Today is the 150th Anniversary of the first secession from our great Union. South Carolina holds the honors. And, to commemorate that great day, they are holding a "Secession Gala" in Charleston. I wish I could be there.
"Organizers say the "Secession Gala" in Charleston tonight will commemorate the event as a show of courage in the face of encroachment by the federal government on state's rights. But some historians and civil rights groups are protesting the event as the glorification of a defense of slavery.
Dozens of Civil War buffs and Confederate reenactors are expected to attend the $100-a-head event, where they will sip mint juleps, nibble on Carolina crab dip and mingle to the tune of "Dixie" in the presence of the state's original Ordinance of Secession, signed in 1860." [Story]
Ahh come on. You "historians" and "civil rights groups" need to chill out. You are just jealous because you didn't get an invite.
I bet Haley Barbour was invited. My man Haley is considering a run for 2012, and he is already reaching out to minorities. He fondly remembers the days he kicked back and listened to MLK as a youngster in Yazoo City, (that doesn't even sound right) Mississippi.
"In an interview with the Weekly Standard's Andrew Ferguson, the GOP governor offers up some provocative comments about growing up in the racially charged deep South in the 1960s. By Barbour's account, things weren't "that bad" in his hometown of Yazoo City, Mississippi, which escaped some of the violence other nearby towns suffered during the civil rights movement.
"I just don't remember it as being that bad," Barbour, who was in high school at the time, tells Ferguson. "I remember Martin Luther King came to town, in '62. He spoke out at the old fairgrounds and it was full of people, black and white."
Barbour, who was 15 at the time, says he attended the rally because he wanted to hear what King had to say but ended up spending most of the time talking to his friends. "The truth is, we couldn't hear very well. We were sort of out there on the periphery. We just sat on our cars, watching the girls, talking, doing what boys do," Barbour tells Ferguson. "We paid more attention to the girls than to King."
Asked why Yazoo City was more peaceful than other parts of the South, Barbour offers credit to the Citizens Council, a controversial group that has been likened by its critics to the Ku Klux Klan. But Barbour says this critique is unfair and that the group actually cracked down on the KKK.
"In Yazoo City they passed a resolution that said anybody who started a chapter of the Klan would get their ass run out of town," Barbour says. "If you had a job, you'd lose it. If you had a store, they'd see nobody shopped there. We didn't have a problem with the Klan in Yazoo City."' [Article]
"Organizers say the "Secession Gala" in Charleston tonight will commemorate the event as a show of courage in the face of encroachment by the federal government on state's rights. But some historians and civil rights groups are protesting the event as the glorification of a defense of slavery.
Dozens of Civil War buffs and Confederate reenactors are expected to attend the $100-a-head event, where they will sip mint juleps, nibble on Carolina crab dip and mingle to the tune of "Dixie" in the presence of the state's original Ordinance of Secession, signed in 1860." [Story]
Ahh come on. You "historians" and "civil rights groups" need to chill out. You are just jealous because you didn't get an invite.
I bet Haley Barbour was invited. My man Haley is considering a run for 2012, and he is already reaching out to minorities. He fondly remembers the days he kicked back and listened to MLK as a youngster in Yazoo City, (that doesn't even sound right) Mississippi.
"In an interview with the Weekly Standard's Andrew Ferguson, the GOP governor offers up some provocative comments about growing up in the racially charged deep South in the 1960s. By Barbour's account, things weren't "that bad" in his hometown of Yazoo City, Mississippi, which escaped some of the violence other nearby towns suffered during the civil rights movement.
"I just don't remember it as being that bad," Barbour, who was in high school at the time, tells Ferguson. "I remember Martin Luther King came to town, in '62. He spoke out at the old fairgrounds and it was full of people, black and white."
Barbour, who was 15 at the time, says he attended the rally because he wanted to hear what King had to say but ended up spending most of the time talking to his friends. "The truth is, we couldn't hear very well. We were sort of out there on the periphery. We just sat on our cars, watching the girls, talking, doing what boys do," Barbour tells Ferguson. "We paid more attention to the girls than to King."
Asked why Yazoo City was more peaceful than other parts of the South, Barbour offers credit to the Citizens Council, a controversial group that has been likened by its critics to the Ku Klux Klan. But Barbour says this critique is unfair and that the group actually cracked down on the KKK.
