Well, since it's Black History Month, I think a post about 91 year old Recy Taylor would be quite fitting. Just one more field Negro who allowed me to stand on her shoulders so that I can get on the Internet every night and type what's on my mind.
"Sept. 3, 1944: It's a damp evening in the Alabama black belt, nearly midnight, but services at Rock Hill Holiness Church in the small town of Abbeville have just let out. Recy Taylor, a 24-year-old sharecropper, sets out along the town's fertile peanut plantations, accompanied for the walk home by two other worshippers from the African-American congregation. Moments later, a green Chevrolet rolls by -- and their routine journey takes a horrifying turn.
Wielding knives and guns, seven white men get out of the car, according to Taylor and witnesses from a state investigation of the case. One shoves Taylor in the backseat; the rest squeeze in after her and ride off. Her panicked friends run to tell the sheriff.
After parking in a deserted grove of pecan trees, the men order the young wife and mother out at gunpoint, shouting at her to undress. Six of them rape Taylor that night. Once finished, they drive her back to the road, ordering her out again before roaring off into the darkness.
Days after the brutal attack, Taylor's story traveled through word of mouth, catching the attention of a Montgomery NAACP activist named Rosa Parks. A seasoned anti-rape crusader, who focused on the sexual assaults of black women that were commonplace in the segregated South, Parks would eventually help bring the case international notice. Despite her efforts, however, in Jim Crow-era Alabama, Taylor's assailants were never punished.
It's curious, to say the least, that Taylor's name is not mentioned in history books. While most analyses of circumstances that inspired the civil rights movement focus on black men -- being lynched or railroaded into jail, or facing down segregationists -- the stories of countless black women like Recy Taylor, who were raped by white men during the same era, have gone understated, if not overlooked entirely.
Nearly 70 years later, having such a brutal attack swept under the rug is still a source of pain for a surviving victim.
"Wasn't nothing done about it," Taylor, now 91, told The Root in a phone interview from her Florida home. "The sheriff never even said he was sorry it happened. I think more people should know about it … but ain't nobody [in Abbeville] saying nothing."
Organizing a National Movement
At the time, others -- more than she ever knew -- did speak out in defense of Taylor. Her brother Robert Corbitt, now 74, was just 8 years old when his eldest sister was kidnapped, but he remembers that night well, and all that followed. [More here]
I know I rip some of these corporate blogs from time to time, but h/t to The Root for bringing us this story.
Finally, I see that my man Idris Elba is still going to play Heimdall in the movie Thor. (That brotha could play book on a shelf and Mrs. Field would drag us to watch the damn movie. "Come on field, it's supposed to be a really good movie". "But honey, it's about a bunch of books on a shelf". "Yes, but Idris Elba is in it".....) And some folks are still losing their minds. Hey, I get it, a black man playing Norse god really kind of stretches the imagination. (Ain't no brothers in Norway.) I guess it would be kind like a white man playing Jim Brown in a movie to us black folks. But wait, Jim Brown is a real person. Heimdall, on the other hand, is a fictional character. Never mind.
Still, I suppose if you are a fan of the comic book, you could argue that the PC police are ruining the product for you. When do you say enough already with this artistic liberty stuff?
Wielding knives and guns, seven white men get out of the car, according to Taylor and witnesses from a state investigation of the case. One shoves Taylor in the backseat; the rest squeeze in after her and ride off. Her panicked friends run to tell the sheriff.
After parking in a deserted grove of pecan trees, the men order the young wife and mother out at gunpoint, shouting at her to undress. Six of them rape Taylor that night. Once finished, they drive her back to the road, ordering her out again before roaring off into the darkness.
Days after the brutal attack, Taylor's story traveled through word of mouth, catching the attention of a Montgomery NAACP activist named Rosa Parks. A seasoned anti-rape crusader, who focused on the sexual assaults of black women that were commonplace in the segregated South, Parks would eventually help bring the case international notice. Despite her efforts, however, in Jim Crow-era Alabama, Taylor's assailants were never punished.
It's curious, to say the least, that Taylor's name is not mentioned in history books. While most analyses of circumstances that inspired the civil rights movement focus on black men -- being lynched or railroaded into jail, or facing down segregationists -- the stories of countless black women like Recy Taylor, who were raped by white men during the same era, have gone understated, if not overlooked entirely.
Nearly 70 years later, having such a brutal attack swept under the rug is still a source of pain for a surviving victim.
"Wasn't nothing done about it," Taylor, now 91, told The Root in a phone interview from her Florida home. "The sheriff never even said he was sorry it happened. I think more people should know about it … but ain't nobody [in Abbeville] saying nothing."
Organizing a National Movement
At the time, others -- more than she ever knew -- did speak out in defense of Taylor. Her brother Robert Corbitt, now 74, was just 8 years old when his eldest sister was kidnapped, but he remembers that night well, and all that followed. [More here]
I know I rip some of these corporate blogs from time to time, but h/t to The Root for bringing us this story.
Finally, I see that my man Idris Elba is still going to play Heimdall in the movie Thor. (That brotha could play book on a shelf and Mrs. Field would drag us to watch the damn movie. "Come on field, it's supposed to be a really good movie". "But honey, it's about a bunch of books on a shelf". "Yes, but Idris Elba is in it".....) And some folks are still losing their minds. Hey, I get it, a black man playing Norse god really kind of stretches the imagination. (Ain't no brothers in Norway.) I guess it would be kind like a white man playing Jim Brown in a movie to us black folks. But wait, Jim Brown is a real person. Heimdall, on the other hand, is a fictional character. Never mind.
Still, I suppose if you are a fan of the comic book, you could argue that the PC police are ruining the product for you. When do you say enough already with this artistic liberty stuff?
"At the risk of sounding like a bigot, I think this is nuts....Not too many un-fair complexion types roaming the frigid waste land up there....."
"Thor has a hammer that flied to him when he clicks his fingers. That's okay, but the color of my skin is wrong?"
Idris, maybe you would have been better off playing a book.
1 – 200 of 222 Newer› Newest»A Black man playing Heimdall is ridiculous BUT if we listed all the fictional or real non-white characters that whites have played as white we'd be here for days.
It's not a big deal imo.
Field, first let me say - there are no words for the things that woman suffered. No words, its just digusting.
On to Stringer Bell in a Viking helmet. Now, let me say that I am a big time comic book geek. I can literally break down the philosophical difference between the Golden Age and the Silver Age Green Lantern and influence of New Age thought on the Silver Surfer. Super-duper Nerd.
So I can say with great authority:
1. The comic is vastly different from Norse Mythology. In Norse Mythology - Balder, not Thor was the big bad boy on the Block. Stan Lee picked Thor over boulder because smacking aliens and monsters with a hammer made Thor less of a Superman rip-off than the Lord of Light.
Throughout history, Marvel take lots of liberties with the mythology. Hell, in the comics Thor's technically half Greek. (His mother is Gaea.) Also, Thor ended the Ragnarok
cycle. How you stave off the imminent threat of death is truly comic book stuff.
Hell Marvel made Samuel Jackson Nick Fury in the Ultimate Marvel line because the writer just thought Jules Winnfield was damn cool. Iron Man was Black for a hot minute, as was Superman, Captain America and the Green Lantern. Nothing unusual here.
2. Heimdall, in terms of mythology and the comic is a really minor character. I'm talking you have to squint to find him in a comic book. Volstagg is more popular (we love drunken fat people with superpowers.) Heimdall's powers are super-strength and uber-hyper senses, particularly eyesight and hearing. He can literally see things coming from hundreds of miles away. Heimdall's job is to stand guard at the gates of Asgard and ward off any invaders. He's the first line of defense. He's essentially the doorman/marine guard. Again, its not like they got Louis Gossett Jr. as Odin or Terrance Stamp as Loki.
All and all, much ado about nothing. Its race baiting gates losing their cookies over a minor issue. I remember how the message boards in 2000 were a twitter because the Black Green Lantern - John Stewart was selected for the Justice League cartoon. A bunch of losers whining about fictional characters -- a minor ones at that.
I've been a fanboy since I was 5, and I admit that this crap doesn't matter and these white people need to get a life.
Sorry, I meant Terrance Howard.
Shady Grady didn't comment on the rape of a black woman, he would have had at least two sentence if it was pertaining to a black male lynching.
The state of Alabama should at least bring some of these people some closure. I know it takes money to solve cold cases but I'm sure a fund could be set up or something. I always wondered how some people can be so hypocritical, I mean look at one of their women the wrong way and get strung up but take every liberty you can imagine with our women and THEN have the nerve to wonder why we're pissed. As Don King says "only in America".
Damn La~Coincidental,you have some serious comic knowledge. :)
And I co-sign with you about what Ms. Taylor went through.Just sad.
Shady, it took me years to figure out what a real Native American looked like after watching those A-merry-can produced "Cowboy and Indian" movies as a kid.:)
There are so many stories like Recy Taylor's where brothers and sisters have had to live with no acknowledgement or justice for the wrongs committed against them. God bless you and the Root for bringing this story to light. Hopefully it will bring a shred of peace and satisfaction, as nothing will ever fully take away the pain and indignity.
Great Post!
Stuff like this happened for 100's of years in this country. White Folks don't care, they got O.J.
Black Media doesn't care, the only thing they focus on is gossip. Nothing with substance.
BTW, you know your Field Negro of the day is employed by Glen Beckkk's new enemy- Google. Everyone is suppose to be afraid Google now.
Did she ever publish the names of the bastards who did it to her? What a screwed up story FN! And she has an amazingly strong soul to have survived this long to tell about it and let us know that her struggles matter.
In the deep south rape against black women is still a crime in which the victims are marginalized. We're sometimes met with derision and callousness or even an attitude that somehow we deserved it. This story brought me great pain, but also some sense that life goes on and we can live through the rough patches and survive and even thrive.
And sadly Wesley R is right.
Thanks for bringing this story to my attention. As stated in the article the rape of black women during Jim Crow segregation was quite common place, as it was during slavery and immediately afterward.
Of course some would argue the extent and frequency of these rapes because they were not recorded because most victims were afraid to report the rape.
But it was enough of a problem that I remember black women telling stories about it.
In fact I heard stories about black women and especially attractive black women being assaulted by white men from black women from all walks of life.
The worst I heard was a classmate who told me that her mother was raped by a white man who just pushed his way into their house while their father was at work.
This woman's survival is testament to the best of the human spirit and its ability to endure and persevere. She doesn't seem to be bitter, which may also be a testament to her faith in God.
Co-signing with everyone on the pain and injustice Recy Taylor went through.
Except Lordess. I don't know what the fuck he or she is on.
