I am watching the NBA finals to see if the next "great white hope "of basketball can get my favorite owner in all of sports a ring. (Dude can really ball. But Larry Bird? Come on now.)He called D Wade and King James ignorant for making fun of his illness, so this is not only great basketball but it's personal as well. I love it!
To the LeBron haters out there (I am talking to you, Cleveland) get over it. He is young, rich, and reviving interest in the NBA. Win or lose he will still be living large on South Beach and you will still be stuck in (pick your city) trying to make ends meet. (A six toe controversy? Are you serious?!)
Staying with sports; I see that Mike Tyson was inducted in the International Boxing Hall of Fame. Congrats Mike, did they serve Chianti at the reception in honor of your little ep with Evander Holyfield? Sorry, that was a low blow, but I just couldn't resist. Mike, in spite of your off court issues, you deserve to be in the hall. Just keep working on your acting skills. I sense a Hangover III coming.
Now the man who doesn't deserve to be there is Sylvester Stallone. He never stepped foot in a real boxing ring yet he is going into the Boxing Hall of Fame. Somehow that doesn't seem right. Memo to everyone in A-merry-ca, "Rocky" was a movie.
It's a disgrace that there is a statue of Rocky here in my hometown, and there is none for a real hometown champion who actually was the heavy weight champion of the world.
"Smokin Joe", you are a better man that I am. I would have demanded a statue the day they put up that joke of a statue to a fictional boxer in South Philly. They moved it to the Art Museum (right next to the steps Rocky ran up in the movie), but it's just as repulsive and offensive to me as it always was.
Finally, I am going to go ahead and make this an all sports post. Can one of you ladies who are regulars on this blog please reach out to Nogami Marshall. Seems girlfriend was arrested again for violating the terms of a stay away order. Here is the deal on stay away and protection from abuse orders: men aren't allowed to violate them, and neither can the members of the fairer sex. You will be arrested, and rightfully so.
Someone should tell Nogami that no one is worth losing her freedom over. Yeah I know, sometimes these dudes can be really trifling, but you already went Bobby Flay on him once, let it go.
Now back to the game.....
Lebron made a business decision. Had he been white, no one would have given it a second thought.
Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
Lebron made a business decision. Had he been white, no one would have given it a second thought.
Yeah,Yeah,if John Elway would have went to the Jets no one would have said anything.
Race card doesn't work in this case.
Lebron made a business decision. Had he been white, no one would have given it a second thought.
10:15 PM
My god, get over this shit, the people who are pissed are black. WTF is wrong with you. Now the white man is responsible for black men hatin on a baller cause he went to another city? Damn really WTF are you thinking. '
I could see Lebron sayin, "you just pissed cause I'm Black"....
What about Ruban Carter, not the movie or the song? Sometimes hero's end up on the losing side. What about Jose Guerena a two time Iraq Veteran shot down by an Arizona Boot-jack SWAT team 22 times and there was no smoke coming out of his weapon. Just trying to protect his wife and two children. Still after a month no proof he did anything. He's shot in cold blood and the cops are walking free. Who is there to mourn for him and where is the justice?
"He who does not punish evil commands it to be done." DaVinci
Enjoy the game! A statue of Rocky instead of a real champion? Unbelievable, only in America! That's downright crazy!
Brandon better take measures cuz that ish could easily get out of hand in a big and fatal way! Sounds like she's using.
Ms. Queen, Hojo Alum said...
"Lebron made a business decision. Had he been white, no one would have given it a second thought."
Had he been white, no one would have cared because he wouldn't have been such a good player.
Kind of like how no one cares if you ever take the MCATs or not.
LOL laugh it up to night Cleveland...LaaaaaBron chokes again!!!!!!!!!!!!
Take pleasure in the fact LaaaBron will get killed on ESPN the next few days!!
If it wasn't for Sylvester Stallone,boxing wouldn't be the thriving sport it is.
Me thinks fields hate comes from the fact Sylvester Stallone is a Republican.
Slapnuts said...
"Me thinks fields hate comes from the fact Sylvester Stallone is a Republican."
No, he just hates white people.
"Me thinks fields hate comes from the fact Sylvester Stallone is a Republican."
I didn't know that. Well now I really hate that stupid statue.:)
"Enjoy the game! A statue of Rocky instead of a real champion? Unbelievable, only in America! That's downright crazy!"
Isn't it? Congrats to the Mavs!
Great, another stinking championship in Big D. Oh well, at least it's not the Cowgirls.
Slap, evidently you do not watch boxing because Muhammad Ali is the reason boxing is the sport it is today.
"Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee." ~~Muhammad Ali~~
"Hating people because of their color is wrong. And it doesn't matter which color does the hating. It's just plain wrong."
~~Muhammad Ali~~
"If my mind can conceive it, and my heart can believe it - then I can achieve it." ~~Muhammad Ali~~
"You lose nothing when fighting for a cause ... In my mind the losers are those who don't have a cause they care about." ~~Muhammad Ali~~
"What you're thinking is what you're becoming." ~~Muhammad Ali~~
"The best way to make your dreams come true is to wake up." ~~Muhammad Ali~~
"Champions aren't made in gyms. Champions are made from something they have deep inside them-a desire, a dream, a vision. They have to have the skill, and the will. But the will must be stronger than the skill." ~~Muhammad Ali~~
"I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get
used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours;
my religion, not yours; my goals, my own; get used to me." ~~Muhammad Ali~~
"The man who views the world at 50 the same as he did at 20 has wasted 30 years of his life."~~Muhammad Ali~~
"I know where I'm going and I know the truth, and I don't have to be what you want me to be. I'm free to be what I want." ~~Muhammad Ali~~
And he was wise too and he was and still is the greatest.
Regarding the statue of the fake [white] "Rocky", they know that's the closest they'll ever come. So what do you expect?
And btw, to whom it may concern: Brandon's crazy man stabbing wife is not a black woman, nor was she raised by one. Just in case one of you got it in your heads to use this as an open invitation to unleash your usual hate and venom towards black women. Thank you. Carry on.
My family is pleased and glad that justice has been served.
Adriannnnnn, will you answer the damn phone, I'm waiting on a call from King James. LMAO
Hey Babygurl, I pray that all is well with you and your loved ones.
Hey Granny, I just stepped away to read the link you posted about Chauncey Bailey. I remember when that happened, so sad and senseless. Glad to hear the followup and that justice is being served indeed.
I'm doing great, and I hope you are too! :)
My god, get over this shit, the people who are pissed are black. WTF is wrong with you. Now the white man is responsible for black men hatin on a baller cause he went to another city? Damn really WTF are you thinking. '
what i'm thinking? how much it must suck to be you, you sniveling little bitch made hoe faggot. Go suck a nut.
Babygurl, thanks and glad to hear that everything is okay with you and your. I'm doing great and will be leaving not this week but next week for my trip. I'm looking forward to it, so that I can hopefully tie up some loose ends, relax, and enjoy family too.
This is for you...............
A TOY company known for producing action figures of US political figures has started advertising its latest addition, the Anthony Weiner doll.
Herobuilders.com is offering two versions of the doll modelled after the New York Democrat who shot to fame around the world last week after admitting to having sent a lewd photo of his crotch to a Seattle college student on Twitter.
The Weiner doll comes as a standard doll for $US39.95 ($37.85) and an adults-only “anatomically correct” version for $US49.95 ($47.35).
Both figures are dressed in a T-shirt and gym shorts — with the words “tweet this” printed on the shorts.
For an extra $US18.00 ($17) customers can add a toy BlackBerry for the doll to hold.
Folks say Lebron made a business decision. I agree with that. The problem was he showed no respect for his former Cleveland teammates. I could care less that he left before the owners got rid of him.
Now if Bird or Magic would have gotten together in the 80's, they would have found a way to play with each other. Wade and James don't blend well because they are too selfish. It's about them first, and the team second. Dallas had a team and the team beat talent.
As far as Dirk, they where saying tonight that he's one of the top 20 of all time. That's a bunch of bull. Who will he replace, Dr.J? I don't buy that crap that Jordan was the best of all time. I've seen another Jordan on Kobe. I haven't seen another Kareem or Magic and I'm not a Faker fan.
As far as Smokin' Joe and the fighters bck in the day. The boxers in Frasier's era would kill these guys today.
La♥audiobooks said...
Regarding the statue of the fake [white] "Rocky", they know that's the closest they'll ever come. So what do you expect?
Weren't all the heavyweight championship belts of the world all held by Russian dudes for a few years recently? The Klitscko brothers, Valuev, Chageav?
Not only are you racist, but you are stupid.
The two usually go together.
ditto fn
parental custody law & domestic stalking laws are reverse sexist...
they dog men...
I forgot Bill Russell on the greatest list.
Miami will be a totally different team next year. The coach might be gone too.
dear mr field, i must tell you that your opinion of Rocky is waaay off. Smokin Joe Frazier was nothing compared to the Italian Bomber.
