I hate to start the new year on a sour note, but I am going to have to go there.
Michael Haywood is my first House Negro of the year because his behavior merits it. I know he has not yet been found guilty of domestic violence against the mother of his child, but come on Mike. Where there is smoke...
I detest even the appearance of domestic violence; and, apparently, so do the people over at the athletic department of the University of Pittsburgh. This Negro got a major college coaching job in December and was fired just a couple of weeks later. The sad thing is, of course, that division one coaching jobs are few and far between for people of color, and many people have been working very hard to insure that folks like Michael Haywood get their fair shot. He might have been a good football coach, and he might have done well at Pitt. But sadly, we will never know.
I detest even the appearance of domestic violence; and, apparently, so do the people over at the athletic department of the University of Pittsburgh. This Negro got a major college coaching job in December and was fired just a couple of weeks later. The sad thing is, of course, that division one coaching jobs are few and far between for people of color, and many people have been working very hard to insure that folks like Michael Haywood get their fair shot. He might have been a good football coach, and he might have done well at Pitt. But sadly, we will never know.
Finally, I have to rip Governor Krispy Kreme (New year, same old field). My man was on a Florida vacation while his state was buried in snow. And, in typical Governor Krispy Kreme fashion; he had the nerve to be upset when folks questioned his judgement.
“If someone is snowed into their house, that’s not our responsibility,” Gov. Chris Christie said during his first press conference upon returning from Florida Thursday. "
“If someone is snowed into their house, that’s not our responsibility,” Gov. Chris Christie said during his first press conference upon returning from Florida Thursday. "
Ahh, excuse me Governor, but making sure that the government is acting in the best possible way for its citizens is your job. And if you want to avoid criticism in the future you might want to spend a little less time beating up on the teacher's unions and more time paying attention to what it means to govern your state.
Field, Gov. Christie is a Right wing stooge who doesn't see the purpose of a functioning modern Government and thus, like Palin or Dubya, isn't going to interrupt his vacation to actually manage a major snow storm. He obviously loves power but not responsibility.
And the Repubs have the nerve to get huffy about Obama taking his wife to dinner (you, living family value as opposed to simply talking about them). But, we're supposed to excuse Governor Dough-Boy sitting on his ass while Jersey is buried?
LAC, "And the Repubs have the nerve to get huffy about Obama taking his wife to dinner (you, living family value as opposed to simply talking about them). But, we're supposed to excuse Governor Dough-Boy sitting on his ass while Jersey is buried?"
I see you made NO resolutions for 2011. You are still calling Whites names, you racist. This year is going to be just like last year and the year before...all you racists chasing racism trying to hide your own prejudice against innocent Whites.
Here's hoping the Tea Party wing of the new Congress pass a law to shut up fat racists like you who unfairly called the Governor a dough-boy...how dare You use the 'dough boy' word Mr. fatass black bear.
Hate to say it but I agree with you on Haywood,he would have been great for our city and Black folk I believe.
Sentence first, verdict afterwards
I would want to find out what happened before I fired someone from his job.
The present bunch of me-firsters...uh...elected "public servants" seem to have gone to the Juan Peron School of Gov't on a Marie-Antoinette Memorial Scholarship. If we get someone who is a Robespierre Fellow, we REALLY better watch out.
LACoincidental said...
Field, Gov. Christie is a Right wing stooge who doesn't see the purpose of a functioning modern Government and thus, like Palin or Dubya, isn't going to interrupt his vacation to actually manage a major snow storm. He obviously loves power but not responsibility.
But, we're supposed to excuse Governor Dough-Boy sitting on his ass while Jersey is buried?
Whats amazingly scary is that liberals like you think a man who is really making a difference and managing towards financial capabilities is incompetent. Most importantly he doesnt see the purpose of a modern functioning government" Really? The New Jersey services worked flawlessly as planned and executed by the people Christie selected and pot in charge. He did the same thing via telephone from Florida as he would from TELEPHOne from New Jersey. He actually governed and didnt as he said, need to showboat by getting on the back of a plow for a liberal picture. This is what real leaders do. You cant be an effective leader if you are a narcissist and think you run everything like Obama and have anything actually work.
This said of course with your knowing that socialist marxism and endless handouts are not the way government can actually run in the world outside liberal cartoonland.
As for "thus, like Palin or Dubya, isn't going to interrupt his vacation to actually manage a major snow storm"
Have you had to much liberal hate cheer to drink? Palin and Dubya have nothing to do with Christie or shoveling or plowing any snow in new jersey. Why do you liberals always have to bring up crazy obscure references? Next thing you know you will blame this on the civil war.
