Boy those wingnuts in Washington are off to a really great start.
"House GOP leaders are scrambling to remedy the rocky start to the opening of the 112th Congress by approving a measure Friday to invalidate votes taken by two Republican lawmakers who weren't properly sworn in.
As The Ticket reported Thursday, the leaders were stunned discover that two representatives — veteran Texas Rep. Pete Sessions and freshman Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick — weren't on the House floor Wednesday during the official swearing-in. Instead, they were in the Capitol Visitors Center at a party marking Fitzpatrick's first day in Congress. At one point, the lawmakers looked up and noticed on TV that the oath was being administered to their colleagues." [Source]
"House GOP leaders are scrambling to remedy the rocky start to the opening of the 112th Congress by approving a measure Friday to invalidate votes taken by two Republican lawmakers who weren't properly sworn in.
As The Ticket reported Thursday, the leaders were stunned discover that two representatives — veteran Texas Rep. Pete Sessions and freshman Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Fitzpatrick — weren't on the House floor Wednesday during the official swearing-in. Instead, they were in the Capitol Visitors Center at a party marking Fitzpatrick's first day in Congress. At one point, the lawmakers looked up and noticed on TV that the oath was being administered to their colleagues." [Source]
First order of business; pass a bill to repeal "Obamacare". It has no shot of passing, but hey, you know, anything for the "tea party" folks.
Meanwhile, here in Pistolvania, republi-clowns are taking steps to keep those immigrants from getting out of control.
"Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are crossing U.S. borders to give birth and exploit their child as an 'anchor baby'.." [Source]
You tell em, Daryl. And, while we are at it, why don't just we revoke the citizenship of all those Negroes who live in Detroit? I mean, since we are just kind of toying around with the 14th Amendment, why don't we just go for it?
And finally, the republi-clown governor is killing people in Arizona.
"Two people have already died in Arizona and another 96 are waiting for a life-saving transplant they may no longer be able to afford after the state slashed money reserved for the procedures.
One lawmaker said Arizona is now home to "death panels." And those whose names were on the list, those who will surely die without a transplant, found themselves in a state of disbelief.
"It's a shock to me," said Randall Shepherd, who thought he would receive Medicaid funding for the heart transplant he needs.
"There's a bit of a personal loss and the realization that this could be me in time if something's not changed here," Shepherd said, referring to the two who have died. "Until I get a new heart, my life is in a holding pattern."
Shepherd, like many others outraged by the state decision to slash $1.2 million from the state's Medicaid funding, said he believes the cuts could have come from elsewhere. Nonetheless, he said he understands the reasoning behind the decision.
"It's obvious. If the state's broke, it is broke," he said. "I can kick and scream all I want, and if there's no money for a transplant, it is just not going to happen.
"I really feel bad for the governor, for the legislators, those who had to make this decision," he said. "I certainly wouldn't want to be in their shoes and making the call that results in somebody else living or dying."
Arizona's Senate Minority Leader-elect David Schapira, a Democrat from Tempe, said he will seek emergency restoration of Medicaid coverage for certain kinds of transplants.
"I would like to alert people in the rest of the country that we have death panels right here in Arizona, and those who cut this funding and refuse to restore it are the death panels," Schapira said.
He was referring to Gov. Jan Brewer and her fellow Republicans who now hold a two-thirds majority in both legislative chambers. Schapira called Brewer "a one-person death panel." [Source]
You tell em, Daryl. And, while we are at it, why don't just we revoke the citizenship of all those Negroes who live in Detroit? I mean, since we are just kind of toying around with the 14th Amendment, why don't we just go for it?
And finally, the republi-clown governor is killing people in Arizona.
"Two people have already died in Arizona and another 96 are waiting for a life-saving transplant they may no longer be able to afford after the state slashed money reserved for the procedures.
One lawmaker said Arizona is now home to "death panels." And those whose names were on the list, those who will surely die without a transplant, found themselves in a state of disbelief.
"It's a shock to me," said Randall Shepherd, who thought he would receive Medicaid funding for the heart transplant he needs.
"There's a bit of a personal loss and the realization that this could be me in time if something's not changed here," Shepherd said, referring to the two who have died. "Until I get a new heart, my life is in a holding pattern."
Shepherd, like many others outraged by the state decision to slash $1.2 million from the state's Medicaid funding, said he believes the cuts could have come from elsewhere. Nonetheless, he said he understands the reasoning behind the decision.
"It's obvious. If the state's broke, it is broke," he said. "I can kick and scream all I want, and if there's no money for a transplant, it is just not going to happen.
"I really feel bad for the governor, for the legislators, those who had to make this decision," he said. "I certainly wouldn't want to be in their shoes and making the call that results in somebody else living or dying."
Arizona's Senate Minority Leader-elect David Schapira, a Democrat from Tempe, said he will seek emergency restoration of Medicaid coverage for certain kinds of transplants.
"I would like to alert people in the rest of the country that we have death panels right here in Arizona, and those who cut this funding and refuse to restore it are the death panels," Schapira said.
He was referring to Gov. Jan Brewer and her fellow Republicans who now hold a two-thirds majority in both legislative chambers. Schapira called Brewer "a one-person death panel." [Source]
Maybe Sarah was right, but she had the wrong person all along. Jan Brewer, how do you sleep at night? That was a rhetorical question. I know you sleep quite well. You are, after all, a wingnut.
They have no idea... scratch that... they do know the implications of amending the 14th Amendment as far as Negroes are concerned. Now all we gotta worry about now is if a one-way plane ticket to West Africa comes with that.
These people are insane which is why they elected Brewer. Nothing against my mentally touched sisters and brotheren but have you seen Brewer's eyes? She's got THAT look. Same with Sharon Angle and that one chick from Texas who talked to the make believe FBI agent that told her about terrorist babies. Well, at least they're funny and since amerikkka is on its way towards oblivion we might as well laugh on the way. Of course I'll be laughing on the beach of a Black nation but it's still funny nonetheless.
Great title descrip, "Republicans are on a roll."
The things the GOP are putting on the agenda are disappointing but expected. Such meanness behind some of them: Obamacare repeal, Immigration reform...The fear tactics they use and the lies they tell.
On a positive note, Ted Williams, whom you put in your sidebar, gets a job using his beautiful voice after being homeless and worse for the past few years. I worked in radio 28 yrs and unemployed djs are a dime a dozen but, his story is a happy note.
