I want to start this post with a sad story: The body of Phylicia Barnes has been found in a Maryland river. *shaking head*. This is a sad coincidence, because just a couple of days ago another young lady's body was found in the Schuylkyl river here in Philly.
She was also a beautiful young African American sister who was kidnapped from her home in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Her story didn't garner as much national attention, but it is just as tragic.
I am just hoping that the families of these poor young ladies can pull through these tragedies.
Finally, I see that yet another piece of scum in Washington is stepping down to avoid further embarrassment.
"WASHINGTON — Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, facing an ethics investigation over his affair with a former campaign aide, announced Thursday that he would resign his seat effective May 3.
Ensign said in a statement that he would send Vice President Joe Biden a letter Friday making the resignation official.
The 52-year-old Republican announced in March that he would not pursue re-election. He acknowledged in June 2009 that he had an extramarital affair with Cynthia Hampton, a former member of his campaign staff, and that he had helped her husband, Doug Hampton, a member of his congressional staff, obtain lobbying work with a Nevada company.
The ethics investigation focuses in part on some $96,000 Ensign's parents gave to the Hamptons, which Ensign's attorney has characterized as a gift.
..The Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission investigated, then dropped the cases with little explanation. The Senate ethics panel, however, named a special counsel to look into the matter.
Through it all, Ensign insisted he would seek re-election until his announcement in March, when he reiterated that he had not violated any laws or ethics rules. He also said at the time the investigation did not influence his decision to retire from politics after 2012.
But in his resignation notice Thursday, Ensign said the appointment of the special counsel shook him because he had hoped the investigation would end with the Justice Department." [Source]
She was also a beautiful young African American sister who was kidnapped from her home in Atlantic City, New Jersey. Her story didn't garner as much national attention, but it is just as tragic.
I am just hoping that the families of these poor young ladies can pull through these tragedies.
Finally, I see that yet another piece of scum in Washington is stepping down to avoid further embarrassment.
"WASHINGTON — Sen. John Ensign of Nevada, facing an ethics investigation over his affair with a former campaign aide, announced Thursday that he would resign his seat effective May 3.
Ensign said in a statement that he would send Vice President Joe Biden a letter Friday making the resignation official.
The 52-year-old Republican announced in March that he would not pursue re-election. He acknowledged in June 2009 that he had an extramarital affair with Cynthia Hampton, a former member of his campaign staff, and that he had helped her husband, Doug Hampton, a member of his congressional staff, obtain lobbying work with a Nevada company.
The ethics investigation focuses in part on some $96,000 Ensign's parents gave to the Hamptons, which Ensign's attorney has characterized as a gift.
..The Justice Department and the Federal Election Commission investigated, then dropped the cases with little explanation. The Senate ethics panel, however, named a special counsel to look into the matter.
Through it all, Ensign insisted he would seek re-election until his announcement in March, when he reiterated that he had not violated any laws or ethics rules. He also said at the time the investigation did not influence his decision to retire from politics after 2012.
But in his resignation notice Thursday, Ensign said the appointment of the special counsel shook him because he had hoped the investigation would end with the Justice Department." [Source]
Don't worry folks, he will be back. Scum- bag poli-tricksters never really go away.
"While I stand behind my firm belief that I have not violated any law, rule, or standard of conduct of the Senate, and I have fought to prove this publicly, I will not continue to subject my family, my constituents, or the Senate to any further rounds of investigation, depositions, drawn out proceedings, or especially public hearings," the statement said. "For my family and me, this continued personal cost is simply too great."
A very informative e-mail that contained a little known important life-saving fact has been circulating. Unfortunately it couldn’t save the life of Shirley Pudnance, a hole punch operator from Bethesda, Maryland:
Shirley was stabbed to death by an ATM robber who fled the scene on foot. Witnesses say that as Pudnance lay dying she told everyone that she didn’t have enough time to type in the distress alert “YOUR PIN # IN REVERSE.” She only got to “YOUR PIN # IN RE” when the man began stabbing her.
Please forward this e-mail and explain to seniors, people with trouble with the language, or people with learning disabilities, that the alert is simply your 4 digit pin number entered into the ATM in reverse order, not “YOUR PIN # IN REVERSE” spelled out.
May the family of this young lady have some peace and closure.
Good riddance to John Ensign. His resignation will help the Republicans keep his seat.
Another young black female has her life taken away from her.When i heard about this on FOX NEWS, i was hoping she would be found alive.
There is a edpimac of violence committed against black women in this country.
We must help stop the war on black women and love our sisters.
"Don't worry folks, he will be back. Scum- bag poli-tricksters never really go away."
I can't believe Charlie Rangel is still around either.
In news from the Obama lead war on white people comes this hate attack.
3 black teens attack 2 white female cyclists because they were white.
Entering your Pin Number In Reverse?
Nonsense. It's just the wrong pin number as far as the ATM goes.
this so called tip does need to be verified not as an internet rumor but as a genuine life saving tool if it is true
Generally speaking, no one cares about the lives of black women. And I place most of the blame for that squarely on the shoulders of the media.
Dr. Queen said...
"Generally speaking, no one cares about the lives of black women. And I place most of the blame for that squarely on the shoulders of the media."
That's nonsense, everyone recognizes the tragedy of this youg woman's murder. Stop trying to milk racial grievance out of everything. It was a white man who pulled her out of the river. I doubt a white man put her there. To me, her death strikes such a chord because I see her as a young woman with a life ahead of her taken away. It has nothing to do with what she looks like. Let's make a world where these things don't happen.
Field, "Finally, I see that yet another piece of scum in Washington is stepping down to avoid further embarrassment."
I don't think the extramarital affairs the Senator had was that bad, considering his parents gave the husband $96,000 "as a gift." Wow. She must have been pretty good, but not good enough to hit the $100,000 mark. But it was close!
BTW you FN bloggers ought to have some compassion and mercy for the Senator...it's Easter. Of course, black folks are angry people and usually don't have compassion or love, whether it's Easter or not.lol
Field...this is breaking my heart; losing our young women like this. As a mother of adult single daughters in large urban areas; I try not to be too intrusive but they understand and call often to chat or to wish me a good night which is mutual. This assures me that they are safe on a daily basis.
I'm a follower of your posts as they continue to be relevant.
Thank you.
Mr. Field, please tell me that a person of your gender and race had nothing to do with the murders of these young black women. Please, tell me that.
Our race is a spiritual desert and really needs to find some religion somewhere because we are headed straight to hell.
Rest in Peace Phylicia. I thought about you every now and again, as I also think about other victims. I hope your loved ones can find out what really happened. And I hope they can then find some type of peace and healing in time to come, especially your dear mother.
Carolyn Moon, it's nice to hear about your relationship with your daughters. I want this type of relationship and assurance with my child as well, I was thinking maybe I was being unrealistic. Hearing these things are so heart breaking indeed. Not only does it destroy the lives of the victims and their loved ones, but it affects us all in society. An instant anxiety attack for me, as a mother of a black female child.
Vera, thanks for the info, but after you put the pin in backwards it's still fruitless in most cases. How long will it take the police to arrive? One would likely annoy the criminal who might be hip to what you're doing. The entire objective in THAT situation is compliance and survival.
If the robbery is in tow with an abduction, then putting in the backward pin to say leaving clues and alerting for help would make more sense. If it's a "regular" ATM robbery, I rather alert the cops hopefully after he gets the money and leaves me unharmed. These dregs of a sewer masquerading as humans are no joke to provoke.
Btw, I shouldn't have implied that the criminal would be a "he".
"Btw, I shouldn't have implied that the criminal would be a "he"."
Well, I am certain it will be, as it has always been a "he" and he usually is Black. Face it, we have a big problem in our community and it makes no sense to pretend otherwise. If the police finds the killer, I am willing to bet money it will be a black man.
This PIN in reverse meme has been around since at least 2006. It is of course total bollocks.
Which leads me to wonder about the true nature of this 'Vera' poster. What would be the motivation for posting such an obvious lie, when the truth could be found in less time than it took her (or him?) to type this post?
PC who knows but its a gottdam shame muphukkas lie about crime stopping tips especially in such a serious case like this and dumb idiots like queefkin try to put race on it where the baby girl was just another human being RIP young lady RIP
Assnon@12:10 AM
We have plenty of compassion. Your dumb ass is still breathing.
"Mr. Field, please tell me that a person of your gender and race had nothing to do with the murders of these young black women. Please, tell me that.
Our race is a spiritual desert and really needs to find some religion somewhere because we are headed straight to hell."
The human race? Yes, I am pretty sure that a human being was somehow responsible.
It's "Good Friday" so I am going to live the religious part of that one alone. I don't want to offend anyone on this "holy" day.
Carolyn Moon, I co-sign with La-Audio, it's nice to hear that you have that relationship with your daughter.
As for the pin number information posted by the first poster; please take that for what it's worth. I can't verify any of that stuff.
JKreul said...
That's nonsense, everyone recognizes the tragedy of this youg woman's murder. Stop trying to milk racial grievance out of everything. It was a white man who pulled her out of the river. I doubt a white man put her there.
So does the white man now get a gold star?
Listen if "people" cared, her body would have been found months ago as I don't recall a "Natalie Holloway effort" exerted to find out what happened to her.
The "tragedy" in all this is that Black women disappear all the time and RARELY get the media attention white victims get. I'm simply DONE pretending that race has no factor in effort put forth to locate Black victims.
Anonymous said...
PC who knows but its a gottdam shame muphukkas lie about crime stopping tips especially in such a serious case like this and dumb idiots like queefkin try to put race on it where the baby girl was just another human being RIP young lady RIP
Early start turbobreeder? Or is it socranut?
The "baby girl" comment gave your stupid black a$$ away.
always check
the reverse pin info is a hoax
no women are safe in any country
especially all poor women in america
black women are even MORE abused than we see
because abused/slain/raped... black women garner FAR less press...as always
thank god for nancy grace!
dr queen writes:
Listen if "people" cared, her body would have been found months ago as I don't recall a "Natalie Holloway effort" exerted to find out what happened to her.
Natalie Holloway's body has never been found. Her jailed killer has refused to reveal where he buried her. Furthermore, she was murdered outside the US.
Meanwhile, every year in the US there are over 16,000 murders. Most murders involve men killing men, and a little more than half of all murders in the US are committed by blacks.
In any case, there's very little media coverage of any murders other than reporting of the event and a plea from cops to phone in tips.
Females rarely kill each other. But men regularly kill women, and the killer is almost never some random person who spontaneously attacks and kills a woman who just happens along.
The historical record says the killer of Phylicia Barnes is a young black male with a criminal record.
