Congrats to the Packers! I knew you were for real when you beat my Birds here at the Linc.
Sorry "Steeler Nation", maybe next year. (Meanwhile, somewhere in Georgia, a young lady is saying "Karma is a mother &^%$#@")
Congrats to the Packers! I knew you were for real when you beat my Birds here at the Linc.
Sorry "Steeler Nation", maybe next year. (Meanwhile, somewhere in Georgia, a young lady is saying "Karma is a mother &^%$#@")
Is it just me or did all the commercials pretty much suck this year? (What is with A-merry-ca's fascination with the ABW?) I liked the Audi spot, and the VW spot where the little boy was dressed up as Darth Vader, but that was pretty much it. (OK, Doritos where grandpa comes back from the dead and the home improvement Bud spot both get honorable mention.)
Anyway, I won't be racism chasing tonight, although I could. (WTF is wrong with the po po in Houston? No wonder city officials tried to sit on this video tape for damn near a year.) Rather, I would like to praise a small town newspaper (in Louisiana no less) for doing some racism chasing of their own.
Frank Morris was murdered by the Klan in 1964, and his killing is just one of 100 unsolved civil rights cases that the FBI reopened recently. Good for Stanley Nelson of the Concordia Sentinel for staying on this case for four years. He has now fingered someone in the crime, but 71 year old Arthur Spencer says that he is innocent.
"I feel sorry for his family, but I didn't have nothing to do with it"
Maybe not Arthur, but somebody did it, and if he (or she) is still alive they should be brought to justice.
Finally, there are some things racially related that I won't be chasing tonight, because I really do believe that the Big R is using them as decoys. Confederate art work at a Georgia college? Nope, move along, nothing to see here. The Big R is trying to distract us. The Chinese using a black man (who, supposedly, resembles the President) to sell chicken? Closer, but still, no cigars. Sorry, it's no secret that you Negroes love your fried chicken and there is nothing wrong with that. If you wanted to sell Rose Brand Gourmet Chinese Egg Noodles, I don't think anyone would take issue if you used a Chinese for the ad. I am just saying. You Negroes need to stop being so sensitive.
Anyway, I won't be racism chasing tonight, although I could. (WTF is wrong with the po po in Houston? No wonder city officials tried to sit on this video tape for damn near a year.) Rather, I would like to praise a small town newspaper (in Louisiana no less) for doing some racism chasing of their own.
Frank Morris was murdered by the Klan in 1964, and his killing is just one of 100 unsolved civil rights cases that the FBI reopened recently. Good for Stanley Nelson of the Concordia Sentinel for staying on this case for four years. He has now fingered someone in the crime, but 71 year old Arthur Spencer says that he is innocent.
"I feel sorry for his family, but I didn't have nothing to do with it"
Maybe not Arthur, but somebody did it, and if he (or she) is still alive they should be brought to justice.
Finally, there are some things racially related that I won't be chasing tonight, because I really do believe that the Big R is using them as decoys. Confederate art work at a Georgia college? Nope, move along, nothing to see here. The Big R is trying to distract us. The Chinese using a black man (who, supposedly, resembles the President) to sell chicken? Closer, but still, no cigars. Sorry, it's no secret that you Negroes love your fried chicken and there is nothing wrong with that. If you wanted to sell Rose Brand Gourmet Chinese Egg Noodles, I don't think anyone would take issue if you used a Chinese for the ad. I am just saying. You Negroes need to stop being so sensitive.
I'm out.
*Pic taken from NewsOne.com
Field, that video should not have been released. It was against the law and I hope they prosecute the hell out of that TV station and whoever gave it to them. Now those poor policemen won't get a fair trial.
But no harm done. In Houston and Philly Blacks don't riot nor can they do much about it. But if it had been Los Angeles... oh Lawd...they'd still be burning down Watts.
Regarding KFC ad, Pleeeze. Everybody knows American Blacks eat chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and snack in between. They never tire of chicken...it's their favorite.
If Blacks want to stop being stereotyped and associated with eating so much chicken, then STOP eating so much KFC and Popeye's Chicken...
