Saturday, August 27, 2011

iPads and Irene.

I love technology as much as the next guy, but at some point we have to take a serious look at ourselves and realize that we might be taking this thing a bit too far.

I recently saw the following story on

"Virginia-based Renee Armstrong desperately wanted to attend the wedding of friends Jonathan Alberico and Jamie Wilborn – she’d been asked to be a bridesmaid, after all. The problem was, her friends live in Denver, Colarado, [sic]some 1500 miles away, and the cost of getting there just proved to be too expensive in these economically tough times.

Bride Jamie told Cnet: “Unfortunately, the economy sucks. She just didn’t have the means to make it out to Denver. It was absolutely devastating when we found she couldn’t come.”

So, what to do? After having a think about it, Jamie hit upon the idea of using an
Jamie put the idea to Renee, who loved it. On the big day, the bridesmaid got ready as if she was going to be at the wedding in person, donning her best outfit for the occasion.

She was ‘carried around’ the proceedings by a groomsman, who took her down the aisle and ensured she had a perfect view of the vows. Hopefully the wedding guests knew what the groomsman was up to, otherwise they might’ve been thinking, “Why is that guy showing off his new iPad like that?”

In a conversation captured on video (see below), Renee tells Jamie, “I got all teary-eyed during the ceremony, and I couldn’t have got that from pictures.”
According to the Cnet report, the FaceTime plan nearly didn’t happen when a slightly sloshed groomsman accidentally dropped the tablet in the middle of the wedding rehearsal. Luckily, a replacement was obtained.

The short video below, shot by wedding guest Jamie Goswick, shows the happy couple exchanging vows, as well as a man walking around with an iPad showing bridesmaid Renee on the screen." [Story]

Quick, how many of you sisters reading this would allow your best friend to attend your wedding via iPad? Yeah, I didn't think so.

Now I am not trying to be mean or anythnig, but how long did girlfriend know that her friend was getting married? Virginia to Denver? Come on now, I am guessing she could have flown Southwest for a couple of hundred bucks round trip.

Somebody give that groomsman a high five for walking around with that ridiculous iPad throughout the wedding.

I am still waiting on Irene. I just ditched my patio furniture and it was already raining and windy outside. I just hope that PECO doesn't lose power in my area. I need my electricity. Over a million people in North Carolina are already out of luck.That's not a good look.

Let's see how FEMA does with this one. Who will be Obama's "Brownie"? Maybe he won't have one; it looks like he was ahead of the curve with this. But we will see. I know one thing, he better be glad that this is a natural disaster, because, if it wasn't, the wingut and FOX crowd would be finding a way to blame him for it. I bet that they will say that O will use my girl Irene as an excuse for the economy not rebounding as fast as it should. Wait, they already have. Never mind.

To all my friends in Irene's path, please be careful and stay safe.


PilotX said...

You're saying the wingnuts won't blame him for this? Wow, talk about giving teh stupid too much credit.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Actually, the GOP is criticizing Prez Obama for not returning from vacay sooner. The man can't win with these folks for losing.

Obama 2012

Anonymous said...

All Obama has to do is be an adult...and he will win.
That's our choice...moderate right-leaning centrist (for US) R and someone who should not be allowed to be in public without supervision.

Irene is at Cat 1...much safer than the Cat 3 predicted. Hope it stays just water and annoying.


Anonymous said...

There is a lawyer with the initials TC. We used to have great times when I lived in Philly. I pray that he will be ok when Irene hits. Irene is nothing to play.

Anonymous said...

Barry O has used every other excuse for his failed policies.Why not Irene?

conservatives are like cancer said...

"Barry O has used every other excuse for his failed policies.Why not Irene?"

Why not try blaming him for situations within his control rather than strawmen and natural disasters that every republican should be blamed for.

alicia banks said...

karmic hurricanes?

mlk is certainly unimpressed


misery trumps statues!!!

SickupandFed said...

One question. Why do we give a shit what they say?

All we need to do is get active in our own communities and combat the stupid. The media isn't just bought and paid for, they are out to make as much money as possible by creating the illusion of a competitive campaign. Face it, if people are stupid enough to actually vote for people that want them dead, then all is already lost.

Farley said...

The weather is horrible everywhere. I hope everyone survives the hurricane

La♥audiobooks said...

Field, Irene passed my way the other day, flood me out, made my doors swollen, took my electricity, my internet, and f-up my electronics and made me hot and miserable for several days. I'm now worried about mold, I feel depressed. I don't remember you giving Desertflower and myself good blessings. How unfair. And I don't remember you saying one thing to me since I've been back. Are you getting back at me for that Jamaican comment I made several weeks ago???

Anyway, as for the wedding, I suspect those people went the ipad route partly for the attention. It's not like she had to catch a damn plane to get there anyway. Go Greyhound. And to heck with the ipad, it's overrated and too overpriced. For portability, I still prefer a macbook, and I rather my Kindle for reading ebooks.

