Honestly folks, not everything calls for a chase. And when you go chasing what you think is the Big R and it's not him, you are just wasting your energy on a wild goose when your focus could be elsewhere. Like here, for instance.
But this situation in Ohio did not call for racism or "color arousal" antennas to be raised.
"Internet humor crossed over into the realm of the real world, and immediately started causing trouble this weekend, after a group of high schoolers held up a giant sign reading “You mad bro?” during a football game in Painesville, Ohio, on Friday night.
For the uninitiated, the phrase “you mad bro?” is a meme used primarily to incite anger in someone who’s already red in the face. It’s a classic troll tactic that’s been around for ages, at least online.
According to Fox 8 News, a group of students “and parents” from Kirtland High School held up a large sign decorated, with the words “You mad bro?,” which was directed at the opposing team, Painesville Harvey, who, of course, had just lost the game. Because the sign said “bro,” and because the majority of the Painesville Harvey players are black, some believed the sign was a racist statement.
“At the conclusion of the game, some of their students and parents put up a sign that we believe was racial intimidation, ethnic intimidation,” said Roderick Coffee, president of the local NAACP chapter, who also attended the game.
The Kirkland High School principal even said that the school plans to conduct a thorough investigation into whether the sign had “mal-intent” toward the Painesville Harvey players." [Source]
Investigate? For what? Of course the sign had "mal-intent". The folks who held it up wanted their opponents to know that a beat down was just administered on the football field. That's it! Period! End of story! Move along folks, there is nothing to see here. The Big R is somewhere else in A-merry-ca doing his thing.
Finally, I wonder why these phychos who take it up on themselves to kill innocent people in large numbers never go to a fancy restaurant and start shooting? (Not that I think that that would be any less barbaric or anything.) It's always the fast food and cheaper eateries that catch it. The McDonald's in San Ysidro, 22 killed. The Luby's killings in Texas, 23 shot and killed. The Brown's Chicken Restaurant murders, seven people killed. And now this latest nut.
Today folks were just trying to get their IHOP on when some lunatic decided to go all Rambo and kill at least three innocent people before taking his own miserable life.
"You go a whole tour in Afghanistan and no one is shot. And you go to (a restaurant) and several are shot," said 31-year-old Sgt. First Class Cameron Anderson of Reno, a Nevada Army National Guard member. "It's a shock. I came to work today and had no idea I'd be driving the chaplain here (to the hospital)."
Sorry soldier, this is the new A-merry-ca. Where any minute one of those living among us can decide to play executioner and simply reach for one of those readily available guns in our midst and start taking target practice.
You can't even sit down to a nice meal these days without constantly having to look over your shoulder. "Waiter, I will take the check now please. "But sir, you hardly touched your food." "Ahhm, give it to the guy who just walked in with the black trench coat and the buzz cut."
"Investigate? For what?"
For the most heinous crime possible in PC America: Causing offense to a Person of Color.
Does anyone know if Eduardo Sencion{the shooter}was pissed at Kat Williams for f'in up brown-black solidarity?
Did he watch that mexican chicks' video that fn linked?
Did Eduardo Sencion{the shooter},get his guns from the stash that Obama gave to mexican drug cartals?
So many questions.I hope you follow up on this story fn.
2 Cops Among 67 Shot in Weekend Violence; Teen and 56-Year-Old Bystander Killed
As many as 10 were killed.
"For the most heinous crime possible in PC America: Causing offense to a Person of Color."
What's the penalty for that? A fine, a slap on the wrist and Jesse Jackson verbally chewing you out for a few minutes?
Meanwhile, just going about your business in the wrong areas is enough to be charged with "causing offense to a White person," with the punishment proscribed as having your dark ass dragged from the back of a pickup.
@ Mack Lyons
That is a terrible crime you linked to. But when it comes to cross-racial violence, white on black crimes are but a tiny fraction compared to black on white violence.
Blacks are literally hundreds of times more likely to commit violence against whites than conversely.