"In Yazoo City they passed a resolution that said anybody who started a chapter of the Klan would get their ass run out of town," Barbour says. "If you had a job, you'd lose it. If you had a store, they'd see nobody shopped there. We didn't have a problem with the Klan in Yazoo City."' [Article]
You tell em, Haley. Those kids getting their bones broken as their bodies were thrown against the concrete with fire hoses were all just thrill seeking. ----It's no worse than bungee jumping. Right Haley? And those civil rights workers who were hung not far from your hometown committed suicide. Right Haley? And those little girls that were blown to bits when bombs went off while they were worshiping with their families was not real. It was a PR stunt by a few trouble makers to garner sympathy for their [so called] civil rights movement.
"But Think Progress's Matthew Yglesias suggests Barbour is presenting a revisionist history on race, noting that historians have described the Citizens Council as a racist organization that also worked to intimidate people who signed on to NAACP petitions at the time. A Barbour spokesman defended Barbour's comments, telling TPMDC's Eric Kleefeld that Barbour was addressing "the business community in Yazoo City" and was not talking about the group's history as a movement."
Here we go again with those "historians" and other groups starting trouble.
Why does everything have to be about race with you people?
one absolutely beautiful thing about when folks run this early (or attention is focused on them due to a potential run) is they have plenty of time to shove the proverbial foot in their mouths.
this is just the beginning of his end. let's hope.
however, that said, i'd love for the weakest possible republican candidates to run for office (ie, palin).
The GOP's looking for a centralist figure with a broad, neutral appeal. Mike Huckabee fits in better with that description than a dyed-in-the-wool Southerner like Barbour. Henceforth I don't expect him to come anywhere near the GOP nomination.
As for the Confederacy, I'm amazed it's still treated with this sort of genteel fondness. It's treated as more or less a vicious spat between two brothers who made up after they both beat each other to a bloody pulp. They've made up, more or less.
"however, that said, i'd love for the weakest possible republican candidates to run for office (ie, palin)."
See the above. A Bloomberg (guy with lots of money and corporate pull behind him) or a Huckabee (marketable guy with lots of "aww shucks" appeal) will cinch the nomination. Petraeus is the proverbial dark-horse candidate if he runs. Palin is too much of a liability for the GOP to run with -- unless they want to give Obama an easy win. Barbour might as well hang it up.
I suppose you already know, FN, but "Yazoo" was a tribe of Native Americans.
You should check out the legend of the "Singing River", which applies to the Biloxi & Pascagoula tribes in S. Mississippi.
Just for shit & grins.
State's Rights=White Supremacy. Always has, always will.
APOI, I am familiar with the origins of the name. I was just being messy. You must admit that the name Yazoo City is rather fitting for Haley.
Maria, I suspect, that at the end of the day, it will be Mitt repping the republiclowns, see seems to be the only candidate on the horizon with mass appeal.
Sorry Mack. The Huckster is not in the mix for this one. And will the GOP allow a centrist to get out of their primary? I doubt it. Mitt is not a centrist.
Going back to the Confederacy, someone over at MetaFilter finally articulated my feelings on it better than I could:
"As a proud Northern son (albeit one born and raised in Maryland), I sometimes think that we might not have a fraction of the problems we have these days if Union troops had really put a kicking to the Confederacy. I know there are a host of reasons, historical, political, social, why this wouldn't happen, but maybe it would put a lie to this "The South Will Rise Again" malarkey. For more than 150 years, we've had to hear how Southern gentlemen just wanting to sit on their lovely farms and drink juleps fended off Northern barbarians. Maybe if we had a full Reconstruction, maybe if we hadn't allowed history books to be so blase about this stuff.
Children in Germany don't learn about the Nazi's, but only how they were strong warriors who perfected the blitzkrieg style of battle, do they? On a more serious question, how do the Japanese learn about their wartime actions, such as Nanking.
If there is a good side to history being written by the victors, it's to prevent the last century and a half of Southerners who hang the stars and bars and proclaim it to be about "heritage". Your heritage is the bondage and involuntary servitude of millions of people. And you only gave it up when forced. American society is still dealing with the repercussions of it now, which requires social programs to equalize. Racism, either personal or institutionalized is behind any number of current social ills. But it hides behind people like Sons of Confederate Veterans."
OK, FN. Like I said, I supposed you did.
But, as I also said, you should Google the "Singing River". Really sort of interesting.
