We have all seen the video by now of that UCLA student going all right wing on Asians for talking on their cell phones in the college library. Poor Missy, here she thought she was being funny and cute by making fun of another race, and it has led to death threats and damn near an international incident. You A-merry-cans are so sensitive on matters of race....
The poor chile has even left school because of it. I guess she couldn't live with the pressure, and she fears for her safety. She couldn't have picked a worse school for her Anti Asian rant. Ripping Asians at UCLA is like ripping black folks while you are a student at Howard. OK, that's a bit much, but you get the picture: There are a lot of Asian students at UCLA. Hey, at least UCLA didn't give her the boot. And, quite frankly, they shouldn't have. I believe in free speech in this instance, no matter how ignorant girlfriend sounded. Let's chalk this one up to another one of those "teachable moments" on race relations in A-merry-ca.
Let's just hope she chooses a more homogeneous school this time. I am sure that Bob Jones University would love to have her.
So now I leave Alexandria Wallace, and segue to my man, Michael Jacques. [In pic.] Alexandria, Michael Jacques is what you could become if you are not careful.
"SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - A federal prosecutor told a jury Monday that a man and two friends were racists so upset when Barack Obama was elected president in 2008 that they burned down a predominantly African-American church just hours after the voting ended.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Smyth gave his opening argument on the first day of the trial of Michael Jacques, 26, in U.S. District Court.
"We are here today because of racism," Smyth told the 16 jurors, including four alternates. "We are here today because of the depth of their intolerance..."
Jacques and two co-defendants, Benjamin Haskell and Thomas Gleason, were charged with using gasoline to set the Macedonia Church of God in Christ in Springfield on fire in the early morning hours of Nov. 5, 2008. The building was under construction at the time. A few firefighters were injured, but recovered.
Authorities say all three men, who are white, confessed to setting the fire. Haskell, 24, of Springfield, pleaded guilty to civil rights charges and was sentenced in November to nine years in prison. Gleason, 23, who lives on the same street as the church, pleaded guilty last year, awaits sentencing and will be testifying against Jacques.
Smyth said Jacques and his friends frequently used racial epithets to describe blacks. The prosecutor said Jacques and Haskell trained a dog to "get" black people, and Jacques was upset that his sister was having a baby with her African-American boyfriend and didn't want a black child in his house.
Levinson told jurors that they will hear bad things about Jacques, but that doesn't mean he set the fire....
"You're going to hear a lot of things about him that you're not going to like," she said. "You've got to keep in mind that Michael Jacques is charged with the crime of arson, basically. He's not charged with being an all-around bad person." [Story]
The poor chile has even left school because of it. I guess she couldn't live with the pressure, and she fears for her safety. She couldn't have picked a worse school for her Anti Asian rant. Ripping Asians at UCLA is like ripping black folks while you are a student at Howard. OK, that's a bit much, but you get the picture: There are a lot of Asian students at UCLA. Hey, at least UCLA didn't give her the boot. And, quite frankly, they shouldn't have. I believe in free speech in this instance, no matter how ignorant girlfriend sounded. Let's chalk this one up to another one of those "teachable moments" on race relations in A-merry-ca.
Let's just hope she chooses a more homogeneous school this time. I am sure that Bob Jones University would love to have her.
So now I leave Alexandria Wallace, and segue to my man, Michael Jacques. [In pic.] Alexandria, Michael Jacques is what you could become if you are not careful.
"SPRINGFIELD, Mass. - A federal prosecutor told a jury Monday that a man and two friends were racists so upset when Barack Obama was elected president in 2008 that they burned down a predominantly African-American church just hours after the voting ended.
Assistant U.S. Attorney Paul Smyth gave his opening argument on the first day of the trial of Michael Jacques, 26, in U.S. District Court.
"We are here today because of racism," Smyth told the 16 jurors, including four alternates. "We are here today because of the depth of their intolerance..."
Jacques and two co-defendants, Benjamin Haskell and Thomas Gleason, were charged with using gasoline to set the Macedonia Church of God in Christ in Springfield on fire in the early morning hours of Nov. 5, 2008. The building was under construction at the time. A few firefighters were injured, but recovered.
Authorities say all three men, who are white, confessed to setting the fire. Haskell, 24, of Springfield, pleaded guilty to civil rights charges and was sentenced in November to nine years in prison. Gleason, 23, who lives on the same street as the church, pleaded guilty last year, awaits sentencing and will be testifying against Jacques.
Smyth said Jacques and his friends frequently used racial epithets to describe blacks. The prosecutor said Jacques and Haskell trained a dog to "get" black people, and Jacques was upset that his sister was having a baby with her African-American boyfriend and didn't want a black child in his house.
Levinson told jurors that they will hear bad things about Jacques, but that doesn't mean he set the fire....
"You're going to hear a lot of things about him that you're not going to like," she said. "You've got to keep in mind that Michael Jacques is charged with the crime of arson, basically. He's not charged with being an all-around bad person." [Story]
Of course not. I bet he didn't go to college. There is nothing worse than an uneducated racist.
1 – 200 of 212 Newer› Newest»Incredible! Just incredible! I remember how proud my grandma was, and with what sacrifice, they built their new church! It was their pride and joy! I can imagine what a blow that must have been to have that church burnt down. To think that their are still people sooo full of vitriol and capable of such atrocities walking around is scary!
Here is a very cute video response to the Alexandra fiasco. What an ignorant, uncouth girl! She really needs to travel and look beyond her white picket fence!
hmmm yes there is, an uneducated black person. wait, that's the majority of the american black population. whoops.
Barack Obama,December the 20, 2007.
The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.’
Theses are just 3 misguided youths who see that Obama doesn't care about the Constitution or rule of law.
Won't be long before the Obama regime will fully control all aspects of our lives.
Michelle Obama killed Captain Crunch..
Whats next?? Ethnic cleansing ?? Thats right.Obama has declared open season on whites.
We can only hope what happen in Egypt can happen here.
Michelle Obama killed Captain Crunch..<<
You can rest easy and sleep well. The sugary nuggets and the Captain will be on the shelves at your nearest grocer.
"Won't be long before the Obama regime will fully control all aspects of our lives.
Michelle Obama killed Captain Crunch.."
Good! I never liked them. I was always a Cocoa Puffs man.
"Good! I never liked them. I was always a Cocoa Puffs man."
I always knew you was a puffer!
What is worse than an uneducated racist is an educated one.
But Glenn Beck and
Fox News doesn't have to worry about being accused of that! What's bad though is most of his/their followers are in the same boat as them.
Those of us who are more or less rational need to start forging our bonds with one another a lot more quickly. The angry screwballs are getting ahead in the game.
field posted:
She couldn't have picked a worse school for her Anni Asian rant.
As if Margaret Cho doesn't exist.
This is a tempest in a teapot, a load of crap. The girl was marginally funny in parts of her video. Air-head funny, but funny nonetheless.
Ripping Asians at UCLA is like ripping black folks while you are a student at Howard.
No it isn't.
OK, that's a bit much, but you get the picture: There are a lot of Asian students at UCLA.
Yeah, a lot of asians at UCLA, but NONE of them commit murder.
I'll bet a dollar we can find more than one murderer among the blacks who've attended Howard.
Hey, at least UCLA didn't give her the boot. And, quite frankly, they shouldn't have. I believe in free speech in this instance, no matter how ignorant girlfriend sounded.
field, by saying "Hey, at least UCLA didn't give her the boot," you sound like a guy who doesn't know that it's the government (U of California at LA) that CANNOT censor the speech of its citizens.
It's not as though she attends a prestigious private university like Columbia that permits professors to engage in anti-Israel rants when lecturing students, and has also barred the ROTC from campus. It's not like that. UCLA has no power to punish a student for creating a mildly controversial video.
Let's chalk this one up to another one of those "teachable moments" on race relations in A-merry-ca.
Yeah. Here's the teachable part -- learn to laugh when you hear or see something that pokes some fun at people's behavior.
The only people who want the government to punish others for ridiculing identifiable groups are muslims. They want it to be a capital crime in America to burn the Koran and say that Muhammad is a pedophilic, schizophrenic, murderous pile of exrement.
killing brown people who we have no right to inflict our imperialist capitalist ways on and destroying their culture for our own countrys interests is so much fun. but it's only wrong when a republican does it, when obama does it it's ok and liberal progressive socialists will sit in silence. obama is changing his middle name from hussein to barrack "racist muslim killer" obama. good thing we're bombing brown people unconstitutionally without a declaration of war and this is being done for a humanitarian reasons like the reason we are in the congo and zimbabwa and darfur.
it is so great to see a president who ran on peace and anti war, ending the war in iraq, ending the war in afghanistan, closing gitmo, apologizing to everyone in the world for americas existence, and now the president who was given the nobel peace prize for basically running for president is now killing people.
because as cindy shehan and the code pink crowd insinuated that innocent civilians are the only kind of people the us military targets, these are kinder gentler bombs obama deploys. maybe obama is dropping bombs made with a little sliver of his nobel peace prize in each and every warhead to make people feel better.
it's great to see obama engaging in killing brown muslim people in a country that posed us no threat and never attacked us in this racist unjust illegal war for our oil interests without a plan and without getting congressional authority.
isn't this fun.
or maybe it's more fun seeing obama voters and webtrolls running in circles grabbing their asses trying to figure out how to ignore this and talk about bush. nevermind the webtrolls grabbing their ass, where are all the liberal progressive socialist politicians denouncing this evil racist unjust actions by obama. only dennis "i rode in a ufo" kucinich has enough integrity to stand up and say obama is wrong. where's code pink, where's moveon.org, does anyone have keith olbermans phone number? the silence is deafening.
field, you posted:
Authorities say all three men, who are white, confessed to setting the fire.
