Call this the republi-clowns gone wild post. WTF? Republican governors calling the po po idiots, and elected leaders telling the working man that if budget cuts causes him to lose his job, "so be it"? Yes, if you can't feed little Johnny and if you lose that house to foreclosure, it's all on you. You should have started a business when you went into the work force. Busting your ass while serving your government is just no good. Next time become a politician. (Whenever I think of poli-tricksters I think of that song by Dire Straits .)
Here is the thing about John Boehner, though. The man is actually sending about $450 million in earmarked "pork" to his own Ohio district while he gives his cut em high and cut em low speech. (We are talking a million jobs if tan man gets his way.)I swear, if honesty was a bed that man would never sleep. Well, unless it was a tanning bed.
Here is the thing about John Boehner, though. The man is actually sending about $450 million in earmarked "pork" to his own Ohio district while he gives his cut em high and cut em low speech. (We are talking a million jobs if tan man gets his way.)I swear, if honesty was a bed that man would never sleep. Well, unless it was a tanning bed.
And then there is that other republi-clown from Ohio:
"In a speech last month Ohio Gov. John Kasich emphatically referred to a police officer who ticketed him for a driving violation as "an idiot."
Kasich, now the Republican governor, was ticketed on Jan. 11, 2008, for "approaching a public safety vehicle with lights displayed" on Route 315 in Columbus and later paid an $85 fine. But he was not happy about it.....
"Have you ever been stopped by a police officer that's an idiot," Kasich asked the seated audience, pausing his speech as he moved around the room. "I had this idiot pull me over on 315. Listen to this story. He says to me, he say, uh, he says you passed this emergency vehicle on the side of the road and you didn't yield."
"I said, officer I, are you kidding, I didn't, I didn't see any, I didn't even see any, where the heck was it?" a stammering Kasich recalls. "The last thing I would ever do would be to pass an emergency, are you kidding me?"
View full sizeAP fileOhio Gov. John Kasich, shown in a 2010 photograph.
"He says, 'Well I understand that. Give me your license,'" Kasich continues. "He goes back to the car, comes back, gives me a ticket and says you must report to court, if you don't report to court we're putting a warrant out for your arrest."
Then Kasich stills himself and bellows, "He's an idiot! We just can't act that way. What people resent are people who are in the government who don't treat the client with respect.'" [Source]
Finally, Tucker Carlson joined the wingnuts gone crazy parade by saying that the first lady wants to "raise your children at GUN POINT." To Tucker, there is nothing like a gang banging first lady to scare your children into doing things her way. It's what they do in Chicago. They might be living in the White House, but those two Negroes are still representing the South side.
Is it me or have the righties gone off the cliff?
Just asking questions.
Maybe Mr. Slappz will correct us
Fields,tell the truth.Do you really think of Dire Straits?
Nobody has hurt the working man more than Obama.Over 800,000 jobs will be lost because of Obamacare.
I don't know if we can survive much more hope and change.Maybe we need what happen in Egypt to happen here.{Minus yelling "JEW JEW JEW" while raping a CBS reporter.}
The Righties have been ill since that Tuesday evening in November 2008.
The Lefties are calling the Righties sick. That is the Pot calling the Kettle black.
Re: Boehner: he is a good hearted honest man trying to save our debt-ridden country. Some of you FN folks have an illness yourselves but you can't see it. That is very scary.
"I don't know if we can survive much more hope and change.Maybe we need what happen in Egypt to happen here.{Minus yelling "JEW JEW JEW" while raping a CBS reporter.}"
Isn't it horrible 'why' she was raped? A bunch of Muslims whose religion teaches hatred and the right of men to rape a woman, esp if she is Jewish. There is something terribly wrong with Islam. My God, how does Allah support that?
The Boner wasn't concerned about the debt when he voted for 2 wars off the books, tax cuts not paid for, and a drug plan not paid for. Those things added more to the debt than anything Obama's Administration has done. Again, who said that debt spending didn't matter? Oh yea that dope dealer who's the conservatives hero. The one who started as George H.W. Bush coined 'voo doo economcs.' Look where that got us.
Rudy and Rottnkid are correct. The Right Wingnuts have gone mad.
Field, keep doing what you do.
Field, I resent the painted face of our Speaker of the House...HOW DARE YOU! Have you no shame?
South Park Conservatives said...
"Fields,tell the truth.Do you really think of Dire Straits?
Nobody has hurt the working man more than Obama.Over 800,000 jobs will be lost because of Obamacare."
Gotta get those facts straight before you begin using right-wing talking points as your cudgel of choice to attack Obama and health-care reform:
■ Independent, nonpartisan experts project only a "small" or "minimal" impact on jobs, even before taking likely job gains in the health care and insurance industries into account.
■ The House Republican leadership, in a report issued Jan. 6, badly misrepresents what the Congressional Budget Office has said about the law. In fact, CBO is among those saying the effect "will probably be small."
■ The GOP also cites a study projecting a 1.6 million job loss — but fails to mention that the study refers to a hypothetical employer mandate that is not part of the new law.
■ The same study cited by the GOP also predicts an offsetting gain of 890,000 jobs in hospitals, doctors’ offices and insurance companies — a factor not mentioned by the House leadership.
Who ya gonna trust?
I know, facts don't count, not when lies serve your interest better.
Do yourself a favor. Stop listening to the right-wing misinformation machine, and their by any means necessary, including not creating jobs, aspirations to retake the government.
In this recessionary economy, Repubs can give the richest among us taxcuts, with the bogus claim that not to do so would impede our economic recovery, but when told that their proposed plan to cut federal jobs will do the same, it's met with a shrug, and a "So be it!"
"Fields,tell the truth.Do you really think of Dire Straits?"
Yep! What, a black man can't listen to Dire Straits? I have "Sultan of Swing" on my ipod right now.
Co-sign Rudy. :)
"Field, I resent the painted face of our Speaker of the House...HOW DARE YOU! Have you no shame?"
Sorry. :( I guess it is a little lighter than his usual color.
Rudy said...
The Righties have been ill since that Tuesday evening in November 2008.
9:00 PM
Yep, and for some reason the air got just a little thicker that night in AmeriKKKa.
All well..I'll guess some people will suspect that reparations have been settled..lol
Thanks, President Barack Hussein Obama.
I kid. I kid..
Anonymous said...
Isn't it horrible 'why' she was raped? A bunch of Muslims whose religion teaches hatred and the right of men to rape a woman, esp if she is Jewish. There is something terribly wrong with Islam. My God, how does Allah support that?
No we mustn't blame God,Allah, or Islam.This young white woman could have been doing a story in inner city Oakland and been raped by a bunch of Community activists yelling white b*tch,white b*tch...
Anonymous said...
"The Lefties are calling the Righties sick. That is the Pot calling the Kettle black.
"Re: Boehner: he is a good hearted honest man trying to save our debt-ridden country. Some of you FN folks have an illness yourselves but you can't see it. That is very scary."
Yeah, we're sick. We're sick of misinformed people like you, who should be scared of the shadow they cast, seeing in the shadows the Good Humor Man, instead of the Grim Reaper with scythe in hand.
So uh... I can picture Skip Gates and Obama reading about idiot cops with that "what the???" look on their faces.
Dude gonna haveto have a beer summit over a traffic ticket? Didn't think so.
South Park Conservatives said...
"No we mustn't blame God,Allah, or Islam.This young white woman could have been doing a story in inner city Oakland and been raped by a bunch of Community activists yelling white b*tch,white b*tch..."
If you're going to write a gutless statement, at least show some guts and leave the asterisks out.
If you're going to write fiction for fact, take a course in storytelling. Wait, you are telling a story. My bad.
The Eraser said...
Who ya gonna trust?
Not the ones who said 500,000 jobs would be created a month during recovery summer,not the ones who said " pass the Obama stim and the unemployment won't go over 8 %,not the ones who spend years talking about shove ready jobs only to admit there's no such thing.
Not the ones who claimed to have created jobs in cities that don't exist.
Here's the CBO Director...
This link is a week old.
Facts are a b*tch,ain't they??
Don't go hard on the Boner. He was probably drunk when he blurted that out. It ain't easy living with yourself when you've sold out your entire class of people to ride on Daddy Warbuck's dime. He soothes the guilt with pints of vodka and whatnot. Some say the orange tan is to mask him being an octoroon, but I think it's to camoflauge his red nose from the semi-permanant state of inebriation.
This, of course, is assuming that he does have a soul, which might be a stretch.
South Park Conservatives said "Facts are a b*tch,ain't they??"
There're "facts" and then there're "damn lies." Do you know the difference?
"This link is a week old."
As are you, but I digress. Here're some facts for your perusal. Have you learned to read a graph yet? Well, never mind, I'll give you plenty of words to go with your pictures.
Obama created more jobs in one year than Bush created in eight
How do you like those jobs?
Even a roughly 3-month lag would mean Bush was responsible for essentially no net job creation during his Presidency, a time of rampant deregulation and dirty energy policies.