These tired old white make Republican bigots are the most delusional people on the earth.Outside of their states.they're unknown,and deservedly so.So they talk out their ass TO rile up the base.hat the hell makes THIS man even think he's anyway qualified to become president?Actually,that's not Barbour's real goal-there's money and fame in running for,not necessarily winning, higher office.Ask Pat Buchanan and Pat Robertson with their ubiquitous cable news presences.
1. If things were not that bad in Yazoo City, then it is safe to assume that the city did not have a large black population and the few blacks who lived there "knew their place."
2. If any blacks were invited to attend South Carolina's commemoration, I wonder how many would actually attend?
whoops--should been "white MALE Republicans.."
john thune is mentioned. newt?
i've never been able to look at mitt without thinking he looks like the guy who played ward cleaver.
mitt's problem is his state enacted "obamacare" before obama did. he can't run on a repeal platform, which is one of the few things the republicans can really "pin" on obama.
Mack, I usually respect your opinions, (even though I understand you are quoting others).
The South was devastated from losing the Civil War. Those men you talk about drinking juleps went to war, and left the women-folk and slaves to care for their farms. THEY thought it was a "Great Adventure". Most of the men who went to fight, a very way long away from their families were poor as shit. They couldn't have bought a slave to help themselves.
The taxes put on the landowners,after the war, (unless they made a deal with the Yankees), they couldn't afford. You've heard of carpetbaggers?
I'm not defending them, just telling you what I KNOW....not something you read in school books.
Did you know that the State of Mississippi spent one-third of it's entire budget on artificial limbs in 1846? That wasn't the rich folks who needed them.
Plus, almost 100,000 blacks fought for the South, with the understanding they would be set-free when the South "won". All were volunteers. Nathan Bedford Forrest had at least 8 in his personal body-guard thru out the war.
Look at the rest of the country.
Yes, Mississippi has earned a bad reputation, but, I would say that today, we all get along much better than a lot of you other states.
You don't see Jesse or Sharpton down HERE very often.
Field. Do you ever try and look at things that could be controlled by the Black community to make things better? Or are you such a flaming whining racist that you constantly have to look for somethign someone says about something 150 years ago that you dont agree with. Get as angry as you want. Who cares about your eternal whining.
Maybe you should look at the new aids cases and the reason why? After seeing these numbers I do understand your alignment with Gays, Illegal Aliens and the good ol down low syndrome. What a fake you are. A lwyer with no respect for the law. How fitting.
I guess its true. Black Crack Kills. Welcome to Africa.
In 2006, black men accounted for two-thirds of new infections (65%) among all blacks. The rate of new HIV infection for black men was 6 times as high as that of white men, nearly 3 times that of Hispanic/Latino men, and twice that of black women.
In 2006, black men who have sex with men (MSM)2 represented 63% of new infections among all black men, and 35% among all MSM. HIV infection rates are higher among black MSM compared to other MSM. More new HIV infections occurred among young black MSM (aged 13–29) than among any other age and racial group of MSM.
In 2006, the rate of new HIV infection for black women was nearly 15 times as high as that of white women and nearly 4 times that of Hispanic/Latina women.
And, yes, Rudy. Yazoo City has a VERY large population of blacks....it's the "gateway" to the Mississippi Delta.
Anon 10:27 PM, there is a little saying in the law that says: "Res Ipsa Loquitur"- you might want to look it up- Your comments say all we need to know about where you are coming from. (They fit that phrase)
You calling me a racist is like Al. Capone calling the IRS crooks.
BTW, your boy Haley didn't make those comments 150 years ago. He made them THIS YEAR!
... The same people driving the lawsuits that seek to dismantle the Obama administration’s health care overhaul have set their sights on an even bigger target: a constitutional amendment that would allow a vote of the states to overturn any act of Congress.
You slowe, slowe, Negroes do not seem to understand that which is up; these white boys they ain't not jiving.
Conservatives are trying to rewrite history but there fools need to at least wait til the folks in those places die off. Barbour has already been caught in lies about Uof Mississippi being integrated while he was there. Boss Hog should be the face of the GOP because he represents what they truly are. I say we celebrate Nat Turner Day like old boy on John Stewart's show said.
You're not a bad guy, FN. I suppose Mrs. FN puts up with your shit.
First of all, Barbour does not lie. I resent you folks even insinuating that he is. Yazoo is a respectable town where everybody gets along. There has never been a black uprising there that had to be put down with fire hoses or anything else. Get a grip Negroes and be grateful that Barbour will be the next President of America!
Your lives will be much better than now with Obama. Wise up.
PilotX.......Ihate barbour for other reasons, but you are incorrect.
