So I was reading this article in the Washington Post....
"Among the attributes I most envy in a public man (or woman) is the ability to lie. If that ability is coupled with no sense of humor, you have the sort of man who can be a successful football coach, a CEO or, when you come right down to it, a presidential candidate. Such a man is Mitt Romney.
Time and time again, Romney has been called a liar during this campaign. (The various fact-checking organizations have had to work overtime on him alone.) A significant moment, sure to surface in the general election campaign, came during a debate held in New Hampshire in January. David Gregory, the host of “Meet the Press,” turned to Newt Gingrich and said, “You have agreed with the characterization that Governor Romney is a liar. Look at him now. Do you stand by that claim?”
Gingrich did not flinch. “Sure, governor,” he started off, and then accused Romney of running ads that were not true and, moreover, pretending he knew nothing about them. “It is your millionaire friends giving to the PAC. And you know some of the ads aren’t true. Just say that straightforward.”
Me, I would have confessed and begged for forgiveness. Not Romney, though — and herein is the reason he will be such a formidable general-election candidate. He concedes nothing. He had seen none of the ads, he said. They were done by others, he added. Of course, they are his supporters, but he had no control over them.All this time he was saying this rubbish, he seemed calm, sincere — matter of fact.
And then he brought up an ad he said he did see. It was about Gingrich’s heretical support for a climate-change bill. He dropped the name of the extremely evil Nancy Pelosi. He accused Gingrich of criticizing Paul Ryan’s first budget plan, an Ayn Randish document whose great virtue is a terrible honesty. (We are indeed going broke.) He added that Gingrich had been in ethics trouble in the House and ended with a promise to make sure his ads were as truthful as could be. Pow! Pow! Pow! Gingrich was on the canvas.
I watched, impressed. I admire a smooth liar, and Romney is among the best. His technique is to explain — that bit about not knowing what was in the ads — and then counterattack. He maintains the bulletproof demeanor of a man who is barely suffering fools, in this case Gingrich. His message is not so much what he says, but what he is: You cannot touch me. I have the organization and the money. Especially the money. (Even the hair.) You’re a loser.
There are those who maintain that President Obama, too, is a liar.....
But where Romney is different is that he is not honest about himself. He could, as he did just recently, stand before the National Rifle Association as if he were, in spirit as well as membership, one of them. In body language, in the blinking of the eyes, in the nonexistent pounding pulse, there was not the tiniest suggestion that here was a man who just as confidently once embodied the anti-gun ethic of Massachusetts, the distant land he once governed. Instead, he tore into Obama for the (nonexistent) threat the president posed to Second Amendment rights — a false accusation from a false champion.
A marathon of debates and an eon of campaigning have toughened and honed Romney. He commands the heights of great assurance, and he knows, as some of us learn too late in life, that the truth is not always a moral obligation but sometimes merely what works. He often cites his business background as commending him for the presidency. That’s his forgivable absurdity. Instead, what his career has given him is the businessman’s concept of self — that what he does is not who he is. This is what enables the slumlord to be a charitable man. This is what enables the corporate raider to endow his university. Business is business. It’s what you do. It is not who you are. Lying isn’t a sin. It’s a business plan." [Source]
Yes, Flipper is quite the liar. But ironically the thing that bothers me most about Flipper of late, is a story that he has been telling that might actually be true. You know the one by now, (If you don't Flipper will make sure you do before the election is over) where he saved a co-worker's daughter from a lifetime of rave parties.
Now the poor man has been telling everyone that will listen that Flipper saved his daughter. That's great. And firefighters save lives every day. It doesn't make them fit to be president. Besides, I question Flipper's motives even back then. Trust me, this guy has been planning for bigger things all of his life. This, to me, was just one more calculated move to bolster his image. Sorry, I don't think Flipper cared anymore for that teenage girl than he did for Seamus.
Finally, I see that the trivialization of black suffering continues here in A-merry-ca. (h/t to Lynn for this story)
Ask yourself this question: Would SNL spoof Natalee Holloway? How about JonBenet Ramsey? Caylee Anthony? It's a rhetorical question, because we know that they would not. At least not so soon after their demise.
And yet, they choose to make fun of the tragic death of Trayvon Martin, before the flowers in the kid's grave have faded.
Lorne, I hope harm never comes to any of your three children.
h/t Mayo for the Flipper pic.
Romeny got's nothing on Obama when it comes to lying.
Everything about Obama is a lie. Hell, he's not even black.
My first visit to your blog, very well written post, I look forward to many trips back. Romney will go down the wingnuts on the right have already shot themselves in the foot.
I look forward to reading more of your stuff, this long haired middle aged white boy likes reality.
Funny field forgot this.
The president’s recent attack on Ryan’s new budget proposal sent countless critics scurrying to their thesauruses for ways to say lie — “comprehensively misrepresenting” is the way George F. Will put it. (He also said Obama “is not nearly as well educated as many thought.”) Obama does indeed sometimes play politics with the truth, as when he declared that a Supreme Court reversal of his health care law would be unprecedented. He then backed down. Not what he meant, he said.
field negro just can't bring himself to say anything bad about his messiah. Jig for your democrat master, jig boy.
"this long haired middle aged white boy likes reality."
LOL White people have a silly need to tell everyone that they're white.
Who F'ing cares??
"LOL White people have a silly need to tell everyone that they're white.
Who F'ing cares??"
