Anywhoo, no harm no foul, it is, after all, his cabinet. He can choose who he wants to work for him. He says he is unfazed and he doesn't see color. He only wants the best people for the job.
The new governor claims to be unfazed by this. He says he did not intend to appoint an all-white group -- and there is absolutely nothing in his background to suggest otherwise. Kasich tells Plain Dealer Columbus Bureau Chief Reginald Fields that he simply set out to find "the best possible team I can get, and hopefully we will be in a position that we are fully diverse as we go forward."
Given Ohio's many problems, Kasich says, it was far more important to make the right hires out of the gate than "to find somebody to fit this metric." [Source]
Gov. if what Olbermann is alleging is true, it smashed whatever little credibility you had on the race front. Not that you cared. But hey, I just thought you should know. I sure hope my cousins in Ohio are taking note.
Finally, you have got to love Rick (I belong in a ) Sanitarium. My man is running for President so he is stepping up the attacks on his O ness.
HUH? Rick, I am guessing that Barack Obama is praying that you win the republi-clown primary and run against him in 2012.
Before I forget, shout out to the MMTC folks for putting on a wonderful conference here in DC. I had to mingle with half of Rev. Inc. earlier, and there are just too many lawyers in the house for my taste. But, other than that, it's a first class event. I just wish I knew all the technical stuff that everybody is throwing around. But hey, it will come to me.
the ohio governor is right. these are tough times and he must have the best people in his cabinet to do the job. when things get back to normal, then maybe blacks can be hired. besides, where will you find qualified Blacks in ohio, in Cleveland? i don't think Kid is qualified.
Allen West is no House Negro. He stands for doing the right thing. that's something you lefties wouldn't know about.
"It seems that my man has him a very white and very male ... cabinet"
Otherwise known as: "competent".
White men to clean up a white-man's mess. That'll catch on!
Perhaps not...Obama was drafted to clean up a white mess, but then cleaning up white-folk messes have always fallen to slaves, black janitors and maids.
Kasich, where's your allegiance to American tradition?
Don't answer that...one of these anonnies squatting here, will, I'm sure, pounce all over it.
Perhaps not...Obama was drafted to clean up a white mess, but then cleaning up white-folk messes have always fallen to slaves, black janitors and maids.
Kasich, where's your allegiance to American tradition?
Don't answer that...one of these anonnies squatting here, will, I'm sure, pounce all over it.
Don't worry with your focus on anything and everything BUT what you can control in Black life, the dropout rates, teenage baby mommas etc will continue and there will be lots of janitors and maids....oh never mind, those illegal aliens you support have already taken those jobs, now whats a brutha to do? Sell Crack?
Zing said...
"Kasich, where's your allegiance to American tradition?"
By that do you mean the time honored tradition of appointing people not on their abilities but to fit some anti-white man quota?
I guess it's always a balance between getting enough people in there who know what they're doing vs. enough people with the right skin color or vaginas.
Did Kasich over-white man his cabinet? Did Obama under-white man his? (See Eric Holder, Hillary Clinton, Elena Kagan, Sonia Sotomayor, Kathleen Sebelius, Steven Chu, Valerie Jarret and Janet Napolitano).
If Kasich has the balls to hire whoever he thinks will do a good job for the State of Ohio, well good for him.
PC is stupidity.
It's interesting how that color blind philosophy tends to end with an all-white pool of workers being considered the only qualified people.
Barry Halfwhite said...
Zing said...
"Kasich, where's your allegiance to American tradition?"
By that do you mean the time honored tradition of appointing people not on their abilities but to fit I guess it's always a balance between getting enough people in there who know what they're doing vs. enough people with the right skin color or vaginas.
Elevate a black man or a woman of any race to do work white males have traditionally done, and done badly, and it becomes 'some anti-white man quota?'
What insecurities white males have?
Need I remind you...It wasn't people of color or women for that matter that have this economy swirling like so many unflushable turds in a white porcelain toilet...It was those god-like white men, bankers and mortgage bankers who you genuflect before.
You annonies are as predictable as sweat on a hot day, and just as easily wiped away.
I said 'Jump,' and you said, 'How high!'
Anon said: 'Don't worry with your focus on anything and everything BUT what you can control in Black life, the dropout rates, teenage baby mommas etc will continue and there will be lots of janitors and maids....oh never mind, those illegal aliens you support have already taken those jobs, now whats a brutha to do? Sell Crack?'
Oh, you're breaking my heart! You're so solicitous of blacks! Now if whites had been that solicitous years ago and allowed blacks to be more than janitors and maids, maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't be standing on the corner selling crack and meth to your white kids.
A brutha got to do what a brutha got to do.
Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams
Loved your poem.
Field, when I first saw that photo on your sidebar, I thought "Huh, why has Field got a photo of Viv Richards on his blog?"
Are you sure you are not a separated-at-birth twin?
really most Blacks that would be qualified have already moved away to places like Atlanta, Texas and Florida (LeBron rings a bell), when I was growing up in Buffalo my barbers went to visit Atlanta, six months later they packed up and left... when I'm done at OSU, I'm doing the same thing, looking at Ohio in my rear view mirror
"the ohio governor is right. these are tough times and he must have the best people in his cabinet to do the job. when things get back to normal, then maybe blacks can be hired."
This suggests that Blacks are less qualified than their White counterparts. We all see where you're getting at.
"Otherwise known as: "competent"."
Yes, yes. White=competent and Black=incompetent. You gotta love conservatives and their love for Newspeak and word salad.
"Don't worry with your focus on anything and everything BUT what you can control in Black life, the dropout rates, teenage baby mommas etc will continue and there will be lots of janitors and maids....oh never mind, those illegal aliens you support have already taken those jobs, now whats a brutha to do? Sell Crack?"
Because we all know that those aspects of life are solely a Black phenomenon.
The anons and unlinked are pouncing on these posts early. New form of attack?
"Don't worry with your focus on anything and everything BUT what you can control in Black life, the dropout rates, teenage baby mommas etc will continue and there will be lots of janitors and maids."
Being a maid and or a janitor is an honorable job. Maybe you should teach the importance of hard work to some of your little melanin challenged rugrats growing up in the burbs. Just sayin.
"It seems that my man has him a very white and very male ... cabinet"
Otherwise known as: "competent".
No, otherwise known as FRIENDS.
