Folks, you have to believe me when I tell you that I would love to go a day without blogging about the wingnuts among us and their day to day "wingnuttery" , but I can't. Forget Charlie Sheen, he is an entertainer, he could have a meltdown a day for the rest of his life and I could care less. (BTW, just to show you where we are as a country, watch the kind of numbers his 20/20 interview pulls tonight.) But a politician who might lead our country one day is quite another story.
"Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee mistakenly said President Obama was raised in Kenya during an interview yesterday in which he argued that the president's upbringing in Africa gave him a very different outlook on the world than that held by most Americans.
WOR radio host Steve Malzberg asked the former Arkansas governor to weigh in on the "birther" debate. Huckabee sidestepped, saying: "I would love to know more, but what I know is troubling enough. And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example's very different than the average American."
Huckabee later stated that Obama's perspective was shaped by "growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather." Listen to the complete audio here.
After the interview made the national news Tuesday, Huckabee's team told ABC News that the governor simply misspoke and meant Indonesia, not Kenya. "Governor Huckabee simply misspoke when he alluded to President Obama growing up in 'Kenya.' The Governor meant to say the President grew up in Indonesia," Huckabee's political action committee director Hogan Gidley told ABC. However, Kenya was under British rule, while Indonesia was under Dutch control.
Much misinformation and controversy surround the president's birth and childhood.
The president's father was Kenyan, but met Obama's mother in Hawaii where Obama was born. President Obama did spend a portion of his childhood in Indonesia before returning to Hawaii. Obama first visited Kenya as an adult.
"Birthers," those who believe Obama is not a natural born citizen, continue to drive conspiracy theories about the president's nationality.
Republican leaders have recently been asked to weigh in on the issue of birthers following a poll that showed 51 percent of GOP primary voters falsely believe Obama was not born in the United States. Speaker John Boehner and tea party star Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) have each addressed the issue in recent weeks saying they personally believe Obama is a citizen. But Boehner added that he won't actively dissuade the public from believing otherwise."[More]
"Presidential hopeful Mike Huckabee mistakenly said President Obama was raised in Kenya during an interview yesterday in which he argued that the president's upbringing in Africa gave him a very different outlook on the world than that held by most Americans.
WOR radio host Steve Malzberg asked the former Arkansas governor to weigh in on the "birther" debate. Huckabee sidestepped, saying: "I would love to know more, but what I know is troubling enough. And one thing that I do know is his having grown up in Kenya, his view of the Brits, for example's very different than the average American."
Huckabee later stated that Obama's perspective was shaped by "growing up in Kenya with a Kenyan father and grandfather." Listen to the complete audio here.
After the interview made the national news Tuesday, Huckabee's team told ABC News that the governor simply misspoke and meant Indonesia, not Kenya. "Governor Huckabee simply misspoke when he alluded to President Obama growing up in 'Kenya.' The Governor meant to say the President grew up in Indonesia," Huckabee's political action committee director Hogan Gidley told ABC. However, Kenya was under British rule, while Indonesia was under Dutch control.
Much misinformation and controversy surround the president's birth and childhood.
The president's father was Kenyan, but met Obama's mother in Hawaii where Obama was born. President Obama did spend a portion of his childhood in Indonesia before returning to Hawaii. Obama first visited Kenya as an adult.
"Birthers," those who believe Obama is not a natural born citizen, continue to drive conspiracy theories about the president's nationality.
Republican leaders have recently been asked to weigh in on the issue of birthers following a poll that showed 51 percent of GOP primary voters falsely believe Obama was not born in the United States. Speaker John Boehner and tea party star Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) have each addressed the issue in recent weeks saying they personally believe Obama is a citizen. But Boehner added that he won't actively dissuade the public from believing otherwise."[More]
Is there a republiclown left in this country with a brain? I saw the tan- man on television trying to side step the issue when pressed by David Gregory, and it was painful to watch. But I guess I can't blame them for playing politics. Not when 51% of their primary voters believe that O wasn't born here.
Finally, will someone please tell the LA Clippers that Black History Month was in February?
WTF? Love Blake Griffin, hate the franchise and their racist owner.
Semi-reasonable folks on the right (I guess Huckabee fits in there..hard to say) that full well know the truth won't own up in an effort not to offend their fringe. Charlie is definitely nuts....don't care, don't watch his show anyway!
It would seem like a desperate political ploy that backfired, but I don't think he misspoke, he meant Kenya. If you keep spreading a lie long enough you'll confuse yourself and start to believe it. I bet he had already start to daydream about little Obama swinging from trees and riding on the neck of a giraffe. Yup, that's what you get for trying to mess with other people's mind, you screw up your own.
Obama is one thing, but I sure don't want an easily confused absentminded vindictive president in his place.
As for Charlie, I was too distracted by his nose. It's going to eventually slide off from the right side of his face. See for yourself.
Good night.
From what I heard about Sheen--even when I don't want to know anything about him--is that he loves his alcohol and cocaine and that has had an influence on his behavior.
Mike Huckabee? What's his excuse?
Oh, wait...sucking up to the ignoramuses who love their cocaine: believing Mr. Obama is not a natural born US citizen.
I'm so tired of this.
And Here I thought you were probably going to talk about the really big news today, how the Black Attorney General said "focus on the Black Panther case, demeans my people"
Isn't it a shocker to have a racist attorney general who does not follow the rule of law of the country?
"Isn't it a shocker to have a racist attorney general who does not follow the rule of law of the country?"
Conservatives are hard-up for Holder to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA). It does three things:
1) Defines marriage as a "legal union between one man and one woman as husband and wife, and the word 'spouse' refers only to a person of the opposite sex who is a husband or a wife".
2) Allows states to no longer recognize same-sex marriages from other states as legally binding.
Basically, this act is designed to fuck over same-sex couples by essentially nullifying their marital status on a federal level. The Teabagger contingent love this act.
And Holder is a "racist" who "does not follow the rule of law of the country" for not wanting to get on board with this.
"The Attorney General seemed to take personal offense at a comment Culberson read in which former Democratic activist Bartle Bull called the incident the most serious act of voter intimidation he had witnessed in his career.
“Think about that,” Holder said. “When you compare what people endured in the South in the 60s to try to get the right to vote for African Americans, to compare what people subjected to that with what happened in Philadelphia, which was inappropriate. . . . to describe it in those terms I think does a great disservice to people who put their lives on the line for my people,” said Holder, who is black."
Essentially the Philadelphia case was about a bunch of off-brand "Black Panthers" who weren't affiliated with the real Panthers standing around with clubs on their waists at polling stations. And we all know how "intimidated" White people get when they are around Blacks who vaguely look threatening and/or sport anything that could be construed as a weapon.