Well, he said he likes "reality", so I am sure that Cole, for instance, doesn't.
Wingnuts are not into reality.
Who cares? You replied. Silly rabbit.
"Now the poor man has been telling everyone that will listen that Flipper saved his daughter. That's great. And firefighters save lives every day. It doesn't make them fit to be president. Besides, I question Flipper's motives even back then."
Have you ever "questioned" Obama's motives, esp when he said, "Change...Yes we can?" Don't answer. I already know the answer...NO.
FYI: Mitt Romney has saved one more daughter than Obama has saved.
You know sometimes it is nice to know some on the other "side" have your back. Field seems to have his distractors as I am sure he has his fans. Besides that, I always identify myself as a long haired middle aged white boy.
As America’s national debate over the killing of Black trespasser Trayvon Martin raged on, a new poll showed that a majority of Americans believed the country was – despite 50 years of pro-Black prejudice, i.e. affirmativism, largesse, make-work schemes, pre-schooling, dumbing down, antiracism, sensitivity training, peecee suppression of talk etc. -- still divided by race.
The Newsweek/Daily Beast poll showed that 72% of Whites and 89% of Blacks said the country was racially divided. And, almost four years after the election of the nation’s first Black president, Barry Hussein Obarmy, majorities of Whites and Blacks said race relations had either stayed the same or worsened.
The Great Divider has done his job.
What a mistake it was electing this guy.
And I agree with Cole, he's not even black. He is the son of a white American mother and an upper class Kenyan. He is not related by blood, culture, or life experience to American blacks.
Anonymous said...
LOL White people have a silly need to tell everyone that they're white.
Who F'ing cares??
Not all white people. Just white liberals. They suffer from white guilt and they seek absolution.
You know what, my family has been in this country since 1621, and has owned slaves, I have copies of the documents. I don't feel guilt it happened a long time ago, but at least my liberal eyes are open enough to inequality in the world. Maybe thats it, neocons, are like newborn kittens and all they know is what is around them. Open your damn eyes, if you do not see racism in this country, you are living in a closet. I know the racism comes from both sides, but it is only from one side that wants to keep folks down.
"And I agree with Cole, he's not even black. He is the son of a white American mother and an upper class Kenyan. He is not related by blood, culture, or life experience to American blacks."
And neither are u, so what's your point?
"Not all white people. Just white liberals. They suffer from white guilt and they seek absolution."
It's called a conscience.
Unfortunately, when you spend your entire life picking out what hood to wear, or speed dating at family reunions, you don't have much time to get one.
Anonymous said...
"this long haired middle aged white boy likes reality."
LOL White people have a silly need to tell everyone that they're white.
Who F'ing cares??
10:22 PM
Brother anon, there is nothing silly about a white person supporting reality and a "just" cause. FYI: they are to be applauded, not made fun of. We need as much support that we can get, you dummy. Blacks cannot do this alone. Without the help of others, America is doomed.
It is encouraging to know there are Whites in America willing to stand up for the truth. As a matter of fact, they play an important role against injustices and racism. Blacks CANNOT do this alone.
field, "Unfortunately, when you spend your entire life picking out what hood to wear, or speed dating at family reunions, you don't have much time to get one."
What does the term "speed dating at family reunions" mean? Seriously, please explain.
Today's black news.
Black woman kills white woman for her white baby.
Snatched 3-Day-Old of Slain Mom Found Alive; Person Detained
A 3-day-old baby who was snatched from his mother by a woman who shot her at least six times in the parking lot of a Spring, Texas, pediatrician's office, has been found alive, and someone has been detained in the case, officials said. Montgomery County District Attorney Brett Ligon said only that the infant, Keegan Schuchardt, had been found alive, but did not say where. One person he described as a person of interest in the case has been detained, he said.
Anonymous said...
Blacks CANNOT do this alone
Well damn..... I thought thats why we have welfare and afrimative action.
"What does the term "speed dating at family reunions" mean? Seriously, please explain."
Ask one of the stormfront trolls to explain for you. :)
Besides that, I always identify myself as a long haired middle aged white boy.
Christ. I hate when white males refer to themselves as "white boy" ... it's so sappy. That's what blacks call you to demean you, fool.
It will only be when we can all see past our differences and find our commonality, that change will truly happen.
field negro said...
"And I agree with Cole, he's not even black. He is the son of a white American mother and an upper class Kenyan. He is not related by blood, culture, or life experience to American blacks."
And neither are u, so what's your point?
I don't claim to be black.
Neither did I expropriate centuries of moral capital accumulated by oppressed black Americans and use it for my own political gain.
The black grievance community and the Legacy media jumped the shark on the St. Trayvon coverage, and so rightfully deserve to be mocked.
Trayvon doubled back to Zimmerman looking for trouble, and he got it.
Good for him.
SPC said...
Today's black news.
Black woman kills white woman for her white baby.
Snatched 3-Day-Old of Slain Mom Found Alive; Person Detained
The victim was WHITE the shooter was BLACK. Crap! Whites can't play the RACE CARD because they don't have one. Unlike the Travon saga we won't hear ANYTHING ELSE ABOUT THIS STORY. What the H*LL is wrong with that picture???????
Further evidence that NFS
(Negro Fatigue Syndrome) has set in:
Dem operatives try to make a narrative out of Mitt's dog Seamus strapped to the roof of the car;
meme flipped around when Obama's "autobiography" reveals he ate dog in Indonesia:
Spawning the top trending Twitter hashtag #ObamaDogRecipes.
