There must be some really bad stuff in the air around here. Just this weekend a man went all Musashi on his family in a [upper]middle class neighborhood right outside of Philadelphia:
"Montgomery County prosecutors have charged a 23-year-old man with fatally stabbing his father, mother, and twin brother.
Joseph McAndrew Jr. was arrested Saturday and charged with three counts of first-degree murder related to the stabbing deaths of Joseph C. McAndrew, 70; Susan C. McAndrew, 64; and James D. McAndrew, 23, in the family's Upper Merion home.
King of Prussia District Justice William I. Maruszczak said McAndrew did not speak at his araignment Sunday morning. He is being held without bail.
Neighbors said police arrived late Saturday, and four police cars were at the house on Holstein Road when one neighbor arrived home at 1:30 a.m. Sunday. "It's traumatic and very shocking," said the man, 23, who had attended Upper Merion schools with the brothers.
Speaking of Joseph Jr., the neighbor said, "I played soccer with him growing up. I never thought that anything was possible." The man asked not to be identified. He said the family had lived in the house for more than 20 years.
According to a police affidavit, all three were killed by "multiple cuts and lacerations" in the house, where police found several knives and a "samurai-style sword," the Norristown Times Herald reported. The two-story, white-stucco home is on a narrow, two-lane road." [More]
Yes, we never think certain things are possible with certain types of people. I mean just when you think you know someone...Anyway, clearly this young man had some serious issues and it's sad that it had to come to this. But hey, nothing surprises me anymore in A-merry-ca.
Finally, because nothing surprises me anymore, I shouldn't be surprised to hear that a certain wingnuut politician wants to have hearings on the "radicalization" of Islam in A-merry-ca.
"Rep. Peter King said Sunday he'll hold hearings on the "radicalization of the American Muslim community" - but some critics fear an anti-Islamic witchhunt.
King (R-L.I.) said a Congressional probe is needed because Al Qaeda has increasingly targeted Muslims living legally in the United States as potential terror recruits.
Despite the threat to their own community, King said, some Islamic clerics resist cooperating with investigators.
"We want to assess the extent of the radicalization of the Muslim community," he said. "It's clear to me there has not been sufficient cooperation."
"With Al Qaeda trying to recruit from within their community, it's important that they cooperate," said King, who will be chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security in the new Republican-controlled Congress. King's call drew fire from Muslim groups, who said they fear the hearings will only fuel bigotry and hatred." [Source]
"Montgomery County prosecutors have charged a 23-year-old man with fatally stabbing his father, mother, and twin brother.
Joseph McAndrew Jr. was arrested Saturday and charged with three counts of first-degree murder related to the stabbing deaths of Joseph C. McAndrew, 70; Susan C. McAndrew, 64; and James D. McAndrew, 23, in the family's Upper Merion home.
King of Prussia District Justice William I. Maruszczak said McAndrew did not speak at his araignment Sunday morning. He is being held without bail.
Neighbors said police arrived late Saturday, and four police cars were at the house on Holstein Road when one neighbor arrived home at 1:30 a.m. Sunday. "It's traumatic and very shocking," said the man, 23, who had attended Upper Merion schools with the brothers.
Speaking of Joseph Jr., the neighbor said, "I played soccer with him growing up. I never thought that anything was possible." The man asked not to be identified. He said the family had lived in the house for more than 20 years.
According to a police affidavit, all three were killed by "multiple cuts and lacerations" in the house, where police found several knives and a "samurai-style sword," the Norristown Times Herald reported. The two-story, white-stucco home is on a narrow, two-lane road." [More]
Yes, we never think certain things are possible with certain types of people. I mean just when you think you know someone...Anyway, clearly this young man had some serious issues and it's sad that it had to come to this. But hey, nothing surprises me anymore in A-merry-ca.
Finally, because nothing surprises me anymore, I shouldn't be surprised to hear that a certain wingnuut politician wants to have hearings on the "radicalization" of Islam in A-merry-ca.
"Rep. Peter King said Sunday he'll hold hearings on the "radicalization of the American Muslim community" - but some critics fear an anti-Islamic witchhunt.
King (R-L.I.) said a Congressional probe is needed because Al Qaeda has increasingly targeted Muslims living legally in the United States as potential terror recruits.
Despite the threat to their own community, King said, some Islamic clerics resist cooperating with investigators.
"We want to assess the extent of the radicalization of the Muslim community," he said. "It's clear to me there has not been sufficient cooperation."
"With Al Qaeda trying to recruit from within their community, it's important that they cooperate," said King, who will be chairman of the House Committee on Homeland Security in the new Republican-controlled Congress. King's call drew fire from Muslim groups, who said they fear the hearings will only fuel bigotry and hatred." [Source]
This is what happens when you give wingnuts the power over anything; they abuse it. Good luck with those hearings Mr. King. I hope you get a chance to weed out all those radicals and crazies living among us. Although I think you might want to start with the crazy people living among our own families, first.
" This is what happens when you give wingnuts the power over anything; they abuse it"
Yes Sir! And they are the reason that there are no Republican Presidential Candidates at the moment. The 'mainstream' candidates know they can't win. Our favorite House Negro Juan Williams basically told the Fox News Sunday Panel that earlier today.
Better keep winning Knicks, Because Philly is coming after you.
I bet he doesn't call Todd Palin or those crazy survivalist groups in Montana and Idaho into the congress to discuss anti-american activity. Methinks they represent a bigger threat to us ala McVeigh but that wouldn't be give signals to his wingnut base. The Mooslim scare tactics are so 2004.
@ PilotX: That's right, let's not forget that the real enemy is right-wing white folk living in trailers up in the mountains, not state-sponsored muslim terrorists.
You have sucessfully internalized the message the liberal propagandists use to deflect attention from Islam's war on the West. Congratulations.
Thank Allah for the New York Times.
Field, "This is what happens when you give wingnuts the power over anything; they abuse it"
Wesley R, "Yes Sir! And they are the reason that there are no Republican Presidential Candidates at the moment. The 'mainstream' candidates know they can't win. Our favorite House Negro Juan Williams basically told the Fox News Sunday Panel that earlier today."
Well, I hate to break it to you two Negroes who love racist Dems...
There is a candidate called Herman Cain who looks like he will be center stage as the GOP/Tea Party Presidential Candidate in 2012. And, wait for it....he is a black Conservative.
So you and Field can take all of your criticism about racism- and "uncle toms" in the GOP and shove it! I am Black Conservative and proud of it! Mr. Cain will beat the socks off of your phony Obama.
Say it loud! I'm Black and I'm proud(of black conservatives)! I suggest some of you losers join the Repubs and Tea Partiers and become winners.
But I understand if you don't. Some of you Negroes on the left have such low self-esteem you would have a nervous break down being on the winning side. Hell, I am waiting for Field to crack any day now....lol
For those of you who want to know more about Herman Cain, the next (Black) Republican Candidate and President 2012:
Field, "There must be some really bad stuff in the air around here. Just this weekend a man went all Musashi on his family in a [upper]middle class neighborhood right outside of Philadelphia:"
Field, people in [upper] middle class in Philly are below the national average for that class. You should check before you make such claims. Right away, you have distorted the story just like the rest of you FNegroes like Mell, Mack, PilotX and Wesley R. You so-called FNs are pathetic. Well, another BIG 'change' is coming in Wash, DC that will finish you progressive liberal black dems for good. A new wave of black conservatives is the name of the game.
Thank goodness for outstanding black conservatives because liberal-leftist 'mediocrity' just doesn't cut it anymore. Field, you and your followers are done!
Dear AB, please come back. FN can't live without you. Each day you stay away is a day short of 50 hits with Maria feeling empty inside. Yes, you filled her life with truth and goodness that her suffering without you on this blog has become debilitating.
On behalf of Maria, I beg you to come back..
On behalf of Maria, I beg you to come back..
Wait... I thought "behalf" was 50% off?
Innent dat rite FN?
Well, I hate to break it to you two Negroes who love racist Dems...
There is a candidate called Herman Cain who looks like he will be center stage as the GOP/Tea Party Presidential Candidate in 2012. And, wait for it....he is a black Conservative."
Herman Cain? OK, I will get my tap shoes out and wait for the music. :)
Please! He is a sideshow and you know it. Republiclowns had their one black man for the next century. His name was Michael Steele.
"Field, people in [upper] middle class in Philly are below the national average for that class. You should check before you make such claims.”
You sir/mam, are an idiot. You might want to do your research before you try and check me.
