It's tough being a woman in this world of ours. First, the government is checking if women are virgins in Egypt. WTF? How does that work, exactly? Do they literally assault these women and poke around in areas that they have no business being in to see if (sorry folks, hide the kids, I have to get a little graphic here) the hymen is in tact? Virgin checks. And to think, we get pissed off when the po po has seat belt checks in this country.
Then there are those wonderful folks in the Ukraine. All they did was stone a beauty contestant to death because they thought that she was violating Sharia law.
"One of the suspects, identified as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev, told authorities that he had no regrets about the stoning because the dark-haired Koren “violated the laws of Sharia.”
The teen’s battered body was found buried in the forest near her village in the Crimea section of the Ukraine. She had disappeared a week earlier. " [Source]
Then there are those wonderful folks in the Ukraine. All they did was stone a beauty contestant to death because they thought that she was violating Sharia law.
"One of the suspects, identified as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev, told authorities that he had no regrets about the stoning because the dark-haired Koren “violated the laws of Sharia.”
The teen’s battered body was found buried in the forest near her village in the Crimea section of the Ukraine. She had disappeared a week earlier. " [Source]
Stop the world, I want to get off.
Those were stories of women going through real suffering. But then there is my home girl, Naomi Campbell, girlfriend is crying racism over her image being used for a chocolate promotion.
"Cadbury is facing the prospect of a black consumer boycott after it compared Naomi Campbell to a chocolate bar in a new advertising campaign.
The supermodel - hardly known for taking things in her stride - is incensed that Cadbury used her name in the strap line to promote its new chocolate bar called Bliss, accusing the company of racism. The ad says: "Move over Naomi - there is a new diva in town."
Yesterday Campbell revealed she is considering "every option available" after Cadbury, owned by the US giant Kraft, refused to pull the ad campaign, which ran in newspapers last week: "I am shocked. It's upsetting to be described as chocolate, not just for me, but for all black women and black people. I do not find any humour in this. It is insulting and hurtful.." [Source]
The supermodel - hardly known for taking things in her stride - is incensed that Cadbury used her name in the strap line to promote its new chocolate bar called Bliss, accusing the company of racism. The ad says: "Move over Naomi - there is a new diva in town."
Yesterday Campbell revealed she is considering "every option available" after Cadbury, owned by the US giant Kraft, refused to pull the ad campaign, which ran in newspapers last week: "I am shocked. It's upsetting to be described as chocolate, not just for me, but for all black women and black people. I do not find any humour in this. It is insulting and hurtful.." [Source]
Girlfriend you need to stop it! WTF is "insulting and hurtful" about being compared to chocolate? I am sorry, but the last time I checked chocolate was a good thing. And the darker the chocolate the better it is for you. Hell Mrs. Field and her girlfriends call men they find attractive "chocolate bunnies' (or something like that) for crying out loud. Sorry, I am not exactly seeing the racism here. Maybe they should be breaking you off if they used your image or your name without your permission, but that's a whole different issue.
Naomi, I won't be boycotting Cadbury, and I suspect that I am not alone.
Finally, I hear that Sarah was in my city earlier today. (No truth to the rumor that she was visting the African American Museum.) A little birdie tells me that she was a total Diva and that she was playing boss hog to everyone within earshot.
Still, I hear she had a lot of fans all over the place. Folks were screaming her name wherever she went. Girlfriend is a rock star. Palin v. Obama. We can only wish.
I imagine some "christians" in this country envy Egypt and the
Ukraine. They're striving for a similar kind of control.
Hmmmmmmm, I hear she was visiting a certain blogger's home. Any truth to this rumor?
My thoughts are that people shouldn't be called food names. They don't call white blond's, vanillas do they? Or Indians, nutter butters, or some such. Or Asians,bananas or lemons or some other yellowish food? Etc.,etc. Chocolate is a wonderful thing and we all love it. But I don't feel it should be used to describe a people. Just don't.
Oh yeah, and it's always been tough been a woman.
We give life, nurture, and rear and do more than 3/4ths of the worlds work. and we're still treated like dirt! That's a subject for a thesis...
Very tough being a woman, in any color or flavor! ;)
I think that her problem is that they can't find a white girl to "move over" so they HAD to go to a chocolate bar...LOL...she's absolutely right...
Farley said...
I imagine some "christians" in this country envy Egypt and the
Ukraine. They're striving for a similar kind of control.
Idiot, not. It is the Christians that are trying to keep you out of the control of Sharia law and muslims who live this way. They are getting slaughtered, literall in the process.
PilotX said...
Hmmmmmmm, I hear she was visiting a certain blogger's home. Any truth to this rumor?
The twooth has cometh outeth. Yesubummmmmmm she was vibiting me, Abdul Lickem Salami. Aallahu akbar
watch your tounge you dirty infidel. If you look at my sister I will kill not only you but also her for dishonoring the family. Welcome to Islam. A Salami lickem.
If I could "like" posts as on FB, I would so like Anon 9:07....too funny.
'Those were stories of women going through real suffering."
And at least most Egyptian/Arabic/Ukraine women and girls get to keep their hymens in tact until marriage. What about the black women and girls in Dafur, the Congo and certain parts of Africa who have no clue what a hymen looks like because they are routinely raped and tortured even before they could crawl?
"Girlfriend you need to stop it! WTF is "insulting and hurtful" about being compared to chocolate? I am sorry, but the last time I checked chocolate was a good thing. "
First of all, most people in the countries this company is marketing know which "Naomi" they are referring to. She is not being compensated for this, it's an exploitation of her global celebratory status and sensual image. Wrong move number one which would naturally tick her off.
As for your comment, Naomi Campbell or any other black female have the right to take offense to any promotion of a product that may consist of racial or skin color innuendos, blatant or otherwise. Furthermore, black women have the right to refute association with eatable substances, especially a known aphrodisiac substance marketed in a seductive, or sexually arousing manner.
You have exploitation, subliminal racism, and sexism in one offense. If Naomi Campbell feels hurt and insulted, it is within her right.
(To all the grammar auditing nazis, no proof reading whatsoever was performed in the above experiment, thank you.)
Field, I'm with you - I think Naomi is sniffing around for a few duckets. If Cadbury offered her, say $300K and 0.05% profit on every candy sale during the ad campaign - you'd hear, "Racism? What racism?"
Sister Sarah is on her chopper doing her Hee-Haw Harley Tour. Count me as 'who gives a damn?' Sorry, but if I wanted to see an OK looking but obviously washed up, redneck former pageant queen "riding b**" (that's the term in the biker world) on a Murdoch owned network, I'll watch 'Sons of Anarchy' reruns.
"La♥audiobooks said...
And at least most Egyptian/Arabic/Ukraine women and girls get to keep their hymens in tact until marriage. What about the black women and girls in Dafur, the Congo and certain parts of Africa who have no clue what a hymen looks like because they are routinely raped and tortured even before they could crawl? "
LAA - I feel you, but I'll suffice to say women get a raw deal around the world.
But I can't rock with you on Naomi - this about her duckets, not about cries of racism. Cadbury writes that fat check, you won't hear a peep out of her.
"They don't call white blond's, vanillas do they? Or Indians, nutter butters, or some such. Or Asians,bananas or lemons or some other yellowish food? "
Move over Yoko, there's a new fishy Sushi...
"But I can't rock with you on Naomi - this about her duckets, not about cries of racism. Cadbury writes that fat check, you won't hear a peep out of her."
I'm sure it's also about the money too. But one should give her the benefit too.
Blogger La♥audiobooks said...
'Those were stories of women going through real suffering."
And at least most Egyptian/Arabic/Ukraine women and girls get to keep their hymens in tact until marriage. What about the black women and girls in Dafur, the Congo and certain parts of Africa who have no clue what a hymen looks like because they are routinely raped and tortured even before they could crawl?
"Girlfriend you need to stop it! WTF is "insulting and hurtful" about being compared to chocolate? I am sorry, but the last time I checked chocolate was a good thing. "
First of all, most people in the countries this company is marketing know which "Naomi" they are referring to. She is not being compensated for this, it's an exploitation of her global celebratory status and sensual image. Wrong move number one which would naturally tick her off.
As for your comment, Naomi Campbell or any other black female have the right to take offense to any promotion of a product that may consist of racial or skin color innuendos, blatant or otherwise. Furthermore, black women have the right to refute association with eatable substances, especially a known aphrodisiac substance marketed in a seductive, or sexually arousing manner.
You have exploitation, subliminal racism, and sexism in one offense. If Naomi Campbell feels hurt and insulted, it is within her right.
Well said! Bears repeating.
"LAA - I feel you, but I'll suffice to say women get a raw deal around the world."
LAC, if I had a dime for everytime I heard that dismissive comment regarding the atrocities pertaining to the suffering of certain black African women, I swear...
Well, I guess anyone could just as easily say, men all over the world have it made, including black men. Black men are no worse off than any other group of men. Yeah.
Thanks Desertflower, Noches.
My point was not to dismiss your comments LAA, my point was not to get into comparative suffering when neither suffering is desirable nor should be tolerated in civil society.
Is stoning women a step up from the mass rape of little girls or genital mutilation? Maybe, but so is urinating on someone versus defecating on them - but at that level of filth and disrespect, its a matter of semantics and almost pointless to compare. Ultimately, both are repugnant.
And please don't play this as "A Black man knows not a Black woman's suffering and pain." Its more of "OK, one ordeal horrible, the other really horrible - but neither are desirable."
Sorry, that to vent, but the remark reminded me of what annoyed me about my ex..
"As for your comment, Naomi Campbell or any other black female have the right to take offense to any promotion of a product that may consist of racial or skin color innuendos, blatant or otherwise. Furthermore, black women have the right to refute association with eatable substances, especially a known aphrodisiac substance marketed in a seductive, or sexually arousing manner."
I wonder who is responsible for the marketing of Campbell and these eatable substances?
Thank you.
What a bunch of whining crybabies, especially this pussycat guy Uptown Steve - you sound like a little bitch man! Man the hell up and grow a pair. Oh wait the boss is prolly lookin on Hi Mrs Uptown how ya doin? Steve, Nah he ok he followin your lead doncha worry. The womens here keep his ass in check.
mmmm more Naomi(chocolate)please.
Naomi Campbell? Please. Is her PR machine in low gear? Who cares what she thinks about being a diva or comparisons to chocolate?
No doubt she'll explode when someone mentions her name in the same breath as Campbell's Black Bean Soup.
Let's see. Virginity checks in Egypt and a stoning death in Ukraine.
What do they have in common? Hmmmm.
Islam. That's it. Islam. The religion/political doctrine/military that enslaves all the women in Islamic nations and ensure backwardness everywhere it takes root.
Meanwhile, rather than move toward Democracy, Egypt is now stopped in its Islamic tracks and under the control of the Egyptian military. How unpromising.
Moreover, the Muslim Brotherhood is emerging as the leading political party in a nation of muslims who believe in persecuting the 9% of the population who are Coptic Christians.
What's the chief goal of the Muslim Brotherhood? Ending the peace treaty with Israel and starting a war. However, due to the usual standards of Islamic incompetence, if Egypt were to attempt a war against Israel, Egypt would, once again, suffer a humiliating defeat.
But that's what Islam breeds. An obsession with idiocy. Egypt, despite having the Nile River running the length of the country, cannot grow enough food to feed the population.
Now that Egypt has opened the border to the Gaza Strip, it will discover that keeping the border closed was a good idea. But, too late now. They've opened Pandora's Box.
Stay tuned for more Islamic honor killing, genital mutilations, and another round of terrorist attacks. It's what they do.
Actually No_Slappz, as usual your wrong and showing your ignorance. If Islam were the issue, how do you explain the predominantly Christian South Africa where girls are raped in the countryside as a cure for AIDS. (Oh, wait, I know what's coming - but your still wrong & ignorant)
The real issue isn't religion, its a lack of education and poverty - which allows religious zealots to reign unabashed. Look at westernized Muslim nations like Turkey. Women aren't getting stoned or killed.
desertflower writes:
And at least most Egyptian/Arabic/Ukraine women and girls get to keep their hymens in tact until marriage.
Yeah, marriage at age NINE. Islam, the religion, government and military, has legalized pedophilia.
Brides are routinely pre-pubescent girls.
What about the black women and girls in Dafur, the Congo and certain parts of Africa who have no clue what a hymen looks like because they are routinely raped and tortured even before they could crawl?
Once again, the fastest growing religion, government, military in those nations is Islam.
Are you starting to see a pattern?
And it comes back to Race!! Slappz, you're as predictable as a Swiss watch. As Phonte of Little Brother once said "Please join a Sorority and step your game up!"
uptownsteve said...
"it has been proven there was so much corruption in the pigford case it's a joke."
Like what?
Watch the lying POS won't answer.
I dont know why I am bothering. After seeing your take on such things on the world and economics inclusive of real world happenings you have to be one of the dumbest coons I have run across in a very long time. How could you not know about he corruption with the pigsford case yet be arrogant enough to demand an investigation and call someone who simply showed films a racist.
Here is a black man talking about all the secret meetings and things that your gal did illegally.
If you black and had a potted plant once from home depot, you are a farmer and get 50k because you were discriminated against. YAY.
Now what do you have to say to this now that you have been "edumacated"? a real man would fess up when he is wrong.But please think carefully before you act, you might give the ladies on here a heart attack if you suddenly grew up and had some sense.
la coincidental,
I see. In your alternate reality, you cite an example of abuse from another part of the planet to make what you think is an argument against the well established, well known and clearly delineated facts of Islam.
I happend to live a few blocks from a Pakistani community of about 50,000. Every day I see the women going by is burkas -- and the men dressed for al-Qaeda meetings.
That aside, your argument that Ignorance is the culprit rather than Islam shows your utter ignorance of Islam and the fact that its GOAL is to maintain ignorance.
There's a reason Islamic nations invent nothing, are home to NO tech industris and that muslims can build nothing. All roads lead to the Quran, which threatens great harm to anyone who overshadows Allah and his crazy prophet Muhammad.
As for South Africa and blacks raping little girls because they want to believe that's a cure for AIDS, well, I cannot imagine why you argue in defense of Islam by citing an unrelated example of ignorance.
However, Islam is spreading rapidly in Africa, which guarantees more backwardness and less chance that the benefits of a western-style education will ever appear.
No Slappz leave Desertbush alone, it was LAA who said that, you ignorant racist moron.
la coincidental writes:
And it comes back to Race!!