No Field, he does not. Anyone with clear eyes will tell you that that photo in your sidebar looks a lot like Sammy Davis Jr.
Field, may I suggest that you find another book to read? American Uprising is a questionable book about a questionable slave uprising. Don't believe everything you read. Slaves hardly revolted, let alone have any large uprisings.
Field, why are you coming down on Jan Brewer? You know Arizona doesn't have a nickel to spare for much of anything, let alone transplants for people who are going to die anyway.
Where's your compassion for the Governor? If people need a transplant, why not move to Pistolvania-and see how much help they get there. I'm sure you can pull some money strings for the line of Arizonians who need it.
These are very hard times and as usual, you progressive liberal black dems are busy finding fault with great Republicans you disagree with. You folks really need to be on valium.
The wingnuts have broken promises already now saying that the 100 million dollar cuts they promised the Teabaggers was just a number they came up with. Word is they won't try and cut half of that.
The Teagaggers got screwed by the puppet masters and they didn't even get a kiss before getting kicked to the curb.
PilotX, "These people are insane which is why they elected Brewer. Nothing against my mentally touched sisters and brotheren but have you seen Brewer's eyes? She's got THAT look. Same with Sharon Angle and that one chick from Texas who talked to the make believe FBI agent that told her about terrorist babies. Well, at least they're funny and since amerikkka is on its way towards oblivion we might as well laugh on the way. Of course I'll be laughing on the beach of a Black nation but it's still funny nonetheless."
The only one who is insane is YOU. There is nothing wrong with Brewer's eyes...in fact, they are quite beautiful. But your black eyes look demonic, like some dracular who is over 500 years old.
Yeah, go ahead and laugh. But there isn't going to be a beach available for nuts like you, esp a Black Nation. Talk about 'oblivion'...black nations are definitely headed that way. And so is the Black American race.
I AM laughing, though. At your twisted sick fantasies.
The Repubs have everything under control. It's the dems who have lost it. So now you folks want to find fault with the Reps the American people elected? They were elected because Dems were stupid and totally irresponsible. Serves you right.
The repubs have everything under control? Ha! Must be a humor troll. Those MF's don't even have a plan for health care. Boehner had over a year to get a plan together so they could replace "Obamacare" but when asked what his plan was dumbass could only muster a "we have to go to committee and decide". Real leadership there scooter, spend months and years bitching about the Dem's plan but have nothing of their own. It's gonna be a long two years but it will be funny.
Oh yeah dumbass anontroll, demons have red eyes;-)
"Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are crossing U.S. borders to give birth and exploit their child as an 'anchor baby'.." [Source]
I believe the number is 340,000, and that the number is based on hospital records.
"It's a shock to me," said Randall Shepherd, who thought he would receive Medicaid funding for the heart transplant he needs.
Ridiculous. A heart transplant at public expense? Forget it.
This is funny.
I thought Medicaid was money from the FEDs. How could Brewer allocate the money for some other purpose. Fortunately for Kidney patients, they are eligible for Medicare.
Some people think that transplants patients have always been on welfare and somehow not deserving the money spent on their life. They also don't understand that their health insurance covers transplant and that cost is spread across their group. They pay one way or another.
When some of those people talk of paying out of pocket, then I know they've never seen hospital bill? A transplant cost would be like paying back a loan for 4 years at an Ivy league school, which would be the rest of your life on an average $80,000 salary; plus between 6 to 10 thousand dollars a year for medication.
Most times a successful transplant will allow that person to be a successful citizen and contribute taxes and the GDP of the country.
If there were enough jobs, a healthy nation would be a prosperous nation. The government funding health care, would be a boom to the business and government.
n_s, do you have a link?
"Field, why are you coming down on Jan Brewer? You know Arizona doesn't have a nickel to spare for much of anything, let alone transplants for people who are going to die anyway.
Where's your compassion for the Governor?"
Dear Mr. President of Anon. Inc....
"Two people have already died in Arizona and another 96 are waiting for a life-saving transplant they may no longer be able to afford after the state slashed money reserved for the procedures."
Life-saving transplant of which organs?
Kidneys are one thing. That works well enough. But livers and hearts? Forget it. Way too expensive and rarely do they give recipients more than a few extra years.
Here's a little advice that everyone should take -- Don't Smoke, Cut Back on Drinking and Get Some Exercise.
Those lifestyle changes will wipe out lung cancer and cirrhosis, lead to healthier hearts.
Much cheaper and far more effective than transplants.
Pilot X, thanks for that link. "Toe man" is just another FAKE NEWS clown.
Wrong Rippa, they know EXACTLY what it means.
Be careful what you wish for.
n_s, one of the poor souls who died as a result of Brewer's antics was white. Does that change your position on this subject?
I do not recall if I read the 340,000 figure in a print article or saw it on a news show. I'll check on it.
I am opposed to giving high-cost, low-value medical treatment to Medicaid patients. Their color or race is irrelevant.
As usual, you are lost when it comes to financial realities.
MediCARE is a Federal program.
MediCAID is mostly financed by states, but the states get a contribution from Washington.
In NY State, Medicaid is the single largest item in the state budget.
This year it is budgeted at $50 BILLION, which works out to $12,500 per Medicaid patient.
That figure is TWICE the national average for All healthcare.
Thus, we know where ObamaCare will take us. The NY State price-tag will become the national price-tag.
By the way, the region of the country with the lowest healthcare costs is Utah -- where the Mormons live.
Why? Because Mormons drink very little, do not smoke, do not drink coffee and tend to have some good sense about diet. They are living proof that healthy living can reduce medical costs across the board.
I think you are behind in your knowledge. One thing there are many other reasons for transplants beside poor lifestyle decisions.
Also Kidney transplants aren't cheap either.
I am opposed to giving high-cost, low-value medical treatment to Medicaid patients. Their color or race is irrelevant."
Why would you consider a heart transplant "low-value".?
I have to agree with you there Field. Despite the ignorance on display by your boy Slappy some people get diseases through no fault of their own. A close family member is waiting on a liver due to a bad blood transfusion in 1980. The lack of empathy in these conservatives is astounding. Lucky for us my family member was a union member and had good insurance and a pension, I can only imagine if they were poor and had no insurance. When shit hits home opinions change quickly.
Kidney transplants are probably the most successful of organ transplants.
Meanwhile, I don't care too much about why someone needs a new heart or liver. But lots of liver and heart problems are lifestyle problems. In fact, most heart problems are due to lifestyle.
