My heart goes out to the folks in Japan. I know that they are used to natural disasters but that earthquake that hit and the tsunami that followed looks like some seriously scary stuff. The images on television looks more like a Roland Emmerich movie than an actual event. Shout out to my sister and her fam in Seattle. I am glad you all are alright. But keep an eye on those tsunami warnings, sis.
I am having Katrina flashbacks watching those poor souls on top of buildings. No power. Water all around them. And all they have is each other. Natural disasters can be b*&^%. Then, to make matters worse, some of their nuclear reactors have been shut down in wake of the disaster, and one of the the reactors still isn't cooling down like it should. OH LAWD! Could one of you smart people reassure me that there is nothing to worry about, please?
Anyway, I am not going to get political with this post, because this is all about the poor people of Japan. So....wait a minute, did the wingnuts just get political with this tragedy? Yes, I think they did. OK, since you started it; please read this link from 2009 about the possibility of more quakes and tsunamis thanks to....wait for it....wait for it... global warming.
Finally, I have to do a "WTF?" for city officials in Spokane, Washington:
"SPOKANE, Wash. – Three cleanup workers who were hailed as heroes after finding a live bomb along the route of a Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade said they later lost their temporary jobs after supervisors questioned their handling of the situation.
The men were employed by Labor Ready and doing temporary work for the Spokane Public Facilities District when they found a backpack containing the bomb about an hour before the scheduled start of the Jan. 17 parade.
They alerted police, who were able to defuse the device.
"For the first two days, basically all we did was get chewed out," worker Mark Steiner told Spokane television station KHQ. "We did this wrong. We did that wrong. I don't know what you consider calling 911 wrong after two minutes after we found it."
Steiner, Brandon Klaus and Sherman Welpton had been hired to perform cleanup work during the parade and noticed the backpack on an outdoor bench.
Stacey Burke, a spokeswoman for Labor Ready, said the men were performing contract work for the facilities district and remain eligible to get more work through the temporary employment service when they ask.
"They can still find employment through us," Burke said, adding they had done some work since the bomb was found.
This was the first time that Labor Ready workers had to deal with a live bomb in Spokane, Burke said.
Kevin Twohig, head of the public facilities district, told The Spokesman-Review that the three men "we're messing around with the bomb."
"I think they put themselves at more risk than they needed," Twohig said.
Burke said the men should not have picked up the backpack.
"I would not wish for them to pick up a backpack that has a bomb in it," she said. "I'm sure they didn't know what it was." [Source]
I am having Katrina flashbacks watching those poor souls on top of buildings. No power. Water all around them. And all they have is each other. Natural disasters can be b*&^%. Then, to make matters worse, some of their nuclear reactors have been shut down in wake of the disaster, and one of the the reactors still isn't cooling down like it should. OH LAWD! Could one of you smart people reassure me that there is nothing to worry about, please?
Anyway, I am not going to get political with this post, because this is all about the poor people of Japan. So....wait a minute, did the wingnuts just get political with this tragedy? Yes, I think they did. OK, since you started it; please read this link from 2009 about the possibility of more quakes and tsunamis thanks to....wait for it....wait for it... global warming.
Finally, I have to do a "WTF?" for city officials in Spokane, Washington:
"SPOKANE, Wash. – Three cleanup workers who were hailed as heroes after finding a live bomb along the route of a Martin Luther King Jr. Day parade said they later lost their temporary jobs after supervisors questioned their handling of the situation.
The men were employed by Labor Ready and doing temporary work for the Spokane Public Facilities District when they found a backpack containing the bomb about an hour before the scheduled start of the Jan. 17 parade.
They alerted police, who were able to defuse the device.
"For the first two days, basically all we did was get chewed out," worker Mark Steiner told Spokane television station KHQ. "We did this wrong. We did that wrong. I don't know what you consider calling 911 wrong after two minutes after we found it."
Steiner, Brandon Klaus and Sherman Welpton had been hired to perform cleanup work during the parade and noticed the backpack on an outdoor bench.
Stacey Burke, a spokeswoman for Labor Ready, said the men were performing contract work for the facilities district and remain eligible to get more work through the temporary employment service when they ask.
"They can still find employment through us," Burke said, adding they had done some work since the bomb was found.
This was the first time that Labor Ready workers had to deal with a live bomb in Spokane, Burke said.
Kevin Twohig, head of the public facilities district, told The Spokesman-Review that the three men "we're messing around with the bomb."
"I think they put themselves at more risk than they needed," Twohig said.
Burke said the men should not have picked up the backpack.
"I would not wish for them to pick up a backpack that has a bomb in it," she said. "I'm sure they didn't know what it was." [Source]
Hmmm, it kind of makes you wonder if those clowns in Spokane got mad because the workers did find the bomb. I am just sayin.
So sad what's happening in Japan. We are next.
"I am having Katrina flashbacks watching those poor souls on top of buildings. No power. Water all around them. And all they have is each other....please read this link from 2009 about the possibility of more quakes and tsunamis thanks to....wait for it....wait for it... global warming."
Hmmmm...this disaster is George Bush's fault too. That didn't take long. They've hardly started to count the bodies, and you've already started the cheapshot finger pointing.
Not only do Republican sins against Gaia affect the weather, but the very tectonic forces of the earth's crust.
Better go outside and shake a bone at the sun. Maybe sacrifice a chicken.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
The origin of the word tsunami is Japanese because the majority of tsunamis occur in the Pacific Ocean and near Japan.
The tectonic plates have been moving and shaking since the worlds inception, nothing new. And will continue to do so.
That warming has something to do with it, I don't think the facts are all in, but the law of cause and effect is inflexible.
Warming is a fact, the ozone holes are a fact, the icebergs melting, and they are melting because of industrial smog and smoke (of which China is the leading culprit) falling on them making them sooty and thus they do not reflect heat and melt, are a fact, and since it is all interconnected it affects the earths crust.
My prayers and healing thoughts go out to all those affected. and may God keep us all safe.
Better go outside and shake a bone at the sun. Maybe sacrifice a chicken.
Liberalism is a mental disorder.
I think not Rev. Right, it's the conservatives that believe because god promised Noah something in Genesis they don't have to worry about the environment. Wouldn't that qualify as a mental disorder? Let's not play the anti-science game because your side will lose.
BTW, I apologize for misquoting you about Bill Ayers. You stated his prints were found in the bomb making "factory" and not on the bomb. So I will change my request, can you provide evidence that shows what you allege? From what I can tell he had no part of the plot or attempted execution of that plan.