And Idris Elba as Thor? Doesn't bother me. To others, it may be like Denzel Washington playing James Bond or Will Smith as Batman. *shrugs*
field, you posted:
After parking in a deserted grove of pecan trees, the men order the young wife and mother out at gunpoint, shouting at her to undress.
I see. They parked in a deserted area. Vocab test -- deserted area -- means nobody around. Like witnesses.
Six of them rape Taylor that night.
Maybe. Maybe not. Other than the alleged rapists and the alleged victim, there are no witnesses. A little like the fake nun rape claim.
Once finished, they drive her back to the road, ordering her out again before roaring off into the darkness.
Really? The alleged rapists had to order her out of the car? Order her out? From the tone, it sounds as though she wanted to stay.
This story sounds like the imagined rape scene in Donald Goines novel "Swamp Man."
Anyway, the story was obviously heard all over. But as field well knows, simply accusing a man of rape is not enough to get him indicted and prosecuted for rape.
Even if six of the seven -- apparently one of them was the designated non-sexual offender in the group -- had raped her, there's nothing in the story to suggest she was the victim of a violent attack that would have left visible injuries.
Moreover, the story obviously grew in the retelling. It's interesting the story mentions seven knuckleheads in the car. Must have been a big car. Or maybe it was the Seven Dwarfs out joyriding one night. Out for a night of mischief while killing a little time during that period when they were waiting for Snow White to come around.
It's a mistake to put an unverifiable story in the history books, and this is clearly an unverifiable story. But you characters will believe any old urban legend that suits your purposes.
Tawana Brawley said she was raped by six guys. Based on the standards of truth that apply here at this blog, her story is another rape story that should appear in history books.
Recy Taylor's story is a sad one and what is even more heart breaking is there are so many other Recy Taylors who were raped by thugs who were never brought to justice. I hope that she and her family are able to find some legal redress at last...or at least a damned apology from this town.
Slapstick, I'm surprised you've even bothered to try. Just sit down, shut the fuck up and wait for Field's next blog post to be your natural dumbfuck self. Because today, you're just asking for trouble.
Field, I'm surprised you didn't mention Danielle McGuire's book that touched on the story.
At the Dark End of the Street: Black Women, Rape, and Resistance–A New History of the Civil Rights Movement from Rosa Parks to the Rise of Black Power
The self hating people hating cowardly Jewish fella went to far with the EFFLUENCE he posted above.
Really, did I read what that person who comes to this blog and portends to be a human being said.
Because after this I have real doubts about his humanity.
Is this monstrous non feeling sorry excuse for a human being really trying to claim that after all these years this woman would be lying about something like this?
He has no shame nor decency!
Only an animal would stoop so low to pretend that there are holes in this womans case.
What he did with that post is rape her all over again.
I have seen bigoted and hateful folks before but I can't recall someone who so desperately wants to be viewed as informed and intelligent by the same folks he despises, being so lacking in human sympathy, compassion and even concern.
That wasn't cute or analytical it was just plain mean and evil.
Mack I have heard good things about that book by Danielle McGuire. Its well documented I understand and tells a poignant story about the experiences of black women during that time.
Field, "Hey, I get it, a black man playing Norse god really kind of stretches the imagination. (Ain't no brothers in Norway.)"
Not true. Btw, there ARE brothers in Norway and Sweden. Some of them went AWOL during the war. At that time, they were considered "very desirable". It seems everyone found white skin, blond hair and blue eyes boring.
Maybe that is what the thinking of this movie played by a bm is about? It will go over BIG in Scandinavia.
Thank you for bringing Recy Taylor's story to my attention, Field.
Now, about Idris. I'm with Mrs. Field most definitely. :-)
Mack, "Slapstick, I'm surprised you've even bothered to try. Just sit down, shut the fuck up and wait for Field's next blog post to be your natural dumbfuck self. Because today, you're just asking for trouble."
Mack and Mell...M&M, what's with you guys? You degrade and insult some of the sisters on this blog, but when slappz is just being himself, you become indignant and get pissed off? Puleeze. You two self-righteous bm are just as heartless.
Anon there is nothing true about what you said and I have never degraded a woman on this blog.
I am all heart!
You are in a league with that other fella --who knows maybe you are the same people--because you don't know what it means to have a heart.
Don't try it tonight! You should know when to say when and pack it in and give it up for tonight you are neither amusing or entertaining.
Mell, "Anon there is nothing true about what you said and I have never degraded a woman on this blog.
I am all heart!"
You are all heart? that's a hoot. I am sure the entire blog is ROFL. Besides trying to be a minister, do you try to work late at night as a comedian? You are a sick bm.
The MontgomeryAdvertiser (an Alabama newspaper) featured Mrs Taylor story of injustice on the front page several weeks ago. I grew up in the south in a community of elder people that had endured so much pain living in the south. However, out of fear they would not speak a word about the injustice against them. I appreciate Mrs Taylor for speaking about this horrific tragedy.
Mrs Taylor is a lady of great courage.
Speaking of rape and brutal treatment, Laura Logan was raped and brutalized in Egypt while covering the Mubarak story.
Of course, Mr. Field, Mack, Mell, uts, and PilotX are pro-Muslim even though they bomb, kill and rape innocent people. I am still wondering HOW a religion can sanction rapists and jihadists--and feel justified in raping and brutalizing women.
Even more so, I am surprised at so many FN bm who support such evil actions. But if you support abortion, you'll support ANYTHING:
Anon are you really not trying to give it up? Really?
You are clearly the sick one and its clear that you have no real opinions about anything. And clearly you are some kind of an outcast.
Because who does this kind of thing? Just like some little kid you come on to the thread and call folks who clearly are trying to do the Lord's work of caring for and about the poor and the oppressed and the victimized, all kinds of names.
I mean really who does this kind of sick childish thing that you do daily?
Who is that twisted and that sick and that narrow? I guess obviously you are.
Your childish name calling and weak attempts to slander me won't work. I am exactly who I say I am and I do what I say I do, which is to do everything I can to make the world better and to fight for those who most folks don't care about.
Today it is obvious who the real fraud is, you're not even a good example of a human being.
But you are such a low down excuse for a human being you don't even have sense enough to leave folks alone who are at least trying to do the work of God on earth and to reach out to the down and out inour society.
And keep hating and trying to shut me up its never going to work. I suspect that you are one of those who is feeble minded enough to think you can make something real by continually repeating it.
Of course you have plenty of company in that area as the right wing attempts to rewrite history and even resorts to slander and character assasination when all else fails.
It won't work!
It just confirms that I must be doing something right cause those who love evil hate the light.
And BTW I know who and what you are!
Don't you know the devil and evil loses in the end?
In the end God and good triumphs over EVIL!
How about we give them their Thor back and they give us back Jesus?
Mell, "And BTW I know who and what you are!
Don't you know the devil and evil loses in the end?
In the end God and good triumphs over EVIL!"
LOL. You make a better comedian than a minister, which isn't saying much. You have already lost, so I guess you are on earth to do the DEVIL'S WORK? You and your side-kick Mack are doing a fabulous job! The M&M duo...lol
Now Mack, don't go crying to Field about an anon beating up on you. I am just trying to toughen you up a little bit. You see, we need tough responsible bm to care for the community and you and Mell aren't there yet. But stick around, I will help you grow.
Ernesto, "How about we give them their Thor back and they give us back Jesus?"
FYI, Jesus belongs to the Christian religion. Guess whose religion it is? You progressive liberal black dems don't know much at all.
re: no_slappz
Your reputation is well-earned. You're one sick dude! Are all white Republicans like you? You're the reason why I'm a card-carrying liberal.
You remind me of a flasher. You seem to get a sexual thrill from throwing out these verbal bombs to get a rise from blacks.
How pathetic!
Uh Field, you REALLY need to have a talk with the president of anon and including Slappz in this talk. Man, I have seen sick shit from racist trolls but now to disparage women who have been raped is just a bit too much. I know they just want attention but really?
And asshole anon, I'm not pro-Muslim I'm pro-human and if you're getting all huffy about a few Muslims that sexually assaulted a journalist why not get huffy at Slappz who seems to condone raping Black women? Hypocritical coward.
did you notice that Mell, a Rev who claims to care for all human beings FAILED to comment on the rape and brutalization of an American reporter in Egypt?
I wonder why?
@anon 2:39...Oy fucking VEY. Jesus was never a blonde, blue-eyed person as you would like us to imagine. He had skin of bronze, hair like wool. He was at least as dark as the typical Egyptian of today. Why must I point out obvious stuff to you? Oh yeah, because you watch Fox News.
Anonousmous 2:37 AM said..."But stick around, I will help you grow."
You need to use that stick on your own behind. It won't help you grow, ahem, but the world is better for it.
PilotX, "And asshole anon, I'm not pro-Muslim I'm pro-human and if you're getting all huffy about a few Muslims that sexually assaulted a journalist why not get huffy at Slappz who seems to condone raping Black women? Hypocritical coward."
You really should watch your profanity, it's unbecoming. If you are soooo pro-human why aren't you 'all huffy' about what the Muslims did our reporter in Egypt? Face it. You don't care because she is White.
But you have the nerve to be pissed off at slappz insensitivity, which anybody on this blog knows is "normal". I knew slappz would say what he said BEFORE he said it. And I am sure Field did too. But dummies like you, Mell, Mack and some other bm lack the discipline and brains to ignore slappz. That makes you SICKER than the sick one you are talking to. LOL
Ernesto, "@anon 2:39...Oy fucking VEY. Jesus was never a blonde, blue-eyed person as you would like us to imagine. He had skin of bronze, hair like wool. He was at least as dark as the typical Egyptian of today. Why must I point out obvious stuff to you? Oh yeah, because you watch Fox News."
I wouldn't care if Jesus was purple. Christianity was not the religion of our ancesters when they arrived in chains in America. Christianity was the Whites religion... DO YOU GET IT?
re: anonymous and 1:40..."You are all heart? that's a hoot. I am sure the entire blog is ROFL. Besides trying to be a minister, do you try to work late at night as a comedian? You are a sick bm."
You're trying to be an intelligent ass. Someone you tell you, you can't be both at the same time. I guess I just did.
Ernesto, "You need to use that stick on your own behind. It won't help you grow, ahem, but the world is better for it."
You DO know that you are talking to a brotha?
re: anonymous @ 2:42. "I wonder why?"
I wonder why, you wonder why?
Ernesto, "You're trying to be an intelligent ass. Someone you tell you, you can't be both at the same time. I guess I just did."
No, I am not trying to be 'intelligent' at all, whatever that means. Nor am I trying to be an ass. I was making an OBSERVATION and stating it TO MELL.
Are you trying to be a DUMB ass? it's working.