Now turn it around and lets say you had a bunch of Tea Party supporters standing around with guns holstered and visible to voters, with stern glances directed specifically at Black voters. Would that be a case of "voter intimidation" or would that be called "good Americans performing a needed service to their community"?
mellaneous, in the previous post, you wrote:
You know Field if noone notices blackness and its all good on the race front why did Tiger Woods go to such lengths to make up a category for himself.
Who knows? Why does it matter?
Tiger figured out he would be a bit more popular if he hid his blackness.
You mean all this time no one knew? Is it possible for anyone to be MORE popular that Woods was? Is he unpopular now? Or just a little off his peak of popularity?
When people like the racist guy on the thread, who is either starved for attention --like a poor abandoned child-- or a paid stooge, say that folks don't notice Tiger's blackness, its a safe bet that everything else they say is a lie as well.
Your statement is an example of your dumbness. The issue is NOT whether anyone "notices" that Woods is black, half black, whatever part black he is. Golf fans and non-golf fans know Woods is part black.
That covers the race topic. There's nothing else to add. He's got millions of fans because he's a great golfer. Possibly the greatest golfer ever. His golf game is what people talk about. Yeah they might mention his divorce and what it cost him, and there's interest in his "girl-friends."
When it comes to his race, the story is old and no one cares. The concern is about the future of his game.
slappz, thanks for the comment about Tiger. Unfortunately, people like mellaneous won't be able to understand. You see, he dwells in racism, it makes him feel alive and somebody. He is a very sick man.
slappz, i take that back. I'm just an asshole. And so are you.
anon1:13a, "slappz, i take that back. I'm just an asshole. And so are you."
Anon, you are a disgraceful asshole who WILL be exposed for being the dickless wonder that you are.
I got 9 out of 10 right. Don't know whether that's good or bad.
Huckabee is obviously either brain-damaged or living in an alternate universe. That's cool, though. It's required of Republicans these days.
Anon did you read what you wrote?
How can I dwell in racism?
Why can't you simply engage in the discussion at hand? The point of the last post and the point I agreed with that Field was making is that Tiger tries hard to not acknowledge that he is black.
And everybody knows that it's not in anyone's best interest to not acknowledge who you are or try to be something or somebody you are not it actually winds up making you sick.
Its obvious that there must be a reason that folks seek to deny who they are. Some Black folks who were really light used to pass for white and it was frowned upon because it was simply a denial of who they were. And yes it was their business but folks had their opinions about it and it was one of scorn.
Tiger is a throw back to that because he never acknowledges his black half but goes to great lengths to call himself something that's not even real like Cablasian.
Speaking of sick. Why am I sick because I articulate my views on issues in this society? You are the sick one because you waste trying to convince folks that we live in some kind of fantasy.
And you have to be disturbed to come on to a thread and not add to the conversation but make remarks that either show you are incapable of making an intelligent contribution or just sick guy who gets his jollies out of calling folks names.
If you don't think racism or injustice exists, you probably have plenty company. So why not go and do something else?
I mean you have made your point, you don't understand what we are talking about, or you are offended by the very nature of the discussions, or you disagree with what you think we are saying.
You clearly are not paying attention to my conversations because the last few threads we had discussions about workers rights. In another I wondered why women don't get the attention that abused dogs got. In another I talked about how the US should stop bombing Pakistan and get out of Afghanistan. And in yet another I talked about how good it was that folks in Egypt were revolting and fighting to get their fair of the pie along with democratic rights.
If anyone is a one trick pony its you and some of your pals, some are obviously paid and others are just contrary, for no good reason and others have a deep disdain for people of color, immigrants,people who work for a living, and even themselves.
Rather than paying attention and actually acting like a real human being and maybe take the opportunity to actually listen and join in the discussion, you would rather reduce this to a first grade name calling session.
No my friend the ill health and irrationality and emptyheadedness lies with you!
"would seem like a desperate political ploy that backfired, but I don't think he misspoke, he meant Kenya. If you keep spreading a lie long enough you'll confuse yourself and start to believe it. I bet he had already start to daydream about little Obama swinging from trees and riding on the neck of a giraffe."
Now that was funny. Sadly, I actually believe it.
"Isn't it a shocker to have a racist attorney general who does not follow the rule of law of the country?"
Let me know when you find him. That Panther story was a non-story.It was manufactured by Megyn Kelly to drive up her ratings over at the FAKE NEWS Network
The bad thing isn't so much that Huckabee got it all so wrong, it's that he did so with atlasses and encyclopedias freely available to himself and his staff. Jesus H. Christ.
Even if you're going to mis-inform everyone else in the world you should at least inform yourself correctly.
And that's what passes for "leadership" today in our nation. Sometimes the knowledge that I probably won't last long enough to see the shit these imbeciles pull come back and bite us on the ass is a comfort.
Sheen...? It seems that they get to a certain point, spit out their bit, and run wild as they can. They have too much noteriety and money to have to act sane. The pundits and their professional strokers are always irrascibly telling us that this is merely to be expected, they are not as others but on some elevated plane unfathomable to we mundane, humble folk.
By them: "eccentric". By me: "crazy as a shit house rat".
And Huckabee ain't far behind.
field asks:
Whio is crazier? Charlie or Mike?
My vote goes to the perennial favorite:
Louis Farrakhan Calls Rihanna's Performance 'Filthy' and her fans 'Swine'
Nation of Islam leader Minister Louis Farrakhan is famous for his outspoken ideals on politics and current events, but these days the controversial Muslim speaker has a bone to pick with an unlikely target: Rihanna.
Farrakhan who delivered his annual Savior's Day Speech near Chicago on Sunday (Feb. 27), blasted the pop star for her scantily clad style of dress and sexually suggestive dance moves; writing her off as "filthy" and calling her fans "swine," a term which he also reserved for gays and lesbians.
Not one to keep her mouth closed, Rihanna quickly responded to Farrkhan's rants. "A minister says I perform filthy,sat+watched the filth,then called u SWINE for doin the same! Haa, Is that judgment in ur tone?" she tweeted on Monday. "I certainly don't think u are swine! But a holy man of God does!!!."
During his speech, held at the Allstate Arena in Rosemont, Ill., the 77-year-old also praised Scientology founder L. Ron Hubbard for creating the religion to "civilize white people," and discussed his longstanding friendship with Libyan leader Muammar al-Gaddafi.
Farrakhan vowed to stick by him in light of his alleged crimes against humanity, as citizens in his country are calling for him to step down.
While Gaddafi remains the forefront of the uprising in the North African country, singers Beyonce, Mariah Carey and Usher have all been pressured to return funds received from the leader for past performances. Nelly Furtado has announced that she will give the $1 million she received for performing for Gaddafi's family to charity.