Rev Wite...with the exception of bushFriends doing 9-11 with his tacit blessing...the death toll from wite loonies is far, far higher.
Tim McVeigh? But...don't just hoperate that everyone falls for the poore witey scam....check out the SPLC website...or that of Dave Niewart....folks who have been following the brave and heroic wites who love to bomb, shoot or otherwise murder unarmed citizens in the name of...the rites of gawd-fearin' wite dudez to kill anyone who is smarter.
We actually have more wite terrorists than Muslim in the US. You do need to include the 'bortion manly heroes who love to shoot doctors for the crime of not obeying urine-stained losers. You need to include the wite bravefarts who shoot police for the crime of enforcing the Jewish Zionist Black conspiracy laws that keep ignorant boobs down.
Ummm...the NYT downplays the extent of the wite moron conspiracy. We might ask that the R base and wingnuts go to jail.
King is a R photo-op 'talent' without the MILFy goodness of Sarey and Michelle and the chicken-biting freak of Beck. How does he keep his job in such a market? Being a legislator? Hah! He goes after the imagined threat...the Comnist under the bed, the Soshlust who teaches, the Red with the Turban.
The actual threat to safety is wites...there was a report about this. Seems the bushmoles tried to bury it and the Obama crew is unhappy about putting wite pooheads in jail. Me, I'd put the wites in that 'enemy combatant' mode...in a foreign land. Most of the brave heroes of witeness are cowards and can only beat up unarmed folk. Wonder how they will deal with prison in 'brown lands'?
Field, feeding the Trolls? Me, I am inclined to let such abject buffoonery fester in their 'minds'. Makes for a delight when they reveal it during a 'date'.
Anon. does the name "Main Line" mean anything to you?
I jsut love how King singles out the hook-nosed Semitic Threat to godly wite womanhood and the safety of all good Aryans. Why, Long Island must be infiltrated with dozens of Muslim Bankers. Those sly and devious Muslims are stealing the lifeblood of wite christian children by filling their heads with Leftist/Comnist/Soshlust/Progressive theories...like Evilution and Gravtee and Numbers!!!
Muslim Bankers who lust after our fair, wite Aryan Long Island maidens...
Muslim Bankers who crashed the Economy despite the Valiant Efforts of our wite Heroes of TBTF Banks.
Muslims...who seek to destroy us from within...as they are nothing like us.
Where have I heard this before?
Field, that term went above their meager understanding, clearly. I would surmise their 'knowledge' of urban life comes canned from FOX and 'gangsta' movies. Wonder how all those 'welfare folks' in the eveelbigcities manage to buy custom PA wood furniture when FakeAnons live in trailers?
Perusing another forum, I stumbled on the following transaction on racism in these United States. A "tired" topic by many so-called "post-racial" souls, but it bears constant address, lest people forget (and you know how spotty some memories can get):
I'm white and grew up in east Tennessee in the immediate aftermath of the civil rights movement. The town where I grew up is 93% white and 3% black. Racism is just in the air there. Whether it's overt is a question of perspective.
To the north in the same county is another town that is 16% black. When police pull someone over on a traffic violation in my hometown, they're courteous and get it over with. When police pull someone over in the other town, they radio for backup units as a matter of routine.
My father grew up working-class in rural Florida and internalized the racism there. I have a clear memory of going to his office party when I was 5. A black man worked there as a copyist, and my father gave me a piece of putty eraser and told me to throw it at him, which I did. Later I learned to make fun of him in other ways, never explicitly racial, but always aimed at him and not the other (white middle class) people in the office. My father considered this man "one of the good ones"; he worked for a living and looked after his family. But he still didn't measure up to a white kid.
Shouting epithets is only a small part of racism in the south. It's more a condition for black people of always being reminded that they are the Wrong Kind, that they will always be held to a different standard, and that white people can mess with them and get away with it. In east Tennessee it's not as crude as in Florida or Louisiana, but it exists there and I guarantee it exists in Missouri as well.
"Color blindness" is a standard way of sneaking racism through the back door. It's an incantation white people can use to declare themselves above it all so that they can continue acting out racism in a coded way. Specifically, being "color blind" entitles you to call Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton racists and hate their guts, instead of calling them n----rs and hating their guts.
And another gem:
This is the thing. When people say colour-blindness is part of the problem, not the solution, they are categorically NOT stating we should go back to some system where blacks, whites, etc all go sit in little box's stop interacting and form some sort of wierd post-apartheid. Nobody wants that shit.
What they are saying is that colour-blindness is really colour-deafness. A lot of black and hispanic(etc) folk are saying there are STILL problems and structural disadvantages, along with the more obvious types of racism. But if you can't acknowledge race, then the conversation has hit a dead end. You can't *hear* it anymore.
But more to the point, its allowed racism to morph.
Whats that old christian saying? "The greatest trick satan ever pulled was to convince the world he didn't exist". Something like that.
Racism has changed form lately. Its stopped talking in the language of race, and now its talking in the language of "illegal immigration" and "islamofascism", and the like. But its the same old shit. Groups of people for whom white folks have almost no chance of being a member of , isolated and othered and persecuted for factors that they really shouldn't be.
And yes, neither illegal immigrants or muslims are a "race". But by the logic of colour-blindness, neither is 'black' or 'white'. And whilst technically race *IS* in fact a social construct, it still has a very real existance for people whos lives are politicized by it. But now with race in hiding, racism has gone into hiding. But by hiding, I mean "its still fucking there".
Whereas any republican who came out and proclaimed "Get those wetback fucks out of arizona" would be in for an electoral raping, he can instead proclaim "Lets make everyone who looks like an illegal immigrant cary a card so we can harass them at will". Well who the fuck looks like an illegal immigrant. Mexicans do , thats who.
So really what we are talking about is metonymy. The illegal immigrant stands in for all mexicans. If you want to persecute mexicans, you persecute illegal immigrants, and whilst most mexicans are not illegal immigrants, theres enough undocumented workers in mexico that theres a good chance most mexican familys will know at least or two , so it affects them too, and sends them a message saying "We can get you too wetback. Look what we are doing to Manuel over here." And of course it amplifies when suddenly white eyes everywhere are watching you thinking "Hmm, is that guy an illegal?"
Likewise with islamophobia. Muslims are metonomic of (excuse this term mods!) "Brown people". A bunch of years ago where I live, we had the peak of the "Oh god muslims are all suicide bombers" scare hit my town. Every mid eastern dude I know, most of whom are coptic, copped abuse, called terrorists, where threatened. Hell, even fucking Sikhs where getting harassed by knuckle dragging mongoloids who thought that sikhs where muslims. Shit, I even knew a bahai dude who got bashed for being a muslim terrorist, something thats absoultely horrible when you consider the recent history of the bahai (basically ethnically cleansed out of iran by the ruling regime for being heretics)
But oh god, when you bring it up, people start howling BUT MUSLIMS ARE NOT A RACE, ITS NOT RACISM. Well fucking durr budy, but heres the gig, it fucking is racism, because racism isn't "being mean to black people", its, in the west at least, a system of white supremacy and privelege held in place by a series of social exclusions and otherings. Traditionally, of course, the othering of other races.
But now, in the era of "color blindness" white supremacy and white privelege is STILL being firmly cemented in place, but the heuristic of racism has simply altered its terms and now its white people vs illegal immigrants and white people vs damn muslims. Its just the same fucking thing, except with a new group.
And heres the gutwrencher of it all. Black folks don't get to participate in the spoils of white supremacy. Sure people are not walking around calling black folks niggers or spooks anymore, but they aint benefitting of the crusade against undocumented mexicans either. Thats a white guy whos getting the cheap labor, and its a white guy whos getting the votes from the dirty hate campaign waged for him. And the black guy voted in as pres? Yeah like folks are letting him do the job he was voted in for. Lotsa conservatives flipping the fuck out over that guy.
The economic substrate of racism is unaltered. The guy who runs the bank is still a white guy, and its a black guy whos working on a prison farm picking the cotton that makes his shirt. (Oh we can go on here about how colour-blindness is stopping people seeing the fundamentally racial nature of the prison-industrial complex, but perhaps someone whos followed hiding from goro's threads could make that post better than I)
We actually need to acknowledge that race has a reality in peoples lives, and most important look out our own priveleges and see how it affects our own, or the fight against biggotry and discrimination will remain mired in denial.
speaking AS MARIA (not my real name), it's been lovely to have AB gone. i do not wish her to return.
You should stop the deflection game fields, you suck at it.Bring up a tragedy like this to explain away the fact that King wants to explore the reasons why the muslim community embraces terrorism in stead of fighting it is pretty fuckin' low.Even for a Liberal.