As Obama’s presidency seemingly implodes, it seems that his two most solid bases of support, labor and blacks, are going berserk, with labor leaders threatening to kill Republicans, and with blacks shooting and killing each other in record numbers.
"Honestly folks, not everything calls for a chase. And when you go chasing what you think is the Big R and it's not him, you are just wasting your energy on a wild goose when your focus could be elsewhere. Like here, for instance.
But this situation in Ohio did not call for racism or "color arousal" antennas to be raised."
I disagree. Everything done in America is racist. "Color Arousal?" What is amazing about our people is that we have embraced the term "color arousal" as it pertains to Whites but can't see our own "color arousal".
I am surprised that the fool who invented "color arousal" as a sickness of Whites could not see it as a sickness in us as well. Any Negro knows that the entire black race is "color aroused" just like the Whites. I swear, Blacks can come up with more bullshit than anyone else.
"That is a terrible crime you linked to. But when it comes to cross-racial violence, white on black crimes are but a tiny fraction compared to black on white violence.
Blacks are literally hundreds of times more likely to commit violence against whites than conversely."
But of course. Which is why we should stop focusing on these heinous crimes and start focusing solely on these awful Negros.
"As Obama’s presidency seemingly implodes, it seems that his two most solid bases of support, labor and blacks, are going berserk, with labor leaders threatening to kill Republicans, and with blacks shooting and killing each other in record numbers."
Really? Care to cite your sources?
Mack Lyons...But of course. Which is why we should stop focusing on these heinous crimes and start focusing solely on these awful Negros.
No, it is why Field's continued trumpeting of every act of white violence is an purposeful and dishonest attempt to distract from what is really going on.
For decades, black murderers and rapists have been committing violent crimes against whites that in numbers and in pure savagery are orders of magnitude beyond anything that whites ever did or remotely imagined doing to blacks in the 1950s. Yet, far from taking measures to stop this racial phenomenon of black predation of whites, society doesn’t even recognize its existence.
Mack Lyons said...
Really? Care to cite your sources?
See Jimmy Hoffa's remarks with President Obama yesterday, and the crime stats from any major city from this Summer - e.g. 67 shootings this weekend in NYC:
One day in the future, Barack Obama has a heart-attack and dies.
He immediately goes to hell, where the devil is waiting for him.
"I don't know what to do here," says the devil. "You are on my list, but I have no room for you. You definitely have to stay here, so I'll tell you what I'm going to do. I've got three people here who weren't quite as bad as you. I'll let one of them go, but you have to take their place. I'll even let YOU decide who leaves."
Obama thought that sounded pretty good, so the devil opened the door to the first room. In it was Ted Kennedy and a large pool of water. Ted kept diving in, and surfacing, empty handed. Over, and over, and over he dived in and surfaced with nothing. Such was his fate in hell.
"No," Obama said. "I don't think so. I'm not a good swimmer, and I don't think I could do that all day long."
The devil led him to the door of the next room. In it was Al Gore with a sledge-hammer and a room full of rocks. All he did was swing that hammer, time after time after time. "No, this is no good; I've got this problem with my shoulder. I would be in constant agony if all I could do was break rocks all day," commented Obama.
The devil opened a third door. Through it, Obama saw Bill Clinton, lying on the bed, his arms tied over his head, and his legs restrained in a spread-eagle pose. Bent over him was Monica Lewinsky, doing what she does best.
Obama looked at this in shocked disbelief, and finally said, "Yeah, man, I can handle this."
The devil smiled and said...........
"OK, Monica, you're free to go."
Hat tip to Ray Manzano
"For decades, black murderers and rapists have been committing violent crimes against whites that in numbers and in pure savagery are orders of magnitude beyond anything that whites ever did or remotely imagined doing to blacks in the 1950s."
What kind of illusionary drugs are you on? Because no black has ever dragged any white person chained to a car bumper. No black person has ever castrated any white person and put their sexual organs in their mouth and burned their bodies while all of the town's people stood with whiskey bottles in their cheering them on, or cut off parts of their bodies for souvenirs, or cut them up into little pieces and ate them for dinner.
