My man Hip Hop Mike might be out of his leadership position with the GOP, (Good Ole [boyz]Party) but apparently he still has a lot to say.
"Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, recently went on Chris Matthews' MSNBC show and chatted, among other things, about the lack of blacks in the Republican Party.
"We could have used a few more brothers in the house; there's no doubt about that," Steele said when Matthews made the ingenious and original observation that there aren't too many blacks hanging around at Republican conventions (does Steele not think some sisters would have been nice, too?). And despite his gaffe-tastic mess of a term as chairman, Steele said he's proud of helping to diversify a party that's not known for it's diversity. "What I tried to do [as chairman] was to broaden the landscape over which we could play, go into neighborhoods where we needed to be in but hadn't been in generations, and I think it made a difference," he said." [Source]
"Michael Steele, former chairman of the Republican National Committee, recently went on Chris Matthews' MSNBC show and chatted, among other things, about the lack of blacks in the Republican Party.
"We could have used a few more brothers in the house; there's no doubt about that," Steele said when Matthews made the ingenious and original observation that there aren't too many blacks hanging around at Republican conventions (does Steele not think some sisters would have been nice, too?). And despite his gaffe-tastic mess of a term as chairman, Steele said he's proud of helping to diversify a party that's not known for it's diversity. "What I tried to do [as chairman] was to broaden the landscape over which we could play, go into neighborhoods where we needed to be in but hadn't been in generations, and I think it made a difference," he said." [Source]
Believe it or not, Mike, I actually respect that position. We could use more brothers (and sisters) in the GOP. Spread ourselves around a little bit so that some folks won't take us for granted. I get that. By spreading out a little we could show the world that we are not a monolithic people in our thoughts and actions.
Still Mike, it's hard to hook up with a party that time and time again places folks in leadership positions that do stuff like this. Not to mention the fact that your party does not respect our icons and their legacy. You can't disrespect us and expect us to hitch our wagons to you. I don't care how much we have in common. We have to get past all the other stuff first. And that's hard; especially for black folks.
Mike, I wish you all the best. There has been a lot of speculation as to where you will go from here, and I am just hoping, that wherever it is, you will land on your feet. I hear MSNBC has an opening, but your politics might not fit in over there. Although they really do need a dark face. You could be their Juan Williams. MSNBC would be killing two birds with one token. The black guy and the conservative. Nice.
Finally, you folks out in "Oaktown" might want to consider blocking the porn channels-and websites in your homes and on your computers. I think the little rugrats have been paying a bit too much attention to what the folks on these sites and channels are doing.
"killing two birds with one token"
"(does Steele not think some sisters would have been nice, too?)."
Oh I see. Funny how all of a sudden you and others can conveniently recognize black female sexism and the usual non-acknowledgment and omittance of black women by other black men. ;)
LAA, "Oh I see. Funny how all of a sudden you and others can conveniently recognize black female sexism and the usual non-acknowledgment and omittance of black women by other black men. ;)"
You beat me to it. But be careful what you say. You know how M&M(Mack and Mell) take offense whenever you speak truth. And don't forget UTS, he always has plenty to say to keep you in your place. Those poor little boys..I mean men, can't take it.:D
Field, those Oak-heads in Oaktown are hopeless. That town is beyond sin city...it is the devil's crown and glory. And guess what color and race the second grade sex addicts are?
Oakland is an ugly place for kids and adults. Other than the weather, Oakland can't claim much of anything else. It'll be interesting to see what the new mayor does about it.
I bet Granny knows those kids. They are probably related to her, since she seems to claim everybody else is.:)
Mike was a great leader in his position; the Repubs will never find anyone who is as great, smart caring and sharp enough to know the right things to say. He was one smooth dude.
Michael Steele was my hero..no other Black can compare to him. I wouldn't be surprised if one day he becomes President.
I heard Hip-Hop Mike's interview with Rachel Maddow. That cat still doesn't get it. He was the elected to be the official lawn jockey of the GOP - he was to smile nice for the camera and be quiet. The GOP likes their Negroes the way old school Black parents liked their kids -- quite and in the background.
The problem was that nobody told Hip-Hop Mike. He actually thought the GOP elected him to do something other than be the Bizarro World Obama. He acted as a chairmen, and wanted to do novel things -- making the GOP more inclusive and talking about conservative principles outside of the lily white suburban enclaves and rural backwaters that now constitute the GOP base. And, he actually believed in small c government on issues (i.e. he's not known as a Bible thumper).
In others words, like Colin Powell he ran too far off the plantation. And the Republicans gave him his walking papers.
"The GOP likes their Negroes the way old school Black parents liked their kids -- quite and in the background.
The problem was that nobody told Hip-Hop Mike. He actually thought the GOP elected him to do something other than be the Bizarro World Obama."
"Oh I see. Funny how all of a sudden you and others can conveniently recognize black female sexism and the usual non-acknowledgment and omittance of black women by other black men. ;)"
So you're saying that the Field should recognize the plight of Black females more often? That's not an unreasonable order to fill, but recognize this isn't What About Our Daughters, where the focus is solely on Black women and the events and actions that affect them.
"You beat me to it. But be careful what you say. You know how M&M(Mack and Mell) take offense whenever you speak truth. And don't forget UTS, he always has plenty to say to keep you in your place. Those poor little boys..I mean men, can't take it.:D"
And I'm rather disappointed that this little mutt of an anon keeps attempting to attack me and others on the blog on your behalf, LAA. Seems he/she only shows up after you post. Not blaming you for this asshole's actions, but it's not a good look for you.
Mack Lyons said...
" Guess he shouldn't have come up with the whole "Rev Al Hymie Sharpton getting a noose..." quip. That anon was anything but nice.
There you go, typical lying Negro. You say he wasn't original then later tell the truth that the anon came up with an original quip and you were just jealous, being the unoriginal Kneegro that you are.
"Instead of Mack complaining to you about tighter reigns on Anons(as he did in the previous thread) maybe HE is the one who needs to be reigned in? Just who the heck does he think he is?"
The Shit™.
We agree there, you sure are SHIT.
Let me know when you're done with your Sarah Palinesque victim routine.
Hah, this coming from the man who is the essence of the permanent victim schtick. WooeWeees me, it's always the white mans fault. For once a loooong time ago in history someone did something and made me a victim of my own choices and inabilities!! Always said without the slightest hint of shame.
Mack Lyons said...
"Field, those Oak-heads in Oaktown are hopeless. That town is beyond sin city...it is the devil's crown and glory. And guess what color and race the second grade sex addicts are?"
Look at you, interjecting "race" and "color" into the issue. All I see are two kids who picked up something they had no business learning and doing until they were grown. Now the issue is figuring out whom/where they learned it from and if it is a smaller sign of something more disturbing happening within the home.
What kind of drivel is this. They were two Black kids, where do you think they learned this shit from at home? Mama who is only 16 herself and don't know who her baby daddy is. The disturbing thing happening in the home is Black Liberal godless irresponsible culture. With no penalties and nothign but excuses for bad behaviour.
"Oakland is an ugly place for kids and adults. Other than the weather, Oakland can't claim much of anything else. It'll be interesting to see what the new mayor does about it. "
Always an opportunity to get a jab in at Oakland, eh?
Did they lie? Answer that Bonehead. Like you take every opportunity to blame whitey for your fuckups, answer this one, is Oakland a nice city or a typical Black filled one?
"I bet Granny knows those kids. They are probably related to her, since she seems to claim everybody else is.:)"
And a chance to take a swipe at Grannyspeaksthetruth. You anons lack all sorts of class.
The only thing you know about class is the white tv shows you watch. Other then that you think two kids bumpin uglies while the teacher watching is a misunderstanding and not typical of Black led cities like Oakland.
None of this makes any sense. But it's fun watching you run off the rails like this. Gotta love color-aroused wingnut hyperbole.
Circle, Circle, dodge, weave, say nothing, your dismissed.
Hmm.......I can't believe I'm letting these anons get my dander up. Feels like I'm taking all the wrong approaches, since these assholes thrive on vitriol and discord. No matter what kind of response you type, they respond with ever growing levels of spite, nonsense and hate. I'm telling you, Field, you really should get a handle on these guys before they cause people to stay away from the comments. And the blog itself.
The worst thing one can do is allow anons to cause you to see red and act while the red mist is over your eyes. Hence why I'm taking down the last four responses. These anons really don't deserve any of these rebuttals. And I no longer need to expend any of my outrage and anger on what amounts to a bunch of internet trolls.
