Hey fellows, how many of you, to this day, cringe when you see a little bunny rabbit? Yeah, me too. Those "Fatal Attraction" flashbacks will do that to you. For those of us old enough to remember that flick, it changed our lives forever. No more mind games with the jump -offs.
Well, unfortunately, some of us didn't learn that lesson, and the results were tragic for the girlfriend of former Chicago Bear, Shaun Gayle. Do you remember this story?:
"The pregnant girlfriend of the former Chicago bears All-Pro safety Shaun Lanard Gayle, Rhoni Reuter(42), was found shot to death in her suburban Chicago apartment on Thursday, according to the local police. The Deerfield Police Department says that the body was found when neighbors called the police, after hearing screams coming from Reuter's apartment. Lake County coroner said she suffered multiple gunshot wounds and confirmed that Rhoni Reuter was pregnant. Police indicated that Shaun Gayle was the father of the unborn child, but he was not a suspect in the shooting. " [Story]
Well apparently the trial is on the way for the jump-off who shot and killed Rhoni Reuter.
It's not looking good for Gayle. Some are suggesting that he should share some responsibility for the death of his former girlfriend as well. Sadly, I am nut so sure you can argue with them.
"It is too bad that Shaun Gayle can’t be charged with something in the murder of his girlfriend Rhoni Reuter and the couple’s unborn child.
Marni Yang is currently on trial for allegedly shooting Reuter at her Deerfield home.
This is not an attempt to diminish Yang’s responsibility for Reuter’s death if she is found guilty.
But Gayle should bear some responsibility for the doggish behavior that led to this tragedy.
When Gayle initially was questioned about his relationship with Yang, a real estate agent who helped Gayle with real estate deals, he denied having more than a business relationship with the woman to the media.
I always thought Gayle was being less than honest about the relationship.
Because in order to believe that Yang killed Reuter in a fit of jealousy, and also believe Gayle’s contention that he had no romantic involvement with Yang, you would have to believe that Yang was delusional or bonkers.
Casual sex for him, but not for her
On Tuesday, Gayle testified that he had a casual sexual relationship with the woman, and confirmed that the night before the pregnant Reuter was killed, he had sex with her rival.
Sexual triangles always pose a risk for great harm because some women (and men) will go to great lengths to dispose of their rivals. We’ve seen too many instances in which the matter is settled by violence.
But this was the first time that I’d heard of a woman killing another woman over the affections of a man she had absolutely no sexual relationship with whatsoever.
Worse yet, defense lawyers claim that Gayle was seeing 18 or 19 different women at the time he was involved with Reuter." [Story]
Well, unfortunately, some of us didn't learn that lesson, and the results were tragic for the girlfriend of former Chicago Bear, Shaun Gayle. Do you remember this story?:
"The pregnant girlfriend of the former Chicago bears All-Pro safety Shaun Lanard Gayle, Rhoni Reuter(42), was found shot to death in her suburban Chicago apartment on Thursday, according to the local police. The Deerfield Police Department says that the body was found when neighbors called the police, after hearing screams coming from Reuter's apartment. Lake County coroner said she suffered multiple gunshot wounds and confirmed that Rhoni Reuter was pregnant. Police indicated that Shaun Gayle was the father of the unborn child, but he was not a suspect in the shooting. " [Story]
Well apparently the trial is on the way for the jump-off who shot and killed Rhoni Reuter.
It's not looking good for Gayle. Some are suggesting that he should share some responsibility for the death of his former girlfriend as well. Sadly, I am nut so sure you can argue with them.
"It is too bad that Shaun Gayle can’t be charged with something in the murder of his girlfriend Rhoni Reuter and the couple’s unborn child.
Marni Yang is currently on trial for allegedly shooting Reuter at her Deerfield home.
This is not an attempt to diminish Yang’s responsibility for Reuter’s death if she is found guilty.
But Gayle should bear some responsibility for the doggish behavior that led to this tragedy.
When Gayle initially was questioned about his relationship with Yang, a real estate agent who helped Gayle with real estate deals, he denied having more than a business relationship with the woman to the media.
I always thought Gayle was being less than honest about the relationship.
Because in order to believe that Yang killed Reuter in a fit of jealousy, and also believe Gayle’s contention that he had no romantic involvement with Yang, you would have to believe that Yang was delusional or bonkers.
Casual sex for him, but not for her
On Tuesday, Gayle testified that he had a casual sexual relationship with the woman, and confirmed that the night before the pregnant Reuter was killed, he had sex with her rival.
Sexual triangles always pose a risk for great harm because some women (and men) will go to great lengths to dispose of their rivals. We’ve seen too many instances in which the matter is settled by violence.
But this was the first time that I’d heard of a woman killing another woman over the affections of a man she had absolutely no sexual relationship with whatsoever.
Worse yet, defense lawyers claim that Gayle was seeing 18 or 19 different women at the time he was involved with Reuter." [Story]
Damn Shaun! "18 or 19" jump-offs? You clearly did not see "Fatal Attraction". Shaun, I have to agree with the writer; your behavior was inexcusable, and while you can't be charged criminally, I don't know how you will ever be able to live with yourself.
Finally, this story out of Cleveland, Texas has me troubled and shaking my head. I am sure you all of heard it by now. (Especially some of my white readers who switch back and forth from the fields to Stormfront.) As much as 18 men (and possibly more to come) ages 14-27 charged with sexually assaulting an 11 year old girl. This is not good. Everyone of the men charged looked like me, and the alleged victim was Hispanic. So, apparently, it being Texas, racial tensions are running high. The word is that the yo....-I won't even call her a young lady I will say child.- the child acted way older than her age, and she posted pictures of herself on Facebook doing things that 11 year old girls shouldn't be doing. But this is not an excuse. She is ELEVEN. I know that kids are looking more mature these days, but, again, she was ELEVEN. Had she been fifteen or sixteen I would have still called for the prosecution of those adults who allegedly assaulted her, but I would not have been as outraged.
I have been reading some blogs about this story, and they have written that folks are shying away from the gorilla in the room: race. Well I am not. I never do. If what the prosecutor alleges did in fact happen, every one of those young men should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law. Just as the perpetrators in the Dunbar Village assault should have. The fact that they all happened to be black doesn't matter to me.
Some of you parents need to do a better job with your kids, that's all. Especially your sons. I bet that somewhere out there Shaun Gayle's parents are nodding their heads.
1 – 200 of 252 Newer› Newest»turbo breeder vdlr:
take notes sow!
sure there is at least one future gang rapist in your toxic bastard brood!!!
Welcome back, AB. You were missed.
Spam away wite dude! Earn that Koch!!
The gents should be given the opportunity to enjoy the same experience, compliments of TX. After a few years, maybe they will have learned...if not, oh well.
I don't know Field, it seems like he enjoyed the perks of the job...and they were consensual adults. As far as 'unborn child'..that is a weird term. Writers used to avoid this as it showed a lack of standards.
Some of you parents need to do a better job with your kids, that's all. Especially your sons.
True statement.
Even though my 9 yo boy is good looking and mixed, I stay on his ass. The minute shit goes down with a female, if he's involved, he's not "good lookin' " anymore, he'll be "that nigger".
the crime isn't the only outrageous thing.
i never saw the LA times story. my daughter brought the criticism of the story to me that she saw on tumblr before either of saw the NYT version.
the nyt did an appalling job with that story. total blame the victim, worrying about how the boys will grow up, all scarred and all.
and the child?
what of her? no one cares.
there's a petition to force an apology out of the times.
here's their story.
and the petition
Tell the New York Times to Apologize for Blaming a Child for Her Gang Rape
Dag Field thats all tragic all the way around.
@the Rev- I didn't say that the Nazis were Christian I made the point very clearly that the German Protestant church failed to oppose fascism and in fact many actually adopted Nazism.
Your argument is with the historical record not me. What kind of Rev are you that won't ever accept that he doesn't have all the info about something?
You are the one that needs their history and it has nothing to do with Marx. Where did that come from? Loving your neighbor and doing justice is not a Marxist concept. You ought to know its as much of a Christian concept as anything.
I don't get you what for you is representative Christianity? Narrow mindedness, sectarianism, xenophobia, nationalism? Jesus as you know preached against this kind of thing.
Mell, good stuff! Keep it up!
11 years old and fast! We used to call it that when I was a kid in East Oakland. Any man or teenage boy who has a conscience KNOWS that eleven year old fast girls are off limits; jail bait has a meaning. I don't know what's up with all these groups of children rapists harming other children sexually because a few weeks ago, a seven year old boy was ganged raped in the East Oakland Youth Development Centre in the boys bathroom. Shit is clearly wrong in our society and we are unbalanced. Childrens behavior is always a reflexion of what is happening OR NOT happening at home. This is such a tragedy. I will pray for that girl, her family and the family of those misguided fucks who did that to her.
alicia banks said...
turbo breeder vdlr:
take notes sow!
sure there is at least one future gang rapist in your toxic bastard brood!!!
5:12 PMab
Whatever are you talking about Alicia? I think you need some serious help because your statement doesn't make any sense. Are you alright?
Field you forgot about the Jesse Davis case and Bobby L. Cutts in the Akron/Canton area in 2007.
A white pregnant woman was missing (at the time there were some black women missing too) so Greta had trackers sent. The National Guard was sent. Oreilly was happy when the black boyfriend Officier Bobby L. Cutts was arrested. Bill screamed we got him. Cutts had a high school friend who was not sexually his partner help him move her body. People were worried that this might affect the election.
I have a few issues with the first story- was dude married? I don't see the word wife. If he wasn't married then those women wouldn't be jump-off's. If he is/ was a single man then he can live the single life. He shouldn't be blamed or held responsible for another individual's disgraceful killer nature. What if he let these women know the deal up front of his male-whore nature? I'm just glad the killer wasn't a Sista because NO MAN is worth your life. RIP to the woman who lost her life- Now on to the scum, srub, less than nothing rapists. These worms don't qualify as men if they did it. They are pedofiles plain and simple- if they are found guilty- send them all to the booty-house and let the savages have their way with them.
"Shit is clearly wrong in our society and we are unbalanced. Childrens behavior is always a reflexion of what is happening OR NOT happening at home. This is such a tragedy. I will pray for that girl, her family and the family of those misguided fucks who did that to her."
I completely agree with you Mahndisa. Misguided all the way around. Kids are being fed a TV diet of "Girls Gone Wild" and drunken orgy reality shows as in the "Real Life" MTV ones et al and they are not being instructed in the right way. I also think prayers are needed for all concerned here.