And Rev. while we're talking all sciency and stuff can you please explain to Slappz why a rise in global temps may not necessarily lead to more and stronger precipitation events? Thanks bro. And also explain to it why it can be colder and hotter with a rise in global temps and lastly the relationship between heat and temperature. it seems to be a bit confused when it comes to atmospheric thermodynamics. It is trying to use general thermodynamic concepts in atmospheric thermodynamics and you understand that doesn't necessarily work.
This link shows CONSERVATIVES using theological arguments against climate change. What was that about chicken bones and waving at the sky?
Finally, hate to get all political but if Rev. is correct that liberals are the anti-science party doing rain dances why is it only 6% of scientists are admitted republicans? Hmmmmmmmm.
Ok, really really last post. This is exactly why I'm not too keen on nuclear power. Wingnuts love noocleer power but if you look at the geological faults in the U.S. they are everywhere. The only states without fault lines are the Dakotas but they have severe weather. I'm not a nuclear engineer but I doubt earthquakes and tornadoes and nuclear powerplants go well together eventhough I had a wingnut tell me it would be safe.
"Hmmmm...this disaster is George Bush's fault too. That didn't take long. They've hardly started to count the bodies, and you've already started the cheapshot finger pointing.
Not only do Republican sins against Gaia affect the weather, but the very tectonic forces of the earth's crust.
Better go outside and shake a bone at the sun. Maybe sacrifice a chicken.
Liberalism is a mental disorder."
Where do you get your material? It hasn't even been 10 posts and already you're attacking Liberals, environmentalists and Hurricane Katrina victims. I don't know who you were trying to attack with that "chicken sacrifice" reference. Could be those voodoo practitioners. You should be worried one of those old voodoo women gonna put a hex on you for saying that :D
Conservatism is a mental disease. It rots the brain and makes those it takes hold of behave like assholes.
Mack Lyons: "Where do you get your material?"
From Field's post. Are you serious?
Rev. what's up with the Ayers evidence bro?
Looks like white supremecist terrorists are getting busy. Funny this is happening while we're having hearings on the Mooslims. Ooooooops.
Sorry X, I have enough work to do and cannot accept your homework assignments. Suffice it to say that there was overwhelming evidence that linked Bill Ayers to the bomb plot and that he himself has admitted his guilt (the exact quote from Ayers is: "Guily as sin, free as a bird, it's a great country). And of course climate change will result in different precipitation effects in different places; what's the point?
How is an irrational belief that somehow human activity causes subsea earthquakes (see Desertflower above) any different from someone who thinks God put dinosaur bones in the ground 4,000 years ago? Give me a break; the degree of scientific illiteracy on the left is just as astounding (and more widespread) than Creation science believers.
And any university employee who admits he is a Republican has committed career suicide.
Mold, "AB, nice blustery try. Except...you 'sorce' from wite wingnuts. The fake Ebonics is a wite thing.
You done been 'outed'...by yourself."
Really wite dude, I'd respect you more for being an outright racist..instead of doing this pretense. And, it isn't all that much fun with little old ladies pointing at your witeness. It makes the fantasy of being able to pull one over 'those folks' untenable."
Maybe it's YOU who is the wite dude. You sound like it. and if you can't tell AB is Black, then you are showing your own lack of connection to the black race. you ain't nothing but a stupid white racist stormfront trailer park trash with an IQ of 10.
Puleeze Rev. there are more bible-thumping Repubs in one county than there are anti-science liberals. Ask a liberal if he believes in evolution and then ask a Repub. Hell, the R's want to base foreign policy on the bible so let's not go there. As far as career suicide I'm sure scientists are smart enough to know they would not lose their jobs from identifying their political beliefs on a anonymous Pew research poll.
I am talking about Slappz stating increased temps will directly lead to more precip, you know that is not necessarily the case.
Finally in the Ayers case you stated Ayers' fingerprints were found in the bomb making factory I was just curious where you found that evidence as he wasn't even in the same town when the bomb was being built. Sorry for trying to get facts, excuse me. Then again conservatives do tend to make up things. Nice dodge though because we all know how long google searches take.
PilotX,please don't stop. You were on a roll. :)
"Hmmmm...this disaster is George Bush's fault too. That didn't take long. They've hardly started to count the bodies, and you've already started the cheapshot finger pointing."
Hey, your peeps started it.- Did you even read the link I gave you?-
No one is more political than a wingnut. You know, like rising gas prices is Obama's fault. Yep, your leaders said it.
I didn't know Obama had such a large family. I see them all fighting in Libya.
Creation science believers.
WTF is "Creation Science"????????
And I agree, scientific illiteracy is widespread but it's not liberals trying to insert creationism into science classes.
Desertflower, "That warming has something to do with it, I don't think the facts are all in, but the law of cause and effect is inflexible.
Warming is a fact, the ozone holes are a fact, the icebergs melting, and they are melting because of industrial smog and smoke (of which China is the leading culprit) falling on them making them sooty and thus they do not reflect heat and melt, are a fact, and since it is all interconnected it affects the earths crust.
My prayers and healing thoughts go out to all those affected. and may God keep us all safe."
Ditto. It's too bad so many folks don't get the karmic effects of global warming. Oh well, I guess we'll all die together as one big happy family.
PilotX doesn't know shit about thermo-dynamics...I hope he knows more about flying an airplane.lol
What do YOU know about thermodynamics anon? I know that Slappz doesn't know atmospheric thermodynamics.
Teach me something son.
PilotX: "Puleeze Rev. there are more bible-thumping Repubs in one county than there are anti-science liberals."
Bullshit. Creationism is a fringe belief; Envirolunacy / Gaia theory is swallowed by millions.
Since you can't seem to Google:
"Ayers’ fingerprints were found in a Weather Underground bomb factory discovered by the FBI in San Francisco in 1971. Photographs were taken of the materials, including C-4 plastic explosive. Members of the Weather Underground were taught how to make bombs by the Cuban intelligence service during trips to Cuba.
The Praire Fire book was co-authored by Dohrn and contains a tribute to their three Weather Underground “comrades” who blew themselves up in a bomb factory in New York City in 1970. Since the book, dedicated in part to the killer of Robert F. Kennedy, was released back in 1974, the question is why it never played a role in denying Ayers a place at the university in the first place....The claim that Ayers and Dohrn and their ilk never killed anybody and never intended to is contradicted by the evidence taken from the bomb factory and the bombing murder of Sgt. McDonnell, whose death has been blamed on Ayers and Dohrn by the San Francisco Police Officers Association
"What do YOU know about thermodynamics anon? I know that Slappz doesn't know atmospheric thermodynamics.
