I see the man with the porn star "stache" said that O isn't qualified to be President. Isn't that special? This from a man who worked for George W. Bush.
But we all knew that John Bolton was an idiot. In case you all forgot, let me help you remember:
This is a man who jeopardised the "six party talks" with North Korea, and almost set the world on a course of nuclear destruction. He is a fierce partisan and he politicized A-merry-ca's intelligence apparatus with the UN. He was responsible for dismantling the International Criminal Court. He pushed for the defunding of programs that curbed nuclear proliferation in the world. He lied about Cuba having biological weapons, and he was one of the people responsible for the fake yellow cake story about British intelligence determining that Iraq had tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger. We all know how that worked out. Oh, and did I mention that he lied to the United States Senate?
"There is no such thing as the United Nations. There is only the international community, which can only be led by the only remaining superpower, which is the United States."
But we all knew that John Bolton was an idiot. In case you all forgot, let me help you remember:
This is a man who jeopardised the "six party talks" with North Korea, and almost set the world on a course of nuclear destruction. He is a fierce partisan and he politicized A-merry-ca's intelligence apparatus with the UN. He was responsible for dismantling the International Criminal Court. He pushed for the defunding of programs that curbed nuclear proliferation in the world. He lied about Cuba having biological weapons, and he was one of the people responsible for the fake yellow cake story about British intelligence determining that Iraq had tried to purchase yellow cake uranium from Niger. We all know how that worked out. Oh, and did I mention that he lied to the United States Senate?
"There is no such thing as the United Nations. There is only the international community, which can only be led by the only remaining superpower, which is the United States."
Move over John Holmes. Leave it to W to appoint someone to be the United States Ambassador to an organization that he doesn't believe in.
Anyway, I hear he is gearing up for a presidential run. He will fit right in with the cast of characters lining up for the GOP ticket. Just one one more porn star in in a very dirty political movie.
A white man with a moustache like that can't be elected President, even if he thinks the rent is too damn high, but John Bolton would be a President who put America's interests first, unlike the sack of shit we have for a President now.
Come on Field. John Bolton WAS an idiot? He IS! His foreign policy agenda is kill everybody.
Well I got 1 final four pick in, UCONN. I never saw Arizona play but man they were tough.
If you ever want to be an agent Field a good client would be Butler's coach. He is a beast and with the right agent could be a very rich coach even at that school.
"There is no such thing as the United Nations. There is only the international community, which can only be led by the only remaining superpower, which is the United States."
That’s why they fought and died.
Another chicken hawk who enlisted in the National Guard to avoid deployment to Vietnam.
"I see the man with the porn star "stache" said that O isn't qualified to be President."
Hmmmm. The lawyer with the pencil thin pube-stache is feeling inadequate when compared to the man-stache sported by John Bolton. What else do you feel inadequate about Field?
Wesley, I caught a little of it myself.That kid from Arizona (Williams) will go high in the draft. I wish I was his agent.:)
"What else do you feel inadequate about Field?"
Ahhhm.... My cooking? My golf game? My backhand? I am not sure what you are getting at.
"John Bolton would be a President who put America's interests first, unlike the sack of shit we have for a President now."
Mrs. Palin, what are you doing on a black blog at this hour?
the stache wars begin and its not even Movember!
Partisanship is the new racism.
If I happened to be Joe Pesci and see some asshole using my name to astroturf the living shit out of some blog, I'd be incensed.
Yea Field, that Williams is something and the sad thing is living in the midwest I never heard of him. By the time Arizona plays it's bed time for me.
But next year I have to start staying up to watch the west coast games. I have a little cousin going to Stanford to play for a former Dukie.
Anonymous said...
If I happened to be Joe Pesci and see some asshole using my name to astroturf the living shit out of some blog, I'd be incensed.
You're not Joe Pesci though, I am. So STFU you boccalone.
Wesley, that's what's up. Can your cousin ball? I am always willing to get into the sports agent biz. Hey at least he is at Stanford, he can always fall back on his education.