I'm sure the various news sources assumed early on that the victim was black as to why they seemed confident, and without repercussion to shred her little character to pieces. Don't even let me get started with the hypocritical predatory supporting black community.
And so now we are hearing "Hispanic victim" being thrown around. It's interesting how white fems have now turned sensitive to the victim. LOL. And of course, all of a sudden feel comfortable being 'oh so' pensive about racial bias towards women of "color". I wonder if this new found sisterly support would stay or shift back if some found out that the victim might actually be "Afro" Hispanic rather than "Anglo" Hispanic/Latina.
Field, I can't pretend to care about Gayle and his uncontrollable harem of gold digging melanin challenged women. Why do some want to punish Gayle? He's not going to learn from this, he will move on as soon as we do, until he becomes the actual target. If those women were black, would that even be a discussion?
Hey, I'm relieved that Yang is one less dangerous, angry and violent individual off the streets. And as for his "unprotected sex" out of wedlock baby making Becky, I am unable to identify with this woman, the same way white society is unable to identify with murdered pregnant black women. That's right, I'm not even going to pretend.
Thank you.
Suzan, you are right, I am not sure he was married. (I don't think he was)But from all accounts he was in a serious relationship with the woman who lost her life, and she was carrying his child. Thus the jump- off label for the others.
maria, I peeped that NYT article, and I have to say that it was shameful.
BTW, La~Audio, they (The NYT) knew it was a Hispanic woman from the jump. As for the white fems and their defense of black women, well, let's just say that there is a history.
field, unless you're suggesting there was a conspiracy between Gayle and Yang to commit murder, Gayle is going his happy-go-lucky way, now freed of child support payments.
However, if there's another pregnant woman among the remaining 17 or 18 Gayle is/was seeing, he'd better plan to pay up. Cheap life insurance.
We should all despair of the violence against women. The curious thing to me is, the perps used to be predominantly men. But nowadays we hear more & more women/girls seriously harming other women/girls; particularly now in cases of bullying.
Last night, my husband tuned in a movie called "Watchmen". I watched for a while because it the cast was good. However, the violence was completely over-the-top and the characters had few redeeming qualities. It was just another reminder of how Hollywood reinforces violence, both sexual and physical, through the images they project; and they'll never take responsibility for it.
Impressionable youth are at risk. I saw a woman interviewed on MSNBC today who's written a book called
"Make Love Not Porn". She has a web site devoted to exploding myths about what women like while having sex in the "real world" vs the "porn world". Inotherwords, Gen Y & the younger generations have been influenced by technology to think pornographic style sex is the norm rather than just doing what comes naturally.
If the media & entertainment industry would curtail their need to get ratings &/or box office through cheap exploitation and sexploitation, perhaps things would settle down and behavior would follow suit. When is someone going to step up to the plate and be responsible?
Mary Mitchell doesn't sound very intelligent. She thinks the man should be charged criminally with what exactly??
Some woman does an evil act and the man should bear criminal responsibility? Yeah, that makes sense. We own our own lives.
As far as the thing in Texas, if guilty they should spend the rest of their lives in a box. Just put them in a box-rain, sun, whatever-they're in their little box. Can't move, can't walk- just confined to their box. Perhaps prisons need to be more like The Bastille-someplace you really don't want to go.
The girl is alive so I wouldn't go for death penalty but if convicted these are obviously people who never need to see the light of day again.
Well, it didn't take long for the deniers to start crawling out from under their rocks:
Houston community activist Quanell X will host a town hall meeting this evening called "What's the real truth behind the rape allegations?"
"Every adult male that had sex with this child should go to prison, I don't care what the color is."
"But I do not believe black males are the only ones that had contact with this young child," said Quanell X, the leader of Houston's New Black Panther Party.
"It appears to me there's only been the selective prosecution of one community, which is African American."
As if these singing black defendants would protect the identity of a white male.
The victim is an 11-year-old girl who had sex with about two dozen black males.
At what age did this girl start having sex? Prior to this case, how many times was she raped by others? Or maybe this was second time for some of these criminals. Or third time.
Anyway, nothing in the story indicates the day of this mass rape was her initiation to sex.
"I have been reading some blogs about this story, and they have written that folks are shying away from the gorilla in the room: race. Well I am not. I never do."
Good for you. I believe if these guys had been white nobody would be shying away from it.
mell, "You are the one that needs their history and it has nothing to do with Marx. Where did that come from? Loving your neighbor and doing justice is not a Marxist concept. You ought to know its as much of a Christian concept as anything."
i lived in germany and studied german history. rev right is right. once again, rev mell, you are wrong but i question whether you are a minister. you are too self-centered to be one. or, maybe self-centeredness is a commnon trait of revs in the black community? rev wright was totally egotistical.
actually, self-centeredness, selfishness and apathy are COMMON glaring trait among bm. it takes those 'dark' evil qualities to gang rape an eleven year old.
i am surprised you aren't outraged for the sexual VIOLENCE done to those females. you really ARE heartless. your religion has failed you.
How does the fact that some Christians became Nazis diminish Christian beliefs? Were not the actions of the Nazis sins against the teachings of the faith?
There is nothing in Christianity that sanctions religious violence. That religious violence has been perpretrated in the name of Christ is a perversion of the faith.
You still don't get the basic argument that Islam is more than just a religion.
I hate to go back to the Nazi example, but would you be sticking up for the rights of Nazis if they had thought to add a religious component to their belief system?
You can't ignore honor killings, widespread ethnic cleaning, subjugation of women, slavery in the Sudan, death to apostates, clitoridectomys, and tens of thousands of murders of others simply because they are not Muslim as the handiwork of a few misguided individuals. All of these things are sanctioned by modern Islam. All around the borders of the Islamic world, there are conflicts and violence between religious groups. On one side is always the Muslims. There is no Jihad going on between Chrisitans, Hindus, and Buddhists, is there?
If Christians were still burning witches and heretics, you'd have a point. They are not. Christianity is all-in-all a positive force in the world. I think Creationism is at best delusional, but what someone else believes is no business of mine, as long as it doesn't involve cutting my head off. There is no equivalency between how the two religions are practiced today.
A belief system is not a "race" or ethnicity. Some belief systems are repugnant, and do not deserve the cover provided by religious privilege. Call me xenophobic if you will, but I don't want to live among Nazis, and I don't want to live among committed Muslims.
"But I do not believe black males are the only ones that had contact with this young child," said Quanell X, the leader of Houston's New Black Panther Party."
It is a strange phenomena of minimization and denial of blacks, like the ones on fn, to want to look at the wm instead of themselves. Black boys-who grow up into beastly Black men--become like animals in the streets and must be locked up. They are an embarassment to Conservative Blacks. However, they are supported by immoral black male liberal dems. It's really disgusting at how twisted and defensive some bm are in their thinking. And, they will go on tv and show it.lol they are weak.
Those NBP are black hate mongers and they are in the news more and more. yet, field continues to pretend the NBP is of no concern. now that is what i call a one-sided mentality blinded by prejudice.
Field, you are right. The black community has to do better with parenting their children. But how long have we been saying this? 25 years? 50? 100? The REALITY is there has not been any progress in the area of parenting...in fact, it continues to deteriorate, if that's possible. It's sickening. I have NO HOPE for the future of AAs, esp black males...they are finished.
There seems to be a desperation among SOME women which lends to out-of-wedlock pregnancies, indiscriminate sexual encounters, stalking behaviors, doormat mentality and on the far end of the continuum-homicidal/suicidal tendencies. Low self-esteem, fear of being alone among other insecurities are characteristics that predators like Shaun thrive on. There is a failure by SOME to teach and model for our sons basic morals on how to treat people, women in particular, that may have something to do with why men like Shaun act the way they do.
I've heard on many occasions growing up that mothers love their sons and rear their daughters. How many times have we heard mothers and other women dote on their young sons exclaiming that they are going to be heart breakers and will have women falling all over them. They brag on the very characteristics that are seen in narcissistic and deceitful men--one of whom you featured in today's post.
A sad state of affairs and loss of lives for all involved.
"I'm sure the various news sources assumed early on that the victim was black as to why they seemed confident, and without repercussion to shred her little character to pieces. Don't even let me get started with the hypocritical predatory supporting black community.
And so now we are hearing "Hispanic victim" being thrown around. It's interesting how white fems have now turned sensitive to the victim. LOL. And of course, all of a sudden feel comfortable being 'oh so' pensive about racial bias towards women of "color". I wonder if this new found sisterly support would stay or shift back if some found out that the victim might actually be "Afro" Hispanic rather than "Anglo" Hispanic/Latina.
Field, I can't pretend to care about Gayle and his uncontrollable harem of gold digging melanin challenged women. Why do some want to punish Gayle? He's not going to learn from this, he will move on as soon as we do, until he becomes the actual target. If those women were black, would that even be a discussion?"
You know what? I actually agree with all of this.
My only concern is that any number of Latino street gangs now have themselves a "reason" to "retaliate" with similar action. Black mothers and fathers, keep your kids close.
Rev Right@11:10pm- beautifully said...quite profound. Thank you.
But why are you wasting your time with mellaneous? Clearly he is very confused about history and what religion is. I bet he is constant conflict with other ministers in his community because he is so far off base.
Mack Lyons, "And so now we are hearing "Hispanic victim" being thrown around. It's interesting how white fems have now turned sensitive to the victim. LOL. And of course, all of a sudden feel comfortable being 'oh so' pensive about racial bias towards women of "color". I wonder if this new found sisterly support would stay or shift back if some found out that the victim might actually be "Afro" Hispanic rather than "Anglo" Hispanic/Latina."
Your live in a mental world that is challenging even to the characters in "one flew over the cookoos nest." Your paranoia and prejudice is so over-the-top that everyone can see that you need a psychiatrist to medicate and calm your insane mind. Find one before it's too late. Good luck
Field, "Damn Shaun! "18 or 19" jump-offs? You clearly did not see "Fatal Attraction". Shaun, I have to agree with the writer; your behavior was inexcusable, and while you can't be charged criminally, I don't know how you will ever be able to live with yourself."
mr field, bm think differently. they want to make love to all the women in the world, and do not worry about things like this. you see, when you have NO moral conscience, what is there to worry about? there is NO such thing in doing the right thing, just doing whatever you want to anybody without guilt, worry or remorse.
Shaun Galye fits into that category. However, if the man had been White or of another race, clearly he would fit the definition of a sex addict, much like Tiger, who is Cablasian.