Whaddayathink? We ever gonna get that confession from OJ?
Smyth said Jacques and his friends frequently used racial epithets to describe blacks.
Holy gas-chamber Batman? Racial Epithets? Where'd they come across Racial Epithets? Were they watching rap videos?
Okay. They confessed to setting the fire, so that part is settled.
The trial is all about their thoughts. They're being prosecuted for their thoughts on top of admitting their guilt with respect to the real crime of arson.
Inasmuch as no black parishoners were in the unfinished church, there were no injuries or loss of life resulting from the actions of the arsonists. Seems that prosecuting these clowns for "hate" is an attempt to overstep legal limits.
lunaticcringeradio, you wrote:
it's great to see obama engaging in killing brown muslim people in a country that posed us no threat and never attacked us...
Obama is truly an idiot, but when it comes to Libya, you're ignorant.
Libya is a backer of international terrorism. Apparently you don't know about Pan Am Flight 103 that was blown out of the sky over Lockerbie Scotland in 1988, killing about 240 people, of which about 190 were Americans, mostly students coming home from Europe for the holidays.
Gadafi was responsible for that midair bombing, and the bomber was recently released from prison. He's been living in Libya since he was sprung from jail.
There is a long list of other murders committed by Gadafi employees. A number of the victims were Americans. Thus, the execution of this despicable and vile despot is long overdue.
Field Negro: "Won't be long before the Obama regime will fully control all aspects of our lives.
Michelle Obama killed Captain Crunch.."
Good! I never liked them. I was always a Cocoa Puffs man.
Wow, I can't believe you're playing the race card with cereal.
On a more important note, any updates on Lisa Turtle?
Amazingly i have to agree with Slappz, since no one got hurt I don't think this should qualify as a hate crime. Glad they didn't go looking for someone to substitute for Barack, maybe race relations are advancing huh?
"I'll bet a dollar we can find more than one murderer among the blacks who've attended Howard."
In all seriousness Field WTF is up with your girl/boy? That is some serious hatred towards darker folks. How the F do we go from Asians attending UCLA and former Howard grads capping fools? I know Slappz has a logic problem but damn. Almost as bad as SPC's paranoid fear of Michelle Obama taking away his favorite childrens' cereal.
Keep it up guys, I thought it wasn't possible to make conservatives look even more foolish.
And lastly about Ms. Funnypants as my dad always said "no better for her ass". I don't see why she left school though, no way a white woman in america is in any danger from a person of color. Well.....there was that O.J. thing but he went to Howard right?
"there was that O.J. thing but he went to Howard right?"
Nah, he was just down the road at USC.
College girl should know if you gonna hate on somebody, make sure it's straight white people.
"Nah, he was just down the road at USC.
College girl should know if you gonna hate on somebody, make sure it's straight white people."
that was a joke, riffing on Slappz. As far as hate it has never been popular to hate white folks, just check youtube most rants are people with a little color. In fact just ask Slappz to say something nice about a darker person.
ooops, meant "most rants are about people with a little color."
"Jacques and two co-defendants, Benjamin Haskell and Thomas Gleason, were charged with using gasoline to set the Macedonia Church of God in Christ in Springfield on fire in the early morning hours of Nov. 5, 2008."
It would have been justice if they had a mishap with that gasoline and instead burned themselves alive.
And I wonder how many Asians and Mexicans were outraged by their behavior?
Like I asked on the previous thread...
Would Alexandra have gotten the same mob style and outrage reaction from Asians and other whites if her rant was directed towards black people instead?
I doubt. Carry on.
First Dennis Kuchinich is against ALL wars because of his religion. Second most Muslim bloggers and countries APPROVE of what the POTUS doing.
You mentioned Darfur and Zimbabwe.Darfur had a election and in Zimbabwe Mugabe and the opposition leader are powersharing. You still want the POTUS to blow up Zimbzbwe and Darfur? The Congo is having a problem that's why there's a African Union to take care of it. If Bush was so "fair and balanced" why didn't he take out North Korea? Because they can fight back.
If she had done that to some black people some sisters would have shaved off her long blond hair and gave her what the Army calls a "pajama party".
Alexandra looked more like she was going to clown college in the You Tube with her breast hanging out. If they were out any more the video would have been 3-D.
Those three white boys sound like a Dave Chapelle routine. They're going to jail and Dexter St.Jacques got one of their sisters pregnant. Now they're going to see more black guys than they ever seen in their lives. Ain't karma a beeyatch !
I came back to read the comment section, wish I didn't. No hate crime? I bet if that was President Stienberg and those inbred Aryans had torched a Synagogue, it would have been a different Yahtzee game altogether, racist this and anti that. Burning of black churches by white racist have always had racist and violent historic/symbolic meaning towards blacks in America.
And Field, the reason I came off the way I did was because of your way too generous and unnecessary comparison of black students of a HBCU to the already prized protected and prefered minority Asian students of UCLA/America.
What you got against Asians? There are some black people that are Asians. You almost sound like Alexandra.
How did that imbecile even make it into UCLA? Over here she wouldn't qualify to fry chips. At best she'd make 'sub-assistant chip fryer'. Don't you guys have any educational standards at all?
And for a girl so interested in morale standards of behavior she seemed more concerned in getting her tits into the camera view than getting her point across.
According to right woos black, the Jooos not only have a monopoly on banks and Hollywood but also want one for victimhood status. So even on a topic which all should agree on, divide and conquer continues to be pushed.
I was checking out Kid's blog among others. It is a good one, not just because he seems to have appreciated my straitjacket schtick. Apparently Cavuto or someone from Fox News was pushing that MLK was anti-union. The same twisted logic says MLK would today be fighting against affirmative action.
In this age of astroturfing, memes, and useful idiots, many bizarro world ideas are pushed. Obama becomes a socialist and not the center politician he is. Frantz Fanon becomes twisted into some madman who promoted violence as cleansing. (No, I'm not Mold, who I think pointed that out a thread or two ago.) Those who believe in peace and social justice have Mao, Stalin, and Lenin for their heroes.
I hate to stereotype Western Massachusetts, but that is where most of our crazies live. I bet a good number of them are also NY Yankee fans. We have both a glorious and dubious history for race relations. We had the first African-American regiment. We were the birthplace of the abolitionist movement, unless I'm mistaken. We also had that awful case where a man killed his wife and said it was some scary black dude who did it. We had the racists twisting the busing issue. We do now have a black governor. Even though Obama is a huge disappointment, it is cool that we have finally got ourselves a black president and McCain would have been much worse. That's got to count for something in regards to progress. I believe most people are good. Hopefully someday there are drastic cuts in the military and a redistribution of wealth. Now that would be groovy times indeed.
socrates said...
I was checking out Kid's blog among others. It is a good one, not just because he seems to have appreciated my straitjacket schtick. Apparently Cavuto or someone from Fox News was pushing that MLK was anti-union. The same twisted logic says MLK would today be fighting against affirmative action.
In this age of astroturfing, memes, and useful idiots, many bizarro world ideas are pushed. Obama becomes a socialist and not the center politician he is. Frantz Fanon becomes twisted into some madman who promoted violence as cleansing. (No, I'm not Mold, who I think pointed that out a thread or two ago.) Those who believe in peace and social justice have Mao, Stalin, and Lenin for their heroes.
Yes you are Mold, we know it. YOu are alos the Vulgar Anon and a racist Nazi pig. Whats with the rant against jews by a racist Nazi white guy posting on a Black Blog with a fake picture of a Black Man?
Your a Whackjob, Ironic you pick a third handle such as Socrates.
Mold Said...
Hopefully someday there are drastic cuts in the military and a redistribution of wealth. Now that would be groovy times indeed.
That would indeed be great, please send all your money to me. The local prefect has decided you have more then I do and do not deserve it as an under-roo wearing white racist, so send 50% of your gross income post haste. Although again, ironically with you, I am sure 50% of your income is secured from the government which makes it 100% of my contributions, that is unless your parents had a lifetime insurance policy to pay for the incarceration at the mental institution where you currently reside.
The Purple Cow said...
How did that imbecile even make it into UCLA? Over here she wouldn't qualify to fry chips. At best she'd make 'sub-assistant chip fryer'. Don't you guys have any educational standards at all?
And for a girl so interested in morale standards of behavior she seemed more concerned in getting her tits into the camera view than getting her point across.
Why are people like you such hypocrites. I have been to the UK and don't think for a minute anyone believes that you don't have your share of isiots and racists. Now where was Shameless penned?
Whiney weak people get over upset over some little girl making a stupid comments. Are you really that weak and insecure?
La♥audiobooks said...
I came back to read the comment section, wish I didn't. No hate crime? I bet if that was President Stienberg and those inbred Aryans had torched a Synagogue, it would have been a different Yahtzee game altogether, racist this and anti that. Burning of black churches by white racist have always had racist and violent historic/symbolic meaning towards blacks in America.
And Field, the reason I came off the way I did was because of your way too generous and unnecessary comparison of black students of a HBCU to the already prized protected and prefered minority Asian students of UCLA/America.
