I am watching O deliver his I had to bomb Libya speech to the A-merry-can people as I type this, and I must say that I could finish the sentences for him as he goes along. We had to do it. We did not act alone. Gaddafi was going to slaughter his own people. There is a strong and growing coalition. As the commander in chief I am here to tell you that America's role will be limited. We will not put troops on the ground in Libya....... you get the idea.
But I also know what they will be saying on FOX: He is weak. He should have done this weeks ago. He did not consult congress. Who are the rebels? What if they are members of al- Qaida? America should not be nation building. What is the end game? And over at MSNBC you will here the following: Why are we fighting another war? The American people have war fatigue. He should have consulted congress. We can't go around policing the world. O is still talking.
I think we are finally hearing an "Obama Doctrine" manifest itself. We will not stand by and watch innocent people slaughtered. We acted because it was the right thing to do. But we will not go as far as to take out Gadaffi and try to institute regime change. We will not repeat in Libya what we did in Iraq. "As Commander in chief I have no greater responsibility than keeping this country safe...." There will be times, though, when our national security interest is not directly threatened, but we have to act in a way to make sure that the principals of justice and human dignity are upheld by all... I paraphrased some of that, but again, you get the point.
He is finishing now. Whenever an American president says, "My fellow Americans", you know he is about to either start or finish a speech. "But let us also remember that for generations, we have done the hard work of protecting our own people, as well as millions around the globe. We have done so because we know that our own future is safer and brighter if more of mankind can live with the bright light of freedom and dignity. Tonight, let us give thanks for the Americans who are serving through these trying times, and the coalition that is carrying our effort forward; and let us look to the future with confidence and hope not only for our own country, but for all those yearning for freedom around the world. Thank you, God Bless you, and may God Bless the United States of America."
OK, that took 28 minutes. Now we will hear one full week of criticism on one side and and praise on the other. Politics in A-merry-ca is so predictable.
Hey, at least he didn't say "MISSION ACCOMPLISHED". Or, did he?
Remember Iraq started as a no-fly zone. Just saying.
His comments were the vast middle of American politics - not the political hacks on both sides who are going to whine no matter what he does. It doesn't matter what's going on, Obama is either the Great Satan (the Right) or a Corporatist Sellout (the Left).
There are legitimate questions to ask and concerns to be addressed. But for the most part, its more knee-jerk reactionaries who are sounding the alarms, not sensible folks with real questions. And frankly, if left up to the screaming talking heads and the partisan hacks on both sides of the aisle - many more Libyans would be dead.
That's all I have to say, back to work.
He did the right thing.
I loved the part where he said that it took 31 days to pull the countries together, gain concensus and complete their objectives for a no fly zone. THAT is leadership.
I am not ever convinced the loss of lives and the guns of war are ever the correct response to evil..A life loss forever precludes the living possibilities..
At end of the day I prefer to defeat/defend another with words..
fields,there are troops on the ground in Libya.
2,000 or so marines....
Obama: “I Refused to Wait for Images of Slaughter and Mass Graves Before Taking Action”
Lets seee.......
There's people being slaughtered in Syria and Yemen,in Bahrain,the military is ready to attack protesters. Who could forget Neda?
In the mean time, Obama can bomb his African brutha back to Haitis.
Obama is lucky to be black and a Democrat.The MSM will run interference for Obama.
Anyone waana bet by the end of the week the media will claim any criticism of the way Obama has handled Libya is racist?
The man is damned if he does something and damned if he doesn't.
Bottom line here, "America" wasn't READY for a Black president, and Prez Obama wasn't ready to BE president.
And like I said in when I saw him speak at the Dems convention years ago, he should have waited to run in either 2012 or 201,6 and said to hell with the "race" for being the first Black prez.
"Anyone waana bet by the end of the week the media will claim any criticism of the way Obama has handled Libya is racist?"
I'll take that bet.
While we're on the subject, explain why you supported the invasion of Iraq, Panama, and Kuwait but have a problem with Libya.
Ed Schultz nailed it tonight when he stated that if a white Republican President had authorized an airstrike on Libya, the righties would be waving flags and praising his decisiveness.
Not every right winger is in favor of war and not every left winger will line up behind Obama on this.
It's a mistake for anyone to immediately go into partisan blindness. There are some very serious questions to be addressed.
There are people being killed all over the world. I'm not aware of any constitutional amendment that allows the US President to pick and choose on his own to decide when to commit the US to war. People that make decisions like that are usually called "kings", not "presidents".
In some respects it's disappointing but also grimly humorous to watch otherwise intelligent progressive people tie themselves in logical pretzels to support not only the process by which the President unilaterally took this country into another war but also the substance of this alleged war to protect civilians.
It just shows that just like many of the Right, many of those of the Left have "principles" which are very much dependent on who's sitting in the Big Chair.
fields makes a great point.Most of the pundits on tv are full of sh*t.The ones who support war during the Bush years are against Obama's wars, while the ones who were against the Bush wars are all for the Obama wars.
Again, just goes to show must pundits are full of sh*t.
Why the lefts obsession with tv channels i'll never know.
What about YOU SPC?
Why haven't you answered?
Iraq did start as a No-Fly Zone, but it took a massive, deceptive 15 month fear campaign by All the President's Men to turn that into an invasion/occupation.
btw, I read this on FREE REPUBLIC of all places....
But oil wealth does explain Minister Farrakhan's loyalty to Gaddafi. For, as Farrakhan tells it, "that man was a friend of the Nation of Islam. He was a friend of Elijah Muhammad," the NOI's leader from 1934-1975. "He helped Elijah Muhammad get the mosque on [Chicago's] Stony Island Avenue originally. He loaned us $5 million to put personal care products up for the members of the Nation of Islam." Gaddafi, adds Farrakhan approvingly, "wrote in his Green Book that he saw the future of the world in the hands of black people."
However, Gaddafi's reasoning as to why blacks will prevail is less than complimentary. "The black race is at present," he wrote in 1975, "in a dire and backward social condition. This backwardness is working in the interest of their numerical superiority. Their low standard of living has rendered these people immune from knowledge of methods of birth control. Their backward social traditions are responsible for the absence of restrictions in marriage leading to an unchecked and high birth rate. This is at a time when other races are diminishing in number as a result of the practice of birth control and a preoccupation with work; this is in contrast to black people, whose lassitude is due to living in constantly hot climate."
Thirty-five years later, Gaddafi's low opinion of blacks hadn't changed. Concluding a 2010 visit to Italy, Gaddafi demanded that the European Union fork over €5 billion ($6.3 billion) annually. In return, Libya would help curtail illegal immigration from black Africa. "Europe runs the risk of turning black from illegal immigration," Gaddafi threatened. "We need support from the European Union to stop this army trying to get across from Libya, which is their entry point. There is a dangerous level of immigration from Africa into Europe, and we don't know what will happen. What will be the reaction of the white Christian Europeans to this mass of hungry uneducated Africans? We don't know if Europe will remain an advanced and cohesive continent or if it will be destroyed by this barbarian invasion."
LMFAO DAMN, Farrakhan trippin. You turning a blind eye to his racist idiocy just because he gave you money back in the day? FAIL, LAUCE. Reminds me of Jerry Falwell dapping it up with Sun Myung Moon and sitting through his insane sermons where he claims to be the reincarnation of Jesus Christ. Y'see, Jerry condemned Moon.......until the check cleared. LOL
"We will not stand by and watch innocent people slaughtered"
Tell that to the people of Yemen, Syria, Bahrain, and Iran. And try not to laugh.
uptownsteve said...
"Ed Schultz nailed it tonight when he stated that if a white Republican President had authorized an airstrike on Libya, the righties would be waving flags and praising his decisiveness."
Hannity and Limbaugh would, but the isolationist right would be having fits. The democrats in congress would be initiating impeachment procedings, led by Joe Biden, Code Pink and the World Workers Stalinist party would be organizing mass protests, the NYT would be printing scathing opeds, and the anchors of CBS, ABC, NBC, CNN, MSNBC, and NPR would be exprerssing grave misgivings in serious tones, while showing pictures of Libyan civilian casualties.
No one comes close to democrats when it comes to hypocrisy.
hes a liar and a hypocrite he took gwb for task for the exact same shyt he did to the libyans its that simple when u bomb a place ure declaring war article one section eight of the good constitution he was wrong for the same reason gwb was wrong point blank theyre all crooks liars and thieves!
There are black women and black girls in certain parts of Africa who are being raped, tortured and chopped to bits by their own black people. Their African leaders have been encouraging it for generations. How come we are not bombing the terrorist regime over there too? I guess all African resources are already sucked, drained and under control.... and most importantly, out of the profit grips of the Africans.
