We are in day six of the Egyptian uprising-revolution-crisis-protests, whatever you want to call it, and my man Hosni still refuses to call it quits. (Hillary, I saw you on television tonight and you must have aged 10 years since the last time I saw you. Oh well, that's why they pay you the big bucks; to figure out how A-merry-ca is going to balance on the fence with this one. )
Still, it's nice to see that your boy is bringing the economy back from the dead. I know that the wingnuts are hoping and praying that he fails, but hey, such is life in the A-merry-can political arena: The other guy can do no good.
And speaking of the political arena; I see that Mississippi's finest is considering a run for the White House. Unfortunately for him he has some...well.... issues.
"Barbour argues that his generation of political leaders attended integrated schools, but his 1965 high school class -- he was valedictorian -- was segregated. He enrolled at the University of Mississippi three years after a bloody battle in which federal troops and marshals were ordered on campus to enforce the court-ordered enrollment of James Meredith as Ole Miss' first black student.
"I went to integrated college, never thought twice about it," Barbour said this past fall in a webcast interview with Peter M. Robinson of Stanford University's Hoover Institution, with whom he served in the Reagan administration.
It's true that the university was integrated, but just barely: Though Ole Miss had an enrollment of at least 3,300, the yearbook shows fewer than a dozen black students when Barbour arrived as a freshman in 1965.
One of them, Cleveland Donald Jr., said he didn't know the future governor, who joined a fraternity, got involved in student government and helped organize campus concerts. With no chance of joining a fraternity himself, Donald tried to attend a meeting of a Christian student group.
"I went to one meeting and they moved off campus because several of them did not want me there," recalled Donald, now a University of Connecticut history professor.
Barbour said he remembers sitting next to a pleasant young black woman in a literature class, and that she let him borrow her notes.
"I had a great experience," he said of his time in Oxford, adding after a slight pause, "I didn't study too hard." [Source]
But all is not lost. It looks like Haley might have had a "road to Damascus" moment. No blinding lights for Haley, just good sound politics.
"Over the recent Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, Barbour used emphatic language to address Mississippi's place in the civil rights area: "Deplorable actions including the murder of innocent people, young men in service to a cause that was right, will always be a stain on our history."
As part of the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Rides, Barbour plans to host a reception honoring the activists. And this month, Barbour used his final "State of the State" address to say this is the year for Mississippi to build a long-delayed museum dedicated to the civil rights movement.
"The civil rights struggle is an important part of our history," he said, "and millions of people are interested in learning more about it."
Amen Haley. I love when folks are willing to learn.
Finally, speaking of learning, I hope that you Negro parents will try to take the time to prepare your children to learn in school. I know it's hard, but please try. Folks are tired of trying to come up with innovative ways to help your children learn. From Hip Hop in Minnesota to straight up segregation in Pistolvania; it's one gimmick after another.
Whatever it takes I guess, but I can't help but think about the Ivy League ball player,Dau Jok, who had to -literally- write in the sand in school because they had no learning materials. No such excuse here. All it takes is just good old fashion work. In the classroom and at home. Remember, a "mind is a terrible thing to waste". Just ask Haley.
Still, it's nice to see that your boy is bringing the economy back from the dead. I know that the wingnuts are hoping and praying that he fails, but hey, such is life in the A-merry-can political arena: The other guy can do no good.
And speaking of the political arena; I see that Mississippi's finest is considering a run for the White House. Unfortunately for him he has some...well.... issues.
"Barbour argues that his generation of political leaders attended integrated schools, but his 1965 high school class -- he was valedictorian -- was segregated. He enrolled at the University of Mississippi three years after a bloody battle in which federal troops and marshals were ordered on campus to enforce the court-ordered enrollment of James Meredith as Ole Miss' first black student.
"I went to integrated college, never thought twice about it," Barbour said this past fall in a webcast interview with Peter M. Robinson of Stanford University's Hoover Institution, with whom he served in the Reagan administration.
It's true that the university was integrated, but just barely: Though Ole Miss had an enrollment of at least 3,300, the yearbook shows fewer than a dozen black students when Barbour arrived as a freshman in 1965.
One of them, Cleveland Donald Jr., said he didn't know the future governor, who joined a fraternity, got involved in student government and helped organize campus concerts. With no chance of joining a fraternity himself, Donald tried to attend a meeting of a Christian student group.
"I went to one meeting and they moved off campus because several of them did not want me there," recalled Donald, now a University of Connecticut history professor.
Barbour said he remembers sitting next to a pleasant young black woman in a literature class, and that she let him borrow her notes.
"I had a great experience," he said of his time in Oxford, adding after a slight pause, "I didn't study too hard." [Source]
But all is not lost. It looks like Haley might have had a "road to Damascus" moment. No blinding lights for Haley, just good sound politics.
"Over the recent Martin Luther King Jr. holiday, Barbour used emphatic language to address Mississippi's place in the civil rights area: "Deplorable actions including the murder of innocent people, young men in service to a cause that was right, will always be a stain on our history."
As part of the 50th anniversary of the Freedom Rides, Barbour plans to host a reception honoring the activists. And this month, Barbour used his final "State of the State" address to say this is the year for Mississippi to build a long-delayed museum dedicated to the civil rights movement.
"The civil rights struggle is an important part of our history," he said, "and millions of people are interested in learning more about it."
Amen Haley. I love when folks are willing to learn.
Finally, speaking of learning, I hope that you Negro parents will try to take the time to prepare your children to learn in school. I know it's hard, but please try. Folks are tired of trying to come up with innovative ways to help your children learn. From Hip Hop in Minnesota to straight up segregation in Pistolvania; it's one gimmick after another.
Whatever it takes I guess, but I can't help but think about the Ivy League ball player,Dau Jok, who had to -literally- write in the sand in school because they had no learning materials. No such excuse here. All it takes is just good old fashion work. In the classroom and at home. Remember, a "mind is a terrible thing to waste". Just ask Haley.
"Deplorable actions including the murder of innocent people, young men in service to a cause that was right, will always be a stain on our history."
He just lost the Republican base.
Egypt has 1 percent of their population who controls 90% of the wealth. In the US the top 1 percent almost earns more than the rest of the country. If all of these tax cuts for rich folks continues and this high unemployment goes on for a long period, it's just a matter of time before something goes down in the US of A.
I just watched on WGN News out of Chicago, two of the African Americans running for Mayor just made fools out themselves. One of them is former US Senator Carol Moseley Braun who out shouted the other African American female candidate, Patricia Watkins saying that she was on crack, when watkins asked were Braun has been the last 20 years. The other candidates were looking like WTF?
To the extent the economy is rebounding, it is despite everything Obama has done, not because of it. Economies are cyclical. Absent the failed stimulus fiasco, the uncertainty about tax rates, and the healthcare siezure, we would have been out of this recession a year ago.
"He just lost the Republican base."
Really Ernesto, that's what you believe, that the Republican base (half the country) denies the legitimacy of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's?
I can't believe you are that ignorant. So why write that?
This is a reply to UTS from the previous thread:
"FN black posters with low self-esteem cannont ignore no_slappz. They are forced to defend themselves because deep down inside, he touches the core of their being."
UTS said, "Slappy is the "wack-a-mole" of the FN blog.
He, like FP, comes here to vent his personal frustrations and resentments in a sad attempt to make sense of an unhappy life."
Then WHY do you and your friends like Mack, Mell, and PilotX respond to no_slappz? Seems to me that it takes a wacked out person with low self-esteem to enter into conversation with n_s. However, I understand. no_slappz presses your buttons and it's too painful NOT to respond.
BTW, FP made no comment. But you seem to be obssessed with her. How much space does she "occupy" in your mind even when she is NOT around?
Maybe you should do some self-analysis on yourself, instead of others...
Field, "Finally, speaking of learning, I hope that you Negro parents will try to take the time to prepare your children to learn in school. I know it's hard, but please try. Folks are tired of trying to come up with innovative ways to help your children learn."
Academic dissidentification. That is the term for the social disease and learning hindrance attributed to a lot of black children. I am sick and tired of folks trying to come up with ways to try to educate black children who see ecucation as irrelevant because it's a "white thang".
The BIG problem is NOT dumbass black children, but dumbass "unloving" black parents. It makes me sick when I look at my race of people and the kids who are drug addicted, gun slinging, baby-making undisciplined morons. They don't even act live humans..they are more like martians or from some other planet. We NOW have 2nd graders having ORAL SEX IN THE CLASSROOM!