GOP = party of the Pinocchio Thugs
I just left your spot and liked your topic and the analogy was good.
whenever the economy goes bad people lose they natural gawds given minds its sad really eye hope that none of us up here get caught in that type of cross fire and pray for the victims and they families
I'd pay good money to hear the Bush/Cheney version of the joke at 2:53AM.
"Blacks are literally hundreds of times more likely to commit violence against whites than conversely."
Links to your source, please. Take your time, I will wait......
Anon@ 2:53 AM, don't quit your day job and head to the comedy circuit, you will starve to death.
"I disagree. Everything done in America is racist. "Color Arousal?" What is amazing about our people is that we have embraced the term "color arousal" as it pertains to Whites but can't see our own "color arousal".
"OUR OWN"? I thought I called the "Drop Squad" to pick up this clown.
"What kind of illusionary drugs are you on? Because no black has ever dragged any white person chained to a car bumper. No black person has ever castrated any white person and put their sexual organs in their mouth and burned their bodies while all of the town's people stood with whiskey bottles in their cheering them on, or cut off parts of their bodies for souvenirs, or cut them up into little pieces and ate them for dinner."
There was that crew up in Tennessee that thought it would be fantastic to torture themselves a white couple. No one's saying blacks are as untouched as the finish on a rare Bentley during a display at Goodwoods, but you are being called out on your idea of presenting blacks as the majority purveyor of sadistic color-aroused acts, along with your marginization of sadistic color-aroused acts carried out by whites upon blacks. You use facts, statistics, lies, stereotypes, rumors and legend to bolster your underlying position of blacks being a savage killer race that's undeserving of any sympathy or rights as were assigned for so-called "decent" white men and women.
In short, "Niggers are violent and need to be chained up again."
I just left your spot and liked your topic and the analogy was good."
Thanks, I do what I can. It just irked me the amount of hate on all sides Obama's getting. I hate how he's failed to deliver on some key policy issues, but should I turn around and start spitting in the man's face for not giving me 100% of what I want? Just wonderin...
"I disagree. Everything done in America is racist. "Color Arousal?" What is amazing about our people is that we have embraced the term "color arousal" as it pertains to Whites but can't see our own "color arousal."
In other words, why do blacks refuse to beat themselves up and whip their own collective self-image and self-esteem to shreds for the smug satisfaction and general amusement of white audiences?
Why haven't blacks collectively given in to the rampant self-hatred and flight from association with all things "black?"
I know I'm gonna catch hell for this, but this seems to be a problem the Dominicans are grappling with. They've been encouraged for so long to run away from their black heritage that you got the vast majority of the island suffering from a collective identity crisis. Note how the Dominicans, thoroughly wrapped up in being "not black," have been left alone by Europeans and Americans while both continue to beat Haiti into the dirt for being defiantly black.
I guess when black Americans start calling themselves something other than "black" and start walking away from their heritage and history will folks such as yourself will be satisfied.
GrannyStandingforTruth said...
What kind of illusionary drugs are you on? Because no black has ever dragged any white person chained to a car bumper. No black person has ever castrated any white person and put their sexual organs in their mouth and burned their bodies while all of the town's people stood with whiskey bottles in their cheering them on, or cut off parts of their bodies for souvenirs, or cut them up into little pieces and ate them for dinner.
GOP = party of the Pinocchio Thugs
Blacks commit more murders,rapes,assualts,and mob attacks on whites than whites do on blacks.
Check your latest DOJ or FBI crime stats.
Grandmastandingfortruth?Not so much.
Zebra killings
Newsome murders
Matthew Macon
Anthony Hollis
I can give more examples if you like.
ditto fn!
actual racism was ignored when that blackish hobama called us all mongrels on tv...
too bad those testy black hobama fan parents do not watch "the view"!!!...huh?
roland martin for FNOTD!!!!
he brought some sanity to the tjms today about that clueless elitist dejecting failed blackish prez hobama
the 3 jigaboo minstrel hobama nazis all stayed mum
but roland shone!!!!