Ernesto, "re: anonymous @ 2:42. "I wonder why?"
That's a question that would better be answered by an intelligent mind with an IQ above yours...that would be slappz.
Re: Anonymous "FYI Jesus belongs to the Christian religion. Guess whose religion it is? You progressive liberal black dems don't know much at all."
Showing off your first-grade intellect I see.
We know more than your regressive, conservative, strike that, Republican maggot-driven brain.
Ernesto, "You're trying to be an intelligent ass. Someone you tell you, you can't be both at the same time. I guess I just did."
Copying is the greatest form of flattery, and a clear indication that you're dealing with a certified idiot who's never had an original thought in his life.
re: Anonymous, "that would be slappz."
Slappz has sex-management issues. This blog turns him on.
Play Dumb. No matter what evidence or logical argument is offered, avoid discussing issues with denial they have any credibility, make any sense, provide any proof, contain or make a point, have logic, or support a conclusion. Mix well for maximum effect.
Rule #5 from the handbook, "How to be a Shill".
You sir, are a miserable piece of shit.
re: Anonymous, "You DO know that you are talking to a brotha?"
If you have to brag about it, you need Extenze to make up for it.
re: anonymous, "I knew slappz would say what he said BEFORE he said it."
I must be psychic, too. I knew you'd be a dog in heat to back up the slappzer.
Your comprehension skills are failing, it is I and a few others on this blog, who constantly demonstrate our concerns for ALL of our fellow humanity. You and your ilk are the ones that preach the superiority of some human beings over others and the rich over the poor.
I am the one who always condemns "systemic" violence in all its forms, so consequently I abhor and reject the violence perpetrated by the Egyptian regime that took hundreds of lives,in its flailing attempt to keep power.
So of course I feel sadness for those families that have lost loved ones, which would include everyone that lost their lives and or were injured or raped as was the case with the American journalist, Ms. Logan.
It is you, not I that seeks to make the injury of one American reporter more important than the loss of hundreds of Egyptian lives and the injury of thousands more.
The proof lies in the fact that with all the talk on the blog about the uprising in Egypt and what it means, all you seemed to be concerned about was the rape of one white American woman.
Whereas I have been talking about the injustices visited upon the Egyptian population including the torture, brutality, corruption, limits on free speech and almost forced starvation of its population, many of which were living on less than $2.00 dollars a day.
And you and your cronies were not concerned about the welfare of the Egyptian people, but were searching for evidence to prove the validity of US propaganda designed to vilify and demonize Arab human beings, by trying to make these would be revolutionaries out to be crazed Islamic fundamentalists.
Your ilk tried to do this even in ethe face of overwhelming evidence that was available for you to read. And that was that,this was a total uprising supported by students, workers and organized labor unions.
It is you, not I that has limited your affection for human life to Americans only and white Americans especially.
Whereas since I believe that God created all human beings I am concerned about the welfare of ALL human beings, especially ones that suffer needlessly and as a result of the unequal relations that greedy class society has established.
I believe that an injury to one is an injury to all.
It is you not I that needs to explain themselves, unlike you I have a record of sounding like and acting like a human being!
@LAC-always good to run across another comic book geek/mythology guru.
I do have to say though I would disagree insofar as Balder being more popular/important in the myths than Thor. Thor was perhaps the most popular along with Odin and Frey. The primary stories about Balder are just about his death while there are numerous myth cycles concerning Thor. Much more than the treacherous, malicious, mysterious and subtle Odin, Thor was considered to be the protector of humanity.
You are 100% accurate about the relative lack of importance of Heimdall-though one myth does list Heimdall as being the father of all the races/classes of humanity.
I don't think we'll see Idris handling his business like that though...LOL
Since you can read minds and see the future please tell me what I am thinking right now..
Yeah the media can do and has done a number on non-whites which is why I have zero sympathy for the neo-Nazis throwing a fit over Heimdall. One of the reasons I always liked Norse mythology is that unlike Greek mythology the Norse gods are gonna lose and die in the end. They know it. Their enemies know it. But they keep on struggling anyway. You might say that's Field Negro behavior. =)
"But you have the nerve to be pissed off at slappz insensitivity, which anybody on this blog knows is "normal". I knew slappz would say what he said BEFORE he said it. And I am sure Field did too. But dummies like you, Mell, Mack and some other bm lack the discipline and brains to ignore slappz. That makes you SICKER than the sick one you are talking to. LOL"
It's the same old same old. Attack those who offer the most effective messages. Ridicule and demonize them until they leave the field in anger/disgust/dismay. Ignore the bigots, idiots and outright trolls. Encourage the sycophants and toe-tapping, jigging toms and "yes" men to validate and support the messages you want dominating.
And it's only one or two trolls doing this, because very few people will spend all of their time and energy on a blog that carries opinions absolutely contrary to their own. Many people will say their peace and move on to a blog that's more supportive of their outlook. Of course, if they're being paid to troll a blog dealing with African-American issues...
Most of them go under the "anonymous" moniker so they appear to be a much larger group. They piggyback off of other posts they feel they can neatly dovetail into what message they really want to get out. The posts about the issues Black men face in the U.S. are reshaped by anons into attacks on other posters. Some people here think they have an anon amen corner going on without realizing the duplicitous nature of those "amen" posts.
These trolls are dedicated. I mean SERIOUSLY dedicated. I'll give them that. And I respect the open nature of this blog, but these trolls are just thriving in it. And the only thing anyone else can do is to let everyone else know how spectacularly dumb these fuckheads are. Some of these guys couldn't even figure out what 2+2 equals, even if you took them by the hand and wrote it out for them. Any other blogger would have dropped some banhammers on these guys a long time ago.
And you stupid sons of bitches are telling us to ignore a guy (or girl -- who was it that had the goods on no_slappz a few posts ago?) who waltzed into an emotionally charged blog posting and proceeded to dismiss and belittle the story of a woman who was RAPED by a gang of hateful beings and had to watch as those bastards went unpunished, thanks in large part because those bastards, as well as law enforcement and the community at large, thought a "nigger" getting raped wasn't much to get worked up over? And this was the prevailing thought throughout the nation at the time.
It is still the prevailing thought in many parts of the nation. The difference is that it's embedded in code words and "dog whistles", so it stays out of earshot of polite company.
I don't see how Field puts up with it. Other people in the blogosphere would have closed the door on this tapdancing bullshit a long time ago.
"I wouldn't care if Jesus was purple. Christianity was not the religion of our ancesters when they arrived in chains in America. Christianity was the Whites religion... DO YOU GET IT?"
Perhaps you should read this interesting report on African spirituality and how we ended up with Christianity:
"During the early history of slavery, the Africanisms that were retained in African American spirituality were often seen to be (by whites) a pagan faith. These rituals and dogmas were variously described as Voodoo, Hoodoo, Witchcraft, and superstitions, and were particularly prominent among the Gullah speakers of South Carolina. Whites often commented on these "pagan practices," and fetishes, and were threatened by them. As a result, great effort was expended on eradicating these practices, and many were lost within a generation."
BTW, I'm pretty sure Jesus did not call himself a "Christian", nor did he side with any of the organized religions of the time period. Christianity as a religious identifier/denomination came about after he died and rose again.
Idealized portrayals of Jesus have been waaayyy off the mark for eons. Europeans loved to portray Jesus as a guy who looked as any ideal European would have looked -- blond or auburn hair, blue eyes, pale skin. He did not look anything like that, at all.
Slappy, are you serious?...No comment. I think some of the posters above (Such as B Bombay and Mell) pretty much said what I wanted to say.
LOL@ The Eraser. Still slapping around trolls I see.
Was that reporter actually raped in Egypt? I am not trying to be funny, I really want to know. I thought the reports said that she was sexually assaulted? That could mean that someone grabbed her breasts.
she had to be hospitalized...
In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering.
Maria, do you have any comments about the poor black woman who was raped?
what are YOUR comments? is this a litmus test (not that you even know what that means)?
obv. the crime was heinous and i wish the perps had been brought to justice. it's too bad there was no prosecutor to go after this crime like robert delaughter did with medgar evers' murder. de la beckwith was convicted 31 years after the fact.
we all know the south didn't value the life of blacks. crimes against black women mattered even less.
happy now?
oh, and i've been an elba fan since the wire, but that doesn't sound like the kind of movie i'd go see.
see much more on global rape:
DC politicos/banksters
LAC...like that you know the comics. Would disagree with the Heimdall as it looks more like he was picked to cover the 'AfAm for diversity' hire. What used to be called 'tokenism'.
No thanks.
Slappy, although I think this person is truthful, I have a long memory of 'Holocaust Survivors' who found BabeeJesus while in the camps. Or 'Victims of Palestinian Assaults'. Or 'Persecuted Wite Folk who Jess Wanna Say Migger'. Or barely educated wite dudez who lost the job because of Affirmative Action.
Logan is a well-known prevaricator who is also a blatant and unrepentant adultress. Maybe 'Mericans don't remember...but in this part of the world she is infamous. She has bodyguards because she slept around...then bragged about it. Her paleness has little to do with her need for security. Maybe in witest suburbia, being the town skank is a boast...in many lands it is to be avoided.
Part of the christian experience is that Jesus is wite. Takes mental defect or a suspension of intellect to beleeverate that.
mareally a bm admirer:
idris is black perfection...
and his natural british accent makes him sexiER!
i am certain you are a fan indeed.
i adore him and all of his work...
this is his best:
Political correctness strikes again!!
Whats next?? Give hurricanes black sounding names? Oh wait, thats already been suggested.
This movie will be one big flop.
rape is a global weapon of war...
and blacks are still under siege in america each day...even under that blackish hobama who is raping poor black people financially each day!!!!
needs slaps and reading retention skills:
i see u are ignoring these violent white rapists too...
carry on
maria is singularly concerned with bm not bw
as all jungle fevered pseudo liberal shrews
see more about marias here:
would you like me to list all the white actors i also like? asian, hispanic, etc? how about the females? and you know i would but you see i have a job and kids to raise and causes to advocate for...and you?
get a life.
"Would disagree with the Heimdall as it looks more like he was picked to cover the 'AfAm for diversity' hire. What used to be called 'tokenism'.
No thanks."
Oh you mean like the white boys who were part of the black led gang in "Takers"?
I knew somebody was going to go the "diversity" trip but, believe me, diversity on screen doesn't mean jack in Hollywood as much as who puts asses in the seats.
Elba is one one of the hottest actors on the scene today and I think the producers are just seizing on it.
u doth defend too much!
i love lots of white actors too.
so...no need.
but thanks for offering.
i have a great black life...thanks!
Fields, i have a great topic for your next post.
"Does Wal-mart cause black teens to steal?"
