Monday, June 06, 2011

Weiner was sexting. Now about those jobs.

Oh oh Andrew, I hate to pile on, but even the democrats are pissed at you. (I see that Lady Nancy is already calling for an ethics investigation.) You took too long to come clean with your Internet escapades. What were you thinking? You had to have known that you sent the pictures of yourself au naturale. Why the week long press tour to deny your short comings? (No pun intended.) And was that Andrew Breitfart at your press conference? Yes, I think it was.

Anyway, today you finally came clean:

"I take full responsibility for my actions," Weiner said. "The picture was of me, and I sent it."

Yes Anthony, we can see that it was you. And I am sure that there will be more to come.
BTW, what is it with you elected officials from New York and these nude pictures of yourselves? "Sexting"? Leave that stuff to the teenagers.

Still, after all is said and done, you might just get reelected. (If you don't lose your seat to redistricting.) As far as I can tell, you didn't break any laws, and you seem to do a good job for your district. Hey if folks like Charlie Rangel and David Vitter can get reelected, I am sure that you will be fine.

Finally, (h/t to CNN where I heard this today) why are the republicans in Congress not doing anything about the high unemployment in this country? They swept into power this midterm promising to get us jobs and turn the economy around. But they have done nothing. They have given us no ideas and have done every thing in their power to make sure that his O ness is not successful as president. If the economy fails and folks lose their jobs then Obama fails. I am sure that is just fine with them.

"Since assuming the majority, House Republicans have focused their attention on symbolic health care votes and divisive anti-abortion bills instead of job creation, which they promised to make their "number one priority." Their only real effort to address the economy, a controversial proposal to slash spending on government programs, could have a devastating impact on the recovery. The best evidence Republican leaders can muster that their massive spending cuts won't harm the economy is the testimony of Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke, who actually believes that the proposal will destroy "a couple hundred thousand" jobs.

When there's good news, Republicans are quick to claim credit, but it's increasingly apparent that they're more excited about bad news. Just compare the press releases blasted out when monthly job statistics fall below expectations and when they exceed them. This, of course, is all part of a strategy to achieve what Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has unapologetically labeled "the single most important thing" for Republicans to accomplish: making sure President Obama loses in 2012."

Mr. Tan Man, why do you and your friends hate the American worker?


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alicia banks said...

panty raider kkk assnon:

stop teasing u troll

i know your women do not wash their panties

ask kobe and co

Chimpout Live said...

alicia, maybe I should start calling you Kim Bankdashian.

now answer: have you idolized white sluts since your childhood? why do you believe they are such a treasure? is it true what they say, you didn't have a negro barbie doll and that somehow brainwashed you?

do you have any website URLs that talk about how black women think that white sluts are such desirable treasures? that'd be a riot

alicia banks said...

faceless noseless filthy kkk dreg:

i love my nose

my wife and i both look better than kim k


we are not plastic porn star door knobs like her!

Chimpout Live said...

alicia bankdashian said...

stop teasing u troll

i know your women do not wash their panties


she's not "my" side, Alicia Bankdashian. She's yours.

You've been claiming her kind as the exalted trophy of da nigga boyz.

Also, you've been claiming those prone to murder as your champions.

Got any more for the list? What is else is lowly in life that you exalt?

alicia banks said...
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alicia banks said...

self medicating moron kkk assnon:

cc that bs to millions of wfs who are not sluts yet would STILL kill you to get to any bm they can do...


pretending they are sluts that a broke limp lil dreg like u does not want

will do nothing to stop them from wanting and raping bigger better richer bm

start with heidi klum

alicia banks said...
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Chimpout Live said...

A. Bankdashian, I want you to notice that I never said that you were as lowly as Kim, only that you hold her kind up as a prized treasure.

It is a mystery why you and other black women do.

Even though you are a black racist without impulse control, you are still not as lowly as Kim or Kendra.

Now get your last shots in before I have to go. Hurry now.

Chimpout Live said...

alicia banks said...

self medicating moron kkk assnon:

cc that bs to millions of wfs who are not sluts yet would STILL kill you to get to any bm they can do...


poor Alicia Skankdashian, adrift in her fantasy world. It all comes from a deep sense of inferiority. The bragginess that negroes use to try and compensate never really works, does it?