Anons of America, you are doing a fabulous job in your country, one that makes anons in other parts of the world, proud! You are smarter, wiser, stronger, more mature, more educated, richer, faster and better looking. You are "quality people" that Field truly appreciates-even if he has to do it in secretly.
Keep up the good work! We are making FN famous! If it weren't for us, NOTHING would make sense in the comment section...hang tough.
"Your live in a mental world that is challenging even to the characters in "one flew over the cookoos nest." Your paranoia and prejudice is so over-the-top that everyone can see that you need a psychiatrist to medicate and calm your insane mind. Find one before it's too late. Good luck"
Do you even know who's comments you're quoting?
macklyons, "Do you even know who's comments you're quoting?"
Sure I do. I am quoting YOUR comments. Btw, in the context of your question, "who's" is incorrect. It's "whose". GET IT? You continue to prove you are over-the-top or if you prefer, "off-the-chart".
I swear, you and Mellenoma are quite a duo. You two are always off in no-man's land.
Rhoni Reuter was pregnant. Seriously, was she really named Rhoni Rueter? Did she have a sister named Rhoda ?
I generally agree with the Field but must argue that her age doesn't matter. Whether she was fast - what century are we in? - doesn't matter. Whether she was a virgin or not doesn't matter, she was gang raped. That is wrong. We must say it unequivocally. That is wrong.
Field in response to the sexual assault of the 11 yr. old child and particularly with one of your statements:
"Had she been fifteen or sixteen I would have still called for the prosecution of those adults who allegedly assaulted her, but I would not have been as outraged."
It would have been outrageous period....Rape is rape and no girl/woman should have to undergo that or any man for that reason. Taking someone's humanity like that is deplorable and an atrocity that demands justice.
Rape is rape. It is against man-made law and Divine LAW. Gang rape is even worse and the punishment should be more severe, according to the number of evil jerks who participated. If there were 27 boys and men, then there should be a penalty of 27 times that of an individual rapist.
I am sick and tired of cowardly bm gang raping children. They are not people, but pea-brained out-of-control-lusting baboons- who need to be imprisoned for life as violent sex offenders. Because that is "exactly" what they did to that girl...VIOLENCE. All because they wanted to get a "nut".
Of all the men on the planet, the bm is the most disgusting. Many bm act like they are not quite civilized and therefore not quite human. They shame the black race. To paraphrase Rev Manning: 'to be a bm these days is to be ashamed to be Black...there is nothing to be proud of.'
Field, "Some of you parents need to do a better job with your kids, that's all. Especially your sons. I bet that somewhere out there Shaun Gayle's parents are nodding their heads."
field, you are quite the self-righteous judge. Are there any women you are seeing on the side that you have been hiding? Because if there are, KARMA(often known as GOD), will come full circle and expose your hypocritical ass. Considering that you are a bm who is a racism chaser, you have some sex skeletons in your closet, like some of your regular so-called male Field Negroes on this blog....you know who they are.
"Sure I do. I am quoting YOUR comments."
You sure about that? Because those were LAA's comments I quoted, which in turn you quoted believing those comments to be mine.
You'd really stretch yourself out that far just to get a dig at lil ol' me?
"I am sick and tired of cowardly bm gang raping children. They are not people, but pea-brained out-of-control-lusting baboons- who need to be imprisoned for life as violent sex offenders. Because that is "exactly" what they did to that girl...VIOLENCE. All because they wanted to get a "nut"."
I hope you do know that rape isn't just restricted to a certain well-known ethnic type. You should be sick of cowardly men in general who prey on women and children. But I guess you just wanted another dig in on black men, hence your rather....racist.....assertion. Yeah, I said it. You are a racist -- that title isn't just limited to white bigots.
"To paraphrase Rev Manning: 'to be a bm these days is to be ashamed to be Black...there is nothing to be proud of.'"
So what am I, a Black man, supposed to do? Stew in a pool of my own hatred of self and the ethnic group I was born into? Do everything I can to run away from my own heritage? And instead of simply removing myself from the ghetto environs, the negative influences within and the actions and mores that are considered "ghetto", should I instead simply write off the Black "race" as a bunch of ghetto gang-banging uncivilized baboons who have zero redeemable qualities and no chance of being redeemed?
And where to go after such writing off? Into the arms and ideology of an ethnic group that believes in the supremacy of its own self to other groups, whom most see blacks, no matter how well behaved or well educated they are, as an intellectually and morally inferior creature that is only valuable for using as either manual labor, menial housekeeping tasks and of course, sexual pleasure? Too bad I wasn't born with a "get out of Black free" card like Tiger Woods, who could play up the exotic nature of his "Cablasian" heritage and largely shield himself from the slings and arrows of being a black man. And too bad I wasn't born with a complexion light enough for me to quietly sneak into the white American collective by "passing for white", as many of past generations have done.
If you think your constant attacks of ordinary black men and women will earn you brownie points from white society, you're in for a major disappointment. You may be seen as the black man who finally "gets it" and get accolades and pats on the head for being "one of the good ones", but in the end, you'll still be viewed as just another nigger, especially if you end up on the wrong side of these very same people.
"Btw, in the context of your question, "who's" is incorrect. It's "whose". GET IT? You continue to prove you are over-the-top or if you prefer, "off-the-chart"."
It's a common enough grammar trap to fall into. This doesn't make you any less of a shitheel, though.
I don't aspire to be "over-the-top" or "off-the-chart". You seem to have a pretty good handle on being those things, and it would be rude of me to knock that dick out of your mouth.
CORRECTION @ 2:27AM: "Of all the men on the planet, the bm is the most disgusting. Many bm act like they are not quite civilized and therefore not quite human."
"Of all the men on the planet SOME bm act AS THOUGH they are not quite civilized."
I apologize for the mistake. Mack, Mell, uts, and PilotX, I am sorry about the mistake. I you will act respectful and honor me by stopping your onerous behavior of calling me an "uncle tom" and "uncle ruckus" for telling the truth.
For the record I think you guys and Field are great...I don't care what they say about you IN HEAVEN.
Mack Lyons, "You sure about that? Because those were LAA's comments I quoted, which in turn you quoted believing those comments to be mine."
Those were LAA's? In that case, forget everything I said because I have had a change of heart. I agree 100%. Next time make it clear who you are quoting. It makes a difference.
Mack Lyons, "I hope you do know that rape isn't just restricted to a certain well-known ethnic type. You should be sick of cowardly men in general who prey on women and children. But I guess you just wanted another dig in on black men, hence your rather....racist.....assertion. Yeah, I said it. You are a racist -- that title isn't just limited to white bigots."
There you go again, just like a bm on FN. Well, I HOPE you know that this post is about shitheaded bm who gang-banged an eleven year old and a shithead bm by the name of S.Gayle--AND it NOT about white men. It is about Black men.
Why is it that YOU can't stick with the subject of ignorant violent sexually abusive black men? Why must your sorry ass shift away to measure yourself by what the white man does?
All you do is prove that you spend your life measuring yourself by the standards of the very race you hate. Are you crazy? For sure you are a sick BLACK MAN, unable to own up to his own shit.
I know. I know....I'm an "uncle tom." You and your cronies like uts and PilotX go to your "uncle tom" and ugly white man theme every time you can't deal with your own pain, which NEVER solves a damn thing. and maybe that's your point? to NOT want to take the hard road of action to make the black community "safer", better, more educated, a place of goodness instead of terror? Believe it or not, ALL of our brothers and sisters want a better life.
But you sorry so-called FN-progressive-liberal-black-dems NEVER do a damn thing to help our sisters. Instead, you bob and weave talking about what's wrong with the wm. Meanwhile, there are street pirates roaming the neighborhoods "gang raping"...did you get that? GANG RAPING our females...CAN YOU HEAR THAT? But apathetic bm like you and uts- go to look up on google how many wm gang raped females... Yeah, that's the solution. That ought to make things better for our sisters in the black community.
You and your BLACK MALE cronies make me sick. If I were God for a day, the first people I would rescind from life would be people like you, and uts.
"field, you are quite the self-righteous judge. Are there any women you are seeing on the side that you have been hiding? Because if there are, KARMA(often known as GOD), will come full circle and expose your hypocritical ass.
I am going to plead the 5th on that one.
BTW, I didn't know that Karma and GOD was the same person. Does "Karma" have a book as well?
Anon.you really have to work on your self-hate issues. (If you really are black) were you bullied as a child? Did your Momma try to disown you? Get some help, fast.
Mildred and CAROLYN, you are right, I should have done a better job of explainiing myself. NO RAPE is good, and we all should be as equally outraged whenever any woman is raped. But an 11 year old? *shaking head*
"Rhoni Reuter was pregnant. Seriously, was she really named Rhoni Rueter? Did she have a sister named Rhoda ?"
Now see.....
Dear Mr. President of Anon Inc.I see that your people have jokes.
Raised and succored by the radiant afterglow of the New Deal and the unprecedented use of Keynesian economics the American people attained a standard of living that was, then, unprecedented in human history. This rapid elevation though amazing was never consolidated, which left exposed our rather large and soft underbelly. Never missing an opportunity the minions of mayhem soon attacked the weak spots and pledged to end this rampant prosperity. The ensuing battles have taken decades, resulting in a slow but unmistakable slide towards perdition. The Arsenal of Greed is unflinching in its desire to destroy the middle class using any and all means possible. The endless repetition and defilement of our political system has left us inured to viscous, dehumanizing acts. In essence we've all been gang banged!!
"Those were LAA's? In that case, forget everything I said because I have had a change of heart. I agree 100%. Next time make it clear who you are quoting. It makes a difference."
LA said:
'and so now we are hearing "Hispanic victim" being thrown around. It's interesting how white fems have now turned sensitive to the victim. LOL. And of course, all of a sudden feel comfortable being 'oh so' pensive about racial bias towards women of "color". I wonder if this new found sisterly support would stay or shift back if some found out that the victim might actually be "Afro" Hispanic rather than "Anglo" Hispanic/Latina. '
there you go again, showing your hatred of hispanics, while somehow showing love for black folks, yet discount it when you think the person is hispanic...how disgustinf.
the "white fems" had no idea what race the victim or the perps are, and the outrage--the stories and petition--are based on the NYT story. doesn't mention race, doesn't have a photo.
you are really an awful, awful person.
white fems. are there no black fems? hispanic fems? seriously, how dare you?
Slappy, your interest in the 'sexual' life of an 11 yo child is creepy. It's almost as if you were seeking an excuse.