Teach me something son."
FYI: slappz NEVER claimed to be a thermo-dynamics expert, scientist, or engineer. So WHY are you asking him whey YOU don't know much either? There is something wrong with your thinking, bro.
And no I WON'T teach you something because you have proven again and again that you are not teachable. You want to know? enroll in an engineering curriculum.
"whose death has been blamed on Ayers and Dohrn by the San Francisco Police Officers Association"
You mean not convicted? You used this paragraph before but I am specifically asking about when you alleged Ayers planned to kill soldiers at Fort Dix. You never did prove that or provide evidence. Two different claims.
Field, "OH LAWD! Could one of you smart people reassure me that there is nothing to worry about, please?"
Field, there is nothing to worry about...calm down.
your favorite self-hating jigging anon,
"And no I WON'T teach you something because you have proven again and again that you are not teachable. You want to know? enroll in an engineering curriculum."
Uh, that's because none of you conservative trolls have anything to teach me. Also, engineers aren't the only students that take thermodynamics. Meterorology majors also take thermodynamics but it is focused on atmospheric thermo concepts. This is where Slappz gets things confused as certain processes are different in atmospheric thermodynamics due to complex interactions that general thermo practicioneers don't even think about. This is also why engineers and physicists are quick to sign anti-climate change petitions because their ideas of what "should" happen in the atmosphere and what does happen in the atmosphere are sometimes two different things.
FN: "You know, like rising gas prices is Obama's fault. Yep, your leaders said it."
I hope people are saying that; it's true.
Do you think that restricting domestic oil production doesn't affect global oil prices?
You guys see Rev. Right try to flimflam the X-man? He in a previous post claimed Bill Ayers tried to kill soldiers at Fort Dix with a bomb and I challenged that assertion and asked for evidence. Instead of providing evidence for that claim instead he switches up and inserts allegations about a bomb in California vice the one in New York. It was a slick move but conservatives usually aren't too good at the whole proof and facts stuff. But like I said before Rev. nice try.
FN: "Hey, your peeps started it.- Did you even read the link I gave you?-"
Bullshit. Did you read it? The story is about enviromentalists trying to exploit the disaster to push their nonsense.
"Hours after a massive earthquake rattled Japan, environmental advocates connected the natural disaster to global warming. The president of the European Economic and Social Committee, Staffan Nilsson, issued a statement calling for solidarity in tackling the global warming problem.
“Some islands affected by climate change have been hit,” said Nilsson. “Has not the time come to demonstrate on solidarity — not least solidarity in combating and adapting to climate change and global warming?”
“Mother Nature has again given us a sign that that is what we need to do,” he added."
How is reporting what these idiots say "starting it"?
"Do you think that restricting domestic oil production doesn't affect global oil prices?"
Maybe maybe not. I read that even if we drilled baby drilled all of the oil in N.A. the price would drop maybe $.25 at the pump. I also read that the problem with prices are speculators. Also, we have to factor in the fact that oil companies are not in business to get less profit. This argument is the same on that we had after Katrina when the supposed "problem" was a lack of refineries but all of the major oil companies closed refineries and said they didn't want or need new refineries.
"Sorry X, I have enough work to do and cannot accept your homework assignments"
Yeah, too much time spent writing other things here on TFN?
Thanks alot Michelle "my bell" Obama and all you Libtards.
You and the rest of your food nazis have won. No more Cap'n Crunch.
Whats next??? Coco puffs? Fruity Pebbles?
Stay the f' out of my cereal bowl!!!
Japan will pull though.They will be back to making blue-rays and cars before you know it.
Thank God they don't have Obama and his band of corrupt Democrat brothers running the show.
From Wikipedia:
Ayers had previously been a roommate of Terry Robbins, a fellow militant who was killed in 1970 along with Ayers' girlfriend Oughton and one other member in the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion, while constructing anti-personnel bombs intended for a non-commissioned officer dance at Fort Dix, New Jersey.[11] Ayers was living in Michigan at that time.
So yes, you are right. Ayers' fingerprints were found in the bomb factory that made the bomb that killed a SF cop, not the one that blew up prematurely and killed his girlfriend and his roommate.
"After the Greenwich Village townhouse explosion in 1970, in which Weatherman member Ted Gold, Ayers' close friend Terry Robbins, and Ayers' girlfriend, Diana Oughton were killed when a bomb being assembled in the house exploded, Ayers and several associates evaded pursuit by US law enforcement officials. Kathy Boudin and Cathy Wilkerson survived the blast. Ayers was not facing criminal charges at the time, but the federal government later filed charges against him.[4] Ayers participated in the bombings of New York City Police Department headquarters in 1970, the United States Capitol building in 1971, and the Pentagon in 1972, as he noted in his 2001 book, Fugitive Days."
No fingerprints, but the FBI was after him for some reason.
"Yeah, too much time spent writing other things here on TFN?"
You kept me from working. Happy?
anon 10:20, you wrote:
FYI: slappz NEVER claimed to be a thermo-dynamics expert, scientist, or engineer.
Hmmm. Actually, I have an undergraduate degree in mechanical engineering and my curriculum included two courses in Thermodynamics.
Also, two courses in heat transfer and two courses in fluid mechanics.
It seems that pilotX thinks the laws of Thermo are somehow voided by the atmosphere. I have no idea where such lunacy originated.
He further seems to think that local variations in the fluid dynamics of the closed system known as planet Earth mean that the general laws are invalid.
As I said, it does not matter if Chicago gets warmer and London gets colder, a global temperature change accounts for all the local disparities.
He's still confused by the difference between HEAT and TEMPERATURE. nd he seems determined to stick with his belief that a rise in global temperatures will NOT increase the moisture content of the atmosphere.
PilotX, "This is also why engineers and physicists are quick to sign anti-climate change petitions because their ideas of what "should" happen in the atmosphere and what does happen in the atmosphere are sometimes two different things."
Well, I happen to be an engineer in the thermo-climate field. YOu are full of shit, X. That's the reason you aren't teachable...your head is full of wrong information which you dearly worship. Again, you don't know shit about thermo-dynamics fool. In fact, I doubt if you even know how to fly a plane.
