Anyway, I know that some folks are not pleased:
"The Obama administration has rejected a call for a posthumous presidential pardon for Marcus Garvey, calling it a waste of time and resources.
The denial of a pardon came only recently, in response to a campaign waged by attorney Donovan Parker, who had been writing Obama weekly since January 2011 calling for Garvey's pardon.
The denial letter stated:
"Many posthumous pardon requests would likely be based on a claim of manifest injustice, and given that decades have passed since the event and the historical record would have to be scoured to objectively and comprehensively investigate such applications, it is the Department's position that the limited resources which are available to process requests for Presidential clemency — now being submitted in record numbers — are best dedicated to requests submitted by persons who can truly benefit from a grant of the request."
So the Obama administration says pardoning Garvey is a waste of time and resources, yet he has found the time and resources to pardon a turkey on Thanksgiving.
The denial is ironic, considering that the struggle waged by the Garvey Movement in the early 1900s — and subsequent struggles influenced by it — set the stage for Obama's election.
That the U.S. government even needed to deliver a black president to African people as a last ditch effort to undermine struggle for true self-determination is a direct effect of the struggles influenced by the Garvey Movement.
Marcus Garvey was the founder and leader of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and African Communities League (UNIA-ACL), a global organization of African people that held at least 11 million members during the early 1900s.
His work to organize for self-determination for African people has influenced every subsequent struggle of African people.
The U.S. government sought to destroy Garvey and his organization, including utilizing FBI agents to infiltrate his organization.
J. Edgar Hoover — the FBI director who initiated the vicious COINTELPRO war on the Black Power Movement of the Sixties — first made his name by destroying the Garvey Movement. It was to infiltrate Garvey's movement that the FBI integrated.
Though Hoover stated in an October 1919 memo that Garvey had committed no "crime" to justify deporting him, the FBI eventually set the black leader up.
Garvey was imprisoned and, in 1927, deported to Jamaica.
Independentist vs. assimilationist struggle continues
While ironic, it is not surprising that the Obama administration has taken a denial stance on the question of pardoning Garvey.Obama represents the same trend that opposed Garvey in the 1900s.
Garvey represented the aspirations of African people for independence, self-determination and power over our own lives.
In opposition to him were assimilationists like W.E.B. DuBois and the NAACP, those who saw their future working within the oppressive system that exploits African labor and resources for its continued existence.
The assimilationists attacked Garvey while he was alive, uniting with the U.S. government to undermine Garvey's movement, which was based among the African working masses.
Today, Obama represents the highest expression of the assimilationist trend.
His administration has already waged war on Africa in Libya, Somalia and elsewhere through AFRICOM, so it is only consistent that he would continue that trend by maintaining the criminalization of this African incredible leader." [Source]
Finally, Irene has come and gone, and, as is usually the case, the hype was more than the actual hit.
Some winners and losers:
Winners: The emergency management coordinators from state, municipal, and federal agencies. I know I always rip Governor Krispy Kreme, but he did a good job over in Jersey, and our HNIC here in Philly did a good job as well. Folks got the message to stay indoors and various public agencies were right on the spot when the going got tough.
Losers: The clueless news media. I know you have to hype and sensationalize every story for your ratings, but watching some clown stand in a puddle of water in the middle of Manhattan while the ticker is reading "BREAKING NEWS, NEW YORK FACES CATASTROPHE" is a bit much. This type of scene repeated itself over and over again. And when these idiots interviewed normal citizens who tried to tell them that things weren't as bad as they seemed, it was funny to see their reaction as they tried to scare more people into watching their over the top news cast.
One man who was just rescued from his truck here in Philly was being interviewed by a correspondent on the scene, when the anchor in the studio chimed in and asked the man if he managed to make it out -I swear to you that's what she said.-The poor man looked long and hard into the camera and and everyone watching made a silent connection with him. Everyone, of course, except the clueless anchor.
Folks, in the future, please give us less hyperbole and more of what is actually happening with the damn news.
Biggest Loser: Who else but a wingnutGlenn Beckkk for saying that Irene was actually a blessing.
"The Washington Post reports radio personality Glenn Beck has declared Hurricane Irene is a "blessing." He touts the strong storm lashing the East Coast of the United States as a harbinger to warn Americans to be prepared for anything and to stock up food."
I know Glenn, after we elect Governor Big Hair all these natural disasters will just suddenly go away. "Prayer changes things."
So, let me get this straight, "Assimilationist" is anyone who recognizes the existence of white people and accepts the fact that they can't all be killed immediately. Right?
well this should be no surprise to people who paid attention from the beginning the president tries to be all things to all people but he aint God nor GAWDS therefore he comes off looking like a stoopid asswype and here we are nothing to see here people it was all obvious to those paying attention
Look bitch. You're the only person on this blog besides the racist goober you MUST be married to, that spends 24/7 on the internet looking up dumb shit.
