But that's enough "inside baseball", let's talk about a serious issue: Wayne Newton getting all creepy with Michele Bachmann.
"Everyone who's seen Vegas Vacation knows what a charmer Wayne Newton can be, and last night he channeled his charisma toward Michele Bachmann, the Republican presidential candidate and representative from Minnesota.
In a post-debate interview on Fox News' On The Record with Greta Van Susteren, Newton and Bachmann hit it off.
"I will support this beautiful lady as long as she wants to go," Newton said, as he repeatedly caressed Bachmann's arm." [Story]
Yuck!!!Honestly Wayne, you might want to save all the embalming fluid until after you are dead.
Alright I was kidding. That's not the serious issue that I wanted to talk about. I actually wanted to talk about an article I read in Politic365 by a sister named Jeneba Ghatt. It dealt with the baggage that black politicians allegedly carry as opposed to their white counterparts, and I found it quite interesting.
"Wellesley University professor Peggy McIntosh wrote an essay in the Winter 1990 edition of a school journal discussing an “invisible knapsack” of unearned skin privilege that Whites benefit from but many do not recognize and may not acknowledge. Recent criticisms of Rep. Tim Scott (R-SC), President Barack Obama and Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain over their handling of race issues reflects a different type of baggage that Black political leaders must carry.
In McIntosh’s essay, she called the invisible weightless knapsack of special provisions, maps, passports, codebooks, visas, clothes, tools , and blank checks which assist certain people of the lighter hue – unfettered by the same stresses that people of color endure. Many are blissfully aloof to and unaware of these perks in life they enjoy by simply being born in the skin they are in. These “taken for granted” advantages provide license to “ … disparage, fear, neglect, or be oblivious to anything outside of the dominant cultural forms.”
But for persons of color who climb to positions of extreme influence and esteem, they must carry around an invisible, weighted backpack full of bills, past due notices, obligations, IOUs, and contingency letters.
IOU to ancestors
There are encumbrances in the form of pressure from members of their race. Black politicians must be mindful of who paved “the way” for them. Because of that ancestral sacrifice, Black leaders must be more than just a senator or a Supreme Court justice for the constituency they are supposed to represent or support.
So when Tim Scott decided against joining the Congressional Black Caucus, many said he did not want to acknowledge CBC efforts on behalf of Black people. The prevailing thought is that as a Black man, he owed “his people” at least some deference and consideration while sitting in Congress. His voting record and speeches would be watched with extra attentiveness from those who share his heritage, an attempt to ensure he “ … does right by them.” While a South Carolina legislator, Scott may have opposed the confederate flag flying atop his state’s assembly house or supported a measure against police profiling of Black drivers, he was quickly called out by fellow Black legislatures for not backing those measures all the way. After all, he owed it to his race to look out for their issues.
Black politicians don’t have the luxury to just exist, but must take extra consideration to give back, mentor, and take into account the needs of “their people.” This obligation is the heaviest item in that backpack. Harvard professor Randall Kennedy has written about that obligation in his book The Persistence of the Color Line: Racial Politics and the Obama Presidency. According to Kennedy, it’s the reason why President Obama faced much flak when he decided not to address Black people directly in early speeches.
As we’ve seen in recent months several members of the Congressional Black Caucus have not been shy about questioning the president’s hesitance to address double digit unemployment in the black community.
Thus, the Black politicians’ backpack is full of loan payment remittances that will never get paid. So long as you are on top with few of your people there, you will always have to pay towards those who made the down payment and cleared a path for your success.
That asterisk by your accomplishments and the legacy of Affirmative Action
Black politicians must also live with the permanent asterisks by their accomplishments. At some point, folks may assume that their matriculation to an Ivy League school or rapid rise in a company was on account of “Affirmative Action” policies. Your “wins” are not always unclouded by that doubt.
The story is that you must have gotten some assistance or help along that way or that you were able to attend college because a more qualified White or Asian student was denied a seat – or that you weren’t necessarily the best person occupying your role. Of course, that’s not really the case. Yet, the doubt is always there.
Many Republicans leaders and candidates, and most outrageously Donald Trump, questioned how the president got into Harvard, pointing to Affirmative Action to undermine the accomplishment.
Donald Trump infamously demanded that the president show his academic records, telling Politico, “I have friends who have smart sons with great marks, great boards, great everything and they can’t get into Harvard.”
Perhaps sentiments like these are why Scott and Justice Clarence Thomas have avoided openly embracing the notion that their respective careers were advanced by an Affirmative Action policy. They are not alone as several blacks and other minorities in high position lament on having their positions and decisions in the workplace questioned and undermined by colleagues and co-workers who don’t necessarily believe they are the most qualified.
It makes the backpack that much heavier.
Burden of Stereotypes
By the time a black politician has risen to the pinnacle, he or she will have to overcome certain presumptions about his or her correct grammar, parentage, upbringing and capabilities. Without a doubt, there is a stereotype, partially substantiated by statistics of humble beginnings and Ebonic vernacular.
These presumptions are the symbolic probation notices and warnings in that backpack which could be considered the opposite of skin privilege. Rather than being presumed credit worthy and to have gone through life on one’s own merit, you are considered an anomaly for being articulate.
Those who opt to surmount race, shedding the backpack, are quickly labeled “Uncle Toms” or “sellouts.” They must always carry the weight as their brother, mother, father and race’s keeper." [Source]
Trust me Ms. Ghatt, Clarence Thomas and folks like him shed that backpack a looong time ago.
Thomas tossed his backpack and went in search of another white man's invisible knapsack.
"Trust me Ms. Ghatt, Clarence Thomas and folks like him shed that backpack a looong time ago."
Who else besides Thomas? You Liberal FN Negroes fail to notice Obama who dropped his backpack a loooong time ago. You have a selective way of choosing your favorite Negroes and it ain't based on whether they are beholden to Blacks or not.
Maybe you ought to look at yourselves instead of Clarence Thomas because you Obamaholics are some brainwashed fools who can't see clearly.
Yes, Mack I am talking to you and that ignoramous leech on his wife uts. I know you don't have a wife cause no woman would want your sad ass.
Wayne Newton looks like he IS embalmed. Wow. He is creepy and I am jealous that he got next to Michele Bachmann...she is a fine sexy woman.
Field, have you ever noticed that besides a beautiful face, the girl has great legs? I'm sure you have. Any bm like you who has ww friends always check out the legs. Come to think of it, Philly has some ww with great legs in it. But that 's about all it has.
Michele just wants a man who's not gay.
Anyhoo, Tim Scott should not have to vote to eliminate racist symbols in his state as they should have been relegated to the dustbin of history long ago. He has to ask himself why so many of his fellow Republican counterparts keep allowing such images of oppression to remain flying on the statehouse. He needs to explain to them why it needs to come down, maybe they'll listen to him since he is one of them right?
Yes and the politician should indeed take this backpack and it's contents into account and act accordingly. Because one must be grateful in life, and because everybody else does it!
Otherwise it would be as if one would just cast off ones parents as if one were hatched or crawled out from under a rock without their help in life?!