This morning [1-08-11], the Labor Department released its employment data for December, showing that the U.S. economy ended the year by adding 113,000 private sector jobs, knocking the unemployment rate down sharply from 9.8 percent to 9.4 percent — its lowest rate since July 2009…. October and November’s jobs numbers were also revised upward by almost 80,000 each.
Gallup:U.S. Employment
unemployed 10.0%
underemployed 19.6%
What jobs?
I dropped by the blog of your pal Professor AJ. He's a nice lefty guy who really doesn't seem to know a heck of a lot about how things go outside the Ivory Tower. But the Ivory Tower is the only place lefty economists can go for a job. Well, the Iovry Tower and the Obama Administration.
Anyway, he seems to believe the standard liberal clap-trap, but he also disapproves of farm subsidies, which puts him in the same class as Thomas Sowell.
I left a couple of comments on his blog. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I would not go to him for advice on the stock market or credit market.
South Park Conservatives said...
Gallup:U.S. Employment
unemployed 10.0%
underemployed 19.6%
What jobs?
So your response comes down to feigning ignorance. And I magnanimously, against my better angels, credited you with the power of reason.
I won't allow my angels to mislead me in the future. Continue to trust Republican'ts to respond effectively to the job blight (one of their finest achievements), as they continue to relocate American jobs offshore, and give billions of taxpayer dollars to oil companies in the form of subsidies.
Thats' a socialism you can believe in!
Republican'ts under Bush, and a Republican't dominated congress embroil this nation into two wars, and put the economy on a path toward decline.
Their failed policies almost destroyed the economy of this nation, and if you give them stewardship of it again, I assure you, they'll finish what they started.
Now you can continue to be a gullible participant in your own demise, by listening to the rhetoric on the right, or you can take up arms and work on behalf of keeping this nation economically sound.
Either way, I'm dedicated to imparting the facts that you refuse to see, and taking a stand against the misinformation that spews from the orifices on the right.
How soon we forget. When Bush was elected, he said his plans were to focus on the US economy and stay out of foreign affairs.
But 9/11 changed all that. Obama has the authority to bring the war in Afghanistan to a close and he can end our efforts in Pakistan.
He cannot so easliy shut down operations in Iraq.
But he is continuing the fight. Inasmuch as there is nothing in Afghanistan to "win", it's hard to imagine what he believes he's accomplishing by having US troops occasionally shooting a member of the Taliban. It's hard to kill ignorance, and the muslims have a seemingly unlimited supply.
Meanwhile, Obama supports teachers unions, which is solid proof he cares about teachers' paychecks but not about students themselves. His Education Stooge, Arne Duncan, gave a speech yesterday about how the government has to take care of teachers who've been on the job for a long time. Kids and education quality don't matter.
Obama believe is silly, crack-pot and impossible theories about energy. We could generate a lot of jobs by opening up oil drilling all over the US and offshore.
Wind and solar are going to make NO measurable difference in our energy picture -- for 50 years.
And even when solar power becomes reasonably efficient, it use will not lead to a reduction in oil consumption. The solar power will only add to out increasing total energy consumption.
re: slappzer..."I left a couple of comments on his blog. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I would not go to him for advice on the stock market or credit market."
I'm sure you left him with an endearing impression of you.
Have you chosen a place to live, yet? The soon-to-be late, great nation known as the United States of America, once again in the hands of Republican'ts, will take its last gasp.
China, now the number two economy in the world, will soon zoom ahead of us, becoming numero uno, while Republican'ts plant a tarnished and tattered flag on the garbage heap of a nation that they helped destroy so that they may regain the congress and the White House.
I'm sure it'll be a proud moment for you.
But isn't Tucker Carson a regular in the "wingnut parade"?
re: no_slappz..."But he is continuing the fight. Inasmuch as there is nothing in Afghanistan to "win", it's hard to imagine what he believes he's accomplishing by having US troops occasionally shooting a member of the Taliban."
He continues to fight, knowing that he'll come under fire from the right. Now that the right is moving in Obama's direction (appearing more willing to abandon the war in Afghanistan), the political will to end the war there, our longest, will become, increasingly, a more likely reality.
With the Predator drone attacks in Pakistan, we both know that Obama has disrupted al-Qaeda's power to coalesce around a single command and a cohesive leadership structure.
"Meanwhile, Obama supports teachers unions, which is solid proof he cares about teachers' paychecks but not about students themselves."
The nexus you're creating is flawed, but it's one that Republicant's insist on drawing. Unions do not equal bad teachers, anymore than they equal bad fire fighters, and policemen.
Let's be real.
We both know that as long as unions support Democrats, they will be targeted by those on the right for destruction, just as ACORN was targeted, the perception being on the right that both groups helped Obama get elected.
"Obama believe is silly, crack-pot and impossible theories about energy. We could generate a lot of jobs by opening up oil drilling all over the US and offshore."
You continue to push this destructive argument, seemingly believing that we can solve all our economic problems by pursuing oil.
Oil is not a panacea to our economic crisis, here or abroad.
Already, the oil industry is heavily subsidized, many companies paying taxes to other countries, but little, if any, here.
And oil companies like BP are given permits to drill in the Gulf without paying royalties to the American people who own the oil, and BP is free to sell the oil anywhere they choose.
You need to get on the side of what's good for the US, whether it's good for your politics or not.
whats with this crap about rape being the purview of Islam and the inner city. The Arab countries indeed have poor record on women's rights,especially poor women.
In the US most rapes and sexual assault and violence in general against woment is committed by white males.
The US can claim no moral high ground in this area, as women are murdered every day by their romantic partners. And it occurs in all communities.
And most white males who point the finger at other cultures oppression of women have no leg to stand on, as anyone who has spent time in any locker room or club house break room or bar; will tell you, the white American male is quite n'tmysoginist and sexist.
Women aren't even safe in the US military where nearly 20 percent have reported some kind of sexual assault. Just recently 17 women sued the Pentagon because the military failed to properly follow up on their claims of sexual assault and rape.
Yet this negative attitude toward women is even projected upon black men who primarily aren't a whole lot better, but they don't hold this position alone.
Tucker Carlson is obviously attention seeking! And to some extent its working. He just may be anglinging for his own TV or radio show.
eraser and mellanous are the resident shit eaters on this site
slappz, "I left a couple of comments on his blog. I'm sure he's a nice guy, but I would not go to him for advice on the stock market or credit market."
speaking of the stock market, what hell happened to BP. You told me it would double and it hasn't done a damn thing. But Apple has done great, thanks to MARIA'S ADVICE TO STAY THE COURSE. If I had listened to you, I would have sold Apple and lost money.
You know a lot about Blacks and statistics but you don't know shit about the stock market. Hell, I thought you were on FN Blog to give us some good stock market tips. You are a disappointment and the SEC needs to put you in the same cell with Madoff.
"eraser and mellanous are the resident shit eaters on this site"
You forgot to include Mack Lyons, PilotX and uts.
Field, that is a hideous picture of Boehner. Please remove it because he doesn't look at all like that. You should respect and honor the Speaker of the House. His office and position deserves respect and honor. Hence, I ADVISE you to pay hommage to Boehner.
Anonymous said...
"eraser and mellanous are the resident shit eaters on this site"
You call that an insult? I'd like to think that you could do better than that, but, alas, you have to have advanced beyond a grade-school education for that.
This is an insult. I'm insulting you. I felt that I should tell you. I wasn't sure you'd pick up on it.
eraser, "This is an insult. I'm insulting you. I felt that I should tell you. I wasn't sure you'd pick up on it."
You call that an insult? You are a joke.
Anonymous said...
"You should respect and honor the Speaker of the House. His office and position deserves respect and honor. Hence, I ADVISE you to pay hommage to Boehner."
Hell no we won't!
Anonymous said...
eraser, "This is an insult. I'm insulting you. I felt that I should tell you. I wasn't sure you'd pick up on it."
You call that an insult? You are a joke.
My god, man. Even after telling you it's an insult, you still don't get it. What do I have to do, spell it, using Republicanese.
How about this. "So be it."
Field, you may be interested in knowing that Boehner might get brought up on ethics violations charges if it's proven he's been schtupping a lobbyist here in DC in exchange for that pork barrel he's carrying home.
As for Tucker Carlson, he'd better not get caught in Southeast DC; hell, anywhere in the four quadrants of DC if he knows what's good for him.
I don't think Tucker would take well to a can of whoop azz being broken out on him.
eraser, "Hell no we won't!"
Then suffer the consequences FNegro.
"Field, you may be interested in knowing that Boehner might get brought up on ethics violations charges if it's proven he's been schtupping a lobbyist here in DC in exchange for that pork barrel he's carrying home."
That's a lie and a set up by the progressive liberal dems. But it will be all in vain, because Boehner will prove to be "squeaky clean".
The Christian Progressive Liberal said..."Boehner might get brought up on ethics violations charges if it's proven he's been schtupping a lobbyist here in DC in exchange for that pork barrel he's carrying home."
