Hey remember that old Eddie Murphy skit where he did a bit on what it would be like if we had a black president? In it, Murphy pretended he was dodging bullets while he talked to the American people. It was funny then, but it ain't so funny now that we really do have a black president. I am quite sure that his O -ness knew that it wouldn't be easy. I bet he picked his Secret Service detail himself. (That was a joke)But seriously, the guys in the Secret Service had to have been shaking their heads when he won, because I am sure that they knew they would be working overtime. (30 death threats a day?!)
Still, this is not new for A-merry-can presidents; all presidents get threats. What is new, is that this president's life was threatened while the person making the threat was speaking to a member of someone in the opposition party, and that the elected official simply laughed it off.
"Who is going to shoot Obama?" an unidentified person in the audience asked Broun. The question elicited a "big laugh," according to the Athens Banner-Herald.
Rather than confront the question head-on, Broun responded by changing the subject to health care: "The thing is, I know there's a lot of frustration with this president. We're going to have an election next year. Hopefully, we'll elect somebody that's going to be a conservative, limited-government president that will take a smaller, who will sign a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare." [Story]
Mr. Broun didn't "confront the question head-on" because he is a gutless coward. And he would rather keep that deranged wingnut voter in his camp than do the right thing and tell the man that he is a dangerous lunatic, and the type of language and rhetoric he was using would not be tolerated in his presence.
But this is nothing new for Broun. He is a man, after all, who really believes that the president is a Socialist. Is it any wonder that his constituents are as crazy as he is? I wonder if all you Negroes moving to Atlanta realize just how crazy the folks are in that state? Criminalizing miscarriages?! Are you serious? Yes, it's Georgia, I think you are.
Finally, we all know that Roger Ailes is a partisan hack and a scumbag, but now it seems that he might be something worse: Someone who encourages others to break the law.
Turns out Ailes allegedly told Judith Reagan to lie to the feds about her affair with the former New York police commissioner- and convicted felon- Bernard Kerick. Why? Because news of the affair would have embarrassed his buddy, Rudy Giuliani, who was running for president at the time. I guess the 10 million plus that FOX paid her to go away wasn't enough because girlfriend is still talking. [Source]
Murdoch money can bury a lot of things. It has been doing a great job of burying the truth for years. All it takes is a long legged blonde reading the news with her skirt hiked up, slick graphics, and some sensational [over the top] reporting laced with fear.
Still, this is not new for A-merry-can presidents; all presidents get threats. What is new, is that this president's life was threatened while the person making the threat was speaking to a member of someone in the opposition party, and that the elected official simply laughed it off.
"Who is going to shoot Obama?" an unidentified person in the audience asked Broun. The question elicited a "big laugh," according to the Athens Banner-Herald.
Rather than confront the question head-on, Broun responded by changing the subject to health care: "The thing is, I know there's a lot of frustration with this president. We're going to have an election next year. Hopefully, we'll elect somebody that's going to be a conservative, limited-government president that will take a smaller, who will sign a bill to repeal and replace Obamacare." [Story]
Mr. Broun didn't "confront the question head-on" because he is a gutless coward. And he would rather keep that deranged wingnut voter in his camp than do the right thing and tell the man that he is a dangerous lunatic, and the type of language and rhetoric he was using would not be tolerated in his presence.
But this is nothing new for Broun. He is a man, after all, who really believes that the president is a Socialist. Is it any wonder that his constituents are as crazy as he is? I wonder if all you Negroes moving to Atlanta realize just how crazy the folks are in that state? Criminalizing miscarriages?! Are you serious? Yes, it's Georgia, I think you are.
Finally, we all know that Roger Ailes is a partisan hack and a scumbag, but now it seems that he might be something worse: Someone who encourages others to break the law.
Turns out Ailes allegedly told Judith Reagan to lie to the feds about her affair with the former New York police commissioner- and convicted felon- Bernard Kerick. Why? Because news of the affair would have embarrassed his buddy, Rudy Giuliani, who was running for president at the time. I guess the 10 million plus that FOX paid her to go away wasn't enough because girlfriend is still talking. [Source]
Murdoch money can bury a lot of things. It has been doing a great job of burying the truth for years. All it takes is a long legged blonde reading the news with her skirt hiked up, slick graphics, and some sensational [over the top] reporting laced with fear.
Field: "sensational [over the top] reporting laced with fear"
Isn't that your formula?
Field, you didn't tell the entire story about what followed after Brou spoke with reporters about that crazy guy. He was stunned and didn't know what to say. Afterwards, he had plenty to say about that ignoramus.
Why is it you always select parts of a story to create anger, fear and tension, but leave out the part that brings relief and comfort? Oh, I forgot...your audience is Black and you want to create a revolution.
I hate to break it to you but your so-called Field Negroes won't even get off their asses to go vote- let alone join or start a revolution.
Gotta love these Republicans. As a bunch they are overarmed, undereducated, overreligious and overrepresented. Hopefully they overplayed their hands and will pay for it in 2012. That 60% in the middle should see the game plan and get sick of this crap. BTW, when are they gonna start focusing on jobs?
Field, the "Telegraph" article gave out too much information for that to be an article on protection of the President. Some folks run their mouth like water or should I write like running water. It's a lot of information in that article he could have left out.
Nevertheless, we live in a country that is full of hate for a person with skin color darker than lily-white. What gets me is that the majority of white folks here don't really know if they are really white because history would tell many of them a different story. That's the honest to God truth! What they fail to realize is some of their own ancestors may have been slaves and by they did have white slaves during slavery too and many of them too. BTW, I meant "slaves" and not indentured servants because in the beginning both black and whites were indentured servants, but that ended when miscegenation came to town.
Field, "I wonder if all you Negroes moving to Atlanta realize just how crazy the folks are in that state? Criminalizing miscarriages?! Are you serious? Yes, it's Georgia, I think you are."
This is an effort to criminalize you murderous abortionists and END abortions by you sick immoral liberal progressive folks.
And you want to call us crazy? Well, remember that the AMERICAN PEOPLE voted Republican this past November, so obviously they are sick and tired of you lame thinking sinful folks.
granny, you got your information all twisted. Even if it were true about some Whites, so what? they are White today and definitely not Black, and never will claim to be Black. So what the heck are you talking about? GET REAL.
Anonymous 11:55:
Nah, I don't have my information twisted at all...none, nada. Those are true facts! Nothing but the TRUTH! Did that little bit of truth scare you? I keep it real 24/7!
BTW, come the next election, they won't be voting Republican. So, enjoy while you can!
I love a man that speaks the TRUTH! I cosign with everything you said.
Thanks Granny.
I just have to love conservative hypocrisy. They talk about the evul goverrrment and all taking over our lives but how come in the south and other republican run areas I can't buy beer on Sundays? GTFOH with your blue laws, after all the crap that goes on in the world I don't think god will have a hissy fit if some football fans buy a few Bud Lites to go with the chips is all I'm saying. Also, gotta love GA (R) congressman Kingston who admits on nationwide television he doesn't believe in evolution. The south shall rise again!
PilotX, "Gotta love these Republicans. As a bunch they are overarmed, undereducated, overreligious and overrepresented. Hopefully they overplayed their hands and will pay for it in 2012. That 60% in the middle should see the game plan and get sick of this crap."
We got into office because of you dummies. Remember? You Dumbocrats never stay in office for long because you manage to shoot yourselves in the foot everytime.lol That's about as dumb as you can be. You are a bunch of ignoramuses who think they are smart but the American People keep telling you otherwise. However, you just can't hear it. Now that is as stupid as you can get.
PilotX, you need to go sit your stupid ass down. Not only are you embarrassing the Dems you are shaming the black race.
Granny, stop trying to make yourself feel better by making up shit about Whites. You are Black in America and no matter what you come up with for Whites ain't gonna change anything for you.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
"I love a man that speaks the TRUTH! I cosign with everything you said."
Ooh you a nasty granny!
Yeah, they talk about the evil government taking over our lives, but the Republicans seem to be the real ones that want to control people's lives and destroy freedom. However, you know blind people can't see, the deaf don't hear, and that's their party down to a tee. They're A bunch of Pharisees, "the letter[Pharisees] kills, but the Spirit gives life".