What lifestyle was she leading? Nobody seems to know.
young lost fatherless black men prove they hate each other daily by killing each other daily
the new turbo bred generation of coddled spoiled lazy scrub young black men who hate their toxic addicted whore stripper turbo breeder moms hate women even more
this is why they killing of black men and black women by black men will only increase...
may god bless us all
this is why the killing of black men and black women by black men will only increase...
may god bless us all
tyler p was on the tjms today
he was happy and hypnotic as always
he is shaking off ALL haters...all the way to the bank anew
Slappy, did ANYONE ask what lifestyle Natalie Holloway was leading and why does it mattet? Natalie was clearly NOT a young lady of much character having been seen drinking alcohol, along with having sex on the beach with a stranger!
Phylicia was a student athlete and honor student but when it's a black girl, lifestyle questions always come up. Sane thing with the Matrice Richardson case.
dr queen writes:
The "tragedy" in all this is that Black women disappear all the time...
How often is "all the time"?
Maybe you should look into FBI crime statistics to see how many black women "disappear" and cross reference that information with news coverage. The news media in NY City is not going to carry a story about an unremarkable murder in Mississippi, and the Mississippi papers are not going to carry an article about an unremarkable murder in NY City. Race is irrelevant.
...and RARELY get the media attention white victims get.
Almost every day here in NY City there are TV and newspaper reports of murders of blacks, including black women. Every day. But there are virtually no news items about murders of whites, however that's mainly because so few whites are murdered here.
I'm simply DONE pretending that race has no factor in effort put forth to locate Black victims.
Locate black victims? What does that mean? If someone is missing, it's only because someone else cannot find that person.
If a parent says a 16-year-old did not come home the night before and has never before stayed out all night, that's alarming.
Should the NY City police department begin searching for a kid who has not come home for one night? Should the cops knock on every door in the city to find the kid?
Anyway, it seems you're assuming a missing person is a dead person, in which case a search is a search for a body, which generally takes care of itself when thc corpse begins to reek. But rivers and water overcome that problem.
Then there's that black culture issue that says "stop snitchin". Gotta love the way a significant segment of the black community bands together to protect black criminals.
I'll bet the killer of Barnes did not act alone, and that a few people know who did it. But the news media has reported nothing about tips coming in.
Dr. Queen:
original mf oj coon nigs like uts
give kosher kkk racists like needs slaps a pass to assume
that all bf "deserve whatever they get"...
murder included
look at that XXX brain dead doorknob groupie kim kardshian
vs. video vixen karrine steffans groupie author mother chef etc...
2 whores using their bodies as ATM machines equally
bm worship kim k and despise ks…
hobama is in MUCH more trouble than any of his peers...
Mr. Obama was in the middle of his remarks when a woman in a white suit stood up and said, Mr. President we wrote you a song. POTUS tried to get her to wait until later, but she persisted and the table of 10 broke into a song that pointed out they'd just spent $5,000 donating to his campaign and went on to protest the treatment of Pfc. Bradley Manning. The woman stayed standing as they sang. Mr. Obama looked to Ms. Pelosi and asked, Nancy did you do this? Ms. Pelosi had a look on her face, as she stared at the singing group, that definitely said she did not. The song - will send quotes after transcribe - talked about Bradley Manning and how he is "alone in a cell..."
The 10 singers then passed around 8.5x11 signs that said "Free Bradley Manning" or had a photo of him.Then the woman in the white suit stripped off her jacket to reveal a black T-shirt that said Free Bradley Manning, with an image of him. "We paid our dues. Where's our change?" they sang. USSS and WH staff had moved near the table at this point. The woman was escorted out. Two others left on their own. (The rest stayed and applauded at the end of POTUS's speech.)
no_slappz said...
Maybe you should look into FBI crime statistics to see how many black women "disappear" and cross reference that information with news coverage...
Are you dense? There typically is NO in depth/widespread news coverage when a Black girl or woman disappears.
A 30 second statement in the local news and not even all the stations in that area, counts as coverage. But let a white woman, rich or poor, disappear. You not only know her name but the names of her parents, siblings, cousins, hell even the garbage collector's name is known!
It's not nearly the same and you KNOW it. I'll bet you didn't even know Phylicia unless you live in the are of happened to be in the area at the time she disappeared.
But that white chick in Kentucky? Bet you know ALL about that case and you probably don't even live in Kentucky!
dr queen writes:
Slappy, did ANYONE ask what lifestyle Natalie Holloway was leading...
Yes. The question was raised immediately, and it was central to zeroing in on the killer and his pals.
and why does it mattet?
You obvously have no sense of how mysteries are unraveled. Here's some clues: Means, Motive, and Opportunity.
Natalie was clearly NOT a young lady of much character having been seen drinking alcohol, along with having sex on the beach with a stranger!
If drinking and having sex with realtive strangers while on vacation are your standards for character, then millions of black women are in grave danger.
In any case, drinking and vacation sex are not crimes punishable by death. They're not crimes. But Holloway did put herself at risk, and thus she was partially responsible for what happened.
Meanwhile, all you know about Holloway and Barnes is what's been reported in the news. Thus, you really know nothing except that both are dead and that Holloway's killer has been caught. You don't know any important details about Holloway's life.
Phylicia was a student athlete and honor student...
Aren't they all? But even if she were, does that stop a girl from one night of mistakes? Mabye she got drunk, fell in the river and drowned. Here in NYC that happens about twice a year. Usually a very drunk male is urinating into the East or Hudson Rivers and falls off the sea wall into the water and drowns. Sometimes it takes a month or two for the bodies to be found.
but when it's a black girl, lifestyle questions always come up. Sane thing with the Matrice Richardson case.
no_slappz said...
Anyway, it seems you're assuming a missing person is a dead person, in which case a search is a search for a body, which generally takes care of itself when thc corpse begins to reek. But rivers and water overcome that problem.
So lemme get this straight.
A white girl in Aruba decides to have sex a with a stranger on a beach in Aruba and the next day when she doesn't show up she's automatically "missing".
A black honor student visits her sister in Baltimore for Christmas, maybe she goes out that night, but the next day when she isn't at home she's a "runaway"?
BOTH girls SHOULD have been presumed to be the victims of foul play, not just the white girl!!!
dr queen writes:
...but when it's a black girl, lifestyle questions always come up. Sane thing with the Matrice Richardson case.
Matrice's own mother refused to pick her up at the police station. Meanwhile, in her wanderings she was spotted in the back yard of someone's home. The owner called the cops to say a disoriented person was wandering around his yard at 5 a.m. Thus, well intentioned people acted sensibly. But her mother did not.
Moreover, she was obviously a mental case, and she was not taking her medication. But her mother denied she was medicated. People who do not take their meds are known to wander into unsafe places -- like places where there are cliffs to fall from.
Anyway, based on the national media coverage the Matrice case received, her own mother has done nothing to find her body.
And her story contained a lot of fishy parts.
Dr. Queen said...
no_slappz said...
Maybe you should look into FBI crime statistics to see how many black women "disappear" and cross reference that information with news coverage...
Are you dense? There typically is NO in depth/widespread news coverage when a Black girl or woman disappears.
Unless there's a white man to blame.Than CNN and the NYT would be all over the story.
needs fatal slaps:
most black students cannot even afford spring break
racist cops shut down balck spring breakers in atlanta annually!!!
wtfu u kosher kkk rabidly racist lying kapo dog!!!
no_slappz said...
If drinking and having sex with realtive strangers while on vacation are your standards for character, then millions of black women are in grave danger.
Millions of Black women going on vacation? Really? In a recession? Black people are financially FAR worse off these days than anyone, so do you see how stupid you sound?
You KNOW this is true, beaches in Aruba, Miami, Pensacola, and Mexico aren't filled with Black folks this time of year, they're filled with WHITE folks, especially young teenaged white girls getting drunk and having sex with strangers.
So the "grave danger" is with you and your ilk, NOT mine!
As usual, looks like were on the EXACT same page AB!!!
Slappy is one delusional racist!!!
Did all the media coverage help Natalie or Laci Peterson?
Not much.
These cases get huge amounts of media coverage because of ratings and a need to fill space.
Ask yourself this.......
If Phylicia Barnes had been a victim of a hate crime,would her case have gotten more media coverage? Yes it would have.
Why does the white Liberal media put more value on a hate crime than a murder?
SouthParkConservatives said...
Unless there's a white man to blame.Than CNN and the NYT would be all over the story.
And white girls get massive coverage no matter WHO is to blame.
Now you really sound dumb for even helping me make the point that unless someone white is somehow involved, the media doesn't think it's newsworthy!
Dr Queen:
needs FATAL slaps needs to ask some of those beach staffers about drunken drugged naked white whores!!!!
SouthParkConservatives said...
Did all the media coverage help Natalie or Laci Peterson?
Media coverage hasn't help the SE DC Black teen whose body is in a landfill, but no one is bothering to look for it due to the "cost".
How many millions have been spent looking for Natalie and how many millions were spent looking for Laci? I'll bet a million dollars hasn't been spent looking for every missing black girl in the last 5 years combined!
dr queen writes:
A white girl in Aruba decides to have sex a with a stranger on a beach in Aruba and the next day when she doesn't show up she's automatically "missing".
Ah, the convenient and nicely shaped revision of the story.
Your goofy revision suggests that it was simply a fact known to all by some magical process that Holloway was having sex with a stranger on the beach.
Someone -- friends, family -- had to reconstruct her timeline before these facts were known. Moreover, though vacation sex is hardly news, the fact that Van der Sloot was someone she had just met was not immediately known. For all anyone knew, she might have been with a guy from home. Not that it matters, except in your attempt to smear her.
A black honor student visits her sister in Baltimore for Christmas, maybe she goes out that night, but the next day when she isn't at home she's a "runaway"?
Now I'm beginning to recall the details of this case. And what I recall is this: The last person known to have seen Barnes alive was the boyfriend of her sister (I think the sister was actually her half-sister). Thus, you and I both know who killed her and after the body is examined, maybe there will be some DNA evidence linking her corpse to the sister's boyfriend.
I'd say the case is effectively closed. Where's the boyfriend?
And again, you mention the claim that she was an honor student. Maybe, not that it means much in most black high schools, or whatever school she was attending.
Meanwhile, unless there's a body, it's tough to claim someone is the victim of foul play. In Holloway's case, when you can't find a person on a small island, the situation is different. If Barnes had disappeared in Aruba, she would have been declared "missing" -- if concerned people had come to the police with a similar story.
After all, in Aruba, someone can go swimming at night and get eaten by a shark.
BOTH girls SHOULD have been presumed to be the victims of foul play, not just the white girl!!!
The sister's boyfriend killed her. I know it. You know it. Why hasn't the sister turned him in?
But once again, there are thousands of reports every day of people who are missing. If the police spent their days looking for people who didn't come home at night, they would have no time for anything else.
If you have a family, your family should look everywhere it's possible to look.