Generous and Unnecessary comparison of Black students to the minority of Asians? Your right , there is no comparison Asians actually are openly discriminated against because they are intellectually superior to Blacks. While Blacks play race card on every personal deficiency and lack of effort.
LAA, "And Field, the reason I came off the way I did was because of your way too generous and unnecessary comparison of black students of a HBCU to the already prized protected and prefered minority Asian students of UCLA/America.
Laa, I agree. But you must understand that Field at times, is driven by his unexaminded insensitivity to Blacks in favor of other groups, i.e., Asians, illegal immigrants, Mexicans, mosques on ground zero, Israelis terrorists on the banks of Gaza, and Muslim terrorists. Unfortunately, Blacks are the last race thought of when it comes to caring and well-being. And rightly so, we often join in the rest of America in showing we think the least of ourselves. It really sucks. I mean, where can you go and feel black unity? NO WHERE.
Those douche bags had better be glad that I'm not the warden at whatever prison they go to. I'd go out of my way to put them in with the brothers and I would make sure the brothers knew why they were there and then let nature take its course
"Keep it up guys, I thought it wasn't possible to make conservatives look even more foolish."
PilotX, you would be wrong. All they have to do is start typing.
"It really sucks. I mean, where can you go and feel black unity? NO WHERE"
Why don't you start at home? Worry about the other folks, later.
pilotX wrote:
ooops, meant "most (youtube) rants are about people with a little color."
Really? Inasmuch as there are now millions of videos on the Internet, the only source you have for your claim is your imagination.
Anyway, Alexandra's "Asians in the Library" video inspired at least 100 competing videos that are now on Youtube.
Her video was mildly humerous. No doubt the spoofs are funnier.
Meanwhile, if you view her video on Youtube, her apology appears as text on the screen. Not that she really needed to apologize.
Have comedians gotten tired of making jokes about Japanese tourists taking pictures of everything?
la audio asks:
Would Alexandra have gotten the same mob style and outrage reaction from Asians and other whites if her rant was directed towards black people instead?
I doubt. Carry on.
Agreed. If she had created a similar video about blacks, then by now we would have heard from Al Sharpton, Jesse Jackson, Maxine Waters, John Conyers, Charlie Rangel and maybe Eric Holder, all of whom would have thrown up their hands and said:
"This is why blacks cannot graduate from college. How the heck can blacks go to the library to study when whites think like this? Really. So that's why they don't go to the library. In fact, that's why they don't go to UCLA, that racist institution, because if they did, they'd have to go to the library where all those whites and asians are studying and thinking those thoughts."
Watched the UCLA rant. She does have a point about using cell phones in the library, especially during finals week.
The rest...she is a fragile child, who can't quite grasp that the Hmong are supporting the first one in the entire family to attend college. That means taking away the drudgery of household tasks so that the student may study. Funny that a PoliSci major doesn't know that Italians and Central Europeans are also famous for such efforts.
The callow attitude could be youth...or wite Entitlement.
Socrates, are you the west MA crowd...or is it that all points other than Boston are 'west MA'? NYC is New York...and everything else is 'upstate'. Quite a difference between bedroom burbs and Buffalo. Or Rome. Or Watertown.
Since the conservatives were caught off-guard by Obama acting like himself (right-right centrist R) instead of the fakery offered by wingnut media...here's a help. The Grand Bargain. Where Obama 'negotiates' away Social Security. So banksters can steal even more of your money...while you weep over single moms and the handicapped getting food, clothing and shelter through Welfare.
Here's a blog that indicates why UCLA girl can be so....Valley....
socrates writes:
Frantz Fanon becomes twisted into some madman who promoted violence as cleansing.
But, but, but, the subtitle of his famous book "The Wrteched of the Earth" is "The Handbook for the Black Revolution that is Changing the Shape of the World."
And the first chapter of the book is titled, "Concerning Violence."
He's all for violence, the destructive violence possible. Violence is the centerpiece of his philosophy.
Seems violence has taken African nations and Haiti from their primitive backward states to a new form of primitive backwardness. That's an amazing achievement.
la audio writes:
I bet if that was President Stienberg and those inbred Aryans had torched a Synagogue, it would have been a different Yahtzee game altogether, racist this and anti that.
As usual, you confuse the blather in the media with the actions of law enforcement and the court system.
Arson is a serious crime for which a conviction means a significant jail sentence.
Not that it matters a lot, but convicted arsonists would be sued for the damages and a judgment for repayment would hang over them. Thus, if they did have assets, the assets would go to pay their debts.
Burning of black churches by white racist have always had racist and violent historic/symbolic meaning towards blacks in America.
If you knew anything about the burning of black churches in the last 25 years, you would know that most of the fires have been started by blacks.
“They consulted the Arab League. They consulted the United Nations. They did not consult the United States Congress,” one Democrat lawmaker said of the White House. “They’re creating wreckage, and they can’t obviate that by saying there are no boots on the ground. … There aren’t boots on the ground; there are Tomahawks in the air.”
“Almost everybody who spoke was opposed to any unilateral actions or decisions being made by the president, and most of us expressed our constitutional concerns. There should be a resolution and there should be a debate so members of Congress can decide whether or not we enter in whatever this action is being called,” added another House Democrat opposed to the Libyan operation.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0311/51595.html#ixzz1HH9A4DLW
Its time to start impeachment of the Obama regime.
no slappz
"Yeah, a lot of asians at UCLA, but NONE of them commit murder."
How do you know that slappy? Did you forget about the massacre at Virginia Tech in 2007?
You are an idiot.
anon 4:36
anyone who would post such drivel about the severely retarded racist kid and his "blog" is indeed molded.
slob marley is that twisted dl bitch molded for sure...
u win/were right
vdlr = vulgar down low retard
she is a dl butch oral sex obsessed uneducated unlicked vulgar psycho stalker
that is why i call her the vdlr
slob marley/molded IS dyslexic
the vdlr loves her serial STDs far too much to ever take any VD test...
if molded/vdlr/slob marley did not adore me so
she would stop DIRECTING and initiating "the alicia banks show" herein
these obsessed haters cannot ignore me
like that dl hobama
i am their goddess
there is something worse than an uneducated racist
an uneducated racist hobama nazi who is unaware that hobama has earned every iota of hate that he RIGHTEOUSLY receives from anyone of any race...
and with his new solo illegal war in libya that can NEVER be blamed on gwb....and ALL of the other african wars that loom
the global torchings and rabid racism have only just begun...
SPC, 'Democrat' lawmaker? Why do I see this as false...
Because the 'lawmaker' is not identified?
Because the inventerated term of 'Democrat' used in place of Democratic Party?
That the 'sorces' for this are wingnuts?
FOX lies, OKeefe lies, and wingnuts lie.
UTS, good morning.
Hello Mold
Glad to see there is some intelligent life form on FN this morning.
Slappy farts again
"If you knew anything about the burning of black churches in the last 25 years, you would know that most of the fires have been started by blacks."
Like I said before son, I never tire of making you look like the fool that you are.
insane wigga slob marley:
genocide/poverty/wars/homelessness/joblessness/bankster bilkings etc!!!...
ALL trump "cool" blackish symbolism!!!
how will hobama's swagger help folks sway in unemployment lines????
A Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford
A section of Black America has lost their minds – literally – unable to make contact with reality since November 2008. Despite the horrific and disproportionate damage suffered by Blacks in the Great Recession, a psychologically impaired group of African Americans believes they are better off than before the recession began, and that the future is bright. When Obama entered, their powers of reason exited.
This psychological argument is the Obamite’s last bastion of defense, especially the “What about the children?” trump card. Yet there is mounting and disturbing evidence that the psychological harm done to Black people by Obama’s presidency may be even greater than the economic and political damage. Barack Obama’s presidency is driving millions of African Americans insane – stone, cold out of their minds.
The insanity is documented in the Pew Research Center’s recent report, “How the Great Recession Has Changed Life in America,” which shows that Black America, the group that has been the most damaged, by far, in the Great Recession, is also the most enthusiastic about the state of the economy. Twenty-five percent of Blacks tell pollsters that the economy is doing good or excellent; that’s almost twice as high as the number of whites that think so – even though Black unemployment is about twice that of whites. Eighty-one percent of Blacks say America is still a land of prosperity, while only 59 percent of whites think that way, even though Blacks make only 61 cents for every white dollar earned, the same as 30 years ago
The sad thing is these racists believe they are funny or covert. And act surprised that they are called out. The best reward, as I see it, is that, in the long run, they will lose. That's why certain post'ers are so easy to ignore. All they have is their stereotypes and childish wish to be relevant again. My children will look back on NS / SPC / AB, and laugh at the thought of their ignorance. Enjoy your time, racists, you are of no real consequence to history.
UTS, wonder if the Left Behinds blamed me for their lousy grades?
It's never, ever their doing...or more specifically...NOT doing.
racist wigga slob marley:
just as your blackface will never
educate you or make you cool
hobama's blackish mask upon the new world order will never save one hobama nazi fool... donning his tee shirt as they perish....
UTS, take a peek at this...http://firedoglake.com/2011/03/21/late-night-the-real-bush-doctrine/
'The Real Bush Doctrine, of course, is the principle that once you are in power, you don’t actually have to give a tinker’s damn about what the public wants.'
Rosie O'Donnell's "Ching chong" comments back in 2006 on "The Phew" were the original Asian insult. Copycat racism.