I'm not defending Gaddafi in any way, but at least he seems to have some semblance of honor for black women, as he trust a couple of them to also be his Virgin Bodyguards. In that sexist country/culture, it's an honor for any woman, at least.
Well, it's better than Gaddafi's rebel enemies (the ones that outsiders, including black Americans are cheering for), they are apparently busy raping and killing black African women and mistreating black people in Libya due to their inherent hatred of blacks. How ironic. Just like good/bad Fidel Castro, at least he wanted to change some of the injustice that so many poor black Cubans were facing in Cuba, which is partly why so many of the rich as well as the whitish racist Cubans fled in the first place.
Black people need to always be mindful of all enemies and who they give support to. Just thought I'd share.
1155 deletion from the same compulsive set of filth piles with the same ip addresses but different sock puppet names ...
It looks like everyone has pucked on my thunder.....but where did the 800 million dollars come from we don't have?
What about YOU SPC?
Why haven't you answered?
10:53 PM uts
cuz its stoopid inept sockpuppet operator dont know who it is from second to second cant figure out if its ab laa or u coohole!
on second thought sorry uts ure too senile to have sockpuppets ... or are u? muah muah muah
Anony, it was a duplicate, blogger give me an error message, I didn't think it posted. I've learned the hard way to highlight and "copy" all my post before I hit publish.
These things happen. I hope you're not too upset... and the sun will still rise tomorrow.
La♥audiobooks said...
"There are black women and black girls in certain parts of Africa who are being raped, tortured and chopped to bits by their own black people. Their African leaders have been encouraging it for generations. How come we are not bombing the terrorist regime over there too? I guess all African resources are already sucked, drained and under control.... and most importantly, out of the profit grips of the Africans."
Thanks to Russia and China, African resources will soon be sucked dry.Isn't Russia and China selling/supplying illeagal weapons to certian groups in Africa?
Shhhhhh we're not suppose to talk about that.
The bottom line is its black on black crime so very few people care.Now if it was the Duke Lacrosse team or Big Ben raping, murdering, choping to bits African women than the media would be covering Africa 24/7.
uptownsteve said...
While we're on the subject, explain why you supported the invasion of Iraq, Panama, and Kuwait but have a problem with Libya.
10:00 PM
Panama i didn't support.Smarter things could have been done to handle that.
Defending Kuwait i supported.There's no telling were Saddam would have stopped.Thank God {and Israel} that Saddam didn't have a nuke when he invaded Kuwait.
If there had been a better war plan than i would have supported the Iraq invasion.Looks like Iraq is going to be much better than before we went in.
Afghanistan still sucks and we need to get out quick before a civil war breaks out and we have to stay for 10 more years.
Libya is is about 4th on the list of places to worry about. We need to be more worried about Yemen,Bahrain,and doing someting about Syria.
Words have meanings.People all over the world watch Obama use his words to put himself in a box and than watch him look foolish trying to get out.
Terrorist are going to start looking at Obama the same way the looked at Clinton.Has a weak fool who can't take a punch.
Than let the terrorist attacks begin.....
represents the CIA set-up sabotage lie on an African leader and bomb that man like he’s George Bush … And his wife should leave the nigga tonight. She should walk out, and his beautiful daughters should walk out on this bamboozling, buck-dancing Tom. Oh yeah, I said it. We’ve held back on this Negro for a long time … You should have listened to Louis Farrakhan a long time ago when you were at his table.
- Malik Zulu Shabazz, National Chairman of the New Black Panthers
For the record, I wrote these fake panther negroes due to their willingness to unwittingly play the coon bogeyman for Fox News dozens and dozens and dozens of times. Ol' can't-see-the-forest-for-the-trees-ass fools. SMH
here's the full youtube
He goes on about how Ghadaffi is black and loves black africans. lol, smh
"While we're on the subject, explain why you supported the invasion of Iraq, Panama, and Kuwait but have a problem with Libya."
Let's not forget Grenada.
La~Audio, I don't think any of our sisters were being raped in Grenada, do you? And do you really believe that Gaddafi respects women? Black or otherwise?
BTW, I too wonder what we are looking at as an end game. And what, exactly, will define the success of this mission. Those are legitimate questions. But please save me the wingnut talking points, folks.
A wingnut president would have had 30,000.00 troops on the ground marching to Tripoli by now. In fact, pretty much every A-merry-can president would. It's called O-I-L-. Obama didn't say it, but he didn't have to. We know why he is REALLY there.
You Negroes can cry a river all you want about Sudan, Congo, and the Ivory Coast. There is no oil there, so people will continue suffer.
Carry on.
If Obama is in Libya for oil...we are at Peak Oil. The options are reduced and eventually we will have to tell Goobers to have more sustainable lives. Think of 1920s or so...lots of public transport.
The MSM refuses to discuss the WI protests or the UK protests in a reasonable manner. Somehow I doubt the Heeyuckian false meme of a Liberal Press. But then, it is so much easier on the ego to blame others, no? And, if you don't beleeverate all the same idiocies as a wingnut....you are termed a Satan. Sort of the Talibani mindset.
The Cubanos left because they feared Castro would introduce Justice. Even today, their offspring are telling us the Cuban people are crying to be back under their aristocratic heels. Natural Law, y'all.
uptownsteve said...
Ed Schultz nailed it tonight when he stated that if a white Republican President had authorized an airstrike on Libya, the righties would be waving flags and praising his decisiveness.
Ahh, so your one of the 10 people who watch this member of the insane clown posse. Always wondered what type of person would actually watch this totally incompetent hypocrite and the answer is hardly anyone.
Did SGT Schults also point out that the same people who are applauding this "war" because Obama is Black were the ones who were protesting and making hitler posters of Bush because he was white?
Only idiots play the race card for things they can not understand. Very few smart men give one shit about skin color, they leave that to the low level thinkers. All they really care about is what can "they" do for me. and if you can do, your in.
The MSM refuses to discuss the WI protests or the UK protests in a reasonable manner. Somehow I doubt the Heeyuckian false meme of a Liberal Press.
Alzheimer's much? The MSM has covered the WI astro turf protest in a "reasonable manner".
The problem for the media is if they keep covering the astro turfing done by unions than they can't keep ignoring the death threats,the nazi signs,hilter signs,target signs,and over all thuggery union members have directed towards Republicans.
Funny thats all the MSM focused on when it came to the tea parties,yet they seem to can't find those things when it comes to union protest.
But there's no Liberal media......
And for all those who said Obama has acted like a real leader, i have just one question?
Why did it take so long for Obama to address the nation? Shouldn't Obama had done this on the day of the illegal attack?
"La~Audio, I don't think any of our sisters were being raped in Grenada, do you? "
Field, are we talking about the Soviets and Grenada? And we know that was about the American safety. Notice how "friendly" the Chinese are doing it? :) As for rape, let me tell you bro, sadly it seems where there is black females, there is always rape. You should see the stats where I live, and there is no sex offender registry to boot. This makes the 'paradise' experience even better for the local and migrating wolves.
And no I was not defending Gaddafi, nor any of those anti-black racist, deranged and misogynistic people in those Arab and Arab identified countries. My comment was all about the irony of support from blacks abroad.
Allow me to be brutally honest: They could kill each other for all I care. I don't think it's humanly possible for me to care any less about them and their oil. And I wish America and the motor industry would hurry up find a way to do the same.
field negro said...
Let's not forget Grenada.
La~Audio, I don't think any of our sisters were being raped in Grenada, do you? And do you really believe that Gaddafi respects women? Black or otherwise?
Talk about a wingnutt response.
hey fn:
why would anyone believe a single word hobama says about anything now???
hobama DID say "mission accomplished" in iraq...that was also a LIE!!!
hobama DID not say one single real word about libya last night!!!
what will it cost?
how wil he fund it?
why is MQ not his own clone/clones of others?
which african country will be nex?
when germans saw train loads of jews rolling to camps...they pretended they were just scenic tours too...
that saved NO jew!!!
ditto for those who pretend that hobama is noble in libya and amerikkka
"Field, are we talking about the Soviets and Grenada?" And I meant Cuba.
no sane person believes that hobama is killing libyans to save them
no wise person believes that libyans are not being killed ONLY because they have OIL!!!
only hobama nazis will cheer this because they cheer anything hobama does...they proved this long ago when hobama and his banksters bombed the poor for decades!!!!
The war of intervention in Libya is yet another American illegal adventure, argues Keith Harmon Snow, an independent war correspondent.
The objective, he says, secured access to Libya's significant oil supply, other mineral resources and defense testing.
He says the argument of humanitarianism and stopping a "warlord" was absolute nonsense. If that argument were true, he contends, there are far more brutal war criminals in African countries the US could have chosen to target.
