It must really suck to be the most famous birther, Mr. Bad Hair, these days. Has anyone heard from him lately? I am afraid that my man might be thinking about jumping from one of his towers. Donald, I hope your timing in business isn't as bad as your timing in politics, because, if it is, I am sure that there are some very nervous bankers out there. Thank you Kevin Allen, for confirming what we have long suspected.
Staying with the birther theme; I see that my Indian American friend down in Bayou country is having some birth certificate issues of his own. What goes around comes around Bobby. I am sure you were born in A-merry-ca, but, as a child of immigrants, you might need to be a bit more sensitive with this issue in the future.
Finally, speaking of stuff coming back to bite you; it seems that the folks in the Cairo, Illinois area are experiencing a little bad karma these days. You remember those folks, right? They were the ones that had that public lynching of Will "Froggy" James back in 1907. And they were the ones who chose to put cement over their municipal pool before they let you Negroes swim in it.
So anywhoo, we fast forward fifty years or so and now Cairo is a town made up of mostly you Negroes. It is a poor town, but you Negroes chose to stay there, because, let's face it, where else were you going to go?
Here comes the mighty Mississippi, and rather than flood out the town of Cairo and its Negroes, the Army Corp of Engineers decided to blow up a levee and flood out valuable farmland belonging to white folks to save you Negroes in Cairo. The horror!
As is to be expected, some folks were not pleased. "What? Flood valuable farmland to save a bunch of Nig...I mean Negroes?" I am paraphrasing here, but that was Missouri's republican speaker of the house weighing in on the subject. Wait, I have a direct quote, let me give it to you:
"Missouri's Republican House Speaker Steve Tilley was asked by reporters about the dilemma. "Would you rather have Missouri farmland flooded or Cairo underwater?" Tilley is asked.
Without hesitation, he replies, "Cairo. I’ve been there. Trust me. Cairo.” [Source]
Staying with the birther theme; I see that my Indian American friend down in Bayou country is having some birth certificate issues of his own. What goes around comes around Bobby. I am sure you were born in A-merry-ca, but, as a child of immigrants, you might need to be a bit more sensitive with this issue in the future.
Finally, speaking of stuff coming back to bite you; it seems that the folks in the Cairo, Illinois area are experiencing a little bad karma these days. You remember those folks, right? They were the ones that had that public lynching of Will "Froggy" James back in 1907. And they were the ones who chose to put cement over their municipal pool before they let you Negroes swim in it.
So anywhoo, we fast forward fifty years or so and now Cairo is a town made up of mostly you Negroes. It is a poor town, but you Negroes chose to stay there, because, let's face it, where else were you going to go?
Here comes the mighty Mississippi, and rather than flood out the town of Cairo and its Negroes, the Army Corp of Engineers decided to blow up a levee and flood out valuable farmland belonging to white folks to save you Negroes in Cairo. The horror!
As is to be expected, some folks were not pleased. "What? Flood valuable farmland to save a bunch of Nig...I mean Negroes?" I am paraphrasing here, but that was Missouri's republican speaker of the house weighing in on the subject. Wait, I have a direct quote, let me give it to you:
"Missouri's Republican House Speaker Steve Tilley was asked by reporters about the dilemma. "Would you rather have Missouri farmland flooded or Cairo underwater?" Tilley is asked.
Without hesitation, he replies, "Cairo. I’ve been there. Trust me. Cairo.” [Source]
I have never been there Mr. Tilley, but I think I know what you saw.
You know Obama is going to look out for "his people".
Screw whitey....
There are few parallels between Allen and Obama. Aside from race and U of Chicago Law, there is nothing.
Trump thought Allen was overqualified, whereas he thinks Obama is not qualified.
Is Trump a racist? My instinct tells me a qualified "yes." However, unless a person makes a declaration, you never know what is in a man's heart.
"Allen, a Wharton Business School grad, Emory MBA, and University of Chicago law graduate, was "fired" from the show after Trump criticized his "unbelievable education," and numerous degrees from elite universities".
Well, well, well, what have we here? Another barely educated Chump critical of a Black person who's very educated.
Hmmmmmm....now where have I seen THIS before?
Here's a clue. NOT at Georgetown University, LOL!!!
Those white folk are just posturing. The flooding will enrich the white folks land with silt deposits; after the flood, they will have bumper crops and make a lots of money.
Money; on top of the money they will get because their land was flooded by the govmint.
As for the po', po' coloured Negroes of Cairo IL are concerned; tell them to stop fucking and making all dem no-daddy having babies.
Mayhap den dey cane afford to leave Cairo IL.
Not fuck'em; motherfuck 'em.
Donald Trump: The Rise and Flameout of a Presidential Run
Published: May 09, 2011 @ 3:38 pm
Donald Trump's 2012 presidential run appears to be over before it even began, thanks to a devastating series of events that culminated in the killing of terrorist mastermind Osama bin Laden.
How did the Donald go from the GOPs latest Great White, Rich and Middle-Aged Hope to a has-been in just a few short weeks? Read on for a timeline of Trump's flameout.
October 2010: Trump lets slip that he's mulling a presidential run while receiving an honorary degree in Scotland, presumably conducting a straw poll of people who can't vote for him.
January 12, 2011: Trump makes his presidential intentions officially known in his own homeland (we're assuming -- we haven't seen his birth certificate), telling Fox personality Sean Hannity that he plans to run for president. Hannity and Trump suggest that Obama might be over his head in the presidency; neither one of them discuss the orange curiosity that hovers over Trump's head.
April 7, 2011: The Donald earns his first powerful enemy, when beloved pudding-pop spokesman Bill Cosby opines that Trump should "run, or shut up" on the "Today" show.
April 21: Another potential show-biz ally peels away from Trump when Jerry Seinfeld bails on a planned appearance at a fundraiser held by Trump's son, due to the Donald's alignment with the birther movement. What is the deal with birthers?
NSangoma said...
Those white folk are just posturing. The flooding will enrich the white folks land with silt deposits; after the flood, they will have bumper crops and make a lots of money.
Money; on top of the money they will get because their land was flooded by the govmint.
As for the po', po' coloured Negroes of Cairo IL are concerned; tell them to stop fucking and making all dem no-daddy having babies.
Mayhap den dey cane afford to leave Cairo IL.
Not fuck'em; motherfuck 'em.
**cracks open a strawberry-flavored Mike's Hard Lemonade and look to read more entertainment**
Donald Trump: The Rise and Flameout of a Presidential Run
Published: May 09, 2011 @ 3:38 pm
April 22: Hollywood might not dig Trump's presidential aspirations, but the right-wing masses hear him loud and clear -- Trump ties former Arkansas governor Mike Huckabee for the top slot in a Gallup poll of potential GOP presidential candidates.
April 27, 2011: The beginning of the end: The White House releases President Obama's long-form birth certificate. While Trump claims victory, saying that he's "very proud of myself" for having forced the release, he's now robbed of the main plank of his platform, and is forced to question Obama's academic credentials as a back-up.
April 29, 2011: At the White House Corespondents Dinner, Trump is tag-teamed by Obama and "Saturday Night Live" funnyman Seth Meyers, with Obama joking that firing Gary Busey is the kind of decision "that would keep me up at night." Meanwhile, with Trump appearing the whole evening as if he wanted to storm out of the room, many wondered if he could handle the pressures of the presidency. Meyers finished Trump off, noting that it was "surprising" that Trump was running as a Republican, because "I just assumed he was running as a joke."
May 1: President Obama announced that 9/11 mastermind Osama bin Laden had been killed in Pakistan. Adding insult to injury, he preempted the end of "Celebrity Apprentice" to do so.
Rudy, that Lemonade is not the only hard-one you enjoy getting from Mike; is it?
NSangoma said...
Those white folk are just posturing. The flooding will enrich the white folks land with silt deposits; after the flood, they will have bumper crops and make a lots of money.
Money; on top of the money they will get because their land was flooded by the govmin
Some negros you just can't edg u ma cated.Thats why we have prisons and projects.
No worries keisha, no one will ever be critical of you.
From the article about Kevin Allen:
Fortunately for Allen...He now works in Washington, D.C., as business development director at Johnson Controls, helping businesses improve energy efficiency and sustainability levels in their buildings.