In short, Boehner is suspected of porking a lobbyist who's after the pork, just not necessarily his.
I get it.
Anonymous said...
"eraser, "Hell no we won't!"
Then suffer the consequences FNegro."
Why are you in this game? You're clearly in over your head, possibly with the excrement one of your kind (anonymous Jacks) said that I eat.
"That's a lie and a set up by the progressive liberal dems. But it will be all in vain, because Boehner will prove to be "squeaky clean".
It's kinda hard to be "squeaky clean" wallowing in all that filth that attracts the pork he traffics in.
I know it's going to be hard on you to see him go down, but that's what you get. You should follow after heroes with white hats, not tan men with tin hearts.
Field the rest of Boehner's quote was really telling.
"And if some of those jobs are lost in this, so be it," he said. "We're broke. It's time for us to get serious about how we're spending the nation's money."
This statement is a bank bailout too late.
mellaneous said that Boehner said..."It's time for us to get serious about how we're spending the nation's money."
Is Boehner admitting that he wasn't "serious" before? What an indictment!
Boehner has been spending the people's money like it's the people's money, and not his own.
Had he spent it with the thought that it was his own, perhaps he would have spent it more prudently.
Now that Boehner and his Republican'ts have spent us into a hole, and allowed the Banks to have their way with us, now he wants to tighten the belt, not the bank's belt, not the military's belt, not his own belt, but ours, the poor, the middle class, and all those in between.
And they made this tan man with the tin heart Speaker of the House. How appropriate. How Republican of them.
I guess I'm the last man standing.
Beware, trolls. You better come with your "A-Game." There's a new sheriff in town, and I'm not taking prisoners. The jail is already too full with the likes of you.
You Republican'ts facilitated the fleecing of this country, and I plan to "take it back" to the halcyon days when we had jobs aplenty, and budget surpluses, thanks to Democrats and a liberal congress, and strong unions, and the poor and the middle class were treated with respect, rather than disdain.
Trolls, I will erase your past to protect your future.
I'm the Eraser.
nucka u aint the eraser just sum kuntlickinbucetabreafhavin loser who aint ha no life tryintastayuplate to see who gets the last word on a blog ya pathetic shit staineater! nucka ule always lose this battle trust always
erase waht xactly? whatchusay?
last man standing my asshole nucka! eye ca sit up here for five minutes and ur old ass is in bed shithead!! so u tried to defend ur girl buceta breaf banks today huh? r u aware that shes the most intelligent person on the planet who boasts a 250 iq? did u know she claims to be a scholar and a celebrity but the only writings available in public realm r from her blog! u know how to pick em dontcha baby?!! maybe u ca erase ur poor assesment of others 4 u start stickin ur nose in places it dont belong and trust me if u stuck ur nose any farther up stank breaf banks ass ude be her intestines and the thought made me vomit just now muah muah muah
here is her quote for all 2 see the delusional shithead not only lies about her iq but also that she got into college at age 12 no public records show her story at all:
alicia banks said...
what u call narcissism
i call factual self defense herein...
i had a documented IQ of 250 at age 12...as a full time undergrad at uiuc at age 12
8:47 PM
"ure rite eye forgot pilotx and uts cuz one is delusional and the other is senile
and this new sheriff in town is a mentally sick patient in the ward in buceta breafs room or a rogue personality from fp laa or stank breaf banks take ur pick dont make me no nevermynd"
Damn, learn to spell, troll. Is this Republicanese?
I'm your biggest nightmare. I will invade your dreams, and disembowel your sacred cows.
shes been known to delete comments that make her look too stupid or crazy so watch out she might try to delete that admission of her lies that dumb idgit buceta breaf banks! heres another gem:
alicia banks said...
the haterade is amazing herein
uiuc yes
and i have documents to prove my 1976 IQ along with a 5.0 GPA that also no longer exists at uiuc
and i also have a MA with a summa cum laude 4.0 cum. gpa to match
funny how i am so awesome that you have to pretend that i and my awards and honors do not exist
it makes me feel even more awesome that you lie and slander to try to erase my outstanding life...rather than deal with the points i make
and it is
hey eraser betta watch who u align yaself with kiddo! cuz now u aint no know to pick em trust u need some mo lessons son
sorry honey eye have no nitemares and no baby eye aint no goper u got the wrong conclusions busta research the links ule see ur girl is a liar and a fool and u should not try to defend that shit stain in any way and u dont offend me or scare me ya pitiful tenth grader whatchu doin up so late boi? watchin porn or sumthin? go ta bed nucka go ta bed
"did u know she claims to be a scholar and a celebrity but the only writings available in public realm r from her blog!"
Nexts to you trolls, she's a veritable Goddess.
What's your claim to fame. You're always here in the ghetto, showing just how ignorant whites can be. You're a credit to your race, that is, bad credit.
"nite cuz imo sleep real well knowing theres another stupid person to phukk wit tomorrow thanks dumbass!"
That's got to be Republicanese. Who uses words like "dumbass" any more?
sorry sweetie pie eye aint white eye jsut dont like liars and sorry son eye dont need to broadcast my shit on the internet cuz eye am a secure person u r also anonymous again u align urself with someone who is a:
so mind ur business if u really r the sheriff u would recognize that shes the problem on the blog not anon commentators
but emotionally immature little twerps have a hard time understanding this typeof shit when they look at xena pics all nite
and if the best u ca do is attack my grammar and spelling then u really aint ha nothing to bring to the discussion anyway ya little twit. stay out grown folk bidniss nucka
but sadly u dont admit ure wrong u defended the biggest liar on the website and the most hated but u tried to save a ho but the ho aint worthy o bein saved
shit stains are never welcom e ya know
and if u want to know my claim to fame ask maria she knows who eye am and what eye do for a living she also knows that real activists and teachers cannot afford to spend 24 hours a day on the computer like ur lying friend 250 iq genius over here
get some more friends eraser cuz shit stain aint worth it
Anonymous said...
"sorry sweetie pie eye aint white eye jsut dont like liars and sorry son eye dont need to broadcast my shit on the internet cuz eye am a secure person"
If you need to brag about a personal attribute (a secure person), it's probably because don't have it.
Secure people don't troll black blogs, that's the domain of insecure people.
And stop with the Republicanese already. "Sweetie pie"? No self-respecting black would ever be caught using such a throw back to the Twenties.
And stop with all the use of the word, "shit," unless you're a student of it, or an execrementologist?
"shit stains are never welcom e ya know"
More excremental proverbial nonsense.
You sound like a two year old trying to form his first words, and understand the complexities of language.
Actually, a two year old sounds better. Are you intellectually stunted, or emotionally stunted?
ur ignint ass wants to assume eyem white cuz eye dont like respect nor lick the filthy ass of ur goddess stank breaf banks thats funny
ur ignint ass wants to assume that eye troll black blogs but never mind that eye dont use racial insults like ur girl stank breaf didnt u know field negro had to ban her from calling other posters 'niggers'?
again u aint know how to pick em son keep digging urself into a deeper ditch and get laughed at tomorrow for defending a piece of garbage
ur loss son
the hole u dug for urself just got deeper son u choose to remain ignint and support a lyin loser who claims to be the smartest person alive
lemme askyathis, if she was so smart why da phukk does SHE troll this blog all the time? talkin about obama never giving solutions to problems since she so smart and all
sorry son ure a punkass
final judgment
and lastly idgit uve got to think about what u write before it comes out son u sound like a lunatic whose tryin 2 defend the resident bully, troll and disliked poster and uve fabricated that people who dont like her are republicans ure such a phukkin idiot!
"she knows who eye am and what eye do for a living she also knows that real activists and teachers cannot afford to spend 24 hours a day on the computer like ur lying friend 250 iq genius over here"
Then, who's paying you to haunt this blog 24/7? I promise I won't tell.
A confession is good for the soul.
oh one more thing fool...it is clear ure just a ten year old sockpuppet tryinta front like he has knowledge nucka the only thing u got goin for u is youth son thats it cuz ur mind could be a lot sharper son a LOT sharper
come at anons with more game then grammar attacks son otherwise ure even dumber than shit stain buceta breaf banks!
no haunting 247 son nuckas got time off work ever so often and when they do they can have sum fun idgit and urself son what chu doin up so late workin on the fourth grade science probject or sumthing honey?
cuz ah clearly ur life experience is limited to stereotypes and bullshit get out into the world and life live then u mite could engage sumbody lke anons
"ure such a phukkin idiot!"
A dagger through the heart. Oh, you're killing me with the insults.
More of that Republicanese. Where can I find a book on the language which you seem so adept at speaking. I'd like to converse better with you, even if I have to learn your language, as painful as that might turn out to be.
Anonymous said...
"cuz ah clearly ur life experience is limited to stereotypes and bullshit get out into the world and life live then u mite could engage sumbody lke anons
Oh, I get it. You're a lonely little troll. Wow, I should've divined that sooner. Poor little troll. Nobody loves him.
If you make nice to her, I'm sure Alicia will be your friend.
"workin on the fourth grade science probject or sumthing honey?"