"Browny you are doing a heck of a job." Where did that quote come from? See Wall Street and the A-merry-can banking industry for further examples. I wonder how much of MY tax dollars it took to rescue them?
Zing you are killing tonight. We missed those zingers.
V, thanks for the link.
LOL@ Viv Richards. PC, is that the cricketer you are referring to?
If the opinions of field-supporters count for anything, it seems like the doctor should face ONE charge of murder -- for the negligent homicide of the pregnant woman.
But given the support at this site for the murdered Dr Tiller, the Kansas abortionist who made a career of late-term abortions, why would anyone want Gosnell prosecuted for performing abortions that were, at worst, sloppy work?
Philadelphia Abortion Doctor Charged With 8 Counts Of Murder
January 19, 2011 11:23 PM
PHILADELPHIA (CBS) – A West Philadelphia abortion doctor, his wife and eight other suspects are now under arrest following a grand jury investigation.
Dr. Kermit Gosnell, 69, faces eight counts of murder in the deaths of a woman following a botched abortion at his office, along with the deaths of seven other babies who, prosecutors allege, were born alive following illegal late-term abortions and then were killed by severing their spinal cords with a pair of scissors.
“I am aware that abortion is a hot-button topic,” said District Attorney Seth Williams. “But as district attorney, my job is to carry out the law. A doctor who knowingly and systematically mistreats female patients, to the point that one of them dies in his so-called care, commits murder under the law.
A doctor who cuts into the necks severing the spinal cords of living, breathing babies, who would survive with proper medical attention, is committing murder under the law.”
Gosnell is facing charges of murder in the third degree for the death of 41-year-old Karnamaya Mongar. Mrs. Mongar died on November 20, 2009, when she was overdosed with anesthetics prescribed by Gosnell.
He is also facing seven murder charges for the deaths of infants who were killed after being born viable and alive during the sixth, seventh, or eighth month of pregnancy.
field, you wrote:
(And look, I am not even going to rip you for mixing up St. Patty's day and MLK Day.
Yeah. Okay. Let's play Irony 101. I mean, if you're really letting Kashich off for his MLK blunder, maybe he'll give you the same courtesy with respect to your St Patty's Day goof.
It's St. Paddy's Day.
Or maybe he'll figure, What the Heck, you can call it St Patty's Day if he can call the other one Marvin Luther King Day.
Inasmuch as a person born to an American citizen is also an American citizen, no matter where in the world the birth occurs, it seemed to me the Birther nonsense was just nonsense.
But when a search of official records comes up empty, the situation gets tricky. If there are secrets about Obama's birth, what are they? Why are there secrets?
Hawaii governor can't find Obama birth certificate
Suggests controversy could hurt president's re-election chances
Posted: January 18, 2011
Hawaii Gov. Neil Abercrombie suggested in an interview published today that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
Abercrombie told the Honolulu Star Advertiser he was searching within the Hawaii Department of Health to find definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii, because the continuing eligibility controversy could hurt the president's chances of re-election in 2012.
Its Marvin Luther? I thought it was Melvin Leroy King?
Zing said...
Anon said: 'Don't worry with your focus on anything and everything BUT what you can control in Black life, the dropout rates, teenage baby mommas etc will continue and there will be lots of janitors and maids....oh never mind, those illegal aliens you support have already taken those jobs, now whats a brutha to do? Sell Crack?'
Oh, you're breaking my heart! You're so solicitous of blacks! Now if whites had been that solicitous years ago and allowed blacks to be more than janitors and maids, maybe, just maybe, we wouldn't be standing on the corner selling crack and meth to your white kids.
A brutha got to do what a brutha got to do
So E-bnen a hunnet years later you still waitin for Y/T to make your life happen. We all knows it takes Blacks 5 generations of whatever whites make them do for anything to kick in. I mean its not like you could have did something in your lifetime only, I mean shits your ancestors were slaves a hunnet years ago. Thats enough to stop anybody..right?
See ya on da other sides of dem bars brutha, cause we knows you innocent, you werent dealin no drugs, nah- your ancestors were slaves and its the white mans justice system. So you must be
Oh Lawd! Now slap stick is a "birther" as well.
Is that Paddy as in Paddy wagon? My bad. :( Patrick is the man and Patricia ia the woman. I get it now. Thanks.
Anon. 7:37 AM. That's Martin Luther -THE- King to you.
Anon 7:48 AM, do you work for a living? Or do you just live off that old money that your family has so much of?
field negro said...
Oh Lawd! Now slap stick is a "birther" as well
Isn't it the least bit interesting that the GOVERNOR of the State of Hawaii can't seem to find that birth certificate he promised us?
It's a weird story, and all the people involved in its making are now dead. A review of the timeline tells us this:
Obama was very likely born in Hawaii, but in March of 1961 (instead of August), and Barack Obama Sr. was not his father.
His mother did not attend school in Hawaii in the spring of 1961, but did start college in Seattle two weeks after his stated birthdate of August 4, 1961.
His mother's family had "abruptly" left Seatle in the fall of 1960, likely because their 17 year old daughter was pregnant. This move happened 10 months before little Barry's official August birthdate.
Why it is so important for Obama to hide these facts I do not know. Must be something pretty messed up.
Do any recall 'unintended accleration' with Audis? How about McMartin preschool?
The language and word choices surrounding the kerfluffle are boiler-plate anti. Eveel 'bortion doctor profiting from pithing human babies!! 'bortion mill!!! No standards!!!!
Funny Santorum mentions Civil Rights...and then makes it quite clear that he thinkerates wimmens should be property of the men that 'pregnates 'em. How about the screaming idiots? Seems the same folks who hated them those uppity AfAms for going to school like proper wite folks also scream at wimmens for having the uppitiness to think that women are citizens.
Competence is a 'dog whistle'...meaning wite...or sometimes, rarely, Asian. Duh. I remember being told by a wite christian who graduated from a christian skool with a degree in Bible Reading that their accomplishment was vastly greater than those of an AfAm who earned a degree, with honours, from one of the top five law schools in the world. They also attended THE law school in France and was able to practice in Federal, Commonwealth and French jurisdictions.
You'd think wingnuts would have heard of privacy laws. But then, this is the same group who publishes the names, addresses and other personal information of patients because the wingnuts can't impose their ignorance through the legislature...it all hard and sech.
Kasich is full of dung.
Cabinet appointments are first and foremost political appointments.