Anonymous said...

laa ure so mean u never have nothing nice to say even if the story is sentimental ya bitter meanie! still glad that ure okay from the hurricane mean women still deserve to live;)

The Janitor said...

Maybe he won't have one; it looks like he was ahead of the curve with this. But we will see. I know one thing, he better be glad that this is a natural disaster, because, if it wasn't, the wingut and FOX crowd would be finding a way to blame him for it.

They'd blame him for that AND the earthquake.

BTW, thanks for the add, bruh. Good look.

La♥audiobooks said...

Dear vulgar anony,

Perhaps you meant well, but please stop showing up after I do. I don't want people to assume the unspeakable.

Thank you kindly.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Hey Babygurl, I'm glad you survived Irene. I kept you in my prayers as I'm doing with others who path Irene will cross. I'll be praying that the damages and everything lost be quickly replaced with better than before.

StillaPanther2 said...

Brother Field...H.Irene is throwing her best at this exact moment 2000 hr on the middle Penninsula. Winds at 70mph and the trees in the backyard are going horizontal. The rains started at 0100 early a.m. and has not stopped since. This hurricane is a slow should be coming your way starting early a.m. My lights have flickered several times and I did broke down and purchased a generator 5000w. My small 750w could only do some light bulbs and this time I did not want to wait TWO WEEKS for the return of lights/ Now we are getting the winds and if I have lights in the morning unopened generator will be going back to Lowes (I will trade it in for a cheaper one....this one was brought under duress and the price relected it- they only had 10 with some people unable to get one). Newport News had a 11 yo boy crushed in his home by a tree. This has been a stressful day. The clean-up will keep me busy for a moment. Wish you and your queen blessing during this hurricane.

field negro said...

La~Audio, I am glad you are safe and sound and in that spirit I love so much. And welcome back.:)

StillPanther2, I feel you fam. I am getting the bussiness here as well and the eye isn't even supposed to go by Jersey for another three hours. :(

Anonymous said...

La♥audiobooks said...
I don't remember you giving Desertflower and myself good blessings.
Or said:
"To all my friends in Irene's path, please be careful and stay safe."

Anonymous said...

What did Irene say to the Coconut tree? Hang on to your nuts, this aint gonna be no ordinary blowjob.

iceberg, what iceberg said...

Fascinating, now that all the hard work has been done, Obama says he's "taking charge" of the response to Irene. He's the captain of the Titanic.

Who better to give the order to man the lifeboats than a clown who has single-handedly swamped the US economy?

Obama takes charge at hurricane command center

US President Barack Obama warned the US east coast was in for a "long 72 hours" as he led his government's response to Hurricane Irene at a disaster command center in Washington.

Obama on Saturday chaired a meeting at the National Response Coordination Center (NRCC) set up at the Federal Emergency Management Agency's (FEMA) headquarters in Washington, which is marshaling federal and local hurricane-relief efforts.

"This is going to be a tough slog getting through this thing," Obama said during a video teleconference including senior federal officials and local government agencies in the east coast path of Irene.

"It's going to be a long 72 hours. Obviously a lot of families are going to be affected ... the biggest concern I'm having right now has to do with flooding and power," Obama said during the videoconference.

field negro said...

"Fascinating, now that all the hard work has been done, Obama says he's "taking charge" of the response to Irene. He's the captain of the Titanic."

I think the hurricane was his fault. There must have been something he could have done to prevent it. Isn't that right, wingnut? :)

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

All of these petty natural disasters are obviously the Deity signaling the abrupt end of patience with religious scammers, schemers, screamers and blasphemers attacking the poor and marginalized in America.

Anonymous said...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...
All of these petty natural disasters are obviously the Deity signaling the abrupt end of patience with religious scammers, schemers, screamers and blasphemers attacking the poor and marginalized in America.

Nope, GOD has just had enough of the misleading evil of DWL's

Conservatives are like dingleberries said...

Cognitive dissonance: a state of confusion that is condition-precedent to the development of "conservative" opinions.

That's why conservatives are like dingleberries.

PilotX said...

"Who better to give the order to man the lifeboats than a clown who has single-handedly swamped the US economy?"

Of course Barack ruined the economy all by himself. It wasn't Republicans who pushed deregulation or tax breaks fo rcompanies that outsource. Nah, blame the skinny Black guy. No matter those two endless wars started by the worst prez in history or tax cuts for millionairesm my bad, job creators. That wasn't a collapse in 2008 before he was even elected, McCain was joking when he said he was taking time off from campaigning to help th eeconomy. Bush left us all with a global economy so strong only a secret Kenyan with plans to destroy capitalism could have harmed it. Wingnut logic is so interesting.
You must have gone to Slappz school of economics.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Pilot, this deserves repeating!

"Of course Barack ruined the economy all by himself. It wasn't Republicans who pushed deregulation or tax breaks fo rcompanies that outsource. Nah, blame the skinny Black guy. No matter those two endless wars started by the worst prez in history or tax cuts for millionairesm my bad, job creators. That wasn't a collapse in 2008 before he was even elected, McCain was joking when he said he was taking time off from campaigning to help th eeconomy. Bush left us all with a global economy so strong only a secret Kenyan with plans to destroy capitalism could have harmed it. Wingnut logic is so interesting.
You must have gone to Slappz school of economics."