In the past, Farrakhan has had a good standing rapport with several members of the hip-hop and entertainment community, embracing the likes of Snoop Dogg, Russell Simmons and Wyclef Jean.
By The Editors of Boombox Posted Mar 2nd 2011 02:00 AM
The latest reports on Huckabee say he "misspoke" when he said Mr. Obama grew up in Kenya with his father and grandfather, and that Huckabee meant to say Hawaii.
Yeah. So explain the Mau-Mau part of your statement Huckabee.
Mikey knew exactly what he was doing when he made up his story: He is keeping alive the lie that Mr. Obama is not "one of us," but rather "the other."
mellaneous, yoyu wrote:
In another I wondered why women don't get the attention that abused dogs got.
No. That's not what you wondered.
Your comments boiled down to the standard black complaint that states if a black man had done the same thing he would have been locked away for....
In another I talked about how the US should stop bombing Pakistan and get out of Afghanistan.
This decision is in the hands of the president, that black guy you thought so much of. Are you now thinking he was duped by whites into bombing Pakistan.
During the Vietnam War when word leaked out that the US was dropping bombs on Laos and Cambodia, there was a massive public outcry. Today, there's very little protest of Obama's bombing of Pakistan.
Should there be? Is killing Islamic bad guys a mistake? What happens when -- and it will happen -- the worst Islamic bad guys get their hands on Pakistan's nuclear weapons. What then?
And in yet another I talked about how good it was that folks in Egypt were revolting and fighting to get their fair of the pie along with democratic rights.
The "pie" as you describe it, is a very poor ecnonmy that is poor mainly due to the effects of Islam. As bad as Mubarak undoubtedly was, the chief factor restraining economic growth in Egypt has always been Islam itself.
In a democratic Egypt the Muslim Brotherhood will have a place at the table just like Hamas in Gaza. Now Hamas runs Gaza. This is the risk of democracy in Islamic countries.
Egypt has a lot of problems, but life under a Hamas-type leadership -- elected by the voters -- would make life far far worse. And it could happen.
Worse is the fact that rather than steering Egypt toward a productive democracy aimed at prosperity and fairness, Obama is doing nothing. Thus, he's standing back while the worst of the worst get some traction in Egypt.
His inaction on behalf of Libyans is even more despicable. Nobody in the world except Louis Farrakhan would object if Obama sent some cruise missiles into Muammar Gaddafi's tent and killed him.
I guess this means Obama is getting some guidance from Farrakhan.
mack lyins writes:
Essentially the Philadelphia case was about a bunch of off-brand "Black Panthers" who weren't affiliated with the real Panthers standing around with clubs on their waists at polling stations.
Off-brand "Black Panthers"? No such thing. Just like anyone can become a member of any ad hoc group just by claiming membership, so can people say they are "Black Panthers." There's no formal initiation process. No membership committee, no standards for membership other than proclaiming to be a member.
Like Islam. It seems like millions of muslims are always claiming that other muslims are not true muslims because, because, well, who knows why, but the claim is always out there.
The sunnis say the shiites are phonies. And vice versa. The al-qaeda gang says they're the true muslims, but others say no. Louis Farrskhan says his gang is the only gang on the true path of Islam. It's a free-for-all.
Most pols are very 'careful' about what they say. Since he is not one of the Queens of MILFy Goodness on Earth to Bring Sweet, Sweet Release to Wingnuts in Mom's Basement...I would agree that he either beleeverates the Kenyan idiocy..or he is handing the christian primary voters for the Rs some treats.
Sheen seems to have had mental issues for some time. Most folks 'experiment' with recreational drugs (ManDumpling, Daniels, Paul, Santorum, Clinton, Obama, etc) but needing them to function is addiction or self-medication. One TV personality mentioned 'manic'...which appears to fit the behaviours.
Mell...the FakeAnons and the widdle boys are trying to get a rise out of you. Just like they did in Elementary and Junior High. Back then I was upset to be teased. Now, I realize it is more that they have failings and are too lazy to fix them. Or, they want to have someone, anyone to be their subordinate...despite the clearly defined rankings that place them on a lower status.
Pretty much a 15 yo in mental acuity and emotional development. And a 'slow' 15 at that.
field asks:
Who is crazier? Charlie or Mike?
Who cares. Sheen is better as a ranting, unhinged, drug-addled screwball than he is on his TV show.
I don't know who's scripting his his diatribes, but if there's ever an award for over-the-top, self-destructive, bridge-burning, mad tirades, his writer wins.
Mike? Who cares? He's just another early entrant into the presidential primaries and he's not getting nominated.
You should hope he is the nominee. If he were, then Obama would coast into a re-election victory. As incompetent and hapless as Obama has been, the US is not about to replace him with Huckabee.
Slappy, did you forget the christians who set up churches because the number of dancing angels is 6...not 7? Or the christians who even today speak of Eliminationism? (Dave Niewart)
The Catholic Church has been doing an ongoing pogrom upon Social Gospel and Liberal groups within their ranks. Pretty much the only troo church is the conservative one (Opus Dei). This is the crew that enable and encouraged the 'particular institution' involving children.
Odd that one so askeered of 1960s social activists...would not bother to look up anything about those activists. That's OK, I'm sure that in some circles knowledge is considered declasse and uppity and not befitting being a wite.
You have a way of linking a multitude of little bits of fact with something in your imagination and then connecting that stew to some larger vision in your head.
Schizophrenics do this. Sometimes, when they go to the trouble of writing out their thoughts, they share them. The way they connect things is occasionally interesting. But invariably wrong.
Meanwhile, the father of a friend of mine is descending into Alzheimer's. He had been a professor of finance at Columbia. These days, when he talks, much of what he says comes out in the same mumbo-jumbo, weirdly connected form of your comments.
sorry for that 1:26 comment. my brother gets on the computer and acts like a dickless asshole like he's a 4chan "Anonymous" or something. I promise to keep him off the computer and try to get him another date or something.
Slappy, must hurt when Facts show up. All that posturing for naught.
Show me where I am wrong...
Oh, for schizophrenics, there are texts that detail what you are attempting to ascribe to me. Funny, the schizophrenia and what I post are different. That leaves you with making things up...or I have , by myself, invented a totally new and undiscovered form of schizophrenia totally unnoticed by the thousands of mental health professional, police, social workers, lawyers and judges.
I'll go with Occam's Razor on this.
If you can't follow, I can lower the Grade. Maybe I should stop writing on a Grade Eight?
Sorry Field,
I'll vote Charlie. Huckabee seems more to be pandering to the stoopids. Selling the rubes the ideer that no migger should ever be in the White House and that drooling cretins are the bestest 'Merica has to offer.