Louisiana papers have a history of good investigative journalism. Love the times-Picayuna. I believe it was a small paper in LA that broke the Jack Abramhoff story. Good on them. I did like the Pepsi commercial with the sista clocking the jogger in the head with the can.
Anon at 12:27 "Now those poor policemen won't get a fair trial."
They don't even need a trial. That would be a waste of taxpayer money. But then again, I suppose a lawyer could find and convince 12 dimwitted jurors that what they saw on the tape wasn't what they saw on the tape.
Check this out.
The President is getting death threats at Fox for not weaaring his tie.
Steelers got beat like they stole it.
This mess about pigs not getting a fair trial? This state has a penchant for acquitting dirty cops and locking away the wrongfully accused for years on the tax payer dime..while gov. Prick Perry bails during one of the heaviest ice storms TX has seen and leaves us to buy electricity from Mexico!
The race chasing..plenty to go around if you live in Amerrykkka as anon 12:36 demonstrates..I wonder if he was a writer for this crock of shitshow Amerrykkka is just eating up thats on NBC (No Blacks or Coloreds)Apparently, Amerrykkka still love them some blackface.
Oh but..hes not REALLY in blackface he's playing a character from Dungeons and Dragons that has black skin
my ass. Its still using blackface to get laughs..
yep. no shortage of race issues to be chased here..
"Field, that video should not have been released. It was against the law and I hope they prosecute the hell out of that TV station and whoever gave it to them. Now those poor policemen won't get a fair trial."
Now that the video tape has been released, it will be that much harder for these so-called "officers of the law" to get off on technicalities or get a relative slap on the wrist. The video needed exposure, so ordinary citizens can see how police officers are NOT supposed to behave.
"I must admit that before I thought no_slappz was a truthful person. It is clear that ns is nothing but a liar and a fool. LAA expose him for the fraud that he is."
He? Or she? There was a post or two about Slappy sporting a vagina. But welcome to what others on this blog already knew a long time ago. Slapstick's quite a card, isn't he/she/it?
"Thanks LAA, you are beautiful. Now can you do the same with mell, mack and uts? they also are dunces who think they can get away with lying."
Too bad the Steelers didn't win this one. I hope you aren't insinuating Vick was a jinx on the Steelers' mojo (although many would say otherwise).
BTW, here's some Field Negro behavior:
I liked the Bridgestone tire commercial with the Beaver and the Bridges.
Sidebar: Field Negro, I gave your blog a shout out in my feature in RollingOut.com
Attorneymom, thanks for the shout out.
Mack, thanks for that link.You are right;that was FNB.
krystal*lyte, you know what's funny? I actually kind of like that show, "Community". I will have to see that episode. "Black face" is not cool, but more on that later.
"If Blacks want to stop being stereotyped and associated with eating so much chicken, then STOP eating so much KFC and Popeye's Chicken..."
Why should we? Chicken is good.
PilotX, co-sign on those Louisiana papers.
I must admit, black folk want justice as long as it is not against their own. Then they come up with an excuse. I just don't get it folks. I come to this blog and it's always, justice for blacks from the crimes of whites. But when it's a black person doing the crime I hear things like we should look at the context, psychological slavery, etc. It's very weird.
Everybody knows American Blacks eat chicken for breakfast, lunch, and dinner and snack in between.
if you really believe this, you are an incredibly ignorant racist. if it's meant to be parody, it fails, utterly.
Why should we? Chicken is good.
Then please stop complaining about stereotypes. It's kind of simple really.
yes, Anon 8:00. it's shocking, just shocking, that a black blogger who writes a blog about African American news and events would focus on... African Americans.
and just so you know: justice isn't "against" people. justice is FOR people. you obviously can't understand it, but that is what our community wants. it's telling your view of our judicial system assumes it should be predatory. but then again, you probably think we're all criminals while all white people are innocent victims.
no CD, but I know your community overall hates you cause you are dyke. you fit in cause your black, but that's as far as it goes. you know how phobic your community is. must be hard not really fitting in anywhere.
"I must admit that before I thought no_slappz was a truthful person. It is clear that ns is nothing but a liar and a fool. LAA expose him for the fraud that he is."