Its worse than mold making fun of babies with Down's syndrome.
FBI will arrest Fundies...unless they are wite and christian...
Still waiting on proof..While your thinking of more shit to make up you can also provide factural proof that....
"The actual threat to safety is wites...there was a report about this. Seems the bushmoles tried to bury it and the Obama crew is unhappy about putting wite pooheads in jail."
"We actually have more wite terrorists than Muslim in the US."
"the NYT downplays the extent of the wite moron conspiracy."
"Rev Wite...with the exception of bushFriends doing 9-11 with his tacit blessing...the death toll from wite loonies is far, far higher."
From the editor:
Field, I believe you meant "I think [King] might want to start with the crazy people [who favor this idea]."
Anonymous said...
Field, that term went above their meager understanding, clearly. I would surmise their 'knowledge' of urban life comes canned from FOX and 'gangsta' movies. Wonder how all those 'welfare folks' in the eveelbigcities manage to buy custom PA wood furniture when FakeAnons live in trailers?
Yet you as a junkie caught that term right away, I am so proud o you Negro.
Being a native NYer I always have to laugh when people describe NY as this bastion of liberalism and tolerance.
NY, particularly the outerboroughs and Long Island can be as backwards and provincial as any town in West Virginia or Kentucky.
The fact that an ignorant bone-headed racist bigot like King has represented the NY's 3rd congressional district for 18 years is testament to that.
Mack Lyons
UTS, yes..yes they are. But, unlike the hillcretins and Heeyucks...the LongIslanders and witeboroughs have to work at it.
SPC, what you want is for me to do your work...no thanks. I did offer two starting points for seeing the risks and also mentioned the FBI. There was this report that revealed the wite terrorists in the US...funny how you missed that. Must be because it was written in English.
maria said...
speaking AS MARIA (not my real name), it's been lovely to have AB gone. i do not wish her to return.
You're not the only one, but I think she's rationing her meds.
mack lyons posted:
But oh god, when you bring it up, people start howling BUT MUSLIMS ARE NOT A RACE, ITS NOT RACISM.
Correct. Muslims are like Nazis -- believers in an ideology. Did all Nazis work the gas chambers? No. Not at all. But neither did they oppose the practices, thinking and goals of Nazism.
That's how it is with muslims. Few are terrorists, but few oppose attacks on non-muslims, and few are opposed to the anti-westernism and anti-Semitism of Islam.
Hence, Rep King is correct to demand an investigation of Islam in America.
Let's see. There have been 17,000 lethal attacks by muslim terrorists since 9/11.
However, field, in his Frantz Fanon desire to participate in the violent destruction of America, sees more danger in one psychopathic white kid who killed his family.
Analysis of psychosis has been underway for who-knows-how-long. Psychiatrists, psychologists, and a long list of others with a need to know have been studying crazy people relentlessly.
That's good isn't it? We even make laws to address the problems caused by crazy people.
When confronted by an ideology that has espouses death for non-followers of the ideology, should we NOT study the ideology?
Muslims are so intent on enforcing their Islamic ways on people that they even kill each other for believing "false" versions of Islam.
Even these clowns have failed to understand their religion/politcal doctrine/military is a free-for-all that is whatever its followers say it is. The sunnis hate the shiites and they all hate the Nation of Islam.
Meanwhile, Rep King should demand an full investigation of the NOI. It is obviously a criminal organization and recently Obama was in Chicago visiting down the street from NOI headquarters. The Secret Service found itself in a standoff with the Fruit of Islam.
Amazingly, these armed thugs were not arrested for carrying weapons near the president.
Obama has time to chastise the "Cambridge police for acting stupidly" but not for the confrontational theatrics of the Fruit of Islam.
Anyway, there's 1,400 years of Islamic lunacy as background that shows the need for an investigation of the mosques, the money, the people and the ambitions of all involved.
Anonymous said...
SPC, what you want is for me to do your work...no thanks. I did offer two starting points for seeing the risks and also mentioned the FBI. There was this report that revealed the wite terrorists in the US...funny how you missed that. Must be because it was written in English.
Once again,you prove to be nothing more than a liberal coward.
No facts,no proof,you just prove to be full of shit.
Than again,most liberals are full of shit.
mold has admitted being a big fan of Islam and its practioners.
But when asked to provide the names of some Islamic writers and literature they've written he goes blank.
Refusals to respond are common enough. But mold has operating standards. The mold format always involves name-dropping.
Whatever the issue, mold drops names and not much else -- except when mold has no names to drop. In the case of Islamic achievements, especially in art and literature, it's because there are none.
That's why mold is open-mouthed and speechless at times. Otherwise mold sputters out some gibberish attached to some names.
SPC, as you have stated, mold drops a name or tries to reference a report by a screwball.
White supremacist groups have been followed, infiltrated and watched for a long time. The bottom line is that very few white supremacists have acted out their philosophies other than to hold meetings at which they praise their heros.
Meanwhile Timothy McVeigh was not part of any recognized group. He and his few pals were working free-lance.
Unlike Islamic terrorists who almost always give the rallying cry of Allahu Akbar as they commit their murderous acts, the white supremacist killers -- few that there are -- say nothing that allies them with a single religious/political/military ideology.
"White supremacist groups have been followed, infiltrated and watched for a long time. The bottom line is that very few white supremacists have acted out their philosophies other than to hold meetings at which they praise their heros."
I love how Slappy always leaps to the defense of white supremacists, most of whom are anti-semitic.
I guess Slappy figures if he sings their tune well enough that they won't notice he's Jewish.
We blacks have our Uncle Toms and the Jews have Uncle Jakes, like Slappy.
White terrorists like McVeigh and Rudolph committed their violent acts only a couple of years before 9/11.
Good thing these white supremacist terrorist were caught before they could unload some serious violence on America.
stillaPanther2 wrote on the previous pots:
To Slappy....yougot the draft dates wrong. You check them.
They're right. I know them well.
I know having being in RVN 1969, The deferrment were used by more whites to avoid a fight they jumped into and couldn't end quickly.
Kennedy (Democrat) brought the US into Vietnam. Johnson (Democrat) escalated the war and Nixon (Republican) wound down the war. Of course he could have brought it to an end much, much, much faster. Just as Obama could honor his campaign pledge by concluding our Afghanistan adventure sooner, rather than later. But, you know Obama -- unmitigated, shameless liar.
As for whites making more use of deferments, well, inasmuch as the vast majority of deferments were tied to college enrollment, it should be obvious to even you that getting a deferment requires acceptance at a college first. At that time, black college enrollment was low.
In any case, the people who got deferments did not create the legislation that delivered them.
None of it matters. Blacks and whites served in Vietnam in proportion to demographic percentages.
BBy the way Mr. McCain nerver set foot in South Vietnam, where the war was raging.
Why would a Navy pilot assigned to an aircraft carrier "set foot in South Vietnam"? He was either in the air or on the carrier. And then, in his case, in a North Vietnam POW facility.
Plenty of Air Force personnel running missions over Vietnam never set foot in South Vietnam.
You know and I know...if you are globally that certain situations are embellished where the writer is the subject.
Your sentence makes no sense. What the heck are you trying to say?
Another one was Bro. Bush was a spoiled white-boy that was accorded much during the times of his youth.
Again, what's your point? No one has defended Bush's terrible service record. Meanwhile, Clinton was elected by defeating two bona fide WWII combat veterans. As a pilot Bush Sr lost a crew member to gunfire and Bob Dole was hit in the shoulder by machine gun fire in a battle in Italy.
Based on those two victories of the Draft Dodger over the WWII combat vets, it looked as though military service was no longer a prerequisite for getting elected.
However, then we got Bush with his lousy record, Gore with his perfectlly acceptable record which he then lied about, followed by Kerry who left his command after three months in Vietnam.
It's one thing for draftees to say they did not want to go to Vietnam. But it's a much different matter for an officer who voluntarily pledged himself to the service of his country to leave his command after three months.
His actions make him look very bad. And, after Kerry became a senator, he was able to obtain his Naval records. It is widely believed he received a dishonorable discharge. But he was able to remove that information from his record after he got to Washington.
It may be hard to duplicate his spoilness today but then look at Ms Hilton and her mockery of the legal system.
Who cares? There are lots of similarly idiotic people out there. Why hasn't Charlie Sheen been arrested for his open admissions of cocaine use? And what about arresting his hooker girls? He admits paying them.
However, if you want to go down that road, there's plenty of black idiots too.