I would love to hear his criteria for who would make the "best" Secretary of Insurance or Revenue.
The fact that he couldn't find one black in a state that is 15% black sends a very clear message to black folks about Kasich and the GOP.
ditto fn
both men are racist clowns
rs is also a dl homohating fool
are either of these wm more racist than hobama???
are either of these wm wounding more poor black babies - both born and unborn - than hobama?
is hobama's wall st/bankster posse any less lily white?....
Tarpley: Yes. This is the interesting about Obama's biography, that he has these lost years and the lost years where nobody knows anything about what he was doing, we're not even sure where he was. 1981, 1982, 1983 his last two years in college. He was a Junior and a Senior at Columbia University, actually Columbia College at Columbia University in uptown Manhattan, Morningside Heights. He had started his career at Occidental College near Los Angeles after going to a very expensive private school in Hawaii, the Punahou School. If you go back to 1981, 1982 - you can do this with the help of Samuel Huntington's Book on American politics, which I quote in my own book, which is called Obama, The Postmodern Coup, the Making of a Manchurian Candidate. If you look in here you will see that they were already sort of summing up their experiences under Carter and they were looking ahead. Huntington is explicitly looking ahead to 2010 and 2030, in other words he believes that there's gonna be a crisis of ungovernability, what he called the ‘creedal passion period'. Political upsurge and economic breakdown perhaps. All of this starting around 2010, which is now where we are, we have reached that point.
My guess is that Obama was recruted by Brzezinski at Columbia 1981, 1982, 1983. You cannot notice this positively, because Obama in his memoires, he has got this thing called Dreams from my Father, he tells you everything about himself, he tells you about marihuana, cocaine, almost heroine, but not quite, tells you all this stuff, but when it comes to Columbia University he tells you nothing. It's exactly puzzling, because why would he tell you about marihuana and cocaine, which are bad and than not tell you about his career, with this wonderful Ivy League prestigious elite Columbia University, he doesn't say anything about it.
And than if you look at these people around him, he's got the Trilateral-Commission through Brzezinski, he's got the Bilderberger-Group through Joseph Nye. Joseph Nye is the North American Director of the Trilateral Commission and a big wheel of the Bilderberger Group. Joseph Nye writes the books about ‘soft power', because that's what we're talking about. They say: We don't mean military invasion, we need soft power, we need subversion ideology, cultural warfare, economic warfare and diplomacy, meaning to play one against another divide and conquer and so fort. Joseph Nye is a big supporter of Obama on the Huffington-blog with that awful right wing Greek woman. Other than that we got the Ford Foundation, the Council of Foreign Relations through Brzezinski and the rest of them. The Chicago School, this is interesting.
Obama's economic team, there's a guy called Austin Goolsby, who is a professor of economic's at the University of Chicago, this means he belongs to these infamous Chicago boys founded by Milton Friedman.
hey mareally snoring:
Obama’s health-care bill is clearly unconstitutional. Obama’s goal was to bail out the insolvent insurance companies which had been bankrupted by speculation in derivatives. He cynically used the 40 million uninsured as a cover for this operation. We reject Obama’s individual mandate, an invention of the Republicans Senator Grassley and Mitt Romney. We refuse to be coerced into buying shoddy insurance, astronomically overpriced, from a deregulated, for profit, rapacious and predatory private insurance industry complete with masses of kited derivatives and executives with golden parachutes. The American people want Medicare for all, and Obama is here to sabotage that demand.
There are many valid reasons for opposing Obama. Mine may be different from those of some of you. It is important to attack Obama for what he does, not for what he says. Obama operates through duplicity, deception, and deceit. The things he says are often lies to neutralize his base in the Democratic Party. Obama ran as a peace candidate, at least regarding Iraq. In reality, Obama is a warmonger – a bigger and more clever warmonger than any neocon. During his presidency, he has almost always had more combat troops in the field than Bush and Cheney ever did. The Iraq war goes on. The Afghan war grows more and more tragic. Obama has started a third war, a whole new war with Pakistan, a large nation with many times the population of Iraq, and which really does have nuclear weapons. Obama could order an attack on Iran at any time. There are now US military operations in Yemen, Somalia, and virtually all of the countries surrounding Iran. Obama has destroyed the peace movement that once protested these things.
hey lac:
conspiracies are real!
study them!!!
Under his deceptive left cover, Obama is more of a dictator than Bush ever was. He openly claims the right to assassinate American citizens if they are outside the country. Under Obama, renditions (kidnappings), black sites, torture, and the Guantánamo concentration camp are still going strong.
Most of all, Obama has been a tool of the banks and financiers. Early in his term, Obama invited the leading zombie bankers to the White House and told them he was the only thing standing between them and the populist pitchforks of angry Americans. That is how Obama sees himself: the protector of Wall Street against mass protest. Obama has confirmed Helicopter Ben Bernanke at the Federal Reserve despite his colossal responsibility for the world derivatives panic of September 2008. Obama has given more power to the Federal Reserve, and fended off attempts to nationalize the Fed. Obama has supported, continued, and expanded the criminal Bush-Paulsen Wall Street bailouts to the tune of $24 trillion. Obama first delayed financial regulation, and then protected derivatives, foreclosures, adjustable rate mortgages, payday loans, car title loans, too big to fail, and all the other practices that should have been outlawed with bright line prohibitions. Right now there is a big demand in the Democratic Party to stop foreclosures — fraudclosures. But even on the verge of electoral defeat, Obama puts subservience to Wall Street first, and is actively sabotaging any attempt to protect the right of Americans to stay in their homes.
Obama has attacked and betrayed every group that ever supported him, starting with blacks, Latinos. Obama must be dumped from the Democratic ticket for 2012.
Obama has refused to produce a birth certificate, and has fought all attempts to open the files. We must conclude by now that he is unable to show where he was born. This means that he can easily be blackmailed – blackmailed by intelligence agencies, or by cliques of rich bankers, or by cabals of generals, or by other forces. This situation is by itself an intolerable threat to national security. If the president can be blackmailed, then our country becomes a helpless plaything of dark forces and enemies at home and abroad. If Obama cannot prove his qualifications, he must leave the White House for the good of the country. Nor are birthplace and citizenship the only issues. The convictions of Rezko and Blagojevich suggest that Obama can be blackmailed for past corruption. Nor should we forget the explosive allegations about Obama’s personal life which we can read about in any supermarket checkout line.
field, you wrote:
Oh Lawd! Now slap stick is a "birther" as well.