Goodnight, sleep tight, and don't let the bedbugs bite! :D
Desertflower, your comment makes no sense to a black Conservative. In fact, it sounds like a crazy liberal black dem who has been thoroughly brainwashed. Sista, you need to stay out of that PR sun cause it baking your brain.:)
i am so glad anon finally shut up mack. now i can sleep in peace tonight. good night all.
The anon @ 1:37 AM got a bit touchy over my first comment. Instead of being a great justice in the mold of Thurgood Marshall, Clarence Thomas choose to embark on a journey towards being the most perfect brown-skinned incarnation of a white man with white privileges and white baggage. No amount of nasty and ill-directed comments towards me can hide or dispute that fact.
"i am so glad anon finally shut up mack. now i can sleep in peace tonight. good night all."
I made my comment and went to bed shortly thereafter. I was sleeping peacefully before you thought about sleeping in peace.
One thing I've noticed is how most trolls claim victory the moment you appear to concede the argument. It's the only way they can "win."
You poor sons of bitches were never interested in any sane debate. Just textbook lunacy.
PilotX said...
Michele just wants a man who's not gay.
Yet she wound up with a half breed mongrel who wears his wifes pants to go bike riding - Steve Erckel...poor Mooch Obama
Mack Lyons said...
You poor sons of bitches were never interested in any sane debate. Just textbook lunacy.
Right you call a Black Man who has accomplished much (not to be confused with "resist we much") a White man because he doesn't act the way you think he should beholden to interests and actions that YOU define as acceptable if you are Black YOUR definition of how a man should act and "someone else" is the racist one...sheez what a mind.
I swear, I've noticed that this blog has more homo-talk on it than a full-fledged Gay Blog probably has.
Wha's up with that? There must be something to the rumors I've heard all these years about black guys and that "down low" stuff.
By the time a black politician has risen to the pinnacle, he or she will have to overcome certain presumptions about his or her correct grammar, parentage, upbringing and capabilities. Without a doubt, there is a stereotype, partially substantiated by statistics of humble beginnings and Ebonic vernacular.
Any voting district with a predominantly black electorate will ALWAYS elect a black representative, no matter how incompetent the black candidate or black incumbent may be.
Seems the only factor that stops the re-election of some black politicians is the limitations put on prisoners serving jail time.
With all this black talent field claims is standing around unutilized, why is Africa such a mess.
Today it was announced that a huge reservoir of natural gas was discovered off Mozambique.
It's so big that it would supply Mozambique's needs AND provide huge supplies for export.
Nigeria should be Africa's Norway. Will Mozambique step up?
We know the answer. Everything will end in a corrupt mess.
"The story is that you must have gotten some assistance or help along that way or that you were able to attend college because a more qualified White or Asian student was denied a seat – or that you weren’t necessarily the best person occupying your role. Of course, that’s not really the case. Yet, the doubt is always there."
It is sometimes the case, which is why the doubt is always there.
It is natural for Donald Trump to assume that of Obama, since unlike all previous Presidential candidate, Obama refused to release any of his records. We also know that Obama had a lot of assistance getting into Harvard, with people like civil rights icon Percy Sutton writing letters for him at the behest of Khalid Al-Mansour.
Blacks cannot both accept the special advantages of affirmative action and expect others to view their accomplishments as having been earned.
Either you do it on your own or you don't.
And if you take the set aside, the doubt comes with it. There is no other way.
"Black politicians don’t have the luxury to just exist, but must take extra consideration to give back, mentor, and take into account the needs of “their people.” This obligation is the heaviest item in that backpack."
This is because Democrats, particularly black Democrats, view economics and politics as a "zero sum" game. That is, wealth is a pie of fixed size, and the purpose of politics is to get your side the biggest slice you can.
This is why democrat voters are so forgiving of corruption in their representatives; as long as the guy delivers, they don't mind if he takes a little for himself.
There is no common good, no joining together to make that pie bigger, just a cynical desire to grab as much for your side as you can.
It is absolutely ridiculous how blacks prevent one another from being allowed to pursue their lives as individuals. Blacks are simply not allowed to hold conservative political beliefs, and black politicians are absurdly expected to vote only in the interests of people who look like them.
And then there are guys like you Field, who are right there to call blacks who reject the prevailing mindset "Toms" or "House Negros". How are you not a big rock in that backpack?
"Panis Angelicus said...
How are you not a big rock in that backpack?
10:34 AM"
It's probably that big ole rock on Perry's hunting land that no one can seem to find...or, even a picture of it.
"The story is that you must have gotten some assistance or help along that way or that you were able to attend college because a more qualified White or Asian student was denied a seat – or that you weren’t necessarily the best person occupying your role. Of course, that’s not really the case. Yet, the doubt is always there."
That is the case most of the time. Lowing standards or taking blacks with lower scores over higher scoring whites is common place.
Why won't you accept Clarence Thomas as a black man who thinks and behaves as a growing segment of our race? The old brainwashed black Negro is diminishing. WTFU.
Field should wake up and do a 'positive' post without the wingnut and uncle tom bs about this phenomena.
Plantation negros like field, who will vote Democrat no matter what,are so jealous of the fact that real negros like Thomas or Cain refuse to carry the Democrat massas' backpack.
Note the only people Democrats will tell to shut the "F" up are.....black.
Bad enough you have to live on the Democrat plantation, you have to carry massas' backpack to.
Lawd its hard to be black........
i know that u know that NO one has betrayed black ancestors like hobama
he has slain our unborn black kin even via eternal debts and global wars
hobama has slain all black mongrels for decades to come
ask any libyan
or the ghost of the robbed MQ
no one has betrayed mlk more than hobama!!!!
and hobama is 23 trillion times worse than ct too!!!
Now that I think about it, Perry should put another big rock out on his hunting lease...but, this time, paint just paint a picture of AB's fat head on it.
You'd kill two birds with one rock that way, and no one could call you racist.! (But, it might scare all the deer, coyotes, and hogs off the land.)
I ought to be his campaign manager.
FN people are lonely people. Thanks Field for thinking of no_Slappz, PilotX, UTS, and Mack Lyons....and not necessarily in that order.
@ honkiehead: That is a great idea.
You might get people showing up looking for pancakes though.
Gosh, you're right Field. Philly must really be a wonderful city! You guys get so much media coverage for all the wonderful things happening in the City of Bruthally Love.
Ooops. Forgot the link:
ab, "Actions speak louder than racist and elitist words. President Abraham Lincoln never pimped and dismissed Frederick Douglass and Harriet Tubman as Hobama does all black politico peers and suicidally blind drone black fans. President John F. Kennedy never told Dr. King to sit down and shut up about any black agenda, as Hobama routinely instructs clairvoyant heroes Dr. Cornel West and Tavis Smiley to do. Even Hobama’s racist, elitist, and warmongering cousin King Shrub/President George W. Bush never called blacks “mongrels” on national prime time television as Hobama did!"
This is powerful and so true. Yet, there are FN Negroes who love Obama for treating them this way. Guess it triggers the nastalgia for the slave and Jim Crow days. How depressing it is to be Black. There is no refuge or relief from ourselves! How pathetic.
That's it. I am done with this blog. Nothing but a bunch of empty souls with no substance. Very sick.