How far down the scale must we go before somebody realizes that the future for Blacks is very bleak indeed?
Things are totally screwed up-- with little to no chance of a return to human civility, pride or human dignity. It is sickening and pathetic.
Barbour "Road to Damascus" is paved with deception. Don't let the new cover on the old book fool you. Barbour is testing out the bullshit Gov. Wallace pulled off in Alabama during the 80's (the new improved version).
A young woman was about to finish her first year of college. Like so
many others her age, she considered herself to be a very Liberal Democrat, and among other liberal ideals, was very much in Favor of higher taxes to support more government programs, in other Words redistribution of wealth.
She was deeply ashamed that her father was a rather staunch
Republican, a feeling she openly expressed. Based on the Lectures that she had participated in, and the occasional chat with a professor, she felt that her father had for years harbored an evil, selfish desire to keep what he thought should be his.
One day she was challenging her father on his opposition to higher
taxes on the rich and the need for more government programs. The
self-professed objectivity proclaimed by her professors had to be the truth and she indicated so to her father. He responded by asking how she was doing in school.
Taken aback, she answered rather haughtily that she had a 4.0 GPA, and let him know that it was tough to maintain, insisting that she was
taking a very difficult course load and was constantly studying, which left her no time to go out and party like other people she knew. She didn’t even have time for a boyfriend, and didn’t really have many college friends, because she spent all her time studying.
Her father listened and then asked , ‘How is your friend Audrey
doing?’ She replied, ‘ Audrey is barely getting by. All she takes are easy classes, she never studies, and she barely has a 2.0 GPA. She Is so popular on campus; college for her is a blast. She’s always invited to all the parties and lots of times she doesn’t even show up for classes because she’s too hung over.’
Her wise father asked his daughter, ‘Why don’t you go to the Dean’s office and ask him to deduct 1.0 off your GPA and give it to your friend who only has a 2.0. That way you will both have a 3.0 GPA, and certainly that would be a fair and equal distribution of GPA.’ The daughter, visibly shocked by her father’s suggestion, angrily fired
back, ‘That’s a crazy idea, how would that be fair! I’ve worked really hard for my grades! I’ve invested a lot of time, and a lot of hard work! Audrey has done next to nothing toward her degree. She played while I worked my tail off!’
The father slowly smiled, winked and said gently, ‘Welcome to The
Republican party.’
Anon. 6:27 AM, you can't serious.
Anon. 12:21 AM get help fast.
Egypt has 1 percent of their population who controls 90% of the wealth. In the US the top 1 percent almost earns more than the rest of the country."
Hmmm, sounds familiar?
Barbour said he remembers sitting next to a pleasant young black woman in a literature class, and that she let him borrow her notes."
He must have threatened her with bodily harm after class if she didn't.
Amen Haley. I love when folks are willing to learn.
Field, I thought you had more street smarts than to be taken by the likes of Barbour.
My mom still lives in MS and the good white folks have been writing letters to the local newspaper and have stated that they won't be voting for Mr. Barbour again. LOL
So basically Barbour has alienated white Republicans that he is going to need to win the nomination to assure Independents he would need to win the White House that he's not a racist.
He's traveling the same road that Artur Davis did in his bid to become the first black governor of Alabama last year.
Haley should ask Artur how that worked out for him. LOL
amen fn!
parents MUST help educate their own children!
hobama is no friend to poor people in egypt or anywhere else
the usa has never been innocent in egypt or any other country involved in its military/oil imperialism
and i know you cannot possibly REALLY live in philly and practice criminal law...
yet truly praise hobama for any recovery lies printed anywhere!!!!
poor people of all races are STILL in a deep depression and the worst is yet to come!!!
and poor blacks are faring worst!!!!!!
Nevertheless, Reuters reported that Elbaradei "... had a mandate [from whom it doesn't say] to speak to the army and organize a handover to a national unity coalition." We must assume the "mandate" is from the U.S., who continues to maneuver behind the scenes. Interestingly, the same article says that ElBaradei
"... called on U.S. President Barack Obama to "cut off life support to the dictator." But he [Obama] remained cautious of abandoning a key Middle Eastern ally. Obama urged only a shift in Egypt's administration to take more account of popular opinion." (January 30, 2011).
Egyptians want their dictator's regime to end, but Obama wants only a "shift in Egypt's administration." These are clashing demands. Indeed, since the events in Egypt began, Obama has been busily speaking through both sides of his mouth.
His administration continued to give support to the dictator as protesters were being shot in the street. Obama called for calm "from both sides,” giving equal credibility to the murderous dictatorship and the masses of people who demanded he leave. It should be obvious that, if the protesters "show restraint," as Obama wants, the dictatorship would stay in place.
hillary is an underling and drone of hobama now...
how can u bash her for his agenda yet make no mention of him??????
First Egypt declares martial law, now it’s now illegal to fart in Malawi.
In related news, UTS has been banned from Malawi.
In a featured article at Human Events this morning, the Muslim Brotherhood's press for power in Egypt and its implications for the U.S. is discussed:
A group dedicated to "eliminating and destroying Western civilization from within" is poised to take power in Egypt.
After days of riots in Egypt against Hosni Mubarak's regime, on Sunday the Muslim Brotherhood entered into talks with other opposition groups to form a national unity government after the presumably imminent fall of Mubarak.
The Brotherhood was founded in Egypt in 1928 in order to restore, in Egypt and worldwide, the prerogatives of political Islam: a state in which Islamic law (Sharia) is the law of the land and the freedom of speech, the freedom of conscience, and legal equality for women and non-Muslims consequently restricted.
The Brotherhood now has its best chance in decades to seize power there and establish an Islamic state, which bodes ill for both the United States and its most reliable Middle Eastern ally, Israel. The Camp David Accords have kept an uneasy peace between Egypt and Israel since the late 1970s; although Egypt has ignored many of its provisions (particularly regarding not allowing the dissemination of bloodthirsty anti-Semitic material in Egypt, where Mein Kampf remains a bestseller), it has refrained from attacking Israel outright and has actually reined in some Palestinian jihadist activity along the Gaza border.
But the present Egyptian regime is one of the last remnants of the relatively secular Arab nationalist ideology that not too long ago held sway over most of the Middle East.
Now Saddam Hussein is dead, Tunisia's Zine el-Abidine Ben Ali has been driven from power, and the Mubarak regime could collapse at any moment; the ascendant Middle Eastern ideology is the political Islam of which the Muslim Brotherhood is a foremost exponent.
And that ideology is inveterately hostile to both Israel and the United States.
Armed members of the jihad terror group Hamas, which styles itself in its Charter as the Muslim Brotherhood for Palestine, are reportedly crossing into Egypt from Gaza and attempting to join in Brotherhood activities; it's a far cry already from the Mubarak regime's stance toward the Palestinians.
The Muslim Brotherhood is also an international organization.
According to a captured internal document made public during the trial of the Hamas-supporting Islamic charity, the Holy Land Foundation, in 2007, its goal in the United States is "eliminating and destroying the Western civilization from within and 'sabotaging' its miserable house by their hands and the hands of the believers so that it is eliminated and God's religion is made victorious over all other religions."...
hobama's bloody fascist hands are taking lessons from egypt on how to silence rebels...NOT helping its people!!!
These days, no popular movement goes without an Internet presence of some kind, whether it's organizing on Facebook or spreading the word through Twitter. And as we've seen in Egypt, that means that your Internet connection can be the first to go.
Whether you're trying to check in with your family, contact your friends, or simply spread the word, here are a few ways to build some basic network connectivity when you can't rely on your cellular or landline Internet connections.
"BTW, FP made no comment. But you seem to be obssessed with her. How much space does she "occupy" in your mind even when she is NOT around?"
I guess about as much as I occupy in your mind, since your following me and my comments across threads.
BTW how's it going LAA?
tee hee
egypt is a preview to the awakening of american hobama nazis and zombies!...
2 evil empires = 2 "baraks"!!!
mubarak is the gwb of egypt and hobama is a CRUELER MORE BRUTAL blackish clone of gwb...
The Obama administration expressed its support for under fire Egyptian dictator Hosni Mubarak even as footage emerged of a protester being shot dead by Mubarak’s security forces in Cairo, as the government shut down the Internet, land lines and the mobile phone network in a desperate bid to cling on to power amidst widespread rioting.
Haley Barbour is one of the Republican hopefuls who will submit himself to the brutalities of the Roman Coliseum of American politics. However, when we look back on the next election, we'll see he was just another punching bag for Democrats to hammer.