Although pedophiles and pederasts will claimerate that the child was 'seductive' and 'adult'...we all know the child was play-acting.
Why are you attempting to resurrect the canard that 'darker' races mature faster...and are sooo much more adult than wites?
AB, if you want to be AfAm..you really should pull from the history and culture...not from the wite wingnut supremacist Gooberish. AfAms have a 300+ year history in the US...so there is plenty of material. Why dip into the shallow talent pool? You could just use the writers of the Civil War period...or the Civil Rights struggle (jihad)...or a number of writers who hid their colour.
Ummm...it has been more than a few decades since I was young...but I seem to recall the boys knowing quite well the consequences for contact with a child.
Maria, it is the ManDumpling fauxtrage over feminism. A sort of reaction by Left Behinds to the idea that girls are biologically inferior and should defer to Left Behinds and Goobers.
As one from that era's mindset..I say they can go -bleep- their stoopid selves.
mack lyons wrote:
So what am I, a _____ man, supposed to do? Stew in a pool of my own hatred of self and the ethnic group I was born into? Do everything I can to run away from my own heritage? And instead of simply removing myself from the ______ environs, the negative influences within and the actions and mores that are considered "______", should I instead simply write off the _____ "race" as a bunch of ______ ____-_______ uncivilized _______ who have zero redeemable qualities and no chance of being redeemed?
Hmmm. The paragraph reads like mack and his buddies mell, mold et. al. WISH the objects of their ire would feel. It brings out imaginary dream-fulfillment as the central theme of this blog.
La♥audiobooks is a woman (apparently).
how do you explain her hatred of white and hispanic women?
Explaining the Trolls and why Reality does not deter...
They hate you.
One of the things I keep repeating over and over again is how everyone needs to understand that Republicans enjoy hurting other people. More often than not it's simply how much they enjoy doing things that piss off liberals or make ideological opponents angry but at the core of it, they don't care if it's actual physical suffering. It amuses them. Sometime they're honest about it and sometimes they lie and make cutesy little winks--that's honestly why so many teabaggers love Sarah Palin; not because they actually support a fraction of her incoherent babble but because she makes them feel like it's okay to be mean and bitchy and awful to people if you're the one doing it.
Yes there's a terrible oligarchy in this country and rich people want to do what they can to support rich people but this balance works on both sides. There's just as many poor and working class people in the Republican Party as there are in the Democratic Party. But they're all celebrating for some reason that about fifty years of democratic labor rights were stripped in a blatant, callous and vindictive way because, hey, they're on the "winning" team. They don't even know what that means but it sounds good.
Half of Americans who vote, vote for people who hate Americans. When we are open about this factoid, things can start to change.
Posted by August J. Pollak at 8:10 AM March 10, 2011 http://www.xoverboard.com/
maria, you wrote:
the nyt did an appalling job with that story. total blame the victim, worrying about how the boys will grow up, all scarred and all.
So you're just waking up to the perspective of the NY Times?
Do you not know that no matter how heinous the crime, if it was perpetrated by blacks, then, according to the NY Times, the perpetrators themselves are somehow partial victims?
Meanwhile, when the NY Times publishes a story of a crime, if the story includes NO references to the race of the perpetrators, then you know they are black.
n-s, NYT never mentions the race unless it's relevant. how often do you see the word "white" in a story? never. or black, for that matter.
don't pretend we agree. on anything.
i need to go take a shower now, just from the thought of you thinking we're somehow thinking alike.
The NY Times plays a little game of context that allows readers to see the obvious.
If, after reading a couple of paragraphs of the story about the rape, it was not crystal clear to you the perps were black, then you are truly out of touch.
But throwing in quotes that turn the perps into partial victims is a NY Times specialty. The paper is incapable of covering a story without editorializing in some way.
No doubt the reporter is already talking to Quanell X and his claims of a cover-up.
out of touch==you mean not racist like you? so true!
tell me, what were the code words that let you know they were black?
b/c no one but you got that. you just assume that all violent crimes are committed by bm, or muslims.
Maria, it is a way of introspecting that the NYT is irredeemably Librul and eveel. They have an AGENDA!!! They treat Goobers like Left Behind morons! They infer that anti'bortionists are poorly edumacated low-status weenies. Well, they don't need to infer that at all....just report Fact.
The NYT writer is from the area...though why he spun the tale to disparage the 11 yo child is more than strange.
The behaviour of the minor is usually when OKeefe lookalikes pimp children or there is 'Woody Allen abuse'.
I don't get this...with legal age women more than consenting...why do the alleged perps need an 11 yo?
stop playing u silly evil envious bitch.
we all know who u are.
and u know precisely what i meant.
follow any teen gang rapist home and you will find a fatal toxic fertile bitch clone of you there who birthed and reared him...and made him a psycho abuser!
clear now?????
Ab, ahh...the sweet, sweet repeat of wite racist nonsense. Almost like you were a ManDumpling gleefully aping Factually challenged Gooberish to be a PITA to working folk.
Just so you know, this behaviour was detailed quite nicely by AfAm leaders during the Civil War period.
Ummm...it has been more than a few decades since I was young...but I seem to recall the boys knowing quite well the consequences for contact with a child.
No MOld, that was what they told you as they ran away, but as any Man knows when you are a Young Boy your hormones will make you pretty much stick it in anything, so you must have been hideous and disgusting for them to run away from you when you tried to "tickle and touch" those young boys.
They yelled don't touch me MOLD or I will call the police and then as you said, you know the consequences for touching little young boys. How much time did you do for this and do you still have to register as a sexual predator?
Mell, UTS, PilotX, Field, Maria, DesertFlower...
Explaining the Trolls and why Reality does not deter...
They hate you.
One of the things I keep repeating over and over again is how everyone needs to understand that Republicans enjoy hurting other people. More often than not it's simply how much they enjoy doing things that piss off liberals or make ideological opponents angry but at the core of it, they don't care if it's actual physical suffering. It amuses them. Sometime they're honest about it and sometimes they lie and make cutesy little winks--that's honestly why so many teabaggers love Sarah Palin; not because they actually support a fraction of her incoherent babble but because she makes them feel like it's okay to be mean and bitchy and awful to people if you're the one doing it.
Yes there's a terrible oligarchy in this country and rich people want to do what they can to support rich people but this balance works on both sides. There's just as many poor and working class people in the Republican Party as there are in the Democratic Party. But they're all celebrating for some reason that about fifty years of democratic labor rights were stripped in a blatant, callous and vindictive way because, hey, they're on the "winning" team. They don't even know what that means but it sounds good.
Half of Americans who vote, vote for people who hate Americans. When we are open about this factoid, things can start to change.
Posted by August J. Pollak at 8:10 AM March 10, 2011 http://www.xoverboard.com/
maria, the NY Times wrote:
The police investigation...when an elementary school student alerted a teacher to a lurid cellphone video that included one of her classmates.
The video led the police...to a roundup over the last month of 18 young men and teenage boys on charges of participating in the gang rape of an 11-year-old girl...
Five suspects are...including two members of the basketball team. Another is the 21-year-old son of a school board member. A few of the others have criminal records, from selling drugs to robbery and, in one case, manslaughter. The suspects range in age from middle schoolers to a 27-year-old.
The subtext of the preceding paragraphs clearly says the suspects are black.
FakeAnon, I will state that all my partners have been of legal age and consenting. It wasn't just men who were lynched by brave heroic wites protecting the rite of wites to kill without consequence. Feel free to lie...like Christie, Walker, LePage, Kasich, Palin, Gringrich, etc.
Though, I must caution you...your obsession with children will get a NSA check on you.
molded manic mumbler:
u r completely illiterate and a liar.
i do not speak trailer park and have no idea what you are ever saying...
it is indeed clear that you cannot deal with brilliant beautiful black women who slay u as i do so u pretend they are white men...because u desire to be a relevant/intelligent wm yourself.
even whites do not claim uneducated poor pale peasants like you...
carry on u racist sexist fool!
molded rapist:
your kindred rainbow scumbags are very proud of your amoral defenses herein.
so are their fertile toxic whore moms in trailer parks...
molded rapist:
see much more on weak violent letches like u here:
"It is a strange phenomena of minimization and denial of blacks, like the ones on fn, to want to look at the wm instead of themselves. Black boys-who grow up into beastly Black men--become like animals in the streets and must be locked up. They are an embarassment to Conservative Blacks."
Yeah, especially conservative blacks like Clarence Thomas, Juan Williams and Armstong Williams.
All of whom have sexual harrassment charges against them.
Slappy, surely you jest. As you are a wite dude living in Podunkia, you are more than aware of the wite crime issues. Heckagosharooties...Sarey has kids involved in drugs and crime and she was the pretend mayor of Wasilla! Bristol has two babees...and no job...must be she Black.
The alleged subtext only shows you want to beleeverate all nasty criminals are AfAm. What about Homulka? McVeigh? BTK? Is the Shenandoah B-ball team white? How about Hawley? Woody Allen is a wite. Susan Smith.
But, if it makes your being Left Behind more tolerable to pretend that there are others far lesser than you...you are delusional.
msr/vdlr/slack lying missed me most!
"The subtext of the preceding paragraphs clearly says the suspects are black."
And if they were white, Slappy would be falling all over himself mitigating the circimustances.....saying they were neer do wells shunned by the community or the girl was dressed scantilly and enticed them.
But because they were black they become yet another symbol of out of control violence and depravity among black men.
My son wonders why I stay on his ass and am constantly lecturing him.
I have to explain to him that no matter his character, value, talent and intellect, to many he's still just going to be another nigger capable of murder or rape because of the actions of those like those morons in Texas.
It's a burden only we black men carry.
there is no black burden that ONLY one gender carries ever...
these rapists have female kin who also bear this...who will be solo...who must nurture them in prison etc....
u r a sexist fool
Slappy as usual is full of crap.
When I was in the military I worked in personnel for 3 years and everytime we had to go to county lockup to get a guy out for beating his wife, or public lewdness or even raping his own daughters, it was a white guy.
AB, keep trying. But do the research first. White Male was the default when I was in University...everyone wrote and spoke in that manner.
UTS, it must be that eveel AfAm Mandingo gene;). Clarence was a poo and guilty. And now, everyone knows. Juan was fortunate in that the firm paid off the multitude of victims. Gossip was that he should have gone to Graterford...but the company would have had to admit a conservative AfAm hire was a mistake. Armstrong...I'll have to search.