You must not be originally from Philly because no true Philadelphian would say what you have said. In any case, I sincerely hope you are thinking better in court this week than you did about boxers this week.
LAA is an ignorant racist, you must really hate LAA. Are you someone once on FN blog and got toasted by LAA? Wow. you need to get over it cause your resentment is poisoning you.
I am wondering who you could be?
Once You get past the smell, you got it licked
~~Muhammad Ali~~
Slapnuts said...
This is for you...............
Haha,cute! I want them all!
The reason the Mavericks won is because of LeBron. He was carrying "bad karma" because of the way he left Cleveland. He should have stayed in Cleveland because now the Heat is going to suffer defeat after defeat in the Finals.
God made man and then rested. God made La♥audiobooks and then no one rested
~~Muhammad Ali~~
WOMAN: The most efficient money reducing agent known to man-kind!
~~Muhammad Ali~~
If your girlfriend starts smoking...slow down and use some lubricant.
~~Muhammad Ali~~
Crowded elevators smell different to midgets.
~~Muhammad Ali~~
I don't trust anything that bleeds for five days and doesn't die.
~~Muhammad Ali~~
Time flies like an arrow. Fruit flies like a banana.
~~Muhammad Ali~~
that muhammed ali has become a very wise man. your wisdom about "WOMAN" is so true. i lost a bundle trying to sail to PR to see Desertflower. Not only did i lose my shirt, i never got there because Desertflower gave me wrong directions. she told me i was in lost in the Bermuda Triangle when i was right there off the coast PR. That's cold-blooded. Now she has the audacity to be stuck on Weiner and is expressing it on FN blog. do you know how that makes me feel? for her to want Weiner over me? that is soooo unfair.
yeah, i don't know why God made woman, esp Desertflower. I guess God enjoys playing cosmic jokes.
I was up late, because I couldn't sleep.
And in the midst of Youtube surfing, I found this.: youtube.com/watch?v=omM2s4wBPRQ
And that, ladies and gents, explains why Republicans are so hellbent on crucifying Weiner with photos of his wiener.
"Weren't all the heavyweight championship belts of the world all held by Russian dudes for a few years recently? The Klitscko brothers, Valuev, Chageav?"
My fantasy boxing match would pit Mike Tyson against Vitali or Wladimir Klitschko. Maybe it's just me, but it felt like Iron Mike was wasting too much of his time and talent on bums.
"Not only are you racist, but you are stupid.
The two usually go together."
And apparently you're not smart enough to realize what you're doing, and to whom you're doing it to. I guess it'll all become clear to you when you get your head verbally slammed against the wall.
Mack Lyons Said...
"And in the midst of Youtube surfing, I found this.: youtube.com/watch?v=omM2s4wBPRQ
And that, ladies and gents, explains why Republicans are so hellbent on crucifying Weiner with photos of his wiener"
Oh Poor poor Mack. You so readily consume the propaganda your dear massas feed you. For such a smart man you sure act dumb some times.
First off, no matter how much they try and flip the script, republicans aren't the ones talking about Weiner. It's the democratic leadership who want him out because he is a totally ineffective embarrassment for democrats. I do understand how someone making this false claim can try and make it appear that he was just an innocent victim of conservatives rather than his own words and actions and the not so ready for prime time democrats like yourself latch on and without thinking say yeah “It's all bush's fault”
With all his antics democrats have figured out Wiener is a Republican Party spokesperson and want him out fast. How? Why? Well, he highlights the very best of democrats and exposes what they are; loud little angry weasels who cover up lack of content with volume and false attacks. So the Republicans simply wish he WOULD stay in office and as he is doing and continue reminding people he is a democrat. Whoever came up with the “blame the republicans” on this one is lame. Wiener did it, Weiner gets exposed more each day and stays in the news, the dem leaders are flipping out because they want him out, republicans want him to stay and continue his Democratic Party advertisements.
As for his angry little grandstanding lie of a speech you posted. Democrats are nothing but ineffective grandstanding actors. WHY? Well, this outburst by Wiener may have impressed an angry man who did not know or listen to the issue and looks for an angry man instead of a well spoken man who is on the side of truth who speaks persuasively, but everyone else knew that it was all a democratic sham. 9/11 responders already had health care coverage, the democrats pushed this bill through with a sham procedure requiring unprecedented 2/3 majority after letting it sit unmoved in congress for 2 years, why this silly procedural move when Dems had the majority and could have passed it from 07-09? So it could be used as a spending pork laden bill and the bill could not be discussed on the floor with the "extras added in reviewed for pork and no one could add amendments to strip the new spending efforts of democrats from a bill they KNEW the conservatives had written and would pass. tart. Democrats were also the majority and did not NEED any republican vote, yet did not push the bill through with the joke of a process until it became political theater and they found another way to spend more money, add pork and become drama queens for the “mack lyons” effect.
Granny, thanks for that link. I am glad to read that justice was served.
"...loud little angry weasels who cover up lack of content with volume and false attacks."
Hmmm, sounds like Newt.
I always thought of Rocky as the home for pigeons and tourons.
Nothing says 'loser' as much as doing the run o' the steps.
Meet me at the Iggle...when you are old enough to know besser.
Anonymous said...
I always thought of Rocky as the home for pigeons and tourons.
Nothing says 'loser' as much as doing the run o' the steps.
Meet me at the Iggle...when you are old enough to know besser.
That's is because the only time you tried running your cankles got caught in your socks and your double chins ba-bounced off the steps as you fell down. Leave it to a little white nerd to hate a picture of masculinity like rocky. You hate masculinity so much you pretend to be a retarded black woman...go figure mental disease is something we will never get a clear understanding of. Only the effects, such as delusions and full diapers.
To you AB is rocky and she knocks your block off daily!!!
DR..Dr it is time for Molds next electroshock treatment......
Best Joke I heard out of Ohio last night, "I asked LeBron for a dollar, he gave me 75 cents back. He doesn’t have a fourth quarter."
Queen, you're my girl and everything but this has nothing to do with race.
Lebron set himself up for all the hateration by chumping his hometown and wiggling his ass in a classless celebration on becoming a member of the Miami Heat.
The only way he was going to avoid any tough scruntiny was by winning it all.
This is compounded by the fact that he folded in the fourth quarter in 3 closely contested games of the series.
I was in high school when Reggie Jackson came to the NY Yankees talking big $hit and claiming to be the "straw that stirred the drink".
Many NYers, black white and hispanics were initially turned off by all the noise and said "that m*therf**cker better shut up and hit."
And you know how he showed us?
4 home runs in 4 consecutive swings in the World Series.
Hey Granny, I'm planning for my trip too, enjoy!
"Weren't all the heavyweight championship belts of the world all held by Russian dudes for a few years recently? The Klitscko brothers, Valuev, Chageav?
Not only are you racist, but you are stupid."
But they are not from Philly are they?
like uts, black thugs in prison have no honor
if this killer kkkp who publicly executed oscar grant has been a guido who shot an italian boy...
the mafia would have made sure he never exited any prison
ditto for the black muslim dogs who shot malcolm x...
rosa parks was attacked in her home by a black thug
but this evil bastard is free...
how long should he live in jail or on the street where thugs kill peers daily???????
granny posts about Muhammad Ali:
"I am America. I am the part you won't recognize. But get
used to me. Black, confident, cocky; my name, not yours;
my religion, not yours;
He had the support of virtually every American until the religion business arose.
The Black Muslims played Ali for all he was worth and damaged his career in ways the cheated every American.
Had he not become a Black Muslim, he would have served in the army doing PR work like other fighters and celebrities. Then, after at most, two years, he would have returned to boxing and the biggest fights ever, and he would have fought them in the US with the full support of the public.
Instead he got suckered by people who siphoned off a lot of his money. Do you think he would have fought those last few fights, the ones that inflicted the Parkinson's on him, if he didn't need the replace the money he'd been fleeced out of by the Black Muslims?
Mack Lyons said...
I was up late, because I couldn't sleep.
And in the midst of Youtube surfing, I found this.: youtube.com/watch?v=omM2s4wBPRQ
And that, ladies and gents, explains why Republicans are so hellbent on crucifying Weiner with photos of his wiener.
And who are these Republicans??Please give us names.
Was he wearing his cape and tights under that suit?
The Klitschko brothers are not considered top-notch heavyweight fighters.
One has a better record than the other, and the better of the two might, might be considered the 10th best fighter in heavyweight history. Maybe.
The other is not in the Top Ten. Probably not in the Top Twenty.
A fight between Tyson in his prime against either Klitschko would have been worth watching. Tyson would have won.
"Edward Gause, 43, fatally beat Robert Lancaster, 76, inside Lancaster's home on 50th Street near Woodbine Avenue in Wynnefield on Nov. 5, police said.
