I was going to trash Michele Bachmann tonight for her spurious take on history. But while reading my local paper something else caught my eye that moved me.
You have to understand that I am not one that is easily moved by murder and mayhem. I practice criminal law in Philly. Murder and mayhem is a part of my life. But every now and then a story leaves me thinking that it's time to pack it up and head for the hills.
"All police knew about the murdered teen whose body was dumped in Germantown a week ago today was written on his shirt: Roxborough High School.
With no identification on him, police went to the school the next morning and pored over the absentee list, looking for a missing student who matched the description of their victim, sources said.
Meanwhile, Patsy Foster had spent the night calling her son, Christopher, then all morning calling hospitals after he didn't return from a quick trip to a sandwich shop with a friend.
"I was getting ready to call police Thursday when they knocked on the door and said they found him," she said. "I said, 'Is he OK?' He wasn't."
Christopher Foster, 18, was found with a single gunshot wound to his torso on Woodlawn Street near Morris at 8:16 p.m. Jan. 19, said Homicide Sgt. Ron McClane. Patsy Foster said her son was also beaten around the head and face. " [More]
You have to understand that I am not one that is easily moved by murder and mayhem. I practice criminal law in Philly. Murder and mayhem is a part of my life. But every now and then a story leaves me thinking that it's time to pack it up and head for the hills.
"All police knew about the murdered teen whose body was dumped in Germantown a week ago today was written on his shirt: Roxborough High School.
With no identification on him, police went to the school the next morning and pored over the absentee list, looking for a missing student who matched the description of their victim, sources said.
Meanwhile, Patsy Foster had spent the night calling her son, Christopher, then all morning calling hospitals after he didn't return from a quick trip to a sandwich shop with a friend.
"I was getting ready to call police Thursday when they knocked on the door and said they found him," she said. "I said, 'Is he OK?' He wasn't."
Christopher Foster, 18, was found with a single gunshot wound to his torso on Woodlawn Street near Morris at 8:16 p.m. Jan. 19, said Homicide Sgt. Ron McClane. Patsy Foster said her son was also beaten around the head and face. " [More]
The racist will follow this post with their usual pontification and dogmatizing about how bad those black teens are, and how Christopher Foster had it coming to him because he was probably caught up in the life. But, just for tonight, I will forgive them. Why? Because I know that it's just a matter of time before A-merry-ca starts closing in around them. The life that they think they have -far from those animals in the urban underbelly of A-merry-ca- is nothing but an illusion. Those heartless and depraved folks among us are around the corner from them as well. It's just a matter of time before someone who they know or love becomes just another Patsy Foster.
C'mon man, it's already happened. This country was founded on violence. I know for certain the people in Littleton, CO thought their lives were picture perfect. It's too bad we don't have a place of our own to discuss our issues without interference. They don't want us to rise.
Too many guns, too little emphasis placed on human life compared to material things. This country needs to step back from the abyss one of these days.
As for your girl Michele Bachmann, what the hell was that about? Was she TRYING to look like a member of the Insane Clown Posse last night? Good Lawd, what a fricken' trainwreck!
Finally, I would be remiss if I didn't give shout out to a true American shero, a tireless defender of justice and warrior in Babylon: Happy Birthday, Angela Davis!
your city, sadly, has been on a very bad roll. i feel terrible for these woman, and as a mom of teen boy i grieve with pasty foster. there can be nothing worse than losing a child.
@Ernesto, funny thing is these tea baggers are trying to pass themselves off as legit lawmakers but they fail on every level. Bachmann as Chris Matthews says "knows nothing". This is the new conservatism? Idiocy? This Obama derangement syndrome has hit these folks hard.
PilotX...That woman is Batshit Crazy even above the level of Christine O'Donnell. I think Palin is actually more dumb than crazy, but Bachmann has her and everyone else on the national stage beat by a mile in both catagories.
The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if she is actually a Democratic plant to make the Republicans look bad. I mean seriously, who painted her face with the fright makeup and made her look off into space rather than at the camera? Certainly the Republican Party can afford better production standards thtn that freak show on CNN last night.
"Too many guns, too little emphasis placed on human life compared to material things. This country needs to step back from the abyss one of these days."
*nodding head*
maria, I know all about that story, but as I told another person commenting in a previous thread; I cannot comment on it for professional reasons. Not yet.
"i feel terrible for these woman"
"These" = plural
"Woman" = singular
amen fn!
all kids are out of control and dumb and violent across all boundaries of race and class...
rich wm drug thugs are taking over ivy league bastions...
but only those like us on the front lines truly see them....
talk to any pre-k teacher
we have seen no monsters yet!!!
2022 will be worse!!!
and hobama and his beloved banksters will never save any of us who are not safe anywhere!!!
the worst is yet to come after the state budget cuts start to mortally bleed....shame!!!!
"Too many guns, too little emphasis placed on human life compared to material things. This country needs to step back from the abyss one of these days."
This stuff doesn't happen in my neighborhood, and there are plenty of guns. That it happens anywhere is a tragedy, that it happened here is nightmare beyond imagining for his mother.
What is the moral of these stories? Why are these kids killing each other every day? What are they being taught that leads to these incidents? These young people seem lost in a moral vacuum. These communities don't seem to want more police presence and the adults don't keep the kids in check.
What is an outsider to do to help?
Ernesto, "Too many guns, too little emphasis placed on human life compared to material things. This country needs to step back from the abyss one of these days."
Ernesto, why do you not admit the truth, which is too little emphasis is placed on black children's lives in the Black Community. Whites value their lives and their communities support that.
Philly is a dangerous city for Blacks. It is not a good place to live if you are Black. It's like a concrete jungle where Whites and Blacks are against Blacks.
Unless your job takes you there, STAY AWAY!
Ernesto said...
PilotX...That woman is Batshit Crazy even above the level of Christine O'Donnell. I think Palin is actually more dumb than crazy, but Bachmann has her and everyone else on the national stage beat by a mile in both catagories.
The conspiracy theorist in me wonders if she is actually a Democratic plant to make the Republicans look bad. I mean seriously, who painted her face with the fright makeup and made her look off into space rather than at the camera? Certainly the Republican Party can afford better production standards thtn that freak show on CNN last night.
So what was it that she said that makes you think she was crazy? Or is it just that you didnt like her make-up? Can you give some specifics? if not you just sound like a crazy liberal who didnt like the way she looked.
About too many guns, what do you think we should do? Have stricter gun laws? Don't cities where people can carry guns easily have a lot less crime?
Frosty Wooldridge, Florida Times-Union (Jacksonville), January 17, 2011
For 15 years, from the mid 1970’s to 1990, I worked in Detroit, Michigan. I watched it descend into the abyss of crime, debauchery, gun play, drugs, school t truancy, car-jacking, gangs, and human depravity. I watched entire city blocks burned out. I watched graffiti explode on buildings, cars, trucks, buses, and school yards. Trash everywhere!
Detroiters walked through it, tossed more into it, and ignored it. Tens of thousands, and then hundreds of thousands today exist on federal welfare, free housing, and food stamps!
With Aid to Dependent Children, minority women birthed eight to 10, and in one case, one woman birthed 24 children as reported by the Detroit Free Press, all on American taxpayer dollars.
A new child meant a new car payment, new TV, and whatever mom wanted. I saw Lyndon Baines Johnson’s ‘Great Society’ flourish in Detroit. If you give money for doing nothing, you will get more hands out taking money for doing nothing.
Mayor Coleman Young, perhaps the most corrupt mayor in America, outside of Richard Daley in Chicago, rode Detroit down to its knees. .. . . He set the benchmark for cronyism, incompetence, and arrogance. As a black man, he said, “I am the MFIC.” The IC meant “in charge”.
You can figure out the rest. Detroit became a majority black city with 67 percent African-Americans.
As a United Van Lines truck driver for my summer job from teaching math and science, I loaded hundreds of American families into my van for a new life in another city or state.