Mack Lyons said...

"The weather is horrible everywhere. I hope everyone survives the hurricane"

The wind in downtown ATL kicked up a bit later this evening. I guess we were getting Irene's table scraps.

Prayers go out to the folks in NC, VA, DC and along the northeast seaboard. Stay safe.

Kanye West said...

"he better be glad that this is a natural disaster, because, if it wasn't, the wingut and FOX crowd would be finding a way to blame him for it."

You mean like the Liberal MSM blamed Bush for Katrina?

No, Fox viewers aren't that stupid.

Rodney King said...

StillaPanther2 said...
H.Irene is throwing her best at this exact moment 2000 hr on the middle Penninsula. Winds at 70mph and the trees in the backyard are going horizontal. The rains started at 0100 early a.m. and has not stopped since. This hurricane is a slow should be coming your way starting early a.m. My lights have flickered several times and I did broke down and purchased a generator 5000w.

Good thinking. Keeping the lights on will help keep all those white looters away.

Anonymous said...

"he better be glad that this is a natural disaster, because, if it wasn't, the wingut and FOX crowd would be finding a way to blame him for it."

According to the New Evangelicals, which Perry and the Tea Party are part of, there is a spiritual warfare going on between the Apostles and the demonic forces in America. There is a fast growing following of this Christian belief. This is where Perry's power base lies.

These "strange" disasters such as earthquakes and hurricanes along the east coast while Obama in the WH are happening for a reason.

The Real Story said...

GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Pilot, this deserves repeating!

"Of course Barack ruined the economy all by himself. It wasn't Republicans who pushed deregulation or tax breaks fo rcompanies that outsource. Nah, blame the skinny Black guy. No matter those two endless wars started by the worst prez in history or tax cuts for millionaires."

No, it deserves debunking.

The 2008 crash was caused by the mountain of bad debt piled up by the democrat slush fund organizations Freddie Mac and Fannie Mae:

The Bush Tax cuts made the income tax code MORE progressive, and the "rich" paid a higher share of taxes afterwards:

It’s Free, Swipe Your EBT said...

Anonymous said...

Amazing how some uneducated folks can determine who screwed up the economy.

However, we can ALL agree that the highest rate of black unemployment in the history of this country has occurred under the President's Obama Administration. We can ALL agree that the Prez hasn't said one damn word about it.

We can also agree there are still Obama black fools defending the man who has ignored them since the day he was sworn in as President. Go figure.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Queen said...

PilotX said...
What is the most disturbing part is the racist game Republicans are playing. First, repeat the false meme that the only reason Black people don't vote GOP is because they want something free. What is this shit? As if all of the middle class and upper middle class Black people with more education and money than the typical southern white GOP voter want o give up a six figure salary and live off $400/month.

Yeah, I guess giving up a BMW for a free buss pass would seem logical to a GOP Goober, LOL!!!!

7:38 PM

kimdaqueef u still aint learnt to shut up dummy! learn to keep those liver lips closed asswype! specially if u aint sayin shit dummy!

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Isn't it amazing how some overbearing, high-hat folks who think more of themselves then they ought throw out petty insults, throw temper tantrums, and expect you to jump on the GOP bandwagon. Especially, after the GOP has continously ignored all of the middleclass and the poor folks to fatten the coffers of the rich and keep them happy.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...

Real Story:

The rich have never paid a higher share of taxes. In fact, many of them have paid none due to those loopholes and lawyers appealing their cases, which they manage to drag on forever.

If I remember correctly, Goldman and Sachs, AIG, and the banks were the culprits in bringing the economy to its knees.

Anonymous said...

La♥audiobooks said...
Dear vulgar anony,

Perhaps you meant well, but please stop showing up after I do. I don't want people to assume the unspeakable.

Thank you kindly.

You said you were "worried about Mold" well he's worried about you obviously.

The Purple Cow said...

Hope you guys are all o.k. - looks bad from over here. Any east coast hurricane eventually blows itself out over the U.K. about five days later, so we can expect some rough weather about Thursday.


Good to be back in civilization after two weeks 'staycation' time.

Cornwall ? - it's like the 1960's never stopped down there...

Anonymous said...

PC, Did you know an earthquake hit the east coast a week before the hurricane hit? And, get this....the hurricane hit the weekend of Al Sharpton's march and the MLK memorial dedication on Monday!

None of the FN folks are talking about this because, well, they just don't want to look at the amazing timing of Irene with Al Sharpton and the MLK dedication by Obama, which has been cancelled.

I find it weird that events involving our folks has been cancelled by Irene. I wonder if it is a sign to our people to stop sinning so much. This looks like the beginning of spiritual warfare, of Divine Intervention.

Couldn't say that the end is near, but with the Evangelicals and Perry on the way to occupying the WH and Congress in 2012, it looks awfully scary and weird.