Charlie looks more like the character played by Russell Crowe. Or Richard Gere.
charlie is just a rabid junkie
and all are fools
but he is legally & serially married with kids
just like that bama buffoon hickabee
go figure....
hey laa!
we missed u!
i just believe hobama's kenyan granny
she initially told it
and so did kenyan leaders
i believe all of them...only!
hobama lies about everything
i refuse to believe his clandestine birth is any MORE true than all the OTHER BLATANT lies hobama tells!
(hobama's ENTIRE life is a cia life....EVEN his "granny" is actually only an elder stable member of his grandfather and NOT his kenyan dad's bio mom!)
Sarah Hussein Obama, who is not a blood relative of the president, is the third wife of Obama's paternal grandfather. According to New York Times columnist Nicholas Kristof, who visited her village during the presidential campaign, the grandmother is illiterate and doesn't know when she was born. Several news reports say she was born in 1922.
The source who knows the grandmother declared: "I have keenly and attentively listened to the tape over and over again, and I can confirm from Sarah's own confession that Barack Obama was born in Kenya in her presence."
The source said that while Sarah Obama' voice is hard to hear on the recording, "she admits of actually having been there at his birth."
He said that while the people in the room with Sarah Obama "tried as much as they [could] to change the tone of the whole story … to me it seems someone is coaching her from the background and seemingly trying to guide her on what to say."
Read more: Did Obama's grandmother say he was born in Kenya? http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=107524#ixzz1FS9oZegz
needs slaps:
the hickabee clan is yet another psycho family of famous white pookies for u to ignore!
mold, you wrote:
I'll go with Occam's Razor on this.
Hoist by your own petard.
Anyway, a word that describes your disjointed and nonsensical declamations is Ozymandian.
Your shtick seems to come from the combined effects of -- as I mentioned -- schizophrenia and the onset of Alzheimers. Maybe there's hint of Tourette's in there as well, but that seems to be the chief affliction of alicia banks.
A Kenyan lawmaker told the nation's parliament last month that Barack Obama was born in Africa and is therefore "not even a native American."
During debate over the draft of a new Kenyan constitution, James Orengo, the country's minister of lands and a member of parliament for the Ugenya constituency, cited America's election of a Kenyan-born president as an example of what can be accomplished when diverse peoples unite:
Read more: Kenyan official: Obama born here http://www.wnd.com/?pageId=139481Kenyan MP James Orengo�#ixzz1FSHXzMcY
Hickabee is despised in AR!
He will never be prez as he pardoned a bm cop killer
He is renowned as a racist ex pastor/liar/thief who reared a serial killer as he bashes gay adoptions etc….shame!!!!
As Mike Huckabee gains in the polls, the former Arkansas governor is finding that his record in office is getting more scrutiny. One issue likely to get attention is his handling of a sensitive family matter: allegations that one of his sons was involved in the hanging of a stray dog at a Boy Scout camp in 1998. The incident led to the dismissal of David Huckabee, then 17, from his job as a counselor at Camp Pioneer in Hatfield, Ark.
Even editorialists and columnists at the Arkansas Democrat-Gazette, the state's dominant (and Republican-friendly) daily paper, use words like "petty" and "thin-skinned" to describe Huckabee. Then again, he's compared hard-hitting (and accurate) news reporters for the Democrat-Gazette to the press fabulists Jayson Blair and Janet Cooke. He called liberal columnist John Brummett of Stephens Media "constipated" when that early admirer commenced some gentle criticism. His administration paid $15,000 to settle a suit filed by Roby Brock, the host of a public TV news show whom Huckabee's people tried to force off the air for his critical commentary.
Ask the retarded Fort Smith teenager, raped by her stepfather, who sought Medicaid funding for an abortion as federal law required. Huckabee stood in the hospital door, at least figuratively, to prevent state funding. Ask the gay people belittled by his cracks about "Adam and Steve." Ask the scientists who've seen evolution virtually disappear from the textbooks and classrooms of Arkansas with his administration's acquiescence.
There are also legitimate questions about his skills as a manager. He left Arkansas with a bill of more than $40 million for overcharges of the federal government's Medicaid program. A State Police director left after a tiff over Huckabee's demand that the agency improve his private lake property in the name of security. Troubles dogged both the state's computer services agency and its workforce agency. Youth services have been an unending series of tragedies. The buck never stopped at Huck's desk, you can be sure.
shut up ya blithering idgit! buceta breaf monsterphukker!
r u capable of doing more then cutting and pasting idgit kuntbreaf moron!
have ya ever had an original thought of ur own buceta breaf?
ude think somebody who was so 'smart' would have more to say then the words of others
'needs slaps:
the hickabee clan is yet another psycho family of famous white pookies for u to ignore!'
9:54 AMkuntbreaf
now listen here chile...u gots a LOT of nerve calling subody else psycho that is the muphuukkkkin pot callin the muphuukiin kettle bbbbbbblack! get urself togetha chile...get urself togetha and back to Earth chile...
Slappy, what...no answer...just more attempt to be a PITA?
Oh, if you wish to pretend to be a writer...you should know that actual writers are research fiends. And can easily follow any 'breadcrumbs' I post. In fact, I leave single terms and words for the initiated.
As far as Alzheimer's...that was st reagan...and it was covered up in the first Administration. Schizophrenia can be accessed through http://www.nimh.nih.gov/health/topics/schizophrenia/index.shtml...which would have been one of the first stops for an actual writer. But then...wingnuts 'diagnosed' Terry Schiavo with a highly edited vid taken by extremely biased persons.
And calling people with Facts, Science and Reason...Liberals...is more about name-calling than accuracy.
.Liberals...is more about name-calling than accuracy.
You got that right.
Anonymous said...
r u capable of doing more then cutting and pasting idgit kuntbreaf moron!
have ya ever had an original thought of ur own buceta breaf?
ude think somebody who was so 'smart' would have more to say then the words of others
Mold, cut the shit, we know it's you.
i think the birth certificate drama is deeper than a grand exotic geographic lie...
i think it is mundane baby daddy drama
i think hobama has ALSO lied about who his bio dad really is...
see the proof in his face here:
unsigned serial birth docs having turbo breeding vdlr:
see all of my original prose regarding hobama’s bastard cia birth here:
AB, why do you use WND as a source? Seattle Times makes sense, as there is at least an expectation of integrity.
WND is Breitbart...they lie so often it is assumed that the dateline is false.
But...placing a valid source next to wite wingnut poo may fool some into beleeverating the poo is equally good. Honesty by association, if you will.
Still, it is very unlikely that an AfAm who isn't a paid 'ho' like Clarence Thomas would use a wite wingnut pooplace as a source for anything. It is also funny that the poopeople use a Pulitzer winning journalist as the alleged source for their fakery. Kind of the same as IntelligentCreationismDesign folks misquoting Darwin. Or telling us that X said something...and X never did. How junior high. Guilt by lies and gossip. As if chubby AfAm girls won't go straight to the person and ask.
uneducated illiterate vdlr:
u nigs sure hate books/reading/research/facts/links...
no_slappz said...