Thats the new defense against building more evil Wal-mart stores.
uptownsteve said...
"Would disagree with the Heimdall as it looks more like he was picked to cover the 'AfAm for diversity' hire. What used to be called 'tokenism'.
No thanks."
Oh you mean like the white boys who were part of the black led gang in "Takers"?
Takers? You mean the movie about a planned and thought out Bank Robbery? Really? That was all Black? The planning and thinking part as well? Nah, that would be more like a comic book then real life so the creators of the movie got this one spot on. Who would believe and go see a movie like you suggest.
I knew somebody was going to go the "diversity" trip but, believe me, diversity on screen doesn't mean jack in Hollywood as much as who puts asses in the seats.
Elba is one one of the hottest actors on the scene today and I think the producers are just seizing on it.
When you make a movie about a purely white culture mythical gods and throw a black man in there. If he isnt a token what is?
again, this not about you and i did not ask your opinions on who you like/don't. i was responding to your usual stereotyping of me with your crass jungle fevered comments
i could not care less about who you like and don't or why b/c you are crazy-fevered.
You mean like Tarzan, the white king of the black jungle?
Anonymous said...
When you make a movie about a purely white culture mythical gods and throw a black man in there. If he isnt a token what is?
Of course,he's a token.
uptownsteve said...
"Would disagree with the Heimdall as it looks more like he was picked to cover the 'AfAm for diversity' hire. What used to be called 'tokenism'.
No thanks."
Oh you mean like the white boys who were part of the black led gang in "Takers"?
Multi-ethnic gangs were created so white liberal Hollywood wouldn't feel racist.
What's up folks,
The local President of the Cleveland NAACP George Forbes tells the story of how the Klan raped his Grandmother and left the home. You find many examples of this going on.
OT This blog is showing you some love Field. They made you Blog of the Month (sorry the month is short).http://progressiveerupts.blogspot.com/
White Liberal Hollywood cares about the money. The fantasy of conservative wanna-bees that it is done for politics shows how little the conserva-talentless know about the biz. When you tell me Victoria Jackson is 'topical', 'hawt', and 'serious'...I know you a fool. Remember when st reagan cronies told us the Beach Boys was sinful? This was in the 80s...
UTS, you telling me Idris is 'blaxploitation'? Gahh...I used to dread the latest 'blak' whatever. Just because you stick white girl with BLACK man don't make it worth buying. As Jon Stewart tells the slowtards of FOX...Funny first, politics later.
Is George Forbes still alive?
When I lived in Cleveland in the mid eighties he was the City Council Chairman and the negro white Clevelanders hated most of all.
Of course because he was wily, ruthless, and effective.
mareally deluded:
your desires will never control this blog as they do your bm studs.
Judging from comments left on Pharyngula and atheist blogs, many pukes would rape if there was no penalty. Seeing as how one could murder with impunity, this seems emboldening to lower forms of detritus.
Strom Thurmond ring a bell?
Check out the New Orleans bordello history for background.
"UTS, you telling me Idris is 'blaxploitation'"
More like money in the bank. Hollywood realizes today that many black male stars have cross race appeal and are very bankable.
Eddie Murphy and Will Smith have starred in roles for years that were clearly written originally for white actors.
Elba is just the latest in that trend.
marelly great news:
karma is real!!!
I too was comic freak back in the day and Marvel Comics was well ahead of the rest in presenting black heroes.
Gabriel Jones from Sgt. Fury's Howling Commandoes.
T'Challa The Black Panther
Luke Cage (He was BAD)
And I always thought the Thing from the Fantastic Four was a brutha.
LOL at Slappy, he's trying to get a reaction. Okee dokee, I don't feel like being PC today. I guess most of the Jews claiming to survive the Holocaust tattooed themselves. If you think about it, anybody could claim to be a holocaust survivor and jump the boat to Ellis Island.
Shoot, I wonder how many resident American Jews pretended to be "holocaust survivors" themselves so they too like the new-commers could suck the US welfare system as they did. Now they want to talk about "welfare blacks". NY Jews in particular pimped the welfare system far beyond any racial group today. Now their Jewish children and grandchildren, are all grown up and want to cut style as if they didn't know what food stamp, subsidized housing and Gov't cheese looked like. LOL at Slappy. And only a rapist would protect other rapist. Now go take out your red pen to circle my typos. It still won't change the fact that you grew up as a NY Jew on welfare and produced more under achieving Jewish children.
I think that's the source of your misguided anger, so go take it up with Hitler or Stormfront etc., you're on the wrong blog.
needs slaps:
more violent young criminal ww for you to ignore:
needs slaps:
so much more on violent demonic psycho barbie serial killers here:
LAA 10:49 AM
Right On!
AB, I too saw Maria's prompt interception to provide info about a sexually assaulted white female.
And interception is the word I want to use. Thank you.
mareally injected with flagrant cheer led disrecpect for all bw's - entire life is an interception!
she injects venom exclusively at black females on this black males's blog...
she is the classic incessant case of brazen wigga jungle fevered infection festering herein daily!!!
interception is not an appropriate word for whatever it is you are trying to say.
i guess that for LA and AB, the attack on the white reporter was OK, as was the attack on the black woman in the post.
neither of them commented on either.
double standard? LOL!!
mareally not a thesaurus/dictionary:
like the blackish hobama, u lie!
u lack vocab as u do logic
intercepter as in:
racist wf focused off topic invader
brazen interloper
geeked up insulter
arrogantly ignorant detractor
clueless catty tangential divider..
ever notice how well uts has trained mareaaly his nicole?
she just blatantly lied on both our statments and objections to her own?
as if that makes her recycled dismissive bf hating racist bs any less offensive???
did i not say that rape was a global weapon of war???...that included rapes of males in prisons???
"interception is not an appropriate word for whatever it is you are trying to say.'
Oh you better bet your early-onset hag looking behind it can, especially pertaining to game play. I said it just for you, go figure it out.
LOL AB, I knew putting that word and then the disclaimer would have confused her, she is so easy. LOL.
And yeah Steve, you know what I'm talking about. They seem to think people forget.
I thought Hancock was going to be a stereotype-breaking meme buster of a movie. An AfAm Superhero...who kicked bad guy butt. So, I watched it...'Jungle Fever'..with Will Smith. What a -bleeping- waste!
Eddie Murphy...is painful to watch now. All that non-ironic shuck and jive...makes me recall the 'wily Negro'. Feh.
How about actors who portray AfAms as people...slightly different...like being Jewish...or Catholic...or Southern.
Speaking of Smiths...can we forget their offspring? Son tanked the Karate Kid..and he had Jackie Chan! Daughter can't sing, act or dance...she should look to another career. Mom and Dad can't cover your lack of talent forever....unless you are bush.
mareally a running flat back is running trick touchdown plays for her QB uts...
To be honest the only Eddie Murphy movies I really liked were 48 hrs and Trading Places.
Will Smith I can take or leave. I don't think he's that good an actor.
But I do like Idris Elba.
The man's got acting chops and mad charisma.
Obsessed? 'Jungle Fever' with Fatal Attraction?
Looks more like projection fantasy.
Maybe his TV work was better.
uts and maria are the 2 most vile bar flies on this blog!!!
Jazz stylist and author Abbey Lincoln managed to capture this exact same offensiveness as exhibited by heterosexual white women, in her enraged classic essay entitled “Who Will Revere The Black Woman?”, published in the renowned womanist anthology The Black Woman, edited by Toni Cade (1970):
“We are the women whose bars and recreation halls are invaded by flagrantly disrespectful, bigoted, simpering, amoral, emotionally unstable, outcast, maladjusted, nyphomaniacal, condescending white women...in desperate and untiring search of the “frothing-at-the-mouth-for-a white-woman, strong backed, sixty-minute hot black”.... We are the women who, upon protesting this invasion of our privacy and sanctity and sanity, are called “jealous”, and “evil”, and “small-minded”, and “prejudiced”...
When a white man “likes colored girls”, his woman (the white woman) is the last one he wants to know about it. Yet, seemingly, when a Negro “likes white girls”, his woman (the Black woman) is the first he wants to know about it. White female rejects and social misfits are flagrantly flaunted in our faces as the ultimate in feminine pulchritude. Our women are encouraged by our own men to strive to look and act as much like the white female image as possible, and only those who approach that “goal” in physical appearance and social behavior are acceptable. At best, we are made to feel that we are poor imitations and excuses for white women.
Evil? Evil, you say? The Black woman is hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, resentful, frightened, and evil! Who in this hell dares suggest that she should be otherwise? These attitudes only point up her perception of the situation and her healthy rejection of the same.”
LAA that was deep maybe the Jewisih fella will recognize there are boundaries even for him.
I think you nailed the reason for his hating, it really is a form of self loathing.
Hey Field this guy Ford explained
himself the other day. He actually had a point when he said that Americans have always used the newest arrivals to the country to do the most difficult and most dreaded jobs.
If he includes slavery in that analogy he really would have a point. But I see his point.
He said he wasn't trying to pit Mexican workers against others he said that he supports their efforts to become citizens.
not to mention that mareally illiterate dared to simultaneously
malign your word choice and presume your intellectual intentions...
just how bold can one posse of black stud QBs herien make one mareally bold wigga wannabee????
it is a gd shame what men like uts help shrews like maria do to diss bw in ALL arenas!!!
bell hooks:
“Collectively, black people and our allies in struggle are empowered when we practice self-love as a revolutionary intervention that undermines the practices of domination. Loving blackness as political resistance transforms our ways of looking and being, and thus creates the conditions necessary for us to move against the forces of domination and death and reclaim black life....[Africans must] break through the walls of denial which hide the depth of black self-hatred, inner anguish, and unreconciled pain” [Killing Rage. “Loving Blackness as Political Resistance”.]
It has taken our collective oppressors centuries to teach Africans to hate ourselves. Global white supremacy is very real and ancient. Not a single African in America was ever supposed to survive. We are all living black miracles. Slavery, institutional racism, constant media attacks, incessant eurocentric imagery, and mentacide, etc... are all designed to deliberately destroy us. These tortures take their toll on our emotional, physical, and mental health daily.
No AB did you read the early comments by that Jewish fella and the anon Uncle Tom, they are the most vile. They stooped about as low as you can go last night.
i beg to differ.
needs slaps digraces his race daily but he never betrays it...
he is a better man than uts because he prefers and protects his own hair/skin/women etc
that bold bitch mareally a bar fly does not need yet another bm to defend her.
Despite the ranting and raving, no one offerred any evidence that a judge would allow into court to support the story that this woman was raped by anyone, let alone six white men.
Too bad for you, but the absence of facts and the absence of evidence is a big problem. That absence is the most likely reason the her claims never went anywhere.