From one brother to another: you are one dumb jungle bunny.
Rev. I may not say this much but much respect for admiting a mistake. You do have an appreciation for facts and the scientific method. We may not agree on much but that was a stand up move.
"He further seems to think that local variations in the fluid dynamics of the closed system known as planet Earth mean that the general laws are invalid."
Wrong way to take that. Us weather studiers have this discussion with non-weather studiers all the time. It seems the thermo courses you took were based on a "closed" and you assume the earth's atmosphere is similar. That is where the problem lies, the atmosphere is not a closed system in which if A happens then B occurs. That is an oversimplification of the atmopshere that non atmospheric scientists commonly make.
BTW temperature is a measure of heat.
"Well, I happen to be an engineer in the thermo-climate field."
Well goody for you anon, maybe you can help explain some of this to Slappz right?
pilotX, you wrote:
I read that even if we drilled baby drilled all of the oil in N.A. the price would drop maybe $.25 at the pump.
The prediction is absolutely nonsensical.
The price of oil is a function of supply and demand. As long as supply stays a little ahead of demand, then oil markets are in pretty good shape.
When something happens that THREATENS supplies -- like revolution in the mid east -- prices rise on the FEAR of supply curtailments.
But so far, there have been no problems with Global Supplies. Libya, thanks the usual muslim incompetence that morons like Khaddafy are so good at, Libya is not a big producer.
The country could produce far far more oil than it does. But dictators have other interests.
I also read that the problem with prices are speculators.
More nonsense. Speculators speculate on prices going UP and prices going DOWN. It's a zero-sum game. After oiol hit $147 a barrel in 2008, the price dropped to $33 a barrel. Meanwhile speculators are short-term players. The play the swings..
Also, we have to factor in the fact that oil companies are not in business to get less profit.
The oil business is highly competitive. A well run oil company earns a profit margin of 10%.
This argument is the same on that we had after Katrina when the supposed "problem" was a lack of refineries but all of the major oil companies closed refineries and said they didn't want or need new refineries.
There has not been a new refinery built in the US in at least 30 years. The only option is to refurbish existing refineries. We need more refineries, because when demand rises, the refinery is the place where the bottleneck occurs.
I have no idea where you got the nonsense about Katrina, other than to mention that offshore oil rigs have to take precautions when hurricanes are bearing down on them.
"It seems that pilotX thinks the laws of Thermo are somehow voided by the atmosphere. I have no idea where such lunacy originated"
Not really what I'm trying to say Slappz but since you have no idea where such lunacy originated here is an example. Why don't we know exactly how tornadoes form? Why are we still having problems with the microphysics? If we just went by simple fluid dynamics we could just create a sample model and add in the conditions and whammo. But we can't because there are too many complexities that are not completely understood. That is just one example but you get the drift Slappz.
Hey anon, I'm glad we finally found out what you do for a living. You do seem like an engineering genius.
Your digressions on the subject of temperature, heat, the atmosphere and weather now indicate that you think there will be NO overall temperature increase.
If there is NO overall temperature increase, then NO global warming is occurring.
If the overall temperature of the planet increases, then the moisture content of the atmosphere MUST increase in response.
pilotX, you wrote:
If we just went by simple fluid dynamics we could just create a sample model and add in the conditions and whammo. But we can't because there are too many complexities that are not completely understood.
Perhaps, if you read what you wrote, you will understand why the idea of predicting Global Warming and how it will hit us in 100 years is a prediction that is pure whimsy.
Meanwhiole YOU are the one who created the strawman argument of applying "simple fluid dynamics" to build a tornado model.
But we do know that when the air is warmer it contains more moisture than when it's cooler.
If the US opened up all the areas currently closed to drilling, the specualtors would speculate that oil prices were going down.
The refining business is very cyclical. Margins are up huge right now, but refineries couldn't make any money the past two years. Before that, they were printing money for most of the decade. But prior to that refining had sucked for 20 years.
Several refineries closed during the recession; when the economy eventually recovers capacity will again be tight.
A new grassroots refinery would cost upwards of $5 billion to build. Who is going to put that kind of money up, when the everyone form the President on down is saying we need to get off oil? We are not going to get off oil anytime soon, but the uncertainty of the government regulatory climate and off course legal actions taken by environmental groups discourages the huge capital investments needed for new refineries.
There were many new expansion projects at existing refineries that I work with that were put on hold the past few years that will be starting up again in the next year or so.
"But we do know that when the air is warmer it contains more moisture than when it's cooler."
That is an incorrect statement. Warm air has the capacity to hold more water vapor, it does not necessarily contain more water vapor. Think about a 5 degree C climate with a dewpoint temp of 5 degrees. That is pretty humid right? Now think about what happens in desert climates with 27 degree twemps and 2 degree Td's. Which atmosphere conatins more water vapro?
"If the overall temperature of the planet increases, then the moisture content of the atmosphere MUST increase in response"
Not true. If the increases occur in the poles and other arid areas there is no water to be evaporated. But let's keep that thought process going. Eveb if there is increased water vapor that does not necessarily mean increased precipitation. Why? Think about how precipitation occurs, think about why the Great Plain States are known for storms. Mnamy storms and precip occur because of baroclinic gradients but if the temps increase uniformly or there is a decrease in baroclinicity there will either be the same number of precip events or fewer. We don't know. That's why we can't say increased temps will cause more and stronger storms.
PilotX, "Hey anon, I'm glad we finally found out what you do for a living. You do seem like an engineering genius."
In addition, I am a 'student' of religion and spirituality. Rev Manning is one of my favorite ministers. He is fearless and takes no shit off of you liberal ass kissing Obama Negroes.
Many Blacks NEED some religion and I try to help those willing to learn about God. Note the Key phrase, "willing to learn"...that leaves your 'know-it-all' butt out.
Nevertheless, you are on the right blog to show your know-it-all ignorance. Most of these so-called FNegroes like uts, mack, and mell love to wallow in wieldy ignorance. For some of you FN bm, ignorance is intellectually stimulating. Ask Mold, Kid and uts.
"Ignorance is bliss." isn't that your motto?..isn't that the message kids in the black community have been receiving from the likes of uts and you for decades? Go back to the previous post and read uts's comment to slappz about what his ignorant ass tells his son. You can't get any dumber than that.
If the planet is getting warmer, then ENTHALPY will increase.
If it is NOT getting warmer, then ENTHALPY will not increase.
