Hey guys, the next time you get caught cheating on your significant other, you might want to hit up our boy Newt Gingrich for advice.
“There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate" [Source]
Translated: I am a lying cheating scumbag who cheated on my first two wives, but because I am a fraud masquerading as a patriot I want you to ignore all of my past indiscretions. Oh, and I left both of my wives while they were sick. My first wife was recovering from cancer and my second was just diagnosed with MS. But please don't think about that while I run for president.
Look, I know it's Ash Wednesday, and I don't want to rip my Catholic friends, (Lord knows that they are having a bad enough week.) but Newt actually asked that church to annul his marriage to his second wife. Apparently Newt is a born again Catholic, and the church actually took him into their fold. Nice. On his way to becoming a good Catholic he took a shot at his O- ness by calling his values "anti Catholic." OK, whatever, but Obama is still married to his first wife, has never cheated on her, (not as far as I know) and, from all appearances, he seems to have a wonderful family. So when it comes to values I am going to take his O- ness over the cheating scumbag with the forked tongue every time.
Finally, speaking of forked tongue, I see that Peter King has some splaining to do when it comes to his sudden tough stance on terrorism.
"Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) has become one of Congress' strongest voices on the threat to the U.S. from Islamic terrorists. But as his hearings into the radicalization of American Muslims kick off, King's past support for a different kind of terrorist organization — the Irish Republican Army — has come under the spotlight. The New York Times reports that King pledged in 1982, when he was a Long Island comptroller, to support the "brave men and women" of the IRA as they "struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry." King explained that the situation was different, as the IRA never attacked the U.S. [Source]
"Different"? Oh, I get it, some terrorist are worse than others because they don't attack us. Try telling the British that they (The IRA) are different. I love wingnut equivalency, they make it look so easy.
Just like they do when switching wives.
“There’s no question at times of my life, partially driven by how passionately I felt about this country, that I worked far too hard and things happened in my life that were not appropriate" [Source]
Translated: I am a lying cheating scumbag who cheated on my first two wives, but because I am a fraud masquerading as a patriot I want you to ignore all of my past indiscretions. Oh, and I left both of my wives while they were sick. My first wife was recovering from cancer and my second was just diagnosed with MS. But please don't think about that while I run for president.
Look, I know it's Ash Wednesday, and I don't want to rip my Catholic friends, (Lord knows that they are having a bad enough week.) but Newt actually asked that church to annul his marriage to his second wife. Apparently Newt is a born again Catholic, and the church actually took him into their fold. Nice. On his way to becoming a good Catholic he took a shot at his O- ness by calling his values "anti Catholic." OK, whatever, but Obama is still married to his first wife, has never cheated on her, (not as far as I know) and, from all appearances, he seems to have a wonderful family. So when it comes to values I am going to take his O- ness over the cheating scumbag with the forked tongue every time.
Finally, speaking of forked tongue, I see that Peter King has some splaining to do when it comes to his sudden tough stance on terrorism.
"Rep. Peter King (R-N.Y.) has become one of Congress' strongest voices on the threat to the U.S. from Islamic terrorists. But as his hearings into the radicalization of American Muslims kick off, King's past support for a different kind of terrorist organization — the Irish Republican Army — has come under the spotlight. The New York Times reports that King pledged in 1982, when he was a Long Island comptroller, to support the "brave men and women" of the IRA as they "struggle against British imperialism in the streets of Belfast and Derry." King explained that the situation was different, as the IRA never attacked the U.S. [Source]
"Different"? Oh, I get it, some terrorist are worse than others because they don't attack us. Try telling the British that they (The IRA) are different. I love wingnut equivalency, they make it look so easy.
Just like they do when switching wives.
Brother Field...it seems like the ool of "decent, God-fearing white men" is shrinking. All of them have too many skeletons in the closet. Most white males in politics past 40 was part of the good ole boy system. AAs the honorable Reverand Wright said "coming home to roost". Classic example now is how this regime is paralysed in regards to our being in bed with all these Middle East oil dictators.
Mad props fields...This is your best attempt at deflection yet.
I know you didn't want anyone in the fields to know that the first black president was paling around with Liberal paedophile Jeffrey Epstein.
Rumor haqs it they shared some underage girls.Didn't know bubba was into sharing.
Here's a nice little bit from CNN.
King once had a close bond with leaders in the Muslim-American community. In the 1990s, he broke with fellow Republicans and backed President Bill Clinton's military efforts in the Balkans to defend Muslims there.
"That was not popular in my district, but I did it because it was the right thing to do. I thought the Muslim populations in those countries were being victimized," said King.
Though the Muslim community in his mostly blue-collar Long Island district is small, King had close relationships with Muslim leaders -- he even attended a ribbon-cutting at a local mosque.
But King said after 9/11 a switch flipped.
"I saw the Muslim-American community not responding the way that they should have, covering up for al Qaeda, when they tried to blame it on Jews or the FBI -- I couldn't believe what I was hearing. These people -- I had known them for years, I had their relatives interning in my office, I had gone to weddings and dinners of leaders in the Muslim-American community -- and the same people that I had known, I hear them saying its not al Qaeda, it's the FBI. I couldn't believe it," recalled King.
One of those leaders was Ghazi Khankan with the Islamic Center of Long Island. "I said we should also investigate the possibility of Israel being involved. That changed his opinion 100%," said Khankan.
King said he was furious that no Muslim leaders denounced those post-9/11 comments. But even worse, he insisted, was what he started hearing from law enforcement -- that the Muslim-American community was not cooperating with efforts to rein in radicalization and prevent terror threats
Yep,that was the response from the Muslim Community throughout this country after 9-11..
Blame the Jews
Blame the FBI
Blame the CIA
Blame the Jews again.
"Obama is still married to his first wife, has never cheated on her, (not as far as I know)"
It's not all that hard for Obama to keep his hands off other women because he is gay.
Field, your link "two wives" doesn't work. Regardless, this quote from TPM says it ALL about the character and heart of Newt Gingrich:
"Let's remember, Newt famously dumped wife #1 for wife #2 while wife #1 was in the hospital recovering from cancer surgery. As in literally went to the hospital to present her with divorce papers while she was recovering from surgery for uterine cancer.
He eventually dumped wife #2 for wife #3 shortly after wife #2 was diagnosed with MS back in 1999. And he was having the affair on wife #2 with wife #3 while he was turning the country upside down trying to drive Bill Clinton from office over his affair with Monica Lewinsky.
There are so many reasons why Gingrich is the lead balloon of presidential politics, but Frum really has this right that the infidelity thing is just something he cannot survive. Not because voters won't tolerate infidelity -- in many circumstances they will -- but because the pattern with Gingrich shows a level of hypocrisy, cruelty and emotional immaturity that most people won't accept in a president."
I am the anon you phony black liberals like to call an "uncle tom" because I don't see things as you do as a bm. Well, once in awhile the law of averages hits and we agree. But it is based on the fact that I am a man of principle and truth. And once in awhile, which is a freak of nature, you guys stumble upon the truth and readily accept it because it fits your ideology.
"I am the anon you phony black liberals like to call an "uncle tom" because I don't see things as you do as a bm"
We call you an Uncle Tom because you claim to be a black man and talk like a circa 1950 Alabama redneck.
So you're against Gingrich.
You want a cookie?
He can't win and you know it.
Big deal Tom.
field, you wrote:
"Different"? Oh, I get it, some terrorist are worse than others because they don't attack us.
Different? Yes. But not in the dopey way you distort things.
Here's a couple of key points.
1) The Protestants and the Catholics of Northern Ireland were having themselves what amounted to something less than a civil war.
Not so different from the murderous lunacy that occurs between sunnis and shiites EVERY DAY somewhere in the world and has been occurring every day for centuries.
The Troubles in Northern Ireland are a lot more recent. Moreover, the death toll in The Troubles comes in at about 4,000.
The fighting between sunnis and shiites leaves thousands and thousands dead EVERY YEAR.
2) At no point in The Troubles did one side demand the other side move out and reside somewhere else, such as on a different continent.
3) At no time did the Protestants hijack four commercial jets and fly them into the Vatican.
Neither has any member of the IRA screamed "Hail Mary" before shooting a group of innocent people, who may or may not have been Protestants.
4) It's looking like The Troubles have been brought to an end. Peace seems to have taken root in Northern Ireland.
If democracy in some form replaces the tyrannical nuts who have controlled the middle east since Muhammad was first stricken with schizophrenia, you can be sure the only people who will live in Islamic nations will be Islamic. By force of law, the non-muslims will depart.
It's okay if it goes that way. Nasty, but we can accept it. However, that will leave only sunnis and shiites to fight with each other. However, I think there are many times more shiites than sunnis, which tells me things will get rough for the sunnis.
But that will be their hard luck.
Newt Gingrich is most likely another Republican Stalking Horse.
As the imcumbent, Obama has a huge advantage. However, as the president, he's been such a failure that he may well complete his impersonation of Jimmy Carter and lose to someone previously thought unelectable.
Looks like he has to get em liquored up first LOL!
"The Protestants and the Catholics of Northern Ireland were having themselves what amounted to something less than a civil war.
Not so different from the murderous lunacy that occurs between sunnis and shiites EVERY DAY somewhere in the world and has been occurring every day for centuries."
This statement is wrong on so many different levels. What's going on in Northern Ireland is a political conflict. Religion is used to identify the sides with certain religionists representative of the oppressors or colonialist British and the other representing the aspirations of the anti-colonialists.
Desertflower said...
Looks like he has to get em liquored up first LOL!
Are you talking about the vagrants uptownsteve keeps tied up in his basement?
So Newt took a shot at Obama calling his values antiCatholic?
What? Obama doesn't suppose Priest that sexually assault little boys?
I like when wingnuts say that Obama doesn't see the world the same way they do.
I'm with Obama on that one. I don't support White Supremacy either.
"At no point in The Troubles did one side demand the other side move out and reside somewhere else, such as on a different continent
No the British would have been okay if those who opposed them just died!
There wasn't a 9/11 in Northern Ireland because the British hijacked the entire island along with its other former possesions.
The analysis he is trying to make is way off because he actually has no analytical skills. He has gained confidence from folks arguing with him which he interprets that folks think that he is smart, when in actuality they are debating with him because he is so wrong.
I seriously hope noone takes their information about important conflicts from this guy or about anything else. Very little of what he says its accurate that its down right scary.
This is the disadvantage of the computer age some sick guy can get on a thread and inundate it with false information and hijack it as people try to right all of his information.
This guy clearly knows nothing about the conflict in Northern Ireland nor about the Middle East or North Africa. He doesn't even know that the Arab countries he is talking about are actually North African and that the populations do include practitioners of other religions, esp. Christian sects.
"Obama is still married to his first wife, has never cheated on her, (not as far as I know)"
It's not all that hard for Obama to keep his hands off other women because he is gay."
Larry, that's fine, but he hasn't cheated his wife. Unless you have a link to prove otherwise. I would love to see it.
"I am the anon you phony black liberals like to call an "uncle tom" because I don't see things as you do as a bm"
Why is it that everytime I read your comments I have this image of Shirley Temple in my head?:)
SPC said:Yep,that was the response from the Muslim Community throughout this country after 9-11.
Blame the Jews,Blame the FBI,Blame the CIA,Blame the Jews again."
Lies and prevarications, prevarications and lies.
Nice try SPC I see you are making things up again, which is why you provided no references to American Muslims saying the things you just made up.
Here is what they really said.
From the Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR)
"We condemn in the strongest terms possible what are apparently vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts."