In law school students are supposed to develop their skills of logic and "issue spotting". Apparently you go bogged down at that point.
Based on your conclusion, because the Governor of Hawaii says he cannot locate Obama's birth certificate, I am a "birther."
Could there be a more glaring non-sequitur? Maybe. And field is just the guy to outdo himself next time.
field asks:
Is that Paddy as in Paddy wagon?
As matter of fact, yes.
The drunk wagon, because, as we know, for a long time there has been a troubling relatioship between the Irish and their liquor.
Drinking and fighting are twoo well known aspects of Irish life. As are sexually predatory Irish Catholic priests. On the other side of things, Irish culture has also produced some outstanding writers. But often they were raging alcoholics.
Mold thinks murdering newborn babies is a civil right?
Evil, or just stupid?
hey fn:
score one more for us birthers...
Governor Neil Abercrombie today amid increasing confusion over whether President Obama was born there.
Abercrombie said on Tuesday that an investigation had unearthed papers proving Obama was born in Hawaii in 1961.
He told Honolulu's Star-Advertiser: 'It actually exists in the archives, written down,' he said
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1348916/Hawaii-governor-says-Obamas-birth-record-exists-produce-it.html#ixzz1BgPqI7ba
But it became apparent that what had been discovered was an unspecified listing or notation of Obama's birth that someone had made in the state archives and not a birth certificate.
And in the same interview Abercrombie suggested that a long-form, hospital-generated birth certificate for Barack Obama may not exist within the vital records maintained by the Hawaii Department of Health.
He said efforts were still being made to track down definitive vital records that would prove Obama was born in Hawaii.
Abercrombie was asked: 'You stirred up quite a controversy with
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1348916/Hawaii-governor-says-Obamas-birth-record-exists-produce-it.html#ixzz1BgRZiMKh
ab, you wrote:
Obama has refused to produce a birth certificate, and has fought all attempts to open the files. We must conclude by now that he is unable to show where he was born. This means that he can easily be blackmailed – blackmailed by intelligence agencies, or by cliques of rich bankers, or by cabals of generals, or by other forces.
Clearly there are some secrets he hopes will remain secret. But IF Stanley Anne Dunham was a citizen, THEN Obama IS a citizen. Even if he was born in Kenya.
Frankly, if there was ever something that should have remained secret, it was his mother's first name.
If Obama cannot prove his qualifications, he must leave the White House for the good of the country.
What??!!?? That means Joe Biden becomes president. No thanks. The reality of Biden as president should save Obama from any and all possibilities of impeachment and removal from office.
I can hear Mueller at the FBI and Gates at the CIA conversating now.
"Yeah, we've got him nailed on the Rezko deal," said Mueller.
"Well, that's nothing, We've got records showing Saddam Hussein paid his law school tuition," said Gates.
"Big deal. Our guys caught Obama on video at NOI headquarters offering Louis Farrakhan millions to provide him "security" when he's in Chicago. Says he doesn't trust the Chicago police or the Secret Service," said Mueller.
"Like that matters. We checked Obama's DNA. Turns out his father is Stymie, from the Little Rascals," said Gates.
"Wow. You got me beat," said Mueller.
"Do you remember Stymie's best line?" asked Gates.
"He said 'I don't know where we're going. But we're on our way.'"
"He really said that?" asked Mueller.
"Yeah. For real," said Gates.
"Okay then. What do we have to do to skip Biden and move Boehner up to the top job?"
Alicia, still having problems with your Blogspot account? Your account might be corrupted.
Anyway, there's nothing strictly unconstitutional about the mandatory insurance clause because it falls under interstate commerce -- the government has the authority to regulate and set standards for commerce (in this case health insurance cost) between states. That's why New York and California can mandate online boutique charge sales tax, even if they're not in the state.
Also, short of universal coverage (which would be mandated to all anyway if it were to pass) you can't get anywhere close to universal coverage (forcing insurance companies to cover everyone) if you don't add another mandate requiring all people to have so sort of health coverage.
Like you and others, Alicia, I support single payer. (Though I'm more realistic about it in terms of solving many, but not all our healthcare problems). But until our fellow Americans work up the political will to concern themselves with the next man's welfare and let go of this 'death panel' and 'socialist' crap - this is about as good as you can get. And you can't argue to replace HRC with smoke and mirrors, which is what the GOP is doing. You either have single payer or you regulate the hell out of private insurance companies.
Second, short of Obama finding the nurse that slapped his ass in the delivery room, you and other lunatic Birthers are going to continue to argue that the man is some Kenyan test tube baby created by the Trilateral Commission, the Elders of Zion and the dying race of the planet Xenu.
But, back to real issue, you may want to check Google's tech support to see if you can get your account restored.
nneds slaps:
i do not believe a single claim by any member of hobama's cia clan...stanley sr and jr included!!!
if hobama had nothing to hide, a team of expensive attys would not be hiding it for him.
uptownsteve said: "The fact that he couldn't find one black in a state that is 15% black sends a very clear message to black folks about Kasich and the GOP."
Ohio has one NBA team, the Cleveland Cavaliers. Out of the 15 players on the roster, exactly none are white. The fact that the Cavs couldn't find one white in a state that is 85% white sends a very clear message to white folks about the Cavaliers and the NBA.
Which assertion is more absurd?
Maybe the "message" is that both organizations are committed more to performance than to racial balancing.
ALL of hobama's family are cia agents and liars!!!
There are volumes of written material on the CIA backgrounds of George H. W. Bush and CIA-related activities by his father and children, including former President George W. Bush. Barack Obama, on the other hand, cleverly masked his own CIA connections as well as those of his mother, father, step-father, and grandmother (there is very little known about Obama’s grandfather, Stanley Armour Dunham, who was supposedly in the furniture business in Hawaii after serving in Europe during World War II). Presidents and vice presidents do not require security background checks, unlike other members of the federal government, to hold office. That job is left up to the press. In 2008, the press failed miserably in its duty to vet the man who would win the White House. With the ties of Obama’s parents to the University of Hawaii and its links to MKULTRA and ARTICHOKE, a nagging question remains: Is Barack Obama a real-life “Manchurian Candidate?”