Don't need to. I already know enough chemistry to blow your cover, troll.
if u make nice to her eyem sure shele try to castrate u in time trust me everybody she tried to befriend except sockpuppets who worshp her like u hates her sorry little boy it is clear u r a young little white boy who is lonely with not shit else to do but talk mess on the internet about shit that didnt concern him in the firstplace
u support that 'genius' ule see how stupid u really r shitstaineater funny that kunthead the only tool in ur arsenal is to attack how anon writes cuz u aint ha shit else to say about ur poor judge of character kuntsecretion!
nite nite
what cover troll?
ure just a joke sorry son ure just a joke
"only thing u got goin for u is youth son thats it cuz ur mind could be a lot sharper son a LOT sharper"
Son? Papa! Where have you been. Mama been missing you. She said that you went off with the Revenue Man years ago. He caught you making moonshine, and hauled you off to jail.
Are you out of jail, now, Papa? Are you gonna come home?
Please, Papa, we miss you, and mama has taken up with the Revenue Man since you went away.
"u support that 'genius' ule see how stupid u really r shitstaineater funny that kunthead the only tool in ur arsenal is to attack how anon writes cuz u aint ha shit else to say about ur poor judge of character kuntsecretion!
nite nite"
Wow, has anyone told you to consult a shrink. A shrunken head has got to be better than the big one you're now sporting.
Really, you sound like a basket case, or just a basket without the case.
Now, you're pulling on the heartstrings of my liberal heart. Get help, and do it fast, before you run out of time, or before time runs out of you.
Anonymous said...
"ure just a joke sorry son ure just a joke"
Son? Are you sure you're not my papa?
Papa, come home. I don't like the Revenue Man. He beats Mama and me.
The Eraser said...
The Christian Progressive Liberal said..."Boehner might get brought up on ethics violations charges if it's proven he's been schtupping a lobbyist here in DC in exchange for that pork barrel he's carrying home."
In short, Boehner is suspected of porking a lobbyist who's after the pork, just not necessarily his.
I get it.
You get it, porked No doubt. Did it hurt?
mellaneous said...
whats with this crap about rape being the purview of Islam and the inner city. The Arab countries indeed have poor record on women's rights,especially poor women.
In the US most rapes and sexual assault and violence in general against woment is committed by white males.
The US can claim no moral high ground in this area, as women are murdered every day by their romantic partners. And it occurs in all communities.
And most white males who point the finger at other cultures oppression of women have no leg to stand on, as anyone who has spent time in any locker room or club house break room or bar; will tell you, the white American male is quite n'tmysoginist and sexist.
Women aren't even safe in the US military where nearly 20 percent have reported some kind of sexual assault. Just recently 17 women sued the Pentagon because the military failed to properly follow up on their claims of sexual assault and rape.
Yet this negative attitude toward women is even projected upon black men who primarily aren't a whole lot better, but they don't hold this position alone.
I am starting to wonder if People like you on this blog are really cartoon characters? White males are the ones sexist moreso then Black Males? I guess you best be tellin shorty that she aint really a bitch and a ho, she really quite the Female dog and Whore. Crazy ass racist negro!!
The Eraser said...
I guess I'm the last man standing.
Beware, trolls. You better come with your "A-Game." There's a new sheriff in town, and I'm not taking prisoners. The jail is already too full with the likes of you.
You Republican'ts facilitated the fleecing of this country, and I plan to "take it back" to the halcyon days when we had jobs aplenty, and budget surpluses, thanks to Democrats and a liberal congress, and strong unions, and the poor and the middle class were treated with respect, rather than disdain.
Trolls, I will erase your past to protect your future.
I'm the Eraser.
Then you best be gettin help from your Daddy because your deluded liberal schtick is laugable. You spew every liberal talking point Obama ever wrote with each and every one significantly highlighting that yes you may have been pushed through and advanced in grade school but that you are also a flaming stereotype with at best a 70-75 IQ.
Were it not for your liberal policies forced on America the last 50 years, this country would still be the best and strongest in the world - as much as you hate that. America is exceptional and will return to her heyday by exposing little selfish boys like you that refuse to accept facts, instead live in your own created reality.
You better start checking your facts, for now you will be exposed as the little huffington post soros funded scumbag that you are.
The Eraser said...
"only thing u got goin for u is youth son thats it cuz ur mind could be a lot sharper son a LOT sharper"
Son? Papa! Where have you been. Mama been missing you. She said that you went off with the Revenue Man years ago. He caught you making moonshine, and hauled you off to jail.
Are you out of jail, now, Papa? Are you gonna come home?
Please, Papa, we miss you, and mama has taken up with the Revenue Man since you went away.
See how easily you out yourself. We know, we know, your Black and don't know who your father was. So you have this dream that you might be half white and a mongrel like your hero Obama. Well, son forget it. You all black, your too stupid to be anything else and Mama didn't take up with no revenue man little boy, it was Laquiem from donwstairs who hit her up for her monthlies...check that is.
Field - your reaching. So if you think it horrible that Conservatives want to save this country from the disaster we are all in due to unchecked spending then what would you do?
You are aware that Obama announced the 2012 budget of $3.73 Trillion with an expected deficit of $1.1 trillion. Deficit means negative and we owe. Add this with three years prior deficits and the national debt is over 16 Trillion!!
100 Billion is a drop in the bucket and yes you are right it will not work, it needs to be more, much more if this country is to survive. The days of government supporting (working people who pay taxes) a large percentage of this country are over...or the country is over and no amount of liberal I want me some free stuff whining is going to cut it this time. We are broke, totally flat out broke and are close to not being able to borrow anymore.
As for someone calling the police an idiot being horrible, others may not see it but I see your complete snarkiness and this has to be a joke. After all you are a hate/kill the po-po, no snitchin, all good in the hood field negro now arent you?
Another Anonymous Anal-Retentive challenger..."You better start checking your facts, for now you will be exposed as the little huffington post soros funded scumbag that you are."
First, show some real guts for a change, and come out of that Republican't closet that you feel so warm and cozy in.
I know it's a womb of self-congratulatory warmth and acceptance, but without a name, a handle, you're nameless, and you blend in with all the other bottom-feeding trolls that swim in the shark infested waters of my sizable wrath.
I will churn the water red with the bits and piece of your Lilliputian intellect and underdeveloped brain.
If you're as tough as your talk, come out into the sunshine of transparency, and enjoy the liberation of an identity, or remain hidden as some Hyde misfit, and find solace in intellectual cowardice.
I'm laughing at you. I find you laughable. You, who would challenge me without knowing the full weight of what I can bring to bear upon a diminutive mind within a troglodyte brain.
I would have been nicer, but you introduced yourself by referring to me as a "scumbag." Tsk! Tsk! Read Miss Manners; she'll do wonders for that less than genteel disposition of yours.
"America is exceptional and will return to her heyday by exposing little selfish boys like you that refuse to accept facts, instead live in your own created reality."
America is exceptional for sure. It's exceptional when it comes to defeating native people, and stealing their land and resources. It's exceptional when it comes to enslaving people for its own economic development.
It's exceptional when it comes to exploiting labor pools for its cheap labor, here and abroad.
Yes, America is exceptional at beginning wars without provocation, and killing people to maintain a bloated lifestyle.
It's exceptional, further, for it's racist soul, considering others as discardable props, as it strives to buttress the myth of American exceptionalism, in a world that's quickly passing it by economically, as it clings to a dream of an exceptionalism that's slowing fading from memory.
And please, do me a favor, don't use that little white-boy insult, "scumbag." And too, what's with you white boys, and your penises. Everyone you dislike is either "dickhead," or a "dickwad."
What is that? Penis envy. Get over it! You white boys have small penis. Don't blame me for it. See a shrink, if you're trying to make it bigger by coming on black blogs to prove your manhood.
And, too, come with something new, or don't come at all. I'm already bored. You've used every cliché in the Republican't play book, and still you're trailing.
And since you brought up IQ (Intelligence Quotient), I suspect that any argument with you will be a cakewalk. You don't have to attack another's mental acumen or prowess, and indirectly brag about your own. If you have it, it's obvious.
Frankly, it's not obvious, your IQ, that is, and I'm not impressed with the gauntlet you, in your reckless folly, have thrown down.
Do surprise me. An intellectual challenge may give me a much-needed diversion from the usual run-of-the-mill mental cretins that step out of the shadows of anonymity, only to scurry back with their newly-bobbed tails between their legs, a difficult feat which they always manage to pull off.
"See how easily you out yourself."
See how easily you play the fool. Damn, where's the beef?
You anonymous trolls are too easy to best.
Is there a real challenger out there among you?
Bring it on, but don't bore me with trivial crap, unimaginative insults, quips that I could get from a five year old.
Anonymous said...
"Field - your reaching. So if you think it horrible that Conservatives want to save this country from the disaster we are all in due to unchecked spending then what would you do?"
Where the hell have you been? It was your so-called fiscal conservatives that got the economic ball rolling downhill.