Maybe if you tried self-reflection, then you wouldn't end up with a hand mirror imaging that you were Heidi Klum ---- and instead be content with being Alicia.

alicia banks said...

unexalted unglued undesired kkk assnon:

u lie like hobama

only a retard like u would read what i post about kim k as praise...

because u r a liar always

carry on u illiterate unwanted fool

alicia banks said...

kim k coveting kkk assnon:

it is clear why u lie on bm so...

they have kim k

and u do not

just as u have no wf

so u pretend they are all sluts


Le Chele said...

My sentiments about Weinergate:

alicia banks said...
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alicia banks said...

kkklassic kkk assnon:

and what does your psycho fantasy say about u?


u post lies about blacks on a black blog all day

as if it was your own high tech hand mirror
reflecting your own unwashed undergarments

u r a fecal fool

alicia banks said...

pssssst illiterate kkk assnon:

"bragginess" is not a word.

those sorrority girls are too busy with bros to teach u vocab too...


Negro Logic said...

Alicia claims that white sluts who sneak in da nigga boyz to their "elite" sorority houses are somehow ***not*** sluts?

Alicia, I urge you to stop having such a materialistic view of the world. Elite because their daddies have money? Try thinking in moral terms instead, you might like it. It'll be a new experience for you... thinking in terms of a person's fiber and their actions, rather than who owns a mansion or lives in a trailer park or a ghetto.

Don't waste your whole life in shallowness.

Chimpout Live said...

and "sorrority" is misspelled twice by you, dummy

[glass houses]

alicia banks said...
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Chimpout Live said...

So you have nothing else but the ultra-trite "white sluts want to plunge into the gutter with nigga boyz"...

Oh, and the death threats, of course.

It seems your bag of tricks is very shallow.

Oh wait, I wasn't even paying attention to the dreaded "KKK" used over and over.

And the looneytune claim that negroes don't commit more crimes. That's a real debate-winner.

Now run off and listen to your rap music. Be a good little black racist now and commune with da bruthas, get your groove back.

(That means you are boring me by now.)

alicia banks said...

amoral arrogantly ignorant assnon:

there is a picture of you in the dictionary under "peasant".

ask any elite educated becky inside any sorrority or the accompanying bro inside her...k?

alicia banks said...

kkk fool:

all blacks do not listen to rap...

u lie like hobama!

u lie like satiated wf sorrors in bed with black campus football stars!

Chimpout Live said...

Have a nice afternoon, Alicia Skankdashian. I've wasted until 2pm on your triteness and bragginess.

When you think of something new, let me know... that is, if you ever decide to stop evaluating life according to who is the 'elite' and also stop being fixated on what sluts and criminals and celebrities do, you might be more content with your own life. You need a moral compass. Stop thinking like Kim K does and you'll be happier.

alicia banks said...

monkey man kkk moron:

kim k thinks u need a tan and a penile implant

neither apply to

cc that bs to yourself

the next time u post some racist bogus lie/selective crime stat/sex fantasy etc

bye buffoon

alicia banks said...

tragic kkk drone:

u will never be happy as

no matter what u do

your women will still prefer black men

get over that reject


alicia banks said...

curious george kkk assnon:

u r no dictionary/sage

i do not spell check for chimps

PilotX said...

"Field has FN set up that way where EVERYBODY has voice, not just exclusionary racists like you. Who do you think you are, advocating to have Whites thrown off ANY blog, let alone FN blog, you self-centered selfish inconsiderate nitwit?"

You know what, if it was serious people of other races that wanted to have civil discussions that would be great but what we get are insane white racists that continually insult all Black people. And you have the nerve to call ME the racist while ignoring all the racist shit thrown our way. You must be a conservative, selective outrage and only Black people can be racists. You are sad.

Chimpout Live said...

alicia banks said...

u lie like satiated wf sorrors in bed with black campus football stars!