He? Or she? There was a post or two about Slappy sporting a vagina. But welcome to what others on this blog already knew a long time ago. Slapstick's quite a card, isn't he/she/it?
Its so obvious. Typical demonrats. When you can't hang with the truth and someone doesnt buy the unified lies and the white man is the enemy, then demonize them. The only reason you have an issue with no slaps is TRUTH, you can't handle it.
Mack if no slaps is a woman, so what? Better to be like you and take it in the ass from your woman?
Man, I see the assnon pantloads are out in force EARLY today.
Congratulations to the Packers even though that had to be one of the lamest Super Bowls I ever watched.
yay green bay!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
great game!
i loved the darth vader ad too!
i told u so...ditto for hobama...smile
ditto to all the families seeking closure including my own...
my grandfather isadore is one of countless black men lynched and robbed by needs slaps' kin...shame!!!!
Y'all enable no slappz by responding to him.
He's a racist punk who gets his jollies taunting black folks online.
Ignore him and he'll go away.
as used here, what does ABW mean?
"What is with A-merry-ca's fascination with the ABW?"
LOL @ Anon 9:25am and 9:26am.
LAA, why are you picking on NS? LOL. you crack me up sis! if you keep slapping it silly, it just may change its name. LOL. the ban poll link was priceless. to NS's credit, at least it is consistent.
hobama nazi kid:
never fret.
hobama has left many with no shirts or ties....
and his evil ties may win him a fatal choke asap.
This was said on Saturday, Feb 15th...
alicia banks said...
notice no matter how low the xxx kkk assnons go...
maria's black stud houseboys rk and uts never utter one word of protection...
5:04 PM
Unlike you Alicia, my laptop, desktop PC or my cell phone is not attached to my ass..Why?
And there is another little tidbit you might wanna know, I usually scroll past you because you post too damn much of the same shit - Hobama this, Hobama that - after 2 years of you going at it, one wants to ignore you, we all get the picture - let it go, Needs_Slappz because the dude is a fuckin' baffoon - ASS OF ALL TRADES, MASTER OF NONE. And a few annons because - why even bother, half of them are ignorant as well - depending how they start the sentence/paragraph. So forgive me for not coming to your defense. And as far as Maria is concerned, she is a grown woman who, just like you, FP, LAB, don't need anyone to come to her defense. She does fine by herself, just like you all do.
Hey Field,
Time for another anonymous flush I see.
i live online 24/7 and i am paid to do that.
i will call out hobama thru 2016.
deal with that.
i am certain my careers marriage and my life are much better than yours.
and i do not have to play weekend pappy to anyone either...i feel your pain.
does your wf stable have u on rations?
why so edgy?
i am not a robot...are your beckies androids?
your "replies" are getting dumber and more evasive daily.
u r embarassing and disgracing the ojs...4 real.
hobama has been as admirably consistent as i have for 2 yrs also...
and unlike my posts, his consistency has destroyed the world.
does that vex u too???
see more consistency here:
"LOL @ Anon 9:25am and 9:26am."
Maybe FP is anonymous.
I wouldn't put it past her.
Thanks for proving my point Alicia.
like hobama, u lie!
you are reading my posts.
and your meltdown over white women who share baby naming flaws with black women proved MY pt long ago.
So happy the Packers won.
I give Roethlisberger three weeks before he's arrested in a bar or for a DUI
I could see the beer weight on him and the TV wasn't even HD.
I am really pissed because of his bad action I couldn't cheer for the Black coach, Troy Polamalu or Hines Ward.
McNabb had a very bad two minute drive when he made it to the Super Bowl but at least he tired. Roethlisberger didn't even do that. 2:07 w/ time outs was enough time to do something.
The commericals weren't great. I wasn't feeling the half time show either. At least it wasn't an old band this time.
Steve works for VOCUS.
Awesome. That is close to me.
I don't know Obama well enough to call him a liar.
Real talk, I seriously don't read all your posts because they are too repititious, but just like I eluded to earlier, I don't read some of them. You're smart and all that but you tend to go overboard with your responses, it's not the quality it's the quantity.