We're not going to claw our way out of this fiscal disaster, which Republicant's are largely responsible for, by belt tighten, but by growing the economy, which is what Obama is attempting to do with a portion of the budget.
What in name of all that is holy is the Republican't congress doing, beside revisiting, and
re-litigating the culture wars?
Where's the jobs they promised? That burden doesn't just fall on the president. He doesn't pass laws. He merely signs, or doesn't sign, what congress legislates.
What does redefining rape have to do with the creation of new jobs?
"After all you are a hate/kill the po-po, no snitchin, all good in the hood field negro now arent you?"
Only the bad po-po's. I'd snitch on you, though. A reminder. The "hood" extends outward to include all of America. What goes on in the "hood," as you call it, is an American problem.
As long as "the problem" is seen as a "hood problem," the problem will persist. The problem? No problem occurs in isolation. You're as much responsible for it as those whose problem you say it is.
But I'm certain of one thing, you won't own it, and, for that reason, you, too, will become as much a victim of the problem, in time, as those who're living with it now.
AB, please ignore the troll. Do not feed it.
The Eraser said...
Another Anonymous Anal-Retentive challenger..."You better start checking your facts, for now you will be exposed as the little huffington post soros funded scumbag that you are."
First, show some real guts for a change, and come out of that Republican't closet that you feel so warm and cozy in.
I know it's a womb of self-congratulatory warmth and acceptance, but without a name, a handle, you're nameless, and you blend in with all the other bottom-feeding trolls that swim in the shark infested waters of my sizable wrath.
I will churn the water red with the bits and piece of your Lilliputian intellect and underdeveloped brain.
If you're as tough as your talk, come out into the sunshine of transparency, and enjoy the liberation of an identity, or remain hidden as some Hyde misfit, and find solace in intellectual cowardice.
I'm laughing at you. I find you laughable. You, who would challenge me without knowing the full weight of what I can bring to bear upon a diminutive mind within a troglodyte brain.
You immediately waste my time with three paragraphs on how brave you are versus a nameless anon who didnt come up with a fake internet name as you did to identify themselves . I take the previous comment back, your IQ is now estimated at being 60 or so.
Tell you what. I'll play your infantile game. You can call me Daddy, for there is no doubt you don't know your father, not with your evident belligerence backed by a wordly view that is lacking to say the least.
As for churning the water red.....the only thing youll be churning is my butter as I rip your ass to shreds. So save your immature threats for another teeny bopper like you who still prejaculates in his shorts and tries to follow the liberal indoctrination he got from his lover while bent over. They might buy it, I however dont laugh, your typical of an underachiever who is clearly having a difficult time with critical thinking and the application of reality.
A diminutive mind with a trogoldyte brain.. The full weight of what you can bring.
Hmmm really, your a cocky little fucker although again after reading your literal liberal talking points it is clear you have not the faintest understanding of the world exluding repeating hyberbole. Why do you mention weight? Are you one of those fatass welfare kings who ate himself into disability? Should I call you Scooter boy from now on?
Scumbag - be it a little white boy insult in your little mind or not fits you - right over the head.
Then you bring up dicks and your affection for them. I know you like taking every opportunity to talk about your reason for living and you do sound feminine so you probably are a female, but leave white dicks out of it. No matter how much you fantasize you will never have a white dick at least not mine for certain and again I call you scumbag because like any dirty looking dick out there, you really should keep it covered.
The Eraser said...
Anonymous said...
"Field - your reaching. So if you think it horrible that Conservatives want to save this country from the disaster we are all in due to unchecked spending then what would you do?"
Where the hell have you been? It was your so-called fiscal conservatives that got the economic ball rolling downhill.
No Scooter Boy. It's called liberalism unchecked and proven by any fiscal year result when congress and the senate was held by democrats. Including in 2007.
You are aware of the housing crisis one would hope with your arrogance and how the nice democrats and social organizers decided that
•1. Low income home buyers need more access to money.
•2. Banks should be encouraged to loan them this money.
•3. This will only happen with government intervention.
•4. Mortgage derivatives are the instruments for hiding the risk.
We're not going to claw our way out of this fiscal disaster, which Republicant's are largely responsible for, by belt tighten, but by growing the economy, which is what Obama is attempting to do with a portion of the budget.
Really, so we have another genius who believes that strangling corporations and spending will help the economy grow and that we shouldnt look at the huge entitlements that will soon cause many states to declare bankruptcy? All of which states are entitlement heavens?
What in name of all that is holy is the Republican't congress doing, beside revisiting, and
re-litigating the culture wars?
Oh quite a bit. Not putting up with liberal nonsense. Issuing subpeonas to uncover racism, lawbreaking, defund another economy breaking entitlement (Obamacare)
Where's the jobs they promised? That burden doesn't just fall on the president. He doesn't pass laws. He merely signs, or doesn't sign, what congress legislates.
You mean like the democratic fully and totally controlled congress since 2007? You mean the president doesnt come up with huge spending bills on nonsense while the country is bankrupt?
What does redefining rape have to do with the creation of new jobs?
It's your mind, you made it up, you decide.
"After all you are a hate/kill the po-po, no snitchin, all good in the hood field negro now arent you?"
Only the bad po-po's. I'd snitch on you, though. A reminder. The "hood" extends outward to include all of America. What goes on in the "hood," as you call it, is an American problem.
It sure does. So you need to behave so as not to infect all of america with your destructive behaviours.
As long as "the problem" is seen as a "hood problem," the problem will persist. The problem? No problem occurs in isolation. You're as much responsible for it as those whose problem you say it is.
100% and that is why we voted adults back in charge. To ensure we have people that have the courage to do what needs to be done and not be cowed by liberals who cant face reality and when faced with difficulty change the subject, name call, cry racism, cry unfairness, start classist wars all to detract from who and what they are and have not and can not accomplish.
But I'm certain of one thing, you won't own it, and, for that reason, you, too, will become as much a victim of the problem, in time, as those who're living with it now.
why so selective?
these clowns are no less funny than their agenda peer hobama.
and hobama has clowned us poor blacks the MOST!!!
Eraser, welcome to the Field's blog.
Kasich was stopped by police...how dare they! Don't they know he is Lord of TinyWee!
Liberals did not overspend...that was st reagan and bush. Which one might know by reading a budget, instead of being angry over women and AfAms earning more money.
Ok, Progressive and Liberal policies predate the wingnut fantasy of the 1960s. Try reading history. Then you would know the 60s were not the first...or last...change in culture. But then, that would mean admitting your failure to find 'dates' during that time was your fault. It would also indicate that your desire to own a person is mental illness.
Oh, Obama is not Socialist...it is not like skin colour. He is more a business-worshiping christmole. The only way he'll get a second term is if the R option is less sane.
The Rs have gone wingnut, where rationality is a bug and stoopids like Christie, Toomey, Scott, and Walker are there to crash the economy. Just because a never-worked wingnut welfare recipient who writerates at a wingnut thinkeration tank tells you something...it doesn't make it Real. Hint for wingnuts...just because all your alleged intellectuals were inheritors of seats or ivory tower apologists for child labour/female slavery/corporate malfeasance....does not mean all academics are so stunted or ignorant....just the ones you-all know. Remember, you were the folk Left Behind at Grade 9.
hobama's clowning has just begun to doom us all!
Oh lawd.
reps = dems!
i truly pity all those dem politicos who were slain in november because hobama has been such a ruthless republican...
and now hobama's zombies and nazis will give him a perpetual pass on all he does even as he becomes more ruthless....
while they solely blame hobama's fellow republicans for all hobama does solo...
there is no repub who is more of a clown than hobama, including gwb!
It was an ugly performance by “an unrepentant, unreconstructed, center-right, corporate operative,” as President Obama defended his “latest grand accommodation with the GOP.” But it is incorrect to say that Obama “caves” to Republicans. His m.o. is far more aggressive – against fellow Democrats, whom he has relentlessly pummeled since his first days in office. With Obama in the White House, who needs Republicans?
With the Democrat Party, particularly the First Black President, so thoroughly and deservedly identified with Wall Street, the Republicans were empowered to pull off what would have previously been thought impossible: the GOP’s brown-shirted wing, the white supremacist-based Tea Party, which purports to abhor government and, therefore, regulation, claimed with some success to be the anti-bailout, anti-Wall Street party. Meanwhile, Obama guided the Democrats to pass a fraudulent financial regulation bill that left the derivatives casino-economy intact, if not more strongly entrenched
The overarching truth of the last two years Is that Obama has been at constant war with the New Deal and the left hemisphere of his party, acting as Wall Street’s Trojan Horse in the White House. Tuesday’s press conference starred an unrepentant, unreconstructed, center-right, corporate operative who sees his primary duty as destroying what remains of the Democrat’s progressive legacy. And the first term of the disaster is less than half over.
AB, you are a true hero for all women!!!!
Keep up the good work!!!!!
maria and the vdlr envy that...
Tucker is one of those eleetes that done inherited all their skillz and talentz from der parents. Including a trust fund. And a never-ending stream of careers.