Detroit plummeted from 1.8 million citizens to 912,000 today. At the same time, legal and illegal immigrants converged on the city, so much so, that Muslims number over 300,000. Mexicans number 400,000 throughout Michigan, but most work in Detroit. As the whites moved out, the Muslims moved in.
As the crimes became more violent, the whites fled. Finally, unlawful Mexicans moved in at a torrid pace. Detroit suffers so much shoplifting that grocery stores no longer operate in many inner city locations. You could cut the racial tension in the air with a knife!
Detroit may be one of our best examples of multiculturalism: pure dislike, and total separation from America.
Today, you hear Muslim calls to worship over the city like a new American Baghdad with hundreds of Islamic mosques in Michigan, paid for by Saudi Arabia oil money. High school flunk out rates reached 76 percent last June, according to NBC’s Brian Williams. Classrooms resemble more foreign countries than America. English? Few speak it! The city features a 50 percent illiteracy rate and growing.
Unemployment hit 28.9 percent in 2009 as the auto industry vacated the city. In Time Magazine’s October 4, 2009, “The Tragedy of Detroit: How a great city fell, and how it can rise again,” I choked on the writer’s description of what happened. “If Detroit had been ravaged by a hurricane, and submerged by a ravenous flood, we’d know a lot more about it,” said Daniel Okrent. “If drought and carelessness had spread brush fires across the city, we’d see it on the evening news every night
Earthquake, tornadoes, you name it, if natural disaster had devastated the city that was once the living proof of American prosperity, the rest of the country might take notice.
But Detroit, once our fourth largest city, now 11th, and slipping rapidly, has had no such luck. Its disaster has long been a slow unwinding that seemed to remove it from the rest of the country.
Even the death rattle that in the past year emanated from its signature industry brought more attention to the auto executives than to the people of the city, who had for so long been victimized by their dreadful decision making.”
As Coleman Young’s corruption brought the city to its knees, no amount of federal dollars could save the incredible payoffs, kick backs, and illegality permeating his administration. I witnessed the city’s death from the seat of my 18-wheeler tractor trailer because I moved people out of every sector of decaying Detroit.
“By any quantifiable standard, the city is on life support. Detroit’s treasury is $300 million short of the funds needed to provide the barest municipal services,” Okrent said. “The school system, which six years ago was compel led by the teachers’ union to reject a philanthropist’s offer of $200 million to build 15 small, independent charter high schools, is in receivership. The murder rate is soaring, and 7 out of 10 remain unsolved. Three years after Katrina devastated New Orleans, unemployment in that city hit a peak of 11%. In Detroit, the unemployment rate is 28.9%.
That’s worth spelling out: twenty-eight point nine percent.” At the end of Okrent’s report, and he will write a dozen more about Detroit, he said, “That’s because the story of Detroit is not simply one of a great city’s collapse, it’s also about the erosion of the industries that helped build the country we know today. The ultimate fate of Detroit will reveal much about the character of America in the 21st century. If what was once the most prosperous manufacturing city in the nation has been brought to its knees, what does that say about our recent past? And if it can’t find a way to get up, what does that say about our future?”
As you read in my book review of Chris Steiner’s book, “$20 Per Gallon”, the auto industry won’t come back. Immigration will keep pouring more and more uneducated third world immigrants from the Middle East into Detroit, thus creating a beachhead for Islamic hegemony in America. If 50 percent illiteracy continues, we will see more homegrown terrorists spawned out of the Muslim ghettos of Detroit. Illiteracy plus Islam equals walking human bombs.
You have already seen it in Madrid, Spain; London, England and Paris, France with train bombings, subway bombings and riots. As their numbers grow, so will their power to enact their barbaric Sharia Law that negates republican forms of government, first amendment rights, and subjugates women to the lowest rungs on the human ladder. We will see more honor killings by upset husbands, fathers, and brothers that demand subjugation by their daughters, sisters and wives. Muslims prefer beheadings of women to scare the hell out of any other members of their sect from straying. Multiculturalism: what a perfect method to kill our language, culture, country, and way of life.
Yep, those of us safely ensconced deep within the White Safety Zone won't get a free pass forever...it's only a matter of time...
The Anons posts read like the Letters to the Editor when the US was being "overrun" by the Irish and Italians.
I will say that the US is going to become an even scarier place very soon if we don't create some jobs. Obama needs to create the 21st century version of the WPA. We need roads, bridges and police. I know republicans will block a bill that suggests a WPA but O would win back my vote at least if he took to the media and exposed them for the lying liars they are.
"“By any quantifiable standard, the city is on life support. Detroit’s treasury is $300 million short of the funds needed to provide the barest municipal services,” Okrent said. “The school system, which six years ago was compel led by the teachers’ union to reject a philanthropist’s offer of $200 million to build 15 small, independent charter high schools, is in receivership. The murder rate is soaring, and 7 out of 10 remain unsolved. Three years after Katrina devastated New Orleans, unemployment in that city hit a peak of 11%. In Detroit, the unemployment rate is 28.9%."
I wonder what group of people ruined Detroit? What color were they?
Can somebody answer that? Who is doing all the killing in that dying town? I bet Philly isn't too far behind Detroit.
"Yep, those of us safely ensconced deep within the White Safety Zone won't get a free pass forever...it's only a matter of time..."
Oh Pleeze. that is not going to happen so stop dreaming.
America will probably go the same route of Russia..IMPLODE FROM WITHIN.
Brooklyn...I wish the Neo-Nazi bedwetter(s) that hang out on this blog would get a job, but alas they appear indigent and unhirable. I feel for their parents, whose attic(s) they infest.
i truly feel for this young man's mother. it saddens me to see the promise snuffed out with such ease. hopefully whoever murdered this young man will be brought to justice-as much as anyone can hope for in this life. i am not too convinced that there is justice on earth.
a part of me thinks the teen was a soul that was accused of "acting white" by his musical tastes. Celine Dion? now you KNOW folks accused him of acting white AND being gay! both are reasons to be hassled to no end. baby daddies/mommmas,criminals, child molestors, "pimps", etc. have a MUCH easier time in the so-called new school black community. it occurred to me that the madness is really new school and the distinction should be made.
Anon that indicated there is a lack of value assigned to black lives-i agree. it is not just assigned by non blks either. in fact the WORST offenders are black. those horrified by the horrific behavior are NOT all racists. as long as folks keep focusing on it not being bfolks' fault, the carnage will continue.
someone sent me this link earlier today:
after that link and reading this post, my heart is heavy. properly vetting will save your life. IF he is a baby daddy, err on the side of caution and RUN. unpopular i know. baby daddies need to join baby mommas over in SHAME/SHUNland. oow mess is caused by BOTH of their participation. BOTH of them need to feel the shame that they might knock it off pronto.
i am alarmed with the pattern i see clearly of babydaddies hooking up with upwardly mobile childless women as in this case, which is definitely a case of marrying down gone real wrong.
on a side note, the officers in the video represent my experiences with law enforcement. officers are there to enforce law and order. i for one appreciate them and wish they, too, could have a "not all" crew when folks act like police officer (white or black)=racist.
THIS man is TRULY a "brother" in every sense of the word. i respect him and only wish the peace officers had not in this instance been so efficient in their duties. oh, and he used the n-word appropriately as far as i am concerned. it is NOT EVER a term of endearment when used properly. i pray for this man and his family. the homicide numbers for bw are mindboggling, just as they are for bm. we can ill afford to continue to point fingers at other folks.
FN, i came over here to laugh and enjoy the wit of LAA, AB, and the smart, bold Anons. i can usually count on you for this source of comedy. guess i struck out today...
Here's some news from the education front in Pennsylvania...
School defends experiment to separate black students in a bid to boost their academic results
By Daily Mail Reporter
26th January 2011
A high school in Lancaster, Pennsylvania, is defending its decision to segregate its students by race and gender.
The scheme, at McCaskey East High School, separates black students from the rest of the school body, and then further breaks it down into black females and black males.
The separation is only for a short period - six minutes each day and 20 minutes twice a month - but it naturally drew criticism for bringing back the awful memory of racial segregation.