What is officially known about Stanley Armour Dunham is that he served with the 9th Air Force in Britain and France prior to and after the D-Day invasion. After the war, Dunham and his wife, Madelyn and his daughter Stanley Ann — Obama’s mother — moved to Berkeley, California; El Dorado, Kansas; Seattle; and Honolulu. Armour Dunham is said to have worked for a series of furniture stores.
Obama maintains that his mother and father first met in a Russian-language class at the University of Hawaii in 1959. However, a photograph has emerged of Stanley Armour welcoming Barack Obama, Sr., complete with traditional Hawaiian welcoming leis, from Kenya. Obama, Sr. was the only Kenyan student airlifted to Hawaii as part of the CIA-inspired Airlift Africa project that saw Obama and 279 other students from British eastern and southern African colonies brought to the United States for college degrees prior to their homelands gaining independence from Britain. The students were selected by Kenyan nationalist leader Tom Mboya who would later conduct surveillance for the CIA at pan-African nationalist meetings. Mboya was particularly focused on two African leaders who were seen as too close to the Sino-Soviet bloc, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana and Sekout Toure of Guinea.
Those are your statements about the Irish slapster, not me. I would never stereotype an entire group of people in such a silly and pointless way....
I have a question: do you folks who believe that his O ness is some type of stealth candidate from another planet, actually believe that A-merry-ca landed on the moon?
needs slaps:
biden is a bumbling moron
but so is hobama without a teleprompter
i believe hobama is a manchurian candidate from kenya
LAC, I have to disagree with the individual mandate being constitutional or falling under interstate commerce. I don't recall there ever being a federal requirement that merely as a matter of existence people be required to purchase something from a private entity. It's a total power grab for a group of private organizations.
In addition although most people would recognize the federal government's ability to regulate commerce between the states or even among the states, making someone enter into commerce is a completely different question indeed.
If this is upheld it would make a mockery out of the whole concept of limited government and enumerated powers. Congress would thus be able to theoretically require anyone to do anything.
People of varying different political or economic ideologies would thus have cause to regret this should people inimical to their worldview capture a future Congress and Presidency.
It might be for a good purpose but I don't see any constitutional or legal support for it. It's unprecedented which is why when it reaches the SC there will be some very interesting and illuminating arguments.
"Ohio has one NBA team, the Cleveland Cavaliers. Out of the 15 players on the roster, exactly none are white. The fact that the Cavs couldn't find one white in a state that is 85% white sends a very clear message to white folks about the Cavaliers and the NBA."
Willya ya stop with the sports analogies.
Sports are the only true meritocracy where the results are objective and subject to scrutiny.
There have been whites on the Cavaliers and currently there obviously aren't any good enough to make the roster.
Now tell me smart guy, what criterion would indicate the "best" secretary of revenue or taxation?
These guys are the people Kasich felt most comfortable around which is how most hirings and promotions in America are handled.
Be for real.
LOL@ Viv Richards. PC, is that the cricketer you are referring to?
Yep, Antigua's finest.
Greatest batsman who has ever lived, imho.
Upon reflection, more like your long lost cousin than your separated twin.
uptownsteve: "Now tell me smart guy, what criterion would indicate the "best" secretary of revenue or taxation?"
Well, it wouln't have anything to do with what continent one's ancestors cam from, or what reproductive organs one had. I would be thinking more along the lines of business and adminstrative job experience and education.
So if the Cav's managment gets the benefit of the doubt about raciually neutral hiring criteria, why doesnn't Kasich?
And I don't mean to imply at all that blacks are somehow inherently unqualified to be secretaries of revenue or taxation, no more than that white guys can't play basketball. The point is that the fact that a particular goup doesn't relflect the exact same demographics of the larger society does not necessarily imply discrimination.
"Well, it wouln't have anything to do with what continent one's ancestors cam from, or what reproductive organs one had."
Well obviously it does to Kasich. You have to be white to be in his cabinet.
"I would be thinking more along the lines of business and adminstrative job experience and education."
And your saying there are no blacks in Ohio with business administrative or education experience?
"The point is that the fact that a particular goup doesn't relflect the exact same demographics of the larger society does not necessarily imply discrimination."
Of course it does. Given that political appointments are just that....."political"....the freezing out of a very visible ethnic group is sending a very strong signal.
Not welcome.
Just supposing that Obama appointed 12 blacks and hispanics to his cabinet out of 14 possible positions.
What would righties be saying?
Rev. Right,
Please explain to me how Michael Chertoff and Michael Brown were George Bush's best possible choices for Secretary of Homeland Security and FEMA respectively.
I will patiently await your reasoned response.
tee hee
uptownsteve: "Given that political appointments are just that....."political"....the freezing out of a very visible ethnic group is sending a very strong signal."
So that's how political appointments are made, soley on a quota and/or insider basis? No wonder things are so messed up.
uptownsteve: "Just supposing that Obama appointed 12 blacks and hispanics to his cabinet out of 14 possible positions. What would righties be saying?"
That Obama's cabinet looks like the Cav's roster!
uptownsteve: "Please explain to me how Michael Chertoff and Michael Brown were George Bush's best possible choices for Secretary of Homeland Security and FEMA respectively."
Why would George Bush's appointments have anything to do with Kasich's? Bush, like his father, made absolutely terrible personnel decisions (Brown, Harriet Myers, Cheney as VP, Gonzalez etc.). You should be happy though, as it was a very racially, ethnically, and gender balanced bunch of incompetents.
I just had to bring this up..
Anti-Muslim Right-Wingers Attack NJ Gov. Chris Christie For Appointing Muslim Judge
What happened to the "best person" for the job the rightism always throws out there?
Just saying.
new day = new ceo/bankster on hobama's team
shame u still cannot see one of them!!!
President Obama today will name General Electric CEO Jeff Immelt chairman of the new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, the White House announced overnight
Funny how a guy his age could not find one, one AfAm he felt comfortable with. This isn't the age of st reagan where AfAms had sundown towns and had to toil as 'George's"...there are plenty of professional AfAms.
For the duude who loves to watch sweaty men run around in shorts...part of it is the career path one takes. Like being a judge, there are entry-level jobs, middle-level work and then the 'prize'. Maybe one is far too used to the st reagan and bush habit of appointing obviously incompetent cronies to work that is beyond their ken. Short answer...more AfAms work at being NBA prospects...so your FakeStatistics only proves you missed that class in High School.