You don't fly a lot, do you? I think you're bogus. I can make-up all your shit.
Tell me a little something, just a reference, that will convince me you can fly an Airliner. I think you're full of shit. You post too often.
APOI, "Tell me a little something, just a reference, that will convince me you can fly an Airliner. I think you're full of shit. You post too often."
Get real, Negro. I know he is real because I am his co-pilot. We fly a lot. Do you know what "attitude" means? That should convince your no flying ass that we are pilots...ask Field, he'll tell ya.
Plus, almost 100,000 blacks fought for the South, with the understanding they would be set-free when the South "won".
So what?
Slaves fought for the British during the Revolutionary War for the same reason.
Neither led to freedom and it certainly didn't prevent Jim Crow.
You may have a grand ole time in Mississippi, but what of your ancestors, unless they were the plantation owners?
Also, why are we suppose to feel sorry for any of that taxation the losers felt?
Damn, Hathor, I hate it when an intelligent person slips in to make a point.
You didn't come back to me about the oil.
OK....once again, Hathor. I think you're missing my point. Or else, I'm not conveying it properly.
Let's try this again another nite.
An ole girlfriend just poppped-up'''''LATER!!!!
Hey FN,
Did you see the article on Mitrice Richardson? Her mother is coming out finally.
No Nancy Grace interviews, no Amber alert, no nothing for this young woman who was last seen at the police station in LA county.
Remains were found with no underwear, shoes or socks. The other article of clothing were found near by. Sounds like a cover up.
The police know something.
100,000 blacks did not fight for the Confederacy. That is revisionist history.
At the very end of the war Robert E. Lee proposed arming some slaves with the promise of freedom after the war but this was rejected. As one Southern politician put it "If slaves make good soldiers then our whole theory of slavery is wrong".
As far as Barbour, his brother told a different story of events in 1971..
"Maybe five years ago," he said, "you could've appointed a colored man yourself. Now you simply can't get away with it. They're goin' to have to pick their own leaders. You could've gotten on radio five years ago using these very words, 'George Collins is this n***er we've appointed,' and could've gotten away with it. I guess they're just goin' through a state of being rebellious and hard-nosed and not listenin' to white people like they used to."
The town has seventeen policeman in all, which struck me as a substantial force for a town of 14,000, and Mace is standard equipment; the policemen carry it on their belts. "You get a drunk," Jeppie says; "you either get him to come with you or you have to manhandle him. You give him Mace and he'll want to go anywhere with you. It keeps that n***er's head in good shape."
FN said "Anon 10:27 PM, there is a little saying in the law that says: "Res Ipsa Loquitur"- you might want to look it up- Your comments say all we need to know about where you are coming from. (They fit that phrase)"
I don't think you got Anon's point. Anon is saying that black people have more important things to worry about than "racism". And I agree. FYI, I am NOT white.
In some American cities at least HALF of adult black males are UNEMPLOYED. Many of these black men are not just unemployed but UNEMPLOYABLE meaning they will probably NEVER have gainful employment.
And you're preoccupied with something a fat white guy from Mississippi said. smh
"OK....once again, Hathor. I think you're missing my point. Or else, I'm not conveying it properly.
Let's try this again another nite.
An ole girlfriend just poppped-up'''''LATER!!!!"
APOI, how often do you see her?
Dear leader of Anon. Inc. your peeps are f&^%$#g with me again. Just look what one of them wrote at 12:26 AM wrote.
Damn Shadey, thanks for the 411 on the Barbour "Klan".
Phil4Real, I am all over that. Thanks!
Anon 12:53 AM, jelousy will get you nowhere. Yes, black men can fly planes. Even very big ones.
"In some American cities at least HALF of adult black males are UNEMPLOYED. Many of these black men are not just unemployed but UNEMPLOYABLE meaning they will probably NEVER have gainful employment.
And you're preoccupied with something a fat white guy from Mississippi said. smh"
Why can't we be preoccupied with BOTH? Why does everything have to be so "zero sum" with you folks? How come you're dismissing something that has the potential to come back in full force right under your nose?
Getting the unemployment rate among Black men under control is important. And so is keeping an eye on the actions of unreconstructed Southern whites. The last thing you should do is trust these guys.
mitrice was black, female, lesbian...
all = 3 strikes in racist, sexist, homohating msm
Mack Lyons
"Why can't we be preoccupied with BOTH? Why does everything have to be so "zero sum" with you folks? How come you're dismissing something that has the potential to come back in full force right under your nose?"