As for your mumbo-jumbo about variations in moisture content of the air, you are merely separating a local condition from the overall system.
But if you are going to argue that Global Warming is occurring, then you have to admit that global enthalpy is increasing, which means you are claiming that the GLOBAL Temperature is rising.
That means more water vapor in the air. This part is simple.
pilotX you wrote:
We don't know. That's why we can't say increased temps will cause more and stronger storms.
You continue to nip at the edges. At every turn you admit that Nobody Knows.
If you connect all the little points of Nobody-Knows, you will create a grand mosaic about Global Warming that spells out NOBODY KNOWS.
"But if you are going to argue that Global Warming is occurring, then you have to admit that global enthalpy is increasing, which means you are claiming that the GLOBAL Temperature is rising."
Ok, global enthalpy may be occuring I will agree with that statement but how do we jump to the conclusion there will be more water vapor present? I'm not following the logic, explain that one. The point I'm making is an regard to your statement that a warmer planet means more precipitation which is not necessarily the case or can you argue that case?
PilotX, "That's why we can't say increased temps will cause more and stronger storms."
Neither can you say increased temps will NOT cause more storms. Yet, when it happens, most folks know it through empirical evidence.
It was suggested by some scientist whose name I do not know, that setting off an atomic bomb in the atmosphere MIGHT counteract the forces of Global Warming.
We could encourage the Iranians to set one off. They'd be thrilled as long as they could pick the drop zone.
I say the US should drop the bomb, or bombs, and solve several problems all at once.
"If you connect all the little points of Nobody-Knows, you will create a grand mosaic about Global Warming that spells out NOBODY KNOWS."
Dude or dudette, that's what I've been saying! You made a claim that increased temps WILL cause more precip but that might not be the case. The atmosphere is a complex system which goes to my original point that simple thermodynamic principles don't directly apply to atmospheric thermodynamics. If it did there would be no need for atmospheric science students to take specific thermo classes and we could just lump them into thermo classes with engineering majors.
I agree with your assessment.
"Neither can you say increased temps will NOT cause more storms. Yet, when it happens, most folks know it through empirical evidence."
Wow, you ARE a genius anon. "We'll know when it happens". God I wish I was as smart as you. See, I stated that it will not NECESSARILY cause more and stronger storms but there has been much study into that possibility. Georgia Tech and Purdue did studies into those possibilities. You can google those studies if you want.
pilotX, you wrote:
Ok, global enthalpy may be occuring I will agree with that statement but how do we jump to the conclusion there will be more water vapor present?
Best bet is for you to look up "enthalpy".
This is basic definitional stuff.
Ipso facto, a higher global temperature means more water vapor in the atmosphere.
When you've got the available water supply and the higher temperature, more water vapor in the atmosphere is inevitable -- it's what happens.
The higher global temperature leads to more evaporation.
Here's one link. I don't really like the article but it covers the basics.
pilotX, you wrote:
You made a claim that increased temps WILL cause more precip but that might not be the case.
Yes, I am stating I believe higher global temperatures will lead to more water vapor in the atmosphere, which, in turn, will lead to greater rainfall.
In other words, Global Warming is may well result in vast increases in arable land and agricultural output rahter than the Doomsday scenarios of all the world's Chicken Littles.
"The higher global temperature leads to more evaporation."
Once again that is not a true statement. Warmer temps do not necessarily equate to more evaporation. This is dependent on where evaporation is occuring. As an example why is there more evaporation in the upper atmosphere when the temps are lower? Why is there more evaporation in a supercell when cooler air advects or is created by a downdraft?
With respect to the article, it's nonsense.
There were NO credible records of global weather until very recently. It is impossible to make statements about the weather history of the planet. Impossible.
"Yes, I am stating I believe higher global temperatures will lead to more water vapor in the atmosphere, which, in turn, will lead to greater rainfall."
Once again that is not necessarily the case. Think about what causes precipitation? Precipitation is created when air convectively rises. What can cause convection? Baroclinicity. If there is a uniform increase in temps or there is less baroclinicity i.e. the higher lats are warmer, there is less temp gradient thus less instability thus less convection thus less precipitation. Follow?
"With respect to the article, it's nonsense."
I make no judgement about the article. I posted it because I stated that there is research that makes the same claim you do. Whomp there it is. You said higher temps=more stronger storms/precip and so do they. I agree that we do not have enough data to make such claims, damn, that's what we've been arguing about.
"Yes, I am stating I believe higher global temperatures will lead to more water vapor in the atmosphere, which, in turn, will lead to greater rainfall."
Also think about the loss of water vapor advected in the north Atlantic. There are feedbacks that we may not anticipate. If the north Atlantic drift is suppressed wouldn't you agree that there would be less evaporation? True, there are higher temps overall but less evaporation in certain locations. True there may be more evaporation in some areas too but that does not necessarily equate to a net increase.
"but the uncertainty of the government regulatory climate and off course legal actions taken by environmental groups discourages the huge capital investments needed for new refineries."
What about market forces? If there is a demond for oil then these companies should build new refineries. New refineries haven't been built since 1976 I believe and in a 2005 congressional hearing it was noted that "most oil executives feel there is no need for new refineries, in fact they need to be reduced". Edward Murphy, the chief refining director of the American Petrolium Institute, stated that there wasno shortage in supply.
Speculation does have a direct effect on prices and they dropped from $100+ to $47 because government legislators from both parties threatened harsh regulations so they relented. Trust me, when airline execs are fighting to end speculation along with the pilots' union SOMETHING is going on. I know its ancedotal and I hate ancedotal evidence but Glen Tilten, an ex oil exec and now former CEO of United believes speculation is causing the price spikes. If the exCEO of Texaco thinks prices are getting out of hand because of speculation methinks he could be right.
PilotX, "...See, I stated that it will not NECESSARILY cause more and stronger storms"...
This is what you 'actually' said in your comment@11:35pm(it's the last sentence of your comment):
"That's why we can't say increased temps will cause more and stronger storms."
Do you see the word NECESSARILY in your comment?
"That's why we can't say increased temps will cause more and stronger storms."
That's right we can't say it will. We also can't say it won't. Is that better? Would you care to add anything to this conversation being an atmospheric climatic engineer and all?
Also genius, include the sentence right before that and it makes my point. Dear god YOUR stupid;-) Ha.
pilotX, you wrote:
What about market forces?
