Anywhoo, tonight I was slapped in the face by very cruel guy called reality. Lark, I am officially calling off my quest to find you. (You guys can lay off me on twitter now.) I know that pictures sometimes lie, but sorry Lark, I cannot turn a blind eye to the facts any longer: you are just not who you used to be.
Finally, I am not surprised to read that Flipper was a bully back in the day. Flipper said he just did some "dumb things". I guess none of his victims went out and killed themselves, so Mitt will probably take that as a win.
"WASHINGTON -- Mitt Romney made a surprise appearance on Fox host Brian Kilmeade's radio show Thursday morning to respond to a lengthy Washington Post story on his time as a prep-school prankster and occasional bully of closeted gay students.

“I participated in a lot of hijinks and pranks during high school and some might have gone too far and for that, I apologize," he added.
It's never quite clear whether a politician's high school years are fair game for political attacks. Romney suggested during the interview that the acts he was apologizing for were merely youthful indiscretions; the Post described him pinning a closeted gay classmate to the ground and cutting his long hair, for example. But with the story suggesting latent homophobia in an adolescent Romney and with President Barack Obama having endorsed same-sex marriage on Wednesday, the piece reverberated." [Source]
As it should have. Honestly, the more you hear about this guy is the scarier he seems.
The family dog on the roof? No big deal. Bully Gay classmate? No big deal. Make fun of disabled teacher? No big deal. Callously fire people from their jobs? No big deal. And on and on it goes.
"Asked if he has any doubt that what Romney did could be considered bullying, Maxwell responded, “Oh my god, are you kidding?… I castigated myself regularly for not having intervened. I would have felt a lot better about myself had I said hey, enough.”
“When I saw the look on his (Lauber’s) face, it was a look I’ll never forget,” said Maxwell. “When you see a victim, the sense of trust betrayed in this boy who was perfectly innocent for being different.”
“This was bullying supreme,” he said." [Source]
"I did some stupid things when I was in high school."
No Flipper bullying someone who is different is not just a "stupid thing." Playing drinking games is "stupid". This kind of thing causes young people to take their own lives. It's a little more than just "stupid".
Flipper, I am glad you apologized. Sadly, the kid you bullied in high school will not hear your apology; he died in 2004.
Awwww Field, don't dump the woman because she went crazy with the Botox and surgery, lol!!!
Well, Field, there's always Stacy Dash...
Musta caught the full body incredibly even vitiligo from MJ. (snark)
She doesn't look that bad, Mr. Field. Her make-up artist obviously hates her but if you take away the make-up I don't think she would look bad at all.
What a liberal, Romney had nothing to do with the guy dying as you liberally imply. So the guy was a fruitcake back in the 60's and got a little haircut.
I guess it could be worse, he could be racist and have bullied the only black girl in school like Obama did.
How many shiny things are you going to try and distract us with and start focusing on what really matters. The economy, unemployment, debt, inflations, stagflation - this country has never been in a worse position yet you play games? But of course, democrats can't talk about anything real, it has to all be a woe-wees me distraction. Reality would hit you in the face awfully hard.
4 honorable men still remorseful after 5 decades, but the lying ringleader denies remembering attacking the guy he does remember not attacking because he's gay. Yup, that's about it. At this point it's even not about Rmoney being a craven liar so much as it is about his inability to disguise it.
I hate what Hollyhood does to pretty black women. She wasn't even that dark and still succumbed to "light is right" brainwashing.
Mrs. Fields must've beat the jack crap out of Lark...man, she has fallen off like a mofo.
I remember this lady I used to mess with was fine and one day I looked her up on FB...buddy, needless to say, I didn't request to be her friend...I thank my lucky stars we never got together...it be like that sometimes.
Hey Fields,
I don't remember waking up with that gay guy (and liking it) back in the 70s.
"In fact, one of the reasons for this blog was to try and blow up enough so that she would take notice of me and reach out so that a brotha could put a major check off on his "bucket list".
LOL! You're somethin else Field!;)
But I agree with Val. She looks okay, even though she doesn't look anything like she used to!
So, the Washington Post is running investigative reporting stories on what Romney did in high school, but has not yet been able to free up a reporter to look into Obama's ties to convicted terrorists, how Tony Rezko bought
Obama his mansion, or whether or not a Saudi Prince paid his Harvard tuition.