PilotX, "Gotta love these Republicans. As a bunch they are overarmed, undereducated, overreligious and overrepresented. Hopefully they overplayed their hands and will pay for it in 2012. That 60% in the middle should see the game plan and get sick of this crap."
That 60% in the middle are turning to Republicans to fix this mess.
Everyone has priorities. During the past week, Barack Obama has found no time to condemn the attacks that Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi has launched on the Libyan people.
But he did find time to be interviewed by a Wisconsin television station and weigh in on the dispute between Republican Gov. Scott Walker and the state's public employee unions. Walker was staging "an assault on unions," he said, and added that "public employee unions make enormous contributions to our states and our citizens."
Enormous contributions, yes -- to the Democratic Party and the Obama campaign. Unions, most of whose members are public employees, gave Democrats some $400 million in the 2008 election cycle. The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, the biggest public employee union, gave Democrats $90 million in the 2010 cycle.
Follow the money, Washington reporters like to say. The money in this case comes from taxpayers, present and future, who are the source of every penny of dues paid to public employee unions, who in turn spend much of that money on politics, almost all of it for Democrats. In effect, public employee unions are a mechanism by which every taxpayer is forced to fund the Democratic Party.
Now the party is over, bitches.
My colleague Greg Sargent reports that he spoke with the Secret Service, which did not take the comment so lightly. The spokesman reports the Secret Service interviewed the constituent who made the comment and "determined that he or she was an 'elderly person' who now regrets making a bad joke."
Good. Death threats shouldn't be taken lightly in any circumstance. The Secret Service must be getting time-and-a-half for watching Obama's back.
BTW, I have to wonder if the GOP will try to install their own Black conservative puppet (a la Clarence Thomas) into the presidency in order to "counteract" Obama, preferrably after the next couple of election cycles or after Jeb Bush gets his turn in the Oval Office, whichever comes first?
Anonymous 12:17:
I love who I am...a black woman, and I wouldn't change that for nothing in the world. I'm black and I'm proud!
By your comments, I see you didn't fare too well in history or slept through the class. Why don't you try talking about something you know, instead of constantly demonstrating to us that you lack knowledge.
Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has warned Western countries against attempts of meddling in the Arab world to try to impose democracy.
Speaking after talks with the EU leadership, he said that previous efforts along those lines had led to victories for governments the West is now fighting to contain.
“Today, we say we're concerned about things happening in Libya. But the North African cell of Al-Qaeda is also concerned about what is happening in Libya. Do you think this is a coincidence?” the Russian PM asked.
“I would like to go back in history a little bit. The former leader of the Iranian revolution – where did he live?! He lived in Paris and as a whole he was supported by the Western community. Now the entire Western community fights against the Iranian nuclear program,” Putin pointed out.
“I remember just recently our partners were very active in supporting democratic elections in the Palestinian autonomy. And Hamas won. And immediately they declared Hamas a terrorist organization and started fighting against it. We need to give people a chance to determine their future themselves. We need to give them an opportunity to take a natural way without any foreign interference to build their future,” he concluded.
This is embarassing! The religious folks (Rev.Right) and anon's and the black anon's who are always rushing to call others out, for not worshipping at the altar of capitalism or being silent in the face of societal evil don't have anything of value to say about this obvious violation of decency.
Surely the God they serve does not condone outright murder of presidents.
They are always saying they know God, but have they don't even have a sense of moral decorum but would rather criticize Field for bringing it up.
They have no sense of whats right or moral and are downright scary.
And are they really criticizing Field for telling the truth about Rep.Broun's moral cowardice?
These guys have no sense of decency! It is obvious that Broun's response was inappropriate.
But incredibly they are trying to defend his inaction. And some have even tried to lie about his response. He didn't respond appropriately, period. He should have said, 'hey we're not going to have that kind of talk here!'
How can you an elected representative of so-called civilized society not chastise anyone or an audience that supports shooting the president?
Where is the outrage from the religious anons? Its not ocming because they are dishonest hypocrites. They don't side with the poor and the oppressed and the down and out like the God of the Bible or like Jesus who was always taking up the cause of the poor. But rather they side with the powerful, the same kind of folks who sentenced Jesus to die on the cross; Ceasar's representatives.
And they have the nerve to talk about sin and don't recognize it when they see it. I think they believe sin is not supporting big business exploitation, militarism and other forms of capitalist exploitation.
Lawd help us!
Obama imposes sanctions against Libya
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- U.S. President Obama Friday declared a state of emergency to impose unilateral sanctions on Libya for violence the Gadhafi regime has inflicted on its people.
Obama said in a letter to Congress he was taking the actions because the "extreme measures" Gaghafi had taken against his people "constitute an unusual and extraordinary threat to the national security and foreign policyof the United States."
"The order declares a national emergency to deal with this threat," his said in the letter.
The U.S. State Department suspended embassy operations in Libya and will temporarily pull all employees from Tripoli, White House press secretary Jay Carney said during his daily briefing, explaining, "It has been shuttered."
"Consistent with the president's tasking to the government to prepare options to hold the Libyan government accountable for its violation of human rights," Carney said, "we have decided to move forward with unilateral sanctions, which we are in the process of finalizing, coordinated sanctions with our European allies, and multilateral efforts to hold the Libyan government accountable through the United Nations."
Obama has been consulting with other leaders as part of building international consensus for a strong response "in the days to come," Carney said.
Mack Lyons said..."The Secret Service must be getting time-and-a-half for watching Obama's back."
Nah, it's pretty tame after the Bush years. Shit, they even made a movie about killing Bush!
And no, there will be no "black conservative puppet" running for the White House. Republicans will rightly wait for a legitimate black candidate. There are a lot of up-and-comers who will be ready by 2016 or at least 2020.
Obama is not a puppet? You can follow those strings right to George Soros!
Mack Lyons said...
"Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin has warned Western countries against attempts of meddling in the Arab world to try to impose democracy."
Nobody has to worry about Obama doing anything to impose democracy, that's for sure. He's on the side of Islamist socialism.
Mack Lyons said...
"Obama imposes sanctions against Libya
WASHINGTON, Feb. 25 (UPI) -- U.S. President Obama Friday declared a state of emergency to impose unilateral sanctions on Libya for violence the Gadhafi regime has inflicted on its people."
UN, you have a problem with that? You know what you should do? You should sanction me. Sanction me with your army. Oh!! Wait a minute! You don't have an army! I guess that means you need to shut the fuck up! That's what I'd do if I don't have no army. I would shhhhh, the fuck up. Shut. The. Fuck. Up!!
"Nobody has to worry about Obama doing anything to impose democracy, that's for sure. He's on the side of Islamist socialism."
"Islamist socialism"? Could you kindly expand on that, for the sake of all the God-fearin Americans out there?
"Follow the money, Washington reporters like to say. The money in this case comes from taxpayers, present and future, who are the source of every penny of dues paid to public employee unions, who in turn spend much of that money on politics, almost all of it for Democrats. In effect, public employee unions are a mechanism by which every taxpayer is forced to fund the Democratic Party."
If public employee unions are a funding mechanism for the Democrat Party, then shouldn't that explain why the GOP is so hell bent on dismantling them? And doesn't that also explain the GOP's willingness to give tax breaks left and right to multinational corporations, since they happen to be the GOP's primary funding mechanism?
Mack Lyons said...
"Islamist socialism"? Could you kindly expand on that, for the sake of all the God-fearin Americans out there?
He is a fucking moslem socialist.
Just like Gadaffi.
Got it, dumbass?
Mack Lyons said...
"If public employee unions are a funding mechanism for the Democrat Party, then shouldn't that explain why the GOP is so hell bent on dismantling them? And doesn't that also explain the GOP's willingness to give tax breaks left and right to multinational corporations, since they happen to be the GOP's primary funding mechanism?'
Yes, why should the Democrats be able to use the public treasury to fund their parasitic exisitence?
And no, more corporate money goes to Democrats than Republicans.
@anon, I'm not a Democrat, sorry.
@K.C. there has not been a seriousl Black Republican contender for president in my entire life and it doesn't look good in 2012 or 2016 either. Sorry pal but that party likes its Black folk like it likes farts, silent and not in public.
@Johnny Ray, until the Citizen's United case all union money spent on elections was in the form of PACs. That money was voluntary and came from their paychecks not tax money. Yes, government employees get paychecks for doing their jobs just like you and me and neither you nor I have the right to tell them what to do with that money. If they want to make a contribution to a political campaign that's their business. We can't just let big business have the only say in our elections.