"Governer Dough Boy"
Did an obviously fat man, just call another fat man a 'dough boy" ? Oh I get it . Your a liberal, so you arent' fat and lazy like you imply about christie. You are horizontally challenged and need government assistance.
The real story you liberals convienantly dont mention about the snowstorm is how New York was buried without hope for almost two weeks because of the Union Planned slowdown and how the people who were in New York handled that. Or that the DC demoncrats answered. Oh well, its snowing. We wont see roads until it starts to melt. Funny how 10 days after the storm emergency routes in DC were still unplowed. New Jersey was totally plowed and functional on the other hand.
"He did the same thing via telephone from Florida as he would from TELEPHOne from New Jersey. He actually governed and didnt as he said, need to showboat by getting on the back of a plow for a liberal picture. This is what real leaders do. You cant be an effective leader if you are a narcissist and think you run everything like Obama and have anything actually work."
Hmmm, I wonder if Gov. Krispy Kreme was a dumbocrat you would be singing the same tune? Somehow I doubt it. I remember folks saying the same thing about "O" and the BP spill.
"I would want to find out what happened before I fired someone from his job."
Shady, this might be true, but in this case we cannot deny that Haywood showed poor judgement. This is all I am saying. You have such a wonderful chance ( see what BigmacinPitt..said) and blow it.
Hell, even Marion Barry told his one successor words to the effect of 'never be out of town during a snow storm'. I mean, jeez...
Sarge, I co-sign 100% You got to move that snow. It looks like Corey Booker got it right.
I love how he lied about keeping in touch, and the acting Governor said he didn't hear from him. He had egg on his face when the reporter played back what the acting Governor said. Mayor Bloomberg didn't fare so well either. I have to give it to Cory Booker, he's directing traffic, helping digging people out, reading to blind children, and tweeting all at the same time. Booker tweeted asking for individuals to help any elderly neighbors who were snowed in. Now were all the streets in Newark cleaned, no, but Booker gave the perception that everything was being done toward that effort. Not once did he tell people to stop complaining and whining which is not a good thing to do politically.
Sarge said...
Hell, even Marion Barry told his one successor words to the effect of 'never be out of town during a snow storm'. I mean, jeez...
Yeah but you know what kind of snow he was talkin bout.....
Hmmm, I wonder if Gov. Krispy Kreme was a dumbocrat you would be singing the same tune? Somehow I doubt it. I remember folks saying the same thing about "O" and the BP spill.
Absolutely. Ahhh, liberalism at its finest. "governer crispy creme". When they threaten your handouts and dont get cowed with your childish rants, call em names. I thought you were supposed to be sensitive to discrimination? SO you have something against fat people?
This is a non story fabricated by liberals who have Christie on their hit list because he has the audacity to manage and threaten the handouts, without batting an eye when the children start shoveling the shit. YOu know, trying to find an issue to fault him on because his policies as an adult are working and they cant shake them with the normal liberal mantra of hate.
As for his "O"ness. BIGGGG difference. Let me type this slowly so your liberal-ness can follow the logic. Snow storm, cleanup going well being handled. Completed no problem, done. Invent an issue for something that was managed well =Liberalism.
Oil spill...polluting the ocean. Obama admin nowhere to be found. BLOCKING clean up efforts. When appearances actually made, nonsensical rhetoric and political grandstanding with no solution in sight. Rejecting all offers of help, which would have assisted with the clean up.....ergo...completely missing in action and incompetent. All efforts made towards demonizing and politicizing the issue. NONE made towards managing and solving the problem. Comparison you made....Total FAIL
Try sticking with the facts and not clouding them with the silly liberal non related tit for tat. It makes your claims seem, well.....baseless and delusional.
I also hate domestic violence. BUT! and please correct me if I'm wrong, and I may well be speaking from the heart and not the head. Upon reading the report on coach Haywood, I saw that the incident was related to a custody dispute. In all fairness I will say that I've seen many a woman use a child to manipulate and control among other nasty things. Men have very little say in the justice system over their children! The woman always wins whether she's right or not. The dad usually loses. He's required to pay up, shut up,and put up. The fight was at her home over a 21 month old child. At least he WAS THERE, looking for his child. Does that count? I say yes. Nothing can bring out the worst in people than child relations battles. I say in this case in particular, give the guy a break and investigate!
hennasplace said...