Today the school's principal defended its policy.
Bill Jimenez said the school noticed that black students were not performing as well as other students, and that research had shown that same-race classes with strong same-race role models led to better academic results.
Mr Jimenez admitted that no other students were divided by race at the school, but he added that academic data dictated the school take a different approach with its black students.
He told Lancasteronline.com: 'One of the things we said when we did this was, "Let's look at the data, let's not run from it. Let's confront it and see what we can do about it".'
The idea came from Angela Tilghman, an instructional coach at McCaskey East.
She said statistics had shown about a third of McCaskey's African-Americans scored proficient or advanced in reading on last year's Pennsylvania System of School Assessment tests, compared with 60 per cent of white students and 42 per cent of students overall.
In mathematics, only 27 per cent of black students scored proficient or advanced.
She said research had shown that grouping black students by gender with a strong role model could boost both academic achievement and self-esteem.
Some students, staff and parents were against the segregation, saying that it ran against everything the school stood for - with students from diverse backgrounds.
But it was something Mr Jimenez thought was worth giving a shot.
In all segregated classes, mentors are tracking their students' grades, test scores and attendance.
One such mentor is Michael Mitchell, who hopes to inspire his black male students during their short daily meetings.
He said he often quoted the Reverend Martin Luther King, who said: 'Nothing in all the world is more dangerous than sincere ignorance and conscientious stupidity.'
Mr Mitchell recently used the quote when he found that some of his students were failing gym.
He said: 'They're all young. They're all strong. They're all athletic. But they're failing because they chose not to participate.
'That's an example of "conscientious stupidity". You can do but you choose not to do. These are the things we need to get away from.'
brooklyn, you wrote:
The Anons posts read like the Letters to the Editor when the US was being "overrun" by the Irish and Italians.
Ah, the absurd comparisons have begun.
Both Ireland and Italy have long histories of producing educated, productive people. Much of humanity's Enlightenment got its start in the stupendous intellectual and creative explosion that occurred in Italy and other parts of Europe.
Meanwhile, there has never -- NEVER -- been an period of Enlightenment or a Renaissance in Africa or in the Islamic world. Never.
Immigrants bring their cultures with them. Sometimes that's good news, sometimes it's bad. As the realities of Detroit clearly demonstrate, black and muslim cultures are dragging down an entire city, overwhelming all municipal departments and driving out employers.
About 30 years ago Hollywood produced a movie titled "Escape from New York," a dystopian tale of Manhattan as an island prison.
About 20 years ago Michael Moore made "Where's Roger" his bizarre vision of Flint, Michigan and General Motors.
What happened? Hollywood's vision was, as always, silly, while Moore's vision was hopelessly naive.
Whites, as usual, know when it's time to fold the tent and leave. Whites are willing to say, Okay, here, it's all yours.
As usual, when blacks run the show they demonstrate their inability to organize and govern themselves, as if the leadership of every African nation over the last 50 years were insufficient proof.
field, you wrote:
The racist will follow this post with their usual pontification and dogmatizing about how bad those black teens are, and how Christopher Foster had it coming to him because he was probably caught up in the life.
Once again, your anti-white imagination is all fired up. Whites will read the news articles and take them at face value. In this case "face value" seems to suggest nothing bad about the black victim. For all I know he was murdered because he was unwilling to join a gang. Or maybe he was thought to have snitched, snitching being a capital offense among black thugs and therefore punishable by death.
Or maybe he was interested in the wrong girl? Inasmuch as these reasons are standard reasons for blacks killing blacks, there's no point in jumping to conclusions about the kid or his killers.
You are suffering from an advanced case of anti-white hate. It's getting the best of you, as your blog so clearly reveals.
field, you wrote:
I know that it's just a matter of time before A-merry-ca starts closing in around them. The life that they think they have -far from those animals in the urban underbelly of A-merry-ca- is nothing but an illusion.
field, based on the foregoing, your hate for whites has reached such an extreme that you are now predicting that black thugs are going to start targeting whites.
First, with your projection of the murderous dystopia you believe whites are about to encounter, you're admitting that black thuggery is pandemic.
Given your island background, images of the Tonton Macoute are probably dancing in your head. Or maybe you're thinking Mau Mau. Or those swell fellows with the machetes in Rwanda.
Obviously you long ago sucumbed to the standard black fantasy that murdering whites will bring some kind of catharsis to blacks. But the disappearance of whites from Detroit gets you to the same point. They're gone, voluntarily, rather than through slaughter. But gone, nonetheless.
The result? Economic collapse. Very much like the result of Mugabe driving out Zimbabwe's white farmers.
Meanwhile, your prediction of black thugs invading white neighborhoods to kill the white occupants is a fascinating prediction coming from someone who recently was apoplectic over Sarah Palin's use of cross-hairs on a map.
field, you wrote:
Those heartless and depraved folks among us are around the corner from them as well. It's just a matter of time before someone who they know or love becomes just another Patsy Foster.
Based on your comments, you believe whites have moved away from urban centers leaving blacks behind. And you also believe that starting soon marauding blacks will come to get them.
Implicit in your comments is the belief that no one in the black community will lift a finger to contain or reduce black violence. Your comments also suggest that whites themselves are responsible for the coming carnage.
Following the Giffords Tucson massacre, you were obsessed with the mesmerizing Svengali-like powers of radio gasbags who you claimed were putting thoughts in the heads of nut-jobs like Jared Loughner. But that was one tragic event, newsworthy only because a major elected official and almost two dozen others were were wounded or killed.
However, you're predicting something far worse -- a race-based spillover of murder that will sweep into white neighborhoods for the same senseless reasons murder hangs over black neighborhoods.
Who or what is controlling the minds of the black thugs who you foresee coming to get us whites? Clearly you know, because clearly you feel the urge yourself.
For whatever it's worth, murder has taken a few people from my life. The perps were black and hispanic. The victims were white. One was the 67-year-old father of a friend who was hacked to death by a black burglar swinging a hatchet.
Slappy, perhaps you could, like, read history instead of pretending to understanding. While most of Europe was wallowing in the Middle Ages after the Fall of the Roman Empire, the light of knowledge and Science was carried by the world of Islam. History was not written by nor did it begin with st reagan.
Speaking of wites and knives and murder...ever notice how the lack of historical knowledge lets one forget, conveniently, the violence done in the recent past? Again, history did arise spontaneously with the election of st reagan.
Ummm...the Irish and Italian situations are well-documented. And, some of us are indeed old enough to know about the discrimination encountered.
Odd, how the hiring of AfAm citizens was the proximate cause of the Detroit experience...and was most certainly not the shipping of nearly every job overseas by wite executives. Strange, how only AfAms are corrupt...must have been tons of eveel darkies working for Darrel Issa, Rudy 'noun-verb-9/11' Guiliani, the 'caging' of voters by Rs, the bushWars of choice, Tom DeLay...
Why not mention the crimes found in other Rust Belt cities? Or is it the sure knowledge that the criminals are wite?
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So what was it that she said that makes you think she was crazy? Or is it just that you didnt like her make-up? Can you give some specifics? if not you just sound like a crazy liberal who didnt like the way she looked."
LaShon, did you see the link I provided? Please read it and get back to me.
Anon 1:46 AM. You live in Florida now, right? I could provide you with some links of some of the stuff that goes on in the sunshine state but I will spare you. The point is, you live in A-merry-ca. Detroit is a part of A-merry-ca. You can't run away from Detroit or any other city. We have a shared responsibility to make our country better.
Anon@11:27PM has the right idea. At least they are asking questions.
"That’s because the story of Detroit is not simply one of a great city’s collapse, it’s also about the erosion of the industries that helped build the country we know today. The ultimate fate of Detroit will reveal much about the character of America in the 21st century. If what was once the most prosperous manufacturing city in the nation has been brought to its knees, what does that say about our recent past"
Slapstick, if you are a teacher maybe you could teach a course about my blog. You seem obsessed with my every word, and you are obviously able to read my mind. Good for you.