It's the old Rope-a-Dope. Guys like Barbour and women including Palin and Bachmann will endure relentless pummeling from Democrats, who will exhaust themselves and empty their arsenal before the next Republican presidential candidate is nominated.
Meanwhile, world events will twist the process. At the start of 2012, what will be the state of affairs in Afghanistan, Iraq, Egypt and other Islamic nations?
How much larger will our national debt have grown? How bad will the failure of GM's electric car be?
With unrest and conflict in the middle east pushing oil prices higher, will Obama do the smart thing and open up oil drilling territories in the US?
Energy security is becoming more and more important. We can overcome much of the problem by expanding oil & gas drilling operations here. But Obama, the White House Whimp, seems unlikely to make the smart move.
field, you posted:
It's true that the university was integrated, but just barely: Though Ole Miss had an enrollment of at least 3,300, the yearbook shows fewer than a dozen black students when Barbour arrived as a freshman in 1965.
I'd like to know the number of black students on campus by the time Barbour graduated.
In percentage terms, the annual increase must have been staggeringly high.
Getting a college education was not the only factor driving blacks to enroll at this school.
The Vietnam was expanding and 1965 was the year things really took off. Therefore, at that time, draft deferments were a top priority and enrolling in college was the easiest way to get one.
Opposition leader Mohammed ElBaradei, who has just joined protesters in Cairo’s main Tahrir Square, is expected to have a major speech in which he may or may not focus public anger on duplicitous US policies, which at that point will crystallize the Obama administration’s hypocrisy in the eyes of Egypt. This will certainly not make progressing US national interests in the region any easier. And if ElBaradei’s earlier remarks are any indication, the US is about to become very hated in Egypt. Per Agence France Presse: ““The American government cannot ask the Egyptian people to believe that a dictator who has been in power for 30 years will be the one to implement democracy,” ElBaradei told US network CBS from Cairo. “You are losing credibility by the day. On one hand you’re talking about democracy, rule of law and human rights, and on the other hand you’re lending still your support to a dictator that continues to oppress his people,” added ElBaradei, the former head of the UN’s International Atomic Energy Agency. His recommendations to President Barack Obama’s administration were blunt: “You have to stop the life support to the dictator and root with the people.” On the other hand, with the US favorability rating in Egypt at an all time low of 17% in 2010, there just may not be much room to fall for the way the US is perceived by the broader Egyptian population.
The latest from Cairo:
AIRPORT PANDEMONIUM: Governments scramble to fly citizens out of Egypt...
Protesters call for 'million-man march'...
REPORT: Muslim Brotherhood, ElBaradei to form unity gov't...
Egyptians stock up on food, water...
Anger starting to focus on Israel, USA...
Netanyahu Speaks: Ties with Egypt must be preserved...
Carter: Unrest 'earth-shaking'...
'The Pharaoh in the Führerbunker'...
PAPER: Obama will go down in history as the president who lost Egypt...
Is it too late for Obama, our Whimp-in-Chief, to stand up for the millions of Egyptians who want freedom and democracy? Is there time for Obama to send the plane or ship to Cairo to carry away Mubarak?
Obama could. As president of the US, he has the moral power and all other necessary power to do it. But it looks like the White House Whimp will shrink from the moment.
Meanwhile, it's looking more and more like the Muslim Brotherhood will rise into power -- unless Whimpy takes a stand. However, as we know...
re: sidebar - terri and will...
i love them all!
but terri m did not lie
and it is true for MOST child stars in hollywood being pimped for cash and fame
every dime willow makes goes to daddy only...not willow
Earlier I mentioned the fact that Will Smith’s daughter Willow Smith said she didn’t have much time for studying due to her busy schedule. As a result, she readily admits that, although her parents can afford to hire the best tutors, she is still lagging far behind the rest of the students.
How can a 9-year-old be too busy to attend to her schoolwork? And why aren’t her parents stepping in to make sure that her schoolwork takes priority over everything else she’s got going in her young life?
According to a loyal reader, who asked to remain anonymous, Willow appeared to struggle with the word ‘Congratulates’ while reading a plaque given to her on BET’s 106 & Park recently.
Slappy is a teenager and they hope to educate him.
Human Events as a 'source'? I prefer the Klan, they are more honest and accurate. The Human Events list of bad fer ya books is telling...most of the texts are Fact-based. And, they put paid to conservative myths. They are also aligned with Regnery, a Vanity House publisher. The author of the piece pretends to academic standards...but even Wikipedia outs him as a fake.
FakeAnon, is the only tale the one of the hen and the bread? Somehow equality of opportunity in your view is the same as stealerating from the wealthy who done worked hard to inherit the money. How is it that in your fantasy, only Rs work hard? Why do you confuse ability to enter University with work? Did you somehow forget the R stalwart of academic excellence...bush?
terry got her house in order long ago...just after she dumped her dl gold digger...
catch up!
She says there's no time like the present to reinvent yourself. "At this age, there is still ample opportunity to live out your dreams. I'm going to be 60 this year, which makes me think 'Write a little faster, Terry.' I still have several stories I want to tell."
And new things to learn. "I've decided I'm going to learn French. I've discovered that the brain is a flexible muscle, and I plan to flex it! Then I'm going to go to Paris and turn some heads, with wrinkles and all. I want people to say 'There's a handsome older woman.'"
She grins wickedly, clearly open to finding love again. "I'd still love to have a man in my life, and I'm pretty sure I will. When people ask if I'll ever remarry, I have to say I'm not sure. I will say that if I do, he will have to be out of Pampers and training wheels. A few strands of gray hair would be nice."
She laughs uproariously, having clearly gotten to happy.
Wetting one's self over the Muslim Brotherhood having an influence in Egyptian politics is like being askeered of MLK.
Yes, read Human Events so you can learnerate what the Great Intellect Pat Sajak has to offer on Middle Eastern religion and politics. Or Bob Novak...who outed a CIA agent who was in the field. I wonder what insights Chuck Norris can offer us about municipal bond issues?
When you are such a loon that Dinesh D'Souza can't use your work...you should go back to defending Catholic practices involving boys and priests.
Willow might be 'special'. Both parents seem to value education and hard work. It does appear that both children should focus on careers outside of show biz.
Conservatives seem to be confused. They beleeve their message is Gospel and we are heathens. Nope, their message was accurately described by Alan Grayson. We don't want to be poor, sick or dead so that some Scrooge-worshiping Ayn Rand sociopath devotee can avoid taxes. We want a congenial and collegiate society. They thought we loved st reagan's foolosophy. Ummm...we liked his manner. Nothing more. That's why they keep searching for the next salesman/salesPalin. Telling someone to give up their Social Security takes a special type of con artist.
"BTW how's it going LAA?"
Steve, stop acting like a slow boat to China. That was not me. That anony has been around for a long time, by now you should have figured that.
mold, you wrote:
Wetting one's self over the Muslim Brotherhood having an influence in Egyptian politics is like being askeered of MLK.
In other words, you're compfortable with an acknowledged Islamic terrorist organization gaining control of Egypt? Yes?
Can you tell me what reforms the Muslim Brotherhood will enact?
Tell me why Egypt under the control of the Muslim Brotherhood is good news for people who want democracy and freedom?
The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter. The grasshopper thinks the ant is a fool and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.
Come winter, the shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be warm and well fed while others are cold and starving.
CBS, NBC, PBS, CNN, and ABC show up to provide pictures of the shivering grasshopper next to a video of the ant in his comfortable home with a table filled with food. America is stunned by the sharp contrast. How can this be, that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so?
Kermit the Frog appears on Oprah with the grasshopper, and everybody cries when they sing, "It's Not Easy Being Green."
Jesse Jackson stages a demonstration in front of the ant's house where the news stations film the group singing, "We shall overcome." Jesse then has the group kneel down to pray to God for the grasshopper's sake.
Nancy Pelosi & John Kerry exclaim in an interview with Rachel Maddow that the ant has gotten rich off the back of the grasshopper, and both call for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his fair share.
Finally, the EEOC drafts the Economic Equity and Anti-Grasshopper Act retroactive to the beginning of the summer. The ant is fined for failing to hire a proportionate number of green bugs and, having nothing left to pay his retroactive taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.
Hillary gets her old law firm to represent the grasshopper in a defamation suit against the ant, and the case is tried before a panel of federal judges that Bill Clinton appointed from a list of single-parent welfare recipients.