Or how about Don Imus's producer Bernard McGuirk referring to Asians as "our urine colored brethren".
George Soros may own a piece of Petrobras -- Brazil. Stock symbol -- PBR. So what?
If he bought the stock around the time of Obama's inauguration, he paid about $25 a share. Today it trades near $40. It's an oil company, which means its chief product will enjoy permanent, but fluctuating demand. It pays a tiny dividend.
Things will work out okay for anyone buying this stock, as things will work out for anyone buying Exxon, Conoco or BP.
With respect to Brazil, Obama would be a lot smarter if he were to drop the 44-cent per gallon tariff tacked on to Brazilian ethanol. If he did that, he would lower food prices in the US while doing a better job of adding the supposed 10% shot of ethanol to gasoline.
But Obama can't make an economic move as smart as that. He's got to make policies that he doesn't honor while engaging in exactly the type of commerce he claims to oppose.
He's lost his mind. Though, no matter what, he should kill Gadhafi, even though he says we're trying to do something else, whatever that is.
needs slaps:
only a racist fool like you would dare justify murder for oil
and especially murder of a brown man for his oil
MQ is no more corrupt than gwb/hobama etc
this is one more evil deed that PROVES hobama is WORSE than gwb and a liar like ALL hobama nazis!!!!
“As Commander-in-Chief, the President does have a duty to protect and defend the United States,” Obama continued. “In instances of self-defense, the President would be within his constitutional authority to act before advising Congress or seeking its consent. History has shown us time and again, however, that military action is most successful when it is authorized and supported by the Legislative branch.”
Obama did not seek congressional authorization before joining allies, including Great Britain and France, in taking military action against the regime of Libyan dictator Col. Moammar Gadhafi in order to establish a no-fly zone over that country. The action was approved by the United Nations Security Council but not by the U.S. Congress.
Anonymous said...
UTS, take a peek at this...http://firedoglake.com/2011/03/21/late-night-the-real-bush-doctrine/
'The Real Bush Doctrine, of course, is the principle that once you are in power, you don’t actually have to give a tinker’s damn about what the public wants.'
Who knew Obama and the Democrats would follow the "Bush Doctrine".Has much has Democrats claim to hate Bush, they sure are embracing his policies.
You didn't/don't see Republican embracing Carter's policies.
Anonymous said...
My children will look back on NS / SPC / AB, and laugh at the thought of their ignorance. Enjoy your time, racists, you are of no real consequence to history.
We're so impotant that you're going to tell your children about us? Wow!!!!!
Want me to send you some pictures so you can show your children??LOL
Anonymous said...
SPC, 'Democrat' lawmaker? Why do I see this as false...
Because the 'lawmaker' is not identified?
Because the inventerated term of 'Democrat' used in place of Democratic Party?
That the 'sorces' for this are wingnuts?
FOX lies, OKeefe lies, and wingnuts lie.
Yeah, yeah, you didn't see this on a leftwing kook site so its all lies.
Now that crooks and liars have been exposed has liars, will you still read that leftwing kook site?
From that kook website
"St. Paul, MN - Minnesota Republicans are pushing legislation that would make it a crime for people on public assistance to have more $20 in cash in their pockets any given month. This represents a change from their initial proposal, which banned them from having any money at all.”
All lies!!!!!!!!!Kooks lie!!!!!!
Slappy, living in Mom's Basement and making $24K/year will lecture a millionaire (by talent and effort) on economics. Rich.
Must be a reason that Slappy feels so justified in TELLING Obama anything. And that Obama will accept the Fauxfessor's teechins.
Some reason...
Where an uneducated wite dude can beleeverate that he is vastly the superior in all ways to a college graduate, a law school graduate, a law professor, a US Senator and popularly elected US President. None of which were inherited or Legacy perks.
Whatever is this 'reason'?
Lord have mercy. The"Macedonia Church of God in Christ in Springfield".
You black folks always seen to come up with the craziest names for your churhes. It's about as bad as that God-awful crap you name you kids.
How about, "The Newer Church Of Upper Souteastern Botswana"?
"The Higher Church Of The Holy Blessed Temple Of Mt. Kilamanjaro"?
"The Get Your Fresh Chicken Heads Here Of The Ninth Ward Of New Orleans"? (that one shouldn't be too crowded)
BTW....how come no post about brother Louis calling out the big O? No posts about Gadgoofy's letter th O calling him "our son"? I doubt he would have had the balls to call Reagan "son". You don't buy respect....you earn it.
Good grief.
SPC, as with wingnuts aversion to Truth...you left out quite a bit form Crooks and Liars. Such as the actual wording of the proposed Hate the Poor for Being Poor JudenLaw.
Carter policies were accepted by Rs...you are just beleeverating the spin sold to you by the Great Salesman, st reagan.
Obama would be toast for his moves toward the wingnut...if the Rs had a valid candidate, Obama could lose.
Repeating bushWar and bushMess policies are idiocy.
The spin came from Wingnuttia about the 'Democrat lawmaker'. So, it is probably false. Consider the 'sorce'. Once is a mistake, twice is irritating...but lie to me three times (FOX, OKeefe, wingnuts) and this old lady assumes you lie because you enjoy lying and all you say is most likely lies. FOX can't get a Canadian license...because of the requirement to tell the Truth. OKeefe has lied at least four times. Wingnuts seem unable to speak without fibbing...which is strange. Why can't they start with Facts? Or do those pesky Facts directly contravene the wingnut goals?
"Obama getting impeached due to violations of the Constitution is reasonable on paper but wont fly otherwise they would have impeached george w bush a long time ago."
"Reasonable"? How so?field negro
article 1 section 8 isnt it?
Consider the 'sorce'. Once is a mistake, twice is irritating...but lie to me three times (FOX, OKeefe, wingnuts) and this old lady assumes you lie because you enjoy lying and all you say is most likely lies. FOX can't get a Canadian license...because of the requirement to tell the Truth. OKeefe has lied at least four times. Wingnuts seem unable to speak without fibbing...which is strange. Why can't they start with Facts? Or do those pesky Facts directly contravene the wingnut goals?
FNC is in Canada....Even though libtards hate free speech.
Yes please look at the source.Your Fox News Derangement Syndrome is serious.You are blinded by your hate.
Mentioning FNC all the time on topics that doesn't have anything to do with FNC shows you need serious help.
i posted a link to louis f on hobama above
lf has always been like a brother to MQ
and lf has been a sane tepid fan of hobama....that is no more!!!!
Smack dem goobers.
FOX lies..that's why they have no license in Canada. FOX lies. They can't even meet minimal standard. FOX lies.
Oh...and pretending that since one can purchase the lies of FOX in Canada is the EXACT SAME as a license...is lying.
Why is it that wingnuts see Free Speech as the inability to question their pronouncements from on low...but get huffy when expected to tell the Truth?
How is christian Fundie Reconstructionist GooberLaw different from the Talibani or the Shari'a of the Muslim Fundies?
Why is it that the wingnut Freedom of Religion is the ability to force you to conform to their version of a particular religion...but are mortally offended when you want Freedom From Religion, especially their mentally challenged sect?
Honestly, some days I think that these Left Behinds are still so miffed that the smart kids went to other classes that the LBs would destroy the whole society in a pouty rage.
Think of the US having a Tsunami on the East Coast..with a New Madrid earthquake...and the leadership is wingnuts. Pretty much all wingnuts can do is nepotism. (WI and Cass)
"Mentioning FNC all the time on topics that doesn't have anything to do with FNC shows you need serious help."
And a racist puke like you who hangs around a black website all day everyday needs...............?
remember all the hobama nazis who STILL call for gwb and dick c to be impeached???
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the seven-term liberal Democrat from Ohio who has twice run for the White House, says President Obama committed an "impeachable offense" in deciding to authorize U.S. airstrikes over Libya Saturday without the consent of Congress.
"President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have Congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said," Kucinich told the web site Raw Story on Monday. "It's not even disputable, this isn't even a close question."
uptownsteve said...
"Mentioning FNC all the time on topics that doesn't have anything to do with FNC shows you need serious help."
And a racist puke like you who hangs around a black website all day everyday needs...............?
yo mama
Anonymous said...
FOX lies..that's why they have no license in Canada. FOX lies. They can't even meet minimal standard. FOX lies.
Oh...and pretending that since one can purchase the lies of FOX in Canada is the EXACT SAME as a license...is lying.
Who's standards??Libtard standards.
alicia banks said...
Rep. Dennis Kucinich, the seven-term liberal Democrat from Ohio who has twice run for the White House, says President Obama committed an "impeachable offense" in deciding to authorize U.S. airstrikes over Libya Saturday without the consent of Congress.
"President Obama moved forward without Congress approving. He didn't have Congressional authorization, he has gone against the Constitution, and that's got to be said," Kucinich told the web site Raw Story on Monday. "It's not even disputable, this isn't even a close question."
Right on, right on, AB.........
Obama doesn't care about the Constitution or the rule of law.
sockrates said..."Hopefully someday there are drastic cuts in the military and a redistribution of wealth. Now that would be groovy times indeed."
Groovy times for a few years, until the capital dispersed among the nonproductive has been spent and those who prey on the weak have come to take what's left. Good plan, dude. I'm sure whoever is running things then will provide free healthcare and plenty of good jobs all while maintaining a climate of respect for basic human rights. That's usually how it turns out, right?
it's funny, folks like SPC and n-s were calling obama a pussy for not going into libya, and now that he has they oppose it.
some people are NEVER happy. LOL!
obama was PUSHED into this by the necons.