Can you tell me what I am thinking now? Hint: The letters F and U are in it. ;)
BTW, I hope you are not a history teacher. The "Ton Ton Macoute" were from Haiti, the "Mau Mau" are from Kenya.(Kenya is not an Island.)
I happen to be from Jamaica. -Which was actually a British colony prior to 1962. And since you are fond of irony. The Mau Mau were actually fighting the British in what was then British East Africa.
As for your other silly comments about certain groups contributing to our culture; see what Mold wrote above.
"I wonder what group of people ruined Detroit? What color were they?"
The group who controlled the power from Washington for the past...oh, I don't know... forever!! That group happens to be...wait for it...wait for it...WHITE!
'"Yep, those of us safely ensconced deep within the White Safety Zone won't get a free pass forever...it's only a matter of time...'
Oh Pleeze. that is not going to happen so stop dreaming."
It's not those other people who are going to get you; it's your own kids. (See the link with the post.) Eventually they will get tired of killing immigrants and start killing their parents. Just sayin.
yeah, field, i sent it to you before. just wanted to be sure cuz folks get on you for allegedly not caring about bw...
racist fool needs slaps:
re: catharsis via murder
all of those violent white men who wrought CENTURIES of white marauders/slave masters/penal colonized white monsters/christopher comebustus/gwb/half of hobama etc...
what serenity they surely knew!!!
blind bigot needs slaps:
violent whites murder whites daily too....and??????
do u hate all of them too????
u r a manic moron.
lying lepton needs slaps:
see TONS of white hatchet murderers here:
kkk liar needs slaps:
such a heinous crime should be online!:
"For whatever it's worth, murder has taken a few people from my life. The perps were black and hispanic. The victims were white. One was the 67-year-old father of a friend who was hacked to death by a black burglar swinging a hatchet."
rush ANY of those links/names/details asap!
AB, thanks for those links. Facts are always good.
who else thinks N-S badly needs a therapist or better yet, inpatient treatment for racism eradication and deprogramming? jesus, man, wtf do you spend your time here? get a job for god's sake.
u r welcome always!
i come here to revel in your regal poetry my sista queen!!!
have a royal day!
see more on racism and apathy re black children
Is it just me or isn't it quite obvious that FP and Slappy come here exclusively to spray their resentments and neuroses all over the board.
She hates black men and he hates black people.
The question is, who really gives a fuck but them?
please quote anythng fp has ever said that is a lie!
ditto for anything i have ever said about hobama!!!
fp loves black kings ONLY!
why should anyone love bm court jesters/fertile perps/deadbeat dads/colorized blackish gwb clones like hobama???
and gwb/king shrub was a better man than his cuz clone hobama because he never LIED about who he was...
he was proud to be a dumb war loving gay hating cowboy
that smooth cia mf STILL has u black mongrels convinced that he is a messiah/god etc
The neurotic cow just said a couple of days ago that anyone who wanted hard working industrious employees would not hire black men.
That sounds like something that David Duke would say.
please CC that uts...
i am sure she was not talking about all black men
who could toil harder than mlk/malcolm/thurgood etc???
UTS,think of them as mentally ill...but functioning, somewhat, in society. The deal is to never, ever let them anywhere near something that matters.
The issues are not that there are immigrants...but that many are now second generation and are unwilling to accept second-class citizenship as did their parents. The first gen came off the farm ...like Detroit...and were ecstatic about having meals. The second generation has literacy and no longer beleeves the wingnut hype. They, unlike their starving and desperate parents, know that the owners are lying. They can see bush getting a legacy pass...and ask why he isn't receiving equal treatment under law...and if he can be a yuck...why can't they.
Industrious?!?! The entire economy of the South was based on the working capacity of AfAms! The slave owners wrote about how useless many of the whites were for nearly all tasks. It wasn't just that wites had guns...or that there was some minimal resistance to diseases in the South...it was that nobody, nobody could work like AfAms.
have u seen this?
as more finally see how ruthless and evil hobama is...the more such rabid racism will only worsen!
may god bless us all!!!
see much more on michelle:
Here's FPs quote:
"MOST folks looking to surround themselves with folks that will work diligently, will NOT be surrounded with bm. those bm willing to work hard, smart, and diligently, are an exception-not the norm. the rest work diligently at sucking life out of the women, making excuses, and reminding all with ears that it is not their fault that they choose to behave so shamefully."
These are the sick ranting of a woman who couldn't get a wolf whistle from a death row inmate if she walked naked through the cellblock.
The thing that really cracks me up is that if that is really how some of you sistas feel, you shouldn't say jack when you see black men with white women..
" AM
Anonymous said...
Industrious?!?! The entire economy of the South was based on the working capacity of AfAms! The slave owners wrote about how useless many of the whites were for nearly all tasks. It wasn't just that wites had guns...or that there was some minimal resistance to diseases in the South...it was that nobody, nobody could work like AfAms.
10:53 AM"
Amen to that! Now, if we could just get y'all to pickin' some vegetables & fruit out west, or down Florida ways, or plucking chickens, we could send all them Mexicans back home, and we wouldn't have such a terrible unemployment rate.
ok uts.
i will let fp elaborate...
i do not feel that way.
and i make that clear daily herein...
funny how u slander me by pretending i adore and revere no black men like huey and mumia...
but u posted not one word to defend steve harvey when mareally your nicole slandered him...
shame "bruh"!!!!!
"These are the sick ranting of a woman who couldn't get a wolf whistle from a death row inmate if she walked naked through the cellblock."
Thank God. Considering most inmates on cellblock are predatory black males and urban street pirates. She's a blessed woman.
Steve note, I didn't say ALL black males, but if that still offends you I'll understand why.
@ Field, I thought Slapped Silly got his degree in engineering. Nothing against teaching because I have some friends that were engineering majors that now teach but what gives?
i love your lethal brevity!
field negro said...(to no_slappz): "As for your other silly comments about certain groups contributing to our culture; see what Mold wrote above."
But Mold ignores the realities of the present and talks about the Middle Ages. How is that relevant?
You are in denial if you cannot see the difference between Muslim immigrants and anyone else.
Islam is not just a religion, it is also a political and a legal system. Islam does not "coexist" with other religious, political, or legal systems. It is mandated to strive to subvert any and all societies within its reach.
Unlike Buddhism, Hinduism, or Chrisitianity that confine their ideology to the spiritual part of life (“Render unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”), Islam is all encompassing. The tenets of Sharia law are incompatible with the Constitution, and the values of Islam are incompatible with Western notions of women's rights and tolerance for gays, not to mention rights of free speech, religion, and self-determination.
Why would we want to import millions of people whose ideology requires them to work to overthrow our hard won system and impose their own?
This is not bigotry or racism, or a matter of religious tolerance, it's common sense. If you ignored the spiritual component and just focused on the political and legal aspects, it would be like allowing millions of fervent Nazi's to move in. Would that be a good idea? If the Nazi's added a religious component to their ideology, would that make all the other stuff OK? Would anti-Nazism then become religious bigotry?
I have several friends who have come here from Muslim countries. The common factor among them is they are no longer practicing Muslims. They can't convert to Chrisitanity or Buddhism or whatever (not that I think any of them wants to) because apostasy in Islam is a capital crime, but they no longer follow the faith.
I am happy to welcome any Muslim who rejects the political and legal tyranny of his faith. I simply do not want a neighbor who feels compelled to hate me as an infidel to comply with the tenets of the Koran.
If you think the more unpleasant aspects of Islam are confined to a radical minority, you are mistaken. While the great majority of Muslims are not strapping on suicide vests or hacking up Christian school girls, a very large percentage tacitly condone these tactics as consistent with the calling of their faith.
I have been to Saudi Arabia, Turkey, and Nigeria. I work with several guys from Pakistan. I'm telling you the stuff that goes on in these countries and the general attitude towards it is not something you want in your own neighborhood.