NOBAMA 2012!!!!!!!
Having humiliated and marginalized the core constituencies of the Democratic Party in his first term, Barack Obama calls upon these same groups to give him four more years. For most, it would be difficult to even find the words to refuse. The president's essential conservatism, masquerading as consensus-building and bipartisanship, has helped move “the parameters of the national political conversation to a narrow spectrum, that goes from Obama, the corporate, center-right Democrat, to the Tea Party, the corporate-financed white nationalists.” Left Democrats are wholly adrift.
He spent the first year of his presidency making health care safe for the drug racketeers and private insurers, through backroom deals that froze out members of Congress most friendly to Blacks and labor, the Democratic Party’s core constituencies.
The Democratic base, to the extent that it votes, will vote for Obama in 2012, seeing him as the “lesser of evils.” But he is, in fact, the “more effective evil,” having done more damage to Democratic core constituencies than any Republican could dream of.
Blacks saw their futures flushed down the toilet while Obama dismissed them with nonsense about fictitious rising tides. Latinos, whose growing numbers are shaping America’s future, watched while the Democrat that two-thirds of them voted for deported more immigrants than his Republican predecessor.
field negro said...
"Blacks are literally hundreds of times more likely to commit violence against whites than conversely."
Links to your source, please. Take your time, I will wait......
The most reliable source for racial breakdown on crime statistics in America is the U.S. Department of Justice’s National Crime Victimization Study (NCVS), which tells us:
"Blacks are just 13 percent of the population but they commit more than half the muggings and murders in the country. Hispanics commit violent crimes at about three times the white rate."
"Every year there are about 15,000 black-on-white rapes but fewer than 900 white-on-black rapes. There are more than 3,000 gang rapes of whites by blacks—but white-on-black gang rapes are so rare they do not even show up in the statistics."
Since there are five-and-one-half times as many whites as blacks in America, that means that blacks rape whites over ninety times as frequently as whites rape blacks. Except that the black-white interracial gap is actually much higher. The “white“ figure (900) is inflated by Hispanic offenders being counted as white. And no reliable statistics for interracial prison rape were included in the NCVS. Thus, the real black-white ratio is likely 200:1 or higher.
Your denial of the FACT that blacks commit murder at 8 times the rate of whites indicates some serious problems in your mind.
Here in NY City, over 95% of all violent crimes are committed by blacks and hispanics. But blacks are way in the lead.
You know these statements are true, and you know the rate of murder and violence is even higher in Jamaica than it is among blacks in America.
As long as blacks willfully deny the truth about violence in the black world, whites will doubt blacks on almost every other topic.
AFter earning the US a credit downgrade from Standard & Poors, after initiating policies that have kept unemployment at 9.1%, after allowing the Post Office to slide so far into debt that it's bankrupt, after overseeing the IPO of GM that is now failing, after two solar companies that received a billion dollars in federal loans filed for bankruptcy and laid off all their workers, after standing back while black unemployment hits 17% ---
Why would anyone want to re-elect this clown president?
real men do not kill the messengers
they repair the message
churches have LOTS to do that should be FAR more urgent than banning gays from marriage
Stereotypes of black women as angry or bitter are pervasive. They are also more accurate than many people would like to acknowledge: many black women have perfectly good reasons to be angry or bitter.
Black women are the most unpartnered group of people in our nation, a dubious distinction reflected in their low rate of marriage. More than 2 out of every 3e black women are unmarried, and most unmarried black women do not have a committed partner. It's not only economically disadvantaged black women who find themselves alone. College educated black women are twice as likely as their white counterparts to be unmarried.
This low marriage rate translates into a high rate of single-parent black families. Roughly 7 in 10 black children are born to unmarried parents. Although many of these unmarried parents are in a relationship, or even living together, at the time of their child's birth, most of these relationships dissolve within a year or two.