It's a tactic employed by racists and Toms to silence debate on issues that they want to own.
Namely the race debate.
According to the right, blacks don't have the right to confront white people or speak out against racism until we've cleaned up our dirty selves.
how do you feel about this very SAME racism within hobama's destruction of all public housing/slashing section 8 funds etc???....
and how it is affecting a legendary migration to the south that will only strengthen electoral redistricting/politrickal power for racist politicos like the one you lament today???
The 2010 census report coming out Tuesday will include a boatload of good political news for Republicans and grim data for Democrats hoping to re-elect President Barack Obama and rebound from last month's devastating elections.
The population continues to shift from Democratic-leaning Rust Belt states to Republican-leaning Sun Belt states, a trend the Census Bureau will detail in its once-a-decade report to the president. Political clout shifts, too, because the nation must reapportion the 435 House districts to make them roughly equal in population, based on the latest census figures.
The biggest gainer will be Texas, a GOP-dominated state expected to gain up to four new House seats, for a total of 36. The chief losers — New York and Ohio, each projected by nongovernment analysts to lose two seats — were carried by Obama in 2008 and are typical of states in the Northeast and Midwest that are declining in political influence.
see more on mitrice at:
rod 2.0 beta
This has nothing to do with the post.
I was just thinking of all the Black Men who have been disenfranchised, labeled felons for only breaking the law one time . If we are going give millions of people who only broke the law one time shouldn't , all them black folks have their records cleared so they can be citizens TOO? I'm Just saying?
I am sorry I meant to say all millions of people who broke the law one time citizenship. I am just saying? We need to quit co-signing for people who do not really have OUR best interest in mind , just use US and civil rights as a DAMMED example to step up and over us. I am just saying? The way I see it we the only people who didn't come here as the result of immigration. I'm just saying.
ditto for the haitians hobama betrays!
"Getting the unemployment rate among Black men under control is important. And so is keeping an eye on the actions of unreconstructed Southern whites. The last thing you should do is trust these guys."
Who said I trusted these guys. I don't trust then and NEVER will. Southern white men are NEVER going to stop flying the Confederate flag and doing their Civil War reenactment thing. They like these things AND they have a RIGHT to do these things.
Question: what matters more, HALF of black men in certain cities being unemployed and unemployable OR a fat white guy with a big mouth? BTW, Barbour probably speaks for MOST of the white men in Mississippi and he KNOWS this. That's one reason why he said it. He also said it because he BELIEVES it.
Why does a black person who simply does not care what Haley Barbour has to say (about ANYTHING) have to be a Tom? I think the real Toms are the black men who live and die based on what ignorant white guys say.
shut up ya dumb buceta lickin moron stanks banks!
"Question: what matters more, HALF of black men in certain cities being unemployed and unemployable OR a fat white guy with a big mouth? BTW, Barbour probably speaks for MOST of the white men in Mississippi and he KNOWS this. That's one reason why he said it. He also said it because he BELIEVES it."
A false choice.
But something racists and Toms specialize in to silence debate on race.
What are you suggestion for lowering black unemployment since you spend so much time pondering it?
Watch, he won't say shit.
Good point Field and you and Mack Lyons are right these reconstructed lies are reconstructed for a reason; and that is to keep folks divided.
Secession was about slavery. The states seceeding wrote that in their documents explaining why they were breaking with the union.
And for all those who say that this isn't important don't understand that racist policies and happenings don't come out of nowhere. It is usually talked about and philosophized about before the violence and terror and discrmination start in earnest.
For a good history lesson on that check out the appearance of Eugenics in the late 1880's and 1890's. The talk about Negroes being lazy was propaganda that made it easier to reenslave black folks through the use of vagrancy laws.
The anti-Jewish rhetoric that began to pick up momentum in the early 1930's in Nazi Germany directly led to people to accept without question the "Final Solution."
I agree with Mack Lyons talking about what the latest racists efforts and talking about black unemployment are not opposite poles, they both have at bottom the same source and they both are problematic.
And Anon the fact that black unemploymen is higher than the general population is a direct result of racism. Black folks too often have been the last hired and thus the first fired.
Even professional blacks in some arenas still face racism from bosses who prefer to hire their own, even when the black person is more qualified. And the criminal justice systems focus on black criminality and black criminality almost exclusively assures that a large segment of our population are going to be left out by the "no felons" need apply rule. We even get victimized by the no arrest rule. And some of the cops even know this which is why they arrest young black folks who are trying to become professionals.