Anonymous said...

bush doing his utmost to make Katrina a disaster is well known. Maybe you Goobers should, like, get to be on speaking terms with your local Emergency Services personnel. Chertoff/Skeletor/AIDS patient was part of that deliberate refusal to render assistance.

Bringing up Obama and his response reminds us greatly that while many drowned for the horrible crime of being poor, bush did less than nothing. By choice.

The religio-crazees don't care so much about anything but the Fact that we preferred an AfAm...and there is -gasp- one in the White House who is not a servant.

Hoperating that by repeating the lie that Fannie and Freddie crashed the US will be silly. Like we beleeverated you when you endlessly repeaterated the lie that the cheerleaders were all 'lesbians'. We knew it was because you had no hygiene. And the US crashed for reasons already detailed elsewhere...bush and the Fwee Marketeers.


Anonymous said...

who are the "Fwee Marketeers?" nobody knows what has caused the economy to be sick. the Repubs and others blame Obama's stimulus and the Dems blame Bush who has been gone for some time now. It's politics as usual and no solution to our ills..except for the rich, of course.

Meanwhile, Blacks are suffering and Obama hasn't even noticed.

Anonymous said...

La♥audiobooks said...
I'm now worried about mold

You have to watch out for mold.Once it starts,it spreads all over and infects everything.Look at how mold has infected this blog.

GrannyStandingforTruth said...
Pilot, this deserves repeating!

"Of course Barack ruined the economy all by himself. It wasn't Republicans who pushed deregulation or tax breaks fo rcompanies that outsource. Nah, blame the skinny Black guy.

Democrats and Obama have caused the cost of health insurance to rise.They gave us higher banking fees.They caused energy prices to rise.Caused food prices to rise.

More people are on welfare since the great depression.

More people homeless.More people in poverty.

Most of the jobs being created are low wage and low skilled.

The poor and middle class have been hit hardest by Obama policies.

Obama and the Democrats gave stimulus cash to to green corporations that shipped jobs to China or went bankrupt.

Obama and the Democrats gave stimulus cash to corporations who than created jobs in Mexico and China.Not America.

Obama and the Democrats did this.Not Bush.

Class warfare isn't going to fix Americas' problem.Change in policy will.

Anonymous said...

Chertoff/Skeletor/AIDS patient was part of that deliberate refusal to render assistance.


Please provide links,sources,examples,that your claim up.

Now sit back and watch mold refuse to cite anything that backs up her bullshit.Which is typical of the left.

Mold,all hat no cattle.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, but the causes for the US crash are known. Take a mental hike over to the Econ blogs.

The bushMess was huge. Think of a frat boy throwing party after party for his rich buddies using the Student Council Treasury. Once the AfAm scholarship kid gets elected...we discover that the frat boy has drained the funds, refused to pay vendors for quite some time, and the bills are still coming in.

The stimulus is Keynesian spending to keep Demand enough to have businesses operating. Duh.

Anyway, you can't clean up a bushMess by wisherating. It takes time, effort, and higher taxes.


Anonymous said...

Liberal, you are right about Obama. But this Perry guy backed by the money of Evangelicals is real scary. and it looks like nothing is can stop him:

Anonymous said...

"The stimulus is Keynesian spending to keep Demand enough to have businesses operating. Duh.

Anyway, you can't clean up a bushMess by wisherating. It takes time, effort, and higher taxes."

did the stimulus work? NO. Now we have a bigger mess, an Obama mess.

higher taxes? is that what we need? you would never know it by the way Obama caved in to ALL of the GOP and Tea Party wishes. and one was NO TAXES.

Hathor said...

liberals are like hemroids,

What is your solution to bring high wage jobs to the US. How would you create a manufacturing base and ensure they would stay here, I have personally known US companies that have moved from an off shore country to reduce wages from 1.15/hr to 0.25/hr. I don't think US policy had anything to do with, or they looked for government permission, it was strictly business.

BTW Reagan was president

I also want know what kind of jobs could be created.

Anonymous said...

Roid, Chertoff/Skeletor/AIDS patient can be seen by, like, actually looking at the person. It might help to track his pics and compare those to the AIDS disease progression.

Which prices? You mean insurance? That was because Universal was not implemented.
Banking fees are set by banks...and you really seemed to not want that eveel regualtion...that would limit the type and amount of bank fees.
Poor people was the goal of the bushMess. Just like the Great Depression. The wealthy wanted to induce a wage crash. Or Mexico Norte'.

Class warfare? You mean expecting rich to pay their share? Or having Universal? Or are you just repeating what you thought sounded smarterate?

Maybe your historee began with st reagan, but some of us are older and can recall policies based on Reality. Like jailing executives that pilfered pension plans...and pension plans, for that matter.

Do your own work. Where is your nattering about self-reliance, independence, and rugged individualism?
Maybe you should begin with Facts and Truth. I wonder why you are squirming to avoid this simple method.