I tried to get the Morris twins at Kansas. (Their grandma used to work with me until she retired this year. Hmmm, I wonder why?) But I had no luck. :)
Least John isn't scared to show the country his birth certificate.
So we have the Obama rigime discarding the Constitution, now the Obama regime is confining a news reporter.
Whats next for this Regime? Send in over 2,000 marines to fight side by side with Al-Qaeda in Libya?
Oh wait, thats already happenin'.
Right woos black astroturfer Alicia Banks claims to have a documented iq of 250. Yet it appears no one has ever reached that number.
Marilyn was listed in the Guinness Book of World Records for five years under "Highest IQ" for both childhood and adult scores.
Other links put her iq at 228, a good ways away from Banks' claim of having an iq of 250.
It's one thing to lie. It's another to lie badly. I guess they don't make internet fakes like they used to.
IQ and standardised tests are racist anyway. It's strange that a self-proclaimed uber-liberal, black revolutionary like Ms. Photoshopped would be unaware of that. Though it's beyond the beyond how it also praises Sarah Palin, Alex Jones, William Cooper, and reads like some freak out of a Lyndon Larouche manual for bloggers.
socrates this is the salty sailor mouth ure reinventing the wheel but go through the motions; ule see that she is nothing but an internet fiction; a fraud and a bully with a specific agenda enough to make the nicest most patient person like swarthy maria, cuss like a sailor!
but the more posts u expose her foul disgusting filthy ways the better off this blog will be because its been sick for a while
and eyem not cussing now since the filth pile and her sockpuppets arent out yet;)
He's number 1 in his class, academic wise. Another Dukie at Harvard wanted him as well. He's a very focused youngster.
I think her name was Kathy. In her blogger profile it says she is an artist. She posted that the photo of Banks appears to be photoshopped. I don't know if that's true or not, but it opened up my eyes to the possibility Banks is not insane but working her shifts. Another possibility is that her blogger account and that of her sock puppets are shared, and that would explain her ability to work this blog over non-stop. Yes, this has been reinventing the wheel on my part.
Bolton will likely be the most hawkish GOP candidate. As far as this guy's concerned, there's no problem in the world that can't be fixed with F-22s. The fact that Dubya picked dude to represent us at the UN chills my blood.
Field, still waiting for a blog post about Farrakhan's hilarious defense of his buddy Qaddafi. Nigga called Obama the "First Jewish President" LMAO.
SMH @ the Slave Catcher Alert. That fool went back 1,400 years in order to bump up the body count, as if Christianity hasn't built a few mountains out of skulls. Conquistadors, anyone?
They used to charge a nickel at the county fair to see people like the current republican presidential line-up.
Anonymous said...
socrates this is the salty sailor mouth ure reinventing the wheel but go through the motions; ule see that she is nothing but an internet fiction; a fraud and a bully with a specific agenda enough to make the nicest most patient person like swarthy maria, cuss like a sailor!
listen, i'd love it if you stopped referring to me. i'm not part of this rant you have going. also, "swarthy" is not a complimentary term, FYI, and if you know me as you claim to know me you should look more closely at my photos: i am not dark at all, in fact, i am quite pale. and my hair is brown, not black. thanks.
i welcome bolton, as i want to repubs to have the craziest, biggest, most unqualified field of candidates ever run. as i have always said, palin was at least 1/3 of the reason obama won.
Sup Swiff? As to the Farrakhan thing, some things are too crazy to even comment about.:)
Wesley, that's serious FNB on your cousins part. Tell him to keep hitting those books.
What we need is a third and fourth party and the nutbaggers don't count as one of those!
Wow...seeing this guy's mug is like watching a bad B-movie horror flick. A nasty blast from the past.
I'll pay for his one way plane ticket to Hague.
Bolton was one of the 'slow' kids who was appointed interim deputy vice assistant because of nepotism...and found he liked not doing the job.
One might be cynical and wonder why so many scam artists sign up for getting funds for a not-ever Presidential run. He and the TeaBaggers remind me of the local Heeyucks that run for office to 'save munny' but really like the perks once in office. It becomes difficult to return to their 'gawd-ordained' much lower status and income.