Alicia Skankdashian, you are a comical caricature of everything that is shallow in the world :)

You really do think that is some devastating argument :)

Poor simple minded negro. You know the video of how they catch a monkey in Asia: they make a hole in a coconut shell and put in some rice. The monkey just won't let go of the rice and so it is stuck. Just like you, stuck in a life of trite superficiality, because you won't let go of the treasure that you think white sluts are. Poor girl.

alicia banks said...

wounded witless kkk assnon:

even a moron like u should see the irony within a reject calling all wfs who do bm sluts

and then claiming i am shallow when i slay you into the reality of your own racist sexist lies

u should really depart now eminem

your sheet looks like a crimson shawl now....really.

Chimpout Live said...

Alicia Skankdashian, I've given you repeated attempts to come up with something new, but you are intent on boring me to tears. Go luck at your fan mags now. Bye. You are dismissed.

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PilotX said...

"You already have that right. But somehow, when it comes to oil and oil refineries, you want to drive the entire industry to other nations. And then complain."

I say we use less oil and consume home grown alternatives. And if you want to continue to go to Walmart and buy cheap Chinese goods fine but don't complain about jobs being shipped overseas Slappz. Why are you shilling for international oil companies? That is but one industry. You also advocate voting Republican and they are more than willing to ship jobs overseas, especially mine. Unions protect American jobs, it's my union that lobbies congress to keep our jobs here and guess which party supports us? Go ahead and guess. If we did what you and Republicans advocate we will lose more jobs and I'll be a protectionist communist if it means good jobs and a future without selling the entire country and turning into Jeezusland.

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia banks said...

treasureless pleasureless tired old BOLD kkk assnon:


we feel your pain

i am a black lesbian with a black wife...i have loved black lesbian clones exclusively all my life

i do not harass white people on white blogs all day posting black lies as u do in reverse herein daily

i do not covet that used slut kim k

i loathe her as much as u lust for her and lament her exclusive black choices...

surely u r not so blinded by rage that u think what u do here is honest/noble/sane???

u r a gd kkk fool posting racist lies here daily and u dare call someone else shallow????

your tiny limp pink penis is more relevant to kim k than your racist antics are to me



where is your blog?

got new lies u bigot???

PilotX said...

"Time to take action Field.

Slappy and his aliases are like termites.

And it's obvious what he/they are doing."

Steve, stop being a racist;-)

alicia banks said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
alicia banks said...

kim k lover kkk fool assnon:

do something new

then i will call u something new

until then

i will remain as routine as beckies with bros


field negro said...

Where is Granny? I need to get back my blog cleaner.

alicia banks said...

ghostfaced kk lover kkk assnon:

are u kin to george sordini???

he penned your pain too!

"Good luck to Obama! He will be successful. The liberal media LOVES him. Amerika has chosen The Black Man. Good! In light of this I got ideas outside of Obama’s plans for the economy and such. Here it is: Every black man should get a young white girl hoe to hone up on. Kinda a reverse indentured servitude thing. Long ago, many a older white male landowner had a young Negro wench girl for his desires. Bout’ time tables are turned on that XXXX. Besides, dem young white hoez dig da bruthrs! LOL. More so than they dig the white dudes! Every daddy know when he sends his little girl to college, she be bangin a bruthr real good. I saw it. “Not my little girl”, daddy says! (Yeah right!!) Black dudes have thier choice of best white hoez. You do the math, there are enough young white so all the brothers can each have one for 3 or 6 months or so. "

PilotX said...

Yo Steve, check this out. I've been thinking this for years.

PilotX said...

Just what I suspected, th evoucher business is just a way to skirt around the First Amendment. These conservatives think they're slick. my tax dollars shouldn't go to Jeezus u.

Antwat said...

Pilot X Said...

Just what I suspected, th evoucher business is just a way to skirt around the First Amendment. These conservatives think they're slick. my tax dollars shouldn't go to Jeezus u.

And all other race tax dollahs shouldn't go to Laqueesha Jonshon who had 3 kids before 18 so she couldnt finish school , don't know who the daddies are and needs everyone else to support her kids, rent, food, energy, phone, school, daycare and more.....crazy aint it. I didnt even get to do her, as if I would.

Anonymous said...

Yo Steve, check this out. I've been thinking this for years.