Mel. thanks for the facts. Facts are always good.
This is what the American Muslim Political Coordination Committee (AMPCC) had to say:
"1) We assert unequivocal condemnation based on our religious values and our identity as American Muslims;
2) We do not need to defend every maniacal incident emanating from the Muslim world or the Muslim community, just as other religious groups need not defend their extremists;
3) We offer compassion to the victims and solidarity with all Americans in the face of danger;
4) Notwithstanding the disbelief that anyone following the faith of Islam could commit such a heinous crime, we condemn the act regardless of the identity of the perpetrators;
5) We deplore the irresponsible reporting that twists the realities and complexities of the Muslim world in order to project only anti-American sentiment during this disturbing period when we are all attempting to move beyond the state of mourning for the national tragedy;
6) We warn against opportunists who will exploit the misery and hysteria of the public in order to promote a political agenda aimed at tarnishing the name of Islam and Muslims;
7) We should not diminish our resolve to be active in protecting the civil liberties of all Americans and struggling for justice both locally and globally;
8) We need to organize activities to help the victims medically, psychologically and in every other way we can."
@SPC more disputation of your spurious accusations
From the American Muslim Alliance:
"These attacks are against both divine and human laws and we condemn them in the strongest terms. The Muslim Americans join the nation in calling for swift apprehension and stiff punishment of the perpetrators, and offer our sympathies to the victims and their families."
From the American Muslim Political Coordination Council (AMPCC):
"American Muslims utterly condemn what are apparently vicious and cowardly acts of terrorism against innocent civilians. We join with all Americans in calling for the swift apprehension and punishment of the perpetrators. No Political cause could ever be assisted by such immoral acts."
And there are more you can read on beliefnet.com
9)Kill the infidels! Allah akbar!
Field it looks like you are a threat to the Republiklan Party. They're back to the same old shit. Trying to compare the POTUS to Former President Carter (who was a great President compared to al-Qaeda supporter Raygun), the Larry Sinclair smear and other bull. The first thing the Republiklans did was the Gay Larry Sinclair rumor. They got former CIA employee Larry C. Johnson to smear him. He also said that the First Lady said whitey/why did he.
This is a message to the punk ass, racist, Republicans, your party is DEAD. Those Union people that helped build this country just got effed by Scott Walker. We seen how whites act when they have imaginary slights happen to them. Just imagine when they get shafted for real by Koch Industries and the 400 people that have half of America's assets.
Hey RepubliKlans those people that cling close to their guns and God hate being played for a fool and robbed at the same time. Screaming Muslim, communist, or Socialist won't work when they have to put food on the table.
OT, My friend at Latin Kos has told me that htis shit has been happening in Puerto Rico for two years. Yes Puerto Rico has a Republiklan Governor too and he's worst than Scott Walker. He also associates with John Birch Society members.
field negro said...
"Obama is still married to his first wife, has never cheated on her, (not as far as I know)"
that man is a saint. He is married to a woman what looks likes somebody half-assed shaved a gorilla and put a wig on it.
Thanks Field, facts are the enemy of the ideologues who ply their trade of innuendo and distraction, misinformation and downright lies that ultimately serve to keep all in the dark and easier prey for our real enemies.
kid said...
OT, My friend at Latin Kos has told me that htis shit has been happening in Puerto Rico for two years. Yes Puerto Rico has a Republiklan Governor too and he's worst than Scott Walker. He also associates with John Birch Society members.<
Hey kid, is your Peurto Rican friend as much of a dumbass as you?
@kid: "Koch Industries" is a registered trademark of Koch Industries, Inc. and you are hearby ordered to cease and desist from discussing any and all activities of Koch Industries or any of its subsidiaries.
"Hey kid, is your Peurto Rican friend as much of a dumbass as you?"
At least we can spell. BTW, she's a Black Panther and one of the founders of the Young Lords. She also teaches. Maybe you should call her up .
Sorry Vanilla Koch, he is free to talk about the Koch Industries here. This is a free talk zone.
Carry on.
Piney Joe, beauty is in the eyes of the beholder. I don't see anyone on this board making fun of your goats.
" I don't see anyone on this board making fun of your goats."
ya but my goats aint fat.
mellaneous said...
SPC said:Yep,that was the response from the Muslim Community throughout this country after 9-11.
Blame the Jews,Blame the FBI,Blame the CIA,Blame the Jews again."
Lies and prevarications, prevarications and lies.
Nice try SPC I see you are making things up again, which is why you provided no references to American Muslims saying the things you just made up.
Here is what they really said.
And who exactly are "they"?Those who have terrorist ties or links that issue press releases? Talk about lies and prevarications.
Lets look at just one example---
Sheik Muhammad Gemeaha,formerly of the(ISNY) mosque, blamed 9-11 on the jews.
He said this on a Al-Azhar University website"If the Americans knew that the Jews carried out the September 11 attacks, they would do to them what Hitler did.”
I can go on all night matching links with you.I think i will go to bed.
ni night......
" I don't see anyone on this board making fun of your goats."
ya but my goats aint fat."
OK, so you like athletic looking goats. Again, the eyes of the beholder, bro. Some of us would rather hook up with an actual human being. Just sayin.
@ South Park Conservative
First stop jocking Fields Calvin logo. Second if you can go all night with examples, do it. Only coke heads believe that bull Alex Jones put out like Charlie Sheen.
@SPC you lied when you said you could go on matching me all night so bed is probably a good place for you and the rest of us who will be spared for at least a few hours from your narrow minded and false musings.
I gave more than one example and you can look mine up, I even provided links. And you alluded in your initial statement that ALL Muslims made backward statements, not just the fringe fanatical wing.
You said blaming Jew and others "was the response from the Muslim community"
Just give it up! When someone proves you wrong just face up to it admit it and try to do better next time.
And why would you hold on to something that is proven to be untrue? Don't you know that makes it seem you have a predetermined view of a group of people that you can take a few and paint the whole group with that brush.
I think there is a term for that.
Field, "Why is it that everytime I read your comments I have this image of Shirley Temple in my head?:)"
Now see... I try to hold an olive branch out to brother Field and what does his mean-spirited ass do? he attacks me simply because he is jealous of my noble virtuous qualities.
Nevertheless, I am willing to forgive and accept your shortcomings, just as you are--even though you are obviously irredeemable by religious and spiritual standards. But you are NOT alone...you have the company of mell, uts, mack, pilotZero, and the rest of your pathetic BLACK LIBERAL DISCIPLES.
My dear Field, I am trying with all of my might to save your sinful progressive liberal black dem ass. Why do you fight me, the angel sent from heaven to be your saviour? Please, don't end up thinking like some of those soldier ingrates.
As the good book says, "Why forsakest thou the angel of mercy sent from heaven?" Field, I AM that Angel!!
Btw, have considered that Newt could be a teacher sent to teach the multitudes about infidelity?
SPC, Why do you waste your good time and energy on a sinner like mell?
It's a good idea to make sure your party isn't so vested in taking absolutely rigid moral stances that it ends up looking thoroughly hypocritical when your party members' infidelities come to light on a constant basis. The hypocrisy is usually what galls people to no end.
mr field, why do you attack newt gingrich when he has admitted his faults and asked for forgiveness? clearly he has found God, and no longer is the man he once was?
i think you and your fn black and white liberal cronies like maria and brohammas are against him because he is "the" Republican who can beat the socks off of your idiolized incompetent black Prez. face it. you are afraid of newt because he can win in 2012.
"Nevertheless, I am willing to forgive and accept your shortcomings, just as you are--even though you are obviously irredeemable by religious and spiritual standards. But you are NOT alone...you have the company of mell, uts, mack, pilotZero, and the rest of your pathetic BLACK LIBERAL DISCIPLES.
My dear Field, I am trying with all of my might to save your sinful progressive liberal black dem ass. Why do you fight me, the angel sent from heaven to be your saviour? Please, don't end up thinking like some of those soldier ingrates."
Love the sarcasm. That's a nice touch.
Still using the words "Liberal" and "Progressive" as dirty four-letter words. I'll admit you conservatives are very good on keeping on message and repeating it over and over again until it subconciously takes hold and becomes gospel. Then again, you folk have the corporate media muscle behind you and a legion of ordinary, undereducated Joes and Janes to brainwash.
Your fellow conservatives, black and white, have given us plenty of reason to NOT join up with your cause. So you can put away the spiked Kool-Aid -- no one here's gonna take a sip.
macklying, "The hypocrisy is usually what galls people to no end." hypocrisy? what hypocrisy? we Repubs admit our faults which is more than dems do and my own people can't even fix their mouths to admit doing ANYTHING wrong. mack, YOU should know this factual truth...you have never admitted to a mistake in your entire life. that's why you have migrains. you have stuffed so many lies in yourself your little black dem brain can't take it anymore.
now consider a person like me, a highly successful black conservative that is beyond the possibility of wealth you black progressive liberal dems can even dream about. also, what's more important is that i am 100% honest...i do not worship lies like you fn black liberals do.
Brother Field.....Knowing Black women..being around them for decades...usually what you see is what it is, oriental women same..butttt the other spend more time "hooking" up their mugs that you really dont know how they look. By the way my man Bro. Obaa is the only one whose eyes apply for our beautiful First Lady. Power to the people...66 forever. PS the program was never about whites...they got their own crosses. That dig at the FL tweaked me. Too bad we can;t evaluate his.
macklying said, "Your fellow conservatives, black and white, have given us plenty of reason to NOT join up with your cause. So you can put away the spiked Kool-Aid -- no one here's gonna take a sip."
You are mistaken if you think no one is going to leave for greener pastures of the GOP. RT, has already crossed over. Maria, and brohammas will be next. Rttnkid is certainly considering it...and Purple Cow certainly wants to because he secretly wants to be a REAL American.
I used to respect Gingrich until he tried to kowtow to conservative Christians and lie to the world about himself. He has acted as a dirty mangy nasty flea infested dog with no regard or care for other human beings. But yet we are to believe that he has what it takes to run a country? Puleeeeeeese!
If he would have stayed true to the libertarian values he previously embraced without discussion of his saintliness, then he might have some credibility but his latest PR shenanigans are ridiculous!
I would LOVE to be the copywriter for the attack adds. The basic gist of all of the ads would be:
"Newt Gingrich talks about values, family values. What kind of values did he use when he served his first wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital recovering from surgery? When he cheated on his second wife with his now-third wife?"
Show picture of Newt looking lecherous.
"Those are values that this country just does not need."
Picture of another lecherous Newt photo with a big red X on it.
"Vote for Barack Obama who is still married to his one and only wife and father of their two beautiful daughters."
Show that beautiful picture of the family taken by Annie Liebowitz with the caption: Obama2012.com,
the catholic church grants 60,000 annulments a year. they want everyone in the fold they can possibly get. you can be granted one even if you committed adultery; the church doesn't care, and will go out of its way to find the grounds that fit so that an annulment can be granted.
"now consider a person like me, a highly successful black conservative that is beyond the possibility of wealth you black progressive liberal dems can even dream about. also, what's more important is that i am 100% honest...i do not worship lies like you fn black liberals do."
"Beyond the possibility of wealth". That's what happens when you spend your last $5 on lotto tickets. I guess you realized you were "beyond the possibility of wealth" when all five of those numbers came up duds.
I do admire your dedication and tenacity, though. Day in and out, you attempt to woo those poor, mislead black progressive liberal souls over to the GOP so they can "see the light" as you have, even though you remain completely oblivious to how nearly everyone here abhors your party and the people who represent and run it.