However, you characters seem to think any story from the Jim Crow South that involves the abuse of a black is true on its face.
It's interesting that researchers have uncovered the names of virtually every person -- and they were mostly black -- who was lynched in the US. There were about 3,500. Names, dates, sites of the lynching. All known and documented and available to the public.
Meanwhile, blacks have a culture that says "Stop Snitchin". Nice. Cover up the crime, help your buddy, the criminal. The black criminal culture is extensive.
Tawana Brawley lied about being raped. The fake nun in Brookly lied about being raped, and Crystal Mangum lied when she claimed four Duke lacross players raped her.
Get it? Women do lie about being raped. Therefore, a claim MUST be verified before indictments and prosecutions begin.
With respect to this alleged crime, there were no witnesses. Apparently no corroborating injuries. Why do you believe the story?
Just for yuks.
Can you please tell me how I've betrayed my race?
anon 253 am: "Christianity was not the religion of our ancesters when they arrived in chains in America. Christianity was the Whites religion... DO YOU GET IT?"
I can't believe I have to draw another map for you. That's not the point. The point is that Jesus as a historical figure was "cast" as a blonde, blue-eyed, pure "Nordic" looking persona, when he certainly was not. That's why I asked about a "trade" from the "Christian Identity" racists that are protesting this movie.
The same people that give Jesus a white face are the ones that sweep historical dirt under the rug. It's good that these horror stories from Alabama and elsewhere come to light now, before another wingnut waxes poetic about the good old days.
"Interception in football: An interception occurs when a forward pass is caught by a player of the opposing team. This leads to an immediate change of possession during the play: the defender who caught the ball immediately assumes the role of the offense and attempts to move the ball as far towards the opposing goal as possible."
That's Maria alright, she intercepted the topic to focus on a white girl instead.
needs slaps:
cc this racist revisionist delusional bs to the jury who ignored all of the witnesses in the emmet till trial and the freed rabid dogs who slew him with glee...
then cc this bigoted bunk to all the white whiners who did not witness oj kill nicole yet lamented his 1st jury's verdict...
u r as bold as mareally a fellow racist with a less racist libido!!!!
I didn't even see "Obsessed". I'm talking about "Daddy's Little Girls", "Takers" and "Legacy".
And of course he was the sheeat on "The Wire">
by conking your hair
by ignoring poor blacks and adoring hobama
by being a colorist coon
by being an original mf
by adoring and revering mareally miss anne
by being an old gray geezer version of this lost black foolish nappy headed rapper method man:
slappy grunts again
"Meanwhile, blacks have a culture that says "Stop Snitchin"."
May have been copied from the urban white culture that says "Don't rat."
"Tawana Brawley lied about being raped. The fake nun in Brookly lied about being raped, and Crystal Mangum lied when she claimed four Duke lacross players raped her."
And Susan Smith lied about being carjacked in SC by a black man.
Charles Stuart lied about being accosted and shot by a black man in Boston.
A white woman in PA last year lied about her and her daughter being abducted by a black man in a cadillac.
A McCain campaign worker and young white female lied about being assaulted by a black man.
You gotta come stronger Slappy.
Your $hit is weak.
I assure you my hair isn't conked.
I believe you and I are around the same age.
My wife is a beautiful dark-skinned black woman.
I like and respect Maria but I don't adore her.
You don't make any sense sweetie.
check the archives u lying nig!
i am 47
how old are u?
u r an elitist beta male bitch disgrace to my entire generation
does your black wife know how u adore and cheer yellow/white women herein????
and only a nig like u uts would like and respect a wigga like maria who hates and disrespects black women as she does...
you allowed her to call the educated steve harvey an illiterate nig and slander him for a nonexistent ghost writer she never named...
eff u old nig!!!!!!!
alicia banks said...
does your black wife know how u adore and cheer yellow/white women herein????
All black men adore and cheer white women.That should be no shock to black women.
uptownsteve said...
"Tawana Brawley lied about being raped. The fake nun in Brookly lied about being raped, and Crystal Mangum lied when she claimed four Duke lacross players raped her."
And Susan Smith lied about being carjacked in SC by a black man.
Charles Stuart lied about being accosted and shot by a black man in Boston.
A white woman in PA last year lied about her and her daughter being abducted by a black man in a cadillac.
A McCain campaign worker and young white female lied about being assaulted by a black man.
You gotta come stronger Slappy.
Your $hit is weak.
The difference is blacks see Tawana and Crystal has civil rights heros.
laa, you wrote:
I guess most of the Jews claiming to survive the Holocaust tattooed themselves. If you think about it, anybody could claim to be a holocaust survivor and jump the boat to Ellis Island.
Your ignorance on this topic is complete. You know nothing about Jews or the Holocaust.
The German government, not the US, has been paying reparations to survivors of the Nazi concentrations camps. The recipients, mostly Jews, were able to collect the reparations because the Germans were so good at keeping records. The name of virtually every person tossed into a camp was recorded and filed, making it very easy for the German Government to know who was eligible for reparations. Anyway, most of the survivors have since died of old age, many here in the US.
Shoot, I wonder how many resident American Jews pretended to be "holocaust survivors"...
There are cases of people who pretended to have been in the camps and who then published books about their experience. But that's not exactly a crime. They're liars, but no more so than Alex Haley and his largely plagiarized story of "Roots."
...themselves so they too like the new-commers could suck the US welfare system as they did.
Again, you know less than nothing about Jewish immigration and what benefits were granted to newly arrived immigrants. The "welfare" system you envision did not exist until Lyndon Johnson created the Great Society in 1964, long after WWII and the fall of Nazi Germany.
Now they want to talk about "welfare blacks".
They? Who is They? You hearing voices again?
NY Jews in particular pimped the welfare system far beyond any racial group today.
"Pimped the welfare system"? Let's see. Jews were in NY City when Peter Stuyvesant founded the city way back in the 1600s. Jewish immigration to NY City got into high gear in the late 1800s.
Since arriving, Jews proved to be good students and moved into many parts of the economy, from teaching, to science, to medicine, to law, to real estate, to government, to banking and finance, to the arts and to media. To me all this achievement seems like a damned impressive showing.
Now their Jewish children and grandchildren, are all grown up and want to cut style as if they didn't know what food stamp, subsidized housing and Gov't cheese looked like.
The Jewish experience, if it involved poverty, was a one-generation experience. However, you obviously know nothing about government handouts during the years before Johnson's Great Society.
There was no subsidized housing in NY City until AFTER WWII, and that came in the form of rent control.
LOL at Slappy. And only a rapist would protect other rapist.
As I said, there were no credible witnesses to the alleged rape of Recy Taylor. That is a fact.
It still won't change the fact that you grew up as a NY Jew on welfare and produced more under achieving Jewish children.
If your preceding sentence is your true belief, then your skills as a detective are zero. But we know you have no understanding of anything beyond your nose.
I was born in Manhattan. It would have been a great experience to have grown up as a Jew in Brooklyn, but, in fact, I spent most of my growing years living on Long Island, in a suburb of Chicago and in Fairfield County, Connecticut.
My older son is very smart and has been accepted at two excellent universities. My younger soon is brilliant and we are hoping he will be accepted at Hunter College High School.
Your inability to accept facts is a common problem among blacks when it comes to trans-racial perceptions.
To AB & UTS: I wish you two would engage in a cyberspace hug and make up. This squabbling has to stop. To UTS..it sounds like you have a lovely Queen. As my Grandmomma used to say (yea I called her Grandmomma) that the American tribe is a wonderful array--from deep chocolate to cafe au lait. We should embrace them all. We are all in this together.
Ms. Taylor's experience is one of thousands I'm sure. My heart is saddened by this story and what it represents but my soul feels triumphant because she had the courage to move on and live her life despite the evil that intervened that "damp" night in Alabama.
no can do!
i am allergic to ojs/weasalmice
uts squabbles with most herein.
...why do i have to be the one who hugs him???
I'm 51 and it seems that you've been 47 for 3 years.
"and only a nig like u uts would like and respect a wigga like maria who hates and disrespects black women as she does..."
I have not seen one instance of where Maria has disrespected or slandered black women and if you have please produce it here.
However I have seen numerous times you and your two buddies slandering and trashing black men, gratuitously attacking Maria, as well as bragging about liaisons with non-black men, AND YOU AMAZINGLY EXPECT SOMEBODY TO DEFEND YOU??????
BTW, I think Steve Harvey is a 'bama.
Now AB, surprise me with an all out spittle filled tirade.
Thanks for making my point.
People lie to the police all the time. The police do not take a claim of a crime at face value. Why should you?
Well. You I understand. As a dumb guy you go with dumbest stories.
Meanwhile, the stories of Susan Smith and Charles Stuart were debunked very quickly. The cops never believed either of them, but they had to investigate to be sure.
As we know, Smith is in jail and Stuart committed a public service suicide.
What has Tawana done? She's continued to lie about being raped. She continues to claim it happened.
Crystal Mangum? I think she got in some trouble recently. But in the case of Tawana and Crystal, their lies led to court cases. Shame on the whites for putting up with the obvious lies till such a late point in the game. Neither case should have gone as far as they did.
u lie like a plantation dog!!!
i was born in aug of 1963 and that is all over the net!
r u a math moron too u old stupid lying nig????
notice how steve ignored what maria set off even TODAY????
he has given this wigga shrew carte blanche to ignore black female rapes and then pretend we imagoned that!!!
dumbdownsteve, you wrote:
The difference is blacks see Tawana and Crystal has civil rights heros.
If it's true Tawana and Crystal are seen this way, then the preceding statement says blacks -- or at least dumbdownsteve -- are mentally ill.
if steve harvey is a bama
then u r a bama dreg
he is classier and more afrocentric and honest than a colorist elitist nig like u will ever be!!!
and he has no conk in his hair
even his former wig was sexy and nappy!!!
"The cops never believed either of them, but they had to investigate to be sure."
That's bs because black men all over the Roxbury and Dorchester neighborhoods of Boston were being thrown face down on the pavement as well as doors of apartments being kicked in for weeks afterwards because of Stuart's lie.
shit stain buceta breaf banks if u had a life u wouldnt be blogging here 247 ya pieceadogshit! ure a phukking liar and loser and dont have shit going for urself otherwise u wouldnt spend ur day talkin bullshit on the internet ya kuntlicker!
kill urself the world would be better off without u go ahead well all cheer trust just do it ya nasty cretinous sow!
Anonymous said...
"Interception in football: An interception occurs when a forward pass is caught by a player of the opposing team. This leads to an immediate change of possession during the play: the defender who caught the ball immediately assumes the role of the offense and attempts to move the ball as far towards the opposing goal as possible."