Snipped from the article;

" And our public schools are generally governed by elected school boards, whose members represent their diverse communities and are answerable to them"

So in other words, the illiterate Head of Education elected in Detroit is the one you shoudl be askin why nearly 60% of black children can barely read and fuggedabout mathematics. Especially considering ALL the money that was thrown into this place taken from the rest of the country to support Black america.

It wasn't like this years ago, how did the black education situation get so horrible with more money and programs added every year? Now over 1/2 of blacks never even finish HS. What gives? Your chasing rainbows as if someone is actually going to prey in school while Antwon is destroying the classroom and won't let anyone else learn. Uh-Huh.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Queen, Hoya Alum said...
Blaq Mind said...
I never understand how most older folks get more play on the phone then I do and I'm married. Sext me Wife, Sext Me.

As a middle aged married woman, I plead the fifth on sexting, LOL!!!

UTS, join me in ignoring the d*ckless Nazis.

You must use a phony picture to get them to sext you, even homeless men say they have seen less disease ridden saggy bodies on dead rodents.

So what will you be like 70 in your make believe plan of becoming a doctor? What kind of Doctor will you study to become, a bovine veterinarian so you can help the family?

Dr. Nuwang said...

field negro said...
Where is Granny? I need to get back my blog cleaner.

Field, I hate to tell you but all the cleaner in the world can't fix what's going on here, LOL!!!

Anonymous said...

Queefa Smegma bref said...

"Field, I hate to tell you but all the cleaner in the world can't fix what's going on here, LOL as she peers down into her crotch and watches the panties literally rot away from the acid of unwashed private parts. I thinkum me need a pressure cleaner to get that lincoln tunnel clean it been years since I even seen the damn thing -- I always smelt it doe

Anonymous said...

alicia banks said...

"stop teasing u troll

i know your women do not wash their panties"

Ewwwww and thinkin of unwashed womens panties teases you and gets you hot? Ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww lesbeings are sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dr. Nuwang said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Dr. Nuwang said...

Dear President of Assnon Inc:

Please ask your cohort, the former president of the genitalia society of America and saver of her son's foreskin, to work on it's vocabulary.

Should be easy enough for any former physics major and college drop out to handle.

Thanks a bunch!

alicia banks said...

filthy assnon:

only nasty unwashed peers like u read that as a compliment

we know why

alicia banks said...


teasing as in

pretending he is not playing just like u are

u scummy dummy racist fool clone

alicia banks said...


u can clean this up anytime by blocking faceless fools and kkk trolls

just as i do always


Anonymous said...

Dear President of Assnon Inc:

Please ask your cohort, the former president of the genitalia society of America and saver of her son's foreskin, to work on it's vocabulary.

Should be easy enough for any former physics major and college drop out to handle.

Thanks a bunch!

Physics has laid the groundwork for many advanced industries; including computers, telecommunications, lasers, and medical diagnostics. Physicists investigate many of the latest discoveries such as massive neutrinos, blue semiconductor lasers, high temperature superconductors and Black Holes.

So you see, you were right, I was a Physics major and I am investigating your black hole for offenses against humanity or being offensive to humanity, both actually.

But we both know the truth, that you in your continued demonstrations of not being very bright thought physics was related to physical and thus thought this was an insult. I don't know why you continue your fraud, no one who had 4 degrees with the rest of her family having "fitty sebun degrees" would ever mistake majoring in physics for a physical therapist. No one except an affirmative action liar like you.

You have again been exposed, now please put it away it smells bad.

Anonymous said...

Well, here's the video on the final killer blow on Weiner...he is now officially finished in NYC. Still, no one has recognized his addiction and illness. Btw, this illness can be lethal(suicidal):

Anonymous said...


alicia banks said...

u can clean this up anytime by blocking faceless fools and kkk trolls

just as i do always


I guess he can also have Zero readers and go to someone else's blog 24/7 "just like you do" as well. How come no one EVER comments on your blog? Is this why you constantly post here and flip out those endless links hoping you get some traffic? You are the worst offender of them all!!!

Anonymous said...

