It seems that my man forgot one thing while he was jigging and joking his way into the hearts of white conservatives across A-merry-ca: Your skeletons will always come back to haunt you. We all have them. But we don't all try to get elected as the leader of the free world, or, for that matter, to become a member of the most powerful "democratic" judicial body on earth.
And so here we go again; yet another black conservative is the victim of a "high tech lynching". The last one survived the metaphoric rope around his neck and ultimately found himself in a position where he can influence whether a rope is put around the neck of others.
Apparently when Mr. 9-9-9 was at the National Restaurant Association he wasn't just making sure that all of us had somewhere nice to eat. He was allegedly making sure that he had somewhere nice to.....ahh never mind. (I hate these types of stories.)
Of course, like most politricksters, Mr 9-9-9 (and the GOP) first denied that he sexually harassed anyone. But then....
"Herman Cain is now saying he does recall some details of a financial settlement with one of his female co-workers who accused him of sexual harassment during his tenure at the National Restaurant Association.
Cain's quotes are being reported by Byron York of The Washington Examiner, based on the GOP presidential candidate's interview with Fox News to be broadcast at 10 p.m. ET Monday night.
Cain spent the day trying to beat back a Politico story that said he was accused twice of "sexually suggestive behavior." Amid his explanations that he had been "falsely accused," Cain twice said he knew nothing about a financial settlement with his accusers." [Source]
Yes, that pesky "financial settlement". Bad news Herman: It exists. Good news Herman: The folks who got the payoff are probably prohibited from divulging the details of the settlement to the rest of us.
But I take no pleasure in watching yet another high profile brotha go down. I don't care how much he jigged for his wingnuts friends and hated and demonized his own people. It's always sad to watch a tragedy such as this play itself out for all the world to see and hear.
"Come on Field, it's not only republicans who do this type of thing. What about Bill Clinton? He was getting pleasured in the people's house for crying out loud and you people defended him!"
And I would defend Mr. 9-9-9 if whatever he was allegedly doing was between two consenting adults. Sadly, for conservatives, it never seems to be that way. If it was, there would be no charge of sexual harassment.
But the show must go on, and conservatives will now start the spinning:
"In summary: there is a real story here. It's possible thatPolitico got the story wrong, in which case they will be exposed. It's also possible that the story is totally accurate, and yet Cain is innocent of any wrongdoing.
There are plenty of reasons, after all, why a businessman would settle a harassment suit even if he were blameless. The final possibility, of course, is that Cain did behave inappropriately toward women he worked with. Let's hope that's not the case.
A few final points: the accusation that Politico is unfairly liberal (made by Jeff Lord, among others) is itself unfair.Politico undoubtedly employs reporters from liberal media backgrounds, including at least one of the reporters who contributed to the Cain story, Ken Vogel.
On the other hand, they also feature writers hired from conservative outlets. It's worth noting they have published pieces by a number of Spectatorwriters, myself included. " [Source]
Those few paragraphs alone had more twists and turns than a Jamaican country road. But I understand the difficulties that conservatives must be having with this story. It must be sad for them to watch Herman go down. Where else are they going to find a a straight talking black man who is willing to take on uncomfortable subjects and speak of certain things that they are too afraid to utter publicly?
Still, they need to take heart, because, the truth is, Herman Cain was never going to become president, and this story might just make him irrelevant sooner rather than later. Which, in the end, might be a good thing for them.
Happy Halloween everybody, and please make sure that those scary skeletons stay inside the closet.
Let's not hang old Herman just yet; this might turn out to be another "Niggerhead" non-story or even an out-and-out lie ala Anita Hill's attempt to derail Clarence Thomas's nomination.
I don't think so, we ALL saw this one coming!
Total bullshit - whoever is leading the race is the next to get attacked with crap spun by the incompetent liberal squad. Can't run on your own merits so dig up bullshit where the guy simply told the woman she was as tall as his wife. Yup, to some looking for a payday that was harassment, god liberals are disgusting people.
Black man don't do as we say, we go after his ass. What a bunch of pukes you are.
Nothing is worse than so called Field Negros being the ones firmly on the plantation being led by rich white liberals. They are rich, know how they got there and will stay there even if it costs YOU.
Field, "We all have them. But we don't all try to get elected as the leader of the free world, or, for that matter, to become a member of the most powerful "democratic" judicial body on earth."
No we ALL don't have them. I don't because I know the price a man must pay for that. Women are nothing but trouble. All they do is ruin men. When will we ever learn? Mr. Field, you should do a post on this fact of life.