Even though I clearly linked all the bad factors to Islam, you ignored the obvious fact and spouted your idiocy.
But since you raised the issue of race, has the Nation of Islam an admirable organization? Has it helped blacks in any way?
Do you accept its loudly proclaimed anti-white hate? Or do you ignore that part?
No Slappz, LAA is my fiance so don't mess with her either.
Again, no_slappz, please stop. You stupidity makes my brain hurt.
Islam makes men no more religious terrorists or murders of young girls than me being a devout Methodist or my girlfriend being a devout Catholic means we're going to bomb an abortion clinic or beat up Jewish people.
Have you met moderate, educate Muslims? I've worked for two western raise Muslims in 4 years and worked along side many educated Muslims. I count a Muslim covert as one of my closest friends in college. Trust me, they're about as scary as living next door to the average non-fundamentalist Baptist.
Muslims have been in our nation since its founding and only after wing nut hysteria is everyone scared of Akbar and his the falafel cart.
But that would take thinking - which is obviously your Kryptonite.
no_slapps I wish I could claim the above commetts that you've attributed to me, but They were originally posted by Laaudiobooks in her post at 9:17pm. I only wish I were that eloquent! ;)
I do agree with what LACoincidental says, "The real issue isn't religion, its a lack of education and poverty - which allows religious zealots to reign unabashed. Look at westernized Muslim nations like Turkey. Women aren't getting stoned or killed."
As for child brides, well I have read that Mohammed (PBUH) himself fell in love with a nine year old girl named Aisha, and requested her for marriage. It is written that he took her away from her parents at that tender age but his followers will argue that the marriage was consummated only after she came of age. There is still some debate over this data.
There are also documents (Google it please) that say she was very sad as she played with her little toys and his other wives took care of her. She then supposedly lost all her hair, which medical experts will tell you is a condition called "alopecia nervosa" and occurs when the organism suffers a shock or a traumatic event. So as per the original thought of this post, once again we go back to the age old suffering of women. :(
no_slappz said...'There's a reason Islamic nations invent nothing, are home to NO tech industris and that muslims can build nothing. All roads lead to the Quran, which threatens great harm to anyone who overshadows Allah and his crazy prophet Muhammad."
Well, that's not entirely true either. It is said that they had the first universities and as for building, well they ruled a large part of the world for a long time and their architecture is some of the most magnificent.
Anonymous said...
No Slappz leave Desertbush alone, it was LAA who said that, you ignorant racist moron
Awwwww thanks Anony. I wuv you!
Let's see she's worried about the image of how black Women are protrayed but she's the mistress (I didn't say what I wanted to say and it would have been true) of a married Russian Billionaire. She goes to events with his wife and kids. Thomas Jefferson would be proud of Naomi's boyfriend.
Name one thing you have done to help Black people. Now I won't debate how the N.O.I has helped Black America, all the people that post here can tell you how they helped. I know if my family and friends can't help me out of a situation, I know that The Nation can.
Anonymous said...
No Slappz, LAA is my fiance so don't mess with her either.
:( and here I thought you were only mine :(
la coincidental writes:
Islam makes men no more religious terrorists or murders of young girls than me being a devout Methodist or my girlfriend being a devout Catholic means we're going to bomb an abortion clinic or beat up Jewish people.
Oh. So in Islamic nations, honor killings are not legal? Yes or no?
And women have the same rights as men? Yes? No?
In Islamic nations followers of all religions are treated equally? Yes? No?
Sharia Law is proof of the separation between Church and State in Islamic nations? Yes? No?
Have you met moderate, educate Muslims?
There are so few that might pass that "moderate" test that their numbers are meaningless.
You seem naive enough to believe that just because the muslims you think you know are not going to participate in a terrorist attack they see eye-to-eye with you on all matters of government and civil society.
There is NO nation with a muslim majority that is NOT at least a de facto Islamic theocracy.
If you think Turkey is "moderate" you know nothing about Turkey.
I've worked for two western raise Muslims in 4 years and worked along side many educated Muslims.
So what? If they are secular, there may be hope. But a "secular" muslim is an apostate. Therefore, there are not too many secular muslims in Islamic nations, where most of the world's 1.5 BILLION muslims live.
I count a Muslim covert as one of my closest friends in college.
A convert. Truly sad. So the convert believes in the enslavement of women and the infallibility of Allah. Sad.
Trust me, they're about as scary as living next door to the average non-fundamentalist Baptist.
That's largely because those who live in the US do not enjoy the Sharia Law that empowers them to live an Islamic life that's available in Islamic theocracies. Here, to live the Islamic life, they have to be careful about beating their wives.
Muslims have been in our nation since its founding
Wow! Who knew?
... and only after wing nut hysteria is everyone scared of Akbar and his the falafel cart.
Oh yeah. The World Trade Center is still there. Robert Kennedy is still alive, as are the 241 Marines killed in their barracks in Beirut in 1983, as are the other 1,000 innocent Americans killed by Islamic terrorists between Sirhan Sirhan's assassination of Kennedy and September 10, 2001.
So what do you want to do with Muslim? What do you want to do with Blacks?
Woohoo I am moving to texas or florida soon. THey just passed a law that to get welfare you will need to pay for and take a drug test. If you fail the test ( no affrimative action dumb down results here) then you pay and get no welfare. If you pass then you get the money for the test back. FINALLY some sanity, I am tired of breaking my back to pay for lowlife druggies to stay on welfare and not work. WooHOO!!!!
kid writes:
Name one thing you have done to help Black people.
I hired one of Wall Street's few black professionals. The hiring was his big break.
Now I won't debate how the N.O.I has helped Black America, all the people that post here can tell you how they helped.
That's like saying the Mafia helps people. We all know the NOI is a criminal organization that thrives on anti-white hate while performing NOTHING of value for the black community.
I know if my family and friends can't help me out of a situation, I know that The Nation can.
Really? How does the NOI "help"?
History shows that everything touched by the NOI goes to crap.
From previous thread:
PilotX, "If the anons would engage in intelligent conversation we wouldn't have to spend so much energy confronting such ignorance. It's kinda like kindergarten, the spoiled kids get the attention as the teacher tries to restore order."
"If", 'if', 'if'. "If" the anons would talk right, 'if' the anons would engage in intelligent conversation, 'if' the anons weren't so ignorant, if the anons weren't so childish, 'if' the anons showed some respect, if...if...if... etc--then PilotX and Hathor wouldn't behave the way they do and be soooo angry. Your comments indicate the POWER anons have over you.
A good psychologist or psychiatrist would say "if" YOU are trying to hold a conversation with people you consider ignorant and immature, then it's YOU who has a much bigger problem. lol
What made the Third World backwards? Ever heard of Arrested Development? Ronald Reagan could have sent people to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan. Instead he send people who taught them to kill Russians and more Russians.
You keep bashing people of color from all over the world. You need to look at yourself. Most of the men in the world mistreat women. Where do Hassidic Women sit on the bus in Israel? Don't some Israelis circumcise their girls? Don't some countries in Eastern Europe look worst than some American ghettos? You can't blame that shit on black people.
You need to look at yourself AND WAKE THE FUCK UP! White people aren't the smartest, nicest, kindest people around. They're just LIKE ANY BODY ELSE. Some are cool and some are assholes. Now the thing that is scaring white people all over the world is that the Third World is getting their shit together.
It time to stop thinking that white people ARE GODS! You can rise to your highest aspiration or sink down to the lowest concept of yourselves.
kid askes:
So what do you want to do with Muslim?
Remove -- assassinate -- Gaddafi, Assad, Nasrallah, Ahmadinejad, the Ayatollah, the Iranian mullahs, the top of the Saudi royal family, the king of Jordan, and the leader of Yemen.
The turnover at the top would start the Islamic world on a path toward change that would do the world a lot of good, and do the job with only a handful of killings.
Like I said, Islamic nations invent nothing, produce nothing and fight hard to remain in darkness.
What do you want to do with Blacks?
I want to see one black nation -- one -- that becomes the model for success. I'd like to see that success become the force that gets blacks out of the mindset of victimhood.
Nigeria should be the African version of Norway. Nigeria has the oil, but it's run by idiots and thugs who steal the money or refuse to allow the proper operation of the oil industry.
There is simply no black nation (please, don't use Barbados as an example.) that's achieved anything.
With the abundance of natural resources in Africa, it should be a continent full of wealthy nations inhabited by prosperous people.
Instead, every country is run by a thug or corrupt regime that spreads misery and abuse. South Africa is heading in that direction.
Zimbabwe is ruined, and there's no hope of recovery if Mugabe's henchmen assume power after he's dead.
Wherever Islam spreads, misery and poverty will increase.
Bottom line -- there's nothing stopping blacks from building prosperous economies in many African nations except black culture.
It's long past time to prove that blacks can build prosperous nations. The world is waiting.
@Anonmyous 11:45 PM
The testing includes Crank too. So poor whites will suffer too. BTW what ghetto is Crank made in?
no_slappz said...
I hired one of Wall Street's few black professionals. The hiring was his big break.
Bullshit! Name the brother. White bigots don't help brothers out, liberals do that.
That's like saying Conservatives helps people. We all know the GOP is a criminal organization that thrives on anti-black hate while performing NOTHING of value for the black community.
Minister Farrakhan will help me before you will and you know it! I didn't see you boycotting Beck. I didn't see you try to get Fox off the air.
kid writes:
What made the Third World backwards?
A culture of ignorance.
Ever heard of Arrested Development? Ronald Reagan could have sent people to build schools in Afghanistan and Pakistan.
You really are ignorant about Islam and Islamic nations.
Do you think Islamic nations open their doors to cultures that see Islam itself as the problem?
Do you realize that criticizing the workings of Islamic governments by teaching non-Islamic principles in schools is often criminal behavior?
You keep bashing people of color from all over the world. You need to look at yourself.
Hardly. I'm trained in engineering and finance. I'm not a criminal, nor do I subject anyone to any form of religious or cultural abuse.
Most of the men in the world mistreat women.
Really? Inasmuch as most of the world is NOT democratic, nor capitalistic, and the fact that most of the world rejects the principles of freedom as expressed in our Constitutiona and Bill of Rights, your statement holds up in a way.
But your statement is an argument for spreading democracy and freedom, which Islamic countries detest.
Where do Hassidic Women sit on the bus in Israel?
You know nothing about Judaism. Meanwhile, in the whole world there are only 15 Million Jews. Of those 15 million, only a relative handful are Hasidim. The fact that Hasids practice some religious rituals that impinge upon women is not a cultural problem. Hasidic women go to college and they have careers, etc. They are not de facto slaves.
Don't some Israelis circumcise their girls?
Jews? Circumsize girls? You're out of your mind. No.
However, about 1.5 million Israelis are arab muslims. Inasmuch as muslims do circumsize girls, it's possible they attempt the process in Israel.
Don't some countries in Eastern Europe look worst than some American ghettos?
YOu mean nations suffering under dictators for decades or longer? There are some run-down places over there. But they are catching up.
You can't blame that shit on black people.
The only place that thought existed was in your head.
You need to look at yourself AND WAKE THE FUCK UP!
Oh, here we go...
White people aren't the smartest, nicest, kindest people around.
Asians and whites have built advanced, prosperous societies -- and they've done it WITHOUT being the smartest, nicest, kindest people around.
What's the black excuse for building NO prosperous societies anywhere on the planet? Are blacks too smart to create vibrant, advanced societies?
They're just LIKE ANY BODY ELSE.
Everything comes back to the same question -- if everyone is like everyone else, then WHY is there NO prosperous, advanced black nation anywhere on the planet?
Now the thing that is scaring white people all over the world is that the Third World is getting their shit together.
No. The Third World is NOT getting anything together. If it were, the Third World nations would exploit their resources and channel those funds into development of societal building blocks -- which are public health, education, private property, banking, legal systems that protect risk takers, etc, in other words, capitalistic, democratic states established according to the principles well known in the US and Europe.
It time to stop thinking that white people ARE GODS!
This is a black thing. Must be left over from tribal days, when all mysteries were attributed to godliness.
You can rise to your highest aspiration or sink down to the lowest concept of yourselves.
For the last hunderd years, blacks have stuck with being victims. It appears that blacks believe it's impossible to escape the legacy of slavery.
kid demands:
Bullshit! Name the brother.
Nope. You'll just have to seethe and get through the day calling me names.
So you want to do to the Muslim nations what Dubya did. They are trying to change their countries because of that. The next President might be a person like Palin that believes that Islam is the Devil's religion and want to take out the whole leadership of the Muslim world. Some of those leaders you named were put there by THE US!
Now China is helping Africa out by all the investments they're putting in it. Ever heard of the Boxer Rebellion? China got to the position they are in today by KICKING THE WHITE MAN OUT OF CHINA! All the top European countries and America DUMP DRUGS INTO CHINA (sounds familiar?) and took control of it. Now 100 years later they are just as advanced as the U.S. Now you could help America to be that multi cultural place I keep hearing about or minorities may enact some 2nd Amendment solutions. We could work together or we could read Mao. It's your choice. When the right keep sending out dog whistles for ANYONE to take the POTUS out it proves Malcolm right. What Fox, Beck, Oreilly, and the GOP keep telling us is that "what do you call a Black Man with a Ph.D...NIGGER. What do you call a Black Man with a gun...sir."
So Naomi is trying to rally black support for her being the "victim of racism" yet she whinned like a pig at having to tesify against Charles Taylor who brutually raped and murdered black women? What a pig.
Field, "Girlfriend you need to stop it! WTF is "insulting and hurtful" about being compared to chocolate? I am sorry, but the last time I checked chocolate was a good thing. And the darker the chocolate the better it is for you."
Obviously, Naomi was hurt by the Cadbury ad she was in. Being linked in the ad to the sweet richness of Chocolate really pissed her off. It makes me wonder WHY she showed up for the filming in the first place? I mean, it was Cadbury Chocolates. Didn't she have a clue? Surely she must have known....
By the way, virtually everyone loves chocolate, but not as many love Naomi, esp Cadbury and others who think she is off-the-hook.lol
no_slappz says...
What's the black excuse for building NO prosperous societies anywhere on the planet? Are blacks too smart to create vibrant, advanced societies?
Well I guess we have to use "manifest destiny". We'll just go out and do it like Chris Columbus AND TAKE IT the same way ya'll did. The main reason Europe developed the way it has is "Guns, Germs, and Steel".