Islam is different. Different isn't always good. You can't have a multi-cultural society where one of the cultures wants to kill all the others.
mareally never has a clue!!!:
ssi medicaid and medicare are all toast
and hobama is the toaster
he is a QB for gwb
and this trilogy of terror for poor mongrels will be his triple touchdown tango
Whatever you say LAA.
My point is that sistahs like you and FP shouldn't open your mouths when you see black men with white women because your anti-bm animus is so obvious.
Go explore all your other "options".
Unless of course they exist only in your mind.
@ LaShown. If you have followed politics for over a year you would be aware that many of Bachmann's actions call her sanity into question. If you google her appearances on Chris Matthew's shows you can see teh crazy in full bloom. Her actions make us think she's crazy, not her makeup.
I will not take off points for her not looking at CNN's camera as she was probably focusing on her own steaming camera though that was kind of childish and disrespectful to CNN viewers but that's how tea baggers get down I guess.
The question is:
Bachmann may be crazy, but is she as crazy as AB? The only thing keeping Alicia upright is a well-worn tuber root between her ears.
"but u posted not one word to defend steve harvey when mareally your nicole slandered him..."
Never been real crazy about Steve Harvey.
Never thought he was funny and don't think he's very smart.
Just my take.
to each their own.
what does that have to do with u not putting mareally your racist white canine whore on a leash though?
u r so quick to attack laa/me/fp for things we do not even say...
but you let your nicole rant freely as she slanders steve h as illiterate and blatantly typically lies about his nonexistent ghost writer????
thanks for the compliment as i do indeed have a great brain!...
and even a below avg tuber clearly has a higher iq than u do ...u faceless brainless imbecile.
Where da white women at?
hey uts:
justice trumps "jokes".
Rev, seems ya forgot the Jefferson and his offspring. No, not the non-consensual with Sally Hemmings...the separation of church and state. Seems to me we done learned of State Churches in elementary school.
Middle Ages applies...it just meant that someone's ancestors impregnated their own sisters, slept in lice, had diseases easily cured with bathing and not drinking feces, and had the sister burned as a witch when she said no.
Nice pretense of knowing literate citizens of those countries. Except...some of us actually do. Most of what you describe is boilerplate from wingnuttia. You even copied the words...verbatim.
@ Mold: I copied nothing, and I'm pretty sure you don't "actually" know any semi-literate citizens from anywhere other than the basement you live in.
And you just proved my assertion with more talk of lice and witches. Please seek help.
ab said to steve:
but u posted not one word to defend steve harvey when mareally your nicole slandered him...
shame "bruh"!!!!!
11:16 AM
all i said, ALL I SAID, was that he had a ghostwriter. that isn't slander, it's fact. then YOU went on to say that all celebrities proudly have ghost writers and name them (which, on its face, is wrong if you know what the word "ghost" means).
then you went into your usual racist, sexist rant against me because i caught you spreading lies about deepak chopra being divorced.
you are a hoot! i don't need to defend anything i said, or the opposite of what i said, or what i didn't say, and steve or anyone else doesn't need to defend me either!
the truth is its own defense, the the truth slays your crazy ass a dozen times a day.
Here's the latest from that religion of peace, love & tolerance:
Isn't there some guy on trial in the US because her ran over his daughter in an "honor" killing?
Funny you don't hear much from the Feminists about this kind of thing.
Hey LAA, is your first name by chance Nicole?
Great post Field I am still shell shocked by that picture and the mothers anguish!
Oh and it looks like you threw a rock into the pack and the guilty howled!
AB thanks for the references
FP- I wasn't clear about where you were coming from until now. I have run into a few folks like you in the community who look like me but don't like black folks either. Kinda sad!
FP, Thanks for the link. It was quite powerful and brought tears to my eyes. As I have said before I am quite disgusted with violent sick bm assholes who are so out-of-control with rage that they are powerless against respecting BLACK human life.
The brother's heart was broken by this wretched evil asshole and I too wished that security was late..very late in preventing him from beating the shit out of that piece of shit who snuffed the life out of a very good woman.
But it is a fairly common "low- life" attitude that some bm have toward bw, AS WELL AS their own black children. Again, NOT ALL bm are killers- but I suspect 'most' are complicit with those who terrorize, steal, rape, kill and devalue Black LIVES. If it weren't the case, bm would be outraged at these animals and TAKING ACTION AGAINST THEM...."All it takes for the bad guys to win is for the good guys to do nothing."
IMO, MOST bm and bw are spiritually sick cowards and cannot 'see' their own demise, which continues to spiral into the dark abyss of pain and hopelessness.
Again, thanks for the video. It spoke volumes about the sickness that permeates our race. THAT IS WHAT WE AS BLACKS NEED TO SEE, MORE AND MORE.
PS. I love the way you write. Your words of truth flow with beauty, rhythm, skill and with dignity. Imo, FN blog is very blessed to have your participation here. Thank you. Pay no attention to the ignoramus called UTS.
anon to FP: "Pay no attention to the ignoramus called UTS."
Sorry I forgot to include dumb-O Mellaneous. It' a close race, but I think Mell is a bigger imbecile that UTS. Amazing!
mareally always factless:
where is your proof of any ghost writer u racist slut????!!!
mareally an ungracious black maytag:
again, like hobama, u lie!!!!
i immediately and graciously retracted that.
and i linked facts about his rocky spell on oprah!!!
and we all see u nasty nimwitted nicole!!!!
mareally has never slain her jungle fevered hallucinations:
i am one of many who slay u with ease herein daily as u r THE premier resident brain dead afo'd bimbo ho...
again, like hobama u lie!!!!
u have not ever slain me herein
and i am still waiting for u to graciously admit that u r a moron about how hobama is slaying all medical programs for suicidal tricks like you!!!!
u r welcome
thank u for the class you bring to this blog daily my king
we need resident de-licers herein due to that vermin legion infested imbecile mareally riddled with lice etc....
Anon of 1:59 and 2:05
It's AB!
superior court jester/black sambo/oj/uncle remus uts:
when i am forced to post as anon i always use my name "ab"
only u and that mareally diseased cave bitch maria and her severely retarded black mammy maid vdlr play incessant silly games as assnons herein.
return to your usual antics old nig!!!!!!!
uncle ruckus assnon uts:
we all know that when u announce any assnon it is always self-promotion...posted just after u post as said assnon
u envy mell because u r a bumbling beta male bitch
and he is alpha male royalty
i would never post the insult to him as u just did at 1405
u conked head jigaboo joker!
Steve, and I wonder what nice things most of those black men with white women have to say about black women. As if I care. But look at the things you say, and you're supposedly married to a black woman.
Hey AB and FP, sometimes Steve gets too excited and out of hand. His mouth is like an outdoor septic. If you don't check it on a regular, it'll seep over and spew it's innards the minute you have guest to the house.
Notice everything from him is always about sex and who's not getting any. And according to his wife (through his words some time back) she thinks we are all suffering from "lackanookie" and of course she's not. Well I'm glad for that poor sister, she needs all the incentive she can get for having to bring home all the bacon.
And Maria, I'm in no way defending Harvey, but since you know all the facts, please supply the name of the ghost writer.
uptownsteve said...
Never been real crazy about Steve Harvey.
Never thought he was funny and don't think he's very smart.
Just my take.
UTS, I've always seen Steve Harvey's best venue is his morning talk show and as a host for the family feud or those BET gospel shows-- he's funny enough to keep the show moving.
But for my money, he'll never match up to the late Bernie Mack, Chris Rock, Chris Tucker, Kevin Hart, Dave Chappelle or even Cedric the Entertainer. (Kat Williams, OTOH, I can take him or leave him - his pimp shtick is funny, but is rather one note. His comedy shows are just one 'Money Mike' skit. Though his Boondocks character as 'A Pimp Named Slickback' is utterly hilarious. "I didn't know we was still whippin' n**!")