And YOU are clearly the wiki hermaphrodite king/queen around here, which I seriously doubt makes up for the fact that your save my son's foreskin campaign at a Cali university is probably what got your crazy ass thrown out school by the physics department.
Now I would initially suggest a good douche as a start to cure your "kuntlickin" obsessions and allow your co-demon sperm partner to consider to sexing you that way. But as a trained industry chemist, I know all the fragrance in the world wouldn't cure the strong lobster smelling amines emanating from what you're still calling a vaginal orifice.
Personally, some 1N HCl would due but then you couldn't breed anymore. However that would fix the green, stinkin, slimy, non human film all your kids were born with having travelled down your vaginal canal.
Boo-Yah! kimdaqueef using out of style terms like booyah to tell us how irrelevant she is
golly queefdakim seems like this anon pisst ya off! so much so that u done created a whole identity for this person steadily makin shit up to suit ur fragile egos requirements lets see here u claimerate to ha all these degrees yet carry urself like a five cent hooker ya not even like a dime store hooker dummy and for some strange reason we are to believe that u miss ghetto trash shit talking ignint shit stain is edumacayted and working for some prestigious government lab
yet u cante even come up with insults of ur own u cante seem to think of anything except ur cunt and every body elses private parts and what else...oh ya ure a gottdam loser and a disgrace and stooooopid too stoopid to even keep ur lies strate as from one minute to the next u done forgot how many alleged degrees u earnt dummy!
its a shame that african american people suffered due to affirmative action see bad wite people would take a loser like kimdaqueef who mite want to study a science but clearly lacks the background and the acumen the wite man knows this so gives this incompetent shit stain a scholarship and has tutors to do her work for her she never EARNS a degree at all simply is awarded one to satisfy diversity requirements and since kimdaqueef is almost 50 she comes strate from that generation of affirmative action recipients many of them are unqualified and ignorant boobs jess like kimdaqueef and they make it bad for regular hard working competent african americans like wayne bennett or louis farrakhan
POTUS Obama, if you lose in 2012 then pardon Garvey; do not pardon him prior to next year's election, the republicans will take any pre-election Garvey pardon to the bank.
POTUS Obama, if you do pardon Garvey during your second term as POTUS, do it early in your 2nd administration. People tend to forget, thus maybe we can have another democratic POTUS in 2016.
Note how the debate between Garvey and DuBois goes completely over the 'minds' of some. No wonder they look up to Sarey and Michelle...and spend countless hours wailing about the 'elites'.
Nice piece, Field. It's been a rather long time since I've had to discuss the issue.
Beck is a moron. Calling this a blessing because it might drown some 'urban dwellers' is not really a pleasant thought. He might want to see how close the Mormons came to being a historical footnote.
There is also the problem that most of the food storage is under water. Been through a few floods...not much remains edible after some time in the water. But Beck does wear a perfesser costume.
For you anonymous MoFos, you're not so anonymous anymore:
An anonymous doo-hole for you anonymous breaph MoFo.
POTUS Obama, if you lose in 2012 then pardon Garvey; do not pardon him prior to next year's election, the republicans will take any pre-election Garvey pardon to the bank.
POTUS Obama, if you do pardon Garvey during your second term as POTUS, do it early in your 2nd administration. People tend to forget, thus maybe we can have another democratic POTUS in 2016.
This is sound advice given Prez Obama's "damn if I do, damn if I don't" position.
And I'm GLAD Irene is GONE, I didn't get one wink of sleep last night thanks to the wind!!! But at least the power stayed on!
They won't vote for him...ever. Pardoning Garvey would make them squeal that all their old crimes would be uncovered. Good stuff!
Beck is an idiot. He does have a perfesser costume. Not the actual 20+ years of work...just the costume.
I did watch Jim Cantore 'stoopid-slap' Brian Williams. Broadcast News was supposed to be but a movie.
Dr Q, glad to hear your only issue was the noise from the wind.
Since his lectures and plans for Americans about how he would revitalize the economy bombed, he switched to a safer subject -- the weather.
However, a reader might wonder if Obama is, in fact, ventilating about the amount of time remaining for his administration.
UPDATE 1-Obama warns Hurricane Irene flooding could worsen
WASHINGTON Aug 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday warned that flooding from Hurricane Irene could worsen as rivers flood their banks and said federal recovery efforts would last a few weeks.
"I want people to understand this is not over," Obama said in an appearance at the White House.
"Response and recovery efforts will be an ongoing operation."