What is interesting is the blatant hypocrisy. As a Black person I should be held to a different standard than my white counterparts. For decades, hell centuries, there was white male affirmative action but not one white male is ever held in contempt or their accomplishments tainted. For example, at my airline we hired hundreds of unqualified white males in the 50's and 60's while Black men who were vastly more qualified weren't even granted an interview. A mentor of mine who was not only a war veteran but an Air Force test pilot was told point blank by a major airline "we don't hire niggers" and his resume was thrown in the garbage. While this was happening to numerous Black pilots with military training white males who didn't even have commercial pilot's licenses were hired and the airline paid for their training to get their commercial license! Most of these guys have retired after being hired in their 20's after having enjoyed a long flying career but I didn't hear one peep about them being "affirmative action" hires. There was no guilt nor anyone stating they should feel guilt or looked at suspiciously. Double standard.
"PilotX said...
What is interesting is the blatant hypocrisy. As a Black person I should be held to a different standard than my white counterparts. For decades, hell centuries, there was white male affirmative action but not one white male is ever held in contempt or their accomplishments tainted. For example, at my airline we hired hundreds of unqualified white males in the 50's and 60's while Black men who were vastly more qualified weren't even granted an interview. A mentor of mine who was not only a war veteran but an Air Force test pilot was told point blank by a major airline "we don't hire niggers" and his resume was thrown in the garbage. While this was happening to numerous Black pilots with military training white males who didn't even have commercial pilot's licenses were hired and the airline paid for their training to get their commercial license! Most of these guys have retired after being hired in their 20's after having enjoyed a long flying career but I didn't hear one peep about them being "affirmative action" hires. There was no guilt nor anyone stating they should feel guilt or looked at suspiciously. Double standard.
12:55 PM"
Too bad you can't prove a damn thing you just said.
If you could, you'd have yourself a "Pilot's Pigford Case", with every black who had ever had a plane fly over him whining & complaining, and wanting his reparations.
"Too bad you can't prove a damn thing you just said.
If you could, you'd have yourself a "Pilot's Pigford Case", with every black who had ever had a plane fly over him whining & complaining, and wanting his reparations."
I can prove it asshole and it's why some have already won lawsuits. See, this is the part of history you're not taught. Google the name Marlon D. Green and maybe you'll learn something.
BTW, there is a poster of the ad in the training center advertising United would pay for a commercial pilot's license. I see it everytime I go to recurrent training.
PrintEmailReprintsshareLinkedInStumbleUponRedditDiggDel.i.ciousTo the pilot leaving military service, the brightest blue yonder may be a job with a commercial airline. And so it seemed, in 1957, to Captain Marlon D. Green. Green was a highly qualified pilot; in his nine years in the Air Force, he had logged 3,071 hours in multi-engine bombers and cargo planes. When he resigned from the Air Force, Green applied to at least ten U.S. airlines for a pilot's position. He was turned down by all. For Marlon Green is a Negro.
Finally, Green applied to Denver's Continental Air Lines—leaving blank the place in the form marked "racial identity" and deliberately failing to send along the two requested photographs. He was summoned for flight tests. But despite the fact that he had logged more hours than any of five applicants hired at the same time, there was still no offer.
Green filed complaint under a Colorado anti-discrimination law, and Continental fought the case. While the complaint moved through the courts, Green worked as a pilot for the Michigan highway department, ferrying VIPs from place to place, quit in protest against inadequate foul-weather navigation equipment on state planes. To support his wife, who is white, and his children, he went to work cleaning milk cans in a dairy.
The Colorado Supreme Court found against Green, ruling that the state had no business trying to impose its laws on carriers in interstate commerce. But last week, on yet another appeal, the United States Supreme Court unanimously Overturned the Colorado decision, ruling: "We hold that the Colorado statute as applied here to prevent discrimination in hiring . . . does not impose a constitutionally prohibited burden upon interstate commerce." The decision presumably opens the way for Marlon Green, 33, to become the first Negro commercial airline pilot in the U.S.
Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,828152,00.html#ixzz1bLPAvqnf
Oh, excuse me. You found one whole guy.
My bad.
One another note same tune the prez is accused of being a beneficiary of AA but no mention is ever spoken of John McCain's enjoyment of it. He was a subpar student but since his father was a highg ranking Naval officer he got into the Naval Academy where he went on to finish near the bottom of his class. Normally this would not be good enough to get someone into flight school but alas where did Mr. McCain show up? You guessed it. While in flight school he had challenges and once again finished near the bottom of his class which normally would not allow a grad to get jets but huess what............you get the picture. IOKIYW.
PilotX said...
What is interesting is the blatant hypocrisy. As a Black person I should be held to a different standard than my white counterparts. For decades, hell centuries, there was white male affirmative action but not one white male is ever held in contempt or their accomplishments tainted
Blatant hypocrisy indeed. As a black person today, you are held to a diffrent standard, a LOWER standard than your white counterparts. Affirmative Action is the Law of the Land.
There was unconscionable discrimination against blacks, which ended over 50 years ago.
This has been replaced with unconscionable discrimination against white males.
You don't want a fair system, you want revenge.
You can't have your cake and eat it too. Your competence will always be doubted, just like those "unqualified white males in the 50's", because you accept favoritism.
Deal with it. The paycheck is what is what you get for your pride.
OK, OK,....I give. You win.
It sucks to be black.
JAMES L. “JIM” EDWARDS was born in Detroit in 1940.
A second-generation Tuskegee Airman, Edwards attended Air Force
Officer Candidate School and pilot training. Following his military
service, Edwards organized and operated a flight school and air charter
service, Aero Service Inc., at Detroit City Airport. During that time he
applied to become a pilot for United Airlines, but was turned down
because of his race. In 1973 he went to court and in 1977 won a
consent decree that opened jobs for qualified minority pilots. He was
the fourth black pilot hired by United Airline. Edwards retired in 2000
as a 747-400 captain. On his last flight, his son, James Edwards, Jr. was
his co-pilot -- the first black father and son cockpit crew.
@Truth, don't lecture me about what I want. The only thing I want is for white males to admit they benefitted from a discriminatory system.
"There was unconscionable discrimination against blacks, which ended over 50 years ago."
Really? So in 1961 things started going our way huh? No wonder conservatives are so dumb, they don't know history.
Field, did we not talk about the quality of your trolls?
@PilotX: John McCain was also a war hero who served many terms in the Senate with many signature legislative accomplishments before he ran for President.
We know of McCain's poor academic record because he has not hidden it. Nor did he try to hide his birth certicate documentation that was demanded of him due to his birth in the Panama Canal Zone.
Obama has spent a vast amount of effort keeping his past secret. None of his transcripts have been released. He even fought the release of his birth certicate for YEARS, before finally relenting and releasing a print out, but NOT a copy of the original document.
If he had great grades and deserved to get into Harvard, I'm sure we would all have been inundated with such information.
There is nothing real about Obama. I trust no one who hides everything.
PilotX said...
@Truth, don't lecture me about Really? So in 1961 things started going our way huh? No wonder conservatives are so dumb, they don't know history.
Actually, it was right after world war II, but by the mid-50's for sure.
Youre lack of education is pitiful but not surprising.
If you weren't black, there is no way they'd let you fly.
TruthX said...