Typically, the mother ends up raising the child. Although many fathers may hope and attempt to remain involved in their child's life, all too often fathers who don't live with their children eventually become distant, leaving the mothers to make it on their own. Raising a child can be a challenge with two parents; with one, it can be overwhelming.
The paucity of desirable black men is most glaring on college campuses. Nearly twice as many black women as black men earn college degrees. Twice as many. Even those black men who might seem to be the most appealing marriage candidates - affluent college graduates - are less likely to marry than are their white counterparts. And when they do marry, they often marry women who are not black.
As a result, highly educated black women who marry wind up more likely than any other group of women to marry a man who is less educated than they are - or who earns less money than they do. These relationships are often conflicted. A man may be insecure about being economically subordinate to his wife, and a wife may not be too happy about the situation either. Research has found that when the husband is unemployed, a couple's likelihood of divorce increases substantially.
And if all this weren't enough to leave black women on the wrong side of happy, unmarried black women have to contend with black men who, according to social science data, are more likely than any other group of men to maintain relationships with multiple women.
It's not surprising, then, that some black women are bitter or angry; it'd be more perplexing if they weren't. They experience another emotion as well, one so at odds with the image of the strong black woman that it seldom enters the conversation: sadness.
Perry is ahead of Obama in the polls. He is our next President!
"I disagree. Everything done in America is racist. "Color Arousal?" What is amazing about our people is that we have embraced the term "color arousal" as it pertains to Whites but can't see our own "color arousal".
field-"OUR OWN"? I thought I called the "Drop Squad" to pick up this clown.
6:29 AM
That's right "OUR OWN" color arousal when we see Whites! We immediately either become fearful and start blaming the wm for everything, or we start jigging with a big smile showing all 32 teeth.
Either way, Blacks react out of fear whenever they see white skin. Face it. It's no fun being who we are. No one LIKES being Black. Isn't that why Blacks cannot unify, because we don't LIKE each other, let alone love each other?
That drop squad you keep sending couldn't drop a puppy and you know how Negroes like you feel about the lives of dogs. The last time the squad showed up, I dropped them myself. Negroes are so ineffective...just like Obama.
Even our Negro at the highest level is ineffective. Do you know why? Because of 'color arousal' in Negroes. When Obama sees White, he becomes afraid, loses his mind, and he starts jigging for the Republicans. It doesn't take a genius to see it. But it takes guts to face the truth, and most FN Negroes like you and your lacky Mack Lyons "can't handle the truth".
Which brings me to my next question:
how do you manage to keep your job when justice and truth is required?
Instead of chasing racism...how about chasing improvement opportunities? If you spend your life looking at what everyone else is doing, you don't do what you should.
dr vinny:
Hmmm. Chasing opportunities?
Don't let that get around. If it catches on, somebody might run into a little success, and if somebody ran into a little success, somebody else might develop a little envy and want a little of that success for themselves, and before you know it, there'd be a whole lotta people out there trying to get some of that success for themselves, which would lead to millions of people getting ahead.
That would ruin everything.
How many illegal aliens is Obama related to?
Brown: Obama's ‘Uncle Omar’ should be deported
By Justin Sink - 09/07/11
Sen. Scott Brown (R-Mass.) said Tuesday that Onyango Obama, President Obama's long-lost uncle, should be deported from the United States after being arrested last week on drunk driving charges.
"Well, yeah. He's here illegally. He's obviously broken the law. I don't know enough about the details of the case, but, God, he's been running around for how long now?" Brown said in an interview on the Howie Carr Show. "Let him go through the process and see what happens."
Brown said that "in a fair world," Obama's uncle would be deported.
Onyango Obama, 67, was arrested last Wednesday when he nearly rammed his SUV into a police car in Framingham, Mass. When asked if he would like to make a phone call, Onyango reportedly said, "I think I will call the White House."
The White House said last week that the president was unaware that his uncle was in the United States illegally, and would not intervene on his behalf.
Onyango has pleaded not guilty to the charges stemming from his drunk driving arrest, and is currently being held in a Plymouth County, Mass., jail.