I'm thinking about taking a break from this place. I'll be back if and when you decide to get these people in line. Or if you decide to switch over to Disqus :)
The article Field linked to did not specify race. For all we know, these could be two white kids involved in this story. So you're making an ass of yourself by assuming who these kids are and their family background.
Really, how long will this short lived short sighted comment stand you think? Want to take a bet on this?
This school is 1% white and Dwight Munson, the grand uncle of the girl who was lickin the naughty parts is....
Mack Lyons said...
Hmm.......I can't believe I'm letting these anons get my dander up. Feels like I'm taking all the wrong approaches, since these assholes thrive on vitriol and discord. No matter what kind of response you type, they respond with ever growing levels of spite, nonsense and hate. I'm telling you, Field, you really should get a handle on these guys before they cause people to stay away from the comments. And the blog itself.
The worst thing one can do is allow anons to cause you to see red and act while the red mist is over your eyes. Hence why I'm taking down the last four responses. These anons really don't deserve any of these rebuttals. And I no longer need to expend any of my outrage and anger on what amounts to a bunch of internet trolls.
I'm thinking about taking a break from this place. I'll be back if and when you decide to get these people in line. Or if you decide to switch over to Disqus :)
How fitting and infantile.
Translation: Field, they pickin on me and tellin the truth, and I can't hang, they call me on my bullshit. If you dont stop them and protect me (what is this affirmative action blogging? ) I am going to engage my cowardly character and run, I'm warning you. I can't handle the truth and only want to talk to people who agree with my cuckoo ass and can't debate truth with lies againt people who don't fall for that shit.
"I heard Hip-Hop Mike's interview with Rachel Maddow. That cat still doesn't get it. He was the elected to be the official lawn jockey of the GOP - he was to smile nice for the camera and be quiet. The GOP likes their Negroes the way old school Black parents liked their kids -- quite and in the background."
La~Coincidental, as usual you nailed the political aspect of this.
Come on Mack, you are tougher than that; don't let Anons run you off. It's just words my man. You should see my e-mails.:)
Dear Prez of Anon Inc. your peeps are messing with me again.Please see Anon @11:55 PM.
Oh boy! anon11:02p you went and did it this time. Now Mack will be complaining to Field, demanding more control over anons. Mack won't quit until ALL ANONS have been silenced.
Anon, you KNOW how sensitive Mack is. Now why you got to go make things harder for us Field Negro Anons, EVEN if it is the TRUTH?
You know Mack can't handle the truth.
Mack, "The worst thing one can do is allow anons to cause you to see red and act while the red mist is over your eyes. Hence why I'm taking down the last four responses. These anons really don't deserve any of these rebuttals. And I no longer need to expend any of my outrage and anger on what amounts to a bunch of internet trolls."
Sounds like you are really saying that you wish you were free and mature enough to be able to NOT be bothered by Anons. Sounds like they have you in their grip.
Maybe you are bothered by us because you are in fact,- 'one of us'? Admit it. You have been passing on FN with a bogus name. Why not just drop your phony ID and be the "Anon" that you truly are?
Stop trying to be the Negro who is trying to 'pass' because he is ashamed of who he is. Join us Anons. Accept yourself as one and you won't be bothered anymore. You'll be free. Don't be jealous, become one of the Courageous Ones.:)
Field loves us.
The Democratic Party has had Howard Dean as its leader. But my favorite was Terry McCauliffe.
What was most amusing about McCauliffe was the way he said the $20 million in Global Crossing stock he was given by CEO Gary Winnick was legal.
Better still was how McCauliffe sold the stock ahead of the bankruptcy filing and pocketed $20 million.
As is well known, CEO Winnick shared some inside information with a few lucky people before the company stock crashed and went to ZERO.
For those with short memories, the Global Crossing Debacle occurred during the Clinton Administration. It was part of the Internet/Tech Bubble that was heavily promoted by the Clinton Administration -- Especially Al Gore, who claimed patriarchy for the whole thing.
Unfortunately for Steele, he was bland and boring. However, he embarrassed himself when he publicly stated his favorite book was Tolstoy's "War and Peace", then quoted the opening lines of Dickens "Tale of Two Cities"
Nobody remembers the opening lines of War and Peace because the opening is totally lacking in drama.
With respect to Tolstoy's works, the most often cited opening is found in Anna Karenina.
Field, "Dear Prez of Anon Inc. your peeps are messing with me again.Please see Anon @11:55 PM."
Well, you did say, "By spreading out a little we could show the world that we are not a monolithic people in our thoughts and actions."
Anon was just trying to show how diverse we can be. ROFL!!!
la coincidental wrote:
The GOP likes their Negroes the way old school Black parents liked their kids...
Aha. In other words, old-school black parents tried to raise kids who were law-abiding and geared toward getting an education. Apparently you are revolted by that idea, even though that probably describes the arc of your own life.
Anyway, seems something went wrong and the old-school black parents were pushed aside. What do those New-School black parents aim for?
You people are a bunch of sorry-assed hippocrites, barking out your McOpinions in unison like a bunch of well-trained seals.
The Republican party gets hammered for not being diverse enough. When blacks participate in the party they are called "Toms" and excommunicated from the church of blackness. Any attempts the party makes to reach out the blacks are seen as either sinister or cynical.
The purpose of this is to keep all blacks on the democrat plantation, where your meager handouts mean you aren't technically a slave anymore.
Republicans offer the freedom of the individual, but you'd rather take your sack of corn and sleep in the barn and do what you are told.
"Hmm.......I can't believe I'm letting these anons get my dander up. Feels like I'm taking all the wrong approaches, since these assholes thrive on vitriol and discord. No matter what kind of response you type, they respond with ever growing levels of spite, nonsense and hate. I'm telling you, Field, you really should get a handle on these guys before they cause people to stay away from the comments. And the blog itself."
LOL. what a big baby lady boy. LOL.
FN, thanks for taking a moment and acknowledging that not all bfolks are men.
LAA, you are quick with the shut it down button. lol. my comments a few threads back kept getting erased. some parts are missing as a result. the one where i acknowledged your shut it donw tendency before might not have made it through. i acknowledge and salute you again.
2nd graders emulating with each other what they are being exposed to at home does not shock me in the least. oakland is hell on little black girls. take a look at the child prostitution and trafficking stats. folks will need to depart from the blame others script, in order to get a handle on the importance of in tact families with both men and women present doing their parts. if the little girl in this story had a daddy to hug her and show her appropriate male attention, it is doubtful she would participate in such antics. if her dad was protecting her, willing to spill blood in return for her violation, i feel certain she would be in 2nd grade focusing on 2nd grade appropriate business.
i don't mention the male because the way the so called black community is currently set up, he is just "pimping" early. (i hate that word by the way.) in the interest of balance though, all that i said in relation to the little girl applies to the little boy as well. it is not an accident that women cannot impregnate themselves. both male and female have a crucial role to play.
Wingman said...
"You people are a bunch of sorry-assed hippocrites, barking out your McOpinions in unison like a bunch of well-trained seals."
No Republicans offer the facade of diversity.
I guess you missed how Steele got all sorts of critism just a month into his tenure as RNC chair and then the likes of Karl Rove and Ed Gillespe sabotaged Steele's fundraising efforts which was used against Steele as the excuse to get rid of him although Republicans made historic gains this past November.
"The Republican party gets hammered for not being diverse enough. When blacks participate in the party they are called "Toms" and excommunicated from the church of blackness. Any attempts the party makes to reach out the blacks are seen as either sinister or cynical."
LOL. Dude I guess you missed how the right wing holy rollers went apeshit crazy and decided to boycott CPAC because a gay group GOProud had been invited.
Moderate Republicans many of them fiscal conservatives and social liberals(pro-choice on abortion) are derided as RINOs( Republicans in name only). So tell me which party doesn't tolerate diversity?
Diversity my butt.
"The purpose of this is to keep all blacks on the democrat plantation, where your meager handouts mean you aren't technically a slave anymore."
Oh geeze here we go with the plantation/slave analogy again.
"Republicans offer the freedom of the individual, but you'd rather take your sack of corn and sleep in the barn and do what you are told."
Dude, Republicans offer corporations the ability to control more and more of our lives and to convince Americans that we need to be slaves to consumerism.
