It pays to have money in A-merry-ca. (Just ask guys like Hugh Hefner [Just say no to the pre-nup Crystal] and OJ. Well....maybe not so much OJ these days; but you get my point.)
I don't know too much about St. Louis, in fact, I have only been there a couple of times in my life. (just passing through once, and once on business) no offense to the folks in "The Lou", but its just never been one of those places on my wish list of places to visit. Anyway, folks in the know will tell you that St. Louis is Busch country. As in Anheuser Busch, as in this "Buds for you" Busch. And, if your name just happens to be Busch, St. Louis, is your town. Literally.
Which brings me, once again, to this story of the young lady who was found dead in the home of the former CEO of Anheuser-Busch, August Busch IV.
"Martin was pronounced dead at 1:26 p.m. according to the St. Louis County Medical Examiner's Office. She was last seen alive at 3:30 a.m., the office said, though it's unclear when she died. Her autopsy was inconclusive, with no signs of trauma or any obvious natural causes of death. Toxicology tests could take six weeks.
On Saturday, the St. Louis Post-Dispatch reported that it took 42 minutes for someone to call authorities after Martin was found dead. The newspaper offered no explanation or comment from authorities on the timing of the 911 call.Calls by AOL News to Frontenac, Mo., police were not immediately returned.According to KTVI, investigators waited to release the 911 tape because there was a staff shortage over the holidays.Martin, a divorced mother of an 8-year-old son, had been dating Busch for about a year. She and her ex-husband, Dr. Kevin Martin, divorced earlier this year." [Source]
I swear, bad luck sure knows how to follow August Busch IV. Let's see now; first there was that girl in college:
"August Busch IV crashes his Corvette in Tucson, Arizona, killing a young female passenger. Police determined that Busch had left a bar with the woman and wrecked while speeding around a sharp turn. Busch left the scene and was found at his Tucson townhouse more than four miles away and eight hours after the crash. Busch still had blood on him from the wreck.August Busch IV - PHOTOS
Manslaughter charges against Busch were dropped. Blood and urine samples taken from Busch the day of the accident had reportedly been lost or damaged."
Then there was the time August tried to outrun the po po:
"August Busch was arrested after leading police on a high-speed car chase after leaving a Sauget, Illinois bar. Busch was accused of trying to run over two officers with his Mercedes during the ordeal. The chase ended when police shot out Busch's rear tire.
Busch claimed he thought the police were trying to kidnap him. He was acquitted by a St. Louis jury." [Source] (I heard somewhere that the police actually put the tire back on after they shot it out.)
Busch claimed he thought the police were trying to kidnap him. He was acquitted by a St. Louis jury." [Source] (I heard somewhere that the police actually put the tire back on after they shot it out.)
And now this.
Look, this all might have been a tragic accident. But, then again, maybe not. Lady luck doesn't hang around forever. Just ask OJ.
Another reason to drink locally brewed Michigan beer.
This guy went to one of my high schools and I can tell you from what I've heard: this dude is a scumbag.
just another frat-boy driving sexwagons.
He went to my college but before I got there, damn could had free beer. You gotta visit the Lou, it's cool for a few days but after that you run out of things to do.
O.J didnt do it. He is Black and was innocent, he was framed, black man can't get a fair trial, white supremacy set up OJ, whites dont like a succesful black man......wait...oh what? Oh shit...allright...allright....call off the riot. We don't like O.J anymore.
If this rich prick gets off for killing a woman while driving drunk and Micheal Vick is being crucified for dogfighting, I'm ripping up my PETA card.
I always thought O.J. should have left the U.S. after the acquital. Could have saved himself the trouble of having to face this long-running vendetta among Whites to put him where he is now. Not that his own actions helped much.
August Busch IV has both wealth and White privilege on his side. I wonder how much his family will pay to have this whole ordeal quietly swept under the rug....si
this guy does sound like a privileged asshole but so was OJ and he had a history too but he got off.