The country I live in today wants to arrest the President that issued the order to kill OBL for acting like a dictator. The WHOLE world can see that hillbillies are destroying the world.America is sick AND SO ARE YOU! those brothers that are acting like "Thugs" and only imitating the founders of America. America was built throught murder, rape, arson, stealing. I think they're acting like REAL AMERICANS!
Those kids out there see the LACK of respect that some whites have for the POTUS. They also see the FEAR some whites have for a thugged out brother.
Farley Ridiculous said...
I imagine some "christians" in this country envy Egypt and the
Ukraine. They're striving for a similar kind of control.
That's good moron, take examples of extremist muslim behavior and use it to smear Christians.
This is the mental illness that is liberalism.
Babygirl and Desert,
Granny--->holding up a clenched fist in a salute, shouting WOMEN POWER!
Preach it Kid!
kid writes:
So you want to do to the Muslim nations what Dubya did.
I want to see their leaders removed and see them replaced by democratic capitalistic societies. At the moment, I think it would take only a handful of assassinations rather than a series of full-scale invasions.
They are trying to change their countries because of that.
Obvously the current rebellions got some of their inspiration from the fact the Iraq is becoming a much better country -- a democratic capitalist nation. The other muslims like what they see in Iraq.
The next President might be a person like Palin that believes that Islam is the Devil's religion and want to take out the whole leadership of the Muslim world.
Islam is one of the worst forces in existence today. YOu and other fail to grasp that it is a religion, a political system AND a military. It is all three, all together. That's bad.
Some of those leaders you named were put there by THE US
Nope. None of the current leaders of Islamic nations.
Now China is helping Africa out by all the investments they're putting in it.
China helps out NO Nation. But China does stimulate economic activity, which it's doing in a few African nations. That's good. But China is doing it for China, not the African nations.
Ever heard of the Boxer Rebellion?
China got to the position they are in today by KICKING THE WHITE MAN OUT OF CHINA!
No. You really know nothing of history. Even the Chinese wanted to get out of China when the communist revolution started. It's estimated the Mao killed 100 million Chinese. Thus, the white missionaries and other whites who were in China at that time knew when it was time to pack up and go.
All the top European countries and America DUMP DRUGS INTO CHINA (sounds familiar?) and took control of it.
If you're referring to opium, you really do not understand anything about China over the last 60 years.
Now 100 years later they are just as advanced as the U.S.
No. China is NOT as advanced as the US. About ONE BILLION Chinese are still living in mud huts. Most of the country is populated by peasants. I hope they all become part of the Chinese middle class in a big hurry. that would be good. But it won't work that way.
Now you could help America to be that multi cultural place I keep hearing about or minorities may enact some 2nd Amendment solutions.
Or "minorities" could get the message that a lot of "minority" behavior is counter-productive. You seem to prefer making threats. Won't work.
We could work together or we could read Mao.
As I stated, Mao killed an estimated 100 million Chinese. He killed the malcontents. If there had been blacks in China, they would have been part of the 100 million.
It's your choice.
Wow. Threatening again. It won't work. Every time you threaten you make it clearer and clearer you have no knowledge of economics or societal success.
When the right keep sending out dog whistles for ANYONE to take the POTUS out it proves Malcolm right.
Ah, more nonsense from the black alternate universe.
What Fox, Beck, Oreilly, and the GOP keep telling us is that "what do you call a Black Man with a Ph.D...NIGGER.
Again, this nonsense is all in your head. Meanwhile, the number of blacks with Phds is very small. Blacks get PhDs in sociology and education. Who cares?
The number of blacks getting PhDs in serious subjects -- science, engineering, etc -- is tiny. Insignificant.
What do you call a Black Man with a gun...sir."
The sad fact is that EVERY YEAR far more blacks are shot to death by other blacks than awarded PhDs.
You should think about the stupidity of your pseudo-maxims before you embarrass yourself again.
kid is one seriously confused dude.
He lives in weird reality built on misunderstandings and facts that are simply wrong.
It's kind of sad, because he's sincere and passionate and consistent, just wrong.
kid writes:
Well I guess we have to use "manifest destiny". We'll just go out and do it like Chris Columbus AND TAKE IT the same way ya'll did. The main reason Europe developed the way it has is "Guns, Germs, and Steel".
Prosperity comes from exploiting resources -- human resources, natural resources, geographic resources, etc. Many African nations have loads and loads of natural resources. Like I said, Nigeria has massive oil reserves. It should be simple to create tremendous prosperity there.
The country I live in today wants to arrest the President that issued the order to kill OBL for acting like a dictator.
YOu really are a naive nitwit. When Eric Holder issues the arrest warrant, let me know. Till then you're hearing a little buzz in the crowd and the voices in your head. In other words, nothing that matters.
The WHOLE world can see that hillbillies are destroying the world.
More nonsense from an imbecile. Most of the world is out stripping the countryside of everything it's got. One of Africa's biggest problems is deforestation and dsertification.
Why? The governments are so corrupt and useless that people are burning every tree and bush in fires for cooking. It's pathetic. If you knew anything about environmental sanity, you would know the US and Europe treat the environment quite well.
those brothers that are acting like "Thugs" and only imitating the founders of America.
Yeah, I'm sure that's what they're saying to themselves. As if they could even name the founders or anything else about US history.
America was built throught murder, rape, arson, stealing. I think they're acting like REAL AMERICANS!
You should put yourself to sleep. The murder problem in the US is mostly in the black community. Blacks commit over half the murders in the US. The violence problem among blacks remains serious.
Those kids out there see the LACK of respect that some whites have for the POTUS.
I see. So it only matters if people criticize Obama. Whereas, there's no reason to object to the criticism of Bush. I see. The old double standard. Figures.
They also see the FEAR some whites have for a thugged out brother.
As if there isn't a good reason to be wary of someone who looks the part. Here's some advice -- don't dress like a thug.
When I see guys in black leather jackets with biker insignia, like Hell's Angels or Outlaws, etc, I consider them to be as advertised.
As they say, clothes make the man.
If you think whites will be at ease around people who dress like criminals, guess again.
Pretty much every thought in your head is incorrect, untrue or invalid. It's all part of the black alternative universe.
Field, "Girlfriend you need to stop it! WTF is "insulting and hurtful" about being compared to chocolate? I am sorry, but the last time I checked chocolate was a good thing.... Sorry, I am not exactly seeing the racism here."
Well brother Field, it depends on where you are standing in relation to the evil Mr. R. The damage racism has done to AAs is immense, complicated and it has mutated so deeply into the psyche of America that there is no telling how deep that rabbit hole goes. Bottom line, Cadbury should have left Naomi alone and selected someone else. She is too capricious and self-centered.
I am one who prefers vanilla because... well, because it is simpler, less complicated, and doesn't 'melt down' as quickly. I have tested this many times.
Even better, vanilla doesn't leave me with an emotional hangover and a headache, which chocolate tends to do. After dealing with Naomi Campbell, I am sure Cadbury agrees.
Nevertheless, like you Mr. Field I won't be boycotting Cadbury because of Naomi Campbell. As a far as I know, there are only TWO 'possible' boycotters thus far: Desertwoman and LAA.
no_slappz says...
The sad fact is that EVERY YEAR far more blacks are shot to death by other blacks than awarded PhDs.
Yes it's a shame that people like white Republicans and Ward Connerly threw so many blacks out of law schools. Maybe there would be more blacks alive. Tupac didn't invent "Thug Life", America did.
no_slappz says...
As they say, clothes make the man.
If you think whites will be at ease around people who dress like criminals, guess again.
Most white kids DRESS LIKE BLACK KIDS. I even see Paris Hilton do "The Crip Dance". Now when I see Puffy aka Swag, 50 Cent, or Jay Z on TV they are WEARING A SUIT! The former owner of Forbes Magazine, Malcolm Forbes wore leather jackets and RODE WITH THE HELLS ANGLES. See you can do anything when you're white, just ask Mr. DSK or the other financial bigwig that is NOW sitting in jail after all the dirt they did.BTW wasn't DSK a white Frenchman that raped a Muslim woman?
Howard, "He lives in weird reality built on misunderstandings and facts that are simply wrong.
It's kind of sad, because he's sincere and passionate and consistent, just wrong."
I love it when Kid shows up. I really wish he would show up more often. Granny too. they both make blogging FUN and everybody loves talking to them even though everybody knows it doesn't matter. LOL.. I love it...lol
Field, ""One of the suspects, identified as 16-year-old Bihal Gaziev, told authorities that he had no regrets about the stoning because the dark-haired Koren “violated the laws of Sharia.”
The teen’s battered body was found buried in the forest near her village in the Crimea section of the Ukraine. She had disappeared a week earlier. " [Source]
Stop the world, I want to get off."
The more I hear about those kinds of crazy cruel Islamic acts the more I realize how spiritually sick human beings can be. One would think there MUST be Muslims in the world who sick and tired of this kind of madness. Yet, the only ones you hear voicing are the ones using Neanderthal stone tactics on a 16 year old girls and other women. By Islamic silence, one can only conclude that the governments in Islam are complicit in these immoral brutal acts. How sick!
kid said...
@Anonmyous 11:45 PM
The testing includes Crank too. So poor whites will suffer too. BTW what ghetto is Crank made in?
Now who said anything about race? And what do you mean suffer? Not having someone else work to pay for your bad choices and horrible lifestyle is suffering? What an entitled brat you are.
Feelin a little guilty are you? It is not Poor people who will suffer and HAVE to support their own habit you dimwit, it's JUNKIES. Junkies who now will maybe have motivation and help to clean up and work instead of shooting up, snortin, poppin pills, hittin dat bowl, yankin that crank, smokin de crack and lurking around. Just think of how much money they would have if they spent the drug money on food/clothes and shelter.
Now go cash that check yo mammy must be gettin for the law gets on to you and its over.
Kid is Dik spelled backwards said..
"Minister Farrakhan will help me before you will and you know it! I didn't see you boycotting Beck. I didn't see you try to get Fox off the air."
Yes he will, lube that ass up, Farra-con is offering you up to his alien friends to get anally probed.
Now I understand the borderline retarded comments given by scientists and geneticists of all types when discussing black minds. Look at this nutjob, he is like a pre teen trying to formulate complicated thoughts that he isn't ready to handle yet nor has the IQ to process. Is this typical NOI?
Can you imagine putting this mind somewhere and expecting him to build something, develop, create, farm, manage anything in his life? I think he might just starve if he had to feed himself and didn't live amongst white society as a permanent victim of his own making.
Field, "Still, I hear she had a lot of fans all over the place. Folks were screaming her name wherever she went. Girlfriend is a rock star. Palin v. Obama. We can only wish."
You bet she had a LOT of fans growing everywhere, all up and down the East Coast and across America. Wait until she hits NY, Ct, and the New England states. Hopefully, some of you Obama Negroes will begin to "wake up" to wtf is happening.
Let me try to reiterate to you Negroes and White Dems one more time:
1.Sarah Palin can beat Obama in the 2012 election for President.
2. Sarah is NOT stupid. She is a lot smarter than you Negroes and Dems give her credit for. However, Sarah is counting on you treating her as irrelevant and stupid. You Dems have always underestimated your political foes. Now that is what makes YOU "stupid".
3. Once again, you Dems are creating a surprise hit politically right in front of your face which you can't see, but everyone else can, esp the GOP and Independents. But that's your history, isn't it? shooting yourselves in the foot because you laugh at your oponents as they gain momentum to defeat you?
Mark my words, this harangue with Cadbury will be the beginning of the end of Naomi Campbell. Every company is taking note and won't hire her for anything. Naomi is just too much trouble...there are many other models out there who are not as big of a problem.
I bet Naomi is on her own with this one.
Anonymous do you have trouble getting your head through doors?
There's no love lost between me and Naomi, but I learned something interesting about the cultural reference in England re: chocolate. It appears that for blacks there it has a very negative conotation. It sounds ridiculous on our neck of the woods, but apparently over there it's negative. It's a cultural thing apparantly, so cut the diva a bit of slack.
Slappz, your main problem is how you seek to disparage and find fault in the black community and in blacks all over the world. Your basic point is that blacks are naturally criminalistic in behavior and naturally incapable of governing themselves or entire nations, therefore it is only fitting that they should be placed under the stewardship of whites, for their own good. This is essentially your talking point, day in and day out.
And it's a rather boring and pathetic one, because people come here and disprove your rhetoric day in and day out. And yet, it does not cause you to stop and reconsider your beliefs. Instead, you find more facts and stories that reinforce your viewpoint and dig in deeper, stubborn in your own mindset in regards to blacks in general.
You might say you're doing little more than "telling the truth" or offering "constructive feedback" (anybody know where that guy went?), but you do so in such a underhandedly vindictive and prejudiced manner that it becomes hard for anyone to stomach what you have to say, even for all the Mylanta and Pepto Bismo in the world.
You prefer to ignore how Europeans essentially conquered Africa and divided it into colonial fiefdoms, extracting resources while treating the natives like shit. And you also prefer to ignore how the resulting damage left Africa structually, economically and psychologically unstable. Instead, you're aghast at how these "filthy savages" destroyed all of the pretty, shiny things those nice Europeans left them. You treat them like dogs left in an abandoned home by their owners. Any attempt to bring this up results in you and others claiming in unisom how Africans are playing the "race" and "victim" cards.
I know, there's no use getting through to your likes. The best thing I and others can do is to counteract the damage your constant rhetoric does by presenting to the world examples of successful black achievement, leadership and governance.
The only reason people deal with you is to stem the flow of the bullshit you spout on a daily basis. Other than that, you wouldn't even rate a mention most of the time.
"And at least most Egyptian/Arabic/Ukraine women and girls get to keep their hymens in tact until marriage. What about the black women and girls in Dafur, the Congo and certain parts of Africa who have no clue what a hymen looks like because they are routinely raped and tortured even before they could crawl?"
Grief and outrage are not finite, zero-sum quantities that must be withheld from one group to pour out over another and vise-versa.
"1.Sarah Palin can beat Obama in the 2012 election for President."
No, she can not. Because she will not be in the running for much longer.
"2. Sarah is NOT stupid. She is a lot smarter than you Negroes and Dems give her credit for. However, Sarah is counting on you treating her as irrelevant and stupid. You Dems have always underestimated your political foes. Now that is what makes YOU "stupid"."
No, she isn't stupid. At least not completely. But she is the political personification of an ATTENTION WHORE. A political figure who fails to announce their next stops, making the press hunt them down in a game of "catch me if you can" is one who wants to bask in the limelight and have everyone's attention fixed on her.