Livers are sometimes ruined by hepatitis, which is sometimes a lifestyle issue and sometimes not.
A friend of mine contracted hepatitis as a soldier in Vietnam. He was not a drinker, smoker or drug user.
He got a new liver. But after a while his body rejected it. Then he got a second liver. This transplant was more successful. But about three years after he got the second liver, he did what most liver transplant patients do -- he died.
He was not responsible for the illness that ruined his liver. Not that it matters. During most of his life after getting his new livers, he was in a seriously weakened state and was often delirious.
Steve Jobs of Apple got a new liver last year. I'd say he's got no more than another 4 years to live. But he can pay all his medical bills, and I'm sure he donates generously to the organ transplant program in Tennessee or Kentucky. He got his new liver in one of those two states.
Pilot X,
Truth be told, they take advantages of the system too.
Heart transplants are wildly expensive and the recipients generally die a few years after getting their new hearts. Moreover, the ongoing expense of living on anti-rejection drugs is substantial and life is seriously limited.
If someone has the money to buy a new heart, that's great. But few do and one of the reasons healthcare insurance is as expensive as it is, is due to our willingness to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on procedures that do little to extend life.
Same goes for end-of-life treatments. The wife of a college friend of mine died of cancer last summer. She endured three years of progressively more brutal and medically less effective treatments until she finally said enough -- and let herself die.
About half way through her decline it was understood there was no chance of recovery. Moreover, during the second half of her decline, everyone around her suffered as they watched the disease run its course and then watched as the treatments made her sick and miserable. Sorry. Not worth it. Not medically, not emotionally and not financially.
hobama has been on a MUCH more brutal and bloody roll globally for years!!!...
the best that his repub clones can ever do is catch up!
The survival rate often depends on how one health has deteriorated until they can find a suitable donor. That is why there is encouragement for people to become donors.
One reason Kidney transplants are more successful is because they have expanded the donor list and use a live donor. There is dialysis as treatment while waiting. In children they are beginning to use more live donors for liver transplants. There is a developing dialysis treatment for some liver diseases, which will improve the success of a liver transplant.
Yes there are people who die with transplants but the morbidity rate may not be as high as you think.
If there were not people willing to try what you call high risk, low value treatment, there would be little advancement in medicine.
During the years of transplantation, medication has improved, the criteria of tissue matching has changed and the surgical procedures are as accurate as having an appendix removed.
@Hathor With Medicaid, some money comes from the Federal government, the rest comes from the states funds. With the state funds, the state can decide how to use the funds however they wish.
Arizona, apparently, thinks its better to spend millions of dollars on the "illegal immigrant problem" rather than extending their citizens' lives.
Thanks for that info.
I wonder if she gave those waiting for a transplant enough time to try to raise money.
"I wonder if she gave those waiting for a transplant enough time to try to raise money."
They tried to have a bake sale, but Michelle Obama shut it down.
PilotX, "Oh yeah dumbass anontroll, demons have red eyes;-)"
Obviously you haven't seen Dracula movies cause their eyes are 'black' dumbass. Are you sure you are a pilot? Your awareness is much too scant to be one. Remind me not to fly on your airlines...
You are a sorry ambassador for United Airlines. With people across the globe reading FN blog, I am sure they are taking note how stupid United's pilots are. They are probablyl experiencing a loss of passenger business cause people are avoiding United...LOL...thanks to you..lol
"But your black eyes look demonic" president of anon please invest in Hooked on Phonics for your moronic flock. Thanks.
Looks like Slappy brings up a good point, some people choose to die rather than go through more medical treatment which is why end of life counseling is important. Oh yeah, it was removed because dumbassed conservatives listened to Palin's simple ass and called it a death panel. Good god this country is going to hell and will be lead by imbecels with tea bags hanging from their hats.
BTW Dracula was a vampire not a demon. Astounding amount of ignorance prevails these days.
"If someone has the money to buy a new heart, that's great. But few do and one of the reasons healthcare insurance is as expensive as it is, is due to our willingness to spend hundreds of thousands of dollars on procedures that do little to extend life."
It generally boils down to this: if you have the money to buy a new heart (which many wealthy people keep that sort of money under their couches), then it's all well and good. If you don't, and you want to rely on healthcare insurance/medicare/etc., then the government or the insurance companies get to decide whether your life is worth saving.
Working class people of little means are expected to NOT rely on government largess -- they have to "pull themselves up by the bootstraps" and struggle on their own to survive. On the other hand, the wealthy can take as much from the government as they like, on the unspoken condition that the government gets a little piece of whatever action the wealthy cook up. And the wealthy can pay for that with the spare change their maids found in the sock drawer.
So it amuses me to see these wealthy and well-connected conservative fellows in Congress posture over a healthcare bill and front about gutting Social Security, and seeing this Brewer person essentially play judge/jury/executioner with Medicaid transplants. I bet if Brewer needed a heart transplant, she'd get one ASAP -- after all, she has the money.
As for the man with the golden voice? Yeah, same facial features and all. He looked more Latino-ish in some of his "glamour shots" from past times, though.
"You are a sorry ambassador for United Airlines. With people across the globe reading FN blog, I am sure they are taking note how stupid United's pilots are. They are probablyl experiencing a loss of passenger business cause people are avoiding United...LOL...thanks to you..lol"
I'm sure you're the type of guy who goes through the "pornoscan" hoping someone will get to see your wee lil weenie. And you're the only guy the TSA won't pat down -- just a wave of a wand and off you go. I can see how you'd be disappointed.
"Here's a little advice that everyone should take -- Don't Smoke, Cut Back on Drinking and Get Some Exercise.
Those lifestyle changes will wipe out lung cancer and cirrhosis, lead to healthier hearts.
Much cheaper and far more effective than transplants."
That's actually good, solid advice.
But it won't help those who already need liver and heart transplants right now.
Pilotx said to anony: "BTW Dracula was a vampire not a demon"
Vampires are actually demons. They are linked to the demon underworld.
Anony asked PiloX: "Are you sure you are a pilot?"
Now Anony, you shouldn't asked such rude questions, I'm sure there are Aviation schools that take PlayStation® scores seriously.
The article stated: "Hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens are crossing U.S. borders to give birth and exploit their child as an 'anchor baby'.." [Source]
Then Field said in response: "You tell em, Daryl. And, while we are at it, why don't just we revoke the citizenship of all those Negroes who live in Detroit? "
LOL. Sorry, but I don't get the connection. Why must some of you black people do this? When will some of you stop acting like runaway slaves begging for allies. Dear black people: Non-black illegals coming to America do not need your help, nor support, in fact they are more worried about being associated with you.