There are many prima donnas today.. there were more in the 60s/70 along the race line.
Inasmuch as there are far more black sports and entertainment stars today compared with the 60s and 70s, I'd say the number of black prima-donnas has increased dramatically.
n_s: "Meanwhile Timothy McVeigh was not part of any recognized group. He and his few pals were working free-lance"
True enough, but there is serious, yet in some cases circumstantial, evidence that suggests a
possible Middle Eastern connection to the Oklahoma City bombing.
For example, of all the cities in the world, convicted terrorist Ramzi Yousef and Terry Nichols were in Cebu City in the Philippines at the same time three months before the Oklahoma City bombing. Yousef was the perpetrator of the first World Trade Center attack as well as the mastermind behind the planning of other high-profile attacks on Americans. Furthermore, Ramzi Yousef’s phone records, from the months before he detonated the first World Trade Center bomb in early 1993, show calls placed to the Filipina neighbor and close friend of Terry Nichols’ in-laws in Queens, New York. The opportunity for interaction between American terrorist, Nichols, and al-Qaeda terrorist,
Yousef, is evident.
One indicator that this terrorist act had broader implications came directly from Abdul Hakim Murad, Yousef’s roommate, childhood friend, and fellow convicted terrorist. On the day of the bombing, Murad claimed responsibility for this terrorist act from his jail cell in New York. He bragged to his prison guards, verbally and in writing, that the bombing of the Murrah federal building was the work of the “Liberation Army.” His confession was similar to the one Yousef had made two years earlier in the immediate aftermath of the first attempt to destroy the Word Trade Center. Hours after he drove a Ryder truck into the garage of the north tower of the World Trade Center and detonated the deadly bomb, Yousef called the FBI from a pay phone in Newark International Airport and boasted that the “Liberation Army” had conducted the attack. He then boarded a plane and escaped, ending up in Manila, Philippines.
SPC, I offer you easy access to your work...and you still want me to 'pick de' cotton'? Explains much.
Oh, DOJ has an entire Bureau for this...which you may certainly peruse...or not.
Slappy, I used the NYT and Voice for a reason...they advertised multiple showings of Muslim Art and Literature over a period of 15+ years. Some were full-page. There is also the New Yorker magazine..but that might have too many words. Shows you do not live in NY...and you are quite lazy. Even a quick Google can list many writers and artists..in English. I sincerely doubt you speak or write Arabic. Still, it is telling that you are too afraid to do a Google of the subject..as you are well aware I am correct.
As far as McVeigh, you are lying. He has ties to at least three orgs...one that still exists in the Buffalo NY area. The wite losers...well...they were all bravely shooting unarmed people, they liked to ambush the police, they had incredible difficulty finding women who weren't first degree relations or prostitutes to 'comfort' them, they seemed to thinkerate by murdering unarmed people they could change their status from loser to lord, they have interconnected orgs that mimic a vast conspiracy of doofuses, they hate paying taxes for services they use..and some they don't (schools, water)...as posted, Dave Niewart has investigated these Heeyucks for years and has a pretty good set of
UTS, Slappy only 'claims' to be Jewish. There are a lot of things missing from that 'claim'. The persona actually writes more like a poorly educated wite dude who lives in a trailer and works at a low-skill, dead-end job. In a way, the Villagers are correct, you can take a Rhodes Scholar out of the Arkansas wasteland, elect him President, but he will never be as casually and easily dismissive of the AfAm help as Cokie or Andrea.
"I know, i know,liberals like stevie,mold,fields, are just hoping and praying someone white commits a act of terrorism on a 9-11 scale.And they hope this white Republican has a Glenn Beck coffee mug and Rush Limbaugh on his ipod."
Hmmmm. Ever heard of the Middle Passage? Slaughter of Native Americans? 100,000 Iraqis killed during the invasion and occupation.
You don't have to do too much research for white terror.
dumbdownsteve wrote:
White terrorists like McVeigh and Rudolph committed their violent acts only a couple of years before 9/11.
Yeah. While Clinton was president. The same president who ignored the 1993 Islamic terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the two al-qaeda attacks on US embassies in Africa and the al qaeda attack on the USS Cole.
Yeah, on the subject of terrorism, Clinton was one tough dude.
Actually, the best episode of Clinton fighting the terrorists came when he and that Attorney General of his, the one with the heavy mustache and pipe, got together on the idea of wiping out the Branch Davidians and their kids in Waco, Texas. They got 'em good, those two. Yep. They got 'em.
Good thing these white supremacist terrorist were caught before they could unload some serious violence on America.
Yeah, right. Clinton and Reno stopped a flood of terrorist violence when they wiped out those Branch Davidians. And for good measure they assassinated the wife and son of Randy Weaver up in Ruby Ridge, Idaho, just for the pure sport of it. Then they shot Weaver's dog.
By the way, Timothy McVeigh was executed a couple of months before 9/11. I'm sure he would have praised al qaeda for their work that day. But he was too dead to cheer.
"UTS, Slappy only 'claims' to be Jewish"
I disagree with you my friend.
First off why would someone claim to be Jewish if they weren't?
Slappy had to dragged kicking and screaming to admit he was Jewish.
And over my ten odd years of blogging and posting on the web I've encountered more and more of these Slappy types.
Angry racist resentful Jewish guys who actually ramp up the anti-black venom from the garden varity trailer park redneck.
They know in their hearts that anti-semitism is still rampant on the right but they want so bad to be fully accepted as white people.
So they engage in the black bashing, ignore any white anti-Jewish rhetoric or anti-semitism and hope pathetically they'll get their membership in the whitebread club.
Slappy, you are incorrect. The US had a presence in Viet Nam directly after WWII. Hating JFK led you astray, again. Maybe you could read Uncle Ho to figure how a much smarter Vietnamese could defeat all those wite wingnut dudez. By the way, Ho has a wicked dry sense of humour.
'Widely believed'? By ManDumpling? By all the wingnuts who beleeverate? The paid scamboys for bush? (SwiftBoaters for bush?)
Yes, AfAms got to be cooks and stewards and cannon fodder...while bush got to snort coke and not show up for work...for years. Exactly equal. Wite dudes got statside while AfAms got frontline....but all came in according to demographics. Odd that it is so difficult to understand that if you were Clinton, you stood a nigh 100% chance (probability) of combat...while Dany Quayle stood a 100% chance of avoiding anything resembling risk...exactly equal.
Why yes, a wite dude in a Podunk knows all about sports...yep.
UTS, jsut because Slappy 'claims' to be Jewish does not make it so. I will agree there are wannaBee Jews like the Kagans and others who fantasize that being jerkholes lets them in the country club. But the Kagans are still waiting for invites.
-smirk- I had mine a few years back. -smirk-
Poor mold....While trying to do her best Stephanie Miller impression,she forgets about these little things called facts.
No worries,one day you will be able to combine your silly rants with facts.
You still cannot name a single example of Islamic art or literature because there are none.
Meanwhile, ads in the New Yorker, the Voice and other local publications about Islamic art mean nothing.
The Islamic world has produced craft work and left artifacts. But not art. Rugs from Islamic nations are often quite beautiful. I have a few -- bought over there in some local bazaars.
But they are not art. Obviously you do not understand the first rule of Islam -- everything is subordinate to Allah. If you had any sense, you would realize that means an artist is prohibited from engaging his free creative spirit.
Can you think of a famous Islamic painting? Other than the Koran and the Haditha, can you name an Islamic book?
Hey, how about "1,001 Arabian Nights"?
Oops. By British author Richard Burton, who was one of the few non-muslims ever to sneak into Mecca.
Anyway mold, you're struggling because you have no idea what you're jabbering about and you're unable to cough up some diversionary nonsense other than dropping the names of the New Yorker and the Voice.
Yeah. While Clinton was president. "The same president who ignored the 1993 Islamic terrorist attack on the World Trade Center, the two al-qaeda attacks on US embassies in Africa and the al qaeda attack on the USS Cole.
Yeah, on the subject of terrorism, Clinton was one tough dude."
Talk about diversion.
What about Cowboy Reagan? Our Embassy in Lebanon was bombed by terrorist in 1983 killing over 400 Americans and tough guy Reagan didn't do jack.
By the way Slappy, didn't I see Bush in a flightsuit on an aircraft carrier in 2003 in fron tof a banner that read "Mission Accomplished"?
What did I miss?
dumbdownstevie and mold,
One of the fascinating aspects of Internet nonsense is the way people make assumptions about the anonymous others they encounter.