Yep, people are no longer buying the "Magickal Negro" shtick anymore.
Newborn: Little Keegan Schuchart is just three days old. He was headed home from a check-up at the doctor's office when he was abducted
Police across Texas are frantically hunting for two people who ripped a three-day-old infant from his dying mother's arms after gunning her down as she left a pediatrician's office.
'My baby! My baby!' Kayla Marie Golden screamed as the suspects abducted little Keegan Schuchardt Tuesday afternoon in Spring, Texas, a quiet suburb of Houston, witnesses reported.
Miss Golden, 28, died after being shot multiple times at close range and struck by the fleeing suspect's light blue Lexus.
A statewide Amber Alert has been issued for the missing infant and police throughout Texas are on the lookout for the luxury car, which authorities believe still has a blood-stained driver's side from where the driver ran down Miss Golden.
Miss Golden was walking to her pickup truck after a checkup with little Keegan, when a woman in a Lexus parked in the adjacent spot starting fighting with her, sheriff's Lt Dan Norris said.
The woman pulled out a pistol and repeatedly shot Miss Golden at close range. Witnesses reported hearing up to seven shots.
One witness said a man in the car then picked up the infant and put him in the Lexus.
Miss Golden tried to reach in the car and take back her infant as the car sped away, but the driver ran her down.
Has a bm, i weep over this. This white baby will grow up hating us black people. Who could blame him?
Anonymous said...
Besides that, I always identify myself as a long haired middle aged white boy.
Christ. I hate when white males refer to themselves as "white boy" ... it's so sappy. That's what blacks call you to demean you, fool.
11:15 PM
You must be a member of Stormfront where insecurity abounds.
know what, my family has been in this country since 1621, and has owned slaves,
....and we should care ...why?
The slave trade was owned/operated by Arabs and other blacks. Whites were pressed into slavery during the era of the Barbary pirates. And slavery in Africa is still ongoing today.
I have copies of the documents. I don't feel guilt it happened a long time ago
BS. "You" DO feel guilty and the need for self-flagellation. Save it. The rest of us don't. Don't project your psychosis on the rest of us.
That picture of Romney swimming with a dolphin is worth a million words.
Obama could never swim with a dolphin; he would be attacked by dolphins the minute he got into the water.
Dolphins have an inate sense regarding a human's character. Obama is too much of a dishonest liar to get along with dolphins.
I know this because I am a Native American.
Black woman kills white woman for her white baby.
The victim was WHITE the shooter was BLACK.
Unlike the Denver attacks, the flash mobs, the KC youfs setting the White kid on fire incident, and so many other incidents of violence against White people BECAUSE they are White, I don't think this tragic incident was racial. These pieces of sh*t did it for money.
Hugh G. Rection said...
You know what, my family has been in this country since 1621, and has owned slaves, I have copies of the documents. I don't feel guilt it happened a long time ago, but at least my liberal eyes are open enough to inequality in the world. Maybe thats it, neocons, are like newborn kittens and all they know is what is around them. Open your damn eyes, if you do not see racism in this country, you are living in a closet. I know the racism comes from both sides, but it is only from one side that wants to keep folks down.
Bullshit - man with a Penis Name (how liberal) The worst parents a child can have is the overbearing overprotective befuddled useless ones. They usually coddle children to the point they are completely dyfunctional for their entire life. Liberals do this to blacks with evil in their hearts. They push agendas that will keep them enslaved, poor and voting democrat forever, meanwhile hating other blacks that arent racist who actually avail themselves of the countries resources to succeed and not just scam for a day. They actually hate someone who achieved, when they should be teaching them to emulate the hard work, sacrifice and long term planning to achieve their success as well, obstacles are meant to be overcome, not made for excuse making and finger-pointing.
It was white people who invented the concepts of anti-slavery, human rights and even treating people of all races equally. All the other races are extremely racist. What other race but Blacks demands others work for them, because they won't, can't or don't have the skills? Not all, but many. Gone get me some Obamabucks. What other race has no shame and demands tests that highlight competency be eliminated because they are "racist" and requiring skills is "racist" What other race finds a negative disparaging impact on them when for all other races it is good and normal and promotes civilized accountability?
When all that goes away and a man is judged by who he is and what he does and what he is capable of, then we will have equality. Until then it's just more non-black subsidizing of the failed equality experiment.
Hugh G. Rection said...
You know what, my family has been in this country since 1621, and has owned slaves
My family has been in this country since 1635 and has never owned slaves. I have two direct ancestors who fought for the North in civil war.
That's why I'm a conservative.
If any of you negroes thinks you need more reparations, take it up with Hugh.
Chief Windbreaker said...
That picture of Romney swimming with a dolphin is worth a million words.
Obama could never swim with a dolphin; he would be attacked by dolphins the minute he got into the water.
Dolphins have an inate sense regarding a human's character. Obama is too much of a dishonest liar to get along with dolphins.
I know this because I am a Native American.
Why are Blacks so afraid of dogs? Especially Black dogs? I don't get it.
You must be a member of Stormfront where insecurity abounds.
And I bet you're the one walking around with the "kick me" sign taped to your back.
Field, why are you putting down Mitt? He is a better man than Obama is.
"Why are Blacks so afraid of dogs? Especially Black dogs? I don't get it."