I'm not even going to get into this anymore, it's useless.
And I see the google fairy is at it again...
"Here's a little advice that everyone should take -- Don't Smoke, Cut Back on Drinking and Get Some Exercise."
You forgot to mention to cut back on stuffing your fat faces with burgers, cornbread, sweetpotato pies, other pies, cakes, ham, KFC and Popeyes'fried chicken, french fries, custards, jelly beans, chitterlings, and other foods that causes so much gluttony and fat huge bodies in the black community.
LAA, "LOL. Sorry, but I don't get the connection. Why must some of you black people do this? When will some of you stop acting like runaway slaves begging for allies. Dear black people: Non-black illegals coming to America do not need your help, nor support, in fact they are more worried about being associated with you."
I am in total agreement. I don't get the connection with Negroes in Detroit, either. It sounds like Field considers Blacks in Detroit as illegal immigrants or aliens. I don't know why he thinks like an overzealous black ignoramus when it comes to illegal immigrants when Blacks are suffering greatly from lack of jobs, education, health, drugs, and crime. All total, the Black race is in 'survival mode', yet Field is busy defending and MORE interested in saving the Mexicans who don't give a damn about us. In fact, they support the Whites in discriminating, eliminating and keeping us down.
But Blacks like Field and some others on this blog- have always been retards when it comes to caring for their own race. They would much rather care about another race who doesn't give a shit about us.
Because of that kind of twisted perverted self-sabotaged thinking we are headed for extinction.
"LOL. Sorry, but I don't get the connection. Why must some of you black people do this?"
Getting rid of the "anchor baby" process has been something that's been on the GOP's Wish List for some time. I'm just figuring out how twisting around the 14th Amendment will do just that and much more.
So what does this have to do with Black folk? Well, similar twistings of the Constitution can erode whatever rights on paper we managed to get. Consider the attack on the illegals as a sort of loose test run.
"Non-black illegals coming to America do not need your help, nor support, in fact they are more worried about being associated with you."
I'm starting to think that this tired-ass line of thinking is really designed to keep Blacks isolated from other ethnic groups. If you keep thinking that other groups won't have anything to do with ours and make no effort to reach out, that's exactly what's gonna happen.
"I am in total agreement."
I'm sure LAA appreciates the support. It's just odd how you only choose to show up whenever she shows up. Not a good look.
"You forgot to mention to cut back on stuffing your fat faces with burgers, cornbread, sweetpotato pies, other pies, cakes, ham, KFC and Popeyes'fried chicken, french fries, custards, jelly beans, chitterlings, and other foods that causes so much gluttony and fat huge bodies in the black community."
Oh. I had no idea obesity was confined to a single ethnic community. I guess all of the white folks in my neck of the woods are just "portly" and "big-boned".
I heard the man with the Golden Voice has NINE childern. I wonder if he's a deadbeat dad?
Hell no, the man with the Golden Voice does not remind me of Obama.
And no, Latinos do not like black people. They are just as racist (if not more) than white people. In fact, many (most?) Latinos consider themselves to be white dummy.
Question: Have you ever watched Hispanic television? All of the people look like white people.
Question: Have you ever heard a latino/latina activist speak out about ANY so-called "black issues"? Black activists like to say "blacks and Hispanics this and blacks and Hispanics that". Have you EVER heard a Hispanic activists use that term? Or any variation thereof? I haven't.
Question: Are any of you aware that blacks are being pushed out of certain parts of Los Angeles, California by Latino gangbangers? Often by violence or threats of violence.
Our Butlerian redneck would like to stomp out the cheap Messican labour..but the business wing of the Rs forbade it. So, all that's left is demonizing those who came here to make more than the Mexican economy pays.
Sorry, Brewer is non compos mentos. Even our much-vaunted alcoholic and perverted PA Governors had more lucidity.
The wingnut hatred of President Obama is odd, considering that most of the policies he has promoted have been wingnut faves for years. Must be some other reason they hates him sooooo much.
Umm...If wingnuts would take a Google at the history of AfAm migration within the US, they just might discover the movement from the racist and ignorant South to Detroit. Although the jobs available to darker-hued citizens were the lowest paid and meanest...they still were better than the crap offered by the Planters/Padrones.
I agree that Latinos have racial issues. Especially the Cubans...who pine for the days of Batista...or their offspring who wish for the same madness.
i am starting to think FN has a grip of illegal jamaican relatives in the country. he seems concerned they might be deported if illegals being rounded up and ousted gain traction. LOL. just joking FN. lol.
i personally want ALL illegals gone irrespective of color. i don't think the issue is a bash mexicans issue frankly. there is a system in place to gain legal entry into the country, those here need to follow proper procedures.
YES, the Sammy Davis, Jr look alike in need of a prompt dental appointment is a deadbeat. of course, a feeble minded bw decided to give him a chance and has paid mightily over the years for her foolish choices. not only did she pay mightily, i am sure the children did as well. somewhere i read her sisters also helped provide for and protect his children while he was off doing whatever one does in between panhandling on the side of the freeway. it must've been the "voice"...more bw MUST learn to vet properly and make better choices re: who they will allow to father their children. to her credit she knew she was to be married PRIOR to having the children.
latinos/hispanics are doing the MOST on the west and east coasts already. folks not paying attention are the ones spouting the nonsense that keeps being repeated on this blog. quite a few black folks are real slow when it comes to seeing and acknowledging what is happening right before their eyes. on the west coast, folks are holding school board meetings in spanish already. imagine being an american in those districts where native spanish speakers have set up what amounts to strongholds. thank God wfolks are not even trying to run the risk of spanish becoming the national language. some groups come to this country and REFUSE to assimilate enough to even bother to learn the language; which is why very important meetings like school board meetings are being conducted in spanish. imagine your child being in a school where they could not even UNDERSTAND their teachers due to a language barrier. sounds like funtimes with far reaching consequences.
until more blacks learn to insist on reciprocal relationships, blacks will always be, collectively, precisely where they are today if not worse. only foolish blacks don't realize how foolish they sound pretending there is some alliance between them and others. lol. it is just plain embaressingly dumb at this point.
but carry on...
Right, let's not waste any more precious money on transplants. Surgical procedures that may one day benefit you! Procedures that by being repeated will be improved to the betterment of all mankind.