"Anonymous said...
FOX lies..that's why they have no license in Canada. FOX lies. They can't even meet minimal standard. FOX lies.
Oh...and pretending that since one can purchase the lies of FOX in Canada is the EXACT SAME as a license...is lying.
11:05 AM
WHY do you idiotrates keep repeating this lie over, and over, and over?????
Even a rocket scientist / educator / Nobel Prize winner / proctologist, like "Mold" can do a quick Google, and see:
"In 2003, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) rejected a Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA) application to bring Fox News to Canada because Fox News U.S. and Global Television were planning to create Fox News Canada, a combination of U.S. and Canadian news. However in 2004, after a Fox U.S. executive said there were no plans to create the combined channel, the CRTC approved an application to bring Fox News to Canada.[75]
Fox News Channel is currently offered by Access Communications, Bell TV, Cogeco, Eastlink, Manitoba Telecom Services, Rogers, SaskTel, Shaw Cable, Shaw Direct and Telus TV. A notable exception is Vidéotron, Canada's third largest cable company, which has not added Fox News Channel to its lineup."
Stupidity looks good on you, Mold.
leave it to mareeally a loyal loony hobama nazi to make him an innocent saint in his own solo strike...
if hobama raped an infant
maria would blame her tight pamper
What balls! What hubris! What hypocrisy! What happened to America?
Once again, America has preemptively attacked a sovereign nation that posed no threat to her without a declaration of war from the people’s representatives. Apparently the U.S. president now gets permission from the U.N. to spend U.S. taxpayer dollars on unprovoked wars and outright murder. Isn’t it still called murder when killing is not done in self-defense? Okay, just checking to make sure I haven’t lost my mind.
Nobel Peace prince Obama launched his liberation of the good people of Libya with his own shock-and-awe bombing campaign appropriately on the eighth anniversary of Bush’s illegal invasion of Iraq. This tyrannical intervention is so naked, so brazen in its hubris that whatever shred of goodwill America had left is completely gone. America is officially the most murderous, anti-democratic, terrorist nation the world has ever known.
mareally a proud pathetic poster girl for global drones:
There is an antagonistic contradiction between U.S. imperialism and the interests of the vast majority of the people of this planet,” says Anthony Montero, Professor of African American Studies at Temple University, in Philadelphia. “North Africa and West Asia now become a center of resistance to American empire,” while “South America can no longer be considered a safe haven for neoliberal economic policies.” Prof. Monteiro spoke at a BAR panel at the Left Forum, New York City, last weekend.
maria said..."obama was PUSHED into this by the necons."
Obama was pushed into this by Hillary, either to further her legacy or destroy his.
If things go well, they both look good. If things head south, it's on Obama. Or, as JFK put it:
"Victory has many fathers but defeat is an orphan"
I think Obama's administration is right now at the edge of imploding. There are some indications that we are entering a "double dip" recession. Japan is in ruins, we start a third war in Libya, and Obama heads straight from doing his bracket on the golf course to spring break in Rio. If Gaddafi isn't dead soon, his Presidency is.
hillary is hobama's slave
hobama inc is the global master
reality trumps sexist evasion
disprove my statements instead, as usual, of changing the subject and attacking me personally.
you have no idea how boring you are.
maria said...
it's funny, folks like SPC and n-s were calling obama a pussy for not going into libya, and now that he has they oppose it.
I never called for Obama going into Lybia.I called for Obama to show leadership.I called for Obama to follow the Constitution and seek approve from Congress.
Barack Obama,December the 20, 2007.
The president does not have power under the Constitution to unilaterally authorize a military attack in a situation that does not involve stopping an actual or imminent threat to the nation.’
mareally a brazen bimbo:
disprove your lies and denial????
like hobama
u r deluded and solo!!!
try this:
post what you would about gwb had he done the VERY SAME bs in libya that hobama has done...k?
then all will be well
maria writes:
it's funny, folks like SPC and n-s were calling obama a pussy for not going into libya, and now that he has they oppose it.
Nuts, as usual, maria. My comments on Obama and Libya have been in support of his decision to start shooting missiles into Gaddafi's miserable country. I hope Obama's efforts are enough to kill Gaddafi and jump start the beginnings of a reasonable government in Libya.
However, killing Gaddafi will open the door to lots of new bad guys, so we have to accept the possibility that Gaddafi's replacement may well be another brutal dictator. Still, it's hard to imagine a replacement who is worse.
mareally a narcoleptic ninny:
what u call boring
i call awake
and you SNORE more loudly each day
thanks for the kudos sleepy dope!
As we know, the Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission does only one thing. It lies.
We know because, well, we just know.
However, for anyone interested in the ten pages of lies told by the CRTC about Fox News and Fox TV in Canada, the place to read the lies is here, at the CRTC website:
mareally always in deep denial but never in deep thought:
it is getting soooooo boring for hobama in dc!!!!!
A hard-core group of liberal House Democrats is questioning the constitutionality of U.S. missile strikes against Libya, with one lawmaker raising the prospect of impeachment during a Democratic Caucus conference call on Saturday.
Reps. Jerrold Nadler (N.Y.), Donna Edwards (Md.), Mike Capuano (Mass.), Dennis Kucinich (Ohio), Maxine Waters (Calif.), Rob Andrews (N.J.), Sheila Jackson Lee (Texas), Barbara Lee (Calif.) and Del. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D.C.) “all strongly raised objections to the constitutionality of the president’s actions” during that call, said two Democratic lawmakers who took part.
Kucinich, who wanted to bring impeachment articles against both former President George W. Bush and Vice President Dick Cheney over Iraq — only to be blocked by his own leadership — asked why the U.S. missile strikes aren’t impeachable offenses.
Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0311/51595.html#ixzz1HLeVPhSZ
You fucking idiot. If this was a black girl being critical of asians, you would be praising her about making valid points. But she's white , so ooohhhh, das rayciz!! Also, going by some of your critisism of America, I have this to say. If you hate this country, why the fuck don't you go back to Africa and live amongst your own kind. You can live in a traditional mud hut, commence in traditional African activities like raping, mugging and bathing in zebra piss. You can experience some traditional African cuisine, ie mud soup, dung beetle casserole or human flesh mixed with grub larvae. You are nothing but a pathetic field nagger.
You do have the greater Metropolitan Boston area and everywhere else. Rhode Island feels it is part of Boston but that feeling is not mutual. It's the same with redneck New Hampshire. They need us more than we need them. Cape Cod is also too far away to be part and parcel of Boston. I'd say if someone can get to the city within a half hour to an hour with ease, they should be able to call themselves Bostonians except with people who actually uhm er live in the city.
Let's see:
So, the "Arab League" calls for a "no-fly" zone over Libya. But, of COURSE, they expect the U.N. to enforce it. Which basically means, it's all up to that Great Satan, the U.S. No other country can project the power we can, thanks to our aircraft carriers. The British? The French? PLEASE!
The Russians & the Chinese must be laughing their asses off.
WE have sold BILLIONS in advanced weaponry to Saudi Arabia, and Egypt. But...what can they do? Not shit. THEY certainly don't want to kill any "innocent Arab civilians" (they were just carrying those AK-47's to go to a wedding.)
So....they let us spend the blood, money, and whatever prestige we might have left, to solve THEIR problem. The U.S. doesn't get any oil from Libya....it all goes to Europe.
I say pull out of there NOW, before Brother Louis can go over there, negotiate a "cease killing dumb Arabs" fire, and win the Nobel Peace Prize.
But hell, I guess if Arafat & Obama can win it, Farrakhan should too. Maybe he can take it up to his space ship with him.
no_slappz, you're the type of person for whom the phrase "go to bed, the adults are talking" was coined. No one with any self-reapect or dignity gives a hoot about wingnut memes and simplistic propaganda concerning intellectual thought.
maria sez
"it's funny, folks like SPC and n-s were calling obama a pussy for not going into libya, and now that he has they oppose it."
Lowlife pieces of amphibian $hit they are.
No character whatsoever.
@ socrates:
But "simplistic propaganda concerning intellectual thought" is what you're all about, squeeze.
i have posted a reply 4 times and it's never appeared.
i am not going to engage AB.
it's a red herring to say congress has to approve this. and a moot point--they would have anyway.
SPC, you're rewriting your own history. please post your previous comment about congress b/c i think you're lying.
Alicia Banks has to be hands down the most insane blogger on the internet. She's as fucked up as a person can get. She is a complete wingnut, conspiracy theory freak. She's slapping high fives with ignorant conservatrolls who could be paid astroturf. Why are these conservatives hanging out on Field's blog?
Everyone all together let's say, "Hello Netvocates and Bivings!"
I think Alicia Banks might be paid to post. Why else did she create that other username FP or PF, you know another illogical sister who's black yet hates blacks and spews far right wing conspiracy bullshit?
And Field Negro is really an Uncle Tom for letting that nasty looking bitch soil his blog. They're whooping it up because Field is either too stupid or lazy and allows it.
Oh, Field doesn't have time to moderate his comments? That's bullshit. Alicia Banks needs to either be exposed as a paid fake or put in a straitjacket. Field-Negro isn't helping her by allowing her to dominate this blog. Field Negro is a good blogger and nice guy, but obviously he is incapable of being a blog leader and moderator. To Alicia Banks, go fuck yourself and good luck in hell, because that's where you're going.