"Many Americans are still at serious risk of power outages and flooding, which could get worse in the coming days as rivers swell past their banks," he added.
It's looking like Obama hopes he can recapture his glory the way Rudy Giuliani recaptured his glory during and after 9/11.
WASHINGTON Aug 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President Barack Obama on Sunday warned that flooding from Hurricane Irene could worsen as rivers flood their banks and said federal recovery efforts would last a few weeks.
"I want people to understand this is not over," Obama said in an appearance at the White House.
"Response and recovery efforts will be an ongoing operation."
"Many Americans are still at serious risk of power outages and flooding, which could get worse in the coming days as rivers swell past their banks," he added.
What a bunch of melodramatic bullshit, it was a nothing storm but the news and Obama are playing it for all its worth. Florida gets tropical storms bigger then this at least once a week in the summer, a category 1 or 2 hurricane is a afternoon shower. Talk about milking the shit out of nothing. Well I guess its easy to say, look at the great job I did, nothing would have happened and now that I went on tv, nothing really happened, but I am coming on tv again to let you know that nothing would have happened didnt happen and I will make sure it still doesnt happen even though its over but its not over.
mold said..."this a blessing because it might drown some urban dwellers"
What? How sick you must be to hope for people to drown.
Beck was right, preparing for a disaster that doesn't come to be can help you prepare for when an actual disaster hits.
But you think it would be a blessing to drown some city folk.
You are not just crazy, you are evil.
"Dr Q, glad to hear your only issue was the noise from the wind."
There's alway a lot of wind noise around Dr. Queen.
Pardon Marcus Garvey. Too funny.
The Universal Negro Improvement Association. The African Motor Corps. The Black Star Line.
Prince Kojo Tavalou, of Dahomey, the Potentate of the Universal Negro Improvement Association and Marcus Garvey, Provisional President of Africa.
What costumes these guys wore. Every day was Halloween.
The Black Cross Nurses.
Why did Garvey fail?
It's too bad that everything he touched went into the toilet. If he had succeeded with his Black Star Shipping Company, and if he had succeeded with plan to build a prospering black nation in Africa, then his work would have enabled blacks to say that they too had created a functioning nation. But...
Didn't happen. Nevertheless, there are blacks today who want the president to pardon Garvey for his crimes, even though he accomplished nothing.
That's always the demand. Pardon Garvey. Pardon Mumia.
"So, let me get this straight, "Assimilationist" is anyone who recognizes the existence of white people and accepts the fact that they can't all be killed immediately. Right?"
Nope. I recognize the existence of white people, just as I do of other people of various ethnic and national backgrounds. I just don't recognize what they feel as a right to dominate over other, so-called "lesser" ethnicities.
An "Assimilationist" is someone who, instead of simply acting under the capacity of a decent human being with respect for others, seek to become as close to "white" as possible in the social sense, while discarding their own ethnic background and social identity as "bad" or "tainted."
"Didn't happen. Nevertheless, there are blacks today who want the president to pardon Garvey for his crimes, even though he accomplished nothing.
That's always the demand. Pardon Garvey. Pardon Mumia."
Because that's all blacks do -- demand this, demand that, demand, demand, demand.
Gee...if only those niggers would just shut the hell up, they might just get something for once. Isn't that right, Kingfish?
"Dr Q, glad to hear your only issue was the noise from the wind." mildew
ya the wind from the blank space between her ears! dumb chriflin imbecile!
Anonymous said...
"Dr Q, glad to hear your only issue was the noise from the wind." mildew
ya the wind from the blank space between her ears! dumb chriflin imbecile!
She keeps her ears in her pants? Damn!!!
Anonymous said...
"Dr Q, glad to hear your only issue was the noise from the wind." mildew
ya the wind from the blank space between her ears! dumb chriflin imbecile!
She keeps her ears in her pants? Damn!!!
9:41 PM
No dumbass, you she cant take her ears off her head - she has her head up her ass. Boo-yah--uga booga!!
Some of us are hoping that when Obama serves his second term his 'Black Side'. The passive 'White Side' act has gotten old.
I look for Bolt to snap in the 200 meters after the 100 mishap. Some say he was worried about Blake. I say he lost his focus because he wanted to clown after the race.
Wesley R said...
Some of us are hoping that when Obama serves his second term his 'Black Side'. The passive 'White Side' act has gotten old.
I'm not waiting on seeing the "black side" of Prez Obama. Had he been raised by a Black woman, he may have grown up with one.
"Didn't happen. Nevertheless, there are blacks today who want the president to pardon Garvey for his crimes, even though he accomplished nothing."
Could you please explain his crime to me? Mail fraud, right? Could you give me the facts of the case, please?
Some of us are hoping that when Obama serves his second term his 'Black Side'. The passive 'White Side' act has gotten old."