Anyway, you seem to have the crazy idea that the police know everything that happens everywhere at all times and therefore they can find anyone at any time.
dr queen writes:
Millions of Black women going on vacation? Really? In a recession? Black people are financially FAR worse off these days than anyone, so do you see how stupid you sound?
One does not need to go to Aruba to go on vacation.
Meanwhile, right here in Brooklyn, and all over NY City, black women go into bars, drink alcohol and then have sex with relative strangers. Once in a while one of them winds up dead.
Dr. Queen:
clearly ns is a peasant jew who never saw a white spring break!
that silly original mf kosher kkk needs fatal slaps is clueless as always!!!!!
he needs to stfu!!!!
black spring breakers are tamed under duress everywere
as white spring breakers and wf whores are allowed to be buck wild as they spend big bucks
cloned wilding by black kids is always STOPPED...everywhere!
most black boys are lucky if they even get to the event before wild racist police stop them!!!....
especially in atlanta where "freaknik/black spring break" has been racist chaos/fiasco for yrs
stores shut down
interstates and streets are blocked
kids are arrested for nothing
the entire event is sabotaged and shut down as much as possible
the worst clowns are always old gray married thugs/wild male elder whores who take off their wedding rings and wild the most!!!...as students take the racist rap....shame!!!
the very same cloned wild white thugs and wf whores are WELCOMED & SOLICITED INTERNATIONALLY
doing the very same wild things!!!...and drinking MORE and drugging MORE as always!!!
needs fatal slaps:
ask any bartender which drunken whores are worst/most common
u will find that drunken jews/whites always win/rule
dr queen writes:
Media coverage hasn't help the SE DC Black teen whose body is in a landfill, but no one is bothering to look for it due to the "cost".
What proof exists to show the body is in the landfill?
Sounds to me as though the claim is just an educated guess.
Dr. Queen said...
SouthParkConservatives said...
Unless there's a white man to blame.Than CNN and the NYT would be all over the story.
And white girls get massive coverage no matter WHO is to blame.
Now you really sound dumb for even helping me make the point that unless someone white is somehow involved, the media doesn't think it's newsworthy!
Sound dumb? Not really.I just go by what i see in the media.
Dr. Queen said...
SouthParkConservatives said...
Did all the media coverage help Natalie or Laci Peterson?
Media coverage hasn't help the SE DC Black teen whose body is in a landfill, but no one is bothering to look for it due to the "cost".
How many millions have been spent looking for Natalie and how many millions were spent looking for Laci? I'll bet a million dollars hasn't been spent looking for every missing black girl in the last 5 years combined!
And shouldn't you be asking the Democrats you vote for why there "seems" to be more of a effort in finding white missing persons than black missing persons?
no_slappz said...
Now I'm beginning to recall the details of this case. And what I recall is this: The last person known to have seen Barnes alive was the boyfriend of her sister (I think the sister was actually her half-sister). Thus, you and I both know who killed her and after the body is examined, maybe there will be some DNA evidence linking her corpse to the sister's boyfriend.
I'd say the case is effectively closed. Where's the boyfriend?
Here's where we agree, I also thought the sister's boyfriend was/is involved somehow so I'm assuming the cops have already talked to him.
I also assume he's still walking the streets which I find interesting. Had the victim been white, they would have locked his ass up and asked questions later!
So "knowing" who killed her doesn't matter much now does it?
dr queen,
As soon as the story about Laci Petersen appeared, her husband was seen as the most likely suspect.
Media coverage had nothing to do with the police work that tied him to the crime and put him in jail forever.
Like most first-tme killers, he showed his amateur status and was easily caught and prosecuted.
Typically, you seem to react to unimportant issues that arise after the crime itself.
Another day,another hate attack in the Obama lead war on white people.
Notice all the Obama supports just standing around watching this hate attack.
"At the end, the white victim is beaten until she has a seizure, at which point the black camera operator warns the black female attackers to flee, because the police are on the way. Note: he makes sure to repeatedly tell the criminal attackers to flee, instead of keeping them there for the police to apprehend."
SouthParkConservatives said...
And shouldn't you be asking the Democrats you vote for why there "seems" to be more of a effort in finding white missing persons than black missing persons?
I think you need to address this to a Black person who votes democratic all the time because I do NOT.
See once again your crass, racist ASSumptions led you to draw the wrong conclusion!
no_slappz said...
What proof exists to show the body is in the landfill?
Sounds to me as though the claim is just an educated guess.
One of the girl's killers said her body was placed in a dumpster.
Now maybe I'm reaching here, but I think it's safe to assume that trash picked up from a dumpster ends up in a land fill, no?
Not only that but by golly, you can even find out which landfill too!
Wonder if they'll call this a "hate crime"?
These "girls" were probably all "honor role" students, too.
needs fatal slaps:
file this under
persistent wm perv geezer
free to wild incessantly
as no bm would ever be...
A judge's effort to stop a 67-year-old homeless man's streak of arrests came too late.
Grady Bell, who has been arrested at least 120 times since 1998, was charged with sexual battery and held in lieu of $101,000 bail Wednesday.
On Tuesday, Bell stood before Palm Beach County Circuit Judge Krista Marx on a trespassing charge. Annoyed, Marx greeted Bell by his first name as she listened to his request for time served. In an effort to halt the constant arrests, she ordered him instead to be held for 24 hours to undergo a mental evaluation.
Within hours, though, the Delray Beach Police Department came forth with new charges against Bell, this time for sexual battery.
According to the arrest report, police in February were called to Delray Medical Center, where a 42-year-old woman said she had been drinking with Bell in a parking lot in the 800 block of Northeast Sixth Avenue, when she passed out drunk.
The woman said she was later awakened by a mutual friend, who said he saw Bell sexually assaulting her, the report stated. When Bell was questioned by the police, he responded, "I probably did that," according to the report.
The charge is one of the most serious lodged against Bell since his first arrest in April 1998, according to Palm Beach County Jail records. Previous charges include trespassing, indecent exposure, simple battery and consuming alcohol in public.
Bell is one of many Palm Beach County repeat offenders who are quite familiar with the Palm Beach County Main Detention Center.
Jonathan B. Goode has been arrested at least 50 times since 2006 for misdemeanors similar Bell's. Goode's most recent arrest was on April 29, 2010 for trespassing, according to jail records. His bond was set at $1,000. He was released from jail on May 17 .
dr queen writes:
I also assume he's still walking the streets which I find interesting.
When there's no body, it's tough to prove someone is dead.
Had the victim been white, they would have locked his ass up and asked questions later!
You really are out of your mind. You've got that irrepressible black view that says a missing white person is a missing dead person and therefore anyone can be charged with a crime that keeps them in jail for as long as necessary for no reason.
Try reading the Constitution and the Bill of Rights. When there's no body and no overwhelming proof a missing person is dead, then no one is locked up.
A missing person, even if dead, is not obviously a murder victim. Like I said, drunks fall in the East and Hudson Rivers every year. Dead, but not murdered.
Nobody gets locked up until cops determine a missing person is not only dead, but murdered.
Anyway, you've got that standard black notion that it's possible to read minds.
So why has not the sister turned in the boyfriend? I gather she's part of that "stop snitchin" contingent. The boyfriend probably said he'd kill her too, so she's too scared to talk. Or, she wants to believe his lies, which makes her a world-class sap.
Again, the problem is in black culture, not in the police department.
no_slappz said...
So why has not the sister turned in the boyfriend? I gather she's part of that "stop snitchin" contingent. The boyfriend probably said he'd kill her too, so she's too scared to talk. Or, she wants to believe his lies, which makes her a world-class sap.
Again, the problem is in black culture, not in the police department.
Why are you assuming her sister knows anything about her death? Typical all blacks are either criminals are accessories to crimes to folks like you!
And if she does know something and he did threaten to kill her, how in the hell does that make HER a sap versus being scared for her life?
You know with all this talk about Black culture you never once think about the adverse effect white culture has had on black culture. But I won't waste my time explaining it to you.
I'm Sure She Deserved It said...
Wonder if they'll call this a "hate crime"?
These "girls" were probably all "honor role" students, too.
Yeah if they were white and the gril getting beaten was black, it would be a hate crime and CNN and the NYT would be all over it.
This is whats happen' to whites in Obama's America.
dr queen writes:
One of the girl's killers said her body was placed in a dumpster.
That does not mean his statement is true. A killer seeking leniency from the court will say anything. Meanwhile, if he is a confessed killer, as your statement says, and there were other killers, it seems as though the case has been adjudicated and the criminals are in jail. What further obligation does the state have?
Now maybe I'm reaching here, but I think it's safe to assume that trash picked up from a dumpster ends up in a land fill, no?
Again, if the killers confessed and they are now serving sentences, I do not know why the taxpayers should get a bill for digging through a landfill, which itself can be a dangerous exercise.
Moreover, if the victim was from DC and body was dumped in a landfill, the landfill is not in DC, but in a state, probably nearby, or maybe not. NY City sends it garbage to landfills that are far away, and probably they are the same landfills to which DC sends its garbage, which means the pile on top of the corpse, wherever it is, is huge.
And the body has probably been completely consumed by the maggots and other natural forces in the circle of life.
hate crimes do occur in all races
especially as young people of all races become more violent to people of all races/ages daily
thank god for youtube
no_slappz said...
And the body has probably been completely consumed by the maggots and other natural forces in the circle of life.
Name ONE white woman whose body was left to rot in a land fill, ONE!
Its also fair to point out that some of these "searches' for missing persons are paid for by private donations or by the familes.Not by the police or the state.
Not even 3/4 of missing white people are coverd by the media.
angry rude wild pookies rule the world
i fear buck wild amoral young people of all races
what the hell is up with wild women at mcdonald's/bk???
fast food is causing beat downs???
this is why i am a recluse
Those two black chicks in that McDonal's video should be charged with attempted murder.
And that McDonald's "manager" should becharged with aiding & abetting.
If it wasn't for a 65 year old white women stepping in, they would certainly have killed this women.
Where is the media coverage?
dr queen writes:
Why are you assuming her sister knows anything about her death?
Wow. You're serious. Yeah, I know how it goes. A girl has her half-ssiter visiting and she's kinda good looking and all that, and then the girl goes out and tells her boyfriend to show her half-ssiter a good time, but before you know it, the half-sister disappears without saying good-by.
The boyfriend says, yeah, she was kinda strange and all, just grabbed some stuff and took off to someplace. Dunno where, she jsut left.
And then the cops come around and ask a few questions, and she tells the cops she don't know nuthin about nuthin so don't come around no mo.
At what age do black women wise up? When are they able to see they've got a thug for a boyfriend? obviously this awakening occurs. But some love the thug anyway.
Typical all blacks are either criminals are accessories to crimes to folks like you!
Now you're defending the girlfriend for being criminally dense. But you want the cops to arrest somebody because there's a missing girl.