No,instead,lets spend/waste billions, no trillions, on the wars in the middle east. Surely that will benefit mankind in a much more positive way!!! Yes!
Not everyone that gets cancer,hepatic, renal, cardiac or respiratory diseases, are smokers and drinkers, or have obesity and lifestyle issues, et al,.
Some research will clarify that quickly, and pray that by the Grace of God there go not you!
And those "anchor babies"? Well no ones going to stop them coming, cuz those are the future military of this country. Just check out the last names of all the fallen so far...
Anonymous said...
Our Butlerian redneck would like to stomp out the cheap Messican labour..but the business wing of the Rs forbade it. So, all that's left is demonizing those who came here to make more than the Mexican economy pays.
Sorry, Brewer is non compos mentos. Even our much-vaunted alcoholic and perverted PA Governors had more lucidity.
The wingnut hatred of President Obama is odd, considering that most of the policies he has promoted have been wingnut faves for years. Must be some other reason they hates him sooooo much.
And my Head I'd be scratchin, while my thoughts they'd be hatchin..if I only had a brain.
n-s, this obvious, but you are a liar.
most states have a 50-50 medicaid /federal match. medicaid is among the largest expense in every state's budget; HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH `OBAMA CARE.'
a huge chunk -- more than 40% -- of medicaid expenses go to NURSING HOME care.
the number of folks on medicaid is going up because the number of UNINSURED is rising, as insurers like your precious employer raise rates, impose preexisting condition clauses, kick people off their policies... THIS WILL STOP UNDER `OBAMACARE,' as rates will be scrutinized like never before.
the republicans can scream and yell and pledge to "repeal" shit all the hell they want.
as more people get insurance medicaid costs are projected to decrease over time. federal match is also set to increase as rolls increase temporarily.
so, let's sit back and just call these next two years a wash. the republicans will get all their panties in a wad, look insane (we like that!) and nothing will get done. nothing.
meanwhile, we hope the dems will use this insanity to put obama back in office where he will finally be a strong leader and not a disappointment to our base.
what irks me NO END, is the biggest contributor to our financial hell hole that we're in is the TWO WARS.
end them. end them now. the problem isn't immigrants --FP, i never cease to be amazed at what an idiot you are. and how everything is about how bw did something wrong, or bm did it to them. YAWN. do you have any friends? a real life? it's hard to picture it. i picture you as a 7 year old.
any part that will end the wars--that's who i will support. no one is talking about this and they have to START.
they are unattainable and bankrupting my children's future.
hathor, you wrote:
During the years of transplantation, medication has improved, the criteria of tissue matching has changed and the surgical procedures are as accurate as having an appendix removed.
Hathor, tissue rejection is an eternal problem with transplants. Yes, we have gotten better at fooling the body into accepting foreign parts within it, but the fact remains that the body -- by nature -- rejects transplants, and the anti-rejection drugs often cause patients to be delirious and lying helpless on the couch.
You can start the countdown for Steve Jobs.
We will probably have more luck cloing new organs from our own cells rather than waiting for a car accident so we can grab someone else's liver. That's how it's done, so on that level, some people say Thank God for drunk drivers.
sorry meant wars were unsustainable.
As usual, your grasp of the issue is non-existent.
Medicaid is the Advaned Warning System of Obamacare.
ObamaCare, by its comprehensiveness, will hit taxpayers with costs that meet and quickly exceed Medicaid costs. In other words, we know Obamacare will cause an explosive rise in national medical expenditures. No guessing or wondering needed.
The proof is in the Medicaid pudding.
And, as I said, the bill for New Yorkers is $50 billion. $12,500 per Medicaid patient -- double the natinal average cost of healthcare.
Even you can calculate the total costs of medical care for a nation of 310 million, each receiving coverage priced at $12,500.
It'a a really big number.
Yes, a big piece of Medicaid dollars goes to nursing home care. In your alternate universe is there no need or a lower need for nursing home care.
Clearly this segment of the population is growing and because the costs are so high, people have become expert at severing financial/legal ties to family members who need nursing home care.
I can document accounts of people I know who have put the financial burden of nursing home care on state Medicaid programs.
maria, you wrote
the number of folks on medicaid is going up because the number of UNINSURED is rising, as insurers like your precious employer raise rates,
Your claim that I work for an insurer is simply more evidence of your inability to discern much of anything.
impose preexisting condition clauses, kick people off their policies... THIS WILL STOP UNDER `OBAMACARE,' as rates will be scrutinized like never before.
You're really taking financial idiocy to new levels.
Insurance companies have no problem insuring everyone. But they will not do the job if premiums do not cover expenses.
In your fantasy scenario, you believe the companies have piles of money at hand to pay for services the companies could render if forced.
However, in the real world, if insurance companies are forced to pay for everything on the terms you mentioned, the insurance companies will file for bankruptcy in the near future. They will also fall out of financial compaliance with state regulators before filing for bankruptcy.
Dopes like you will scream that insurance companies should be punished for failing, just like dopes screamed about banks failing after they loaned money to people who were incapable of repaying it.
The next step in ObamaCare is for the government to step in just as it did with General Motors. What happened there? Thousands of people were fired from the company because there was simply no money from operations to pay their salaries or cover their healthcare and retirement benefits.
In other words, the government imposed a huge rationing program on GM employees by having them fired.
Who can we fire from the US? For starters, we can boot people who sneak in to have babies -- and there are hundreds of thousands who do it, and are then legally permitted to enroll the babies in state-paid medical programs, and later they're enrolled in schools, and then there are the inevitable social workers who get paid to check on the illegal scammers, and on and on.
Car accident victims are not the only acceptable donors, if it were I wouldn't have a transplant. I am perfectly aware of what rejection is and the things you have to do to save your transplant. Like Jobs I continued to work and I don't think you are the person who determines the end of his life or how valued his contribution will be while he is here.
I am for cloning, but some of your conservative friends had put a kibosh on that.
BTW Since I didn't have anything to do with my being born, nothing I could do would have prevented the genetic disease I have.
anonymous, you wrote:
Our Butlerian redneck would like to stomp out the cheap Messican labour..but the business wing of the Rs forbade it. So, all that's left is demonizing those who came here to make more than the Mexican economy pays.
What planet do you live on? The supporters of illegal immigration are Democrats, and even the president has supported healthcare for illegals AFTER he grants them AMNESTY.
After, today's illegal immigrant is tomorrow's newest registered Democrat.
It's possible to create a guest-worker program. But there's resistance to that idea.