This job is one of those "good-for-community-relations" jobs. It's a P.R. position.
Moreover, there's absolutely NO reason to hire a guy with law degree for this job. Thus, Allen put in three years of hard work for nothing.
Frankly, a person with a bachelor's degree could handle the job, but the MBA is today's bachelor's degree.
I suppose there are people who believe that new buildings are designed without regard for their energy use. But every house and building constructed for the last 40 or 50 years has been designed to minimize energy consumption.
Johnson Controls has been in the energy efficiency business for decades.
"Finally, speaking of stuff coming back to bite you; it seems that the folks in the Cairo, Illinois area are experiencing a little bad karma these days. You remember those folks, right? They were the ones that had that public lynching of Will "Froggy" James back in 1907."
Yep everyone remembers that. Everyone over the age of 110 or so.
Trump has NEVER been on the road to actually running for the US presidency.
But the fact that people think he is or was a real candidate means P.T Barnum, Trump's guiding spirit, was right.
Frankly, a person with a bachelor's degree could handle the job, but the MBA is today's bachelor's degree.
Elaborate... because on the surface, the command reads with inanity.
Ms.Queef said...
"Allen, a Wharton Business School grad, Emory MBA, and University of Chicago law graduate, was "fired" from the show after Trump criticized his "unbelievable education," and numerous degrees from elite universities".
Well, well, well, what have we here? Another barely educated Chump critical of a Black person who's very educated."
Well that sure as hell doesn't mean you. Talk about about an "unbelievable education", the very idea that ghetto trash like you even graduated from high school is a joke.
You will never be a doctor.
The farmland of Missouri was flooded, and Cairo was spared.
It was apparent to the decision-makers that the flood-waters in Missouri will recede and the farmers will recover no matter how much damage the flooding causes. At the same time, they realized the people of Cairo would never recover if they had to leave.
If flooded, Cairo would become another Lower Ninth Ward, only worse.
no_slappz said...
"If flooded, Cairo would become another Lower Ninth Ward, only worse."
Too bad.
For those negroes who didn't drown while trying to steal TV's and beer, Katrina was like hitting the lotto, with free rent and food for years.
Damn, can't catch a break......
Rudy said...
Elaborate... because on the surface, the command reads with inanity.
Actually, Rudy Slappy's statement is true in quite a few fields especially mine.
Of course, the "ol black tax" will ALWAYS be in effect since I'll bet the white folks who previsouly held Allen's current job very likely didn't have anything close to the amount of education he has.
I've also seen the same thing in Gov't positions too, Black folks have Masters and Doctorates in jobs that their white counterparts are able to secure with just a Bachelors degree.
Ms.Queen said...
"Actually, Rudy Slappy's statement is true in quite a few fields especially mine."
Did they make you get a GED before they handed you that mop!
Ms. Qeef said...Black folks have Masters and Doctorates in jobs that their white counterparts are able to secure with just a Bachelors degree.
A Masters in Afrocentric Studies from Howard University and $4.00 will get you a cup of coffee at Starrbucks, but probably not a job there.
The idea that here in the United States of Affirmative Action blacks need MORE qualifications than whites is hilarious!
You must be really struggling, huh Queef?
Field thanks for posting this story. I've a few loved ones from Cairo Illinois and they pronounced it as 'CAYRO' for some reason. Anyway I had no idea that was going on down there. I pray that all the victims of these floods have peace in their lives.
Field this isn't over yet the farmers have sued the government over this.
mellaneous said...
"Field this isn't over yet the farmers have sued the government over this."
I hope none of them farmers is black.
Anonymous Golden Embiay said...
The idea that here in the United States of Affirmative Action blacks need MORE qualifications than whites is hilarious!
The idea here that "all" whites are qualified and blacks are not- is hilarious.
"The idea here that "all" whites are qualified and blacks are not- is hilarious."
It is. And it's nurtured and parrotted by 1)whites who aren't as qualified as their black counterparts and wish they were, and 2)whites who have the same qualifications, yet are constantly in fear of being replaced by an "Affirmative Action hire". Call the Negro's credentials into question so he is kept locked out of the job market. It's why blacks historically had to work twice as hard just to get their foot in the door.
Once upon a time, you had white northerners who didn't like the idea of abolishing slavery, because that would have meant facing competition from newly-freed blacks for dock work and other semi-skilled and skilled labor. Shows how nothing's changed, right?
Mack Lyons said...
"The idea here that "all" whites are qualified and blacks are not- is hilarious."
It is.
Yes, it is. And whose idea is it? Why Ms. Ann G. Myma, the white feminist. Nobody else made such a ridiculous assertion.
The point was that blacks most certainly are not required to have higher qualifications than whites for the same jobs. They don't even need to meet the same requirements for jobs. If some employer does hold them to the same requirements, the federal government will sue on the basis of "disparate impact". Eric Holder does it every day.
1st clue" "I've got no trouble with the blacks"
I remember when I was a kid and someone's grandparent would tell me that "they personally had no problems with the Irish" which immediately clued me in that to them I was as Irish as my Grandma and they had a problem with me.
Cairo Joe Charboneau said...
For those negroes who didn't drown while trying to steal TV's and beer, Katrina was like hitting the lotto, with free rent and food for years
Your focus on African Americans and crime- appears to be a fetish of yours. Are you aware that Scotland is the most violent country in the developed world. Scots are 3 times more likely to be assaulted than Americans. They love their knives, violence and booze. The second most violent are Wales and England. Their populations are exclusively white.
What happened?
Aunt Jemima in blackface said..."Scots are 3 times more likely to be assaulted than Americans."
Than Americans.
Not black Americans, or those whites who live in areas in with a population exceeding 30% or 40% black.
Statistics are relevant when taken in context. America is a big place.
It is safer to walk through downtown Boise than downtown Edinborough.
But is is safer to walk through downtown Edinborough than East St. Louis.
Golden Embiay said...
The point was that blacks most certainly are not required to have higher qualifications than whites for the same jobs.
You are too damn stupid to see your own racism.
MacDaddy said...
Statistics are relevant when taken in context. America is a big place.
Obviously, you don't have an answer for the violence in Great Britain?
So phucc you, I'm going to bed.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
"you don't have an answer for the violence in Great Britain?"
I did, but you are once again too stupid to see it.
Scots are apparently more prone to violence than your average (white) American.
They are nowhere near as violent as black Americans.
Look at your own statisitics you dumbass.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
You are too damn stupid to see your own racism.
Aunt Jemima admits defeat, and unable to refute the facts, charges "racism".
You are a pathetic white liberal.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
Cairo Joe Charboneau said...
For those negroes who didn't drown while trying to steal TV's and beer, Katrina was like hitting the lotto, with free rent and food for years
Your focus on African Americans and crime- appears to be a fetish of yours. Are you aware that Scotland is the most violent country in the developed world. Scots are 3 times more likely to be assaulted than Americans. They love their knives, violence and booze. The second most violent are Wales and England. Their populations are exclusively white.
So are you saying Scotts are the nigga's of the UK? OK, well somebody has to be you dumbass liberal. Why are all liberals so clueless and sound like little kids.
"Yep everyone remembers that. Everyone over the age of 110 or so."
Typical A-merry-can grasp of history. If I wasn't alive when it was happening it didn't happen. Dope!
This a column by the reporter who asked the question. He previously covered Cairo for five years. He gives a good rundown as to what the city is like and how the current mayor--who just lost an election to his own first cousin--is like.
And how Obama hasn't been there since 2006. Remember this is IL, where Obama is from. The speaker of the House in MI just says he was chosing his people over another state.
The reporter admits it was a bad question.
Wait, Cairo used to be white and prosperous, now its 100% Black and a welfare poverty state? Wow, that is surprising. We should look into this, has this happened in any other state or even country in the world?
"They are nowhere near as violent as black Americans"
I live in a 90% black community in Maryland which is one of the safest in the state.
"Wait, Cairo used to be white and prosperous, now its 100% Black and a welfare poverty state?"
If it's anything like other old manufacturing areas, the mills and factories closed, whites fled and blacks who were the last immigrants there are left in poverty.
This isn't real complicated Goober.
Just like I thought Jethro, in the late 19th and early 20th century Cairo, Il was an important steamboat port.
Anybody using steamboats these days?