Having Haley Barbour as President would be far better for your black asses in the long run than the half white community organizer leftist dupe that's running things now.
You should be so lucky.
Uptown Steve said:
"According to the right, blacks don't have the right to confront white people or speak out against racism until we've cleaned up our dirty selves."
Steve you are right only its not just the right that uses this, liberals have been known to spew similar rhetoric when they get frustrated.
But good point.
Anon said:
"Question: what matters more, HALF of black men in certain cities being unemployed and unemployable OR a fat white guy with a big mouth?"
Actually anon a fat white guy with a big mouth and the power to influence other folks thinking, can and has affected black folks ability to land employment.
Progaganda racist ideas have always preceded the action of the racists. Ideas count, they always do. In fact hyper black unemployment is a point in case.
"Actually anon a fat white guy with a big mouth and the power to influence other folks thinking, can and has affected black folks ability to land employment."
God forbid some fat white republican come along and fix our government schools and start working to provide jobs for those who want them.
Let's just keep on shooting each other, beating our women, raping our daughters, and taking meager handouts so we don't have to face any goddamn responsibility for our own condition.
It's much better to whine about slavery that ended five generations ago and some sideways glance you once got from a white person, and use it to demand another nickel from the government.
Good plan, people.
"Let's just keep on shooting each other, beating our women, raping our daughters, and taking meager handouts so we don't have to face any goddamn responsibility for our own condition."
Nah, this idiot can't be black.
This is another freeper loser trolling a black website.
Anon sometimes folks just have to call things as they are so I have to say that what you said above is just plain foolish!
And nobody is whining about slavery and FYI just because you have propagandized to believe otherwise the real purpose of government is to aide and help its people. But in class society you are taught government has no responsibility to you the citizen financially socially or otherwise. IN the mean time it does everything possible to aide the banks and corporations even giving them some of your hard earned taxes,which you only complain about when you think some poor person may be getting something that he probably deserves.
And who is this WE the vast majority of black folks are overcomers. They go to work everyday and mind their own business and try hard to be Americans, it is not they that seek to make themselves outsiders. But rather those who benefit from making some citizens appear second class or "other".
And we'll wait for the governor that decides to put everybody to work Republican or Democrat. The only time government will move to make sure that everyone has an opportunity to be employed is when working people realize that they have been duped and decide they have nothing to lose and decide to rebel.
Folks were getting to that point which is why Roosevelt save US imperialism/capitalism by launching the New Deal which included massive employment programs and Social Security.
"Nah, this idiot can't be black."
The truth hurts, don't it fool?
You wouldn't know the truth if it was dangling on your chin loser.
You're another freeper clown with nothing to do all day but troll black websites and taunt black folks whom you know in your heart are your betters.
"You're another freeper clown with nothing to do all day but troll black websites and taunt black folks whom you know in your heart are your betters."
Keep telling yourself that, you old fool. You're no better than a slavecatcher.
"What are you suggestion for lowering black unemployment since you spend so much time pondering it?"
Here goes. After the legislative successes of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, black men in America had a window of opportunity to create an infastructure (sp?) that could have somewhat alleviated the dislocations that have occurred in recent decades regarding black male employment (or unemployment as the case may be). But the black male leadership class dallied around (preferring to obsess about "white racism" and such) and they allowed that window of opportunity to pass.
That ship has sailed. It is now every black man and woman for himself or herself. Those blacks who got out of the hood will, hopefully, do OK. Those left in the "hood" are doomed to live hellish lives. Castigating the likes of Haley Barbour and his ilk is not going to change that.
BTW, Haley Barbour just came out with a statement "clarifying" his previous statements. But don't think for a minute that he has actually changed his true feelings. He has moderated his previous statements because he may run for president in 2012 AND FOR NO OTHER REASON.
Uptownsteve. I have a question for you. What do you suggest for getting southern white men like Haley Barbour to stop feeling what they feel about black people?
"After the legislative successes of the civil rights movement in the 1950s and 1960s, black men in America had a window of opportunity to create an infastructure (sp?) that could have somewhat alleviated the dislocations that have occurred in recent decades regarding black male employment (or unemployment as the case may be). But the black male leadership class dallied around (preferring to obsess about "white racism" and such) and they allowed that window of opportunity to pass."