Our best bet is a guest-worker program for all levels of skill AND an end to the Minimum Wage.
If there were no minimum wage limits, we might still have attendants at gas stations and in other jobs that are now handled with advancing technology.
Dear Field: Unrelated to above post, I read this article in today's online Washington Post:
and I'm curious what you &/or your readers think is appropriate with respect to Twain's work, his use of language that was prevalent at the time, his ability to point out the evils of slavery & treatment of such to the populace, etc.
The conservative view on cloning did one thing only -- it barred financing of clong activities by the Government.
But every private laboratory and every university science department was free to study and experiment endlessly with cloning.
Thus, it will be a matter of musical chairs as to whether we have Democratic or Republican administration in office when a huge cloning breakthrough is announced.
As for transplants, most of too expensive to be forced on taxpayers.
In case you have not noticed, whenever a procedure becomes possible, the number of cases begins to soar.
Before heart bypass operations became commonplace, people died not long after have a major cardiac episode.
In the beginning of bypass operations, most of them ended with a patient dying in the operating room. Now it's an everyday procedure.
Okay. However, the price is still about $100,000 per bypass -- as I know from the bills for bypasses sent to some of my friends who underwent the surgery.
But every year doctors perform thousands and thousands of these operations. Thus, the total national bill for heart bypass surgery is staggering.
And Obama wants to extend the benefits of our medical genius to people who cannot pay for it.
His position is a problem for people who have medical condtions resulting from bad luck.
Inasmuch as a huge percentage of people needing transplants need them because of their own self-induced lifestyle lunacy, their presence buts an unfair burden on the people who have problems through no fault of their own.
Mickey Mantle got two livers. According the organ transplant guidelines, he got them totally legitimately. But he needed a new liver because he drank so much he ruined the one he was born with.
His body rejected the first liver and then he got a seconc liver and then he died. In other words, two people with liver problems caused by bad genes had to wait longer because a booze hound was ahead in the line.
When it comes to livers, the patient must be at death's door before he will get the new organ.
As I mentioned, a friend of mine also got two livers. He developed hepatitis from combat service in Vietnam. Not his fault.
He's still dead but during the period after he got his livers, his wife complained to my sister-in-law that it was so horrible living with him that she was hoping he would die. He did.
She's now remarried.
desertflower, you wrote:
And those "anchor babies"? Well no ones going to stop them coming, cuz those are the future military of this country. Just check out the last names of all the fallen so far...
Yeah. Just check out the names and, where possible check out their race.
Here's some news for you. For a long time a lot of white college grads have been joining the military for opportunity and adventure.
The large majority of officers are white, and when it comes to choosing Military Occupational Specialties, whites pick the jobs that put them in war zones.
But overall, the military is about 30% black. Blacks often choose military service for long-term career reasons. Whites are more likely to serve short enlistments.
pilotX, you wrote:
A close family member is waiting on a liver due to a bad blood transfusion in 1980.
So do you think your close family member should have to stand in line behind a drunk who burned out his liver drinking?
Or would it be okay if your relative died so the drunk could live?
Liver transplant have been done for a long time. The expected morbidity is usually for the first three years, but the rates are not high. Look up the data and don't rely on anecdote.
I don't think you understand how the list work. Being the sickest, doesn't necessarily put you on the top. There can be other criteria besides tissue match, that is blood type, If you have "O" blood type you may have to wait much longer than others for a transplant, simply because as with blood transfusions "O" is a universal donor.
I don't consider my self an expert, but FYI, check this out.
One can spend five days in the hospital without any surgery and have a $40,000 bill. Low cost procedures are performed in short procedure units; in and out the same day. $100,000 isn't all that extraordinary in our present health care system. This is without the bypasses or transplants.
I would like to ask you if you think to become a firefighter is a bad lifestyle choice. Quite a few firefighters in my city contracted Hepatitis "C" from working as a firefighter.
again, no surprise, no slapps. you are the financial idiot.
insurance firms DO have piles of money and they pay their execs royally. they do NOT pay claims as often as they can get out of it, which is stopping under "obama care."
ever heard of medical loss ratio?
why shouldn't an insurer pay for the stuff the policy says it should??? fraud--that's what they perpetrate. go ask wendell potter.
facts don't matter to you; the truth doesn't matter. when proven wrong, you just go off on another tangent.
i'm not wasting any more of time with you.
maria said...
"i'm not wasting any more of time with you."
Good. Please go away. You never have any idea about whatever it is you are discussing, and we are all dumber for having read your comments.
Mack Lyons said...
"LOL. Sorry, but I don't get the connection. Why must some of you black people do this?"
Getting rid of the "anchor baby" process has been something that's been on the GOP's Wish List for some time. I'm just figuring out how twisting around the 14th Amendment will do just that and much more.
So what does this have to do with Black folk? Well, similar twistings of the Constitution can erode whatever rights on paper we managed to get. Consider the attack on the illegals as a sort of loose test run.
"Non-black illegals coming to America do not need your help, nor support, in fact they are more worried about being associated with you."
"I am in total agreement."
I'm sure LAA appreciates the support. It's just odd how you only choose to show up whenever she shows up. Not a good look.
Mack don't sweat her. It's kind of hard to argue with a non US citizen. What does she care about the Constitution when it doesn't apply to her.
@Slappz do I want my relative to be behind someone who burned out their liver by drinking? That is a very complex question but as I have an affinity for ALL life I would want that person to find a way to continue to have a productive life. I am not in the business of punishing people for their choices, I'll leave that to authoritarian conservatives.
@LAA sure I guess playstation scores count, what are yours? And demons are mythological spiritual creatures that some believe are fallen angels or just spirits that were created in the underworld while vampires are actual physical creatures that are believed to be living or undead and need the blood of humans or other animals to remain animated. Totally different entities, you need to watch the X-Files a bit more.
Also Slappy, the GOP has a vested interest in illegal immigration as they are the pro-business party and we all know why there is so much illegal immigration. Don't play games, if you conservs really wanted immigration reform it'd be done now. It was St. Reagan that granted amnesty and Bush didn't do a damned thing either when the GOP controlled both houses of congress so let's not go there skippy. Immigration to conservatives is just like abortion, they trot it out every few years to get dimwitted voters like youself that believe they're gonna do something and then don't and blame the Dems. No wonder your party nominated dimwits like Palin, Angle and O'Donnell, morons like you keep falling for it.