"Oh I see. Funny how all of a sudden you and others can conveniently recognize black female sexism and the usual non-acknowledgment and omittance of black women by other black men. ;)"
Well we can't expect too much from the GOP who don't like Negroes period (probably why FP is desparately trying to hang out with them) but it seems to me that President Obama at least has far more black women in his immediate circle than he does black men.
"LOL. what a big baby lady boy."
Interesting how FP identifies with the racist anons.
And sad.
i have no problem with black conservatives. i do have a problem with African Americans who would vote for or support this version of the republican party. i agree that dems take us for granted, but if black folk want to change that, third parties are the better choice. i'm sorry, but other than a few preachers/con men who benefit from "faith based" government money, there is not a single thing we Folk can claim republicans have done to "help" us in the last 40 years. any time i go to a republican gathering i not only feel like a raisin in a bowl of rice, but the mistrust and racism are palpable. hip hop mike reminds me of the self hating closet cases in the republican party. if he weren't so odious and such an obvious tool, i'd feel sorry for him.
i have no problem with black conservatives. i do have a problem with African Americans who would vote for or support this version of the republican party. i agree that dems take us for granted, but if black folk want to change that, third parties are the better choice. i'm sorry, but other than a few preachers/con men who benefit from "faith based" government money, there is not a single thing we Folk can claim republicans have done to "help" us in the last 40 years. any time i go to a republican gathering i not only feel like a raisin in a bowl of rice, but the mistrust and racism are palpable. hip hop mike reminds me of the self hating closet cases in the republican party. if he weren't so odious and such an obvious tool, i'd feel sorry for him.
Mack Lyons to LAA
"And I'm rather disappointed that this little mutt of an anon keeps attempting to attack me and others on the blog on your behalf, LAA. Seems he/she only shows up after you post. Not blaming you for this asshole's actions, but it's not a good look for you."
"i have no problem with black conservatives"
I do.
Show me ONE who demonstrates the slightest bit of pride in or love for their community.
What exactly were Steele's "black outreach" efforts?
Show me one black conservative who even attempts to TALK directly black people about the problems which obsess them so.
Whenever you see these minstrels they are sitting amongst a crowd of white people, like a fly stuck in the buttermilk, grinning and trashing their own community.
I'll admit if I'm wrong but I haven't been proven so yet.
not just oakland
due to rap lyrics/music videos/amoral turbo breeders like the vdlr and her own pvt tiger etc...
children are living a pimp and ho mentality at earlier ages daily...
young parents do not close doors during sex etc...
sexual innocence is a relic for most children who are being bred as ideal fodder for pimps...
hobama is a far more deadly joke than mike s
how could the republicans ever disrespect blacks/mlk more than hobama has????
hobama's entire evasion of black agendas...his ruthless bilking of poor blacks... his legendary extension of poverty to black progeny for decades to come...ETC!!!...
ALL eclipse any repub ill!
is one black dog any worse than an entire race of black mongrels???
don't dems tell racist jokes too???
are blind loyal black dems under hobama not the most porno XXX'd out jokes we have ever endured?????
nothing is as pornographic as a poor black hobama fan!!!!!!!
from cartoons to snoop dogg tc...
our children are bombarded by pimp ho bs
pimp and ho parents teach and dress their children to become pimp and ho mini-mes
from fashion to toys
many female animals do impregnate themselves...ie lizards and birds
some het male animals become pregnant too..ie sea lions
there are scientists who believe humans may have done so once also...
Ummm..one can be thought a fool for denigrating Al Gore...while posting by using the very thing Al Gore 'fathered'.
In some wingnut klans, kissing is 'oral'. I would like more info...and would certainly investigate the environment of the children.
Mr Steele struck me as a 'front'...sort of like the earnest young spokesmodels for Operation Stoopid. Troo beleef? Or, the check cleared.
no_slappz, "Unfortunately for Steele, he was bland and boring. However, he embarrassed himself when he publicly stated his favorite book was Tolstoy's "War and Peace", then quoted the opening lines of Dickens "Tale of Two Cities""
What no_slappz fails to acknowledge is that Michael Steele can read pretty good, he just has a short memory due to black GOP stress and ageing.
I am disappointed that n_s won't give credit where credit is due. n_s selected the 'ONE' mistake Mike has ever made. no_slappz, I'm beginning to believe that you might be a racist, Jewish and Black.
UTS, "Interesting how FP identifies with the racist anons."
Where does she identify with us? And YOU should be the last person to call ANYBODY a racist. You are the Black Frank D of FN blog. Many Whites and Blacks will attest to this....The Jews will agree also, you schmuck.
anonymous 11:12, you wrote:
I am disappointed that n_s won't give credit where credit is due.
Steele seems like a perfectly decent guy who held a high-profile job for a while and then lost it. What's the big deal? Happens every day and it happens to EVERYONE in high-profile positions. Just ask Keith Olbermann.
n_s selected the 'ONE' mistake Mike has ever made.
Steele embarrassed himself. Like Dan Quayle and the infamous episode of spelling "potato". Like Joe Biden and the infamous episodes that occur daily before noon. Like Gerald Ford in the presidential debates. Like Bush's gaffes.
But hey, how about those crazy Republicans and the way they put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court, appointed Colin Powell the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made condi Rice Secretary of State and then Steele getting his job. It's awful the way they're including blacks, isn't it?
"Where does she identify with us? And YOU should be the last person to call ANYBODY a racist. You are the Black Frank D of FN blog. Many Whites and Blacks will attest to this....The Jews will agree also, you schmuck."
You know Mack I think you might be on to something.
The writing style and emotionalism are very familiar.
Could one of these racist anons actually be a bw??????
no_slappz: "Like Joe Biden and the infamous episodes that occur daily before noon"
Except when democrats do it, it isn't endlessly replayed in a an effort to show how stupid they are. Biden says something stupid everytime he opens his mouth.
How many people remember that Obama thought there were 57 (or 58) states?:
"I've now been in 57 states -- I think one left to go." --at a campaign event in Beaverton, Oregon
Or he pronounces "corpsman" as "corpse-man" while handing out medals?
Here's a couple of more gems from the Prez:
The Middle East is obviously an issue that has plagued the region for centuries." --Tampa, Fla., Jan. 28, 2010
"UPS and FedEx are doing just fine, right? It's the Post Office that's always having problems." –attempting to make the case for government-run healthcare, while simultaneously undercutting his own argument, Portsmouth, N.H., Aug. 11, 2009
"On this Memorial Day, as our nation honors its unbroken line of fallen heroes -- and I see many of them in the audience here today -- our sense of patriotism is particularly strong."
"In case you missed it, this week, there was a tragedy in Kansas. Ten thousand people died -- an entire town destroyed." --on a Kansas tornado that killed 12 people
Has Sarah Palin uttered so many dumb statements? Bush was something of a dunce, and was good for plenty of gaffes, but if he would have been slammed mercilessly if he had thought there were 7 extra states or that he saw dead people on Memorial Day.
By contrast Steele doesn't look so bad. His sin was being Republican.
"By contrast Steele doesn't look so bad. His sin was being Republican."
Yeah. Uh-huh.
"Keep in mind again, federal candidates, this was a war of Obama's choosing. This is not something the United States had actively prosecuted or wanted to engage in."
"But hey, how about those crazy Republicans and the way they put Clarence Thomas on the Supreme Court, appointed Colin Powell the head of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, made condi Rice Secretary of State and then Steele getting his job. It's awful the way they're including blacks, isn't it?"
And that was about it, wasn't Slapstick?
Appoint a couple of tokens over a twenty year period that no blacks agreed with and then claim a committment to diversity.
When do Repubs campaign in black communities?
On black radio? In black newspapers and magazines?
When have they ever ASKED for the black vote?
Good thing Massa has guys like UTS to keep the other negros from wandering off the plantation.
What initiative could Republicans possibly make that wouldn't garner your immediate scorn, Steve?
UTS, "You know Mack I think you might be on to something.
The writing style and emotionalism are very familiar.
Could one of these racist anons actually be a bw??????"
I can't take the pressure you and Mack are putting on me. What do you mean about "emotionalism?" Please be specific.
What makes you think I might be a bw? Why not a bm? You are such a one-dimensional tom.
Anyway, I am considering retiring from blogging, and becoming a gawker-reader on FN blog because of people like you and Mack. As Mack would say, "no matter how I type my words, you two ALWAYS attack me. And sometimes even that phony preacher Mell joins in. And you call yourselves men? HA! You are a sorry lot.