I love how he lied about keeping in touch, and the acting Governor said he didn't hear from him. He had egg on his face when the reporter played back what the acting Governor said.
You're right Christie likes to dish it out to the unions especially the teachers' union but when he finds his fat azz in a crack he lies and blames other (even in this case his wife and children).
From what I understand is that no orders can be taken by phone anyway. I guess in Jersey once an official has left the state he abicates all authority.
The irony of this entire situation is that the public workers that Christie and his supporters have been bashing so fervently these past few months were on their jobs helping to keep the streets and roads of NJ safe while Christie was hanging out with Mickey and Minnie.
As for Booker he is pretty politically savvy. It would be interesting if Democrats nominate him for governor in 2013.
For starters, happy new year Field...and to the rest of y'all. Here's to a prosperous 2011!
To address the stories:
(1) Coach Haywood: I'm tempted to inject the question of race and double standards into the convo, but I'm gonna take a pass on that. Outside of Haywood blowing an opportunity not too many black folks have, I can't speak TOO much on the extent to which race may or may not have played a role in his dismissal.
But I WILL say that it's pretty odd that athletes, entertainers, etc. are raised to follow certain standards that we are not. I'm not defending Haywood's domestic abuse charges (if, in fact, they play out), but Pitt's handling of the situation is a little suspect. I work at a University myself, though not in a high-profile position. I highly doubt I would've been fired for exhibiting the same kind of behavior. Shouldn't hiring/firing be based on job-related performances and not external factors? Shouldn't that apply to EVERYONE in the University system and not just head football coaches?
(2) Christie: From what I've read, Christie's vacation was planned. I can't fault the man for wanting to spend some time with his family. But a part of being an elected official with executive authority is to essentially make him/her self available 24/7 as the state needs them. If he opted to ignore his duties in favor of lying on beach with fuzzy navels, we have a problem. But if his work could've been done...say...by phone, he needed to go that route. He's still beholden to his people whether he's in his office, at the grocery store, at a movie, or on vacation.
People supporting his decision to be on vacation need to extend that same support to somebody like the Prez the next time he goes on vacation. Not holding my breath on that one, though. It's amazing what some people can do without scrutiny while others can't.
Before I forget, Field: thanks for the shout out!
His Obesity loves to be a bully to others...but in typical wingnut fashion, whines when people stand up to his thuggery.
The teachers in NJ make little...but more than wingnuts. Yet them wingnuts just needs them some form of 'migger' to lord over. AfAms have Federal law that makes wingnuts sad.
DC doesn't have the equipment for large snows. Duh. NJ does. The FakeStory of Union slowdown in NY only works if the DearReader is unaware of snow removal. One needs equipment, trained drivers and time. To remove almost a metre of snow takes more than wishing and waiting for the FreeMarketFairy....you have to clean the major roads first...then the primaries...secondaries...and eventually the places where wingnuts whine. Hospitals take priority over wingnut 'needz'. Plow drivers, not being slaves or anything, need to rest every few hours to be proficient and safe. For faster times...you need more trained drivers...and that takes taxes.
I thought the buffoonery of bush photo ops was the standard for idiocy.
Haywood may or may not be a Perp...but it is too early to say.
I certainly don't fault him for being vacation. The Lt. Governor was on vacation at the same time, and one of the reasons why the constitution to include an Lt. Governor for this kind of reason. The Governor said that the Lt. Governor was caring for her sick father, but we later found out that she was on a cruise with her family, and still had to rely on the Head of the Senate to be the acting Governor. It's really more about Krispy Kreme not being completely honest with the people of the state. I like the woman who said he should have came back, but how was he going to get back when the airports for closed for a couple of days. The fact of the matter is Christie doesn't have any political skills, and he will be a one-termer
"As for his "O"ness. BIGGGG difference. Let me type this slowly so your liberal-ness can follow the logic. Snow storm, cleanup going well being handled."
Tell that to the people in New Jersey. Let me type this slowly for you: SNOW STORM CLEANUP, NOT BEING WELL HANDLED.
BTW, I could care less about the man's weight. He happened to declare his love for for Krispy Kreme donuts and thus the label....."
"Sarge said...
Hell, even Marion Barry told his one successor words to the effect of 'never be out of town during a snow storm'. I mean, jeez...
Yeah but you know what kind of snow he was talkin bout....."
OK, that was funny.
hennasplace, you are right; it's all about the honesty factor. I agree with you and Andre that he was entitled to his vacation, but an executive for a state sych as New Jersey never really has time off.