He is showing his Black Side that hates being Black. Surely any AA knows a House Negro when they see one. Another way to show your Black Side is to keep hoping the HN will change while he continues to shame and insult and belittle you.
I can't wait to hear from Granny. Since she is Obama's biggest fan and makes excuses for him, I can't wait to hear this one.
Looks like Powell is angry about what was said about him in Cheney's book, and so is Dr. Rice I presume.
Anyone else NOT surprised by this?
All the more reason he shouldn't have let that butthole talk him into lying about the justification for war in Iraq.
Field, "..He can always count on us Negroes for our support..."
Not necessarily. At the rate Obama continues to deny Blacks anything, it looks like he won't be able to count on a unified black vote.
Imo, he is being mean-spirited and condescending to Blacks. This President has ignored and denied the black community more than any other President in the history of America, including our pride as a race. Perhaps he is doing such slights because he himself is Black and does not want to show any feelings or compassion toward AAs.
If so, it confirms to me that electing a black President can be the worst disadvantage for Blacks in ALL areas of our lives, esp if his name is Obama.
"So the Obama administration says pardoning Garvey is a waste of time and resources, yet he has found the time and resources to pardon a turkey on Thanksgiving."
This is the ultimate insult. No other President would do this. Well, it is grist for the mill for Cornel West and others who have had it with Obama.
Field, Obama's failure to even consider pardoning Garvey should come as no surprise to anyone paying attention. But that's what the folks running things count on isn't it, that we aren't paying attention.
Obama is a cartaker of this system nothing more and nothing less.
Ms. Queen said...."All the more reason he shouldn't have let that butthole talk him into lying about the justification for war in Iraq.
No one ever lied about the justification for war in Iraq. Every Western intelligence agency believed Iraq still had elements of their WMD program. They probably did right up until the bombs started falling, when it was sent to Syria.
Both houses of Congress authorized military action. Congress, both Republican and Democrats, had access to the same intelligence the President had.
The idea that Bush lied to justify military action is false. It was the focus of two congressional investigations, both of which concluded the adminstration never cherry picked intelligence or misrepresented findings to congress or the public.
It is simply a lie.
FYI, Pt 1.
President Obama is getting criticized from all sides lately, and the African-American community is no exception. In an op-ed piece in Friday's New York Times, Princeton professor Cornel West condemned the president for ignoring homeowners, workers and poor people and, instead, giving "us bailouts for banks, record profits for Wall Street and giant budget cuts on the backs of the vulnerable."
Members of the Congressional Black Caucus recently staged a jobs tour criticizing Obama for ignoring the plight of black communities. As Obama prepares to dedicate the memorial to Martin Luther King Jr. on the National Mall, many black leaders want to see the first black president of the United States do more to help their community.
In an NPR interview in July, Obama was asked whether he has a special responsibility to look out for the interests of African-Americans. "I have a special responsibility to look out for the interests of every American," he replied. "That's my job as president of the United States. And I wake up every morning trying to promote the kinds of policies that are going to make the biggest difference for the most number of people so that they can live out their American dream."
That answer is in keeping with this president's tendencies, says Harvard Law Professor Randall Kennedy, who wrote the new book The Persistence of the Color Line: Racial Politics and the Obama Presidency. "Barack Obama doesn't like to talk about race," says Kennedy. "There are some people who would say that with condemnation. I don't."
Kennedy argues that Obama became president of the United States by "overcoming his blackness. To be re-elected he will have to overcome his blackness. And so some of his enemies want to quite literally blacken Barack Obama."
Indeed, Obama has generally avoided talking about race until outside events force his hand. During the 2008 campaign, fiery sermons by the Rev. Jeremiah Wright pushed the issue of race to the fore. In Philadelphia, candidate Obama delivered a now-famous speech, saying the U.S. has been stuck in a racial stalemate for years.
"Talk show hosts and conservative commentators built entire careers unmasking bogus claims of racism while dismissing legitimate discussions of racial injustice and inequality as mere political correctness or reverse racism," he said.
FYI, Pt 2
But those discussions of racial injustice and inequality have not been a large part of this White House's public message. And the economy has made evidence of this inequality hard to ignore. The unemployment rate among blacks is 16 percent. Blacks are more likely to lose their homes to foreclosure than are whites. In education, the achievement gap persists. And prisons are overflowing with black men.
"So we see enormous problems that have to be addressed if we are going to be able to achieve what Dr. King was talking about, a more just, inclusive democracy," says John Payton, president of the NAACP Legal Defense and Educational Fund.
"I think we need more leadership from the president," says Payton. "He is a magnificent example of the progress that we have made. He is clearly well aware that he is in the legacy of what Dr. King was envisioning. And I hope he does act more proactively to bring us together."