@Johnny Ray, did you see the links about Obama imposing sanctions on Libya? Care to retract your comment about the prez not having time to condemn Kadafi?
PilotX said..."If they want to make a contribution to a political campaign that's their business. We can't just let big business have the only say in our elections."
They have no say on who the union gives money to, they have no say whether or not they have to join the union, and they have no say whether or not they have to pay their dues.
PilotX said...
"@Johnny Ray, did you see the links about Obama imposing sanctions on Libya? Care to retract your comment about the prez not having time to condemn Kadafi?"
Uh, no. He's a day late and a dollar short.
We are paying the price for electing a community organizer as commander in chief, and so are the people of Libya.
It is unlawful for a labor union to take money from your paycheck for contributions to a federal PAC or for the federal PAC to accept such contributions without your written authorization.
Not sure if this is still true after Citizens United, not a labor lawyer.
So um Johnny are you going to admit you were wrong or not. You did not say he was late, you said he did not condemn Gadiffi/Qadafi/Kadaffi, ect at all. Not gonna admit error huh?
Oh BTW check this link out
Looks like you're wrong again Johnny. Care to try for three strikes?
Typical conservative, light on facts.
PilotX said...
"Typical conservative, light on facts."
Typical liberal, oblivious to them.
Every other Western leader had already condemned the situation in Libya before Obama dared speak Gadaffi's name. Instead he was partying at the White House with all those great motown stars like Sheryl Crow, Natasha Bedingfield, Gloriana, and Nick Jonas. What a fool.
Are you trying to say workers in a union shop have the right not to join the union? That union dues don't go to political contributions? Are you daft, man?
give it up conservative polly parrot, the US is no savior for democracy thats just a ruse to steal and or control other folks natural resources and to flex its power.
And what do you have against the unions. Unions fought so that we could have at least a few rights on the job. Union benefits trickle down to non-union workers who reap the benefits of the very idea of workers having rights.
Don't the ocnservatives and right wing reactionaries have their own blog. It reminds of what somebody said on this blog before, negroes can't have nothing to themselves!
Notice how Johnnie twisted that around to "Are you trying to say workers in a union shop have the right NOT to join the union?"
And just think, the Republicans want to under fund education. They should be pouring billions into funding for reading comprehension. I swear! Smh!
Did you go to the site I directed you to sir? Let me try again.
Most people are NOT forced to join a union unless the collective agreement between the empoyer and union group specifically authorizes this. In the first link federal employees are not forced to join a union or pay dues. Before you pontificate on a matter please avail yourself to the facts concerning such information.
Unions are permitted to make contributions to political campaigns via PACs. If you know of a specific union that makes contributions directly from union members dues please provide the evidence.
"During the past week, Barack Obama has found no time to condemn the attacks that Libyan dictator Moammar Gadhafi has launched on the Libyan people." You wrote this right? When posters pointed out you were wrong
You switched up and said he was late. Which is it? Did he find the time to impose sanctions or not? What would you have done in this situation, read "My Pet Goat"? C'mon man stop moving the goalposts. Looks like this liberal has more command of fact sthan you do in this case.
I kow what you mean Granny. Conservatives moan about losing their "rights" but don't even know what rights they have. Most don't know their rights when it comes to union membership and religious liberty. That's the other big one they moan about "my kid can't pray in school" but they are either willfully ignorant of the facts or lying. Damn shame. I'm glad I'm not in one of those right to work states controlled by Republicans like S.C. Maybe instead of making more states into conservative wastelands they should all move to a state like S.C. and see how they like it. We like our unions here in Illinois thankyouverymuch. Saved my job that the Republicans were trying to give away.
"He is a fucking moslem socialist.
Just like Gadaffi.
Got it, dumbass?"
I was hoping for a more enlightening explanation of "Islamist socialism", but all I'm getting is petulant name-calling and finger pointing towards a kleptomani....ohhhh, so you're calling Obama a kleptomanic? Gee, considering Gaddafi's schitzophrenic behavior, the president looks like a complete and utter piker in comparison.
"Every other Western leader had already condemned the situation in Libya before Obama dared speak Gadaffi's name. Instead he was partying at the White House with all those great motown stars like Sheryl Crow, Natasha Bedingfield, Gloriana, and Nick Jonas. What a fool."
You mean Obama can't host the Motown tribute while having his people stay on top of the situation in Libya? The response wasn't lightning fast, but it still carries weight. And besides, it'll never be fast enough for folks who want to find anything to criticize him over.
PROVIDENCE — After two hours of contentious discussion, the School Board voted 4 to 3 Thursday night to send out termination notices to each of the city’s 1,926 public school teachers.
More than 700 teachers jammed a high school gymnasium to tell school officials that their hearts were broken, their trust violated and their futures as teachers jeopardized.
“How do we feel? Disrespected,” said Julie Latessa, a special-needs teacher, before the vote. “We are broken. How do you repair the damage you have done today?”
Every teacher received a certified letter from the School Department on Thursday informing them that they might be terminated at the end of the school year. It also said the School Board would vote on the proposed dismissals at Thursday night’s meeting, which was moved to the Providence Career and Technical Academy to accommodate the huge turnout.
Many of the teachers were caught off guard by Mayor Angel Taveras’ decision to terminate teachers instead of laying them off. Last night, speakers questioned the mayor’s rationale: a $40-million school budget deficit and a March 1 deadline by which the School Department must notify teachers if their jobs are in jeopardy.
“This is a quasi-legal power grab,” said Richard Larkin, a teacher at Classical High School. “You want to pick and choose teachers. Well, we will not be bullied.”
I know what you mean, but it's just so painful to watch so many in our nation that are in that condition and lack knowledge. With the Republican party, it's like the blind leading the blind.
I guess we have to ask ourselves, what would John McCain do? You know the guy who sang a song about bombing Iran. I hope Johnny can articulate what he thinks would be a better response to the events in Libya. He would have this problem if the GOP didn't have such lousy presidential candidates. McCain may very well have won if he didn't have to kowtow to the far right religious base of the GOP by choosing Palin. Had he chosen Romney as his running mate he very well may have won and all the conservatives would now be marveling at the wonderful job president McCain would do handling the situation. And I still want to be able to buy beer on Sunday in the Republican controlled south oneday! We all have our dreams.
BTW Granny and Mack, did you see the joke about the Black Republican presidential candidate? Almost as funny as what they did to Mike Steele.
Now, you know that's ashamed what they are doing to those teachers. I hope none of them voted Republican. Nevertheless, Firemen, Policemen, and anyone with unions are next in line for the Republican's shaft job. Some of those folks cheering them on are going to get a taste of the Republican's bad medicine too. What slides under the snake's belly has to come across its back too.
I kept warning folks not to let any of those rightwingers to get back in any type of power. Now, they plan to finish the job where Bush left off at. It's all bad!
Yep, and they're using class envy to do it. Governor Krispy Kreme is going on about the "rich" benefits and pay of public employees. Yo man, isn't that a good thing? Shouldn't we be encouraging private sector employees to find jobs that have good benefits too? Wow, crabs in a barrel. "Oh look, those people have a good job and good benefits. Let's take that away. Better yet, let's destroy all public sector jobs so we can have more unemployment". Yeah, go Republicans. This is amazing, playa hating at the finest but I'm used to it, everytime we go through contract negotiations everybody tells me I make too much money and have to many benefits. This is amazingly backwards, so as workers we should start negotiating for lower pay and fewer benefits? Does any of this make sense to anyone who isn't a bizarroworld living conservative? All this while hedge fund managers are making billions and CEO's are making 500 times what the average worker makes. I could be wrong but people are starting to wake up and the GOP may be in for a rude awakening in 2012, until th enext time our short memory having asses put these asshats back in office.
Preach it! I don't know about you, but I shun the Christian rights type of religion because it goes against everything in the word.
It said, "the poor you will have with you ALWAYS" it didn't say anything about the rich you will have with you always.
I guess next, they'll be trying to revise it to suit their agenda.