Quayle isn't embarrassed. He still beleeves his spellerating am correct. bush is also not embarrassed. All he does is good, wonderful, and worthy of emulation. Gerry Ford was more able than you think. Just because a coke-addict non-funny dude on TV made a single memorable pratfall does not make President Ford incompetent.
Speaking of which, Thomas had a long history of being token...but he accepted it as it gave him money, positions, his wite TrophyWife, and lifetime employment. Duh. Colin was sacrificed for the lesser good. Lying about WMD, under orders, was a dilemma. Ms Rice...well...when some of her bush appointee staffers show up for diplomatic meetings in red leather dominatrix outfits...she needs to go back to school.
Notice how the teenager never gives context to Biden's remarks. Were these simple human gaffes? Or were they 'sourced' from such leading FakeNooz as Breitbart and O'Keefe?
Those were Obama quotes, moldy.
What plantation? There seems to be a beleef that voting your own interests, either financial or personal, is somehow eveel...unless one am a rich wite dude.
Hate to break it to you teen, but very few AfAms vote R because the Rs are the intellectual and fire-hose heirs of the Old South Ds. It would be nice to pretend that Rs are all Galtian Ubermensch...but most are pasty, doughy lads with an odd penchant to follow their illustrious ManDumpling to the DR. Plus, they seem unable to comprehend how distasteful the Confederate Slave Flag is to fellow citizens. Or, they like being pissy widdle boys and jerkhole adults...hmmmm.
If this am de platation, who be Massa? ManDumpling can have elected officials bow to his corpulence...who gets the same from Charlie Rangel? bush had a 'wife' in Condi Rice (those boots were for a reason, folks)...but who takes that role in D politics?
Although many AfAms are conservative...only the mentally ill are wingnuts. Should that not be a clew?
Oops. Need to wear the bifocals more. My bad.
Oh well, that still leaves the context. Was this campaign exhaustion? Are these simple slips...or, like bush, complete divorces from Reality.
And Sarey has many quotes...check out the Alaskan bloggers. Although wingnuts love them her MILFyness...it seems the Alaskans who have dealt with her as MayorMILF or GoverMILFinator hate her with passion. One has to ask why.
"Although many AfAms are conservative...only the mentally ill are wingnuts"
So does this mean you are a wingnut? Cause you sure is batshit crazy
Imagine the 24/7 media circus it would set off if a white guy went into a police station in Provo and started shooting up the place, wounding four officers. But if a black guy does it in Detroit, it barely causes a ripple:
"It was just before 4:30 p.m. Sunday when the gunman came into the police station and started shooting.
A female sergeant in a hallway was hit first. Commander Brian Davis raced out of his office, exchanged fire with the gunman and got shot in the back.
Then the gunman rushed the horseshoe-shaped front desk with his pistol grip shotgun. Sgt. Ray Saati and Officer David Anderson also were shot before the gunman was killed.
That's how terror unfolded in the Detroit Police Department's Northwestern District, according to interviews with police sources."
No doubt if Keith Olbermann were still around, he would find a way to tie this around the neck of Sarah Palin. In his absence, we are left to link it to Detroit's headlong plunge into the abyss.
"What initiative could Republicans possibly make that wouldn't garner your immediate scorn, Steve?"
I thought I just stated them Wingy.
You must be slow.
The Repubs can start by talking to the black community with respect.
They could ASK for the black vote instead of insinuating that we are too dumb or hooked on handouts to see how great they are.
no_slappz said...
la coincidental wrote:
The GOP likes their Negroes the way old school Black parents liked their kids...
Aha. In other words, old-school black parents tried to raise kids who were law-abiding and geared toward getting an education. Apparently you are revolted by that idea, even though that probably describes the arc of your own life.
Anyway, seems something went wrong and the old-school black parents were pushed aside. What do those New-School black parents aim for?
There's a difference between teaching your child to have manners and making your kids sit still for hours and not say a word. And from my own experience, its often the strictest parents whose kids often grow up to be most out of control.
But, again, this was another chance for No_Slappz to insult and demean Black people as morally and intellectually inferior. Seeing as the blog is ran by a lawyer and we have several other Black people with education and careers -- good luck with that.
"They could ASK for the black vote instead of insinuating that we are too dumb or hooked on handouts to see how great they are."
Blacks are being lied to by the liberal establishment, who most certainly does not have their best interests at heart.
Republicans promote a system that sees everyone as individuals with equal rights and responsibilities. It is liberals who "insult and demean Black people as morally and intellectually inferior" by treating nonwhiteness as a handicap.
I'd rather die on my feet than live on my knees. Can you say the same?
What are the lies the liberals are telling us po dumb black folks?
If the Repubs win, we will no longer get our special treatment and monthly block of gubmint cheese?
You morons just don't get it, do you?
uptownsteve said...
"i have no problem with black conservatives"
I do.
that's perfectly fair. but my South Central BIL and his mom? my cousin in Detroit? a mess of other churched Folk i know? very conservative (ask them about gay rights, or xtianity in government, for example). and yet are good people who give charity and don't vote for evil and otherwise mostly live according to their values. African American conservatism is both viable and legit. like you, i don't agree with them, but i'd die for their right to be so in a free society.
no, the anon trolls here are the people we should revile. hypocrites, liars, closet cases, racists... that is who controls today's republican party. but there really are libertarian, conservative values that aren't evil. some of us subscribe to them, just as there are white republicans who don't believe in endless war, TSA, or bailing out banks with taxpayer money. those are the types i mean, for all they are few.
"just as there are white republicans who don't believe in endless war, TSA, or bailing out banks with taxpayer money."
a.k.a. the Tea Party
neocons are not conservatives
they bastardize conservativism
neocons are elitists racists and homohaters who disgrace true conservatives
i am a conservative in many ways even as an ultra liberal lesbian
i am monogamous and married
i believe that turbo breeders like the vdlr should keep rear feed and help teachers educate their OWN kids!!!....not pass them off onto weary worn out grannies and abused working taxpayers and overflowing foster care systems!!!
i believe the govt should mandate a military draft so that the rich kids of the rich men who wage wars would have to die in battle like the poor kids they exclusively recruit do...
i believe in forced sterilization for all turbo breeders male and female who create endless children and seek no jobs/educations/etc
there is NOTHING conservative about a neocon
i have problems with neocon haters only!!!
u posted:
"no, the anon trolls here are the people we should revile. hypocrites, liars, closet cases, racists"
that is precisely how i define the rabidly repub dl cia baby fascist racist mongrel-slaying hobama...
Rs do have a system of individuals with equal rights and responsibilities. I have the right to remain pregnant, the responsibility to raise the child when the donor leave. I have the right to be drafted, and the responsibility to replace bush/Cheney/Chertoff/Limbaugh/Forbes/etc. I have the responsibility for the debt created by banksters gambling like addicts. They have the right to my wallet...as they aren't elected officials doing work as the public directs. I have the right to remain subservient to all menz...and the responsibility to keep the house clean, be quiet, and to have five course dinners ready when Master comes home from his arduous day of punditry.
I can't imagine why Liberals do so well.
abanks, love your idea of draft the rich kids first. Wonder if the bushWars would have been had the bushTwins gone to the Front.
TeaBaggers were MIA when st reagan raised the deficit. bush did the same and the TeaBaggers stayed home. TSA was all good and glorious, as long as Mooslims (anyone darker than me) was getting checked...but it all bad now that fratboys get the same.
bush did the bailout...no TeaBaggers protesting at all.
AfAm citizen is elected to the Presidency...astroturf TeaBaggers Untie!!!
Chicago Dyke, I completely agree - there are plenty of Black folks who aren't as liberal as us but they're not anti-poor bigots like many in the GOP.
LACoincidental said...
no_slappz said...
la coincidental wrote:
The GOP likes their Negroes the way old school Black parents liked their kids...
Aha. In other words, old-school black parents tried to raise kids who were law-abiding and geared toward getting an education. Apparently you are revolted by that idea, even though that probably describes the arc of your own life.
Anyway, seems something went wrong and the old-school black parents were pushed aside. What do those New-School black parents aim for?
There's a difference between teaching your child to have manners and making your kids sit still for hours and not say a word. And from my own experience, its often the strictest parents whose kids often grow up to be most out of control.
But, again, this was another chance for No_Slappz to insult and demean Black people as morally and intellectually inferior. Seeing as the blog is ran by a lawyer and we have several other Black people with education and careers -- good luck with that.