For reasons that are not quite clear, people on the internet have told me I'm Jewish. I've mostly ignored the issue. You can think whatever you want. I really don't care.
Moreover, I have no idea what dopes like you two mean when you claim that I'm Jewish.
In your minds, what is a Jew?
Actually, in both of your cases, I know you do not know. Your dopey comments have made it clear.
If you like believing I'm Jewish, then you should go on believing it. If you want me to be of another religion, well, that's okay too.
dumbdownstevie, you wrote:
What about Cowboy Reagan? Our Embassy in Lebanon was bombed by terrorist in 1983 killing over 400 Americans and tough guy Reagan didn't do jack.
First, it was the Marine Corps barracks in Beirut that were bombed in the very first suicide bombing conducted by Hezbollah.
The death toll was 241 Marines.
Second, I wa appalled that Reagan did nothing in response. There's no defense for his inaction.
But the funny part of your comment is how you rant against our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan in response to 9/11, but you seem to wish Reagan had blown the crap out of the muslims behind the October 1983 attack on the Marine Corps, which was clearly an act of war.
We should have flattened the government offices in Tehran (Hezbollah is run by the boys in Tehran). That would have headed off a lot of other problems.
uptown steve said...By the way Slappy, didn't I see Bush in a flightsuit on an aircraft carrier in 2003 in fron tof a banner that read "Mission Accomplished"?
Liberal lies never die, do they? That banner was put up there by the ships crew, who were on their way home, because THEIR mission was accomplished.
Keep clinging to your misconceptions, steve.
Slappy, Burton 'borrowed' that work. Your refusal is more about you refusing to know more. And hoping other folks are as benighted...and resenting it when we are not.
So, you are not Jewish...what a not-surprise.
Your 'understanding' of Islam obviously stems from 'trailer newsletters'. Even basic tenets are wrong. Perhaps you could do this study thing...and read about the subject. You did mention Burton...follow his example. He, at least, learned.
Sure...murder the Persians. Show how witless a Heeyuck can be when they thinkerate the population has no way of responding. Brave, heroic studliness...like bush bombing Afghani children tending goats. While you gloat over the idea of murdering helpless civilians (we do have other methods, Clancy-reader)...doing so would have the US under a worldwide Fatwa...and all Muslims would join. Wonder how brave you get when your double-wide gets attacked by armed adversaries? What? Not so gleeful now?
Anywho...the neo-con goobers tried to sell this idiocy...and were turned down as they were morons. And the idea led to giving cover to fanatics....how can we protest when we attacked without provocation?
Field, it did strike me as funny that all the bad folks were 'urban' and 'gangsta'. Especially when Philly had a rash of good wite christian men doing some pretty awful things to children. Mis-direction? Hey, look at my ex's mistress...not my child-support mooching live-in work-avers 'scamp'...who only visits his sick sisters...all 30 of them.
No slappy
"But the funny part of your comment is how you rant against our involvement in Iraq and Afghanistan in response to 9/11,"
Uh yeah. What did Iraq have to do with 9/11?
BTW, Beirut is in Lebanon as I stated, isn;t it Slappy?
Slappy, you are now denying that you're Jewish?
You have no Jewish ancestry?
The beautiful thing about the web is that there is a written record for all to see.
It won't take me long to find the converation where you finally admittedly you were a Jew.
So many real problems assailing the American people today and that Rep is still stirring the same old, same old pot!
As for the young man that killed his family, it warrants looking into whether he was on any anti depressants. There are many instances of family murders where the aggressor has been preecribed these type of drugs.
dumbdownstevie, you wrote:
Slappy, you are now denying that you're Jewish?
Nope. Denyong nothing.
You have no Jewish ancestry?
I do have Jewish ancestors.
It won't take me long to find the converation where you finally admittedly you were a Jew.
I've disclosed my ancestry -- accurately.
I asked a question. What -- in our feeble mind -- is a Jew? Who is Jewish?
Some people believe in Jewish genes. Some see being Jewish as a matter of religious and cultural immersion.
However, these pertinent questions are over your head. Your lack of knowledge of Jews and Judaism means your answer will make no sense.
You can feel free to consider me Jewish. In my view it's positive. But, in your mind it's another thing entirely.
As for anti-Semitism, well, there is that business with Islam and the way the Koran devotes a number of passages to rant against Jews. Thus, as long as Islam exists, the world will have more than a fair share of anti-Semitism.
As far as anti-Semitism in America, well, few Jews are worried about right-wing goofballs.
There is a lot of concern about muslims and Islam in America. They are the problem, largely because they are constitutionally opposed to free speech and freedom of religion.
King needs a selling point. His brand is the same as the others...don't ask the wealthy to pay taxes, impoverish teachers, break unions, hate gays, be christian....
How will he stand out from the crowd of fellow Facsists? Why...seeking out the new, improved version of Juden!!
He could, like, tell the Goobers and Heeyucks to bugger off...but that takes courage and honesty. Instead, he will demonize an entire religion for the acts of a few Fundies. Oooh...they brown, they furrin', they eats funny foods, they worship differently, they wear odd clothing. Why no..not one ever applied to Irish/Italians/Spanish/Jews/Chinese/Vietnamese...or any gawd-fearin' 'Mericans.
Steve, I'm tired of your relentless anti-Semitism. But still, I'll tell you what: you will be welcome at my JCC anytime. Do you still have your waiter's uniform? Also, bring your blond wig and high heels. Sometimes the guys get drunk and horny after dinner and you can bend over and be our little African princess.
"mack lyons posted:
But oh god, when you bring it up, people start howling BUT MUSLIMS ARE NOT A RACE, ITS NOT RACISM."
Slappz replied, "Correct. Muslims are like Nazis -- believers in an ideology. Did all Nazis work the gas chambers? No. Not at all. But neither did they oppose the practices, thinking and goals of Nazism.
That's how it is with muslims. Few are terrorists, but few oppose attacks on non-muslims, and few are opposed to the anti-westernism and anti-Semitism of Islam."
Great insight. Being an AA I can relate to what you have said. And you are probably 100% right. Thanks for shedding light on the obvious that's been well-hidden in sight.
Too bad some of these folks on FN don't get it, or don't 'want' to get it.
UTS...Slappy pulls from christian reconstructionism..some goofy Mormon concepts...and more than a smattering of wite moronic supremacist boobs. Seems some of the less gifted wites beleeverate that they devolved form Jews...and are therefore more holee than the actual ones. Lets Gomer thinkerate Jesus was a wite and that the non-branching family tree is a 'good thing'...like the Brown book.
Fits pretty good. Barely employable wite dude with access to Internet and a fantasy that some Stone Age sheepherder god blesses him more than all others.
Still waiting for you to cough up and example of Islamic art and/or literature.
However, clearly you are still stumbling around and wondering where those danged works of art are to be found.
So you think Burton "stole" the Arabian Nights. Stole them from whom?
Anwya, if you need me to look up any verses in the Koran, let me know. My copy is at hand.
Being a lover of slavery, you should read the chapter on women. It's near the end of the book. It will empower you to keep women as slaves. Like they do in Islamic nations today.
And there are many choice comments about Jews and other non-believers.
Not every person feels the need to bow to bush/'Merican Exceptionalism/Babbitry/boosterism/CIA coups/School of the Americas/Abu Grahib/Gitmo/bushWars idiocy.
I love the US and have served, unlike so very many of the chickenhawks. So, I would posit my patriotism has been adult and shown through actions.
Asking me to kiss the ring of certain blessed ones...or to do as you order...is unConstitutional.
As usual, a typical negro has no ability to understand that the *rate* of crimes matters. So Wayne pulls up a wholly rare incident involving an obviously psychotic white killer, and believes that this somehow compares to the flood of violence emanating from Muslims... and to the culture of violence promulgated in the Muslim groups.
The same goes for you negroes:
"Queens man accused of bashing Lana Rosas into coma defends actions:
'It was out of reflex'
He punches a 4'11" Hispanic woman over a parking space and she is now near death. That's what we call Typical Negro Behavior, because it's so common. We call it a Chimp Out. That name fits.
new yorker,
That item about the thug -- yes, he's black -- bashing the woman who was holding a parking space for her boyfriend on 14th Street across from Stuyvesant Town is just another example of the way things go wrong when morons like this moron feel their self-esteem disappearing because a tiny woman refuses to cooperate with their bullying demands.
He hit her so hard she may die. But if she lives, she'll suffer some permanent and serious brain damage.
Must be nice to know that guilt is assigned by colour. We could let this go to a trial...but that would be fair and legal.
slappy, still waiting for you to answer my questions from yesterday.