The ant loses the case.
The story ends as we see the grasshopper finishing up the last bits of the ant's food while the government house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house, crumbles around him because he doesn't maintain it. The ant has disappeared in the snow. The grasshopper is found dead in a drug related incident and the house, now abandoned, is taken over by a gang of spiders who terrorize the once peaceful neighborhood.
If Tina Turner was to reprise her 1980’s hit in 2011, it would surely be called, “What’s jobs got to do with it?” Unemployment and underemployment remain dangerously high, at around 17 percent, but you wouldn’t know it listening to the optimism ringing out from Wall Street to Washington last week. The New York Stock Exchange flirted with 12,000, a level not seen since 2008, everyone celebrated economic growth data, and the annual gathering of global finance and business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, was dominated by declarations of an American rebound. A fundamental disconnect between the finance economy and the real one couldn’t be more apparent.
beware of that fraud hobama's fuzzy math!!!
There are two problems with the jobs recovery to date. Employers haven't added enough jobs. And those they have added aren't particularly good ones.
The former has gotten a lot of attention. But the low-wage jobs that have been added are also a cause for concern.
The bleakest year in foreclosure crisis has only just begun.
Lenders are poised to take back more homes this year than any other since the U.S. housing meltdown began in 2006. About 5 million borrowers are at least two months behind on their mortgages and more will miss payments as they struggle with job losses and loans worth more than their home's value, industry analysts forecast.
what rebound/recovery/mercy??????
hobama and his msm fans lie!!!
The first official unemployment report of 2011 presents more bad news for African Americans. The Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) says while the overall unemployment rate dropped from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent between November and December, 15.8 percent of Blacks were unemployed last month, a decline of 0.2 percent.
The unemployment rate for young, Black men is at a shockingly-high 23.0 percent. Having a college degree helps, but there is still a significant racial gap among the more-educated. Unemployment for college-educated Blacks has risen from 3.2 percent before the recession to 8.4 percent now. For White college graduates, the rate has increased from 2.1 percent to 4.2 percent.
LAA, "Steve, stop acting like a slow boat to China. That was not me. That anony has been around for a long time, by now you should have figured that."
LOL. Poor UTS, he still doesn't recognize me. To Steve, anons are either LAA or FP. I wonder why? I mean, it seems like he has you two on his mind ALL of the time.
I could be wrong, but he might be an undisclosed 'menage a tois black don juan'.:D
The Ant and the Grasshopper is actually rewritten these days as:
The grasshopper forelcoses on the ant and kicks him out of his house, because the grasshopper is too big to fail, but the ant isn't. The grasshopper gets bailed out by the government and gets a million dollar bonus for kicking the ant out of his house. The ant moves into his parents' attic and spends his time anonymously defending the grasshopper on black-themed blogs.
The investors who bought their buildings at the height of the real estate bubble, hoping to flip them for quick profit or jack up stabilized rents, have washed their hands of a bad bet. The bank that has initiated foreclosure says it does not yet have legal title, meaning it lacks responsibility. The court-appointed receiver who controls the property says he doesn't have enough money to attend to the burgeoning problems.
The scene here in the Bronx is emblematic of a growing national problem. In apartment buildings scattered in low-income neighborhoods from New York to Phoenix to San Francisco, families with scant resources and uncertain legal rights are literally watching their ceilings crumble and their floors collapse as they wait and hope for a resolution.
AB, give Obama some time and it will all work out...you'll see.
The country can't miss with Obama. He's the man!
what educations/innovations/hope/change????????
As U.S. manufacturing eroded, so did other critical parts of society. American children are no longer the best educated in the world. America’s health care system no longer produces the healthiest population. US GDP no longer grows as quickly as it once did, particularly in the recoveries that follow recessions. China now has the fastest growing large economy in the world. It has passed Japan into the No.2 spot and economists are forecasting how long it will take to pass the US.
This is the 24/7 Wall St. analysis of “Ten Industries In Which The US Is No Longer No.1.” Whether this list will grow depends on how quickly the American economy improves and whether business innovation continues to increasingly come from overseas. America now fights to remain competitive globally with one hand tied behind its back. The current deficit, growing national debt, lack of government capital for R&D and unemployment all contribute to a crippled economy. Each of these make it harder for the US economy to regain the ground it has lost over the past few years.
Read more: Ten Industries In Which The US Is No Longer No.1 - 24/7 Wall St. http://247wallst.com/2011/01/31/ten-industries-in-which-the-us-is-no-longer-no-1/#ixzz1CdbaimuF
Read more: Ten Industries In Which The US Is No Longer No.1 - 24/7 Wall St. http://247wallst.com/2011/01/31/ten-industries-in-which-the-us-is-no-longer-no-1/#ixzz1CdbVoMUT
Rev. Right said "...the Republican base (half the country) denies the legitimacy of the Civil Rights movement of the 1960's?"
The Republican base (the one that will decide the Republican primaries) is less than 30 percent of the country and they believe that Obama was born in Kenya. Have you ever been to Mississippi? See Roderick's comment at 846 AM. That sounds about right.
"See Roderick's comment at 846 AM. That sounds about right."
Not to me.
I have been in Mississippi, and the assertion that any discernible portion of the Republican "base" wants to repeal the Civil Rights Act is hysterical.
Personally, I think Obama was born in America, but it's hard to fault people for wondering what the big deal is about showing the original birth certificate.
AB: "American children are no longer the best educated in the world."
Most American kids are doing very well compared other countries. Not the best, but up there. The same problems are everywhere, but it is the inner city schools where dysfunction runs rampant.
Take a look at this thoughtful article on the chronic issues with urban education.
Whatever the intentions, so many of the initiatives to help educate and lift people out of poverty have failed miserably, and some have actually made things worse.
Ernesto said...
The Ant and the Grasshopper is actually rewritten these days as:
The grasshopper forelcoses on the ant and kicks him out of his house, because the grasshopper is too big to fail, but the ant isn't. The grasshopper gets bailed out by the government and gets a million dollar bonus for kicking the ant out of his house. The ant moves into his parents' attic and spends his time anonymously defending the grasshopper on black-themed blogs.
HA-HA, once again you create something totally implausible that is so out of whack with reality that it immediately highlights your infantile Progressive/communist/marxist/leftard thinking Your right, there would be a variation today with a little update.
We forgot the part where the Grasshopper who didnt have credit due to his life choices was given a house taken with funds from a multitude of ants, then the head grasshoppers said, oh no everything is fine there wont be a housing bubble/financial crash and voila the grasshoppers with the houses never did pay back the loans while the head grasshopper used up tax dollars and the market did crash devaluing all homes. Now the grasshoppers say it isnt fair they have to live in rented houses with someone else paying for their food , lights and other things while those evil ants who made enough to feed their family have to pay for their kids and the grasshoppers kids and wonder why they have to pay for and eat peanut butter and jelly sandwiches while the grasshopper complains he doesnt get enough money from the ants for the healthy filet mignon he likes.
Slappy, I am less askeered of Muslim Brotherhood members taking part in a Democracy than I am of wingnuts and TeaBaggers who think I should be executed for having the effrontery to read. Besides, I get data from, like, Egyptians....not Chuck Norris or Pat Sajak. Or the man who earned a degree in boy-priest relations in the early Catholic church....and tells fools he am 'self-taughterated' in Islam. Um....even my minimal Islamic scholarship shows that he has not read much of the Koran, lacks even the barest of historical knowledge concerning the area, and repeats libels from the time when the Europeans were trying to get illiterate unwashed incestuous peasants (TeaBaggers) to war against the foe.
AB, a bit of historical fun...just before the Great Depression, the business press and glorious corporate leaders were congratulating each other on the removal of 'dead weight' employees. They seemed to feel, as do our current crop of troo beleevers in the Church of Capitalism, that someone else should pay decent wages and that 25% unemployment was a good thing.
Carter lost Iran and the O man is losing Egypt.Obama is the second coming of Jesus opps i mean Carter!!
one party + one elitist agenda = TRUST NO POLITICO!!!!!!!
we have been pillaged like egyptians for decades...
gwb and hobama are just the worst prezes ever...but even bubba was complicit
and hobama fans still believe he is superman rather than the JOKER!!!
It is all those lazy shiftless urbans!!! Pay no attention to the issues around Appalachia...or to the failures in suburbs...or that the ability to matriculate is only for those born bush. Them 'urbans' steelin' our munnies!!!