Dogs can sense criminal intent in a person. Most blacks are usually thinking about robbery opportunites, and they know what dogs know. It's really hard for them to stop thinking bad thoughts, so they know a dog is probably going to bite them. Especially if it is a black dog.
I know this because I am a Native American.
From the previous post. Anony said: "So I moved to Seattle. And you are still in VI? Damn...are you coming? Please don't tell me I moved to Washington State for nothing."
I am so sorry I chickened out, might as well reconsider. I heard Seattle has a lot of white upscale neighborhoods. I'm afraid to get gun down while jogging.
Stab Turner said...
field negro said...
"And I agree with Cole, he's not even black. He is the son of a white American mother and an upper class Kenyan. He is not related by blood, culture, or life experience to American blacks."
And neither are u, so what's your point?
I don't claim to be black.
Neither did I expropriate centuries of moral capital accumulated by oppressed black Americans and use it for my own political gain.
Not only that, Obama squandered that capital on corruption, crony capitalism and the petty politics of resentment.
Stab's got a point.
La♥audiobooks said...
I am so sorry I chickened out, might as well reconsider. I heard Seattle has a lot of white upscale neighborhoods. I'm afraid to get gun down while jogging.
Please stay the fuck out of Seattle. We love our lack of diversity just like it is.
'I know this because I am a Native American."
No you are not.
'Please stay the fuck out of Seattle. We love our lack of diversity just like it is.'
Just for the heck of it, I'll be there next month. And I'll be sure to keep my "free papers" visible at all times when I go jogging.
La♥audiobooks said...
Just for the heck of it, I'll be there next month. And I'll be sure to keep my "free papers" visible at all times when I go jogging.
And I'll be sure to keep my powder dry.
"despite 50 years of pro-Black prejudice, i.e. affirmativism, largesse, make-work schemes, pre-schooling, dumbing down, antiracism, sensitivity training, peecee suppression of talk etc. -- still divided by race."
Still see your trolls are quite delusional. Let's see, do the math 50 years ago was 1962. Wow, Black prejudice was a problem in 1962. I did not know that. Glad we have such intelligent trolls to point out the history of this country. Who knew whites have been held down with Black racism and affirmative action since 1962. And here I thought that was the height of white racism and white AA. I learn so much here Field.
Chief Windbreaker has told us that Obama is a liar who would be attacked by dolphins and that dogs hate criminals. He is very wise.
There is no arguing these points - he is a Native American.
"And I'll be sure to keep my powder dry."
Me too. And you better hope the grass under you stays dry when you lay on it.
PilotX said...
Still see your trolls are quite delusional. Let's see, do the math 50 years ago was 1962. Wow, Black prejudice was a problem in 1962. I did not know that. Glad we have such intelligent trolls to point out the history of this country. Who knew whites have been held down with Black racism and affirmative action since 1962. And here I thought that was the height of white racism and white AA. I learn so much here Field
I am glad you admit it.
Brown vs. Board of education was 1954. There has been pro-black prejudice since the 50's.
Keep listening, young pilot. There is much you need to learn.
This happened in 1955.
Martin Rutrell was born in 1955.
1963. Killing Black little girls was so pro-Black prejudice.
Black victims at the hands of whites are such outliers that they warrant media attention.
White victims of black savagery happen far more often and it is deliberated covered up by the media. Crime statistics affirm that violent crime is a "black thing", and not an outlier event.
Anti-white, pro-black prejudice, lies and manipulation of "facts" to fit a narrative of "blacks as victims" HAS been the status quo in America since the 1950's.
The reality is much different.
WWSH catalogs the milder stuff for us every single day. The alternative media reports the truly repulsive violent crime the mainstream enabling media would like to pretend doesn't exist.
La♥audiobooks said...
From the previous post. Anony said: "So I moved to Seattle. And you are still in VI? Damn...are you coming? Please don't tell me I moved to Washington State for nothing."
I am so sorry I chickened out, might as well reconsider. I heard Seattle has a lot of white upscale neighborhoods. I'm afraid to get gun down while jogging.
Go to portland, a few blacks but as usual lots of crime there. For some reason the bad stuff seems to follow them.
La♥audiobooks said...
"And I'll be sure to keep my powder dry."
Me too. And you better hope the grass under you stays dry when you lay on it.
AHA so you admit Trayvon was a violent Negro who knocked Zimmerman onto his back and that's why he got shot. Why do you want to end up the same way?
This story would be strange if it werent some Black folk involved. The brains and the criminal intent all fit when you look at the names. Taquanda and Quantavius Moore - Washeta Chatman is Quantavius Moores mother (different name of course)or is that baby mama? Is it profiling to notice the same things that Black folk do over and over and over?
Store owner Taquanda Shanti Baker, 32, is charged with filing a false police report, tampering/fabricating evidence and firing her weapon in an occupied dwelling to make it look like self-defense.
The charges stem from a shooting last month at Baker’s Mini Mart on Armenia Avenue.
Tampa Police say Baker completely made up a story about shooting and killing 16-year-old Quantavius Moore, who goes by Antonio.
Three weeks ago, Baker told detectives she was working at a mini-mart and shot Moore because he pulled a gun and was trying to rob the store. Police say her story did not match forensic evidence or witness statements.
Based on surveillance video from a nearby business, police say Baker was not at the scene when Moore was shot. Officers say Baker arrived nine minutes after the first 911 call.