Bolton also is the wingnut version of 'intellectual'...-snort-.
Who knew Farrakhan listens to Glenn Beck?
So what do conservatives really mean when they accuse NPR of being "liberal?" They mean it’s not accountable to their worldview as conservatives and partisans. They mean it reflects too great a regard for evidence and is too open to reporting different points of views of the same event or idea or issue. Reporting that by its very fact-driven nature often fails to confirm their ideological underpinnings, their way of seeing things (which is why some liberals and Democrats also become irate with NPR).
-Bill Moyers
feilds, who you be thinkin you is?Pimpin' your stuff on da side?
U's mus thinks u's the black Bill O'Reilly...
Anonymous said...
So what do conservatives really mean when they accuse NPR of being "liberal?" They mean it’s not accountable to their worldview as conservatives and partisans. They mean it reflects too great a regard for evidence and is too open to reporting different points of views of the same event or idea or issue. Reporting that by its very fact-driven nature often fails to confirm their ideological underpinnings, their way of seeing things (which is why some liberals and Democrats also become irate with NPR).
-Bill Moyers
A leftwing kook quoting another leftwing kook.
Isn't kookiness grand.
Wesley, this could be a very small world. Did your cousin's team just win a state championship in Illinois? If so, I know his parents and I went to that same high school.
And field, don't pull my black card (again) but behind Bobby Knight and coach K, the next best college basketball coach is Florida's Billy Donovan. But wait, do they play basketball in Pennsylvania?
Looks like Obama the war criminal has lied to America once again.
Obama has said this illegal war would only last days. No the Obama regime is saying this illegal war will last months.
Can we believe anything that comes out of this regime?
WASHINGTON (AP) - U.S.-led military action in Libya has bolstered rebels fighting Moammar Gadhafi's forces, but the international operation could continue for months, the Obama administration says.
SPC, only to a wingnut is Bill Moyers leftwing. He is decidedly centrist...which one might know had they done even a cursory Google on the man. Maybe we should look at what defines 'leftwing' to a Heeyuck.
Hard Working
Makes me curious as to why positive descriptors are 'left wing'. But then...I am reminded of how everything bad was once 'Jewish'. Like 'Jewish Science'..or 'Jewish Literature'...or 'Jewish Socialists/Communists'. It is not coincidence that wingnuts are aping Nazi memes and political processes. How else do Untermensch grab power?
maria said...i am not dark at all, in fact, i am quite pale. and my hair is brown, not black.
Is there something wrong with being "dark"? You may be fairly light, but you have a lot of body hair, thus "swarthy" applies. Lot's of guys dig that, so chill maria.
"But wait, do they play basketball in Pennsylvania?"
What? Carey Carey, don't let me pull your B-Ball Card as well.
Have you heard of "The Big Five"
I can go modern: Rip Hamilton, Kobe Bryant,Tyreke Evans, Jameer Nelson. Rasheed Wallace,Flip Murray....
Or I can go old school: Wilt, (The greatest ever!)Gene Banks,Earl Monroe,Tom Gola....
Come on now. :)
I don't believe there has ever been a person elected at President who had a beard or mustache before he was elected. But he could likely get his own show on FOX. Everyone has the tight to poke fun at the President but this guy needs to cut off his fingers.
listen, i'd love it if you stopped referring to me. i'm not part of this rant you have going. also, "swarthy" is not a complimentary term, FYI, and if you know me as you claim to know me you should look more closely at my photos: i am not dark at all, in fact, i am quite pale. and my hair is brown, not black. thanks.maria
muah muah muah muah muah maria is so dumb she doesnt know that shes been complimented maria eyeve seen u around ur town u r swarthy and that is a compliment let me show u what it means swarthy
sweetie pie in what way would swarthy be an insult? u r swarthy with long black wavy hair dont try to deny it as your beautiful blue eyes sparkle and shine; you're as pretty as a goddess and ur features are legendary in ur town aren't they? why u look infinitely better than buceta breaf and her nasty sockpuppet alteregos! why take offense at being called out as the beautiful latina woman god made u to be?