In the 45 years since the Civil Rights Act the poverty rate for blacks has virtually reversed from 65% to 25% The black middle class has tripled. The number of black homeowners, college graduates and business owners has tripled.
What the fuck are you talking about?
See the problem with people like you is that you're peddling white racist lies.
The white right is still incensed about Civil Rights and they are determine to "take America back" and we all know that shit means.
Their message is that all was fine with negroes until the "libruls" got to them and America was a better place when white folks had blacks "under control". The real perverted part is now they have blacks peddling this nonsense for dollars.
"But the black male leadership class dallied around (preferring to obsess about "white racism" and such."
Ohhhh maybe you're not a freeper but one of the bm hating WAOD crew whose convinced that everyone else treats black women better than bm but you have no real experiences to base that on.
Just your hate and anger.
"Uptownsteve. I have a question for you. What do you suggest for getting southern white men like Haley Barbour to stop feeling what they feel about black people?"
Not trying to change them.
Just want to defeat them.
It's treated as more or less a vicious spat between two brothers who made up after they both beat each other to a bloody pulp. They've made up, more or less.
you're correct, that's the wrong way to put it.
better: so there are two brothers, one older and industrious, the other younger and lazier. they're not even really full brothers: one of them is the illegitimate offspring of your english dad and his spanish/french girlfriend. the younger one figures out a way to live a really nice life without doing any work. you have some issues in college, but when you finally graduate, you go to work and make money the old fashioned way. you learned your lesson in grade school, and religious arguments don't bother you any more. science is where you're headed. you make even more money, and because you think about stuff like math, you realize: this is the better way. you build factories and ships and laboratories.
Odd how AfAm failures are directly attributable to their being of...lesser intellect than all them wites who done died for the rights of planters.
Some thoughts.
Women lie...this was true in Grade School. Why should their gender be prima facie of honesty?
Obama is a 'stealth' candidate. Just like the religio-crazees who swear they won't intrude their wacky faith into the curriculum...and then we have to fumigate the roaches like Dover did. The wingnuts were honest in that he is a Manchurian...but he is one of theirs.
uptownsteve said: "The white right is still incensed about Civil Rights and they are determine to "take America back" and we all know that shit means."
What an idiot. I'll bet oldbrownsteve shits his pants every time he sees his own shadow.
Oh btw, I thought that I asked ass-non a legitmate question....
"What are your suggestions for lowering black unemployment since you spend so much time pondering it?"
It seems that all it could tell me is how "the black male leadership dallied".
hey fn/maria:
i told u so!!!!!!!
hobama's rabidly ruthlessly elitist contagion has now officially infected the internet...
may god bless us all!!!
"Question: what matters more, HALF of black men in certain cities being unemployed and unemployable OR a fat white guy with a big mouth? BTW, Barbour probably speaks for MOST of the white men in Mississippi and he KNOWS this. That's one reason why he said it. He also said it because he BELIEVES it."
A false choice."
Yep! They both matter. If clowns like the fat bigot maintain their power (He is the governor of Ms.) it will be hard for all of us to move forward.
"God forbid some fat white republican come along and fix our government schools and start working to provide jobs for those who want them."
Never happen. He will always be looking for his next meal. I mean that literally as well.
"Uptownsteve. I have a question for you. What do you suggest for getting southern white men like Haley Barbour to stop feeling what they feel about black people?"
UTS, let me take this one: We don't really give a s%^$ how he feels about black people, as long as he doesn't live out his Massa fantasies at our expense. The man is considering running for president for crying out loud! And he has lined up enough donors to do it. Watch, he will get even more money now.
What are your suggestions for lowering black unemployment since you spend so much time pondering it?"
Well for starters. Try doing something different. That would be common sense now wouldnt it? Ya fraud.
Nearly one-fourth of the students who try to join the military fail its entrance exam, painting a grim picture of an education system that produces graduates who can’t answer basic math, science and reading questions.
The report by The Education Trust found that 23 percent of recent high school graduates don’t get the minimum score needed on the enlistment test to join any branch of the military. The study, released exclusively to The Associated Press on Tuesday, comes on top of Pentagon data that shows 75 percent of those aged 17 to 24 don’t qualify for the military because they are physically unfit, have a criminal record or didn’t graduate high school.
This is the first time ever that the U.S. Army has released this test data publicly, said Amy Wilkins with The Education Trust, a Washington, D.C.-based children’s advocacy group. She said the organization worked with the U.S. Army to get raw data on test takers from the past five years.