Oh, 'playing teacher' not the 'exact same' as being the teacher. And you were obviously 'schooled' and are still resenting that your fake 'appeal to authority' was ended. Maybe you should get some real, authentic expertise. Facts and Truth...;)


Anonymous said...

Hathor, don't forget the opportunity to break the union.

Stimulus did work. It made the Tejas 'miracle' possible. Demand did not drop nearly as much as was expected. It was not enough to push back against the bushMess. Read some of the Econ blogs to see what Economists thought would be the necessary amount.

It helps if you see Obama as a moderate R. Then his choices make much more sense. He channels Herbert Hoover to a frightening degree. But, the opposition Party offers even worse options.


Dr. Nuwang said...

Liberals are like hemroids said...
You have to watch out for mold.Once it starts,it spreads all over and infects everything.Look at how mold has infected this blog.

Mold's "infectivity" on this blog is indicative of liberal think IMHO. They tend side with psychos even when it's to thier own detriment.

In this case, a perfectly decent blog ruined by a pyscho, multiusername, vulgar, lunatic whom in it's moments of fleeting lucidity, manages to draw folks into something that resembles a conversation.

Yeah, conservaties have absolutely NOTHING to be afraid of.

Wine Dog said...

It doesn't matter, Irene is Obama's fault.

It will be his fault if everyone is prepared and nothing bad happens (runaway government spending). It will also be his fault if the storm peters out or if the storm tears the holy hell out of the NYC.

Everything is the O-man's fault. It's his fault my dog farts.

field negro said...

"he better be glad that this is a natural disaster, because, if it wasn't, the wingut and FOX crowd would be finding a way to blame him for it."

You mean like the Liberal MSM blamed Bush for Katrina?"

No, not for Katrina, but for his response. "Brownie, you are doing a heck of a job".

Words that will live in infamy.

field negro said...

They DQed Usain Bolt! I can't beieve this s^%$!

Oh well, at least another yawdie won.

The world track & field folks are mrons. WTF is with the one false start and you are out rule?

NSangoma said...

Come on now, I am guessing she could have flown Southwest for a couple of hundred bucks round trip.

Spoken like a Negroe with a true welfare job, and thus a couple of nickles to rub together, attorneying for the Negroes criminal class.

Anonymous said...

DrQ, psychos like the GOPDaddy of teacher Letourneau? Or the psycho who puts their dog on the top of their car? Or the psycho who openly wishes for a 'Merican Taliban theocracy in the US?

What is your issue with a woman speaking her opinion? Oh. Women should be 'submissive' and 'obedient'. Well, I've done more than enough of that, thank you. And it has done nothing but bolster the egos of jerkholes and morons. I much prefer not being quiet and 'ladylike' as it encourages the stoopid. Far better to deny the spread of Gooberism and Heeyuckian idiocy.

And, when the younger women see me...they do the same.


Most of what the poster hate is that I expect them to offer Facts and Truth.

Twoofer said...

mold said..."bush doing his utmost to make Katrina a disaster is well known."

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa! You funny mold!

Twoofer said...

mold said...."Stimulus did work."

HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHa! You funny mold!

moldiotic said...

"Sorry, but the causes for the US crash are known."

Yes mold, you are right, we all know how forcing banks to make trillions in bad loans to people who couldn't otherwise qualify for a mortgage created a housing bubble that brought down the financial sector when it burst. This is what allowed an unqualified Marxist punk and his cadre of washed-up Maoists to gain control of the US Government.

This is all well known, true. The question now is whether or not we can survive the damage they have already inflicted. Furhtermore, can the country survive another 18 months of these clowns running the government?

Everyone knows Keynesian economics has been discredited, and that government spending can only be stimulative when the government is starting from low levels of debt, and that monopolizing capital to payoff public sector employees (where are all those bridges and roads?)and imposing draconian new regulations on businesses is exactly the WRONG thing to do in a rcession. The only rationale for Obamanomics is a deliberate attempt to sabotage the US economy.

Irsay said...

field negro said...
The world track & field folks are morons. WTF is with the one false start and you are out rule?

Morons is right. A large part of those watching were doing so to see Bolt. And they DQ him. I thought you always got one false start, and DQ'd after two.

Vérité Parlant said...

I watched the president, various mayors, and governors talk about preparedness and Irene, and kept thinking that these politicians learned from Katrina: The president doesn't want to be the Bush of Irene. None of the governors wants to be Blanco, and no mayor wants to be Nagin

Dr. Nuwang said...

Vérité Parlant is Nordette Adams said...
I watched the president, various mayors, and governors talk about preparedness and Irene, and kept thinking that these politicians learned from Katrina: The president doesn't want to be the Bush of Irene. None of the governors wants to be Blanco, and no mayor wants to be Nagin

I heard of helicopter rescues within 24 hours and can't recall ANYTHING similar in the 24 hours immediately after Katrina hit.

Prez Obama was never in danger of being compared the Bush on this one because the majority of the victims in Irene's path were not brown.