Your competence will always be doubted, just like those "unqualified white males in the 50's", because you accept favoritism
The fact that PilotX is too dumb to understand this concept proves he should be driving a bus, not an airplane.
"Blacks cannot both accept the special advantages of affirmative action and expect others to view their accomplishments as having been earned."
One or the other, PilotX, not both.
no one with eyes/heart/soul can love that demonic bankster warmonger hobama
It was one of the First Black President’s greatest “I Have Nothing for the Blacks” moments. “My general approach is that if the economy is strong, that it will lift all boats,” replied the man who had brought millions to the Washington Mall just three months earlier, transforming an inaugural formality into a must-be-there-if-you-are-breathing Great Black Hajj [10]. Obama then offered smug assurances that “folks who are most vulnerable are most likely to be helped because they need the most help.” Under his presidency, the exact opposite would occur.
In the year that followed, Obama would pump $14 trillion into Wall Street’s accounts, the biggest transfer of wealth in human history, but the “rising tide” would swamp Black America. Black male unemployment, which stood at an official rate of 17.2 percent when Showell posed his question, would exceed 20 percent as the crisis deepened, with never a hint of targeted policy consideration from the Obama administration. Today, at 16.8 percent, Black male unemployment [11] is markedly higher than twice that of white men (7.7 percent) – a significant widening of the great gap that has come to be thought of as “normal,” beginning in the early Seventies. The “hidden” chasms of Black joblessness have grown even more under Obama’s economic tutelage, as Blacks disproportionately crowd the subterranean corridors of the long-term and “discouraged” unemployed – a despairing cohort whose ranks have swelled to record levels during this rich man’s “recovery.”
“Barack Obama must bear direct responsibility for the relative Black decline, both as candidate and president.”
Black wealth has virtually disappeared. Data gathered prior to 2007, when the full scope of the subprime mortgage catastrophe was just becoming known, showed median Black family wealth at about $5,000, one-twentieth [12] of the median white family’s $100,000 holdings. Since then, the bottom has fallen out from under whole communities, with Blacks hit by far the hardest. By the second quarter of 2010, Black home ownership had declined [13] from its 2007 level of 48 percent to 46.2 percent, a 3.7 percent drop, and still falling – a guarantee that median Black household wealth is well below the $5,000 registered in 2007. (Median wealth for single Black women [14] at the top of their earning capacity, ages 36 to 49, was precisely $5 – five dollars! – in 2010.)
"Black wealth has virtually disappeared."
Everybody's wealth has virtually disappeared.
That's the plan.
Change = Destruction
"Blacks cannot both accept the special advantages of affirmative action and expect others to view their accomplishments as having been earned."
Change the word to white and all white accomplishments are tainted but we don't ever admit this.
"Actually, it was right after world war II, but by the mid-50's for sure."
Field! This has got to stop. This is becoming a joke. Seriously.
The idea that discrimination against people of color was limited in scope is a fallacy. To be sure Marlon Green was but one successful case but he was the only Tuskegee Airman to be employed as an airline pilot. Airlines needed pilots because of the coming jet era and began a hiring spree. Close to 1,000 Black men earned their wings as military pilots but none were getting hiried but unqualified white males were getting their training paid for. Sad.
The Chicago chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen called their chapter "the DoDo" chpater because they felt they understood how the bird became extinct because it couldn't fly. Common feeling among the Airmen. Many went on to success in other areas but were denied the chance to follow their true passion because of the color of their skin.
To truly understand this chapter in American histpory talk to some of the few remaining Airmen about their experiences after they returned from the war and fighting for their country.
PilotX said...
"Blacks cannot both accept the special advantages of affirmative action and expect others to view their accomplishments as having been earned."
Change the word to white and all white accomplishments are tainted but we don't ever admit this.
Seriously? How so?
If no black slaves had ever been brought to America, what accomplishments of white Americans would never have happened?
Conversely, would people in Africa have invented the light bulb, cars, computers? Would you be flying a 100 million dollar airplane, or driving an ox cart?
You make no sense old man.
PilotX said...
"Many went on to success in other areas but were denied the chance to follow their true passion because of the color of their skin."
Which is why an unqualified black guy like you has a job flying airplanes today, to make up for the Tuskegee airmen not getting jobs in the fifties.
It sucked for them but at least you get some benefit, and all it cost was some more injustice of a more qualified white guy today who didn't get the job. It's all even now; two wrongs make a right. Stop whining and cash that paycheck.
"The Chicago chapter of the Tuskegee Airmen called their chapter "the DoDo" chpater because they felt they understood how the bird became extinct because it couldn't fly."
I thought they were called "dodo" because their skin color was the same as dodo.
Discrimination against white people is government policy. Especially when blacks are running things.
So the boogeymen of the 80s and 90s are being eradicated. None of the MSM knows how to message this so we're getting actual facts right now.
With all POTUS has done to make us safer...how great would the economy be if the rethugs and t-baggers would get out of the way and let him really go to work on it.
BrookLyn said...
>>>So the boogeymen of the 80s and 90s are being eradicated. None of the MSM knows how to message this so we're getting actual facts right now.
With all POTUS has done to make us safer...how great would the economy be if the rethugs and t-baggers would get out of the way and let him really go to work on it.<<<
You are joking, right? How does butchering a neutered Gaddafi make us safer?
And the problem with the economy is all the "work" Pelosi, Reid and Obama have been doing for years.
What exactly has Obama proposed that will "get the economy going"?
global poverty = global bankster weapon
but black wealth has always been LEAST collectively
thus we have all suffered most
all races across the globe are being deliberately decimated by design
and hobama is the blackish mask at the helm of the nwo
shame that racist fools excuse and coddle him as they do!!!
i get hate mail daily from broke black fools protecting hobama
even as hobama refuses to EVER protect them or even drive his bogus bus into their hoods
Where's the republican jobs bill? Where's the republican plan to get the economy going? There's a lot of yammering here about how brainwashed we all are so where's the supporting arguments for me to vote republican next November? Why the fuck should I vote for a party that couldn't get bin Laden, had to tuck tail and pretend Quadaffi wasn't there and so on? What the fuck have the republicans done besides stop the economy from recovering and disrespect this president. The time is coming where you guys will have to put up or shut up. Nobody gives a damn about school transcripts or who uses a goddamn teleprompter. I'll take our Kenyan, muslim socialist over your do-nothing mouth breathers any day. The response of the day is WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE REPUBLICANS? Name one thing please!
sarcasm right?
we have never been LESS safe and engaged in MORE SIMULTANEOUS SERIAL WARS than under hobama!!!
the predator drone loving hobama is 23 trillion times more bloody as a global thug than gwb was!!!!!!
ask any libyan/ugandan
any of MQ's widows/fatherless kin etc
So, during the run-up to the ascension of Obama to the throne, he was critical of the Iraq war. He said things like This war's lasted longer than World War I, II, the Civil War; 4,000 Americans have died (and of course Americans are the only people that matter in the war). More than 60,000 have been injured; we spent trillions of dollars; we're less safe.
These were very sound critiques of the Iraq war. A lot of us made these kinds of utilitarian critiques. They're almost utilitarian anyway. I don't think they are the most important reasons to oppose the Iraq war, but they are important reasons; they are sufficient reasons on their own, certainly. And Obama did sound better on the Iraq war than Bush or McCain.