The speech dedicating the King memorial, whenever it ultimately takes place, is an opportunity for the president to address those concerns even as he addresses the entire nation.
The site opened to the public Monday. Under a blue summer sky, visitors sat on low stone walls looking at the statue. Many people expressed the same sentiment about President Obama: Sure he's black, they said, but first and foremost he's the president of the United States.
"He was elected by the people, the same as all of the previous white presidents were," said L.H. Ruffin. "So I benefit or I lose based on everybody's benefiting or losing. It's not a matter of him being a president for me. It's a matter of him being a president that's going to make the situation better for all of us."
Or, to put it in the words of King, "We may have all come on different ships, but we're in the same boat now."
Source: NPR
""Barack Obama doesn't like to talk about race," says Kennedy. "There are some people who would say that with condemnation. I don't."
I don't either. I admire the President for standing up to the whiners who want him to build his presidency around catering to black people. He is president of all Americans, not just the blck ones.
Yes, he used race to get elected, and he'll use it again to try to get re-elected. But to his credit, he hasn't overtly instituted racist policies to help blacks at the expense of everyone else.
Good job, President Obama.
Yes, he used race to get elected, and he'll use it again to try to get re-elected. But to his credit, he hasn't overtly instituted racist policies to help blacks at the expense of everyone else.
Good job, President Obama.
Until the two executive orders he signed against our consitution last week. Illegal aliens come on over and no more whites need apply for government jobs.
Ummm...literally no intelligence agency thought Iraq had WMD. What are the 'elements' of which you speak? Metal fabrication? Fertilizer production? Military personnel?
You do know the UK/Brits had hearings on this...and it was quite clear that the intelligence offered to the US and UK was cherry-picked.
The two Congressional investigations...who ran them, who voted, and did they have a need to obstruct?
So, why are you lying to us?
Just another night in black America.
Teen girl paralyzed, 10 others wounded after shooting at party advertised as 'Drama free' online
BY Erik Badia
Sunday, August 28th 2011, 4:00 AM
Eleven young people were shot, including a teenage girl left paralyzed, when a gunman opened fire into the crowd.
About 100 people were packed into the backyard of the single-family home on Inwood St. in South Jamaica shortly before 1 a.m., when the shooter sneaked up a back alleyway and opened fire into the yard through a chain link fence.
Police said six males ages 15 to 23, and five women, ages 15 to 21, were shot, with bullets hitting them in their arms, legs, hands and feet.
A 15-year-old girl, not immediately identified, was shot in the back, and police said the bullet severed her spine.
"Everything was all smooth, and then the shots started coming through the gate, and everybody started running," said Allan Dawkins, 23, who said he threw the party for a younger sister, Florence Dudney, who was moving to Washington
Dawkins advertised the party on Twitter and Facebook, as "Free Food, Free Drinks, Live Video, photos, Drama Free."
"IDs were being checked and everybody was being searched through the front," he said. "So he [the shooter] probably came in, seen somebody he had issues with, went home and got his gun."
Dawkins said when the shooting stopped, the wounded 15-year-old girl, a friend of his sister he knows as "Frenchie," was lying face down in the yard.
"A lot of people didn't know they were hit," he said. "One guy made it to the boulevard [Rockaway], and that's four blocks away. The only person who knew she was hit was the girl, and one guy."
A young girl standing with a group outside the house yesterday said, "nobody in the backyard realized those were shots until the third or fourth one went off. "
Police said they recovered several 9-mm. bullet casings from the scene.
DrQ, given his five (five!) deferments and his choosing the VP and the Halliburton stock issues and the use of torture...why would they be surprised at Cheney?
Molle, Beck was the one seeking the drowning of 'urbans'. Were you just confused, or deliberately not understanding?
Oh, if you are wondering...you can review the History of the Mormons regarding AfAms...or Becks' DaddyMentor regarding AfAms...or Becks own words and History regarding AfAms.
Unless Obama pulls his loony ideologies about economics and job creation out of the mix, he economy will remain weak and he will lose in 2012.
The Bakken Oil Field in North Dakota and Montana is now producing hundreds of thousands of barrels of oil per day.
Were it not for restrictive rules that Obama is empowered to remove, the US could slash its oil import while creating hundreds of thousands of jobs.
But our Fool-in-Chief seems to believe we can produce all the energy we need with rays from the Sun and the wind.
But, in truth, there's very little power available from the wind, and the solar technology is 50 years from reaching the operating efficiency needed to compete with oil at $100 a barrel.
May we be lucky enough to wave goodby to Jimmy Carter Junior in 2012.