As for Michael Vick, I don't think he should ever be allowed to have a pet again, let alone a dog for his kid. He's proved what he is and dog torture is akin to torturing anything. It's pathetic, cruel and I'm glad it's illegal.
"this guy does sound like a privileged asshole but so was OJ and he had a history too but he got off."
There's a difference.
O.J. is still considered to be "scum" by the vast majority of the public, plus he's actually in jail. For offenses not quite directly to what he was acquited of, but offenses stemming from that event nevertheless.
Busch will not see a jail cell. And most people have no clue as to who he is, aside from "that rich beer guy".
There's a difference.
O.J. is still considered to be "scum" by the vast majority of the public, plus he's actually in jail. For offenses not quite directly to what he was acquited of, but offenses stemming from that event nevertheless.
Earth To Mack Lyons. Being acquitted of one crime doesnt mean you were set up and innocent of crimes you commit following the acquital of that crime. He is not guilty of a "white vendetta" as you say. How permanent victim, racist of you to say something like this.
"If this rich prick gets off for killing a woman while driving drunk and Micheal Vick is being crucified for dogfighting, I'm ripping up my PETA card."
Vick was crucified for KILLING DOGS...he hung them, electocuted them and probably even drowned a few who could not stand up to the test of dogfighting. In addition, Vick gambled on these dogs. Vick's actions of taking the lives of these dogs was 'premeditated' murder, a very despictable act.
Of course, Americans feel Vick did a monstrous thing, in which the human being(MV) was the beast. But it's a weird thing: most Blacks don't feel Vick should have been punished or imprisoned. In fact, many on this blog think poor Michael Vick was UNDULY punished. Such is the moral standards of most regualars with IDs, like PilotX, Mack Lying, and UTS. All three are of the same black hearts...no pun intended.
OJ is guilty as hell. Every black person, including myself, knows this but many will not say it.
OJ is where he belongs, because he is stupid. He surmounted great odds: killing a white woman and walking scott-free. Instead of laying low and being grateful, the idiot had to thumb his nose white folks and flirt with the law as evidenced by his subsequent arrests.
When his black ass went to trial on that bullshit robbery charge (how do you steal your own property?), I knew those white folks were not going to let him walk scott-free.
Hugh is one fortunate man. I hope he's using protection.
"If this rich prick gets off for killing a woman while driving drunk and Micheal Vick is being crucified for dogfighting, I'm ripping up my PETA card.
You have to understand that a particular demographic group has an inordinate reverence of dogs. They allow them to sit at the table. They lick them on the mouth. Shockingly, then maybe not to shocking, some of them have sex with dogs.
Here is a very important video for all of you Vick lovers and how what Obama said was inappropriate. It will be interesting what you FN supporters of MV have to say about the dogs who lost their lives because of Vick.
Anon@6:16p--thank you for that video. Clearly, it is questionable if he can actually be rehabilitated. Judging from the unmerciful torture and murder of those dogs, I doubt it. Those dogs were God's creation to befriend humans...Even the devil would not do such a thing to them!
Rudy said...
"Hugh is one fortunate man. I hope he's using protection."
To say he is fortunate is an understatement.
Anonymous said...
Of course, Americans feel Vick did a monstrous thing, in which the human being(MV) was the beast. But it's a weird thing: most Blacks don't feel Vick should have been punished or imprisoned. In fact, many on this blog think poor Michael Vick was UNDULY punished. Such is the moral standards of most regualars with IDs, like PilotX, Mack Lying, and UTS. All three are of the same black hearts...no pun intended.
You might as well add me in the mix. Look I don't condone fighting - the reason? I fought a game bred, 35 lb, albino white pit years ago in my early 20's in my back yard that beat the crap out of a 60 lb red nose pit, even though my dog won and I made $300, it was't pretty and it scared the shit outta me. I had mad offers to fight her again and I refused. Hell, I even got threatened because I refused to fight her. Bottom line is this - not all pits are bred to fight, only ones with certain lines. With all that said, where Vick grew up at, that's the norm and he just didn't separate that lifestyle with his new NFL lifestyle as evident in his conviction for dog fighting. And contrary to belief most pit fighters actually love their dogs - fighting may be a sick and twisted way of showing it but it can be true. Vick did the crime and the time, let him get a dog. I suggest he starts with a Schnoodle (Google it - great dogs, I got my kid one) And by the way I own a brindle colored pit,a blue amstaff and a lab/pit mix.