What you're seeing folks is the end of the Republiklan Party. Now white folks have to choose either to hate the black guy who's President or eat. We seen that Scott Walker was ready to use violence on men, women, and children to protect Billionaires. They ran out of lies about the Ground Zero Mosque. We can finally get to the problem at hand, making Billionaires pay their damn taxes.
I'm confused. I thought a "poor" plumber made $250,000.00 a year. Now a "rich" schoolteacher makes about give or take $40,000.00 a year. Which is it?
Read the bio on Rep Broun. He agreed with the 'joke'...and then backpedaled when he realized that sane people thought him a fool. Typical aristo. Oh, you might ask why an MD would follow Broun's path.
What he tells the rubes only shows his disdain for their 'intellect'.
Yes, there are teechers who beleeverate that they make too much money...but it is always the Libruls on the payroll. gawd-fearin', christian mens who proclaim de troof of IntelligentCreationismDesign are not paid enuff!! While those lazy, shiftless single wimmens who don' need the munny and them lesbianauts are paid too much. Been in the Lounge folks. At least some instructors agreed, in principle, with Governor Weasel and Mayor Tavares. Wonder if they still do?
To a poorly educated, low-skill, low-info boob...the unions are the cause of Heeyuckian woe. By making a modest income...they have caused the Goober to make less. That having benefits while Gomer gets none is somehow the result of union collective bargaining. When pressed on how this process occurs, the response is...to ad hominem.
As far as Rs being the public's choice...the numbers say different. As with Sarey's run on Wasilla...most of the public is too busy with work and family to bother with politics in the US. The Parties ran competent middle-of-the-road candidates who ran pragmatic offices. But, if an entire megascam church enters a poorly attended race....their boob can win. What is the percentage of eligible voters who vote in US elections? In such small populations...a wee, tiny, minute number can skew results. We have seen from WI that the public hates the policies and actions of wingnuts. Once they know just how venal, cowardly, dishonest and perverse wingnuts are.
My personal views, while distressingly centrist and moderate in the rest of the world, are considered by the US media to be Left. Yet, I would not dream of supposing that my personal view was the Gold Standard for politics nor the Universal Goal for all. That takes delusion and ignoring Facts.
everyday, i'm so struck by how the arab world is rising up while here the news is all about the declining power of the people, good, decent, hard working people. being a teacher (a real teacher not the fakepsychoab kind) has got to be among the toughest jobs in the world.
america is being more unjust to its citizens everyday and NO i don't blame obama, i blame the obama backlash.
instead of trying to export our brand of govt and then supporting dictators we have got to wake americans up to REVOLT!!
Maria, they are doing revolution as they have no other options. We still have some, for now. Democracy holds strong appeal to any not TeaBagger or wingnut. Folks getting together to set up services to let you keep your house should Glorious Business Owner decide that minimum wage is far too much for a Nuclear Physicist. People who vote for Social Security as a self-financed retirement as the alternative is quite horrible. Neighbors who subsidize bread in France. Co-workers who collectively bargain for pay and benefits.
Who wouldn't want that? Especially those directly experiencing Galtian Fwee Market Deforms? Sure sounds all academic-like and scholarly-ish to promote Chicago School of Austerian Economy...but it is the same as pondering the question of how many angels dance on the head of a pin.
More 'shared sacrifice' done to delight the pundit class and we will be forced to act. While I can be told it is impolite to call wingnuts liars and thieves and that may cool my ardor for asking them to be charged for their crimes...when it comes to the nexus of losing food, clothing and shelter...I'll not worry about the tsk tsk of Cokie, Brooks, or other incredibly wealthy media persons...I'll be with the rest of the hungry, cold and angry.
The "miscarriage" post from Huffpo stated the following:
'Prenatal murder' means the intentional removal of a fetus from a woman with an intention other than to produce a live birth or to remove a dead fetus;
Okay, the preceding pretty well covers an abortion. Then...
provided, however, that if a physician makes a medically justified effort to save the lives of both the mother and the fetus and the fetus does not survive, such action shall not be prenatal murder.
This sentence describes a scenario in which a doctor takes some kind of emergency action -- such as after a car accident -- that might result in the death of the fetus.
Here's the best part.
Such term does not include a naturally occurring expulsion of a fetus known medically as a 'spontaneous abortion' and popularly as a 'miscarriage' so long as there is no human involvement whatsoever in the causation of such event.
Get it? The text clearly states that a naturally occurring miscarriage is NOT pre-natal murder.
Are you sure you went to law school? You're name is not listed among the members of the PA Bar Association.
However, if the woman is found unconscious at the bottom of a staircase and her boyfriend is yelling at her, well, that may complicate the situation.
field, you wrote:
But seriously, the guys in the Secret Service had to have been shaking their heads when he won, because I am sure that they knew they would be working overtime. (30 death threats a day?!)
You must be joking, though because your view of the world is confined to race, I am sure you are serious.
Inasmuch as 9/11 resulted in 3,000 deaths, including a bunch at the Pentagon when the hijacked jet missed the White House (I know Bush wasn't home, but...) it's painfully obvious that since then countless plots against Bush were considered and planned, but because the Secret Service keeps a lot of Secrets, we don't know the number of plots that were foiled.
As for crackpots making open statements regarding Obama, well, get serious. A couple of years ago there was a movie made that depicted the assassination of Bush. It was shown in Canada, though I do not think it had a theatrical release in the US. However, it's probably available via the Internet.
Moreover, there were occasions when people attending outdoor gatherings at which Bush spoke wore Kill Bush t-shirts.
Meanwhile, in the US, because of our rules of succession, assassination is a failed concept.
When Obama was elected I feared the worst. I feared that he and Congress would steamroller the legislative process. It did not quite go that way, but in many ways his presidency has been far more of a failure that even I had expected. He is a socialist, actually, he's taken things even further by his unshakable belief that all things spring from the government, including the laws of physics and chemistry as they apply to solar and wind power, and electric cars.
But as horrifyingly bad as Obama is, there is no doubt things would go further down hill if he were replaced by Joe Biden.
Obama has the opportunity to become not only the leader of the free world, but the opportunity to vastly increase the size of the free world. All he has to do is fire a few shots into the government buildings of several Islamic nations and all the monarchs and despots of the Islamic world would run for their lives.
But our muslim-in-chief president would never take the easy steps when it comes to removing despicable leaders who are hated by their oppressed citizens.
Nope. He'd rather continue with his Afghan folly that is doing more damage here than in Afghanistan. He has had two years to make his case in Afghanistan, and the results tell us that his plans are not working, unless his plan is to bankrupt the country with endless spending for a perpetual stalemate.
Wow, no mention of Tay-Sachs, anancephaly, Ectopic, eclampsia...I could go on but the medical ignorance is astounding. It is almost as if someone has the equivalent understanding of human physiology as a medieval Fundie. Peasants, at least, had a close connection to the Natural World and knew 'stuff happened'...unlike wingnuts who make 'stuff' up.
Stare Decisis and precedents are also somewhat missing...odd. And...the Death Penalty for being unable to 'prove' to Kenn Starr(tm) that your miscarriage is not induced...is creepy. How, exactly does one meet the conditions of this? What are the things wingnuts beleeverate would be harmful? Since they aren't using medical Science...what are the standards? Not going to BillySueRay Goobers church, trailer and College of Godly Spirit/Not a Tax Dodge?
Before lying...and claiming not to be lying...it would help if one would cease lying. Just because your peers are beleeveers in wingnut theocracy...does not mean others are.
Though, I must applaud the mullah in their effort to apply Sharia Law to the nominally Christian US. And even the most backward of Sharia. Why, sneaking in the beleef system of Fundie misogynists is truly underhanded and contrary to American Ideals.
Poore bush, all he did was let NO drown, crash an economy, hire the blatantly venal, allow terrorists to strike on US soil...and he is part of a movie where his character gets assassinated. Exactly like the death threats against a President.
Sorry. False equivalence.
Neither person should be killed.
A character...either you beleeverate that bush is so Lordly that killing off an Art portrayal is Treasonous...or that he, by birth, is somehow more superior to Obama.
Her name is Judith REGAN, not Reagan. Even the writer of the article you cited was unable to get it right. Obviously someone other than the writer was the composer of the headline.
Turns out Ailes allegedly told Judith Reagan to lie to the feds about her affair with the former New York police commissioner- and convicted felon- Bernard Kerick.