"The irony of this entire situation is that the public workers that Christie and his supporters have been bashing so fervently these past few months were on their jobs helping to keep the streets and roads of NJ safe while Christie was hanging out with Mickey and Minnie."
Roderick, I see that you are picking up where you left off in 2010. On point as usual.:)
Andre, you are welcome!
Mayor Bloomberg and other New York officials weren't on vacation and it didn't make a difference. NYC was still buried with Bloomberg there. He might as well had been in Florida at Disneyland.
So you mindless prejudiced progressive liberals ought to dispense with calling the Gov of NJ names-- and STFU.
Anon.12:51PM is right. Bad Bloomberg! Now back to Gov. Krispy Kreme.....
Anonymous said...
Mayor Bloomberg and other New York officials weren't on vacation and it didn't make a difference. NYC was still buried with Bloomberg there. He might as well had been in Florida at Disneyland.
So you mindless prejudiced progressive liberals ought to dispense with calling the Gov of NJ names-- and STFU.
The difference is that Bloomberg too full responsibility for the clean up fiasco, Christie had the nerve to get huffy because a report calls him to task.
The difference is one is a responsible moderate who takes his job seriously the other is a loud ideological hack who sees his office a bully pulpit.
DesertFlower, you just won yourself a Mammie Medal for the year.
Typical helpless negro response. Blame daddy for the weather and stick your hand out. You want the Governor to come change your diaper?
whats a mammie medal?
"whats a mammie medal?"
Mammies have had many duties through out history. In these modern times they are the self-sacrificing foot soldiers used in the continuous fight to aid the dysfunctional behaviors and excuses given to certain black males, even if it's to their own detriment as black women/women.
@ LA audiobooks:
LOL! I'm speaking from the experiences I've seen here with numerous families that are or have
been going through these paternal relation struggles.
What I have seen within the justice system and the department of family and children services
here really defy's logic in the way they manage these situations. And I have it on good authority that it's a similar situation in the states.
I reiterate, I in no way condone domestic abuse, but I will tell you this, If the men that I've seen worked over
by the system and stripped of their rights towards their children, were abusive or violent, I shudder to think
what they would have done!
I happen to think that the breaking up of the family nucleus,by restricting a mans parental rights is tantamount to institutionalized genocide of a peoples too. The family is the fabric of society.
Having said that, Thank you! I'll now wear my Mammy Medal proudly. LOL!
"I happen to think that the breaking up of the family nucleus,by restricting a mans parental rights is tantamount to institutionalized genocide of a peoples too. The family is the fabric of society."
Yes, it is. Radical feminism is the pitbull of liberalism, and the goal of liberalism is the rending of the fabric of society. By making the family pact a raw deal for men, they discourage stable families. When you weaken the foundation, the house is easier to tear down.
"I happen to think that the breaking up of the family nucleus,by restricting a mans parental rights is tantamount to institutionalized genocide of a peoples too. The family is the fabric of society."
In this case it's likely there wasn't a "family nucleus" to begin with, at least in the traditional sense. Why did this "fin. resourceful" man placed himself as a baby daddy in the fist place? You see, that's the problem with some of these type 'good' baby daddies of the year. They made no legal marital commitment in the first place, then they wonder why when things get sour it's even harder for THEM to spite... I mean to take custody of the child or keep more money in their bank account. Notice when they are broke they hardly attempt to take any form of "action". Yeah he was over there being a good baby daddy alright. LOL.
(And before anybody jump on the black OOW stats, we don't know if this particular "baby Mama" was even black considering the type of "baby daddy" we are dealing with here.)
"Thank you! I'll now wear my Mammy Medal proudly. LOL!"
You go girl, will you wear it on the left or the right? :)
"You go girl, will you wear it on the left or the right? :)"
Always on my left baby, where my heart is! :)
LACoincidental said...
The difference is that Bloomberg too full responsibility for the clean up fiasco, Christie had the nerve to get huffy because a report calls him to task.
The difference is one is a responsible moderate who takes his job seriously the other is a loud ideological hack who sees his office a bully pulpit.
So Bloomberg is a responsible moderate and christie is a Loud Idealogical Hack. Man that has got to be the funniest take I have heard ever!!
Here. You might want to take a look at how an adult manages things. To qoute Christie. If you want to sit at the adult table then you should buck up and take responsibility.
As for Bloomberg. Well. I am sure he is your hero. No doubt about that.
The irony of this entire situation is that the public workers that Christie and his supporters have been bashing so fervently these past few months were on their jobs helping to keep the streets and roads of NJ safe while Christie was hanging out with Mickey and Minnie."