Socrates, I think AB got ahold of some nasty pussy one night, and got pussy botulism of the brain, or something of that general nature.
Made her eyes bug-out, too
socrates, it's really best to ignore AB. field is never going to moderate full-time or censor. he's allowed her to call me every possible slur (and a few new ones, like "maytag jew, wtf that means) and he refuses to take action. believes in freedom of speech, with really isn't the issue, but it's his blog.
she deserves your pity more than anything else.
Actually, Socrates, it's more fun to annoy her ugly ass.
socrates said...
Alicia Banks has to be hands down the most insane blogger on the internet. She's as fucked up as a person can get. She is a complete wingnut, conspiracy theory freak. She's slapping high fives with ignorant conservatrolls who could be paid astroturf. Why are these conservatives hanging out on Field's blog?
Why are you so obsessed with AB?? She is a lesbian and doesn't a date with you.Sorry....
And Field Negro is really an Uncle Tom for letting that nasty looking bitch soil his blog. They're whooping it up because Field is either too stupid or lazy and allows it.
Oh, Field doesn't have time to moderate his comments? That's bullshit.
Field Negro is a good blogger and nice guy, but obviously he is incapable of being a blog leader and moderator.
Will this black on black violence ever stop?
"If Gaddafi isn't dead soon, his Presidency is."
Don't think so rev. the GOP is also imploding and the tan man has no control over his minions. The tea party has bastardized government and no one will trust the GOP or those lunatics anywhere near the button so by default Obama will be given a second chance. Conservatives may not admit to this aloud but the results will soon start to show.
wigga hobama bromancer slob marley:
your blackfaced bs will never make u cool or irie
mareally kim k:
your angelic poser bs is showing again
u repulse me you lying evil bitch
See what I mean, Socrates? You get AB all riled-up, and it's like giving a hippopotamus laxatives....the shit just keeps on coming.
the abuse from haters and fools will never stop
not until i stop telling truths about hobama that they can never debate or deny
ditto for cornel west/tavis smiley eyc
cannibal pig pcj:
nothing is as fecal as the fools who excuse hobama's global diarrhea
even those who love to lick him clean as u do
wimpy wigga slob marley:
real men do not have to call FN like he is their daddy to stop anyone from whipping their ass boy
go police your "blog" u racist sexist envious dog
racist sexist inept lying wigga slob marley:
u r already in hell
hobama is your satanic god
and your evil silly post just proved you are cursed
how will hating me save YOU from hobama's hatred for all global poor mongrels like you?????
how white hobama zombie???
did i EVER lie on hobama as you LIE incessantly on me????
how will your blackfaced MISDIRECTED venom herein save hobama's blackish mask as it is UNVEILED globally by his own SOLO evil deeds???????
how u witless blogless wigga mf???
clueless cloned hobama nazi wigga slob marley:
millions of REAL REVOLUTIONARIES with REAL faces and names HATE hobama GLOBALLY!!!!!!
and only silly mfs like u pretend we are all right wing neocons
not only is that witless wigga slob marley obsessed with me
he lies on me perpetually
i won my last uiuc media award in 1996
and my last national lgbt media award in 2008
he is a pathological LIAR and blackfaced stalker!!!!
any mf like him who can ignore the vdlr and needs slaps/the kosher kkk posse herein is a RACIST POSER AND A FOOL!!!!!!!
i am an ultra liberal afrocentric rebel warrior
u r a hidden cowardly internet poser wigga...and???
i have blasted hobama everywhere since 2006 when whispers about his hoax bid for prez began in chi...and i will continue to do so as long as he earns it
get over that u faceless fool...ASAP!!!!
PilotX said...
"Obama will be given a second chance."
If unemployment goes back up over 10% and Gaddafi is still running Libya in 2012, he will have used up his chances.
Getting rid of old Muammar seems pretty easy, but the consequences of failure are high.
Everything this administration does regarding foreign policy is merely to further their domestic agenda. This action in Libya is all about getting re-elected. A picture of Gaddafi's bloody corpse on every Arab's cellphone is just the foreign policy cred Obama needs for 2012. That's what this is about. Low hanging fruit and sacrificial lambs.
mareally a pitiful whiny whore:
pity this u evil dizzy dirty wigga whore!!!
every s/hero i have ever loved and admired has been called "crazy...pitiful etc"
from harriet to malcolm
i will be that 4ever
thanks for the kudos u hater hobama nazi mongrels!!!!!
hey wigga slob marley:
smoke this ganja u poser!
"And Field Negro is really an Uncle Tom for letting that nasty looking bitch soil his blog. They're whooping it up because Field is either too stupid or lazy and allows it."
You're totally out of line with this remark.
Field, to his credit, truly believes in the spirit of the blogosphere which is letting the average person have their say whether its popular or not.
Go and check out a conservative, especially a black conservative blog and those cowards ban people simply for opposing or criticizing them.
thank u
that is exactly what that witless whiny wimpy wigga wants
to spew "cool" bs unchecked by real black warriors like me!!!
fn is the real black man that slob marley only pretends to be!!!!....
Hey, AB....I notice you don't mention that cock-sucking murderer Mumia much any more. Why is that??
mindless enquirer:
u r looking for black love in all the wrong places as u stalk mumia
try here
how long has that foolish mf slob marley posted here?
how brazen to be new to this blog yet talk such IMMEDIATE INCESSANT bs to fn/me when he just got here...no?
how dare he cosign vdlr's bs when he is too stupid and too new to even know why i CREATED vdlr as her name????
i have never seen a brand new kind of fool who is brand new to any blog post such bs as that bitchy eminem clone slob marley!!!!
mareally a wigga perp maytag:
pity this u liar!!!
I support Field's committment to free speech.
Quite frankly I don't aupport a lot of what you do here.
Especially towards Maria.
Now go ahead and call me OJ but right is right and wrong is wrong.
Hi Maria. I googled maytag Jew. I think it refers to a brand of oven that has a sabbath mode. It's strange how she came up with it. Maybe from visiting white supremacy websites like her sock puppet does. She never did explain how she responded to "focusedpurpose" at the same time. If she is astroturf, and I now lean towards thinking that, I believe her goal is to make sure this blog never grows. Another is to try to make her breed of nutjob seem like a trend. Her rants are basically an attack on our rights to freedom of association. It's tough to get any kind of conversational flow going when the madwoman never stifles it. Now, seeing that her craziness is sooo over the top, it may very well be scripted. Then again, she just might be sincere in her insanity.
Damn, UTS.....it's comical to see AB run to you for your support.
Guess that's what's calle a blog whore.
Steve I agree with you. I'm just trying to tweak the blog owner a bit. I think he's foolish to let the comment pages go the way they do. But if he's not strong enough to be a true leader in the blogosphere, so be it. The internet's a joke anyway, so my criticism is probably meaningless. I did say he's a good guy and blogger. Now why hasn't Ms. Nutjob explained how she responded to "focusedpurpose" at the exact time? Does she expect people to be unable to understand the concept of right woos black? Maybe she receives a paycheck from Lyndon Larouche! Does she think people didn't check out that tidbit proving she is also focusedpurpose?
clueless witless lying mf slob marley:
u have failed twice now fool
if u were really the black man you want to be
you would know that maytag is a very old generic term for a whore
as in
a prisoner that anyone may tag/rape
a bitch like maria who has a filthy mattress tied to her flat back that only nigs like uts may tag/smash/screw etc
get your weak flawed blackfaced bs polished better here...k?
cannibal pig:
u have me mixed up with that bastard poser slob marley!
he is the one calling out for mercy via fn
i know your pig brain has trouble keeping up with what we humans do...
socrates said...
"Hi Maria. I googled maytag Jew. I think it refers to a brand of oven that has a sabbath mode."
WTF? I think you are a dumbass par excellence.
You are a kenmore Rasta, brand of oven that over bakes everything.
witless whining wimpy wigga slob marley:
proof of your severe retardation and fatal ignorance is that you truly believe that your silly lies and slander are debate/valid responses...
u r a moron so u actually think
that pretending fp/laa/i are all 1 person will diminish the fact that you have received 3 slayings herein...not!
truth triply trumps trifling tricks like YOU fool!!!!!
I hear you man.
To be honest, if it were my blog I would have blocked the anonymous posters in particular just on the charge of cowardice.
But tell me. You really think AB is focusedpurpose?
I don't think so. I do know that FP is the former "Grata" after looking over some old threads and noticing the same writing style, egotism and self-righteousness.
witless wooed wigga slob marley:
hobama woos the right even better than he woos u suicidal hobama nazis...bet!
Obama's press secretary's assault on the Left also represents a presidential "wink" to the Right, "reassuring the corporate world that Obama will not yield an inch to the Left in this election season." Once again, the president shows that he regards the Left as either his flunkies - or his enemy.
In the months after Barack Obama won the presidency with near-total support of Blacks and the white Left, a New York Black activist was fond of telling audiences to pay attention to the First Black President's face, not necessarily his actions. According to this theory, the president had to pretend he was in synch with the corporations and conservative whites, but he's really a good "brother" with Black folks interests at heart. Just look for "the wink." That presidential wink at Black folks was supposed to be the signal that Obama is working his game to our benefit.