At the same time – and this is forgotten – he always was worse on Afghanistan. The Democrats, from Kerry to Obama, were always worse on Afghanistan. Obama's position paper said he's been calling for more troops and resources for the war in Afghanistan for years; he would divert resources from Iraq to Afghanistan. To his everlasting shame, he has not broken this promise.
The ACTION I AFFIRMED in college and in the workplace, was and still is EXCELLENCE!
Persistent excellence eventually conquers racism and discrimination!!
BrookLyn said...
>>>>Where's the republican jobs bill? Where's the republican plan to get the economy going? There's a lot of yammering here about how brainwashed we all are so where's the supporting arguments for me to vote republican next November? Why the fuck should I vote for a party that couldn't get bin Laden, had to tuck tail and pretend Quadaffi wasn't there and so on?<<<<
The Republican plan is to lessen the regulatory and tax burdens on the private businesses that can offer jobs. To stop crippling the economy by inflating public spending that does not create wealth.
Liberals like you who did nothing but crticize Bush for pursuing the War on Terror now crow about the completion of a multi-year Navy Seal operation to get bin Laden that you would have criticized had it happened under Bush's watch.
Gaddaffi had been put in his place long ago and was no threat to to the U.S. He was killed because he was an easy target, while Obama sends Hillary to Syria to call Assad a "reformer" and throws under the bus dissidents uprising in Iran.
You are a ridiculous person.
hobama has been the MOST repub prez in history
robbing the poor
the republicans and dems are the same
and the repubs stalled the bailout jobs bill/bailout hobamacare etc
but now that hobama has his own super congress like hitler had, he will bypass the repubs
who vex u so...kudos???
Ms.Queen said...
Persistent excellence eventually conquers racism and discrimination!!
How would you know?
No one has ever discriminated against you, and you have never demonstrated excellence.
Everything you have gotten is because of affirmative action. One thing you will never get is a medical degree.
You will never be a doctor.
reps = dems
wake up!!!!
With these elements in place, our Black Misleadership Class and others responsible for marshalling support for the president's re-election effort can, and are already claiming that no matter how bad Obama's policies have been for black people, that we still owe him our unquestioned support because he's running against a pack of fanatical white supremacists. Obama may not be much good, but opposing the right, they will tell us, is fighting the far greater evil. Americans, and especially black Americans, are long accustomed to choosing between greater and lesser political evils.
But does that choice apply in 2012? Probably not. Having the same class of shot-calling big money contributors means that Republicans and Democrats alike tend to enact the same policies, justifying them with different sorts of rhetoric. While we're looking for lesser and greater evils, the real choice is between the less effective and the more effective evil.
When Republicans invade new countries, global public opinion can put millions worldwide in protest demonstrations in the street. When Democrats invade, there are no demonstrations. When Republicans propose social security, Medicare and Medicaid cuts, and try to regulate unions out of existence, public outcries and near general-strike situations loom. When Democrats do the same, all is quiet. Republicans could not even pass their own bailout bills with a Republican in the White House. So between bigoted, bumbling tea party Republicans, and level-headed, competent corporate Democrats, which is the greater evil? And which is the more effective evil?
Ditto Brooklyn at 3:34!
i will never vote again
because i will never let the reps/dems play bad/good cop with my vote ever again
reps = dems
the elitists rule all
and they are slaying the rest of us via global banksters and their sold out drone hobama
i will only save me/my own hood/progeny etc
as we all must do now or die
The time is now. America is waking up. Resistance is the order of the day. I could feel it with growing certainty as I read the numerous and gratifying responses to my call for a national strike here on HuffPost. So many smart people offering so many good ideas. Even my detractors acknowledged the underlying issues I put forth.
This notion was reaffirmed on August 28 when Bill Maher interviewed Bill Moyers on a special edition of HBO's "Real Time". "The Democratic Party has become like the Republican Party, deeply influenced by corporate money," Moyers said. A short while later he added: "You really have two corporate parties who in their own way and their own time are serving the interests of basically a narrow set of economic interests in the country." In other words, it's the people versus the corporate state.
You hear it more and more, sometimes spoken in code, sometimes spelled out as clearly as a neon sign. We have reached the tipping point. The enemy has been identified. It's not left versus right it's democracy versus greed. This realization sits there like an unexploded bomb. We stare at it, waiting only for someone to light the match.
it is nation time
that blackish evil bankster war thug hobama never has been and never will be our king
we are LATE!!!
Thanks FN for posting a snippet (trying to find the entire article...or was that it?) about the "invisible knapsack". As a black woman, I do believe we are our brother's keeper...to a certain extent.
I'm sure as a black man in America Pres. Obama knew/knows what kind of opposition he'd be up against; and the pressure to be 1) constantly aware of the struggle (because unfortunately it STILL exists) and 2) have "loyalty" to his race. To what extent that "loyalty" should go is his business. Straight up. As a President of a nation, he still has a job to do.
As a black woman I was hyped when they announced he won the Presidency. I won't front. But at the same time reality kicked in. Yes, I would like for him to address some issues akin to people of color, but let's keep it real, it ain't gonna happen. NOT because he may not want to speak on it, but because too many politics (no pun intended) are involved.
reps = dems
2008 = hobama = gwb 2.0
2012 = hobama = gwb 8.0
may god bless us all!!!!!!!
Where's the republican jobs bill? Where's the republican plan to get the economy going? There's a lot of yammering here about how brainwashed we all are so where's the supporting arguments for me to vote republican next November? Why the fuck should I vote for a party that couldn't get bin Laden, had to tuck tail and pretend Quadaffi wasn't there and so on? What the fuck have the republicans done besides stop the economy from recovering and disrespect this president. The time is coming where you guys will have to put up or shut up. Nobody gives a damn about school transcripts or who uses a goddamn teleprompter. I'll take our Kenyan, muslim socialist over your do-nothing mouth breathers any day. The response of the day is WHAT THE FUCK HAVE YOU DONE REPUBLICANS? Name one thing please!
Hon, you need to turn the channel from the liberal hacks if you did then you would find out there are close to 10 bills that will immediately help with job creation that were passed by congress and are just sitting in the democratic majority senate.
Everything the conservative administration put into place is how Obama could tell the conservative military go ahead and get bin laden, as for Khaddaffi- he was a madman but adults sometimes know the lesser of two evils, now you have an Islamic Jihad driven military dictatorship - good job airhead.
Obama has done nothing and does nothing daily except split, divide, create hate and campaign. Oh he spends real well but trust me daisy dukes if his stimulus bill gets passed its just another spending bill for his cronies that wont help at all. By the way, the democratic senate is where that bill did not get passed, you know that right daisy? Damn do liberals come any dumber? But thats how they like you, angry, mobbish, fool of chants with no substance and uninformed so he can get you to be angry at whomever he wants to divert attention to. Meanwhile the rest of the country knows better. Shit he was begging for applause at his last three campaign magical mystery bus tour over the last three days. The worst president EVER!
banskters rule all corps
corps rule all politicos
thus no elected drone will ever save us
ask that bankster warlock hobama
or his peer demon pal jay-z
Nicole C said...
2) have "loyalty" to his race.
Which race is that?
