I want to start this post by making a personal appeal to you Negroes: Please stop with this rumor that John Boehner's mother was a sister and was doing the whole passe blanc thing.
This stuff has been going around on the web for a few days now and it needs to stop. I know he went there first, but let's stop digging into the man's background for (black) skeletons.
Happy trails hip hop Mike. I guess those melanin challenged folks over at the RNC got tired of you going all 106 & Park at your public speaking engagements. That and the little money issues you were having. ---Actually it was more like the big money issues. See Mike, that's why those folks don't want us around their money; because of Negroes like you.
Anyway A-merry-ca, get ready to hear a lot about* Reince Priebus in the coming days. REINCE PRIEBUS. The poor guy's name sounds like some kind of rare disease. REINCE PRIEBUS???
Somehow that name seems fitting for the leader of the RNC. Good luck Reince, and be kind to Mike.
Finally, I recently blogged about brothers being able to use public rest rooms here in A-merry-ca, and now it seems that even famous brothers don't get to tinkle when they want to.
"An assistant manager at McDonald's was fired after allowing Minnesota Vikings star Adrian Peterson to use the bathroom while the restaurant was closed.
While working the late-night drive-thru shift at 3 a.m., a female employee encountered a man standing outside the window who asked to come inside and use the restroom. After a little while, she realized it was the popular Minnesota Vikings star and opened the door for him to come inside and use the facilities. (The seating area at the restaurant is normally closed during the late-night hours.)
One week later, the mother of three was fired for the offense.
"He's a public figure... I know him better than some of the maintenance people that come in and out," she told The Consumerist. "I never thought in a million years that that decision was going to cost me my career." [Source]
Oh lawd!! Come on Micky D's. It was Adrian Peterson for crying out loud! Here is hoping that Adrian uses his influence and wealth to get girlfriend her job back. After all, she was just helping out a brotha.
Folks, I have to go now. I just found out that I am a Leo and not a Virgo anymore. I am all messed up inside.
Well Hip-Hop Mike served his purpose, so the Tea Party Brigades and their corporate backers have sent him out to pasture.
Not shock there. I was more shocked that these cats were arguing about who had the biggest gun rack last week. I'm not kidding. It was a few days before the Tuscon shooting, but still that just disturbing.
But Boehner is the Speaker and the GOP control the Congress and many more state houses. So what does it matter which of these corporate stooges leads the band of merry bigots against Obama?
Me too, now a Leo, once was a Virgo. It's so confusing.
The black guy always dies first. Just like the red shirt guy on Star Trek.
For safety and liability reasons, when the dine-in lobby of the restaurant closes, absolutely no customers are allowed in, even if they have to take a #1 or #2. The last thing McDs needs is someone who was let in after hours to use the restroom robbing and injuring or killing the workers inside. Yeah, it was Adrian Peterson, but still.
Prince Reibus....I mean, Reince Priebus? Sounds like a bacterial infection originating in bovines. Or a really bad S-Curl perm. The guy comes from Wisconsin, which some people are saying it's turning into a northern Mid-western version of Mississip. I gotta confirm that before commenting more on it.
John Boehner is not Black. His mammy and pappy were just a bit too cavalier with the fruit foreplay. Or he could be the product of a desperate man and an orange. Who knows?
Condolences go out to Hip Hop Mike, man of Steele. I guess the RNC didn't need your Black ass anymore. Hope you can pump out a bestselling autobiography or make good speeches.
"We have to get on track," Priebus declared after his win, vowing to focus on fundraising immediately for what experts expect to be a billion-dollar presidential campaign in 2012 -- on both sides."
You gotta love those politicians, they can come up with billions to run for elections, but can't come up with two cents when it comes to education, health care, housing, local, and state government, and grandma and grandpa, etc. Maybe, ALL Americans should be politicians. Smh!
Now, I know why my grandfather used to say, "When the wicked rule the poor suffer."
"Prince Reibus....I mean, Reince Priebus? Sounds like a bacterial infection originating in bovines. Or a really bad S-Curl perm."
Mack, that was funny.
"The black guy always dies first. Just like the red shirt guy on Star Trek."
Trapped, that too. Do you guys have comedy writers tonight? :)
I, like the rest of you, send my heartfelt prayers out to hip hop mike.
La~Coinciddental, please tell me that gun rack story isn't true. :(
Sophia, have you noticed your personality starting to get more aggressive as well? It must be that new Lion in us.
Granny, you spit truth. The wicked have been ruling for a long time.
"You gotta love those politicians, they can come up with billions to run for elections, but can't come up with two cents when it comes to education, health care, housing, local, and state government, and grandma and grandpa, etc. Maybe, ALL Americans should be politicians. Smh!"