Luke Russert. Steve Forbes. Chris Wallace. Peter Doocy. Ben Quayle.
Hate to tell you wingnuts, but aristocracy is a failed experiment...unless you cull mercilessly.
Anonymous said...
Tucker is one of those eleetes that done inherited all their skillz and talentz from der parents. Including a trust fund. And a never-ending stream of careers.
Luke Russert. Steve Forbes. Chris Wallace. Peter Doocy. Ben Quayle.
Hate to tell you wingnuts, but aristocracy is a failed experiment...unless you cull mercilessly.
Jealous much?
AB, accepting praise from a white conservative. now that tells you something.
envy is not a word in my vocabulary. do not mention me in your comments.
mareally envious:
i respect the truth from any source
and u will never rule me as u do your black mammy maid nig the vdlr.
i am free u racist bitch!
mareally would do a black neocon:
how dare u bash neocons...
name one as ruthless as that blackish god hobama whom u adore???
Merely illuminating that the wingnut desire for a mythical Daddy is their illness. It is also not supported by the data.
Oh, and their obsession with 'blood' and 'lineage' only connects to Reality in that there are offspring. Very few of whom have any fitness.
Which is probably why they loves them the IntelligentCreationismDesign fallacy.
"AB, accepting praise from a white conservative. now that tells you something."
She also posts links from racist rags like rense.com.
I wouldn't be surprised to see her and her two buddies trolling tea party gatherings looking for dates.
In comments on the previous post someone, an anon, I think, mentioned my stock picks, specifically BP.
To reiterate, I said the price of BP stock will go over the pre-Gulf Leak-level of $62 in the next two years.
I made that claim when the stock was around $35. It's now $45. The company has plans to restart its dividend, which means a large pool of institutional buyers will start buying it again.
Another good stock idea is General Electric. On its balance sheet GE has cash and securities valued at more than $12 per share. Meanwhile GE stock is trading around $21. That means when you buy GE you get the $12 of cash and stock and you pay only $9 for the buisness, which just got the stamp of approval from Obama.
There is a downside to this government/GE relationship, but the good outweighs the bad, so investors can feel confident they will make an attractive return on GE stock over the next few years. Moreover, GE is close to raising its dividend, which will boost the stock price a little.
I've mentioned Apple. I got out too early, but I got out because I'm concerned about the impact of Steve Jobs health. His departure from Apple came sooner than I expected, and the latest news is about as bad as it gets. He's a dead man.
The National Enquirer reported he has six weeks to live. When it comes to reporting hard news, the Enquirer has a great record. Think John Edwards and his love child.
However, even if Jobs had six months instead of six weeks, his role as the leader of Apple is over. What will that do to the company over the next few years when the current products are no longer leaders? Tough to say, but it's a sure bet that competition is going to hurt Apple and the price of its stock.
only an old nig like u would run to do and save a racist shrew like maria
u lie like hobama.
u r also a moron oj.
jeff rense does hate jews like hobama hates you...
he is also a legendary rebel scholar and media legend.
just like alex jones.
and dumb nigs like u are unfit to shine either of these men's shoes...
quote one lie!!!:
i know all u dumb lazy nigs have an aversion to reading...
it shows in the bs you spew that u can never link or document herein.
carry on uncle ruckus
only dreg whores like u and maria attend rallies and blogs to troll.
there is much more to life than the mindless slutty games u 2 swirled bitches play...really.
that is why bw run the world while nigs like u "date" their way into prisons and graveyards...
Kasich and the Keystone Cop? Hmmmm.
Here in NY City, even though blacks and hispanics kill each other on a daily basis -- about 500 murders in 2010 -- the cops kill almost no one, even when they're forced to shoot at them. Last year, bad guys killed 500, cops killed 10 bad guys.
Thus, from the numbers, it's obvious why blacks organize protests against the NYPD rather than against criminals in their neighborhoods. It seems to be a matter of faith that cops are the cause of crime. Interesting.
Similar thinking appears to have come to life in Washington DC where a local politician said that the presence of a Walmart Store will cause blacks to shoplift.
When Walmart does build that store in DC, I suppose it will also add a police precinct house to the main building. That way, the cops can monitor the patrons and round up those with warrants outstanding.
Costco reduces the shoplifting problem by charging a membership fee, which, in fact, discourages a lot of would-be shoplifters. They'd rather not pay an entry fee to get into the stores, esopecially if there's some easy-to-ripoff retailer down the block.
hey boy
u will not find one lie here either!!!
unlike nigs like u, all real men of all races tell real truths!
Alex Jones as great?!
Ummm...he is more a sign the listener has mental illness. Not to denigrate his actual findings...but there is far, far more noise than signal.
Just because there is another street corner wingnut does not make your world delusion accurate or Real.
alex jones is a rebel scholar who has outed conspiracies and crooked politicos like hobama and gwb for decades...and made great revolutionary films too!
wtf have u and uts done???
If there are any stock buyers out there, there are a few companies offering high sustainable dividends.
Two of the best are Altria and Philip Morris, the two halves of the original Philip Morris.
Banks pay 1% or less. MO stock pays about 6% and PM pays about 5%.
Anotehr is Pitney Bowes, with a dividend over 6%.
There are energy products pipelines, like EPD that pay over 6%. You can be sure we are not about to reduce shipments of oil and gas through long-distance pipelines.
Sorry, he's a loon. Correct only by virtue of statistical chance.
And no, I decline to be mentally ill.
molded assnon:
u r ignoring wall street and how hobama is owned by its owners.
that proves u r the loon.
carry on.
What we need in this country is a real "Civil War".
None of that "North VS. South" crap. Maybe more like Conservative VS. Liberal. This country is trashed, anyway. Nothing like the Founding Fathers envisioned it to be.
I hope I live long enough to see it.
AB and No Slappz
Two dysfunctional clowns who conduct their social lives on this board.
Just clamoring for attention.
jeff rense and gerald celente slay hobama
alex jones slays hobama
u r a blatant liar?
"social lives"????
as in posing as oj and trolling for maria????
illiterate nig pleez
who clamors for more attn herein than u u beaten down beta male hypocrite???
even as u bash your own mothers and sisters u original mf?
and nothing herein garners more attn than your OWN horrid ass beatings by all u dare to engage u inept star spar drone clown!
seen this?
yet again, a racist wf liar blaming an oj bm like uts...shame!!!!
hey uts:
steve harvey has been exposed as a fraud...
so maybe one day all of u hobama girls will wake up like all of us steve fans too...ya think u nazi?
Steve Harvey's Bad Romance
by Allison Samuels Info
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"I love Steve Harvey and always felt like he was giving me the truth about men and how they feel for real," said Leslie Williams, 34, a pre-school teacher from Las Vegas, Nevada. "Hearing him every morning and seeing him on all those religious shows like TBN made me trust him in a way that I don't usually with famous people. I loved his book. I bought it for all my sisters because it was really on point. But had I known how bad his relationships turned out over the years, I would have saved my money and just spoke to brothers at the barbershop. At least I know their issues." Williams says she had no idea Harvey was now on his third marriage. "That should have been a sign for me," she adds.
"He was telling black women how to deal with men and how to get one for the long haul. He just didn't think his own messy mess was going to come out," says one former fan.
But while some black women balk at the comic's public soap opera, a lot of black men are saying, "told ya so." Many gladly admit they always suspected Harvey was skillfully milking the subject of relationship success for big publicity and even bigger bucks. "My girlfriend read his first book and treated it like a bible. She was always telling me something he said in it. I would asked her what makes Steve Harvey an expert?" says Kadeem Warren, 32, of Los Angeles. "I mean, did he go to school for it? Did he go to seminary school or something? Have his relationships been that great? Why would I or anyone else listen to him?"
mareally a generic racist hater:
i still love steve's book
and u have still lied about his nonexistent ghost writer!
"alicia banks said...
jeff rense and gerald celente slay hobama"
Uh, huh. You & that idiot Jeff Rense. Figures. UFO nut jobs.
I think both of you have been anally-probed by Aliens from Pluto once too often.
On second thought.....you probably sit out in your backyard late at night, when the moon is full, wrapped in tin foil, just praying the little gray mens will pick you up, for just oooooone more probe. Kinda like a crach addict.
It is difficult to tell what FN's post was about, considering the comments. They are like a train that got derailed five minutes after departure!
(un)red dog:
see much more on aliens and dead crushed birds etc here:
red dog/foolish inferior earthling:
u r arrogantly ignorant
the dogon tribe trumps all for ufo wisdom
unlike your "jokes", aliens are real
red dog:
more on the dogon, inept fools at NASA, and ufos:
red dog/cosmic clown:
the dogon are not your kin.
nasa is belatedly dicovering new planets daily.
i pray there are no morons like you on any of them!
red dog:
more proof that fools like u are universal disgraces...and that
aliens are ancient realities
Although some posters digress (me!) and others have Troll quotas to meet for their wingnut welfare...others are mentally ill. They are desperate to have the Universe conform to their vision and are compulsive in responding.