"If this rich prick gets off for killing a woman while driving drunk and Micheal Vick is being crucified for dogfighting, I'm ripping up my PETA card."
A few years ago, Michael Vick was accused of DELIBERATELY giving genital herpes to a black woman. She sued and the case was settled out of court for an undisclosed sum of money.
If Mr. Vick had infected a WHITE woman with genital herpes he would never have been heard from again. And we all know this. Mr. Vick is a filthy degenerate of the lowest order.
RttnKid, "You might as well add me in the mix. Look I don't condone fighting - the reason? I fought a game bred, 35 lb, albino white pit years ago in my early 20's in my back yard that beat the crap out of a 60 lb red nose pit, even though my dog won and I made $300, it was't pretty and it scared the shit outta me. I had mad offers to fight her again and I refused."
There is a difference between you and Vick. You fought your dog once and stopped out of compassion and fear for your dog's life. Vick didn't care about his dogs' lives. In fact, Vick himself hung them, drowned them and electrocuted them. COULD YOU DO THAT AND SLEEP AT NIGHT? There is a BIG difference between you and Vick. YOU have a heart, Vick does not.
Vick's cruelty to dogs was UNCONSCIONABLE! And you want to claim that he loved his dogs? PLEASE...Love does not operate that way and I am sure you know that. Otherwise, you would have fought your dog again and again until it was dead.
But your mercy and love for your dog would NOT let you..am I right in assuming that was your feeling?
Vick probably got the herpes from a white woman. I hope he gets attacked by a pack of dogs one of these days.
RttnKid, "You might as well add me in the mix. Look I don't condone fighting.."
LAC, "If this rich prick gets off for killing a woman while driving drunk and Micheal Vick is being crucified for dogfighting, I'm ripping up my PETA card."
Why is it that most FN folks on this blog ONLY 'see' the dogfighting that Vick participated in, and NOT the cruel methods of KILLING AND MURDERING those dogs?
Why must you Negroes try to minimize and avoid speaking the TRUTH 'WHY' Vick was imprisoned?
It just goes to show you that people are biased about measuring JUSTICE-- according to their tastes, NOT moral justice. And then they cry about the injustices in America....Amazing!
"Vick probably got the herpes from a white woman. I hope he gets attacked by a pack of dogs one of these days."
Such would be karma, esp if the dogs turn out to be Coyotes!
does anybody know when Field is coming back? i took off this week to blog, and field is nowhere to be found. this is the second time he has done this shit to me...after all i have done for him this year this is the thanks i get?
Ever hear of Innocent until proven guilty? Latest news reports aren't even mentioning foul play.. Talk about some serious hypocrisy.
Ya know when I read about how pissed off people are that Mike got off after hanging, electrocuting dogs I have to think where's the outrage that thousands of humans had the same thing done to them in this country and the perps got off scott free most of the time. Some of these SOB's are running around free to this day but not a peep. Thousands of Iraqi kids are maimed and killed to punish brown people for what happened here. There are some sick and twisted minds out there. As a vegetarian that takes the Buddhist stance against killing anything, except for mosquitos!, no living creature should be harmed but the damned hypocrisy that exists in this country just floors me.
BTW O.J. did not grow up rich like my man Busch and I don't think he did it, if he did he had some help.
"Thousands of Iraqi kids are maimed and killed to punish brown people for what happened here."
X, that's a perversion of the truth, and you know it.
"Vick's cruelty to dogs" "Vick's inhumane treatment of dogs" "Vick's rotten behaviour towards dogs" Etc. etc.