Could it be deliberate? Or is the talent pool too small. Hire an AfAm, with known proclivities...you get the bean for AA...and an easy fire with crocodile tears should he assault a co-worker.
racist uneducated molded fool:
cc that racist revisonist bs to the first humans in africa...
who created all humans and all languages initially...
UTS, made me snicker! I know pimps..and many look like Warren Jeffs or OKeefe. AfAm pimp looked..and sounded..like Mike Tyson. He treated his girls well and expected 'rate of return'. I met him after he had 'discussed business' with a rival. Think Tyson vs Chris Rock.
Small town PA is rife with tales of local wites and their doings. You may know that Daddy GOP is forcing a minor...but you need proof. There are more than a few families where the tree don't branch. And they all wite.
Interestingly, the putzriarch of these incest clans tends to conservative and racist.
Me, I'd rather the girls date Men, of any colour.
"but the company would have had to admit a conservative AfAm hire was a mistake. Armstrong...I'll have to search."
His was the most telling.
Williams was the self-righteous Christian Conservative who leaped buck naked into the bed of his sleeping (male) physical trainer in a hotel room.
Dude woke up and found Williams in his bed with and Williams replied "I just want some affection."
Anonymous said...
UTS, made me snicker! I know pimps..and many look like Warren Jeffs or OKeefe. AfAm pimp looked..and sounded..like Mike Tyson. He treated his girls well and expected 'rate of return'. I met him after he had 'discussed business' with a rival. Think Tyson vs Chris Rock.
Small town PA is rife with tales of local wites and their doings. You may know that Daddy GOP is forcing a minor...but you need proof. There are more than a few families where the tree don't branch. And they all wite.
Interestingly, the putzriarch of these incest clans tends to conservative and racist.
Me, I'd rather the girls date Men, of any colour.
At first I thought you were just really stupid and quasi literate. Now I know your just a total fruitcake, along with being really stupid and totally illiterate.
You make absolutely no sense and your brain is miswired causing these random words to be spewed that mean nothing to anyone else, perhaps even to you. We say car and you hear and process this word into pobbitty boppity. Pretty scary, get some help there old man.
How many pimps did you know? Are you going to say you were also a Pimp as well as your 8-9 other professions?
"there you go again, showing your hatred of hispanics, while somehow showing love for black folks, yet discount it when you think the person is hispanic...how disgustinf."
Maria, you came to that conclusion from what I said? You should just stick to your usual copy-paste plagiarisms and stop trying to think.
I notice you didn't comment on what I said about Gayle and his harem of fools. I hope you're taking notes for those black phallus hunting ventures of yours. On previous threads you seem preoccupied with "jealous and insecure" black women. Seems to me that jungle fevered insecure women like yourself pose much more of a threat.
"white fems. are there no black fems? hispanic fems? seriously, how dare you?"
Unbelievable. You are far worse than a hopeless imbecile. I pray that you continue receive alimony for a living.
(Especially some of my white readers who switch back and forth from the fields to Stormfront.)
Thanks for the shoutout fields!!!! Just want you and all the other alleged FN'S are welcomed at the front.
There's a major debate going on within the front.We are debating if we should join up with the asian kkk.
Whatcha think,fields??
I think we should.If the kkk can embrace Muhammad Ali, i think we can embrace our asian friends.
maria is mareally always doing all she claims she does not...pasting/lying/dissing/
trolling for swirled sex etc!!!!!
Serious question.
You and FPP have openly bragged about your relationships with non-black men.
I have never once heard Maria claim to have been in an interracial relationship.
How is Maria "jungle-fevered" and "insecure" but you're not.
Don't attack me please, just answer the question.
UTS, what christian conservative hasn't done 'manLove'? A christmole used to lecture me on the eveels of single women not being with chile, going out to dinner, having careers...but he knew every single place for hiring rentboys. Some were even of legal age.
I wondered why Slappy was soooo insistent on the AfAm problem. Then it occurred to me, if we aren't human...but subhuman...he can be heroically brave and shoot some. You know, like doctors. If they aren't following Goober's orders..they need culled. Or they might not be subservient enough to gawds chosen Heeyucks, so they must be proactively shot.
Me, I'd rather live in China.
molded's very own "english" is uniquely atrocious and unintelligible daily!!!
u r such a soulless liar and a hypocrite
maria HAS bragged about her past relos with black men
u and rk and rodprick et al....all have OPEN relos with that wigga slut herein
we see u nig!!!!!!!
check the archives!!!!
What we have here {rape story} is a classic case of white Liberal racism.
When the perps are black/hispanic and the vic is a non-white,the white Liberal media will do what they can to blame the vic and try to make you feel sorry for the perps.
If the vic was white,the white Liberal media would have a hang um' high view towards the blk/hispanic perps.
The only time a non white victim isn't blamed for their rape by the white Liberal media is when the perps are white.
Mold: "Me, I'd rather live in China"
Let's pass the bucket for a one way ticket. Count me in. When can you be ready?
SPC, what 'Liberal' Media? Can you prove it is, in fact, Liberal/Progressive? What are the standards for your claimeration? Does reporting Fact make it Liberal/Progressive? Who determines the degree of Liberal/Progressive?
Or..are you just making it up because it sounds like you are part of the team?
It is called 'working the refs'..and the cons have been whining that accurate reporting hurts their fee-fees. TFB. You should be able to withstand the reporting of Fact...unless you are criminals and con artists.
"La♥audiobooks is a woman (apparently).
how do you explain her hatred of white and hispanic women?"
Ok, I was going to leave it alone... but. For your information, on both sides of my family I have Hispanic Caribbean heritage. On a good day I can see Fajardo Puerto Rico from my deck.
You know, some people assume that the name "Maria" is solely Hispanic. I don't want anyone to assume that Hispanic women are dim-bulbs. Please change your tag name and embrace your Italian roots. Why don't you go with Ghita or Bolonia, they are very pretty names and they'll suit you better.
Anonymous said...
UTS, made me snicker! I know pimps..and many look like Warren Jeffs or OKeefe
Making shit up again,mold?
Please provide us with proof you know pimps.
uptownsteve, you wrote:
And if they were white...
Ah, always with the hypothetical response. Here's the problem. These guys are black and the RATE of VIOLENT Crime committed by blacks is many times higher than the rate of violent crime committed by whites and asians.
Slappy would be falling all over himself mitigating the circimustances.....saying they were neer do wells shunned by the community or the girl was dressed scantilly and enticed them.
Hey bonehead, the factors you mentioned have already been stated with regard to some of the perps in the rape case.
But because they were black they become yet another symbol of out of control violence and depravity among black men.
They are not SYMBOLS. Instead, they are STATISTICS.
My son wonders why I stay on his ass and am constantly lecturing him.
In other words, he's getting a complete anti-white education from dad. Way to go.
I have to explain to him that no matter his character, value, talent and intellect, to many he's still just going to be another nigger capable of murder or rape because of the actions of those like those morons in Texas.
This is how paranoia flows from one generation to the next.
Did you mention to him that you moved as far from urban blacks as possible because living in black urban neighborhoods and attending majority black urban schools is way too dangerous?
oj uts:
u train maria as your nicole
and then question us when we denote said training?????
and unlike your trainee/becky drone...laa does not post all of the sexist stepford wives' lies and spew hatred against all white women...
as that wicked wigga bitch maria always attacks and disses all black women just as u YOU do!!!
u have trained her well and given her a pass to be your cloned mf...
that will never fly nig!!!!
SPC, still looking for a way to MalkinStalk? That all you have is veiled threats? Oh, did I reveal a 'secret' you and your friends didn't want the public to know.
Funny part, both the police and Welfare have known about the wite pimp problem for years. Warren Jeffs and OKeefe are the poster pimps. The 'christian look' is a giveaway. Plus, their own behviours. Jeffs with minors and OKeefe with the reporter.
It must burn your Left Behind to not be able to harass an old woman for telling the Truth. The urge to 'Rather' smear me must be intense.
Oh, feel free to show that Jeffs is not a pimp...and that Okeefe does not look like so many other wite pimps.
Steve, I have never dated non-black men. However, I support black women who choose to broaden their options in finding love and happiness outside the black race, just as black men have been doing the same without apology.
abbey l on maria & uts:
Jazz stylist and author Abbey Lincoln managed to capture this exact same offensiveness as exhibited by heterosexual white women, in her enraged classic essay entitled “Who Will Revere The Black Woman?”, published in the renowned womanist anthology The Black Woman, edited by Toni Cade (1970):
“We are the women whose bars and recreation halls are invaded by flagrantly disrespectful, bigoted, simpering, amoral, emotionally unstable, outcast, maladjusted, nyphomaniacal, condescending white women...in desperate and untiring search of the “frothing-at-the-mouth-for-a white-woman, strong backed, sixty-minute hot black”.... We are the women who, upon protesting this invasion of our privacy and sanctity and sanity, are called “jealous”, and “evil”, and “small-minded”, and “prejudiced”...
When a white man “likes colored girls”, his woman (the white woman) is the last one he wants to know about it. Yet, seemingly, when a Negro “likes white girls”, his woman (the Black woman) is the first he wants to know about it. White female rejects and social misfits are flagrantly flaunted in our faces as the ultimate in feminine pulchritude. Our women are encouraged by our own men to strive to look and act as much like the white female image as possible, and only those who approach that “goal” in physical appearance and social behavior are acceptable. At best, we are made to feel that we are poor imitations and excuses for white women.
Evil? Evil, you say? The Black woman is hurt, confused, frustrated, angry, resentful, frightened, and evil! Who in this hell dares suggest that she should be otherwise? These attitudes only point up her perception of the situation and her healthy rejection of the same.”
meshell n on rodprick/rk/uts et al:
Meshell Ndegeocello powerfully conveyed this very same rage in her classic rebel tune entitled “Soul on Ice” from her debut CD Plantation Lullaby ( 1993):
"We've been indoctrinated and convinced by the white racist standard of beauty
The overwhelming popularity of seeing, better off being, and looking white
My brothers attempt to defy the white man's law and his system of values
Defile his white women....
Visions of her virginal white beauty Dancin' in your head
Your soul's on ice
Illusions of her virginal white beauty dancin’ in your head
You let my sisters go by
Brother brother brother
Are you suffering from a social infection/mis-direction
Excuse me, does your white woman go better with your Brooks Brothers suit?...
Used to be customary to bow one's eyes at the sight of a white face
conks and fade creams
sad passion
deferred dreams
I am a reflection of you
Black and blue
pure as the tears of coal-colored children
crying for acceptance
You can't run from yourself
She's just an illusion...