ur skin is not pale at all; it is swarthy like the sun in the gobi desert golden with a touch of green to make true swarthiness...and the luscious locks of dark wavy hair are so...intoxicating
maria why are u ashamed of ur natural god given beauty? u poor thing, don't run away from the light; don't let those nasty filth piles keep bullying u.
u know eyem not sure if u deserve to be revered as a princess maria since u dont think being swarthy is a good thing and yet u come to a blog full of swarthy people each day...why is that miss maria? u claim to be pale but aint u italian? italians want to be seen as pale so nobody will confuse them for ni**ers but dont worry u dont know the meaning of pale sweetie pie
this is pale if u want to look pale like a manequin be my guest but being swarthy seems better...
one more thing though miss demoted princess maria why do u get so upset over text on a computer screen? seems like u and a buceta breaf have that in common
fugly faceless envious PMSing beta male bitch wigga slob marley:
thanks for your incessant compliments on my incredible natural beauty...i get that a lot
that is why i do not hide my flawless face as u do
wtfu you hobama nazi fool!!!
From: http://harlemfightback.wordpress.com/
—-The New Invasion of Africa—–
by Amiri Baraka
So it wd be this way
That they wd get a negro
To bomb his own home
To join with the actual colonial
Powers, Britain, France, add Poison Hillary
With Israeli and Saudi to make certain
That revolution in Africa must have a stopper
So call in the white people who long tasted our blood
They would be the copper, overthrow Libya
With some bullshit humanitarian scam
With the negro yapping to make it seem right (far right)
But that’s how Africa got enslaved by the white
A negro selling his own folk, delivering us to slavery
In the middle of the night. When will you learn poet
And remember it so you know it
Imperialism can look like anything
Can be quiet and intelligent and even have
A pretty wife. But in the end, it is insatiable
And if it needs to, it will take your life.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011 in Harlem
5 PM – 8 PM
Adam Clayton Powell Jr. Blvd/Between 125th & 126th Street
Sponsor: Harlem Fightback against War at Home & Aboard
snoring hobama nazi drone/ab obsessed wigga slob marley:
all who are awake hate hobama
especially real BLACK revolutionaries!!!
my gorgeous real face is all over the net/mags/newspapers/magazines
and my flawless awesome beauty has shown all over all media since 1974...
get a library card u fugly lifeless faceless ghostly silly hater INEPT mf asap!!!
alex jones and jeff rense are MORE radical and liberal than most black leftists i know!!!!
if u hate some random neocons so, then how the hell do u love that blackish UBERneocon bankster, liar, hoax, warmonger, elitist, racist, fascist, amoral, super repub, cia mf
PA is the Commonwealth were most folks like to stay. P-burgh and Philly have lots of folks who could move and double or triple their income...but choose to eat Cheesesteaks and Primantis.
Might have something to do with the union-based livable wage scale that was in effect for so long.
Poor Bolton, he wants so badly to be considered competent...but always refuses to do the actual work.
i am not swarthy and my hair isn't wavy.
oooh beautiful irritated maria who must be going through such difficulties that she cannot even take fiction as a compliment
each day a kuntbreaf moron creates fiction to butress her twisted ego eye figured a nice set of compliments might help ur lack of ego but u r too upset to get the irony; the joke behind it all
poor poor poor pale maria as pale as a norwegian or a dane or a swede poor poor poor pale maria who is italian and is not 'pale' like a scandanavian but so upset with other things in life that she is offended that eye called her swarthy isn't that funny!
and sweetie pie if ur hair isn't bone straight like a board then there is wave to it...oh well too bad the creators of fiction are not appreciated by the writers of non fiction then again the non fiction writers never were all that creative and innovative were they?
muah muah muah u still r as cute as a button and look far better than buceta breaf even if ure pale with short straight brown hair;)
but word to the uninitiated poor poor poor maria u are ill equipped to understand the gist of all of this; u havent a clue darling u havent a clue who is ur friend and who is not who has multiple identities online and who doesnt who has typed up over ten thousand comments from only three ip addresses in the past three years on this blog hmmmm use ur investigative powers poor pale maria to solve these mysteries................