Or better yet, how about a brief story about how Obama shifted billions of dollars in government money to fund green energy boondoggles run by major campaign bundlers?
Apparently, all of their reporters are too busy interviewing Romney's dry cleaners, sifting through his video rental records from the 80's, and verifying his Little league batting averages.
What a total joke the US media is.
field, "As it should have. Honestly, the more you hear about this guy is the scarier he seems."
Obama is just as scary. Anybody who sanctions samd sex marriage as ok is scary.
BTW, you should have listerned to NPR's call ins re: same sex marriage. There are some angry black folks at Obama, esp down South!
Looks like Romney is going to carry the South. Obama really miscalculated on same sex marriage.
Re: Lark: Field please give Lark the right to choose the man she wants. Face it. She just doesn't want your ass even if you had ten blogs.
Field instead of wasting time going after Lark, Go after Desert! She looks better; has a great body; and probably lives on some island where the weather is great.
Since you have given up on Lark I might as tell you where Lark lives today: "Idaho". It gets real cold in Idaho in the winter.
Dear Mr. Field, I get insomnia and constipated every time you bash Mitt Romney. Please stop.
Anonymous said...
Dear Mr. Field, I get insomnia and constipated every time you bash Mitt Romney. Please stop.
Its racism I tell ya, racism. Field is only bashing Romney because he is white. If were Black you wouldnt hear anything...even half white and Field wouldnt say a word.
"Its racism I tell ya, racism. Field is only bashing Romney because he is white. If were Black you wouldnt hear anything...even half white and Field wouldnt say a word."
Not true!I would bash him if he was green....wait, poor choice of a color. But you know what o mean.
"Obama is just as scary. Anybody who sanctions samd sex marriage as ok is scary."
"Scary" to you means enlightened to me.
"But I agree with Val. She looks okay, even though she doesn't look anything like she used to!"
Nice try Desert & Val. But I am a big boy, I can handle the truth. :(
"4 honorable men still remorseful after 5 decades, but the lying ringleader denies remembering attacking the guy he does remember not attacking because he's gay. Yup, that's about it. At this point it's even not about Rmoney being a craven liar so much as it is about his inability to disguise it."
"Well, Field, there's always Stacy Dash..."
No Cal Solider, I am giving up.
Although, doesn't Debbie Morgan live on the East Coast? :)
As far as Lark goes, these things happen...=)
Either Lark's mom mocked her features as a child (pinch up your nose girl!) or her manager pushed her to look more marketable. Poor thing looks like she hooked with the Jackson family's plastic surgeon.
we all know that boys used to (and still do!) bully boys who are "different." But Flipper has a big set- saying he can't recall the incident. Holding down a boy and cutting his hair is not something you forget. Flipper is a liar.
Wait a minute, holding someone down and cutting off their hair is not bullying - it's ASSAULT And BATTERY, and FLIPPER should have been charged with a felony. Then he'd have to carry that felony around with him his whole life, and he wouldn't be able to run for pres today.
field negro said...
"Its racism I tell ya, racism. Field is only bashing Romney because he is white. If were Black you wouldnt hear anything...even half white and Field wouldnt say a word."
Not true!I would bash him if he was green....wait, poor choice of a color. But you know what o mean.
"Obama is just as scary. Anybody who sanctions samd sex marriage as ok is scary."
"Scary" to you means enlightened to me.
Have you figured out yet how you are going to reconcile your support of Islam with Homosexuality? Islam is against it as well, only being of the 7th century mindset they kill homosexuals where they don't have conservative nations to stop them. Like in Somalia, Iran and so on.
There goes the liberal media, lying for Obama again:
Let's see if field will admit he COULD HAVE JUST BEEN SOOKERED ON THIS ONE.
trust NO politco!
what if this is all a great play to publicly pass the prez torch to romney
repubs hate gays more than they hate moderate repubs
blacks hate gays more than they adore hobama
good cop hobama makes the bad cop romney look better to all the homohating sheeple
mitt wins
the loyal hobama retires set for life by his peer banksters...
another victory for the one bankster party that actually rules america and the world
while the sheeple still trifle about repubs vs. dems
have we all been duped anew???
Wow, looks like people arent all gullible democrats who fell for the completely scripted Obama Gay fundraising issue. Biden didn't screw up, it was all planned. In fact if you notice, nothing has changed. NOTHING. Obama said ok now I am for it with my Hollywood fundraisers coming up, but it's a States rights issue.