Roderick, I see that you are picking up where you left off in 2010. On point as usual.:)
Mindless support for Mindless drivel. Do you check anything out or just agree because it might fit your "idealogue state"?
Whistleblowers have come forward and told of the Union thugs who drank all night in their car next to a snow plow that went unused..better to party on overtime then get cold and do your job. Whistleblowers have come forward to blow the whistle on supervisors in the sanitation department telling their people to slow down and protest budget cuts.
Now, having more information what do you think of this? I know, I know, it was all Bush's fault.
"Always on my left baby, where my heart is! :)"
Ok, but take care not to push the pin too far in, it might prick it. That's the only "reciprocation" you're gonna get, you dig? (no pun). :)
His Obesity loves to be a bully to others...but in typical wingnut fashion, whines when people stand up to his thuggery.
The teachers in NJ make little...but more than wingnuts. Yet them wingnuts just needs them some form of 'migger' to lord over. AfAms have Federal law that makes wingnuts sad.
DC doesn't have the equipment for large snows. Duh. NJ does. The FakeStory of Union slowdown in NY only works if the DearReader is unaware of snow removal. One needs equipment, trained drivers and time. To remove almost a metre of snow takes more than wishing and waiting for the FreeMarketFairy....you have to clean the major roads first...then the primaries...secondaries...and eventually the places where wingnuts whine. Hospitals take priority over wingnut 'needz'. Plow drivers, not being slaves or anything, need to rest every few hours to be proficient and safe. For faster times...you need more trained drivers...and that takes taxes.
I thought the buffoonery of bush photo ops was the standard for idiocy.
Damn it Santa. I told you all I wanted was a Brain for Mold and look. He DIDNT get it!!!! You never give me anything!!!
Famous one liners from this post.
DC (the homeplace of the white house) doesnt have the equipment for snows...you knows...your toes.
Plow drivers not being slaves or anything needs their rest. Yes they do.
You needs to hire more drivers as it takes more time, more taxes.
This is why any liberal run city is in complete debt and chaos. The liberal mind has turned to "MOLD"
Oh and lets not forget the most funny part. Bush somehow was involved.
I thought the buffoonery of bush photo ops was the standard for idiocy.
Anonymous 3:05 PM
You can't talk about Christie because he's been caught in multiple lies trying to excuse his absence during the snowstorm so you change the subject to Bloomberg and NYC.
How typical of a wingnut.
Of course we know that women never, ever, ever commit domestic violence. I'm sure that when this man gets out of the hospital-if he gets out of the hospital- he will also lose his job because where's there's smoke, there's fire... so to speak.
Roseville Woman
Gosh...nibbled by a troll. Sort of like being called names by a 14 yo boy.
Loved that those eveel unionistas were out plowing NJ roads for untold hours while His Corpulence was in the House of Mouse. Them eveel teachers also do work after the rugrats have gone home for the day. Before I listen to a whine-filled wingnut about how easy teaching is...I want the wingnut to actually, like, teach in a school. All talk and no work, those wingnuts.
Gov Christie is what we in the medical profession call "fat"....you can use the layperson term of "morbidly obese". Reminds of a Monty Python sketch.;)
Whistleblowers who just happened to be the taxi driver who done drove the intrepid NYPost girl reporter to the nearest 'non-urban' bar? Whistleblowers who somehow use dog-whistle terms to describe those filthy, filthy foreign agitator anarchy-laden unionists? Whistleblowers who just happened to have quote-ready material to cover up the massive layoffs of Sanitation Department employees...just before?
Sorry, rural rubes...life in the eveelbigcity ain't the same as the fantasy of Dogpatch.
Spoiled weaklings hate Christie because he reminds them of the daddy they never had. They never had to live by real rules, so when someone starts making rational decisions like a man, they blow a gasket.
They need to stop this responsibility stuff right now. Try to make a big deal out of nothing, kick your feet and cry, call him fat. That oughta do it.
Haywood should not have let the situation get out of hand. Having said that, it's his fault.
But on the other hand, this situation should have been adjudicated in a court of law before Pittsburgh dropped the hammer.
Bruising does not necessarily mean physical abuse occurred. Case in point, look at the crazy bitches in Seattle and Pittsburgh who claimed they were doused with acid and carved, respectively.