Field said:
"But I also know what they will be saying on FOX: He is weak. He should have done this weeks ago. He did not consult congress. Who are the rebels? What if they are members of al- Qaida? America should not be nation building. What is the end game? And over at MSNBC you will here the following: Why are we fighting another war? The American people have war fatigue. He should have consulted congress. We can't go around policing the world. O is still talking."
Yes, you would be correct. And so would they.
Screw Libya. The Europeans use their oil....not the U.S.
No one comes close to democrats when it comes to hypocrisy.
Ha! Republicans have copyrighted hypocrisy. No big government unless it's to check on gays and look inside womens wombs! This is too easy.
"The problem for the media is if they keep covering the astro turfing done by unions than they can't keep ignoring the death threats,the nazi signs,hilter signs,target signs,and over all thuggery union members have directed towards Republicans."
Ummmmmm SPC maybe it's because there are none? These people are fighting for things that matter like good jobs with benefits not the imagined threat of a Marxist president from Kenya. Trust, if they were there Fox would have found it. Maybe some more Republican attorneies general can go there and incite violence to make you feel better about the fat hicks with tea bags hanging from their hats?
YOU had a problem with gwb when he was LESS of a warmonger than hobama and his illegal wars were LESS illegal than the war in libya!!!
u hobama nazis know you would CRUCIFY hobama if her were white like gwb
and THAT makes u a racist and a fool!!!
rape is a global weapon of war
and a sport in "peace" too!
rape is the soulmate of sexism
sexism is the most universal and ancient ill of all
more on the universal rape and torture of women
repubs = dems
and they ALL want to allow the hobama posse/banksters to be buck wild and free in boardrooms....
while they police my bedroom/womb etc
This whole invasion is tragic; especially an African bombing other Africans with this American-centric concept. What makes Libya different than say, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Syria, Sudan or the Ivory Coast; North Korea, China, Russia, Columbia, Mexico...?
The US sold 66 billion dollars wealth of weapons to the House of Saud, yet most of that is used internally. The Obama Admin position of protecting civilian is contrary due to the US actions in Iraq, Yemen, Ahganinistan...
Libya is just a weaker target to boost his reelection credential at the expense of Libyans. Tragically, the most of our choices are limited in 2012 as far as candidates are concern.
"The bottom line is its black on black crime so very few people care.Now if it was the Duke Lacrosse team or Big Ben raping, murdering, choping to bits African women than the media would be covering Africa 24/7."
And that is a shame that Black life is viewed as worth less than white lives. Maybe if a blonde cheerleader from Alabama was with these sisters then we'd see more coverage. Sad.
Hell....apparently, there are more people killed in Philadelphia in a year than the total number of soldiers / civilians that have been killed in this Great War in Libya so far.
Egypt, right next door, has 450,000 troops, and BILLIONS in modern weaponry that we either sold them or gave them. And they can't do a damn thing to help out?
Methinks something stinks in Arabia. Come to think of it, let's include the entire continent of Africa, too. Only black folks I see willing to fight are getting paid by Gadaffy to do it.
And quit this "we're there for the oil" crap. The US gets almost ZERO oil from Libya. It's all used by Europe. Talk about "talking points!".
this is the real world beyond your gated enclave and beyond the hobama stickers on the bumper of your luxury car...
and this is also NOT OK... ONLY because hobama is blackish as he fund more cages or blacks.....
Los Angeles — Michelle Alexander, author of “The New Jim Crow: Mass Incarceration in the Age of Colorblindness” recently said:
“More African American men are in prison or jail, on probation or parole than were enslaved in 1850, before the Civil War began.”
" Alicia Banks said...
while they police my bedroom/womb etc
10:19 AM"
AB, it would take an entire armored brigade, outfitted in Hazmat gear, to police that smelly canyon of yours.
I wonder how many gynecologists you have sent to early retirement.
nothing reeks like racist sexist ignorance
putrid vulgar brain dead impotent assnons post unrivaled stench here daily
vulgar assnon/uts:
"And quit this "we're there for the oil" crap. The US gets almost ZERO oil from Libya. It's all used by Europe. Talk about "talking points!".'
And when Europe has issues getting it from Libya, Oh where oh where shall they get it from thereafter?
Hey AB, thanks for the links.
HOBAMA LIES...ALWAYS!!!!!!!!!!!!
There may be less than meets the eye to President Barack Obama's statements Monday night that NATO is taking over from the U.S. in Libya and that U.S. action is limited to defending people under attack there by Moammar Gadhafi's forces.
In transferring command and control to NATO, the U.S. is turning the reins over to an organization dominated by the U.S., both militarily and politically. In essence, the U.S. runs the show that is taking over running the show.
And the rapid advance of rebels in recent days strongly suggests they are not merely benefiting from military aid in a defensive crouch, but rather using the multinational force in some fashion — coordinated or not — to advance an offensive.
Here is a look at some of Obama's assertions in his address to the nation Monday, and how they compare with the facts:
Russia has buttloads of oil. That spigot hasn't even been tapped yet.
SPC, nice beleeverating. The MSM has been neglecting a few salient points..such as the support comes from outside the State, the counts of protesters are oddly ALWAYS very low, that Walker removed revenues...and created his own 'crisis', and that the Rs have been lying since this began. Call me cynical...but giving the same weight to the unions, who are truthful, to the Rs, who have nothing but lie, is a very odd 'equivalence'.
All you have to claim union astroturfing...is the desire to say it. And to deflect from the TeaBaggers being almost solely astroturf. False equivalence.
As far as the wingnut fantasy of treating the Legacy moron of bush worse than Obama...that only exists in their fevered imaginations. Almost all the Lefty blogs I have recently read are opposed to the activities in Libya. How do they miss this? Ignorance...or lying? Maybe their preferred groups don't sully their 'beeyootiful minds' with the Fact-based community.
I'd post links..but there is a limit to the space here. Go ahead, show me I'm wrong...by actually going to the websites and reading.
Peak Oil...I gave the term for a reason. If we have reached this our lives will change drastically. And we will require our government to tell Heeyucks and Goobers to be environmentally sane. It's that or extinction as a society or species.
FakeAnon, your beleef in oil is laughable. The 'untouched' resources...well, I can tell you are not a geologist nor one who has read about the issue. Good repeaterating the points handed to you by your Master, though!
I suggest you do your homework. Spouting silly only makes it obvious you are faking.
Queen Laa:
it is always a pleasure and an honor!
have a regal day!
No, you're right, Mr. Genius Mold. I'm not a geologist.
I suppose working in operations & marketing / purchasing for one on the major refiners in the world for almost 30 years doesn't count, either.
You pompous prick.
hobama has no conscience and no soul!!!!
and his blind hobama nazis are even MORE amoral than he is!!!!
One week after an international military coalition intervened in Libya, the cost to U.S. taxpayers has reached at least $600 million, according figures provided by the Pentagon.
U.S. ships and submarines in the Mediterranean have unleashed at least 191 Tomahawk cruise missiles from their arsenals to the tune of $268.8 million, the Pentagon said.
U.S. warplanes have dropped 455 precision guided bombs, costing tens of thousands of dollars each.
A downed Air Force F-15E fighter jet will cost more than $60 million to replace.
more proof that hobama is beloved and excused:
hobama told the exact same lie about iraq as bush did
the msm pretended it was not a redundant rehashed replica of gwb’s blatant lies...
the exact same staged iraq lie was blasted as a hoax per gwb
was cheered as heroic when staged and DUPLICATED by his blackish clone hobama…
field booty, where is your punk liberal ass on this Philadelphia shit:
Vote with your feet to get the fornicate out of Philadelphia:
Anonymous said...
SPC, nice beleeverating. The MSM has been neglecting a few salient points..such as the support comes from outside the State, the counts of protesters are oddly ALWAYS very low, that Walker removed revenues...and created his own 'crisis', and that the Rs have been lying since this began. Call me cynical...but giving the same weight to the unions, who are truthful, to the Rs, who have nothing but lie, is a very odd 'equivalence'.
All you have to claim union astroturfing...is the desire to say it. And to deflect from the TeaBaggers being almost solely astroturf. False equivalence.
All we have to do is look at video and pictures of union thugs being bused in from around the country.All we have to do is see pictures and video of unions using the homeless and paying the unemployed to protest.
The proof is there.Go to youtube..
memo to hobama:
global sanity trumps his bogus evasive speech!
Suggesting that "President Obama owes the nation an explanation as to why he had time to consult with 15 members of the U.N. Security Council, 22 members of the Arab League, and later, with 28 members of NATO, to garner support for an attack with Great Britain and France, but had no time to come to the United States Congress for prior authorization before attacking Libya," Kucinich argued that: "Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution is very clear. It is Congress that determines when our nation goes to war. President Obama superseded that authority and bought a new war for the American people without Congressional approval. We must know what it will cost, how long it will last, what is the end game, and when will NATO — whose military bills we pay — get out."