"Latinos don't like Blacks". Uh, what about the millions of Black Latinos? Do they hate themselves?
I keep hearing this but me and my Latino friends don't seem to notice. Since LAA says it it must be true.
Field thanks for the info I hadn't heard about this yet.
Clearly the lives of all human beings have to be valued. And just as the government committs billions and now over a trillion to destroying life, it seems that it would make sense to spend the necessary funds to keep folks alive.
I don't agree with the posters who think that some folks don't deserve transplants. I don't think we should leave folks out of the transplant process because they can't pay or because it will "only" prolong their lives for only a few years.
I think we ought to view this in light of doing to others and for others, what we want done to and for ourselves.
And in that light whether we want to admit it or not immigrants are our brothers and sisters as well. We have to view them in this light and again think about how we would be treated.
And I disagree with those who say that Mexicans are a monolith or that immigrants all are anti-black. In my experience that is simply not true and I have had brown brothers and sisters stand with black and working class brothers and sisters in their efforts to secure justice in a few different situations.
And even if they don't see us as brothers and sisters it doesn't preclude us from extending a hand of brotherhood or sisterhood. Society does not advance and the working class definitely will not advance and experience a more equitable and just society if someone does not extend themselves.
It is ultimately to our benefit for working class folks from all ethnicities and races to come together around our common causes.
Good post Mell. We have several Latino members in the Organization of Black Aerospace Professionals (nee Airline Pilots) and I am a member of the Hispanic Professional Pilots Association and we all get along pretty well as we are in the same boat whether we like it or not. It is funny that folks can oppose giving someone "only" a few more years. Ask most people if they had a few more years to keep their loved ones around many would take it. That's time to see a child graduate from school, get married or see a grandchild be born. I guess to some these things aren't important or oppose them because those evil liburls like em.
Hope this is an isolated event and not wingnuts gone wild. Remember, protect yourself at all times.
More stupidity from Republicans.
As expected, you were too cowardly to admit what you believe about whom -- between a person harmed by forces beyond his control or a person harmed by his own well understood self abuse -- is more deserving of the very limited supply of transplant livers.
If there were no liquor abusers, your relative would be much closer to getting the needed organ. But he's probably waiting in line behind David Hasselhoff and a few others with failing livers.
maria, you wrote:
insurance firms DO have piles of money and they pay their execs royally. they do NOT pay claims as often as they can get out of it, which is stopping under "obama care."
Healthcare insurers have profit margins of around 10%. If you took all the money paid to top management, that figure would be just a drop in the bucket compared with the money spent directly on providing healthcare. You simply do not know enough to begin to frame the problems.
ever heard of medical loss ratio?
Some of my years on Wall Street were spent as a stock and bond analyst. Among the industries and companies I covered there were insurance companies. Hence, I know about the insurance business. But you obviously do not.
why shouldn't an insurer pay for the stuff the policy says it should??? fraud--that's what they perpetrate. go ask wendell potter.
Here's a suggestion -- end all medical insurance.
There are only two ways to lower healthcare costs.
First, and best, is everyone in America stops smoking, cuts way back on drinking, eats right and gets regular exercise. That's one way.
The other is if doctors and all other professionals, therapists, technicians in the healthcare industry take huge pay cuts.
Anyway, your loony posts make it plain as day that you cannot read financial statements nor understand that medical insurance is nothing more than a lifetime program of payments made against the day when the premium payer and the others who get their premiums paid by workers then file a claim for a huge bill.
PilotX said...
Hope this is an isolated event and not wingnuts gone wild. Remember, protect yourself at all times
Remember , its the leftist leftards like you who are violent. You should know. YOU fit the double jeapordy of violence in this country.
"Uh, what about the millions of Black Latinos? Do they hate themselves?"
First of all, most of them don't identify, nor consider themselves "black". Only blacks like you want them to so that you can have more company to play along your runaway slave game.
"I keep hearing this but me and my Latino friends don't seem to notice."
And I'm sure you have white friends too, don't you? So the next time I hear you complain about how racist white people/society is in America, I'll remind you how wrong your observation sounds based on that above logic.
And before I forget, you got your info from X-files? Have you ever heard the term blood-sucking-demons? It was a vamperic demon who created, and reign over the Sukuna and Lajabless (vampires and succubi). They too are demons. They are un-human, damned by soullessness, they too channel their being from the realms of the demonic underworld. And they don't need your support either. :)
pilotX, you wrote:
Also Slappy, the GOP has a vested interest in illegal immigration as they are the pro-business party and we all know why there is so much illegal immigration.
Yeah. We all know how many illegal Mexicans get jobs flying planes for US airlines, and the crowds of illegal Mexicans who are now climbing the ranks of corporate American, and the big swarms of illegal Mexicans who getting all the engineering jobs in the US.
Yeah, US business has staked itself on illegal Mexican immigrants.
FP said: "i personally want ALL illegals gone irrespective of color. i don't think the issue is a bash mexicans issue frankly. there is a system in place to gain legal entry into the country, those here need to follow proper procedures. "
That's it there in a nutshell. Any black person legal in American who thinks differently is most likely delusional, harboring some type of "guilt obligation", or some sort of personal individualized interest. Makes you go hmmm.
Anony, not only am I a born US citizen, but I am a US citizen who can at least habla. LOL. You're right, I shouldn't care.
"And even if they don't see us as brothers and sisters it doesn't preclude us from extending a hand of brotherhood or sisterhood."
You could almost sound like PETA. But if you're going to uplift and fight for another being while you're on the ground yourself, at least make a an animal or a horse. When horse gets back on it's feet, it will let you ride on it's back and take you along with it.
PilotX said...
Hope this is an isolated event and not wingnuts gone wild. Remember, protect yourself at all times
From the gay, suicide attempting liberals who were angry because a democrat like giffords voted against polesi, Jared Loughner
is his name and whacked out liberalism and US flag burning is his game.
Jared Loughner
"First of all, most of them don't identify, nor consider themselves "black". Only blacks like you want them to so that you can have more company to play along your runaway slave game."
We stepping into "bougie bitch" territory here? It sure sounds like it.
Your beef with Latinos is sort of like Thrasher's beef with Jewish folk. It's damn near obsessive and unproductive.
oh, it's already started among the wingnuts who post here, trying to make the shooter out to be a liberal.
NOPE.loughner is a nazi sympathizer and no connection at all to left wing democrats. he shot her because he was part of the government. period.
right wing antigov extermist.
oh, ns, you are so entertaining! did exactly what i said you'd do.
because SHE was.
sarah palin had her on a target with a gun! he was doing her bidding.