Interesting post. Even more interesting is the silence of FN commenters regarding the WH denial to pardon Garvey. Usually the number of hits on FN would be well into the seventies by now about anybody against Obama.
But Obama's stance to not recognize Garvey is another slap in the face of AAs. So the truth should be dawning on some such as Granny who is hurting black communities across America. And it isn't Tavis Smiley and Cornel West!
Excuses by Field and others like Granny that Obama has to play politics with our lives and dignity in order to be elected in 2012 just doesn't hold water anymore.
It is a statement that we agree with Obama that he must step on us in order to be elected. So what's new in our lives? The Whites step on us and we help them to step on us in order for one spineless black politician to have another chance at the WH.
That makes good sense, doesn't it? It does if you think Blacks are less than anyone else in America. And it's true, whether we want to admit it or not.
Glenn who? He like Palin can't just accept that his 15 minutes are over and mustramp up the crazy to seem relevant. How the hell do you get fired for being too crazy for Faux News?
If a Black prez and a Black AG won't pardon Marcus Mosiah who will? If irony holds the next white GOP prez will.
mold said...Beck was the one seeking the drowning of 'urbans'.
Um, that is a completely ridiculous statement.
Beck may be a little over the top, but he is decent human being.
You are projecting your own genocidal fantasies on someone you disagree with. You must be a Liberal.
Hundreds of thousands of barrels. Sure do sound like Goober maff....one, two, three, five, many.
It might even persuade some moron who can't Google the US Daily Use. Or how much is 'lost' in refining.
Does our dwill-MILFyBaby-dwill have any concept of those 'wonderful jobs'? Are they hoping to leave retail/fast food for the glory of being a drill monkey? The pay sounderates real good...until you do the per hour. What is the injury rate? How many drillers lose limbs? How many have to self-insure? The big money will go to a Petroleum Engineer...whether US or H-1B...not to the drill monkeys.
There is also the business case. Until crude went over $100/barrel many reserves were not economical to put into production.
For folks so mindlessly eager to confuse Carter with Obama, they sure are unaware of the US oil bidness being complicit in the OPEC price hike of the 1970s.
Plenty of folks charged into production...mucho Supply...price dropped. If you are hiring Goobers at $100/bbl..and everyone is producing...the price goes to $90/bbl. You might still be solvent. What if the price hits $80/bbl...or $30/bbl?
Face it. You may have to give up your compensator and your subsidized rural fantasy lifestyle. What you want to ask is how far back we need to go...1700s...1800s...early 1900s...or the fave of the christians...Stone Age.
PilotX-"If a Black prez and a Black AG won't pardon Marcus Mosiah who will? If irony holds the next white GOP prez will."
Interesting view. Obama has certainly given the GOP an opportunity to hammer away at the racist views of the Democratic Party over Garvey.
How degrading and selfish the President and Dems are! They bring to light their own racist views against Blacks, if NOT MORE than the Repubs. We are not considered to be worthwhile by a Democratic Black President!
Field said it all in his post in one sentence:
" So the Obama administration says pardoning Garvey is a waste of time and resources, yet he has found the time and resources to pardon a turkey on Thanksgiving."
It sucks to be Black in America.
"It sucks to be Black in America."
Not according to the wingnuts. They say we have it on easy street and it's really white males that have the true burden and are being discriminated against. You make me want to reconsider.
On another note Faux "news" is a trip. While all the other cable news networks are carrying the press conference from the FEMA guy they're running anti-Obama campaign adds and talking to Frank Luntz. They may as well just start displaying the Republican logo and get it over with. This was after Michelle Malkin tried to defend conservative intelligence in her own special way. She should just give in, most conservatives are dumb as rocks and her defense made that all the more clear. If you want to stop being porttrayed as dumb stop nominating crazy dumbasses.
Well finally the writings of Obama come out, according to a letter he wrote while in Harvard, now we know why he never published anything, he can't write very well.
I guess this also explains why he needs two teleprompters for a three minute speech welcoming his new economic advisor.
Affirmative Action really is a bitch.
"Well finally the writings of Obama come out, according to a letter he wrote while in Harvard, now we know why he never published anything, he can't write very well. "
He couldn't be that much of a lousy writer. Could he? If so, it says a lot about Harvard.
Molle, what else could he have meant? Given his religion of choice and their well-known and well-documented treatment of AfAms.
Ridiculous...but you offered only that 'Hitler liked dogs' as a repsonse....then tried to pretend I was the one who called a Cat 3 Hurricane a 'blessing'.
While I am not a pudgy, perfesser-costumed salesman for gold...I really do not wish for Cat 3 'blessings' on anyone. Too much like the Katrina statements of the wingnut Cons and how the NO citizens were 'blessed'.