Johnson Controls has been in the energy efficiency business for decades.
"They are nowhere near as violent as black Americans"
I live in a 90% black community in Maryland which is one of the safest in the state.
"Wait, Cairo used to be white and prosperous, now its 100% Black and a welfare poverty state?"
If it's anything like other old manufacturing areas, the mills and factories closed, whites fled and blacks who were the last immigrants there are left in poverty.
This isn't real complicated Goober.
uptownsteve said...
Just like I thought Jethro, in the late 19th and early 20th century Cairo, Il was an important steamboat port.
Anybody using steamboats these days?
Well, I guess the moral of the story is that when whites leave who supports the blacks still looking to make a living off "steamboats"
In field's preceding Imams Kicked Off Plane post, I stated that NO ONE had ever hijacked a plane in the name of Jesus.
I made the mistake of assuming that field would understand that a hijacking for Jesus would involve a hijacker whose connection to Christianity was similar to the connection between muslim terrorists and Islam.
But, leave it to field to find a schizophrenic nut hijacker spouting Louis Farrakhan numerology nuttiness to support his belief that Christian terrorists are out there plotting evil deeds.
Moreover, this screwball hiacker is a convicted criminal with no connection to Christianity other than his wacky claims. On top of that, in the photos included in the article, this clown is wearing a chain around his neck and there is a six-sided star hanging from it. I suppose it has its own meaning to this idiot, but it is a star of David. So while claiming he's a Christian, it seems he's taking no chance and presenting himself as Jewish too.
Anyway, in the land of field, the Pope, the Archbishop of Canterbury and this nutty hijacker are three amigos.
Grinning 'priest' armed with can of juice hijacks plane en route from Cancun... because it was 9-9-09
BTW Goober
You lied about Cairo's demographics.
It's about 60% black, 35% white and 5 percent "other".
Until it was spared from the flood, the last time anyone had heard of Cairo, Illinois was when they read Huckleberry Finn.
Huck and Jim went past it at night on their raft as they went down the Ole Mississip.
15) Fooling Poor Old Jim
We judged that three nights more would fetch us to Cairo, at the bottom of Illinois, where the Ohio River comes in, and that was what we was after. We would sell the raft and get on a steamboat and go way up the Ohio amongst the free states, and then be out of trouble.
Even Obama forgot about Cairo.
uptownsteve said...
BTW Goober
You lied about Cairo's demographics.
It's about 60% black, 35% white and 5 percent "other".
Oh I see Nose Bone Sambo, Then I guess you lied as well when you said "this isn't real complicated' apparantly for you it is. I hear you on the whites though, there aren't enough for economic prosperity. Studies show that with when white populations dip below 50%, support of local black entitlements and regular services suffer and the drain on the community cannot be supported. Damn white flight, there ought to be a law.
Oh they are trying
I guess I will keep on my studies, I really am trying to figure out why cities and counties with majority white populations are so desirable and cities and counties with majority Black population so undesirable?
"Studies show that with when white populations dip below 50%, support of local black entitlements and regular services suffer and the drain on the community cannot be supported."
What a smokin pile of a dog$hit.
Prince Georges County is a county where the median income and standard of living ROSE SIGNIFICANTLY when the demographics changed from majority white to majority black.
Let's see one of those "studies" you referenced Jethro.
Take all the time you need.
Anonymous @ 8:12 AM said...
"Well, I guess the moral of the story is that when whites leave, who supports the blacks still looking to make a living off "steamboats?"
UTS said:
"Prince Georges County is a county where the median income and standard of living ROSE SIGNIFICANTLY when the demographics changed from majority white to majority black."
I suppose there's a "study" on this?
Or, some tangible proof? If so, I'd like to see it, please.
(and please; no "leftwing" sources)
no_slappz said...
I made the mistake of assuming that field would understand that a hijacking for Jesus would involve a hijacker whose connection to Christianity was similar to the connection between muslim terrorists and Islam.
The ITS would like to thank you for taking the time to show yet another example of Field trying to pass off a faslehood in an attempt to support an unsupportable postion.
We know it can be tedious sometimes, but your service in the protection of Truth is recognized.
Carry on good soldier.
uptownsteve said...
"Studies show that with when white populations dip below 50%, support of local black entitlements and regular services suffer and the drain on the community cannot be supported."
In truth, it is not the ratio of white to black that matters, but the ratio of taxpayer to tax getter.
The portion of U.S. households paying zero federal income taxes has been steadily climbing, and has reached the 51% tipping point. This number is much higher for Black Americans.
That alarming number formed the centerpiece of this week’s U.S. Senate Finance Committee official “Is the Distribution of Tax Burdens and Tax Benefits Equitable?” hearing. Senate Finance Committee member Orrin Hatch (R – Utah) noted, “Most taxpayers are skeptical that the answer to our fiscal problems is for them to sacrifice more, when more than half of all households are not paying any income taxes and an increasingly smaller group of Americans is shouldering the burden for an increasingly larger group of Americans.”
Many of “the rich” Obama and liberals continue to scapegoat are actually small businesses that create most new jobs in America. As the nation’s economy continues to struggle, if small businesses are forced to pay even more to the federal government they’ll by definition have less to invest or hire.
Another metric to consider: In 1980, the top income tax rate was 70%. The top rate is now half that, at 35%, yet the portion of the nation’s income taxes paid by the top 1% has more than doubled from 19% to 38%.
In fact, that 38% portion of income taxes paid by the top 1% is nearly double its 20% share of the nation’s income. Similarly, the top 5% earned 35% of the nation’s income for the most recent year available, but paid 59% of the nation’s total income taxes (up from 37% in 1980). That means the top 5% pay more in taxes than the entire remaining 95% of taxpayers combined. For its part, the top 10% earned 46% of the nation’s income but paid 70% of income taxes (up from 49% in 1980), while the top 25% earned 67% of the nation’s income but shouldered 86% of the nation’s income taxes (up from 73% in 1980).
Simply put, the rich pay a higher portion of the nation’s income taxes today than ever. And now that 51% of American households pay no income tax at all, we face an ominous tipping point, or as Alexander Tytler said over 200 years ago:
“A democracy cannot exist as a permanent form of government. It can only exist until a majority of voters discover that they can vote themselves largess out of the public treasury. From that moment on, the majority always votes for the candidates promising the most benefits from the public treasury with the result that a democracy always collapses over loose fiscal policy, always followed by a dictatorship. The average age of the world’s greatest civilizations has been two hundred years.”
The mayor of Cairo, he got a big job, cuz ever day he go down to the dock and watch. He go down there and sit on the dock, like Otis say, and he watch. He waitin, waitin to give the signal. You know, he got to give the signal case sumthin happen.
Case you waitin on the mayor fo his signal, he gonna signal one if by land, two if by sea, den we know sumthin comin, a boat mebbe, or one time a big ole submarine come by, ony it nevah stopped, but we heard it kept goin down to Naw Lins during a big storm and blow a hole in a levee and that was all she wrote down thataway.
After all that water in NawLins, them people cum up here to Cairo figuring they best git to higher ground iffen they figurin to keep dey heads above water.
So de mayor, he down sittin on the dock waitin for his ship to come in, but so far, ain't no ships come in. He gonna serve his whole term nevah seein no ship.
uptownsteve said...
"Studies show that with when white populations dip below 50%, support of local black entitlements and regular services suffer and the drain on the community cannot be supported."
What a smokin pile of a dog$hit.
Prince Georges County is a county where the median income and standard of living ROSE SIGNIFICANTLY when the demographics changed from majority white to majority black.
Let's see one of those "studies" you referenced Jethro.
Take all the time you need.
Are you that stupid? Your just a walking representation of one of those people who says if I shout and stamp my feet loud and hard enough it wont be true.
Lets try this in a simpleton way, why is there a concern with white flight? Why do you think that is bone in the nose sambo?
Do you think black folks like you, not all, but those just like you simply miss those lily white fresh smelling people? Does white flight negatively impact the black community because of all the domestic services whites were providing to the wealthy black folks that now no one wants to do cause the whites left? Is this how you really apply critical thinking?
I'm not doing your work for you, any idiot who doesn't have his head up his ass KNOWS this, Black America has been pushing this for DECADES about how unfair and racist white flight is.
You google it. If you want to live with your head up your ass, go ahead, your the one stuck with the smell.