Following wingnut thinkerating, their Kleenex collection also has 'Civil Rights'...wonder why Operation HarassMent hasn't picketed the rooms of teenage boys?
Ohio has a huge redneck faction. . . always has. Not surpising the the gov is a bagger.
Rick (I belong in a) Sanitarium is one of the original baggers.
Why is it that lawyers are always the first to smell out other lawyers. My wife and walk into a room/restaurant/street and point out all the lawyers and be 95% correct.
So, bush wasn't racist...just a putz? And he picked other putzylvanians?
Then again, he was christian...and thinkerating is hard.
Umm...claiming to be an author might not be the wisest option on this board..some of us are published.
Anonymous said...
So, bush wasn't racist...just a putz? And he picked other putzylvanians?
Then again, he was christian...and thinkerating is hard.
Umm...claiming to be an author might not be the wisest option on this board..some of us are published.
My god, what in the world could you have possibly published? The Charles Manson disconnected ranting weekly? Do you? CAN you even put a coherent sentence or sling a single thought together?
Mold said: ...more AfAms work at being NBA prospects...
Yes, and guess what, more Asian Americans work at being math professor prospects, but that doesn't stop you from crying discrimination if blacks don't make up 12% of every profession.
All achievement is a product of innate talent and hard work.
Why is it acceptable to recognize different achievement levels in areas where blacks predominate but illegitimate in areas they don't?
And where might you have been published? Rambling Lunatic Quarterly?
and then there is this:
as china and the usa form evil elitist alliances
and as the dollar becomes more worthless each day
you may now bank with chinese currency in nyc...stay tuned
file this under new world order/flaming dollar bills/one world currency etc
For years now, China has kept strict control over its currency, leading the U.S. and other countries to accuse China of "undervaluing" the yuan. It's a claim China has consistently denied.
But this week, there was sign, albeit a small one, that China may be finally willing to loosen its grip. If you walk into a Bank of China branch in New York or Los Angles, you can now open a personal savings account, denominated in yuan
ps lac:
conspiracies are real!!!!!!!
Russian President Dmitry Medvedev illustrated his call for a supranational currency to replace the dollar by pulling from his pocket a sample coin of a “united future world currency.”
“Here it is,” Medvedev told reporters today in L’Aquila, Italy, after a summit of the Group of Eight nations. “You can see it and touch it.”
The coin, which bears the words “unity in diversity,” was minted in Belgium and presented to the heads of G-8 delegations, Medvedev said.
The question of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints,” Medvedev said. The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.”
"You should be happy though, as it was a very racially, ethnically, and gender balanced bunch of incompetents."
The 2 blacks in Bush's cabinet were the only true professionals.
Then we can all harp back to Mr. Conservative, Ronald Reagan, and his cabinet.
All federal indictees.
Jim Watt, Richard Secord, William Casey, Casper Weinberger, and Elliot Abrams.
RevR, have to agree it takes talent and work. Then again, I am a 'pass for' and can attest to personally experiencing what wite folks say when they thinkerate you are one. Seems quite often the only measure for competence is how pale you are. How does an Engineer not have an understanding of basic statistics? You complain when odd results are identified and then ask a question about a much, much smaller data pool.
Which publication? It's more than one...and in more than a single field.;)
Gosh, how chickenpoo scared can wingnuts be? Global currency has been around for a long time...which you could know by, like, taking a class at your local community college.
As far as unskilled illiterates in the US making more than highly educated professionals overseas...those days should be done.
what do you find so calming about the global sins of hobama and his banksters????
funny how the wingnuts are called liars when we claim truths.
then when we prove our truths we are called cowards by the same scared fools who falsely claimed we initially lied...
can u see the new mold on that old hypocrisy?
uptownsteve wrote:
Sports are the only true meritocracy where the results are objective and subject to scrutiny.
Yeah. Sure. Sports offers the closest thing -- in your world -- to a meritocracy.
Close to. But not quite.
A truer meritocracy is the Nobel Prize -- with the exception of the Peace Prize, which is a booby prize given by a separate group, and given for reasons rarely relecting the attainment of peace.
The Nobel for Literature is also a wild card. The winners are almost always obscure writers no one reads. Mark Twain never got one. James Joyce never got one. Hence, there's something afoot in Sweden.
But those prizes for chemistry, physics and medical science reflect remarkable levels of innovation and originality.
more on the nobel booby prize for that warmongering boob hobama
the prez "pushers" became hobama groupies and doomed us all
But a close look at the administration’s human rights record suggests a president hasn’t yet earned the moral standing to deliver such inspiring words, to the Chinese or anyone else. While the administration has made progress on some human rights fronts, it hasn’t made Roth’s connection between word and deed. And with a resurgent Republican Party in Congress, a roiling economic crisis and an increasingly restive electorate, you can expect fewer words, never mind deeds, in the next two years.
We see the complacency playing out this week with Chinese President Hu Jintao’s summit with Obama. The most the leaders can expect from the talks is a mutual pledge to keep up the flow of trade and capital, while avoiding uncomfortable chafing between their respective geopolitical agendas. China’s abysmal human rights record might get a brief mention, but Obama, at the helm of a declining superpower, lacks the political leverage, and will, to press hard on the issue.
The Obama administration could earn back some moral influence by adopting a multilateral approach toward universal rights, encouraging political freedom alongside sustainable development, self-determination and government accountability. But for now, the White House has no incentive to redeem the hope many social movements invested in it two years ago. Obama’s record on human rights shows that even a relatively clear-minded leadership won’t stray from the established course until pushed from below.
hey lac:
hobama lied
the iraq war rages on!
propaganda/conspiracies are real!!!
field, you wrote:
Those are your statements about the Irish slapster, not me. I would never stereotype an entire group of people in such a silly and pointless way....
Of course. I can always count on you to deny the obvious, deny what has never been in doubt and to pretend that the culture itself would take umbrage at the truth about one aspect of its nature.
No doubt the mention of Irish Whiskey is something you find appalling, being in your mind a name of something that casts aspersions on every Irisher on the planet.
By the way, potatoes are popular among the Irish. Are you offended by that too?
What wingnuts call truth, most folks call delusions. As with that Science wingnuts 'don't believe in'...provide proof.
Slappy, Nobels are political...which you would be aware of...had you experience in the fields.