Black love anthems play behind white-skinned affection ...
But you no longer burn for the motherland brown skin
You want blond-haired, blue-eyed soul
Snow White passion without the hot comb
Is that open-minded love thing an equality thing?
Take a look in the mirror
You don’t love yourself..."
mold,typical leftwing coward.
" many other wite pimps"
Most pimps in this country is either black or hispanic.Why you you think black and hispanic culture embrace pimpin'?
"Funny part, both the police and Welfare have known about the wite pimp problem for years."
Please provide us with proof of this.
like all pathological liars/posers
that molded loon toon has no proof of anything...ever!
Slappy, again with the proving that you are not a college graduate? If you make an assertion, you should be able to back it. Instead you wonder why an AfAm parent would caution their child. Hmmm...bush and coke..no prison. What about the white Gov who had dealer quantities of drugs....no prison. Pickles runs over her ex...no prison. Lohan still not in jail? Not one bushWar criminal in prison. Not one bushMess bankster in jail.
And the same news cycle shows an AfAm in jail for ???
I'd err on the side of caution as well. OJ only missed the needle because he was a famous, beloved sports and entertainment celebrity...and was likely not the Perp. Look at the football injuries in the news...the physical handicaps faced by ex-players. Then ask how a man with the problems he had...at the time..could overpower two fit, younger adults. Then ask why there was no inquiry into the Goldman drug angle. Or whether Moms had evil friends. Could it have been random?
I especially like how the Goldman and Moms long list of scums were not considered suspects.
Yeah, I agree with UTS. Why go looking for Fuhrmans?
once more per abbey with feeling!:
maria is the STAR wigga bar fly herein
and she and uts are the 2 most drunken jungle fevered mfs on this blog
“We are the women whose bars and recreation halls are invaded by flagrantly disrespectful, bigoted, simpering, amoral, emotionally unstable, outcast, maladjusted, nyphomaniacal, condescending white women...in desperate and untiring search of the “frothing-at-the-mouth-for-a white-woman, strong backed, sixty-minute hot black”.... We are the women who, upon protesting this invasion of our privacy and sanctity and sanity, are called “jealous”, and “evil”, and “small-minded”, and “prejudiced”..."
maria said...
LA said:
'and so now we are hearing "Hispanic victim" being thrown around. It's interesting how white fems have now turned sensitive to the victim."
that's what you said, that "white fems" wouldn't have cared when they thought the victim was black.
i assume you are referring to me. i had no idea what race she was, and i came to her defense nonetheless. you on the other hand, thought attacking her was quite alright.
who doesn't know maria is an italian name--you're the imbecile.
and steve, not only have i NOT claimed to have ever had an interracial relationship, i have said quite the opposite. and i have also said, over and over, that this is not a dating site, and i have never once made an overture to any black male posters here.
not once.
i have never spoke to RK, who i am accused by AB of talking to on the phone, for example.
the bottom line is i am always attacked simply for being a white female, and they'll try anything they think will make me leave here. i do not get alimony and i live on my own income, as i have also stated repeatedly.
ab's disgusting descriptions of STDs included, mudshark, cavebitch, swirled, etc.
ain't working.
SPC, keep beleeverating that pimps are brown/black and urban. Makes me smile that you need the fantasy sooo bad.
As far as wite pimps, even the MSM has pieces on this. So, I'm LOL that you want proof...when it's obvious all you want is to 'revenge' your pitiful manhood.
I even help your widdle boy efforts by dropping hints to help...
Oh, the majority of fictional pimps and criminals are what you beleeverate...which is telling.
mareally no martyr/kim k does mother theresa:
i am soooooooooooo sick of your whiny bs always AFTER u have INITIATED the attacks.
we see your mud u shameless messy lying cave bitch!!!!!
u lie like hobama!!!!
mareally miss annne with paoers on the vdlr:
and no one herein is as disgusting as your vulgar PEER STD HOST the vdlr.
your cheering and silences of her XXX vomiting herein daily exposes your own BILE bitch!!!!!
In other words, mold is making shit up again.
Blogger no_slappz said...
maria, the NY Times wrote:
The police investigation...when an elementary school student alerted a teacher to a lurid cellphone video that included one of her classmates.
The video led the police...to a roundup over the last month of 18 young men and teenage boys on charges of participating in the gang rape of an 11-year-old girl...
Five suspects are...including two members of the basketball team. Another is the 21-year-old son of a school board member. A few of the others have criminal records, from selling drugs to robbery and, in one case, manslaughter. The suspects range in age from middle schoolers to a 27-year-old.
The subtext of the preceding paragraphs clearly says the suspects are black.
9:14 AM
really? "some have criminal records," applies only to blacks. only they do drugs and commit manslaughter.
on the basketball team, applies only to blacks.
blacks are so stupid and underachieving how could one possibly be the son of someone on the school board?
the first two paragraphs you cite don't have any racial inferences, unless you suspect that only blacks have cell phone or attend elementary school?
i am not responding further to AB or LA.
Maria, could it be that AB wants your Sacred Witeness away from the eveel blog? Where you could be led astray by the much more attractive manliness of AfAm maleness?
If you have had inters...you know better than wite supremacists about the underlying humanity. And have far less stereotyping.
I personally like your Fact-based opinions...and I encourage you to keep expressing them.
Much like the lie of a Liberal Media, if no one point out the lie...it becomes what people accept.
Woman are inferior. AfAms are animals. Slavery is a good thing.
We need to counter the lies.
do u remember when rk and maria bragged about their personal ph calls to each other offline?????
I DO!!!
mareally a liar also has jungle fever induced amnesia...shame!!!!!!!
"maria HAS bragged about her past relos with black men"
I never saw it
"u and rk and rodprick et al....all have OPEN relos with that wigga slut herein"
That's bull$hit
SPC, feel free to show my error. But your obsession with 'outing' belies the fake that you care about Truth or Fact.
Oh, before claimerating poo...it might help you to have some proof...just in case folks think you have only Trashie bluster. I snark from knowing that I can show my work...and cheerfully point out that nearly all of it is in the public arena. Much as a Biologist like PZ Myers blogs on Evolution...I can pull from Fact, Data and Science.
Can you?
"Steve, I have never dated non-black men."
LAA you mentioned your Puerto Rican boyfriend on this board several times.
Do I have to find the post???
"However, I support black women who choose to broaden their options in finding love and happiness outside the black race, just as black men have been doing the same without apology."
You'll get no argument from me there.
Good luck.
UTS, now do you believe me when I guess that AB is a wite dude?
SPC, I declined to do the work for Left Behinds decades ago. Your work-averse and education reluctance are your own choice...or lack of capacity. Just because you beleeverate it or wishinate for it...makes no difference. You have to start with the Data.
equally racist molded bitch:
i am educated and employed...both indeed make me whiter than u...no?
when have u ever posted a fact???
all u post only proves that you consider fact a synonym for fantasy
that slut maria does not speak for me as she does her posse of bm house nigs
i want mareally a wigga to respect black women on this blog unlike uts.
i want her to be more than a dumber younger germier clone of a loopy geezer wigga like you...
i want her to pick a role model and stop sporadically morphing kim k and mother theresa...
UTS, happiness is so rare that I would not restrict it to just same-race or same-sex. And I am old enough to not worry over the non-issue of people choosing consensual adult partners.
"LAA you mentioned your Puerto Rican boyfriend on this board several times.
Do I have to find the post???
Steve, are you saying that there are no black Puerto Ricans?
And my fiance was actually born in the D. Republic to a Dominican mother and a Puerto Rican father, if that helps.
"They are not SYMBOLS. Instead, they are STATISTICS."
So you are actually stating that a majority or even one fourth of black males are violent predators???
I'm calling you out Slappy.
Let's see the stats.
And don't tell me to fuckin look at the DOJ website.
You produce the stats to support your assertion.
mold, you wrote:
...(OJ) and was likely not the Perp. Look at the football injuries in the news...the physical handicaps faced by ex-players. Then ask how a man with the problems he had...at the time..could overpower two fit, younger adults.
It's one thing for a screwball like you to display your imagination on subjects where some debate is possible.
But when you claim a guilty black murderer who committed a double homicide didn't do it, you reveal that every statement you've made at this site is a function of derangement.
like hobama
u lie!!!!!
the archives prove that!!!
scan them NOW!!!!
"Steve, are you saying that there are no black Puerto Ricans?"
Sure there are.
But they don't call themselves black.
Same with Dominicans and Brazilians.
In the Spanish (and Portugese) speaking world there are about 12 categories for what we here in America would call black.
Let me ask this..
Is he darker than you?
molded racist sexist moron:
proof of your gross intellectual ineptitude =
pretending that i am white will color your lack of debate skills/sanity/mastery of standard english...
why is a brazen colorist like u daring to question anyone about skin tone...ever????
u r a bold hypocrite!!!!
Anonymous said...
I can show my work...and cheerfully point out that nearly all of it is in the public arena.
Ok, go ahead.
Slappy, nice try. OJ was not found guilty. I have severe reservations as to his guilt..and they include his physical state (which is supported by recent MSM news), the known gold-digging of the entire Brown clan, the drug issues surrounding Goldman, the timeline for LA when OJ was alleged to have committed the crime, the violence done to the vicitms, the 9-11 call Nicole did (most domestic violence calls are not calm, nor do they spell), the Fuhrman racism...which was worse than came out at trial, the odd insistence of wites that an AfAm be found guilty of deadWhiteWoman...
Feel free to show error...or just pout.
wondered why Slappy was soooo insistent on the AfAm problem. Then it occurred to me, if we aren't human...but subhuman...he can be heroically brave and shoot some. You know, like doctors. If they aren't following Goober's orders..they need culled. Or they might not be subservient enough to gawds chosen Heeyucks, so they must be proactively shot.
Me, I'd rather live in China.
See there you go with craziness. First off China doesnt want you. They are a very, very light skinned society and they think dark skinned are non evolved.
Secondly, The only ones "culling" you are your democratic masters and your insane fight for abortion.
You are so stupid you think that because the news says YT is becoming the minority that this means something good for you. Well, which ethnic background is increasing and has taken over the victim spiel?
No one wants to tell you what to do, other then tell crazies like you to get the hell away from us.