Anyway, I'll buy in to your logic, with your way of thinking then white flight is good for the black community and should be encouraged for as you say when Blacks become the majority in any city they IMPROVE the standard of living.
I know you need help so here:
WWW.google.com type in white flight tax revenue
the real tragedy would have been, what the fuck are you going to loot in cairo?
Hey Steamboat Stevie....
Ahhh, Princes Georges County, a modern day representation of the taxpayer funded artifically created black middle class.
I would plan ahead UTS with all the budget crisis happening right now. Once america goes broke as we have already, you don't want to end up being steamboat steve, looking for them boats in princes county when the U.S taxpayer funding (borrowing) dries up.
What funding? What funding you say, well being right outside of DC the major employers in Princes county aside from UPS who goes where the packages go are, government taxpayer funded institutions:
University System of Maryland
Andrews Air Force Base
Prince George's County
Internal Revenue Service
United States Census Bureau
Goddard Space Flight Center
Prince George's Community College
Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
Adelphi Laboratory Center
National Archives and Records Administration
Funny enough on the private employer list UPS is the biggest employer with a measly 4,220 package handlers, Safeway and Shoppers food and pharmacy are rated the top 5 and 6th employers with small number of employees (compared to US taxpayer funded)
Shoppers Food & Pharmacy
If I were you, I would be planning ahead, for this bubble is surely going to burst when the government redistribution scam bursts and it is and it will.
The Right Honorable Member for, The Very Reverend Mother Her Duchal Serene Highness, Dr. Hortense Sussudio Fuckerfaster said...
the real tragedy would have been, what the fuck are you going to loot in cairo?
Old Steamboat parts.
Liberals in southern Arizona seek to form new state
By Brad Poole | Reuters – 1 hour 15 minutes ago
TUCSON, Arizona (Reuters) - A long-simmering movement by liberal stalwarts in southern Arizona to break away from the rest of the largely conservative state is at a boiling point as secession backers press to bring their longshot ambition to the forefront of Arizona politics.
A group of lawyers from the Democratic stronghold of Tucson and surrounding Pima County have launched a petition drive seeking support for a November 2012 ballot question on whether the 48th state should be divided in two.
The ultimate goal of the newly formed political action committee Start our State is to split Pima County off into what would become the nation's 51st state, tentatively dubbed Baja Arizona.
My my, Tucsonians want to form their own little utopia. Would Baja Arizona be like Baja California? You know, be part of Mexico?
My my, Tucsonians want to form their own little utopia. Would Baja Arizona be like Baja California? You know, be part of Mexico?
This would be great, everyone should lend full support to this initiative, then once formed, ship all the illegals to the new state and see how long that ship floats. Eternal victimhood and whining doesn't pay well when others are busy creating and working.
Real facts don't change whether the racist say otherwise. There is no need to challenge their asses, because their issue is not truth, it is to get a rise out of Black folk. Only the stupid believe a lie is the truth if told often enough.
The corporate profile of Johnson controls:
Johnson Controls, Inc. engages in building efficiency, automotive experience, and power solutions businesses worldwide.
Its building efficiency business designs, produces, markets, and installs integrated heating, ventilating, and air conditioning systems, as well as building management systems, controls, and security and mechanical equipment.
This business also provides technical services, energy management consulting, and operations of real estate portfolios for the non-residential buildings market.
In addition, this business offers residential air conditioning and heating systems, and industrial refrigeration products.
Selling thermostats and air conditioners does not require an employee with a law degree.
"Lets try this in a simpleton way, why is there a concern with white flight? Why do you think that is bone in the nose sambo?"
I love it when I make them do this.
Speaking of looting,
Contrary to the lies of the rightwing and their Uncle Tom lapdogs, there was looting in Japan after the earthquake.
And alot more criminality.
Hathor said...
Real facts don't change whether the racist say otherwise. There is no need to challenge their asses, because their issue is not truth, it is to get a rise out of Black folk. Only the stupid believe a lie is the truth if told often enough.
Your right, racist don't deal with facts they only want to get a rise out of wait...what?? The racists I have seen on this post are black folk...expecting everything FROM and blaming whitey, deal with truth, try once to have a discussion as if you did not know the race of someone and it did not matter. Deal openly fairly and honestly, you might be surprised at what you decide.
In example, flood 133k worth of farmland vs relocate some people.
Issue: Farmland creates food, revenue in tax levies that feed a lot of the people who would be relocated - yes they are on state assistance.
Solution: The people to be relocated are black and poor so need everyones support, so flood the farms, stop food and revenue production.
Really,won't these poor people suffer even more now then if they had taken the taxpayer sponsored trip? With significant lack of food production and tax revenue generation....No, we will just give the whole state more borrowed money now because we destroyed a source of food and income for political correctness.
Really, how long you think these things can last and who is racist? The child demanding he be taken care of because of his race or in spite of?
Steamboat Sambone Stevie Says....
"Lets try this in a simpleton way, why is there a concern with white flight? Why do you think that is bone in the nose sambo?"
I love it when I make them do this.
Wow, you are totally inferior aren't you, that's the best you can do? You get totally slammed with your idiotic nonsense and then try and swagger your way out with bullshit...so, so stereotypical...you know that fake swagger doesn't work with those outside your hood of influence right?
Surprised you didn't try your usual moronic evasive tactic when you get nailed "oh yeah, well whats the price of coffee in Brazil, go ahead answer that I'M waiting...
Fake Swagger, well that is quality you own. Steamboat Steve in da HOUSEEEEEE yeah!!! UH-UH
How'd we manage to get from all those rich black folks in Prince Georges County to some lootin' gooks?
Hysterical ass-non
"Wow, you are totally inferior aren't you, that's the best you can do? You get totally slammed with your idiotic nonsense and then try and swagger your way out with bullshit...so, so stereotypical...you know that fake swagger doesn't work with those outside your hood of influence right?"
Calm down, wipe the spittle of your computer screen Goober.
I'll go slow for you.
Most middle class blacks could care less about living around white people today.
We have created our own thriving and sparkling communities which we enjoy and raise our children.
However, in the 2 decades after WWII, government financed white flight left many of the old urban industrial centers with black majorities.
Then starting in the 70s wiuth Fair housing laws implemented, the black middle class left the cities.
Leaving large swaths of poverty and unemployment.
Like I said Jethro, this isn't very complicated.
Hey fiedl, here's a good story for you. University of Virginia law school student of African-American-ishness Johnathan Perkins has made a contribution to the vast and ever-expanding store of phony hate crimes. His terrifying tale:
"Perkins made his allegations in a letter to the editor of the U.Va. law school's student newspaper, Virginia Law Weekly. He sent a copy to the university's police department, which treated the essay as a formal complaint. Perkins described walking home from a bar review session and being stopped by the flashing lights of a University of Virginia police car. Two white officers, he said, questioned him, told him that he "fit the description of someone we're looking for," made fun of him as a law student, frisked and searched him, refused to give their names and badge numbers, and then followed him home after saying he was free to leave."
How awful. Fortunately, Perkins made the whole thing up.
"As soon as the letter was published, the university's police department began an investigation, bringing in some outside experts to assist. […After the tall tale fell apart,] the university released a statement announcing that the investigation found that Perkins had made up the story. The university's statement (not available on the university's website, but posted on the Virginia Law Weekly's Facebook page) quoted Perkins (without naming him) as saying that he fabricated the story. "I wrote the article to bring attention to the topic of police misconduct," he said in a written statement. "The events in the article did not occur."
When moonbats of color are forced to invent such humdrum stories to remind us how oppressed we're supposed to pretend they are, it's time to drop the whole charade and turn our attention to the very real discrimination systematically imposed against those of us who aren't minorities.
Naturally no charges are being pressed against Perkins. It would be racist to expect the oppressed to answer for their behavior. Chief of Police Michael A. Gibson obsequiously bleated:
"I recognize that police misconduct does occur. Pressing charges in this case might inhibit another individual who experiences real police misconduct from coming forward with a complaint. I want to send the message just how seriously we take such charges and that we will always investigate them with care and diligence."
Police brass, like military brass, must be beholden to political correctness to reach the top. So the rank and file are always treated as if they are guilty.