Other than that, I find you a rather sad and tragic figure, jigging, shucking and jiving in front of an audience that despises you, for a group of people who find those of your color utterly repugnant and not on the same level as they themselves. Do you honestly believe that white conservative figures see you, a "successful" black conservative, as an equal? They may say so with their mouths, but do they actually believe that in their hearts?
"You are mistaken if you think no one is going to leave for greener pastures of the GOP. RT, has already crossed over. Maria, and brohammas will be next. Rttnkid is certainly considering it...and Purple Cow certainly wants to because he secretly wants to be a REAL American."
You're a pretty bad liar. How about you go polish up on the disingenuity before trotting out another set of badly thought-out fibs?
Anonymous said...
macklying said, "Your fellow conservatives, black and white, have given us plenty of reason to NOT join up with your cause. So you can put away the spiked Kool-Aid -- no one here's gonna take a sip."
You are mistaken if you think no one is going to leave for greener pastures of the GOP. RT, has already crossed over. Maria, and brohammas will be next. Rttnkid is certainly considering it...and Purple Cow certainly wants to because he secretly wants to be a REAL American.
2:59 AM
what? keep dreaming! if anything i am going to an indie/green/pro-science/antiwar party--as far away as i can get from the rethugs.
NYPD Murder Report Offers Alarming Stats for Black Males
Although crime rate in NYC has dropped, the murder rate has gone up
By C. Zawadi Morris
Murder in New York City: 2010
That overall crime is down in the city has been a major feather in the mayor’s cap—one that he touts often. However, even as crime continues to drop, murder rates have gotten worse, according to a recent report by The New York Police Department.
The NYPD released its murder statistics for 2010, and the overall outlook in Brooklyn is sobering— particularly for Black males, whose homicide numbers across the board are most alarming.
The report, entitled, “Murder in New York City: 2010,” found the number of homicides is up in the city – 536 in 2010 – and 42 percent of them occurred in Brooklyn.
Brooklyn had the highest murder rate among all the boroughs, with the neighborhood of East New York leading in murders – 33 in 2010.
However, despite a borough-wide increase, Bedford-Stuyvesant’s reported murder rates in both precincts have dropped or remained the same in the past year, compared to this same time in 2010.
In the 79th Precinct, overall crime is down 18 percent so far, compared to last year at this same time. And in the 81st Precinct, overall crime is down 12 percent, compared to last year at this same time.
“Murder in New York City: 2010”
Report At-A-Glance
Staten Island—3%
43% were killed between the hours of 11:00 pm – 5:00 am
Dispute/Revenge-- 51%
Physical Force—7%
Murder Victims: Who They Were
■Black people, who make up 25% of New York City’s population, represented 67% of those murdered
■Non-Hispanic whites or Asians, who make up 47% of the city’s population, represented 9% of those murdered
■Black males, age 15-29, who represent less than 3% of the city’s population, represented 33% of those murdered
■Of all women murdered, 21% were killed with a firearm.
■Of all men 74% were killed with a firearm
■Of black males age 16-21, 90% were killed with a firearm
■Of the people murdered in incidents related to domestic violence, 69% were female
■Of female whites assaulted and killed in 2010, all but one were murdered in incidents related to domestic violence
■For black suspects arrested, 85% of their victims were also black
■From 2009 to 2010, there was a 31% increase in the murder of blacks
■From 2009 to 2010, there was a 27% decrease in the murder of whites
■From 2009 to 2010, the number of Asians and Hispanics murdered remained nearly the same
mellaneous, you wrote:
What's going on in Northern Ireland is a political conflict.
Political conflict -- as in Civil War, which is what I said. A war between groups within a country is known as a Civil War.
Religion is used to identify the sides with certain religionists representative of the oppressors or colonialist British and the other representing the aspirations of the anti-colonialists.
There are NO absolute rules on the definition of the wars humans wage. No two are identical twins. In Northern Ireland the opposing sides were determined by religion.
But sunnis and shiites fight or struggle to oppress each other no matter what political boundaries encircle them. Furthermore, they equally willing to cross sovereign borders to keep the fight going.
In England there were few problems erupting between Catholics and Protestants. In the US there were no fights between the two.
But whevever in the world there are muslims, there are muslims killing other muslims and non-muslims for reasons that are exclusively rooted in Islam.
mellaneous writes:
This guy clearly knows nothing about the conflict in Northern Ireland nor about the Middle East or North Africa.
Oh. Says you -- based on absolutely nothing.
He doesn't even know that the Arab countries he is talking about are actually North African and that the populations do include practitioners of other religions, esp. Christian sects.
The revolutions in Islamic countries began in North Africa and have spresd to the Middle East. Clearly you do not know the map.
As for your claim that the "populations do include practitioners of other religions, esp. Christian sects," yeah, while there is a grain of truth in the statement, it is the standard deception of people like you.
In Islamic countries the non-muslim population is generally less than 1% of the people. In Egypt it is probably 9%, which is the largest percentage of non-muslims living in an Islamic nation.
As those of us in touch with the facts know, the Copts of Egypt have routinely been brutalized and murdered, their churches burned and their lives otherwise oppressed by law and by Islamic custom.
Mell called you out Slappy...and they were quite accurate. Your non-knowledge of the Irish Situation is glaring. Time to cease pretenderating and do some work. Since it is all in English...it should prove easier than learning about the Arab and Muslim Worlds.
I must have missed the FOX memo to push the falsehood of Obama gayness. But then, all the other bullpoo hasn't worked. His numbers still exceed those of st reagan...after two years of solid FOX and Fellow Breitbarts making poo up.
Silly Goobers...what will drop his stats is the clinging to failed and demonstrably false R wingnut policies and themes. Same as with Clinton. NAFTA was far more damaging than the Fact that BillC got it for free...from a willing participant.
Depends on which IRA King supported. The political arm that sought basic Civil Rights...or the wingnut Goober faction that looked for rationales for their murder of small children. Drooling stoopids can claim all they want that murdering folks is for a 'cause'...but the Irish were realizing that some just enjoyed killing unarmed folks. Torturing a soldier that signed on for health benefits and a paying job because Iron Maggie Thatcher removed collective bargaining isn't political justice.
Slappy, you have shown you can Google when your utter lack of relevant background is revealed. Instead of backpedaling and hurriedly attempting to cover your obvious dearth of scholarship...why not do the work...FIRST?
I know, you'll have to end the pretense of equivalence...and do this thing called 'work'..but..in the end, you will be much improved. And, you'll have earned the ability to sit at the adult table.
"Are you talking about the vagrants uptownsteve keeps tied up in his basement?"
You mean all those loose white girls?
Dear President of Anon Inc. please review what your Anon. posted at 2:12 AM. He/she is causing my stomach to hurt me from laughing so hard. :)
"that man is a saint. He is married to a woman what looks likes somebody half-assed shaved a gorilla and put a wig on it."
Obama is married to Michelle, not Barbara Bush.
I love how Newt has three wives. Wonder how the search for number four is going?
The Catholic Church has been losing 'sheep' ever since the flock realized that the conservative priests who molested children were NOT isolated to their particular parish. Not only are the prospective 'dates' leaving...more importantly...the 'sheep' are taking their money when they go.
The Catholic hierarchy supported Hitler, Franco, the Central and South American wingnuts, the Inquistition, the anti-Enlightenment...
Obama is anti-Catholic...because...umm...he is not like any other President. He is somehow different. There is a unique quality....which is...just his...but I can't...umm...really say.
Sure Newt can't..at least not in public, eh Addison Graves Wilson?
Me..I fault the O for failing to stand up to wingnuts and conservative (Fascist) Goobers.
Umm...GHW Bush has at least one mistress to deal with the issue of his wife's physical appearance. And her 'beautiful mind'.
Newt sent here to teach us how to cheat? With callous disregard for the former partner's feelings? To assume all partners are just as venal, self-serving and mendacious as Newt? Well..it is the Village. Marriage is about jockeying for invites to the 'correct' party. 50K is too much for a teacher...and 250K is poor.
What needs to happen if he should decide to run is that all those Dems with money to run those lovely ads like the lobbyists inundated us with during the election and same sex marriage vote needs to make the same ones about him and all the BS he did. Don't let him cover this up. We Americans have short memories and they count on that. Especially the ones who have the bumper stickers on their cars blaming Obama for the lost jobs and the economy etc., where were they 10 years ago?
r u serious????????
are u playing about mumia and obama???????
hobama is a flagrant bi whore and a typical adulterer just like newt
you know about vera baker and larry sinclair like everyone else.
no honest man would ever claim any husband has been a saint...
wedded demons are real!!!!
i am still disgusted about your libel and slander of mumia
but this bs about hobama as a monk was worse!!!!
NYPD Murder Statistics for 2010
With repsect to murder suspects:
60% are black
3% are asian
4% are white
Meanwhile, when it comes to victims:
3% are asian
6% are white
The percentage of white victims exceeds the percentage of white suspects. Though you many refuse to admit it, the disparity says that non-whites, most likely blacks, are killing whites along with other blacks.
President Obama and his chief of staff Rahm Emanuel are lifetime members of the same gay bath house in uptown Chicago, according to informed sources in Chicago’s gay community, as well as veteran political sources in the city.
The bath house, Man’s Country, caters to older white men and it has been in business for some 30 years and is known as one of uptown Chicago’s “grand old bathhouses.” WMR was told by sources who are familiar with the bath house that it provides lifetime memberships to paying customers and that the club’s computerized files, and pre-computer paper files, include membership information for both Obama and Emanuel. However, sources close to “Man’s Country” believe the U.S. Secret Service has purged the computer and filing cabinet files of the membership data on Obama and Emanuel.
"As the imcumbent, Obama has a huge advantage. However, as the president, he's been such a failure that he may well complete his impersonation of Jimmy Carter and lose to someone previously thought unelectable."
Keep saying it over and over Slappy..
Obama has been a fairly successful President whether you like it or not..
Got universal healthcare passed. Got stimulus passed. More jobs created in his 2 years than 8 years of Bush. Eliminated the wasteful spending notably the F-22 fighter jet program. Fair Pay Act.. Credit Card Reform. Stem Cell research.
Obama will win a second term.
Despite the thrashing and knarling of the right, the GOP field of possible POTUS candidates is a joke.
When Newt Gingrich is your most credible candidate, you've got serious problems.
I wondered why NPR was singled out for a OKeefe political hit. Seems that when Juan no longer had the cover of 'working' for NPR..there had to be a smear job.
Could not let the Truth about Juan remain in the public eye.
Now, it makes sense. Just like the hit on Rather...it was more about getting the lie out there than about accuracy or discourse.
And, the MSM still treats OKeefe as if he isn't a liar with a history of lying...why is that?
Slappy, no matter how much you scream about the eveel Boogedy Mens...we all hear the dueling banjos when we fly over your home.
hobama is a crack smoking bi cheater
he and newt are both trash!
Citizen WElls
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Posted on April 24, 2008
by citizenwells| 20 Comments
I just heard from Larry Sinclair. Sinclair has confirmation of receipt and Sinclair’s attorney, Mr. Sibley, has been contacted by a Chicago Police detective requesting that Sinclair or Sibley speak to him. Larry Sinclair alleges a drug and gay sex ecounter with Obama in November 1999 and also alleges that Donald Young contacted him shortly before he was murdered. The following is from Larry Sinclair’s blog:
“On April 1, 2008 I sent via fax a notarize affidavit to the Chicago Police Department concerning communications between myself and the murdered Choir Director, Donald Young of Trinity United Christian Church, in Chicago, IL.
hey spc:
recovering from sheer disgust
still in recovery
did uts ever pay his bogus lunch bet?