LAC with all respect. Sometimes you were thought to have been a kid still in college, the reason for this was you have such a childish view of the world. Understandably liberal. How can you infer that the reason things might be out of control is that maybe those really strict parents are causing it, when you know over 70% of Black children are being raised by single moms or should we say public assistance primary caregiver recieving Grandmas and there is no real family? Really so kids raised right are the problem because they are too strict and it's not the parents who aren't involved in the kids lives that has caused literal jungles to sprout in our cities? Read these articles and lets see if you can be intellectual as opposed to a clicking your heels and wishing emotional liberal
Chicago Dyke, "no, the anon trolls here are the people we should revile. hypocrites, liars, closet cases, racists"
I resent that. Anons are people who respect others. It's YOU who have mistreated folks on this blog and you have an ID. So how can you simply segregate out anons as the ONLY ones who are racists and hypocrites?
Look at UTS, Mack Lyons, and Mellaneous. They CONSISTENTLY insult our sisters and put down gays and lesbians. AB has often had to defend herself from that moron UTS.
But YOU never challenge them. WHY?
actions always speak louder than words...
and ALL of these rabidly elitist politicos are slaying the poor with the same actions wielded against poor people globally!
hobama and his banksters have gone mad!!!!!
move ALL of your money to credit unions/local banks asap!!!
AB, "hobama and his banksters have gone mad!!!!!
move ALL of your money to credit unions/local banks asap!!!"
What if the local bank fails? Then what?
Obama is trying to save the economy and your ass. But you keep bitching about being saved!
Abraham Chicken
"By contrast Steele doesn't look so bad. His sin was being Republican."
No his sin was being a token and his own ridded themselves of him as soon as he was no longer of any use to them.
Field, "I think the little rugrats have been paying a bit too much attention to what the folks on these sites and channels are doing."
The kids just want to be like their parents: lustful morons. BTW, what color or these kids who are having oral sex in the classroom? I doubt if they are Black because black kids are VERY INTERESTED in school.lol
Roderick, "No his sin was being a token and his own ridded themselves of him as soon as he was no longer of any use to them."
Does your opinion also hold for the CBC, NAACP, and even Obama?
dreaming assnon:
what has hobama done for poor mongrels like you????
u r not a bankster!!
So, nobody bit into the "We could have used a few more brothers in the house" thing? The man tells it like it is.
broke assnon:
wtf has hobama done for u???
u r not military brass!!!
Under the First Black President, that military suction tube is far bigger and more destructive than in Dr. King's day, while the economic crisis is arguably much worse, threatening the very viability of Black America as a national community. Yet only 12 Black members of Congress can bring themselves to vote against Obama's wars, and the Black misleadership class in general demands that African Americans sacrifice their own economic survival interests to Barack Obama's political interests.
Obama is not merely a continuation of the Bush administration's war policies, he has accelerated the descent into a war economy. That is nothing for any Black person to be proud about
"Does your opinion also hold for the CBC, NAACP, and even Obama?"
Were is the comparison?
The CBC members won elections, often from multi-racial districts.
The NAACP is a private Civil Rights organization with membership in the hundreds of thousands and every race.
President Obama won FIRST the Democratic Primaries besting foes with more money and name recognition than he (not to mention white skin) and then went on the win the general election.
Steele on the other hand was appointed to put a black face on a white party to combat the first black President.
Once they were through with him, he got kicked to the curb.
Once again, what is the comparison?
suicidal assnon:
wtf has hobama done for u???
u r not a warden!!!
Corporate media, which conceal much about the state of things beyond our borders, work hard to obscure the facts of life for Americans too, including the state of black America. In this year of symbolic firsts and "never befores" Black Agenda Report offers a useful index of how life is lived for hundreds of thousands of families in our communities.
America's prison system, the world's largest, houses some 2.2 million people. Almost half its prisoners come from the one-eighth of this country, which is black. African-American communities have been hard hit by the social, political and economic repercussions of the growth of America's prison state. Its presence and its reach into black life is a useful index of the quality of life in black America itself.
In this year of symbolic optimism, when a black man is a leading contender in the presidential race, as well as a leading recipient of contributions from Wall Street, big insurance and military contractors, the need to measure and describe life as it is actually lived by millions of African-Americans has never been greater. As we said in the introduction to 2005's Ten Worst Places to Be Black.
one check away from homeless assnon:
wtf has hobama done for u????
u r not a corp slumlord
When it comes to making President Obama accountable for his own wars, his own corporate pandering, his own trillion-dollar bank bailouts, the Black misleadership class becomes mute. But poor people's activists in New Orleans had no problem denouncing the president's housing policies, which ensure that "fat cats like Warren Buffett and huge private banking institutions will inherit the nation's public housing properties."
barely a renter assnon:
wtf has hobama done for u????
u r not a real estate hawk!
For the Obama administration, every bit of public space and property is "on the table" - subject to privatization. Transfer of public wealth to private hands seems a White House obsession. Next on the auction block: the nation's public housing stock. "This is gentrification and urban displacement on a gargantuan scale."
never had a trust fund assnon:
wtf has hobama done for you?????
u r not a millionaire stock owner!!!
To his eternal shame, in order to acquire and maintain power, President Barack Obama has adopted the Democratic Party's strategy of keeping blacks poor, angry and voting for Democrats.
Using the politics of poverty and race-baiting, Obama garnered nearly 96 percent of the black vote that helped propel him to the pinnacle of power. That power is now being used by Obama to accomplish his liberal agenda which includes wrecking our economy and weakening our national defense, leaving us vulnerable to another terrorist attack.
Obama is trying to destroy our free enterprise system and "change" America into a failed socialist nation with growth-killing tax increases, the takeover of private businesses through bailouts and trillions of dollars in irresponsible deficit spending on wasteful social programs.
Millions of jobs have been lost since the passage of Obama's Stimulus Bill that includes over 8,000 wasteful pork projects. That pork-laden bill will stimulate only the Democratic Party" not the economy, nor black communities. Incredibly, Obama turned a $450 billion deficit into a $9 trillion deficit, and he is promising to spend even more, including $1.5 trillion on a disastrous government-controlled health care scheme. All of this uncontrolled, budget-busting deficit spending will send our nation careening over an economic Clift into oblivion
I thought I would give the obvious interloper LaTreen Darty at 2:28 the benefit of the doubt and see if he was sincere in his opinions,but then I researched the links that he gave above.
And it was pure racist entertainment. Check out just a few excerpts from a link by a supposed teacher who pretends to be "objectively" describing what teaching black students is like. And let me say I am sure those kids are something else because I have seen a few classrooms, but that's not what the letter writer is trying to describe, he clearly comes to the issue with some "other" motives.
Judge for yourself-
--"Blacks, on average, are the most directly critical people I have ever met: “Dat shirt stupid.
Yo’ kid a bastard. Yo’ lips big.” Unlike whites, who tread gingerly around the subject of race, they can be brutally to the point."
---Most of the blacks I taught simply had no interest in academic subjects. I taught history, and students would often say they didn’t want to do an assignment
or they didn’t like history because it was all about white people. Of course, this
was “diversity” history, in which every cowboy’s black cook got a special page on how he contributed to winning the West, but black children still found it inadequate.
and this gem...
--"Anyone who teaches blacks soon
learns that they have a completely different view of government from whites.
Once I decided to fill 25 minutes by having students write about one thing the government should do to improve America. I gave this question to three classes totaling about 100 students, approximately 80 of whom were black.
My white students came back with
generally “conservative” ideas. “We
need to cut off people who don’t work,”was the most common suggestion. Nearly every black gave a variation on the theme of “We need more government
Notice how the so-called teacher forgets to say students and just says "Blacks." I kept asking myself, how does he really expect anyone to learn something from him especially since it is clear that HE DOESN'T LIKE THEM!
It gets better.
--"One student accused me of deliberately failing him on a test because I didn’t like black people.
“Do you think I really hate black
people?”“Yeah.”“Have I done anything to make you feel this way? How do you know?” “You just do.”“Why do you say that?”
He just smirked, looked out the window,and sucked air through his teeth.
Perhaps this was a regional thing, but the blacks often sucked air through theirteeth as a wordless expression of disdain or hostility."
and later he practically admits his disdain for blacks
---How did my experiences make me
feel about blacks? Ultimately, I lost sympathy for them. In so many ways they seem to make their own beds.