Which "market forces"? There's no question that global oil demand is rising. As hundreds of millions of Indians and Chinese get their first cars, well, you get the picture...
If there is a demond for oil then these companies should build new refineries..
The political obstacles are enormous. That's one reason there are a lot of refineries in other countries. Once again, the US government acts as a killer of domestic jobs.
New refineries haven't been built since 1976...
Yep. Thank Jimmy Carter for another act of stupidity.
...in a 2005 congressional hearing it was noted that "most oil executives feel there is no need for new refineries, in fact they need to be reduced".
Nonsense. One of the best ways to improve the efficiency of the oil industry is to build new -- more advanced -- refineries. Just like cars getting better gas mileage, refineries can also improve their refining output.
Edward Murphy, the chief refining director of the American Petrolium Institute, stated that there wasno shortage in supply.
Oil is a global commodity. Without new refineries around the world, serious bottlenecks in supplies of refined products will occur.
Speculation does have a direct effect on prices and they dropped from $100+ to $47 because government legislators from both parties threatened harsh regulations so they relented.
This is a case of the Post Hoc Ergo Propter Hoc logic fallacy. Speculators gamble on price swings in both directions -- making short-term bets.
They trade based on market conditions, which can reverse direction at any instant.
See Contango and Backwardation.
Twice during the 1990s oil dropped to $10 a barrel. That was one result of chasing Iraq out of Kuwait in 1991. At that time offshore oil drillers working the Gulf of Mexico were close to broke.
Obama is too stupid and too much of an ideologue to understand that he and Ken Salazar are two of the biggest reasons the risk premium in oil prices is as high as it is.
By the way, the best estimates for the risk premium in oil prices is about $15. In other words, if it were possible to EASILY ramp up US domestic production (if we had already tapped ANWR and were drilling off California), oil prices would drop as much as $15 a barrel.
Trust me, when airline execs are fighting to end speculation along with the pilots' union SOMETHING is going on.
The airlines HEDGE their fuel costs with commodity contracts. The player on the other side of the HEDGE is the "speculator". You cannot have one without the other.
The two biggest costs for airlines are fuel and WAGES. Airlines actually have some control over fuel costs because they can HEDGE against price increases. But they are mostly helpless in the face of wage demands. It is the fact that no matter how high fuel costs go, the airlines must meet their payrolls, which, in tough times, means the airlines file for bankruptcy.
Do you realize the history of the airline industry is a history of bankruptcies?
I know its ancedotal and I hate ancedotal evidence but Glen Tilten, an ex oil exec and now former CEO of United believes speculation is causing the price spikes.
Price SPIKES. A spike means a quick jump UP followed by a sharp drop. You know, the graph looks like a spike. Spikes do not cause long-term problems. But sudden price increases cause anxiety.
If the exCEO of Texaco thinks prices are getting out of hand because of speculation methinks he could be right.
The risk to the economy comes from SUSTAINED higher prices -- not SPIKES.
As we all know, if government gets out of the way and allows energy companies to exploit the most prolific oil reserves (ANWR and offshoer California and a few other places) the price of oil will stay in line with the overall economy.
Interesting comments. I don't really understand how global warming could have caused an earthquake and a tsunami but certainly we ought to be better stewards of this Earth. And I agree that pollution and industrial waste are serious problems but are they responsible for the tsunami? I don't think so. Now I read that the moon was closer to us than its been in a few years and physics dictates that the moons gravitational pull on the Earth will affect the tides and Lord knows whatever other phenomena in nature. The so called supermoon seems a far more plausible explanation than global warming. But whatever the cause of this calamity, I wish the people well and pray that they have a sense of being loved right now.
The Japanese situation brings tears. Sounds like they only had about 15 minutes to seek higher ground.
Look up 'New Madrid Earthquake'.
Sure you are an Engineer Slappy...one who has difficulty with math.
Odd how wage demands are so inelastic...at least if you are lying about them.
If you are going to fib about the airlines...you might want to mention that wages were never the reason for bankruptcies.
Which newsletter did that come from?
PilotX, loved your posts on Thermo. Some of the people who allegedly signed the nonsense...never did. Like the Mormon re-Mormonizing folks...it was done for a good con cause, so it was beleeverated that they would not mind...or complain.
Being stoopid is career death on college campus...R has nothing to do with it...except 'sour grapes'. Then..Obama, Clinton, Carter...compared to the Quayles, bush, Sarey, T-Paw, the Pauls, Walker, Kasich, Daniels, st reagan...it sure looks like that higher achievements and IQ are D. And that inheriting and sucking Koch are R.
Slappy..nice to see you up your pretenderating. Might even fool someone.
m s rigmaden writes:
Now I read that the moon was closer to us than its been in a few years and physics dictates that the moons gravitational pull on the Earth will affect the tides and Lord knows whatever other phenomena in nature.
The Moon is circling the Earth as it always has. It is affecting tides as it always has.
There are two extremes in tides: The Spring Tide, which is strong because the Sun and Moon are aligned and their combined gravitational force is at work.
Then there is the Neap Tide, which is the opposite, when the Sun and Moon are positioned for the least gravitational pull on the water.
Anyway, the plates within the Earth's crust did not shift due to something in the air. Most likely something in the hot core of the Earth is the cause.
Maybe a new volcano will emerge from the fissure by Japan. Perhaps the volcano will spew mega-tons of soot into the air, blocking sunlight and plunging the planet into a cold twilight until we agree to spend mega-trillions to filter the crap out of the air.
That could happen.
"Nonsense. One of the best ways to improve the efficiency of the oil industry is to build new -- more advanced -- refineries. Just like cars getting better gas mileage, refineries can also improve their refining output."
You might want to tell that to the major oil execs.
"Speculators gamble on price swings in both directions -- making short-term bets."
Exactly, and now since most speculators are Wall Street gamblers the prices will fluxuate wildly unlike years ago before Reagan and other Republican deregulators when it was a closed game for those that would actually be using the commodity.
"By the way, the best estimates for the risk premium in oil prices is about $15. In other words, if it were possible to EASILY ramp up US domestic production (if we had already tapped ANWR and were drilling off California), oil prices would drop as much as $15 a barrel."
I would love to see where you got that gem.
"Do you realize the history of the airline industry is a history of bankruptcies?"
Gee, really Slappz? Only a genius would know that. Ahem. next thing you'll be telling me water is wet and only you could have figured it out.