And where the hell do you get that I'm having a meltdown over white woman??!! lol..Are you fkn serious? And not once did you mention that they shared "baby naming flaws" with black women and if you did my reponse would have been the same. The majority of my famly members are 100% black woman, who are highly educated. No "ghetto names" there. The majority of my co workers are 100% black woman, who are highly educated. No "ghetto names" there. Hell my name is Carlos, is that considered "ghetto"?
But I see how you are, it's all good, but your comments really have no affect over me.
So let's recap over a glass of "Hateraide" (and this is just 1 post from you):
"and i do not have to play weekend pappy to anyone either...i feel your pain"
I don't "play" weekend pappy. I am his Father. Period. So YOU must have some other type of pain you're feeling because being a Dad isn't one off them for me. Come to think of it..I feel YOUR pain.
"i am not a robot.... are your beckies androids?"
Depends, some of them have ice that run through their vains too. And I prefer to call "beckies" I fuck with "gray girls" for obvious reasons.
"Does your wf stable have you on rations?"
I have no clue what that line meant, so when I read comments like that, I just scroll right on past the rest, I don't do riddles.
"Why so edgy?"
Apparantly you don't know me. I like having a good time, all the time.
"u r embarrassing and disgracing the oj's...4 real"
Why am I embarassing them? Oh I see - I'm not in jail over a "grey girl" or will I ever be.
So like I stated earlier, your comments really don't have an effect over me, I guess it's the Libra in me. ;D
And now I yield the remainder of my posting space back to you.
AB says..
"i am certain my careers marriage and my life are much better than yours."
And I feel the same about my life, so that's a moot point.
Before I convict the police of what is purported in the video, I would like...evidence. Seems to me that OJ was convicted for DWB. rodney King was up for sainthood, until the entire story was told.
Didn't FOX carry the broadcast? Might be why some ads were cut...too literate for the FOX audience.
It is good that criminals face charges. If only we had the bravery of neutral Switzerland.
Yum...chicken...although I would not say it was a white/black thing...but a South thing.
Thought 'Big Ben' had another concussion. Coup-contrecoup post tackle...and he wasn't good afterward.
u r lying and being dead wrong yet again.
u made it a point by lying about my robotic body and my endlessly awesome child free saturdays...
grasping rk:
i never bash anyone's life or assume i know what they do on weekends just because they slay me herein...as so many of u hobama nazis/absolute inept strangers do to me...and as u did.
gray girls as in mulattoes?
i thought u dated and bred with full blooded caucasoids like your beloved hm ph pal maria...
rations as in beckies witholding sex that has u so manic herein...
i am a fiery noble leo with 0 tolerance for racist/euro bs/lies/hoaxes/puppeted cia agents like hobama etc
i am not icy at all.
i just hate that ice man hobama.
and i hate the stone cold foolishness that u hobama nazis spew herein daily!!!
not one of u can defend why your hero hobama's hero is raygun...why????
and u did lose it completely when i dared to say that millions of white moms curse their children with silly names also...ghetto drones like the vdlr and her fertile wigga pals and elite space cadets also...
i responded to u with many links many times in another post...r u late again?
check the archives "bruh".
they prove u lie like hobama!
did i imagine u and laa/fp having many heated feuds over child support for your mixed son???
never wed/divorced parenting is often toxic..
never say never...
hot for hobama rk:
hobama is hot for raygun and ice cold for his poor black mongrel fans
hobama's iciness gets colder every day...
hobama has your hot ice right here:
Barack Obama just loves Ronald Reagan, the late president but still idolized leader of the American right wing. During his campaign for the presidency Obama famously said that unlike Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton didn't transform the country [3] in a fundamental way. At the time he was in the thick of his primary battle against Hillary Clinton and the remark was perceived mainly as a dig against his opponent and her husband. When he later said that he would have a foreign policy like Ronald Reagan, it was seen as an attempt to get the votes of rural "Reagan Democrats" in the Pennsylvania primary. It is now clear that Obama's paeans to Reagan were not mere vote getting efforts or jabs at the Clintons. Barack Obama has proven himself to be a true believer in the Reagan revolution.