He knows his audience, older black women who want something racy enough to laugh at but not be embarrassed to walk in church on Sunday.
re old slave fool uts & anon 1359:
when i compliment that gifted sheer rebel poet fp
i do so openly and proudly
as all i post herein
that anon was correct and authentic!
hey lac:
to each thier own.
i love steve
i hate all churches
i laugh at much racier things
and i look younger than u do
go figure.
my fav comedians are george carlin and richard pryor
i love steve because his relo book is honest and raw and his comic routines slay turbo breeder hoodrats like the vdlr...fyi
alicia banks said...
hey lac:
to each thier own.
i love steve
i hate all churches
i laugh at much racier things
and i look younger than u do
go figure.
Hey, it is what is. But, you look younger than me? Not in your wildest dream.... ;-)
u r no denzel
and i am 47
since u already look about 50 now...
holla back when u grow up boy!
BTW FP, I almost forgot. I too have much respect for that heartbroken black brother in the article you supplied.
Just like Antoine Dodson (youtube bedroom intruder celeb). I remember when it first came out, some black people were so offended by seeing a "feminine identified" gay black man on the news defending and protecting his sister, family and warning the neighborhood. That is what a REAL MAN does, a real black man and HE has my respect.
lacKING eternal youth unlike me:
i am younger than that dried out emaciated burnt lipped big eared nazi hobama that u bromance and adore like u wanna do a swirled 3some with that nasty maytag mareally needs a dorky black partner to join her as she does hobama!!!
amen laa!
every female needs a real black man like anton as a big bro/guardian!!!
and she never has to worry about him shirking his duties to do a trick like mareally a distraction!!!
even that nelly lac is playing oj to her nicole...she has a posse of pseudo anton protectors herein...shame!!!!
u disgusting wretchedly foul beast stank breaf banks actually thinks she looks good
bitch u dont look a day UNDER sixty ya chriflin moron! and funny how u attack lac looks when u aint ha shit else to say ya dumb coohole!
hows that job treatin ya? bet ur boss just loves seein u make an asshole outuv yaself huh? how r those 'gifted' students u tutor? ude think that 'gifted' students would require more attention then what ure giving them kuntbreaf after all ure not supposed to be typing all day that aint what their parents paid u to do ya coohole!
lying unemployed sack of cat shit is what alicia stank breaf banks is
nothing more absolutely Nothing more
" alicia banks said...
hey lac:
and i look younger than u do"
2:29 PM
Now, you're REALLY getting delusional. I've seen fossilized Wooly Mammoth turds that looked younger than you.
Better looking, too.
" alicia banks said...
hey lac:
and i look younger than u do"
2:29 PM
Now, you're REALLY getting delusional. I've seen fossilized Wooly Mammoth turds that looked younger than you.
Better looking, too.
chrome domed vdlr:
i also have real long soft sexy hair on my head too u fried died lyed baldheaded goon!
have u filed your taxes?
do not forget to request a print out from that chinee hair sto!...bet!!!
hey uts/assnon:
show your face or stfu
generally pieces of trash on the road that have been driven over many times look better than that nasty kuntlickin beast
nobody in their rite mind is defending her as pretty in any way thats why she has to lie to herself cuz otherwise what reason has she to live
shes unemployed mentally ill broke and stupid sounds like a waste of space if u ask me!
i have blessed ageless genes
see my gallery here:
where is your photo of you playing drag KING kong at the club while your brats r with your old mammy????
hey uts/assnon:
show your face or stfu
wow ure also paranoid too this is so fun!
phukkin wit chu is the funnest thing in the world
u got the mentality of a four year old
the intelligence of a two year old
and the delusional thinking of a one year old
keep it going kuntbreaf
u aint shit
awww vdlr:
we know your own pvt tiger never compliments u...so sad!
life is such a lonely jungle for all harlot hyenas like u
lovely loved lionesses like me never have that problem!
generally pieces of trash on the road that have been driven over many times look better than that nasty kuntlickin beast
nobody in their rite mind is defending her as pretty in any way thats why she has to lie to herself cuz otherwise what reason has she to live
shes unemployed mentally ill broke and stupid sounds like a waste of space if u ask me!
when fecal fools like u tell others "u ain't shit", u look as loony as ted williams saying
"u is a junkie...git to rehab!"
nahmean nincomPOOP!!!!!!!???????
so mentally ill moronic fool where r links to ur papers in those scholarly journals miss scholar kuntbreaf?
where r the success stories of ur so called gifted kids ya delusional ugly cow!
ur confabulations r pathetic shit stain!
forty seven year old mentally ill schizoid on the government doles spends all her time talkin shit on the internet and aint never done shit in her life
now comes the list of accomplishments from 1993 that u invensted u stupid kunthead!
so hows that 250 iq treatin ya come up with any solutions to world problems yet?
eye love the way the only thing ur pitifully small mind can do is insult people based on perceived appearances ya stupid kuntbrethin idgit!
generally pieces of trash on the road that have been driven over many times look better than that nasty kuntlickin beast
nobody in their rite mind is defending her as pretty in any way thats why she has to lie to herself cuz otherwise what reason has she to live
shes unemployed mentally ill broke and stupid sounds like a waste of space if u ask me!
Maria, we know that's you.
"pity" =
vdlr has no list from no year and no licks from her own pvt tiger either...
dat be a shame!!!!!
"perception" =
innate absolute assurance that that baldheaded uneducated unlicked fertile dreg vdlr is too gatdamn fugly to take and post a photo anywhere!!!
"so offended by seeing a "feminine identified" gay black man on the news defending and protecting his sister, family and warning the neighborhood. That is what a REAL MAN does, a real black man and HE has my respect."
I tell you. The only black men these valkyries have any affection for are gays.
Total sickness.
And sadness.
La♥audiobooks said... I remember .. some black people were so offended by seeing a "feminine identified" gay black man on the news defending and protecting his sister, family and warning the neighborhood. That is what a REAL MAN does, a real black man and HE has my respect.
Does what? Suck dick?
alicia banks said...
divorced swf mareally a broken clock:
for once u may be right...kudos.
i heard deepak and his wife were having marital problems
i guess they worked it out for now.
unlike you and your happy ex huh?
some black men are actually literate unlike your big dumb black studs...who told u steve had a ghost writer???
his book is no scholarly tome.
just sound conversational advice.
where is your proof you racist slutty bitch???
10:12 AM
Comment deleted
This post has been removed by the author.
10:13 AM
alicia banks said...
mareally a sexist slut:
"dr" laura is also a fraud and a bold bitchy wigga like you...and?
10:13 AM
here's how "gracious" you were!
even your fake name really outs u as a dl loon.
just say it.
i never post as anon. and aren't now.
mareally making me shine:
did i lie????
dr. laura feels like she should be able to say nig whenever she wants just because blacks do.
and u feel like u should be able to bed any black male dreg because the vdlr wishes to.
see the analogy????
u pretend to be a liberal but u r racist just like dr. laura...no matter what black toxins u do or spew?
mareally better than a PR agent:
i have no such gracious retraction
to cc from u...
your bad bimbo.
hey vdlr:
see my lists of kudos here:
read them and weeeeeeeeep u weeeeeevil slug!!!
"About Me
My name is La, I'm a free thinker and I drink coffee for your protection."
Cause your so dumb??
ab said:
and u feel like u should be able to bed any black male dreg because the vdlr wishes to.
you are INSANE. you know NOTHING about me. i have never even had more than two dates with a bm, and i haven't dated anyone in THREE years. i am not a slut and i am not after BM (and wtf would you care anyway, aren't you a lesbian?)! this is not a dating site and i have never come on to anyone.
now would you please go take your meds and leave me alone?
i'm serious. you are a piece of shit, racist pig who has attacked me for all sorts of fictional crap. just stop it. move the fuck on!
mareally doth protest too much:
and how does that lessen your ongoing dated starring role as the trolling nicole herein???....
and what does that have to do with you phoning playboy rk at hm offline/composing a black book from your black bodyguards???...
or doing your mandingo shows with uts herein each day???...
spare me pleeez wigga wannabee!
u r mareally no teena marie!
why so edgy???
are your black studs slipping in the jungle fevered sack?