How is he not at least as much "white" as he is "black"?
Ms.Queen said...
Persistent excellence eventually conquers racism and discrimination!!
So they have told you huh?
@Alicia If you don't vote you take yourself out of the conversation. Voting is your "skin in the game" is it not? Further as a black, gay woman don't you have an obligation to your forebears to vote? These are sincere questions as I don't agree with point of view but I know/respect you're very knowledgeable.
many repubs have sincerely tried hard to stop hobamacare
we will thank them all when it is far too late
and that coward stunter hobama has made sure we will endure the worst sins of hobamacare post 2016
the complete eradication of medicaid/medicare to finance & mandate it...bet.
Field, all this talk about Affirmative Action has me wondering.
Did you take an AA form of the LSAT because to my knowledge an AA form of the LSAT, MCAT, GRE, and GMAT doesn't exist. What about the Bar, were the words affirmative action stamped on your version of the exam?
I know more black docs than I can count and NONE has EVER taken an affirmative actions version of the USMLE's or their Board exams.
Because surely if one did exist, ALL people of color would have to get in line behind white men who would, beg, borrow, AND kill to maintain the advantages their white skin gives them.
wtf has hobama done that u r proud of????
i do not have any obligation to vote for another fake mf like hobama
i do ONLY have an obligation to live my life as i do/an educator/rebel/gay activist etc
NOT voting gives me the right NOT to take the blame for his fatal global hoaxes
i respect u too
and many others who have WOUNDED me by refusing to simply see the real hobama as they DID see his kinder gentler clone gwb
and we agree to disagree
no one who plans to vote for hobama in 2012 can tell me why they will do so???
what has hobama done that u want 4more years of????
how can any wm ever be worse????
1700 = all sincere questions too
Mike Brickenstein said, "Discrimination against white people is government policy. Especially when blacks are running things." <--- Really??? Please! White people wouldn't know discrimination if it bit them in the arse. WHO in the hell is "discriminating" against white people? lmao No, seriously, who? Let's not forget that Obama's mom was white. So I seriously doubt he's "discriminating" against white folk. Try another one.
It need not be a black or white issue. It's an issue of governing a nation. Plain and simple.
Obviously it was meant for Obama to be President, otherwise he wouldn't be in office. Duhhh. Focus on the REAL issues. And not the man's melanin...which has ABSOLUTELY nothing to do with politics. Acknowledge that the real problem that most whites have with President Obama is his skin color -- something that cannot be changed. Build a bridge and get over it already.
i voted for hillary until the end
and hobama makes me prouder of that each day
she and bubba are not saints/poor
but they are BOTH compared to hobama and his banksters
i trust no politico
including the clintons
i will never vote again
The Republican plan is to lessen the regulatory and tax burdens on the private businesses that can offer jobs. To stop crippling the economy by inflating public spending that does not create wealth.
Regulations were scaled back under the prior administration. If excessive regulations were the issue the economy wouldn't have tanked right? The big banks are having record profits right now so how much more of my tax dollar should they get? At least now with Dodd-Frank we've given the SEC and the justice department the power to recoup some of our bailout money. http://www.nytimes.com/2011/10/20/business/citigroup-to-pay-285-million-to-settle-sec-charges.html?hp
Liberals like you who did nothing but crticize Bush for pursuing the War on Terror now crow about the completion of a multi-year Navy Seal operation to get bin Laden that you would have criticized had it happened under Bush's watch.
No liberal criticized Bush for the War on Terror. Liberals criticized Bush for being an idiot and invading the wrong country. We criticized him for starting a war based on a LIE. Had he pursued OBL instead of going into Iraq we wouldn't be in this mess.
Gaddaffi had been put in his place long ago and was no threat to to the U.S. He was killed because he was an easy target, while Obama sends Hillary to Syria to call Assad a "reformer" and throws under the bus dissidents uprising in Iran.
You Cons are bunch of lying fucks. I really don't understand how you manage to walk the way you twist yourself in knots to make your memes work. Gaddafi was killing his own people. Isn't that the reason you liars claim Bush went into Iraq. You're all just mad that you complained when Obama joined NATO in this action and now that it's been successful you unpatriotic clowns credit France! So does that mean there will be french fries in the Capitol cafeteria again--fucking jerks. I have two brothers one is a cop the other is retired military. How many of you fucking Cons served or have family that served and continues to serve this country. Oh that's right you won't serve until you see the president's birth certificate.
the ONLY reason MQ and libya were hit first is because they had the MOST oil
mq was a saint compared to hobama and his banksters
ask any libyan/black farmer/dying corexit infested black fisherman in the gulf etc
Now, let's explore Libya with respect to McGovern's remark. Oil: Well, Libya's got lots of it, the most on the African Continent. Israel: Preparing Israel to make "a clean break" from the past and establish a new relationship with the U.S. based on "maturity," by "securing the realm" as written by the Project for a New American Century Study Group on "A New Israeli Strategy Toward 2000" with Richard Perle as its leader. This should be seen as the operative strategy defining events in the region: "Israel--proud, wealthy, solid, and strong" can "shape its strategic environment." France can be seen as an additional proxy for Israel in this action; France which announced that it was taking the lead in the anti-Qaddafi operation, is led by Nicholas Sarkozy whom the French media, Le Figaro newspaper, identified after his election as a Mossad asset. Ninety-nine percent of the population of Libya is Muslim. As long as Muslims are fighting each other they won't have time to focus on Israel or Palestine. And as for logistics, AFRICOM, the United States military's Africa Command, was not created for nothing: it was created to deepen the U.S. military presence and control over a Continent rich in land, water, strategic minerals, former preserve of U.S. allies and now facing aggressive penetration by China. Situated on the Mediterranean littoral, with oil money, and a revolutionary leader, I need not say much more about Libya and logistics usefulness for neocon objectives.
The reason Muammar Qaddafi is a target is because he has been a thorn in the side of anti-revolutionary forces since he took power in Libya, overthrowing the King and nationalizing the oil industry so that the people could benefit from their oil resources.
Libya's Revolution brought free health care and education to the people and subsidized housing. In fact, students in Libya can study there or abroad and the government gives them a monthly stipend while they are in school and they pay no tuition. If a Libyan needs a surgery that must be done overseas, then the government will pay for that surgery. That is more than the soldiers of the United States military can say. While Libyans enjoy subsidized housing, members of the U.S. military risk foreclosure while they serve their country abroad. Money from oil is directly deposited into the accounts of every Libyan based on oil income. As one Libyan told me recently, the idea is that if people have what they need, then they don't have to deny rights to or harm others and the Revolution believes that it is the responsibility of the government to provide the basic needs of its citizens.
“Money from oil is directly deposited into the accounts of every Libyan based on oil income.”
ask any ugandan/syrian etc
MQ once adored hobama
b4 hobama needed his oil and gold
and needed MQ dead to steal it
and osama was a hobama hoax
his very own 911
osama has been dead for many yrs
AB, U.S. Refiners don't even USE Libyan crude oil.
And, just how are we going to "get" Libya's gold? Invade them?
Your conspiracies are stupid.
hobama zombie bones:
morons like u r already dead...
why fret???
Libya is among the World's largest oil economies with approximately 3.5% of global oil reserves, more than twice those of the US.