This is why whites think blacks are nuts. You and I both know the boyfriend did it. But when I focus on the obvious facts in this murder, you default to the black grievance that whites think all blacks are criminals.
Wake up. This is a murder case and the killer is walking around because the girlfriend is keeping her mouth shut.
And if she does know something and he did threaten to kill her, how in the hell does that make HER a sap versus being scared for her life?
Okay. So now you admit that black male thugs intimidate people who can incriminate them. Thus, you are making the case that violent crime, murder, among blacks is tolerated because people who can provide evidence against black killers have to weigh the threat of being killed by the thug vs the benefit of seeing him prosecuted.
That's black culture at work. But you want the cops to simply "know" the boyfriend is the killer and arrest him because they "know" he did it. Even though until just recently there was no body proving Barnes was dead.
You know with all this talk about Black culture you never once think about the adverse effect white culture has had on black culture. But I won't waste my time explaining it to you.
'Hate crime' victims: Young, poor, white
WASHINGTON � The most likely victim of a hate crime in the U.S. is a poor, young, white, single urban dweller, according to an analysis of Justice Department statistics collected from between July 2000 and December 2003.
A November report by the Bureau of Justice Statistics detailing a study of 210,000 "hate crimes" a year during that period has gone virtually unreported by the U.S. press.
But it does contain some surprising numbers. While race is, by far, the No. 1 factor cited as the reason for hate crimes, blacks are slightly less likely to be victims and far more likely to be perpetrators, the statistics show.
As defined by the report, a collection of data compiled by the National Crime Victimization Survey and the FBI's Uniform Crime Reporting Program, an ordinary crime becomes a hate crime when offenders choose a victim because of some characteristic � race, religion, ethnicity, religion or association � and provide evidence that hate prompted them to commit the crime.
The NCVS is a database of 77,600 nationally representative people interviewed every other year about their experience with crime, while the UCR data is based on law enforcement reports to the FBI.
About 56 percent of hate crimes were motivated, at least in part, by racial hatred, according to the study, and most were accompanied by violence.
While nine in 10,000 whites and nine in 10,000 Hispanics are victimized by hate crimes, only seven in 10,000 blacks are targets, according to the report.
"Generally, per capita rates of hate crime victimization do not appear to vary based upon victim's gender, race, ethnicity or educational attainment," says the report on all hate crimes reported by victims and police. "However, young people; those never married, separated or divorced; those with low incomes; and those living in urban areas did report experiencing hate crimes at higher rates."
In fact, those between the ages of 17 and 20 were far more likely to be victims than in any other age group � with 16 incidents per 10,000 people. Those never married, with 16 incidents per 10,000, or separated or divorced, with 26 incidents per 10,000, were also much more likely to be victims of hate crimes. Those with incomes less than $25,000 faced worse odds of victimization, 13 per 10,000, as well as those in urban areas, also 13 per 10,000.
The report says 38 percent of all those reporting hate crimes said the attacker was black, and in 90 percent of those cases, the victim believed the offender's motive was racial. In incidents involving white attackers, only 30 percent attribute the hate crime to race, while 20 percent attributed it to ethnicity.
The report says 40 percent of white hate crime victims were attacked by blacks, adding, "The small number of black hate crime victims precludes analysis of the race of persons who victimized them."
The report by the Justice Department is the one most often cited by hate-crime experts as depicting the true national story. It shows the number of incidents is more than 15 times higher than FBI statistics alone reflect.
Slappz, why are you so hateful and aggressive this morning? This is Good Friday, are the sins of your forefathers riding you on this particular day or something?
Look, stop desecrating the memory of Phylicia Barnes, and stop trying throw the virtue of black womanhood through the mud. First it's the "trashy novels" you claim black women read in subways, now it's black women who go into bars etc.
You seem to pay too much attention to black women, perhaps that's why so many of us are ending up dead and missing. It's always the social inadequate non-black sicko that nobody cared to look at because he doesn't fit the "profile".
Why don't you try to figure out the lifestyle of Holly Bobo, oh and her brother too. Help them find her, I'm sure you need the money. Taunting black people and picking on black women on a blog isn't going to make your personal and financial problems go away. Now be a man and hurry attend to your business before the repo men find you.
dr queen writes:
Name ONE white woman whose body was left to rot in a land fill, ONE!
First, there's no proof her body is in any landfill. You are rather naively taking the word of a violent criminal who wants to make a deal with the prosecution.
Second, I have no information about murder victims whose corpses were dumped in landfills and were later dug out. And neither do you.
My guess is that a lot of missing murder victims have ended up in landfills and no one has ever looked for their corpses.
But here's a little tidbit for you. A number of years ago I was out jogging in a very bad city in Connecticut. It was a coast city with a big park along the water, and along one end of the park there was a landfill, which I am sure contained some bodies.
It was a winter morning and there was no one around except me and the people in a car parked near the landfill. As I got closer, I realized there were two people in the car and they were pointing a pistol out the window, shooting at sea gulls and rats picking through the garbage.
I guess I disturbed there morning target practice, because a moment later the window on the side of the car facing my direction opened, and the pistol was pointed my way. The shooter squeezed off a couple of rounds, and the bullets zinged off the pavement and onto the beach. Fortunately they were about 75 years away and I was running, which made it unlikely the shooter would nail me except by pure luck. But I wasn't taking any chances, so I ran a little faster.
Then the car drove off, away from me and toward the exit of the park. I didn't get a good look at the guys inside, but I am pretty sure they were hispanic.
"no_slappz said...
Then the car drove off, away from me and toward the exit of the park. I didn't get a good look at the guys inside, but I am pretty sure they were hispanic.
11:54 AM"
The scent of guacamole probably overpowered the smell of the landfill.
needs fatal slaps:
relationships share universal ills within all races/sexualities etc
cc your racist bogus survey to the MILLIONS of wf who have wm thugs for lovers/spousers/killers etc
start here:
no_slappz said...
Then the car drove off, away from me and toward the exit of the park. I didn't get a good look at the guys inside, but I am pretty sure they were hispanic.
Your "story" is pure garbage, pun intended, for the following reasons:
1) First, you're Jewish which by definition means you're short in stature. You couldn't "outrun" a bullet if Pharaoh himself were chasing you.
2) Second, why in the hell are you running near a land fill? Umm hmmmm.
3) Third, who cares if the people you suspect were shooting at you were hispanic? Maybe those "brown skinned fellows" were Jews, with the exception that Jews have nappier hair than hispanics.
Next point, LOL!!
Queen Laa:
that kosher kkk original african jew mf is wilding like a drunken naked wf spring breaker...
with his rabid racist delusions and rabid denials
arrogant ignorance and nazi kapo hatred NEVER take a holiday
i wonder if he ever bred a jewess?
and how would he feel if a black man posted such lies about her/her murder
Dr. Queen:
exterminate that kosher kkk jiggajew bastard needs FATAL slaps!!!!
he has no brain/heart/mind/soul/lox/bagels etc
lost blind ruthless hobama nazi coon uts:
i bet u believed hobama/king shrub when they BOTH said the war in iraq was over too???
WASHINGTON (AFP) - US and Iraqi officials are looking into keeping 10,000 US troops in the country beyond a year's end deadline for a complete withdrawal, the Wall Street Journal reported Friday.
The talks are politically sensitive for both countries, with Americans keen to end their involvement in Iraq and Iraqis concerned that prolonging the troop presence could fuel sectarian tensions and protests, it said.
I see two of the Three Stooges made it in today. One of the stooges is making disparaging to the third stooge who is absent as of late.
The entertainment continues...
I knew that the two of the three stooges would turn this posting into a "Whoa is me, black woman" diatribe.
Kinda telling how few comments have been made about that video of those two black animals almost killing that white chick in the McDonald's.
If it had been two white chicks putting the beat-down on a defenseless black chick, there would probably be 100+ comments about it.
The hypocrisy is stifling.
Anon 11:46 AM, do you have alink to that story?
"You seem to pay too much attention to black women, perhaps that's why so many of us are ending up dead and missing. It's always the social inadequate non-black sicko that nobody cared to look at because he doesn't fit the "profile"."
Hmmmm, you know,there is a serial killer on the loose in the NY area. I think they found the remains of over nine women on LI so far.Hmmmmm.
selectively keen hypcritical whining faceless assnon:
then...why can you not also see that you are stooge #4???
Another racial beat down video from MacDonalds:
Two black girls kick and beat a white girl for several minutes, while several black male employees just watch. A old white lady finally tries to stop them as they drag the girl by her hair toward the door, and they threaten the old white lady. Nobody stops it.
There is something seriously, seriously wrong with y'all.
kline4077 said...
They are far-right attack videos made by POW-MIA fringe groups. Utter nonsense with no corroboration.
John McCain would not have been the perfect President, but for someone like to you to deny his service, sacrifice and heroism is beyond disgusting
Sorry to tell you again Bubba, but McCain is liar and a fake. Apparently you didn't view the tape. It wasn’t some fringe POW group involved here. It was the former Republican Senator of NJ, Bob Smith. It was the former Republican Congressman from CA, Bob Dornan. It was Tracy Usry, fmr Chief Investigator of US Minority Staff. It was Al Santoli, fmr Chief of Staff of the American Foreign Policy Center. It was Dr. Joseph Douglass, National Security Analysis for 35 years, etc, etc. Furthermore, it was it was every damn Republican in the congress that wanted those POW transcripts released. The question you should ask- is why McCain didn't?
You know, he mirrors very much the ultra screw-up son, GWB. McCain graduated from the Naval Academy 5th from the bottom. Out of 899, he ranked 894. He was a terrible pilot that crashed 5 military planes. One of the crashes cost 134 officers their lives. With his record McCain should have been kicked out of the Navy. However, it was his father Admiral John S. McCain Sr. that saved Sonny, just like Poppy Bush saved GWB.
As far as it being disgusting to deny his service and heroism, you can spare me that sanctimonious bull-shyte. I’m not buying it! The family of the 134 officers that lost their lives would beg to differ. I'm sure the POW families would too. Besides, I have family members that served in Vietnam too. One is dead and the other is fighting for his life.
Ms. Queen said...
"1) First, you're Jewish which by definition means you're short in stature."
You are so stupid it literally hurts to read your comments.
You will never be a doctor.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...You know, he mirrors very much the ultra screw-up son, GWB. McCain graduated from the Naval Academy 5th from the bottom. Out of 899, he ranked 894. He was a terrible pilot that crashed 5 military planes. One of the crashes cost 134 officers their lives.
Lies, lies, lies:
You are a disgusting little fuck, not worthy to be stuck to the bottom of McCain's shoes.
needs fatal slaps:
more on toxic white holy fertile parents
more details for your wild violent murderous holy white teen pookies file:
When the unsuspecting Jackson arrived Sunday at the Summerfield home of one of Wright's friends, he was ambushed by several other teens, including Wright's current boyfriend, Michael Bargo, 18, police said.