Moore’s mom wants to know why Baker’s covering for the actual shooter.
“Antonio was my son and I just don’t understand how any parent can just sit back and say, ‘well I shot him,’ knowing full well they did no such thing,” said Washeta Chatman, Antonio’s mom.
Police are searching for a person of interest who was caught on surveillance leaving the scene. Detectives believe he has information on the shooting.
Anon said.
"It was white people who invented the concepts of anti-slavery, human rights and even treating people of all races equally. All the other races are extremely racist."
LOL now that was a good one, good satire, that's so warped that is really funny. I really laughed my butt off on that one. Man if you're getting paid you deserve a raise, cause that was funny.
"Has a bm, i weep over this. This white baby will grow up hating us black people. Who could blame him?"
You are not black. Your writing style has redneck written all over it.
"Anti-white, pro-black prejudice, lies and manipulation of "facts" to fit a narrative of "blacks as victims" HAS been the status quo in America since the 1950's."
No, I think it started way before the 50's. You know, when you were hanging and burning those Nigras.
You just wish it was still that way. Sorry.Not going to happen.
If Obama had eaten Seamus the poor dog would have been better off. At least he would have been taken out of his misery.
La~Audio, my sister lives in Seattle. Have fun.
From the previous post. Anony said: "So I moved to Seattle. And you are still in VI? Damn...are you coming? Please don't tell me I moved to Washington State for nothing."
I am so sorry I chickened out, might as well reconsider. I heard Seattle has a lot of white upscale neighborhoods. I'm afraid to get gun down while jogging.
11:57 PM
LAA, I am glad you answered my comment and I am thrilled that you are going to Seattle to visit. You will find the weather much cooler.
While in Seattle, would you mind meeting up with Grinder. I am a photographer and I like taking unusual photos that make history. Who knows? He might adopt you as his little Sistah.:)
BTW, Grinder jogs too. Except he jogs thru the hood and believe it or not, NOBODY messes with him. Come to think of it, every hood in America has at least one or two Whites who live there that no Black wants to mess with.
I wonder why that is? Must be a fear thing. Field, you should do a post about this. I think there is a hidden gem in race relations in a story like this with people like Grinder from Seattle. Wow, Seattle got big potential. Have fun, LAA.
Please stay the fuck out of Seattle. We love our lack of diversity just like it is.
If you wanted "lack of diversity", you should have stayed in Idaho.
Field, what's up with these guys and their need to keep the landscape as blindingly white as the robes and hoods their pappies wore?
Mack Lyons, "Field, what's up with these guys and their need to keep the landscape as blindingly white as the robes and hoods their pappies wore?"
Well, Mack-these fellows come from close-knit families that go back for generations to the birth of this nation.
Don't you get it? It's traditional to keep it lilly White. Why do you think Whites flee when one Black moves into the neighborhood? Please, I urge you and brother Field to not criticize or judge, but strive to 'understand' what it means to be 'truly' White. Pray about it.
Free papers, La?? Girl, you're too funny!!!
ohhhh the gutter ape race is upset that people don't admire ghetto thug Trayvon? Let's all get our official Trayvon grill and burglar tools as a protest.
and monkey boy wayne talks about suffering while having his affirmative action job, what a riot
get it: riot? negroes riot at the drop of a hat, being gutter apes
There are those who maintain that President Obama, too, is a liar.....
But where Romney is different is that he is not honest about himself.
Just to remind you (again) that Obama's most recent lie..the one about having to support NATO's illegal invasion of Libya to save the lives of 6,000..led to the deaths of an estimated 50,000 Libyan civilians, including 30,000 Black Libyans. Have Romney's lies topped that yet?
As far as Obama lies..there;s a site:
Audacity of Hypocrisy ^ | 4/3/08
Posted on Thu Apr 3 22:10:03 2008 by freespirited
1.) Selma Got Me Born - LIAR, your parents felt safe enough to have you in 1961 - Selma had no effect on your birth, as Selma was in 1965.
2.) Father Was A Goat Herder - LIAR, he was a privileged, well educated youth, who went on to work with the Kenyan Government.
3.) Father Was A Proud Freedom Fighter - LIAR, he was part of one of the most corrupt and violent governments Kenya has ever had
4.) My Family Has Strong Ties To African Freedom - LIAR, your cousin Raila Odinga has created mass violence in attempting to overturn a legitimate election in 2007, in Kenya. It is the first widespread violence in decades.
5.) My Grandmother Has Always Been A Christian - LIAR, she does her daily Salat prayers at 5am according to her own interviews. Not to mention, Christianity wouldn’t allow her to have been one of 14 wives to 1 man.
6.) My Name is African Swahili - LIAR, your name is Arabic and ‘Baraka’ (from which Barack came) means ‘blessed’ in that language. Hussein is also Arabic and so is Obama.
7.) I Never Practiced Islam - LIAR, you practiced it daily at school, where you were registered as a Muslim and kept that faith for 31 years,until your wife made you change, so you could run for office.
8.) My School In Indonesia Was Christian - LIAR, you were registered as Muslim there and got in trouble in Koranic Studies for making faces (check your own book).
9.) I Was Fluent In Indonesian - LIAR, not one teacher says you could speak the language.
10.) Because I Lived In Indonesia, I Have More Foreign Experience - LIAR, you were there from the ages of 6 to 10, and couldn’t even speak the language. What did you learn, how to study the Koran and watch cartoons.