PilotX, Malkin is their version of an intellectual. After all, she Asian...and they are all smart. Really. Her doing the cheerleader fantasy was multi-layered in its appeal. -snort-
She reminds me of the trophy wife who is keenly aware of her hubby and his Marcus proclivities. And that he is the income...so she better wear the pretend 'middle school cheerleader costume' if she knows what GOPDaddys like.
'Merican Thunker? Please...readers...don't give the scamsite the 'eyeballs'. find it with one that doesn't lie to you. Or pay pimps to offer links to the scamsite.
This may be a shock to our racist eyeball pump, but being the editor while AfAm was never an Affirmative Action. Unlike wite Legacies or bush/st reagan appointments....this is very much a choice based on merit. Maybe not at OralU...or other religio-skools, where adherence to dogma and public prayer is paramount...but in most law schools being editor is pretty much an admission that the person is considered 'first among equals'. Oh, and your whine is a tad late. Don't you recall Thurgood Marshall? Seems if your lie about Obama being an Affirmative Action recipient were even slightly based on Reality...there would have been others. And Bakkes suing because they were born better.
Funny you forgot to mention the use of teleprompters by st reagan...and the 'radio' of bush...and the scribbles on Sarey...and the theft of the Carter debate book.
Face it loser, you are going to have to show your work. And be better. Or...keep steering folks to scamsites that pay you to lie to us.;)
Well, I guess, the other Presidents should have had a teleprompter. Here are some quotes from just about every President that has ever served. Let's review some of their famous speeches:
"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" and "They misunderestimated me".
"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting"
"No. I am just going as an exhibit."
"Nothing brings out the lower traits of human nature like office seeking".
"When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."
"If I was two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
"When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results"?
"Would it be nice if you could pay your bills and not earn any money to pay them"
"Things are moe like they are not than they have ever been."
"They misunderestimated me."
"I have opinions of my own-strong opinions--but I don't always agree with them."
"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes."
"A Statesman is a politician who has been dead ten or fifteen years."
Well, I guess, the other Presidents should have had a teleprompter. Here are some quotes from just about every President that has ever served. Let's review some of their famous speeches:
"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" and "They misunderestimated me".
"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting"
"No. I am just going as an exhibit."
"Nothing brings out the lower traits of human nature like office seeking".
"When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."
"If I was two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
"When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results"?
"Would it be nice if you could pay your bills and not earn any money to pay them"
"Things are moe like they are not than they have ever been."
"They misunderestimated me."
"I have opinions of my own-strong opinions--but I don't always agree with them."
"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes."
"A Statesman is a politician who has been dead ten or fifteen years."
White affirmative action?
Well, I guess, the other Presidents should have had a teleprompter. Here are some quotes from just about every President that has ever served. Let's review some of their famous speeches:
"Rarely is the questioned asked: Is our children learning?" and "They misunderestimated me".
"I have left orders to be awakened at any time in case of national emergency, even if I'm in a cabinet meeting"
"No. I am just going as an exhibit."
"Nothing brings out the lower traits of human nature like office seeking".
"When the president does it, that means that it is not illegal."
"If I was two-faced, would I be wearing this one?"
"When more and more people are thrown out of work, unemployment results"?
"Would it be nice if you could pay your bills and not earn any money to pay them"
"Things are moe like they are not than they have ever been."
"They misunderestimated me."
"I have opinions of my own-strong opinions--but I don't always agree with them."
"My fellow Americans, I am pleased to tell you I signed legislation which outlaws Russia forever. The bombing begins in five minutes."
"A Statesman is a politician who has been dead ten or fifteen years."
White affirmative action?
PilotX, I liked your mention of the WATB wites who cry in their sippy cups that AfAms earn anything.
They do wonder where the hire the mentally defective is for them...it is being appointed by st reagan or bush. And there is always the danger that they will be prosecuted at some point for their actions.
Despite the 'middle school cheerleader' performance by Michelle Malkin, the abject denial of Science/Enlightentment by Michelle Bachmann, and the hordes of TaxBaggers...not all conservatives are Vitters-filling morons. We just haven't seen any post here lately.
Pretty much, they are doing the work of government...patching roads, running utilities, keeping water and sewer operating. They really don't have the time to pimp eyeballs to scamsites or religiously spout nonsense to prove how loyal a schmuck they are.
Conservatives are rational, base their opinions on Facts, and are more than willing to be pragmatic. Cons, on the other paw, are the folks that aren't.
Field, did you read this:
The Problem
The folks who are getting free shit,
Don’t like the folks who are paying for the free shit,
Because the folks who are paying for the free shit,
Can no longer afford to pay for both the free shit and their own shit.
And, The folks who are paying for the free shit,
Want the free shit to stop.