That's Maria alright, she intercepted the topic to focus on a white girl instead.
12:04 PM
no, i did not. i answered a specific question that field posted right above my comment.
field negro said...
Slappy, are you serious?...No comment. I think some of the posters above (Such as B Bombay and Mell) pretty much said what I wanted to say.
LOL@ The Eraser. Still slapping around trolls I see.
Was that reporter actually raped in Egypt? I am not trying to be funny, I really want to know. I thought the reports said that she was sexually assaulted? That could mean that someone grabbed her breasts.
7:07 AM
maria said...
she had to be hospitalized...
In the crush of the mob, she was separated from her crew. She was surrounded and suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers. She reconnected with the CBS team, returned to her hotel and returned to the United States on the first flight the next morning. She is currently in the hospital recovering.
7:36 AM
YOU asked the alpha males to defend your beta bitch ass fool!
when have i ever needed anyone to defend me???
especially from a bimbo like mareally a dimwit????
i would never ask a mouse to defend a lioness boy!!!
eff u u souless liar!!!
anyone asking a weak beaten down silly nig like u to defend them is akin to anyone asking the vdlr to compose a grammatically correct junior high school essay/freshman college thesis!!!
hey needs slaps:
these violent wf moms are on a roll!!!
"As we know, Smith is in jail and Stuart committed a public service suicide.
What has Tawana done? She's continued to lie about being raped. She continues to claim it happened."
Smith and Stuart were murderers you idiot.
When Tawana lied, nobody died.
u r the most name calling disrespectful fool on this blog!
and u r lying and pretending that maria is a saint and demanding i respect her????
BOTH only prove that u r the bold hypocrite oj i claimed/we all see boy!!!
barter your ebt card for some laundromat tokens asap!!!
then RUN to clean your filthy intimate apparel...
this may help you resolve your glaring soiled clothing issue!!!
u are so vulgar and unclean!!!!...ick!!!!!!!
ditto AB great quote!
Alright AB keep in mind this fabulous quotes from bell hooks. I know Steve gets on your nerves but he isn't quite the enemy.
AB wrote:
“Collectively, black people and our allies in struggle are empowered when we practice self-love as a revolutionary intervention that undermines the practices of domination. Loving blackness as political resistance transforms our ways of looking and being, and thus creates the conditions necessary for us to move against the forces of domination and death and reclaim black life....[Africans must] break through the walls of denial which hide the depth of black self-hatred, inner anguish, and unreconciled pain” [Killing Rage. “Loving Blackness as Political Resistance”.]
It has taken our collective oppressors centuries to teach Africans to hate ourselves. Global white supremacy is very real and ancient. Not a single African in America was ever supposed to survive. We are all living black miracles. Slavery, institutional racism, constant media attacks, incessant eurocentric imagery, and mentacide, etc... are all designed to deliberately destroy us. These tortures take their toll on our emotional, physical, and mental health daily."
barter your ebt card for some laundromat tokens asap!!!
then RUN to clean your filthy intimate apparel...
this may help you resolve your glaring soiled clothing issue!!!buceta breaf kuntlicker
WTF? what ure saying doesnt make any sense ya delusional lying shit stain! so hows that genius iq treatin ya? come up with any cures for diseases? written any articles in journals lately? ya phukking fifty year old gottdam loser!stankbreafkuntlickinbanks!
mellanous loves to lick the shit off of his pet ab or shall we say he is another sockpuppet version of ab? hes a jackleg wannabe preacha who aint worth shit and talk about people who disagree iwth him at the drop of a hat yet support ab and her abusive tirades against folk mellanous phukk u and the nasty stankin horse u rode in on@
maria these stupid assholes aint no shit which is why u come here aint it tryin to educate ignorant fools hows that workin for u? seems like uve had no affect on shitstain ab gotta try harder!
u r such a noble king...
and far too regal to that evil lying court jester uts!!!
Slappy, you don't even know Jewish history. The entry of Jews into wealth and the Greater Society was after WWII. Seems you forgot the Jewish Mob. Or tenements. Or covenants (see Rehnquist). Or ghettos. Part of the reason so many Jews went into film was because it was open to competency...and the other options only hired bush, Toomey, Santorum. Surprising that an adult Jew would be so unaware of recent history.
Speaking of subsidized housing, you should do more research. Rent Control was a recent version...which you would know, had you actually done the work. Odd how you repeat TrollSpeak about 'accusers'. Strange you say little about it being the same dynamic as that of a mugging or armed robbery. But, somehow, it is different when a woman 'accuses' a pile of unmanly chickenpoo of rape.
UTS, must be what you listed.
swap and tag a hood stud with maria.
she may teach you basic english.
"I was born in Manhattan."
The most obvious lie of the day!
Clearly the computer program that writes all the hate speech we are subjected to day after day was not born.
Clearly this is not a human being!
To disparage the victimized and then to continue to do it, even after folks point out how,cold, callous,despicable,tacky and tasteless and inhumane the behaviour is, points to the fact that this creation is right in his assessment of itself, he/it isn't like anyone else.
And tomorrow this being will want to converse about the intricacies of computer technology as if he has not spent time previously disparaging everything black or colored.
LAA I think you nailed the being, which is why its on the defensive.
I think this ( )'s behavior on this blog proves beyond a shadow of doubt that ( ) has no credibility and anyone who reads Fields blog and believes anything this creation says is as lost as ( ).
I was reading a very good commentary by Bob Herbert the other day in which he very clearly spelled out how the rich were getting over.
Anyway in the comment section the second commenter wrote a racist and anti-worker diatribe and I noticed that no one took him on but preceeded to have a great discussion around him. I think he interjected one more hating post but it too was ignored.
I think the regulars on this blog should also stop pretending that we are conversing with a real human being and ignore it.
This ( ) is clearly a sociopath, ( )displays many of the chief charateristics of one, especially the lack of empathy for the suffering of other human beings.
Sorry Field for moralizing on your blog, but I couldn't help myself and yes I pray for those who act like this as well because they too are God's creatures.
Thank's for posting the Recy Taylor story, Field. I forwarded The Root link to the Justice Department and to TRMS.
I hope it's not too late for justice.
a toxic chicken head vulgar cracked out rabid trick stalker like you daring to protest any abuse herein is akin to oprah protesting someone's opulent riches!!!
Just reviewed Tawana Brawley. I will point out Shawna Forde is also unrepentant.
mold, you wrote:
Slappy, you don't even know Jewish history.
Yeah, right. As if anything I wrote was inaccurate.
The entry of Jews into wealth and the Greater Society was after WWII.
The wealth of Jews increased worldwide after WWII. The wealth of almost everyone in the world increased after WWII, except for Africans and a lot of muslims and the Third World.
Seems you forgot the Jewish Mob.
Small potatoes.
Or tenements.
In NY City, that was the Lower East Side, which most Jews had vacated by 1964.
Or covenants (see Rehnquist).
One house in New Hampshire? Vermont? Wherever? Who cares? And Rehnquist did not write the covenants into the deed.
Or ghettos.
After Jews left the Lower East Side, there were no Jewish "ghettos" in NY City. But there are Jewish neighborhoods.
Part of the reason so many Jews went into film was because it was open to competency...
Movies were wide open and the Jewish theater in NY City was a thriving thing. It was a natural extension of life at the time.
...and the other options only hired bush, Toomey, Santorum. Surprising that an adult Jew would be so unaware of recent history.
It's obvious from your comments you know virtually nothing of Jewish history, either recent or ancient.
Speaking of subsidized housing, you should do more research. Rent Control was a recent version...
No. Wrong, as usual. Follwing WWII, NY City created Rent Control. A couple of decades later another rent program was established. It's known as Rent Stabilization and it's still ruining things in NY City today.
which you would know, had you actually done the work.
Every New Yorker who's ever rented an apartment knows the difference between Rent Control and Rent Stablization.
Odd how you repeat TrollSpeak about 'accusers'. Strange you say little about it being the same dynamic as that of a mugging or armed robbery.
Your point is lost somewhere in your gibberish, but if you mean something about credible witnesses, well, with robberies and muggings there are often credible witnesses. However, often there are not, and at that point there's little prosecutors can do unless the robber/mugger has the victim's wallet in his pocket.
mold, you wrote:
Just reviewed Tawana Brawley. I will point out Shawna Forde is also unrepentant.
First, Tawana was NOT the defendant. She was the witness for the prosecution and the alleged victim.
Second, Forde was convicted of a crime for which she appears to be guilty. Who cares what she says?
Do convicted murderers regularly admit their guilt if they are found guilty at trial? No.
seen this classic rant?
i bet he gets no pass as hobama does when he always says the same to us black mongrels!
Slappy, you a Troll. The 'accusers' was bait...and you done took it. Jewish, not hardly. And pretending to know about NYC rents may fool the Heeyucks...but not those who paid.
Even with the Google and Wikipedia, you are faking poorly. A Jew from NYC would know what I was posting. A Jew from anywhere in the US of the age you claim to be would know. Since you don't, you are 'outed' Troll.
To be accurate...it is the obsession with 'accusers'...which is wingnut BS and supported by law, history, ethics or rational thought. However, it is prized amongst those who seek theocracy in the US and 'lie for jesus'.
Slappy, "Welfare" even under various names, have always been around since the great depression, especially the AFDC and others. "Welfare" only became a problem when it started to get less segregated, and when black people and non-Jews were eventually able to benefit. LOL. Tricks are for kids, Slappy.
"Again, you know less than nothing about Jewish immigration and what benefits were granted to newly arrived immigrants. The "welfare" system you envision did not exist until Lyndon Johnson created the Great Society in 1964, long after WWII and the fall of Nazi Germany."
Who are you fooling? European Jews received both private and Gov't State help when they plundered unto America in the 40's, 50's, 60's. After that, their children/grandchildren were able to blend right into white America and receive that other social benefit, being "white". Even so, when "welfare" became Federally official in the 60's there were Jews and whites in America who were lapping up these "social benefits" before anyone could get their hands on it. For some reason people avoid talking about that, it seems that too is risk for being labeled as anti-semitic.
"I was born in Manhattan. It would have been a great experience to have grown up as a Jew in Brooklyn, but, in fact, I spent most of my growing years living on Long Island, in a suburb of Chicago and in Fairfield County, Connecticut. "
So what. Subsidized housing programs officially started in the 1960's right? I'm sure you or your parents were able transfer these housing benefits from one state to the next as people do today. And if what you say is true about your "victorian" home in NY, you better be glad for those Urban reconstructing projects in NY couple decades ago. People like you or your parents got the "hook up" and were able to buy up those brownstones for little to nothing. Who are you trying fool? We got your game.