You probably know nothing about Regan. She is hell on wheels and has a long history of trying anything and everything to get contracts for books she wants to publish -- including having an affair with Kerik to get the rights to his book.
Why? Because news of the affair would have embarrassed his buddy, Rudy Giuliani, who was running for president at the time. I guess the 10 million plus that FOX paid her to go away wasn't enough because girlfriend is still talking.
Oh. Yeah. Sure. News of a fling between Regan and Kerik would matter to the "public". Yeah, that public would forget about Kerik's HUGE legal problems and punish Giuliani in the primaries because Kerik and Regan were tearing up the bedsheets. Yeah, that's always how it goes. Moreover, the presidential hopeful was Giuliani, NOT Kerik.
Giuliani's positions on a few major issues are contrary to the Republican platform, which means he did not have a chance in 2008. Furthermore, he has his own divorce stories that were recent enough to impair his image as a presidential contender.
Anyway, Regan being Regan, she probably figures there's another book in the Ailes/Giuliani kerfuffle. She's not motivated by altruism.
field, you wrote:
Murdoch money can bury a lot of things. It has been doing a great job of burying the truth for years. All it takes is a long legged blonde reading the news with her skirt hiked up, slick graphics, and some sensational [over the top] reporting laced with fear.
Burying the truth? Yeah. Okay. When? Where? As if any story -- true or false -- about anyone is safe from publication.
Well, it is true that Obama has enjoyed the fawning of the main-stream-media. However, his endlessly disappointing performance as our ideologue-in-chief has worn down the devotion of his cult of journalists and pundits.
"He is a fucking moslem socialist.
Just like Gadaffi.
Got it, dumbass?"
Yes, got it! A-merry-ca, your future ain't looking so bright.
*tipping away*
'"Field: 'sensational [over the top] reporting laced with fear
Isn't that your formula?"
Yes, but you left out the truth part with mine.
Oh oh, I think sloppy has lawyer envy issues. :) Sloppy, you have never answered my question about being a registered sex offender. Tell you what; I will give you a link proving that I am a member of the Pa. Bar (maybe) if you answer my question. Deal?
BTW, I know you are probably borrowing someone's computer when you go online, but honestly, how long would it take to google someone's name?:)
field, you wrote:
Hey remember that old Eddie Murphy skit where he did a bit on what it would be like if we had a black president?
It has become a matter of everyday practice to equate the events in the real world with something that was created for TV or the movies.
You're one of millions -- and this pracitice is central to the black grievance union -- who practice this misleading gambit.
Or, if the black grievance union is not citing TV skits, it looks to the opinions of gasbags like those typing for Huffpo, who have trouble reading and understanding simple and unambiguous prose. So, the blind lead the blind.
Meanwhile, here at this site I have seen possibly zero references to the movies of Sidney Poitier, who so often has portrayed black characters who have shown their power to overcome the prejudices of white characters.
field, from martindale.com
People Search Results [Edit Search Criteria]
People named wayne bennett, that are admitted to the Pennsylvania Bar, in Pennsylvania, United States of America
There are no listings that match your search criteria.
Please modify your search or try a new search.
somebody wrote:
"Nobody has to worry about Obama doing anything to impose democracy, that's for sure.
This much is true. Obama has stood back as oppressed populations revolted against brutal dictators and despots. It's sad, especially because those who are revolting are fighting mostly with rocks and now they are facing soldiers and operatives with guns. Thus, a lot of unnecessary bloodshed in underway, or, possibly worse, some of these bids for freedom will collapse as the far better armed oppressors assert their power.
He's on the side of Islamist socialism."
The closest thing to Islamist Socialism is probably found in Kuwait, where all Kuwaiti citizens share in the nation's oil wealth, much like Native Alaskans do here.
Then there's the Libyan brand of Islamist Socialism which gives almost ALL the oil money to Khadafy and NONE to the 5 million suffering Libyans. They all share nothing, which makes things even among them.
Then there's the Hamas style in Gaza, where this crappy despicable bunch are given water, electricity and cash -- a few hundred million bucks a year -- from Israel and they do their best to maintain the sewer-like conditions of their failed state.
Take your pick. Even in Egypt, during their revolt, they found time to attack a female reporter because the mob declared she was a Jew. That shows you where their priorities lie.
Nice try sloppy, but you didn't keep your part of the deal. Are you a registered sex offender?
field, can you believe n-s is that stupid?
"field, can you believe n-s is that stupid?"
hobama is a socialist!..but only for banksters and the megarich
and no one has buried truths like that liar hobama
prezes get shot...hobama inc should never have stolen the job and slain so many
karma is real
mareally a name caller:
got even more hypocrisy???
field, you wrote:
Sloppy, you have never answered my question about being a registered sex offender. Tell you what; I will give you a link proving that I am a member of the Pa. Bar (maybe) if you answer my question. Deal?
field, inasmuch as your posted name does not appear on martindale.com and your statement above is NOT an offer of anything -- see "maybe" -- you have shown yourself to be disingenuous, at best.
Maybe you should attempt the same matindale.com search I undertook. Maybe your real name is not Wayne Bennett. I surely do not know, and you do have good reasons to lie.
Maybe nitwit maria should try the same search.
as an attorney, would you ever debate that hobama has caused more rage by his race rather than his ruthless serial betrayals???
when and if hobama is shot, who will argue that he was innocent and noble and expertly ruled america???
the very same people who hate hobama now are all of the same voters of all races who loved him in 2008!
the hatred hobama endures is hatred he has earned!!!
and hobama's own new solo evil deeds that have earned such hatred have only just begun!!!
There is absolutely nothing more that Hobama/”President” Barack Obama can possibly do to prove that he is a rabid elitist. There is nothing else that politicos can do to expose the fact that America is ruled by one party with two names and one elitist agenda. There is nothing further that Hobama can do to flagrantly betray the black fans that still, somehow, shockingly and suicidally worship him. There is nothing more indefensible than Hobama’s collective elitist antics that poor, jobless, and homeless drones still amazingly dare to defend. Yet, Hobama is still being praised for expertly reading mere words to his masses of paupers.
Truth is far stranger and crueler than fiction. Truthfully, a blackish president has become the most racist and ruthless president in American history. His wars are bloodier and more endless than those of his cousin King Shrub/George W. Bush. His grift given to the corporatist rich has been more opulent and obscene than ever before. Hobama and his beloved and criminally coddled banksters have literally robbed and bankrupted America and its progeny for decades to come. Yet, his superior reading skills remain the singular focus of his bafflingly blinded global fan club.
"field, inasmuch as your posted name does not appear on martindale.com and your statement above is NOT an offer of anything -- see "maybe" -- you have shown yourself to be disingenuous, at best."
Sloppy, you have never answered my question about being a registered sex offender. Tell you what; I will give you a link proving that I am a member of the Pa. Bar if you answer my question. Deal?
I have removed "maybe" from my offer.
slack lying:
never fret!
the repubs could never find a better repub sock puppet than hobama!
even trying to would be truly redundant!
why fix hobama when is not broken as the best repub bankster prez ever??
there is one party in america...wtfu!
Hobama has never been a wimp! Indeed, Hobama is a stone cold brawler when he is bashing and ignoring black “mongrels”. He was a Chicago gangster when he robbed the poor to pay over 23 trillion to beloved banksters. He was ruthless when he slandered and axed Reverend Jeremiah Wright. He was a victorious warrior against Hillary Clinton and John McCain. He was a legendary thug when he slew politicos in Chicago . He was heartless when he evaded the murder of Donald Young. He was fierce as he denied the outing of Larry Sinclair. And, Hobama is a fearless fellow Republican whenever he is making demonic deals that slay his most ardent Democratic fans. He is brazenly angry whenever he is attacking anyone who dares to disagree with his rabidly elitist and warmongering antics!
needs slaps:
u have missed many great black films
and many greater actors than sidney poitier
how late and lost are u??????
Mutabaruka is one of the most gifted and beautiful African men in the universe. He is a legendary roots reggae superstar, dub poet, and a superior actor. He is also one of the heroic and beloved stars of SANKOFA. His character, Shango, is an angry and defiant rebel warrior, who adores and protects Black women, relishes bravery, and refuses to be the “happy darkie” that so many racist, revisionist historians romanticize. Shango lives on...in the spirits of Mutabaruka, Malcolm X, Geronimo Ji Jaga, Maxine Waters, Cornel West, Bell Hooks, Sapphire, Angela Davis, Assata Shakur, Winnie Mandela, Ramona Africa, The MOVE 9, Mumia Abu Jamal, and many more.