Love how wingnut FakeAnon has to have their beddy-time story of how only certain, select folks of a particular kind are 'hard-working'. And that others are the only ones doing the stealing. Must help when the FOX boogedy-mens cause them to wet the bed.
Why yes, enough poor people somehow magically managed to scam deluded banksters to loan gabillions of dollars and the banks could not cover all thems poor folks loans. If only there was some miraculous process of interviewing applicants to determine the ability to pay back the loan. If only banks had mathematical models to predict the possibility of failure and adjust their rates to ensure profitability. If only banks had historical data to guide their decisions.
Actually, the banksters gambled...lost...and were not nationalized. Sure, bush and some rich dudez would not be happy...but the banks would be solvent. And your taxes could be used for services instead of bonuses.
Pardon me, did I forget that st reagan cut a deal with the mullahs? Wasn't there a underhanded traitorous doing by st reagan to win an election?
Oh, before one spouts wingnut drivel...one might, to avoid looking the teenage fool, research the Shah, Iran, and the politics of the time.
How, exactly, does one 'lose' something one never owned or had???
mold, you wrote:
Slappy, I am less askeered of Muslim Brotherhood members taking part in a Democracy than I am of wingnuts and TeaBaggers who think I should be executed for having the effrontery to read.
The questions I asked you about the Muslim Brotherhood you did not answer, choosing instead to share some silly and meaningless statement about matters in the US.
It's not too likely the Muslim Brotherhood poses any direct threat to us in America. But there will be no democracy and freedom in an Egypt controlled by these thugs.
Unfortunately for the Egyptians fighting for freedom and democracy, if they accept the Muslim Brotherhood their situation will go from bad to far far worse.
With an Egypt controlled by the Muslim Brotherhood, the potential Iranian nuclear threat is leapfrogged by an actual Muslim Brotherhood nuclear reality.
By the way, since you claim to have read the Koran, what part or parts do you like best? You can identify your favorite chapters by name or number.
Whoa, Black enrollment at ole Miss went up because Black folks were trying to dodge the draft? That's a new one on me. I don't even know how to take this one. I mean yes we can revive the old meme of Black people being cowardly and unpatriotic but why wouldn't the folks go to Alcorn or Jackson St. instead of going to ole Miss but anyway I just love the way our resident racist comes up with new and exciting spins on old racist thought. What's next, comparing us to animals? Yawn. I hope he finds the data that shows how dramatically the Black enrollment went up because we know those admissions people wanted to help poor Black folks stay out of the war and not the well to do white folks like Haley and his ilk.
Anyhoo, Haley, Palin and Bachmann will run and it's not some briliant strategy by Republicans, fact is many in the GOP base comprised of religious fundamentalists and downright ignorant people actually want these people to win. Hell, as we can see from our buddy they are still on the drill baby drill kick while China is investing in the next source of energy. As Kevin Phillips points out in his book, oh hell the title escapes me right now, all empires have fallen for 3 reasons 1. military overreach (Afganistan anyone?) 2. over religiosity (the GOP?) and 3. an over reliance on a depleting form of energy (black gold, Texas tea). Those that do not know history........are doomed to vote Republican because like Haley and Michele we can just rewrite it. Goota love amerikkka.
AB, although I see Obama as a slight-right R...I was less than thrilled with McCain pandering to the ignorant...or Sarey actually being so gasharooties stoopid. She could not adequately run a small town with vast Federal Welfare input. Pennsyltucky has plenty of munis the same size...so we have a touchstone for comparison.
I love the wingnut crystal ball. Egyot will be worse under the Muslim brotherhood, hmmmmm, can't call the unless it happens. I guess that is in the same magic 8-ball that shows the electric car failing. Are these secret desires or wishes or is any of it based on reality? I mean, whose to say if gas prices spike again around the $5-6 level folks won't run to buy electric cars? Then again this country is populated by folks that think increased gas milage standards is a bad thing so maybe our friend od right. Wingnut math 19 MPG is much better than 40. Is it 2016 yet?
Slappy, you want confirmation that your pants-wetting fear of the Muslim Brotherhood is shared by an adult. No, and it is rather arrogant to assume your teenage politics apply to Egypt. I dropped the hint for BBC and Al Jazeera for a reason.
alicia banks copied:
everyone celebrated economic growth data, and the annual gathering of global finance and business leaders at the World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, was dominated by declarations of an American rebound.
Rebound? No. The good feelings are tied to the belief that the worst has passed and the rebound may have begun. Just begun.
Job creation in the US is easy. All Obama has to do is take the shackles off the Domestic Oil, Gas and Coal industries. That's three areas where employment would jump -- and those jobs pay a lot.
Next, if school voucher programs were embraced nationally, the demand for teachers would rise -- a lot. Instead, due to budget problems, NY City is looking at massive teacher lay-offs.
Teachers here start at $42,000 and current max tezcher pay is $101,000.
mold, you wrote:
Slappy, you want confirmation that your pants-wetting fear of the Muslim Brotherhood is shared by an adult.
The Muslim Brotherhood poses no direct threat to us here in America. Thus, their rise is a small matter to me. But it matters a lot to Egyptians.
Anyway, I see you're incapable of answering simple questions.
You can't even identify your favorite chapters in the Koran.
Anonymous said...
Pardon me, did I forget that st reagan cut a deal with the mullahs? Wasn't there a underhanded traitorous doing by st reagan to win an election?
Oh, before one spouts wingnut drivel...one might, to avoid looking the teenage fool, research the Shah, Iran, and the politics of the time.
How, exactly, does one 'lose' something one never owned or had???
It is a shame that you have to hide behind your demented persona to mask your lack of intellect and education. We know you can't spell, nor put together a coherent sentence with a solid thought. Don't worry, everyone makes typos and of course we expect no less from a not only demoncrat but a pre-teen one at that. So let the real you out.
One thing puzzles me though. I wonder if what you write really makes sense to you or you just get off like a little boy wearing his superman under-roos by spouting gibberish that even the most skilled ebonic non english speaking grunt can't understand.
Do you get off? Do you flick your wittle erection when you finish writing posts that only make sense to you?
pilotX, you wrote:
Whoa, Black enrollment at ole Miss went up because Black folks were trying to dodge the draft?
During the mid-1960s college enrollment spiked because going to college included a draft deferment -- for a while. Late in the 60s the deferment was revoked. By that time being married and having a child were the requirements for getting a deferment.
Yeppers....Oil, gas and coal. Two boom-and-bust and one noted for child labour and horribly unsafe practices if left to their own choices. Sorry, Slappy...but some of us recall how wunnerful BigCoal was...and I want them so regulated that they hurt. Take a drive through coal regions and note that there are almost no elderly men. Note that the areas also have massive environmental damage. Wonder at the large cemeteries for such small towns.
Well, if you're on wingnut pay, 42K seems gargantuan. But that only highlights that you have no idea of what is involved in teaching. If you are in the NYC metro area...you could, like, point out to the Heeyucks that many positions START at 100K. That a teacher makes 100K after, what, 40 years....so you are whining that a teacher with a Master's makes what many do as noobs.
Sorry, you'll have to look for your new migger elsewhere.
PilotX said...
I love the wingnut crystal ball. Egyot will be worse under the Muslim brotherhood, hmmmmm, can't call the unless it happens. I guess that is in the same magic 8-ball that shows the electric car failing. Are these secret desires or wishes or is any of it based on reality? I mean, whose to say if gas prices spike again around the $5-6 level folks won't run to buy electric cars? Then again this country is populated by folks that think increased gas milage standards is a bad thing so maybe our friend od right. Wingnut math 19 MPG is much better than 40. Is it 2016 yet?
HOLY SHIT, PilotX is MOLD!!! There is no doubt, look same dumb rhetoric, nonsense statements and sentence structure. I mean Pilot you do know electricity is "created" by oil or coal turbines dont ya? Its not magically produced from the air.
So to outsmart democrats all you have to do is not like something and they will automatically love it. They are so anti american and so filled with self hate that logic does not exist, its pure emotionalism like with most animals of low intellect. Too bad like most animals they dont have instict of self preservation and cant stop drinking the poison kool aide.
Mohamed Ghanem, one of the leaders of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, calls Egypt to stop pumping gas to Israel and prepare the Egyptian army for a war with it’s eastern neighbor.
Speaking with Iranian television station Al-Alam, Mohamed Ghanem blamed Israel for supporting Hosni Mubarak’s regime. Ghanem also said that the Egyptian police and army won’t be able to stop the Muslim Brotherhood movement.