Bargo allegedly shot Jackson several times with a .22-caliber revolver. When Jackson tried to escape, he was struck with an ax handle and restrained. Jackson was then placed in a bathtub, where Bargo broke his knees so his body would fit in a sleeping bag. But Jackson was still alive, so Bargo shot him again, police said.
Then the gang allegedly crammed Jackson's body inside a blue sleeping bag and hauled it to a backyard fire pit, where they used wood to start a fire that burned for hours.
After shoveling the ashes and bone chips into 5-gallon paint cans, they called Wright's stepdad to help them cart the containers away, cops said.
They even found time to play basketball, neighbors said.
"It's an unimaginable act, the idea that six people would come together and carry out to kill a 15-year-old," Marion County Police Officer Judge Cochran said.
"It's not something you expect to happen anywhere, particularly not in Marion County. We're a religious community. People move here for the level of quiet."
Read more: http://www.nypost.com/p/news/national/teen_lured_to_date_with_death_eebJXogyWMCEzDVJy1fqlL#ixzz1KGx73tav
I just viewed http://www.liveleak.com/view?i=ec0_1303444048
It appears that the employees did intervene. One little lone white woman didn't squelch the violence alone.
It's amazing how different people can see different things while looking at the same footage.
I think we can all agree that those to attackers are animals.
Had the victim drawn a gun and shot their asses, then this would have galvanized the Sharptons and Jacksons.
"the troof said...
Ms. Queen said...
"1) First, you're Jewish which by definition means you're short in stature."
You are so stupid it literally hurts to read your comments.
Didn't you know that two of the three stooges' viciousness rivals their ignorance?
"It appears that the employees did intervene."
The beating never stopped.
lying assnon:
u have skipped over the kosher kkk original african jew mf needs fatal slaps...
he is the most vicious racist hater on this blog
alicia banks said...
sharpton is way too busy being hobama's pimped out permed out bottom bitch/black hobama nazi vote czar to bother with any other issues now...
Anon28310 said...
Didn't you know that two of the three stooges' viciousness rivals their ignorance?
I never met an intelligent white person from Fayetteville, NC.
But I saw PLENTY while a grad student at UNC Chapel HIll, the school you probably weren't smart enough to get admitted to, LOL!!!
conspiracies are real
kissinger is a veteran bilderberger
he is marking death and clocking dollars in libya
hobama is their sold out drone!!!
please pray for all libyans!!!
Despite the fact that the United States is embroiled in three major conflicts and can barely service its own gigantic debt, with Standard and Poor this week indicating the US will soon lose its triple-A credit rating, top globalist and former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger recently told fellow elitists at three different globalist confabs that the US needs to launch a ground invasion of Libya and keep the war running for at least another year.
According to veteran Bilderberg journalist Jim Tucker, whose sources have proven routinely accurate in leaking discussion topics shared by globalists at their regular meetings, Kissinger gave almost the exact same speech at three different conferences over the past two weeks, firstly during an April 8-10 get-together at the George Washington University’s Elliot School of International Affairs, then at an Aspen Institute session on “Values and Diplomacy” at the National Cathedral, and finally during the Bretton Woods II conference in New Hampshire.
“Kissinger, visibly depressed, gave a rationale for the war on Libya that the TC (Trilateral Commission) and its brother group, Bilderberg, want to keep rolling, according to an inside source who has proved reliable for years. Both groups want the war extended through 2012 to generate turmoil throughout the Middle East and pressure the United States into attacking Iran on behalf of Israel. Which would also produce huge war profits,” writes Tucker.
" Anonymous said...
"It appears that the employees did intervene."
The beating never stopped.
1:08 PM"
Actually, the beating did stop. After the girl had been dragged all the way across the restaurant by her hair, and had gone into seizures.
Oh, and after the McDonald's employee had repeatedly warned them to run before the cops got there.
I am not white, I am a black male.
I thought you would have garnered that through my comments.
I guess you are too obtuse to recognize nuances.
the troof said...
Ms. Queen said...
"1) First, you're Jewish which by definition means you're short in stature."
You are so stupid it literally hurts to read your comments.
You will never be a doctor.
I realize I'm not a Doctor yet, but I could have told you that Extends wouldn't work on short, white men.
Unfortunately, there really is no cure for the kind of "short" you're suffering from, though you could probably have your legs broken, Misery style, and have them reset with leg extenders to give you a few inches of height, LOL!!!
vapid assnon:
substance trumps failed sarcasm
post something valid asap
good luck with that
Re: The McD video. I'm not condoning any violence, I wouldn't want that for myself nor for my child. What those two girls did was wrong regardless.
But since certain people want to bring race into this:
Did anyone bother to ask the question... "What did the white female do something to provoke the two black girls"? If the scenario was the other way around, I'm sure a similar question would have surfaced.
It doesn't seem like a robbery, it's seems emotionally provoked, so there must be another motive. Knowing that black females are hardly ever given the benefit, and as a black female myself, I reserve the right to assume that the black girls may be reacting to something that may have been said or done to them off camera.
I too can play this game.
Anon28310 said...
I am not white, I am a black male.
I thought you would have garnered that through my comments.
My bad, I get Toms and white folks confused all the time!!
But "Garnered" that or gathered that? Looks like you should haver "garnered" yourself a better education in school.
BTW, the ONLY thing worse than an uneducated negro is an uneducated negro that uses "big words" in the wrong context!
Ms. Queen..."But I saw PLENTY while a grad student at UNC Chapel HIll,"
If you being a grad student isn't a powerful argument against affirmative action, I don't know what is.
What a shame that some bright person missed out on an opportunity for an eductation because an idiot like Ms. Queen was put in their spot.
It's a tragedy.
Ms. Queen: "BTW, the ONLY thing worse than an uneducated negro is an uneducated negro that uses "big words" in the wrong context!"
Your are right. What's even funnier is when an uneducated negro uses big words in the wrong context AND calls herself "Dr. Queen".
" Dr. Queen Future MD said...
Anon28310 said...
I am not white, I am a black male.
I thought you would have garnered that through my comments.
But "Garnered" that or gathered that? Looks like you should haver "garnered" yourself a better education in school.
BTW, the ONLY thing worse than an uneducated negro is an uneducated negro that uses "big words" in the wrong context!
1:28 PM"
The word "garnered" is completely acceptable in the context it was used. Just ask your genius buddy, AB.
Perhaps it's YOUR education we should question, "Dr." Queen.
@ Ms. Queen Future MD:
You will never be a doctor
Anon28310 said to AB...
I am not white, I am a black male.
I thought you would have garnered that through my comments."
I for one figured that you were a black male based on your comment. This is why even as a black female, I always try to reserve my energy when black males like you find yourself at the mercy of racist cops/justice system, and not given the benefit when you react and get your asses beaten or riddles with bullets.
I too know well that black women hardly get support reciprocation, nor the benefit from black males like you. And especially when the so called victim is a white female.
the troof said...
If you being a grad student isn't a powerful argument against affirmative action, I don't know what is.
You're absolutely right!
I AFFIRMED myself by being a straight A student during my final year as a Chemistry major in undergrad. And I took ACTION when I applied to and was accepted by the very school that 36 years earlier, denied my mother admission BECAUSE SHE WAS BLACK!!!!
Yep, that's some d*mn good AFFIRMative ACTION!!!!!
Too bad you and your dumb a$$ family don't know jack about academic success!!!!
And you're still "short".
LA, two can play that game. You rarely have a kind word for black men. I am just reciprocating.
I read your comments frequently.
Dr. Queen:
like tyler perry
you know you are blessed
when nigs start wilding on you...
KUDOS & carry on Dr. Queen!
Queen Laa:
if the fake bold "bruh" is so accurate and secure
where are his name and photo???
Just thought I would mention, the ATM pin reversal is not legitimate. It's an email chain letter that has been circulating for years. People please be careful, don't do anything unnecessary and useless that could cost you your life in such situation.
The word "garnered" is completely acceptable in the context it was used. Just ask your genius buddy, AB.
Perhaps it's YOUR education we should question, "Dr." Queen.
Why argue with an ignoramus? Anyone with a decent high school education knows what garnered means.
Only ignorami visciously attack folks for using words that are generally know, but yet they do not know.
What's that saying about wrestling with a pig?
the troof said...
Your are right. What's even funnier is when an uneducated negro uses big words in the wrong context AND calls herself "Dr. Queen".
A confident, educated Black woman is NEVER going to go over well with hicks like you.
Anon28310 said...
Why argue with an ignoramus? Anyone with a decent high school education knows what garnered means.
Only ignorami visciously attack folks for using words that are generally know, but yet they do not know.
What's that saying about wrestling with a pig?
Takes a nigga' like YOU to side with cracker hicks in comments which disparage a Black woman. No surprises here "Tom". But I'm lucky because not only do I rarely come in contact with nigs like YOU, I can't say I know any personally.
Of course, I don't think I believe you're really a Black man at all, just one of many psycho, short, white racist men going back and forth with yourself on a Black blog.
And by creating a false beef between you as a :black man" and black women on this blog, you simply add to the large amount of strife that exists between black men and woman.
Naw, I think imma pass on "falling for it" this time. I simply need to limit my comments to people with verifiable idents.
the troof said...
Ms. Queen..."But I saw PLENTY while a grad student at UNC Chapel HIll,"
If you being a grad student isn't a powerful argument against affirmative action, I don't know what is.
What a shame that some bright person missed out on an opportunity for an eductation because an idiot like Ms. Queen was put in their spot.
It's a tragedy.
Affirmative Action is still needed in this society. But that program should be reserved for the best and brightest.
Let's see. Georgetown, UNC and whatever imaginary attendance at a prestigious university one can conjure tells me that one is an imaginary career student.
You know what the biggest fear of a career student is, right?
Anon28310 said...
Affirmative Action is still needed in this society. But that program should be reserved for the best and brightest.
Let's see. Georgetown, UNC and whatever imaginary attendance at a prestigious university one can conjure tells me that one is an imaginary career student.
You know what the biggest fear of a career student is, right?
Like I said, a cracker posing as a nigga, LOL!!!!
So let's get this straight. Am I making up being a graduate of G'town and Chapel Hill or not? Am I a "career" student or not?
Because you do realize it's impossible to be both, right, LOL?????
Maybe I should just call you "Ebony and Ivory" since in addition to being biipolar, you desperately want to be biracial, ROTFLMBAO!!!
Dr. Queen Future MD said...
I AFFIRMED myself by being a straight A student during my final year as a Chemistry major in undergrad. And I took ACTION when I applied to and was accepted by the very school that 36 years earlier, denied my mother admission BECAUSE SHE WAS BLACK!!!!
Yep, that's some d*mn good AFFIRMative ACTION!!!!!