The most despised and pathetic character in Sankofa is a mulatto overseer named Joe. He is devoutly religious, adores his masters and hates black women. Joe lives on also...in the spirits of O. J. Simpson, Dennis Rodman, Clarence Thomas, Ken Hamblin, Cyrus (of MTV’s “The Real World”), Ezola Foster, Courtney Mann, Star Parker, Johnnie Cochran, Larry Elder, Armstrong Williams, Yung Berg, Fluff Daddy/P-Diddy/Sean Combs, Byron Crawford, Shelby Steele, Henry Louis Gates, Jr., Tom Joyner, Al Sharpton, Eddie Long, Alveda King, Bernice King, Chad Ochocinco, and far too many more.
slack lying:
as always u r clueless
hobama is slaying unions
& his GOP peers are helping him
not because they are racists
because they are elitists who truly want millions jobless/homeless/starving
it is easier to make all that happen with massive firings and no pesky union reps etc
genocide is as real as hobama being your god
wtfu asap
I also get that, as many progressive commenters have noted, this is a straight out political fight. We’re witnessing the culmination of a decades’ long effort to destroy unions as the sole remaining check to corporate power in both federal and state government. Corporatists are plainly winning that fight, and the labor movement hasn’t always been its own best advocate. A Pew poll done in the first week of this month found public opinion of unions worse than it’s been in a quarter century—though, it found similarly historic lows for business.
But as governors and columnists have painted pictures of overpaid, underworked public employee in recent weeks, I have also seen the faint outline of familiar caricatures—welfare queens, Cadillacs in the projects, Mexican freeloaders. It’s hard to escape the fact that, in the states and localities with the biggest budget crunches (New Jersey, California, New York…) public employees are uniquely black.
moronic kid:
reps = dems
the repubs have never been stronger
hobama is their QB
wake up!!!
With the decimation of his like-minded Republican-Lite Blue Dogs and New Democrats, Obama will be forced in the next Congress to collaborate even more openly with Republicans if he is to continue to prop up Wall Street and sustain the American imperial offensive in the world, his primary concerns. Congressional Democrats have the potential to embarrass and unmask Obama as he seeks an ever-rightward consensus with the GOP. Judging by his behavior in the health care battle – which was entirely a clash between the right and left wings of the Democratic Party, with Obama leading the right – the president can be expected to act mercilessly to break the back of any movement to assert progressive principles in the House, or among “the base.” As usual, Obama can be depended on to move decisively against his fellow Democrats, even as he bares his neck to Republicans who have declared their intention to bury him.
In the midst of such brazen betrayals and deceits, Obama will call urgently on Blacks in and out of Congress to circle their wagons around him – to, in effect, join in his pact with the devil by becoming conservative Democrats, for the sake of the First Black Presidency.
During the presidential campaign, we at BAR warned that Obama was too heavy a burden for Black folks to carry. He has methodically fouled his own political nest, and demands that Black America – the people he told us did not exist, in 2004 – sacrifice its historical principles and proud progressive legacy, for his sake.
Let him march to hell on his own; he has plenty of friends there.
if hobama is hated for his race, why are all those white banksters who rule him being excused for theirs??????
all of u blind racist black hobama nazis are liars and hyopcrites!!!!
@ Alicia Banks
Your boy and buddy to Sean Klannity and Glenn Beck , Alex jones says that Homosexuality is a birth defect caused by babies drinking juice ou of plastic bottles. Boy Alicia you really must HATE yourself, he think that Gays and blacks are abnormal. Now he thinks that his buddy Charle Sheen is NORMAL.
Keep that self hate up Baby !
PS: I thought you stayed away because of all the crackpot shit coming out about Charlie Sheen and RACIST your buddy Alex Jones.
you think your fellow hobama nazis are normal...and?
run tell massa that u r a snitch because u loves yourself...see if he does not laugh in your lost mongrel face
u r a rabid fool
and a soulless liar
alex jones hates sean hannity just as mike malloy and i do
and lumping people u hate will do nothing to silence the truths they tell
i have never agreed with all anyone says...have u fool?
who hates gays more than dumb insecure illiterate nigs like u...and???
where are YOUR films and shows????
hobama hates u mongrels worse than sean hates gays...and???
wtf has hobama done for gays????
other than make them cannon fodder for endless wars with gay widows who get nothing 4 their corpses???
more proof on the south always being less racist than the north
foolish mammy maid mr/vdlr:
u missed this while u were nursing mareally miss anne friday...
u were too busy counting my kudos
get outside your gates
The guy who wants to criminalize miscarriages is out of his natural mind!
maria squawcked>>>instead of trying to export our brand of govt and then supporting dictators we have got to wake americans up to REVOLT!!<<<
Where have you been for the last two years? It's called the Tea Party movement! Americans are revolting against the tyranny of the unconstitutional federal state, but you missed it because you are too busy defending the dictatorship.
And Kid in all fairness, many plastics do contain endocrine disruptors and some of these have been known to feminize male mammals in the womb and to do the same to frogs, fish and other wildlife. In fact some fish can change genders DUE to environmental POLLUTANTS. Is is that much of a stretch to believe that some human behaviors might be a result of tampering with our epigenetic integrity?
If certain types of mental illness are correlated with environmental pollutants than I think we've hit the trifecta;)
Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...
The guy who wants to criminalize miscarriages is out of his natural mind!
no one is trying to criminalize miscarriages - field is spreading easily disprovable lies. you are a fool for believing it.
"If certain types of mental illness are correlated with environmental pollutants than I think we've hit the trifecta;)"
is that where liberalism comes from?
Ummm...most AfAm folk know their pols have feet of clay. We go to the same church and are connected to the gossip. Like the tales that surround all the wingnuts in H-burg. Charlie Rangel surprised only wite fratboys and MSM pundits.
I did notice the 'one-up'..every time a poster offers Facts on how st reagan had bad policies or bush was a Legacy putz...somehow, just by magic, Obama was a quantum worse. Now, would an AfAm continually 'down' a brother? In public?
A wite would. Especially a Mena-nite. One of the same crew that kept feeding the MSM bullpoo about Clinton. Wonder what happened to you when Scaife pulled the wingnut welfare funding.
Gosh, like junior high...where if you could 'prove' the teacher wrong on a minor issue...all the others were suspect. Wait...that am a Fallacy of Logic...
Gosh, like junior high...where if you could 'prove' the teacher wrong on a minor issue...all the others were suspect. Wait...that am a Fallacy of Logic...
I see the resident retard is energetic today, cankles mustachio and all.
How about taking some time to go groom yourself and exercise? Maybe you wont be so irrational and hateful then?
"Charlie Rangel surprised only wite fratboys and MSM pundits."
Actually most white people by now expect black politicians to be corrupt. In fact it would have been a surprise if Rangel wasn't on the take.
Ummm...the proposed jerkhole bill does criminalize miscarriage. It is incumbent upon the harlot to prove (how, to whom?) that she had a natural one. Since many, many activities, foods, and drinks can induce miscarriage...you are guilty, guilty, guilty until you can show that you are pure...by waving a sheet for Daddy.
The uptick in stoopids speaking in public is that we used to shun their obvious disconnect from Reality and their odd behaviours marked them as Darwin Awards. FOX does the best at portraying freaks as normal.
TeaBaggers are just paid astroturf. The claim of unconstitutional stems from their fear that in a meritocracy, they would be the biggest losers. Which actually is a rational view. Without wite privilege and wite set-asides...these rubes would be picking through landfills for food, clothing and shelter. Far better to pretend that you have read the constitution and understand it by using your 'breathing certificate' from high school. Yeppers, a barely adequate human automaton is able to discern meaning in a Enlightenment-based document far better than some egghead professor with advanced legal, historical and linguistic skills.
Next...TeaBagger medicine. The obese doofus who was tracked to the 'behaviors' class will treat your disease with Founder-based bloodletting and poultices.
brainless drone kiddie:
who do u agree with about ALL they say always???
pastor manning hates gays too
he also tells many truths about the dl hobama...so???