The real question is given his record with the minority community thus far, would he have done anything differently than Bush. Before he was elected I would have though the answer was obvious. Now I'm not so sure.

mbphd said...

@ Dr. Queen: Good points, but we must remember, Obama is President of all Americans, not just black ones.

Also, Obama is not black. He is not descended of slaves and he did not grow up in Black America.

He is a half-white, half-Kenyan who was raised by white liberals.

Because he looks something like an American black, he doesn't have to go out of his way to please his black constituents like Bush did.

Anonymous said...

Nice try to sell the lie that the poor brought down the economy. Must make you feel superior somehow. Why else keep repeating a lie?

Keynes was never discredited. It just became an article of faith among certain folks to pretend that they had done so. They have never offered anything more than the beleef.
There are literally no draconian regulations on business. The spin about government debt having to be low is again, another beleef. And you whining about the public employees immediately informs me you are clueless.
Although you are attempting to sound smarterate...your posting shows otherwise.

You really need to start with Facts and Truth.


Anonymous said...

Anything, literally anything to avoid admitting that the US President is Black. Blackity, Blackity, Black y'all.

bush had Condi and Tom. How did that help the AfAm community?

Why, sure. Obama never experienced the casual racism of Entitled whites or Goober wites. He never sees the foaming at the mouth hatred you evince over the vast majority of the US preferring him. Why, he not once saw the parallels between your tooth-gnashing over school integration or voting rights or job opportunities or college admissions...and how you view him.

Nope, somehow that would not be understood by a college graduate, law school graduate and law professor. Because you am smarter and importanter than him. But you keeps it secret. We only see the Left Behind who still calls the cheerleaders 'lesbians'...years after high school ended.

You so for office. Let us see your quals.


The Purple Cow said...

Quote:Field Negro "The world track & field folks are mrons. WTF is with the one false start and you are out rule?"

T.V. companies forced the rule change, they want very tight programming schedules when showing track and field, and the old system (where everyone knew they would get a second chance) took too long. So they forced the IFF's hand. Everybody in the sport (including the IFF) hates it apparently.

milton friedman said...

hathor asks:

What is your solution to bring high wage jobs to the US.

Easy. Open up all oil & gas reserves to drilling.

Halliburton says it's hiring 11,000 people this year for energy-related jobs. If all resource-rich territories were open to drilling, the hiring would be explosive.

And these are High-Paying Jobs. Often more than $100,000.

How would you create a manufacturing base and ensure they would stay here...

Capital goes where it's well treated. Thus, low taxes and no unionization. Otherwise, forget it.

I have personally known US companies that have moved from an off shore country to reduce wages from 1.15/hr to 0.25/hr.

It's not the wage, per se. It's productivity. If manufacturers wanted to go where wages are lowest, then GM would manufacture cars in Bangladesh or Haiti. Instead, no companies go to Haiti, and only textile companies send work to Bangladesh.

I don't think US policy had anything to do with, or they looked for government permission, it was strictly business.

Opening factories in other countries is strictly business. Where the workforce is productive and work rules are not onerous, and the nation is reasonably stable, well, that's where companies go.

I also want know what kind of jobs could be created.

Jobs tied to technology. Engineer stuff. Energy. Mining. Metals fabrication. Aluminum making. Power generation.

The only obstacle is Obama.

milton friedman said...

dr queen writes:

I heard of helicopter rescues within 24 hours and can't recall ANYTHING similar in the 24 hours immediately after Katrina hit.

For a simple reason. It wasn't the ferocity of Katrina that made the situation dire. It was the fact that a barge broke loose and smashed a levee, which flooded the Lower Ninth Ward and other parts of New Orleans that made normal rescue operations a hundred times harder.

Meanwhile, the First Responder reports appeared a month later. But during the storm, which was far worse than Irene, the First Responders were too busy to meet reporters who were nowhere near the areas where rescues were under way.

The Coast Guard, as always, did great work during Katrina.

Anonymous said...

UncaMiltie, thanks for dropping by to lie to us.
Though you tout the drilling jobs as a miracle panacea for employment woes...perhaps you culd remind us of the boom/bust cycle so common to this line of work. And that they pay scale you offer is a tad inflated. Who makes 100K? What is the median wage? And how long do these jobs last? What are the benefits? How about medical/dental? And most certainly Halliburton/KBR would never, ever, ever hire Mexicans or Guatemalans for far, far less.

Capital loves London, Paris, Moscow, NYC, LA, Berlin....not so much the low tax havens of Somalia and the 'stans. Capital likes return on is the Troo Beleevers in Fwee Markets that try to crush unions...after setting the conditions that give rise to union drives.

Ooh, so academic-sort of-kinda similar. Maybe instead of mindlessly repeating Gooberish from newsletters written by wingnut welfare recipients or profs of DoubleWide could, like, read the productivity standards. The US has a very good productivity (those eveel public schools) and offers this at a lower rate than comparable European or even Second World cost.
For one bloviating about Business, you sure don't know much.

A lot of the firms went to crush their unions. Although you like to pretend it is about the objective business rarely is. You are just spouting PR drivel. Cost and 'excessive labour pricing' are excuses.