Kucinich continued: "President Obama's failure to come to Congress, as required by the Constitution, left us without the opportunity to have a full and ample debate on the merits of military intervention in Libya. As such, I intend to offer a bipartisan amendment to cut off funds for U.S. participation in the war to the next funding measure. I want to thank Representatives Ron Paul (R-TX), Walter Jones (R-NC), Tom McClintock (R-CA), Pete Stark (D-CA) and Lynn Woolsey (D-CA) for their co-sponsorship of the amendment."
PilotX said...
"The bottom line is its black on black crime so very few people care.Now if it was the Duke Lacrosse team or Big Ben raping, murdering, choping to bits African women than the media would be covering Africa 24/7."
And that is a shame that Black life is viewed as worth less than white lives. Maybe if a blonde cheerleader from Alabama was with these sisters then we'd see more coverage. Sad.
Awwwww its that old Liberal bias that mold claim doesn't exist in the media.
oh darn the cooholes are at it again carpetmunchin loser fraud and her sockpuppets buceta breaf morons spamming ur blog witht eh usual bullshit
Alicia Banks said...
while they police my bedroom/womb etc
10:19 AM"
AB, it would take an entire armored brigade, outfitted in Hazmat gear, to police that smelly canyon of yours.
I wonder how many gynecologists you have sent to early retirement.
muah muah muah
vulgar vdlr schizo assnons:
you retarded filthy pigs lamenting ANY "spam" on this blog is like hobama lamenting genocide and theft in libya...
a gd bloody joke more pricless than stolen oil and gold!!!!!!!
ask any libyan!!!
ask that greasy hairless ghetto glittered sow the vdlr!!!!!!!
lickless carpetless floorless homeless loveless tamed tigerless brainless vdlr:
so...how about hobama's bogus joke of a speech???
did you read fn today u illiterate dreg???????????
do u ever??????
Anonymous said...
If Obama is in Libya for oil...we are at Peak Oil.
If Obama is in Libya for oil, it is for French and British oil, as the US gets none from Libya.
As far as the "Peak Oil" story goes, in truth the peak refers to easily obtainable oil. There is plenty of more oil that's a little harder to get, and centuries worth of coal. In fact, even without including shale oil deposits, America’s combined energy reserves are the largest on earth.
Aw, c'mom, Alicia. You know your crotch has been declared a Weapon of Mass DisStinktion by the U.N., right?
We ought to drop yo big booty on Ghadaffi.
u pigs always snort bs
but u NEVER defend that globally buck wild boar hobama!!!
Field lets fact it, its about the oil! When the western imperialist powers intervene in the developing world its always to exploit their resources and/or to establish a base in which to launch more thieving and exploitation.
Otherwise how does one explain the US and the rest of the West being cool to the Egyptian calls for democracy. When Mubarrak unleashed his agents and killed and injured hundreds they were still quiet.
And they were quiet when Saudi Arabia invade Bahrain. When the Yemeni monarchs cracked down murdering dozens of unarmed citizens: crickets. Syria's despot recently killed hundreds and again crickets.
Field there comes a time when we have to be honest about what we see and call what it is.
I blogged about this last week on by blog Dred Scotts Ghost, in a piece I titled "Libya; of course its about the oil"
Check it out and feel free to tell me what you think.
"When I heard the president say that the US was going to join the UN in their no fly zone charade against Libyan president Colonel Muammar Gaddafi I paused. But when he said that he was supporting the sanctions because “thousands could die,” I said uh oh! Really who believes that the UN has expressed all this sanctimony and concern because they are interested in saving Libyan lives?"
You're right, mellaneous. Maybe one day those camel-humpers will figure it out too, and get their damn sand off our oil.
These Libyan clowns couldn't invade a kindergarten without our help. And these are the dimwits we want in charge of Libya?
Awwwww its that old Liberal bias that mold claim doesn't exist in the media.
Yep. The conservative bias we all know about.
"All we have to do is see pictures and video of unions using the homeless and paying the unemployed to protest"
And if we allow these conservative governors to continue what they're doing theres gonna be alot more unemployed folks to pay. I thought conservs were all about jobs. I guess not.
"There will be times, though, when our national security interest is not directly threatened, but we have to act in a way to make sure that the principals of justice and human dignity are upheld by all..."
What a complete load of crap.
What is even more telling is his complete inability to "sell" this to anyone outside of the ever shrinking circle of hard core Progressives and Obots. But I repeat myself.
But in all fairness to SPC he is right. My local union and several other locals went to Madison to help our fellow working stiffs fight for their rights. We do tend to stick together but we don't need to Koch brothers to tell us what to do to keep them rich.
"And if we allow these conservative governors to continue what they're doing theres gonna be alot more unemployed folks to pay. I thought conservs were all about jobs. I guess not."
I realize you're economically clueless, but the policies advocated by the unions have destroyed small-to-medium sized business in this country, with the cumulative effect that the middle class will be destroyed.
My son works in Beijing for a large advertising and marketing firm in the equivalent of their Wall St/Madison Ave. The number of big name US and Euro firms in the process of completing the transition to China is staggering. These are jobs that are never coming back to the US, and most Americans don't have a clue until after the fact. However, the globally nimble will be able to follow these jobs and opportunities.
There is absolutely NO incentive to start or maintain a business here in the US, esp when the US makes it very easy to re-import with no or minimal tariffs.
I don't always agree with everything Denninger posts -- he has a tendency to go off on screeds, but his rebuttal I think is concise and to the point:
"Lies from the Left" post:
vulgar pig assnons/vdlrS:
lick this!
President Barack Obama's speech Tuesday night about the military action in Libya was composed of 3,362 words.
But there were two words conspicuously absent from the 30-minute address: "Oil" and "energy."
Back in the day, when politicians didn't use word like "interest" -- a word that appeared six times in Obama's speech -- as a euphemism, they spoke more plainly.
PilotX said...
Awwwww its that old Liberal bias that mold claim doesn't exist in the media.
Yep. The conservative bias we all know about.
I believe you are a black male.Correct me if i'm wrong.
If i walk to you and smack you in the head and call you the n-word---thats a hate crime and somewhere in the national media the crime will be reported.Also, the trail and my jail sentence would be reported.
On the other hand,if i walk up to you, shoot you 5 times, and steal your gold teeth, your death would never appear in the national media,and you wouldn't get 2 mins on the local news.
Why is a hate crime commit against you worth more the the Liberal white media than your death?
vulgar pig assnons/vdlrS:
sit your reeking butts down HARD on this!!!
While President Obama roams across Brazil and Chile, today arriving in the Central American nation of El Salvador, at each stop expressing his concern for the people of Libya, I find it curious that he never expresses one iota of concern his foreign policy choices have for the American people.
Record high energy prices on the heels of the worst recession on record, is causing a serious financial hardship on Americans who can least afford it. The elderly — who have gone two years without a Social Security COLA, the poor and the disabled, are suffering.
Mr. Obama has forgotten about the American people who elected him president as he cheerfully plays soccer with local children during his tour of the Ciudad de Deus favela for the cameras.
hello coohole lickin carpet munchin moron alicia southpark conservative fp laa eraser banks
ur astroturf mission is even more obvious besmirching the presidents name ure nothing but a paid shill and a FRAUD
herman cain would NOT be proud of ur disgusting filthy asses
lickless lipless pigs/vdlrS:
lick this!!!
At this point in time, after 30 years of conservative corporatist rule — let's face it, Clinton and Obama are as corporatist as Reagan and the Bushes — something has broken in America.
America is a lie wrapped in a delusion inside a swindle.
Witness Obama's “the war is over” speech. According to him, all “combat troops” have left Iraq. The 50,000 troops still in Iraq are there only to support Iraqi forces. This is semantics. If the Iraqis get in a fight with insurgents, Americans will be right there, supporting them. How do you support? You fight, for chrissake.
That's lie number one.
Lie number two: “At every turn, America’s men and women in uniform have served with courage and resolve.”
What bullshit. It's because our military kicked down doors in the middle of the night and terrorized the citizenry, that the Sunnis revolted and a civil war broke out. Yeah, that takes a lot of courage and resolve, to terrorize Iraqi families — women and children — at three o'clock in the morning. Our troops fucked up from start to finish, because George W. Bush fucked up from start to finish. This biggest asshole of all Presidents did not even get what he wanted. He did not even succeed in why he started the war in the first place: for the Iraqis to give their oil contracts exclusively to US oil companies instead of to the Russian and French companies with whom Saddam cut oil deals. The Russians have still got their oil deals, and of course the Chinese have joined them.
Read more: http://blogcritics.org/politics/article/obamas-speech-the-war-that-started/#ixzz1I0ydIBFh
Karen said...