The problem with our democracy is that people like Mold can vote.
homohating kiddie/mareally wigga scum/ nig uts
this is yet another bm i adore
mareally NO teena
marie!!!!!!!/blog kim k:
julian's wife is white
u and uts disgrace both spouses!
Teena Marie is an eternal superstar within the soundtrack of my life. Teena has exited our stage but her music will shine forever. Soul trumps race. Teena Marie was a white Queen of Soul because she penned and performed classic and authentic soul music!
Teena Marie always was and always will be an honorary black sista! She was nothing like the slutty and phony Kim Kardashian, who exclusively chases black men for sex while evading all black females. Teena loved all black people and we all loved her back!
Teena is an eternally adored and gifted soul music legend. Sage Alice Walker once stated that rock icon Janis Joplin was special because she knew that Bessie Smith, The Queen of the Blues, was her mother. Teena Marie was special because she shared that same kindred sista wisdom.
Teena was a true sista in spirit and song. She shared a magical, musical, and intimate connection with her real life lover Rick James. Yet, like a true sista, she refused to endure the madness of his serial infidelities and fatal drug addictions. She created a healing tribute to his betrayals and her broken heart entitled “Casanova Brown”. It is timeless musical medicine for others wounded by cheating lovers.
@Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden
Alex Jones uses some science and some science fiction to attack the left. Either he's sick or he's paid to smear the left.
Read up on the guy, he's nuts. He promotes racism, homophobia, and anti-Semitism.Let's put it this way, he hangs around Beck and Klannity.
A Alicia Banks
Tenna Marie is actually part Portuguese. 1/3 of the population of Portugal has African blood, so she's technically a sista', too bad you're not.
BTW, the Kardashians are part Persian which to some white people is black. What's up withthe playea hating? You even dog out Angela Davis and Pam Spaulding for having white female spouses, jealous?
molded moron:
more on rahm and the mafia:
from rebel scholar alex jones
who thinks u r a dymb peasant just as i do
kiddie oj/unwed court jester:
like hobama
u lie
i adore my black queen
run tell massa how u love miss anne
only nigs like u adore whores like maria/kim k
teena marie would hate u more than i do...she was blacker than u will ever be
u hang around peer hobama nazi retards...and???
foolish kiddie:
like hobama, u lie!!!!!!!
only an illiterate mf like u would call alex a rightie
he is even more ultra liberal leftist/anti gov than i am!!!
The guy who wants to criminalize miscarriages is out of his natural mind!
No, that would make him a typical Republican;-)
Mr. Mann said...
maria squawcked>>>instead of trying to export our brand of govt and then supporting dictators we have got to wake americans up to REVOLT!!<<<
Where have you been for the last two years? It's called the Tea Party movement! Americans are revolting against the tyranny of the unconstitutional federal state, but you missed it because you are too busy defending the dictatorship.
12:52 PM
actually, this is good to pay attention to. b/c you are starting to see the revolt of workers against the teabaggers who got voted into office by ignorant old white people. we are pushing back.
we'll be sqwaking and roaring.
maria said..."we'll be sqwaking and roaring."
No, you and the other government lapdog astroturfers are on the way out. The OFA brownshirts are a big fail, nobody but the usual suckers is buying it.
Get used to it. It's a new day.
Not all Rs are stoopid, chickenhawks and liars. Many still carry the banner of Lincoln.
Umm...is it just me or is using the wite wingnut favorite of A Jones a 'tell'? His fan base is paranoid wite dudez with very, very low educational and occupational attainments. They also have this odd attachment to AfAms as being functional illiterates who overstate their qualifications and depend upon Affirmative Action to be hired over 'more qualified' wites. Talk about Projection! Every A Jones fan I've personally met is white, paranoid and unaware of their actual standing in the Universe.
I'd almost be willing to let TeaBaggers make a bushMess of things. Governor Weasel has already encountered citizen reaction and letting the jerkholes know they are Untermensch would be liberating and good for the Common Welfare.
Hmmm...70,000+ WI natives protesting a jerkhole is astroturf??? And the paid 'outside agitators' brought in to make the Governor look less weaselish is a citizens' movement?
I do agree that some of the TeaBaggery is an outright desire to return AfAm citizens to the 3/5 compromise...or less. TeaBaggers are very desirous of imposing the Fundie Sharia Law on unwilling female citizens. Pretty much, TeaBaggers are loud, stoopid jerkholes who have crappy lives and want someone, anyone else to suffer more. They miss the days of casual racism and misogyny...and are willing to shoot any unarmed person who disagrees.
But, should the TeaBaggers run the US for a while, it will turn out for the best. I am more than aware of Chinese treatment of vassals. The smart folks will be fine. TeaBaggers will be useful as unpaid labour for rice farms...owned by others.
You know, yelling at someone to buffalo them works much better when your fake outburst is done in person. On a blog...it doesn't have the same effect.
Oh, it is a very Trash behaviour...not one done by AfAm college graduates...but it is common amongst poorly educated wites.
mareally gruesome!!!:
maybe this is why u haters like molded/mammy maid mr/vdlr etc keep lying about my careers...
maybe u all just wish u spoke french as fluently as i do etc...
maybe this is why i am just so much faster and better at blogging/typing/posting/researching/ multitasking etc than u fools...
shame how envy is such an ugly thing!!!
i have never seen so many hideously ugly silly haters on one blog!!!!
hey honorary jew kiddie:
why is it that u poor black broke racist hobama nazis pretend hobama loves u mongrels like he loves rich jewish banksters????
even kkk king david duke is smarter than u
run tell massa that hobama loves israel more than he loves your hood/africa!
You aren't banned...just revealed.
Just so you are aware...the Jewish Banker meme is an old wite racist one. AfAms picked it up only recently.
If you want to play a character...do what the actors do and research. Anita Hill is perfect for a college-educated AfAm female. Unless the whole point is 'blackface'. Then you can indulge your stereotype to the fullest. As not one person who knows will be invited.
alicia banks said...
hey honorary jew kiddie:
You're not Audre Lorde or c.c. cummings so stop writing everything in lower case, stop jocking and find your own style.
You hate Muslims, Jews, men, women, a few whites, and especially BLACK MEN!
But you LOVE White racist bigots that want to keep black people down.
I'm warning you Alicia , if you put up one death threat against the President the Secret Service will give your butt a call. You're not white. They only let white people go in the media and make death threats about the POTUS.
Hobama is childish, tired, and infantile. 94% of the Black people that voted support the President. What's your malfunction? You the Klan, Stormfront, the Koch Brothers, Alex Jones and Fox are on the SAME SIDE!
kid...you are looking at an Uncle Ruckus (Boondocks) or a wite dude in blackface, giggling all to theyself in Mom's Basement.
I prefer the wite dude as no self-respecting AfAm professional would use such poor non-Standard usage.
It also gives the dude the ability to pretend that AfAms are inadequate while continually spewing that Obama is unworthy.
Since Governor Weasel stated to 'David Koch' he was considering bringing in TeaBaggers, a 'mole' would not be surprising here. There was also the Mena-nites, a group of lie fabricators paid by Scaife to keep feeding falsehoods about Clinton to the MSM.
i cannot figure out which fool is a bigger hypocrite
that homohating brain dead kufi clad kkk black racist dog bitch kid calling me a bigot
that name calling evil toxic whiny cave bitch mareally a wigga calling me a name caller
u fools are really special
molded dreg:
pretending i am a wm clone of u will never make hobama a black clone of mlk
see more on anita hill and dregs like uts & mareally a virginia here:
defenseless scared bitch nig kidding:
thank u for proving that you are a lying fool with each post
how many millions online type in lowercase???
read a mf book/dictionary
i do thank u for the retarded compliments though...smile
molded psycho dl wm scrub:
wtf is hobama "worthy of"?????
why do u fools not defend hobama?????
why do u and kid love sucking hobama so???
WHY DO U?????
calling me names will never change the fact that hobama is a hoax and a bankster whore
only u strolling hobama nazis are bigger hos
lying nig kid:
run tell massa u found yoself a new obaseeah in dat loony lyin wat boy molded
wat purr!!!!!!!!!!
and u dared protest when i merely agreed with the truths spc told??????
niglet pleez!!!!!!!!
hey hobama girly kid:
if i was a bigot
i would adore hobama just like u do
only because his deadbeat dead dad is a nig like u
why do nig kids love hobama????????
too stupid to pass a secret svc test kid:
never fret over hobama being killed because rebels dare to tell truths about him.