"Trickle down" was a Reagan era buzzword that meant theft of public resources. The concept was that if those who already have a lot were to get even more, some of the lucre would trickle down upon the rest of us. It worked fine for the wealthy but thirty years later, working people have not recovered from the effects of the Reagan era.
Ronald Reagan successfully dismantled government programs that no other president dared to touch. He was called the great communicator because of his ability to convince white Americans to act against their own economic interests. His apocryphal tales of black "welfare queens" led an already racist nation to decide that government was the problem in their lives when it is actually the only means of protection from larceny committed by wealthy individuals and big corporations.
Despite being ignorant about so much that effects their lives, Americans know that entitlements are their last hope for a decent life in old age. The only significant defeat for the Bush administration was the failure to privatize Social Security. It was the moment when Americans spoke up and forced Congress to prevent a Bush initiative from coming to fruition. If Barack Obama successfully tampers with Social Security and Medicare, which Bush was unable to do, then progressives who excuse Obama are worse than useless. They are traitors too.
Once again when Obama ought to hear howls of protest, he only hears words of praise. He makes nonsensical statements [6] about sacrifice for working people, announcing that "everybody's going to have some skin in the game" when his wealthy benefactors are never asked to give up anything, ever.
Obama is indeed a cynical politician who was willing to say or do anything that would get his hand on the bible on January 20th. Yet he is also a true believer in the system of white ruling class superiority and power. That is why he loves Reagan so much. Reagan was popular even as he ruined the country and much of the world. That is the Obama philosophy too. He wants to fool people into happily stabbing themselves in the back and he wants politicians to do what he says. He wants to be the second "great communicator" and he wants an armor of protective teflon. Sadly, he seems to be succeeding in reaching those goals and he hasn't even taken office yet.
alicia banks said...
u r lying and being dead wrong yet again.
u made it a point by lying about my robotic body and my endlessly awesome child free saturdays...
12:31 PM
Alicia - Stop. You're playing yourself - again.
3 responses. 12:31, 12:41 and 12:45. That's what I'm saying.
I never got into any heated argument with LAA. I don't argue when I'm armed with the truth, no need to.
Here's the problem I have with you and a couple of others on FN, when people push your buttons, you get agitated and start throwing out bullshit and hoping that shit sticks. You demean people when it's not necessary, I guess it's to make you feel better..almost like a bully I guess..And it's EVERYDAY. Why do you think people talk shit to you on the daily? It's because your responses portray weakness. Get pissed, call someone a name. Get pissed, throw out an unsolicited fictional fact about that person. Get pissed, burn up some bandwidth and peck , peck, peck away. You're an easy target.
I'll respond later to your rebuttal, I have to go back to work now.
like hobama u lie!!!
i post more wisdom and evidence to this blog than any idle mindless bs talker like u
u have described fn and every pissed name calling poster on this blog expertly
though my names and return bullying do shine most brightly
are u modeling ideal behavior by calling me names and lying about my weekends etc???
u r a hypocrite and a fool.
please do better in your future "rebuttals"
your retroactive ones have been more inept than that raygun lover hobama's job policies....shame!
Here's the problem I have with you and a couple of others on FN, when people push your buttons, you get agitated and start throwing out bullshit and hoping that shit sticks. You demean people when it's not necessary, I guess it's to make you feel better..almost like a bully I guess..And it's EVERYDAY. Why do you think people talk shit to you on the daily? It's because your responses portray weakness. Get pissed, call someone a name. Get pissed, throw out an unsolicited fictional fact about that person. Get pissed, burn up some bandwidth and peck , peck, peck away. You're an easy target.
I'll respond later to your rebuttal, I have to go back to work now.rk
sho u rite nucka sho u rite this bytch and those of her ilk like her other sockpuppets r off some bullshit and they run off the posters who had something to say now this blog comments is just for phukking losers who want to see buceta stank breafs daily meltdowns apparently bitch aint ha no job no life and no prospects kuntlickin fool!
yes u is a moophukkin bully kunthead loser almost fifty year old goin on four! wheres that job u brag about or ur papers or proof of that wonderfully big 250 iq of urs ya gottdam lyin sackashit!
i post more wisdom and evidence to this blog than any idle mindless bs talker like uabucetabreafmoron
once again ur delusions r grand bytch get ur med doses upped kuntlicker and go see ur shrink otherwise do us all a favor and jump off a rocky high cliff where there is no possibility of survival after said jump kuntwanded goat warden!
there should not be a single comment here about obama because he's not part of FN's post.
i guess all the parents of those "gifted" children you "tutor" evaporated as you now allege you are some kind of system admin who is "paid" to be online all day?