Your shtick seems to come from the combined effects of -- as I mentioned -- schizophrenia and the onset of Alzheimers. Maybe there's hint of Tourette's in there as well, but that seems to be the chief affliction of alicia banks.
No no no slappz,it comes the effects of Liberalism.The older a Liberal gets, the more hateful/ miserable he/she becomes.
Does anyone know a happy Liberal over the age of 50?
SPC, colour me unsurprised. You can't show proof...so you make things up. How did that work for you in Life?
hey lack?
what jobs????????
racist dreg molded:
wnd prints more truth than abc cbs nbc & fox combined!!!
why do u care?
any source trumps the bs u invent and spew...ya know?
YOU research where u wish
see one lie????
prove it!!!!
i respect the truth from any source
and hobama nazis rule all msm
that is why u msm loving drones all think he is a saint born in hi
SPC, comes from teaching burnout. So much stoopid...done so deliberately by the stoopids...and you really want the stoopids to learn. Not me. I'll cheerfully wave to stoopids as they 'Darwin Award'.
So, where is your proof? This is not FOX. Or wingnut welfare.
The misery you wish upon others is within yourself. You give motives only based on your own sense of worth.
Me, I enjoy pointing out Truth.
foolish troll/fat pedophile chubby chaser molded:
the paid whores run the msm and adore hobama
hobama nazi raygun loving fools like u r proof that their fatal std infected tricks are blind and hopeless.
carry on
WND is wite person poo. Sold to wite paranoids.
They are less self-aggrandizing than overpaid MSM talking heads. So. There are many valid sources for info and WND isn't one.
Tell me..what exactly do those TV companies print? Or are they in a different business? This is like saying Ford makes more automobiles than Bombardier.
molded feces:
does the white half of hobama reek as much as u do???
find a lie
find a source
Villagers love Obama because he is a Villager. He beleeverates wingnut R talking points on the budget, he thinkerates st reagan was a force for goodness and wholesomeness and 1950s 'values', and he keeps the Village safe from having to deal with icky people.
The stridency comes from wites who are appalled and shocked and mortified and horrified and miffed and pouty and upset and weepy and...there is That Man in the White House. How could the public vote in a qualified person? Can't they SEE? He is just so...'you lie'...and 'Kenyan'(pants wetting over 1960s Mau Mau is so racist) and not 'Merican (Hawaii is not America?)
Can't wait to see what 'persona' you take on when a not-MILFy GeezerBait woman is elected to office. Where was your bush 'persona' when he was appointerated to pResident?
molded hater:
i blasted bush for 8 yrs.
dregs like u missed it.
your loss not mine...
AB, there are whole subsets of bloggers that point out that WND is hopelessly paranoid and false.
Which ones are you asking about? The journos? The Leftblogs? The policywonkers? The people WND has 'neglected' to pay for work?
The list is mighty long.
Field I have been apart of a black history month program in March. In fact the main University where I lived put together a great black history program that usually ran through the first week in March.
Celebrating the contributions of black folk in my opinion is a good thing no matter when it occurs.
But it does appear that the Clippers owner is actually using the celebration to make himself appear to be sensitive and aware but in actuality its just another way to make money.
molded illogical liar:
why do u act as if calling out bush absolves hobama when hobama is only a blackish clone of bush???...
why did fools like u think calling out hillary made her look bad when hobama's razor thin resume was FAR thinner than her own????
i depsise hobama and call him out just as i did king shrub because hobama is a more ruthless racist clone of his cuz!!!!
thanks for repeatedly reminding me of that as u lie fool!!!
late lying loon molded:
like hobama!
u lie!!!
Clearly, Shrub has told millions of us that he could not care less about our
audacity to protest his theft. He has told us that we and our votes do not matter. That is
the power of elitist white supremacy in action. Just as all quality Black programming is
canceled and black viewers are blamed, irrespective of the fact that Nielsen boxes are
distributed via apartheid, black voters are similarly blamed for their own eradication and
abuses at polls nationwide.
Shrub has been coddled by the media that his daddy and his peers own. That is
why no one ever called him or Jeb on his accidental confession of conspiracy in this
election. That is why no one has asked him to explain the racist and elitist serial killing
he has done and continues to do in the state of Texas. That is why no one has questioned
all of the other elections that this successful national Republikkkan conspiracy may have
rigged. That is why Shrub’s latest murder victim is democracy itself.
Sure, sure you did. Forgive me if that seems more like cover for the current use of wite nutrags and racist anti-Obama drivel.
I do recall the TeaBaggers telling me...why yes, we absolutely protested st reagan and bush deficits...not just those for the 'migger'. Yet...there is no history...and I was one of the voices asking how we could pay for the bush and st reagan 'No Tax for Richie Rich' policies. Umm...it is a large world...but many places are small. You tend to know the people after a while. Which is why one poster was looking for a way to MalkinStalk me through the union membership. They thoughterated a pudgy female union writer would be easy to track. Probably would be.
"Does anyone know a happy Liberal over the age of 50?"
Hugh Hefner?
Does anyone know a sane rightwinger?
molded and lack:
u 2 lying late loony mfs are the 2 most arrogantly ignorant and intellectually dishonest mfs on this blog.
your lies and evasions mean less to me than your soiled ragged hobama tees
carry on clueless drones!
der u go again kuntberaf talkin that good ole bullshyt nucka
how yer job buceta breaf? how it goin tutoring the gifted childrens of urs kunthead?
or is u writing a scholarly paper lol?
lyin sackadogshyt!
Damn AB,
I thought I was the most arrogant and dishonest mf on this blog.
One thing for sure.
Your "mf" has got to be a brother.
molded moron:
if bush had given banksters 23 trillion dollars
and called blacks mongrels on abc
and made millions homeless and jobless like hobama...
i would have blasted king shrub even more!!!!
they both are actually worse than u...ie even more rabid and evasive
u will own up to an err unlike lack
u do post in standard english unlike nell/molded
your actual mf is mareally-your sister-rather-than-me though...
that makes u an incestuous oj mf..4 real!
They thoughterated a pudgy female union writer would be easy to track. Probably would be.
So your old and chubby?Learning new things about yopu everyday,mold.
Someone speaking the truth about union thugs in WI.Notice the picture,thats your typical union worker.
Speaking Truth to Power: WI Senator Grothman Says Union Protesters Are “Smelly Slobs” (
Old and chubby...I admit to...because it is so.
UTS, if you mean R..yes I do. If you mean wingnut...the answer is no.