Gause was a talented handyman who had been doing renovations on Gause's house"
yes, the murder very near the Phila mayor's home... what kind of person could be so psychopathic as to beat to death an elderly man over money?
we call them "field negroes"
you bet the killer be black, true dat
Black News Today:
Police: 11 Arrested After Fight Breaks Out Inside Long Island Hospital
June 12, 2011
Reporting Sophia Hall
EAST MEADOW, NY (WCBS 880) – Police say 11 people were arrested after a fight broke out inside a Long Island hospital.
The loud and disorderly crowd, said to be a group of men and women in their 20s, walked into Nassau University Medical Center in East Meadow around midnight and tried to get into the emergency room, while threatening the hospital staff.
When they tried to get into the emergency room, the cops were called.
As the 11 people were yelling, one of the suspects, Kadeen McDonald, refused to be handcuffed and began fighting with an officer.
The officer’s hand was fractured.
The suspects face a number of charges. No hospital staff was injured.
like uts, black thugs in prison have no honor
if this killer kkkop who publicly executed oscar grant had been a guido who shot an italian boy...
the mafia would have made sure he never exited any prison
ditto for the black muslim dogs who shot malcolm x...
rosa parks was attacked in her home by a black thug
but this evil bastard is free...
how long should he live in jail or on the street where thugs kill peers daily???????
note that field's summary of Tyson doesn't include the words "convicted rapist"
but it's such a trifling thing as rape, for a field negro to be concerned over, when worshiping sports heroes
note to black females on the group: if you get raped by a negro with worldly accomplishments, expect no sympathy from an amoral freak like Wayne Bennett
kosher kkk needs slaps:
white news today
cc this to white blog asap
Like mother, like daughter?
Authorities have arrested a 19-year-old Florida woman in connection with her father's gruesome murder, charging she and her mother plotted to kill the man with a pickaxe for his social security benefits.
Guenevere Lynn Hudnall and her mother, Stephanie Lynn Hudnall, 41, are accused of masterminding the gruesome murder of 51-year-old William Arnold Hudnall at his trailer home Thursday.
Investigators say Guenevere told her mother she would be willing to kill her estranged father if her mother drove her to his home.
Stephanie reportedly dropped her daughter off at her husband's house around 7:30 p.m. Wednesday evening, and father and daughter proceeded to chat for several hours.
When her father finally nodded off to sleep, Guenevere reportedly drew a pickax from the back porch and stabbed him multiple times in the head and chest.
"The victim [Hudnall] continued to make noise so she [Guenevere] struck him with the axe until he was quiet to make sure he was dead," Sheriff's Detective Sandra Myers wrote in a report.
Before fleeing the scene, Guenevere tried to make the murder look like part of a break-in by strewing mail around the living room, investigators said.
She then hopped in her father's car, drove home to her mother, and destroyed all other evidence.
Myers said the two women drove back to the murdered man's trailer the next day and called authorities, claiming they found Hudnall dead in his bed.
Just days prior to the murder, Guenevere took to Twitter to express herself in an ominous post.
"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire. ~St. Catherine of Siena," the troubled teen wrote.
Just a few weeks earlier, she tweeted about her job hunt as well.
"keep up the prayers...really need a job!!!" she wrote.
Both Guenevere and her mother were unemployed and their trailer park home was reportedly going to be foreclosed on around the time of the gruesome murder.
They are currently in separate holding cells and are being held on $1 million bail.
kosher kkk neesd slaps:
more white news today
post to all white blogs asap!!!
A bug expert testifying during the murder trial of a Florida mom accused of killing her daughter described 2-year-old Caylee Anthony's body in gruesome detail as covered with flies and gnats when it was discovered in a wooded area.
Entomologist Neal Haskell testified Saturday that based on Caylee's remains, it appears the body allegedly began decomposing in her mother Casey Anthony's car long enough "to produce enough of the purged fluids from the remains … to attract the [amount of] flies that were found in the trunk" before being deposited in the woods, CBS-12 reported.
He also testified that the body had been abandoned since about June or July – which is when Caylee disappeared – before being found in December of 2008.
when Ali returned from Zaire (Rumble in the Jungle), he said this rough quote: "black people aren't in the ghetto, the ghetto is in black people. Give them a new building to live in and in 30 minutes they'll turn it into a ghetto"
Ali was comparing "african americans" to the africans themselves, whom he'd found to be of wonderful spirit and personality despite their poverty. His words are preserved in documentaries made at the time -- in no way would any film maker include those words today
of course these days, it's all about "blame whitey" and denying that AAs have any faults at all
as always, an idiot negro with low IQ like Alicia B Skankdashian has no concept of crime prevalence. What a maroon!
Dear maroon Alicia: do you think they call it Killadelphia because of whites committing murders, you buffoon baboon?
Its a sad day for the liberal media.They had hoped so hard to find something in Sarah's +25,000 emails.
The liberal media were teaming up with leftwing kooks and leftwing kook blogs.
Damn Sarah...........You win again
Dear idiot Alice Shankdashian: stop comparing domestic-violence murders (which occur at an equivalent rate among blacks and whites) to the street crimes against strangers that you negroes are known for
try to stop being an idiot for at least one day out of life
Ali is infamous (except whites don't know about it) for having stabbed Malcom X in the back while siding with Elijah Muhammad and the NOI.
However, to his credit, Ali years later said that was one of the worst things he ever did in his life and he experienced great regret. Which goes to show the extent of us-vs-them black racism and how it controls negroes minds and obliterates all personal considerations.
Malcom's daughter, convicted of wanting to kill the murderer of her father, received no sympathy from black racist negroes... only from the few negroes who actually have principles.
racist moron assnon/kosher kkk needs slaps incognito in stereo:
cc that bs to flash gordon
A 41-year-old white male passenger became agitated, called several black passengers the n-word, and begged an officer at the scene to shoot him. Even after the violent suspect attacked several passengers, including a defenseless woman, who happened to be black, the responding officer did not draw his weapon.
In fact, based on the video, the officer looked like he had no idea how to diffuse the situation.
According to a MYFOX New York news report, the violent offender was taken to Lincoln Hospital for evaluation, but he was never arrested or charged with a crime.
One online critic said that if the man in this story were black, the NYPD would have shot him "before he could take his draws off".
"Malcom's daughter, convicted of wanting to kill the murderer of her father, received no sympathy from black racist negroes..."
just as similarly the liberal press will not talk about Farrakhan's tales of being taken up in UFOs.
Yet negroes claim they don't get reverse-racist preferential treatment in the press.
"and begged an officer at the scene to shoot him... taken to Lincoln Hospital for evaluation"
obviously a psychotic episode, which is a rare event -- AND IDIOT ALICIA STILL HAS NO CONCEPT OF PREVALENCE
she compares a rare psychotic event to the tidal wave of violent negro rapes, robberies and murders
what a stoopid maroon!
quote Skankdashian again: One online critic said that if the man in this story were black, the NYPD would have shot him "before he could take his draws off".
only an idiot offers a quote of someone's (some black racist or white liberal) opinion as proof of anything. what a dolt
I heard there were 100 street murders committed by negroes this week. But I also have a story of a white committing a murder ten years ago.
So obviously there is no difference between races.
P.S. I earned an 'A' in my negro logic course in the black studies dept.
no_slappz said...
The Klitschko brothers are not considered top-notch heavyweight fighters.
I'd say having a championship belt merits consideration as a top-notch heavyweight fighter.
The Klitschko brothers were actaully pretty good. Valuev was less of a fighter, but his monstrous size would make him a formidable fighter in any era.
It's difficult to match fighters from different eras. No one has demonstrated the skill and speed of Muhammed Ali since the 70's. Tyson in his prime seemed unstoppable, but he didn't have any quality opponents until after he started to slip.
I think a fight between Vitali Klitschko and Mike Tyson at their peaks would have certainly been worth the PPV fee.
racist moron assnon:
white men publicly execute/shoot black strangers daily in the streets
we typically call those white mass murderers "police officers"
"If I see three or four young black men walking down the street, I have to stop them and check their names," said Mills, who is white. "I want them to be afraid every time they see the police that they might get arrested."
Source: Russell Mills, Police Chief, Homer, LA.
AAPP says: There is something going on in this country that every American should be concerned about. Hate crimes by police against black people are rising across America and it seems like no one is watching. Well, at least a few media outlets are reporting about the HATE that is rising. One of those journalist have been watching it closely -
Howard Witt at the Chicago Tribune.
Howard Witt at the Chicago Tribune has been following the HATE crime in Homer, La.— He reports about how on the last afternoon of his life, Bernard Monroe was hosting a cookout for family and friends in front of his dilapidated home on Adams Street in this small northern Louisiana town.