My son works in Beijing for a large advertising and marketing firm in the equivalent of their Wall St/Madison Ave. The number of big name US and Euro firms in the process of completing the transition to China is staggering. These are jobs that are never coming back to the US, and most Americans don't have a clue until after the fact. However, the globally nimble will be able to follow these jobs and opportunities.
I could be wrong, but doesn't the Obama Regime have the power to stop these jobs from going over seas?
Anonymous said...
Lie number two: “At every turn, America’s men and women in uniform have served with courage and resolve.”
What bullshit. It's because our military kicked down doors in the middle of the night and terrorized the citizenry, that the Sunnis revolted and a civil war broke out. Yeah, that takes a lot of courage and resolve, to terrorize Iraqi families — women and children — at three o'clock in the morning.
John Kerry, is that you?
"I realize you're economically clueless, but the policies advocated by the unions have destroyed small-to-medium sized business in this country, with the cumulative effect that the middle class will be destroyed."
Sorry hon but it was unions that helped BUILD the middle class.
"There is absolutely NO incentive to start or maintain a business here in the US, esp when the US makes it very easy to re-import with no or minimal tariffs."
Ah, you hit the nail on the head. We need to reinstall tariffs to protect our jobs. The incentive is that the US is still the largest economy in the world. If we as consumers use our economic muscle to insist that companies use products made in the US that would force companies to make things in the US. If you insist on buying cheap goods made in China as your god given right to free markets then yes we can wave goodbye to our middle-class.
harassing harlot hennyed hairless hilarious hoax hobama loving HOG vdlrS:
stalk this!
hobama and his banksters rule the world!
and they would not even hire a broke dreg like u to be a PT banks teller
The rebels in Libya are in the middle of a life or death civil war and Moammar Gadhafi is still in power and yet somehow the Libyan rebels have had enough time to establish a new Central Bank of Libya and form a new national oil company. Perhaps when this conflict is over those rebels can become time management consultants. They sure do get a lot done. What a skilled bunch of rebels – they can fight a war during the day and draw up a new central bank and a new national oil company at night without any outside help whatsoever. If only the rest of us were so versatile! But isn’t forming a central bank something that could be done afterthe civil war is over? According to Bloomberg, the Transitional National Council has “designated the Central Bank of Benghazi as a monetary authority competent in monetary policies in Libya and the appointment of a governor to the Central Bank of Libya, with a temporary headquarters in Benghazi.” Apparently someone felt that it was very important to get pesky matters such as control of the banks and control of the money supply out of the way even before a new government is formed.
When Barack Obama looked straight into the camera and told the American people that the war in Libya is in the “strategic interest” of the United States, surely he was not referring to oil.
After all, war for oil was a “Bush thing”, right? The Democrats voted for Obama to end wars like this, right? Surely no prominent Democrats will publicly support this war in Libya, right?
Surely Barack Obama will end the bombing of Libya if the international community begins to object, right?
"Why is a hate crime commit against you worth more the the Liberal white media than your death?"
Good question. Why is a white girl's life worth more than all others in the white conservative media?
"I could be wrong, but doesn't the Obama Regime have the power to stop these jobs from going over seas?"
Yep but your hero Ronald Reagan began lowering tariffs as did all later presidents. Maybe some of your conservative Republican congressmen can raise a stink or are they too busy taking away union rights and making laws weakening science and stopping abortion? Just curious.
You leave our cheap Chinese crap alone!
SPC: "I could be wrong, but doesn't the Obama Regime have the power to stop these jobs from going over seas?"
It really seems as though Obama is purposefully exporting jobs to other countries, doesn't it? Spreading the wealth around on a global scale. Squeezing industries via taxes and regulations just sends them to China. The drilling moratorium in the Gulf has cost 13,000 American jobs and counting. Guess where those rigs are going? Brazil. Guess where Obama has loaned several billion dollars to develop offshore drilling? Yep, Brazil. How do these actions benefit Americans?
BTW Karen, read last weekend's USA Today. It lists personal net income by state and wouldn't you know the states with the lowest income are right to work states with conservative leadership. Now funny how blue states with stronger union influence have higher wages and better benfits. Unless the goal is to pay workers less while owners make more. If right to work and fewer unions are supposedly good for workers why aren't S.C., AL and all those right to work states leading in wages and benefits? Strange.
"It really seems as though Obama is purposefully exporting jobs to other countries, doesn't it? Spreading the wealth around on a global scale. Squeezing industries via taxes and regulations just sends them to China."
I think every president since Ford is responsible for sending jobs overseas. Look at the percentage of maufacturing jobs in the US before Reagan and after. This began long before Obama. As far as taxes most corporations pay no taxes. We are doing this to ourselves, why aren't German comapnies leaving Germany when they pay higher taxes than in China? Yep, they have tariffs as we should. As consumers we have the power to force these companies to make things in the US, if we don't use our economic power to do this its our own fault. No company will do the right thing on their own i.e. build factories in the US or pay decent wages unless we demand it. Are we going to demand it or just watch our country falter and the middle class shrink to nothing?
Rev. do you look for the "made in the USA" lable before buying a product? Are you writing op eds that tell people to demand Walmart or their big box store to make sure 50% or more of their products are made here? What are you doing to help out? If you are buying cheap products made in China you are cutting your own throat. Economic boycotts are effective. Why do you think BMW and Toyota are building plants here? They know the deal tooo bad most of us don't.
Labor Unions are nothing short of an extortion racket.
Yeah, you all want higher wages & benefits.
Guess what PilotX? A LOT of you shiftless bastards AREN'T WORTH IT!
If it weren't for some union paying you a ridiculous amount for sitting on your asses most of the time, you'd be flipping burgers somewhere.
Sure. There are exceptions...but it ain't the rule.
vulgar snouted shouted assed out pigs/vdlRS:
sniff this x 44 BILLION SNORTS!!!
Whatever President Obama says, at the end of the day the Libyan conflict is a war for oil and big corporate interests.
The president spoke many beautiful words Monday. There were no outright lies. There were many half-truths and there were many deliberate misrepresentations.
When a smart mean speaks people have to listen very carefully.
There would be no Western coalition forces fighting in Libya to "liberate" anyone if the country did not have 44 billion barrels of known oil deposits. France was eager to join because Nicholas Sarkozy hoped to reverse his declining political fortune. Instead, disastrous election results Sunday show that the political career of the war's biggest advocate is all but over. He has no mandate in France; yet he is still ordering attacks on Libya.
PilotX said...
"Rev. do you look for the "made in the USA" lable before buying a product?"
I do, wherever I can, I'll buy the one made in America.
And I can agree, in part, with your assessment of industrial policy. However tariffs are usually just a form of corporate welfare (e.g. sugar) and their effectiveness is limited.
On the other hand, "free trade" is great in principle, but delterious to your own economy if you are the only one practicing it. Other countries practice economic nationalism, and we should to some extent too. This would force a more level playing field.
1980 was adifferent situation, and Reagan was not responsible for the loss of manufacturing jobs. In fact, he played hardball with the Japanese auto industry which resulted in them building a large number of new plants here.
Odd how one's child just 'happens' to toil in Beijing and has such extensive expertise. Almost as if the person was Immaculate Conception. Claimerating it is Economics is funny. Since we have had a 'global economy' for centuries. What we did not have was such a concerted effort on the part of sociopaths to wreck wages and benefits. While having serfs may gladden their Randian fantasies...a few pages of what happens during uprisings should give pause.
PilotX, thanks for the Data. RTW just means that your schoolteacher neighbour with an earned Master's makes what you, with a 'breathing certificate' from high school earn. Plus, it removes protections in the workplace. Massey Energy CEO can now afford another mistress on the money not used to keep miners alive.
Union members take buses to a protest...and this makes them thugs...how exactly? Unlike the fauxtesters of Miami(bush) and Walker...they were unpaid. And I wonder if these Troo Stories YouTube vids were made by Breitbart and Okeefe? The clip of 'what we beleeverate took place despite no evidence and it is all based only how much we hate the unions and are willing to lie'. You might want to mention that the union protesters in WI knew each other as they had worked together as teachers or in other union units. Nobody, but nobody recognized any of the Walker 'outside agitators' brought in to fake support and to provide 'brownshirt security'. Wonder why they hired from beyond the WI borders? Seems they could have offered the jobs to locals.
Is there a job to be a fake 'union thug' for the cameras of wingnuts? It seems rather 'coincidental' that there is alleged 'union thuggery' always in the frame of wingnuts. Yet, not one person has ever been identified as a union member. We see plenty of wingnuts...and someone wearing a strangely new 'union jacket' or is miraculously identified in less than three seconds as a 'union thug'..by an omniscient wingnut. If these actually took place...where are the records and the news pieces. Oh, the last faker got schooled by the judge for being a wingnut lying liar.