PilotX, "You know what, if it was serious people of other races that wanted to have civil discussions that would be great but what we get are insane white racists that continually insult all Black people. And you have the nerve to call ME the racist while ignoring all the racist shit thrown our way. You must be a conservative, selective outrage and only Black people can be racists. You are sad."

you claim that whites are throwing racial slurrs at Blacks? Have you noticed uts's racist slurs? of course not. those don't count, right. how about ab's comments? is that ok too? i know, i know. it's the white man's fault...ALWAYS.

Fortunately, Field doesn't think like your black racist ass. and yes i am Black and I am proud of it. the exchange and name calling is good for purifying the souls, both Black and White. sooner or later, they'll both give up out of needless exhaustion and realize their sickness, just like Israel and Palestine has.

Life is beautiful isn't it?

Anonymous said...

"Dear President of Assnon Inc:

Please ask your cohort, the former president of the genitalia society of America and saver of her son's foreskin, to work on it's vocabulary.

Should be easy enough for any former physics major and college drop out to handle.

Thanks a bunch!"

Dear Mr. Field,

I enjoyed our champagne toast to better days on FN. However, the above audacious letter is really messing with me over someone who isn't even anonymous. Anon Inc investigates all potential agents to make sure they are squeaky clean when it comes to sex. We have NO WEINERS or sexual perverts in our organization.

Please inform Dr. Queen, Ahoa, Alum to direct her correspondence to your appointed assistant for review.

Best Regards,
Anon, Inc

Anonymous said...

you claim that whites are throwing racial slurrs at Blacks? Have you noticed uts's racist slurs? of course not. those don't count, right. how about ab's comments? is that ok too? i know, i know. it's the white man's fault...ALWAYS.

I have and whenever you attempt a discussion with someone like UTS that they cannot intellectually handle they immediately respond with racist name calling and nasty dialogue. Then cry like little bitches when you return thier volleys in kind, as if they expect the world to continue accepting this bad behavior just because he is black. If you can't handle it then don't start it and handle yourslef like an adult. If you don't like name calling then don't start it. I for one would prefer this way as opposed to the infantile shit that gets flung around by UTS and his type whenever he gets stuck. In example his trying to find a reason why the economy is doing in his mind, even though all of us think he is crazy.

Anonymous said...

damn, it's after 10pm and no sign of Field. i hope he hasn't gotten with thmixed up in weinergate scandal. He likes to pal around with those Jewish guys and Israel too.

field negro said...

Mr. President, I will investigate that forthwith. I am quite aware that you try to keep your Anons in line and this was somewhat unusual.

Here is to better days ahead.*glass raised*

Anonymous said...

Blogger field negro said...

"It's not up to the R's to save his Administration."

I know, they would rather have the country suffer so that they can get back in power. Wait, they control Congress now. And yet, there is still no movement with the unemployment numbers. :(


You voted for him, you can deal with the outcome of that choice.

Meanwhile, unemployment #'s are more than double what they were under evil Bush, gas prices are double what they were on Inauguration day, the dollar is worthless, food stamp/EBT usage has skyrocketed and Obama is handing out waivers to his socialist Obamacare plan like they were Pez.

Hope! Change!

All that "redistributive" stuff is really motivating, isn't it?

Sorry. Don't agree with his policies, and won't lift a finger or write a check to help him or anyone who supported him.

Live with it.

Anonymous said...

Things are going so well in this new era of Hope and Change and Fair Redistributive Wealth from the Productive to the Lazy:

- Got change today, and handwritten on one bill was "NoBama 2012" and the other one had a stamp "Tax Cheat" above Turbo Tax Timmy's signature.

- Saw two hand drawn window placards,
One was FUBO
and the other was FBHO
Took me a minute to figure it out.

-Saw a sticky note on the gas pump when I filled up:

"Obama said energy costs would necessarily skyrocket. Thanks, Obama!"

Yep, people are totally in love with the Obama regime. You can sense the love in the air.

Dr. Nuwang said...

So it seems that even the Prez of Assnon Inc, disavows a college drop out/pervert obsessed with genitalia, LOL!!!

And I guess all those references to odors comes from smelling shitty diapers all day. And itself.

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