One tragic outcome among whites
who have been teaching for too long
is that it can engender something close to hatred. One teacher I knew gave up fast food—not for health reasons but because where he lived most fast-food workers were black. He had enough of
blacks on the job. This was an extreme example but years of frustration can take their toll. Many of my white colleagues
with any experience were well
on their way to that state of mind."
job insecure/food insecure like tens of millions of others assnon:
wtf has hobama done for u???
when may your own pink slip/foreclosure/layoff loom???????
The damage inflicted on Black America since the economic meltdown is absolutely unprecedented in modern times – but African Americans have yet to “develop an agenda and make the requisite demands” of power. In New York City, Black unemployment is “more than four times as high as white joblessness. “The trajectory for black America goes ever downward, even as the presence of a black man in the White House gives the mirage-like appearance of success for all.”
The president is no fool. After all, he was in New York just a few days after the announcement of the unemployment numbers. So he did mention them, although very briefly, but as always he downplayed the singularity of the black experience and spoke of discrimination effecting gay people and Muslims and immigrants. He stuck with his “rising tide lifts all boats” meme and pleaded for patience because he is working so hard on the economy.
The unique circumstances of black Americans will get no attention from the Obama administration unless crowds stop adoring him and start making demands on him. The trajectory for black America goes ever downward, even as the presence of a black man in the White House gives the mirage-like appearance of success for all. If black people continue to lose assets, homes and jobs and fail to bring attention to their plight, then hackneyed speeches from Obama will be all we will get.
Actually, Mell, this is true. Modern school history books teach every history tpoic in a four paragraph system: 1. How black people were being oppressed, 2. How Native Americans were being vicitmized, 3. What some woman did that could tangentially be attached to the topic, and 4. Some nod to actual facts.
This is done over and over again, for every lesson.
Pick up a middle school kid's history book and see if this insn't true.
Yes. We know Mell, facts are racist. Got ya. Keep on Keepin on it's obviously working so well for ya.
Do you actually doubt kids in school dont do these things? Do you actually doubt it after you see the results when they are teens? Do you doubt it when the attitudes are precisely those of the adult babby mommas?
Things will never change. At least for you.
Sorry dude I also have had the opportunity to read High School History books of late and they don't read like you described.
Maybe you are just taking issue with a few of the books attempts to be more inclusive of ALL of history, which would rightly include the accomplishments of blacks, Asians, Latinos and whites women, as well as the working class.
Maybe what you're saying is you don't like the truth to be told about the mistreatment of the Indians in the 17, 18 and 19th century.
Or the struggle of women to get the vote, or the efforts of black and white sharecroppers to get a fair return on what they produced from the land owners,
Or the terror that was visited upon both poor whites and blacks who tried to better themselves.
Or maybe you object to kids learning about US terrorism otherwise known as Jim Crow:
Or maybe you have a problem with them learning about how the early industrialists worked children eight years old nearly to death in their factories and worked their parents for long hours with little pay:
Or about how greedy factory owners failed to put in emergency escapes and allowed a factory full of Jewish immigrant women workers burn to death in New York,
Or how union organizers were arrested and sometimes murdered.
What you are afraid of is that the students will learn the truth and work to bring about a better America that will honor everyone's humanity and provide equal opportunity, equal rights and the basic necessities of life. And they won't base it on the profit motive but will be motivated by the desire to see all humanity advance, not just the rich
I don't know Field-Qaeda,
I think Steele could be 100 percent accurate( and not sexist ) about his few more Brothas comment. Personally I think women are naturally smarter than men( too many of them just don't know it yet), so I could believe that not one single Sista ( besides for Anita Hill) could be duped into joining the Republican Party, especially with these tattered Tea baggers. After being duped by all those trifling brothas out there, I can see Black women being smart enough to at least stir clear of tattered tea baggers.
But what I don't understand is if Steele was actually a "good" republican chairman surrounded by white racists or an incompetent republican chairman surrounded by white racists who recognized his incompetence even as a republican.
FN: Still Mike, it's hard to hook up with a party that time and time again places folks in leadership positions that do stuff like this. Not to mention the fact that your party does not respect our icons and their legacy. You can't disrespect us and expect us to hitch our wagons to you. I don't care how much we have in common. We have to get past all the other stuff first. And that's hard; especially for black folks."
And I thought most of us aren't Republicans because we want a hand out. **sarcasm** Go Figure.
I vote Democrat most of the time and nobody ever gave me sh*t (i.e., a handout).
Anon don't be ridiculous. I prefaced my comments by saying that I know that inner city kids can be unruly.
But thats not what the author is talking about. He is trying to say that all black folks act in ways in which they don't and he attempts to exaggerate the behaviour of these kids and to make it appear its how all black folks act.
And facts don't explain conditions. And as I have come to learn, for many conservative and liberal bigots, they don't allow real truth to get in the way of their so-called facts.
I gotta run Field in case the narrow minded think I am ducking the discussion. Got to get back to work and meetings. Peace
ageless blind invincible assnon:
wtf have hobama and his toxic trickle down fed bs done for you???
u r not benjamin button!!!
As of last week, 46 states are facing a budget shortfall next year. While budget crises may stem from different issues ranging from historic unemployment rates to a decline in tourism, they all have one thing in common -- many of these states are looking to balance their budgets on the backs of the poor, the mentally ill and at the expense of those whom are already struggling.
What's at stake? Let's take a closer look.
FakeAnons, the largest Victims (tm) other than Sarey, Queen of Victims (tm).
Poser thinkerates that Liberalism is a function of ivory tower education. So, does that make conservatism a function of no education? Is conservatism a process inherited by unbranching family trees?
Just because an old lady outed some Cheeto-eating lads as such...they assume it can be done to others. Boys, you need at least some proof. Like sentence structure. Like typical teenage male posturing. Like an obvious lack of any real world experience.
When one boasts of doing X on the Intertubes, one might consider that at least some of us have done X...and Y...and Zed.
mell, loved your piece on American History...as opposed to 'Merican HisStory.
mell is correct. Those GoodOleDays you-all are being sold...sucked. If the childhood diseases didn't kill or cripple you...the work did. Visit some coal areas and note that there are, like, zero old dudes.
I read the blog entry by Christopher Jackson, the high school history teacher who was teaching in an 85%-black school.
His experience in his southeastern state matched my experience in Brooklyn teaching math.
He knows his subject and there is nothing in his commentary that is false or misrepresented. It's that bad in many schools.
Of course you object to the truth, which makes you and others like you part of the problem. Undoubtedly you think the teacher is, as the black students at his school say, "racis".
Where are the black teachers? Is not that the black answer? Black teachers for black students? If you believe the author of the blog post is wrong, then it seems you should believe educators who are black are what's needed.
you know racist have to be the most dishonest people in the world. Notice the Jewish fella tries to make "subjective" observations fact, and he ignores the obvious "fact" which is like the student picked up on, and that is he does not like black students.
MOld exactly! The good old days weren't really good old days for most of the white working class as well. A lot of blood was spilled and lot of bones broken and a lot of hard ship was incurred for the US working person to enjoy the few rights we presently enjoy.
Weekends off, the 8 hour day, the minimum wage and even an end to child labor or should I say underaged child labor, even the right to organize was given up grudgingly by our fellow Americans who were captains of industry.
The sad truth of the author's commentary is evident in the fact that only a small percentage of blacks attend college, and when they do, they almost all need extensive remedial work. Then, in college, only a handful study subjects more rigorous than sociology, which means studying Andrew Hacker and Jonathan Kozol and the others who have made careers out of selling racism to students.
mellaneous" What you are afraid of is that the students will learn the truth and work to bring about a better America that will honor everyone's humanity and provide equal opportunity, equal rights and the basic necessities of life. And they won't base it on the profit motive but will be motivated by the desire to see all humanity advance, not just the rich"
Um, no. What I don't like is history taught to make people feel good instead of factually respresenting the past.
mellaneous said..."you know racist have to be the most dishonest people in the world. Notice the Jewish fella....."
Accusing someone of racism and immediately segueing into using a Jewish label. Hmmm.
Bad propagandist. Clearly you are trying to appeal to an audience suceptible to racist propaganda. But you have to be a bit believable to even pass their smell test. Even they know that you can't say,
"they almost all need extensive remedial work."
You have to dress up your prevarications. The Jewish guy is not even a good racist propagandist. I am starting to suspect that he is one of those failed guys who hates the world because of his failures and inadequacies. I don't believe he has been successful as a teacher or supposed stock broker, which is why he comes to this blog acting like a horses butt!