"3. Once again, you Dems are creating a surprise hit politically right in front of your face which you can't see, but everyone else can, esp the GOP and Independents. But that's your history, isn't it? shooting yourselves in the foot because you laugh at your oponents as they gain momentum to defeat you?"
You know what a surprise hit would be? Marco Rubio. Or Jeb Bush. But these two are laying in the cut until 2016. Meanwhile, you don't have any serious GOP candidates who can make Obama look even the slightest worried. Plus Wall Street is quite content with Obama, so chances are he will remain in the Oval Office until the next presidential election. And don't worry, folks -- he's not gonna try to fuck with the constitution to get a third term....that's something only a Bush would try to do :D
"Feelin a little guilty are you? It is not Poor people who will suffer and HAVE to support their own habit you dimwit, it's JUNKIES. Junkies who now will maybe have motivation and help to clean up and work instead of shooting up, snortin, poppin pills, hittin dat bowl, yankin that crank, smokin de crack and lurking around. Just think of how much money they would have if they spent the drug money on food/clothes and shelter.
Now go cash that check yo mammy must be gettin for the law gets on to you and its over."
So a drug test just to get welfare benefits is gonna stop some junkie from shooting or smoking up. Naivete must be your forte.
Does anyone know of any junkies who even have welfare benefits? Because most junkies tend to either beg for change or hustle for scrap metal and other recyclables for drug money. The only junkies on the welfare roles are either tokers or serial alcoholics, and drug testing isn't gonna catch the latter.
But it will severely inconvenience the single mother who has to walk through a battery of blunt smokers on her way to the benefits office or deal with her live-in boyfriend or baby daddy's toking. Invariably, she will show positive for weed even though she does not smoke. And down the drain her benefits go.
FYI, junkies and addicts usually have to hit a bottom before they even consider getting help, and that's if the habit doesn't kill them first.
"Cadbury is facing the prospect of a black consumer boycott after it compared Naomi Campbell to a chocolate bar in a new advertising campaign.
The supermodel - hardly known for taking things in her stride - is incensed that Cadbury used her name in the strap line to promote its new chocolate bar called Bliss, accusing the company of racism. The ad says: "Move over Naomi - there is a new diva in town."
Someone at Kraft needs to pull out a blank check and figure out how many zeros to use in compensating Ms. Campbell. The whole issue will evaporate afterwards.
I never had Cadbury chocolates. I'm more of a Hershey's fan.
Islamophobia is just racism by proxy. The vast majority of the world's Muslims are non-white, so this allows sub-human scum like no-slappzzz another out let for his racist bile.
Almost every single alleged "fact" in the diatribes on this page is a lie. People like him get their information not from credible sources, but from other bigots, as a result all information they pass amongst themselves is sieved through a special bigotry filter to exclude any or all information that would show Muslims to be human beings with normal feelings and emotions. It's a kind of 'reverse fact checker' if you like.
So it is that they can claim that Islam "never invented anything" - thus ignoring much of the fields of Mathematics, Algebra (Al Jabbr), Astronomy, medicine, much of the world's great early poetry, much of the world's great architecture, modern music by the likes of Cheb Mami and Cheb Khaled etc etc. The list is endless.
They would have us believe that Islam is bent on destruction of the human race, conveniently forgetting that the only nation who has ever launched a nuclear attack on another country was Christian, and the people who murdered 6 million Jews in germany between 1933 and 1945 were also - you guessed it - Christians.
What terrifies No Slapzz is how similar their world view is to that of the Islamists. On an earlier thread I demonstrated all the similarities between far-right conservatives like No Slapzz and the Tea Partiers (they don't call them the American Taliban for nothing) and the far-right Islamists like bin Laden and :l Zwahieri. Racism, Xenophobia, misogyny, creationism, hatred of altruism - it's all there and all the same.
That's the dichotomy for the likes of No slapzz, he secretly loves what extremist Islam stands for, but he hates them for not looking for him. So to mask himself he throws up a smokescreen of lies and disinformation - quoting the Sword Verses out of context, (and we could play the same game with the Christian bible if we were that shallow) or inventing this alternative history where Islam gave nothing to global culture.
Sad isn't it?
But think how sad No Slapzz life must be. He spends ALL his free time on a website telling other people how much he hates them.
Think about that, think about how sad, and lonely and base your life would have to be before you sank to No Slapzzz level. He's a very sad little (I'm guessing about 5'4" to 5' 6" tall - max) man, who is so disappointed in his life that he has nothing better to do than come here and tell you how much he hates you.
Sarah Palin = Golddigger!
no_slappz = severe case of negrophobia and elevator stuck in the antebellum era justification manual for bigots who inflict harm on people of color.
"But think how sad No Slapzz life must be. He spends ALL his free time on a website telling other people how much he hates them."
Purple Cow and Mack, both of you nailed no_slappz down to the tee. I mean you left no stone unturned. I love it when both of you post. What gets me is that their tactics are from the same old worned out playbook that all of those early European influential people used to advance capitalism, slavery, and stealing the Native Americans land. And everything Kid said earlier is the truth. The whole world is watching and so are ALL people of color and even those "model minorities" too. They think that they have those "model minorities" hoodwinked with the flattery, but they'd be surprise. People are sick of their mess!They need to wake up and smell the coffee and adjust to living in a diverse country.
MackLyons, "Plus Wall Street is quite content with Obama, so chances are he will remain in the Oval Office until the next presidential election."
You are right. Wall Street loves Obama and Obama loves Wall Street. They are together and you folks should vote for him even though he doesn't give a damn about you.
You remind me of the poor Whites who vote White even though it is against their interests. Blacks like you and other Obamaholics are no different. You will vote for the black guy even though he will stick it to you. Amazing!
@All the Family out there
Monday was the 90th anniversary of Black Wall Street. It was the first time that an American city was bombed from the air. Over 800 black businesses were destroyed. Some put the dead at anywhere from over 100 to 3,000. When it was over the Klu Klux Klan set up a government. Churches were built in the area. Maybe you could call them "victory churches". No one PAYED the Black families of Tulsa one red cent.
Granny, "Anonymous do you have trouble getting your head through doors?"
Which anon are you talking to? I am a humble anon.
@Anonymous 4:13 AM
That's not it. We will not vote against our own interest like the idiots that cling close to their guns and God. The Republicans want to LOWER the minimum wage. The Republicans want to GET RID of Unions. They want THE RICH to NOT pay taxes. They want to GET RID of Medicare. They want to GET RID of Social Security.
If you wanat to live in a Plutocracy then vote Republican.
Kid, "Monday was the 90th anniversary of Black Wall Street. It was the first time that an American city was bombed from the air."
Really? Tulsa was the first American city bombed FROM THE AIR? did they have planes during that time? Boy, Black Wall Street must have really been somethin. I wonder why nobody knows anything about it, including the Blacks in Tulsa today?
Kid, "If you wanat to live in a Plutocracy then vote Republican."
Face it, Kid. The GOP will be running the show for America from here on out. But it won't be as bad as you think. Of course, you will have to go to work and prove that you aren't on drugs, like they are doing in Texas and Florida. I hear Ohio is following suit. That doesn't sound too good for you, Kid. Maybe you should move out to CA where Granny lives.
where is Field? It's after 4:30am and he's still asleep? I swear, some Negroes sleep entirely too much. This is how Repubs like Sarah slips right by you.
Kid, "The Republicans want to GET RID of Unions. They want THE RICH to NOT pay taxes. They want to GET RID of Medicare. They want to GET RID of Social Security."
Kid, I hate to break it to you, but so do the Dems. You must have missed hearing what Bill Clinton said to his Repub friend. The Dems would support the GOP in cutting Medicare!
Oh and Oklahoma does know about Black Wall Street too.
The only way the GOP is gone be running things is if they cheat, which they are not above doing. GOP = Thugs for life!
Well, I'm gone say goodnight. Anonymous is boring me to sleep.
Anonymous said...
Kid, "Monday was the 90th anniversary of Black Wall Street. It was the first time that an American city was bombed from the air."
Really? Tulsa was the first American city bombed FROM THE AIR? did they have planes during that time? Boy, Black Wall Street must have really been somethin. I wonder why nobody knows anything about it, including the Blacks in Tulsa today?
4:30 AM
Well maybe not enough people know (like you)because the Republicans in Texas like to change the History Books. Out of site, out of mind. Yea you don't hear nothing about it on Fox or see it on World Net Daily.
Mack, you were en fuego last night. Where your offering plate at?
Hi5@ what Purple Cow said.
"I never had Cadbury chocolates. I'm more of a Hershey's fan."
Hmmmm, 1A & 1B as far as I am concerned.
"Which anon are you talking to? I am a humble anon."
None of you Anons are humble. Well, except your leader. This is why he/he is the leader.
Mack Lyons said...
So a drug test just to get welfare benefits is gonna stop some junkie from shooting or smoking up. Naivete must be your forte.
Not necessarily but it will stop ME funding them. Because someone creates a need, doesn't mean they have a right to what I work for and theyhave no responsibility
Does anyone know of any junkies who even have welfare benefits? Because most junkies tend to either beg for change or hustle for scrap metal and other recyclables for drug money. The only junkies on the welfare roles are either tokers or serial alcoholics, and drug testing isn't gonna catch the latter.
No, junkies also have a huge enabling network of women/mothers/sisters who feed their habit, they get the welfare and turn it over to the bruthas who just happen to be lovin at the first of the month.
You forgot the best part; most junkies, steal and rob because begging for change won't cut it.
But it will severely inconvenience the single mother who has to walk through a battery of blunt smokers on her way to the benefits office or deal with her live-in boyfriend or baby daddy's toking. Invariably, she will show positive for weed even though she does not smoke. And down the drain her benefits go.
My what a culture you have, inconvenience the women going to get free money and support for the child she had out of wedlock without a male supporting her and child? Inconvenience the mothers live in unwed pot tokin boyfriends and baby daddies? What about the inconvenience to every american who was never told they someday would have to work to pay for this womens parents lack of parenting and now her lifes bad choices in having this child as well as any of HER other decisions, in fact that is akin to slavery. Maybe the inconvenienced mother should get all those junkies, weedhounds and alcoholics out of her child's life so the child doesn't become just like them and she Doesn't test positive for weed just because she lives with weedhounds and junkies. Imagine, being a mother and being responsible for your child's welfare (pun intended) includign having your free time infringed upon when you go pick up the money others have had taken from them to give to you. What a tough world. Can't sit at home and watch tv today and hang out watching tv and smokin it up with your live in boyfriend who should be paying the bills or your baby daddy who should be paying the bills but is waitin for that welfare check you get, what a real bother.
FYI, junkies and addicts usually have to hit a bottom before they even consider getting help, and that's if the habit doesn't kill them first.
Of oourse, so there you have it. Because someone wants to do crack, it is not my responsibility to be enslaved to pay for this habit. Hit bottom, seek help, get the free help, use the programs I also pay for or don't. But I will not finance your bad choices and be a slave either emotionally or financially if you are a junkie you chose the life or if you enable junkies then you choose to enable them and teach your kids the lifestyle, but again not by forcing me to be a slave to enable the junkie and thier supporters.
@Anonymous 6:19 AM
We had the CIA dump drugs into our neighborhood by way of germ warfare. Yes Iran/Contra IS no joke. Pretty soon Charlie Sheen will run out of money. No more suitcases of Cocaine or standing in hotel bathrooms screaming the N-word.
Black people in America are NOT hogging up all the Cocaine.
BTW, WHERE IS CRYSTAL METH MADE? You sure as hell can't buy it in the hood. Substance abuse isn't a minority issue. If all the minorities were to leave America you would still HAVE crime, violence, and drug abuse. Africans didn't bring Heroin to America on Slave ships. No wonder the Chinese kicked ALL the white people out of China the last century. It was Europe that dumped ALL that Opium on them.
In Prussia during the 19th century, women were required to report the onset of their period at the police station.
Several of the lower-case religious outfits in town require "churching" for women who are having their period.
Superstition and control, nothing more,
Anonymous Anonymous said...
As a far as I know, there are only TWO 'possible' boycotters thus far: Desertwoman and LAA.
I'm afraid I'm somewhat of a purist when it comes to chocolate.
At the very least it's Godiva or Lindts for me. Sorry, can't help it. My taste buds were born that way ;)
Although I must confess, I cannot and will not turn down a Junior Mint. Mmmmmmmmmmm...
Cadbury is simply just not all that. Doesn't bring that intense chocolate flavor I need to really enjoy the chocolate experience.
Ass-non Goober
You were kidding with that you tube clip last night.
Please tell me you don't expect anyone to take you seriously.
But then again you're an anonymous poster so how could we?
Nice posting last night Mack Lyons.
" Desertflower said...
My thoughts are that people shouldn't be called food names. They don't call white blond's, vanillas do they? Or Indians, nutter butters, or some such. Or Asians,bananas or lemons or some other yellowish food? Etc.,etc. Chocolate is a wonderful thing and we all love it. But I don't feel it should be used to describe a people. Just don't.
8:22 PM"
But, hey I think this one is funny:
What do you call a person that's one-half Japanese & one-half Caucasian?
A Twinkie.
"Bottom line, Cadbury should have left Naomi alone and selected someone else. She is too capricious and self-centered."
Bottom line, Cadbury should have done it the legal way instead of this financial and unauthorized exploitation. If one was to use a symbol or chocolate wrapper that strongly resembles one of Cadbury's or any other company in some unauthorized promotional form, you'll soon see how "capricious" and merciless their Attorney's would become. Fair is fair.
So what if being associated with chocolate is considered a good thing by some, she has an image to uphold or protect. Naomi should have had the opportunity to make that decision for herself in such case.
misogyny is a global ancient cancer
sexism trumps racism
the msms slaying of hillary c proved that
and trump is playing for hobama!!!
he knows that sarah palin is hated and will be slain EVEN WORSE than hillary was...
he knows that the fake bc will distract us from jobs and homes...
shame on trump and all hobama drones!!!
again this am
the tjms allowed al sharpton to pretend that hobama is focused on creating jobs and saving medicaid...
and not a peep from one minstrel....
see the true hobama here:
classic book!!!
Hey black folks, according to Anon-Goober regarding the Pigford settlement all you have to do is be black and have a garden and you'll get $50,000 in gubmint money.
I don't know about y'all but as soon as I get off I'm heading to USDA to apply.