"Operation Libya" is part of the broader military agenda in the Middle East and Central Asia which consists in gaining control and corporate ownership over more than sixty percent of the world's reserves of oil and natural gas, including oil and gas pipeline routes.
"Muslim countries including Saudi Arabia, Iraq, Iran, Kuwait, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Yemen, Libya, Egypt, Nigeria, Algeria, Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan, Malaysia, Indonesia, Brunei, possess between 66.2 and 75.9 percent of total oil reserves, depending on the source and methodology of the estimate." (See Michel Chossudovsky, The "Demonization" of Muslims and the Battle for Oil, Global Research, January 4, 2007) .
With 46.5 billion barrels of proven reserves, (10 times those of Egypt), Libya is the largest oil economy in the African continent followed by Nigeria and Algeria (Oil and Gas Journal). In contrast, US proven oil reserves are of the order of 20.6 billion barrels (December 2008) according to the Energy Information Administration. U.S. Crude Oil, Natural Gas, and Natural Gas Liquids Reserves)
conclude from all this confusion and misrepresentation that America is losing its ability to enforce and maintain peace, either by itself or with its nominal allies. I would submit that, if only to stabilize and reduce oil prices, it is in America’s best interest now to join with Ban Ki-Moon and the Pope in pressing for an immediate cease-fire in Libya. Negotiating a cease-fire will certainly present problems, but the probable alternative to ending this conflict is the nightmare of watching it inexorably escalate.America has been there before with tragic consequences. We do not want to see similar casualties incurred for the sake of anunjust petrodollar system whose days may be numbered anyway.
At stake is not just America’s relation to Libya, but to China. The whole of Africa is an area where the west and the BRIC countries will both be investing. A resource-hungry China alone is expected to invest on a scale of $50 billion a year by 2015, a figure (funded by America’s trade deficit with China) which the West cannot match.27 Whether east and west can coexist peacefully in Africa in the future will depend on the west’s learning to accept a gradual diminution of its influence there, without resorting to deceitful stratagems (reminiscent of the Anglo-French Suez stratagem of 1956) in order to maintain it.
Previous transitions of global dominance have been marked by wars, by revolutions, or by both together. The final emergence through two World Wars of American hegemony over British hegemony was a transition between two powers that were essentially allied, and culturally close. The whole world has an immense stake in ensuring that the difficult transition to a post-US hegemonic order will be achieved as peacefully as possible.
@Alicia I think I've said previously that I supported Hillary right up to South Carolina. Had Joan Walsh, Gloria Steinem and Bubba STFU I may have gone right to wire with her but to have them pre-suppose I was voting for Obama due to skin color and to tell me my struggle as a woman was somehow not linked to my skin color was an insult to my intelligence that I could not forgive.
This is what Obama has done in just 2 1/2 years
1) A $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps.
2) A $1 billion in funding for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) that is intended to revitalize low-income communities via "Job training and placement assistance", "Financial literacy programs", et al, to helping families become self-sufficient.
3) A $2 billion in new Neighborhood Stabilization Funds that will allow ailing neighborhoods be kept maintained.
4) A $1.5 billion in Homelessness Prevention Funds to keep people in their homes and prevent homelessness.
5) A $5 billion increase for the Weatherization Assistance Program to help low income families save on their residential energy expenditures by making their homes more energy efficient.
6) A $4 Billion program, The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, "authorizes funding for federal school meal and child nutrition programs and increases access to healthy food for low-income children."
7) As part of the HCR bill, subsidies will be available to the uninsured and families with income between the 133 percent and 400 percent of poverty level($14,404 for individuals and $29,326 for a family of four).
8) Estabilished Open Doors to end the 640,000 men, women and children who are homeless in America by 2020.
9) Increased the amount of federal Pell Grant awards so that funds are available to those with less access to have opportunity.
10) Provided $510 Million for the rehabilitation of Native American housing.
11) Expanded eligibility for Medicaid to all individuals under age 65 with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level ($14,400 per year for an individual).
12) Providing assistance to low-income workers through the Earned Income Tax Credit giving millions of working families the break they need.
13) Education being the way out of Poverty, kicked off the "Race to the Top", a $4.3 billion program, that rewards via grants to States that meet a few key benchmarks for reform, and states that outperform the rest.
Where the heck is Mold?
The anons are putting in work today, with all the misinformation and cauterwauling over everyone picking on poor Clarence. The guy will never be fit to hold Thurgood Marshall's cloak, in this lifetime or the next.
And instead of having the black community admire and emulate the strength, courage and honor Marshall exuded throughout his Supreme Court tenure, the trolls want the black community to observe and copy a man enveloped in unethical behavior, overcome by hatred of self and driven by a desire to emulate the worst aspects of the white privilege phenomenom.
Anyone noticed how once AB showed up, the trolls stopped showing up en masse? That's a bit odd, doncha'think?
i get shut down herein often after 1700
@Alicia I think I've said previously that I supported Hillary right up to South Carolina. Had Joan Walsh, Gloria Steinem and Bubba STFU I may have gone right to wire with her but to have them pre-suppose I was voting for Obama due to skin color and to tell me my struggle as a woman was somehow not linked to my skin color was an insult to my intelligence that I could not forgive.
This is what Obama has done in just 2 1/2 years
1) A $20 billion increase for the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), formerly known as Food Stamps.
If he didnt destroy the economy 99% of black children and so many americans wouldnt need food stamps they would be working - who pays for this?
2) A $1 billion in funding for the Community Services Block Grant (CSBG) that is intended to revitalize low-income communities via "Job training and placement assistance", "Financial literacy programs", et al, to helping families become self-sufficient.
Been going on for years - has made things worse hasn't it. Who pays for this?
3) A $2 billion in new Neighborhood Stabilization Funds that will allow ailing neighborhoods be kept maintained.
WTF is this? Crony slush fund?
More free monies who pays for this?
4) A $1.5 billion in Homelessness Prevention Funds to keep people in their homes and prevent homelessness.
If they never got mortgages they couldnt afford they woudl be in apartments under section 8
5) A $5 billion increase for the Weatherization Assistance Program to help low income families save on their residential energy expenditures by making their homes more energy efficient.
This is a joke, cash for caulkers at about 200k for a normally 150 Dollar job.
6) A $4 Billion program, The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act of 2010, "authorizes funding for federal school meal and child nutrition programs and increases access to healthy food for low-income children."
I'm poor, I give my kids lunch to bring to school and I pay taxes so other kids can eat free - why if they are poor they get food stamps are they too lazy to make kids lunch?
7) As part of the HCR bill, subsidies will be available to the uninsured and families with income between the 133 percent and 400 percent of poverty level($14,404 for individuals and $29,326 for a family of four).
More free stuff woohoo
8) Estabilished Open Doors to end the 640,000 men, women and children who are homeless in America by 2020.
The only people who are homeless with all these free things WANT TO BE
9) Increased the amount of federal Pell Grant awards so that funds are available to those with less access to have opportunity.
More free stuff as you are writing this do you connect the dots between the words debt, unsustainability and more spending ? How long do you think this credit card maxed out can last?
10) Provided $510 Million for the rehabilitation of Native American housing.