11.) I Am Stronger On Foreign Affairs - LIAR, except for Africa (surprise) and the Middle East (bigger surprise), you have never been anywhere else on the planet and thus have NO experience with our closest allies.
12.) I Blame My Early Drug Use On Ethnic Confusion - LIAR, you were quite content in high school to be Barry Obama, no mention of Kenya and no mention of struggle to identify - your classmates said you were just fine.
13.)An Ebony Article Moved Me To Run For Office - LIAR, Ebony has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn’t, and never did, exist.
14.) A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life - LIAR, Life has yet to find the article you mention in your book. It doesn’t, and never did, exist.
15.) I Won’t Run On A National Ticket In ‘08 - LIAR, here you are, despite saying, live on TV, that you would not have enough experience by then, and you are all about having experience first.
16.) Present Votes Are Common In Illinois - LIAR, they are common for YOU, but not many others have 130 NO VOTES.
(the actual number listed goes to #68..and on)
A CURSE ON BOTH THEIR HOUSES. This country is way, way overdue for Third Party.
can a negro talk for even a minute without saying "shit"?
Anonymous said...
can a negro talk for even a minute without saying "shit"?
Can we use "mothafucka" and "just sayin"?
Surprising new video evidence demonstrates that Adolph Hitler moonlighted as an R & B singer.
omg fn:
what about that WORSE liar and SERIAL flipper hobama???
ndaa/sopa/cispa/endless wars/taxes/betrayal of the poor /hobamacare/cbc slurs...etc!
the entire globe is drowning via that flipper hobama and his banksters...now!!!
do/will u ever lament that too???????????
omg fn:
is this post satire?????
who is more dishonest about who he is than that 3rd generation cia baby hobama????
hobama BLATANTLY & INCESSANTLY LIES DAILY about who he really is/
ie how his parents met/his uncle in the attic/his illegal criminal relatives here/his alleged/hologram attendance at columbia/collegiate trips to pakistan/his official cia posts/his collegiate luxury indonesian cia hotel stays...etc!!!
hobama himself is an undocumented worker as he deports millions of undocumented latinos
no word on that????
hobama makes mitt romney look like he swills truth serum daily
u have truly taken brazen hypocrisy and racist blindness to a new level...have u no shame???
how high will you go???
when will you hobama nazis come crashing down through 2016???
it will take mitt decades to match hobama's pervasive personal and political lies and cia charades...
No, I think it started way before the 50's. You know, when you were hanging and burning those Nigras.
Nope, once again you're the one who has it wrong. Black victims of alleged white violence were rare and therefore worthy of media attention.
Lynching is what blacks do. Every day. Time and time again you are given example after example after example of unprovoked black savagery but you refuse to acknowledge. And then wonder why white people refuse to be around blacks??
Mack Lyons, "Field, what's up with these guys and their need to keep the landscape as blindingly white as the robes and hoods their pappies wore?"
Mack, what's up with the need for Negros to pollute nice white neighborhoods?
Maybe it's because we're sick of you turning any neighborhood you set foot into into a recreation of the Mall after Teh Won's inauguration. Everywhere you go, a trash pile literally appears.
Jan 20th, 2013 will be National Taking out the Trash Day.
The Purple Cow said...
Surprising new video evidence demonstrates that Adolph Hitler moonlighted as an R & B singer.
That's funny. Do you have the one where he sings Al Green or Sweet Home Chicago?
Obama needs to borrow more money to waste. 5 Trillion in debt in three years. More debt than in the entire U.S History covering 219 years. He will never get re-elected , if he does say hello to America is Detroit.
At the close of business on Jan. 20, 2009, the day Obama was inaugurated, the federal government’s debt was $10,626,877,048,913.08, according to the U.S. Treasury. By the close of business on April 16, 2012—as many Americans were working to finalize their 2011 tax returns to meet an April 17 filing deadline—the debt had reached $15,654,638,525,397.64.
The $5,027,761,476,484.56 in additional debt that the U.S. government has taken on during the 39 months that Obama has been president is more debt than the federal government accumulated in the first 219 years of the Republic.
This is a smart bum. He is sure to get a lot of donations.
Another excellent piece Field. I read your blog every day. Nothing like starting my day off with the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. I heard you had many haters posting on your site so I decided to read the comments section today. Sadly it's true. But stay strong, b/c if you weren't hurting them so bad, they wouldn't holler so loud.
Multiculturalism means death to white people.
kudos to chris hedges et al and his brave lawsuit against that liar/flipper hobama and his ndaa
The supine and gutless Democratic Party, which would have feigned outrage if George W. Bush had put this into law, appears willing, once again, to grant Obama a pass. But I won’t. What he has done is unforgivable, unconstitutional and exceedingly dangerous. The threat and reach of al-Qaida—which I spent a year covering for The New York Times in Europe and the Middle East—are marginal, despite the attacks of 9/11. The terrorist group poses no existential threat to the nation. It has been so disrupted and broken that it can barely function. Osama bin Laden was gunned down by commandos and his body dumped into the sea. Even the Pentagon says the organization is crippled. So why, a decade after the start of the so-called war on terror, do these draconian measures need to be implemented? Why do U.S. citizens now need to be specifically singled out for military detention and denial of due process when under the 2001 Authorization for Use of Military Force the president can apparently find the legal cover to serve as judge, jury and executioner to assassinate U.S. citizens, as he did in the killing of the cleric Anwar al-Awlaki in Yemen? Why is this bill necessary when the government routinely ignores our Fifth Amendment rights—“No person shall be deprived of life without due process of law”—as well as our First Amendment right of free speech? How much more power do they need to fight “terrorism”?