He's not concerned about any of those things. He's concerned about generating campaign dollars and filling his Rolodex with important political connections, some of which in turn will keep him in the black with "advisory" positions, gifts and other perks. In the end, he'll get to retire fat and happy.
BTW, Field, I hope you had that sit-down with the president of Anon, Inc., over that flagrant trespass of privacy earlier. That was just plain bad form.
Field, its too weird not be true - here's the link. Now granted, its was few days before before the shooting, but these creeps were competing for which one had the largest arsenal. The old Gangstarr song "Tonz of Gunz" is more relevant everyday.
"BTW, Field, I hope you had that sit-down with the president of Anon, Inc., over that flagrant trespass of privacy earlier. That was just plain bad form."
I feel ya. Let's see extortion, blackmail, violation of civil rights. Wow, it does not get any better than that. Smh!
"Now, I know why my grandfather used to say, "When the wicked rule the poor suffer."
Gosh, I thought she was going to tell us about her grandfather being white, you know how she loves to talk about how much white people she has in her family tree.
There's a silver lining at the end of these golden arches, though: After the local media reported on the woman's termination, McDonald's gave her back her old job.
Anonymous 12:31:
LOL! How much sleep do you lose over me at night? As for myself I sleep like a baby...peaceful. *wink* It must be hard being you. Smh!
BTW, do you always speak for plural persons like you and others are having secret meetings to discuss Granny, which would be petty and a waste of productive time. Or is that how many different spirits you have in you?
"Granny, which would be petty and a waste of productive time. Or is that how many different spirits you have in you?"
For your information I'm not the same anon you think I am. Of course you don't lose sleep at night, you seem to think there's just one anon who isn't afraid to stand up to you. News flash lady, its more than one of us.
Word verification: phili
"Of course you don't lose sleep at night, you seem to think there's just one anon who isn't afraid to stand up to you. News flash lady, its more than one of us."
Granny, these guys are scared shitless of you. They wouldn't be so damned defensive if they weren't.
"There's a silver lining at the end of these golden arches, though: After the local media reported on the woman's termination, McDonald's gave her back her old job."
Good for her.
Anonymous 1:35:
Wow! LOL! Okay, so which anonymous am I speaking to now that has come out? That seems to think that they need to stand up to me for reason? LOL!
Evidently! Why I don't know, because I am not here to cause any harm to anyone.
As a long term inmate of Pennsyltucky, I can state that the gun measuring contest was won by Priebus. The others just mouthed words...he has the actual mojo. And those in Pennsyltucky who have 8 (or more) guns per person know this.
It does irk the law-abiding gun-owning citizen to be equated with a cowardly wingnut who shoots children.
Wisconsin has been hit pretty hard by the bushDepression. Can't blame themselves for voting against their interests...so they look for scapegoats. Chicago, with its vast urban underclass of shifty, lazy urbanites serves quite well as a distraction.
It was NOT about reluctance to offer bathrooms (batrooms?) to minorities. The AM placed people at risk. How many brothers claim to be playing for the local sports franchise for 'dates' and freebies? I have been at a bar and many a strapping young lad has made the assertion that they were on 'the team'. Umm...like the VietNam Vet scam...I do know enough to laugh in your face. AM broke the policy.
"BTW, Field, I hope you had that sit-down with the president of Anon, Inc., over that flagrant trespass of privacy earlier. That was just plain bad form."
Mack, those comments were deleted. I never edit comments, but you are right; those crossed the line. The personal stuff is not cool.
I hope the President will come forward and denounce his peeps.
Anon. 1:02 AM, thanks for that update. That's good news.
these crossed the line, as do many directed at me all the time.
yet, they stay. vulgar, disgusting, gross and racist. (and not relevant or add value to the discussion!)
the ones addressed to granny also should be deleted. there should be some rules about basic decency and respect.
Anonymous said...
maria said...
as far as influences, if you, n-s, were my dad, i'd sure as shit be messed up enough to kill people. i'll bet your neighbors view you exactly the way jared's dad is. in fact, maybe YOU are him. his dad is a nutcase who doesn't work. probably spends all day posting spew on websites.
Maria, Immediate red flag. You had a fucked up childhood with a bad father otherwise you wouldnt know what its like to have a bad father and the results, then try to project.
How does your family like the fact that you are a chocolate chugger latrina?
You really need some edumacation. AB owns your ass...well everyone does everytime you open that sperm depository of a mouth.
2:54 PM
Take out the vowels in Reince Priebus' name and you get "RNC PR BS." No lie! ROTFLMAO
maria, quite a lot of the things said are vile and disgusting. The things directed at Granny and AB, and some of the things directed at you comes to mind. Sadly, this is the nature of the web. Folks can hide behind anonymity to do ignorant and uncalled for things.