My favorite part of the Super Bowl was watching the Commissioner with his sour face hand the trophy to those damned Commie Union supporting municipality owned Packers. This, after the NFL owners trust whined that the public wasn't giving the NFL enough free stadiums and the players wouldn't play for chump change.
A little delusion isn't harmful. How many have used it to smooth out a bumpy time during life?
But continued use gives us Santorum, Toomey, Palin, Pawlenty, Thune, Pitts...eventually Reality wins.
mareally an idiotic hobama slut:
millions of people work more than one job...especially since hobama has made such survival skills mandatory!
we cannot all live off of sporadic child support checks as u do...
selective liar rk:
mareally an inept bully calls names daily...ditto for FN...u ever man up to them so with your selective netiquette bs???
i am younger that that old blackish sock- puppet-in chief geezer hobama!...bet!
Now, AB, you are aware that the Obama miracle came about because of Wall Street money?
What about the Maxx advertisement where hubby leers at the white girl? Not just appreciate...lick his lips over her whiteness. With his wife sitting there.
Loved the Darth Wagen and Doritos.
How much of the Chrysler 200 is, like, actually made in Detroit? I ask this as their products used to be sourced from Mexico...with 'Merican labour based prices.
who is more vulgar and ghetto than u herein?
who calls more ghettoese names than u?
who posts less intelligence than u?
who posts OFF topic more than u?
mareally a dizzy cave bitch and her fav black house boy rk have never given u one rule to live by herein?
why do dat be nig gal?
rk got your swirl and gone!
Never thought I'd say this but where did u learn to comprehend? I have never called you a name with an exception of "AB" in the 2 yrs reading and commenting on this blog. hell, i didn't even ask you what u did this weekend or any other weekend..what's wrong with you?
i call that bankster hobama as he is, a corp whore...
your point is?
"gray girls as in mulattoes?
i thought u dated and bred with full blooded caucasoids like your beloved hm ph pal maria..."
Grey Girls is a term from the 60's. Also Grey Boy. Was used by Black folks to describe white people. At least in the Mid west.
We did not use the term mulattoe. Although "high Yellow" was popular at the time.
Note: There was also a radio show on at the time In Ca called "Beautiful Grey Boy". This was in the days of Wolfman Jack.
mareally envious:
u too can be a techie and a tutor...
just get diverse educations before your babies' daddies cut u off...
i never heard that term.
gray means alien/biracial/both to me...
but i should have known it was 100% white if rk loves it...
see more on gray lies:
scan up.
read your OWN posts!
then holla back
really reaching rk:
it is never my quality or quantity that vexes u hobama nazis who have NO debate skills...
it is always ONLY my superior sanity and stellar slayings of mareally wanabees herein that do so...
i have never bullied anyone in my life
i do live to slay bullies...and i live very well!!!
carry on captain-save-the "gray" hos!
mareally legendarily perpetually clueless:
fn posted about racism
hobama has made racism worse in this country
by bliinding jungle fevered clones like u
by hypnotizing black racists like uts
by duping black fans like rk
fn also posted about the super bowl
hobama is a habitual cooler/jinx!!!
i could go on...but it would never make u literate or give u a clue!!!....so why bother???
envious vdlr:
gurl why u mad cuz u will never be the floss up in this mf?
we peep u ho!
maybe u SHOULD have asked me about my wonderful weekend b4 u posted that bs at 9:59...
ya thnk???
lol..U might wanna scan up..re read my posts..you might be amazed that "damn this dude didnt call me a name.". yeah alicia, i have a little more respect for u than to call you names. you're a woman. i don't call names such as "buceta bref" "dyke ho" or whatever that language that annon uses. Stop putting words in peoples mouths. you lose respect that way. anyway, have a good day burning up that bandwith!