Wonder if the NYC lay-offs have anything to do with the Glorious Anti-Union Never Done Jack in Education Leader chosen by the Mayor? It so easy to make teachers the migger when you have absolutely no clue as to what teachers do or how to improve it. But, you can crash wages!!! And that's all that is important.
Vouchers? So Woody Allen can send his daughter to a skool that won't ask embarrassing questions? So there can be home-grown desperates willing to be underpaid servants? Vouchers to funnel Federal and State money under the table to 'certain parties'? Vouchers to subsidize christian skools? Oh, what about Attica? Would vouchers be of any use upstate?
PA had some cyberskools, christian skools, voucher skools...and the fraud was impressive. Not to mention the siphoning off funds for Slappy, Slappy's Mom, Slappy's 'dates', Slappy's Rolls, Slappy's loft. Eventually, sometime...there would be something spent on education. But the kids lost years.
I prefer public schools. They are accountable. They are open. They respond to rational parents. And, they are the Gold Standard for education. Well, unless you want to set up a skool and get money fer nothing.
You ARE a silly nose pickin racist but not even you are going to suggest that blacks in the 60s used public colleges and universities to avoid the draft.
It wasn't until the late 70s where Southern public instituions of high learning were regularly accepting blacks who weren't athletes.
Nah, fella. College deferments to avoid Vietnam were pretty much a white boy thing.
And I might add, a Republican white boy thing.
Dick Chaney John Aschcroft
Pat Buchanan Richard Shelby
Mitch McConnell John Kyl
Dan Quayle Newt Gingrich
Dick Armey John Boehner
Just to name a few.
PilotX: "Then again this country is populated by folks that think increased gas milage standards is a bad thing "
They are a bad thing. The market should decide. Car manufacturers have plenty of incentive to produce higher mileage vehicles, but there are other considerations too. Making a car get better gas mileage means making it lighter and adding technology that makes it more expensive. Making it lighter makes it less safe, making it more expensive means more people can't afford a car. You'll never get your money back in gas savings on a 40,000 Prius (unless Obama succeeds in getting gas prices over $10 /gallon), and you won't come out very well if you collide with an F150.
People should be able to choose whatever kind of vehicle they want to buy with their money. Why should we put up with a government that takes away consumer choice, that creates artificial scarcity in order to drive up energy costs? You like being treated like a child?
"a Republican white boy thing."
Like Bill Clinton?
Yeah Bill Clinton Rev.
What you don't seem to grasp is that Clinton was not a chestbeating Vietnam War supporter.
In addition to the Repub white boys I listed earlier we can add
Bill Frist Roy Blunt
Trent Lott John Cornyn
Mitt Romney John Ensign
Dennis Hastert Tom Delay
George Allen Rick Santorum
Whether you can admit or not, going to college in the 1960s was partially driven by avoiding the draft.
As for Bill Clinton, his bit of trickery with respect to his draft status was actually an illegal act of draft-dodging.
The others you mentioned got legititmate deferments. Clinton lied to his draft liaison officer about his enrollment, or, actually, his lack of being enrolled. Had his liaison officer known, he would have been inducted immediately. But he lied, however because he was in England at the time, his liaison officer had to take his word that he was enrolled.
We know when the heat is on Clinton will lie.
Dan Quayle, by the way, was in the National Guard. Joining the Guard is not draft dodging or the result of a deferment.
By the way, you have yet to tell me how you scored on your Armed Forces Qualification Test.
I'm guessing you were Class 3, and I know you know what that means.
The problem with your argument slappy is that there were many so-called commie pinko liberal Democrats who managed TO SERVE.
Patrick Murphy Bob Kerrey
Max Cleland Joe Sestak
Dick Gephardt Gray Davis
Tom Harkin David Bonior
John Kerry Tom Daschle
Al Gore
As for your remarks my service, I did serve.
And we KNOW you didn't.
I told you 3 times lying pantload.
I took the Service Basic Test Battery for the enlistment in the US Coast Guard.
Scored a 180 out of a possible 210.
Qualifying score was 130. The average score was 155.
war crimes
clinton was MUCH more angelic than gwb and hobama
but he was no saint!
haley b is a racist fool who just released 2 sisters from prison via racist conditions...
hobama is a racist joker who has imprisoned millions in poverty and given millions to the prison industrial complex and DNA martial law...
which racist is worse...really?
score one more for the wingnuts!!!!
re will smith
does anyone recall many yrs ago when he and jada were newlyweds and his son by his 1st wife, trey, was just a young child...
will accepted a rap music award and in his speech he said:
"i got a letter from my son's teacher saying he is struggling with rhyming skills...now that is just straight neglect...i will do better"
i love will
he is more honest than his fans...
and that son led a normal life with normal school days..unlike his new busy globetrotting baby superstars!
pimping them is the least of it. teaching them the scientology way is far worse.
and they lied about that too to teaching staff at their sci school
i love the smiths
but they need to be honest
hobama lies too
here is more on medicaid gutting
For Governors, Medicaid Looks Ripe for Slashing
Friday 28 January 2011
by: Kevin Sack, The New York Times News Service | Report
Hamstrung by federal prohibitions against lowering Medicaid eligibility, governors from both parties are exercising their remaining options in proposing bone-deep cuts to the program during the fourth consecutive year of brutal economic conditions.
Because states confront budget gaps estimated at $125 billion, few essential services — schools, roads, parks — are likely to escape the ax. But the election of tough-minded governors, the evaporation of federal aid, the relentless growth of Medicaid rolls and the exhaustion of alternatives have made the program, which primarily covers low-income children and disabled adults, an outsize target
uptownsteve said...
"I took the Service Basic Test Battery for the enlistment in the US Coast Guard.
Scored a 180 out of a possible 210.
Qualifying score was 130. The average score was 155."
You really scored a 80, but with affirmative action you got a 100 points.
Dan Quayle was in the Guard...which meant he would remain in the US while others served in his place. So yes, it was draft dodging...for Dan Quayle. Unlike the Guard of bushWar...where many got sent. Um..Slappy, history did not begin with st reagan. Also, I love how you knew what Clinton thought...and that you somehow knew he lied. Must be gawdlike.
Rev Wite, hate to burst your fantasy bubble...but those wily Europeans have cars with decent mileage...and public transportation. Wonder how their Socialist minds manage this without faux-Capitalism?
UTS, loved the list of chickenhawk draft-dodging bushWar cheerleaders. Such heroic bravery they have...asking others to serve while they stay home and suffer trust funds, a dearth of shrapnel, and the accolades of fellow Keyboard Kommandos.
Reminds me of the idiocy of 'no atheists in foxholes'. Most of the WWI, WWII, Korea and VietNam vets I know that saw combat are almost militant in their atheism. The JesusBabies all tend towards heroic drone attacks on unarmed wedding parties, sitting in the South at a craptastic base, or never serving at all.
Um resident racist, I know history. Yes, college enrollments increased during Vietnam but you suggested that Black enrollment at the University of Mississippi increased. Care to try to prove that point? Tell you what, if you show a dramatic increase in the number of Black people that enrolled at ole' Miss I will stay off this blog for two months and if you are wrong then you do it. Seems fair right, you being able to back up your assertions and all right?
@Rev Right, I agree that the market maybe should decide but who in their right mind would buy a vehicle that got 20 miles to the gallon if they could buy the exact same vehicle that got 40 miles to the gallon? Who could possibly be against bettwer gas mileage, well I mean except for the oil companies but why do we care what they think? Bad argument.
As far as being Mold I think she stated she was a woman the other day so unless something changed recently that I'm not aware of I'm not Mold but if you want to play silly games and assume I change handles for some weird reason go right ahead. Good god this place is turning into BP circa 2001-2003 all over again.
Anybody know a Black site without ignorant racists where ideas can get shot around and not so much vitriol? Thanks.
BTW I do believe that the numbers or Black and Latino soldiers on the ground in the Vietnam conflict were disproportionate to the numbers at the time, not enough time to really check. As a thought, even if Black folks dodged the war why the hell should we fight for a country that at the time didn't want us to have equal rights? The white people who benefitted from the racism and discrimination had less reason to avoid military service but did anyway. Now if we want to compare cowardice.........
@UTS, wait a minute you mean to tell me your boy who tried to imply that Black people are somehow cowardly and unpatriotic didn't himself serve in the military? No way, I don't believe you. In memory of the Black, Brown, Indigenous and white soldiers who valiently gave their lives so he could sit at home and write racist shit this guy spits on their memories? Nah, no way man.
try these...my 4 favs
no kkk fools allowed here:
best black talk radio online!:
Anybody know a Black site without ignorant racists where ideas can get shot around and not so much vitriol?