"As we all know, if government gets out of the way and allows energy companies to exploit the most prolific oil reserves (ANWR and offshoer California and a few other places) the price of oil will stay in line with the overall economy."
No we all don't "know" this. Only the drill baby drill crowd believes oil will flow like honey and gas will be $.35 per gallon. Some of u sknow it is best to use conservation and efficiency to weather any storm. As if OPEC wouldn't slow production to thwart the glut of oil on the market to keep prices to their liking. The oil produced in ANWAR, Cali and your backyard would not go straight to your local gas pump, it would go on the global market where multi-national corporations would have no interest in losing profits by increasing supply. Why kill a cash cow. But then again this is from the person who thought it makes more sense to buy a Hummer with high gas prices than a more fuel efficient vehicle. Wingnut logic at its finest.
Let me see...publicly funded Scientists who live for research and build careers on being accurate...or Klimate Kids who are paid PR flacks for oil companies...who would lose revenue should we institute policies to prevent a Climate collapse. Who to trust?
Folks who indicate that GCC will adversely affect our lives...or a person, paid by Big Oil who tells us that it will make it all besser.
Hmmm...wonder if the sooperdooper geniuses ever took a peek at the PA forestry issues. Seems the warmness decreases snowfall...and therefore drinking water. The introduction of Southern pests has been quite destructive.
Scientists who are peer-reviewed or some dude with a website?
"Maybe a new volcano will emerge from the fissure by Japan. Perhaps the volcano will spew mega-tons of soot into the air, blocking sunlight and plunging the planet into a cold twilight until we agree to spend mega-trillions to filter the crap out of the air."
I'm putting my money on the super-eruption in Yellowstone will kill us first. I hear it's about 100,000 years overdue. I also think the Iceland volcano is scheduled to blow soon. Some speculate that would cause economic disaster because it would render European airspace useless for months.
"Field, "OH LAWD! Could one of you smart people reassure me that there is nothing to worry about, please?"
Field, there is nothing to worry about...calm down.
your favorite self-hating jigging anon,
I said "smart people", sorry. :(
Nonsense! Everybody knows the ebb and flow of the tides is caused by Neptune and his magic fork!
As for hurricanes and earthquakes,well, we have Thor to thank for that!
As for the rest of it, it's those spritely forest fairies causing mayhem!
The oil industry operates in three separate and distinct units:
Exploration and Production
Transportation of Crude
Refining and Marketing.
Actually, the industry is now more or less divided into four segments because refiners have gotten out of the marketing business.
In other words, Exxon sold all its gas stations to other marketers. Exxon handles the other parts of the business.
Anyway, the costs of environmental compliance and the political hassles have made it clear to the oil industry that it's best to maintain and upgrade existing facilities rather than fight to build new refineries.
As for my claim of a $15-a-barrel risk premium in oil, well, that comes straight from the people who are most concerned about trading oil -- Wall Street oil analysts.
Based on your response it's obvious you really don't know anything about the financial world. Everything is priced. And every second those prices can, and do, change.
But a risk premium is an estimate that is no more precise than the oil price itself. If Islamic terrorists do major damage to the Saudi oil industry, the premium will jump to a much higher level.
On the other hand, if moron Obama allows US drillers to go where the easy oil is, then the premium will decline. But risk is always there and something can always come out of nowhere to affect it.
No airline goes broke because of fuel prices.
As for your hyperbolic claim of gasoline at 35 cents a gallon, no, no one has suggested that oil companies will cut their own throats.
As in any industry, management attempts to find the optimum. Oil companies make more money when it's easy to keep supply in tandem with demand. They do NOT make more money by choking supplies of refined products.
Rising oil prices kill the profits in the refining segment. Moreover, rising prices are accompanied by rising costs for oil leases and other fees, such as royalties.
Your knowledge of the oil industry in minimal at best. Bottom line, when the US imported only a small portion of daily demand and most of the world was using very little oil, the industry accommodated the big companies and the Texas wildcatters who went out and bet their life savings on hitting a gusher.
You don't hear about those oil cowboys anymore because it's way too expensive to take a flyer on a well.
Anyway, as I've mentioned before, in 1985 the GDP of Haiti was larger than the GDP of China.
So you can see that oil demand is on a one-way trip up.
As for OPEC, well, other than Venezuela, the first member of OPEC, the other nations are Islamic. All of them are headed by liars. Venezuela and Chavez are very big liars, and due to the fact that Chavez is wrecking Venezuela as all Latin American dictators wreck their countries, he has to pump oil as fast as possible.
But that moron has been neglecting the maintenance and repair of the industry, which means his production will slip. That's what happens when marxist bureaucrats are put in charge of complex industries.
Anyway, muslims always lie about oil and they always pump more even when they say they're pumping less. They want the money, because oil is their only source of it.
pilotX, you wrote:
But then again this is from the person who thought it makes more sense to buy a Hummer with high gas prices than a more fuel efficient vehicle.
The Hummer example was to illustrate a point.
The price of low gas-mileage vehicles is falling and the cost of high gas-mileage vehicles is not.
Inasmuch as the Total Cost of vehicle operation must account for the Cost of the Vehicle, if someone is thinking of buying a car simply to save on gas, well, it's most likely he will do best by purchasing the least expensive vehicle.
Actually Hummers are not cheap, which should tell you something about the vehicle market.
Meanwhile, virtually NO ONE is buying the Chevy Volt, the Electric Edsel. I'm betting that soon enough GM will experience a month of ZERO Volt sales.
Anyway, Obama should operate in the real world, where high paying energy jobs take precedence over silly wish-fulfillment jobs in the solar and wind industries.
The country needs jobs, not idealistic preaching about technoogies that are 50 years in the future.
"Inasmuch as the Total Cost of vehicle operation must account for the Cost of the Vehicle, if someone is thinking of buying a car simply to save on gas, well, it's most likely he will do best by purchasing the least expensive vehicle."
And there are numerous inexpensive high mileage vehicles such as the Toyota Corolla, Honda Civic or even the new Kias that get 40+ miles to the gallon. Your example is still silly.
"Your knowledge of the oil industry in minimal at best"
As is your understanding of the atmosphere so I guess we're even.
"As for my claim of a $15-a-barrel risk premium in oil, well, that comes straight from the people who are most concerned about trading oil -- Wall Street oil analysts."
You would have to show me that one.
"No airline goes broke because of fuel prices"
Not true, fuel is now the biggest cost for many airlines. My airline even has a website showing we spend somewhere around 1 mil per hour, which is why they're really on us to save.