Dove sono le donne bianche?
mareally medicated via medicare/medicaid:
stockpile your prescriptions asap.
time is running out tapidly!!!
yor denial will never calm u as well as valium or black sex does.
AB has some sort of strange fixation on Maria that is just plain unhealthy. Not to mention Obama.
I have NO doubt that any mental health professional who read her comments on this blog would immediatety diagnose her as being mentally disturbed.
hey uts:
oj love is a universal language indeed!
ask the moors/mareally a genetic nicole!
that is bs.
i have no more obsession with either hobama or his fav swirled nazi whore maria than i do with gwb....
no more than fn does with glenn b and sarah palin and mike s and gwb etc...
what is YOUR issue?
why do u love maria and hobama so???
and are u a butch dyke who has joined her posse of houseboy bodyguards???...dyam it is crowded in the slave quarters for mareally miss anne herein!!!!
no one is more mentally disturbed than u mad masochistic hobama nazi mongrels!!!!
even psycho satanist charles manson knows hobama is a demonic fraud!!!
do u realize that u r actually bragging about being dumber than cm as u defend maria and hobama???...
now who is insane????
I'm not DEFENDING anyone.
I'm just saying you're nuts.
u r ignoring lots of nasty nuts in the mixed can of crazy that rules this blog.
and u r just as nutty and blindER than most!!!
nutty bh:
more wisdom re you nutty hobama nazi moles herein
i got a big crazy pecan 4 u right here:
A section of Black America has lost their minds – literally – unable to make contact with reality since November 2008. Despite the horrific and disproportionate damage suffered by Blacks in the Great Recession, a psychologically impaired group of African Americans believes they are better off than before the recession began, and that the future is bright. When Obama entered, their powers of reason exited..
hey bh:
ctack and chew on this black walnut too!
share some with mareally loves big black nuts!
bitch obviously crazy and the reason she bother maria so much is cuz deep down inside she want to bed maria and BE maria its obvious she wishes she was a white woman and hates black people
otherwise why would she post that nonsense bullshit here all the time and be the first muthafucka to call another black person a nig*er? field had to ban that mentally ill chrick from sayin NIG*ER
maria u r too nice stop entertaining that nasty bad breaf shit stain!
hopefully bitch will die from a psych med overdose soon!
hey bh:
ctack and chew on this black walnut too! buceta breaf moron
with a 250 iq *cough* ude think bitch would know how to spell! oh wait now bitch will erase the comment due to spelling errors what a compulsive fool!
UTS, you should remember that many posters are teenage boys and say stoopid stuff to get a rise out of any adult they meet. One such brave, strapping lad told me I was "an ugly old b--- that couldn't get none"...I laughed and said he was correct...but while he was making doody...I was making busy...and had enough in my memories to keep me happy.
Note to Trolls...you are sincerely flattering me...but missed the point. You have to bring data and logic to your discussions. Otherwise you appear to be 'special' and unable to form coherent and cogent thought.
NIMH.gov has descriptions of mental illnesses. Feel free to read them...and not misuse the terms. It's like listening to bush or Sarey...they never did learn what the words meant.
that live infested weave on your bald head is proof of your whitness as i adore my long lovely natural soft nappy locks
fn banned u from your xxx ghetto lingo but illiterate nigs like u just know no better u vugar lickless hairless nig!!!stank breaf banks
umm what is u talkin about kuntlicker? u dont no who eye is kunthead why u always talkin bout weaves and what not? bitch ur hair style is ten years out of style as is ur tacky bullshit fourth grade insults
get a JOB oh wait u prolly get ssi cuz u crazy prolly cant work
kill urself instead loser! just do it eye promise u well support ur decision in earnest!
proof of vdlr's chronic retardation:
daring to call me white because i refuse to worship that half white hobama as my black god...
i have never dated any white woman or any whore like maria...ask my gorgeous regal black wife!
that roach infested ratty weave on your bald head is proof of your whiteness as i adore my long lovely natural soft nappy locks
nothing is as white as your tiny smooth skull around your tinier smoother brain
u r a retarded hypocrite:
fn banned u from your xxx ghetto lingo but illiterate nigs like u just know no better u vulgar unwashed unlicked hairless nig!!!
go play your steve harvey serenades u turbo breeding bitch!!!
here ya go u deleted ur comment as was obvious now r talkin bout hair again? gee chrick cant u talk about something else? in what universe does anything u say make sense?
ya ugly cast iron dog faced underbelly of a wooden stove smellin like rotten cheese in the middle of the equator in summertime kunthead!
why do u keep bragging about your filthy body and filthier home???...
your own private tiger is just out there trying to live germ free...
let that man be clean!!!!
ya ugly cast iron dog faced underbelly of a wooden stove smellin like rotten cheese in the middle of the equator in summertime kunthead!
and this concludes our session for the day kuntlickin moron
after all eye have a JOB and a LIFE and am off lunch now coohole!
Rev Wrong I just read what you wrote at 11:24. I have seen and read some far out lies on this thread before, but nothing you said rings true.
And Judaism and Christianity have had attempts at theocracy at different points.
Israel of the Bible was initially established as a theocracy.
and the "render unto Caesar that which was Caesar's" was a trick answer to what was supposed to be a trick question.
The religious scholars questioning Jesus knew like Jesus and everyone standing around that every good Jew knew that, "the earth is the Lord's and the fullness thereof and the world and everything in it" and thus nothing in essence belongs to Caesar but to God."
And thus human beings ought to obey God rather than Caesar (read culture,monarch, political leader,country etc)
there is a difference between inbred nig rejects spawned from the loins of retarded hyenas like you and real black children...
i teach gifted children...not turbo bred trash like u vomit!!!
your kids are the ones sane parents and teachers avoid the way u evade baths and mops!
YOUR dumb wild kids are causing resegregation all over the world!!!
shame how u turbo breeders really think your guess the daddies broods are the norm/proper...
that is why the world is doomed...
shame fertile floozy!!!!!...shame!!!!!!!
mold, you wrote:
While most of Europe was wallowing in the Middle Ages after the Fall of the Roman Empire, the light of knowledge and Science was carried by the world of Islam.
Only half true. The only important contribution made by Islam was through its effort to force conquered people to speak and write Arabic.
By spreading a single language over a large segment of the settled portions of the planet, knowledge developed by one group in one place was able to spread to other groups in other places.
But muslims themselves were remarkably uncreative. However, that's a function of Islam and what it demands of its unfortunate followers.
As we have seen, the Islamic world began lag Europe many many centuries ago. And today, the Islamic world is mostly a ghetto, except in cases where there is oil money to finance Islam's self-reverential inbred idiocy and architecture.
But, as we know, no one in the Islamic world is issued patents for anything because nothing is invented there.
But I do give Islam credit for starting something that ultimately left the Islamic world in the dust.
turbo breeder hood star vdlr:
see MUCH MUCH more about teachers like me who HATE u and your evil wild dumb heathen spawn...
and we NEVER whisper about that!!!!
vdlr ghetto speak:
"and this concludes our session for the day kuntlickin moron
after all eye have a JOB and a LIFE and am off lunch now coohole!"
standard english translation:
"ooooo snap!...she winnin..she winnin...i gats to be audi...
who dat is.?..oooo weeee he bow-legged.....hey sexy nucka...can i walk wit u?... and make a new crumb snatcha..."
Anybody familiar with this case in Akron,Ohio in which the mom got sentenced to jail for sending her kids out of her district. She may even lose her efforts to get her teaching license
yes mell
i linked it above too
many real mothers would rather be jailed than imprison their children with the heathen bully moron spawn of vdlr
what is scary is that her kids do rule in most public schools
real parents are home schooling attending pvt schools more daily!!!
who can blame them????
may god bless her and them all
AB, "i would never post the insult to him as u just did at 1405
u conked head jigaboo joker!"
the best teachers are running away from millions of vdlrs and their vulgar moron bully spawn in droves!!!!
was ludicrous -- I was originally hired to teach math.