Cause the casinos wont
11) Expanded eligibility for Medicaid to all individuals under age 65 with incomes up to 133 percent of the federal poverty level ($14,400 per year for an individual).
Woo-hoo aint got enough free stuff here is more.
12) Providing assistance to low-income workers through the Earned Income Tax Credit giving millions of working families the break they need.
Stealing from those who pay tax and redistributing money to those who get everything for free, dont work and now get paid for it.
13) Education being the way out of Poverty, kicked off the "Race to the Top", a $4.3 billion program, that rewards via grants to States that meet a few key benchmarks for reform, and states that outperform the rest.
Never worked. billions thrown at education - gap has widened public schools are free use them.
Where the heck is Mold?
So Obama steals from taxpayers to just give out free stuff with no rules, thats why you love him and that is why I despise him. This is why the economy is the worst since WWII get out of the cart and pull, to many people are in it.
The anons are putting in work today, with all the misinformation and cauterwauling over everyone picking on poor Clarence. The guy will never be fit to hold Thurgood Marshall's cloak, in this lifetime or the next.
And instead of having the black community admire and emulate the strength, courage and honor Marshall exuded throughout his Supreme Court tenure, the trolls want the black community to observe and copy a man enveloped in unethical behavior, overcome by hatred of self and driven by a desire to emulate the worst aspects of the white privilege phenomenom.
Anyone noticed how once AB showed up, the trolls stopped showing up en masse? That's a bit odd, doncha'think?
No, you are a bit odd for sure, which one is it the anons are busy or once AB showed up they stopped?
YOu just want to be nasty you don't really have a point judging by this complete contrast - do drop by again and say absolutely nothing again soon aye.
"No liberal criticized Bush for the War on Terror."
Well actually I did, though I classify myself as a Socialist rather than a Liberal.
My point is that terrorism is just a method, a way of getting things done.
You can't have a war against a method.
Mack Lyons said...
Anyone noticed how once AB showed up, the trolls stopped showing up en masse? That's a bit odd, doncha'think?
No, it's actually NOT odd at all.
I hear the lines at the Piggly Wiggly a Goobers main hang out, can really be something the day before Friday.
Lol @Purple. You are correct of course but I hope my point came through in that liberals weren't against going to war after 9-11 per se. The outcry against war came when it became clear we were settling old scores not pursuing the criminals that committed the heinous act.
Well Qaddafi is dead. Wow, judging from the way they dragged him,those people certainly didn't have much love for him!
Dr.Queen said...
Mack Lyons said...
Anyone noticed how once AB showed up, the trolls stopped showing up en masse? That's a bit odd, doncha'think?
No, it's actually NOT odd at all.
I hear the lines at the Piggly Wiggly a Goobers main hang out, can really be something the day before Friday.
NOw aint dat sum shit a sow like you writin them words Piggly Wiggly.. baby got porkback fat jiggly wiggly piggy so now that you called white people goobers tell us where do the fat disgusting dumbass niggers go? it aint check day yet is it big momma plus 2 you just trollin around lookin for another baby daddy? Or what do you call it when porkies pork? Oh iz u makin bacon ya buceta bref sow
"Field, did we not talk about the quality of your trolls?"
Hey man,it's hard finding good trolls these days. :(
I have to call the Troll Temp Agency.
BrookLyn said...
>>>>Regulations were scaled back under the prior administration. If excessive regulations were the issue the economy wouldn't have tanked right?<<<<
The last adminstration did not scale back regulations. The economy tanked because of the mortgage crisis. The mortgage crisis was caused by excessive regulation; The federal government require banks to lend money to people who otherwise did not meet lending requirements.
BrookLyn said...
>>>No liberal criticized Bush for the War on Terror<<<
The stupidity of that statement speaks for itself.
Fat, nappy, and ignorant is no way to go through life, girl.
field negro said...
"Field, did we not talk about the quality of your trolls?"
Hey man,it's hard finding good trolls these days. :(
I have to call the Troll Temp Agency.
Or just keep ignoring the ones who leave a mark.
Ms.Queen said...
I hear the lines at the Piggly Wiggly a Goobers main hang out, can really be something the day before Friday.
Once again, a rather clumsy attempt to make fun of poor people, Queen.
If you are going to adopt a superior attitude and mock people of modest means and public school education, you need to improve your use of grammar, punctuation and context.
This will come in handy when speaking down to the white mechanic who will change the oil in your 7 series.
Oh, that's right, you will never own a BMW.
And you will never be a doctor.
BrookLyn said...
"The outcry against war came when it became clear we were settling old scores "
Tell me, genius, what was spending 8 months and a billion dollars to kill Gaddaffi, if not settling old scores?
That's just it...Pres Obama can't be loyal to one race. And to be honest he shouldn't have to. Yes, he has dual heritage, but of course in America, one drop of black blood...
@PilotX: I guess you are probably right that affirmative action is here to stay. Young idealists tend to find the very existence of quotas unjust. It is, after all, contrary to all that content-of-their character rhetoric. To an old cynic like me, racial preferences for African-Americans seem to be unavoidable. But we can't afford to continue to lavish it on the ever-growing number of immigrants. It should just be for black folk descended from slaves.
"I guess you are probably right that affirmative action is here to stay."
Actually I believe to the contrary, it won't be necessary in the future because there will be more true equality because white males will lose their inherited power. It may take 100 years but as we make income equality a reality we'll move to social equality and Dr. King's dream will come true. Like he said I may not get there with ya but it'll happen. The vestiges of centuries of white supremacy can't just disappear overnight.
"It sucked for them but at least you get some benefit, and all it cost was some more injustice of a more qualified white guy today who didn't get the job. It's all even now; two wrongs make a right. Stop whining and cash that paycheck."
Ha! Good luck finding a more qualified white guy than me. Maybe the same time OKC or whatever troll finds tha weather model created by an average joe. You trolls are funny.
BTW, if you look at the aviation accidents that were pilot error funny the one common thread they all had. Just saying. You might be safer flying with a brother.
Also @ Thomas. I abhor affirmative action in the sense it is an entitlement or quota system. The system will tolerate it as long as we aren't truly represneted. What I mean is imagine what would happen in we had a truly equal society in which poor kids got the same education and opportunities as rich kids. You would see even more Black and Brown kids in top schools competing fairly and they couldn't have that. Imagine if little Becky or Johnny couldn't get into Harvard because these Black and Brown kids took their spot and shock of all shocks actually had better scores. In the present system they can at least claim that it was because the system is unfair, image if the system was actually fair then there'd be no excuses and white folks would have to stand on their own merits and be exposed as the average folks they really are. No more special than anyone else so the present system benefits white people because they only have to admit so many of us. OWS may even the playing field but they have to overcome a huge hurdle of monied interests. The system is designed by those in power not those without power and there are no coincidences. If this present system didn't benefit the wealthy it wouldn't exist. It will bite us in the ass when we get surpassed by India and China because we didn't invest in our own children mostly because of class and racial divisions ans sadly the blame gets shifted to the victims and not the perpetrators.
Wayne Newton was just getting his lesbian on with Bachmann. Check the book Any Similarity to Persons Living or Dead Is Purely Coincidental by Drew Friedman and Josh A. Friedman. The lay down the record on Wayne.
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