Throat cancer had robbed the 73-year-old retired electric utility worker of his voice years ago, but family members said Monroe was clearly enjoying the commotion of a dozen of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren cavorting around him in the dusty, grassless yard.Then the Homer police showed up, two white officers whose arrival caused the participants at the black family gathering to quickly fall silent. Within moments, Monroe lay dead, shot by one of the officers as his family looked on. More HERE
AAPP: It's time for Federal agencies to investigate, prosecute and lock some bad cops up in Federal prison.
How much can black men in America take? We have been taking this mess for too long.
"I'd say having a championship belt merits consideration as a top-notch heavyweight fighter."
slappy falls into the 'blacks are naturally better and white champs are installed to please the white racist fans' crap
Of course it's about race! LeBron made a BUSINESS decision that white athletes make everyday with no heat, pun unintended.
That said, I do think he left Cleveland on bad terms, but the boy is young, he'll eventually learn.
And I don't care who is on the team, it was NEVER realistic that he was going to go to Miami and win a championship in the SAME season. Just give it time, I'm sure he'll bring a championship trophy to Miami.
Ms.Queef, Hojo Alum said...
Of course it's about race! LeBron made a BUSINESS decision that white athletes make everyday with no heat, pun unintended.
Name a white elite athlete who strung his hometown out for a year as to whether or not he would stay, and then announced on national TV he was leaving, without telling his team ahead of time, then when off and did another telvised show where he rubbed it in the face a the fanbase that had supported him for so long.
This had nothing to do with "race" and everyting to do with acting like a jerk.
quoting chimp alicia:
"If I see three or four young black men walking down the street, I have to stop them and check their names," said Mills, who is white. "I want them to be afraid every time they see the police that they might get arrested."
now compare that Jesse saying that he gets on edge when approached by young black makes near his home in DC.
That is being a realist - YBMs are very likely to commit a violent crime at any moment because that is what they do.
The only way to keep them in check is by fear of the law, since they are raised to never have a moment of conscience. Criminal violence is always the response to everything from uncivilized people.
Did you forget your own death threats against me on this blog last Tuesday afternoon, Alicia?
kosher kkk needs slaps et al/all racist codumbos herein:
see DROVES of white shooters/killers/hackers etc below
cc ALL of these white killers to white blogs asap
alicia banks said...
white men publicly execute/shoot black strangers daily in the streets
we typically call those white mass murderers "police officers"
And we typically call people like you "loons".
brain dead assnon:
death threats against moronic zombies like you are...redundant and moot
never fret that u racist fool.
faceless brainless clueless assnon:
shoot this:
BRECKENRIDGE, Colo. – A white man accused of dragging a black woman out of a Colorado bar by her hair has been charged with a bias-motivated crime.
The Summit County district attorney filed assault and bias-motivated crime charges Wednesday against 37-year-old Dustin Meadows. Prosecutors say Meadows used a racial epithet against the woman, as well as other obscenities, during an argument at a bar in Summit Cove.
According to the Summit County sheriff’s office, the argument began after Meadows spilled his beer on the woman while he was dancing. According to the report, the woman turned to him and said “What, no apology?”
The sheriff’s office says the woman was missing hair on the right side of her hair.
Meadows is free on $2,500 bail.
negroes perpetuated the myth that they are naturally better, and black racists like LA Audio along with white reverse racists perpetuate it at every turn.
Now who is that black fighter that even recently makes public claims on that matter, yet never is called a racist by the politically-correct sports press?
It mainly depends on which group is throwing themselves into it. Even Koreans, Latin Americans, whatever.
"57 AM
alicia banks said...
racist moron assnon:
white men publicly execute/shoot black strangers daily in the streets
we typically call those white mass murderers "police officers"
"If I see three or four young black men walking down the street, I have to stop them and check their names," said Mills, who is white. "I want them to be afraid every time they see the police that they might get arrested."
Source: Russell Mills, Police Chief, Homer, LA.
AAPP says: There is something going on in this country that every American should be concerned about. Hate crimes by police against black people are rising across America and it seems like no one is watching. Well, at least a few media outlets are reporting about the HATE that is rising. One of those journalist have been watching it closely -
Howard Witt at the Chicago Tribune.
Howard Witt at the Chicago Tribune has been following the HATE crime in Homer, La.— He reports about how on the last afternoon of his life, Bernard Monroe was hosting a cookout for family and friends in front of his dilapidated home on Adams Street in this small northern Louisiana town.
Throat cancer had robbed the 73-year-old retired electric utility worker of his voice years ago, but family members said Monroe was clearly enjoying the commotion of a dozen of his grandchildren and great-grandchildren cavorting around him in the dusty, grassless yard.Then the Homer police showed up, two white officers whose arrival caused the participants at the black family gathering to quickly fall silent. Within moments, Monroe lay dead, shot by one of the officers as his family looked on. More HERE
AAPP: It's time for Federal agencies to investigate, prosecute and lock some bad cops up in Federal prison.
How much can black men in America take? We have been taking this mess for too long.
11:01 AM"
So, it seems like everyone and their mother was investigating the shooting of Bernard Monroe.
What ever happened to the investigation? I can't seem to find any current news about it. Somebody get a pay-off?
faceless brainless clueless racist moron kkk coward assnon:
shoot this
cc it to yusef hawkins
A group of white men set upon three black men on the streets of Howard Beach, Queens, early yesterday, beating one with a baseball bat and fracturing his skull, the police and prosecutors said.
Bottom, Uli Seit for The New York Times
Glenn Moore, 22, top, of St. Albans, Queens, was beaten with a bat. Nicholas Minucci, 19, of Howard Beach, was arrested in the attack.
The white men, who emerged from a black 2005 Cadillac Escalade before dawn, sent the black men fleeing into nearby swampland and through the streets of the largely white, insular neighborhood. One of the black men, Glenn Moore, 22, of St. Albans, Queens, tripped over a lawn. There, his assailants beat him with a metal bat, stole the sneakers off his feet and ripped an earring from one ear, the police said.
Mr. Moore suffered injuries to his head, back and legs and was in Jamaica Hospital Medical Center last night, listed in serious condition. His girlfriend's sister said he was going in and out of consciousness.
The police said they had taken Nicholas Minucci, a 19-year-old unemployed man from Howard Beach, into custody, and a senior law enforcement official said he would be charged with assault in the first degree as a hate crime, which carries a sentence of from 8 to 25 years. The police said that Mr. Minucci had admitted to part of the crime, and that he had given a videotaped confession.
alicia banks said...
brain dead assnon:
death threats against moronic zombies like you are...redundant and moot
so you don't deny making death threats on an internet discussion, sheboon?
"A group of white men set upon three black men on the streets of Howard Beach, Queens, early yesterday, beating one with a baseball bat and fracturing his skull, the police and prosecutors said."
Alicia the low IQ dolt, cites a rare case of whites driving out marauding black thugs from their neighborhood in 2005, and STILL HAS NO CONCEPTION OF PREVALENCE
you can lead a chimp to logic, but you can't make it think
hey, that's great - I just invented that!
faceless scared assnon:
are u shaking?
"Monroe was clearly enjoying the commotion of a dozen of his grandchildren "
let me translate from the liberal press-speak: negroes were becoming ultra disorderly, as they always do -- when police arrived as the result of a complaint
negroes, being programmed to always think of themselves as victims even while they are in the act of committing crimes, resist the police violently
alicia banks said...
faceless scared assnon:
are u shaking?
you are a funny sheboon :)
negroes are so used to seeing their bruthas murder unarmed victims, that negroes think they have some real power
in reality, negroes lose fair fights - like the Oklahoma thug who was shot by the ricketty elderly pharmacist
(I sense a chimpout coming from Alice)
racist fool liar assnon:
cc that bs to all of the calm black people arrested/executed for driving/sleeping while black
I am now going to slay all the slayable, I slay here and there, everywhere. All the world fears me!!!
choking chimp coward assnon:
funny you talk so much bs
but cannot show your fugly kkk mug
u r a sheetless scared shit 4 brains
my #1 fan assnon:
that is why u r faceless and shaking!!!
and I hate it when people point out the ultra high rate of black crime... and how blacks have no control over violent impulses.
I know you all fear me... yes, you do.
silly racist assnon:
cc that to all those violent thieving slave massas/public killer kkkops etc/never arrested white teen mobs etc....
"negroes, being programmed to always think of themselves as victims even while they are in the act of committing crimes, resist the police violently"
I've seen it a hundred times, blacks refusing to cooperate with police, defaulting to an aggressive, threatening demeanor that immediately raises the specter of violence.
It's no wonder police wind up shooting so many black people.
I know cops aren't perfect, I know lot's of them can be assholes. I have been infuriated on how I have been treated by police in the past. I do know however, that police are the law, and they have guns, and you resist them at your own peril. The time for arguing is not the heat of the moment.
It is the culture of seeing the police as enemies that leads to so many shootings.