The University of Virginia has an honor code. So much as telling a lie is grounds for expulsion, leave alone lying to the whole school and sending the police on a wild goose chase. But it would be racist to expect the oppressed to live by honor codes, so Perkins will not be expelled. More important to UV than its honor code is its commitment to Affirmative Action.
Hopefully no one is missing the irony of Perkins's stunt confirming that not only are blacks not oppressed, they are pampered with privileged treatment to the point of absurdity.
Looters That Glow In The Dark said...
How'd we manage to get from all those rich black folks in Prince Georges County to some lootin' gooks?
Smoke and mirrors. Liberal Racist Mind on crack disease. Nice video of four japanese guys walking around a warehouse with no people and some food in thr truck, it did bring back memories of plasma tv's, caddies stolen and driven in circles, shooting at rescue workers after katrina..sure..uh-huh I can see the comparative relevance in a crack riddled liberal mind way.
But dem black folks who stayed in the cities is some sneaky folk:
You saw shooting a rescue workers in New Orleans???
Caddies stolen?
I'm calling bull$hit.
uptownsteve said...
Hysterical ass-non
"Wow, you are totally inferior aren't you, that's the best you can do? You get totally slammed with your idiotic nonsense and then try and swagger your way out with bullshit...so, so stereotypical...you know that fake swagger doesn't work with those outside your hood of influence right?"
Calm down, wipe the spittle of your computer screen Goober.
I'll go slow for you.
Most middle class blacks could care less about living around white people today.
We have created our own thriving and sparkling communities which we enjoy and raise our children.
However, in the 2 decades after WWII, government financed white flight left many of the old urban industrial centers with black majorities.
Then starting in the 70s wiuth Fair housing laws implemented, the black middle class left the cities.
Leaving large swaths of poverty and unemployment.
Like I said Jethro, this isn't very complicated.
11:40 AM
Sorry Sambo, your other tactic isn't working either. I am quite content, pleased and calm. No spittle flying here as you try and deflect your anger and incompetence onto me. It is not my fault you have such a difficult time dealing with reality. Remember I am not a permanent victim so I don't need to externalize my failings onto you. Think hard you may get that.
Your thoughts are funny. It sounds almost like a fairy tale. Yes, whites left, then blacks left and left behind poor blacks.
OK again good, I am starting to like the way you think more and more. Blacks are doing great, don't care about living around whites, don't need whites, blacks left the poor black communities and left behind other blacks. So then in any form of social justice they should be looking to the blacks that left the poor blacks behind, White flight is nonexistant and you should absolutely start spreading this around to all the black leaders. They need to look to black folks who left to support the blacks they left behind, Cool - start spreading that around it's no linger the white mans fault as per Stevie it's all the black mans fault now. I like it!!!!
Oh and don't forget, your artificially created black middle class dependant upon government taxpayer funds via public sector jobs is very very shaky, after all it's the private sector that pays for it.
"Inquiring Minds said...
UTS said:
"Prince Georges County is a county where the median income and standard of living ROSE SIGNIFICANTLY when the demographics changed from majority white to majority black."
I suppose there's a "study" on this?
Or, some tangible proof? If so, I'd like to see it, please.
(and please; no "leftwing" sources)
9:25 AM"
UTS, just in case you accidentally forgot this request the first time, I thought I'd repost it for you.
Um, if you can't provide the evidence to back-up your assertions, well, I'm just afraid that I'll have to call your world-famous bull$hit on YOU...
and your stinking county.
And NO....I'm not asking about Japanese "looters".
Steveboat Willie said.....
You saw shooting a rescue workers in New Orleans???
Caddies stolen?
I'm calling bull$hit.
More and more I am convinced you are either one of the stupidest men on here or live in a bubble, the incredible things you deny and or say are things that only a being from an alternate reality would pose.
Google it, it was all over the news with video. You will still find a way to deny it or blame someone else as you must as part of your creed.
Now you have used up your normal tactics- avoid and "let me axe you a question I will wait" and "stop spitting on the computer" as if someones angry...the question is how will you try and spin the truth now to avoid it ...hmmmmm..you didn't use Tom, or racism much today yet, that's about all you have left in the arsenal of deceit, yup, thats it, when you can't face reality you will start with name calling, tom or racist white or what have you....this I predict to be forthcoming from the liberal crack minded black man.
bonehead steve writes:
Caddies stolen?
No. Just the golf clubs.
South Park Conservatives said...
You know Obama is going to look out for "his people".
Screw whitey....
8:37 PM
Now you're finally getting it. **smh**
no_slappz said...
This job is one of those "good-for-community-relations" jobs. It's a P.R. position...
10:04 PM
Maybe it was that dude took the job as a catalyst for a bigger career goal or maybe just a change in careers. Clearly he knows he's over qualified for that position.
Anonymous said...
mellaneous said...
"Field this isn't over yet the farmers have sued the government over this."
I hope none of them farmers is black.
11:32 PM
Yeah, might slow down the white mans "reparations"
no_slappz said...
In field's preceding Imams Kicked Off Plane post, I stated that NO ONE had ever hijacked a plane in the name of Jesus.
Nope, they just steal elections in the name of Jesus.
"Like I said Jethro, this isn't very complicated."
You gotta wonder why there are so many whites here who are hell-bent on keeping up the fantasy of black inferiority, even amidst evidence of the contrary. Nope, they cling to their police reports, point in the general direction of East St. Louis and say "THERE!! THAT'S HOW NIGGERS BEHAVE!! I TOLD YOU THEY NO GOOD OUTSIDE OF SLAVERY!!!"
Personally, I figure there's just one or two idiots with multiple accounts being paid to troll the blog by the post. It's a great stay-at-home job and they don't have to leave the comforts of their mother's basements. The perfect job for these mopes.
Mack Lyons said...
"You gotta wonder why there are so many whites here who are hell-bent on keeping up the fantasy of black inferiority,"
No, just puncturing the fantasy of contemporary black oppression.
"Selling thermostats and air conditioners does not require an employee with a law degree."
Of course not. Unless you happen to be on the in-house legal team. Or if you have other credentials and experience that the company sees as valuable, regardless of what degree you happen to have. Lots of people manage to land careers in fields that aren't what they originally received their degree in. Within reason, of course -- you're not going to see someone with a law degree be involved in quantum physics.
If it wasn't for Kevin Allen, you wouldn't have any interest in the company.
"No, just puncturing the fantasy of contemporary black oppression."
Then contemporary racism against blacks must be a figment of the vivid black imagination, especially considering we all had that settled back in the 1960s. Why can't these negros just, you know, "get over it"?
Would that statement been true 30years ago. my question was with decades.
" Mack Lyons said...
Nope, they cling to their police reports,"
But Mack! With beauty queens like this on your team, how can we resist?
Somebody done beat her with an ugly stick.....and ruined the stick!
Mack Lyons said...
"Then contemporary racism against blacks must be a figment of the vivid black imagination"
Yes, you've pretty much got it.
Now go live your life as free man.
Your enlightenment is thanks enough for me.
Mack Lyons said...
Lots of people manage to land careers in fields that aren't what they originally received their degree in.
That's true. Ms. Queen got her degree in cosmetology, with a minor in nails, but now she recycles disposable bed pans. It's a "niche".
"Yes, you've pretty much got it.
Now go live your life as free man."
"Free man", eh? Then perhaps you can explain the ankle cuffs and chains that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. Oh, are those a new pair of tap shoes? For me?? You shouldn't have. It'll take a spell to shuffle on over where you're at to get em, don't you worry boss.
Mack Lyons said...
"Free man", eh? Then perhaps you can explain the ankle cuffs and chains that suddenly appeared out of nowhere. "
That's because you touched those little boys. Shame on you.
"More and more I am convinced you are either one of the stupidest men on here or live in a bubble, the incredible things you deny and or say are things that only a being from an alternate reality would pose.
Google it, it was all over the news with video. You will still find a way to deny it or blame someone else as you must as part of your creed."
You're a LIAR Goober.
A punk ass anonymous posting cowardly liar.
If there was a link you would have posted it.
But just like Slappy, SPC and all your other anon aliases you just pull turds out of your lying rear end and toss them.
Get a life fool.
"In other news today, it was announced that 60% of the population of Cairo, Illinois would be launching and leaving Cairo in a home-made steamship, (though the only steam is from the big pot of greens boiling on the deck), heading downriver to relocate in the 9th Ward of New Orleans.