Senator Glenn Grothman
20th Senate District
Republican...Would he lie? Does he have a hidden agenda?
Pro-lifer=Liar for jesusbabees
Eagle Forum=Liar for Schafly
NFIB=Liar for corporations
Also fronts for landlords, Curves, builders, ag interests, and grocers.
He loves him those cheap, cheap wages...
You forgot to mention the standing union members...why is that? I count five. And according to Grothman, they are smelly slobs, impressionating our chillen'. I think those union dudes are a tad old to be students...but Adult Learners are growth for Universities and Grothman was last in college back when? Just look at those five hooligans dfacing our beautiful Capital with their icky unionosity.
Oh, the sleeping guy is fat and has dirty feet. He must be stopped! Why, next you know...poor people will visit. And Native Americans. Where will it end?
Hmm..autoblog and jalopnik added to give the impression of rational beings nearby. Too bad the rest are jokes...the Left Behinds of punditry. Not smart enough to realise they are the butts...and not bad enough to be feted for trying.
Just so the readers know...this is logrolling. They pronounce each other the greatest writer since the last wingnut and reinforce each other's delusions.
Oh, don't accept this old gal's word. Look it up. You'll find this group is...well..among themselves they are the Masters of Intellect and Discourse. Too bad no one else agrees.
Who is crazier? Muammar or Louis?
Farrakhan: Jews are pushing the US into war
Nation of Islam leader says his comments on Jews are meant "to pull the cover off Satan" and "Zionists dominate the US government and banks."
Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan said Jews and Zionists are "trying to push the US into war" and are a cover for Satan, at the group's annual meeting near Chicago on Tuesday.
“President Obama," Farrakhan said, "if you allow the Zionists to push you, to mount a military offensive against Gaddafi and you go in and kill him and his sons as you did with Saddam Hussein and his sons, I’m warning you this is a Libyan problem, let the Libyans solve their problem among themselves.” Farrakhan called Muammar Gaddafi "my brother" and "my friend."
'Jews are blacks' worst enemy'
Farrakhan: 'Israeli lobby' controls US government
He also accused American Zionists of attempting to push Israel into war with Iran, adding that "Zionists dominate the government of the United States of America and her banking system."
One panel at the conference, titled "The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews," claimed that Jews were disproportionately involved in the slave trade and accused them of controlling the media.
“Some of you think that I’m just somebody who’s got something out for the Jewish people," Farrakhan said. "You’re stupid. Do you think I would waste my time if I did not think it was important for you to know Satan?
My job is to pull the cover off of Satan so that he will never deceive you and the people of the world again.”
In response, ADL National Director Abe Foxman said: "Anti-Semites have heard the Nation of Islam's message, and Farrakhan is their standard bearer and bigot in chief....Perhaps what's more disturbing is that despite his anti-Semitic rants, he has not been made a pariah in his own community. What does it take for him to stop being a pied piper of hatred?"
needs brutal slaps:
more non-black pookies/toxic global turbo breeders for u to ignore
ask the vdlr....they rule all!
Slappy, despite your love of certain JPs (Pam Geller), there is a problem with subfacets of Zionists in the US. Just like the US heroically brave Zionists and Ultras in Israel, these clownboobs want their version of Israel to be the policy position. Who cares if a few Palestinians are 'removed' or 'given to Yahweh'? Since the guns are either used by US born brave heroes stopping the terrible horror of icky 'Palestuden' being alive...or not being used by the Ultras who reserve their bravery to attack single women riding home on a bus after work...
Zionists are royal pains...and both are correct to question the wisdom of letting such Zionists choose US policy. Care to guess who wanted a Good War? Who were the architects of bushWar? New 'Merican Century? The 'Merican Empire?
Odd that the conspiratists who piddle themselves over Clinton and the rest of the elite not wanting to speak to stoopid missed this. And there are Jews all over!
In your desire to push a racist agenda, you forgot MLK, Rev Wright, and a host of others. But then, the whole point was to have wite folks cower in fear.
Anonymous said...
SPC, colour me unsurprised. You can't show proof...so you make things up. How did that work for you in Life?
This is so ironic, the woman who talks like she is retarded so she can in her own words fit in to FN blog runs from each and every challenge to show facts. Has never shown one, not one fact always just talks about theory has the BALLS to tell someone else they can't show proof.
Do us all a favor, sign your name Mentally Challenged Hypocrite from now on.
Anonymous said...
der u go again kuntberaf talkin that good ole bullshyt nucka
how yer job buceta breaf? how it goin tutoring the gifted childrens of urs kunthead?
or is u writing a scholarly paper lol?
lyin sackadogshyt!
MOLD we know this is you, cut the shit!!!
hey lickless/molded/vdlr/mammy maid mr:
has your own pvt untamed tiger ever gone all charlie sheen on u???
Charlie Sheen threatened to kill his estranged wife over the weekend, according to a declaration made in a restraining order against the actor.
"I will cut your head off, put it in a box and send it to your mom," Brooke Mueller claims that Sheen told her Sunday night.
The revelations were in a court document that resulted in a court order that removed Charlie Sheen's twin boys from his home. In an interview with NBC's "Today Show," Sheen denied that he threatened her. The quote against him was fabricated, he said, calling the allegation "colorful."
who the fuck gives a shit about charlie sheen! someone who doesn't have anything to do but post stupid links all day.
mareally no need to inquire:
i figured charlie sheens drove u to black studs...ya know?
is your aversion to facts swirled copycatting?
fuck you. off topic and WRONG as usual.
I sign my stuff with my nom de Intertubes.
Tell me again about the 'theory' of Gravity or 'theory' of evolution. I think you are using the wingnut version of theory...an unsupported musing. Try my..and the academic...version. I just gave you two examples.
mareally perturbed:
funny how u never protest the XXX spewing of your mammy maid vdlr herein...
could that also be an acquired swirled fetish???
mareally a LYING moron:
FN posted about charlie sheen first.
did u miss the topic due to being blinded by me yet again????
Maria, Field started this with Charlie and Mike.
i know, i was referring to AB's impetuous posting of updates.
Anonymous said...
I sign my stuff with my nom de Intertubes.
Tell me again about the 'theory' of Gravity or 'theory' of evolution. I think you are using the wingnut version of theory...an unsupported musing. Try my..and the academic...version. I just gave you two examples.
Holy fucking retards batman. Gravity sucks and so do you! Try that example you feeble minded dust farter.
Is this what happens to you in old age when you don't take care of yourself throughout your life you spout schizoid gibberish and then convince yourself your clever?
mareally comically reaching:
where is your blog????
please have fn cc me his update laws...thanks!
i am not a narcissist. i do not have a blog. i work for a living and am a community activist. i don't have time to waste. having a blog is hardly some admirable achievement. any idiot with internet access can have one. and before you go saying i am insulting FN, i am not and he and i are good.
mareally really dizzy:
so go get an easy blog and police that...
and stop beng a kooky kamikaze herein!!!
i have several jobs and LOTS to say
see it all here:
u have impressed molded.
that alone rests my case u bumbling bimbo.