"Meanwhile, virtually NO ONE is buying the Chevy Volt"
It just came out, if these prices continue to climb I'll bet you a fat man those purchases will increase. You are really down on electric vehicles and their potential. I'll be sure to send you a link when the electric plane is starring at a flight school near you.
Explosion at the nuclear powerplant. Proof nuclear energy and fault lines do not mix well.
Anonymous said...
Let me see...publicly funded Scientists who live for research and build careers on being accurate...or Klimate Kids who are paid PR flacks for oil companies...who would lose revenue should we institute policies to prevent a Climate collapse. Who to trust?
Folks who indicate that GCC will adversely affect our lives...or a person, paid by Big Oil who tells us that it will make it all besser.
Hmmm...wonder if the sooperdooper geniuses ever took a peek at the PA forestry issues. Seems the warmness decreases snowfall...and therefore drinking water. The introduction of Southern pests has been quite destructive.
Scientists who are peer-reviewed or some dude with a website?
Stick your head back down troglodyte Moldy. YOU are well out of your depth and it is telling just how much so, by the manner you are struggling.
If you want information about the risk premium in oil, YOU can check the Wall Street Journal or you can check with credible industry resources found via the Internet. The $15 figure is no secret, nor is it controversial in any way.
Airlines and Bankruptcy -- you can also access bankruptcy filings for airlines.
As your own comment admits, the airline has some control over fuel costs. But even HEDGING against rising fuel costs cannot protect the airline against on-going non-negotiable labor costs coupled with ticket prices.
Every airline faces the same fuel cost problem. However, each airline makes its own decision about HEDGING. Some may be more successful than others at protecting against increasing fuel costs. But they're stuck with their labor contracts.
There's no solution all parties will agree to, hence, the industry is a nightmare of bankruptcies and a terrible stock-market investment.
Electric cars stink for ONE reason -- batteries stink.
Batteries are 200 years old, and scientists have been trying to improve them since the beginning. We have gotten almost nowhere because of limits imposed by Nature, as explained by physics and chemistry.
When the Einstein of batteries appears and develops a way to put a lot of electrical energy into a small space AND creates a way to recharge the battery in a few minutes, we will have a nation of electric cars.
Till then, the only form of electric vehicle worth having is a hybrid, and that's only if you live in a city.
Wow..Slappy went and Googled some info. Neat.
Electrics were around before. As were streetcars.
Funny..no mention of public. Which is vastly cheaper than mobile codpieces.
Slappy gained smarts...Flowers for Algernon?
Slappy doing research...HOORAY
Slappy did a 'baton pass' to a wingnut welfare 'helper'. Abortion weenies do this. When a pro-choice teen crushes a weenie who used to spout wingnut drivel verbatim...suddenly the posts are filled with valid law cites. The language improves. Hmm...the ISP goes from poor, rural Podunkia...to DC Lobbyist area.
I sure hope Slappy does the work.
everything is political
even the weather
AB, yet another wite conspiracy theory. What a not-surprise.
molded uneducated racist moron:
u will die arrogantly ignorant.
the sooner the better.
Why yes, Rev Wite...it is all about the fee-fees of Rs. The entire globe must bow to the needs of Rs to be loved by all.
The pain and suffering of Japanese is nothing compared to how Rs feel. Why, going without food, shelter, or water is minimal compared to the emotional state of an 'Merican. Watching thousands die in natural catastrophe is exactly the same as assigning earned blame for incompetence.
Me..I've sent money and stuff...and plan to help some more.
molded clueless troll:
wise people research the truths that scared fools like u deny.
u r our inspiration...thanks!
AB, probably...but I don't keep using wite 'sorces'...then claim to be AfAm. Nor do I have a circular ring of self-referencing websites. That is prima facie for wingnuts. Seems they really dislike having the gen pop see their 'degrees' came from a PC located in a trailer in ND.
Dr Bear has some stuff you might want to look at.
molded racist hypocritical fool:
who made u racial rule maker???
why are u posting on this black blog source then???
u r a kkk clown
AB, the idea that there is a cabal of much smarter people running things is a wite Left Behind concept. Well...everyone IS smarter, they do run things, and the smart folk don't tend to socialize with intellectual and social inferiors. Slowing down to meet the needs of the Left Behinds is painful. And we don't expect pro athletes to play at my level.
Plus, what Left Behinds want usually is not good for the body politic.
You really should meet some of the elite. Not only is it more fun..you soon realize that conspiracy theorists are quite the Goobers...and really need an excuse for their own personal failings.
And that the 'cream' are all too human.
AB, not everyone is a wite poser hoping to 'fool' adults with conspiracy scams and 'Ebonics'. To me that shows more about the failings of the 'dog' than the blog or other posters. Giggling about 'pulling one over' the much inferior 'urbans'...misses that they might just be letting you pretend...as we do with any small child who claims to be 'all growed up'.
As far as me posting. I do like the exchange of rational and honest thought. Most of the posters are outspoken and can back up their opinion with Fact. Might be alien to a wingnut who begins with dogma and refuses any new Data.
molded racist foolish drone:
cc that bs to the makers of:
agent orange
i am sure any blood test you take will evince significant traces of all of the above...
AB, so you are a wite agent provocateur. Either paid...or doing so out of a sense that if you weren't..your life would be meaningless.
Funny how wites soil their pants over the idea of meritocracy and a sorta/kinda brown 'Merica. Wites have more to fear from underfunded schools, elimination of pollution controls, and rich not paying taxes. Oh, and the Chinese. Bleating about the eveel urban hordes seeking your horse-faced daughters/sisters/wives misses the risk of Chinese hegemony. But then, to wites, the Chinee are too beneath notice. For now.
Field, "I said "smart people", sorry. :("
Damn. I thought I had arrived.
Sometimes Mother Nature just likes to remind us who's in charge.
It's pretty humbling.
Continued prayers for the people of Japan -- it looks like more reactors are headed towards meltdown.
Makes you realize what's important.
Slappz,thanks for the info about bankrupcies but I have too much experience in such matters to need your help, but thanks anyway. not really seeing your point but it must have something to do with airline employees being overcompensated.
The problem with recharging will be overcome. At least you admit a hybrid is better than a big gas guzzler, we're making progress.
You're right, I wouldn't want to wait a month for you to produce such easily accessible info about $15 barrels and such.
Karen, you so right. Thanks for the reminder. You have heart.
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