I'll let you know how it goes.
the msm's slaying of hillary c proved that
they have cooled on hobama
but they will ICE OUT sarah asap
watch. see.
uptownsteve said...
Hey black folks, according to Anon-Goober regarding the Pigford settlement all you have to do is be black and have a garden and you'll get $50,000 in gubmint money.
I don't know about y'all but as soon as I get off I'm heading to USDA to apply.
I'll let you know how it goes.
9:52 AM"
Now, Semen Steve....you know the only plant you ever had was my big one planted firmly betwixt yo butt cheeks.
thugs travel in mobs
hobama + blago + trump + rahmbo = thugs all!!!
blago said it best:
“Blago was melancholy on Obama’s inauguration day. He saw Obama as Zeus and himself as Icarus, who flew to close to the sun and burned and crashed to the ground.”
Funny no one here bothers to mention what a bitch Campbell is:
"Between 1998 and 2008, Campbell was accused ten times of committing acts of violence against employees, associates, and, in one instance, police officers. In 2000, Campbell pleaded guilty in Toronto to assaulting her personal assistant Georgina Galanis with a cell phone. Campbell paid Galanis an undisclosed sum and agreed to attend anger management classes; her record was cleared in exchange for her expressing remorse.[40][41]
By 2006, eight other employees and associates had come forward with claims of abuse: secretary Vanessa Frisbee claimed she was physically assaulted by Campbell, housekeeper Millicent Burton claimed Campbell had slapped, kicked, and scratched her, assistant Simone Craig claimed Campbell held her hostage and threw a phone at her, housekeeper Ana Scolavino claimed Campbell threw a BlackBerry personal organiser at her, maid Gaby Gibson claimed Campbell hit her and called her names, and assistant Amanda Brack claimed Campbell slapped and beat her with a BlackBerry.[13][41][42] Campbell's drug therapist claimed Campbell scratched her face during a counselling session.[41] Actress Yvonne Sciò claimed Campbell left her "covered in blood" after an altercation at a Rome hotel.[41] Sciò said, "She punched me in the face. She was like Mike Tyson."[41] In 2005, Campbell was photographed wearing a Chip and Pepper T-shirt that read "Naomi Hit Me...and I Loved It".[13]
In 2007, Campbell pleaded guilty in New York to assaulting her former housekeeper Ana Scolavino.[8][13] She was sentenced to pay Scolavino's medical expenses, attend an anger management program, and perform five days of community service with New York's sanitation department.[13] She attended her community service wearing designer outfits, including fedoras, furs, and—upon completion of her sentence—a silver sequined Dolce & Gabbana gown.[7][13] Campbell detailed her community service experience in a W feature titled "The Naomi Diaries", in which she wrote, "I keep on sweeping. I'm getting very protective of my pile of rubbish—kind of the way I feel about my Hermès handbag."[13] That same year, Campbell settled the lawsuits brought by actress Yvonne Sciò and her former assistant Amanda Brack.[43][13] She spoofed herself in a Dunkin' Donuts commercial, directed by Zach Braff, which showed her breaking her heel while gardening and throwing it through a window.[13]
In 2008, Campbell pleaded guilty to assaulting two police officers at Heathrow Airport in London.[8] She had spat at the officers following an argument about her lost luggage.[13] Campbell was sentenced to 200 hours of community service and fined $4,600.[8] She was banned for life from British Airways.[7] In 2009, Campbell settled the lawsuit brought by her former maid Gaby Gibson."
@Anonymous 6:19 AM
We had the CIA dump drugs into our neighborhood by way of germ warfare. Yes Iran/Contra IS no joke. Pretty soon Charlie Sheen will run out of money. No more suitcases of Cocaine or standing in hotel bathrooms screaming the N-word.
Holy shit this guy is nuts, jumps from one different thing to another different thing. What does the CIA dumping drugs in the neighborhood in order to deploy germ warfare and being helped by Iranians who bought some guns from Charlie Sheen have to do with each other?
Did the CIA use the little green friends of farra-con to practice this "germ warfare"? or was it alien miniaturized spaceships led by farra-con's friends? Oh wait, I know the plot, farra-Con contacted the aliens who offered to use the spaceships if the CIA gave them drugs to use as germ warfare ONLY if the cast of Two and Half men flew some of the little ships and gave guns to Iranians..thats it right? Winning!!!!
Kid, seriously you need some help. Black Militancy has driven a wedge between common earth and your thoughts. You are delusional and seemingly about to hurt yourself or someone else. Get help before it is to late.
muslims are no more sexist than christians...
"pagan" = worshipper of a female god
ask any woman banned from the pulpit
research women omitted and slandered from the buybull
check the book of deuteronomy
all religions were created by sexist human men which is why i despise them all
uptownsteve said...
Hey black folks, according to Anon-Goober regarding the Pigford settlement all you have to do is be black and have a garden and you'll get $50,000 in gubmint money.
I don't know about y'all but as soon as I get off I'm heading to USDA to apply.
I'll let you know how it goes.
You a dolla short and an hour late, just like a coon. The case was settled and now the fraud has been exposed and is being challenged your to late to get TAXPAYER money. It is money people worked for that was taken by the governement to give to pathetic weak frauds like you.
You might want to try the settlment claims for BP. Many a black folk who never even heard of fishing are making relief claims. Just like in Pigsford, its all good they don't check anything anyway on your :gubn'ment application and if they do check just tell dem it racist.
Anyway I am done with you, I won't do this again, your not man enough to think holistically and see truth if it doesn't fit your "racial victim theme of life theme"
Heres one on the Mr Piggy pigsford himself. John Boyd
“Pigford v. Glickman”. http://pajamasmedia.com/zombie/2010/07/27/pigford-v-glickman-86000-claims-fr om-39697-total-farmers/?singlepage=true “
In 1997, 400 African-American farmers sued the United States Department of Agriculture, alleging that they had been unfairly denied USDA loans due to racial discrimination during the period 1983 to 1997.” The case was entitled “Pigford v. Glickman” and in 1999, the black farmers won their case. The government agreed to pay each of them as much as $50,000 to settle their claims. But then on February 23 of this year, something shocking happened in relation to that original judgment. In total silence, the USDA agreed to release more funds to “Pigford”. The amount was a staggering $1.25 billion. This was because the original number of plaintiffs – 400 black farmers – had now swollen in a class action suit to include a total of 86,000 black farmers throughout America.
There was only one teensy problem. The United States of America doesn’t have 86,000 black farmers.
christian religions are still rooted in ancient global blood and unholy lies!
bart e and chris h are 2 men i love!!!
alicia banks said...
muslims are no more sexist than christians...
Really? When was the last time a black woman got killed for dishonoring her family and going out with a non black?
When was the last time a woman was raped and then stoned to death because a woman who is raped requires four witnesses to prove it was rape and not just her being an adultress. Doesn't happen often, the muslim rapists have some strange desire to protect themselves.
When was the last time a black woman had to wear a burga (althought that could be a good thing in the US)
and on and on...did you think before you posted this?
Hey AB...how do the Islamists treat dykes, such as yourself? Many gay pride parades in Islamic countries?
ask your butch diesel dyke mammy how much love she gets from the buybull loving homohaters
where have u been boi???
You have exploitation, subliminal racism, and sexism in one offense. If Naomi Campbell feels hurt and insulted, it is within her right.
Right on Laa. As a non-black, non-female I have an obligation to leave this to the black females.
FN, perhaps the reason you don't see it is cause you a a BM. Stick to what you know bro. What your wife says in private is contextual, it does not need to be repeated by others in different situations. You know this, you are smarter than that man.
cc all the "christians are saints" bs to MILLIONS who have been slain/tortured by christians for centuries
u evil revisionist ahistorical hypochristian morons are ungodly jokes!!!
cc this delusional phony bs to:
women burned at stakes as "witches"
africans robbed by missionaries
who gave them buybulls and took their land
slave massas who beat us to death while quoting the buybull
priests bending over babies
eddie long and his countless lewd het and gay pulpit pimps/tree jumpers for jesus
countless slaughtered in historical christian crusades
muslims are christians unchecked and unmasked!!!
u christians are the most evil homohating sexist racist fools we know....and the muslims are not demanding that MY AMERICAN LAWS be dictated by their religion!!!!
Lastly, I quote my favorite Mutaburaka song, “The People’s Court II”:
“Judge 1000 Years presiding. Your honor, we have here Mr. Religious Belief and Mr. Denomination...I see where you have been promising the Black people. But you are even worse than the politicians. You promise them good living long after they die. Yes, you say them reward is in heaven. It would appear to me that both of you have been to heaven already and have gotten yours. The charges are too numerous to mention here. For over 500 years, you have been wanted. It was you who went to the Americas and Africa with your doctrine of civilizing the ‘savages’. You taught Black people to pray with their eyes closed. When they opened them, you had their land and they had the bible. With the bible and gun, you robbed, raped, murdered our foreparents in the name of Jesus...The first charge is for misleading Black people into their color blind blindness.You have Black people worshipping everything white as good. White Jesus. White-winged angels. White Christmas. Even the songs talk about ‘whiter than snow I long to be...’...so you trying to tell me that if my sins are white instead of scarlet, God will accept my sins? Michaelangelo’s painting of his uncle, for years Black people keep revering this picture as the picture of Christ...all of your religious holidays originate in Europe. Everything in heaven is white? Everything in hell is black?..You are also charged with misinterpretation. You have twisted the bible to suit white supremacy. You have taken stories and culture of other books much older than the bible and made them into myths. Have you ever read the Egyptian Book of the Dead? It is because of you that the DJ’s have no respect for our Black woman. You have painted a picture of woman as the originator of sin. You have made woman look inferior in all of your religious books. You have been preaching a sexist doctrine to our people from Eve til now. You have blamed woman for the downfall of the world. You blamed Delilah for Sampson’s stupidity. You have even placed sin on sex. Saying that Mary was a virgin all her life. With these images, what do you expect from our people? You even have the earth as only 6000 years old. Maybe the history of Europe is only 6000 years. But Black people have been here long long before...They call themselves the Church of the Latter Day Saints or Morons, or Mormons as you call them...that same denomination has been preaching for years that Black people cannot enter heaven...They should never be allowed into a country that is predominately Black to preach about God...You have been collaborating with the politicians to trick Black people. You have branded Voodoo and Yoruba and all Afrikan oriented traditions as "paganism". Yet, YOU have people going to church trying to drink the blood of Jesus and eat his flesh...It is YOU they should be asking to lead them not into temptation..I hereby sentence you both to 1000 years for swindling people by way of radio and TV. I also give you 1000 years for each year that Black people have been suffering since [Christopher ‘Come-Bust-Us’] Columbus came here..Now, take them away!!!”
Alicia, get the fuck off this blog with your lame ass, irrelevant links!!!!
Anonymous said...
You have exploitation, subliminal racism, and sexism in one offense. If Naomi Campbell feels hurt and insulted, it is within her right.
Nonsense it is within her mind.
Their tag line says “world’s most pampered”. Does she not get that “pampered” is the comparison, not chocolate?
People who are sensitive to the point of paranoia, create their own hell. The rest of us cannot be blamed. Then of course we will be blamed for not wanting all the baggage that comes with associating with those that are "pampered".
assnon irony =
being too illiterate to read any link...yet daring to call any link "irrelevant"
irrelevant illiteracy = retarded redundancy
u dumb nigs really hate reading
even when u evade it
got logic?
dumb assnon:
how does it feel to flaunt how you have 0 control over me???
like that hope and change from hobama???
like your own proud illiteracy?
You're right, AB. The Islamists would take one look at that humpback of yours, throw a camel saddle on you, and ride you off over the nearest sand dune.
The Christians would just call you a sick pervert.
alicia banks said...
illiterate sexist assnon:
it is burka
and u r a mummified moron
Good get to know the name well, oh wait, christians don't like lez-beans but Muslims kill them. Good luck incapable of logical thought woman. You compare things in history to real events happening today. If you cannot see the difference then god help you.
If you walked into a protestant, baptist, catholic church and told them you were a lesbian who needed food and shelter what would happen?
If you walked into lets say a black run society with muslims practicing sharia law - you know Islam let's say Somalia and said the same thing ---what would happen? The reason I picked black run is because in any other sharia compliant arab nation you would not be human and not even have a chance to talk to the arab men.
Don't add any smoke just honestly answer that question. What would happen if you did these things right now, today?
dumb assnon:
how does it feel to flaunt how you have 0 control over me???
like that hope and change from hobama???
like your own proud illiteracy?
SOMEBODY PLEASE put they finger in the DYKE and shut the damn HOLE UP!!!! Wait is it Dyke or LezBEAN wuts the right name AB?
christians slay and lynch gays daily
literally and spiritually
u r late and ignorant
fix both asap
Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches” also wonderfully calls several ruthless and legendary black gaybashers to task, like the notoriously adulterous heterosexual whore Adam Clayton Powell, the poster boy of the Republikkkan neocon clergy T. D. Jakes, and the bastard baby making, wafflingly inclusive humanitarian Jesse Jackson Sr. It exposes the transgressions of droves of other sinful black pastors, like the opulent Fred Price, the tragically twisted Donnie McClurkin, and many others.
Contrary to Republikkkan religious rhetoric, hatred and lies are not godly values. This book meticulously exposes the hypocrisy of such sinful homohatred. It exposes how gaybashers defy God’s commandment to love everyone, as they encourage others to love everyone except gays. They ban gay marriage as they ignore gay love. They use birth control religiously, as they falsely claim sex is exclusively for procreation. They demand that gays pretend to be reformed heterosexuals, as they condemn the “Down Low” homosexuals who destroy families and break heterosexual hearts daily. They claim the doors of black churches are perpetually open to all entrants, even as they slander our names and slay our spirits upon entry
Now that you mention it, AB does kinda resemble a camel...
AB said.....
christians slay and lynch gays daily
literally and spiritually
u r late and ignorant
fix both asap
Really? Show me one case, just one in recent history, just one. God loving Christians don't believe what you do is natural, it isn't, but they wont harm you for it. They just have the gall to tell you that eating hairpie will not let you beget and further the race and no matter how many hairs that get stuck in your teeth, it won't.
Now how again does Islam and treatment of gays compare with christians? You seem to have forgotten to even mention Islam at all in your logically thought out reply.