Too bad you and your dumb a$$ family don't know jack about academic success!!!!
And you're still "short".
Low self-esteem, Dr.Queen?For you to day in and day out come to this board and brag about who/what you are all while cutting down people who are not like you makes me think all is not well in Queenie land.
I'm getting the same feeling about you that i have with mold.
To make up for your low self-esteem,you have to get online and invent stuff so you can fell better than everyone else.
Ms. Queen said...
"I AFFIRMED myself by being a straight A student during my final year as a Chemistry major in undergrad. And I took ACTION when I applied to and was accepted by the very school that 36 years earlier, denied my mother admission BECAUSE SHE WAS BLACK!!!!"
I am sure your grades were inflated. I'm sorry about your mom (if that's true), but knowing you, she was probably pretty stupid too.
Perhaps you are correct. As we all know from Dr. Queen's comments, she obviously has a predilection for large penises. Perhaps that last intrepid spelunker up her anal orifice caused some irreversible brain damage.
That's funny. Despite her preference, she's one sad and delusional individual.
The Internet affords one the luxury to boast about his/her credentials, home life, education, societal status, etc (actual or false).
dr queen writes:
1) First, you're Jewish which by definition means you're short in stature.
Inasmuch as you are a victim of your own mind, I have to agree with the others here who say you will never becme a doctor. Based on your your fixed lunacy, there's no chance you could diagnose a headache
For whatever it's worth, I'm about 5' 11" and these days I weigh 190 pounds. At the time of the shooting incident I was about 185 pounds.
You couldn't "outrun" a bullet if Pharaoh himself were chasing you.
As it turned out, I was running parallel to the car. Not away from the car.
Since you claim to know something about weapons, this should have been obvious to you. But since you seem to know nothing about actually firing weapons at moving targets, I now have doubts about your experience with guns.
2) Second, why in the hell are you running near a land fill?
As I stated, the landfill was actually in a relatively remote part of the city park. I'll help you out here. The city was Bridgeport, CT and the park was Seaside Park, and landfill covered a long stretch of the park near the end where the Black Rock lighthouse is found. If it matters enough to you, you can Google it.
The landfill is closed now. One big problem was the stench that filled the air on hot summer days. But as I stated, the shooting episode occurred in the winter, when there was no problem with the smell. Just the cold wind off Long Island Sound.
3) Third, who cares if the people you suspect were shooting at you were hispanic?
Who cares? I cares. Why? Because I had to describe them to the cops when I was finally able to a phone. This happened long before cell phones were around. 1983, to be precise.
Maybe those "brown skinned fellows" were Jews, with the exception that Jews have nappier hair than hispanics.
They were hispanics. Not Jews. At that time in Bridgeport, the city was becoming a big crack den. Firing a few shots at seagulls, rats and joggers was not exactly newsworthy.
It's remarkable how confined you are by stereotypical images. However, your dependence on stereotypes is consistent. It's also the basis of your criticisms of others who've commented on some long-running trends among blacks.
Meanwhile, you've claimed you are some kind of scientist. But you clearly do not have the mind of a researcher. Maybe the mind of a technician.
And maybe your jabber about microscopes is just your way of projecting. I don't know. Maybe your idea of working with microscopes comes from making glasses at LensCrafters. Or shooting people, which seems to be on your Bucket List.
La♥audiobooks said...
Re: The McD video. I'm not condoning any violence, I wouldn't want that for myself nor for my child. What those two girls did was wrong regardless.
But since certain people want to bring race into this:
Did anyone bother to ask the question... "What did the white female do something to provoke the two black girls"? If the scenario was the other way around, I'm sure a similar question would have surfaced.
No, the"what did the person do to deserve to be almost beaten to death by blacks" is only asked when the person being beaten is white.
Ms. Queen said..."And I took ACTION when I applied to and was accepted by the very school that 36 years earlier, denied my mother admission BECAUSE SHE WAS BLACK!!!!"
Lets' see, 36 years ago was 1975. There was already affirmative action then. Which mean you must have applied to that school at least 10 years ago, maybe longer.
Aren't you getting a little old to still be in school? Are you going to spend your whole life pretending to be a student? It's time to get a job girl. It sounds like there might be a few openings at McDonalds.
I am sure your grades were inflated. I'm sorry about your mom (if that's true), but knowing you, she was probably pretty stupid too.
If you believe that, I have beach front property in Montana to sell you.
Again, the Internet allows people to boast about his/her credentials and accomplishment (actual or perceived) without challenge or corroboration.
ren't you getting a little old to still be in school? Are you going to spend your whole life pretending to be a student? It's time to get a job girl. It sounds like there might be a few openings at McDonalds.
Don't knock life-long learning. It keeps the brain sharp.
JOB???? That's be biggest fear of a career student...lol.
What is it about educated black women who don't mind talking $hit about what goes on in society that sets insecure/poor white folks off the deep end, LOL??? Because if I was talking that "shenaenae" $hit it would be ALL good, right? If I were talking about shakin' my ass in some rappers video, all the "good little white people" would be quite content and happy. But you can't stop this "sassy black gal" and it's killing you, LOL!!!!
So carry on my poor, white, hick trailer trash friend(s). Every black person KNOWS that our continued success is our absolute BEST revenge against you!
the troof said...
Aren't you getting a little old to still be in school? Are you going to spend your whole life pretending to be a student? It's time to get a job girl. It sounds like there might be a few openings at McDonalds.
Sup Macaroni, Linguini, Tortalini, Spaghetti O's?
Maria, you really need to stop, we ALL know it's your punk a$$ hiding behind another username, LOL!!!!
Your "story" is pure garbage, pun intended, for the following reasons:
1) First, you're Jewish which by definition means you're short in stature. You couldn't "outrun" a bullet if Pharaoh himself were chasing you.
Well then using your racist logic, your Black so you can't possibly have an IQ higher then 60 and your a woman to boot so you really are stoopid so you a waste of time
) your lips are big, your hair is ugly you look and smell like a animal,
3) you think people want those two lumps of lard on your behind when you see them lookin what they really are sayin damn that is nasty just imagine the smell when she takes off her cirucs panties and how all those lumps o fat look without close on...yeechchch...did I say bout teh smell?
We wants feminine womens not gorilla size and lookin femals you fake doktor
Ms. Queen Who Will Never be a MD said...
"What is it about educated black women who don't mind talking $hit about what goes on in society that sets insecure/poor white folks off the deep end, LOL??? Because if I was talking that "shenaenae" $hit it would be ALL good, right?"
You sound really ghetto. Way too ghetto to be considered for medical school.
Sorry, but you'll never be a doctor.
Hey AB, help me! Dese crackas and toms be making me look the fool! Maria be slapping me down! Help! Help!
no_slappz said...
Meanwhile, you've claimed you are some kind of scientist. But you clearly do not have the mind of a researcher. Maybe the mind of a technician.
I was VERY proud to be technician at a time when white folks just didn't extend those kinds of opportunities to very many Black folks. In fact, had I not been a technician as an undergrad, I wouldn't have eventually become Lab Director a couple years ago.
Now, it's simply way past the time that racists white folks like you start addressing me as "Dr."
So Fall 2011, let the studies begin!
When a person uses a racial epithets and disparaging terms like "Tom," they lose all credibility.
That is the hallmark of a childish and undeveloped individual vis-a-vis two of the Three Stooges, Fred Drackman, et al.
field writes:
Hmmmm, you know,there is a serial killer on the loose in the NY area. I think they found the remains of over nine women on LI so far.Hmmmmm.
I believe all victims were white, and I believe all were hookers. I also expect we will learn their killer is white. But, of course, I'm merely considering the historic pattern of whites killing white hookers.
Remarkably -- dr queen, take note -- it appears that many of the dead women were long gone. But apparently no one was actively looking for them. The facts surrounding the disappearances of all these women pretty much sinks your belief that police departments turn the world upside down to find missing white women.
I think it was only because one body was found that a lot more were discovered, almost by accident.
Anyway, if only one killer nailed all of them, the cops will come up with a working profile soon and catch him this year. Maybe in a month or two. He probably figures he can hide in plain sight.
who are two of the three stooges, and who is the third??
Dr. Queen Future MD said...
What is it about educated black women who don't mind talking $hit about what goes on in society that sets insecure/poor white folks off the deep end, LOL??? Because if I was talking that "shenaenae" $hit it would be ALL good, right? If I were talking about shakin' my ass in some rappers video, all the "good little white people" would be quite content and happy. But you can't stop this "sassy black gal" and it's killing you, LOL!!!!
So carry on my poor, white, hick trailer trash friend(s). Every black person KNOWS that our continued success is our absolute BEST revenge against you!
Ummm you're talking shit about yourself not "society".
Ahhhhhhh now we can bake a cake.Queenie feels inferior to white people{white women mostly}, so she comes to this site and makes stuff up about herself so she can make herself feel special.
So lets all do what we can to make Queenie feel special.
Good question: The two major stooges are AB and "Queen." The third minor stooge is UTS. In my opinion, he's only a stooge, replies to the two major stooges.
Most of the time, he actually makes good points.
Ahhhhhhh now we can bake a cake.Queenie feels inferior to white people{white women mostly}, so she comes to this site and makes stuff up about herself so she can make herself feel special.
I don't agree with most of your views, but I have to say BINGO on this one.
dr queen writes:
Now, it's simply way past the time that racists white folks like you start addressing me as "Dr."
There's always someone who earns a nickname that everyone knows is entirely ironic, except the person who receives it.
Usually it's the overly talkative, opinionated regular in the bar who becomes known as the Governor. Or sometimes, the Mayor.
I had a high school classmate who was known as Doctor, and then Doc, chiefly because he was a moron, but not a bad guy.
We ran him for class president and he won. but the school administration was so upset about having "Doc", the moron, as class president, we were forced to replace him with the second-place candidate.
Meawnhile, based on your willingness to issue threats and your talk about gun use, you seem likely to shoot up the med school that decides to bar you from class for threatening a student who says you don't know a colon from a semi-colon.
no_slappz said...
Remarkably -- dr queen, take note -- it appears that many of the dead women were long gone. But apparently no one was actively looking for them. The facts surrounding the disappearances of all these women pretty much sinks your belief that police departments turn the world upside down to find missing white women.
Since when have white people considered white hookers "people"??
My understanding is that people like you don't consider ANYONE who potentially/knowingly has sex with Black men human at all!
The ONLY reason this case has seen the light of day is because of the family of one of the victims, ONE YEAR LATER!!! And better late than never isn't gonna fly here!
Anon28310 said...
"Good question: The two major stooges are AB and "Queen." The third minor stooge is UTS. In my opinion, he's only a stooge, replies to the two major stooges."