Sources say this is the first voyage of it's type, using a vessel constructed entirely out of 40 oz. cans, and chickens crapping off the back as the sole means of propulsion."
Assnon hysteria
"UTS, just in case you accidentally forgot this request the first time, I thought I'd repost it for you."
Didn't you read the link I posted?
I'll post it AGAIN .
mack lyons writes:
Of course not. Unless you happen to be on the in-house legal team.
But he's not, as field acknowledged.
Or if you have other credentials and experience that the company sees as valuable, regardless of what degree you happen to have.
The only relevant part of Allen's background was his MBA. But, given what he's doing -- selling thermostats and air conditioners -- a BA degree would have done the trick, and in his case, had he skipped the MBA and Law School, he'd have been at Johnson Controls five years earlier.
But, the MBA was a good idea. On the other hand it's obvious he decided to drop the idea of a career in law.
Lots of people manage to land careers in fields that aren't what they originally received their degree in.
Yeah, well, getting a law degree and chucking it to sell thermostats for an international corporation is a little different than majoring in English and becoming a bartender.
Within reason, of course -- you're not going to see someone with a law degree be involved in quantum physics.
Unless you live in Iran, where the regime's lawyers haven't realized that atomic particles do not respect Sharia Law or Allah.
If it wasn't for Kevin Allen, you wouldn't have any interest in the company.
Wrong. Johnson Controls (JCI) is one of the stocks that has risen due to government intimidation of the energy industry. It's currently trading near a multi-year high and it pays a good dividend. Propsects for the company are favorable.
But I've never owned it.
" uptownsteve said...
If there was a link you would have posted it.
But just like Slappy, SPC and all your other anon aliases you just pull turds out of your lying rear end and toss them.
Get a life fool.
2:08 PM"
Kinda like those turds you were slinging out of your ass about Prince Georges County, huh?
"More and more I am convinced you are either one of the stupidest men on here or live in a bubble, the incredible things you deny and or say are things that only a being from an alternate reality would pose.
Google it, it was all over the news with video. You will still find a way to deny it or blame someone else as you must as part of your creed."
You're a LIAR Goober.
A punk ass anonymous posting cowardly liar.
If there was a link you would have posted it.
But just like Slappy, SPC and all your other anon aliases you just pull turds out of your lying rear end and toss them.
Get a life fool.
2:08 PM
Thanks for the laugh, really I mean it. I walked away from my keyboard after that last post and said...shhhh. don't anyone tell steve I know there is one more thing in his feeble arsenal, I too away two of them leaving him with, your an "assnon" "coward" man the intellectually challenged are so predictable.
Now, Steamboat Stevie, I told you I am sick of your lazy negro games. You deny reality, you google, there are many on here who KNOW the facts you deny. I am not going to provide you a link that shows rescue choppers being shot at, plasma tv's stolen and caddies being driven in circles. I will just let everyone stare in amazement at your absurd claims and stupidity.
Now you said a whole lot of nothing called names as I predicted and you are left with what..?? Your own ignorant self.
Carry on turd polishing crack imbibing liberal. Now, your arsenal is empty......wait, you didnt use racism, tomism or anything like that yet. THat's all thats left....unless you want to talk about the truth...nah.
Carry On Sambo you have been found useless and are dismissed.
de luv boat wrote:
Sources say this is the first voyage of it's type, using a vessel constructed entirely out of 40 oz. cans, and chickens crapping off the back as the sole means of propulsion."
I dunno. How far down-river will this contraption get before it's torn apart by people taking the cans to the recycling center for the nickel deposit?
Where's the link Goober?
BTW who is more enslaved than you racist anon clowns who hang around a black blog 24/7 taunting and heckling cause you don't have the balls to confront blacks face to face?
You're a clown.
You're too stupid to see that people laugh at you.
hathor asked:
Would that statement been true 30 years ago. my question was with decades.
Yes, the company has been in the energy efficiency and energy management business for many decades.
Designing buildings for energy efficiency is nothing new.
uptownsteve said...
Assnon hysteria
"UTS, just in case you accidentally forgot this request the first time, I thought I'd repost it for you."
Didn't you read the link I posted?
I'll post it AGAIN .
Oh Steamboat Stevey,
You did see my post about the job and economic demographics of prince george's country right?
In essense you should be thanking the people you hate and attack the most, white people. Why you ask? I will tell you why, as you yourself insist this is white america, white supremacy etc, etc whites are the rich ones preying on poor poor blacks. Remember all that?
Ok then going with your logic and with that said then remember that rich whites pay 95% of federal income taxes, in fact the top 5 % income earners in this country fund the entire country and pay more in taxes then the remaining 95%. This means that the dominantly black communities in DC and Prince George county who are heavily and I mean HEAVILY reliant on tax payer provided funds are being funded by the white man you hate and the subsequent propping up of the this black community by expanding government.
Thus, the artificially created black middle class community you enjoy is funded, created and payed for by the rest of america that you hate, mostly white folks.
But also like I said, plan ahead, it's all crashing down and you don't want to be steamboat willy forever. Well you could always work at Giant.
Now, go sit down in the mens room stall, I understand this may be a bit much for a finger pointing sambo like you to assimilate and maybe it's good if you are in a proper place when your head explodes.
Now, will he axe me a question?
Call me a nameless coward?
say I am angry and spitting on the keyboard?
Call me racist, a tom?
Or is there one more Steamboat Stevey liberal crack induced tactic remaining that he whips out when he realizes no one has fallen for the completely idiotic tactics and he has yet to discuss facts?
uptownsteve said...
Where's the link Goober?
BTW who is more enslaved than you racist anon clowns who hang around a black blog 24/7 taunting and heckling cause you don't have the balls to confront blacks face to face?
You're a clown.
You're too stupid to see that people laugh at you.
So says bozo the clown to the crowd.
Oh, now hes a tough guy, do you really think whites are all pussies and blacks are tough guys like you? You believe the hollywood PC lies too much, damn you really are one of the stupidest mofos on here.
What a retard typical typical typical stereotypical, it is like you have a Sambo handbook you are reading from and checking off point by point to prove how little you can think.
What are you going to try now and say all whites have little dicks and you don't ----bwahahahahahahaha. Come on, tell us, I am sure you know all about white penis's.
Assnon Stupid
"You did see my post about the job and economic demographics of prince george's country right?"
Yeah, and you pulled those figures out of your ass like you do most of your assertions.
Here is the comprehensive list major PG County employers and do I really have to explain to your dumb ass that many PG County citizens don't work in PG County and many PG County employees don't live in PG County.
You ARE dumb but this is sad.
You folks are sooooooo sensitive.
Serious question, Steve.....you can be an employee of PG county, but not LIVE in PG county?
Man, there's a lot of places where that wouldn't fly.
Curious assnon
Okay for the cognitively impaired.....
Many people who work IN PG County don't LIVE in PG county.
Funny how an AfAm is doing Goober work...when the article clearly indicates that AfAm is doing much more complex and involved activities. Must be Goobers can't wrap their idea-inators around the concept of executive discussions. Oh, wait...they consider gubmint work as being 'not work'. Makes them feel besser about their low-skill, low-wage McJob. You might note that the entry level for those PG County positions is an accredited BA or BS. And most firms like an MS. Poor Goobers! All those jobs with benefits going to the 'undeserving'...just because they studied in school!
You Heeyucks might want to review the mission of the Army Corps of Engineers. Watching you make stuff up shows how little you-all know about the Corps.
But, you certainly repeat what Massa done told you real good!
Yes, I do know something about the Corps. Duh.
uptownsteve said...
Okay for the cognitively impaired.....
Many people who work IN PG County don't LIVE in PG county.
The fact that these Hillbillys are too stupid to conceive this, tells you a TON about who there are, where they live, and how much money they make LOL!!
mold and Dr. Queen are here! Must just got off the 7:00 to 3:00 janitorial shift.
Anonymous said...
"You Heeyucks might want to review the mission of the Army Corps of Engineers"
Or as President Obama calls it, the Army corpse of engineers.
"The fact that these Hillbillys are too stupid to conceive this, tells you a TON about who there are, where they live, and how much money they make LOL!!"