Field, "Herman Cain? OK, I will get my tap shoes out and wait for the music. :)
Please! He is a sideshow and you know it. Republiclowns had their one black man for the next century. His name was Michael Steele."
You are wrong. Cain is very much in the running as a GOP candidate. Of course, as a black liberal, you can't stand black conservatives who stand up for what's right..like the rights of fetuses, balancing the budget, religion and the existence of God, equal opportunity for ALL provided they get off their asses and work.
None of the above mentioned harmonizes with you because you are out of touch with doing the right thing.
this is just so sad; he wiped out his whole family. i wonder if they were fraternal twins.
As if we need any other examples of black bigotry, one need only check out the reaction on this blog after the Fort Hood murders. Black racist Wayne Bennett so hates white people, that he posted on the following day that whitey was going to unfairly take a case of a non-jihadist psycho killer and turn it into a Muslim thing. The mindless clones here all agreed.
History has since shown that the killer shouted out the usual Muslim death phrases as he murdered - and had a history proving his Muslim motivation. However, not one of the black bigots here ever had the integrity to admit that they were wrong. To the contrary, they just continue on their same bigoted path with each new story.
Meanwhile, if any black person ever dares to be fair-minded, then the bigots here will hate them and call them "house negro". Such is the amoral nature of the modern black racist.
Mold, "Must be nice to know that guilt is assigned by colour. We could let this go to a trial...but that would be fair and legal."
It's nice if you are White, but terrible if you are Black. You must be White, free and over 21.
The muslims have Jihad Jane, the black racists here have Maria the Mudshark. Hehe.
"As usual, a typical negro has no ability to understand that the *rate* of crimes matters. So Wayne pulls up a wholly rare incident involving an obviously psychotic white killer, and believes that this somehow compares to the flood of violence emanating from Muslims... and to the culture of violence promulgated in the Muslim groups.
He punches a 4'11" Hispanic woman over a parking space and she is now near death. That's what we call Typical Negro Behavior, because it's so common. We call it a Chimp Out. That name fits."
Oh. I had no idea this sort of behavior was ethnically inclusive. Because a white guy would never do such a thing to an Hispanic woman over something so trivial as a parking space...
...scratch that. Some people just look for anything that's "proof" of the Negro's inherent inferiority, incivility and lack of self-control or behavioral mores.
A great many people shared your sentiments, Mr. "New Yorker".
From the words of Alexander Stephens:
"Our new government is founded upon exactly the opposite idea; its foundations are laid, its corner- stone rests, upon the great truth that the negro is not equal to the white man; that slavery subordination to the superior race is his natural and normal condition. This, our new government, is the first, in the history of the world, based upon this great physical, philosophical, and moral truth."
The good thing is that the vast majority of New Yorkers do not share such views or behave in the same manner as you do. Because if the inverse were true, that would make visiting New York a much less pleasant experience.
I hope it goes to trial, and they find the black guyt not guilty, and all them New York beaners go all "Rodriguez King" on their black neighbors.
"The muslims have Jihad Jane, the black racists here have Maria the Mudshark. Hehe."
Right, because she's a traitor to her race for siding with the uppity niggers. Therefore she must like the "dark meat" and therefore should be cast aside and shamed like the whore she is.
I didn't know you New Yawkers could be so hateful. I hope this isn't the default mode of behavior for all New Yorkers.
"Steve, I'm tired of your relentless anti-Semitism."
Example please.
If not, shut the f up.
"Correct. Muslims are like Nazis -- believers in an ideology. Did all Nazis work the gas chambers? No. Not at all. But neither did they oppose the practices, thinking and goals of Nazism.
That's how it is with muslims. Few are terrorists, but few oppose attacks on non-muslims, and few are opposed to the anti-westernism and anti-Semitism of Islam."
The problem with your entire argument is if the United States government, for some reason or another, did not have an interest in highlighting Islam or Islamic terrorism as a problem to be concerned with, you wouldn't have a problem with it, either. Because chances are you wouldn't even know Islam existed.
If the U.S. decided to present Buhiddism as the new "enemy of the hour", your argument would morph to reflect your new neo-conservative directives.
"Great insight. Being an AA I can relate to what you have said. And you are probably 100% right. Thanks for shedding light on the obvious that's been well-hidden in sight.
Too bad some of these folks on FN don't get it, or don't 'want' to get it."
So you want the folks here to cheerlead for the U.S. as it continues onward in the quest to feed the Muslim terrorist boogieman when there are far serious economic and social problems facing the nation?
Being an "AA", you should know better than to co-mingle in these lynch mobs, lest you end up being the "star attraction" to the picnic they have afterward.
New Yorker-"History has since shown that the killer shouted out the usual Muslim death phrases as he murdered - and had a history proving his Muslim motivation. However, not one of the black bigots here ever had the integrity to admit that they were wrong. To the contrary, they just continue on their same bigoted path with each new story.
Meanwhile, if any black person ever dares to be fair-minded, then the bigots here will hate them and call them "house negro". Such is the amoral nature of the modern black racist."
You are absolutely right. But don't expect Field, or his disciples, to EVER admit being wrong. You see, Blacks like them are so shame-based that they must consider themselves "perfect"--above the human level, like GOD.
You are also right regarding the names they call Blacks who stand up for what's right and fair: "uncle toms", "house Negroes" and "tap jigging Negroes".
Such is the mindset of racists, regardless of color. However, it is exceptionally poignant when Field and his black cronies fill FN blog Blacks when they are Black. Please do not think all Blacks are like them. They are misguided people. There are many Blacks who believe in 'doing the right thing', and will own up to their wrongs.
Don't forget their "coded" racial slurs towards whites: toothless, traier park trash, heeyucks, goobers, knucle-draggers.....etc.
Might as well just go ahead & say what you really mean, rather than hiding behind transparent euphemisms.
UTS, why do you think n_S is Jewish? I'm Jewish and I do not think or behave like that, you owe Jews an apology for the things you say because you allow N_S to play you.
"UTS, why do you think n_S is Jewish? I'm Jewish and I do not think or behave like that, you owe Jews an apology for the things you say because you allow N_S to play you."
I thought Slapstick mention his/her Jewish heritage at one point.
Mack Lyons,
Don't try to make sense.
mack lyons:
"If the U.S. decided to present Buhiddism as the new "enemy of the hour", your argument would morph to reflect your new neo-conservative directives."
What a completely specious statement, even for you. There probably isn't a person on the planet who would attempt to argue that Buddhism and Islam are in the same league when it comes to religiously motivated violence. Apparently, to you, this whole radical Islam thing is just an invention of a racist government propaganda machine.
You can bring up all the stuff you want from centuries past, but the fact is that Islam is in a league of its own in promoting attacks on other faiths.
This of course does not mean all muslims are evil, or that we should abandon fundamental values like freedom of religion, but why is such an obvious truth about contemporary Islam so hard for liberals to accept?
"I thought Slapstick mention his/her Jewish heritage at one point."
Did you not understand what Mold said? N_S could be anybody!
"You can bring up all the stuff you want from centuries past, but the fact is that Islam is in a league of its own in promoting attacks on other faiths."
This is a smoking pile of crap.
Islamic terrorism is a direct response to the encroachment, imperialism and invasion of the Muslim World by the West.
Mack, you also are one who cannot comprehend the notion of crime *rate*. Or else you're just too blinded by your bigotry to think straight. Which is it?
The facts show that blacks are FAR more likely to commit violent crimes than any other race, perhaps through all of history.
It's perhaps true that all races commit domestic violence at about the same rate. But when it comes to killing, assaulting, robbing and raping strangers, blacks commit far, far more - both as per capita and also probably sheerly on a numerical basis. You people even invented rap music to celebrate how violent you are. Denying that AAs are mindlessly violent is just being dishonest.
Most of what black culture produces appeals to the type of psychopathic personality that teenage boys have.
In the mindless view of a black racist, a news reporter can state that a bomb went off killing a slew of civilians anywhere in the world and the negro thinks, "gee, I wonder what religion could have done that?"
Or a report might say that a young male was denied entrance to a college party, so he went and got his gun and murdered as many unarmed partygoers as he could -- because he was "dissed" and wanted to prove how supposedly manly he was. The racist negro will wonder, "what race did that?"
P.S. Mack: Maria never denies that she is a shameless whore. Jihad Jane was never ashamed, either.
"The facts show that blacks are FAR more likely to commit violent crimes than any other race, perhaps through all of history."