See I knew you could not simply answer a straighforward simple question that would highlight logic. You are the master obfuscater or in other words a liar.
the cow writes:
So it is that they can claim that Islam "never invented anything" - thus ignoring much of the fields of Mathematics, Algebra (Al Jabbr), Astronomy, medicine...
Hers' a little news. The Islamic world acquired knowledge in two ways: first a handful of secular muslims performed some useful scholarship after encountering and absorbing knowledge credited to Ancient Greece.
Second, the Islamic world increased its base of knowledge by stealing it from those who were conquered. Guess what? The original thinkers living in the lands seized by the expanding Islamic empire were mostly Jews.
The Islamic world spread the knowledge it appropriated by making Arabic the official langauge of the growing empire. Thus, muslims did get the word around -- to some.
but academic advances in the Islamic world more or less ended around the year 1,000. The Islamic world has been in a heck of slump since then.
much of the world's great early poetry,
Yeah. One book. The Rubiyat, by Omar Khayyam. A secular muslim.
much of the world's great architecture,
Hardly. There is one single style that has barely evolved.
modern music by the likes of Cheb Mami and Cheb Khaled etc etc.
Nobody except muslims listen to the screeching-cat noise their composers deliver.
The list is endless.
Nope. But the delusions go on forever.
They would have us believe that Islam is bent on destruction of the human race,
Destruction of the human race? Nice try. Nope. The Islamic world wants the non-Islamic world to become Islamic. And along the way, the Islamic world wants to eradicate the infidel civil society that offends Muhammad and Allah.
conveniently forgetting that the only nation who has ever launched a nuclear attack on another country was Christian,
Yep, we killed 250,000 to stop the war and prevent the killings of possibly millions more. If the US had had the atom bomb in 1942, WWII would have ended suddenly and with far less bloodshed.
and the people who murdered 6 million Jews in germany between 1933 and 1945 were also - you guessed it - Christians.
Nazis did want to exterminate Jews. And, it's a fact that every Islamic state is calling for the destruction of Israel and demanding that Jews leave the middle east, alive or dead, but preferably dead.
"You might want to try the settlment claims for BP. Many a black folk who never even heard of fishing are making relief claims. Just like in Pigsford, its all good they don't check anything anyway on your :gubn'ment application and if they do check just tell dem it racist."
Oh, so I can't cash in the Pigford deal but you're saying that now all I have to do is be black and I'll get a BP settlment?
Let me go check that out.
Once again black folks at FN, I'll let you know how it goes.
"Anyway I am done with you, I won't do this again, your not man enough to think holistically and see truth if it doesn't fit your "racial victim theme of life theme"
Puh-leeze. You'll do it again because spewing racist bull$hit, making up lies and scouring the web for hours to find you tubes to remotely support your asinine claims gives your pathetic life meaning.
As Mack pointed out last, your type generally aren't even worth responding to but I do get a sick pleasure humiliating you and exposing your for the sorry racist loser that you are.
Remember one thing Anon-Goober.
If every black person disappeared from the planet tomorrow, your life will still be a waste.
Even more so because you won't have an entire race of people to scapegoat.
the cow says:
What terrifies No Slapzz is how similar their world view is to that of the Islamists.
Islam creates societal sewers wherever it goes. Nations that should be filled with extraordinarily prosperous citizens are populated by poor people who have little more than their fanatical religion. Women are slaves and freedom is non-existent.
On an earlier thread I demonstrated all the similarities between far-right conservatives like No Slapzz and the Tea Partiers (they don't call them the American Taliban for nothing) and the far-right Islamists like bin Laden and :l Zwahieri. Racism, Xenophobia, misogyny, creationism, hatred of altruism - it's all there and all the same.
Which Islamic nation would you most like to live in? Why?
That's the dichotomy for the likes of No slapzz, he secretly loves what extremist Islam stands for, but he hates them for not looking for him.
Inasmuch as I believe in the US Constitution and the Bill of Rights, it's impossible to make any sense of your moronic claim.
Freedom of speech, freedom of religion, plurality, equal rights, democracy, capitalism -- those are all ideals that matter to me. But Islam abhors all of them.
So to mask himself he throws up a smokescreen of lies and disinformation
The Quran and 1,400 years of Islamic history say it all.
- quoting the Sword Verses out of context, (and we could play the same game with the Christian bible if we were that shallow)
There are no Christian theocracies. No nation derives its constitution or body of laws from the Bible. Whereas every Islamic nation bases its constitution and laws on exactly what's in the Quran and Hadith.
or inventing this alternative history where Islam gave nothing to global culture.
If Einstein had not come up with his Theory of Relativity, another physicist working on the same problem would have reached the same conclusion sooner or later. Get it?
Muslims have contributed nothing of value to human knowledge for 1,000 years.
Anonymous said...
Now that you mention it, AB does kinda resemble a camel...
You should hear the camel-like sounds she makes when her girl sit on her face......
xxx letch assnon:
more on the sexist/homohaters that u evil vulgar christians fools inspire
As Mack pointed out last, your type generally aren't even worth responding to but I do get a sick pleasure humiliating you and exposing your for the sorry racist loser that you are.
Considering that each time you attempted to discuss an adult topic you were humiliated in your infantile view and clear lack of the most basic tenets of knowledge you must be pretty miserable overall, that explains it. Oh yes, your not stupid, the other guy is "waacist" right, the eternal victim.
Remember one thing Anon-Goober.
If every black person disappeared from the planet tomorrow, your life will still be a waste.
That is the last thing I would want. You misunderstand wanting permanent cradle to grave victims who blame the world like you do to stand up and be men and not live in wheelchairs and crutches for their entire lives simply not liking someone for something as stupid as a skin color or outer wrapping. No, thats your racist small IQ mentality. You are the type that blames everything and I mean everything on your skin color. Most just think you are a dumb selfish asshole, then when you add skin color in to help you hobble through life..... Ok, if you say so.
Even more so because you won't have an entire race of people to scapegoat.
Do you see how thoroughly you project again. You are the one who lives with using whites as scapegoats for every single thing you failed at in your life or even more disgusting for a lack of trying at all, it is sad. I do understand why you are so angry and hateful, but a little tough self assessment with some self tough love will change that. You may conquer your demons and feelings of inferiority by acknowledging your weaknesses, working on them and feeling like a man with some sense of accomplishment rather then dependancy.
Carry on Mr Coontastic, the rubber on your wheelchair is quite worn, you might consider replacing it. Or stop being a cripple.
clueless christian demon assnon:
cc that bs to
matthew shepard
sakia gunn
Murderous gaybashers exist and are religiously sanctioned in every human race. Yet, I remain convinced that racism and sexism combine to create a uniquely hot hatred of homosexuals within most black gaybashers globally. I have penned many columns, hosted countless talk radio shows, and engaged in heated debates with diverse friends on the subject of black gaybashers for decades. I have elaborated ad infinitum about precisely how racism and sexism combine and degenerate too many black men who regard themselves exclusively as life support systems for penises, and too many black women who regard themselves exclusively as concubines/breeders for these aforementioned black macho men.
This toxic combination of psychoses fashions turbo gaybashers in blackface, who passionately regard homosexuals as literal nullifiers of their very existences. Their twisted insecurities are expressed as fatal gaybashing/self-defense mechanisms in the paranoid and insane wars that their hatred fuels against sexual truths in general and homosexual persons in particular. Combine those toxins with the additional madness created by the oceans of blood awash upon the hands of droves of black pastors, who continue to preach lies about God and the bible to their mindless and robotic flocks. These evil and bigoted pseudo-christians truly regard gaybashing and murdering homosexuals as divine acts!!! Also, blend in the arrogant ignorance of uneducated masses who know and desire to know absolutely nothing about the universal scientific nature of homosexuality in literally every living species. All of these ancient ingredients mesh into a perfect and pervasive recipe for social poison that festers deep within the core of global black cultures and ferments into a potent emotional and psychic venom that is spewed by a diaspora of African gaybashers like legions of deadly cobras.
alicia banks said...
xxx letch assnon:
more on the sexist/homohaters that u evil vulgar christians fools inspire
Sorry but a whackjob attacks a center in 2009 and this is something that you are using to compare murderous Islam with christianity today and support your insane argument of same?
Are you capable of logic? Can't you answer the simple question previously posed. Did it ever occur to you that if you can not, then maybe your take is a little off base? Nah, that would be logical.
brain dead buybull loving assnon:
even camels are satiated geniuses compared to sex starved morons like you
carry on u demonic drone liar
jesus is watching u
that whack job was taught that women are whores like those who slandered mary m/eve etc in your buybull
and why do u homohating fools ignore the great gays in the buybull???
The same Hebrew word that is used in Genesis 2:24 to describe how Adam felt about Eve (and how spouses are supposed to feel toward each other) is used in Ruth 1:14 to describe how Ruth felt about Naomi. Her feelings are celebrated, not condemned.
And throughout Christian history, Ruth's vow to Naomi has been used to illustrate the nature of the marriage covenant. These words are often read at Christian wedding ceremonies and used in sermons to illustrate the ideal love that spouses should have for one another. The fact that these words were originally spoken by one woman to another tells us a lot about how God feels about same-gender relationships
At Jonathan’s funeral, David declares that he loved Jonathan more than any woman. This is just one of several Bible passages that describe and celebrate an intense love between these two men that went well beyond friendship.
u euro illiterate amoral buybull loving homohating nigs repulse me
and u even let racist white hypochristians pimp u into killing black gays in the name of your white god in africa & jamaica too
joe camel assnon:
bray on this!!!
Genesis 29:17-28 & II Samuel 3:2-5
Marriage in the United States shall consist of a union between one
man and one or more women.
II Samuel 5:13 & I Kings 11:3 & II Chronicles 11:21
Marriage shall not impede a man's right to take concubines in
addition to his wife or wives.
Deutoronomy 22:13-21
A marriage shall be considered valid only if the wife is a virgin. If
the wife is not a virgin, she shall be executed.
Genesis 24:3 & Numbers 25:1-9 & Ezra 9:12 & Nehemiah 10:30
Marriage between a believer and a nonbeliever shall be forbidden.
Genesis 38:6-10 & Deuteronomy 25:5-10
If a married man dies without children, his brother shall marry the
widow. If he refuses to marry his brother's widow or deliberately
does not give her children, he shall pay a fine of one shoe and be
otherwise punished in a manner to be determined by law.
Matthew 5:31-32 & Mark 10:4
Divorced people may not remarry without being considered adulterers.
Adulterers shall be stoned to death.
Leviticus 20:10
And the man that committeth adultery with another man's wife, even he that committeth adultery with his neighbour's wife, the adulterer and the adulteress shall surely be put to death
Relax, AB. Maybe you should consider switching to a slightly smaller butt plug.
sinful evil illiterate assnon:
fill that huge hole in your head and howl about this:
Matthew 7:5
Thou hyypocrite, first cast out the beam out of thine own eye; and then shalt thou see clearly to cast out the mote out of thy brother's eye.
Romans 13:9
For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
John 8:7
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her.
A chief economist today announced that we are on the verge of a Great, Great Depression.
CNBC reported:
Wall Street is having a hard time figuring out what to do now that the U.S. economy appears to be sputtering and yields are so low, Peter Yastrow, market strategist for Yastrow Origer, told CNBC.
“What we’ve got right now is almost near panic going on with money managers and people who are responsible for money,” he said. “They can not find a yield and you just don’t want to be putting your money into commodities or things that are punts that might work out or they might not depending on what happens with the economy.
“We need to find real yield and real returns on these assets. You see bad data, you see Treasurys rally, you see all bonds and all fixed-income rally and then the people who are betting against the U.S. economy start getting bearish on stocks. That’s a huge mistake.”
Stocks extended losses after the manufacturing fell below expectations in May and the private sector added only 38,000 jobs during the month.
“Interest rates are amazingly low and that, thanks to Ben Bernanke, is driving everything,” Yastrow said. “We’re on the verge of a great, great depression. The [Federal Reserve] knows it.
Obama is the worst jobs president we've had since the great depression.More than 40 million people are receiving food stamps,which is a record.
Only 38,000 private sector jobs created in May.
Negros are rioting all over America.
Yet negros are cheering a Obama re-election.SAD.
The $14 BILLION losss does NOT include the cost to taxpayers of covering the pension and post retirement medical bills of existing GM retirees.
Govt to lose $14B of auto bailout
WASHINGTON – The Obama administration said Wednesday that the government will lose about $14 billion in taxpayer funds from the bailout of the U.S. auto industry.
In a report from the president's National Economic Council, officials said that figure is down from the 60 percent the Treasury Department originally estimated the government would lose following its $80 billion bailout of Chrysler and General Motors in 2009.
slapnuts posts:
A chief economist today announced that we are on the verge of a Great, Great Depression.
Spreading fear is always a favorite pastime of reporters and media nitwits.
Things are only as bad as Obama wants them to be. We can crank up the job machine by opening oil and gas drilling everywhere in the US where oil and gas are found and easily accessible.
That would create thousands and thousands of direct high paying jobs and many more thousands of jobs tied to the energy industry.
By opening the door to more energy jobs, the government can cut the cost of the idiotic tax credits that support the solar and wind industries.
By ending the tariff on imported ethanol and buying ethanol from Brazil, we can lower food prices. Why? Becasue instead of diverting corn to ethanol production, it would return to its historical role as animal feed and as food for humans -- at lower prices.
Naomi Campbell is only in the news when she changes boyfriends or makes a public scene over the nonsense in her life.
Thus, she will have no luck suing for libel. Her reputation was not impaired by the chocolate comment.
"Do you see how thoroughly you project again. You are the one who lives with using whites as scapegoats for every single thing you failed at in your life or even more disgusting for a lack of trying at all, it is sad. I do understand why you are so angry and hateful, but a little tough self assessment with some self tough love will change that. You may conquer your demons and feelings of inferiority by acknowledging your weaknesses, working on them and feeling like a man with some sense of accomplishment rather then dependancy."
So do you believe that the current state of the black community is the complete and total fault of blacks themselves? And do you believe that whites have had absolutely nothing to do with the current state of the black community and feel as though they are being unfairly scapegoated for previous wrongs that are "in the past"? I have to ask, because it seems you've become quite the apologist for whites regardless of how their actions shaped history.
A long running theme that people tend to ignore is how the black community manages to pick itself up and thrives on its own, only for the untimely and antagonistic intervention of white jealousy and supremacy to knock it back on its ass again. You've seen it shortly after Reconstruction. You've seen it in Rosewood and in Tulsa's Greenwood section (aka Black Wall Street). Blacks with economic power can parlay that into political and social power, which would make themselves and their demands heard and geniunely scare the living daylights out of white people.