Romney's more like Gumby, dammit!
"Multiculturalism means death to white people."
Can we start with you please?
Piney Joe said...
Chief Windbreaker has told us that Obama is a liar who would be attacked by dolphins and that dogs hate criminals. He is very wise.
There is no arguing these points - he is a Native American.
This is devastating. We need to re-evaluate our priorites and worldviews based on these revelations from a Native American.
Apparently, black criminality really is the source of racial strife in America, not white racism.
And if Obama is a corrupt liar, we need to replace him on the ticket. Does anyone have any ideas for a new black nominee?
Now we kow what those Dreams from the Father he never met were:
AB, "hobama's ndaa alone is a sane reason to vote for mitt!"
This is true. As we near the Nov elections this is going to weigh heavily and a burden for Obama. No American wants this and Mitt will bring it out.
NDAA is poison for the Obama campaign because it breeds fear for the average American. This is the reason Field and other leftist and black bloggers have remained silent about it....as if it won't hurt them also.
The Purple Cow said...
"Multiculturalism means death to white people."
Can we start with you please?
Sure. Give it your best shot. Note, Affirmative Action will not be applied here. You don't get markmanship points, unanswered first moves or martial skill points and you cannot cry unfair if you are outsmarted and outmanuevered. Well you can try but we don't give a shit.
See now this is how society can overcome racism. True equality and may the best man win - Always.
Anywho - I truly doubt someone who likes presenting a homosexual front has the discipline to develop martial prowess. More like an armchair general who talks a lot of shit and always sees violence as a solution. What are you going to do? Hit me with a flower?
Purple Cow said:
"Multiculturalism means death to white people."
Can we start with you please?
11:32 AM
Hardly. There is a far higher chance you would be "Zimmerman'd".
But stay strong, b/c if you weren't hurting them so bad, they wouldn't holler so loud.
Hardly. It's called NFS. People are finally calling out all the BS and lies the black grievance industry spews, usually unchecked.
To paraphrase that wonderfully erudite Florida college student,
"check it, check it, check it".
We're not letting your lies go unchallenged anymore. Get used to it.
anon, "Please stay the fuck out of Seattle. We love our lack of diversity just like it is."
Mack replied, "If you wanted "lack of diversity", you should have stayed in Idaho."
Mack, that is funny. Obviously you know a little about Idaho. Seriously, who actually lives that state? I have never been to Idaho and was thinking it might be a nice state for a brother to visit. But maybe not?
AB, you sound like a highly-educated worldly person with a very high IQ.
What is your opinion of Idaho? Is it cheap and a safe place for a brother to visit or maybe live in?
LAA, I've been thinking. Idaho might be even better than Seattle. We probably would be less conspicuous in Idaho than Seattle.
Hardly. It's called NFS. People are finally calling out all the BS and lies the black grievance industry spews, usually unchecked.
To paraphrase that wonderfully erudite Florida college student,
"check it, check it, check it".
We're not letting your lies go unchallenged anymore. Get used to it.
12:16 PM
Don't forget to check your own lies. Oh, I forgot. This is the land of Free Whites. No need to check Whites, you only are obligated to check Negroes.
Anonymous said...
anon, "Please stay the fuck out of Seattle. We love our lack of diversity just like it is."
Mack replied, "If you wanted "lack of diversity", you should have stayed in Idaho."
Mack, that is funny. Obviously you know a little about Idaho. Seriously, who actually lives that state? I have never been to Idaho and was thinking it might be a nice state for a brother to visit. But maybe not?
Sure a Brother would be perfectly safe in Idaho. Remember it's mostly white so you have people who even if they don't like you will just give you the skunk eye at worst. Like Jesse says, whites are safe and law abiding and will bend over backwards to include you in everything. (Not bend over frontwards Purple Cow - so don't get excited)
Unless of course you are a demanding, violent, angry thug. Then you may just become tater food. But either way it's a positive outcome.
AB it does look like you are not allowed to talk about Obama so much your posts are being deleted. It must be campaign time.
Mack Lyons said...
Please stay the fuck out of Seattle. We love our lack of diversity just like it is.
If you wanted "lack of diversity", you should have stayed in Idaho.
Field, what's up with these guys and their need to keep the landscape as blindingly white as the robes and hoods their pappies wore?
Ummmmm Mack-A-Roon you be the ones wearing hoodies, remember?
"Mack, that is funny. Obviously you know a little about Idaho. Seriously, who actually lives that state? I have never been to Idaho and was thinking it might be a nice state for a brother to visit. But maybe not?"
I was in Boise last year for a meeting. Downtown was safe, clean, nice bars and restaurants. Did not see hardly any black people.
Wonder if there is some sort of correlation?
Count Towelie said...
Piney Joe said...
Chief Windbreaker has told us that Obama is a liar who would be attacked by dolphins and that dogs hate criminals. He is very wise.
There is no arguing these points - he is a Native American.
This is devastating. We need to re-evaluate our priorites and worldviews based on these revelations from a Native American.
Apparently, black criminality really is the source of racial strife in America, not white racism.