And the folks who are getting the free shit,
Want even MORE free shit on top of the free shit they’re getting already!
Now….. The people who are forcing people to PAY for the free shit,
Have told the people who are RECEIVING the free shit,
That the people who are PAYING for the free shit,
Are being mean, prejudiced and racist.
So …. the people who are GETTING the free shit,
Have been convinced they need to HATE the people who are PAYING for the
free shit because they are selfish. And they are promised more free shit if
they will vote for
the people who force the people who pay for the free shit to give them even
more free shit.
And THAT's the straight shit!
"Until the two executive orders he signed against our consitution last week. Illegal aliens come on over and no more whites need apply for government jobs."
How many white folks do you see lining up for those $7 an hour jobs? Your kids, maybe. But they will be back in school soon. Bring in the Mexicans.
there are lots of wite folks lining up to have 7$ hour jobs jess go to california in stockton or bakersfield theylle work for 5$ a hour sheeit
"Well finally the writings of Obama come out, according to a letter he wrote while in Harvard, now we know why he never published anything, he can't write very well."
Many people are not good writers. They have writers to help them. However, it doesn't mean they are less than bright.
"How many white folks do you see lining up for those $7 an hour jobs? Your kids, maybe. But they will be back in school soon. Bring in the Mexicans."
Field, you are being racist.
"Until the two executive orders he signed against our consitution last week. Illegal aliens come on over and no more whites need apply for government jobs."
How many white folks do you see lining up for those $7 an hour jobs? Your kids, maybe. But they will be back in school soon. Bring in the Mexicans.
History is going to show that when Obama abandoned the rule of law around this time, it began the complete eroding of the Black Community. You keep kidding yourself that Blacks are competing with whites while the illegals take the transportation, construction, warehouse, logistics, service sector, manufacturing, meat processing, agricultural, high tech labor and more jobs. Will this impact undereducated whites? Yes. Will this impact Blacks who at current averages of 51+% drop out of HS more. Yes. The artificial black middle class with government jobs, postal service etc is crumbling. The only profession exclusive and the number one on the list for blacks currently is Barber Shop, hair cutter. For now.... a bunch of illegals were just seen stocking up on scissors and clippers.
Thats the cause, the real effect however is the complete illegality of abandoning our constitution. Backdooring and bypassing the required congressional approval to in essence put the burden of support on US citizens for the worlds refugees, in the midst of a crisis. If you don't have a problem with this, just remember soon it wont be Obama in charge and it might be someone else who breaks the constitution for his or her special interest groups and who knows who that will be against.
Say hello to the continuing decline of America. One that will continue to whallop us all, but have an even more profound effect on black america from the getgo. You don't think black unemployment is higher than all other races due to coincidence do you? Illegals fill AA qoutas just as well.
WOW-- People new to having a 'Voice' and some 'Power' seem to be lacking the ability to unify and use their said: 'Power' Division and Attack seem to be the Trend --Ummm I suppose that is why, Name-Calling and Back- Stabbing are so, "IN" with the said newly powered 'Black' Community!!! "No Pain, No Gain" ??
How about some whites never getting a government job because they never apply, believing all the bull that's out there.
As for Obama, as president, he could sit on his hands and be dumb as a doorknob and I would be satisfied. The fact many people are spending their days and nights doing fact finding so they can come to this blog and convince noone, to me is satisfaction. Also People of Bull Connors ilk whose ancestors made it their life's work to wipe the identity of the African have to deal with an African, whose identity is known and has his own name
Hitch, are you retarded or what? If Saddam Hussein had WMDs then WHY THE FUCK DIDN'T HE USE THEM??? Having WMDs wouldn't have justified launching a war of aggression against a country that wasn't provoking the U.S. ANYWAY but the fact is that there were no WMDs period, not in Iraq, not smuggled to Syria like some nincompoops think.
If Saddam had WMDs then he would have certainly used them against the U.S. military forces launching their Nazi-like war of aggression against his country and he would have been 100% justified in doing so. By the fact that he didn't use them shows plainly that he didn't have them. History will record the United States and its toady Britain as the aggressors that the rest of the world outside the U.S. knows them to be. America sucks. It is the laughingstock of the civilized world.
This blog post caught my attention, "Is Glenn Beck A Racist?" http://www.sharethisurlaboutglennbeck.com/2011/09/is-glenn-beck-racist.html
According to Mary Matalin, "Glenn Beck did an astounding, remarkable series on civil rights in this country including black founding fathers..."
Huh? Donna Brazile has a response and it's the most heated I've seen her when she takes umbrage at Glenn Beck telling "people of color" about their history. I wish she'd told Mary to get her head out of her lily white conservative ass.
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