(You should see my e-mails sometime. )
Still, as bad as those things are; they did not get into the personal information about you and your work place etc, which is where they seemed to be trying to go with UTS.
That's why I had to delete that stuff.
Dr. I LOVE IT! :)
Maria, for every ignorant comment from an Anon. you get a great one from folks like Dr. above.
It's why I still do this blogging thing.
Adrian Peterson can use my restroom anytime. I won't even check the employee handbook.
maria said...
these crossed the line, as do many directed at me all the time.
yet, they stay. vulgar, disgusting, gross and racist. (and not relevant or add value to the discussion!)
the ones addressed to granny also should be deleted. there should be some rules about basic decency and respect.
Anonymous said...
maria said...
as far as influences, if you, n-s, were my dad, i'd sure as shit be messed up enough to kill people. i'll bet your neighbors view you exactly the way jared's dad is. in fact, maybe YOU are him. his dad is a nutcase who doesn't work. probably spends all day posting spew on websites.
Maria you are right on. That was pretty hurtful for an anon to tell you if you were his dad you would sure enough be messed up enough to start killing people, in fact maybe you are the killers dad and that you dont work and spend all day on blogs.
I was shocked when they said that to you.
obviously that is not what i was talking about.
maria said...
obviously that is not what i was talking about.
Oh got ya, so your vulgarity and not adding value to any discussion is ok but god forbid anyone engage in the same behaviour as you, then you are outraged. Oops, sorry didn't mean to offend you by mentioning god. So what offends someone else is ok as long as it fits your standards?
Yes you are a leftard hypocrite.
Allahu akbar and Salami Lickem.
mlk would shed no tears and sing no praises for mike s or hobama...
both whores are national disgraces!
carry on anon. but you know that i never post anything that is vulgar or anywhere near resembling the attacks to which i have been subject.
mareally a delusional amnesiac:
check the archives herein.
like hobama, u lie!!!
Thanks for deleting the coward.
Can the anon please post what it was that got deleted? I missed it. Quick before field deletes.
maria said...
carry on anon. but you know that i never post anything that is vulgar or anywhere near resembling the attacks to which i have been subject.
Of course.
Your attacks are just fine. It's everyone else's that are not acceptable. I understand. There, there now deary, take the little white pill it will calm you down.
You mean UTS real name and work place and wife's name? I got it before it got deleted.
It really was a beautiful sight. It shut UTS up fast. At first he was all short black tough man and said "what are you going to do about it" then his friend did something and posted his info. The best part was after challenging him/her, he then cried to FN. I always say don't bite off more than you can chew. It was priceless.
How the heck did you find that out? LOL. I should have been there.
I'm sure there were quite a few good reasons that Steele got bounced.
But one stands out.
Recently while he was part of a televised panel discussion, he was asked for the title of his favorite book.
He said Tolstoy's "War and Peace". Okay.
But then he offered the opening line of the novel. He said "It was the best of times, it was the worst of times."
As you might now, that's the opening of "Tale of Two Cities", by Charles Dickens.
actually, it was as obnoxious as shit and completely uncalled fort. and no, i do not stoop to the level of others who attack me here.
white pill? is that what you take, LA?
"white pill? is that what you take, LA?"
You're doing it again, picking trouble. When she abuses you don't come crying to us and pretend you're innocent.
"You mean UTS real name and work place and wife's name? I got it before it got deleted."
This fucking guy again? Field, if there was an opportunity to ban someone's ass, now would be the time to do it.
anon8:41 from the previous thread:
As a fellow Christian, I am saddened by the change of your posts in the past year. You have been using language you used to never use on here and you are engaging in some pretty low brow accusing exchanges with the pitiful anons. Stay strong in Christ and don't stoop to these levels. It seems that they have gotten to you too."
anon, thanks for speaking the truth about someone pretending to be "Standingfortruth". The sad thing is she pretends to be a good Christian but talks like a grade A sinner. It's very sad how easily Satan has won her over without even a fight.
Granny Granny why hast thou forsaken the Man upstairs?
Field, "I want to start this post by making a personal appeal to you Negroes: Please stop with this rumor that John Boehner's mother was a sister and was doing the whole passe blanc thing."
Thanks for saying this. Negroes who are trying to put down Boehner by discussing a possibility of him being Black don't realize what they are saying about themselves and their race.
To Field: It's not too bad being a Leo. I think I'm going to stick to western astrology since I've been a Leo all my life....LOL
Field it isn't so bad being a Leo.
I think I'll stick with western astrology since I've been a Leo for 6 decades. LOL
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