Wow Pilot X I was looking to intervene in the fight but you are doing just fine all by yourself.
I don't understand what the fuss is about when it comes to Obama. He has instituted the same policies as the Republicans before him.
Clearly the answer lies outside of official Washington. Both sides are kicking the crap out of us and some folks continue to look to the "good" cop for help.
Of course Karen jobs are being shipped over seas of course the right use of tariffs could help the US worker but that is not the aim of the capitalist. The multi-national corporations are doing what they are supposed to do and that is chase cheap materials to make cheaper products to make more profit.
This thread is becoming a dizzying merry go round. Aren't some things obvious by now.
Us workers really need to find points of agreement and get busy working together before most of us find ourselves in the streets.
"Guess what PilotX? A LOT of you shiftless bastards AREN'T WORTH IT!"
Well when the next round of contract negotiations come up you and your lawyers are free to try to prove as much but the real deal is planes don't fly without pilots. If I'm not worth it pay some other schlub willing to work for less and see what happens, you'll be back begging me to work for you at more than I asked for in the first place. Kinda what happened in 2000. Ha!
"1980 was adifferent situation, and Reagan was not responsible for the loss of manufacturing jobs. In fact, he played hardball with the Japanese auto industry which resulted in them building a large number of new plants here"
But what accounts for the humongous drop in manufacturing plants and jobs during Reagan's 8 years? I would really love your take.
Rev Wite, loved your 'free trade' statement. You ate Rational cookies today!! Keep it up!
PilotX, the German businessclones would love to be as evil as ours...but those unions make it quite clear there would be a reckoning. You would get a one-time profit...and the next election cycle would have your taxes go to levels that hurt. Plus the possible nationalization of your firm...with no payment. Some Goober will gork that the Germans is poore...but they speak from ignorance. The short sleeve 'engineer' shirt the man is wearing is of high quality and cost as much as your salesmcreagan suit. His house may not be a McMansion in a gated wite burb....but it is a concrete structure with a utility bill that is less per year than your is per month. Oh, and he takes two vacations a year and is able to be off for weeks.
"Us workers really need to find points of agreement and get busy working together before most of us find ourselves in the streets."
Exactly. This is class warfare and the middle and below are losing so choose sides wisely. Since the 50's when taxes are high there is a vibrant middle class and jobs are plentiful but there are fewer millionaires and billionaires. Since the 50's when taxes are low there is a smaller middle-class, fewer jobs and more millionaires and billionaires. Looking at this data who is it that wants low taxes and workers to compete for low paying jobs with no benefits? Rupert Murdoch and the Koch brothers would love for us to tear ourselves apart for the scraps they leave behind as they buy foreign cars and foreign tailor-made suits. If that's whose side you're on then have at it but I'd rather go down fighting with my fellow workers that only want to put food on their tables and send their kids to good schools.
st reagan gave the green light to outsource and bust unions. But...we must worship the fantasitckal myth of the uberSalesman that was he.
It is Washington National...unless you are a touron form Gooberville or a 'single wite dude' living in Mom's basement...then you might call it by your DaddyFigure/Parental lust Complex.
Washington National...only Heeyucks call it something else.
I hear a lot of pilots have problems with having bad hemorrhoids.
Is this true, PilotX? Does your union address this hazard? Do they mandate the airlines furnish with those little booty cushions? If it were me, I'd definitely demand that in negotiations.
It looks like a whole new generation of moonbat entrepeneurs is being inpsired by Obama/GE/GM crony capitalism:
There is dumb, and then there is liberal dumb.
"Anonymous said...
Washington National...only Heeyucks call it something else.
3:28 PM"
Yeah, I know what you mean. I call freakin' February, "Freakin' February" too.
so coohole licker hows that 250 iq treatin ya got any proof?
got proof of ur so called scholarly publications?
stoopid loser
maybe u cant sign in as alicia banks cuz ur account has been disabled due to ur continuous harassment of bloggers here and elsewhere u FRAUD
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
unlicked uneducated lying loopy illiterate vulgar paranoid pookies/LEGIONS of vdlrS:
speak freely on this!!!
Now I believe in free speech as much as the next person, but the frequent mention of the word "astroturf" which sounds dumb as hell in the first place, and the fact that it ties DIRECTLY to the profile of Socranut AKA Socrates, should make it easy to ban this stupid, MoFo!!!
And take MR's/Assnon's vulgar, vile, uneducated, raggedy a$$ with you, LOL!!!
lickless clueless turfless blogless vulgar penless pigs paranoid pookies/vdlrS:
hobama is gwb's QB
the entire planet is hobama's astroturf
his cruel cleats get stronger and sharper and starker each day
and ONLY hobama and his banksters will win his bloody global games for oil/opium/gold
africom = war olympics!!!
now pitiful pig skinned porkers... go run a touchdown on this!
Hey Dr. Queen/PNT!
welcome back!
memo to hobama:
please draft all the hobama nazi pookies who want to ride or die for u...ASAP!
we need quiet hoods and safe schools!!!
lickless IQless tagless testless stripeless medaless awardless vulgar DQ'd pookie:
surf this turf!!!
u cosmic fool!
our presidents speech was filled with the same platitudes and justifications for war crouched in liberal human interest rhetoric it still does not take away the fact that he started a war with those people just like paid astroturfers have started a war with every legitimate blogger on this blog and others like it
so now that the so called alicia banks troll and psi dumbass is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
paid astroturfers are paid to do damage to someones blog who is of interest to specific powers that be if a black man is able to get a whole lot of different other intelligent blacks on his site to discuss problems and criticize the state of affairs then of course people will try to silence him
hopefully mr blog administrator realizes that there are some out there that will try to cover their DEFAMATION of others under the guise of free speech and defamation in the blog world takes on many different forms
we saw that when our president was running there were paid astroturfers set out to besmrich his name they are still here on this blog and harass every one of us each day their speech isnt free its hateful and incites others bra...be...
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
asian proverb:
we are as many persons as languages we speak
i speak french fluently...since i was 10
foreign language/art/PE instruction and all else that is not bogus NCLB test fodder...is being cut by hobama...
even as he spends BILLIONS via africom to steal oil and gold from libya etc....
Now I believe in free speech as much as the next person, but the frequent mention of the word "astroturf" which sounds dumb as hell in the first place, and the fact that it ties DIRECTLY to the profile of Socranut AKA Socrates, should make it easy to ban this stupid, MoFo!!!psimmmdumbass
u dont believe in free speech because ur sole purpose is to threaten and harass those who disagree and further expose ur lies u defile the memory of dr. charles drew by using his picture as ur avatar u disgusting paid astroturfer skum! and since u cleearly dont know what that is yet u sell ur ass nonetheless use a gottdam dictionary LOSER
i speak french fluently...since i was 10 kantbreaf
sure u do kantbreaf just like eye speak martian
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg pnt:
you are a REAL black scientist and scholar
wigga slob marley is a bald wm buffoon
and this silly mf the vdlr calls that an analogy????
is she lamenting harassment????
THE most ghost faced haint hater harassing us all with her verbal vulgar schizo serial STDs INCESSANTLY!!!!
"Alicia Banks said...
i speak french fluently...since i was 10
4:42 PM"
I'll bet you could speak water buffalo the moment your momma dropped you in the grass field.
You got that right, Marlin!
corny zoo crew vdlrS:
water buffalo do not speak like you beastly morons do...
bray on buffoons!!!!
but u will never defend that WWII WAGING WILDEBEAST hobama!!!!!
Yawn yawn yawn same ole same ole bragging about not mucha nuttin kantbreaf over here now will go into her new character psi mmm that dont know shyt about bein any type of scientist and certainly dont know shyt about cherokees! LOSERS and FRAUDS!!!
i speak french fluently...since i was 10 kantbreaf
sure u do kantbreaf just like eye speak martian
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
and herman cain would not be pleased nor would our illustrious president at the horrible name calling u say about him each and every day but that is how bullies work they talk in teh shadows and spread lies and rumors they pretend that they are something that clearly they arenot and when confronted withtheir lies they continue the abuse and bullshyt they are losers liars and frauds the epitome of evil incarnate true evil and they must be stopped from continuously poisoning ur well
jokeless joker assnons vdlrS:
u monkeyshining vulgar varmints will never defend that
joke this!
of course u can countdown to when ur supposed other personality will show up since ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
of course u can countdown to when ur supposed other personality will show up since ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
and herman cain would not be pleased nor would our illustrious president at the horrible name calling u say about him each and every day but that is how bullies work they talk in teh shadows and spread lies and rumors they pretend that they are something that clearly they arenot and when confronted withtheir lies they continue the abuse and bullshyt they are losers liars and frauds the epitome of evil incarnate true evil and they must be stopped from continuously poisoning ur well
and this silly mf the vdlr calls that an analogy????
is she lamenting harassment????kantbreaf bucetalicker
gee kantbreaf isnt someone with a 250 iq supposed to be smarter then that? the vulgarities and their acronyms u use r very rotton indeed but oh well eyeve learned that liars and frauds and paid astroturfers sent to silence free speech on black blogs are just illusions and pathetic shyt stains wannabe humans eye call them like kantbreaf banks and psi mmm the LIARS
linguistically retarded lickless vdlr:
tu es vraiment folle!!!