Are you suggesting that murder and harassment of union members and organizers didn't happen. Or that lynching and discrimination against blacks, immigrants, Jews, women and other folks deemed unacceptable didn't happen?
the plantation idiot said:
"Well we can't expect too much from the GOP who don't like Negroes period (probably why FP is desparately trying to hang out with them) but it seems to me that President Obama at least has far more black women in his immediate circle than he does black men."
it is apparent to all with one non blind eye to see that the u.s government seems to hold all citizens in contempt, barring the ruling class. fools keep babbling as if there is a bit of difference between the repubs and dems. babble away...
MOST folks looking to surround themselves with folks that will work diligently, will NOT be surrounded with bm. those bm willing to work hard, smart, and diligently, are an exception-not the norm. the rest work diligently at sucking life out of the women, making excuses, and reminding all with ears that it is not their fault that they choose to behave so shamefully. case in point, the blog idiot UTS. he is blogging away while his wife is the breadwinner. someone should have told her that it is an age old practice for women to be hypergamous. maybe then she would have resisted the so called black community's pressure on bw to operate in a hypogamous state of mind. LOL. i suppose she came up in the "1/2 a man is better than no man" generation.
the blog idiot said:
"Show me one black conservative who even attempts to TALK directly black people about the problems which obsess them so."
there is a reason you don't see a lot of this. conservatives tend to want LESS government. the liberals and especially the black ones, can't wait for ANOTHER government program, when personal accountability and responsibility would constitute a REAL solution. black men's collective refusal to man up and improve his condition along with the conditions of his women and children, is a DRAIN on the resources of other men. the government is virtually bankrupt, yet quite a few black folks seem to think it should be a government function or priority to fund the black collective's foolishness. i am a black person and this madness sickens me. i am neither a democrat nor a republican. though i have been accused of being a republican many times. i take that as a compliment frankly. at least i am not mistaken for another brain dead, non critical thinking democrat.
recently when the wm was sliced and diced for noting that bw seem to work harder than bm despite the hardships, where bm want the easy way that lead to violence, death and/or extended prison stays; folks got fixated on THAT observation and were quick to take offense at what most can see plainly as the truth in large numbers.
i, on the other hand, was offended that mr politician was suggesting there needed to be a GOVERNMENT incentive for more bm to BEHAVE like men. lol. but that's just me, i tend to focus on what others tend to ignore.
AB, thanks for the trivia on self impregnating creatures. lol. my greater point sis, was black folks cannot afford to continue to avoid societal norms that have been the foundation of civilizations for CENTURIES. the chickens are coming home in droves to roost. all folks pointing this out are NOT racist (if non blk) or bourgie (if blk); as an educator, i am sure you have seen first hand the effects of folks wanting to be considered civilized and human, without behaving accordingly.
i have to take my hat off to you AB. you are consistent if nothing else. i long ago gave up attempting to tell brain dead negroes about the blackish guy in the white house. do you know, it took a long minute for me to get over one of his first "speeches" where he let bfolks know racism was not a figment of our imagination? i blogged about it and instead chose to focus on the truths Cynthia Kinney was sharing around the same time.
i will not engage on the topic anymore as a result of black folks' collective refusal to think and behave as adults. most want to behave as dumb children and it makes me tired.
Mr. Mell, the most gripping piece of information to me from the article you predictably took offense to was this statement: "no society takes on the characterististics of its exceptions." maybe you and the blog idiots can meditate, pray, and catch the spirit of THIS truth. the rest of the article offended me not in the least. i recognize some of it to be the truth from first hand experiences. there ARE blacks that are HELLBENT on behaving like the EPITOME of racist stereotypes-male AND female. bfolks have taken backwards behavior to an all new height. THIS is why the silly females are turning themselves inside out to please and delight the males. fighting over males. acting as if the male is the prize and picker when in all actuality the opposite is true. this is why the oow rates among blacks are so off the charts. feminism and the bastardization of patriarchy are affecting all groups to an extent. it is ravaging blacks because the natural male/female dynamics had ALREADY been tampered with mightily. nevertheless, by virtue of the statement i quoted, the author is acknowledging that he is not talking about ALL of anybody. it will be nice when bfolks stop insisting on functioning in a chronic state of denial and realize that the sum is greater than the parts. but hey, it is not bfolks' fault, right?
i am finding it difficult to exercise the love i have for my people at times these days. bfolks are steadily morphing into this messy mess-BOTH genders. having standards, values, morals, goals and the drive to meet them is met with open hostility and derision. surely you have encountered this, you being an activist and all? i offset this by focusing only on those that demonstrate they want better. those open to listen without arguing and defending the dysfunction. this means that i must ignore more people than i pay attention to unfortunately. most demonstrate they are UNfit for survival.
my comments in the previous thread were erased or posted only in part. i indicated that IF you can point me to a post where you stand in defense of AB, i will apologize and retract my assertion. aside from that i am not "trying" to say anything. nor am i stuttering. i am plain talking my position and will not stand down because folks find the truth inconvenient or a pr nightmare. lol.
unfortunately FP I don't have time to go back and prove my point but its true and AB can actually verify that I have defended her over the years that I have been responding to this blog. I have no reason to lie about it and I am sure someone else who visits the blog can come to my defense.
In fact the last time I defended her was when everyone was complaining and trying to get her shut down by Field.
You can believe me or not but whatever you may think about me I am a principled person.
"I prefaced my comments by saying that I know that inner city kids can be unruly."
understatement much? LOL. just can't bring yourself to address internal ailments with the same vehemence you reserve for capitalism and white folks, huh? how convenient.
I resent that. Anons are people who respect others.
respect. hmmm. an interesting comment. what exactly, do you think you are "respecting" by being anon? your own fear?
why are you afraid to tell me your nym? or name? if you research my nym, you will easily find my real name. why don't you have that courage?
there are far, far too many disruptors at this blog. an African American blog, at that. why is that? does Karl Rove pay you? do you not understand: republican leadership hates you (assuming you are of color)? do you know the (truthful) stories about how Blacks like Steele are treated in person, by their masters in the republican party? Watts was told, at a bigwig gathering of thugs once, "boy, pick up my bag." do you think it would be different for you?
conservative =/= "republican of 2011." it's really that simple. you don't know me, but i will tell you in all honesty: i have many libertarian, conservative, white, and right wing friends. many. we don't agree all the time on various issues, but unlike many liberals, i don't think they are "stupid." or even wrong, on certain issues.
don't mistake me for a "typical" liberal as defined by your TV. i'm more sophisticated, ideologically, and i can do British anti-slavery conservatism and Jacobism and Stoicism with the best of them, even as i can recite the history of the failures of modern western liberalism. technically, i am a "radical." do you even know what that really means?
if you're not a paid plant working for the RNC, pick a nym, and stick to it. this is 2011. there's no excuse not to, anymore. own up to your own words, or be named a Coward. which is it? when you read my words, you see my real face. why are you afraid to do the same? we may even agree on some issues. join me in civilized conversation, instead of merely trading childish insults. but stop being such a coward.
FP, AB and others should be able to affirm that over the years that I have been responding to Field's blog that I have indeed defended her, I can't do any better than that because I simply don't have the time to go back and pull up the thread.
But I am not in the habit of lying, folks may disagree with me, but I am a principled person.
And did you read what I wrote? I didn't say that all the allegations were not true about the children I simply was making the point that the author was trying to say that this behavior was representative of ALL BLACKS.
You misread me FP I get and understand your frustration.
The point I continually try to make is that in order to change these childrens behaviour and outlook we have to change the source of it.
As long as we have this two tiered system we are going to have the same kind of outcomes.
WE need a new system FP there is no getting around it.
These kids act as foolish and as disorderly and desperate as any other kids would in this situation.
Go back and read the teachers description of the immigrant kids at the turn of the last century and you will see very similar observations.
I repeat I have the same frustrations with some of these young people as you do! I have worked with some of them. I see some of them at church and in the neighborhood. I have tried to help some of them to no avail.
So I understand the frustration, but it doesn't change the fact that these conditions didn't arise out of the sky blue.
FP said,
"just can't bring yourself to address internal ailments with the same vehemence you reserve for capitalism and white folks, huh? how convenient."
Guilty as charged FP. Thats exactly where I am coming from!