Don't know if it's been mentioned already. There's a lot of buzz about the Pepsi "Love Hurts" commercial portraying black women as violent and angry. What a commercial. I don't watch sports and not much tv either, but I saw this ad on the net and I think it's bad!
Wow...five nonsense posts in a row.
And, you don't "post wisdom." You simply copy and paste articles critical of the president. I have not seen you express a single thought on your own.
Don't waste your time reasoning with her RK. She is nothing more than an armchair activist who thinks she is furthering the cause by pasting articles and insulting those who don't share her worldview. It makes me cringe when she compares herself to Harriett Tubman and Frederick Douglass, individuals who not only talked the talk but walked the walk.
rk said:
Unlike you Alicia, my laptop, desktop PC or my cell phone is not attached to my ass..Why?
And there is another little tidbit you might wanna know, I usually scroll past you because you post too damn much of the same shit - Hobama this, Hobama that - after 2 years of you going at it, one wants to ignore you, we all get the picture - let it go, Needs_Slappz because the dude is a fuckin' baffoon - ASS OF ALL TRADES, MASTER OF NONE. And a few annons because - why even bother, half of them are ignorant as well - depending how they start the sentence/paragraph. So forgive me for not coming to your defense. And as far as Maria is concerned, she is a grown woman who, just like you, FP, LAB, don't need anyone to come to her defense. She does fine by herself, just like you all do.
do u really see this selective lying rant as polite respectful banter?
or even as an honest reply????
lying hobama nazi drone cloned assnon:
like hobama
u lie!!!!!!!
most i paste is my own columns!!!
with endless links to support what i say!
not to mention the books/songs etc
i post daily.
u r an icy liar!!!!
nig assnons:
u ignorant nigs are proudly illiterate.
u hate me because i actually read and write and can ALWAYS backup what i say!!!
unlike u morons pasting lies off the cuff all day as u just did u silly hobama nazi mf!
busted assnon:
NONE of your moronic posts have yet to defend why raygun is hobama's hero...
wtf have u ever done for anyone?
u cannot even show your own name and face.
my legacies and bio speak 4 themselves.
grow a face and a resume b4 u dare insult anyone...
like harriet i have freed black babies from vdlr clones for decades
like fred d, i have freed many gay teens from self hatred and like fred d i demand justice from evil fools like hobama..for decades
u cringe because u are a disgrace to all 3 of us u faceless cowardly fool!!!!
Wait a minute. AB you live in Chicago and sent a shout out to the Pack? Sorry sis but Imma have to lead that posse with the pitchforks and torches to get ya. As a show of good faith you must sacrifice a package of cheese and do the entire "Da Bears" skit from memory or be driven out of the county/ no state limits.
yeah I called him a buffoon. he posts comment that are intelligable to make people think he has all the answers. my bad. you go by no-slappz too?
blaspheming assnon:
fred d would hate hobama and all of u safe tame adoring black mongrel nazis!!!!
fred d said:
"Power concedes nothing without a demand. It never did and it never will. Find out just what any people will quietly submit to and you have found out the exact measure of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them, and these will continue till they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress.”
“If there is no struggle, there is no progress. Those who profess to favor freedom, and deprecate agitation, are men who want crops without plowing up the ground, they want rain without thunder and lightning.”
“It is not light that we need, but fire; it is not the gentle shower, but thunder. We need the storm, the whirlwind, and the earthquake"
i rooted for the bears as long as possible...
then i always ride or die with the midwest!
yay green bay!!!
i adore eric benet
and he is from milwaukee...nahmean?
i know many cool rebels in wi
harriet t and fred d would hate that snake hobama and all of u suicidal slave minded hobama nazi nigs EVEN MORE than i do!!!!...
harriet said:
“I freed a thousand slaves I could have freed a thousand more if only they knew they were slaves.”
“I had reasoned this out in my mind, there was one of two things I had a right to, liberty or death; if I could not have one, I would have the other
“Never wound a snake; kill it.”
I for one do not hate you. You come across more like a force of nature.