1924: Stalin bans all free trade unions and outlaws strikes.
1929: Mussolini guts trade unions and puts them under corporate and government control.
1933: Hitler abolishes collective bargaining, trade unions and arrests their leaders.
...So why the f**k is it forbidden to make modern day comparisons to these people?*
u have several jobs? ya lying sackashyt bytch u aint had no job since nineteen and seventy seven kuntlicker! ya non functional fool! errybody know u a gottdam lie and aint about shyt and aint never done shyt chrick!
AB, you are writing like a closeted wite wingnut. Literally no light between you and Larry craig/Breitbart.
mareally kim k:
"...he and i are good"
i would bet 23 trillion bailout dollars that is not the first time u have said that about a sexy bm like fn...no???
Essentially FOX can't broadcast in Canada as they laws against lying. Interesting.
and as usual kuntlicker is bothering maria dont worry maria its just cuz she wishes she could phukk ya she knows that ure hot and it drives her crazy that a pretty white woman looks better than her and could get more guys or girls then she ever could duh!dont waste ur time on that windbag her ssi will run out soon enuff!
s America's middle class battles for its survival on the Wisconsin barricades - against various Koch Oil surrogates and the corporate toadies at Fox News - fans of enlightenment, democracy and justice can take comfort from a significant victory north of the Wisconsin border. Fox News will not be moving into Canada after all! The reason: Canadian regulators announced last week they would reject efforts by Canada's right-wing Prime Minister, Stephen Harper, to repeal a law that forbids lying on broadcast news.
Canada's Radio Act requires that "a licenser may not broadcast ... any false or misleading news." The provision has kept Fox News and right-wing talk radio out of Canada and helped make Canada a model for liberal democracy and freedom. As a result of that law, Canadians enjoy high quality news coverage, including the kind of foreign affairs and investigative journalism that flourished in this country before Ronald Reagan abolished the "Fairness Doctrine" in 1987. Political dialogue in Canada is marked by civility, modesty, honesty, collegiality, and idealism that have pretty much disappeared on the US airwaves. When Stephen Harper moved to abolish the anti-lying provision of the Radio Act, Canadians rose up to oppose him fearing that their tradition of honest non-partisan news would be replaced by the toxic, overtly partisan, biased and dishonest news coverage familiar to American citizens who listen to Fox News and talk radio. Harper's proposal was timed to facilitate the launch of a new right-wing network, "Sun TV News" which Canadians call "Fox News North."
Harper, often referred to as "George W. Bush's Mini Me," is known for having mounted a Bush-like war on government scientists, data collectors, transparency, and enlightenment in general. He is a wizard of all the familiar tools of demagoguery; false patriotism, bigotry, fear, selfishness and belligerent religiosity.
Harper's attempts to make lying legal on Canadian television are a stark admission that right-wing political ideology can only dominate national debate through dishonest propaganda. Since corporate profit-taking is not an attractive vessel for populism, a political party or broadcast network that makes itself the tool of corporate and financial elites must lie to make its agenda popular with the public. In the Unites States, Fox News and talk radio, the sock puppets of billionaires and corporate robber barons, have become the masters of propaganda and distortion on the public airwaves. Fox News' notoriously biased and dishonest coverage of the Wisconsin's protests is a prime example of the brand of news coverage Canada has smartly avoided.
The body of the piece.
foolish slave mammy vdlr:
u r monkey shining for a "pretty white" faceless white hag maytag to boot!
this is better than butterfly mcqueen in gwtw!
u made my day!
uts: beware.....that dl butch flea vdlr is biting on your rabid stray white bitch again!
u nigs crack me up!
I'll bet we do. Nothing like fratboy laffs at others...eh Glenn/BillO/Hannity/Cavuto/MSMers?
Like the kid who shows up at church, covered in feces and urine...to giggle at our discomfort.
Forget Charlie Sheen, he is an entertainer, he could have a meltdown a day for the rest of his life and I could care less.
THAT's how FN addressed sheen. as it should be!
humorless molded nell:
stay in your lane.
u r never funny to me u fat foolish illiterate kkk geezer bitch.
mareally stupidly reaching still:
so there are slant rules too?
u r slaying yourself even worse than i have slain u!
be merciiful u moron!
i'll take mold's praise any day, and she has mine.
you and south park conservative and n-s go have a good time in crazy land together.
real life beckons. ciao.
Field did you listen to the actual interview?
He calls Obama "so leftist that his world views are the complete opposite of any other American president." Really, the opposite?
Has Huckabee been living under a rock?
And he said he is opposed to everything that Obama has done, including foreign policy and he even said he would have a military that "everybody is scared to death of," really Obama has been reigning in US interventionism?
Obama is doing exactly what he is supposed to be doing as head of US imperialism.
The interviewer Steve Malzberg also picked on black liberation theology and complained about it being "very critical of America and American policy."He encouraged Huckabee to challenge Obama on this and Huckabee actually bit, saying he would ask Obama, "if he believes salvation is individual or corporate,"as if Obama has a progressive view on anything, including religion.
Ironically the right wing Christians are critical of America, but I guess it's okay
And to prove how hypocritical and confused reactionary and right wing leaning folks are, they spend lots of time criticising the Arab world for supposedly allowing their religion to have undue influence, yet Huckabee is talking about challenging Obama's religous beliefs. What pray tell could his religous beliefs have to do with governing US imperialism?
Here are the best lines however;
"His view of the Mau Mau revolution is different than ours he grew uphearing that the Brits were a bunch of imperialists who persecuted his grandfather." and His view of the Brits is different from the average American."
Mr. Huckabee probably doesn't know that's exactly the role the British played in Kenya in fact the word is colonialist. Huckabee is the one with the wrong information.
Clearly Field anybody who buys what Huckabee says is in real trouble. These right wingers are really dangerous. Obama is guiding the capitalist ship very well, according the capitalist themselves. So its actually scary to think about what the right wing folks would actually like to do!
Lawd have mercy!
mareally befitting:
molded is an elder clone of u
her elder black studs just spoke worse than yours do...
i get it.
huckabee's nutiness isn't new. he ran in 2009 and said crazy things during the campaign. i watched all the debates.
the man doesn't believe in evolution. he's dangerous. however, too fringe to get elected.
If the white masses can convince themselves that they don’t deserve to be Niggerized – and that neither do Black and brown folks – then they may eventually summon the clarity of mind to defeat the two-percent minority that is systematically dismantling the public sphere. This would be something new under the American sun.