poor poor poor stressed maria feel better and stronger u need to battle these online demons eye tell ya!
filthy ignant uneducated unlicked unhappy unloved unkempt unnaturally lyed lying dl butch oj vdlr:
many FORMER hobama nazis are waking up and leaving lost nigs and wigs like u/slob marley/mareally fatally stupid behind as they flee...
just like they left your defective nig cousins who were too scared and happy and adoring to run from massa/missy....shame!!!!
lick this!!!
unconvincing unlicked msr:
we know u r the vdlr
stop playing fool!!!
Maria @7:26am, "listen, i'd love it if you stopped referring to me. i'm not part of this rant you have going. also, "swarthy" is not a complimentary term, FYI, and if you know me as you claim to know me you should look more closely at my photos: i am not dark at all, in fact, i am quite pale. and my hair is brown, not black. thanks."
I'm re-posting this in case Maria deletes it.
why would i delete it?
also note: my hair is not wavy, nor is it short! and i do not have a lot of body hair! LOL!
maria said...
why would i delete it?
also note: my hair is not wavy, nor is it short! and i do not have a lot of body hair! LOL!
"A lot" is a relative term, and apparently depends on the eye of the beholder. Most people would say Maria is pretty hairy. Swarthy, even.
Damn field, how could I have been so foolish. Why did I - for one moment - believe you wouldn't come back with the real thing. Yelp, the big five and arguably 2 of the greatest players ever (minus Michael) planted a few seeds in your neck of the woods. And Temple did beat one of my Big Ten teams.
I've been thoroughly trumped. But see, I'm gonna blame it on having your back. You know, sometimes people hack a site. So I was just checking to see if you were the real field negro. :-)
So, would you consider giving me my cards back? I can't go to my barbershop without my creditials.
FakeAnon, using Reason Magazine is cute. When will you get around to mentioning that David Koch is a supporter of their 'gimme mine' fwee market greed-iples? Or that they have oft been accused of fronting for corporate interests as a 'scam tank'? I really like how 'reason' conflates the Klan and Progressives. Tells me their audience base is rather unlettered...but has pretensions to picking up smatterings of data. There is a far better case that the current R is the offspring of pouty, poor-loser Southerners.
But...this is digression. We should indicate that Bolton has as much foreign policy gravitas and experience as Michael Bolton...and the same amount of ego. Though, to be fair, MB has been far more respected.
What was this thread about again, LOL?
And please don't tell me Maria's hairy a$$ is it, ROTFLMAO!!!
FYI, there is NO "fab 5" without Jordan! EVER!!!!
"i welcome bolton, as i want to repubs to have the craziest, biggest, most unqualified field of candidates ever run"
Co-sign that but nowadays as the GOP ismoving evermore to the fringe right that is almost expected. I feel sorry for the almost normal candidates i.e. Romney and Pawlenty. Why would any rational person stay in that party? Mike Steele is a prime example, he would be welcomed back into the fold with open arms if he admitted his party is insane and goofy and needs an exorcism or he can stay in that party and continue to be treated like a baldheaded step child.
"I really like how 'reason' conflates the Klan and Progressives."
No surprise there Mold as the GOP has to explain their present and past difficulties with us darker peoples so they choose to re-write history and pander to the lazy minds who think Dems pre 1964=modern Dems therefore racist. The same lazy thinkers who swear Dr. King was a Repub without any evidence in fact contrary evidence. Life is so much easier when your preacher and Glenn Beck tell you what to think. Maybe it's just me but if someone told me the Klan was a left leaning group and were somehow liberal I would have to give that person the mean mug. But as Nixon once said "even the mediocre need representation".
"Dr. King was a Repub "
He was - his niece says so. there is plenty of evidence:
Funny you should mention the Democrat kkk.A former klan member is running has a Democrat down in Flordia.
