miss something?
Elena, I think you may have.
I was making an analogy between the treatment of #7 for his cruelty to dogs, and our future president and her treatment of animals as well.
Some people might want to disagree as to the fairness of the analogy,(see wingnuts) but it's certainly not an apples to oranges comparison.
i could not care less about the the animals that sarah or mike abuse...
i am much more concerned about how that cruel beast hobama and his vicious rich pals have dogged and doomed us all....
how many human americans are living and eating worse than pit bulls and moose ...
u know?
much love and respect my warrior sista queen
hobama nazis are willfully blind and woefully hopeless now...
those sleeping now shall sleep forever
hobama nazis are all now officially sleeping by indelible choice...
that type of slumber is always permanent!
chicagodyke:" i don't have a dick and my strap on isn't small."
There's an image you have inflicted on us all. Yeeesh.
Nice rambling, apparently drunken rant dyke, chock full of fantastical cultural slanders and penis envy.
Get a couple of drinks in her and out gushes her inner torrent of confusion and hate.
Note to self: Give a wide berth to any half-cocked, gun-toting lesbians you happen to see wandering the Illinois woods.
I live in Alaska and when a native Alaskan takes down a Caribou it is done to actually feed families. That kind of hunting bears no resemblance to Vick's "hobby" of dog fighting.
Sarah Palin's staged caribou hunt was disgusting and it was disgusting in ways that eventually connect to the use of dogs for a vicious hobby. I see the larger point of hypocrisy you are making. Additionally Palin's fake "hunt" also has links to legitimate killing of animals for survival (as is the case with Native Alaskans) and that makes for some nuance that is frustrating.
Essentially Palin's trip to "stock her freezer" cost a bizarre amount of money of which she was paid $250,000 (her pay per episode of her campaign advertisement show). Disgusting.
I wonder if she'll bring that Caribou meat to Haiti when she goes?
Anon.11:16AM, believe me, if I though SP was hunting for food and not to pump up her ratings I would not have written this post. But as you have stated, that was not the case.
When is she going to Haiti? Does she know that it's a country and not a parish in Louisiana?
Why does Sarah Palin cause liberals to make such fools of themselves?
because the anon cowards here are so uniformed and can't appreciate humor in prose, let me be simple and plain. the ref to "they kill african children now" has to do with the wars in central africa, and the child soldiers there. you know who is behind those wars, who funds them and is often in the officer class that directs them, and who benefits from those conflicts that allow western entities to pillage the natural resources while the native peoples are too busy surviving the horrors of war (aka "Blood Diamonds")?
people like Dick Cheney. Pat Roberson. former apartheid era white mercenaries. british executives of mineral and diamond companies. etc. white people. now, i wasn't going to bring that element into this discussion because of course the anon cowards here will just blather on about how that isn't really happening. but the ongoing and seemingly endless wars in africa have created conditions that would make the cowards here faint if they had to suffer one second in that reality, while 11 year old african boys somehow manage to survive. as we like to say at another blog i read: you libertarians should move to Somalia or the Sudan. and see how long you could "go Galt" in that tax and regulation-free paradise where anyone can own a gun.
"Palin has done what weak, self-centered people do when the going gets tough — they quit and blame someone else. (Sounds Like Ernesto doesnt it? )"
Quit projecting. I'm not assigning blame so much as pointing out fact-free, right-wing hypocrites. And I notice you never answer any questions about how you amassed this personal fortune that you have implicitly attained. Do you even have a job?
"Why does Sarah Palin cause liberals to make such fools of themselves?"
Envy. She is such a big fool that we envy how she can get away with it and get so many people to follow her.
"Essentially Palin's trip to "stock her freezer" cost a bizarre amount of money of which she was paid $250,000 (her pay per episode of her campaign advertisement show). Disgusting."
Can't blame her, though. She's entering her late 40s and knows her MILF appeal is fading fast. So she's cashing in while she can.
And it is hilarious that wingnuts support this dufus while believing in "merit". I wonder what Kay Bailey Hutchison thought when she was passed up for a community college dropout by McCain in 2008.
Killing Caribou is a Hate Crime!
Ya, I think I saw that video on You Tube of Dick Cheney and Pat Robertson riding an elephant and shooting poor Africans on safari.
You are an absolute raving nut case.
I bet your strap-on straddling, man-hating lifestyle would go over just great in Somalia or the Sudan. I'll pitch in for your one-way ticket.