I wondered why NPR was singled out for a OKeefe political hit. Seems that when Juan no longer had the cover of 'working' for NPR..there had to be a smear job.
Could not let the Truth about Juan remain in the public eye.
Now, it makes sense. Just like the hit on Rather...
Only in the world of a Libtard is a lie considered a "hit",or a racist person exposed considered a "hit".
Whats the truth about Juan? He wasn't Liberal enough to work at NRP?
UTS, have to admit it...Obama has no real competition for an election. Before I pick Snowbilly Grifter who 'expands' her stories to cover her daughter's two babies, son's 'habit', other daughter's connection to a burglary ring....or Mittens, or T-Paw, or Heeyuckabee, or....feh.
In the land of Goober Morons, the law professor is the best choice.
AB, glad to see your white self back! You should pick a better pic, I suggest Benjy Quayle..he is such a nobody and probably has enough similarities to be useful.
Umm..if you are going to pretend to AfAm...the least you could do is cite some AfAm paranoid conspiracy theorists...not a wite dude with strong ties to wite supremacists.
Here's a great article to read.
Our organization, the Investigative Project on Terrorism, recently did an analysis of all terrorism convictions based on statistics released by the Justice Department. These stats show that more than 80% of all convictions tied to international terrorist groups and homegrown terrorism since 9/11 involve defendants driven by a radical Islamist agenda. Though Muslims represent less than 1% of the American population, they constitute defendants in 186 of the 228 cases the Justice Department lists.
The real underlying story here is how the self-anointed leadership of the Muslim community - groups like the Council on American-Islamic Relations, the Islamic Society of North America and the Muslim American Society - are the ones responsible for instilling panic into the Muslim community by suggesting that these hearings will lead to "hate crimes" against Muslims.
That canard has been used by these groups for years in their attempts to intimidate the media, commentators and critics of radical Islam from truly analyzing the role of these groups and others in radicalizing their constituents in the American Muslim community. The documents showing the creation of these groups with the assistance of the Muslim Brotherhood were introduced into evidence in the trial of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development several years ago. At the trial, the Council on American-Islamic Relations was described by an FBI expert as a front for Hamas, and was also listed, together with the Islamic Society of North America, as an unindicted co-conspirator in the Holy Land Foundation indictments.
Groups such as these routinely play the "Islamophobia" card, and get attention for doing so in the mainstream media, in order to silence criticism of Islamic radicalism. In fact, these very same groups, just like the Obama administration, categorically refuse to even use the term "radical Islam" in order to excise the term from the American vernacular.
Critics have taken issue with King's focus on one religious minority. But, in fact, in previous years, Congress has held numerous hearings into various ethnic subcultures that have spawned illegalities - including the Italian mob, Hispanic drug cartels, black and white prison gangs, white racists and neo-Nazis.
Headlines about King producing "panic" in the rank-and-file Muslim community are nonsense. The only panic is that being strategically fomented by groups with an interest in spreading fear. They, together with their mainstream media friends, have falsely alleged that: one, there is a war against Islam by the United States, and two, the FBI is secretly instigating Islamic terrorism by use of informants.
These are dangerous fictions.
u r ignoring old news about that ho hobama
hobama is a renowned bi cheating
did any of newt's exes try to have his new pcs deported like michelle did vera????
the facts that we have now about Vera Baker and Barack Obama spicy story.
Vera Baker was the financial director of Obama’s previous campaign, according to Enquirere they spent a whole night together.Did Barack Obama cheat Michelle Obama with Vera Baker, if yes this will be the biggest mistress story of 2010. We can check the fact what The Enquirer presented to us. The Anti-Obama Operatives are ready to give away 1 million dollar if somebody can prove the Baker-Obama cheating scandal.
Fact about Vera Baker-Barack Obama cheating scandal according to The Enquirer:
The driver said he then picked up Obama at the airport and drove both he and Baker to various locations while he was campaigning for funds. Vera accompanied him to each meeting.
“About 10:30 PM, I drove them to the hotel and they went in together!”
i see that mareally a paster and a liar was on a roll while i was gone
and slack lying missed me more than anyone as always!!!
Regarding Gingrich and his infidelties vs Obama and his fidelity:
Hmmmm. Obama, a president who has followed in the footsteps of Jimmy Carter in many many ways, has had, like Carter, only one wife, and there are no credible stories about any marital mischief in either union.
However, while Carter was president, the Islamic oil nations, via OPEC, jacked up oil prices and strained global supplies. Carter reacted by punishing, or attempting to punish the oil companies.
Carter ended a crucial banking regulation known as Regulation Q. That was the pin on the handgrenade that exploded into the Savings & Loan Crisis.
In 1979, Iranian dissidents kidnapped 60 Americans and held them for 444 days. Wimpy Carter allowed the US military to attempt some half-baked, maybe only a quarter-baked rescue plan that failed in a most outrageous way.
In his reelection attempt, Carter lost to Ronald Reagan, a candidate few believed had a shot at the presidency.
Enter Obama, who has the Jimmy Carter playbook in his back pocket, referring to it for guidance in every circumstance.
Trouble with Iran? Hmmm, page 69 says "kiss Iranian posterior."
Energy? Hmmm, page 33 says "speak of the sun in all its glory and what it can give to Americans if only we force Americans to depend on it. Repeat as often as possible that oil companies are evil because they are profitable and pay high wages to millions. Preach to Americans about the opportunity in synthetic crude oil and then have Congress spend billions on a SynCrude project that fails utterly and disastrously."
Economy? Hmmm, page 1, "all things flow from the government which can answer everyone's prayers."
racist blind fool mold:
u have to pretend i am a wm because i slay u so.
carry on u sexist bigoted illiterate moronic trailer pk troll.
there are way too many nigs, cowards, toms, trolls, wiggas, ojs, liars, posers, turbo breeders, and morons here...
they infect this blog like ebola
but i will NEVER let the sainting of that demonic mf hobama slide anywhere online!!!!
fn crossed the line today by pretending that slimy cheater hobama is bishop tutu etc...
Anonymous said...
UTS, have to admit it...Obama has no real competition for an election.
Yeah, thats what Jimmy Carter was sayin' to.
If Americans, fall for Obama's magic negro persona,along with his shuckin'and jivin, than Amerkkka deserves 4 more years of,
historic deficits
high unemployment
incresing numbers of homeless
increasing food and gas cost
historic numbers of people on walfare and in poverty
Obama's war on white people
Even if Obama wins,The Republicans' will take the senate.Maybe they can stop Obama from turning this country into a 3rd world country.
SPC, sorry if you missed the reporting on the Rather hit. Seems that the fake was planted in an attempt to smear CBS...as the alternative was to have citizens ask how Commander Codpiece managed to avoid service. The basic story is that bush went AWOL...which is not 'disproved' by a single fake. Sort of the same logic that claimerates the Holocaust never happened as there was a single fake document.
Juan was fired for being a hack. Now, he has every right to be a right-wing hack and spew Gooberish on FOX for Tom-money. What he can't do is claim to be objective. Which he tried to do.
Maybe they were trying to rid themselves of his Clarence Thomas antics...he has a history of that sort of thing.
Why isn't Juan all scared of Orthodox...or Sikh...or any other group of folks wearing clothing that isn't bought by pudgy wite dudez?
The lesson is clear...fire a hack for hackery or harassment or anything...and you will be smeared or a target for a wingnut 'hit'.
Welcome to the Brownshirts!
AB,so true.These alleged FN'S have been lost in the corn fields without you.
"there are way too many nigs, cowards, toms, trolls, wiggas, ojs, liars, posers, turbo breeders, and morons here..."
Then why did you come back?
Go back to your own blog and take your SPC afterbirth with you.
Before you go SPC please present an example of Obama's "War on White People".
Take all the time you need.
like hobama u lie
like his cuz gwb
hobama is prez SELECT
and he was selected for 8 yrs in 2008
u r way late as always
that is why hobama is no longer even masking his hatred for poor adoring foolish black mongrels like u
he will win no matter what
u live here
where is your blog nig??????
u will never direct me
huey ignored all lost nigs like u and your peers here
ditto for me
get over that u oj gash man
spc, your sritcle included:
Critics have taken issue with King's focus on one religious minority.
The big mistake of the press is that it considers Islam merely a religion.
If it were only a religion, it would have virtually no impact on the world. However, because it does triple duty as a relgion, political doctrine and military, it covers all the bases for creating international mayhem.
Even Obama plays along with this game of acknowledging only one leg of the Islamic stool.
Anyway, Obama has been handed one of history's greatest opportunities to change the world.
What's he doing with this opportunity that's knocking loudly at the door? Nothing.
Obama could seize the day and assist hundreds of millions of muslims turn their dictatorships into Islamic democracies. Maybe Islamic democracies are not big improvements over the existing dictatorships, but putting the citizens in charge is better than what they've had.
Maybe he won't help the Libyans and others because he knows the future muslim democracies will remain filled with people who hate non-muslims. But hey, the rest of us can accept the facts.
Meanwhile, by refusing to help the under-armed rebels, he assures the highest possible death toll in the ongoing battles. Thus, he's got the same attitude about muslims as muslims have about each other. Deaths, eh, who cares?
If these rebellions end with new tyrants seizing power, as has already happened in Egypt, where the military is in charge, and may well remain in charge for the next 50 years, the impact of Obama's wimpiness will hurt him in the next election.
SPC, sorry if you missed the reporting on the Rather hit. Seems that the fake was planted in an attempt to smear CBS...
LOL LOL They only ones doing the farming were leftwing hacks.
This story was made up by a leftwing hack,not investagate by leftwing hacks in the media.
Face it, the story was just to good to fact check.
Juan,a Obama voter, registered Democrat a rightwing hack?? Only in your mind.
Juan was fired because he was on FOX NEWS and Liberal NPR followers and staff hate FOX NEWS.
All while Nina Totenberg can f*ck and buy her way to major stories, and hope people die of aids, can still fit in at NPR.
No Slappz
What is your suggestion Obama do about the uprisings in Libya and Egypt?
and even though donald young was hobama's most beloved man mistress before hobama had him murdered...
hobama was known all over chi for creeping with elder wm silver foxes
white hairy old male geezers really turn hobama on:
that means
molded could get hobama
but the vdlr would just repulse hobama as she does most hood studs and ALL of her baby daddies!!!
The big mistake of the press is that it considers Islam merely a religion.
If it were only a religion, it would have virtually no impact on the world. However, because it does triple duty as a relgion, political doctrine and military, it covers all the bases for creating international mayhem."
Hmmm, let's see.
What is the only nation on earth founded on a religion and carved out of someone else's land?
Hint. Name starts with an "I".
Slappy, S&L was st reagan and Bush. OPEC is not your vassal, no matter how much you need a brown slave. Carter served Nuke..wimpy is an odd adjective coming from chickenhawks who ever served. Sort of projection, that. As far as the mil...only to Clancy armchair generals do events happen as planned. 'Fog of War' means nothing to one whose exposure to combat is through movies and warpr0n.
st reagan had the Carter playbook...which is how st reagan could sound like he was more than an empty suit...repeating the same speech he had given for decades.
Must upset you to see the US treating brown people..well, like people.
Why, yes, let us avoid solar. Because it makes no sense to put solar panels on buildings in FL, CA, AZ...but it does make sense to drill in ANWR. Ummm...I can tell you are not an Engineer. Or anyone with a connection to math-based reasoning.