But I wonder,what about all the boxers getting their faces, kidneys and livers pummeled to a bloody pulp???
But, you may say, "men choose this, they have reason and logic and they choose to fight, the dog doesn't"
Well, I think that the men that go into boxing, do so because they haven't much schooling and see this as a quick way to make money.
Most of them end up blathering fools because of all the head blows!
But, strangely enough, when It's man's inhumanity to man. Nobody seems to mind. In fact people seem to celebrate every blow and drop of blood and overlook the consequences to the boxer.
If Vick was some rich white guy you wouldn't be singing this tune now would you.
"If this rich prick gets off for killing a woman while driving drunk and Micheal Vick is being crucified for dogfighting, I'm ripping up my PETA card."
I thought I had a PETA card here somewhere....
EngX, how is what PilotX said a "perversion of the truth"?
"Those dogs were God's creation to befriend humans...Even the devil would not do such a thing to them!"
Who created chickens?
How so Eng X? The Iraq war was planned before 9-11, remember PNAC? There were no WMD's, regime change could have waited so what was the justification? Fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them over here, so basically that means we're gonna kill brown people thousands of miles away so we don't have to worry about Bubba being scared. If that's not the case please explain. Bush, Cheney, ect. should be in jail for killing and wounding thousands if not millions. Compare that to killing a few dogs. My main point is while some have a hissy fit about a guy who went to jail and did his time compared to the deaths of thousands of humans. Even if it was completely justified that doesn't change the fact thousands are/were killed. Hypocrisy some?
Who created chickens?
I don't really know who, but I do know PilotX moms kept them in her back yard to teach him how to walk. Oh...I get it....your talking about cock fighting? Ewww....no sword crossin here buddy....!!!
"Of course, Americans feel Vick did a monstrous thing, in which the human being(MV) was the beast. But it's a weird thing: most Blacks don't feel Vick should have been punished or imprisoned. In fact, many on this blog think poor Michael Vick was UNDULY punished. Such is the moral standards of most regualars with IDs, like PilotX, Mack Lying, and UTS. All three are of the same black hearts...no pun intended."
Probably because Blacks feel that the collective punishment Vick received was disproportionate to punishments meted out to Whites who committed far more heinous crimes to human beings. Who's to say that if Brett Favre had a similar, serious lapse of character and judgment, that the NFL and the feds would go a lot easier on him? It'd probably happen. And it'll demonstrate once more how our justice system favors light punishments for famous and well-heeled Whites while indiscriminately feeding Blacks and their poor White counterparts into the maw of the Prison-Industrial Complex.
Plus there's the fact that Whites seem to value their pet animals over human beings at times. I know Rover is supposed to be man's best friend and all, but.....well, when I see people dressing up their dogs like humans while treating their actual fellow humans with indifference, it irks me a bit.
PilotX, "Some of these SOB's are running around free to this day but not a peep. Thousands of Iraqi kids are maimed and killed to punish brown people for what happened here. There are some sick and twisted minds out there. As a vegetarian that takes the Buddhist stance against killing anything, except for mosquitos!, no living creature should be harmed but the damned hypocrisy that exists in this country just floors me."
Thousands of black kids are killed by blacks but not a peep from the black community. Blacks such as yourself have twisted minds as well.
RE: Buddhism...Are you implying that all Buddhists are vegetarians? And why are mosquitoes the exception, when it comes to killing?
Btw, plants have a life too. They are harmed when vegetarians kill them also. You fit the consumate Kwansaa-Buddhist hypocrite who is awfully confused about his spiritual path. But then again, such is the nature of an atheist. lol
I feel ya Mack. here in Chicago there was a story about a guy that threw a puppy out of a moving car, he turned out alright, but there is damn near a city wide manhunt for this guy but we already forgot about the four people shot and killed the other day. I know life is all precious but Black and brown lives don't even rate an eyebrow raised. I actually agree with conservatroll that we need to be a bit more outraged at the killings going on in our communities. Father Phleger is big on peace in the community, though I disagree with him about owning guns I feel him we need to do more, read I need to do more.