You are what you are. Who am I to pass judgement? I just lurk and comment now and then.
all who tell the truth are hated...even jesus!
i slay the haters with honor...
and thanks for educating me!
unlike the arrogantly ignorant fools herein who cringe at all wisdom...
i live to embrace new wisdom eternally!
i saw the angry black woman ad...
i am far more offended at what so many bm do to make so many bw angry as they simultaneously demand that women refrain from righteously embracing their provoked anger!
Whenever I am slandered by those who view my complex spirit through the limitations of their own blinding cowardice, sexism, homohatred, pacifism, and ignorance, I recall the poetry of Ossie Davis, in his eternal eulogy to Malcolm X:
“Many will ask what Harlem finds to honor in this stormy, controversial and bold young captain...and we will smile...They will say that he is of hate-a fanatic-a racist-who can only bring evil to the cause for which you struggle! And, we will answer and say unto them: Did you ever talk to Brother Malcolm? Did you ever touch him, or have him smile at you? Was he ever associated with violence or any public disturbance? For if you did, you would know him. And if you knew him, you would know why we must honor him...he was and is a Prince-our own Black Shining Prince!-who didn’t hesitate to die, because he loved us so...”
Like those who know Malcolm, those who know me know that my eloquent fury is a very small part of my superior whole. Like Malcolm X, I will continue to be regal in my rage. And, I will continue to love all those who love me...Power to the People.
Mmmm....Chicago. Food...people...fun times. About the only negative is the Chicago School of Austerian Beleefs. And parts of the city;)
Least favorite moment of the Super Bowl was the Half Time Show. And that's from someone who hates football.
The sound man needs to be fired. I've heard better audio on the church PA system.
And they also happened to pick the dullest hip-hop act this side of Young MC. Sorry, but Will I Am and crew are garbage. The Black Eyed Peas have been boring uber safe "hip-pop" since they abandoned their back packer party roots to embrace 'the darkside' - dead, soulless pop music for suburban soccer moms and their brats. For me, Fergie was the death knell. If you want to hear the BEP before they went dead - listen to "Behind the Front" and "Bridging the Gap"
And more importantly, Fergie from BEP destroyed and desecrated a classic G&R song. You do not screw up "Sweet Child of Mine". She was so bad, I still think Slash should slapped her sideways with his guitar.
Usher? Meh, I guess the singing beefcake does it for some folks - but not my cup of tea.
Other than that - some steroid juiced Negroes beat up another group steroid juiced Negroes by 6 points. Black coach didn't get second ring. Ah, whatever. It was okay to watch, but like I said, I'm not a football fan.
LAC, what did you expect from anti-union FOX? This is not new. When they were attempting to enter the US market, FOX hired some of the prettiest (and glaring stoopidest) teleprompter readers around. As far as production staff...they hired the relatives...like Benjy Quayle and Bristol.
Somehow Adam Lambert's face-to-crotch 'art' is not all that. If I want to see such things, I know where to go.
Slush...yesterday's mumbling news. Usher...Liberace for your time
Wow...five nonsense posts in a row.
And, you don't "post wisdom." You simply copy and paste articles critical of the president. I have not seen you express a single thought on your own.
Don't waste your time reasoning with her RK. She is nothing more than an armchair activist who thinks she is furthering the cause by pasting articles and insulting those who don't share her worldview. It makes me cringe when she compares herself to Harriett Tubman and Frederick Douglass, individuals who not only talked the talk but walked the walk.anon
eye second that she aint nuthin but a stupid mental midget who aint about shit and aint never done shit in life karpetlickincoohole buceta breaf fool!
I think the term you seek is 'obsessive'. Birthers, Palinistas, Beck Shirts...they too are obsessed. AB just offers confirmation. The others 'daisy chain' each other.
maria said...
there should not be a single comment here about obama because he's not part of FN's post.
i guess all the parents of those "gifted" children you "tutor" evaporated as you now allege you are some kind of system admin who is "paid" to be online all day?
1:25 PM
Yep! That's about the size of it!
No Mold, the biggest neagtive about Chicago is the winter.
@AB, I have the real estate section from the Milwaukee Journal. I hear they have good beer;-)
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