Also, I am certain that "No Slappz" is at least one of the racist anon posters.
I've noticed many of the same catch phrases and stock responses.
One sick f^ck.
" uptownsteve said...
Curious assnon
Okay for the cognitively impaired.....
Many people who work IN PG County don't LIVE in PG county.
2:55 PM"
Um, yeah....I think I got that, Steve.
What I was trying to tell you is that there ARE counties, and even cities in these United Staes, where you have to LIVE IN the county or city, in order to be employed by said county or city. Apparently, that is NOT the case in PG county.
Personally, I think the policy of having to live in the city or county that employs you is a good one.
And Queen....stick your face back in Mold's crotch, and STFU.
Dr.Queen said...
Rudy said...
Elaborate... because on the surface, the comment reads with inanity.
Actually, Rudy Slappy's statement is true in quite a few fields especially mine.
Of course, the "ol black tax" will ALWAYS be in effect since I'll bet the white folks who previsouly held Allen's current job very likely didn't have anything close to the amount of education he has.
I've also seen the same thing in Gov't positions too, Black folks have Masters and Doctorates in jobs that their white counterparts are able to secure with just a Bachelors degree.
Well, I have seen it as well.
Then again, a master's or MBA degree from U of Phoenix really isn't saying much. Those types of degrees are good for "working adults" who are attempting to "check the block" as they climb the ladder in their organization. It's not the type of degree that will get one's foot into Wall Street.
I am just saying...
"What I was trying to tell you is that there ARE counties, and even cities in these United Staes, where you have to LIVE IN the county or city, in order to be employed by said county or city. Apparently, that is NOT the case in PG county."
Nor is it the case in NYC, Washington, DC, Cleveland, OH or Baltimore, MD.
What is your point?
Rudy said...
Then again, a master's or MBA degree from U of Phoenix really isn't saying much. Those types of degrees are good for "working adults" who are attempting to "check the block" as they climb the ladder in their organization. It's not the type of degree that will get one's foot into Wall Street.
Yeah, but I'm sure you've seen white folks "get away with" the Univ. Of Phoenix MBA.
You and I need Wharton or Fuqua to compete with them on the "same" level.
Dr.Queen said...
Yeah, but I'm sure you've seen white folks "get away with" the Univ. Of Phoenix MBA.
You and I need Wharton or Fuqua to compete with them on the "same" level.
I've seen negros lie about they degrees.They not be getting away wit it like dos white folks you be speak of.
Don't forget that st reagan and cronies made religioskools 'accredited'...by fiat.
It allowed bush to appoint and hire the woefully incompetent...as they 'met' minimum qualifications.
What was so eveel about asking them to be able to graduate from Penn State? Or any of the PA Normal Schools?
Oh, those places have standards...and very few bushmoles could meet them.
Why such heroic bravery from the lads! Pretty much the same whine-filled stamping of widdle feets they did when expected to not be adolescent jerkholes in Middle School.
Yes, I have worked as a Janitor. Just not now. Funny how you mistakenly ascribe yourself as being superior in the socioeconomic continuum. Without proof. Or anything more than your desire to be 'better' than an AfAm. How about...you use Truth, those pesky liberally-biased Facts, and write about what you know?
Funny how an AfAm is doing Goober work...when the article clearly indicates that AfAm is doing much more complex and involved activities. Must be Goobers can't wrap their idea-inators around the concept of executive discussions. Oh, wait...they consider gubmint work as being 'not work'. Makes them feel besser about their low-skill, low-wage McJob. You might note that the entry level for those PG County positions is an accredited BA or BS. And most firms like an MS. Poor Goobers! All those jobs with benefits going to the 'undeserving'...just because they studied in school!
You Heeyucks might want to review the mission of the Army Corps of Engineers. Watching you make stuff up shows how little you-all know about the Corps.
But, you certainly repeat what Massa done told you real good!
Yes, I do know something about the Corps. Duh.
Hey Nutcase, we missed you. We thought you got such a beating when you were completely exposed that you had given up, you see at least we know we can count on crazy. If only you made any sense, too bad, you don't and we don't expect you will. You know now that it's been proven you are a white guy posting as a vulgar anon, MOLD and soulfucker you can drop the fake ebonics and try and make more sense. Dont worry Queenie will still love ya.
From the AP,
Former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin won another round in court on Monday against a Pennsylvania teenager accused of stalking the outspoken conservative, telling a judge, “I fear for my friends’ and for my family’s safety.”
The three-hour Anchorage court hearing, with Palin and her antagonists testifying by telephone, ended with the judge renewing a previous restraining order against Shawn Christy, 19, and issuing a similar order against his father, Craig.
Shawn Christy admitted in court to having threatened to rape Palin but has denied her allegations he menaced her daughters. He also admitted sending Palin numerous e-mails and gifts, and to traveling to Anchorage earlier this year.
Craig Christy admitted to making more than two dozen early morning phone calls to Palin’s parents over a two-day period in March. He also acknowledged organizing a support group for his son to stage protests at events attended by Palin, the 2008 Republican vice presidential nominee, and he maintains a Facebook page with numerous anti-Palin messages.
State Superior Court Magistrate Jonathon Lack said he found the repeated telephone calls to Palin’s parents, some of them recorded and played at the hearing, to be “very disturbing.”
Lack rejected Palin’s request for a restraining order against the teen’s mother, Karen Christy, who called Palin’s parents only twice.
Do Liberals often have rape fantasies about Republican women?
South Park Conservatives said...
Do Liberals often have rape fantasies about Republican women?
Is the perp White? D*mn, what was I thinking, of course he is, LOL!!!
SPC, the lad is from McAdoo...you should visit sometime. And pretenderating he is Liberal is just your own fantasy.
Why do so many wingnuts dream about MILFy Palin?
Yeah, drive to McAdoo. It is an experience.
Whatever happen to newsoulus2008?
mold said...
Yes, I have worked as a Janitor. Just not now.
Now mold claims to have been a janitor?
Was this before you were a preacher or after you became a Harvard grad?
South Park Conservatives said...
Whatever happen to newsoulus2008?
Perhaps one of your numerous racist hick assnon "identities" knows.
"Now mold claims to have been a janitor?
Was this before you were a preacher or after you became a Harvard grad?
4:30 PM"
This was when Mold was scrubbing out the the white men's toilets at the Augusta National Golf Club.
Except, of course, when Tiger took a crap there.
Mold, you truly are a habitchual liar.
uptownsteve said...
Assnon Stupid
"You did see my post about the job and economic demographics of prince george's country right?"
Yeah, and you pulled those figures out of your ass like you do most of your assertions.
Here is the comprehensive list major PG County employers and do I really have to explain to your dumb ass that many PG County citizens don't work in PG County and many PG County employees don't live in PG County.
You ARE dumb but this is sad.
Ummmm, Stevey, oh stevey, did you notice anything missing from the list you provided? Did you notice these are all private sector companies with the Highest number of employees being 722, did I say the HIGHEST NUMBER of employees is 722 for ADF PIZZA. Did you not notice all the government and other quite large private sector jobs weren't even listed on this page?
This is a DLLR's division of workforce development page so perhaps these are only companies that work with the unemployment office for placement?
I mean come on man, you can't be that stupid can you? Or are you just a dirty liar?
I mean you really aren't trying to say that these public jobs don't exist because they are not on the unemployment office list that you provided even though it is obviously incomplete do you? Or are you counting on others to be the sambo you are and just take your smoke shit for what it is? Lies and either you are too stupid to understand of plain deflection. As for where they live, who gives a shit, you inhale that smoke we are talking about total JOBS and wether they are taxpayer funded or not and they ARE. Shit, you live there and I know more about what makes your home county tick then you do. Then again I live in reality and not racial fantasy land. In example about commuting: 55 % of residents who live in PG commute to work outside, while 54% who live outside commute to work inside, kind of balanced woudlnt you say?
And hey doesnt fort lee have 7,800 government employees?
University System of Maryland
Andrews Air Force Base
Prince George's County
Internal Revenue Service
United States Census Bureau
Goddard Space Flight Center
Prince George's Community College
Henry A. Wallace Beltsville Agricultural Research Center
uptownsteve said...
Okay for the cognitively impaired.....
Many people who work IN PG County don't LIVE in PG county.