AB, what happened to the Bernard Monroe investigation? You're the research queen. I can't seem to find out the status.
violently ignorant kkk assnon:
cc that racist bs to that head hunter dick c who violently shot his pal...
also cc that racist bs to the violent gwb and his violent half white clone hobama who have wm shooting and killing people of color in bloody red endless wars all over the globe....
in case anyone missed Alicia's death threats from last Monday, here is one, but not the only:
alicia banks said...
walking dead scared assnon:
a brain dead sheet wearing lying cowardly hidden headed goon like u knows all about death...bet
we crave to teach u more asap...bet.
3:30 PM
Monday June 06, 2011
burn hard monroe:
your inability to burn via google is no issue for me.
scared assnon:
u r now shaking in stereo.
Strahan said...
I've seen it a hundred times, blacks refusing to cooperate with police, defaulting to an aggressive, threatening demeanor that immediately raises the specter of violence.
they also get tasered more because they resist more; then some college liberals will come out with a purportedly 'scientific study' that claims negroes are victims because they get tased more than normal people
just like they get executed more: because they commit more vicious crimes
and they get longer jail terms for non-violent crimes: because they have lengthy previous records
but academia is perverted by reverse racism
I thought so.
fyi scared kkk assnon:
i stand by all i post/say/claim!
Alice, are you going to chimp out for us today or not? I don't have all day.
ps faceless racist lying fool:
and i stand with my real face and real name as i do so!
Alice, why are you ignoring the man's request about Bernard Monroe? Hiding something? Afraid to answer him?
Karma is a bitch
lipless hairy scared kkk chimp chump assnon:
you have monkey madness on lock today.
carry on u racist baboon
sergei writes:
"I'd say having a championship belt merits consideration as a top-notch heavyweight fighter."
It's all relative. Within the top ranks of heavyweight boxing, the Klitschko brothers are good, but not at the top.
boxing writes:
slappy falls into the 'blacks are naturally better and white champs are installed to please the white racist fans' crap
Boxing results speak for themselves. The race of fightes makes no difference to me. To the best man go the spoils.
"you have monkey madness on lock today."
I don't know what that means, but it made me laugh nevertheless :)
I actually do like Alicia, somewhat
deep inside she's a decent person
but just like I mentioned about Ali, she lets her us-vs-them black racism overcome all, at least temporarily
Now answer them an about the Monroe thing. I'm curious.
"Boxing results speak for themselves. The race of fightes makes no difference to me. To the best man go the spoils."
like being champ isn't a result? it's not being at the top?
racist kkk chimp assnon/wigga wannabee:
i forgot u only just pretend to be hip as u pose herein
my bad...so decoder:
"on lock" means
"done well/secured solo"
as in
"kkk monkey see...kkk monkey do"
my last for today: thatthe poor asian blogger was fired from politically-correct Psychology Today, re "black women are less attractive but think they more attractive"
now compare a study on obesity: black women are more likely to be obese but less likely to rate themselves as overweight
from 1999's
"Factors associated with obesity in South Asian, Afro-Caribbean and European women"
It's a pattern, the delusion (which extends also especially to crime patterns)
and the braggadocio which we see often in the comments here
Jesse Jackson taught them: I YAM SOMEBODY
and now the negro future addicts, prostitutes and murderers rate as having the highest 'self-esteem' in high school testing
fat racist DDD man boobed kkk assnon:
MOST americans are obese
all men and women and children of all races
especially fat faceless fools like you
cc that bs to kirstie alley and john goodman!!!
"alicia banks said...
racist kkk chimp assnon/wigga wannabee:
i forgot u only just pretend to be hip as u pose herein"
hahahaa! Alicia is so sweet, by why you'd call me a "wigga-wannabee" just breaks me up :) You are cute sometimes.
Still, if you won't answer about Monroe, you must be concealing something. I'll check it myself later. I suppose he has a violent record. Most negroes do... it's that lack of violent impulse control of which they are actually PROUD.
alicia banks said...
fat racist DDD man boobed kkk assnon:
MOST americans are obese
all men and women and children of all races
oh boy, there is that pesky little PREVALENCE concept again
hey, I just thought of something: 95% of negroes cannot grasp the concept of prevalence
boxing writes:
like being champ isn't a result? it's not being at the top?
Again. It's relative. That's why a Top Ten All Time Great List exists.
Slappz says: "That's why a Top Ten All Time Great List exists."
okay. I don't believe you'd said "All Time" previously. But I won't read back to check.
I'm still reeling and shaking from Alicia :)
Don't tell anybody but I think she wants me.
Federal indictment says Latino gang Azusa 13 targeted African-Americans
U.S. Attorney Andre Birotte said the Azusa 13 street gang began its campaign around 1992, after a meeting of its leaders in the city’s Pioneer Park.
“The indictment alleges that nearly 20 years ago, the Azusa 13 adopted a racist principle to harass and use violence in an effort to drive African-Americans out of the city of Azusa,” he said.
Azusa is a city of about 50,000 people at the base of the foothills of the San Gabriel Valley, just off the 210 Freeway. More than two-thirds of its people are Latino. About 3 percent are black.
Police Chief Robert Garcia said Azusa 13’s attacks included scrawling racial epithets on African-Americans’ homes and street violence that last year targeted a high school student walking home from a track meet.
“He was African-American,” said Garcia. “Some young Latinos saw him, chased him, and basically yelled racial epithets at him, and attacked him.”
Animosity between Latino and black gangs competing for drug territory is common. It’s unclear why Azusa 13 might have gone further with attacks on non-gang members.
"Animosity between Latino and black gangs competing for drug territory is common. It’s unclear why Azusa 13 might have gone further with attacks on non-gang members."
no, no, no, no, no
that's all wrong: in reality. "people of color" all love each other and are united against evil whitey. The NY Times and Brian Williams of NBC.. everybody teaches us that, every day!
I invite all negroes here to walk solo through a white neighborhood and then a latino neighborhood, and test that theory out. Pronto! Let's not rely on opinion and delusions.
LA Audio, you go first.
Well field, it seems like we are again walking hand in hand, but we slightly differ on a couple of points. But first, Rocky!? Yeah, he wasn't throwing leather, that's pleather... plastic.
Mike Tyson. That's my boy and we've talked about my love of boxing. But I did see him in both hangovers... and... well... he was the most dynamic boxer of all time... nuff said. but he did make $500,000 (total) for his performance.
Now, LeBron James: I've never liked his fake humbleness ass, nor did I consider him the next coming of Micheal Jordan. Please, do miss me with that one.
Listen, can we move away from the hype and tell it like it really is? Le' Bronze Jessie James will probably remain an also-ran. Sure, he can leap tall buildings with a single rebound. He can run through the lane like a blind bull chasing the matadors cape. The league needs the Bron Tron like baseball needs the love-able losers - the Chicago Cubs. The bronze medal is for third place and lets all say it together ....maybe next year. It's highly possible the bull in the china shop “less bron” will never see a championship ring.
Who, other than Olympic players can play with a guy that thinks the ball has to be in his hands at all times? Lets keep it real, Bron Bron's game has holes in it. Yeah, I said it. He turns the ball over because his moves are limited. When he's outside the paint, he's really no Harlem Globetrotter, and that's real. The clock ticks away while he waits for the lane to open. Then he bum rushes anyone who’s brave enough to take a charge without wearing goalie pads.
I am so tired of hearing the cries that Le'Browntron needs a team around him. He had a team around him and now he has (had) an All Star cast, so they thought, but it appears he believes his own hype. It's hard enough to hit a 3 pointer, but it's even harder to do so when the ball comes your way... with 3 seconds on the clock. Can you feel the pressure?
Continued... Third place Les' Bron used his team like a dirty dish rag. That's right, he passed the ball to clean up his mess. Look at Thundertron's turnover stats and look at his percentage of made shots. Then look at those same stats of his team mates. Wholly Mo'lee, BronBron's numbers tell the real story. On his team there were guys that can shoot the ball, but they can't shoot the ball if they never get the ball. Where is Paul Harvey when we really need him. I think we all should hear the rest of the news.
I'll tell you the rest of the story. Brown Ribbon Lebron will never get a blue ribbon. He may go back to the playoff, as the diminished heat try to start a new fire, but it's doubtful he'll ever raise the NBA championship trophy. NBA trophies are not awarded for hype machines, nor the most advertising dollars, nor cry babies.
I wish people would stop saying that Michael Jordan didn't win a championship in his early years, as if comparing shoot'em up Jessie James to Micheal Jordan. Heck, Jordan was the best player on the planet, but now that title goes to Kobe - you know it. Well, everyone who knows basketball and who are not afraid to say it, will tell you that Kobe is the man. There is absolutely nothing China Bull can do that Kobe cannot trump (and Kobe is from Philly *wink*). How does it go? Anything he can do, Kobe can do better ....or something like that. What, 3 point fade away ....Kobe! What, Dribbling/Handles ....Kobe! What, Free throw shooting ....Kobe! Don't talk about passing skills... yep, Kobe! So you wanna finish around the rim and not send 3 guys to the hospital, with a blatant bum rush foul... ahhh, Kobe! Yeah, Big Brown Bron has huge muscles but so did King Kong. Does he have a ring?