Onyango's lawyer said that he will fight a potential deportation, arguing that he has been in the United States for nearly 50 years.
During the 2008 campaign, Zeituni Onyango — Obama's aunt — was found to be living as an illegal immigrant in public housing in South Boston. "Aunt Zeituni" had sought political asylum in 2002, but was ultimately denied.
After a series of legal appeals, she was granted a waiver of deportation in 2010, in a decision that angered many anti-immigration activists.
Here's something for all you "racism chasers". Regarding the top five nations, only the US has a significant black population. The top four are home to almost zero blacks:
US falls to 5th in global competitiveness, survey shows
Huge deficits and lack of faith in government push nation down the list
GENEVA — The U.S. has tumbled further down a global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, landing at fifth place because of its huge deficits and declining public faith in government, a global economic group said Wednesday.
The top five:
Switzerland, Singapore, Sweden, Finland, U.S.
Switzerland held onto the top spot for the third consecutive year in the annual ranking by the Geneva-based forum, which is best known for its exclusive meeting of luminaries in Davos, Switzerland, each January.
Singapore moved up to second place, bumping Sweden down to third. Finland moved up to fourth place, from seventh last year. The U.S. was in fourth place last year, after falling from No. 1 in 2008.
The rankings, which the forum has issued for more than three decades, are based on economic data and a survey of 15,000 business executives.
The forum praised the U.S. for its productivity, highly sophisticated and innovative companies, excellent universities and flexible labor market.
But it also cited "a number of escalating weaknesses" such as rising government debt and declining public faith in political leaders and corporate ethics.
The results of a survey of 142 nations comes a day before Obama is preparing to tackle jobs issues in a speech to the U.S. Congress, and just as U.S. polls show a clear majority of those surveyed say they disapprove of the way Obama is handling the economy.
Switzerland held onto its top ranking, the forum said, because of "continuing strong performance across the board" with innovation, technological readiness, even-handed regulation and having one of the world's most stable economic environments.
Germany, Europe's economic powerhouse, was sixth, followed by the Netherlands and Denmark. Japan came in ninth, and Britain was 10th. France was 18th, and Greece, saddled with debt, fell to 90th.
The report looked at broader trends: While the U.S. slipped, emerging markets gained traction. China took 26th place, highest among major emerging economies; Brazil was 53rd; India was 56th; and Russia was 66th.
All black nations were at the bottom of the list.
GENEVA — The U.S. has tumbled further down a global ranking of the world's most competitive economies, landing at fifth place because of its huge deficits and declining public faith in government, a global economic group said Wednesday.
The problem from which the US suffers can be expressed in one word: Obama.
He loaded on the debt, and plans to load on more when he gives his next moronic speech tomorrow night. And he himself, along with his wife, have both been painfully clear about how much they hate the factors that are responsible for the remaining competitiveness of the US.
He's an enemy of the state and must be removed in the next election.
"All black nations were at the bottom of the list."
Yes, let's ignore all the factors that keep these countries at the bottom of the list and instead tout this as proof of African/Negro inferiority.
The real Joe Biden wouldn't be amused by your antics, anon.
The full report: http://reports.weforum.org/global-competitiveness-2011-2012/
Dear Joe Biden, I've never been to Singapore, but there are loads of Africans and Afro-Caribbeans in Sweden, Finland and Switzerland.
So you need a new theory.
My theory for their success is that they have given up believing in God, only about 20% of Swedes and Finns believe in God, and less than half of Swiss people do (48%).
Once you give up on the fairy-tale of religious belief you can become more sophisticated as a nation and that inevitably leads to more efficiency.
On the other hand, you don't have to give up on God to succeed. You can retain your belief in Him while giving up some of the foolishness organized religion has to offer. But that's just my personal opinion.
One other thing you "forgot" to mention Joe, is that the USA fell from first place in the competitiveness league three months before President Obama was elected. I'm sure that was an oversight that you planned to correct later, but I thought I'd save you the effort.