The Education Trust study shows wide disparities in scores among white and minority students. Nearly 40 percent of black students and 30 percent of Hispanics don’t pass, compared to 16 percent of whites.
Recruits must score at least in the 31st percentile on the first stage of the three-hour test to get into the Army or the Marines. Air Force, Navy and Coast Guard recruits must have higher scores.
The average score for blacks is 38 and for Hispanics is 44, compared to whites’ average score of 55. The scores reflect the similar racial gaps on other standardized exams.
FN- can I encourage you to comment on the beating of a pregnant woman on a Seattle bus last week. 5 teenagers mugged her than beat up while a crowded bus looked on.
Here is one of many links:
FN- can I encourage you to comment on the beating of a pregnant woman on a Seattle bus last week. 5 teenagers mugged her than beat up while a crowded bus looked on.
Here is one of many links:"
I would, but I am too busy reading about the two white thugs in my fair city, who excetued two black men because one of them was dating one of the animal's sister.
Here is one of the [NOT] many links you will find:
Thanks for playing.
field negro said...
Anon 10:27 PM, there is a little saying in the law that says: "Res Ipsa Loquitur"- you might want to look it up- Your comments say all we need to know about where you are coming from. (They fit that phrase)
You calling me a racist is like Al. Capone calling the IRS crooks.
BTW, your boy Haley didn't make those comments 150 years ago. He made them THIS YEAR!
And the leftist marches on to lose even more credibility and respect. First of all he isnt my boy. He has no impact on me pro or con. This is a lawyers way of saying, I know you are but what am I. Why not just say your rubber and I am glue so what I say bounces of you and sticks to me. This is the exact same infantile mentality of the use of your first year law school phrase.
Might impress someone who has dropped out of 9th grade, but it sure aint me.
How does obsessing on what some dumb ass may or may not have said. (Oh noeesssss.....he didnt condemn something that happened 30-40 years ago enough lets focus on that As opposed to anything serious) really help?
I am taking a shot here. But in school they may have taught you how to focus on things you can control and change for effectiveness. Or did you forget that when you threw out the rule of law to be replaced by racism as well? So then why do you ignore all of things that are truly destroying Black life that are completely self controlled and focus on some nonsense , oh noeess.....he wasnt clear that everyone white in that state was Waacist and must be hated back in the 1970-s. Most adults will hear you and scratch their head at how a supposedly intelligent man can be such a wek minded child. Talk about being ineffective and useless.
Anon@ 6:52PM, I have no idea what you are trying to say. Maybe you are right; you are much smarter than I am in that parallel universe in which you reside. I am going to channel my inner Matrix here and say that you are a "blue pill" type of person.
anon 6:33
When is quoting statistics, solving a problem?
Having lived in Richmond VA for 8 yrs and KY for 2 yrs, nothing they do surprises me any longer. You'd think they'd "get over it" but they don't. It's a strange breed of southerner who still likes to don the Confederate costume, re-enact war skirmishes, and praise the old days. Sometimes I think living in the past is what really keeps us from moving forward.
Y'all wait til some of the other public comments of Haley are dug up from his first run at the MS Guv's spot; this one interview may not do it for him, but his body of works is unbelievable (or rather, what's unbelievable is that he said and did some of this stuff and still got elected). But then, this IS Mississippi, where the racism is likely not worse than other parts of the country, but is a lot more open and rancorous.
That said, I read a few of the other comments in here and was amazed. Whoooee, I read a couple of APOI's comments and had to leave the rest of them in the iggy bin. I'd like to know which lovely part of Mississippi he/she lives in, because I KNOW it isn't close to the part I live in.
@APOI, in case you didn't know pilots don't bring work home so when the day is done I have free time to do many things including the occasional post on a blog. We also have many days off in a row soooooo, nevermind.
As far as my comment about Haley in case you haven't noticed I don't make shit up and I am able to back up everything I post. http://www.nationalreview.com/campaign-spot/255743/haley-barbour-take-two
There you go since the search funtion on your computer seems to be broken. If your lack of investigation skills in any indication of how you do whatever your profession is I recommend not ever doubting the ability of anyone else to be what they claim son. Just a suggestion. You have got to be a conservative, just wrong about everything.
@MS Political. I was thinking the same thing. APOI has got to be white because they seem to be living in a totally different world but I guess they did. If I were white in Mississippi in the 50's and 60's I probably wouldn't get it that it was f'd up. My man John Edwards was on to something.
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