As far as government...this is a Democracy...if I want my taxes to allow for Social Security, Medicare/Medicaid, National Parks, Wilderness Areas, and other social goods...why not?
Must bother you immensely that PhDs working for Uncle Sugar make more than you...have better benefits than you...and live far nicer than you. Instead of working for your own piece...you want to wreck it for others. Even if that occurs...you still will be at the bottom of the pile...and worse off.
uptownsteve said...
"there are way too many nigs, cowards, toms, trolls, wiggas, ojs, liars, posers, turbo breeders, and morons here..."
Then why did you come back?
Go back to your own blog and take your SPC afterbirth with you.
Before you go SPC please present an example of Obama's "War on White People".
By dropping the racist black panther case[a case that was already won} the Obama regime has sent a message to "his people".
White people have been green lit.
We've already seen the attacks on white school children go up, the attacks on white familes living in majority black areas go up,attacks on whites who ride buses go up,and the amount of black males forcing underaged white girls into slavery increase 10 fold.
In places like Atlanta and Detroit, all black jurys are either letting black males get away with crimes against whites{rape,assault, murder} or they are giving them the least amount of time.
This is all happening under the Obama regime.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
Got universal healthcare passed.
Do you not know that he's been backtracking daily from this disaster and states are "opting out" of the program the way the South seceded from the Union.
Got stimulus passed.
You mean he passed the biggest tax increase in the history of man.
More jobs created in his 2 years than 8 years of Bush.
Why do you measure Obama against Bush, when the only comparison that matters is a comparison with a president/time period in which real economic growth and job creation occurred?
Meanwhile, though we cannot answer the question, what would Obama have done if he had been the president dealing with 9/11 eight months after entering office?
Eliminated the wasteful spending notably the F-22 fighter jet program.
Eliminated wasteful spending??? You are truly stupid.
Fair Pay Act..
A third of all jobs are nothing but government handouts. This is what happens when a government believes it knows better than citizens what those citizens want, and thereby stifles solid profitable industries to appease morons.
Credit Card Reform.
Here's a little Shakespearean wisdom for you. Neither a borrower nor a lender be.
Stem Cell research.
Bush opposed FEDERAL FUNDING of stem cell research. But there were no bans on private research.
Given the claimed potential for stem cell technology, I have no doubt plenty of companies and universities were researching their scientific brains out.
historic deficits-bushMess
high unemployment-bushMess
incresing numbers of homeless-bushMess
increasing food and gas cost-greed from businesses
historic numbers of people on walfare and in poverty-bushMess
Obama's war on white people-where do I enlist? When did it start?
Umm...pretty much the majority of the issues are bushMess. Businesses are sitting on 2 Trillion dollars in cash...that shows something from Econ ;)
War on wites? You wish, it would validate a great many Goober fantasies. Or make poore wites the victims of Vast Conspiracy of Literate and Competent Persons.
SPC, you should do more 'serch' into Totenberg.
Juan had to register as D...you could ask why.
The story on bush AWOL was fact-checked. bush was AWOL...for quite some time. A single document was fake..but that was not known until after the piece aired. You still can't address the major theme...bush was AWOL...during war.
Wow, delusional. DOJ dropped the case as it was a -poo- scammed up for wingnuts. As shown by the simple act of seeing who wrote the brief...and who wrote the 'report'. Lying is far more effective if one spins...rather than repeats outright, and easily disproven, falsehoods.
Just because you wish something...does not make it so...that is called 'Magical Thinking'. It is what small children and mental defectives have.
hobama's dual cheating game was once FAR sloppier than newt's!!!
Anonymous said...
historic deficits-bushMess
high unemployment-bushMess
incresing numbers of homeless-bushMess
increasing food and gas cost-greed from businesses
historic numbers of people on walfare and in poverty-bushMess
Can blame your messiah for anything, can you mold?
One day mold you will see your messiah is nothing more than a false prophet.
Til than, la la land remains open for all you Libtards.
Slappy, It is RomneyCare. Same program. And the states that secede are pretty much the ones that left the Union...for the same reasons.
Obama should have gone Universal. Duh.
You pay less in tax under Obama than you did under bush. Are you unable to use a mathematical calculator? Or is your desire to beleeverate overwhelming the Data in front of you?
bush tried to crash wages and benefits, hoperating that someone else would pay enough to keep Demand strong. Obama used a slow braking so as not to upset those who got wealthy of the vastly reduced wages and benefits.
bush ran, Cheney ran...even with the spin of Secret Service 'forcing' them to safety...it is easily shown that both were dodging...again.
Why do you Goobers want another 9/11? Wasn't the deaths of 3K+ enough for you? What do you want from this? A Fascist State where Fundie Gomers can have Morality Police?
We know...the only wasteful spending is that done for poor, brown citizens. Waste is medical care. Waste is Parks. Waste is infrastructure. Waste is things that cronies can profit from. Waste is a modest income with a modest retirement. Waste is that which helps citizens.
If private is so gloriously wonderful, why do folks enlist? Industry offers crap..and I am supposed to gratefully accept this...for your Moral Superiority? I think I'll take the eveel Gubmint pay and benefits, thank you. As far as innovation...the US has been behind for years. In many fields. This despite the 'supply-scam' economic handouts.
Wisdom? More like kid silliness.
Stem cell research in the US pretty much ended under bush. It takes money to run a lab. bush drove the work to Europe and Asia. Sure, they trotted out some photo-op phonies to pretend that the US was still relevant. But...some posters are Bio..and can read the Journals.
War on wites? You wish, it would validate a great many Goober fantasies. Or make poore wites the victims of Vast Conspiracy of Literate and Competent Persons.
This is a solid example of progressive liberal mental derangement. This mouth slobbering cretin may actually blve they are coherent. So much so they even feel empowered to convince themselves that others are dreaming of being as literate and well spoken as they, thus when folks point out reading the thoughts they offer is like clapping with one hand, its a conspiracy.
I wonder if this all sounds familiar to the deluded one and if in perhaps the cloud of fog they live in a breeze may waft through; enough for them to momentarily recognize personal projection.
In other words, your a literal fucking idiot that no one can understand. If we were talking in person I am sure I would be fighting my gag reflex while watching the drool pool at the corners of your mouth. Your thoughts are loose, disconnected and incoherent, this then coupled with your profound illiteracy, couched within the claim that you are truly literate but talk down to those on this blog in order to fit in.
OK...the short bus is here for you, time to go. Have a nice day, don't forget to bring your hankie so you don't spit on everyone when you talk today.
SPC, you confuse your own cheerleading with my Reality-based stance.
When you list those things that Obama does that are wrong...like keeping the bushTorture....I'll agree.
Or his utter failure to support the WI unions against the tyrannical despots.
Repeating wingnut drivel...not so much.
Too much silliness and tomfoolery from Harpo (SPC) and Groucho (Slappy) to respond to except to say that you never see the racists this exercised and agitated unless they know they are on the losing end.
Obama will win a second term and all the clowns can do is yell "NIGGER" from the sidelines.
bush drove the work to Europe and Asia.
What, no claims that Bush drove the work of stem cell research to African Nations? Why not? Sounds racist to me. Why you bein racist? Why do White nations and Asians have to do all the science? Why isn't uganda helping out?
Obviously Wall Street expects non-government, non-ObamaCare hospitals to fare well.
HCA Holdings, Largest U.S. Hospital Operator, Raises $3.79 Billion in IPO
Mar 10, 2011
(Bloomberg) -- HCA Holdings Inc., the hospital chain that went private in 2006, raised $3.79 billion in the biggest U.S. initial public offering by a private equity-backed company.
HCA, based in Nashville, Tennessee, sold 126.2 million shares at $30 each, the top of the proposed range, the company said yesterday in a statement.
Cash Flow
KKR & Co., Bain Capital LLC, Bank of America Corp. (BAC) and other owners invested about $5 billion in equity in the $33 billion takeover of HCA. Including debt, it was the largest leveraged buyout at the time.
In acquiring HCA, KKR and Bain chose a company with steady cash flow and a business that’s protected to a large extent from swings in the economy. Cash flow from operations was $3.16 billion in the year before the 2006 buyout, according to data compiled by Bloomberg. As of Dec. 31, 2010, that number was little changed at $3.09 billion.
For-profit hospital chains such as HCA depend more on commercial payers and less on government beneficiaries than do nonprofits, which have already seen their revenue reduced by government cutbacks, particularly in Medicaid.
HCA plans to list on the New York Stock Exchange and trade under the symbol HCA starting today. Proceeds will be used to repay debt, HCA said in the filing.
anxious early uts:
when hobama is selected by the bilderbergs again in 2012
the blind slain nigs like u, bleeding and broke in the sidelines, will be cheering their own deaths
as u do OT and in advance even NOW u walking dead hobama nazi nig...kudos!
uptownsteve said...
Too much silliness and tomfoolery from Harpo (SPC) and Groucho (Slappy) to respond to except to say that you never see the racists this exercised and agitated unless they know they are on the losing end.
Obama will win a second term and all the clowns can do is yell "NIGGER" from the sidelines.
Your Schtick is so predictable.
Facts presented - can't debate them. You either know you are wrong or don't have the mental acuity - Name call - Liberal/Tactic 101
Create ficticious environment - they are really upset - Translation, you are really upset because you cant debate any of the truth so they must be afraid. Translation - you don't like the truth and want them silenced.
With being unable to openly discuss reality, creating a false environment of someone else being afraid, literally being whalloped verbally, you then claim you won. They lost and this is because they are agitated and racist.
Then polish it all off by saying, yes they will call him "nigger" from the sidelines as Obama wins.
You probably don't even realize what you are or that anyone with an IQ above MOLD (pretty much everyone) sees right through your tired schtick.
Oh, whats next are you going to ask for evidence of what you already have been given where if you could actually read you would know the evidence was supplied?
Countdown to patented liberal response..3...2...1.... your racist, your a goober....your a tom.....
And you wont even be able to resist even though I am predicting EXACTLY what you will do.
Anonymous said...
SPC, you confuse your own cheerleading with my Reality-based stance.
Reality Based stance? Being bent over and ready may be your version of a stance of reality but it isn't most others....just sayin.
mold, you wrote:
Slappy, It is RomneyCare.
The fascinating point is this - from the early healthcare experiment conducted in Mass, known as RomneyCare, we learned that programs like this DO NOT WORK.
Rational people would have said, "well, we tried, but it didn't work, so we're going to try something different."
Unfortunately, when a social program fails utterly, entirely and completely, that's when liberals mobilize and shout that the program failed for lack of funding. If only, they say, if only more money is thrown at it, it will work.
Obama heard the message and has taken the small failure in Massachusetts and built it into a national failure that will inflict serious economic damage while in no way improving the delivery of healthcare or our national health.
Like the public school systems. We've mulitiplied the money spent, yet results a not improving and in many ways they are worsening.
"Desertflower said...
Looks like he has to get em liquored up first LOL!
10:31 PM"
Funny, that. MOST women you get "liquored-up" will peel off their panties, and be on all fours with that hoo-ha pointing up in the air in a heartbeat. Sometimes, they'll ask you if you have a video camera, first.
Slappy, Liberals/Progressives want Universal...which the US hasn't had. RomneyCare is a way to make sure that insurance companies keep making profits.
Umm...for an alleged businessman, you really have trouble understanding IPO and background. Your unwarranted assumption on HCA motive and strategy is based on a beleef in Fwee Markets..not on the business case. Almost no actual businessperson uses Fwee Markets. That is more wingnut.