"Alicia Banks jumped the tracks from FM to AM, sending sparks through the airwaves and widening debates on heated topics...Banks is no ordinary talk show host. She's articulate, intelligent, and above all, she's fearless...Banks' soft graceful voice belies the forcefulness of her views...Since 1989, the French-fluent host has segued personal commentary and literary messages with hours of music..." ATLANTA JOURNAL CONSTITUTION 10/14/1993
as u continusouly besmirch the name of the first black president of the usa and yet claim to be a black radical lesbian ure likely a mentally ill mentally unfit midget living in ur mama basement eatin cheetoes watching alex jones all day u kantbreaf cooholelickin loser! and yet u claim to be abused? ya malignant narcissistic disgusting filth pile! stank breaf banks that is...
the same ole same ole bullshyt that can never be authenticated from what damn twenty years ago? ure a gottdam lie and a loser! u still cannot and have not providedproof of ur other statements
got proof of ur 250 iq?
got proof of ur scholarship? cough sneeze even that was hard to type ya carpetmunchin lunatic
witless wannabee inarticulate illiterate uneducated vdlr:
u will never be like me!!!!
get over that!
depechez vous folle!!!!
as u continusouly besmirch the name of the first black president of the usa and yet claim to be a black radical lesbian ure likely a mentally ill mentally unfit midget living in ur mama basement eatin cheetoes watching alex jones all day u kantbreaf cooholelickin loser! and yet u claim to be abused? ya malignant narcissistic disgusting filth pile! stank breaf banks that is...
of course u can countdown to when ur supposed other personality will show up since ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
and herman cain would not be pleased nor would our illustrious president at the horrible name calling u say about him each and every day but that is how bullies work they talk in teh shadows and spread lies and rumors they pretend that they are something that clearly they arenot and when confronted withtheir lies they continue the abuse and bullshyt they are losers liars and frauds the epitome of evil incarnate true evil and they must be stopped from continuously poisoning ur well
proud to be black indeed!
the same ole same ole bullshyt that can never be authenticated from what damn twenty years ago? ure a gottdam lie and a loser! u still cannot and have not providedproof of ur other statements
got proof of ur 250 iq?
got proof of ur scholarship? cough sneeze even that was hard to type ya carpetmunchin lunatic
nobody in their rite mind would ever want nor wish to be like u since u r unintelligent unattractive and plain out unappealing in all aspects kantbreaf
ho whore chatte harlot trick vdlr:
c'est la verite!!!!
u will never be like me!!!!kantbreafcooholelicker
gee kantbreaf whyever would ANYONE IN THEIR RIGHT MIND emulate u in any way shape or form?
u delude urself further LOSER and FRAUD!
as u continusouly besmirch the name of the first black president of the usa and yet claim to be a black radical lesbian ure likely a mentally ill mentally unfit midget living in ur mama basement eatin cheetoes watching alex jones all day u kantbreaf cooholelickin loser! and yet u claim to be abused? ya malignant narcissistic disgusting filth pile! stank breaf banks that is...
of course u can countdown to when ur supposed other personality will show up since ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
keep trying to change the subject and keep trying to keep with ur work objective of constantly smearing the president must be hard to keep up a few fake personas and continusouly data mine for shit on the president hah kuntbreaf?
clueless corpless bankless broke vdlr:
AB, don't you find it absolutely hilarious that this assnon psycho, responds back and forth with itself, LOL??
Now if that ain't some sick $hit, I don't know what is!
Back to the thread topic, I told these folks when he was elected, negroes especially, that whether he deserved it or not, Prez. Obama would go down in history as the worst Prez. ever. And this Libyan situation among so many others, is playing right into the hands of the folks who played him in the first place.
I actually feel very bad for him.
wannabee neverwas neverwillbe vdlr:
20 yrs ago u were an uneducated hater
and in 20 more yrs u will be the same
and in 20 yrs the blackish black and blue hobama will be documented as the worst prez in history
bet u 20 bucks!!!!
ditto Dr. Queen
but i am still stuck on her lamenting "harassment"!
say wha????????????
and the dumb hoodrat thought "Dr. Drew" was a new perm kit!
People like you, both white racists and black buckdancers will never adjust to a black man being the leader of the free world.
That's all your shrieking is about.
On Saturday, ThinkProgress interviewed GOP presidential aspirant Herman Cain regarding his controversial statements on Muslims in America. We asked the former CEO of Godfather’s Pizza if he would be comfortable appointing a Muslim either in his cabinet or as a federal judge. Cain definitively declared:
“No, I will not. And here’s why. There is this creeping attempt, there is this attempt to gradually ease Sharia law and the Muslim faith into our government. It does not belong in our government. This is what happened in Europe. And little by little, to try and be politically correct, they made this little change, they made this little change. And now they’ve got a social problem that they don’t know what to do with hardly.”
Needless to say, he's already backtracking. This guy.......
coon hobama nazi uts:
that blackish man is killing blackER people for black oil
i adore that black man louis f who has a bigger brain and organ than u and dares to call him out!!!!
i hate beta male bitches like u and wigga slob marley and that hoax hobama in all races
and i adore real kinds like louis f/mumia/cornel/huey/tavis/harry b/danny g etc and alex jones in all races too
get over that u lying oj bf hating sexist racist original mf dog
as u continusouly besmirch the name of the first black president of the usa and yet claim to be a black radical lesbian ure likely a mentally ill mentally unfit midget living in ur mama basement eatin cheetoes watching alex jones all day u kantbreaf cooholelickin loser! and yet u claim to be abused? ya malignant narcissistic disgusting filth pile! stank breaf banks that is...
of course u can countdown to when ur supposed other personality will show up since ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
cant think of anything better then caling someone a bitch? gee u geniuses always disappoint kantbreaf stank banksbuceta licker!
beta male bromanced hobama love drunken uts:
like gwb
hobama should be impeached
and if he is
it will truly bring me orgasmic joy to watch u sob like a widowed bitch!!!
bet oj!!!
racist blind hobama nazi uts:
NOTHING is more racist than pretending hobama is some saint with bombs 4 oil and gold
...just because he is blackish!!
shame on u u bigoted black sambo...shame!!!
of course u can countdown to when ur supposed other personality will show up since ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
loser alicia banks now ure bothering senile uts fraud loser and liar!
as u continusouly besmirch the name of the first black president of the usa and yet claim to be a black radical lesbian ure likely a mentally ill mentally unfit midget living in ur mama basement eatin cheetoes watching alex jones all day u kantbreaf cooholelickin loser! and yet u claim to be abused? ya malignant narcissistic disgusting filth pile! stank breaf banks that is...
ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
shame on u u bigoted black sambo...shame!!!carpetlickin stank breaf alicia banks troll
plain for all to see ure calling another black person a sambo
only a lunatic wite boy in his mama basement eatin cheetoes would say some foul shyt like that
ure a liar and a loser and a fraud
ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
People like you, both white racists and black buckdancers will never adjust to a black man being the leader of the free world. uts
yep the most profound thing senile uts has said all day very true very true
but uts didnt ya know ab is not a black woman shes a paid wite shill sent to talk shyt and spread rumors about the president and other black men doing things cant u see taht ?
shytlickin banks!
male perp hobama nazi uts:
"a black man" has 2 black parents
hobama is a halfrican hoax who is slaying african-americans and bombing and robbing africa/libya etc....
that will always be ok with nigs like u
but that will never be ok with me
blacken this!
lickless vdlr:
it is sad that you are so obsessed with varied vulgar licking...
and clearly never get licked in any way by anyone anywhere...
tragic troll!!!
i slay u vdlrS/assnons all day
and i crucify your blackish god hobama daily
and all u can ever say about me is lies
insane lies like
u r a wm
u have no life
u r not real
u have no job
u have no degrees
yada yada yo yo
your loony lies will never slay me or save hobama
all your lies do is prove this:
dyam i'm good!!!
dyam that hoax hobama is indefensible!!!!!!!!
bon soir fous!