UTS isn't here today. Today's a holiday. He doesn't own a computer, and only can post from work. He has a make-work job so he has plenty of time to blow shit all over the internet. I'll agree with you though, he does have LAA's, AB's and Ms. Queen's number, and they don't get much past him.
no_slappz said...
Meawnhile, based on your willingness to issue threats and your talk about gun use, you seem likely to shoot up the med school that decides to bar you from class for threatening a student who says you don't know a colon from a semi-colon.
Slapps............dude...........LET IT GO!!!! You can't do anything about my talent OR ambition! What do you think, if you say something long enough I'll change who I am?? Don't you know that has NEVER worked effectively with Black people, by far the strongest people on the planet?
As for where to place colons and semicolons, I'll leave that for you liberal arts majors to decide on. The ONLY thing I need to know about semi colons is to make sure I include them in the statements of my Java programs, otherwise they won't run LOL!!!!
Damn, ya'll are some weak, wack ass white folks!!!! Is this really the best ALL of you can do??
Could the girl in the video be a TV who was tryin to go in the womens restroom?
Anon28310 said...
Good question: The two major stooges are AB and "Queen." The third minor stooge is UTS. In my opinion, he's only a stooge, replies to the two major stooges.
And yo' Mama is the third one, LOL!!!!
Hey, don't get me started with my "yo' Mama" jokes!!!!
uts is lying and posting as his imaginary lying assnon fans...
as usual
carry on coon clown!!!
Dr. Queen:
it takes millions of sexist racist lying fools like uts and needs slaps to hold us back
and still we rise!!!
Still I Rise
by Maya Angelou
You may write me down in history
With your bitter, twisted lies,
You may trod me in the very dirt
But still, like dust, I'll rise.
Does my sassiness upset you?
Why are you beset with gloom?
'Cause I walk like I've got oil wells
Pumping in my living room.
Just like moons and like suns,
With the certainty of tides,
Just like hopes springing high,
Still I'll rise.
Did you want to see me broken?
Bowed head and lowered eyes?
Shoulders falling down like teardrops,
Weakened by my soulful cries.
Does my haughtiness offend you?
Don't you take it awful hard
'Cause I laugh like I got gold mines
Diggin' in my own back yard.
You may shoot me with your words,
You may cut me with your eyes,
You may kill me with your hatefulness,
But still, like air, I'll rise.
Does my sexiness upset you?
Does it come as a surprise
That I dance like I've got diamonds
At the meeting of my thighs?
Out of the huts of history's shame
I rise
Up from a past that's rooted in pain
I rise
I'm a black ocean, leaping and wide,
Welling and swelling I bear in the tide.
Leaving behind nights of terror and fear
I rise
Into a daybreak that's wondrously clear
I rise
Bringing the gifts my ancestors gave,
I am the dream and the hope of the slave.
I rise
I rise
I rise.
Dr. Queen Future MD said...
don't get me started with my "yo' Mama" jokes!!!!
We won't, you have no sense of humor.
Why do you come here and ruin a post about a poor girl who was murdered?
As today is Good Friday, perhaps an excerpt from one of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s sermons on tape series covering the Easter story would be apropos:
“The women who went to Jesus’s tomb were the first community organizers. They were looking for life among the dead just like our people here on the South side. We’re standing in the tomb with an America that is rotted and diseased – worm ridden! The maggots are eating her whole. The maggots, who are the rich, the white the middle class, and the Jews. Like those women in the Gospel, we have to come out of the tomb and take our message to the streets. Scream to the whole world: We are risen! We ain’t going back! You get in the tomb! It’s your turn! You get in the tomb America!”
Michelle has said she listened to Rev. Wright’s tapes in her car almost every day on her way to work. I wonder if she digs this one out to share the Easter message with Sasha and Malia?
Obama spent 20 years listening to this vile, hateful crap. He had this man baptize his daughters. He described Wright as his “spiritual mentor”. He titled his autobiography after a Wright sermon. Makes you kind of question his judgement, doesn't it?.
hotpocketsteve said...
UTS isn't here today. Today's a holiday. He doesn't own a computer, and only can post from work. He has a make-work job so he has plenty of time to blow shit all over the internet. I'll agree with you though, he does have LAA's, AB's and Ms. Queen's number, and they don't get much past him.
That's funny. He's probably traveling out of town.
Yeah, they hate him.
Ellis Lemont said...
As today is Good Friday, perhaps an excerpt from one of Rev. Jeremiah Wright’s sermons on tape series covering the Easter story would be apropos:
“The women who went to Jesus’s tomb were the first community organizers. They were looking for life among the dead just like our people here on the South side. We’re standing in the tomb with an America that is rotted and diseased – worm ridden! The maggots are eating her whole. The maggots, who are the rich, the white the middle class, and the Jews. Like those women in the Gospel, we have to come out of the tomb and take our message to the streets. Scream to the whole world: We are risen! We ain’t going back! You get in the tomb! It’s your turn! You get in the tomb America!”
Michelle has said she listened to Rev. Wright’s tapes in her car almost every day on her way to work. I wonder if she digs this one out to share the Easter message with Sasha and Malia?
Obama spent 20 years listening to this vile, hateful crap. He had this man baptize his daughters. He described Wright as his “spiritual mentor”. He titled his autobiography after a Wright sermon. Makes you kind of question his judgement, doesn't it?.
The people who criticize Rev Wright cannot cite one passage in his sermons that are unwarranted.
His sermons are firery, but they are inspired by cold hard facts.
The man faced an aggressive and virulent form of racism, not the type of watered-down racism we face today.
Dr. Queen:
tell that lewd racist vulgar assnon to cc all his filthy lying bs to
all those reeking rapist white slave massas who could not keep their racist white hands off of our panties/bodies etc...from the boat to the big house!!!
that kkk kkklown lies like uts and hobama!!!!!!!
rev wright is a revolutionary REAL chi town icon
and he never lied!
all he said was
america's empire is racist and evil
hobama is a regular waffling politico
aids is bio-war made by us govt scientists at ft detrick md
did he lie????
hell no
all are true!!!!
alicia stanks said...
rev wright is a revolutionary REAL chi town icon
it figures a crazy moron like you would love jeremiah wright. rev. wright preaches hate and lies. he is a mercedes driving mansion dwelling phony. and you are a manless fool.
The Rev. Jeremiah Wright, Barack Obama's controversial former pastor, said in a letter obtained by The Associated Press that he is "toxic" to the Obama administration and that the president "threw me under the bus."
In his strongest language to date about the administration's 2-year-old rift with the Chicago pastor, Wright told a group raising money for African relief that his pleas to release frozen funds for use in earthquake-ravaged Haiti would likely be ignored.
"No one in the Obama administration will respond to me, listen to me, talk to me or read anything that I write to them. I am 'toxic' in terms of the Obama administration," Wright wrote the president of Africa 6000 International earlier this year.
"I am 'radioactive,' Sir. When Obama threw me under the bus, he threw me under the bus literally!" he wrote. "Any advice that I offer is going to be taken as something to be avoided. Please understand that!"
Anonymous said...
it figures a crazy moron like you would love jeremiah wright. rev. wright preaches hate and lies. he is a mercedes driving mansion dwelling phony. and you are a manless fool
You know a 1M bolus of KCl IV, would be more than fitting for you right now!
Racist are so fearful of men like Rev Wright who the President DID throw under the bus!
cornel west is a minstel show
al jolson/sharpton assnon:
cornel west is a scholar and a brave christian rebel
and he has a face u pasty ghostly goon
alicia banks said...
Tragic how suicidal most black morons are
They love oj
Hate mumia
They love hobama
Hate cornel
I'm consistent. I hate all of them.
Let me get this straight, you are a cop-killer Mumia fan, too?
like revisonist slave massa rapist history
bestiality is a white thing
got google u erect gorilla?
AB Fake Dr Qeefa wuts that smell?? Damn it nasty close your legs ya drawin flys you see who wants dat shit your hare like brillo witout soap why no soap? cause you never wash da shit and it stanky!!!
alicia banks said..
"mumia is innocent and an international hero as a political prisoner"
you take up for a cold blooded murderer who has fooled idiots like you all of the world.
people like you and mumia are going to hell.
Here is a gem from the past: "I am an African-American female pursuing a Ph.D. in the Biomedical Sciences. I am also a single parent."
But isn't she married to a "Navy SEAL"?
gas bag coon nig uts:
got spring/summer vacation plans???
this is not a sign of great tourism revenue/recovery!!!
Gas prices are on the rise nationwide, but one filling station in Florida has earned the dubious distinction of having the highest prices in the country.
Suncoast Energys, located near the Orlando International Airport, was charging $5.69 a gallon for regular gasoline on Friday. That's the highest of any gas retailer in the nation, according to price tracker gasbuddy.com.
By contrast, the average price in the city of Orlando is $3.78 a gallon, a few pennies below the state and national averages.
Patrick DeHann, senior analyst at gasbuddy.com, said many tourists use the station before returning rental cars on the way to the airport, without realizing how expensive the gas is until it's too late.
Anonymous said...
Here is a gem from the past: "I am an African-American female pursuing a Ph.D. in the Biomedical Sciences. I am also a single parent."
But isn't she married to a "Navy SEAL"?
Couple problems with your quote:
1) I NEVER refer to myself as African American because in large part because most of my ancestors are NOT from Africa. I'm a BLACK American.
2) I've NEVER been or desired to pursue a PhD in "Biomedical Sciences", whatever the hell a "Biomedical Sciences" degree means. EVERY sane PhD student knows that declaring a major/concentration is pretty critically important these days
3) I've been married for a while now, although I know of a couple single Black mothers who are/were PhD students in science.
There are a TON of things on the net which can be attributed to anyone you choose. No surprise that when jealous people can't take you down with insults, they pull other shit from their ass.
Try harder next time Pookie! I'm STILL standing tall!!
And stop asking yourself questions. It makes you look crazier than we all know you are!
I got that tidbit from your failed but noble blog, that you had in the old profile.
I have been aware of your presence for years.
Anonymous said...
I got that tidbit from your failed but noble blog, that you had in the old profile.
I have been aware of your presence for years.
Actually, my blog is still doing quite well these days, thank you very much, around 600 hits today which is pretty good since I'm talking about getting into med school most of the time, LOL!!!
No, I am talking about "Doc."
I can imagine that young sister’s faith in Black men is shot. Damn! BLACK MEN sit back and watch a WHITE MALE DESCENDANT OF OUR ANCESTORS SLAVE MASTERS degrade young Black women.
I can’t believe how cowardly Black men have become. Dr. King, Malcolm X, Frederick Douglass, Nat Turner, Harriet Tubman, Huey Newton, WEB Dubois, Booker T Washington, Marcus Garvey, Noble Drew Ali, Elijah Muhammad, Stokely Carmichael, Sojourner Truth, etc., WASTED THEIR TIME AND THEIR LIVES!