@Field, you won't get an answer from Eng X. Conservatives are good at playing the "your wrong" game but can never seem to point out what exactly is incorrect. It's much easier to not know anything and just troll around than to actually know what you're talking about and make a conherent objective argument. Of course I could be proven wrong.
... A 17-year-old youth was in custody late Sunday in the shooting outside the Pulse nightclub that killed a teenager and injured eight other teens, St. Louis police said.
Ranisha Cole, 17, was pronounced dead Saturday at a local hospital after she was shot in the head and abdomen. ...
A mammy made name like Ranisha, be meaning that she Negroe.
She daddy have a different last name than hers.
If she daddy had been a live-in-the-home with his children type daddy, she probably would not have in the streets; he would have kept her Black ass at home.
Leave that white boy alone, and make them Saint Louis Negro menz take care of their children.
Make all dem lazy pipe laying Negroe menz in deh country, be taking care of their children.
Where she daddy be at?
Mack Lyons-"Plus there's the fact that Whites seem to value their pet animals over human beings at times. I know Rover is supposed to be man's best friend and all, but.....well, when I see people dressing up their dogs like humans while treating their actual fellow humans with indifference, it irks me a bit."
Oh Pleeeze...Do you get irked about the daily black on black killings? what about the drive-bys? what about the bw and children abandoned by bm? The answer is "NO".
And you have the nerve to be irked because they sent Michael Vick to prison for murder and bestial cruel treatment of dogs,- when Blacks treat each other worse than dogs? I mean, Blacks kill each other every damn day in the streets. But you don't notice that. All someone with your mentality notices is how wrong White folks are! Mack, you are so full of shit.
Why do you consistently prostitue your integrity like that? Are you so low and shameless that you don't know right from wrong?
So the Iggles laid an egg in the Blizzard Bowl. Done in by a third string rookie QB making his first ever start and a slew of CB blitzes. Bye bye first round bye!
My grandmother used to keep chickens in her yard. She would select the next one for 'the chop', and about a week before it was needed she would nail it's feet to a wooden plank. So for the last seven days of its little life it wouldn't run around and lose weight.
Times and attitudes have changed.
PilotX said...
@Field, you won't get an answer from Eng X. Conservatives are good at playing the "your wrong" game but can never seem to point out what exactly is incorrect. It's much easier to not know anything and just troll around than to actually know what you're talking about and make a conherent objective argument. Of course I could be proven wrong.
You certainly could be proven wrong and are so daily. Your misinformed twisted wittle wiberal mind is stunning in its illogic.
What is it with you liberals?No matter what the subject you somehow blame BUSH. How logical is it to say Vick deserves a break because BUSH and Cheney are BLAH< BLAH< BLAH> . How about staying on topic. BUSH had nothing to do with Vicks issues, ya Obamabot flunky and VICKS issues are not about politics other then he got an Afrocentrist attaboy because Obama was advised by bloggers that Black folks want to see Vick forgiven, due to the OJ syndrome.
You really need to flip the channel and start watching FOX news. So you can hear both sides of the story. Only, I do understand you dont want to have to think and decide, rather you like when Rachel Maddow tells you as a minority what to think. After all you arent too good at that thinking stuff and your leaders know what is best for you.
Its all Bush's fault...how pathetically moronic of you. Yes, we want people who think like you in charge of something...uh-huh.
"You really need to flip the channel and start watching FOX news. So you can hear both sides of the story"
Nice to ee the winnuts admit that Radio Rwanda's news is slanted.
Ernesto, you are right, my Iggles didn't even want to play last night.:(
It's Obama and that phone call.
"You really need to flip the channel and start watching FOX news. So you can hear both sides of the story"
Nice to ee the winnuts admit that Radio Rwanda's news is slanted.
Ernesto, you are right, my Iggles didn't even want to play last night.:(
It's Obama and that phone call.
field negro said...