I think it would be wise of Lebanon Jessie "shoot'em up" James, to close his mouth, so the dream will continue. I'd hate for him to wake up like Dorothy in the Wizard Of Oz, and find out it was all a dream. I'd hate for him and his fans to appear in a commercial dreaming of a championship only to wake up standing in a cornfield with the scarecrow and Toto - their new mascot.
It's all a dream. Wake up, all you round brown basketball bron bron clowns. Don't believe the hype, it's like a drug. It comes in a little brown bottle called Le Bron James.
"Animosity between Latino and black gangs competing for drug territory is common. It’s unclear why Azusa 13 might have gone further with attacks on non-gang members."
It is obviously simple. They have a deep prejudice against AAs. They are no better than the KKK, they terrorize Blacks.
Anonymous Dr. J said...
Ms. Queen, Hojo Alum said...
"Lebron made a business decision. Had he been white, no one would have given it a second thought."
Had he been white, no one would have cared because he wouldn't have been such a good player.
Kind of like how no one cares if you ever take the MCATs or not.
as i have said before LeBron screwed up by the way he left Cleveland. The Heat screwed up by hiring LeBron. LeBron carries a lot of Karma from Cleveland AND Miami to be as good as he was in Cleveland. He's the Tiger Woods of basketball....he's done. Miami paid a lot of money for nothing.
news writes:
okay. I don't believe you'd said "All Time" previously. But I won't read back to check.
Inasmuch as the discussion was about heavyweight fighters over a long period, it seemed that "All Time" was understood.
As for LeBron, it seems he went to the team offering the most money. Yes?
What's wrong with that?
Ms. Queen, Hojo Alum said...
"Lebron made a business decision. Had he been white, no one would have given it a second thought."
So white athletes have no fans?
@ Slapnuts and the others:
Race isnt a card...it's a reality.
Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
Of course it's about race! LeBron made a BUSINESS decision that white athletes make everyday with no heat, pun unintended.
That said, I do think he left Cleveland on bad terms, but the boy is young, he'll eventually learn.
And I don't care who is on the team, it was NEVER realistic that he was going to go to Miami and win a championship in the SAME season. Just give it time, I'm sure he'll bring a championship trophy to Miami.
It must suck to be so incompetent that you have to insert a mythical YT into every aspect of your life. Even something as black as an NBA baller. There is no way a woman with so little critical thinking ability as you constantly demonstrate has a degree in anything other then getting burned.
AB could be the invisible woman....except that fish smell gives her away every time!
no_slappz said...
As for LeBron, it seems he went to the team offering the most money. Yes?
No. Cleveland offered him more to stay.
Invisible Man said...
@ Slapnuts and the others:
Race isnt a card...it's a reality.
Yes and that racial reality is denied when reality and facts are shown and the only defense some have is the "race card".
Funny how pointing out the idiots who do the Rocky prancing are tourons...and are laughed at by pretty much everyone.
Loved the faux-perts fauxpinions on Ali. As if silly wite boys from FOX ever had a clew about anything other than the hazing of frat lads.
LeBron is already making a home in FL...and the fans who are 'not-at-all-homoerotic' have accepted him.
Me, I prefer the beach, the Intercoastal, and the House of Mouse. Less stoopid.
Obama Hypes Green Energy Plant That’s Shifting Operations to China.
President Barack Obama will visit the North Carolina-based Cree LED Light Company Monday to tour the plant and meet with his Council on Jobs and Competitiveness to discuss job creation and policies to spur economic growth. But Cree, a major recipient of Recovery Act funds, may be sending that money straight to China.
At the very least, its CEO, Chuck Swoboda, has a very China-centered strategy that involves building a new plant overseas, two facts that the Republican National Committee plans to highlight Monday morning prior to the president’s visit. Cree received a $39 million as an Advanced Energy Manufacturing Tax Credit from the Recovery Act.
The company began developing clean energy technology, hired a few more hundred workers, and the administration touted it as a “true American success story” on the White House Web site. Then in late 2010, the company opened its first plant in Huizhou City,China. That made Cree the first global LED company to locate a manufacturing plant in China…
“This is just another example of an administration that talks about an economy that has turned around while ignoring what is happening to American families who are struggling to find jobs, pay higher food and gas prices and are dealing with the decline of their home value,” one Republican source told The Daily Caller.
“It’s ironic that Obama’s jobs panel is meeting at the headquarters of a company that received millions of dollars of taxpayer money. Rising unemployment is evidence that Obama’s clean energy plan did not work as he had hoped, yet the president is stubbornly adhering to his fantasy of creating a clean energy economy,” said Tom Borelli, Ph.D., director of the National Center’s Free Enterprise Project.
“The failure of Obama’s job’s panel is really not surprising since the group is packed with green energy and cap-and-trade cheerleaders such as GE CEO Jeff Immelt, green energy venture capitalist John Doerr, DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman and NextEra Energy CEO Lewis Hay,” added Tom Borelli.
"Its a sad day for the liberal media.They had hoped so hard to find something in Sarah's +25,000 emails."
Why are goobers such wannabe mindreaders?
"The liberal media were teaming up with leftwing kooks and leftwing kook blogs."
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it the State of Alaska who released the Palin e-mails?
"Damn Sarah...........You win again"
I forgot her first win.
Oh that's right.
Being still another white dumbass who rises to the top of American politics and media.
White privilegetriumphs again.
"Now if Bird or Magic would have gotten together in the 80's, they would have found a way to play with each other. Wade and James don't blend well because they are too selfish. It's about them first, and the team second. Dallas had a team and the team beat talent."
Or as my boy said last night "When Jordan got Pippen and Grant, he brought home the championship. Kobe got Shaq, he brought home championships. Lebron got his Pippen (Wade) and his Rodman (Bosh) & still couldn't perform."
They'll be back next year, but they have to learn to work as a team and not 5 dudes dressed in the same outfit. Also, Miami needs to get some veterans and role players on their bench.
faceless reeking chimp assnon/tuna baboona:
ignorance is putrid.
23 trillion tons of rotted fish would smell 23 trillion times better than the combined scent of 23 fresh roses floating beside hobama nazi guppy drones like u...
" alicia banks said...
23 trillion tons of rotted fish would smell 23 trillion times better than the combined scent of 23 fresh roses floating beside hobama nazi guppy drones like u...
2:39 PM"
Just because you have a fishy-smelling cooch doesn't mean I like Obummer.
AB-"23 trillion tons of rotted fish would smell 23 trillion times better than the combined scent of 23 fresh roses floating beside hobama nazi guppy drones like u..."
don't you think this ranting about Obama is old? i mean, what have you gotten out of it?
i am sick and tired of your ranting and will start ranting on your crazy ass.
you know you won't like it cause i will make you cry and you know it.
i have slayed you more times than you have slayed uts and dl combined! therefore, i suggest you stfu.
wow. there are famous people on fn blog. i remember when charlie tuna was famous and smelled good. everybody wanted tuna of the sea! now charlie is older and i am not sure how charlie smells.
AB, could you elaborate on how charlie smells compared to your political views of the dems?
Field, I feel you. As a true Boxing fan, I find it rather silly that Rocky Balboa, fictional character who was originally based upon a horrible fighter who 'went the distance' gets into the Hall of Fame before Joe Frasier. But, this is also a Country that where a large proportion still believe that Reagan fought in WWII, Obama was born in Kenya, Bush blew up the WTC, Clinton killed Vince Foster and the earth is less than 10K years old.
No shortage of stupidity in America.
finless winless lying faceless fish eyed fool tuna baboona:
hobama has MORE than 23 agendas for MORE than 23 million OTHER voters/greeks/banksters etc...
hobama has ZILCH for even 1/23 of any one of you racist black/white guppy hobama nazi drones!!!
close your legs and bathe asap!
Quit, floks!
AB is thinking.
Damn, wasn't fast enough, and typo'ed the hell out of it.
LACoincidental said...
"No shortage of stupidity in America"
Your honor, I present to you, Exhibit A.
u r arrogantly ignorant about many things.
u really need to research the truths u pretend do not exist asap.
all of them.
start here:
Photographs of Building 7 prior to its collapse show only small areas of fire.
Building 7 was not hit by any aircraft, and apparently did not suffer massive damage from the violent destruction of either of the Twin Towers. Small fires were observed in a few different parts of the building prior to its "collapse." Most of the fires were barely visible, and were not hot enough to cause window breakage, at least on the north side of the tower, of which there are photos shortly before the collapse. The largest observed fires were the ones visible on the southeast wall shown in the photograph.
alicia banks said...
u r arrogantly ignorant about many things.
u really need to research the truths u pretend do not exist asap.
all of them.
start here:
Aww, he just a fat little brutha you know got his ass kicked every day in school, then to make it worse he didn't have the smarts to really succeed. But he is smarter then your average thug. So now he tryin to get street cred as a Knee-Grow by being a wise ass. He still a wannabe chubster with more chins then girlfriends.