Obama has been doing lots of winking as president, but all his signals are designed to please the other side. He almost injured his eyeballs winking at Republicans when he stacked his administration with Bush holdovers and Wall Streeters. He winked till his eyelashes nearly fell out at the insurance and drug companies as he arranged for their continued dominance and super-profits in health care. Obama winked his way into a much larger war in Afghanistan and beyond. He's got that wink, alright, but it's always in the wrong direction
nig uts:
u know gd well we are not the same persons
we are 3 sister Queens who have been slaying your teeny court jester ass 4ever
u have no honor/shame/soul/brain
u r a disgrace to all alpha males everywhere.
it is your refusal to censor uts/anyone that makes your blog great...KUDOS!!!!
please let him keep doing all he does to degrade black women and defend wigga whores like maria always
i do not have to call u oj
u always proudly ignore the kkk and the vdlr who do FAR more to me than i do IN DEFENSE against maria
and u slander black women routinely
and u have given maria permission to do the same at her will
she ALWAYS attacks me first
YOU show yourself to be oj daily.
u never need my help!
do your free speech and carry on
uptownsteve said...
"To be honest, if it were my blog I would have blocked the anonymous posters in particular just on the charge of cowardice."
But you're not honest. If this were your blog, there would be nobody here because you would have blocked everybody who made you look the fool you are and your fellow circle-jerkers would have tired of stroking each other by now.
"If unemployment goes back up over 10% and Gaddafi is still running Libya in 2012, he will have used up his chances."
Sure he may be the smartest kid in special ed but what else is out there? The GOP can't put up a serious candidate right now because they have to bow down to the psychos in the tea parties and that won't pull the middle to their side. Huckleberry won't be able to get serious voters to back him so they either stay home or vote for the O man. Trying to rewrite history or supressing the vote or trying to declaw unions is not a good strategy to win elections. They campaigned on jobs but we've seen nothing so the O picked the right time to get into the WH. What other alternative is there?
you know, AB, field knows i am not a "wigga whore." and you should be banned from this site, and would be, if there are were any rules, like:
stay on topic.
don't be abusive.
add to the discussion.
avoid repetition, you know, the simple rules that most sites use that allow comments.
so, carry on, safe in the knowledge that field lets everyone post, even crazy racists liars like you.
mareally a brazen hypocritical harlot:
take your own advice much???
see my caps:
stay on topic.
don't be abusive.
add to the discussion.
avoid repetition
simple rules that most sites use that allow comments.
Grata is from Africa, FP and AB are both from North America, but they are not same. I am from the American Caribbean. There was another wise black female commenter from Europe, but I forgot her handle.
I am so humbled knowing there are many many many intelligent and non-indoctrinated black women who think outside the "black community" from all over the world.
i have never seen so many bm nig houseboys coddle excuse and defend a racist wench like maria on any blog online!!!!
shame to all sisters in the diaspora!!!!!
FOX lies. You can pay to have FOX lie to you in Canada...but FOX can't meet the minimal standard of not lying to you...so FOX has no license. FOX lies
Must be tough being a wingnut...the Facts are with Kucinich. Before we discuss impeachment of Obama, can we at least charge bush and Cheney? If we don't, you give Obama a free pass. That's why Rule of Law should apply to everyone...not just your enemies.
Socrates, nice point about the New Hampshire whiners. I had forgot how many depended heavily on the eveelbigcity of Boston.
Gosh, two great discussion topics...the Great Bargain and Libya. So our conservatives ponder upon both and post?
PilotX, Tom Ridge would landslide if he hadn't been a bush gofer. Vet, moderate, rational. Obama might have to ask the banksters for more cash.
You are correct...the current crop of abject losers (wingnuts) make Obama the best option.
" La♥audiobooks said...
I am from the American Caribbean."
Just where is the "American Caribbean"?
What other "Caribbeans" are there?
"There was another wise black female commenter from Europe, but I forgot her handle. "
Another wise black female commenter? I've never seen even one.
Maria, think of the heroic bravery it takes to anonymously be a jerkhole. How tough it is to make up sockpuppets to have someone agree with any of your inane comments. The lone loner, lonely going against the horde of literates and well-mannered folk.
Please Maria, make a spot in your heart for the Young R (over 35) who still lives with Moms...who has a basement flat because even Mom doesn't like the odor of self-indulgence. The countless hours spent building Internet personas that only fool the creator...everyone else knows...but are too nice to mention that the persona is an obvious fake. Can you damage the fragile self-esteem of such a person?
Maria, these are 'special' people. Expecting adult behaviours is too much. After all, they need 'special' news, specifically sanitized to remove all those pesky Liberal Facts. Or writers chosen for loyalty to dogma.
We should be pleasant to them...as they won't ever get better.
"Anonymous (Mold) said...
FOX lies..that's why they have no license in Canada. FOX lies. They can't even meet minimal standard. FOX lies.
Oh...and pretending that since one can purchase the lies of FOX in Canada is the EXACT SAME as a license...is lying.
11:05 AM
WHY do you idiotrates keep repeating this lie over, and over, and over?????
Even a rocket scientist / educator / Nobel Prize winner / proctologist, like "Mold" can do a quick Google, and see:
"In 2003, the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) rejected a Canadian Cable Telecommunications Association (CCTA) application to bring Fox News to Canada because Fox News U.S. and Global Television were planning to create Fox News Canada, a combination of U.S. and Canadian news. However in 2004, after a Fox U.S. executive said there were no plans to create the combined channel, the CRTC approved an application to bring Fox News to Canada.[75]
Fox News Channel is currently offered by Access Communications, Bell TV, Cogeco, Eastlink, Manitoba Telecom Services, Rogers, SaskTel, Shaw Cable, Shaw Direct and Telus TV. A notable exception is Vidéotron, Canada's third largest cable company, which has not added Fox News Channel to its lineup."
Stupidity looks good on you, Mold.
12:17 PM
The above wasn't written by Fox....it came straight from Wikipedia...a source that is left-leaning, as any non-demented person will admit.
I HARDLY think they're gonna lie for Fox.
Get a grip.
mareally a whorish hobama bot:
cc that bogus blog rules bs to
the vdlr
needs slaps
resident pedophiles
the kkk clones herein
STFU U SELECTIVE SHREW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"Tom Ridge would landslide if he hadn't been a bush gofer"
Colin powell would have been the perfect choice in 200 if he had not let his loyalty to GHWB get in the way and let dumbo run. he would have prevented the invasions of Iraq and Afganistan. I blame him for all of this.
Herman Cain is a Jeezus freak. Whow ould have thunk it?
mareally no blog cop:
cc that bs to your geriatric peasant/trailer pk geezer gone mad/cloned old hag whore molded/nell too!!!
FOX lies. You can pay to be lied to by FOX in Canada. FOX Lies. FOX can't meet minimal standards of honesty so they don't have a licence. FOX lies. Harper tried to give them a waiver. FOX lies. FOX could not meet the minimum standard.
FOX lies.
jesus freaks are all over dc
hc is also a man who knows how to make cash and pizza
unlike hobama who only knows how to spend cash and make mince meat pie out of global mongrels
"it came straight from Wikipedia...a source that is left-leaning, as any non-demented person will admit."
I don't know about that one. Conservatives are claiming anything that they do not agree with is "left leaning". I always thought wikipedia was a source for basic infomation and never looked at it from a political POV. I guess if something doesn't come from Fox or conservapedia it's left-leaning. I was hoping the whole paranoia thing was declining with Beck's ratings.
pilotX, you wrote:
Don't think so rev. the GOP is also imploding and the tan man has no control over his minions. The tea party has bastardized government and no one will trust the GOP or those lunatics anywhere near the button so by default Obama will be given a second chance.
In 2008 it was a foregone conclusion that Hillary Clinton had the Democratic nomination all locked up. But....
Along came Obama, a blank-slate, no-experience, unknown, mixed-race presidential wannabe who'd served only a third of a term in the Senate -- and he won.
Okay. Neither of the 2008 candidates were sitting presidents, which makes a big difference. But Obama has proven he's even less competent that Jimmy Carter, who managed to lose after getting the country tied up in the Middle East with those 60 pesky American hostages held in Tehran.
Imagine how much better off the world would be today if Carter had done to the mullahs in Iran what Obama is trying to do to Gaddafi?
Anywho, Obama is now, for better or worse, fighting three wars. But the way things are going in the Middle East and North Africa, overnight the number could jump to 10.
That's how it is with these muslim clowns. Monkey see, monkey do. One revolte triggers the next. That's good, but it shows the world that independent thought is totally absent in the Islamic world.
Maybe the Islamic leaders are all conspiring to crash the US by drawing us into one war after another until we keel over in bankruptcy?
So -- the Republican Party has plenty of time to bring forth a viable candidate.
The wild-card is Donald Trump. He's not a serious candidate, but he can affect the outcome by seizing control of the primary debates.
Meanwhile, he could skip the primaries, declare himself an Independent and run. However, the best use of his own celebrity is to threaten to run and then throw his support to the Republican candidate, whoever he may be.
"hc is also a man who knows how to make cash and pizza"
Oh I agree, but he should stick with that and not run for prez. No way the GOP votes for a Black man. You heard it first here.
LAA: I am so humbled knowing there are many many many intelligent and non-indoctrinated black women who think outside the "black community" from all over the world
mmmm, me too!
PilotX, Colin Powell is intelligent, dynamic, charismatic...and ewwww One of Those People(tm)!!!! All the death threats to the horrible danger posed by Sasha and Malia to the body politic...