Translation, anyone know a site I can go where everyone agrees with me just because I am Black no matter how crazy things are that I say and I don't have to debate anything, cause I aint up to that shit without gettin nasty.
I'm not really feeling the root but I do dig the BAR. I liked Black Commentartor but they want me to pay and i don't know how I feel about that yet.
Thanks AB. I'll check out your site too.
Too bad these racist attitudes still exist. My uncle who was a Tuskegee Airman tells about how they were treated worse than German prisoners of war and not allowed in the O clubs on bases in the U.S. Damn, racism is a bitch for all involved. The ignorant fools here didn't know these honorable Black men were fighting for them too. Ugh.
@ Rev, sure right now electricity is produced by coal plants, I live in Illinois so I know, but in 20-50 years solar, wind, geothermal and the like will be much more efficient and available. We need to start now or China will eat our lunch or do we even care?
but the worst KKK fools wear designer suits and run the world via DC...
those are the fools we should fret over most!
not these faceless blog cowards...
@ anon 1721 what do you want to debate? Go right ahead, let's see who wins huh? Pick a name and a topic son.
PilotX, since they use sockpuppets, they assume everyone else does too.
You should feel sorry for the poor dears, as without sockpuppets, it becomes far too obvious that they are very much a minority.
Gas mileage is a substitute for their favorite, claiming that four inches is actually 10. That's why they hates them that eveel Science. All those women who can measure...as if we cared. It's more a widdle boy thing.
see classic rebel videos here:
Wonder if FakeAnons have the courage to enlist...oh wait...they follow the ManDumpling and ...and then whine that we don't respect their cowardice enough.
Well, if you are old enough to sign up...please do. Show us you have more guts than Jonah Goldberg, J Derbyshire, Michelle Malkin, bushTwins, Krauthammer, BillO, Beck, Megan, the Doocy Bunch...
If you need help, the Google can give you the websites for all the Armed Services...
AB, thanks for the link to Tavis and Cornell radio show. It's great and it's informative. Thanks.
u r welcome!
i adore them both
also hear more here:
Several states in the Union are discussing bankruptcy, despite opposition in Washington. How bad is it? The Daily Beast crunches the numbers of all 50 states to find who's in the deepest debt—and it isn't who you think.
On Friday, The New York Times reported that policymakers, cognizant that 44 states project budget shortfalls in 2012, were exploring ways to let these states declare bankruptcy. That possibility—forbidden under current law—has been debated all week.
AB, i know i will regret trying to explain this to you, and attempting to have a fact-based discussion, but you have a fundamental lack of understanding about how medicaid works. it is a state-federal match and the states are struggling because their economies are in the toilet. they are also facing less revenue because stimulus money is drying up. at the same time more people are qualifying for medicaid and eligibility has been expanded.
obama hasn't lied about anything. you just choose to oversimplify things, and you clearly don't even read the links you post. you choose to be willfully ignorant and grab on to anything you think makes obama look bad. you are off the mark here.
would you rather have obama tell the states its ok to kick poor people off the rollls?
from the story you linked:
Governors have known that this precipice was near for close to two years.
Medicaid, which covered 48.5 million people in 2009, up 8 percent in a year, is a joint state and federal program. The federal government provides the lion’s share of the money and sets minimum standards for eligibility and benefits that states may exceed if they wish.
In 2009, Congress provided about $90 billion for states in the stimulus package to offset the cost of surging Medicaid rolls. Last August, it extended the aid at a reduced level, adding $15 billion over six months. The relief raised the federal share to between 65 percent and 82 percent, depending on the state, up from between 50 percent and 75 percent.
While that money is widely credited with staving off catastrophe, deficits were so deep that 39 states cut Medicaid payments to providers in 2010, and 20 states pared benefits, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation.
On July 1, the enhanced federal aid will disappear, causing an overnight increase of between one-fourth and one-third in each state’s share of Medicaid’s costs. But because of the federal eligibility restrictions, the options for states are largely limited to cutting benefits that are not federally required; reducing payments to doctors, hospitals and nursing homes; and raising taxes on those providers.
ONLY u would argue that hobama has not deliberately created a legendary TRICKLE DOWN POVERTY by giving state/fed taxes to banksters!!!
what happens in DC is prescriptive, complicit, and bona fide co-conpsiratorial as it relates to all states...
hobamacare was designed to mandate the gutting of medicaid and medicare and even my cadillac group plan...
ditto for all!!....u refuse to see that by spinning hobama's fuzzy msm lies!!!
wake up!!!
dc nor states exist in polar planets/vacuums
we cannot admit RECORD nationwide economic bloodshed and pretend that hobama's hands are clean!!!!
he gave banksters 23 trillion while he gave states nothing!!!
why is that ok with u???!!!
peace offering?
Suppose a thief takes your family portrait worth $100 to you and then makes a take-it-or-leave it offer to sell it back to you for $50. You prefer the picture to the money. He prefers the money to the picture. Does that make the thief's offer a win/win? Of course not. It is ransom.
Obama Defends Health-Care Law
President Barack Obama said Saturday in his weekly address that millions of Americans already are reaping benefits from the new health care law.
.And thus the ObamaCare deal: States may leave Medicaid but the Medicaid taxes their citizens pay will support the program in other states. The state's option to leave Medicaid would be real only if the federal government refunded its citizens' Medicaid taxes or paid them into the state treasury.
Beyond the enormous increase in state obligations for Medicaid next year, more trouble lies ahead. The new law includes a massive Medicaid expansion. CMS estimates that by 2014, 85.2 million Americans will be enrolled in Medicaid—an increase of 23.3 million individuals from the projections under prior law.
This is the second study in a week that provides unwelcome news to states. Indiana reports that the cost of Medicaid expansion will cost its state $3.6 billion over 10 years. Texas estimated its 10-year cost at $27 billion. The situation could be even worse. State estimates are subject to great uncertainty, especially with assumptions about the take-up rate (the number of people who actually sign up) among both the newly eligible (the federal government reimburses state spending at a rate of 90 percent after 2020) and the previously eligible (the federal government reimburses at the state’s standard match rate).
only u maria would pretend that hobama's shrewd sabotaging/destroying states = salvation!
Over the weekend, President Barack Obama called for cuts in funding for Medicare and Medicaid, the federal health insurance programs for the elderly and the poor, including the elimination of subsidies for hospitals that treat uninsured patients. This proposal, combined with plans to limit medical tests and treatments, underscores the reactionary, anti-working class character of Obama’s proposed “reform” of the health care system.
It is becoming increasingly clear that the essence of the administration’s health care policy, under the guise of universal coverage, is a downgrading of care for the majority of the population so as to cut health care costs for business and the government.
this is not ok!!!!!!!
The failure of Congress to pass a bill containing Medicaid relief to the states and jobless benefit extensions to millions of long-term unemployed workers ensures that the social crisis will intensify in the coming weeks and months.
The decision will result in a new wave of foreclosures, evictions, homelessness and hunger, while states will be compelled to further slash social spending.
The $33 billion bill would have extended federal long-term unemployment benefits and provided states with $24 billion in emergency funding for Medicaid, the joint federal-state medical insurance program for the poor. Most commentators believe that final passage of the bill, which has been delayed for a month, is unlikely.
stop staring at hobama's crotch and focus on his lips!!!
The actual policy measures proposed in the speech were right-wing and pro-corporate. Obama called for lower corporate tax rates, a five-year freeze in annual domestic spending to be carried out through “painful cuts” in social programs, and a bipartisan effort to slash spending on the major entitlement programs, including Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security.
Equally significant were the policy issues Obama avoided. There was no mention of the budget crisis in the 50 states, where Democratic and Republican governors alike are proposing unprecedented cutbacks in public services, from education to mental health.
I love the wingnut crystal ball. Egyot will be worse under the Muslim brotherhood, hmmmmm, can't call the unless it happens. I guess that is in the same magic 8-ball that shows the electric car failing. Are these secret desires or wishes or is any of it based on reality? I mean, whose to say if gas prices spike again around the $5-6 level folks won't run to buy electric cars? Then again this country is populated by folks that think increased gas milage standards is a bad thing so maybe our friend od right. Wingnut math 19 MPG is much better than 40. Is it 2016 yet?