The above is all well and good, but it's spoken from a viewpoint of someone who's already got their shit together and is disgusted how his compatriots haven't gotten theirs up to par yet. And I also have a feeling that when you say you want them to "acknowledging their weaknesses", you really want them to admit failure and prostrate themselves at the feet of their white and black conservative counterparts. It's analogous to a runaway slave "realizing" he can't make it on his own and returning to his master's house, chains in hand.
When certain people hint at there being "nothing good about being black", they want blacks to cast their heads downward in perpetual self-defeat, hoping that such an attitude will eventually lead blacks to returning to the quiet, cowed and subservient roles America had planned out for them, and barring that, to the self-extinction of blacks in America.
"You a dolla short and an hour late, just like a coon. The case was settled and now the fraud has been exposed and is being challenged your to late to get TAXPAYER money. It is money people worked for that was taken by the governement to give to pathetic weak frauds like you.
You might want to try the settlment claims for BP. Many a black folk who never even heard of fishing are making relief claims. Just like in Pigsford, its all good they don't check anything anyway on your :gubn'ment application and if they do check just tell dem it racist."
It's the desire to deny blacks any monetary aid, for fear that it would not only take away from more deserving whites' monetary aid, it would also make these very Negros "lazy", combined with the fear of being defrauded by hordes of Negros looking to jump on the free money train. It's color-aroused paranoia at it's finest.
"That is the last thing I would want. You misunderstand wanting permanent cradle to grave victims who blame the world like you do to stand up and be men and not live in wheelchairs and crutches for their entire lives simply not liking someone for something as stupid as a skin color or outer wrapping. No, thats your racist small IQ mentality. You are the type that blames everything and I mean everything on your skin color. Most just think you are a dumb selfish asshole, then when you add skin color in to help you hobble through life..... Ok, if you say so."
"Carry on Mr Coontastic, the rubber on your wheelchair is quite worn, you might consider replacing it. Or stop being a cripple."
I think we can do without the scathing insults. It's the last refuge of a person who doesn't know how to directly refute another person's points.
Uptownsteve isn't using his skin color to somehow "hobble through life", as you put it. He's noting the double standards and economic/social barriers faced by blacks on a daily basis, and apparently what he's saying makes you highly uncomfortable, to the point where you would openly attack him for his views. You believe blacks like Uptownsteve make the entire black ethnicity look "bad", presumably because whites keep telling you your fellow blacks keep doing things to make the entire group look "bad". After all, you are not like those other Negros, are you?
Negro exceptionalism, at it's finest. If only Steve would behave himself and drive his fellow Negros to follow suit so they won't look so bad in front of the white folk....
anon10:18am "Funny no one here bothers to mention what a bitch Campbell is:"
I mentioned how "capricious" she is. I wanted to soften all of the obvious abusive things she has done to people, including the cops. I didn't want LAA, Desertweed, and AB coming after me. They have been known to lay out a poor fair-minded brother. Have you seen what they do to UTS on a "daily" basis? The weird thing is UTS keeps coming back for more. I think he might have a 'mild' case of masochism.
I don't like getting my ass kicked. But since you have graciously and factually "listed" all the shit Naomi has done to people, you have given me the couragae to say, "the woman is off-the-hook and a bitch".
Thanks bro...keep comin back! Of course if you are female, that explains your courageous heart.
Opening up more areas in the U.S. for drilling may create a few more jobs, but it isn't going to be the great stimulus for the economy that you believe it will be. The tradeoff for expanded drilling will be further negative consequences for the environment, especially in areas with fragile ecosystems.
"By ending the tariff on imported ethanol and buying ethanol from Brazil, we can lower food prices. Why? Becasue instead of diverting corn to ethanol production, it would return to its historical role as animal feed and as food for humans -- at lower prices."
One of the few things I agree with you on.
ab@12:34p-re: Judeo-Christian Bible, all I can say about what you posted is WOW!, and thank you. You really know your stuff.
"Romans 13:9
For this, Thou shalt not commit adultery, Thou shalt not kill, Thou shalt not steal, Thou shalt not bear false witness, Thou shalt not covet; and if there be any other commandment, it is briefly comprehended in this saying, namely, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself."
I am confused about this one because there has been so much controversy about the Commandments not only in school, but with the average joe as well, who smirks with contempt at them.
If the Commandments are so important to living harmoniously with our fellow human beings, as well as spiritually with a Higher Power, why do Americans piss on the Commandments with scorn?
Virgin checks is something mitt would do if he was elected.Does mitt do virgin checks on his sister wives?
Naomi Campbell has every right to be pissed of.Why do wite goobers like comparing us dark skinned women to food?Is it because wites have penis the size of a fish stick?
The great depression was what we have been in since bush stole the election in 2000.Goobers can't stand the fact that Obama has made us stronger and the summer will be recovery summer on the way to a fall victory for Obama.
The texas hillbillies are no longer in the whitehouse.It makes fox nation sad.Your president is black.Your women love him.
amen & ditto!!!
i hate hypocrites juat as jesus hated the money changers in the temples....
greedy sinful amoral evil lewd bastards like eddie long
who still collect tithes and spread lies to this day
too many fools use their dusty unread unopened buybulls as exclusive primers for hatred/sunday fashion show accesories...
it is a beautiful book that i study as deeply as all others
and that i expertly wield as a more lethal weapon than all of the illiterate fools who dare to use it as a weapon against me
not a single commandment says
"hate gays/women" etc
"For me, its just one of the great mysteries of the universe: how so many people can revere the Bible and think that it is God’s inspired revelation to his people, and yet know so little about it.
…just as I came to see the Bible as a very human book, I came to see Christianity as a very human religion. It did not descend from on high. It was created, down here on earth, among the followers of Jesus in the decades and centuries after his death.
In the South, it is true, more people revere the Bible than read it…For most Christians [in other parts of the world], Christian faith is about believing in Christ and worshipping God through him. It is not about belief in the Bible."
More of Labi's lyrics to another one of my favorite songs entitled
"School Days":
School days
I learned your dates and numbers
that you were civilized
and I, I was your burden
School days
I learned about your victories
The valor and the glory that was yours
And I, the heathen, had to hide
'Cause God was on your side
You never told me
the thief came in the night
and stole my birth right
You never told me
the empire you built then
was founded on the bodies of my murdered brethren
You taught me to despise me, seen through your eyes
But, now I clearly see
the lies you call your history
School days
You taught me with your movies
the red man was no man at all
he could not hold his alcohol
the black man likes to sing and dance
but does not have intelligence
School days
You said my sins would be forgiven
If truly I repented, you'd wash my sins away, your way
but, you have not repented
You are just the same
You never told me
that Jesus was a Jew
and, still, you swear His hair was fair,
His eyes were baby blue
You taught me to despise me, seen through your eyes
But, now I clearly see
the lies you call your history
School days
School days
School days
School days...
Yes, there is the new book out by two noted authors about how things on greedy and uncontrolled Wall Street are even worse than before, with a bigger crisis waiting to happen under the Obama administration.
There's only one word to describe those authors: according to you negroes, they must be raciss to be criticizing his O-ness.
There never was such an unprincipled, bootlicking bunch as you black-racist negroes.
hey molded moron:
cc that racist bs to all of the wm corp oil moguls who own the blackish hobama
start with bp
Uptownsteve isn't using his skin color to somehow "hobble through life", as you put it. He's noting the double standards and economic/social barriers faced by blacks on a daily basis, and apparently what he's saying makes you highly uncomfortable, to the point where you would openly attack him for his views. You believe blacks like Uptownsteve make the entire black ethnicity look "bad", presumably because whites keep telling you your fellow blacks keep doing things to make the entire group look "bad". After all, you are not like those other Negros, are you?
Quite the contrary Mack. There is no open discussion with UTS and folks like him may want to stop throwing the first punch each and every time if they wish to have a civil discussion. Everything and I mean everything immediately denigrates into the cause of skin color once you disagree with his infantile views. When you begin to discuss them he immediately gets out his list of excuses on crutches ignores the facts presented and uses his main line "racist loser" "POS Racist Goober" and on and on.
Am I asking him to stop, nope. I don't have crutches if that is what he does and who he is then I will deal with it accordingly. His choice, Although I prefer not to, I can certainly play in the mud too.
Negro exceptionalism, at it's finest. If only Steve would behave himself and drive his fellow Negros to follow suit so they won't look so bad in front of the white folk....
Now this is just plain drivel. Your using the race crutches too. If a man can't stand behind his beliefs either from not having enough knowledge or just being arrogant and be held accountable for who he is and represents and the things he says then shame on him for using his "racial crutches" to say such silly things as "negroes looking good in front of white folk"...yeah sure that's what it all boils down to when you look at the failed state of the economy and things like that uh-huh.
Anonymous said...
Virgin checks is something mitt would do if he was elected.Does mitt do virgin checks on his sister wives?
You sound hopeful? But I don't get it, you are a white male schoolboy. Are you looking for some backdoor action?
AB a dozen posts later and a whole bunch of nonsense (do you really think anyone who has a brain does not know the old bible has some crazy things in it? The whole world was a little different back then, your ancestors were eating each other, not like you do today as a lezbean but literally eating each other. Should we qoute that and apply to you today?
It is amazing you can't answer a simple question yet write so much other drivel. I guess the attempt to use thinking would set your braided weave on fire.
Let's try again and try not to wussy out again.
If you walked into a protestant, baptist, catholic church and told them you were a lesbian who needed food and shelter what would happen?
If you walked into lets say a black run society with muslims practicing sharia law - you know Islam let's say Somalia and said the same thing ---what would happen? The reason I picked black run is because in any other sharia compliant arab nation you would not be human and not even have a chance to talk to the arab men.
illiterate assnon:
scan up
u missed a lot of posts about those savage gaybashing black churches that fellow evil black homohating savages like u revere
cc your selective evasive bs here:
read more about homohating homos in black churches here
cannibal coon clueless dl homohating "christian" mf:
nero fed your evil cousins to my fellow lions
and u made them puke then just as u sicken me now...
each post u spew
proves that muslims have nothing on filthy foolish sexist racist haters like u
thanks 4 that u evil eunuch!!!!
sexless senseless sexist racist homohating homo assnon:
1. There is no word for homosexuality in the original, ancient Hebrew text. The bible makes NO reference to homosexuals as we know them today, nor as they exist in every living species.
From The Church and the Homosexual: “Malakoi and arsenokotai are not synonymous with homosexual. The former were simply debauched individuals, and the latter were probably male prostitutes or those given to anal intercourse, which is not necessarily or exclusively homosexual activity.”
From The Good Book: “The King James version of the 1611 text makes no mention of homosexuality or any of its cognates. The first use of the term in an English bible is to be found in the Revised Standard of 1946.”
2. The story of Sodom and Gomorrah has NOTHING to do with homosexuality. You will not even find the word “homosexual” in any version of this text. The angels came to destroy the city BEFORE they met the evil mob. Lot offers his virgin daughters to that same mob. Later, these same girls rape Lot. Lot’s wife was destroyed. If this story condemns homosexuality, then it also condones incest and gang rape. And, Lot’s wife was a lesbian. NONE of which is true.
From The Good Book: “The Hebrew verb “to know” is rarely used in a sexual sense. It occurs 943 times in the Old Testament and in only 10 of those does it have the sense of carnal knowledge. Sodom is referred to throughout the Old Testament as a place of wickedness and is synonymous with it. But, nowhere does it state that homosexuality was the wickedness in question...Sodomite refers almost exclusively to a male prostitute...to say that homosexual conduct is wrong because the bible says it is, is not to answer, but to dismiss the question....Sex can be productive without being reproductive. Homosexual rape is never to be condoned. It is indeed, like heterosexual rape, an abomination before God. David’s sin of adultery with Bathsheba does not make all heterosexual expressions sinful!”
From The Bible, Ezekiel 17:48-50: “The Lord says ‘Your sister Sodom’s sins were pride and laziness and too much food. While the poor and needy suffered outside her door, she insolently worshipped many idols as I watched. Therefore, I crushed her.’”
From What the Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “The sin of Sodom was abuse and offense to strangers-insult to the traveler, inhospitality to the needy. The story is no more about sex than it is about pounding on someone’s front door. The bible offers NO valid conclusion whatsoever about homosexuality.”
3. Leviticus, Romans, and Corinthians all refer to “unnatural sex” for HETEROSEXUALS. It is NATURAL for HOMOSEXUALS to engage in homosexual sex.(Also see WHAT IS REAL SEX herein.) Yet, heterosexuals sin daily as gay prostitutes, porno film stars, lewd voyeurs, prison rapists, etc....
From The Good Book: “In Romans...Paul did not discuss gay persons but heterosexual people who performed homosexual acts. To suggest that Paul’s references to excesses of sexual indulgence, involving homosexual behavior, are indicative of a general position in opposition to same-sex eroticism, is as unfounded as arguing that his condemnation of drunkeness implies opposition to the drinking of wine. In Corinthians 1:7, Paul discusses the conjugal relations that ought to obtain between christian husbands and wives. For those whom celibacy was too high a price, he issued his famous edict that it was ‘better to marry than to burn’- not in hell. But with desire for the satisfaction of sex. Nowhere does he mention the sole purpose of such conjugality is the procreation of children.”
4. In Levitcus, homosexuality is an abomination not because it is inherently evil, but because the Gentiles do it. It is, therefore, ritually impure.
From What The Bible Really Says About Homosexuality: “Leviticus condemns sex as a religious crime of idolatry-not as a sexual offense. Romans suggest that sex acts have no ethical significance whatsoever. Corinthians and Timothy object to specific forms of male prostitution.These books do not refer to homosexuality. They make a general condemnation of moral looseness, lewd, lustful, and lascivious behavior.”
stupid dl nig asson:
tragic u do not read
if u racist fools read your buybulls
it would free your hateful gay minds
and if u illiterate racist mfs read a book about hobama
u would see that he is a WORSE clone of that wm gwb too
Here are a few excerpts from “Their Own Receive Them Not: African American Lesbians & Gays in Black Churches”:
“There is a striking irony that African American Christians are so uncritical of Paul’s writing about homosexual activity but have maintained a critical attitude or simple rejection of Paul’s instructions on slavery.
African American Christians, like other Christians, ‘treat so literally the references to homosexual practice in the Bible, while at the same time they interpret biblical texts on almost every other topic with considerable flexibility and non-literalness.’