Since the Chinese hold the note...Obama really should be speaking with them. Whether wingnuts like it or don't, China will be at least a regional power, if not a balance to the US Superpower. There is not a thing wingnuts can do about it. Maybe pout...
that is what your fellow fools said about vietnam and agent orange too...and lsd and cia crack dealers and jfk and mlk etc...
you true ccowards are still blind and still wrong.
ab: "conspiracies are real!!!!!!!"
Some are, most aren't.
The "Birther" thing seems to be a conspiracy of silence. It seems fairly obvious (to a non-lawyer)that the known facts about Obama's birth precluded him from running for President.
Under the laws in effect in the early sixties, the fact that one parent (Obama Sr.) was not a citizen and the only American parent (Stanley Ann) was under the age of 19 meant that their progeny could not in any way meet the requirements of being a "natural born" citizen.
The Constitution states "No person except a natural born Citizen, or a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution, shall be eligible to the Office of President".
As anyone who was a citizen in 1790 is now dead, only natural born citizens are eligible to be President.
A natural born citizen is a person who was born on U.S. soil to parents with U.S. citizenship.
Obama is not a "natural born" citizen because his father was a Kenyan national and a British subject, as was Obama, "at birth." Obama is a "native-born," 14th Amendment citizen because his mother was an American and he was born in Hawaii.
Does this really matter, especially at this point? It is interesting to note that his is not the first time this has happened, as apparently Chester A. Arthur's (the 21st president) father was an Irish immigrant who had not obtained naturalized citizenship at the time his son was born. (Arthur is generally regarded by historians a a pretty good President).
In any case, technicalities are probably not going to change anything at this late date. The way it actually is, if the state of Hawaii says he has a birth certificate, then as far as the law is concerned, he eligible to be President.
I would be much more interested to learn who paid for Obama's tuition at Columbia and at Harvard. Percy Sutton said it was Saudi financed via Khalid al-Mansour.
Conspiracy theories abound in athe absence of verifiable information. This shit can get pretty crazy pretty fast, but it is truly amazing how little documentation there is on the President's life. No one who attended Columbia in the early 1980's can even recall running into Barry. The only thing we have is his own (or Bill Ayer's?) based-on-a-true-story account from his autobiography.
Being curious about the facts of the President's life that have been so thoroughly scrubbed from the record doesn't necessarily mean one belives he is a "stealth candidate from another planet", just that when something is being hidden, there is usually a reason.
And yes Field, I believe in the moon landings. Cause I saw it on the TV.
"Slappy, Nobels are political...which you would be aware of...had you experience in the fields."
Of course they are.
Organizations actually lobby the Nobel committee for recognition of their scientists and operatives.
Slappy just wants to believe Nobel prizes are solely about merit because an inordinate amount of Jews have won Nobel prizes.
how can u dare deny what u refuse to reearch or see???
your blind hobama loving delusions and arrogantly ignorant cowardice will never save u fools
especially as hobama fools u more and clowns u more blatantly each day
no_slappz, "In law school students are supposed to develop their skills of logic and "issue spotting". Apparently you go bogged down at that point."
Are you saying black lawyers lack the logical mental skills that white lawyers have? That is a very good question not only for lawyers but for Mack Lyons as well. Of course, Mack is worse off because he is NOT a lawyer or even has a college education.
mold writes:
Slappy, Nobels are political...which you would be aware of...had you experience in the fields.
Hmmm. Political? Does that mean there is no black nation on the planet with the political pull to press the Nobel committee to give just one, just one award for physics, chemistry or medical science to a black scientist?
Meanwhile, inasmuch as the work of Nobel contestants is incorporated into everyday living -- even if the innovator himself did NOT win a prize -- you would think we would see evidence of the work by all those black scientists who did great work but did work that fell just a little short of winning a Nobel.
However, nothing has come out of all the great African universities, the places you would expect to have the laboratories where a cure and/or a vaccine for AIDS would emerge.
anonymous 2:23, you wrote:
Are you saying black lawyers lack the logical mental skills that white lawyers have?
In short -- yes. But court is a tricky business. Law schools, however, do their best to instill good logic skills and to teach students the art of "issue spotting."
In court, unfortunately, the game is often to avoid the issue by illogic. The OJ case is an easy example.
An OJ gambit was like the gambit field used earlier. In field's example, he concluded that because the governor of Hawaii admitted he could not locate Obama's original birth certificate -- I was a "birther".
The OJ parallel is that because it was determined that Officer Mark Fuhrmann once uttered the magic n-word, OJ did not murder his ex-wife and Ron Goldman.
Of course the jury desperately wanted to play along. They were so determined to play along that if OJ had admitted, while on the witness stand, that he had committed the murders and was guilty, the black jury would have thrown out his testimony and acquitted him anyway, probably claiming the stress of the trial made him offer a false confession, which we all know happens hourly.
rottnkid, you wrote:
Anti-Muslim Right-Wingers Attack NJ Gov. Chris Christie For Appointing Muslim Judge
What is meant by the term "muslim judge"? If Islam were just a religion, identifying someone as a "muslim judge" might mean next to nothing.
However, inasmuch as Islam is a religion/political doctrine/military, the term "muslim judge" takes on a much expanded meaning.
Christie made a mistake, a bad, a very bad call.
What happened to the "best person" for the job the rightism always throws out there?
This judge has associations that eliminate all possibility of him being "the best person for the job."
u r a useless waste of human organs ab anon psycho get a phukkin life and a job ya idgit!
Are you saying black lawyers lack the logical mental skills that white lawyers have?
In short --yes.
Slappy, you're a clown.
Just for ONE example, Thurgood Marshall was a Howard trained lawyer practicing during the height of Jim Crow segregation and won 32 of 34 cases he tried before the Supreme Court.
Besting lawyers from the most prominent and prestiges insitutions in the country.
Umm...if one had actually attended a thing called college, one might realize that there are more than a few persons who were not famous. How many recall Sarey? She, after all, sorta kinda winky visited at least five schools.
Before the studly Alzheimer's of st reagan, many students went to college on these things called 'loans'. As they were through the US government instead of banksters, the interest was affordable and the loan was not due until graduation or the student left school.
Oh, and before st reagan, there were scholarships that were available for those not born bush. Ted Rall has described this pretty well.
Fuhrman lied..not good if you are testifying. But, the jury looked at more than wingnut outrage that wingnuts can't say 'migger'. Just because OJ wed a wite girl doesn't make him guilty of murder.