Perhaps this moron can explain why the cities of Moscow and Caracas far outpace any American city and most African ones in homicide and violence.
Take all the time you need Jethro.
Umm...I indicated that from the evidence available, Slappy was a wite Fundie who beleeverates he is devolved from Lost Tribes. Education ended around Grade Eight with all the Left Behind attitudes...and the confusing valid sources with Gooberish. Income low from word choice. Conservatism based on racist nonsense and shallow Entitlement. Rural from a distinct unfamiliarity with urban and suburban life. Stereotypes that only could be clung to if one lived in a all-white, poor, jobless Podunk.
The US government has a long history of demonizing.
Rev Wite, your nonsense is not to be accepted because it is not based in Fact or Data, it presumes guilt based solely on religion, there is little correlation and no causation, and it has false conclusions.
But, feel free to soil yourself every time you see a Muslim. Or a Sikh. Or a Jain. Or a Tibetan.
UTS, you expect Fact from Goobers? They hate Fact, Data, Truth. If they accept it...it means they have been wrong, are wrong, and will continue to be wrong. Since, like bush, their studly heroic brave manliness is based on never, ever admitting the chill is because they have no clothes...they will parade in front of the entire world...pretenderating what they have is the finest money can buy. But the rest of us already heard the little child who spoke Turth.
"UTS, you expect Fact from Goobers?"
No more than I would tea party peckerwoods.
tee hee
I don't necessarily agree with King's hearings but your bringing into it a story about a white upper middle class guy who killed his family is a smokescreen. If we were living in the South during the Klan era we could distract attention away from their crimes by pointing out horrible black-on-black crimes too. Doesn't change the fact that the KKK needed to acknowledged as a danger. Would it have been better to point out that blacks kill more blacks then the KKK did? Would it be better to have pointed out that slavery still existed in Africa? I still hear people talking about the KKK and Aryan Nation as though they are a huge danger although they committ very few murders these days. It doesn't offend me and I don't label those people anti-white racists. But anyone concerned with Islamic terrorism, which kills more people in 10 min then white hate groups have in 20 years, is quickly demonized as paranoid, ignorant and bigoted.
uptownsteve said...
"You can bring up all the stuff you want from centuries past, but the fact is that Islam is in a league of its own in promoting attacks on other faiths."
This is a smoking pile of crap.
Islamic terrorism is a direct response to the encroachment, imperialism and invasion of the Muslim World by the West.
Re-read what you just wrote and then ask yourself, is this display of my intellect the reason why most people think I am stupid? Could it be I really am stupid and not just Black?
The eternal victim meme reapplied. Oh I would love to see your culture under Sharia law, you know you can dream all you want but your women will never listen to you and walk behind you. Not when they pay the bills right Steve?
mold said...
UTS, you expect Fact from Goobers? They hate Fact, Data, Truth.
dara, you wrote:
UTS, why do you think n_S is Jewish? I'm Jewish and I do not think or behave like that
If there was ever a statement that defines you as a non-Jwe, it's the one above.
Are you really about to claim all Jews think and act alike? Few Jews are so dim.
you owe Jews an apology for the things you say because you allow N_S to play you.
Actually, it's you who owes the apology -- maybe the person you should give it to is Allan Dershowitz.
New Yorker said, ""You can bring up all the stuff you want from centuries past, but the fact is that Islam is in a league of its own in promoting attacks on other faiths."
Uts said, "This is a smoking pile of crap.
Islamic terrorism is a direct response to the encroachment, imperialism and invasion of the Muslim World by the West."
ROFL. Poor Steve, he knows NOT what he says. lol
Based on what you believe you've inferred about me, you have once again demonstrated your failure as a future Sherlock Holmes.
Just a reminder. I'm still waiting for an example of an Islamic work of literature or an example of a recognized work of visual art.
Slappy, why would I 'work' for you? You obviously use Google and have access to wingnut newsletters. It would be a simple matter for you to search. Yet you decline...and blame me for your work-averse philosophy. Sorry...this little black duck already knows the answer. Perhaps you could 'do your own work'...especially when I gave you the ways to find it.
Bluster...but you have shown no contrary evidence. As your hero, Larry Craig said.....
Just a reminder. I'm still waiting for an example of an Islamic work of literature or an example of a recognized work of visual art.
5:07 PM
just a reminder, two unanswered questions from yesterday: was the blockade begun after the election of hamas, and is the blockade responsible for making things worse for the palestinians?
you choose to ignore me, then reappear as new yorker calling me a shameless whore.
whoever new yorker is you should know by now thati will not be silenced by your petty insults. and i haven't sided with anyone but those who know and speak the truth, regardless of their race.
thank you, mack.
Please provide an example of a Muslim invasion of the West.
Then match that with the CIA overthrow of Mossedegh in Iran, the creation of the state of Israel, the building of a US military base on Islamic holy land in Saudi Arabia, etc......
What question did you ask me?
That aside, I looked over that idiotic piece you linked about the "blockade of Gaza".
Have you noticed that no Islamic nations are willing to stand up on the behalf of the so-called Palestinians, especially the dirtbags of Gaza?
The people who really hate the Gazans are other arabs. But the intra-muslim hate truly escapes you
Why have 1.5 billion muslims developed such a hate for Jews? Really? In the entire world there are 15 million Jews and about 1.5 Billion muslims.
Looks to me like the muslims have got the Jews outnumbered about 100-to-1. Still, when it comes to doing things that matter -- like inventing, creating, improving, leading, all the basics necessary for a prospering society, Jews kick the ever-lovin' crap out of muslims, who have formed the most delusional and backward society ever.
I'm still waiting for the idiot mold to offer one or examples of inventions, intellectual advances, products, or commercial successes attributed to muslims.
Anyway, the Blockade Diatribe is nothing but more proof that Gazans are such morons they cannot do anything for themselves, which is not news.
At the end of WWII, the Japanese signed an Unconditional Surrender onboard the USS Missouri.
Since then things have gone remarkably, but predictably well for the Japan and its people.
But muslims would never, ever do anything as smart as switching from centuries of failed policies and practices to a new set of rules that actually work.
However, that means freedom -- in all its forms -- plurality, capitalism, and a long list of conditions that Islam cannot tolerate.
It's often been said there's no such thing as a stupid question.
It's not true. There are stupid questions, and you're the guy who asks them almost daily. For example:
Please provide an example of a Muslim invasion of the West.
You, my fine, fackled, famrazzer are a ree-tard. A double ree-tard.
You must have been the 4'11' hispanic woman punched by the big thug on 14th st. The brain damage set in quick.
Anonymous said...
Slappy, why would I 'work' for you? You obviously use Google and have access to wingnut newsletters. It would be a simple matter for you to search. Yet you decline...and blame me for your work-averse philosophy.
Translation, why would I try and back up my assinine and baseless claims, I already know they were made up and pulled out of thin air, so I will twist it as liberal/progressives do and blame you for it.
Sorry...this little black duck already knows the answer.
Yes you do, everything you say is lies and made up. Your hoping no one steps outside the racial agenda and call you on it, but you have backup for that just in case, call them white, call them racist or call them lazy when you get caught.
Perhaps you could 'do your own work'...especially when I gave you the ways to find it. Your the one who made the claims, why dont YOU link what you say you have read.
Bluster...but you have shown no contrary evidence. As your hero, Larry Craig said.....
Yeah, Bluster, fake, bluff, demented you certainly know better then anyone else. Just because one does not provide evidence to disprove the insanity and illogicalness of your claims does not suddenly render them logical.
Oh and learn how to use paragraphs and sentences thrown in now and then with your fake ebonics, I know you are tyring to be the typical uneducated man pretending to be a woman but reading your writings is like watching grandpa after he got on the internet for the first time.
maria appears
was the blockade begun after the election of hamas, and is the blockade responsible for making things worse for the palestinians?
I certinaly hope the blockade is making life even more miserable for the people of Gaza. After all, that's the point. If it had no effect, then the exercise would have no point or purpose.
When the Israelis left their homes and settlements in Gaza, the Gazans stripped the houses and destroyed everything left behind.
Will it ever dawn on these fools that everything going wrong in their Islamic nightmare is a result of their own self-destructive, self-defeating actions?
mold said...
Slappy, why would I 'work' for you?
Its not about "doing work" for someone else.