I don't know how Egypt will turn out. Hopefully they'll get rid of Mubarak and be able to set their own course for once.
As for the electric car, until it is just as convenient (and cheap) to recharge a battery as it is to refill a gas tank, with the same range as a gas-powered engine, electric cars will be limited to inner city jaunts, at best.
$5-$6 gas will bring hybrid tech that much closer to the forefront. And considering how Americans love to have their cake and eat it, perhaps GM will improve their hybrid SUVs (Tahoe and Escalade) to the point where they become more affordable and get at least 25 in town and 30-35 on the highway -- for SUVs, that's a pretty big step up. Ford and other automakers will follow suit.
"Job creation in the US is easy. All Obama has to do is take the shackles off the Domestic Oil, Gas and Coal industries. That's three areas where employment would jump -- and those jobs pay a lot."
Wrong. Government projects to rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure (roads, dams, levees, bridges, etc) will generate more jobs than deregulating oil, gas and coal, and hoping the companies involved will be gracious enough to make a few jobs, if any.
Companies have learned how to do more with less -- give employees greater work loads while paying them less, knowing with the shaky job market they'll be too scared to leave.
never mind. i knew you couldn't stay on topic.
and since when does obama control congress?
"The failure of Congress to pass a bill containing Medicaid relief to the states and jobless benefit extensions to millions of long-term unemployed workers ensures that the social crisis will intensify in the coming weeks and months."
Anonymous said...
PilotX, since they use sockpuppets, they assume everyone else does too.
You should feel sorry for the poor dears, as without sockpuppets, it becomes far too obvious that they are very much a minority.
Sockpuppets? Now this is great. Now I have this picture of you MOLD wearing superman under-roos with Elmo and cookie monster socks to keep your wittle feet warm, while riding your wittle wed twicycle.
Mack Lyons Said...
Wrong. Government projects to rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure (roads, dams, levees, bridges, etc) will generate more jobs than deregulating oil, gas and coal, and hoping the companies involved will be gracious enough to make a few jobs, if any.
You don't really understand do you. Even Obama said there was no such thing as shovel ready jobs after two years of lying. You don't take money from people redistribute it to create fake jobs and boost the economy. You need to create different streams of revenue, not forcefully spread around the already thin streams of existing revenue. Its like saying you are going to hire a housekeeper and pay for them out of your existing income and this will make that income grow. It doesnt, it just dilutes what you have and makes you cut back more.
Mack Lyons Said...
"Wrong. Government projects to rebuild the nation's crumbling infrastructure (roads, dams, levees, bridges, etc) will generate more jobs than deregulating oil, gas and coal, and hoping the companies involved will be gracious enough to make a few jobs, if any."
This statement illustrates the fundamental liberal misunderstanding of economics.
To paraphrase the anon above, government cannot create wealth. Every government job is paid for with money taken (by taxes or borrowing) from the private economy.
If the government builds a bridge or paves a road that promotes commerce, then there is a return on the investment. In good times, it is smart to pursue the kind of projects that benefit the common good. In bad times, it is counterproductive to divert resources from a capital-starved private economy. For example, it is now apparent that Roosevelt's public works programs helped stretch the depression all the way to WWII.
A job in the private sector in contrast is tied directly to the creation of wealth. Companies don't create jobs because they are "gracious"; they create jobs because employing someone is profitable.
Economics is common sense. Capitalism is the engine that drives the tractor. It is isn't evil, it isn't good. It'll run you over if you aren't careful. Government is the the brakes. When the tractor is stuck in the mud, you don't need more brakes.
RR said..."When the tractor is stuck in the mud, you don't need more brakes."
Okay, teach us dumb liberals a thing or two. Why is the 'tractor...stuck in the mud'?
"Okay, teach us dumb liberals a thing or two. Why is the 'tractor...stuck in the mud'?"
Wall Street tried to cut across the field to get over to Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac's place where the democrats were shoveling out money to people who didn't have tractors.
Or something like that. Sometimes tractors get stuck.
RR said...'Or something like that. Sometimes tractors get stuck.'
Your response is too vague. We liberals need things spelled out as slowly as is possible and with tons of specifics. Our learning curve is steep...that's why we appreciate a lot of pictures with our words.
Try again, please.
It's an a-n-a-l-o-g-y Zing.
We have been in a recession. A recession is a contraction of the economy. If you want the economy to grow, you need to make things easier for business (take your foot off the brakes, as it were).
Government can make things easier by reducing the costs (e.g. taxes, regulatory compliance, cost of hiring) that it imposes on business.
Pure, unregulated free markets can quickly get mean. But every tax, every government mandate, every regulation has impacts far above and beyond the direct costs.
The U.S. now has just about the highest corporate tax rate in the world. We are in competition with other countries for jobs. Companies rationally assess costs and move their businesses if it makes sense.
Free markets work best, but only if everyone is playing by the same rules. A lot of businesses move manufacturing to China, because the Chinese government pressures them to do so for access to their markets. We need to play hardball with foreign companies as well. Reagan did so with the Japanese auto makers, and we got a lot of Toyota and Honda plants built here as a result. No one wants to be shut out of the American market.
Hiring more government workers and extending unemployment benefits can inject money into the economy, but it does not create wealth, and it takes resources from the entities that can create wealth.
Obama seems to understand he's been squeezing that Golden Goose too hard, and he needs to at least look more pro-business. but his plocies have contributed strongly to the lack of private sector job growth. The drilling moraorium alone has cost at least 125,000 jobs so far, and that number rises every week.
Rev Right is one of those Ayn Rand disciples that believe in free unregulated markets. The economy didn't collapse due to too many regualtions, au contraire sir most economists agree that the economy collapsed due to a lack of oevrsight on the banks. Sure Frannie and Freddie play a role, a small one, but as most conservatives tend to do you gloss over the real culprits. As far as tax rates the U.S. has one of the lowest real corporate tax rates as many corporations learned to maximize their deductions i.e. skirt paying any taxes. The problem is us. If we as the largest economy stand up as consumers and say in unison "we will not purchase any of your goods corporation X unless you make lets say 50% of those goods here in the good old U.S. of A." we would see jobs and factories returning but we choose to cut our own throats and buy goods made in China because they are cheap. C'mon folks, liberal and conservative alike we should at least be able to agree that to bring back jobs we need to flex our muscle and demand a piece of the action and tell these companies that choose to outsource to get screwed. I mean what is the end game if we don't? 50 cent an hour jobs and companies that pay zero taxes so we can kiss their asses so they won't relocate to India? Who really runs this country anyway?
mareally retarded:
congress = lobbyists = senate = globalists = dems = repubs = hobama...wtfu!!!!!!!
u r blinded by jungle love for that jungle nazi hobama.
keep posting...each is a poster for SEVERE CHRONIC hobama nazi insanity.
you will NEVER be teena marie to hobama's psycho blackish rock star sock puppet!
mareally deluded:
that congress will help hobama's mojo shine more brighhtly than ever...bet!!!
hobama loves that congress and those repubs like you love him
they are kindred elitist spirits!
Funny, how Obama seems so much more in his element in the wake of the November defeat than when Democrats controlled both Houses of Congress. Half of Obama’s Blue Dog friends have been replaced by Republicans, but the president seems even happier among the new guys, as if he’s finally within reach of the grand, “bi-partisan consensus” that is the ideal state of being in a post-everything America
PilotX said...
"Rev Right is one of those Ayn Rand disciples that believe in free unregulated markets"
I read "The Fountainhead" in college and couldn't stand it.
But I do believe in minimal regulation.
The problem wasn't the collapse of several large financial firms (which I believe was directly encouraged by government mandated distortions in lending practices), but in bailing them out. The people that made the mistakes should have paid the full price.
Fannie Mae/Freddie Mac had primary roles, but the deals were done with open eyes by Wall Street.
I had $40,000 in AIG stock in a retirement plan (from a previous employer that had ben purchased by AIG) that AIG eventually wound up sending me a check for $186 to settle. I was not too big to fail. My bad for leaving too many eggs in that basket, but everyone should have manned up as well.
Stop having the government pick winners and losers and enforce the rules of the game, and we'll have growth and stability.
Still the Freddie and Fannie meme huh? You guys stick to the talking points don't ya?
The crisis had numerous causes but the government backed mortgages were but a small reason. I guess one can take the view of unregulated markets but any sensible economist will argue against that view and if we had let these institutions fail how much turmoil would be caused worldwide. Rev. are you an economist?
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