The fact that these Hillbillys are too stupid to conceive this, tells you a TON about who there are, where they live, and how much money they make LOL!!
I love it, proof dumb supports dumber, she has no idea whats she is talking about in fact she blasted steve on this very topic, but now blindly say, yeah, heeyuck they must be stupid because they dont know that commuting in and commuting out means....what does it mean Queeny? WHat does commuting have to do with the percentage of public sector vs private sector jobs in Prince country, what exactly does that mean that made you laugh so hard???
first a little tip - 50 % or so commute out, 50% or so of workers in Prince country commute in, don't forget it's close to DC and someone needs to bus in the high skilled asians for the demanding jobs.
Dr.Queen said...
Yeah, but I'm sure you've seen white folks "get away with" the Univ. Of Phoenix MBA.
You and I need Wharton or Fuqua to compete with them on the "same" level.
I'm sure Rudy would do just fine with or without a piece of paper, but for you to compete with anyone outside of the Special Olympics would take a miracle.
You are the kind of negro that ruins AA for the rest of us.
You are one deluded sistah.
And as they say, "you will never be doctor".
Anonymous said...
I love it, proof dumb supports dumber, she has no idea whats she is talking about in fact she blasted steve on this very topic, but now blindly say, yeah, heeyuck they must be stupid because they dont know that commuting in and commuting out means....what does it mean Queeny?
I wouldn't side with a racist Hillbilly like you on a 10 billion dollar lottery ticket.
Besides the fact you don't comprehend worth a rat's ass!!!
Anonymous said...
I love it, proof dumb supports dumber, she has no idea whats she is talking about in fact she blasted steve on this very topic, but now blindly say, yeah, heeyuck they must be stupid because they dont know that commuting in and commuting out means....what does it mean Queeny?
I wouldn't side with a racist Hillbilly like you on a 10 billion dollar lottery ticket.
Besides the fact you don't comprehend worth a rat's ass!!!
5:21 PM
OK honey, I didn't ask you to co sign with me on anything. I asked you WHAT it was that you were laughing at and highlighted your racist hypocrisy, please explain it to little ole me who doesn't have the degrees and brainpower that you and your famulee have.
Don't dodge and call me a racist, to avoid explaining what you found so funny and that you comprehend that I do not. What exactly is that Dear Dr Queen? What precisely does it mean when people commute in and commute out in relation to the number of public sector jobs in Prince county? What about it did you find so funny? Come on someone who claims they are as smart as you should be able to explain that without one vulgar ghetto term in a single sentence...by the way, how many "rats asses" are you familiar with?
Dr.Queen said...
Rudy said...
Then again, a master's or MBA degree from U of Phoenix really isn't saying much. Those types of degrees are good for "working adults" who are attempting to "check the block" as they climb the ladder in their organization. It's not the type of degree that will get one's foot into Wall Street.
Yeah, but I'm sure you've seen white folks "get away with" the Univ. Of Phoenix MBA.
You and I need Wharton or Fuqua to compete with them on the "same" level.
LOL...I have seen both get away with that crap. However, I cannot complain. My employer allots $8,000 annually for educational endeavors.
I work in IT and an MBA wouldn't do me much good (IT certifications is where the money is). In fact, I am getting along fine with just a bachelor's from a regular state university.
Anonymous MacDaddy said...
Scots are apparently more prone to violence than your average (white) American.
They are nowhere near as violent as black Americans.
Actually, what we know as the redneck/cracker culture did not originate in America. It was already a reality in the British Isles. It arrived with immigration. A great deal of American southerners came from the northern borderlands of England ”for centuries a no-man's land between Scotland and England” as well as from the Scottish highland and from Ulster County, Ireland. This region had a reputation as the "most disorderly inhabitants of a deeply disordered land". There was lawlessness, danger and life was cheap. They were anti-intellectual and sexually promiscuous. Basically, they were the outcast of society. Remnants of that subculture, are still live and well in America, today
As a matter of fact, there is an American scholar who theorizes that the ghetto subculture is not a result of slavery, but is really a derivative of Redneck Culture.
Mark my words lassie, any more of this violent Scotsman talk and somebody is a going to get cut.
Stabby McGee said...
Mark my words lassie, any more of this violent Scotsman talk and somebody is a going to get cut.
LOL... Braveheart man, Braveheart.
I say.....could I have a spot more of that tea and those delectable crumpets?
Aunt Jemima said....As a matter of fact, there is an American scholar who theorizes that the ghetto subculture is not a result of slavery, but is really a derivative of Redneck Culture.
Yes I have read Thomas Sowell on this:
There is some truth to it. Throw in African polyandry and you get today's ghetto culture.
Rudy said...
I work in IT and an MBA wouldn't do me much good (IT certifications is where the money is). In fact, I am getting along fine with just a bachelor's from a regular state university.
I hear ya' Rudy, everyone I know in IT is making well into the 6 figures EASY!!!
I don't doubt that. I know folks around the DC beltway who make that type of money with just a high school diploma, security clearance and a couple of IT certifications.
They MIGHT think about getting a degree from a diploma mill just to get that raise...lol.
Ain't life grand???
Ms.Queef said...
I hear ya' Rudy, everyone I know in IT is making well into the 6 figures EASY!!!
Someday you'll crack the 4 figure barrier Queef, then you'll be a thousandaire.
Keep on mopping, doc!
Rudy said...
I work in IT and an MBA wouldn't do me much good (IT certifications is where the money is). In fact, I am getting along fine with just a bachelor's from a regular state university.
I hear ya' Rudy, everyone I know in IT has a waistline well into the 6 figures EASY!!! I ain't tellin wut mines is but I's a sister dat cause you a blister wit my big fat jello azz for schizzle!!!
Dr BaddaBingOpolos said...
Rudy said...
I work in IT and an MBA wouldn't do me much good (IT certifications is where the money is). In fact, I am getting along fine with just a bachelor's from a regular state university.
I hear ya' Rudy, everyone I know in IT has a waistline well into the 6 figures EASY!!! I ain't tellin wut mines is but I's a sister dat cause you a blister wit my big fat jello azz for schizzle!!!
LMAO...there is a modicum of truth in your sarcasm. A lot of IT professionals sit on their ass all day.
Hey Ann G Any Vagina, Why you so hard on Ireland, they are celebrating African day? I think they plan on doing a deep dive review of Banda, Kaunda,General Mugabe and overall famous african genocidal despots and leaders.
Dr. Silverballs said...
Ms.Queef said...
I hear ya' Rudy, everyone I know in IT is making well into the 6 figures EASY!!!
Someday you'll crack the 4 figure barrier Queef, then you'll be a thousandaire.
Keep on mopping, doc!
muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah muah
Rudy said...
I don't doubt that. I know folks around the DC beltway who make that type of money with just a high school diploma, security clearance and a couple of IT certifications.
They MIGHT think about getting a degree from a diploma mill just to get that raise...lol.
Ain't life grand???
Well I live in metro DC, so maybe mine is a skewed sample population, LOL!!
And I know a few people without college degrees making 6 figures in IT but they're all former military. It just seems to me that having a degree gets you to 6 figures MUCH faster.
Rudy said...
I hear ya' Rudy, everyone I know in IT has a waistline well into the 6 figures EASY!!! I ain't tellin wut mines is but I's a sister dat cause you a blister wit my big fat jello azz for schizzle!!!
LMAO...there is a modicum of truth in your sarcasm. A lot of IT professionals sit on their ass all day.
Awwww d*mn Rudy, did you REALLY have to respond to the psychopathic a$$non?
My, my, my, what is the world coming too, LOL!!
Ms.Queef said...
And I know a few people without college degrees making 6 figures in IT but they're all former military.
Queef calls them "customers".
Beefy Assnon
"As a matter of fact, there is an American scholar who theorizes that the ghetto subculture is not a result of slavery, but is really a derivative of Redneck Culture.
Yes I have read Thomas Sowell on this"
How does Uncle Thomas then explain ghetto subculture in Dublin, Caracas, Manila, London and Mexico City?
Why do you all feed the racist awful trolls? Maybe if you stopped responding they would go away and this blog would be much more enjoyable?
I think there is a compulsion to respond because everyone is circle jerking off seeing who can write the most. Just ignore them. Eventually they will go away.
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