No amount of money will help some Left Behinds or their ungifted children. They lack the capacity to be more than wage drones. However, Public Schools do a wonderful job if one has a modicum of talent and drive. PS also educate many students with deficiencies and allow those kids to enter Society as productive citizens. Maybe it is because your history begins with the spontaneous generation of st reagan that you are unaware that until fairly recently High School was out of reach for many.
But keep cutting the schools and the infrastructure. Your planter Massa will thank you..as will the Chinese.
PCJ...now you know why you don't have dates. Not only are your fantasies rather poor...they are based on you being a lordling...but then you want to brag about being inadequate.
At least ManDumpling has money and Newt has fame. You have...well...Mom's basement.
Better Ken Starr your fun..pay full price and up front.
Anonymous Tom
"Facts presented - can't debate them. You either know you are wrong or don't have the mental acuity - Name call - Liberal/Tactic 101"
So Tom wants to debate.
Okay. Who in your mind has a chance to beat Obama and why?
Please give me a real example of Obama's "War on White People". Not urban legend as SPC presented but a link.
Oh, I see AB is back.
News Flash for you:
And, your "King" Mumia ain't nothing but a low down, murdering piece of scum, and I pray he rots to death in prison, since they don't have the balls to go ahead and fry his nappy ass like they should have done twenty years ago.
Someone said you were like herpes. They wuz right.
more on the dl hobama's beards before michelle
In Obama's ten years of bachelorhood before he met Michelle in 1989, Remnick creates a credible picture of him as a popular, good-looking man about town. Obama's Chicago mentor Jerry Kellerman tells Remnick that Obama dated various women and "was more than capable of taking care of himself." Another Chicago friend, John Owens, claims, "Barack tends to make a strong impression on women." And Remnick refers specifically to an "old girlfriend" that Obama rather coolly abandoned upon leaving Chicago for Harvard in 1988.
And yet, unless I missed something, despite scores of interviews with Obama acquaintances, never do we actually hear from a woman who dated Barack Obama. The same vacuum is apparent in the book Barack and Michelle, Portrait of an American Marriage, by Christopher Andersen. Andersen quotes Obama's New York roommate, Sohale Siddiqi, on the subject of Obama's allure: "I couldn't outcompete him in picking up girls, that's for sure" -- but we do not hear from any of the girls he might have picked up or dated.
maria, you linked:
Based on Ellison's testimony he should be arrested for aiding and abetting terrorists. His statements were nothing less than treason..
std expert red bitch:
u r the resident diseased fool
try not to give hobama a rash as u suck him off u dl drone
unread foolish flaming red bitch:
mumia is an innocent international idol
one of
cointelpro's most famous victims since he was 15
he was supposed to die the night cops shot and beat him and a rookie cop
dirty bitch cop clones of u were killing a rookie rat and a hated rebel in one fell swoop
but we warriors never die mf
suck on that!
morons like u define america for all the international scholars who know mumia was framed...
shame how u disgrace millions u arrogantly ignorant dl bitch!!!!
Bloodhound said...
Oh, I see AB is back.
News Flash for you:
And, your "King" Mumia ain't nothing but a low down, murdering piece of scum, and I pray he rots to death in prison, since they don't have the balls to go ahead and fry his nappy ass like they should have done twenty years ago.
Someone said you were like herpes. They wuz right.
11:25 AM
nasty lyin kuntlicker!
unlicked uneducated vdlr:
u missed me more than u do your missing daddy u ghetto troll
u playin games wit choself ho
Ellison says:
We have seen the consequences of anti-Muslim sentiment - from the backlash against the Park51 Muslim Community Center to the hostilities against an Islamic Center in Mursfreesboro, Tennessee, to the threatened Quran burning in Gainesville, Florida. Zoning boards in communities like Dupage County, Illinois are denying permits to build new mosques.
In other words, the common issues that Americans wrestle with every day. But muslims special privileges.
Meanwhile, the same disputes arising in Islamic nations would never get this far because non-muslims cannot fight the Islamic system.
If non-muslims push their luck even an inch, they will land in jail for defying Allah. As an experiment, try giving away Bibles in Saudi Arabia.
Anyway, the anti-muslim sentiment that has Ellison defending his murderous Islamic ideology has led to exactly ZERO attacks on muslims. ZERO murders. ZERO threats of murders.
Meanwhile, Ellison, like all muslims, blames non-muslims for the existing tensions.
Here's a hint -- when in Rome, do as...
Americans have NO obligation to embrace Islamic culture or accept its horrifying belief system.
The people who need sensitivity training are muslims, who have to realize it's legal for non-muslims to dislike them and everything they represent -- which includes female enslavement, rejection of freedom of religion, rejection of freedom of speech, rejection of capitalism and rejection of a pluralistic society.
As always, the idiot muslims have got it backwards. They must change. They need to make some drastic alterations in almost every aspect of their lives if they want broad acceptance in this country.
AB, when you pretend to be a woman...you might consider following gender norms. You might wish to brag about being with a woman...but most of us treat it like the everyday occurrence it truly is.
Snooping for old dates? Umm...maybe its not creepy for a wite dude living in Mom's Basement...
Perhaps you are -ahem- unfamiliar with Rizzo. Mumia was pretty much a loser and beneath notice. Mumia is a wite thing..either to show how kool you are to impress rebellious teens...or a 'red shirt' for Goobers. With the lack of contact with the female psyche...I would guess you wave the fake Ebonics and Mumia around to inflame the passions of ignorant Gomers...and to giggle how you 'fooled' all those smart people.
Characters have to be believable...unless one writes for christian or wingnut audiences...then all that matters is repeating the drivel.
inhumane kkk troll molded:
when u pretend to be human
u will no longer pretend that i am a wm just because i slay u
u will no longer need that dunce cap and sheet too u faded fool
molded moronic mole:
only a racist stupid kkk faux lib bitch like you would call any BPP idol a white thing
u racist silly peasants think whites have to tell us all what to think = ptssd plantation bs
fix that asap
study mumia u moron
and also
fred hampton
mark clark
huey newton
elaine brown
geronimo pratt
george jackson
jonathan jackson
this is why educated blacks dspise uneducated white fools like u....
Slappy, if you are going to lie...don't include statements easily proven to be false.
It makes you look stoopid.
As far as wite privilege...it died during the 1960s. No matter what you do..the days of free cash for witey are gone. Either you have to compete on a level field (you lose) or the company will no longer overpay you for being a breathing wite dude.
Sobbing that the eveel Muslims must pay for your anguish...only makes me laugh at you.
That, and the ideer that anyone not in a mental institution would take up your 'cause'.
What is in it for me? Why would I accept any premise from you?
Universal saves me tons of money, makes health care easier, and lowers my personal risk. Social safety nets let me seek work that is a better fit and not stress over a temporary job loss.
What's the downside?
molded felled fool:
just because i beat your ass like a man does not make me one...
ask that slain beta nale bitch nig uts!
every woman alive is more man than both of u!!!!
AB, when a writer tells me they are a Biologist..then uses only Answers in Genesis...I question that they are a Biologist.
An Engineer who is mathematically illiterate...is probably NOT and Engineer.
A person who claims to hold degrees from accredited State Universities..but still writes like a wite dude from Podunk and uses wite wingnuts as 'sorces'...probably doesn't.
ashy assnon molded/nell:
who made u scholar cop herein???
u r the most illiterate uneducated and whitest mf on this blog
and that is why you have to pretend u think i am white as i slay u...you retarded racist
carry on
n-s, ever heard of freedom of religion? he spoke not a a word of treason, and you need to understand the country you're living in and the freedoms it offers.
and this is not an invitation to go into your usual rant about islam isn't really a religion.
mold, the healthiest thing to do is ignore AB. she's still gone, even tho she's back. there's only a 7-day hold, i guess, in those circumstances.
Anonymous said...
AB, when a writer tells me they are a Biologist..then uses only Answers in Genesis...I question that they are a Biologist.
An Engineer who is mathematically illiterate...is probably NOT and Engineer.
A person who claims to hold degrees from accredited State Universities..but still writes like a wite dude from Podunk and uses wite wingnuts as 'sorces'...probably doesn't.
Dribble, drabble, drool, slurp, slurp.....slushy in your mouth...Gibberish. You just as usual said a whole lot of "and" nothing.
mareally a perpetual 7 day std host:
u have me mixed up with the 7 day cream u use after coitus with your yeasty black studs.
your bad wigga bitch.
"Slappy, if you are going to lie...don't include statements easily proven to be false."
If he didn't lie, he'd have no reason to post.
maria said...
n-s, ever heard of freedom of religion? he spoke not a a word of treason, and you need to understand the country you're living in and the freedoms it offers.
and this is not an invitation to go into your usual rant about islam isn't really a religion.
mold, the healthiest thing to do is ignore AB. she's still gone, even tho she's back. there's only a 7-day hold, i guess, in those circumstances.
maria said...
n-s, ever heard of freedom of religion? he spoke not a a word of treason, and you need to understand the country you're living in and the freedoms it offers.
and this is not an invitation to go into your usual rant about islam isn't really a religion.
mold, the healthiest thing to do is ignore AB. she's still gone, even tho she's back. there's only a 7-day hold, i guess, in those circumstances.
After watching Elisson during this hearing the first thing that is clear is the acting lessons the democrats are paying for are not paying off.
So, during a hearing on radical Islam in the U.S supported with proof from Eric Holders DOJ that 80% of ALL terrorist convictions for domestic and international terrorism are tied directly to Islam, Ellison decides his contribution will be the Eulogizing of a paramedic as an "all american kid" One that was killed by Muslim/Islamic Jihadis on 9/11
Well as far as freedom of religion “All-Americans” do not believe in one religion repressing another. Jihadis do. Muslims do, So why is Ellison complaining that King wants to investigate and understand the degree of Jihadism in American mosques of the people who actually killed the kid he was eulogizing?
Shouldn't he be for this investigation?
The gall of this outrageous duplicitousness is stunning and guess who will fall for it, those who play the race party line.
"Well as far as freedom of religion “All-Americans” do not believe in one religion repressing another"
Oh really?
So why are righties trying to oppress Muslims in America?
Why did righties oppose the building of an Islamic Center in lower Manhattan?
Would they have opposed the building of a church or synagogue?
Inquiring minds want to know.
it's not an INVESTIGATION. it's a mccarthy witch hunt!
"The big mistake of the press is that it considers Islam merely a religion. If it were only a religion, it would have virtually no impact on the world. However, because it does triple duty as a relgion, political doctrine and military, it covers all the bases for creating international mayhem."
Its obvious that someone doesn't know anything about religion. Most religions esp Judaism and Christianity have their basis in all of life including society, politics and economics they all have ideas about how one should live and be a good adherent of the religion.
Universal saves me tons of money, makes health care easier, and lowers my personal risk. Social safety nets let me seek work that is a better fit and not stress over a temporary job loss.
What's the downside?
So social policy should be decided on the basis as to whether it makes Mold's life easier? The problem with free money for imbeciles is that the line for handouts grows exponentially. Safety nets need to be there only for those who fall; not those that jump. Eventually there aren't enough productive people to support the lavish benefits of all the Molds. Everyone loses in the long term. How hard is that to see?
mellaneous said...
"Its obvious that someone doesn't know anything about religion. Most religions esp Judaism and Christianity have their basis in all of life including society, politics and economics they all have ideas about how one should live and be a good adherent of the religion.'