The kids fought, they cursed, they punched lockers, they spit on me, but I came to understand they acted in that way because all the messages they had received up until that point had told them to. They were just a reflection of their society at large. It wasn't their fault that public education was a mess
can u even imagine the XXX vocab spoken to teachers and peers all day by the vdlr's toxic retarded bullying brood???????
Maria, did you date the two black men before you were married to your white husband, or after your divorce?
Oh and what is the name of Steve Harvey's ghost writer? I had asked before.
mellaneous said...
Anybody familiar with this case in Akron,Ohio in which the mom got sentenced to jail for sending her kids out of her district. She may even lose her efforts to get her teaching license
Yes, mell. This is a travesty in our educational system, but there are two great injustices:
1. This woman should not convicted of a crime and sentenced to jail for such a minor offense. For this women to lose her livelihood trying to do right by her children is disgusting.
2. We should address the greater issue -- why does this woman feel she needs to take such an effort to educate her children properly? The answer was funding and educational opportunities. If she left her kids in the run-down juvenile detention center that passes for a school in inner city America, chances are they wouldn't be able to compete in the global marketplace.
We can easily address the first -- overturn this ruling and lets not clog up our courts with such silly things. This isn't Les Miserables and she's not Jean Van Jean stealing a loaf of bread. (And even in that story, the Hugo realized that it was a ridiculous thing to punish a poor person for trying to survive).
The second is harder -- and will require a dedication from all in society. We live together as brothers or die together as fools.
AB, As a bm, I am warning you again for the LAST TIME! Stop picking on Maria. She is a 1st class lady and you no right to use such vulgar words toward her, you jealous stuffed TURKEY. Leave sweet Maria alone!
AB good point!
"The kids fought, they cursed, they punched lockers, they spit on me, but I came to understand they acted in that way because all the messages they had received up until that point had told them to. They were just a reflection of their society at large. It wasn't their fault that public education was a mess"
This is what I was trying to point out to FP about that letter writer the other day. And its the point I have tried to make to others about why folks in certain areas act as they do, most are simply reflecting their environment and their very real sense of hopeless and alienation from the rest of society.
You should read today's Akron Post comment section about the woman Ms. Williams Bolar situation. Wow the perception by folks who are white in Akron is pretty unsympathetic.
lazy dumb wild drugged sexed out bad kids of all races and classes will destroy any palatial school and dog out any teachers!...
money will not fix it
unless u pay breeders like the vdlr to be sterile/die!!!!!
ditto for bad rich parents like
the kardashians et al!!!!
i will read it asap mell
Judge says that it was the prosecutor. She reveals that they refuse to have it pleaded it out as a misdemeanor.
Judge says prosecutors rejected lesser charges in Copley schools residency case
Bailiff says office bombarded by calls
By Ed Meyer
Beacon Journal staff writer
Published on Friday, Jan 21, 2011
The Summit County judge who sent an Akron mother to jail after she was convicted of falsifying records so her children could attend Copley-Fairlawn schools said considerable efforts were made to resolve the case before it went to trial.
Common Pleas Judge Patricia A. Cosgrove spoke out after becoming the target of public outcry over the case, which threatens the mother's job and her hopes to become a school teacher.
Cosgrove said the county prosecutor's office refused to consider reducing the charges to misdemeanors, and that all closed-door talks to resolve the case — outside of court — met with failure.
Kelley Williams-Bolar, 40, was sentenced Tuesday to 10 days in jail after a jury convicted her of two felony counts of tampering with records.
Cosgrove said numerous pretrial hearings were held since last summer.
an interview Wednesday.
we also need some black alpha male teachers to kick some bm brat/thug asses!!!
boys who hate their slutty moms like vdlr and have never met their dads truly think they can be the man of the house in classrooms too!
i drove my mom to dinner last night in an upper middle classed black neighborhood...
2 black boys app 14-16 dressed decently were walking in front of my car as i turned onto a st...
they saw 2 females in the car and decided to clown us
they started walking slow like astronauts...then laughed when i blew my horn and flashed my lights
before oncoming traffic bashed my mom....
these 2 teen nigs would NEVER have done that to 2 MEN in a car
and that is why we need black male teachers in schools!!!!
slaves became scholars in one room mixed grade shacks
but they did not have heathens like the vdlr and ghost daddies!!!!!
we need more real bm in schools like joe clark!!!
Mell, "You should read today's Akron Post comment section about the woman Ms. Williams Bolar situation. Wow the perception by folks who are white in Akron is pretty unsympathetic."
You just don't get it, do you? She broke the law and was using other taxpayers dollars, and depriving other local kids their education--which IS illegal. She was warned this would happen IF she didn't take her child out of that school. She did NOT do it and ignored the warning.... Do you Get It?
Mell, those comments on that site were truly willful and obvious. You can tell those type people have a resentment code within them. For the ones who claim it wasn't about race, I'm positive if the mother and children were white trying to evade the poorer school district they would be singing a different tune.
I also read somewhere that there were other non-black families caught doing the same thing, but it seems the black mother and her children got targeted for extreme prosecution. And it's obvious the white prosecutor deliberately prosecuted this woman to the fullest. Shame.
LACoincidental said..."This woman should not convicted of a crime and sentenced to jail for such a minor offense"
Don't do the crime if you can't do the time.
"She was warned this would happen IF she didn't take her child out of that school. She did NOT do it and ignored the warning"
Wrong or right, she was trying to fight it. Why knock her so hard for that. And in fairness, if she was a different color, the racist that are harping about "dishonest liberals" would have flipped the script and pawned her as a hero against the same Obama administration. Somehow Obama would have been blamed, and I'm no fan of Obama, but I have to be fair. This country has too much racial and political hypocrisy.
And why was she given a "felony" oppose to perhaps a misdemeanor?
"And why was she given a "felony" oppose to perhaps a misdemeanor?"
She was stealing from the good people of that town who paid their taxes so that their children could get a better education. She was snatching the free lunches right out their mouths. People like that should be locked up forever.
maria didn't answer the steve harvey question.
LAA, "Wrong or right, she was trying to fight it. Why knock her so hard for that. And in fairness, if she was a different color, the racist that are harping about "dishonest liberals" would have flipped the script and pawned her as a hero against the same Obama administration. Somehow Obama would have been blamed, and I'm no fan of Obama, but I have to be fair. This country has too much racial and political hypocrisy.
And why was she given a "felony" oppose to perhaps a misdemeanor?"
She was given a felony because she was prosecutable under law. Her being Black only made it that much easier. No one is going to come to her defense or make a national stink about unfairness in this case.
Because Blacks are so fragmented, frightened, and powerless those Whites in Ohio can do whatever they want to that woman and her children. You must agree, that they have made an example out of her.
Too bad there aren't better schools for black children to attend. IF Blacks REALLY wanted and desired better schools for their children, they would have it. "Where there is a will, there is a way." Unfortunately, Blacks have not had the 'will', 'courage' or 'desire' for decades.
So why not blame the Whites as Mell ALWAYS does?
maria, we are waiting for your answer to the steve harvey question.
I am so with you, F! Every word rings true (hard to get away from cliches here).
My vote of solidarity is with you and all others against the forces of evil.
Love and peace to those who need extra comfort.
I know I do now.
"Steve, and I wonder what nice things most of those black men with white women have to say about black women."
Probably nothing nearly as venomous as what you 3 sya about black men.
After all, their mamas are black.
"As if I care. But look at the things you say, and you're supposedly married to a black woman."
I would challenge you or anyone else to post a quote from me demonizing or attacking all or most black women.
My ire is toward these bitter castrating black females who think they are flawless angels who should be worshipped by black men who don't deserve them.
"maria, we are waiting for your answer to the steve harvey question."
Leave sista Maria alone. Yeah, I said it. She is my spiritual sista. and i will defend her to the end.
Steve Harvey is a phony ignorant ass. Why some Blacks worship him is beyond me. But why do many Blacks think kids are 'acting White' when they want to be educated? One can never figure out the strange minds of my lost people.
maria will never answer.
it was a racist lie to slur steve harvey as an illiterate black man like those whom she woos.
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