Its about backing up your bullshit claims...
here's how it went yesterday, so you can stop pretending.
ns said: "Democratic? Well, enough people in Gaza did vote Hamas into office, and since then, no surprise, the elected members of Hamas have succeeded in making life in Gaza worse and worse."
i love how you leave "facts" out that aren't convenient. the reason the conditions in gaza have deteriorated is due to the israel blockade of gaza, which the u.s. supports. i hope one result of the fall of mubarak will be less cooperation in suppressing all palestinians.
3:25 PM
no_slappz said...
maria writes: i love how you leave "facts" out that aren't convenient. Like what? The Hamas constitution states that Hamas is dedicated to the destruction of Israel and driving all Jews from the region. However, based on what appears to be your derangement, you think a nation that elects an organization with the single goal of destroying another nation and driving out its citizens is a nation deserving of respect and consideration and equal treatment, even though our own Constitution outlaws those ambitions. the reason the conditions in gaza have deteriorated is due to the israel blockade of gaza, which the u.s. supports. You have a serious chicken-vs-egg problem. Plus you have no idea what you're jabbering about. No nation in the world is willing to help the idiots in the Gaza strip for the simple reason that the idiots have placed themselves beyond the reach of rational governments. Even the other irrational Islamic governments offer nothing to the dopes in Gaza. You're blind on this issue. The Islamic world is incapable of getting out from under its own self-imposed, self-inflicted wounds. Even the countries with oil wealth are a mess. I'm sure you would love to live in Saudi Arabia, which has now outlawed protesting. Of course, speaking out in any way has always been illegal for all women. Where do you stand on the Islamic practice of female genital mutilation? Ya for it? Or agin it? Why are all Islamic societies devoid of scientists and engineers? The idiot, mold, gibbers about muslim nonsense but cannot offer a single example of products exported from Islamic nations to the US, except for oil and some textiles. There is no such thing as quality goods from Islamic countries. They are simply incapable of producing them. Islamic countries manufacture no cars, computers, airplanes, trains, ships, etc. Nothing. Rugs. Made by enslaved women. That's their big export. Literature? Name a book and a writer.
Okay Salman Rushdie, who spent years living under a death threat because Satanic Verses offended the screwballs. Did any Islamic leaders tell the issuers of the fatwa to drop their idiocy? No. It is what they do. Art? In Islam art is blasphemy and blasphemy is a capital offense. Moreover, the punishment is carried out by ad hoc self-appointed executioners who regularly kill people on the street. Just a couple of days ago in Pakistan a man who was acquitted of blasphemy charges was nevertheless murdered in the street by people who disagreed with the verdict. Islam is a mental derangement. i hope one result of the fall of mubarak will be less cooperation in suppressing all palestinians. You should also face facts on the idiocy of the concept of "Palestinians" There was NEVER a nation of Palestine. It is only a place on the map like the North Pole. Not a sovereign nation. Therefore, since the nation of Palestine never existed, there can be no Palestinian people. The arabs living in the British Mandate of Palestine before it became Israel in 1948 were simply that -- arabs living on that land, which had no sovereignty. Today there are 6.5 million citizens of Israel. About 1.5 million are arab muslims. The arab muslims who were driven out in 1948 scattered to the surrounding territories, but those nations -- Jordan, Lebanon, Syria and Egypt refused to grant them or their descendants citizenship. Nice. When refugees come to the US, their children born here are automatically American Citizens. But Islamic countries lack the compassion for giving that same status to arab muslims born on their soil. What a vile bunch they are.
5:31 PM
:31 PM
maria said...
so the blockade hasn't made things worse? and it wasn't started after the election? between your venom, spittle and personal attacks, it's so evident you can't address or debate facts. i didn't ask for, don't need and don't want a history lesson. i will not defend something i never said i support. for a history lesson that you clearly need on the blockade: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/middle_east/7545636.stm
SPC, yes...it is about you wanting me to do your work. The Facts are there...and they back what I post. I even gave easy routes to the info. Your continued reluctance is either deliberate or you lack the capacity. Since you can Google...the answer is clear.
FakeAnon, must have pointed out some Truth there. Mighty tetchy. And name calling. Trying to usurp my nom de Intertubes.
Sockpuppet much?
UTS...the Moors in Spain...;)
FakeAnon, must have pointed out some Truth there. Mighty tetchy. And name calling. Trying to usurp my nom de Intertubes.
Sockpuppet much?
Gibbly gabbly gobbly gook? Walla Walla bing bang took de hoop.
What the hell language do you speak dere OldmanWhoFartsDust?
"Mack, you also are one who cannot comprehend the notion of crime *rate*. Or else you're just too blinded by your bigotry to think straight. Which is it?"
That's odd. You call Maria a "mudshark" and call an assault on an unfortunate woman by someone who happens to be black "typical negro behavior" and "chimping out", thereby suggesting a subtle racial component that any dumbass klansman can hone in on. And you accuse me of being "blinded by bigotry". Perhaps I'm blinded by your particularly callous brand of bigotry, Mr "New Yorker".
"It's perhaps true that all races commit domestic violence at about the same rate. But when it comes to killing, assaulting, robbing and raping strangers, blacks commit far, far more - both as per capita and also probably sheerly on a numerical basis. You people even invented rap music to celebrate how violent you are. Denying that AAs are mindlessly violent is just being dishonest."
Saying blacks are "mindlessly violent" implies that black people lack the necessary reasoning, cognitive skills and behavioral restraint (a sense of right from wrong) that all human beings are embued with.
In other words, you're calling them "animals".
As I said before, you have a lot of company in regards to people who believed and continue to believe blacks are somehow an inferior subspecies only worthy of being used as either manual labor or sexual pleasure. A few, "unique" blacks can be trained to mimic some of the manners of their white handlers but they will never begin to amount to anything near an equal of the average white man. They're animals, after all.
You're not fit for the average New Yorker to wipe their feet on.
"But anyone concerned with Islamic terrorism, which kills more people in 10 min then white hate groups have in 20 years, is quickly demonized as paranoid, ignorant and bigoted."
By this logic, Islamic terrorist groups are far more deadly than white hate groups.
I'd love to see how you gathered your statistics and where you got them from.
Meanwhile, the possibility of me or anyone else of color in this nation being blown to bits by a suicide bomber is pretty fucking remote. But the possibility of me and others becoming the victims of racially-motivated police brutality are far greater than being blown up by Aziz the suicide bomber.
Hell, Americans in general are in far greater danger of being killed in an automobile accident than being killed by a suicide bomber. Yet we're told we need to constantly shit our pants in fear of the next terrorist attack and allow our military to blindly kill as many of those brown muslim people as possible in order to protect our "freedoms", which are going out the window anyways thanks to the steadily encroaching 24/7 surveilance and tracking, brought to you by bills such as the Patriot Act.
But go ahead and try to convince blacks to take their focus off of resolving racism so they can join their white counterparts in catching the vapors over the muslim boogiemen.
"Sorry...this little black duck already knows the answer."
what a lame low-life expression of one's self. low self-esteem.
uts, "Please provide an example of a Muslim invasion of the West.
Then match that with the CIA overthrow of Mossedegh in Iran, the creation of the state of Israel, the building of a US military base on Islamic holy land in Saudi Arabia, etc......"
you are a sick man. "a Muslim invasion of the West?" IS that what it is going to take to convince you?
The destroying of the Twin Towers in NYC wasn't enough? Catching Muslim terrorists planning to bomb areas of our beloved country isn't enough? the plan to explode a commercial airliner over Detroit isn't enough? the fact that Muslims have remained silent while Bin Laden and Al Quader have declared a religious war on the West?
What is it going to take for morons like you to get it? Are you really that stupid? Oh, I forgot...Yes you are.
mack lyons writes
By this logic, Islamic terrorist groups are far more deadly than white hate groups.
Logic? Let's go with simple fact.
Even if you include all the lynchings from 1865 to 1968, when ML King was shot -- with deaths accurately estimated at 3,500 -- the death toll on 9/11, at 3,000 brings this race almost to even.
However, from 1968, when Sirhan Sirhan, a so-called Palestinian, murdered Robert Kennedy, to September 10, 2001, a full 1,000 more Americans were murdered by Islamic terrorists.
Thus, by the most generous measure with respect to the deaths of blacks at the hands of white hate groups, blacks are behind 4,000 to 3,500.
These people are cryptic jews. That is why this guy killed them they were Jews and Jews love to kill just like Amy bishop who the media shut up about that Jewish family and she got away with it until she killed some more folks. They are jews that's what's up.
Jim was a good friend of mine. So sad this happened. :( I wish there were laws that require mental patients to stay for life in a facility. His brother was in a psych ward, but was released. So sad and I'm still in shock. Where do you live and how did you hear about this?
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