You have a crush on Sarah Palin or are getting paid to give her so much press. Admit it.
Palin is in Haiti this weekend with Franklin Graham. Like her T.V. show this is part of a loooong political advertisement. Now she can kill two birds with one trip: evangelical cred and, in her mind only, foreign "experience." Like her fake hunting this trip is a facade as well. The Haitians have surely suffered enough.
chicagodyke thinks Palin is going to Haiti to hunt black people.
Ernesto said...
Can't blame her, though. She's entering her late 40s and knows her MILF appeal is fading fast. So she's cashing in while she can.
And it is hilarious that wingnuts support this dufus while believing in "merit". I wonder what Kay Bailey Hutchison thought when she was passed up for a community college dropout by McCain in 2008.
Ernesto, you ain't never lie. Objective Sarah Palin a gorgeous woman -- and that's about all you can say for her in terms of positive qualities. Take away the perky body parts and pretty face, you have a means spirited, vapid, vindictive woman more concern with money and power than actually serving her fellow man. And those aren't qualities we need more of in politicians.
I told my mother over Thanksgiving that Sarah Palin has a good 4-5 years before she starts looking haggard. Right now, she's the hottest cougar in the DC Talk Circus and she's going to cash in big time.
Peggy Noonan and other GOP women had it right the first time - instead of going for a serious conservative thinker, McCain went for the hottest piece of trailer trash he could find and thought Americans were gullible enough to make that awful woman the 2nd most powerful person on Earth.
"thought Americans were gullible enough to make that awful woman the 2nd most powerful person on Earth."
Instead, we got Joe Biden
Anon grunts,
"What Sarah is doing is very different from what Vick did. Sarah's actions are legal and approved by America."
It's always different for white folks.
During hurricanes, black folks "loot" and white folks "find things".
No bid contracts, special college admissions, and employment favoritism for whites is "approved by America".
For blacks they are "handouts".
Racial profiling of blacks and hispanics is "common sense police work".
But "hate crime laws" unfairly target white men.
Vick goes to jail for "financing" dog fighting.
Palin gets a TV show displaying her love of torturing and killing animals and she is considered Presidential material.
The brazen hypocrisy is jaw-dropping.
I believe anonymous is a troll. This person has considerable time to oppose most of the posts, yet, continues to participate. There are enough right wing sites that can keep this individual busy without picking fights with those who are commenting on the subject matter in a lively,yet, civil manner.
Wow, anonymous is off the chart for me. Kind of a yawner in terms of old fashioned unevolved thinking.
What I wanted to point out were, what I think are more relevant hypocrisies with Palin that are stronger than the staged hunting vs. dog fighting one (although as I mentioned earlier the link can be drawn albeit tenuously. Palin's son, Track was given a choice by the Wasilla judge: Jail or Military. This was due to his participation in attempting to cut the brakes on school buses. So he went military and we rarely hear a peep about it. And can you imagine either of Obama's daughter's as a teen mother and landing a gig on T.V.? How juvenile delinquency and teen pregnancy are handled in Palin's case illuminates the hypocrisy well.
"Huntng is not torture."
If you are not hunting for food then it is slaughter, plain and simple.
"Hate crimes laws are both wrong in concept and unfairly applied in practice."
How so? Especially given that people of color are every bit as likely to be charged with hate crimes as whites.
"Racial profiling is common sense."
Just because 90% of the taxi attackers in NYC are black or latino doesn't mean that 90% of blacks and latinos are taxi attackers.
Even the cops will admit that 90% of the people who are stopped and searched in racial profiles are not charged with anything but the arrests of the 10% scew the stats.
Common sense will tell you that if more whites were indiscriminately stopped and searched there would be more arrests of whites.
"There is no such things as special college admissions, and employment favoritism for whites; in fact they are the only group that may be specifically discriminated against per Federal Law."
And what Federal Law is that?
50% of resumes with "black sounding names" are routinely trashed. Studies have shown that when equally qualified blacks and whites apply for the same job, the white is hired almost 80% of the time.
"During hurricanes, black folks “loot” and white folks “rescue”."
Racist buffoon.
Field, "Some people might want to disagree as to the fairness of the analogy,(see wingnuts) but it's certainly not an apples to oranges comparison."
You bet your ass some of us disagree with your analogy. It IS apples to oranges and you know it. Palin works and obeys the law while certain folks like Vick violates the law. Of course, you don't see anything WRONG with what Vick did cause you two have skin color in common. You aren't looking for equality for ALL Americans you are looking for Blacks to be ABOVE the law.