"Still, they need to take heart, because, the truth is, Herman Cain was never going to become president, and this story might just make him irrelevant sooner rather than later. Which, in the end, might be a good thing for them."
I hate to repeat myself, but you keep repeating yourself. For some reason, you have deaf ears and a closed mind.
Now pay attention: Herman Cain will be the next President of the USA. You can't understand this much like you couldn't understand Obama becoming President.
BTW, you never did that run down Broad Street re: Obama. Will finally make the run when Cain is in the WH?
fyi. that story is a non-starter. It'll be dead before you know it.
Herman Cain says "If you are falsely accused of sexual harassment, it's your own fault. You need to blame yourself!!!"
Oh wait, that only applies to jobless or poor people.
My mistake.
Herman Cain is the best we have for President. He is far superior to that Mr. "Change" Obama. Talk about a big liar. Funny, none of you libs ever mention his name. I wonder why?
I am beginning to dislike this so-called phony Field Negro blog. You folks are dishonest and biased. Mr. Cain has been a straight shooter ALL of his life. But that's something you lying lefties wouldn't know anything about.
Field, "But we don't all try to get elected as the leader of the free world, or, for that matter, to become a member of the most powerful "democratic" judicial body on earth."
Have you forgotten Jack Kennedy, Ted Kennedy, Hart, and Clinton?
Field, It is amazing how your mind works....selective memory that ALWAYS favor your left politics.
BTW, the only Presidents who screwed around on their wives were Democrats. No Republican President ever had a sexual scandal like those sinful Democrats have.
The Wingnuts are playing the race card now (ain't that some shit) but this story has Karl Rove's fingerprints all over it. Bet one of his goons tipped off Politico.
Field, here is a very insightful audio by Rush Limbaugh that exposes the Democrats as racists regarding Herman Cain. I co-sign with him 100%.
The Herman Cain sex scandal is a very simple story with a binary ending. The MSM is waiting for any report on the RACE of the women who filed the complaint with the Resturant Association.
(a)If the women are African American the entire story fizzels and goes away and Herman stays in the race.
(b) If the women are white Herman is immediately finished and he will be forgotten within two weeks.
Just look for the color of the smoke coming from the GOP chimmney...
If it's black Herman is OK.
If it's white Herman is gone.
@10:16, sounds like the truth and reminds me of Justice Thomas. If Thomas' accuser had been white, he would have NEVER been confirmed!
I disagree. This would be spun worse for Cain if the accusers were black. A white accuser equals the wrong racial calculus.
For instance, if Anita Hill had been white, the press could not have used her story without it looking like a lynching.
If this story is, as it seems, pretty much bullshit, and Cain moves on, look for the democrat's future attacks to have a black face.
I saw two different Politico people interviewed this morning about the story. The first one on "Morning Joe", the second on the Daily Rundown. I think the first interviewee was the writer of the story and the 2nd guy was another Politico editor. Both men were careful about what they said, how they conveyed the accusation and Cain's initial responses (or lack thereof) to said accusations. They showed a great deal of restraint in their reporting. Imagine if the tables were turned and it was an accusation broken by Beck or Hannity or Rush or another Fox "news" person. The hysteria would be high.
I couldn't help but think of the
Clarence Thomas hearings back in the day. I was riveted to those hearings. I believed Anita Hill. But he was confirmed and he sits on the U.S. Supreme Court to this day while his crazy wife pulls strings for ultra conservative organizations and factions. Oh, don't get me started....
Ms.Queen said...
@10:16, sounds like the truth and reminds me of Justice Thomas. If Thomas' accuser had been white, he would have NEVER been confirmed!
Exactly wrong Queen. A white accuser would have been cast as a racist. In fact, all you black liberals would probably love Thomas today had Anita Hill been white.
You will never be a doctor.
Anita Hill lied.
In 1991, a black conservative, Clarence Thomas, was accused of flirting with a black woman. This was the biggest news in the history of the world for about a week.
In response, Presidential candidate Bill Clinton announced that in The Year of the Woman, he would scourge sexism. This struck me as a little imprudent of him, since I was traveling down to Wal-Mart at the time on business and was hearing from Arkansawyers that their governor was a man like any man, only more so. In 1992, I predicted that Bill Clinton would eventually get in trouble under the current definition of sexual harassment (making an unwanted sexual advance), which he did in the Paula Jones sexual harassment case, in which he perjured himself (losing his law license) over Monica Lewinsky.