As one person told me...it is better to beleeve in Vast Conspiracies than to admit your life -bleeps-.
Yeah, yeah, yeah.....I got links too:
Except....mine can be PROVEN.
By the way...that picture I linked? Undoubtedly, kin of yours.
pig brained uneducated boar assnon:
just as most fat dumb racist americans, you are proudly ignorant of ancient african wisdom
your tiny brain will never be as large as your fat mouth
earthilings get no worse than vulgar fat fools like u...pity.
“Not to know is bad, not to wish to know is worse.”
Ashanti Proverb
Ancient African wisdom? Aren't the Dogon the tribe that has young boys ingest 'male secretions'? Exactly how does this do anything other than excite Larry Craig/Foley/Limbaugh?
Not to be silly, but I do know of African history and UFO is not part of it.
molded dl pedophile assnon:
like hobama, u lie!
thank you for proving that you are the poster boy for arrogant ignorance on this blog!!!
do not assume that anyone else here is sexually aroused just because you cannot hide your
your own demented "erections"...
Ummm....instead of a frothing outburst...you might wish to at least Google or Wikipedia to refute the statement. That is the sane response.
molded moron:
your lack of education/research skills are not my problem/responsibility.
u fix both asap.
Hmmm. It appears the Dogon are into female circumcision too.
Yeah, AB, sounds like your type of folks.
I don't think it Mold who neededs the education.
"Blow it out your ass" - ancient Lithuanian proverb
So, I was correct. The Dogon have boys doing that...and I am supposed to think they are somehow the best Africa has to offer? No thanks. There are these Fact-based, Science-sourced items I prefer.
Female? Ewwww. The male version has at least some benefit. The Female.....just to happy some Fundie/TeaBagger misogynist jerkhole's need to be an -@$$-.
Maybe them Aliens told the Dogon to have the local blacksmith slice that little bugger off all the little girls, ya think?
red dog/molded/pedophile dumb and dumber:
we cannot all be born brain dead eunuchs as you two dumb dickless bitches were..ya know?
see more on global female genital mutilation:
The alicia banks troll is tiresome. Why won't it go away? Why?!
faceless one tired lined assnon:
nothing is as tiresome to fools like you as sanity and truth.
thank u so much for your stale old kudos!!!
"alicia banks said...
faceless one tired lined assnon:"
I seriously doubt anyone here would be upset if you were quit posting that butt-face of yours too.
faceless fugly assnon:
people with butt faces hide their hideous cowardly asses behind blind assnon tags....we see u.
and thanks again for the compliments!
i am blessed with ageless beauty just like my gorgeous mom...
got envy like your faceless fugly peers maria and the vdlr???
I seriously doubt anyone here would be upset if you were quit posting that butt-face of yours too.anon
wede all be happy as hell that that nonsense spewer was gone nobody would argue that point she is distasteful, ignorant, puerile, an abject liar, a bully, a hypocrite, a loser and a wannabe internet activist that aint do shit in real life.
u gotta believe that anyone who spend their whole day blogging on a site that aint even theres is a phukkin lunatic ie ab is a wingnutjob schizoid! buceta breaf moron
ab so ignint her shit is from 1992 outdated obsolete idiot who dont even have the decency to substantiate anything that she writes ie she a phukkin fool! how many people with a 250 iq spend their time on inanities day in and day out? god wouldnot give someone so much intelligence if he didnt have a plan for its use that is why we all know the bitch iq aint but 17! cuz if it was 250 shed be president by now
like hobama
u lie!!!!!!!
my awards span decades
i have 3 national awards dated 2011?
got envy?
got any kudo from any year?...NOT!
how can the most XXX rated moron on this blog lament anyone?????????
i am online all day.
i am smarter and faster than u.
also, i am not stuck at a fast food fryer all day.
u will never have the education and multi-tasking skills that i do...sorry.
Oh please, the 'iffen you so smart why ain'ts you rich' is an old canard. Socrates was smart...but not rich. Carl Sagan, Einstein, Oppenheimer, Thurgood Marshall, Jimmy Carter...there are lots of folks who are plenty smart..and aren't rich. Just as there are stoopids with money...Toomey, Santorum, bush, Bachmann, Quayle, Scott.
unlicked vdlr/broke mold:
lick this:
President Obama's new budget, which calls for $3.8 trillion in spending, might not seem like much of a budget. But as Obama said in a press briefing, he also plans to save $1.1 trillion over 10 years by getting rid of government owned properties no longer in use. Unfortunately, that also means cuts to programs that benefit working, middle class families like Pell grants and home heating oil subsidies.
Stewart wasn't much more pleased with what conservatives have proposed to balance the budget: cuts to PBS, NPR, and Planned Parenthood among other services. Stewart started noticing a trend:
more proof that hobama's only green agenda is cash 4 banksters!!!
NPR reports 100 percent of funding has been cut for the popular, bipartisan clean diesel school bus program.
The program, funded by the Environmental Protection Agency, helped school districts update buses to use clean diesel fuel, which reduced environmental pollution and health risks, such as asthma, for schoolchildren.
Daffy said..."Tell you what. I'll play your infantile game. You can call me Daddy, for there is no doubt you don't know your father, not with your evident belligerence backed by a wordly view that is lacking to say the least."
That's your best shot, your opening salvo across the bow.
What a disappointment! How witless! How intellectually wimpy! And here I thought you'd be the exception. A real opponent for a change, but then you resorted to being a fractious brat with a "Daddy" complex.
Thinking about it, I don't think "Daddy" suits you. You appear to me the kind of person who runs away from responsiblities, a proverbial "rolling stone."
I know, I'll call you "Daffy." Not to insult you, mind you, but to give you a moniker that brings out the "real" you.
I see that you're gay. Not that I have a problem with homosexuality, just those who flirt with me in a weak attempt at one-upmanship. You failed miserably.
"the only thing youll be churning is my butter as I rip your ass to shreds. So save your immature threats for another teeny bopper like you who still prejaculates in his shorts and tries to follow the liberal indoctrination he got from his lover while bent over."
I see I got under your skin, as well. Let me help you out here. You can't show weakness. Keep the emotional outbursts to a minimum. They're a clear indication that you're losing the argument.
"your a cocky little fucker...Why do you mention weight? Are you one of those fatass welfare kings who ate himself into disability? Should I call you Scooter boy from now on?"
And I see you didn't take my advice. You had to bring "dicks" up again (no small feat, I'm sure). I was hoping that, if you did, you'd at least do it cleverly, with more creativity, more panache, more anything, but this.
"Then you bring up dicks and your affection for them. I know you like taking every opportunity to talk about your reason for living and you do sound feminine so you probably are a female, but leave white dicks out of it. No matter how much you fantasize you will never have a white dick at least not mine for certain and again I call you scumbag because like any dirty looking dick out there, you really should keep it covered."
Oh, well, this is going to be easier than I thought. Let me see if your next post is any better. Hopefully you'll rise to the occasion, with something other than your "dick," which I suspect, after your extended rant, is not much bigger than a pea. Should I have said "peanut"?
Hell, they're both about the same size. Using either as description of what you have [strike that], don't have, is more flattery than you deserve.
sorry molded cereal if shes so smart why is she insulting people on the internet like a preteen? if shes so smart why aint she on a think tank helping to solve the worlds problems nothing was said about riches idgit!
if u wanna believe that lying shitsack has an iq higher then anyone in the world, go ahead but it makes u look awful dumb
the resl world beyond your uneducated bootleg hood is filled with many real academic awards that can never be bought like all of my own.....
u will never have any award, real or fake.
dub and sell this!!!
We hear plenty today of how we need more compelling role models in our society to give our young people examples of what perseverance, honesty and hard work can produce. How is that balanced against the picture of a President who is alleged to have spent better than a cool million bucks to keep his birth certificate, school records and other documents from being seen by anyone in the public?
Are we now urged to call those who want to see these documents crazy? Perhaps a better question to ask is; were those who are calling the birthers crazy born in this country? This is America where for most people it seems even crazier not to ask, "What's he got to
sorry idgit ur game is weak tired and ineffectual nobody will read ur weak links or shit u just copied from another website aint geniuses supposed to be creative? u clearly dont fit the bill kuntlicker!
and nobody gives a flying phukk about whose who awards they dont mean shit u pay them to publish ur awards ya coohole! all u do is blow hot air with nothing absolutely nothing of value to say
jump off a cliff ure a nuisance !
hide and hawk dis rat heah:
In a letter to Obama, Sen. John Kerry, D-Mass., wrote, "We simply cannot afford to cut LIHEAP funding during one of the most brutal winters in history. Families across Massachusetts, and the country, depend on these monies to heat their homes and survive the season."
The Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program, or LIHEAP, would see funding drop by about $2.5 billion from an authorized 2009 total of $5.1 billion. The proposed cut will not touch the program's emergency reserve fund, about $590 million, which can be used during particularly harsh cold snaps or extended heat spells, three officials told National Journal.
jjj gave hobama the chi town stomp..ya heard???
jack and jump on dis new *hit rat heanh:
Today, Congressman Jesse Jackson, Jr. issued the following statement:
"The budget proposal from President Obama is right from the Republican plan. This request for FY2012 opens the door for the huge cuts that Republicans are forcing us to digest for the rest of FY2011. How can we stop the Republican cuts when the President has one-upped them? As the President, he should be the last line of defense for the most vulnerable Americans, instead of the first one to cut.
"The President's budget looks like it is straight out of President Reagan's 'starve the beast' strategy. President Reagan proposed huge tax cuts, so that he could choke off the resources that the government had and use deficit reduction as a justification for cutting the safety net programs that he was ideologically opposed to. President Obama's budget proposals look all too Reagan-like.
hows that iq treatin ya kunthead? solve any world problems? figured out a way to get out of these wars? published any scientific papers lately didnt u say u tutored gifted kids in math and science or some shit? dont see how u could do that since ninety percent of th e time ure here shitstainlicker!
dickless lickless vdlr:
git your rejected uneducated needy nasty ass off on dis!!!
The Obama budget projects that the ten-year cumulative deficit will reach a staggering $10.4 trillion. By attempting to wring such vast sums from the hides of the population, the ruling elite is trying to set American society back to conditions not seen for generations.
Programs to be cut include not only those targeted by Obama and the Republicans in the current budget debate—home heating assistance, Pell Grants, WIC, Head Start, etc.—but the much larger entitlement programs, Social Security and Medicare, which will face cuts later in the budget process.
The social impact will be incalculable. As hundreds of thousands of people face the bitter cold of winter without heat and gas, Obama is proposing halving the grossly inadequate federal assistance that is available. As students graduate with record debt and no job prospects, the administration is proposing significant cuts in government aid. Such gross indifference to social distress is repeated in every sphere.
Significant cuts to Social Security and Medicare—which amount to denying America’s elderly their right to pensions and health care—would have an even broader impact.
send me your stellar to do list
i outshone it about 20 yrs ago...and counting!
start with:
get ged now that hobama has cut funding for it...etc
u DO know that fools like u DO keep bootleg award cos in business as u think their worthless pretty paper sold to u is equivalent to any real academic award...
turbo bred turbo breeders like you always err when u try to buy class
u go to 4 star seafood places and order "skrimps" and pay with rubber banded cash...
u buy designer clothes for wild kids who cannot id the primary colors they don or count to 10 etc...
the only award u will ever earn is "disgrace to the black race award" u fertile fool!!!!
Daffy, who wants to be called "Daddy" said... "It's called liberalism unchecked and proven by any fiscal year result when congress and the senate was held by democrats. Including in 2007."
It's called conservative lip-service to fiscal conservatism. I believe that you're inured to the facts, because you can't handle the facts. Yet, I'll play along, and allow you to form the intellectual noose with which you hang yourself.
Here's an independent study of several presidential administrations comparing "U.S. Federal Deficits and Presidents."
The conclusions are in stark contrast to your unsubstantiated claims that our current fiscal debacle is the result of "liberalism unchecked." I know that it will be hard, but keep in mind that President Obama inherited an economy already in decline from his predecessor, G.W. Bush, who had previously sought to stimulate and prop up our sagging economy with the issuance of several "stimulus checks."
His efforts failed.
Later we know, because of that failure, Bush bailed out several corporations in the "financial sector" that were seen as "too big to fail," lest their fall bring down the whole house of cards upon which they were built, as well as our weakening economy. The Obama administration, in an effort to repair the damage done to the economy by Republican'ts, inserted billions of dollars into the economy (adding to the deficit) hoping to give it a much-needed jumpstart to reverse the number of jobs losses in the private sector under G.W. Bush.
Do try to keep up.
"The first seven years of the G.W. Bush presidency increased the deficit by half again as much as the 32 years from JFK through G.H.W.Bush combined, and somewhat more than the 24 years from Harding through FDR combined (in inflation-adjusted dollars). [...]
"The first seven years of G.W. Bush accrued more total debt than eight years of Reagan, and almost twice as much as twelve years of FDR. If you include 2008-2009, the 8-year G.W. Bush administration accrued almost as much total debt as the 8-year Reagan administration and the 12-year FDR administration combined. The biggest accrued-debt-per-year figures are associated with B.H. Obama, G.W. Bush, G.H.W. Bush, Ronald Reagan, Gerald Ford, FDR, Bill Clinton, and Jimmy Carter, in that order." [1]
Obama began his presidency already hamstrung by an economy badly in need of life support. Almost single-handedly he, and Democrats, rolled the economy out of ER, with very little help from their vocal opponents on the Right, clearly more interested in regaining the seats of governmental power (by suppressing jobs, and not creating them), downsizing government agencies and departments, or dismantling them outright, destroying unions, outsourcing jobs to China, than in putting the economy on a sustainable path.
Anonymous said...
"jump off a cliff ure a nuisance !"
Where's that Southern gentility? She's only a nuisance because your manners are appalling.
Still using that almost indecipherable language, Republicanese, I see.
How much do you trolls get paid to harass blacks on this blog? It's got to be below minimum wage, because you can't be paid more that your corresponding I.Q.
Since your intellect is below minimum, your wage can't be more than that.
Let's see. You can't be making more than 50 cent an hour, and I'm being generous here, with both your wages, and your I.Q.
Let's see... Mrs. Obama has advocated for breatsfeeding, better food choices, more exercise, and not letting the kids have such easy access to Facebook.
Mmmm,all things that any sane parent believes in. Of course the magic word is "sane." The talking heads of the Republican Party are increasingly reminding me of teh old Crazy Eddie ads.
sorry tweedle dumb1 and tweedledumb2 both yall ignint nuckas dont know a dam thang about awards and edumacashun and ur ignince is apparent
keep supporting this kuntlicker and ur credibility will soon be erased eraser ab keep flapping ur jaws and look more foolish for the bullshit u make up about people u dont even know ya pathetic shitstain
ever notice how when folk attack the sow new commentators show up who wasnt never around before? nice going u transparent kuntlicker so obvious u create these identities to shield that fragile ego of urs ya shittain
re: Daffy, who wants to be called "Daddy," said..."Really, so we have another genius who believes that strangling corporations and spending will help the economy grow and that we shouldnt look at the huge entitlements that will soon cause many states to declare bankruptcy? All of which states are entitlement heavens?"
Thank you, I am a genius. Glad you're recognizing it.
Let me see if I understand you. It's corporations that the government is strangling, not the other way around. You really want to make that claim?
Bush bails out certain corporations with taxpayer dollars, and said corporations proceed to pay themselves big bonuses with said money, but it's the government's stranglehold on corporations that's the villain. Strange connection of dots, wouldn't you say?
Now it's "entitlements" that's the villain. It's all those old folk on Social Security and Medicare that's the problem, that has a stranglehold on the economy. Let's forget that these senior citizens paid into Social Security during their peak employment years. Let's forget, for now, that Social Security isn't yet insolvent, despite the Republican't, Tea (WAR) Party on the Right.
Let's focus, instead, on what happened when the housing bubble burst, and state and local governments suffered a tremendous loss in tax revenues, which empty their coffers faster than they could keep them filled. With millions of foreclosures reducing tax revenues, many states found themselves cash strapped, and looking to the federal government for assistance, which they received from the Obama administration, and for which Republican't governors quietly applied for and quietly received with a fanfare befitting the coronation of a king.
Cities, too, managed to retain critical services, firefighters and police officers, which are now under fire by Republican'ts and Tea (WAR) Party renegades eager to build their reputations on the bones of union members, be they teachers, firefighters or law enforcement.
States are using bankruptcies to unsaddle themselves of contractual obligations to union employees in an effort to emasculate one more organized, political powerhouse opposed to Republican'ts' ambitions to be the ruling party in this country.
AB, please, why won't you just ignore that person??
MR-"It is difficult to tell what FN's post was about, considering the comments. They are like a train that got derailed five minutes after departure!"
The post is to get things started. You oughta know that FN folks can't stay on topic. Their concentration is that deep. They have scattered minds and very short memories.
Slappz, thanks for the stock tips, esp PM, MO, GE, and BP. I am still NOT sure what to do with AAPL. You might have a point about Jobs impact on AAPL when he dies. But it's only rumors right now and Apple is talking about it so how do we really know?
"keep supporting this kuntlicker and ur credibility will soon be erased eraser ab keep flapping ur jaws and look more foolish for the bullshit u make up about people u dont even know ya pathetic shitstain"
Have you a tape recorder? Tape yourself sometime. You sound downright foolish.
This blog is a black blog. For me, that makes it an extension of the black community.
If you think we'll stand idly by while you go slumming into the ghetto to attack our black women, then Meth has swiss-cheesed your brain.
Take what Meth-eroded teeth you have left, and what little brains, and spend your days and nights on Stormfront. I'm sure that they'll receive you with open arms, if they can still get them open in their Meth-induced arthritic condition.
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