From the NYPD Crime Report for 2010
For black suspects arrested, 85% of their victims were also black (which means 15% of their victims were not black)
From 2009 to 2010, there was a 31% increase in the murder of blacks and a 27% decrease in the murder of whites
The overall increase in murders from 2009 to 2010 can be attributed to this increase in blacks murdered
The number of Asian and Hispanic murder victims remained nearly constant from 2009 to 2010
Black people, who make up 25% of New York City's population, represent 67% of those murdered
47% of New Yorkers are non-Hispanic whites or Asians, yet these groups represent only 9% of those murdered.
Whites accounted for 6% of victims but only 4% of suspects. Asians were 3% of victims and 3% of suspects.
Male blacks age 15-29, who represent less than 3% of the City’s population, represent 33% of those murdered
New York City’s 2010 Murder Victims—Who Were They?
536 persons were murdered in NYC in 2010
50% of victims had prior arrests for drug sales or possession
One quarter of victims were on probation, parole, or had a warrant for their arrest at the time of death
11% of victims were confirmed gang members
60% of female victims had no prior arrest records
You starting to get the picture, stevie?
Ab Said...
The overwhelming popularity of seeing, better off being, and looking white
AB - Not true. I am White and Judging from your pic think you are beautiful and sexy. Only thing is I am a man, I wish you weren't a Lesbian.
uptownsteve said...
"Steve, I have never dated non-black men."
LAA you mentioned your Puerto Rican boyfriend on this board several times.
Do I have to find the post???
Steve, your a dumbass. Puerto Ricans and Latins - The Majority are white. You are talking about your stupid box of skin color aren't you? Some Dominicans and very very few latins are Black. They might be tanned but they be nice.
Don't believe me? Ask a Latino if they had to group themselves by skin color, would they say they were Black or White...oh Jennifer Lopez is one dark....errrr... puerto ricano isn't she?
SPC, already did. Sorry, the scam of Left Behinds to avoid work...makes me smile. You want others to do your task. Because we had the assignment done a while ago. And you hope that we will let you copy or look over our shoulder. Hah.
You have signposts, areas to search, and the Internet.
So, why do you need me to 'slave' for you? Is it your wite superdooperiority? That in your fantasy, all AfAms toil so you can play planter? Or is it the lack of capacity to do the work? Even with helps and hints.
As far as payback...you would do besser to stop using 'sorces' that any Grade Eight student would be embarrassed to use. It is not equivalent until you start with Data.
No Slappz
"Did you mention to him that you moved as far from urban blacks as possible because living in black urban neighborhoods and attending majority black urban schools is way too dangerous?"
The blacks in my suburban neighborhood are just as black as those in the inner city.
That's what racist morons like you don't get.
Don't forget those stats.
many black men love their own hair/lips/skin/faces/moms sisters...
and they want their children to look like them too
i assure u anon
meshell was NOT singing about you my king!
have a great weekend!
mold, youasked:
Feel free to show error...
Let's see. OJ had the Means, the Motive and the Opportunity.
And blood from Nicole was on him and he left a little of his own blood at the scene.
Naturally, in the alternate black universe, that means Dick Cheney was the real killer.
I had thought you were a goofy old nutty black ideologue. But as a result of your alternate-universe delusions regarding OJ, it's become clear you are simply nuts.
Anonymous said...
Slappy, nice try. OJ was not found guilty. I have severe reservations as to his guilt..and they include his physical state (which is supported by recent MSM news),
Do your reservations include his book of how he didnt do it, but if he did this was how he did it? Crazy shit, of course he is your idol.
ANyway, doesnt matter, he is popping his cross dressing boyfriend in the can, I mean while he is in the can. I think we can expect pictures of him with lipstick on anyday now.
mold defends a killer, and attacks the vic's family members.
mold is a classless coward.
FakeAnon, I am a 'pass-for' with multiple degrees. China will pose no hardship. The US in a theocracy with wingnuts making decisions...would be less than ideal.
Abortion worries me not...as I am not a Goober wite Left Behind Heeyuck who had to force women to bear his lackluster offspring. And, if you have to force a woman to not eliminate your genetics...you should ask just how 'fit' you truly are.
Oh, I read history...not listen to illiterates whine about how uppity women done got when they could be humans.
You are most certainly free to live in Mom's Basement and pine for GOP Daddy or Natalie Portman or whatever. You don't get to tell me what to do. Ever.
outoftownsteve, you wrote:
The blacks in my suburban neighborhood are just as black as those in the inner city.
Tell me again how you'd really rather raise your kid in Harlem and send him to public school there.
The stats are posted above, but you can check the NYPD Crime Report for yourself.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\NYPD Crime Stats 2010
For the NYPD murder stats, try this:
Anonymous said...
FakeAnon, I am a 'pass-for' with multiple degrees.
Please provide us with proof that you have "multiple degrees."
And yes, until you start backing the things you claim to be with facts,i will keep calling you out and calling you a coward.
SPC, nice try. As a wite, your need to have the AfAm guilty outweighs the evidence and the finding of the jury. Pointing out issues with the family is relevant. Must be classless to only do this with wite gold-digging moochers. Seeing as how the entire Brown bunch was on OJ-fare. Goldman had what the LE call 'associates' with ties to drugs and organized crime. There is other stuff...but not what you can print. Classless to mention that wite dead dudes have dirty pasts?
Keep wishing that OJ did it. Makes you feel all better about your colour.
Slappy you dumbass
You did just what I knew you were going to do.
Post the same NY crime stats you always do.
Read slowly.
Just because 67% of THOSE MURDERED in NYC are black does not translate into 67% of NY'S black males being murderers or murder victims.
Am I going too fast.
Slappy, all you did was tell me you want OJ guilty.
Try again.
mold has six degrees of separation from reality.
spc, you can't demand mold reveal herself while you fail to.
same goes for n-s.
"Tell me again how you'd really rather raise your kid in Harlem and send him to public school there."
What's your point slap?
He goes to a majority black public school in the suburbs.
And Harlem is mostly white and hispanic these days.
SPC, there you go again...wishing for a way to harass or 'out' an old lady. Thinkerating you can serch lists of those with the same degrees and compare that to other things I posted. Such heroic bravery...to pout that you can't 'payback' or lie or anything....
But wait...you could, like, do the actual work with the actual Facts and Data.
Oh..that work thing again. Only for AfAms. Wite folk just order it done...like Sarey and friends.
Is it the degrees? That I have more than one? That all are from real Universities/Colleges? How dare I;)
When something is measured -- such as human behavior -- and there is a disparity between results from one group and another, we wonder why.
When it comes to results on IQ tests, asians score the highest. Averaging roughly 105. Whites are next at roughly 100 and blacks are last at roughly 95.
Disparities, but relatively small differences. We wonder why.
When it comes to murder, well, let's put it this way. If whites have a Murder Quotient of 100, then blacks have an MQ of 800.
Now that's a difference. Wider than an eight-lane highway.
Maria, it's easier to be a 'sniper' when you can lie. OKeefe kept his anonymity...but delighted in 'outing' others who were private citizens. It also keeps the questions focused upon the targets of the smear.
Then, there is the con habit of projection...accusing others of what you do. Big donors..wingnut welfare-so they accuse Lefties of being owned by Soros. Cash for bad science is Global Climate Change deniers...so they pretend that the Scientists paid out of tax monies are hoaxers. Ivory Tower academics with no Real World connection-try Chicago School Economists and wingnut welfare spin tanks. Most University academics have to deal with the Real World. But, the cons only know the insular universe of beleeveraters...and thinkerate everyone is like that.
Ass-non Tom
"Steve, your a dumbass. Puerto Ricans and Latins - The Majority are white."
You really are a dummy. Most of the Spanish speaking world is non-white. The only place that you are going to find a preponderance of white folks speaking Spanish is in Spain. Or in suburban Miami.
Ever been to Cuba? I have. Most of the people are mixed race or what we in America would consider black.
Some Dominicans and very very few latins are Black. They might be tanned but they be nice."
Are you really this dumb? Look at the Dominicans in Major League Baseball. Sammy Sosa, Pedro Martinez, David Ortiz. These are BLACK MEN.
"oh Jennifer Lopez is one dark....errrr... puerto ricano isn't she?"
You can look at J-Lo's nose and butt and tell she's got the rive of Africa flowing through her blood.
maria said...
spc, you can't demand mold reveal herself while you fail to.
same goes for n-s.
Ohhhh maria, yes i can
I don't post here sayin' that i
am a preacher
church treasurer
been in the military
been published
all my "works" are online
been forced to hire unskilled whites over skilled blacks when i was at a major company
know many pimps
know da's in PA
know many tea party members
have multiple degrees from real universities/colleges
I can go on and on about the things mold claims to be.
So maria,when i start making claims about myself,than you or anyone else has the right to call me out and make me prove who i say i am.
Thats all i'm doing with grandma moldy.
Slappy, now you are making things up.
IQ only measures how well you do on the IQ test. Going beyond that...well, it's a problem.
You might want to know that christians, homeskoolers and cons all score much, much lower on IQ tests. Sort of the 'duh'...does this mean that conservatives are truly stoopids?
For an alleged businessman, you missed quite a bit of info from the data. It is more like you are a breathing certificate holder from a rural high school who never had to take a class in understanding Data. Even a cursory glance should reveal things...
outoftownsteve, you wrote:
What's your point slap?
Oh, Yeah, as if you believe street life and schools in Harlem are just dandy. Lying sets a bad example for the kid.
He goes to a majority black public school in the suburbs.
I have my doubts. Of course there are majority black schools in areas that are marginally suburban, but generally the black status is achieved because whites have pulled their kids out over time and left the schools with that black majority.
On the other hand, the black population where you are may be small and you may be lying about the school's demographics.
Does the school have an internet site that shows details? Like the Dept of Ed in NY City, which provides loads of details about every school in the city?
Another delusional reader of the NY Times. In terms of visuals, the only way some nitwit would reach your conclusion is by walking down 125th Street and seeing all the tourists in addition to the people getting off the train at the 125th St Metro North stop.
"When it comes to murder, well, let's put it this way. If whites have a Murder Quotient of 100, then blacks have an MQ of 800."
Then explain to me how all white Moscow has a homicide rate exponentially higher than any majority black American city except Detroit.
SPC, bugs you that you can't be a bully to me? Rankles the coward in you to no end? And yes..I love that you stew in the impotence.
Must be enraging to have someone tell the Truth...to your face.
And I do so with a smile :)
On the other hand, the black population where you are may be small and you may be lying about the school's demographics.
Check for yourself racist.
outoftownsteve, you wrote:
And Harlem is mostly white and hispanic these days.