Christie is a show governor. Instead of working with the unions and treating them like respectful valued employees he scapegoats them for the state's problems. Sorry folks but as a union guy and son of a teacher this is some major b.s. Sure, he can create class warfare with those in the private sector that don't have well paying jobs or benefits but what is it wingnuts keep telling us about taking a job while knowing what it entails? Oh yeah, must be a hypocrite to be conservative. Obviously Christie has some money to take a vacation to FL but does he still take a salary and benefits form the state? If so put the money where your mouth is if it's not too full of doughnuts. Goddamn this country, pity the poor millionaires and punish the hardworking government employees that keep our cities and states running. The Kool-Aide is strong on their side.
Serves Haywood right. hahahaha
As I said before, you folks are nothing but mindless prejudiced progressive liberals who hate Christie as Governor of NJ. The mayor of Newark loves him so how do black folks like fat albert LAC explain that?
You bm on this blog are such wimpy powerless weaklings who cry about the goodness of Republicans. Face it. They are are far more powerful men than you mindless Dems will ever be. Your REAL problem is not the wingnuts, your REAL problem is that you lack power. Period. Again, you should STFU.
A black man physically abuses his white baby mama, and Shady Grady decides to provide a link of a black woman possibly initiating domestic violence against a black man. A battered black woman at that, who possibly snapped when trying to defend herself from the drunk. How fitting of a link.
I hope all the Mammies are taking notes.
LAAudio,,as usual you miss the point by a country mile. This is really sort of funny.
In the case of the coach we have an allegation and you (and some others) immediately jump to conclusions that the man is the guilty party. This is despite the fact that as mentioned elsewhere, women have occasionally been known to lie over the past few millennia. So you have no issue with the man losing his job BEFORE the justice system or even the internal Pitt/NCAA investigation can commence.
However in the case of the Roseville woman you have jumped to the conclusion that the woman was battered and was acting in self-defense despite not the slightest bit of evidence to that. You didn't even know these two people existed before today and yet you somehow know the woman was battered. Right...
The man was just upgraded to stable condition and the woman is claiming that he set himself on fire. O-kay. The man must be just like all those women that somehow "fell down the stairs" or "fell into their husband's fist".
The only thing which is consistent with you and which is shown by your different reaction to the two cases is that the man is always to blame. And evidently he's to blame twice if he's a Black man.
I did not know the race of Haywood's paramour and I don't know the race of the man who was burned. Irrelevant.
What is relevant is how eager you and some others are to find excuses when females commit violence-excuses that you don't grant to males.
The only fair thing is that the presumption of innocence be granted to both parties until the facts show otherwise. Of course if one person is laying up in the hospital with second degree burns, the casual observer might be forgiven for thinking this woman (if guilty) should be placed so far under the prison they have to pump air into her.
Nice try, Shady Grady. But your rationale won't fly. The man is guilty as sin, and you know it.
Why do you protect bm who are women abusers? Can you not at least acknowledge that bm should not be beating on bw? Is that too difficult for you to admit?
Blogger La♥audiobooks said...
A black man physically abuses his white baby mama, and Shady Grady decides to provide a link of a black woman possibly initiating domestic violence against a black man. A battered black woman at that, who possibly snapped when trying to defend herself from the drunk. How fitting of a link.
I hope all the Mammies are taking notes.
Is she really white...lol?
If so, and if he's sentenced, his sentence will be longer than usual. I don't think mid-westerners take to kindly to Negroes beating their women.
As far as the union slow down I say good for them. I agree with the anon, we liberals and labor have given in to the big bad Republicans to our own detriment. We need to take a page from our European sisters and brothers. When they have labor issues they stick together. When the transportaion unions strike they shut the whole country down and nothing moves. We are the majority and thus we should have the power, not management. European nations fear their people while we fear our government and hope and pray they don't cut back too much. I was so proud of those guys when they rioted because of the increase in the retirement age to 62! And in the UK the riots over the increase in college tuition was great while college here costs $50,ooo per freaking year! We had better learn to stick together here or it'll be too late when the Christies of teh world give everything over to the corporations which already control our elections. Wake up people! The TEA party is on the right track but heading in the wrong direction but I like the enthusiasm.
PilotX: "I was so proud of those guys when they rioted because of the increase in the retirement age to 62! And in the UK the riots over the increase in college tuition was great while college here costs $50,ooo per freaking year!"
That sort of entitlement mentality is driving Europe to bankruptcy. Greece and Ireland have already gone down; Portugal is on the brink, and next is Spain. You want that here?
Europeans neglected to have kids for the past 40 years. Now (surprise!) there's no one to pay their retirement benefits. They can riot all they want - there's no money for the welfare state anymore.