Something else that seems to have slipped your attention is that the report's conclusion lists the ten year history of deficit growth as a key factor.
So for exactly how many of those ten years has Obama been President, Joe?
Thanks for providing the link to the report, perhaps if you had actually read it yourself, you wouldn't now be looking quite so stupid.
Interesting that Belgium which has not had a government since July of 2010 has risen four places in the ranking during that time.
Politicians? Who needs 'em?
The Purple Cow said...
Once you give up on the fairy-tale of religious belief you can become more sophisticated as a nation and that inevitably leads to more efficiency.
And what does zoophilia and marrying animals lead to?Happy Liberals and socialist? What a sophisticated bunch.
Mack Lyons said...
The real Joe Biden wouldn't be amused by your antics, anon.
The real Joe Biden is amused by shiny objects and Sesame Street.
"The real Joe Biden is amused by shiny objects and Sesame Street."
So you and Joe do have something in common. Glad to hear.
Purple Cow said....Once you give up on the fairy-tale of religious belief you can become more sophisticated as a nation and that inevitably leads to more efficiency
Aren't you smug.
"Sophistication" in fashionable religious beliefs has nothing to with productivity.
And your beliefs are at base, just as arational as any biblical literalist's.
Maybe you should give up on the fairy-tale that socialism and state control does not inevitably lead to less efficiency.
Mack Lyons said...
"The real Joe Biden is amused by shiny objects and Sesame Street."
So you and Joe do have something in common. Glad to hear
No, you are.
Come one Mack, step it up.
What was that about Santorum and his lovable Santorumy goodness about slippery slopes into bestiality? Why does he dwell on the manlove he has for animals? Like a Freudian Slip it is, for him.
Yep, Birth of a Nation was a documentary according to our local Trolls. It 'told the truth'...as seen by wite racists and those who could not abide that smart, tough Yankees killed better. Well, the Southerners all had a lot of experience lynching and Thurmonding, but very little when the opposition had guns.
Oh, don't bother going to vdare...it is a scamsite and needs your traffic to sell ads. If you don't go there...the blogger will have to get a real job. Me, I want to see a Fwee Market troo beleever deal with his philosophy...first-hand.
Then instead of being gleeful about imposing pain on others...he can experience the pain himself.
"Blacks are literally hundreds of times more likely to commit violence against whites than conversely."
LA, I am guessing that whatever you do for a living does not require much thinking.
The link you provided and the stats you gave us did nothing to support your hypothesis.
Try again. I will still wait....
"Even our Negro at the highest level is ineffective. Do you know why? Because of 'color arousal' in Negroes. When Obama sees White, he becomes afraid, loses his mind, and he starts jigging for the Republicans. It doesn't take a genius to see it. But it takes guts to face the truth, and most FN Negroes like you and your lacky Mack Lyons "can't handle the truth".
This soooo true. Great insight but will be ignored by those avoiding the truth.
"Perry is ahead of Obama in the polls. He is our next President!"
I am excited just thinking about it. I would have a field day (pun intended). I would even consider moving to DC just to be closer to my new president.
"That's right "OUR OWN" color arousal when we see Whites! We immediately either become fearful and start blaming the wm for everything, or we start jigging with a big smile showing all 32 teeth.
Either way, Blacks react out of fear whenever they see white skin. Face it. It's no fun being who we are. No one LIKES being Black. Isn't that why Blacks cannot unify, because we don't LIKE each other, let alone love each other?"
Also very true. Read Mack's comments when it comes to Whites. He blames Whites for everything for everything Blacks do. He ascribes all human and Godlike powers to Whites and the Blacks as victims.
"I am excited just thinking about it. I would have a field day (pun intended). I would even consider moving to DC just to be closer to my new president."
Of course. But it will have little effect.
For such 'experts' on every single subject...why is only wingnut welfare hiring them? You'd think with such self-professed geniuses...the world would beat a path to their door.