People like you, both white racists and black buckdancers will never adjust to a black man being the leader of the free world. uts
yep the most profound thing senile uts has said all day very true very true
but uts didnt ya know ab is not a black woman shes a paid wite shill sent to talk shyt and spread rumors about the president and other black men doing things cant u see taht ?
shytlickin banks!
ab u r a wm
u have no life
u r not real
u have no job
u have no degrees
yada yada yo yo socratic wite fella and anyone else with half a mind
duh! u spelled it out plainly kantfreaf u r a lie and a fraud with no degrees or real achievements other than those u fabricated shytlicker!
lickless vdlr:
it is sad that you are so obsessed with varied vulgar licking...
and clearly never get licked in any way by anyone anywhere...
tragic troll!!!kuntbreaf banks
gee kantbreaf why focus on licking so much buceta breaf ure the self professed carpetmuncher aint cha? eye just calls it how eye sees it sweetie pie
ure disgusting btw!
paid astroturfin loser and fraud
ure a liar and a loser and a fraud
ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
omg pnt:
did u see the vdlr???
she did it again
the only thing she is MORE obsessed with than stalking me is harping on diseased oral sex
scan up
scan all over these archives
the vdlr is a hypocritical bold blind unglued unlicked pookie!!!!!!!
I'll have to agree with you AB, this idiot stalker has some kinda sick, obsessive sex fetish with you it's pretty clear. I mean, it's really kinda pathetic since sex can be so easily purchased these days, but I guess if you're so vile that you can't even but some sex, you're in pretty bad shape, LOL!!
Then again, maybe it a vicarious obsession with Field through you?
lost uts:
any hopeless hobama nazi mf who could look at the usa/libya and still type some bs about the ONLY reason anyone hates hobama is because he is "black"....
that is a hobama zombie who
TRULY needs to wtfu and look around
there are 44 BILLION reasons to hate that blackish hoax hobama and 23 TRILLION of those have nothing to do with libya!!!!
u r a hopeless hobamabot!!!!
shame uncle ruckus/uts!!!!!!
i would never ever let that genital flea bitten bitch vdlr infest and destroy my blog...ever!!!!
and she pastes her own insane vulgar XXX flea infested bs over and over all day
The alicia banks troll and her pet fly are annoying as hell.
Too bad she is posting as anon today. It was easier to scroll past her simian scratchings I saw her ugly mug materialize on the comments section..
"What is even more telling is his complete inability to "sell" this to anyone outside of the ever shrinking circle of hard core Progressives and Obots. But I repeat myself."
Karen, We will see come 2012 just how small that circle is.
paid astroturfin loser and fraud
ure a liar and a loser and a fraud
ure another sockpuppet for an ignorant phallic obsessed chicken head fraudulent fake nasty wannabe scientist LOSER
alicia kantbreaf banks
proof of ur 250 iq?
proof of ur scholarly publications?
proof of ur supposed genius?
POOF POOF POOF there is none kantbreaf!!!!!!!!!!!!
nobody is obsessed with u at all loser fraud u simply need to prove what uve said or quit bullying people here if u wont do that then eyel continue giving back to u what u give to others irritation and annoyance!
Too bad she is posting as anon today. It was easier to scroll past her simian scratchings I saw her ugly mug materialize on the comments section..anon wit sense
yep the ape shinin monkey is at it again with her fecal lovin pet fly psi mmm the wannabe ghettoese scientist lol the losers!!!!!!!
asking someone to prove up their claims is far from bad but since theyve nothing to show of course theyre going to talk mess about those who take them to task
duh insecurity! aint nothing to show thats why!
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
AB, I guess many more people than we know "get off"on this sex obsessive ranting???
Well whatever makes a person's toes curl, I guess I prefer to get mine the natural, old fashioned way, LOL!!!
Have a good one AB, it's too damn tiring for me to skip thought 300 hundred posts of sick bullshit every damn day!
so now that the so called alicia banks troll is posting anonymously it is even clearer that it is paid astroturf most bloggers blog because they enjoy the discourse and the freedom to express themselves anonymously or under screen names; that is the essence of true FREE SPEECH; it doesn't cost a thing
BUT Mr blog administrator paid astroturf is the antithesis of free speech these asswypes are PAID to deliberately disrupt the expression of speech online through bullying intimidation of other sorts and defamation if u value FREE SPEECH ule keep the free stuff and chuck the paid astroturf
pass it on
as usual the compulsive nature of these trolls to get the last word in is funny this nasty filth pile so called scientist said she was done addressing this anon a few days ago yet it continues to do so since just like bucetaickingaliciabanks it cannot control its fat ugly mouth! cough miss ahem scientists muah muah muah ure an idgit wannabe cherokee
Have a good one AB, it's too damn tiring for me to skip thought 300 hundred posts of sick bullshit every damn day!psi mmm LIAR and FRAUD wannabe scientist
gee ude think wit all ur edumacashun that ude use less coarse language than that dont u edumacaded folks know shakespeare and stuff like that? cant u do a little word play for lil ole me, since, according to u, this anon is uneducated?
dumb ghettodenizen fooL!
psi ure middle aged and like crocheting? what a gottdam cliche! u dont even know how to construct online identities right ya incompetent ignorant moron! oh look no cussing! surely someone as educated as urself can find better more eloquent ways to insult then mere gutter language? idgit
Typical wingnut echo chamber...two sockpuppets pretend debaterating each other...to keep others from speaking. Sort of like the pundits on FOX...or the Brooks Pudgy riots fer bush in Miami...or the carrying of firearms to school events.
Progressives wrote Obama off years ago. They just like the idea of an AfAm President as the racist Goobers pissed themselves over the idea.
Pretty much Obama will win...the Rs offer only stoopids, incompetents and folks who want to steal your pay and benefits. Given those two choices, a christmole right-right R politician like Obama is the best option.
There is dumb, and then there is liberal dumb.
3:38 PM
And then there is superstrength believe the world is 6,000 year old, vote for Christine o'Donnell, think Sarah and Michele are presidential material, think the KKK are liberal, W voting dumb or in short conservative dumb which are interchangable terms.
Kinda late with the comment moderation aren't you field?
"Well when the next round of contract negotiations come up you and your lawyers are free to try to prove as much but the real deal is planes don't fly without pilots. If I'm not worth it pay some other schlub willing to work for less and see what happens, you'll be back begging me to work for you at more than I asked for in the first place. Kinda what happened in 2000. Ha!"
Um, not really.
You're going to try to tell me Regionals pay as much as mainline?
As the older guys retire, watch how they'll have NO problem replacing you with cheaper seats.
Which is why I told my younger son if he wants to be in aviation, he has to finish his 4 yr Av Mgmt degree, and then do an Av law degree, rather than just hop to the regionals now - the money's in the management side, not in the cockpit.
"Odd how one's child just 'happens' to toil in Beijing and has such extensive expertise. Almost as if the person was Immaculate Conception"
I've talked about my older son quite frequently. He opened his first business when he was 10, and was the top salesperson on the west coast for a multinational as a college student when he was 18. The kid is driven.
He has a BA in Marketing, and a second degree in Mandarin language and culture, and a certified linguist/translator with the US state dept as a 4/4/4.
White, western, fully fluent Chinese linguists are rare. US and Euro execs who go over prefer to deal with the white guy who looks like them and speaks flawless English and can communicate to the support staff in flawless Mandarin. Check the job listings in the DC area - demand is high, and is in the neighborhood of $250K ++ for Chinese linguists who are 3/3/3 or better, but he wanted to make more money than that. He was recruited to go to Beijing, and has had two job offers since he's been there, since he is bringing in the clients and completing contracts under time. If he wasn't producing, he'd be back on a plane here.
The kid worked damn hard, working fulltime while attending college fulltime, has some natural talent, and took advantage of once-in-a-lifetime opportunity that came his way.
We're very proud of him, because he's a kid that hasn't had things easy, but that has only spurred him to work harder and prove his critics wrong. He spent more of his elementary school years in a hospital bed than in a classroom, fighting for his little life.
Jealous much??
"Karen, We will see come 2012 just how small that circle is."
True that, Mr. Field -- we will see.
For ma familia here, though, it will be irrelevant. We won't be living in the US and the outcome of 2012 won't really mean anything to us.
Field Negro, every time you give Obama a pass, I can't help but wonder which field working on. A field with carpet grass or the one made by woven wool or artificial fibers?
Are you caught between supporting a black man in the highest office who's policies has betrayed what you and I and every progressive expected. He dropped the ball on Health Care, Financial reform, Civil Liberties/Privacy, The two wars etc.
Cut the bullshit and open your eyes and mind to the plethora of evidence that confirms these two parties are more or less the same, republican/democrat, white president or biracial president. Harping on one party over the other betrays your intelligence or maybe confirms it. Every time you waste your time on these right wing nut jobs your credibility is called into question.
Election time, it'd be interesting to see how much of your eggs your gonna put in Obama's basket. A president that's shown himself to be weak and complicit against everything he promised to take on.
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