Just I would rush to the aid of the victim rather than the victimizer, FP. Capitalism is the victimizer, at present US Imperialism is victimizing folks all over the world. They are even bombing folks in Pakistan. Did you see their protest yesterday?
Problems always have a source FP and it always makes more sense to eliminate the root of a problem rather than just messing around with the symptoms.
And like MLK I reserve most of my venom for the perpetrators and reserve my empathy for the victims.
FP shuffles for the right again,
"there is a reason you don't see a lot of this. conservatives tend to want LESS government."
Then please explain why government, at least over the last 40 years, always EXPANDS under Republican administrations????
In fact the only POTUS to cut the size of government in the last 30 years was Bill Clinton.
Republicans have no problem with big government, only who gets the largesse.
FP must have gotten stood up AGAIN
"MOST folks looking to surround themselves with folks that will work diligently, will NOT be surrounded with bm. those bm willing to work hard, smart, and diligently, are an exception-not the norm. the rest work diligently at sucking life out of the women, making excuses, and reminding all with ears that it is not their fault that they choose to behave so shamefully."
No hatred there, huh?
"case in point, the blog idiot UTS. he is blogging away while his wife is the breadwinner."
And who is supporting or loving you while you post away?
Black, white, male or female.
Exactly why you're so damn hostile and bitter.
I enrage you because I know exactly what you're about and the truth is very painful, isn't it FP?
"Then please explain why government, at least over the last 40 years, always EXPANDS under Republican administrations????"
No need to, because it's not true.
"In fact the only POTUS to cut the size of government in the last 30 years was Bill Clinton."
That was because the budgets were set by a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS you moron.
UTS - thanks for highlighting the fact that the 'fiscal conservatives' are moderate Dems like Clinton and Carter. And by no less than the CATO Institute.
Simply put the fiscal conservatives only care about 'fiscal responsibility' when it comes to screwing over Black and Brown people or liberal pet projects like NPR or the NEA.
(Irony point - most of these mountain tea party cranks and militia men live off government largess - unemployment, SS, Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Insurance, welfare, WIC, etc. Wait until Bubba don't get that "guv'mint check" no more. I liked how last nights 'Big Love' Episode stuck that factoid right in.)
As was pointed numerous times - it was Red Ink Ronnie and the Bushies; not Clinton, Obama or Carter (or heck, even the Great Society or the New Deal) that mushroomed the deficit, with the ridiculous tax cut slashing and overblown military spending.
We can disagree with Obama and Clinton on many things but they're not the 'tax and spend liberal' boogie men that the right make them out to be. Honestly, most 'tax and spend liberals' can achieve their goals on the cheap.
downtowmbrown said...
"Then please explain why government, at least over the last 40 years, always EXPANDS under Republican administrations????"
No need to, because it's not true.
"In fact the only POTUS to cut the size of government in the last 30 years was Bill Clinton."
That was because the budgets were set by a REPUBLICAN CONGRESS you moron.
Actually, many of those spending cuts came right from the top. Clinton as a Blue Dog Democrat/DLC stalwart was a deficit hawk. As a proportion of our GDP, military spending went down under Clinton.
Also, seeing as the GOP ran the show for first 6 years of the Bush years - explain how deficit spending exploded with the 'fiscal conservatives' and the 'MBA White House' running the show?
"No need to, because it's not true."
I know how much FACTS offend people like you but....here goes
la coincidental, you asked:
Also, seeing as the GOP ran the show for first 6 years of the Bush years - explain how deficit spending exploded with the 'fiscal conservatives' and the 'MBA White House' running the show?
Answer: 9/11
Dear Anony, please stop messing with Mack. If you really are a republican black man you should be ashamed of yourself. Didn't you get the memo? While the black street pirates are free to wander; Steve, Mack and Mell will be sure to at least hold you responsible for black on black dandering. LOL.
LOL FP, girl I'm just raising my wine glass to everything you just said. I'm going back up to read it again. I wanted to say that quick before moderation...
FP's rants may give you a temporary and cheap sense of satisfaction but ultimately they won't change your situation.
Did anyone watch Chris Rock's documentary "Good Hair"?
Ice T laid some very potent wisdom down at the very end of the film.
"If a woman is unhappy with herself then she's gonna bring nothing but pain to every fuckin body around her."
'Nuff said.
no_slappz said...
la coincidental, you asked:
Also, seeing as the GOP ran the show for first 6 years of the Bush years - explain how deficit spending exploded with the 'fiscal conservatives' and the 'MBA White House' running the show?
Answer: 9/11
Actually, No_Slappz, that's a ridiculous answer. 9/11 and the subsequent wars in the Middle East point to two things:
1. Bush and his gang were, at best, asleep at the wheel. I'm no 9/11 Truther, so I don't believe Bush orchestrated the bombing of 2 building just to fight his Daddy's revenge fantasies. But there is several pieces ample evidence that the Bush gang failed the basic rule of governing and didn't heed the prevalent intel from Israel and Britain in Summer 2001.
2. Going to with two non-entities like Afghanistan and Iraq to fight a bunch of religious freaks in caves is going after a fly with a bazooka. We spent untold billions, and Afghanistan and Iraq are even bigger Islamo-facist quagmires now and Osama bin Laden puts on more YouTube videos than Kat Stacks.
The only thing 9/11 did was save Bush from being branded the incompetent figure head of a gang of kleptocrats. And even that cover didn't last all too long.
la coincidental, you wrote:
Actually, No_Slappz, that's a ridiculous answer. 9/11 and the subsequent wars in the Middle East point to two things:
1. Bush and his gang were, at best, asleep at the wheel.
Inasmuch as the first attack on the World Trade Center occurred in 1993 and there were two al Qaeda attacks on US embassies in Africa in 1998, the chore of getting to the bottom of it all was in Clinton's hands until Bush was inaugurated in 2001. Then a mere 8 months later we were hit with 9/11.
Thus, if there was an administration that was asleep at the wheel, it was the Clinton Administration.
In any case, your response suggests that if Al Gore had been president, he would have taken a bargain-basement alternative path in response to 9/11.
What low-cost path would he have taken?
Mell said: "unfortunately FP I don't have time to go back and prove my point but its true and AB can actually verify that I have defended her over the years that I have been responding to this blog."
But have you ever defended AB when the other black males blatantly disrespect her? To date, the only woman I've seen you trio openly defend is whatchamacallit Maria. You guys don't even do it for Granny and Hathor. And to be honest, they are the ones who engage in the most black male protectionism on this blog.
FP, I can't see why they are even taking issue with the things you just said. You have been very fair and honest. It doesn't take much to see this as truth. Sis, keep bringing that wisdom.
Mell, "unfortunately FP I don't have time to go back and prove my point but its true and AB can actually verify that I have defended her over the years that I have been responding to this blog. I have no reason to lie about it and I am sure someone else who visits the blog can come to my defense."
I regret that I missed the afternoon action today. Nevertheless, I must say that you are a liar; and since you are a preacher it makes you a double liar.
BTW, You don't have to go back years into the FN archives to prove your point. 'Anyone' following the comments THIS month can go back and there you, Mack and UTs(the 3 black musketeers) are making your insulting remarks, trying to triple-team FP and LAA. You sorry chauvinistic bm still lost the fight. You are pathetic when it comes to bm.
And STOP TRYING TO USE AB for your own self-aggrandizement. She isn't that stupid and neither is anyone else on this blog. We all know what you are trying to do. I am sure AB doesn't appreciate you throwing her name around to help cover up your outrageous lies.
How do you reconcile yourself with God? Do you LIE to HIM also? Preachers like you are worse than politicians when it comes to lying. You will say anything to cover your ass.
Mell, "you know racist have to be the most dishonest people in the world."
No, Mell that is NOT true. Reverends like you are the most dishonest people in the world.
thank god i need no clowns to help me slay anyone anywhere...
like that ringmaster floozy mareally a black boy toy madam does herein!!!
You caught my attention with that last paragraph about the children. I read the article you linked. Sadly, my thought leans towards sexual abuse at home that is transferring to the child acting out. I know from first hand experience with one of my children. I caught a young neighbor, just a few years older than my youngest son, attempting to do the same to my son. They were in a little rubber pool. It was summer. As it turns out, we found out years later, this boy was continually sexually assaulted by his father. It was a terribly sad situation for all concerned.
What path would Al Gore have taken? Hmmm, probably aprehending those responsible for the acts of terrorism instead of invading a nation based on faulty intel. I mean isn't that what anyone with half a brain would have done?
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