But cheer up. Public sector unions will soon collapse California. I guess then you'll be happy.
Go Tea Partiers! Take back America! That way people like Granny and Mack Lyons and others will shut up!
What I want to know, when we have had the worst economic disaster from the free market sector and you are talking about what entitlements will do?
@ PilotX:
What strikes me is not that leftism does not work, but that when it is indulged and doesn’t work, its beneficiaries scream at the unfairness of it all—in the fashion that a theorist who claimed 2 plus 2 equals 5 blames the construct of mathematics because his equation is not true. Why don’t Germans just give Greeks the hundreds of billions of euros that they “owe” them?
California, perhaps the richest real estate on earth, has been slowly strangled by liberalism over the past 40 years. Our elites liked the idea of stopping new gas and oil extraction, shutting down the nuclear power industry, freezing state east-west freeways, strangling the mining and timber industries, cutting off water to agriculture in the Central Valley, diverting revenues from fixing roads and bridges to redistributive entitlements, and praising the new multicultural state that would welcome in half the nation’s 11-15 million illegal aliens. Better yet, the red-state-minded “they” (the nasty upper one-percent who stole from the rest of us due to their grasping but superfluous businesses) began to leave at the rate of 3,000 a week, ensuring the state a Senator Barbara Boxer into her nineties.
Yes, we are proud that we have changed the attitude, lifestyle, and demography of the state, made it “green,”and have the highest paid public employees and the most generous welfare system—and do not have to soil our hands with nasty things like farming, oil production, or nuclear power. And now we are broke. Our infrastructure is crumbling and an embarrassment. My environs is known as “Zimbabwe” or “Appalachia” for its new third-world look that followed from about the highest unemployment and lowest per capita income in the nation. Again, thanks to the deep South, our schools are not quite last in reading and math. So of course, like the Greeks, we are mad at somebody other than ourselves. Californians are desperate for a “them” fix. But who is them? “Them” either left, is leaving, or has been shut down.
Consumers are furious at spiking gas and food prices, and the collapse of state revenues. The illegal alien cadre is furious that there are cutbacks in their entitlements. The Latino community says that it cannot support anyone who wants to close the border and opposes amnesty. The public employees are furious in Greek-like fashion at the thought of cuts to pensions and lay-offs. The professors and UC administrators are either suing the state or turning on each other. Where are a few hundred Bill Gates and Warren Buffetts who would gladly pay more in taxes for the rest of us from their ill-gotten gains?
Don't fall for that crook Corey Booker he's a House Negro to the nth degree. He laid off over 150 cops, fired the Sanitation workers around Thanksgiving (some of these guys put 20 years in), and he's a huge proponent of Charter Schools. He's just as big as a enemy to Public Employees as Krispy Kreme.
"he's a huge proponent of Charter Schools. He's just as big as a enemy to Public Employees as Krispy Kreme."
But he's an ally to the school kids, and that's what counts in my book. Schools are supposed to educate our kids, not provide life long paychecks to incompetents.
Welcome Victor and Wynn, interesting take on matters. The blame the unions and workers strategy the right is employing to divert our attention to the fact that the vast majority of wealth in this country is going into the pockets of a few individuals. While Greece and Portugal are struggling how about Sweden and Denmark. Leave these nations out of the mix huh? We are coming to a crossroad where we have to redefine what our priorities are and quickly. Do we want to be dependet on a depleting source of energy that pollutes or are we going to use our technology to invest in new sources of energy? Are we still going to allow tax credits to corporations that outsource jobs or reward corporations that create jobs here? Yes, we need to invest in education and a college degree should not be the domain of only the wealthy so yes I applaud the people of the UK that stood up to keep themselves competetive in the future. As far as broke states look at the red state meccas such as Mississippi and Alabama. How are they doing? Oh, that's right they get more in taxes than they produce because they are soooooo well managed right? California is going broke but the Christie idea that workers are causing it is not the issue no matter how the right tries to spin the issue.
Apparently you have hit the big time Field. You have someone who has been put here to try and knock everyone and everything said.
It's all about APPEARANCES, people. The last thing you want to see your governor doing during a blizzard is seeing him run (or if I've heard correctly, be henpecked) his ass down to sunny Florida. No, you want to see him stay in NJ and have the APPEARANCE of managing the situation. It doesn't matter if he delegated via conference call from Disney World -- it still makes him look bad.