"You really need to flip the channel and start watching FOX news. So you can hear both sides of the story"
Nice to ee the winnuts admit that Radio Rwanda's news is slanted.
Now field, I think you had a liberal interpretation moment.
Both sides of the story means the full truth presented at FOX as they just present the facts with news, but with opinions they show opposing and pro views. Not just mindless twisted leftist drivel such as presented by Rachel MadCow or Keith (Tingle) Olberman. Another words not just leftist indoctrination news slanted stories, but opinions for both sides and then You make up your own mind.
Field, "It's Obama and that phone call."
You might have a point, there. When will Obama learn to keep his Presidential nose out of affairs like that? If Obama hadn't said anything about Michael Vick, the poor guy and the Eagles wouldn't have been in the headlines and set up for negative comments from the press and dog lovers.
I think the President and Michael Vick are more trouble than they are worth, esp to Blacks. That's even more reason for Obama to NOT be re-elected...he lacks heart for the animals of the earth who depend on human beings for their survival.
FYI: Mr. Field, PilotX, Mack Lyons, LAC and others who think it's no big deal to take the lives of dogs who refuse to fight and kill other dogs.... Here is a video that is even more PROOF why Michael Vick is NOT liked or loved by America, AND RIGHTLY SO!
Of course, everyone who reads FN recognizes that most FN bm posters consider the lives of dogs and bw NOT relevant. Hell bm don't even value each other's lives, let alone dogs.
I heard Tucker Carlson's comments about Vick. Was he joking or did he really want Mike to be executed? Wow, I knew our paler brothers loved their puppies but that's a tad extreme no? The even funnier part is he prefaced his comments by saying he was a Christian and believed in redemption. So glad these wingnuts are Christians right? I personally think we shouldn't kill any sentient beings but damn I'm not advocating lethal injection for for that order the 3 piece special at Popeye's. These righties are a trip. Then again it's not surprising at seeing how we were routinely strung up for such heinous crimes as not getting off the sidewalk fast enough or looking a white man in the eye. I hope I don't have a good Christian judge if I ever jaywalk, geez.
Anon. 1:49PM, your joints must be sore from all that stretching.:)
Field-"Anon. 1:49PM, your joints must be sore from all that stretching.:)"
Now see? there you go again. I see you didn't give me credit fot the Tucker video link. You have never given me a H/T even though I have sent you good info.
With reference to the flippant remark regarding O.J's guilt, I am sick and tired of Black people adopting the white man's mantra regarding the guilt of Simpson. As a very intelligent person and a lawyer as well as an opinion-maker, you should know better than render a largely uninformed opinion about such a momentous trial. My sister was on the OJ jury. She was sequestered for 257 days. The predominently Black jury was treated so poorly by the hotel in which they stayed that they had to complain to the judge. They were also disrespected by law enforcement officials who were supposed to be protecting them. More importantly, your snide comments about OJ's guilt ignores the most damning piece of evidence in the trial: that of the blood evidence in the possession of that lying racist Mark Furman, which blood evidence was out of the chain of custody for a number of hours. That, in and of itself, was enough to cast a reasonable doubt on OJ's guilt. Your opinion regarding this matter props up the white racist's view that white lies employed to convict Black men is a centuries old tradition and should have been continued in the OJ trial. I am a lawyer and a law professor. When the verdict was read, I was in my office at the former law school in which I taught. The Dean burst into my office and asked: "Did you hear the verdict"? I pretended that I had not. He stated the the jury had found OJ innocent! I shrugged my shoulders. He exclaimed, his face red as a beet, that he knew OJ was guilty! I replied: "How in the f...do you know"? I would pose the same question to you. It has been years since the verdict and my sister still will not talk about it. Part of the problem is that she cannot find a safe haven among her own people, because our prominent Black leaders will not publicly defend the verdict. At the very least, the next time you get the urge to talk about the OJ trial, just keep quiet! Professor Dale F. Rubin, Appalachian School of Law.
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