Note how your 'choices' are so much in line with those of the Kochs? Almost like you are a Koch-sucker.

Silly fibber, there is Data on what the future portends for work. And you are assiduously avoiding any of it.
Why is that? Do you thinkerate all readers of this blog are as equally ignorant of Business as you? Are you trying to pretend to having a repeating nonsense?

Why is the only obstacle, the AfAm male? Where are the others? Or is this your wee attempt to lynch?


Hathor said...

The economist know the real story of the financial collapse, but some like Rove put out the lie about Fannie mae and Freddie mac was the cause the uninformed legions followed..Those that knew better didn't want to admit the Goldman Sachs had invested in bad paper. The bad paper was so profitable that it was sold allover world.

there are not enough people in the world with default mortgages to cause this crisis.
Blaming Freddie mac and Fannie mae are dog whistles, another blame the Black folk,

Anonymous said...

UncaMiltie, keep selling that poo as gold. Some poor ignorant rube will buy it from you...maybe for what you paid for that same poo.
As posted, speak with your local First Responder crews. They have nothing but bad to say about bush and Chertoff and their deliberate non-response to Katrina.

Why is it so difficult for you to accept bush dropped this? And Chertoff was morally opposed to assisting the poor.

Coast Guard always does well.


Anonymous said...

Hathor, yes. And repeating such a bogus lie is a way of identifying the troo faithful. A rational citizen would look to the banks own actions and possible criminal liability. A troo christian wite would repeaterate it to show that he am smarterate and loyal and who cares what Data is.

Oh, and it shows that the troo beleever not even read WSJ. Well, beyond the opinion TP. Yep, the WSJ had pieces on how the housing market was a bubble...and the swaps were not really safe...and the banks were horribly overextended...and expected a non-nationalizing bailout.

The Econ blogs and Biz blogs were even more detailed.


Anonymous said...

Why is it so difficult for you to accept bush dropped this? And Chertoff was morally opposed to assisting the poor.


Because you haven't offered any proof.Just dribble.

How about posting some facts?

Conservatives are like dingleberries said...

I picketed a Tbagger rally last Spring. I watched in awe as one stereotype after another waddled up to the mike and attacked government spending, except for the programs they favored: defense, social security, medicare, the VA, student aid, roads (lots of contractor 'baggers) sheeeeeit, every damm one of them 'baggers had some sacred cow government program.

Now, by and large I agreed with them on the value of these programs. But I'm an actual small s socialist national security hawk who's long thought that we weren't taxing or spending nearly enough.

Anyway, that's why "conservatives" are like dingleberries.

Anonymous said...

Fannie mae and Freddie mac are just fine.

They didn't need a govmut take over.

Fannie mae and Freddie mac didn't really need the over 300 billion it got in taxpayer bailouts.The most expensive government rescue of the financial crisis.{CBO,CNNMONEY}

Yeah,Fan and Fred played no part in the financial collapse.

Anonymous said...

You want me to do your work...for you. Where is your much touted self-reliance? What happened to the cries for independence? You may feel free to begin with the MSM. You can also speak with your local First Responders.
Any more and I would be removing your Freedom!!! to learn and grow.

Chertoff left a paper trail. His views on the poor are...pretty perverse for a person charged with the duties he had. But then, very few of the bush appointees were competent...only loyal Brownshirts.

Again, you should not require cheating off another.


Anonymous said...

Roid, must be those gabillion jillion hordes of undeserving darkies got all that lovely tax money straight from your witeman's gawd-fearin' wallet.
Where did the money go? What was it used for? Can you detail the bailout for bush friends? Or the other Save-the-Banks-butfergawdsake-Don't Nationalize Them?

I know you really, really, really want to beleeverate that those undeserving moochers stealin' all yer gawd-fearin' wite man money crashed the economy. are wrong. One, the poor don't have the money. Two, the crash is directly attributable to the actions of the banks. Three, you are gullible to thinkerate that a program set up to offer mortgages to those who can meet the guidelines otherwise...but denied by racism...would dump the whole housing market. And four, the bubble was ongoing since at least the mid 1980s. Yep, st reagan had a hand in this. Rather than deal with wage pressure...the great B-actor and his crew concocted the housing bubble to defer wage increases. Go ahead. Look it up. Or, keep repeating the idiocy that some obese Welfare Queen done stole your economy.


Anonymous said...

Once again mold is shown to be all hat no cattle.

Mold is just a clod in the Liberal echo chamber of lies and deceit.

Pick your fringle leftwing site and you will find mold.

If you repeat Liberal lies enough,those who are less educated will start to believe.Thats how Democrats keep their core base in check.

I glad to see some are willing to call out clods on their lies and deceit.

We can only hope America doesn't fall for the "hope and change" con again.

moldiotic said...

"UncaMiltie, keep selling that poo as gold."

It is astounding the lengths mold will go to try to refute any bit of truth or fact someone posts here.