This is another one of those connections that disappeared down the memory hole: that Clinton's impeachment was an outgrowth of the Anita Hill brouhaha, which Clinton had initially benefited from.
By the way, has Anita Hill ever gotten married? It probably would have been simpler for all concerned if Clarence had just married Anita instead of that blonde. A woman scorned, and all that ...
@California Girl..I totally agree. If Breitbart or one of his minions pulled this out of Obama's closet, Faux News pundits would be like a bunch of screaming banshees.
I'm afraid Cain is a pawn in Rove's battle with the Koch brothers.
I have questions though...why are we just hearing that Herman Cain's most recent employment was as president of a lobbying body? Why has the media only spoken of him as former CEO of Godfather's Pizza?
Politico is NOT a liberal venue. They may not be full on Fox News but they put the Blue in Blue Dog.
So was Rick Perry drunk or medicated in New Hampshire?
BrookLyn said...
I'm afraid Cain is a pawn in Rove's battle with the Koch brothers.
Pure idiocy.
Did you read that on Politico?
anon9:41p thanks for the link on how the GOP is standing up for Cain. There is a lot of racial truth to it, which will show up very soon.
Hey Field-
Thanks for the shout-out on the side bar. Just trying to get rid of a few demons.
The Fool
You think the GOP should have let Jimmy McMillan run as their Black candidate instead of Herman? At least the debates would have been more interesting.
So, the clown car hits another pothole. Is it 2013 yet?
PilotX said...
You think the GOP should have let Jimmy McMillan run as their Black candidate instead of Herman? At least the debates would have been more interesting.
Sure and Alvin Greene is gonna run against Obama, wait no one is challenging him? Is he the annointed one even though he totally sucks?
PilotX, I am getting sick and tired of your put downs of Herman Cain. He is an honorable man and most of all, he is a bm who has risen to the top of GOP candidates for President. He is capable of defeating Obama by a landslide.
So, it would be a good thing if you, and Field laid-off of Cain. It's very unbecoming and you come off as very jealous Negroes.
Just to clarify the facts, Cain was wrongly accused of sexual harassment. He is innocent...
So why are you indecent self-righteous FN black liberals still trying to make something out of nothing? You are such an unsavory bunch.
"I am beginning to dislike this so-called phony Field Negro blog. You folks are dishonest and biased. Mr. Cain has been a straight shooter ALL of his life."
"Straight shooter"? Was there a pun intended there? That was a good one. I bet he was a "straight shooter" when he lobbied for the Restaurant Association.:)
Cali Girl, there is actually a video of the Politco reporter asking my man Herman the question. You should see it. It's priceless.
Resident Cracka,
You will never live a life with purpose.
You will always have a VERY small, useless penis.
You will never earn more money than I do.
You will always be a Hick.
You will never out educate me.
You will always live in a trailer park.
You will never know what's it's like to own/drive a fine piece of german engineering.
You will always be a poor bitter jealous loser.
You will never be more than a punk ass Internet stalker.
And because you post 24/7 on black blogs, your lips will always be dark brown from all the asses you lick all day.
Dr.Queen said...
"Resident Cracka,
You will never live a life with purpose.
You will always have a VERY small, useless penis.
You will never earn more money than I do."
Physcological Evaluation of patient Queen of the Queefa's; When replying to a "tormentor" she lists things of extreme value to her that she feels the tormentor will never have.
The top three things of value to her that she listed first are
A purposeful life, a penis and money.
Summation: Queefa is a dirty hooker who's main purpose in life is to chase the penis and make money.
OMG. What kind of readers do you have on this site? The amounts of concentrated, deliberate attempts of common sense bashing, knowledge hating, GOP agenda pushing, bitter ass comments!! Your website has certainly be flagged by the Right. The name of your blog may have drawn them in at first. Wow! They camp out in your comments as bad as the wshh ones. I should blog about this.
"Herman Cain is the best we could have as president." Who, in their right mind, could ever think such a thing? If this isn't agenda pushing I don't know what is. The people making these non thinking grunts/comments are paid to do so. Have to be. Truly insults to the beautiful brain God granted us.
hc could never be worse than hobama
hc has FAR less brutal skeletons than that dl murderer hobama etc
i will never vote again because i refuse to choose lesser evils/clowns/racists/homohaters/elitists/liars/sellouts/warlocks/dogs etc...