…what is perceived as natural does indeed change over time
‘love the sinner, hate the sin’. Many find this perspective illogical. They argue if same-sex attraction or expression is what makes the person gay, then what is being loved? With sexuality being an inextricable part of one’s being, the popular saying has as much success in reality as loving brown-eyed people while hating brown eyes.
I regard sin as those behaviors that violate, destroy, and abuse our fellow human beings and our relationships with them. In this respect, homosexuality does not belong in the category of sin any more than heterosexuality does.
Much of black heterosexuals’ antihomosexual sentiment exists as a means of countering the perception of black sexuality being perverse…
…we know that lesbians and gays can and do reflect the same Christian moral character found in heterosexuals.
…most gay men and lesbians were not raped and are not rapists.
No reputable scientific study concludes that homosexuality is a choice and can be overcome.
…black Christians will recognize that the mire of homosexuality debates threaten our measure to be faithful Christians for the poor, the infirm, the imprisoned, and those suffering from violence.”
illiterate assnon:
scan up
u missed a lot of posts about those savage gaybashing black churches that fellow evil black homohating savages like u revere
Anon forget it, it is hopeless. AB can't answer the question. It beyond her to be truthful.
cc your selective evasive bs here:
Wow, six more posts filled with jibber jabber all just to evade answering one simple question. Never mind. Your inability or unwillingness to just be straighforward and honest is answer enough.
Hope you like Sharia Law and good luck.
jibber jabber jizmless joker assnon:
we see u fool
even if u ignore what u claim to wish to read
jiving jibbering jabbering java the faceless mutt assnon:
ps u yapping evil dog:
pretending you do not see a bullet shot to your dumb dome
will never stop your fatal bleeding....
u r fatally gushing u goofy godless goon
alicia banks said...
jiving jibbering jabbering java the faceless mutt assnon:
ps u yapping evil dog:
pretending you do not see a bullet shot to your dumb dome
will never stop your fatal bleeding....
u r fatally gushing u goofy godless goon
Ha-Ha I think someone has issues :)
Will somebody please step up and sacrifice a digit and stick a finger in the Dyke a lot of air is escaping today.
Oh no 10 more AB supplied links to follow.
alicia banks said...
stupid dl nig asson:
tragic u do not read
if u racist fools read your buybulls
it would free your hateful gay minds
and if u illiterate racist mfs read a book about hobama
u would see that he is a WORSE clone of that wm gwb too
I think if'n you din't like da hoochie you might be a nun. Cause wit dat face you sure aint gettin nun unless someone squat over it to hide it.
AB's face ain't nothing but a portable bidet.
faceless proudly illiterate unholy uneducated poster coon assnon:
anyone who doubts that nigs hate to read
only need to see u fools who fret over links u never even read....why???
ignore them...do not hate on those who do read/link/research just because you never do!!!
mack lyons writes:
The tradeoff for expanded drilling will be further negative consequences for the environment, especially in areas with fragile ecosystems.
EVERYTHING comes with a price. EVERYTHING. Meanwhile, oil drilling does not tear up the countryside like open-pit mining.
Moreover, who cares? Reclamation -- restorting the land to its former condition after the subterranean goods have been removed -- is another source of jobs, and the cost of those jobs is part of the price of the natural resource that's been extracted.
In any case, I can accept a little mess here and there in exchange for high-paying jobs for Workers.
On the other hand, you seem more interested in making the world a better place for plants and animals. Sorry. Humans living today -- right now -- are much, much more important.
bidetless bookless brainless toilet troll assnon:
flush your FELLED foolish ghostface as u exit!
buh bye now
A book of FICTION mixed with a few useful parables.
It is the work of many people who knew nothing about science and math. It was written by people who made outlandish and outrageous claims about events that never happened.
It is a book written by a lot of people who had personal agendas.
Fortunately, our Constitution and Bill of Rights are not derived from the Bible.
Islam, on the other hand, bases everything on the Quran. Muslims and their Islamic theocracies believe the Quran is the Infallible Word of the insane god and his equally insane prophet.
As the world knows, that's a problem.
The stock market, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average, dropped by about 280 points today.
The recent weakness expresses the belief of investors that Obama is getting it wrong.
The US is going to print more money, which means the dollar loses value.
The jobs report was HORRIBLE.
In other words, Obama and his economic team have no idea how to stimulate the economy.
They could open all the areas of easy-access oil to drillers. That would kill two birds with one stone. But noooo, Obama wants to pretend he can reduce US oil consumption by giving tax-payer funded deals to makers of electric cars.
How many Chevy Volts were sold in May?
GM sold about 500 in April. I'll bet the number was 300 in May. However, the number might be skewed because apparently Chevy dealers found a way to skim some benefits for their dealerships by having a few Volts around.
Anyway, the Volt is a total bust. A flop. A $41,000 golf cart.
bookless brain dead uneducated mangy fertile turbo breeding alley cat/the vdlr:
u lie like hobama!!!
I adore books. I am a voracious reader. I have read at least five books a week since I was six years old. At 45, libraries and books house the very same magic that they did when I was a child.
I am an eternal learner who prefers to study non-fiction. Scholarship is my greatest intellectual obsession. Biblical scholarship is my primary passion of choice.
I study the bible incessantly as a uniquely complex and infinitely interesting book of contradictory and elaborate myths and historical fables. No more. No less. Ever. The bible is merely a book. It is a great and timelessly entertaining book penned by human men who injected their own human suspicions, superstitions, bigotries, and beliefs into its voluminous pages.
Ironically, those who loudly quote the bible most frequently have never even read it. They are lobotomized sheeple who chant erroneous mantras mangled by pastors who are even more illiterate and ignorant than they are. They religiously regurgitate the biblical myths and lies that they have been told. Most hypochristians use their bible exclusively as a primer for hatreds. It is used expressly to condone their abuse of women or homosexuals.
Any functionally literate person who actually reads the bible can never believe that it is the word of God! The bible has countless translations, editions, and copyright dates. As religious beliefs changed, the authors of the bible edited its contents accordingly. Yet, religions have constantly caused more evil and murder on earth than any other ingredient in human life.
to the vdlr and all of her illiterate evil sinful clones herein:
until jesus blesses u all with the gift/s of reading/research...
you mindless pointless linkless drones will CONTINUE to be cursed by my holy slayings herein.
may god bless u with a book asap!)
start here:
In this slim but provocative volume, leftist writer and filmmaker Ali takes President Barack Obama to task for his first 18 months in office, arguing that despite the president's rhetoric of change, little distinguishes his administration from the Bush-Cheney White House. Ali's condemnation of Obama is sweeping, extending from foreign policy and the war on terror to financial, health care, and education reform on the domestic front. In prose that is crisp and inflammatory, and at times laden with sarcasm, Ali effectively makes the case that Obama has thus far fallen short of many of his campaign promises. Where the author treads on thinner ice is his assertion that Obama's intent has never been to implement reform. Far from being a progressive, Ali alleges, Obama is a "skillful and gifted machine politician" who uses "sonorous banality" and "armor-plated hypocrisy" to achieve his "imperial" aims. Ali's incendiary language may be off-putting to some readers, and Obama supporters may find the book vexing, if not outright deflating, but there is no doubting Ali's gifts as a polemicist, or the book's potential to rouse controversy in the run-up to the midterm elections.
Think on this, the only reason that no_slappz and anonymous keep up the disparaging of blacks is because they feel a threat to the economic and political base of wealthy whites—a black man is in the White House. Therefore, they feel a need to drag out all of those old stereotypes that they used in the past to justify slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination and all of the other atrocious horrors that were committed by greedy wealthy whites towards people of color. In other words, their whole game plan has been to hoard the wealth and opportunities.
Another thing that no_slappz and anonymous like to keep bringing up is the "model minority," which is another division tactic that has grown worn out and tired. A positive stereotype is more damaging than negatives one because it is like a snake hiding in the bush or under a rock. It’s still poison and will bite. Yet, let too many of those "model minorities" start surpassing them in economic and political power and that's when a bigot’s true nature will float to the top and all of a sudden those "model minorities" are not so great anymore and the fault-finding begins.
When I say people of color, I am referring to ALL ethnic color groups. They did not treat poor whites any better because they had white slaves picking cotton too, and poor whites were not all indentured servants, but they leave that part out of history because it enables them to use poor and middleclass whites as a weapon against other ethnic groups. However, the wealthy white elite do not care about them either because once again the positive stereotypes come into play to keep them under control.
In the beginning, greedy whites had positive comments about blacks and Native Americans too. That is until, they wanted the Native American’s land, to exploit blacks for free labor, and their silly fear of extinction of whites through interracial relationships.
They tried to expand colonialism into Mexico's land too, but that did not work because they were slaughtered at the Alamo. Nevertheless, they did steal California using the Catholic Missions as a tool to help exploit and kill them and those shady land deal laws that America is famous for.
What tops the cake is the fact, those early European, hypocrite founding fathers, and settlers called themselves escaping the King’s control and the greed that they accused him of to become the spitting image of what they called themselves trying to escape and are too blind to see it.
Moreover, they’ve used stereotypes to exploit all common people to fight their battle for their own greedy causes just like the wars we have going now. The reason they brought in the military to use against college students back in the 60s was that they had begun to stand united.
I'm signing off. Bye
"There is no open discussion with UTS and folks like him may want to stop throwing the first punch each and every time if they wish to have a civil discussion. Everything and I mean everything immediately denigrates into the cause of skin color once you disagree with his infantile views."
This coming from the moron who openly claimed that all you have to do is be black and submit a claim and you will either get a USDA check or a BP settlement!!!??!
You can't make this $hit up!
Uh, oh. Looks like ole Anthony Weiner has started crawfishing.....not he says, "well, maybe it WAS a picture of his weiner, but HE certainly didn't send it to that girl!"
Ah, it was only yesterday all the Dumbocrats were calling it all a "smear campaign" on this blog.....remember?
Maybe the only smear was in his underwear.
Weiner sent a pic of his weiner to the wrong person.
Where's the news there? I thought that from the very beginning BEFORE I heard he was a dumbocrat.
Hey, I am a devout christian and follower of Rev. Bishop, now let me just bend over...
Preach it Granny, PREACH!!!
Chocolate is a wonderful thing and we all love it. But I don't feel it should be used to describe a people. Just don't.<<
How about a tall glass of water?
Or comparing an attribute to coffee--strong, dark and black?
There was an ad for Blackglama with showed Dina Ross (and other celebs of all ethncities). There fact that this ad was from the '70s certainly makes it memorable, but not racist.
I prefer Green and Black's chocolates, but I won't be boycotting Cadbury over this cell phone hurler.
Naomi needs to calm down.
slappz, "The stock market, as measured by the Dow Jones Industrial Average, dropped by about 280 points today.
The recent weakness expresses the belief of investors that Obama is getting it wrong."
You are wrong. It's a sign that the end of the world is near. Harold Camping has calculated it WITH MATH AND SCIENCE. Tornadoes, earthquakes, weird weather all point to Camping's calculation of the Rapture, which you know nothing about. It is clear what is going to happen to you on Judgment Day.
Dr.Queen said...
Weiner sent a pic of his weiner to the wrong person.
Why couldn't Weiner tell the truth...weiner has jungle fever.
Did FN ever blog about what Paris hilton thinks about black guys?
Suprised it didn't get more play in the media.
Paris must be a Democrat.
AB, "Any functionally literate person who actually reads the bible can never believe that it is the word of God! The bible has countless translations, editions, and copyright dates. As religious beliefs changed, the authors of the bible edited its contents accordingly. Yet, religions have constantly caused more evil and murder on earth than any other ingredient in human life."
My God, ab...how can you say the Bible was created by humans? Are you saying there is no God? Are you saying there are no good pastors and priests on the planet? What about the Pope and Cardinals at the Vatican? They ALL have been ordained according to God's LAW.
What about 7th Day Adventists? Surely they know the Bible is God inspired!
Slappz is a great sinner who has not studied the Torrah(Old Testament) and has never had a spiriutal experience. He worships the hating ego. When you are on your death bed, you will be asking for mercy but none will come.
Hey I grew up in Bournville, so there will be no dissing of Cadbury's on my watch.
No Slapzz, your defense of Islamophobia was lame even by your own lamentable standards.
But you knew that already.
uptownsteve said...
"There is no open discussion with UTS and folks like him may want to stop throwing the first punch each and every time if they wish to have a civil discussion. Everything and I mean everything immediately denigrates into the cause of skin color once you disagree with his infantile views."
This coming from the moron who openly claimed that all you have to do is be black and submit a claim and you will either get a USDA check or a BP settlement!!!??!
You can't make this $hit up!
My statements are made from observations of facts.
You can not claim you have been discriminated against as a black farmer unless you claim you are black right? Check.
I gave you proof in all those links, pigsford scandal is being investigated due to obvious fraudelent claims and absolutely no vetting whatsoever of applications. Check
The original black farmer discrimination case "Pigford vs. Glickman" was won in 1999 for 400 black farmers. The government agreed to pay each of them as much as $50,000 to settle their claims.
But then on February 23, 2010, something shocking happened in relation to that original judgment: In total silence, the USDA agreed to release more funds to "Pigford."
The amount was a staggering - $1.25 billion. This was because the original number of plaintiffs - 400 black farmers had now swollen, in a class action suit, to include a total of 86,000 black farmers throughout America .
There was only one teensy problem: The United States of America doesn't have 86,000 black farmers!
According to accurate and totally verifiable Official USDA 2007 Census census data, the total number of black farmers throughout America is only 39,697. By the Official USDA 1992 Census data the US had only 18,816 black farmers!
So tell me now, how is Brietbart or anyone else racist for pointing out this corruption and staggering theft? What are your thoughts seeing as how you originally weren't aware of the corruption and claimed Sherrod was framed and there should be an investigation. There is an investigation and they found this fraud, so brietbart was right. And....
Btw, the Muslim Ukrainian Beauty contestant wasn't stoned to death because of Shia Law or on behalf of Muslim beliefs. She was stoned and possibly raped by Bihal Gaziev a (white Euro) 16 year old boy who may have killed her because she turned down his advances.
They also claim that he's mentally disturbed. Notice that when whites commit heinous crimes there is always that given courtesy of "mental illness" as an excuse.
Sharon, you are stupid, If I walked up to and said hey my chocolate bunny sistah you would be pissed. Especially if a were white.
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