You JIGGABOOS are actually siding with your enemies now. HAVE YOU BECOME THAT COWARDLY? You actually condone a white men degrading black women? I PRAY that God allows you to experience the full hatred of the Caucasian race for SELLING OUT to the children of your slave masters and for forgetting to HONOR YOUR MOTHER’S AND YOUR FATHERS who fought for FOUR HUNDRED YEARS against this same race of demons. They faced police brutality, lynchings, slavery, apartheid, Jim Crow, being classified as 3/5ths human just so their children could fall in love with their OPPRESSORS!?!
YOU would NEVER stand up to an abusive white man because unlike a real man; unlike Malcolm, King, Douglass, Huey and Nat Turner, Che Gueverra, Geranimo, Sitting Bull, etc., you would rather live as a coward than die as a man.
You hate your brave leaders like Farrakhan and Sharpton. Yet you feign respect for the ones that are dead and gone; the same leaders who mentored the ones that are alive today.
You have BENT OVER for your enemies and allowed them to make sisssys out of you. That’s why no-one respects the Black Man today; not even your own women.
Anonymous said...
You have BENT OVER for your enemies and allowed them to make sisssys out of you. That’s why no-one respects the Black Man today; not even your own women.
Well Damn! I guess we ALL heard that111
And your post is exactly why the black community won't survive for too much longer unless things change. The mother is the nurturer of ALL things, and if she isn't protected by her MAN, who's going to protect the family?
I've said it for YEARS, if I were an accomplished white woman posting on a white blog, there's NO WAY IN HELL other white men would allow a Black man to say the things that have been said about me on THIS blog by White men.
Luckily, being from a family of strong Black women and being in a field where I'm in the extreme minority, I've learned a thing or to about being tough.
I'm just so VERY blessed that the strong Black men in my life who love me, relatives, friends, ect. provide MORE than enough support of me and for me!
Stop talking to yourself Doc-FlyNMy40-MeandMyMicroscope, bitter single mom.
Anonymous said...
"Here is a gem from the past: "I am an African-American female pursuing a Ph.D. in the Biomedical Sciences. I am also a single parent.
"I got that tidbit from your failed but noble blog, that you had in the old profile.
I have been aware of your presence for years.
Thanks sooooooo much for indirectly pointing out this blog to out me:
Do you know how few Black women there are trying to get PhD's??? I'm going to get in touch with the administrator ASAP!!!!'
Thanks SOOOOOOO much again!!!!
From http://minority-scientist.blogspot.com/
"In the tunnel
I was recently informed by one of my thesis committee members that I am IN THE TUNNEL meaning that completion of the PhD is near. YES!!!!"
Looks like this young woman is almost done with her PhD and hasn't posted to her blog in a few months. I'm guessing she's probably busting her butt writing her dissertation right now.
Yes, another sista' doing the damn thang!!
On a side note, look's like MR/turbobreeder has found yet another black woman to be jealous of!!! Funny, she ONLY seems to target her jealosy toward Black female scientists for reasons which are quite obvious, she's too damn stupid to stop wiping asses long enough to get an education!
Dr. Queen said...
Anonymous said...
You have BENT OVER for your enemies and allowed them to make sisssys out of you. That’s why no-one respects the Black Man today; not even your own women.
Well Damn! I guess we ALL heard that111
And your post is exactly why the black community won't survive for too much longer unless things change. The mother is the nurturer of ALL things, and if she isn't protected by her MAN, who's going to protect the family?
I've said it for YEARS, if I were an accomplished white woman posting on a white blog, there's NO WAY IN HELL other white men would allow a Black man to say the things that have been said about me on THIS blog by White men.
Luckily, being from a family of strong Black women and being in a field where I'm in the extreme minority, I've learned a thing or to about being tough.
I'm just so VERY blessed that the strong Black men in my life who love me, relatives, friends, ect. provide MORE than enough support of me and for me!
Ever hear of all skinfolk aren't my kinfolk?
I hate to say this, but you are a ______________. I'll let you fill in the UNFLATTERING blank.
I would defend Granny, whom you've disrespected.
I would defend Hathor, another whom you've attacked without provocation.
I could give a flying __________ about you.
You attack black men in one instance, they your criticize them if for not defending your sorry butt.
I wouldn't piss on your if you were on fire...lol.
Anon28310 said...
You attack black men in one instance, they your criticize them if for not defending your sorry butt.
I wouldn't piss on your if you were on fire...lol.
Sup Cleo!
You couldn't piss on me if you tried since I sincerely doubt you've cleared up that burning sensation you feel when you do mange to squeeze out a few drops.
I was recently informed by one of "my thesis committee members that I am IN THE TUNNEL meaning that completion of the PhD is near. YES!!!!"
The only tunnel Ms. Queen is gonna see is the one she gets flushed down.
Anonymous said...
The only tunnel Ms. Queen is gonna see is the one she gets flushed down.
Actually Cooncastic, the young lady in that blog is probably finishing up her PhD now.
So, it look's like you'll need to find another Black person to be jealous of, you crab in the bucket nigga' wench!
Hey Anon28310,
You haven't heard much about this story now have you? How many black males were supporting this black woman and picketing the justice system, being that she ended up in a racist jam in the name of defending a "brother". Maybe that black woman should have minded her own business. $82k isn't even be worth all that time, embarrassment and suffering. I guess it's all about the "cause". LOL.
Psi-N-Tst said...
And take slapstick with you!
FYI slapstick, I'm working on my PhD in Bioinformatics, with a little Tumor Biology thrown in for good measure!
In fact, I don't personally know a Black person with a PhD in Sociology, and for fun, I'll list the major concentrations of the ones I do know:
Biology,3 in Pharmacology, Tumor Biology, Pathology, Genetics, Computer Science, 5 in Chemistry, 2 in Neuroscience, and those are off the top of my head. And ALL but one of them were earned at White schools!
10:50 AM
once again ur own words betray u ya gottdam liar! here is another statement where u claim to be in bioinformatics ya qoohole
maria said...
so the white men love, adore and promote you? it's just the white females who know what a racist bitch you are? you give off bitch from the internet! i can't imagine how awful it must be to be a co-worker of yours. you HAVE TO move around b/c no one can stand you.
PROMOTIONS/INCREASES in pay are the usual reasons people leave one job for another but you wouldn't know shit about that now would you Garlique? And it's funny but hardly surprising that YOU should respond Maria because YOU are EXACTLY the kinda white woman I have to avoid and let me enlighten you on why.
First, you're usually VERY unattractive and from low life backgrounds. A few of you lowlifes luck up and get an education (not you) but you can't run from ugly, so you still cause problems in the work place. Then here I come, I'm smarter than you, more experienced than you, and prettier/finer than you and the white men we work around find me pretty cool, which you in your jealousy hate because they're ignoring your ugly ass, LOL!!!!
Lucky for me, I've found the perfect solution besides getting that Dr in front of my name. I'm in a field now (Bioinformatics/Computational Chemistry applications to cancer research) where I don't have to come across low life, stringy haired, dog smelling witches like you. In fact this field is filled with TONS of Asians, whom I get along quite well with (except Indians who really have issues) because they tend to be ALL about hard work and business (and don't give a shit about the car I drive).
Yeah I get along great with everyone EXCEPT ugly, low class white women, there I said that 'ish and MOST other black women I know have the exact same problem!!! In other words you have NOTHING in common with the white women I met as a student at G'town.
And why have you in true racist fashion, listed Black organizations as if those are the only ones I can hold membership to? Racist heffa, try the American Chemical Society or the American Association for Cancer Research, on for size!
11:29 AM
quarrelsome queefkin the wannabe queen u cant even lie properly since u lack the intelligence to remember what u said three weeks ago ya idgit jess takin up space qoohole breaf
Anonymous said...
FYI slapstick, I'm working on my PhD in Bioinformatics, with a little Tumor Biology thrown in for good measure!
BTW, my java programming and bioinformatics courses are coming along quite nicely thank you, LOL!!!
MCAT study is going well too!
Maybe it's me, but is there any real point to posting my old comments besides relaying to the world wide web just how obsessed you are with me?
Just asking!
You know you nig's and cracka's are a trip. You really think if you say something enough, intelligent Black folks will actually believe it.
And Spaghetti O, you should really be ashamed of yourself for being so dense, looking for "lies" that clearly aren't there. If you were so damn good at spotting lies, you might not find yourself bitter, with a broken heart today where your relationships are concerned.
Wait, I know the Black men that screwed you over lied to you plenty, so is that what your obsession with me is all about?
ure a stoopid moron who cant even graciously accept when theyve lied and made mistakes ur racist comments notwithstanding show ur filthy disgusting dirty draws nobody is obsessed with u at all alicia sockpuppet more or less those of us who actually have high iqs can remember what weve read with no difficulty even if it is only a few days ago which shows ur sheer idiocy ya qoohole idigit liar!
and you've been on this blog for twelve hours today but supposedly ure studying for the mcat but ure already in a phd program but not a md phd program? u r a moron ya qoohole lyin sack of cat shyt btw u should lose the whole 'turbo breeder' expression it reeks of alicia talk and eye thought u two were different talk to ur other self about it then get back to us cuz dawktaw queefkin said she gots kids and a man who is the turbobreeder then? someone with multiple children jess like queefkin claims to have LOSER!!!
and speaking of common behavior miss ghettoese hoochified qoohole lickin imbecile what u know about nigs? the ONLY person on this board that talks about nigs is quntbreaf banks ya know ur alterego sockpuppet ya ignorant imbecile!!!
Anonymous said...
ure a stoopid moron who cant even graciously accept when theyve lied and made mistakes ur racist comments notwithstanding show ur filthy disgusting dirty draws nobody is obsessed with u at all alicia sockpuppet more or less those of us who actually have high iqs can remember what weve read with no difficulty even if it is only a few days ago which shows ur sheer idiocy ya qoohole idigit liar!
9:39 PM
Anonymous said...
and you've been on this blog for twelve hours today but supposedly ure studying for the mcat but ure already in a phd program but not a md phd program? u r a moron ya qoohole lyin sack of cat shyt btw u should lose the whole 'turbo breeder' expression it reeks of alicia talk and eye thought u two were different talk to ur other self about it then get back to us cuz dawktaw queefkin said she gots kids and a man who is the turbobreeder then? someone with multiple children jess like queefkin claims to have LOSER!!!
Would you like some cheese with that wine dear???
And that would be parmesan cheese, right?
Anonymous said...
and speaking of common behavior miss ghettoese hoochified qoohole lickin imbecile what u know about nigs? the ONLY person on this board that talks about nigs is quntbreaf banks ya know ur alterego sockpuppet ya ignorant imbecile!!!
Looks like Urinade and Spaghetii-O have teamed up, LOL!!!
BTW Bitch, it's called being on vacation something your broke ass don't know jack $hit about!
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