Brilliant Anon said:
Physcological Evaluation of patient Queen of the Queefa's; When replying to a "tormentor" she lists things of extreme value to her that she feels the tormentor will never have.
The top three things of value to her that she listed first are
A purposeful life, a penis and money.
Excellent observation.
I would interpret it as Queen's admission of a life wasted on academic failure, that she wishes she were a man, and that she is extremely materialistic (and broke).
This is also represented in sum in how she always places the honorific "Dr." in front of her name, even though she has not earned that title, nor ever will.
She will never be a doctor.
hobama is a colorized killer app for all rebels/patriots who are sane and awake
we are all doomed by hobama and his nazis/banksters etc
"Who put the pubic hair on my deep dish pizza?"
Wrong coon. Wrong quote.
"Our blacks are so much better than their blacks," she said, speaking of Democrats. "To become a black Republican, you don't just roll into it. You're not going with the flow...and that's why we have very impressive blacks in the Republican party." - Ann Coulter
Can you believe this skank?
unlike hc,
that cia baby hobama's skeletons are genetic!!!
Very clearly this site is being purposely infected by the far right, who are likely paid to comment.
I guess when you're desperate for support and attention, you do what you have to do, lol!
Word verification, bringit.
Yes I do, everyday, ALL day!
uptownsteve said...
"Our blacks are so much better than their blacks," she said, speaking of Democrats. "To become a black Republican, you don't just roll into it. You're not going with the flow...and that's why we have very impressive blacks in the Republican party." - Ann Coulter
Can you believe this skank?
You right uptown. There ain't no such thing as an impressive black.
Ms.Queen said...
I guess when you're desperate for support and attention, you do what you have to do, lol!
Like pretend you are a doctor?
You will never be a doctor.
uptownsteve said...
Who put the pubic hair on my deep dish pizza?
That was AB. Now shut up and get squashed.
Dr Queen:
but do not lament the kkk roaches
who rule herein
lament those nigs who refuse to utilize pest control...
and those nigs who willfully aid their infestations
the vdlr is the lead roach here who allows the kkk to clown herein
Yeah Steve the skank is in good company, LOL!
fat pizza faced assnon:
your IQ is lower than any pizza pie
you prove that with each putrid rotten slice of trailer pk ignorance u rabidly sling daily...
carry on u reeking lewd dumb assed dough boy
Herman Cain is a decent enough fellow. Decent enough that an old claim of sexual harrassment will have no lasting impact.
Clinton overcame the self-inflicted harm of a lot of sexual errors.
But none of it matters. Herman Cain is not headed for the presidency or the nomination.
Three reasons:
1) The US has stopped elected presidents over the age of 60.
2) Cain has/had cancer. Voters will not elect a president who's likely to die in office.
3) He's never held elective office. Voters do not elect political rookies to the presidency.
Now that we have a black president, Cain's race isn't relevant. However, Obama has been such a total failure that it will occur to voters that America needs a break from black presidents.
no slappz said...
Clinton overcame the self-inflicted harm of a lot of sexual errors.
Chief among them, coming all over the dress of his 19 year old employee while in the Oval Office.
That was just sex, though.
This site is infected wih a far right virus. I am so gonna blog about this.
4) Too many whites resent the Prez being a Black man.
AB, allow me to thank you again for my very fitting username. The idea that my use of it annoys the hell out of our resident hicks to the point that they feel compelled to mention it numerous times of day, fills my heart with absolute joy.
So much proof that Black folks control their actions!
Now comment Hick, comment! Then comment again! That's a good boy, now go fetch Fido the Hick, lol!
Dr. Queen:
I know regal perfection and royal genius when I see it Sista!
You are deserving and welcome!!!
"Can you believe this skank?"
Oh yeah, Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh are now the defenders of Black people? Conservatives live in bizarro world.
Lying assnon:
U r arrogantly and belatedly ignorant about the ct case
as all else
Fix that asap
anita told the truth
and she is a sexy smart gorgeous lesbian who always had 0 sexual interest in that fugly ape ct
amoral porn junkies/lewd pervs like ct
who harass het women
always hound and torment lesbians even more
for the very same reasons that they fear homo men:
they stupidly regard any penis as a magic wand that can change
anyone at will…
they are magicless morons
hc is the fool who is lying
many macho ho politicos have lost their careers over such silly wayward penis sagas
and it will be hc’s end
buh bye now…
5) All Republicans know a Black man would never win S.C., Alabama, MS, WV, GA, TX or LA so what would be the point of even pretending to run a negro let's just drag up old shit and get him out of the race post haste.