DO fret over the expert job that ruthless cia bastard hobama is truly doing to kill himself.
every former hobama nazi hates hobama ONLY because he has earned it!!!
Field, no_slappz is Tattoo on fantasy Island, but then again, Tattoo is a friendly, cheerful fellow, but no_slappz is a scrubby bigot. Nevertheless, no_slappz has some serious issues and lives in a fantasy world and likes to make stuff up and get busted on a regular basis.
Amazing! Field, let's see, you've been on radio and tv. You sat in an interview with my cousin-in-law the judge and he gave you your props as top notch. I know my cousin-in-law very well, he wouldn't have gave you those props if you didn't deserve it. Trust me, I know my cousin-in-law real well. Journalist have wrote about you in newspapers who also frequent this blog along with some of your collegues, but no_slappz is insisting that you don't exist and are not real. Unbelievable! When I thought, that he would snap back into reality, he chooses to get further out in fantasy world. He's lost!
just like all the fools who lie about me daily!...
i have never seen lying fools lie so foolishly as these morons herein!!!!
Mold: "I do agree that some of the TeaBaggery is an outright desire to return AfAm citizens to the 3/5 compromise...or less."
That is an idiotic statement. Not only in your view of the Tea Party, but in your grasp of history.
The 3/5 compromise involved congressional representation. The south wanted their slaves to count as full people to increase their power in congress and the electoral college and to increase their portion of tax revenue.
The north didn't want the south to be able count slaves at all, as they had no rights of citizenship.
Since slaves couldn't vote, their 3/5 enumeration went to the slaveholders. The "less" slaves were counted, the less power went to the slaveholders. Get it?
It had nothing to do with diminishing the rights of slaves, because slaves had no rights.
It was compromise on something that should not have been compromised on.
"Much has been said of the impropriety of representing men who have no will of their own. ...They are men, though degraded to the condition of slavery. They are persons known to the municipal laws of the states which they inhabit, as well as to the laws of nature. But representation and taxation go together. ...Would it be just to impose a singular burden, without conferring some adequate advantage?" - Alexander Hamilton
copulating kid:
i pray that u never breed!
we have enough racist retards on earth!
Rev Wite, either you missed it by design...or by not knowing Constitutional history. You could do much better by reading actual source material...or failing that...reputable historians. It also shows a distinct lack of dealing with legislation...the creation, implementation, and defense during court.
The Compromise was more than you are purporting. Is there a reason you are leaving so much out?
Then again, revision of history is highly necessary to sell a inaccurate depiction.
TeaBaggers are quite racist...no matter how many singular Toms they front. It is too late. We have all seen their reactions. The signs with the odd spellings, reminisent of mental retards out for the Olympics cheering on their friends. The sheer bravery when attacking much smaller and unarmed females. Threatening elected officials with assassination for doing exactly what a TeaBagger ordered them to do. The volume of paid astroturf TeaBaggers exceeding by several factors the ones who truly beleeve.
To me they are a sad group of low-skill, low-education, low-info, low-achievers who are angry over their lot in life and want to blame somebody else. Funny thing, they watched 'Animal House' and thought it was real. We all know the Dean was correct in his assessment of Delta and Bluto was based on bush...so we all know how he made Senator.
TeaBaggers as heroes. What community service? VFD? Are they Vets...or chickenhawks? What about the local orgs? See...I have lived in rural, conservative areas for some years and plenty give up time and effort for good causes. TeaBaggers are never to be found when there is work. Small town 'Merica, you betcha.
Fratboy 'humour' from an alleged AfAm? You are slipping out of character...pretty soon you'll out yourself.
Kid you're funny. I know Alex Jones is controversial but he says some stuff that is true. Every dog has their day to tell the truth though. I think more of what he says is true about the structure of our banking system than what we'll find in the mainstream media and if he was racist, why did he have KRS ONE, one of the most Afrocentric rappers ever, on his show? Incidentally he's been saying for years that fluoride in our drinking water has caused iq's to go down and bad behaviors to increase over time, especially in urban areas that disproportionately affect Blacks and other minorities.
So Kid you might find him a racist but I find him a truth seeker who says things that nobody else has the balls to say.
And the fluoride stuff turns out to be true!
Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden said...
And the fluoride stuff turns out to be true!
I blve it. Just look at MoldDEW. I think she injects the stuff like heroin. It keeps her Mustachio growin and makes her feel oh so nice and spacey.....so she doesnt even notice her cankles or that her depends are bulging with fullness against her scooter.
@Mahndisa S. Rigmaiden:
The Honorable Elijah Muhammed corresponded with George Lincoln Rockwell, that still doesn't make Rockwell a Civil rights activist.
Orson Welles and Glenn Beck have many similarities, they preform magic, smoked weed and have used the media to cause violence. The similarities end there, what Orson did was unintentional. Orson also LOVED Blacks and Hispanics.
KRS ONE shouldn't be there with Alex Jones and neither should have Professor Griff.
When Chuck D joins the Klan then I will OBEY Alex Jones, until then he just have to have Charlie Sheen as a disciple.
I warned you kid. Leave Charlie sheen out of this.
retarded bigoted kid:
read some books!
study hobama and alex to save your face b4 u "describe" them furher herein
in your blind illiterate tiny world
hobama is good just because his dad was black
that exposes u more than u could ever slur be
in the real world
alex jones is a legendary white rebel
and hobama is a legendary black hoax
and that white fool gwb is LESS evil than the blackish fake hobama
history has already documented that as fact
ask any white bankster or black farmer/fisherman
when u wake up
u may see all clearly irrespective of skin color
and u hate me because u hate the truth
i hate u because u lie like hobama!!!
acist kidding:
in your tiny mind and tinier world
u really believe that hobama is good because his dad is black
and that alex is bad because he is white
tragic! especially as
u clearly know nothing about either man
fix that asap
alex has been clairvoyant about hobama
and he has never lied on hobama
ditto for me tavis etc
why is it that when u/lac/all hobama nazis demand that those who dare to call hobama out must become the prez just to do so...
why do u always ignore all of the detailed plans that hobama used to pimp u???
and why do u ignore all of the detailed plans published by tavis???
alex jones is equally clairvoyant about hobama in africa
bush lover kid:
hobama is a bush and a new jack nazi
nazis used flouride too!
more from another wm rebel named david icke on hobama and his banksters and their global evil
aliens are real!!!
Granny, "I kept warning folks not to let any of those rightwingers to get back in any type of power. Now, they plan to finish the job where Bush left off at. It's all bad!"
We are better off with the Republicans. That's why the American people voted them in.
Maybe if you couch potato Dems had gotten your butts off the couch to go vote, maybe there wouldn't be so many Repubs in Congress. But you clowns have never been big on voting or taking action. However, you have been big on words and NO ACTION, esp Blacks.
Progressive liberal black dems are such losers. You keep supporting a Prez who behaves and acts like a Republican who could care less about Blacks, yet you FN folks continue to support him like some Negroes in a trance. You are a bunch of idiots: Mack Lyons, Granny, Maria, PilotX, and Mell are all deluded. You are sooo pathetic.
info starved kid:
hobama is the best and most ruthless repub prez EVER!
2012 = win win for repubs regardless...
(3) Obama is proposing that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac go out of business, which will make it harder — if not impossible — for lower-income and middle-income people to buy their homes instead of paying endless rents
The result of Obama’s “bright” ideas, numbers (3) and (4), will be to make it harder for current homeowners to SELL their homes, will DEFLATE the value of their homes, will cause more people to default on their mortgages, and will create a situation where communities will take in LESS in the way of property taxes because of the number of vacant, abandoned homes that will become liabilities...
And Obama is doing all of this cutting less than two months after signing into law tax CUTS for the wealthiest Americans.
The Republicans have the EXACT right Democrat in the White House for their evil purposes. Obama is: (1) helping the Republicans realize their decades-long goal of destroying the Social Security program, (2) proposing policies that will create an even wider division between the “haves” and “have-nots” in America, and (3)proposing policies that will create a sub-class of Americans that the top one percent of Americans will be able to reduce to economic slavery.
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