I thought Tuna Baboona was pretty funny too.
Mind if I borrow that, AB?
Anonymous said...
that muhammed ali has become a very wise man. your wisdom about "WOMAN" is so true. i lost a bundle trying to sail to PR to see Desertflower. Not only did i lose my shirt, i never got there because Desertflower gave me wrong directions. she told me i was in lost in the Bermuda Triangle when i was right there off the coast PR. That's cold-blooded. Now she has the audacity to be stuck on Weiner and is expressing it on FN blog. do you know how that makes me feel? for her to want Weiner over me? that is soooo unfair.
yeah, i don't know why God made woman, esp Desertflower. I guess God enjoys playing cosmic jokes.
Awwwwwww! Don't feel badly! Why don't you just get a real blog and then do a "weiner" YOU take some pictures too! :P
By the way all the jokes were funny.
Obama will be here tomorrow! He's charging $38,000 a ticket, and those are the cheap seats, to hear him speak somewhere in the capitol.
I'll be waiting for the blog......
vince foster was murdered.
the suicide story is impossible per the forensic evidence.
research it and see
ditto for ron brown's cya snitch hit in the skies....
1. No fingerprints on the gun.
2. No proof that it was his gun.
3. Suspicious people seen in and around victim's car just before the body was found.
4. Eyewitnesses saw the victim's briefcase in his car, yet the briefcase later vanished. So did the files index in his office.
5. All 35mm film of crime scene was either " overexposed" or it vanished.
6. Most of the Polaroid photos of the crime scene vanished.
7. " Independent" investigator Fiske was forced to concede that the victim's head had been moved---after death had taken place and before his body was photographed.
as long as you pretend that 2 planes can cleanly melt and sink 3metal bldgs...
u may want to refrain from calling others brainless.
kkk tuna baboona:
do u work at mcdonald's???...
WUn Hung Low said....
“The failure of Obama’s job’s panel is really not surprising since the group is packed with green energy and cap-and-trade cheerleaders such as GE CEO Jeff Immelt, green energy venture capitalist John Doerr, DuPont CEO Ellen Kullman and NextEra Energy CEO Lewis Hay,” added Tom Borelli.
Oh it gets better, as any 3rd grader could have told you, the volt and push for electric cars is a failure. You see, creating electricity to run all those cars is done by what? The fuels they supposedly replace. Coal and gas (we won't mention nuclear until we discuss Obama and his cabinets holding interest in a nuclear reactor company) and the dimmies continued blockage of nuclear energy expansion (for now)
A recent british study highlighted what common sense tells those of us who apply common sense. Imagine that, electric cars produce higher emissions, Obama has developed policies that will "skyrocket price of electricity" in 2013-14 , while pushing electric cars....wonder how that will leave the already gutted economy?
ELECTRIC cars could produce higher emissions over their lifetimes than petrol equivalents because of the energy consumed in making their batteries, a study has found.
An electric car owner would have to drive at least 129,000km before producing a net saving in CO2. Many electric cars will not travel that far in their lifetime because they typically have a range of less than 145km on a single charge and are unsuitable for long trips. Even those driven 160,000km would save only about a tonne of CO2 over their lifetimes.
willful ignorance = shameless suicide
see and hear the droves of people/ER staff etc who heard and smelled bombs and fires at the wtc on 9/11
kkk tuna baboona:
do u work at mcdonald's???...
Hell no, due to a recent string of robberies by African-American customers and the usual she-boon fights because they wants they EBT chicken nuggets before anyone else, dat place is too damn dangerous, dey won't lets me carry my pistol and rip outs each others weave at the drop of a Egg Mcmuffin
Ab the original tuna baboona Said...
do u work at mcdonald's???...
What is really funny about this is so many dumb blacks thinking it was a real policy, until some non black guy called the number on the bottom and found out it was KFC's number. I guess the moral is , they must feel very guilty to think this was real.
alicia banks said...
do u work at mcdonald's???...
3:33 PM"
I really do appreciate you sharing that with us, AB...that's hilarious!
If Mike Tyson had been convicted of raping a WHITE woman we would never have heard of him again. He was convicted of raping a lowly black woman and he gets to make big bucks as an movie "actor". Go figure.
Field Negro: Mike Tyson is a pervert felon. Nothing more nothing less. He will be a pervert until he dies.
Anonymous said...
If Mike Tyson had been convicted of raping a WHITE woman we would never have heard of him again. He was convicted of raping a lowly black woman and he gets to make big bucks as an movie "actor". Go figure.
Field Negro: Mike Tyson is a pervert felon. Nothing more nothing less. He will be a pervert until he dies.
4:02 PM
Friends, Romans, Countrymen, let me bite off your ear. Savage is as savage does. Imagine a hero who's only contributions are being violent, short tempered, uneducated and savage.
--Mike Tyson AKA the man with the womans voice--
re: reagan
hobama's manchurian cia baby life & hobama's osama hoax trump raygun's real military ads x 2..
rocks prove the earth is per 3.5 billion years old
3 out of 5 are true
research more
deny less
Fraiser's history problem was a career co-spanning Ali's. He became a foil in the public mind to Ali's champ. My Dad always rooted for Frasier. I wish I remembered why.
Obama's big "Change" from Bush was to spend huge amounts of our money on a stimulus program and to commit untold trillions to the creation of socialized medicine.
Surprise, surprise, quadrupling spending didn't help with the deficit, and crippling businesses with huge new costs didn't help lower unemployment.
The verdict is now in and the Democrat economic policies have been a disaster. Don't expect the New York Times et al. to figure out any time soon that sucking all the money and credit out of the economy and flushing it down the drain doesn't put businesses in a position to hire. If they were capable of learning, FDR's extension of the Great Depression would have taught them all they need to know on this topic.
Then again, it's possible that they did learn from FDR. Maybe our ruling class doesn't consist of idiots; maybe they are doing this on purpose. "The worse the better," 1960s radicals used to say, meaning that they could not replace the most efficient economic system in the history of the world (capitalism) with one repeatedly proven not to work (socialism) until people had been made miserable.
"Its a sad day for the liberal media.They had hoped so hard to find something in Sarah's +25,000 emails."
Why are goobers such wannabe mindreaders?
When in the history of the media has news orgs. like the Times and WAPO ask for help from its rreaders to find dirt on someone?
"The liberal media were teaming up with leftwing kooks and leftwing kook blogs."
Correct me if I'm wrong but wasn't it the State of Alaska who released the Palin e-mails?
At the request of the media..
"Damn Sarah...........You win again"
I forgot her first win.
Oh that's right.
You on the left haven't killed her yet.
Plus, she drives you on the crazy.
Being still another white dumbass who rises to the top of American politics and media.
White privilegetriumphs again.
Least you have Obama.........
Oh wait, he's half white.
hey blog admin:
u missed some posts!!!!!!!
Ummmmmm AB's stalkers come back the same time mold starts posting again.
Is this why fn doesn't ban AB'S stalkers?
5:47 PM
He probably doesn't ban them because AB deserves everything she gets.
on a fair blog
the stalkers and fools would not need the blog admin to blatantly sabotage and exclusively censor me to assist them...
just like fn letting that XXXX vdlr rant on while telling me to stop calling her by her perfect nig name...
just like hobama needed the sexist media to help him slay hillary...
unlike hillary, i slay these fools still!!!
bring it on!!!
alicia banks said...
on a fair blog
the stalkers and fools would not need the blog admin to blatantly sabotage and exclusively censor me to assist them...
just like fn letting that XXXX vdlr rant on while telling me to stop calling her by her perfect nig name...
just like hobama needed the sexist media to help him slay hillary...
unlike hillary, i slay these fools still!!!
bring it on!!!
I missed it AB, what did you say that got deleted? I leave for awhile and miss all the fun!!!!
Hollywood is a place where very short men go to appear big. Stallone without his shoe lifts is somewhere around 5'5" to 5'7" tall. In the movie Rocky, to make him appear taller, the boxing scenes were shot from the floor.
I've never been much of a fan of Hollywood. If you ask me, it is a distraction that keeps Americans from solving its true problems. It also gives a very distorted- and often racist- view of the world. But it's greatest malady is the replacement of reality with fantasy. That's how we got President Reagan and Governor Arnold. It's also how we got the statue of Stallone instead of Frazier.
I've never watch an Academy Award show or any of those shows that reward actors. It just a little too much to accept that millions of dollars are paid, along with free cars, clothes, jewelry, etc., etc., to individuals for essentially having a multiple personality disorder.actors. It just a little too much to accept that millions of dollars are paid, along with free cars, clothes, jewelry, etc., etc., to individuals for essentially having a multiple personality disorder.