Message to the GOP, choose your negroes a little better. Next time beg Condi or the General to run and not a singing pizza delivery man.
cc that bs to:
john edwards
bubba clinton
gary hart
gary condit
Ms.Queen said...
AB, allow me to thank you again for my very fitting username.
It would fit someone who had earned a doctorate degree and was royalty, neither of which applies in your case.
Self-esteem has to be based on something real, or else it sounds hollow and desperate. Like you.
You will never be a doctor.
cc that sexist bs to that dl 50 c too
PilotX said...
Message to the GOP, choose your negroes a little better
Like who? A fake Pilot with an affirmative action job?
This story is standard democrat playbook bullshit. I'll stand by Cain.
This is a good a way as any for them to get rid of Cain. Better than the "Godfather" way. He'll be fine people, don't fret he'll sell pizzas and books somewhere.
alicia banks said...
anita told the truth
and she is a sexy smart gorgeous lesbian who always had 0 sexual interest in that fugly ape ct
Anita Hill was proven to be a liar; the proof was in the confirmation of Clarence Thomas, or as he is known now, Justice Thomas.
Women scorned often become lesbians, because that is their only option.
But they still hate men and will tell whatever lies someone puts in their mouths in order to bring one down.
Too bad for fugly Anita no one believed her ridiculous tale of coke cans and pubic hairs. Pathetic little dyke.
dear progressive FN lib black dems, Watch this video. It is sooo true!
"Our Blacks are so much better than their Blacks"---from the Right
anon, "This site is infected wih a far right virus. I am so gonna blog about this."
11:21 AM
------------------------------------Please don't....Please don't blog about the far right. We will stop. We will leave if you promise to hold off from blogging about us. Can we discuss this further on your blog? What is your blog?
I believe every word about Cain.
Check out a free sample of the book "Down Low Baller" at the link below...
Kia "I believe every word about Cain."
What, that he made a "non-overtly sexual" hand gesture that a poorly performing employee found offensive?
Dr.Queen said...
4) Too many whites resent the Prez being a Black man.
Hmmmmm...could have sworn they voted him in because he was a black man, maybe just maybe now mind you queefa and I am not a lifelong professional student so just maybe - he sucks?
AB, allow me to thank you again for my very fitting username. The idea that my use of it annoys the hell out of our resident hicks to the point that they feel compelled to mention it numerous times of day, fills my heart with absolute joy.
Why don't you just call yourself Beatiful slim goddess? It would be just as fitting and really fill your heart and your empty head with joy too. I mean what the hell if you are going to fantasize go all the way.
So much proof that Black folks control their actions!
Having people see right through you to the ghetto hoodrat you are is controlling? OK...
Now comment Hick, comment! Then comment again! That's a good boy, now go fetch Fido the Hick, lol!
What is a hick? A hick is someone who doesn't live in the inner city? Next to people like you? And You think they are the dumb ones? HA - I definitely don't want to see you fetch - bending over may tax your heart.
lying sexist racist assnon/vdlr/uts:
do your mf homework!!!
anita told the truth
so did 4 other black women who signed affidavits
whom ct harassed even more than anita!!!
rental store records proved his porn addictions
even his ex bf girlfriend confirmed his belated long dong sylver obsessions
see links that prove all i claim as always u illiterate lying evil mf fools!!!
Anita Hill lied. That is why she lost.
What's the matter Alicia? Sensitive subject?
Too much rejection from men finally made you give up and become a lesbian, so what? Clarence Thomas isn't to blame.
Why can't you dykes just enjoy the pussy you are getting and stop hating on the dick you can't have?
Yeah Field, I think you need to trade these vulgar vagina obsessed fools in for some assnons who are a little more creative and have a sense of humor, STAT!
"lying sexist racist assnon/vdlr/uts:
do your mf homework!!!
anita told the truth"
Did I suggest otherwise?
I never post as anonymous AB.
You know that.
Lew-inski goober
"this might turn out to be another "Niggerhead" non-story".
It's only a "non-story" because the so-called "mainstream media" let Perry off the hook.
I believe Cain sexually harrassed these women and I bet they were white.
"Yeah Field, I think you need to trade these vulgar vagina obsessed fools in for some assnons who are a little more creative and have a sense of humor, STAT!"