LAB, slappy is using the wingnut version of history...which is why certain items are missing. But, as posted, if you are the age they claim..you have personal knowledge of some of those items. Plus, you would have family history of others.
And, unless you a wite boy who pretenderating for the Cause and lying for jesus, a NYC native uses those -ahem- subsidies to obtain more affordable housing. Suburbanites and rural folks only know about the stuff they worry about eveel minorities getting and making poor landlords suffer.
have u posted anythingto fn today???....hell no!!!
as always,
u come here only to stalk me.
when oj pretended that he did not know taking things at gunpoint is armed robbery...his lies did not save him.
ditto for your nasty goofy retarded lies about my life herein!
they will never save your invisible roach bitten face!!!
u r the most criminally ignorant lying vulgar ghetto mf on this blog...shame!!!!
and u drove ho!!!!!
Anonymous said...
Just reviewed Tawana Brawley. I will point out Shawna Forde is also unrepentant.
I will point out how lame you are at deflecting.
Mell, I'll bet Slappy has about ten internet browsers up and rolling at one time, wikipedia, online dictionary/thesaurus, online translator, you name it. He gets his "intelligence" from the internet. Sorry, I'll just have to stick to my typos, it's not that serious.
He's probably one of those living in his elderly parent's basement funding himself through one of those custom made "disabilities" that certain people from the majority population always seem to be able to collect off the tax payers. He has all the signs.
maria and uts...congrats!!!
guhl...why u playin?
u know u have not pushed a button since your last weekly home pregnancy test you turbo breeding lobotomized trick!
do they be givin college credit for trickin in the hood?...if so, u got dat phd on lock!...4 real do!
"LAB, slappy is using the wingnut version of history...which is why certain items are missing."
Mold, the thing I find most disturbing, the most vile and openly racist on this blog seems to be Jews (I think Frank is Jewish too). You would think, they of all people.... And I'm aware that not all Jews are like these two. But it's interesting.
Also, I was born in the late 70's, but I learned all these things and more initially as a child from older folks who KNOW better. I'm going to do more research though, this topic has peaked my interest And yes I meant the PEAKED.
Your view of my experience is entertaining. But what you cannot understand is that it only reflects what you believe about the world -- not the events or situations that actually occur.
Based on what you've written, you're probably like many other blacks who believe stories that are absolutely silly, but feel a deep need to believe these stories to offset troubling inner feelings.
I had one Jewish granfather who ran a very successful construction-equipment sales business for many years. I had a non-Jewish grandfather who was in finance.
My father was a corporate guy who worked for a very large international company. The first house we lived in was a small cape-cod on a lot in a well known town just outside NY City. At that time it was easy to buy a house if you had a job and a 10% downpayment.
We moved to a suburb of Chicago and were there for several years, living in a ranch-style house on an acre. Then we headed to Connecticut to a much bigger house on a bigger piece of land in a town in Fairfield County. These days, a lot of hedge-fund people live in that town.
Today I live in Brooklyn. The Victorian house I mentioned is an average house in my neighborhood and it cost close to half a million when I bought it over ten years ago. As I said, there's no mortgage. By the way, property taxes in Brooklyn are very low compared with the surrounding suburbs.
That aside, the US government has many programs for immigrants. However, all my ancestors arrived here long before any of these programs existed.
There are lots of social programs for legal residents. It is of no concern to me that people make lawful use of social programs. However, we know that our social service agencies and programs suffer from lots of abuse by fraud. Meanwhile, many programs serve no real purpose except to dole out money.
Like Head Start. It does nothing to increase academic success. But it does give jobs to some adults.
Food stamps (ebt) whatever, are good. but clearly a lot of subsidized shoppers use their food benefits to buy pasta and other foods that make them fat. I see the evidence daily.
Project housing was/is a nightmare and Section 8 housing is only a little better.
Medicaid is out of control. New York has budgeted $53 billion for this year, which translates into a per-person expenditure of $13,000. That is simply nuts.
Some Jews helped the TeaBaggers..umm..Nazis. Their 'offspring' are the same kids who push for settlements, but won't serve. Plus, the neo-cons tend to be Jewish...at least the ones with pretension to intellectualism. Most are also Zionists.
Let's just say the Israelis have no respect for the brave SirRobins of the UltraConservatives and the neo-cons...and would draft them in a heartbeat...for front-line duty.
Now y'all stop actin'.If someone made a movie about Aunt Jemima,made her white, negros all over the world would be pissin' and moanin'.
laa, you wrote:
Also, I was born in the late 70's, but I learned all these things and more initially as a child from older folks who KNOW better.
The blind leading the blind.
I'm going to do more research though, this topic has peaked my interest And yes I meant the PEAKED.
You can bungle the vocabulary all you want, but the correct form is still "piqued my interest."
It's your determination to stick with the wrong answer that defines your black nature. For you 2+2 will always equal 3. That's obvious, and it makes you like so many other nitwits. You're impervious to reality.
Blacks don't study economics -- as in get an undergraduate, graduate or Phd in it. But on the rare occasions when they do, they start to sound like Thomas Sowell, a black economist.
uptownsteve said...
Is George Forbes still alive?
When I lived in Cleveland in the mid eighties he was the City Council Chairman and the negro white Clevelanders hated most of all.Of course because he was wily, ruthless, and effective.
He's still alive and kicking butt. When he ran for Mayor, Voinovich got all the white vote. Think Fredo in the Godfather. People learned after that and we didn't have a Republican Mayor since.
yo ho..push dis!!!
The once expansive horizons of black America's political universe have shrunk and withered. Our class of black political misleaders abandoned long ago the internationalism and Pan-Africanism of Robeson and DuBois. Black America's self-proclaimed best and brightest have traded the “injustice anywhere is a threat to justice everywhere” refrain of the King era away. For themselves, they reap perceived access to power, or possible contracts or appointments, or just the thrill of basking in reflected glory. For the black masses they offer hollow excuses and the uncritical worship of a black royal family.
It's no exaggeration. Black political discussions in this age of Obama have assumed an almost feudal tone. Scarcely any black political discussion can be heard over mainstream airwaves or print that is not ended, begun and punctuated with avowals of love for the handsome brown president and his beautiful family. Once the vigilant advocates of fairness, decent wages and peace, our political talking heads fill hours of air time and reams of print obsessing over perceived and real slights to the dignity of the first family, while ignoring the president's vicious assaults on public workers, his unwillingness to halt the wave of foreclosures, his continued prosecution of unjust wars, and his vacuous prescriptions of “competition” and tax cuts for the rich as answers to record black joblessness
For the time being, black America remains in a delusional state, with African Americans expressing more confidence in and satisfaction with the direction of the nation and its economy than whites, while the gap between white and black employment, wealth, and rates of incarceration are at near record levels. Black support for the president remains strong, though not at the record levels experienced in 2008. Till things change, this appearance of overwhelming black support is an impenetrable wall around President Obama, insulating him from any effective challenge from his left.
From our historic stature as leaders of the American polity, we have now become a brake. Egyptians in Egypt may have begun to throw off their authoritarian and tyrannical rulers. But in black America, we are, metaphorically speaking, not out of Egypt yet. As long as pharoah is black, we seem unwilling to let him go
kid writes:
He's still alive and kicking butt. When he ran for Mayor, Voinovich got all the white vote. Think Fredo in the Godfather. People learned after that and we didn't have a Republican Mayor since.
What a shock. Democracy works. The voters speak at the ballot box, and they get the leaders they seem to want. What a concept!
hey trick..teach this!
So, less than two months after signing tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans into law, Obama proposes a budget that attacks programs that help the working poor and the most needy heat their homes, expands their access to to graduate-level education, put their kids in Head Start, summer jobs for youth, career development, after-school programs, child care, GED programs, affordable housing through cuts in Section 8 vouchers and public housing assistance, homelessness prevention, housing court advocacy, food pantries, access to tax credits, senior programs and more
So, the nation’s first black president, a man whose own single mother depended on food stamps to feed her family, is putting the working poor’s necks on the chopping block. And he seems totally willing ‘to drop the blade” instead of giving Republicans the pleasure.
With his cruel 2012 budget, Obama has once again proven to be a lap dog of the Republicans – rolling over before even being asked to do so. And while he signed off on Wall Street bailouts and groveled to the Chamber of Commerce, those in real need have gotten little, if anything, from his Administration beyond the symbolism of his presence in the White House.
And when the dust settles, and the warm glow of symbolism dies down, should Obama get another term, his years in office may just end up being the worse economic period for blacks in decades. Welcome to post-racial America
yo filthy skeeza...stain this!!!
Barack Obama’s 2008 election campaign – although an objective disaster that would quickly relegate African Americans to the margins of the U.S. polity and result in the worst Black political crisis since Emancipation – was a Black nationalist bacchanal, crowned by a veritable Hajj, the pilgrimage of millions to Washington for the inauguration. The corrosive sense of futility and Black impotence was suddenly transformed into a kind of triumphalism – a rare and precious sensation for an oppressed nationality and, as it turned out, the prelude to a very deep and hard fall
The pan-Arab moment came when Tunisian dictator Ben Ali ran away from the people. That an American-backed Arab sell-out had been forced to flee from Tunis empowered Arabs in Egypt and elsewhere to believe that they could do the same – that's the magic of nationalism when it's working to your advantage. Nationalism – both Egyptian and Arab – was the glue that kept Egyptians from a range of social strata unified, at least around the singular issue of removing the dictator, Mubarak. Many Black Americans expressed deep admiration, bordering on envy, for the Egyptians they saw on television. Why can't African Americans do that, they asked? Well, here is one answer. Egyptian Arabs learned the necessity to overthrow an Arab president who had sold out their interests. However, Black Americans do not yet understand the necessity to oppose a Black United States president, who is hostile to Black American interests
Fraud...another wingnut code word for 'eveel minorities getting stuff'. Umm..the level of fraud is inherent in any system. But obsessing over it to the exclusion of other budget drains is wingnuttery. As another poster put it so well on 'Smirking Chimp' blog...what we have is spending (running the car) and that is what some are whining about...but the issue is that we are not PUTTING GAS IN THE CAR...no matter how little you run it, without gas (taxing) you run dry.
Slappy, you still writing wingnut.
Slappy, why did you delete your post above? Methinks Slappy doth protest too much.
If there is anything you are good at, it's lying and flip flopping. I read it before you deleted it.
AB I guess you will never be guilty of Obama worship.
Glen is correct in his analysis,
"Egyptians in Egypt may have begun to throw off their authoritarian and tyrannical rulers. But in black America, we are, metaphorically speaking, not out of Egypt yet. As long as pharoah is black, we seem unwilling to let him go"
Black folks and everyday working folks have to open their minds to new possibilities.