Another delusional reader of the NY Times. In terms of visuals, the only way some nitwit would reach your conclusion is by walking down 125th Street and seeing all the white tourists in addition to the whites getting off the train at the 125th St Metro North stop.
Prince Georges County?
Why just the other day I saw an article about the backlog of 50,000 arrest warrants that are clogging up the offices of local law enforcement in your neck of the woods.
No Splapz presented: "The stats are posted above, but you can check the NYPD Crime Report for yourself.
C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\My Documents\Downloads\NYPD Crime Stats 2010"
LOL. Slappz actually saves these reports on his personal computer.
I keep telling you people he has about ten browsers rolling at one time and obviously several black stat online reports saved and neatly filled in his "My Documents" folder. You guys are playing with a live one here.
Maria, it is that SPC can't order me...and I gleefully point this out...as I also tell the Truth to their face. It bugs bullies to no end.
SPC can't out their self...all those claims...laid bare for inspection. SPC assumes that I have the same issue. Not so. I have seen the brave heroic bortion weenies camp outside of the homes of patients, doctors and nurses. Once these courageous MalkinStalkers get a bit of personal information...you can see fraud on your credit report, your medical history gets posted online, your home and work get pest calls, and it is a PITA to deal with. You think maybe that's what someone wants?
You'll note they are incredibly reluctant to do any work to show my error.
NY 15th Congressional District (Harlem) Demographics 2010
28.2% White, 34.6% Black, 2.9% Asian, 47.6% Hispanic, 0.9% Native American, 5.2% other
outoftownsteve, you wrote:
Then explain to me how all white Moscow has a homicide rate exponentially higher than any majority black American city except Detroit.
First, Moscow had an increased murder rate -- for a while. It is not the "steady state" of crime in that city. Meanwhile, the crime in one city does not tell the national story.
On the other hand, with few exceptions wherever there is a black community, the murder rate is 8 times higher than the murder rate among whites.
Furthermore, the slaughter in Africa is simply non-stop. The crime problems are off the charts. Haiti? Murder, rape, theft. Catastrophic.
"Why just the other day I saw an article about the backlog of 50,000 arrest warrants that are clogging up the offices of local law enforcement in your neck of the woods."
Where'd you read that?
In Grand Kleagle Gazette?
Did they also tell you that PG County was the first jurisdiction where the media household income and education level rose significantly when the demographics changed from majority white to majority black?
LAB, funny that!
I also remember when she openly admitted that she only dated "two" black guys in her life. I'm sure RK was one of them (only our Ghita would think getting booty calls is considered dating).
They live close by you know. I'm sure they hooked up already. I hope they used double protection, Ghita might still be fertile and RK can't afford to payout for another OOW blackish child.
You really are a dummy. Most of the Spanish speaking world is non-white. The only place that you are going to find a preponderance of white folks speaking Spanish is in Spain. Or in suburban Miami.
Ever been to Cuba? I have. Most of the people are mixed race or what we in America would consider black.
Some Dominicans and very very few latins are Black. They might be tanned but they be nice."
Are you really this dumb? Look at the Dominicans in Major League Baseball. Sammy Sosa, Pedro Martinez, David Ortiz. These are BLACK MEN.
You need to get out more brother. This is funny "are you really this Dumb, I know, I watch Baseball and see Dominican Blacks" sorry Sammy oh wait he wants to be white. The majority of Blacks in Santo Domingo are Haitian refugees, the dark dominicans are very few and way, way, down on the social ladder.
Do you think Jenny thinks she is a Black Woman?
South Park Conservatives said...
Anonymous said...
FakeAnon, I am a 'pass-for' with multiple degrees.
Please provide us with proof that you have "multiple degrees."
Oh MOLD has six degrees last I hear, Six Degrees of inner turbulence.
"First, Moscow had an increased murder rate -- for a while. It is not the "steady state" of crime in that city. Meanwhile, the crime in one city does not tell the national story."
He has an excuse for any white depravity it's pathetic.
Well how about Chechnya? That doesn't count either?
"It is said that the Russian Mafia runs the city with more gangsters than police, while a Russian is assassinated every 18 minutes averaging 84 murders per day in a nation of 143 million. The city has also been accused of extremism, racism, prostitution, drug trafficking and kidnappings, not to mention the untold violence dished out by the Chechen rebels."
"On the other hand, with few exceptions wherever there is a black community, the murder rate is 8 times higher than the murder rate among whites."
You're a lyin racist piece of shit and couldn't prove this if your pathetic life depended on it.
SPC assumes that I have the same issue. Not so. I have seen the brave heroic bortion weenies camp outside of the homes of patients, doctors and nurses.
Please provide proof that you have seen this.
Once these courageous MalkinStalkers get a bit of personal information...you can see fraud on your credit report, your medical history gets posted online, your home and work get pest calls, and it is a PITA to deal with. You think maybe that's what someone wants?
Please provide us with proof that someone who follows Malkin has done this.
NY 15th Congressional District (Harlem)
The district includes the neighborhoods of Harlem, Inwood, Marble Hill, Spanish Harlem, Washington Heights, Morningside Heights and portions of the Upper West Side. The Apollo Theater, Columbia University, and Grant's Tomb are located within this district.
Let's see, Harlem + all the surrounding areas that are NOT Harlem, yeah, well that's that's one way to define Harlem.
Inasmuch as you claimed to have lived in Harlem, you should know the boundaries of the neighborhood. NOT Inwood, for example.
Uptown Steve Said....
You really are a dummy. Most of the Spanish speaking world is non-white. The only place that you are going to find a preponderance of white folks speaking Spanish is in Spain. Or in suburban Miami.
Does logic work in your mind? Or are you just a dummy? You do know that the majority of Latinos in Miami are Cuban Refugees right along with Latinos from all over Latin, South and Central America. So then if Miami along with Spain - The original Latino Country are White in Miami - where do you think they came from?
UTS, Africa is bad...but is it colour? Or is it that wingnuts have power?
Sarey has a fellow Goober from that part of the globe and he has been -ahem- connected with vast fraud and killings.
outoftownsteve, you wrote:
Well how about Chechnya?
That's muslim territory which brings in its own special brand of violence and response from Putin.
Anyway, it's probably a good idea for people to steer clear of Moscow. Thoug it's a nightmare, the violence is less than the violence in Colombia and at the Mexico/US border. Moreover, the death toll in Russia doesn't hold a candle to the death toll in Africa.
uts lies incessantly!
he DOES recall maria's ongoing lies and those swirled confessions also...
have a great weekend Queen!
no_slappz @10:21am, you nailed uts good. uts is busy brainwashing his son to think and feel as he does. What an abusive father he is! Clearly uts hate runs deep...it matches any terrorist mindset.
Apropos of the debate running through the comments. most except for a few elite ($$) Spaniards and most Corsicans, who chose to inter marry instead of mix their blood with the blacks or few indians left, have black genetics in them to some degree. We have a saying here, to those who thinking they are pure "white" we say "Y tu abuela donde esta?" "and your grandma, where/who is she?"
Dennis Hof, biggest white, anglo pimp in the US. Owner of the Moonlite Bunny Ranch in Nevada and two others.
You too AB :)
For the record Ghita-Maria, I was not referring to you as the white fem. For someone with low self esteem, you seem to think the world revolves around you. Did you not follow the link that field provided? That should have been a clue.
Why do you always get so defensive? Never mind the things I say, most times I'm just being deliberate. But you seem only able to analyze situations through your own personal experiences. This isn't the first time I've seen you do this. This sounds like something clinical.
As for the name "Maria", it is a Latin name for a female. Italy falls under the Latin umbrella as well, but "Maria" was never solely an Italian name. More people in American society tend to associate the name "Maria" with Latin-Spanish. Stop concentrating on doing those Kegel excises, and instead excise your brain more often.
needs slaps:
more on white pookies just 4 u to ignore
SPC, my proof is there. Just not for 'outing' or MalkinStalking.
Have you offered proof? Any proof? Anything public?
Doing anything besides attempting character assassination?
Keep pouting. Keep crying. Makes you appear lazy and unknowing. Especially when I offered the easy ways to the info you requested.
Oh...if you had done the work...or had the experience...you'd grok the Truth of what I post.
Keep sounding like a petulant teen. Pout that teacher tells you where to find the Data...but won't do the work for you...even when ordered. Pretend that you are doing the same questioning...when it is a bad imitation...like Beck's fake instructerator.;)
Glad to see that Alicia and Kola Boof have made up.
that will never happen
and a faceless cowardly lying pleeb like you can never insult queens like laa and i
u r even less sane than a court jester
and hugh hefner made glossy corp pimping a global industry/empire
"the bottom line is i am always attacked simply for being a white female, and they'll try anything they think will make me leave here."
Not just for being a white female but a white progressive female.
If you remember, AB grinned and buckdanced for that racist tea party cow "Karen".
"You do know that the majority of Latinos in Miami are Cuban Refugees right along with Latinos from all over Latin, South and Central America. So then if Miami along with Spain - The original Latino Country are White in Miami - where do you think they came from?"
Moron, the wealthy white spanish speaking people in Miami are mainly Cubans but there are Hispanic immigrants in South Florida from all over Central and South America.
Most of them are brown skinned Indians, mestivos or mullatoes.
"The original Latino Country are White in Miami"
What the f does this mean?
"As for the name "Maria", it is a Latin name for a female."
It's latin for "Mary" as in the "Virgin Mary, blessed Mother".
If you don't know that I doubt your hispanic background.
u r unfit to be karen's houseboy boy
she is way smarter than u and maria combined
unlike the entire tea party
hobama is your enemy
and so are most dems
why does karen vex u so????
u dimwitted hobama drone!
slave uts:
massa and mareally miss anne have u hoodwinked and bamboozled!
they know as long as they bash the tea party u will never brew any BELATED black tea u tamed fool!!!!
No Slappz
"Inasmuch as you claimed to have lived in Harlem, you should know the boundaries of the neighborhood. NOT Inwood, for example."
I never lived in Harlem and never claimed to.
My grandparents lived there for a short time in the 30s when they first migrated north from South Carolina like most other black immigrants to NY. They COULDN'T rent anywhere else.
After WWII, My grandparents bought a house in the South Bronx where my mom and 2 aunts grew up.
I grew up in Highbridge near Yankee Stadium in the Bronx.
AB, Obama may be a christmole but the TeaBaggers are Klan. Even with A West...the TeaBaggers have made it quite clear that AfAms are not human and not equal and not citizens. 'Take Back' is a dog whistle.
But then..you am a wite dude.
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