The Democrat party and the klan go together like red beans and rice.
PilotX said...
"re-write history and pander to the lazy minds who think Dems pre 1964=modern Dems therefore racist."
No re-writing of history needed.Just look at the words of Democrats.
LOL @ pre 1964....the truth is Democrat party have always been the home of racist.The only difference now is the color of the people living in the home.
hey blind buffoon wigga slob marley:
have u seen how that "neocon/right winger..." louis farrakhan slew that repub hoax hobama????
wtfu witless wigga!
This is your real government; they transcend elected administrations, they permeate every political party, and they are responsible for nearly every aspect of the average American and European's way of life. When the "left" is carrying the torch for two "Neo-Con" wars, starting yet another based on the same lies, peddled by the same media outlets that told of Iraqi WMD's, the world has no choice, beyond profound cognitive dissonance, but to realize something is wrong.
What's wrong is a system completely controlled by a corporate-financier oligarchy with financial, media, and industrial empires that span the globe. If we do not change the fact that we are helplessly dependent on these corporations that regulate every aspect of our nation politically, and every aspect of our lives personally, nothing else will ever change.
faceless blackfaced cowardly hobama nazi hobombabot fool wigga slob marley:
here is a another great wm with a face...hero econ sage gerald celente
another radical rebel i love
he hated bush and he hates hobama because he is an elitist rabid ruthless clone of bush...ditto for me and millions of rebel blacks like me u lying mf.
WWIII has begun over oil/gold/opium...bet!
learn fool!!!!
There are increasing calls for more democracy and to end corruption throughout Africa and the Middle East, but the US targeted Libya to make a statement. Gerald Celente, the director of the Trends Research Institute says this is a chilling example of US hypocrisy. Killing people with bombs to solve the humanitarian crisis is absurd and ironic he notes. In addition, Americans are suffering from high unemployment and calling for cuts to government spending, yet the Pentagon is blowing away billions per week bombing Libya.
"So, would you consider giving me my cards back? I can't go to my barbershop without my creditials."
CareyCarey, they are in the mail. Please don't let them out of your sight. :)
"He was - his niece says so. there is plenty of evidence:"
No there is NO evidence. His neice has no voting registration card or history of him ever voting for either party. Please tell me you do not use Francis Rice as a source of information. Well, unlike you I will provide evidence from the man himself that he never supported any political party
July 28, 1960
King advocates political nonpartisanship
In a televised conversation with CBS, King comments that nonpartisanship creates a ''better bargaining position...the Negro will not be inextricably linked to any political party.''
Anytime my frat brother was asked about his support for any political party he responded that he wouldn't support either as to have influence on both.
Next time provide REAL evidence or is that too much to ask for. More lazy thinking.
"LOL @ pre 1964....the truth is Democrat party have always been the home of racist.The only difference now is the color of the people living in the home"
Because we all know in wingnut world only Black and Brown people can be racists. Wanna bet there are more KKK members in the GOP today than in the Dem party? These wingnuts are a laugh a minute.
BTW free man, read that article you provided as "proof" Dr. King was a Republican. Did you notice something strange about it? It had absolutely positively not one shred of evidence that the good Dr. was a Republican. I continuously ask the author of that article Francis Rice to provide any evidence to make that claim but she only responds by saying "sue me if you think I'm lying". Why is there no proof other than his Republican neice saying he was? Why don't his kids back up the claim? How would she know how her uncle voted? She was a kid at the time. I swear you wingnuts will believe anything. Also if you believe the article you would never know Dr. King supported LBJ, the Democrat, in the '64 election.
July 16, 1964
King opposes nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater by Republicans
King asserts that nomination of Senator Barry Goldwater by Republicans will aid racists.
So either Francis Rice is mistaken and has never heard the man speak about Goldwater or she is lying and people are too lazy to read up on Dr. King themselves. Which are you free man? Did Dr. King misspeak when he said those things about Goldwater? Republicans need to stop trying to re-write history and admit to their racist past, own it conservatives. It wasn't liberals siccing dogs on kids and you guys know it. Sad.
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