Its been done before. We are repeating the mistake of the slave, who when asked to join other slaves who planned to run away, he asked, 'where we going to go?. We need to be more like the slave who answered and said, 'anyplace is better than here."
We have to open our minds to new possibilities, we have to dream a bit more. We dreamed we would be free of slavery and Jim Crow and we worked to make it so.
As MLK tried to tell us we are not done, we have a moral responsibility to be the moral conscience of the nation. But we have chased after trinkets instead and indulged in a kind of rugged me-ism and left our brothers and sisters on their own.
In some respects the future of the world depends on the awakening of the US's every day toiling class.
Correction: Slappy didn't delete anything. The racist diatribe is still exposed.
i will never be a hobama nazi.
i will never pretend hobama is not a WORSE blackish clone of his cuz king shrub!!!
most of all my king
i will never ever pretend hobama did not quickly make EVERY MESS he inherited 10 x MESSIER!!!!
and hobama has messed over poor blacks WORST of all!!!
it is nation time and hobama will never be our king
i will worship people like u and me only who are the actual grassroots warriors whom hobama feigned being in chi...
LAA I suspect that you are right!
"Mell, I'll bet Slappy has about ten internet browsers up and rolling at one time, wikipedia, online dictionary/thesaurus, online translator, you name it. He gets his "intelligence" from the internet. Sorry, I'll just have to stick to my typos, it's not that serious.
He's probably one of those living in his elderly parent's basement funding himself through one of those custom made "disabilities" that certain people from the majority population always seem to be able to collect off the tax payers. He has all the signs."
needs slaps:
more on those killer white dads
intelligent people make up their own thoughts without a need to always quote others like faux news ya cooholeeatinggoatwarden!
get an education so u can
research any quote...
oh snap!...hobama is gankin dem GED programs...get yo late ass GED on asap....hurry!!!
den quote & lick dis!
But most of Obama’s budget for 2012 is based on things that simply never even have a chance of happening.
The reality is that Obama’s budget for 2012 is a great work of fiction.
Meanwhile, the U.S. government continues to accumulate staggering amounts of debt.
In fact, Obama’s budget admits that we will witness the biggest one year debt increase in history this year.
In 2011, the gross federal debt with surpass 15 trillion dollars. In fact, it is being projected by some analysts that this will be the year when the debt finally becomes larger than the size of the entire U.S. economy.
hobama is colder than the ice in yo fav styrofoam firewater sto cup!...
brrrrrrrr...feel dis right here:
President Barack Obama unleashed his proposed 2012 budget this week, pronouncing, proudly: “I’ve called for a freeze on annual domestic spending over the next five years. This freeze would cut the deficit by more than $400 billion over the next decade, bringing this kind of spending—domestic discretionary spending—to its lowest share of our economy since Dwight Eisenhower was president.”
Focus on the word “freeze.” That is exactly what many people might do, if this budget passes as proposed. While defense spending increases, with the largest Pentagon funding request since World War II, the budget calls for cutting in half a program called Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP.
Field if you havent seen this story yet here is a link.
It is yet another Cop getting away murder. i am praying that something is finally going to bust loose n Rally tonight downtown Seattle at 6pm at Westlake center
LAA 10:49 AM
Although I don't read no_slappz drivel, I do read the responses to his/her crap and having said that, I must give you a:
**High five!**
"This movie will be one big flop."
Just as floppish as your lame comment.
needs slaps:
yet another psycho wm rapist killer witnessed online!!!!
It is official, there is no need to ever listen to or respond to Slappz as it made THE most delusional posts ever "that absence is the most likely reason that her claims went nowhere".
Yeah, sure Slappz, that is the most logic conclusion to draw as why Black peoples' claims went uninvestigated, it had NOTHING to do with racism. Nothing to see here folks, move along. And while we're at it most of those Blacks lynched in the south did it to themselves which is why no one was ever arrested for those crimes. Troll logic is astounding. But we've got more "your ability to accept facts is a common problem among Blacks when it comes to trans-racial perceptions" you mean kinda like thinking that most Black womens claims of rape went uninvestigated because they felt cpmfortable accusing innocent white men. This troll is a joke.
Lastly "Blacks don't study economics, as in get an undergraduate, graduate or PhD in it. But on the rare occasions when they do they start to sound like Thomas Sowell".
Not so Slapped Stupid. This is where you and types like Rev. Right fall short, you don't know many Black people so of course you wouldn't know many Black people with degrees in certain fields. I have friends with grad degrees in Economics and shockingly they don't sound like Thomas Sowell (a political hack).
Here is the blog of a friend of mine who is a professor of economics, why don't you follow him and see if he sounds like Sowell. In fact we had a discussion about Sowell and like most thinking people he agreed with me he is a shill and hack.
Once again you have shown yourself to be a joke. A racist and ignorant joke.
"Does Wal-mart cause black teens to steal?"
Thats the new defense against building more evil Wal-mart stores.
No, but the fiendishly exploitative capitalistic system that robs from the middle-class and the poor, with the assistance of our government, and the blessing of our courts, to enrich the wealthiest 15% of this nation, has set a bad example for our nation's youth.
needs slaps!
omg...when violent young white golddiggers kill:
re: Anonymous..."Multi-ethnic gangs were created so white liberal Hollywood wouldn't feel racist."
What excuse do you use?
re: Anonymous..."When you make a movie about a purely white culture mythical gods and throw a black man in there. If he isnt a token what is?"
Duh, an actor?
Whites have stooped to play every ethnic group under the sun. Where's your outrage?
field, you posted,
After parking in a deserted grove of pecan trees, the men order the young wife and mother out at gunpoint, shouting at her to undress.
Hmmm. These vile racists shouted at her to strip. Why not just yank her clothes off?
The story reads like what happens at a strip club.
Six of them rape Taylor that night.
Yeah, well there is still that problem about no witnesses.
Once finished, they drive her back to the road, ordering her out again before roaring off into the darkness.
These rapists have got to be the politest rapists on record. Why the heck would a car-load of rapists give her a ride somewhere AFTER raping her? Is this the behavior of rapists? An attack followed by a ride to a convenient spot for getting home?
Didn't her friends run to the sheriff? Of course in this legend, the sheriff undoubtedly did nothing. Where did her friends go after the sheriff brushed them off?
Did they tell her husband? Did he not want to go searching for her? How hard could it be to look for a big old green Chevy with seven, or eight, nitwits inside?
When you know the make and color of a vehicle and you know how many people you're looking for, it seems like concerned citizens could have started looking. They knew what they were looking for, if not exactly why. But based on the story as reported, it all started with a kidnapping.
Ah, it soens't matter. This story is full of holes, but I'm sure it sounds believable to you.
Really? Why?
re: slappzer..."Tawana Brawley lied about being raped. The fake nun in Brookly lied about being raped, and Crystal Mangum lied when she claimed four Duke lacross players raped her."
If I counted the number of white women in this country, who've claimed over the years, fraudulently I might add, that they were raped or brutalized by a black man, that number would collide like bowling pins within the narrow confines of your narrow mind.
Your shtick is old. Dust it off a bit before your next EFFLUENCE.
y`all be fair. if you're going to ignore n-s, you must also do the same for AB. they may even be the same person, have the same hate for other races and also post convoluted statements.
AB, in fact, is far more vulgar, crass, off topic and personal in attacking others. she posts absolutely nothing of value. n-s has never sunk to her level and at least tries sound rational. he isn't just posting links to his own blogs or ripping off other writers. yes, he's an NPD racist. she defies categorization, but is guilty mostly of the worst sin of a blog commenter:
she's BOOORING and repetitive.
"It seems concerned citizens could have started looking for these individuals". The insanity continues. Same reason the Jews didn't just march to Hitler's house and DEMAND he stop picking on them. Are you sure your kids aren't adopted? If they're supposed to be so smart it ain't genetic.
Read and tell me if this sounds like something Sowell would write.
maria is on top of her game today read em and weep ya buceta breaf coohole kuntlickingstankbreaf banks!
Uhhhhhh, Maria let me stop you while you're ahead. "At least tries to sound rational".
No ma'am, Slappz is not in the same area code as rational.
AB understands the dynamics of discrimination as she is a triple minority and can articulate the stories if such but what does N-S provide? AB is a writer and blogger and it makes sense for her to support and communicate with other bloggers but N-S is some supposed super genius that is fabulously wealthy but spends all of its time degrading Black people. I'll choose AB all day long.
course if u ever answered any question truthfully itd be clear that u aint never done shit in ur life ya incompetent ssi disability collectin kunteater! stank breaf banks!
get a job ya cooholelicker!
AB, in fact, is far more vulgar, crass, off topic and personal in attacking others. she posts absolutely nothing of valuemaria
ure rite absolutely NOTHING of value whatsofuckineva! this is cuz she aint ha shit upstairs if she had half a brain she might could get a laugh but she aint even ha that LOSER stank breaf banks!
re: slappzer..."Meanwhile, blacks have a culture that says "Stop Snitchin". Nice. Cover up the crime, help your buddy, the criminal. The black criminal culture is extensive."
How would you characterize the "white criminal culture"?
Bankers are some of the biggest thieves in this country. Madoff says, just hours ago, that some banks were complicit in his multi-billion dollar ponzi scheme and rip-off of his investors.
I'd say whites have a "criminal culture" that, compared to blacks, is like comparing pennies to millions, and doing a great deal more damage to the economy.
Update your schtick. This one has cobwebs, and dust bunnies.
mareally a brazen liar:
like hobama, u lie like a swirled psycho!!!!
u and your proudly illiterate obsessed black mammy maid/retarded cheerleader the vdlr are both grotesque shrews and shameless liars!!!!
ALL of my posts are filled with truths/links that neither of u clueless uneducated dizzy dimwits can EVER touch...
u both clearly envy my posts/ blog/life/legacies/awards etc
i am so sorry that both of u have lived such low lecherous lives through your overused organs and have no more to claim than ebt cards and child support checks respectively
my only suggestion:
see your dual legions of babies daddies to fix all that asap!!!!
AB is a writer and bloggerpilotx
uh huh nucka u outcher dam mind!!!!!!! a writer? sure just like my seven year old is a writer he can write his name and simple sentences if that is how u classify a 'writer' then that homeless man with the sign 'will jig for boos' is also a writer shyt:)
the problem with nuckas nowadays is that standards is too low what we called DRIVEL in my day now counts as 'literature' aint that about sum shyt!
nucka take some meds
Anonymous said...
"course if u ever answered any question truthfully itd be clear that u aint never done shit in ur life ya incompetent ssi disability collectin kunteater! stank breaf banks!
get a job ya cooholelicker!"
First-hand knowledge? You speak with such authority.
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