It's almost if she were intentionally trying to mislead people.

Hmmmm, why would that be?

Anonymous said...

Roid, what is your alleged education? Seems like you want to pretend to being 'teacher'...but it might be that you are just Becking it. You know, tweed jacket with leather elbow patches, classroom/TV studio with folks role playing as students, and a filled blackboard.
Somehow he, and you, miss the 20 years of working in the field. Now, why is that what you avoid?

Hope and Change, the Man from Hope, Are you Better off...sales. Duh.

Silly sockpuppet, I really can't refute Facts or Truth. But I do point out when a Troll lies. Is that it? You want to be like FAUX and lie with utter impunity? Well, go be a Koch-sucker in the wingnut welfare no-think tanks. Or, buy yourself a cable channel.

Here, expect that your lies will be pointed out as such. And the encouragement to use Facts and Data.


Dr. Nuwang said...

Who needs an Ipad when they already have an Itouch?

We've got a few Apple products, but an Ipad isn't nor will it be one of them.

Anonymous said...

Who needs an Ipad when they already have an Itouch?

We've got a few Apple products, but an Ipad isn't nor will it be one of them. kuntlick da queefa

hey dummy this aint about u and ur whatnots wit ur out of date itouch how long u been using that three years now? stoopid idgit u feel the need to say shit even when ur opinion is not elicited kuntlickin idgit! BTW u will NEVER be a doctor Kim.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Anonymous said...
kimdaqueef da wannabe dawktaw is out there running those nasty fish lips when will it learn to sit down adn shut da phukk up? oh wait its too busy looking up wikipedia stubs trying to sound 'smart' muah muah muah muah muha

and hateful kuntlickin man despising laa is so evil she cante even accept when a troll was concerned she failt that test badly but thats okay once a piece of shit always a piece of shit shese jess mad cuz her lover fp and kuntlick banks aint around muah muha muha muah muha

Look bitch. You're the only person on this blog besides the racist goober you MUST be married to, that spends 24/7 on the internet looking up dumb shit.

And YOU are clearly the wiki hermaphrodite king/queen around here, which I seriously doubt makes up for the fact that your save my son's foreskin campaign at a Cali university is probably what got your crazy ass thrown out school by the physics department.

Now I would initially suggest a good douche as a start to cure your "kuntlickin" obsessions and allow your co-demon sperm partner to consider to sexing you that way. But as a trained industry chemist, I know all the fragrance in the world wouldn't cure the strong lobster smelling amines emanating from what you're still calling a vaginal orifice.

Personally, some 1N HCl would due but then you couldn't breed anymore. However that would fix the green, stinkin, slimy, non human film all your kids were born with having travelled down your vaginal canal.


Tonyman said...

I remember a brother at 7-11 who was on a cellphone...he was so engrossed in his conversation that he never noticed that his truck was rolling backwards. When pointed out to him; he went to retrieve it, but never took the cellphone from his ear. So yes, some people take this tech stuff too seriously

mellaneous said...

Field I hope all is well!

I see the storm gave rise to really dishonest analysis like the one below which very carefully leaves out the fact that Big business goes where it can be most profitable. And that means low wages. LOW WAGES is the reason they move along with the gaurantee of a quiescent workforce. And multi-nationals have and do set up shop in Haiti.

Any thing else is a load of crap.

Below is the crap that the resident racist posing as an economist tried to pass as truth yet again. They must pay him well.

"Capital goes where it's well treated. Thus, low taxes and no unionization. Otherwise, forget it.
I have personally known US companies that have moved from an off shore country to reduce wages from 1.15/hr to 0.25/hr.
It's not the wage, per se. It's productivity. If manufacturers wanted to go where wages are lowest, then GM would manufacture cars in Bangladesh or Haiti. Instead, no companies go to Haiti, and only textile companies send work to Bangladesh.
I don't think US policy had anything to do with, or they looked for government permission, it was strictly business.
Opening factories in other countries is strictly business. Where the workforce is productive and work rules are not onerous, and the nation is reasonably stable, well, that's where companies go."

mellaneous said...

@Mold- you are right there is a move afoot to blame the poor for the problems the rich caused in the first place.

Dan Blather said...

Mother Nature's about to learn the cost of interrupting the president's golf game:

"Obama takes charge at hurricane command center"

That's the actual headline. The accompanying photo suggests the president is bawling-out government employees for the slow pace of sandbag production, or something:

This while the storm still rages. Meanwhile, Bush was getting blamed for Katrina befroe the storm even hit.

Do any of you really believe anything you read in the MSM?

Anonymous said...

Mell, I am very disappointed that you did not check out the link I left for you on a previous thread. Considering you are a minister who probably has some knowledge about spiritual warfare as well as being somewhat politically astute, I am surprised you have no comment regarding Perry and the Evangelicals. This is something that is telling what is subversively happening in America:

Archie said...

Who needs a an ipad when there is an iphone 6... apart from the bending problem it's just awesome, and the apple team announced that they will fix the bending problem in iphone 6s, so wait for this.

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