And with their ideers being implemented by st reagan and bush...don't we have Data to back their assertions? Even Clinton, Carter and Obama used some of their pet projects. Could we not review how well those worked?
Not to worry, already some Lefty bloggers are comparing the US to the default of the Soviet system. Interesting parallels.
Anonymous said...
For such 'experts' on every single subject...why is only wingnut welfare hiring them? You'd think with such self-professed geniuses...the world would beat a path to their door.
And with their ideers being implemented by st reagan and bush...don't we have Data to back their assertions? Even Clinton, Carter and Obama used some of their pet projects. Could we not review how well those worked?
Not to worry, already some Lefty bloggers are comparing the US to the default of the Soviet system. Interesting parallels.
Anonymous said...
Anonymous said...
For such 'experts' on every single subject...why is only wingnut welfare hiring them? You'd think with such self-professed geniuses...the world would beat a path to their door.
And with their ideers being implemented by st reagan and bush...don't we have Data to back their assertions? Even Clinton, Carter and Obama used some of their pet projects. Could we not review how well those worked?
Not to worry, already some Lefty bloggers are comparing the US to the default of the Soviet system. Interesting parallels.
Don't worry.This is how mold gets when she's off her meds or sum one be messin' with her meds.
"As Obama’s presidency seemingly implodes, it seems that his two most solid bases of support, labor and blacks, are going berserk, with labor leaders threatening to kill Republicans, and with blacks shooting and killing each other in record numbers."
Talking about going berserk.
These goobers are so intent on not just defeating Obama but humiliating him in the process that they have resorted to incredible lies and wild leaps in logic.
Oh, don't bother going to vdare...we don't need us no facts.
uptownsteve sad..."These goobers are so intent on not just defeating Obama but humiliating him in the process that they have resorted to incredible lies and wild leaps in logic."
That's completely unecessary, as Obama is doing a great job humiliating himself.
The massive expense of Obamacare was justified by the supposed urgency of covering those who were uninsured. But to the surprise only of liberals, the percentage of Americans without health insurance has gone up since ObamaCare was imposed:
"In 2008, when George W. Bush was president, according to Gallup, 14.9 percent of adult residents of the United States lacked health insurance coverage. That increased to 16.2 percent in 2009, the year that Obama was inaugurated, and to 16.4 percent in 2010, the year that Obama signed his law requiring that all Americans have health insurance.
In the first half of this year, according to data released by Gallup [Tuesday], the percentage of adults in the United States lacking health insurance ticked up to 16.8 percent."
Big Government solutions can make even bad problems worse. With virtually nonexistent problems like our alleged healthcare crisis, it’s a cinch.
field, reading the comments on your blog is depressing. Not your fault, it's the level of discourse. If this were my blog (and I do have my own blog), some of these comments would never appear.
fn allow the vdlr to censor ONLY the sanest posters here....
Field, I agree that only shooting up restaurants aimed at the working poor and middle class shows a bias that can't be tolerated.
I think, "You mad, bro?" was color-aroused. Maybe it didn't call for a national day of blogging, but it was aroused in whites by the brown skin of their opponents on the field and in the stands.
Premeditated acting out, by teenagers and adults, that is aroused by the skin color of others really should be confronted, because otherwise it leads to violence. Remember the Jena Six?
True, there is "benign" color-aroused antagonist behavior, "mild" color-aroused antagonist behavior, "moderate" color-aroused antagonist behavior and "extreme color aroused antagonist behavior."
The Jena Six case all started with one tree and three (entirely symbolic?) nooses. Maybe we should stand up for the young brothers before they have to stand up for themselves?
Mild and moderate color-aroused behavior have to be confronted because they so often graduate in extreme color aroused behavior that is illegal, violent, and rips at the threads of American society. Better to nip color-aroused behavior at the mild stage, before it graduates to the extreme (violent and pick-up truck dangerous) stage.
Virtually every white person who was aroused by skin color to kill a Black person is a white person who showed mild and then moderate and then extreme color-aroused disorder in the past, before he ran a Black man over with a pick-up truck.
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