The advent of a genuinely new phenomenon, a Black U.S. president, has served to objectively strengthen the hand of raging capital by neutralizing the Black half of progressive America and obscuring the face of Wall Street’s offensive, in which Barack Obama is a key player. Left activist Ben Manski, of Wisconsin Wave, says students and other protesters don’t want Obama to intervene in the fight with Gov. Walker and the GOP legislature because of the president’s cuts in Pell Grants and a whole range of social supports. Their instincts are good. There is every reason to believe that, if Obama where to go beyond the bromides he dispensed to governors at the White House, this week, he would tell Wisconsin’s Democratic senators, huddled in Chicago to avoid giving Republicans a quorum: “I know that you guys have been enjoying my fair city, but it’s time to go home and sit down and work things out across party lines. We must overcome partisan politics.” In an instant, the solid Democratic front would collapse, and the GOP would get its quorum.
Obama has undermined public school teachers as Republican George Bush never could, elevating charterization of the nation’s public schools to national policy under a Democratic administration. As education writer Richard D. Kahlenberg pointed out in the Washington Post, last week, Obama “applauded the firing of every single unionized teacher at Central Falls High School in Rhode Island.” He embraced Washington, DC’s former schools superintendent Michelle Rhee, a darling of privatizers in both wings of the American uniparty, and hosted the anti-public education propaganda film “Waiting for Superman” at the White House.
Anonymous said...
I'll bet we do. Nothing like fratboy laffs at others...eh Glenn/BillO/Hannity/Cavuto/MSMers?
Like the kid who shows up at church, covered in feces and urine...to giggle at our discomfort.
Mold ridden diseased aging brain...So this is what happened to you when you were a child? Mommy sent you to church covered in your own feces and urine and everyone "giggled at your discomfort" or is this what you did to YOUR kids because of your mental illness?
By the way, you seem pretty obsessed with FOX, it's all you talk about and you know every broadcaster and opinion host. I bet you are on of dem trolls that hates the hairs coming our of her chin so looks at the beautiful people with envy that turns into hate.
Go wash your rear of the urine and feces and shave, you might feel better about yourself and thus stop hating everyone else.
Anonymous said...
Essentially FOX can't broadcast in Canada as they laws against lying. Interesting.
4:25 PM
Essentially mold,like other FOX HATERS, got this story wrong.
FNC has been available in Canada for almost 7 years.
Here's a list of cable outlets---
You should get help for your Fox News derangement syndrome.The cure is simple.Just stop your obsessive hate of FNC.
Gosh...tell them that giggling at being covered in urine and feces is only funny to them...and they gets 'pissy':)
Thanks Maria. Good luck with Reality.
The religio-crazees want a 'Merican theocracy...with themslavers on top, naturally. Life is really, really good if you all Mosaic and 'stuff'. For the slaves, women and children...it be suckitude. Just ask the polygamists. Not the profits...the 'child brides', the 'lost boys', the 'missing labourers'.
See, the religio-crazees dream of the day when pederasty and pedophilia is not rewarded with long jail sentences...but more defenseless kids. 'Merican Talibani long for the ability to whip them uppity workerbees and to end all union drives with bullets. Lost boys...well, what pre-teen girl would not rather be with dreamy cute Justin Bieber instead of gross, fat, ooky, smelly, welfare defrauding work-averse, creepies?
SPC...ummm...what part of broadcast escaped your notice? Wonder why it irks you that FOX can't meet minimal truth-telling standards? Why can't FOX tell the Truth? Is it because it is antithetical? Or that honesty defeats the entire purpose?
FOX Derangement Syndrome...is that like bush Derangement Syndrome? You know, where the people you derided all turned out to be correct. Where even the crankiest Lefty was shown to be far too generous to bush. It is pretty bad when the most accurate folks were the most Leftist and radical. In Science, that means there should be a paradigm shift. Like when Creationism was known to be bullpoo...around the early 1700s.
FOX lies. By design. Not for income and cocktail party invites like the MSM...but just...because.
SPC, congrats for looking. Step in a good direction.
I must point out that all the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission (CRTC) did was approve an application.
This means FOX can apply...not that they have a license.
If Karla Homulka applies...CRTC will deny her application.
mold done lost his natural mind maybe he just another personality of buceta breaf that is why he give that nasty sow so much attention
So if FNC is available in Canada,and there are rules that prohibit "lies",doesn't that make FNC accurate?
AB, I am always appreciative of Maria's comments and you should be thankful also. Her comments are so informative. Now stop harassing a good woman like Maria. YOu must be terribly jealous of her.
It has nothing to do with lies.It has everything to do with Libtards controlling the media in Canada.
Libtards would spend day and night filing false complaints.
You should spend moe time obsessing with the lies the leftwing media tells.They are the ones that got Barry elected.
field negro said...
"Isn't it a shocker to have a racist attorney general who does not follow the rule of law of the country?"
Let me know when you find him. That Panther story was a non-story.It was manufactured by Megyn Kelly to drive up her ratings over at the FAKE NEWS Network
Really, I guess the video, with subsequent police report, eyewitness testimony, congressional hearings with testimony from insiders, dismissal of "GUILTY" charges, not the case but the Guilty Charges, DOJ stonewalling congress for over a year, Malik Shabizz repeatedly visiting the white house during this period....all these items were made up, especially the original act that was FILMED of voter intimidation where two Black Panthers blocked entrance to the polling place to white voters and told them "You are about to be ruled by the black man, cracker!"
all the while with baton in hand.
Then again the DOJ stonewalled congress investigating the racism, lied to congress, attempted to block whistleblowers from telling the truth to congress all done by your pal Eric Holder.
We also know that Malik Shabizz the leader of the Black Panthers, defended Minister King Samir Shabazz the criminal in the voter intimidation case -he was found guilty (Really - Maurice Heath) again the same guy who says if you want freedom you have to kill a cracker, Malik Shabizz defended him on one of his many recorded visits to the white house to confer with the Justice Department on this issue. Not to mention his tour of TV doing the same.
Now somehow all of this is FOX's fault for having the nerve to report that Eric Holder said it was denigrating to "his People" for having to answer to his breaking the law when he confessed that the Department was lax in the voter-intimidation case against members of the New Black Panther Party because they are African American.
You know this does you more harm, people are not stupid or should I say crazy liberals.
No. He can’t possibly be a criminal and there was no voter intimidation even though it was filmed. Sure it's all FOX's fault.
King SHaMear can't possibly be a racist, because he’s a member of a historically oppressed group, and only members of the privileged elite oppressive majority can be racists.
If his organization succeeds in its goal and destroys white people, leaving the surviving remnant a minority in the land, perhaps then his program would become “racist”.
Amazing how shameless you are.
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