And if Obama is a corrupt liar, we need to replace him on the ticket. Does anyone have any ideas for a new black nominee?
You know, I have been wracking my brain for some time now, and I cannot come up with anyone!
All of the talented black politicians seem to be Republican theses days (e.g. Allen West).
What are we going to do, run Sheila Jackson Lee?
what a bunch of commie traitors on this blog which makes you just like your boy president bongo.6'3" tray with his gold grill, who was on parole from school for dope and buglar tools, attacked 5'8" mr. zimmerman and got shot.mr.zimmerman did good when he rid us of another negro criminal.i was at the negro riots in detolit because i was in the 82nd airborne and got to shoot up the getto.great fun.for x,my friend was a mechanic for a large airline where he found 4 errors in the repare manuals so i asked him if he told anyone about it he said he will call them when they find his retirement money.ha,ha!!
Kudos to Barb who said the nation is in desperate need of a third party. I would add to that a real working class oriented third party.
In fact all these voter ID laws and felon disenfranchisement are just preventive measures by the ruling class in anticipation of the eventual awakening of the American working class to their real status in the US.
Field Obama is not as much of a liar but he is good at making folks think things about him that are absolutely not true.
He talked about hope and change but he left us to fill in the blanks. Truth is he made absolute no real promises. He just made folks think that he did.
And Field Romney and this ilk are running a campaign further designed to divide us regular folks, black, white, immigrant, male, female etc. Its about divide and conquer.
Mellaneous, "Field Obama is not as much of a liar but he is good at making folks think things about him that are absolutely not true.
He talked about hope and change but he left us to fill in the blanks. Truth is he made absolute no real promises. He just made folks think that he did."
I see you have been taking Obama's special course: "How to lie without actually putting the lies in words."
We voters "fill in the blank" the politician is expected to deliver. If he doesn't, don't expect voters to vote for him again. Obama has misled the American people by not having the backbone to speak the truth.
I am a brother and I say Mitt will make a better President.
Mell, "Field Obama is not as much of a liar but he is good at making folks think things about him that are absolutely not true."
Are you really a minister? If you are, then you know that "Lying is lying" no matter what form it comes in.
But if you aren't a man of GOD, then of course, whatever Obama has, or has not said, is alright because it becomes based on selfish motivations. Which is all "good" in the false political world.
comMitt Robbery and Paul Lyin your Rethuglican candidates...not enough lifeboats...
clueless lying hater hobama nazi assnon:
ask yourself
do i really care what you think...about anything???
i care even less about u dumb hobama nazi nigs than than your blackish false god hobama does
ask fn
my blogs get more hits than his does
and i have been online since 1990
mellaneous said...
"And Field Romney and this ilk are running a campaign further designed to divide us regular folks, black, white, immigrant, male, female etc. Its about divide and conquer."
This is idiocy.
Republicans are the party of universalism. They are the White party because only white people believe in universalism.
Obama purposefully and openly divides us by race ("African Americans for Obama"), by gender through creating a phony War on Women, and by class by dividing us into those who get something from the government against those who will pay for it (the "one percent").
He tells hispanics to punish their "enemies". He tells blacks they need to show racial solidarity by voting for him. He tells women that Republicans want to ban birth control and starve children and old people.
Obama is an evil cancer gnawing away at America's soul. We have to cut him out in 2012.
hey fn:
your moderation perplexes me
why do you/the vdlr delete my posts but allow the kkk's posts to linger???
why do u hobama nazi nigs fear my truths about that racist hobama
so very much more than you fear the racist lies about the entire black race that the the kkk spews herein all day?
that reveals far more about you than me...ya bettamustknow...no???
Hey Field I saw the SNL tape and though it wasn't that bad it is a curious thing that such a serious subject would be used for laughs.
It is a bit disturbing that the death of the young man was not seen as off limits for any kind of use even if it was mocking the interviewees. They could have found lots of other material to mock Kanye or the Kardashian girl.
It does indeed make you wonder what goes through these folks mind.
@ Kingnut- just realized that you don't have a clue about what the term universalism means because the conservatives don't represent the idea by any stretch of the imagination.
And Kingnut ...... nevermind I think the moniker explains it all.
mellaneous said
"@ Kingnut- just realized that you don't have a clue about what the term universalism"
I know what it isn't - the class warfare and identity politcs of the democratic party.
Obama had a historic opportunity to bring the country together. Instead, he has methodically pursued the politics of divsion in a cynical attempt to hold onto power.
Your cartoonish ideas of conservatism and slavish adherence to the murderous ideology of Marxism explains it all to me. Not that it makes any sense.
"Republicans are the party of universalism. They are the White party because only white people believe in universalism."
Yeah, the whites who wear sheets and fly confederate flags believe in universalism, an all white universe. Puleeeeze, Republicans are an all white party because their policies drive people who aren't white Christians running in the other direction as well as sane people.
If Allen West is your idea of what Blah people should act like and aspire to you will be an all white party for the foreseeable future and that isn't necessarily a bad thing.
GO TO HELL all you white racist honky reactionaries!!! White Affirmative Action is still in full affect. I know all of you White paternalist, conservative racists are ashamed and embarrased by the Travon case and you must deflect to make yourselves feel better. This dosen't have a goddamed thing to do with black criminality; It's naked White homicidal agression.
Two things are infinite: the universe and white racism; and I'm not that sure about the universe!!
Malcolm X
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