'Palin had published a "target map" on her website using images of gun sights to identify 20 House Democrats, including Giffords, for backing the new health care law. At an event in 2009 which was similar to the one Giffords was holding today, a protester was removed by police when his pistol fell to the supermarket floor."
Why is Maria still here?
With regard to the Giffords shooting, I guess Palin and Angle got what they wanted.
Their rhetoric fomented Loughner's actions.
And now Palin puts out a comment of condolences. Deep down, she condolences are insincere.
Slappy you are the prototypical white male conservative, you spout out nonsense and have NO idea about what you are talking about. You have no clue where my relative is on the donor list because once again you speak about shit you have no clue about but yet still feel the need to speak. WTF is wrong with you conservatives? Tell you what dipshit, google the term MELD score and see what you learn if you are even capable of learning. Like Maria has it right, you are proven wrong time and time again and continue to post like the ignorant troll you are. Take time to educate yourself and then MAYBE you can be taken seriously.
My god you are delusional, I really loved the part about educated whites joining the military for adventure, sure son, no poor assed trailer park living Bubbas like yourself that have no where else to go huh? Sad.
Got that right Mack, LAA is is some BS. Last time I went to Puerto Rico and hung out in the hood I don't know if they thought I was a fellow local that didn't consider himself Black but me and my buddy fit in pretty well as does my wife when she goes to Brazil. I might fall for the BS if I didn't know any better.
Also, there are many myths from many cultures regarding vampirism and the most popular originated in 18th century Europe. They are normally considered the undead but not specifically a demon. The chupacabra is a vampire I guess by definition and I don't consider it a demon. Maybe your definition of a demon is different than mine. Can't believe I'm even talking about this HA!
Pilot X.
I had given no_slappz a link.
pilotX, you wrote:
My god you are delusional, I really loved the part about educated whites joining the military for adventure, sure son, no poor assed trailer park living Bubbas like yourself that have no where else to go huh? Sad.
Your reading and comprehension skills are low enough that you've got a problem.
Of course there are plenty of poor whites in the military. No one said otherwise. However, whether you care to deal in the facts or not, there are plenty of middle-class whites who join for some adventure before going on to other things.
Pilots, as you should know, commonly get their wings in the military. Inasmuch as one must be a college grad to become an officer, and therefore to become a pilot of fixed-wing aircraft, you and I both know that military pilots are mostly white. And we both know a lot of military pilots leave the military for the friendly skies of commercial flying.
Meanwhile, your form of debate is to simply claim other people are wrong without offering a shred of support for your generally mistaken claims.
As I said, you are too cowardly to admit that you think it's wrong that some drunk boozehound will get a liver before your relative gets one.
The way the organ-transplant game works means that some people die because there are more people with bad livers than there are replacement livers.
Maybe if there were a few more fatal drunk-driving accidents things would work out for drunks with bad livers. Meanwhile it makes no difference where your relative is positioned on the list because the way these lists are structured, your relative is behind someone who needs a new liver due to bad personal lifestyle practices. It's inevitable.
someone up thread wondered if the guy in the side bar was a deadbeat. i simply answered the question.
aside from that, the rantings about me being a 7 year old, blah, blah, dumb ww, blah was best answered by this previous comment:
"maria said...
"i'm not wasting any more of time with you."
my sentiments exactly, in addition to:
"Please go away. You never have any idea about whatever it is you are discussing, and we are all dumber for having read your comments."
okey doke?
Thanks Hathor but it won't do any good. That fool only exists to spread racism and will continue to make up shit. I have to agree with Maria, the only way to deal with that fool is to ignore him like the troll he is.
Pilot, Mexico and Puerto Rico isn't the same place. Since you weren't aware of that.
I am a Black jew..I have no beef with jews just jewish racists and bigots...
Check with me the next time you slander me...
Mack Lyons, "I'm sure LAA appreciates the support. It's just odd how you only choose to show up whenever she shows up. Not a good look."
You idiotic fool, I am on this blog EVERYDAY and most know it! I stomp on your ignorant ass quite often, whether LAA is around or not. Don't you recognized me? Your "recognition IQ" HAS TO BE BELOW that of a moronic imbecile.
Nevertheless, I happen to agree with LAA, because what she says touches the pain IN ME I have carried all of my life about how Blacks continue to put themselves LAST in every situation. It is quite perverted. I am very passionate about speaking out about Black perverted self-destructive tendencies. And I am most appreciative and glad to know there are a few Blacks out there who feel the same as I do. It gives me a 'little' hope for Black Americans, although it's not much.
When do we start to focus on helping our own race? Can you and Mr. birdbrain PilotX answer that question...you dumb shits? I would ask Field the same question but I know AFTER YEARS of asking, he just ignores the question and passionately speaks out for ILLEGAL immigrants.
It is odd to see a BLACK LAWYER advocating VIOLATION of US IMMIGRATION LAW. Makes me wonder if he is really a lawyer or just a Jamaican who hates Black Americans as much as the Mexicans and White Puerto Ricans do.
FP is right. We SHOULD uphold the law regarding immigration-- REGARDLESS of race. Why make exceptions for racist Mexicans?
Sorry about my focus on Mexicans...It's just that my 'experience' with Mexicans has been profoundly negative. They ARE the biggest RACISTS on the planet, imo. And the Israelis(Israel) are second. Both of which Field passionately defends...Go figure.
"I am a Black jew..I have no beef with jews just jewish racists and bigots...
Check with me the next time you slander me..."
More errors Slapped, you also have to be an officer to fly rotor aircraft, but I'm sure you knew that. You're welcomed.
I fail to see the correlation between American blacks and anchor babies.
Either way, with the way Mexicans breed, if we want to let them drop anchor babies, they sure will. Just like Hawaii, if everyone has a piece of paradise, soon there will be none left.
That seems slanderous on both measures, but liberal nonsense is known for its hypocritical counterproductivity.
Like this, Feed Ethiopia, feed Haiti. Haiti and Ethopia need to take care of themselves. They both have a land of rich enough resources to sustain a population, but by feeding them we have allowed them to double in population, and rely on handouts. Now theres two times as many starving Africans. See how this works? People have to learn to save themselves.
I appreciate the altruism, but it isn't realistic.
I'm not on either side, I believe what I believe and it doesnt make me on the red team or blue team, even though I like ideas from both.
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