CP also has some very serious skeletons in his closet. The least of which was selling his gravitas to front for the boybush emperor.
"So -- the Republican Party has plenty of time to bring forth a viable candidate."
And I have some swampland in Florida to sell you. The rabid right which is composed of religious nuts and tea party whackjobs won't accept a serious candidate and will nominate a far right goof who will be roundly rejected by the middle. The GOP has painted itself into a corner of its own making and demographics don't look good for the future either. Demonizing Muslims and Latinos is not a good platform for the majority of Americans. Better luck in 2016.
Canadian Radio-Television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) -- and Fox TV
The CRTC Website details everything about Fox TV, Fox News -- In Canada.
Fox is everywhere in Canada.
i think a can of paint could have beaten gwb in 2008
ditto for hobama in 2010
but i agree with you
hobama will be prez no matter what
just as his cuz gwb
they both were selected for 8 yr bids in advance
i will not be voting regardless
of which new sock puppet is presented
our last real prez was jfk
and he was executed so that amoral sold out fools like hobama could reign for the banksters like goldman sachs and mafia men like rahmbo
"LAA: I am so humbled knowing there are many many many intelligent and non-indoctrinated black women who think outside the "black community" from all over the world"
Not sure how to take that comment. I grew up in the Black community and live there today. I don't think that being and thinking as part of the Black community is a bad thing.
"our last real prez was jfk"
You're from Chicago. you know JFK only got in because Daley and Momo threw the election in his favor. Hell, I think I ran across a Nixon ballot the other day in the garbage. Eisenhower was the last really good prez.
Wasn't there a POS who ran Dominos? Sold munchies and forced drivers to go too fast? Until he was caught...then it was all those local owners.
Honest catholic who skimmed off money to pay for Operation Jerkhole...and was getting worried about the Feds looking into his scam. Lucky for him...the emphasis changed with an election...or he would be the shower toy.
Same delightful man gave tons of money to conservative priests for their 'reach around' menistries to children.
Not to mention his outlays for sexual harassment of minors. Good thing he shorted drivers and franchise owners.
i said he was the last real prez
the mafia made him pay for that
that has nothing to do with all his maverick kudos
like his OWN real cash that bypassed the mafia like fed reserve etc
see jfk's cash here
this and his dissing the mafia like a street team cost jfk his life
hobama does not have that problem with the drones who still worship him despite his incessant disses/betrayals/slurs etc
the mafia has honor
black mongrels have none
see uts prove that daily
Slappy, FOX is forced upon unwilling folks...which you might know by just reading the Canadian blogs. Although they think FOX has a right to be untruthful and dishonest and nasty...they really don't like that Harper and the CanCons are making it mandatory to have FOX. Seems if you don't have FOX, you make better decisions.
FOX lies. FOX has no license...because they lie...and would prefer to lie rather than tell the Truth.
You might try this scam on someone who has no connection to Canada. FOX lies. All FOX has to do to acquire a license...is be Truthful. FOX lies. They go with lying.
PilotX said..."What other alternative is there?"
None, right now. Maybe Romney if Obama continues to stumble.
Neither of the best two candidates, Chris Christy and Marco Rubio, is running. Unfortunately, both probably won't be ready until 2016. If Rubio keeps his nose clean and does a servicable job as governor, he'll be president one day. There is a strong bench that is coming up too. But you are right, Obama has come along at a time where the competition is pretty sorry. Good thing he's such a fuck up.
pilotX, you wrote:
The rabid right which is composed of religious nuts and tea party whackjobs won't accept a serious candidate and will nominate a far right goof who will be roundly rejected by the middle.
As if there's only one segment of Repubican voters who control the primary process.
The GOP has painted itself into a corner of its own making and demographics don't look good for the future either.
Obama won by a small margin. His support is disappearing. In 2008, the vote was for Anyone But Bush. It did not matter that Hillary was not the candidate. By the time it became clear that McCain and Palin were the Republican candidates, it was understood the Republicans had lost.
Demonizing Muslims and Latinos is not a good platform for the majority of Americans.
Yeah, it's true that Obama sends out mixed messages when it comes to muslims. First he tries to pretend he and the US truly love the Islamic world. Well, we know Obama has some love for the Islamic world.
Then, in an odd way of showing his love, Obama expands the war in Afghanistan, maintains the war in Iraq, tries to distance himself form his foolish comments about closing Guantanamo, then gives Mubarak a little shove to get him out of office and now Obama is trying to kill Gaddafi.
What goes on on the president's mind? If anything. He seems to have lost his mind.
The CRTC Website details everything about Fox TV, Fox News -- In Canada.
Fox is everywhere in Canada.
Check your newspaper for local listings.
"I am so humbled knowing there are many many many intelligent and non-indoctrinated black women who think outside the "black community" from all over the world."
Africa and the Carribean aren't "the black community"????
One thing that jumps out about all the women you named is that they all hate being black.
eisenhower prophetically warned us about hobama and his banksters
we are doomed now because we did not take heed then
eisenhower would despise hobama/gwb/dick c/ALL of the entire military industrial complex banksters...
just as all who are sane and awake do
What up Field! You know when I read this post initially I thought why would the burn down a Church of God in Christ church they are the most apolitical of church folks.
If these guys are the culprits they really were pissed because the black folks at the church don't have no problem with nothing not even evil in the world.
Anonymous said...
FOX lies. You can pay to be lied to by FOX in Canada. FOX Lies. FOX can't meet minimal standards of honesty so they don't have a licence. FOX lies. Harper tried to give them a waiver. FOX lies. FOX could not meet the minimum standard.
FOX lies.
Obsess much?
Anonymous said...
Slappy, FOX is forced upon unwilling folks...which you might know by just reading the Canadian blogs.
What Canadian blogs? Those written by FOX haters?
Rev Wite, Christy has already shown he is nothing more than an obese bully. Rubio...you might want to know that not all of us are unaware of his 'problems'..which have been discussed by citizens of Florida. He's sleazy, even by their standards. Just because you find him desirable ...doesn't make him electable.
Both have severe corruption issues.
Slappy, we all know the Goobers hijacked the primary process...as their miniscule numbers count for zip in generals. How do you thinkerate Sarey got erected?
So, the R plan is to choose people lesser than bush?
Pout that your team lost and it was cheaterated from you. Umm...no. Your team was a viable candidate and a Snowbilly with zero appeal. Unless you voted solely on MILFness and wingnut ignorance. What a surprise...the rest of the US preferred a US Senator who spoke in whole sentences. And did more than pose. And could read.
What's even funnier...you want to repeat the mistake.
Because I know there have been Rs with credentials. That's why I keep bringing up Ridge. To remind us the current Rs are Goobers, Heeyucks and Gomers. Oral Law Skool? Tell me, isn't there a joke in that?
" no_slappz said...
The CRTC Website details everything about Fox TV, Fox News -- In Canada.
Fox is everywhere in Canada.
Check your newspaper for local listings.
4:54 PM"
Nice try, n_s, but I'm afraid Mold is exhibiting signs of Alzheimer's, or just plain ole retardation. Nothing else can rationally explain his blatant refusal to accept that Fox IS licensed to broadcast in Canada, despite the evidence presented to him.
Best to leave him licking on the back window of the short bus.
eisenhower would have hated dimwitted arrogantly ignorant proudly unread drones like mareally a moron too
as they just LOVE the military and prison industrial complexes ONLY because hobama loves to fund them....shame!!!!
"In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes. We should take nothing for granted. Only an alert and knowledgeable citizenry can compel the proper meshing of the huge industrial and military machinery of defense with our peaceful methods and goals, so that security and liberty may prosper together."
— Dwight D. Eisenhower
PilotX said...
" Eisenhower was the last really good prez."
Everyone remembers Eisenhower's warning about the military-industrial complex. Also included but less remembered from his 1961 Farewell Address is his warning about the corrosive potential of the government-science complex:
“The prospect of domination of the nation’s scholars by Federal employment, project allocations, and the power of money is ever present - and is gravely to be regarded.”
Very prescient when considering the bureaucratic/statist/scienctific collusion driving the global warming operation.
SPC, Canadians. Despite your need to separate the world into Us and Them...most folks are more realistic.
About the only Canadians who want FOX are Harper (loonies) and wingnuts (we aren't losers...this station proves that wearing poo-stained underwear is godly). The rest are annoyed by the Entitled attitude of FOX and the Imperial decrees by Harper. Canadians have no problem with FOX being an extra-cost small-audience offering. Except...FOX bundles. You know...if you want hockey...you have to take the FOX with it. The numbers really stink if FOX is offered by itself. Something like 590 subscribers in all of Toronto. Until you force folks to take FOX with sports. Then the counts go up.
Oh...did you think I would not know about the number cooking? It's the same value as wingnut books. Buy them by the ton...so the fake claim of 'NYT bestselling author' can be put on the Khyron.
Why is the wingnut norm...cheating?
Antifungal said: "Best to leave him licking on the back window of the short bus."
Time to scrape the mold off the blog.
Rev Wite, Poor fellow, did all those smart kids learn stuff and leave you behind? Does it feel bad that you don't understand much about Science?
Read the whole thing and Ike was bemoaning change. And I seem to recall that PCs were birthed in garages. And that Global Climate Change uses math.
You really might have to give up your SUV. Too bad, so sad.
But...given the option of no Florida or you taking public transport...I'll choose Florida.
You could go to your local junior college and take a few Science courses. Might help with those sour grapes.
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