Love how a person sneers at African Universities but offers no context. Hate to break it to them, but research costs money and takes more than pretending to study a single version of one religion's sacred text.
Odd that colour of skin is the decideration of logic skills. I would surmise that the writer bases this on something...but I wonder what it might be.
Birthers strike me as trying anything, anything to make Obama illegitimate as the elected President. They really can't accept an AfAm as in any way their equal...or superior.
Mold's posts need their own background music, like maybe the theme from "Psycho".
Birthers strike me as trying anything, anything to make Obama illegitimate as the elected President. They really can't accept an AfAm as in any way their equal...or superior.
Aww, Mold thats not true. whenever I see your name I think of superiority and my pet hamster. You are starting to scare me. Are your thoughts really that disconnected and are you that crazy or are you just a blithering idiot? By the way when you say "decideration" are you talking apple cider?
Let us know if you need help.
I'm the deciderator around here-a!
I've deciderated to de-cider the refrigerator.
Effective immebiably.
His Royal O-ness said...
I'm the deciderator around here-a!
I've deciderated to de-cider the refrigerator.
Effective immebiably
HAHA - SHHHH don't tell Mold, but DONT drink the apple juice!!!
"Are you saying black lawyers lack the logical mental skills that white lawyers have? That is a very good question not only for lawyers but for Mack Lyons as well. Of course, Mack is worse off because he is NOT a lawyer or even has a college education."
Get a load of this fucking guy. Gotta love anons who go for the throat. Too bad you missed. But don't worry -- LAA made the same mistake, so you're not alone.
As for this nonsense about Black lawyers apparently lacking whatever White lawyers have....it's exactly that. Nonsense. But the unreconstructed bigots among us have to keep that lie up so they can keep their mindset of White superiority intact.
Speaking of which:
"In short -- yes. But court is a tricky business. Law schools, however, do their best to instill good logic skills and to teach students the art of "issue spotting."
I have to ask what leads you to believe Blacks lack the "logical mental skills" that White lawyers supposedly have? I thought logic and competence transcended racial boundaries.
Or is this just an undercover insult against the Field that also covers all lawyers of colour?
"The OJ parallel is that because it was determined that Officer Mark Fuhrmann once uttered the magic n-word, OJ did not murder his ex-wife and Ron Goldman."
The case was a slam dunk until the LAPD's tampering of evidence and Fuhrmann's racial bias skunked the proceedings. Without adequate evidence that proved Simpson's guilt beyond a shadow of a doubt, the jury could not convict him.
On the other hand, civil trials for monetary damages have a far lower standard of proving innocence or guilt. Hence it's why the Goldbergs were able to win their civil suit against Simpson when the criminal courts were forced to acquit him of all charges.
AB, I'm sorry that you're having problems with your account. Perhaps if you can email me with some more info on the issues you're having, I could be of some assistance.
I have to ask what leads you to believe Blacks lack the "logical mental skills" that White lawyers supposedly have? I thought logic and competence transcended racial boundaries.
Sure, when you want a hand up we are all equal.
AB don't do it. The little dinosaur face mama's boy wants to get access to your password.
"Get a load of this fucking guy. Gotta love anons who go for the throat. Too bad you missed. But don't worry -- LAA made the same mistake, so you're not alone."
What is your obsession with LAA? Did something she said to you hurt that bad?
Yeah, I noticed his obsession too, he wants her to come back to slay him some more. He's a pathetic little kid.
AB, he was probably the one who hacked your account. He's the rapist trying to console the victim who doesn't know its him. Sick little kid.
Anonymous said...
Yeah, I noticed his obsession too, he wants her to come back to slay him some more. He's a pathetic little kid.
Guys like him love when women have the upper hand AND a strap-on, she pays the bills, she might as wel make a woman out of him.
I guess you could say hes LAA's little bitch.
ditto gang! I just got my account fixed...
btw- ditto!
"ditto gang! I just got my account fixed..."
Good to hear.
AB must have just landed from her latest alien abduction / anal-probe.
The internet doesn't work so well on Jupiter.
So. The Governor of Haiwaii can't come up with the REAL Birth Certificate for Obama. Even tho he declared it was a "personal" issue in his campaing to do so, and end any speculation. More importantly...who was the doctor, and the nurse(s) present? All dead?
I have MY long form....if you were born in the US, you can get one too. I know the doctor that delivered me, AND the two nurse's name.
When something stinks, usually something is dead, or somebody farted.
I just wonder. At one time, I thought Obama was just messing with people's head about this.
"When something stinks, usually something is dead, or somebody farted.
I just wonder. At one time, I thought Obama was just messing with people's head about this."
My god people let it go! Question for you: with the billions of dollars and a seat to power at stake in the last election; do you really believe that his O ness could run for Prez. and be elected if he was not a citizen? *shaking head*
"Or is this just an undercover insult against the Field that also covers all lawyers of colour?"
Mack,I think it's both of the above. But don't worry, lots of white ADAs have made the same mistake. I hope they continue to think that way. Mo money for us. What's that song by Eddie Kendricks? We just "Keep On Trucking". :)
i will fix it all asap
busy wk!
have a great weekend
Bad argument, the easily refuted b.s. that the racists post here shows the myth of white racial superiority. I love the guy who says Blacks can't succeed after 5 generations, love that one. Seeing that I'm the first generation that did not have to face blatant racism and legal discrimination I think we're doing ok and I'm 38. Good point bring up my frat bro Thurgood Marshall who had to win cases before the SC while having to deal with racism and discrimination. We are outstanding as a people, always have and always will. I'm just surprised more whites aren't more successful seeing that they could do whatever without opposition and a helping hand. Sad.
Also gotta love wingnut logic, assuming Irish people like potatoes because they are Irish when EVERYBODY eats potatoes. And they had the nerve to try to say Black people lack logic? SMDH
Field I can't even begin to express the sheer disappointment at the last election. Obviously I voted Strickland, because of McGee-Brown who I am hopeful will resurface in the next election.
Unfortunately, it is politics as usual in Ohio. I can only hope the city council is more in tune with the populations needs in the interim.
This bastard(kasich) campaigned on bringing jobs to Ohio and the day after the election kills the state's participation in the hi-speed rail program. Now if it was so important to kill b4 he took office, why didn't he say something about it during the campaign.
Those of us stuck here in O-Hi are so screwed. Y'all pray for us.
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