It's obvious that that person is you, mel. Of course all religions "have ideas about how one should live", but Islam is the only "religion" that mandates application of its political system as a basic tenet. No other religion dictates a legal code, explicitly condones being spread by the sword, or openly promotes violence against non-adherents.
Islam is different. Religious freedom is one thing; coexisitng with a fascist political ideology is another.
You want to focus on the positive aspects while ignoring all the inconvenient slaughter going on all over the world every day.
Muslims who peacefully practice their spirituality without trying to impose Sharia or attempting to slit my throat are fine by me. Unfortunately, those kind of Muslims aren't really Muslims; violence is part of the package for true believers. The evidence is everywhere.
right said:
"The problem with free money for imbeciles is that the line for handouts grows exponentially."
You are on to something there. The banks and Wall Street guys that ran the derivative scam and the adjustable rate mortgages scams could hardly stop themselves since no one was stepping in to stop them. Their scam grew and grew since their greed knew no bounds.
You are right the imbeciles try to get free money however or wherever they can. Lets see if we can get folks to do more work for less say the industrialists. The workers go for it and then they try to see if they can get away with less workers. Then they see an opportunity to make even more money by going overseas, so they go.Their desire for handouts is insatiable.
Regulation in the way of our profiteering, No problem lets try to do away with it and lets get the silly workers to agree with us.
Off shore drilling yeah lets do it, deregulate banking yeah lets do it, place regulations on the health care industry, no lets not do that, in fact if we did any of that it would be just plain un-American.
Its amazing how Rite and others can so steadfastly defend people and positions that have absolutely nothing to do with their well being.
I mean really where does it get us to defend the rich and beat up on the poor. I mean if you're honest you have to admit that what the rich folks take just in what they don't contribute to in the form of taxes and write offs are mounds of cash compared to the pennies a few lazy folks collect from the state.
And I say a few because the vast majority of your fellow workers that you are so prone to pick on are just like you they want to work and work when they are offered a chance to actually make money and do so with dignity.
Alright mell.
Rite said:
No other religion dictates a legal code, explicitly condones being spread by the sword, or openly promotes violence against non-adherents.
Shame on you Rev! Haven't you read the Old Testament or the Judaic Torah! What do you call the Ten commandments, or the Levitical laws or the dietary laws?
Your ignorance on this matter is astoundig esp considering you put Rev in front of your moniker.
And this statement reveals your ignorance of the history of Christianty.
Rite said:"Islam is different. Religious freedom is one thing; coexisitng with a fascist political ideology is another."
The German church swore allegiance to fascist Nazi Germany,its why Dietrich Bonhoeffer had to start along with other Protestant leaders, what they called "The Confessing Church" because the rest of the church had sold out to fascism and Hitler.
Please look it up and stop misleading folks with your lack of knowledge. And just imagine one of my fellow travelers is always accusing me of "pride."
Lawd help us!!
Thanks Steve, they got me preaching and I am trying to lay back because of Lent. But right is right and we can't advance as human beings and as folks who work for a living if we keep giving quarter to the work of the exploiters and the theives, who according to my Bible are the real personification of evil in the world.
Shame on you Rev! Haven't you read the Old Testament or the Judaic Torah! What do you call the Ten commandments, or the Levitical laws or the dietary laws?
Let me try to state this quickly. You eaquate passages in the Koran that today are fervently practiced promoting and demanding sacrifice of "true Muslims" with the ten commandments? Levitical Laws or Dietary laws?
Are you really a man of god? Peaceful god? Do you think or is your mind clouded by....well god knows what.
The Quran:
Quran (2:191-193) - "And slay them wherever ye find them, and drive them out of the places whence they drove you out, for persecution [of Muslims] is worse than slaughter [of non-believers]...and fight them until persecution is no more, and religion is for Allah."
Quran (2:216) - "Fighting is prescribed for you, and ye dislike it. But it is possible that ye dislike a thing which is good for you, and that ye love a thing which is bad for you. But Allah knoweth, and ye know not."
This mind you is fervently practiced today. Not old world testaments that are not applied. The Koran is the word of Allah and must be adhered to completely as daily murders, persecutions of christians and other Muslims attest to. There is no love and honor of women, they are pure slaves for your use as you see fit.
Which one of the ten commandments do you compare to this ? Just a couple for comparison....
Honor your father and mother
You shall not kill/murder†
You shall not commit adultery
You shall not steal
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet your neighbor's wife
You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor
Ahhhh, starting to list them I understand where you are coming from. You break several every day.
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor
You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbor.
mellaneous, you wrote:
Shame on you Rev! Haven't you read the Old Testament or the Judaic Torah! What do you call the Ten commandments, or the Levitical laws or the dietary laws?
The preceding is a stunning, but totally honest display of your stupidity.
There are NO Christian or Jewish Theocracies in the world. In other words, there are NO sovereign nations that derive their legal and political systems from the Bible.
On the other hand, ALL Islamic nations are built around the Koran.
The Separation of Church and State does not exist in the Islamic world. That's the difference.
But dopes like you cannot grasp the difference between civil society -- which does not exist in Islamic nations -- and the Constitution, which leads you to believe that because the Bible -- a book of fiction -- comprises stories of violence it is the basis of US law.
The fact that a few of the Ten Commandments have been shaped into some laws -- thou shalt not kill and/or steal -- means only that man has found there are some good principles around which to organize a functioning society.
Meanwhile, Islam calls for assaults on non-muslims. And, no surprise, muslims attack non-muslims, attacking in an actualy physical sense as well as by enacting laws oppressing them. Laws that make Jim Crow laws look like a day at the beach.
The obvious facts aside, your defense of Islam tells me you want to see the collapse of America as much as the Islamic world does.
Have you ever read Message to the Black Man by Elijah Muhammad? You know, the Farrakhan NOI position on Islam and America.
Slappy is a lying imbecile!!!!!
"There are NO Christian or Jewish Theocracies in the world. In other words, there are NO sovereign nations that derive their legal and political systems from the Bible."
What the fuck is Israel?
"On the other hand, ALL Islamic nations are built around the Koran.
Iraq, until it was invaded by the US, was a secular Baathist Government.
Saudi Arabia and Jordan are monarchies.
Egpyt and Libya are republics under military rule.
You might have a case with Iran being an Islamic theocracy but that wouldn't make it very different than Israel in that regard.
mellaneous, you wrote:
The German church swore allegiance to fascist Nazi Germany,its why Dietrich Bonhoeffer had to start along with other Protestant leaders, what they called "The Confessing Church" because the rest of the church had sold out to fascism and Hitler.
What connects Nazi Germany to this discussion?
This: When the government controls EVERYTHING, as the Nazi government did, you have trouble. Can you grasp this?
When the government empowers itself to take control of civil society, then every civic organization and every civic activity comes under its control.
Do you know nothing about despotic governments? Tyrannies? Dictatorships? We know the answer to the question is YES.
Are you so helpless and stupid that you cannot see that Nazi Germany's takeover of the church made it almost the same as any Islamic nation because Islamic governments are, by the word of Muhammad, also the seat of religion?
You are truly one dumb guy.
wrong again self righteous anon. While I willingly and quickly admit that I am a sinner and not perfect. I have not lied on you in fact it is you that continues to lie and judge me, whereas I try to set the record straight.
You are the one who is guilty of lying, since I have not failed to honor my mother or father, I haven't murdered anyone,nor have I committed adultery or stolen or coveted my neighbors wife or possessions.
This is not Christian like behaviour but simple hypocrisy.
I understand why you lie on me and try to slander me however. It is because it is you, not I who is not open to the spirit of God and what it says about love and justice.
Do you really think that people would be inclined to follow or even respect the kind of Christianity that you exhibit on this thread? Everyone can see that you show up only to attack me for standing up for the poor, the oppressed and the exploited.
uptownsteve, you imbecility is industrial strength.
What the fuck is Israel?
A democracy of 6.5 million citizens, of which 5 million are Jews and 1.5 million are arab muslims.
There are also a number of Christian in Israel, which should surprise no one. You know, Jerusalem, Jesus and all that.
Unlike all Islamic nations, everyone in Israel has the same rights. Except that muslims are not drafted into the Israeli Defense Forces. But there is a division for muslim enlistees.
I'm sure it's beyond your comprehension, stevie, but Israel is not a theocracy.
As far as the other Islamic nations go, you can spew all you want about the most precise political-science definition of their form, but in every case they boil down to nations that are totally defined by the fact that they filled to the brim with Mohammedans. And nobody else, except a few unfortunate people who live with permanent oppression.
"Unlike all Islamic nations, everyone in Israel has the same rights."
This is what is meant by demagoguery :)
And this:
TALLAHASSEE -- Two Republican legislators want to make sure Florida courts aren’t tainted by what one of them calls foreign “shenanigans:” Muslim Sharia law or legal codes from other nations.
Neither Sen. Alan Hays nor Rep. Larry Metz, though, could name a Florida case where international law or Islamic law has caused a problem in a state court. They said they weren’t targeting Sharia, a body of law primarily based on the Koran and the Hadith, the sayings of Islam’s founder, Mohammed..."
Read more: http://www.miamiherald.com/2011/03/09/2106713/lawmakers-target-sharia-law.html#ixzz1GEJ8ziNS
The eveel gays poo comes straight outta Old Testament...which you might know if you read it.
I can't resist pointing out the AB 'persona' is a wite person's fantasy AfAm. Odd how they just can't grasp that the typical one is Anita Hill..honest, modest and hard-working.
A Left Behinds greatest dreem...to be able to call the smart kids 'dopes'. Ummm..they graduated. Probably moved to accept a position. And you still dwell on the realization (years after the smart kids) that being lazy and not using your gifts was a bad choice?
UTS, nice posts!!
Mell, like it. All that Truth!
Rev Wite, why do you assume that productive equals rich? bush is a callow, shiftless putz who inherited...how is he more productive than my personal physician? Oh, this being a Democracy...earners can choose to spend tax monies on social goods. Or is Sweden full of lazy 'urban' folks? Lavish? By whose standard? Why should I not have months of parental leave? Because some CEO orders you? Please. European executives make a very nice income..and I am expected to give up my benefits so our execs can avoid innovation and effort? If they want to brag so much...let them do the work...and leave my benefits alone.
You-all notice how the conservatives have no issues? Why, at least twice I've handed them real ones. Wonder why they can't discuss them.
no_slappz said...
"spc, your sritcle included:"
What the hell is a sritcle??
"Unlike all Islamic nations, everyone in Israel has the same rights."
You're nuts.
Arabs in Israel are subject to checkpoints, military oppression and refugee camps.
They are limited as to where the can live and move freely.
Slappy, when you Google Israel...you could at least mention that the Ultras and the US-holes are draft dodging gutless wonders. They want others to do service...but not their wondrous brave selves...who are much needed in the fight against women who are adults and unarmed Palestinians. Parts of Israel are run like theocracies..as the pols don't wish to rile up the JewGoobers.
Odd that a 'Jew' don't know this. But then..it would not be odd for a wite dude from Podunk.
As far as your 'knowledge' of the area...Lonely Planet has more accurate and timely stuff than you. Maybe you are delving into the Abekkka homeskooling?
Yep, instead of being a Left Behind, Slappy am de smart one. Keep yelling how we are stupid, then show how little you know and understand. That is a really good strategy...NOT.
Mell, loved those Heeyucks. Out of touch and hoping for some 'halo' off the Muslim Hate. Lil Abners...without any of the positive features. Sarey and Michelle sell the ignorance because...well..they are MILFy. They get a pass for the Most Attractive R MILFs...ever! They could say Liberal stuff and the Rs would just gaze at them.