You hit the nail on the head. BTW, Field read your comment and heard you! Today he signed a multi-hundred dollar contract with Anon, Inc to insure we did not leave his blog. He is concerned that his regular IDs can't hold up...ie AB, UTS, etc.
Thanks Anon. You helped us get this contract. Although we are in the middle of a recession and all Anons have had to post on FN blog without pay, YOU can expect a raise next year.
Anon, Inc
uptownsteve said...
Lew-inski goober
"this might turn out to be another "Niggerhead" non-story".
It's only a "non-story" because the so-called "mainstream media" let Perry off the hook.
I believe Cain sexually harrassed these women and I bet they were white.
Yes, but you are a dumbass who believes what he wants to believe while rejecting inconvenient facts. You know nothing of the detals of this matter yet you are ready to string Cain up in the nearest tree.
The "Niggerhead" story went away because it was ridiculous and because the damage had been done. It was meant to rile up negros like you and it worked.
The Anon at 4:45 was AB.
Just sayin'.
And Prez, remember that Alicia doesn't get paid any of that Anon, Inc. money.
Drycleaning Goober
"It was meant to rile up negros like you and it worked."
As if Rev. Wright didn't rile you goobers up.
i know u post as assnon always!
and so does everyone else who is paying attn herein
u lie MORE than hobama!!!
Now why does uptown think that Cain didn't sexually assault black women too?
"Now why does uptown think that Cain didn't sexually assault black women too?"
Cuz he's a Tom.
Most lesbians adore real men
As I do
Ask brad pitt
But ALL women het and gay truly hate bitch made perp mfs like u
In a classic essay entitled, “I Am Your Sister: Black Women Organizing Across Sexualities” [Burst of Light. 1988. Firebrand Books: Ithaca, NY], renowned scholar, poet, and author Audre Lorde wrote:
“When I say I am a Black Lesbian, I mean I am a woman whose primary focus of loving, physical as well as emotional, is directed to women. It does not mean I hate men. Far from it. The harshest attacks I have ever heard against Black men come from those women who are emotionally bound to them and cannot free themselves from a subservient and silent position. I would never presume to speak about Black men the way I have heard some of my straight sisters talk about the men they are attracted to. And of course that concerns me, because it reflects a situation of noncommunication in the heterosexual community that is far more truly threatening than the existence of Black Lesbians.”
If Audre was alive today, she would probably elaborate upon this reflection, extensively. She might include her observations of paternity tests on TV talk shows, the increase in date rapes, and the usage of designer drugs that enable those rapes. She might elaborate upon the fact that such hatred is now dually expressed, irrespective of gender. On that note, she might reflect upon the misogyny that blares in music lyrics penned by men, or the lewd sexism that glares from pornographic music videos directed by men etc....
Clearly, gender wars are bloodier than ever. There is a hatred between heterosexual men and women that is tangible in every arena. The intensity of such hatred was epitomized by 26 year old Rae Caruth’s murder of a pregnant 24 year old acquaintance, Cherica Adams. Cherica is most accurately referred to as his expectant “baby mama”. This unique hatred has spawned its own vocabulary. Baby mama is a common noun used to describe an emotionally detached incubator that is unloved and uncommitted. Baby daddy describes a biological sperm donor that is rarely a father. It is profound that both terms seem to be deliberately incorrect grammatically. They imply no formal possession. Even a mere apostrophe s is forbidden as an implicit suggestion of any iota of ownership or attachment.
We already know you love white boys.
They just won't ask you out.
You don't have to post it 20 times.
Ah jesus, which anon set AB off?
fake puds like u breed lesbians
u foolish lame eunuch
the assnon that was uts
when did u learn to count to 20 boy???
"and that rabid unlicked bitch the vdlr deleting my posts"
You, are off your meds.
why is everybody so hard on sweet AB? I resent that. those of you like uts who tries to put ab down are a bunch of mean-spirited uncle toms!
BrookLyn: I live in NH & our news doesn't re-run the weirdly amusing footage of Perry as much as the national news does. In fact, I've seen it on local news twice. Was he drunk or high? Does it matter? He's nuts!
Field: Thank you for the heads up. I'll find that piece.
Hi there --
Heard a weird interview on German radio this morning. I mean, I heard nothing for some very long, painfully silent seconds. Gosh! -- Okay, I said to myself, this must be just another performance of John Cage's 'silent piece' 4′33″.
But then I realized it was an "interview" with Herman Cain. Funny, very funny!
BTW, I have a new blog; just in case you'd like to update your blog roll.
Good luck!
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