Don't worry, folks. Kristie Kreme boy here will end up getting into one of those marital scandals that Republicans always seem to trip themselves up in. And that'll be that.
"I have to give it to Cory Booker, he's directing traffic, helping digging people out, reading to blind children, and tweeting all at the same time. Booker tweeted asking for individuals to help any elderly neighbors who were snowed in. Now were all the streets in Newark cleaned, no, but Booker gave the perception that everything was being done toward that effort. Not once did he tell people to stop complaining and whining which is not a good thing to do politically."
Meanwhile, you'd have to wonder if Haywood would have been put "on leave" as opposed to being fired if he happened to be an "ordinary" American (or in the case of Alabama/Auburn, a fairly well-connected "ordinary" American). If the domestic violence allegations are true, all sympathy for him should go straight out the window.
Please don't miss the point. All I'm saying is that I graduated from college about 20 (ahem notice I say about) years ago and I went to a private school and what it cost for four years of tuition then is about what it costs per year at a state school. At least our European sisters and brothers got off their asses and advocated for good quality education at an affordable price. Now isn't that something we should get off our fat asses for or are we just gonna protest the secret Mooslim president that is going to take our guns and force us to eat arugala?
One of my comments got the boot. What happened?
Wow. I wonder if this discussion is worth it? It seems to amount to nothing but clutter in the mind that solves nothing.
That's why CF should be here. He had solutions.
Here are the details of what happened in the Michael Haywood case:
And yes, she is white, not that it makes a difference.
Greece and Ireland did not go broke over too generous benefits...they went under when the bankster fraud was uncovered.
Ireland and Greece also did the Austerity so beloved of the Villagers...you know...sacrifice by the poor and bailouts for the rich who gambled and lost.
Why do wingnuts have a Daddy issue? Christie as their Daddy figure? Why do they assume that literate adults would need a Massa? Particularly one with bullying habits?
If only we could blame someone else for our wingnut problems...like unions. They so evell! It must have been the eveel unions that crashed California...not the tax free idiocy of Prop 13, not the R legislature that defunded programs, not the release of mental patients, not the free-labour practices of farmers and Silicon Valley, not development of vast tracts of farmland for housing...it must be them eveel Libruls.
Actually, for those who pre-date the days of st reagan, we have personal knowledge of the wingnuts claiming that-anyday now-Yurp would go bankrupt from those all-too-generous social benefits packages. I can attest to over 40 years of hearing such nonsense. But then, the same 'experts' told us China would allus be backwards. No wonder wingnuts grip about ivory-tower know-nothings...it is their experience.
These 'Bull Connor' wannabe's are annoying...
Mack, Notre Dame hired some Irish guy, (can't remember the name) they found out he lied on some applications in the past and he was gone the next day. I feel you about the double standard at times, but in the case of big time college football those boosters are extremely finicky.
Well, I usually subscribe to this prospective:
I never guess. It is a capital mistake to theorize before one has data. Insensibly one begins to twist facts to suit theories, instead of theories to suit facts.
- Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
However, I find it interesting that the “mother” gets upset because of the perception of there being another woman in the picture, which in turn, transforms her into a momma grizzly, simply trying to protect her “cub.” From poppa bear no less. So typical for her to use the child as a pawn. Haywood should have been smarter than that. But, one way or another she probably would have brought him down. “Hell as no fury like a woman scorned.”
Exactly! and of course now she'll sue him for child support and he has no job! So you know where she's aiming to put him!
"But he's an ally to the school kids, and that's what counts in my book. Schools are supposed to educate our kids, not provide life long paychecks to incompetents."
Really Charter Schools are allowed to "cherry pick" their students. Show me a Charter School that takes mentally challenged, behavioral issues children, and than get back to me about how successful they are. Additionally this also allows state/local governments to remove the Teachers Union out the equation and essentially privatize public education.
But getting back to Corey Booker once more people start seeing Booker for who he is we'll see him on Field's "House Negro"sidebar.
sports is religion for men. and equally useful. for a few men.
big time college football those boosters are extremely finicky.
respectfully, i question your use of the term "finicky." i used to work for the AD of a BigTen school; a bigtime finance guy who happened to love him some basketball. can you say "corruption" my children? boosters and their ilk are moral cripples; there is no depth they won't sink to, to keep guys like Chris and mr. redheaded QB out of trouble in the public eye. "finicky?" hell, it's about money, not victory on the field. no sports franchise has to fail, ever, and they only do because of (sports) politics. just like in, you know, politics.
Gov. Krispy Kreme. Seriously LOL.
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