Anyone ever tell you that you are a racist?
If you kill someone because you hate them, that's a lot worse, than if you just kill them.
You know, like if you're robbing them or something, cause that's not personal, it's just business.
"You bet your ass some of us disagree with your analogy. It IS apples to oranges and you know it. Palin works and obeys the law while certain folks like Vick violates the law. Of course, you don't see anything WRONG with what Vick did cause you two have skin color in common. You aren't looking for equality for ALL Americans you are looking for Blacks to be ABOVE the law."
Ahh, but people like you cherry pick which laws you like.
Now you don't like hate crime laws and you claim that whites can be discriminated against by federal law.
But shooting wolves from helicopters or slaughtering herding deer from cherry pickers is somehow morally different from dog fighting.
Nobody is excusing what Vick did. AND HE DID TIME FOR IT.
But Palin does her act on a weekly TV show.
Whose getting preferential treatment here?
"Anyone ever tell you that you are a racist?"
uts, "Whose getting preferential treatment here?"
Vick is. He should never have been allowed to play ball again. However, because of his skin color, he is allowed to play again when he should have had only one chance. Of course, racists like you claim Whites get second chances because they are White. Yet, you don't see the double standard for Blacks, like Vick? GTHFOH.
Anon. @ 11:20 PM, did you just write that Vick is getting a second chance because he is black? Do you, by any chance, ever watch football?
Please reconsider that post. If you want I will even delete it for you. I am sure you don't want to be associated with that garbage you just wrote. Even if you did write it as Anon.
Field, "Please reconsider that post. If you want I will even delete it for you. I am sure you don't want to be associated with that garbage you just wrote. Even if you did write it as Anon."
Well, I know you watch a lot of football. Therefore, "Yes, please delete it." I don't want to be associated with it. Thank you.
You know you've hit the big time when your blog attracts hit and run spammers. Big ups! I always thought you were due much wider recognition.
I just love the fact that many white folk and some small b black men are so head over heels with that white separatist heifer. (That Alaska brand of white supremacy is twisted.) I guess that happens when you don't see the sun for extended periods. I suspect some of this love for Caribou Barbie is due to the fact that most deceptiCon women politicians are just plain old butt ugly.
And to Ms Banks:
Are you still teaching? I surely hope not. You really shouldn't be allowed to have the chance of infecting young minds. We have enough problems as it is without your brand of bullshit in a classroom.
Dear Field, I don't want my boss to see that garbage I wrote. I might get fired. So please help me out. Think of all the things I have done for you over the years. I need my job..it's rough out here.
And now Palin is in Haiti on a "humanitarian" visit. They need to send her back to Alaska.
Sara Palin is a moron. From what I've heard, her performance on her hunting show was repulsive, but then every time I've ever watched a hunting show (outdoor Channel, etc) I've been repulsed by the actions of the hunters. They do find nothing but pleasure and reasons for joyful exuberances.
Having said that: I am a hunter. I kill large animals in the wild. I am also a farmer. I kill large and small animals in the barnyard.
My farming is done so that insular and clueless people like you who have no idea where your food comes from can eat well and healthy. If you knew what happened to the animals that you buy in the store and eat and how they were raised, you would probably be shocked (as many of them were).
Without going into detail, the animals in my barnyard are raised ethically and killed and processed with respect to them and the other animals in the barnyard.
The animals I kill in the wild are likewise treated with respect.
We have a big problem out her in rural America. There are no top of the line predators left. No wolves, no mountain lions, no wild dogs or coyotes to speak of.
If no one hunted dear, farmers would become devastated by losses.
I have never agreed at all with anything Sara Palin has ever said. She's a compete fool and embarrassment but to some degree I agree with her comment. . . as you chow down on that big meaty dry aged expensive steak at Ruth Chris, slide into your BMW with the soft leather seats, slip on your expensive Italian leather shoes and do whatever else you city folks do with animal products from corporate farms that are treated inhumanely and with blatant disregard for their comfort in their slaughter and their lives, spare me your cheap and empty condemnation.
Dear Field, I don't want my boss to see that garbage I wrote. I might get fired. So please help me out. Think of all the things I have done for you over the years. I need my job..it's rough out here."
Well, take heart, thanks to Obama unemployment benefits will be extended.
Field, "Well, take heart, thanks to Obama unemployment benefits will be extended."
Field, you are no fucking help.
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