Oh God I really messed up the above post. Sorry!
It's suppose to read:
It just a little too much to accept that millions of dollars are paid, along with free cars, clothes, jewelry, etc., etc., to individuals for essentially having a multiple personality disorder.
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
Oh God I really messed up the above post. Sorry!
Hey don't worry. Nobody gives a shit what your dumb white ass has to say anyway.
Any Vagina Said.....
"Hollywood is a place where very short men go to appear big. Stallone without his shoe lifts is somewhere around 5'5" to 5'7" tall. In the movie Rocky, to make him appear taller, the boxing scenes were shot from the floor.
I've never been much of a fan of Hollywood. If you ask me, it is a distraction that keeps Americans from solving its true problems. It also gives a very distorted- and often racist- view of the world".
Well, this I have to agree with, as if half of the characters they cast as black are even somewhat believable.
But it's greatest malady is the replacement of reality with fantasy.
So, So true:
"Hollywood in Blackface with Blacks Playing roles in films such as 2012, The Core, Terminator 2: Judgement Day, The Cosby Show, and a whole host of other movies that portray Black characters in vocations that have about as much grounding in reality as a white guy dressing up as a bat and fighting crime, Hollywood in Blackface will go where Donald Bogle's book Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks dared not dread.
Any Vagina Said....
Oh God I really messed up the above post. Sorry!
It's suppose to read:
It just a little too much to accept that millions of dollars are paid, along with free cars, clothes, jewelry, etc., etc., to individuals for essentially having a multiple personality disorder.
Sounds as if you dreamed of being a celebrity but then found you didn't have the right stuff.. Sorry!!.
I love Hollywood! It has consistently refused to lose money on Con films. Say what you will about their 'values'...they won't hand cash over to Goobers.
Then again, they keep telling me the latest Woody Allen tale of Geezer meets Daughter is 'art'.
"I love Hollywood! It has consistently refused to lose money on Con films. "
No, it has consistently refused to make money on conservative films, choosing to advance liberal propaganda at the expense of profits.
I love Hollywood! It has consistently refused to lose money on Con films. Say what you will about their 'values'...they won't hand cash over to Goobers.
Then again, they keep telling me the latest Woody Allen tale of Geezer meets Daughter is 'art'.
It is, Liberal Art.
Brian DePalma said...
No, it has consistently refused to make money on conservative films, choosing to advance liberal propaganda at the expense of profits.
The movie Atlas Shrugged based on conservative Ayn Ryan's novel was released on April 26, 2011. It was a major bomb. I mean, it stunk up the place. Maybe they should have cast Toby Keith and Ann Coulter. Conservatives are not interesting people!
Ms. Ann G. Myma said...
Brian DePalma said...
No, it has consistently refused to make money on conservative films, choosing to advance liberal propaganda at the expense of profits.
The movie Atlas Shrugged based on conservative Ayn Ryan's novel was released on April 26, 2011. It was a major bomb. I mean, it stunk up the place. Maybe they should have cast Toby Keith and Ann Coulter. Conservatives are not interesting people!
Because it is to hard to think and act responsibly. No, we wants someone else to take cares of us and tells us whats to do....thanks for clarifying the point. Perhaps your point is focused on people who most likely have never read a textbook or book for that matter let alone a book on science or some other reality based boring stuff.
Ohh and Britney Spears and Lil Wayne are extremely popular, I guess that's your example of success...
"Field, I feel you. As a true Boxing fan, I find it rather silly that Rocky Balboa, fictional character who was originally based upon a horrible fighter who 'went the distance' gets into the Hall of Fame before Joe Frasier."
fyi, Rocky is not a fictional character. Rocky is Sylvesta Stallone and he is very much alive, strong and a great boxer. Anyone who knows him will tell you that. But Mr. Field knows nothing about Rocky and neither do the fn negroes on this blog.
One thing for certain: the boxers who can kick ass in Philly are Italians!
Anonymous said...
Hollywood in Blackface will go where Donald Bogle's book Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks dared not dread.
Try something other than a racist website, you dumb, stupid phucc!
Anonymous said...
Hollywood in Blackface will go where Donald Bogle's book Toms, Coons, Mulattoes, Mammies, and Bucks dared not dread.
Try something other than a racist website, you dumb, stupid phucc!
Cant handle the truth can ya Just Any Vagina..... You said replacement of reality with fantasy and when you have blacks playing roles in movies that you knwo they do not occupy in real life, there you have it you pasty white nasty DWL slut.
Desertflower, "Obama will be here tomorrow! He's charging $38,000 a ticket, and those are the cheap seats, to hear him speak somewhere in the capitol.
$38,000 for the cheap seats? that's outrageous! I bet he will have a very low turnout. He's just charging that amount to keep the PRs away...like Desertflower.:D
If I were to photo my weiner on a blog, it would be "too big to fail, i mean to photo." Sweet dreams Desert.
Anonymous said...
Because it is to hard to think and act responsibly. No, we wants someone else to take cares of us and tells us whats to do....thanks for clarifying the point.
Please give me an example of conservatives behaving responsibly. As a matter of fact, list at least 10 accomplishments of conservatism in the past 30 years.
Anonymous said...
Cant handle the truth can ya Just Any Vagina..... You said replacement of reality with fantasy and when you have blacks playing roles in movies that you knwo they do not occupy in real life,
And the roles of Whites are all based on real people? Puh-leez! John Wayne was a janitor whose real name was Marion Morrison. The whole John Wayne image- right down to the walk- was a creation of Hollywood. The free-spirited cowboy was another falsehood. They were very much exploited and abused by ranchers. Though you've never seen it depicted in Hollywood, one out of every 4 cowboys were Black or Hispanic.
"Please give me an example of conservatives behaving responsibly. As a matter of fact, list at least 10 accomplishments of conservatism in the past 30 years."
don't be ridiculous. there are at least hundreds of accomplishments over the past 30 years. why should anyone dignify such an irresoponsible request?
Ann G Myma-"..Though you've never seen it depicted in Hollywood, one out of every 4 cowboys were Black or Hispanic."
You are ridiculous. Blacks were slaves. May be some Mexicans were cowboys, but there were NO BLACKS.
You folks should stop trying to revise American history to suit your fantasies. GET REAL.
Anonymous said...
don't be ridiculous. there are at least hundreds of accomplishments over the past 30 years. why should anyone dignify such an irresoponsible request
Because there is none!
"Please give me an example of conservatives behaving responsibly. As a matter of fact, list at least 10 accomplishments of conservatism in the past 30 years."
don't be ridiculous. there are at least hundreds of accomplishments over the past 30 years. why should anyone dignify such an irresoponsible request?
In other words I can't think of any off hand;-)
PilotX said...
"Please give me an example of conservatives behaving responsibly. As a matter of fact, list at least 10 accomplishments of conservatism in the past 30 years."
don't be ridiculous. there are at least hundreds of accomplishments over the past 30 years. why should anyone dignify such an irresoponsible request?
In other words I can't think of any off hand;-)
9:15 PM
Boulderdash, you live in a conservative founded, funded, created and supported country and you know it. Liberal pansies would never have had the intestinal fortitude to meet all the challenges of fighting and dying for freedom and other forms of personal sacrifice that were required to build this great nation. If liberal Ideas were allowed to flourish since inception we would be Zimbabwe, although the last 40 years have brought us awfully close right now.
Anonymous said...
You are ridiculous. Blacks were slaves. May be some Mexicans were cowboys, but there were NO BLACKS.
field-"Here is the deal on stay away and protection from abuse orders: men aren't allowed to violate them, and neither can the members of the fairer sex. You will be arrested, and rightfully so."
dear mr abby field, i have often wondered why woman are called the fairer sex because there is NOTHING fairer about them!
just look at how Desertflower has treated anon who took his yacht out of storage to sail dangerous waters to get to her. and she never seemed overly excited about the man. instead, she gets excited and goes after that Weiner fella.
for years women have been saying to good honest true blue men that size of their penis doesn't matter because it's "love" that matters. they even go as far as to say that a one or two-inch penis would do the trick as long as the man loved her. but when an oversized penis shows up in the news, they go crazy chasing after it, like miss Desertflower did.
it is time to stop calling women the 'fairer' sex because they are full of shit. i pray OJ will be released early. nothing disturbs him more than to know there are women playing around with another man's penis.
The Count will never be a champion, period. He doesn't have what it takes to win a chip and for No Tippin Pippin to compare him to MJ is laughable. As far as his life is concerned, he's one bad business decision from joining the rest of us in our struggle to survive. Well not me. I make between $60,000- 75,000 so I'm good. As far as making fun of Dirk, I guess all Dirk has to do in return is just rub on his ring finger.
Anonymous said...
If I were to photo my weiner on a blog, it would be "too big to fail, i mean to photo." Sweet dreams Desert.
Ahahahahahahaha! Liar, liar, pants on fire ;))))))
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