Its important to get an accurate description of how the German Protestant church capitulated to the Nazi state. The distinction between being forced to pay allegiance to fascism and racism and militarism and voluntarily submitting to its authority are important.
Its really important to learn from history. The folks who call themselves Christians and yet gloss over this horrific chapter in the German church are doing everyone a disservice because if they will open their eyes they will see that all of this anti-Islamic furor is similar to the anti-Semitism that helped lead that church into the clutches of Nazism.
Ludwig Muller lead the German protestants on a path toward hell not heaven.
This is a decent reference but there are some good books about it as well.
UTS, for a Jew..they don't know much about Israel.
mell, may I add 'The Nasty Girl'?
dumbdownsteve, you wrote:
Arabs in Israel are subject to checkpoints, military oppression and refugee camps.
Bonehead, the refugee camps are in Lebanon, Syria and Jordan. Not Israel.
The checkpoints are at the borders.
Military operations are conducted against the dirtbags in Gaza, Lebanon and Syria who launch rockets into Israel or in other ways provoke cross-border military responses.
Meanwhile, EVERYONE flying in and out gets a good going-over by security people.
Maybe it's hard for a dumb guy like you to make the connection between higher security and fewer Islamic terrorist attacks, but everywhere it's tried it seems to work.
molded white trash:
yes!...thanks for the kudos
anita hill is a kindred clone
a fellow gorgeous educated bf lesbian who would kick your peasant/pale faced clarence t wannabee fake wigga ass just as i do.
u r a glaring disgrace to authentic kkk wiggas all over the usa!!!
mellaneous said...
"Shame on you Rev! Haven't you read the Old Testament or the Judaic Torah! What do you call the Ten commandments, or the Levitical laws or the dietary laws?"
There is no country on earth that is run on biblical laws. None. Most muslim majority countries operate under some form of Sharia.
The Nazis were not Christians, they were if anything pagan. Hitler was explicitly anti-Christian.
You are the one mired in ignorance Mel. Why don't you try reading some legitimate history instead of parroting Marxist trope?
For Slappy
A map of refugee camps in Israel.
Rev Wite, did she 'burn' you that badly? She whupped ya...and now you make up stuff hoping to hide the shame. Too late! Form of Sharia? Like the 10 Biblicals? Or the enforcement of no gays among -snort- sheepherders...but cheeseburgers are OK. Sure they were anti-christian. Makes christians the victims. Didn't a FOX pundit already try this scam? And got told he was full of scam by those who were there?
Mell is using History...what are you selling? Abekkka? And Marx was accurate...which you would know..had you read the work.
If you want to do an equivalence...you have to make sure it is, you know, actually equal. Just because you really, really wish to beleeverate it is...just means you and the four year old still think Magic works.
Mell is correct. You need to take some History classes. High School level would be a good start...you already know Washington was a white dude.
" mellaneous said...
wrong again self righteous anon. While I willingly and quickly admit that I am a sinner and not perfect. I have not lied on you in fact it is you that continues to lie and judge me, whereas I try to set the record straight.
You are the one who is guilty of lying, since I have not failed to honor my mother or father, I haven't murdered anyone,nor have I committed adultery or stolen or coveted my neighbors wife or possessions.
This is not Christian like behaviour but simple hypocrisy.
I understand why you lie on me and try to slander me however. It is because it is you, not I who is not open to the spirit of God and what it says about love and justice.
Do you really think that people would be inclined to follow or even respect the kind of Christianity that you exhibit on this thread? Everyone can see that you show up only to attack me for standing up for the poor, the oppressed and the exploited.
3:00 PM"
You should put your money where you Righteous mouth is, Mell.
Pick yourself an Arba country...just about any one will do. Go to that country, and preach the Word of God to them, and enlighten them to the spirit of Christianity. Isn't it a good Christian's calling to spread the Word of God to his fellow man?
I'd say you might last...oh, about five minutes, tops.
kuntlickin banks is a schizophrenic hypocritical lyin sackashyt! it said it was leaving but its back again that kuntlicker cant even tell the truth to save its own life what a shame that its back on this blog again demons be gone! buceta stank breaf banks, that is....
blogless lickless brainless vocabless vdlr:
no turbo breeder...u lie like your fellow ho/ho god hobama!
the real shame is that u really have no blog to front like the
po po on u bald headed smooth brained trifling trick.
unlicked uneducated unseen vdlr:
i peeped your pathetic lil shout outs trying to call me back too u fatal fan...u lame loon!
ONLY fn called me back by BOLDLY pretending hobama was a saint...
do not go lying on your track ph and think your retarded ghetto shout outs played ANY role in my return...
i despise and evade you as much as your clean quiet ghetto neighbors and your bastards' teachers do u vulgar hoodrat fool!
buceta breaf banks, ur irrational rant proves that ure a gottdam loser liar hypocrite and overall fool essentially a true waste of space now go get cher meds hon; they clearly have been playin round with ur dosages lately fix that hon fix that
dumbdownsteve writes:
A map of refugee camps in Israel.
A comment from steve in the dumb zone.
Let's see. Refugee camps. Hmmmm. In Syria, Lebanon, Gaza, Jordan and the West Bank.
Hmmmm. But, bonehead, NOT in Israel.
Or have you managed to award Israel full, total and unconditional control and sovereignty of the West Bank.
On the so-called Palestinian question, the dumb guys -- that's you -- are easily confused.
The "refugees" are the people who scooted OUT of Israel in 1948. The UN established refugee camps in lots of places -- all of which were OUTSIDE of Israel.
Meanwhile Israel does NOT control the "refugee camps" in the West Bank.
Furthermore, the so-called Palestinian refugees are the only refugee population in history to actually grow.
In a true population of refugees, only the people who were forced out of their homeland qualify as refugees.
But in the special case of the so-called Palestinians, the children of palestinians born outside of Israel after 1948 are also identified as refugees.
But that's only because the Islamic countries in which the children of refugees were born will not grant them citizenship.
The palestinians -- this imaginary nationality -- have evolved a truly sick society.
late loser vdlr:
scan up u dizzy drone!
see my advice to your sterile molded geezer clone
ditto for u:
just because the assnons give u ghetto stomp downs does not mean they are me....u beaten down fertile felled fool!
molded white slave kin:
more on my grandfather from 2011...
u lying peaseant bitch
mold is a different anon than eye am he or she just got fed up with ur chriflin behavior saying that u the smartest person on Earth and that u got publications and are a scholar u aint shit not even worth a gottdam pile of bacteria poop ya kuntmunchin moron! u r pathetically unlikeable! kuntmuncher
buceta breaf banks, ur irrational rant proves that ure a gottdam loser liar hypocrite and overall fool essentially a true waste of space now go get cher meds hon; they clearly have been playin round with ur dosages lately fix that hon fix that
nig trash vdlr:
my grandather hated brain dead envious scared lying lazy black trash like u just as i do
for the same reason:
u disgrace all regal blacks globally!!!!!
even in your own ghetto hood u reject rat!!!!
and he slew sorry slacker hater mfs like u til the day he was murdered by a pack of molded's cousins...
i will do the same u serial baby making shrew!
he is proud...BET!!!!
primary poop colored pookie vdlr:
see fn's new post today
ojs rule all...always
then and now
where yo tiger at?....
what color is his side pc of the mo?
and BOTH of my parents and isadore's wife are black...
unlike hobama!
the first black prez will not have a white parent!
and u will never stake a black claim u feces colored failure!!!
daddyless tigerless lickess vdlr:
it is a gd shame that you will never paste anything about YOUR dad/grandad because u will never meet them...huh?
and i do not blame any black man like isadore or rk or uts who have white whores like maria rape them...still
sorry hon eye know my family history and my grandpas sadly u never gotto know isadore cuz it was more important for him to phukk around with white women then to be a father to his children kunthead
it is clear u dont know anythin about ur own supposed family history cuz anybody in the south KNOWS that a black man had no business phukkin round with no kind of white womens at all he was a fool to do so but thats what happens when men think with their dicks at least he had a brain though unlike ur ignint retarded ass buceta breaf banks that is...
lickless ojless lonely black dreg vdlr:
nothing new huh?
shame how many black men STILL rush to die over white whores like maria and bypass u...huh???????
isadore really loves my column on emmet till too!
Emmett died due to defiantly whistling at a white woman. As his death broke his mother’s heart, how many little Black girls’ hearts had Emmett broken? How many of them had he cruelly ignored or flagrantly degraded? How many had he rendered invisible because they did not look like the white girls in his wallet? How many little Black girls in the country that summer had swooned over the cute boy visiting from the city? Only to find that they had no photos that Emmett would deem worthy of inclusion in his wallet-sized shrine to white beauty? How many Black girls may Emmett have apologized to, someday...?
I reserve my sympathy EXCLUSIVELY for Emmett’s mother. She lost her son to brutal, cowardly, racist, rabid white DOGS. Her pain must have been intensified by the revelation that Emmett was willing to die for little girls who looked NOTHING like her.
Why are so many brothers STILL willing to die for their passions for white flesh? White men never traded their lives so willingly as they raped Black women for centuries. Like those racist rapists, many of the white women these Black men adore are also RACISTS. Droves of white women married to Black men have NO Black FEMALE friends and abuse their Black in-laws. (i.e. O. J. and Nicole, read "I’m Not Dancing Anymore" by Terry Baker)
hey wood killer vdlr:
consult molded again
just because u make your tiger limp does not mean maria will too...nahmean?????
ask uts!
real nig vdlr:
only a baldheaded racist slave like u would cheer lynchings and tell ojs to obey the kkk...
it is clear u dont know anythin about ur own supposed family history cuz anybody in the south KNOWS that a black man had no business phukkin round with no kind of white womens at all he was a fool to do so but thats what happens when men think with their dicks at least he had a brain though unlike ur ignint retarded ass buceta breaf banks that is...
oh and aint u supposed to be proud of being black? yet u toss out the word nigger and nigga like nobody else on this blog it is clear that u r really not a woman but a teenage white boy kunthead talking that bullshit
wannabee weaved and swirled vdlr:
jews are black
so was jesus
ask any muslim about the 13 lost tribes u uneducated fool
isadore was half jew/NOT half white like that evil blackish hobama
there is no pure race on earth
but u and hobama are more IMpure than most
u defective whore
u r 100% purebred feces!!!!
lessonless vdlr:
my dad did not get ghost like yours.
he taught me to speak honestly.
i call u a nig because u r one
u prove that daily
turbo bred
turbo breeding
why vex over my descriptive FLAWLESS accuracy????
Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Thu, March 10, 2011 -- 4:54 PM ET
Wisconsin Assembly Approves Limits on Union Bargaining
The Wisconsin Assembly passed Republican Gov. Scott Walker's
proposal 53-42 on Thursday.
Governor Walker has promised to
sign the bill as soon as possible.
lye-ing liar vdlr:
i hear the festering scabs in your spotted scalp every time u post...
u mangy moron!
no_slappz said...
Breaking News Alert
The New York Times
Thu, March 10, 2011 -- 4:54 PM ET
"Wisconsin Assembly Approves Limits on Union Bargaining
The Wisconsin Assembly passed Republican Gov. Scott Walker's
proposal 53-42 on Thursday.
Governor Walker has promised to
sign the bill as soon as possible."
Victory is mine!
Didn't he ask actually church to annul his marriage to his first marriage also?
Wonder how much he paid them?
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