Love how Obama got to script and execute the plan with a willing media, request a softball reporter who is friends with the family and would no doubt read the scripted planned question as told. She did.
To think, this is happening and Romney hasn't even picked a VP yet.
Obama is done.
(Rasmussen) — The Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll for Friday shows Mitt Romney earning 50% of the vote and President Obama attracting 43% support. Four percent (4%) would vote for a third party candidate, while another three percent (3%) are undecided.
This is the first time Romney has reached the 50% level of support and is his largest lead ever over the president. It comes a week after a disappointing jobs report that raised new questions about the state of the economy. . . .
Thirty-seven percent (37%) give the president good or excellent marks for his handling of the economy. Forty-eight percent (48%) say he’s doing a poor job. . . .
it was still courageous
but as all hobama does
it was duplicitous/dishonest/calculated etc
no shock here...ever!
married gays trump jobless homeless hungry wed and unwed hets
what a gd shame!!!!!!!
You continue to be had by the MediaMatters Daily talking points. Yet again the story you were fed trying to make Romeny a homophobic bully turns out to be another Fabrication and smear job simply fraught with concocted lies. If the MSM targets today are ones you agree with, what happens when they turn on you? What will you do then? Who will you go to for "moral" support if you haven't been fooled and are willingly assisting with the lies and deceit to further your agenda? Surely you won't expect the people who knew all along and were unjust victims of lies and propoganda to come to your defense when the inevitable thrust of the corrupt MSM turns.
So now that we know the Romney Bullying Homophobic piece was a complete hit job and lie.
What do you say? Where do you stand on your previous strong comments?
The Post hit job qouted Stu White as saying:
I always enjoyed his pranks,” said Stu White, a popular friend of Romney’s who went on to a career as a public school teacher and has long been bothered by the Lauber incident.
When in fact he told ABC that
"he was not present for the prank, in which Romney is said to have forcefully cut a student’s long hair and was not aware of it until this year when he was contacted by the Washington Post".
Do you get that? He didn't know this supposedly happened until the post called him and told him it did and then qoutes him, the Post made a correction today.
John Luabers family is outraged at the lies: First off he died of liver cancer, nothing to do with his sexuality. Secondly they say if it did happen they never heard of it and John was not the gay weakling prone to commiting suicide you want to portray.
Christine Lauber, the older sister of Romney’s classmate, John Lauber, claims she has no knowledge of the bullying incident involving her brother, who passed away from liver cancer in 2004. When ABC News showed Christine the story, she became agitated and somewhat emotional.
“Even if it did happen, John probably wouldn’t have said anything,” she said. “If he were still alive today, he would be furious [about the story].”
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Betsy, another sister, spoke up about the incident as well. Aside from stating that the portrayal of her brother is inaccurate, she said the family is frustrated that the story is being used to push a political agenda.
“The family of John Lauber is releasing a statement saying the portrayal of John is factually incorrect and we are aggrieved that he would be used to further a political agenda,” she said. “There will be no more comments from the family.”
So now that you either have been played again or are complicit, what say you Mr Field?
I will stand by this post. I have seen nothing to say it isn't true. Just a family trying to protect the legacy of a dead loved one.
And please folks, spare us the Rasmussen polls. You might as well give us a quote from FOX NEWS. Latest natonal poll has O up by 8 points.
even if it is true
hobama choosing rick warren to spit in the face of millions of gay voters in 2008
is still worse than anything mitt ever did to any gay person
now if hobama loses in 2012
he can say:
"they did not hate my failed policies/joblessness/wars/foreclosures/incessant lies...they hated those married gays...uuuuhhhm...ya know?"
Whenever Asslicka Stacks comments, it always goes downhill.
field negro said...
I will stand by this post. I have seen nothing to say it isn't true. Just a family trying to protect the legacy of a dead loved one.
The person qouted as starting the story didn't know about it until the post TOLD HIM about it this is fact he said it.
Anyways, what was Obama doing at this time? If you want to keep this game up only one thing is going to happen, Obama will be vetted and is going to lose. The only difference is the way he is running his campaign now with utter garbage, attack and villify private citizens and nothign about his actual job performance, what this will accomlish is to destroy the already viewed as insane and incompetent democrat party and completely discredit the MSM. Both seen as vile infantile nasty lying groups who will stoop to any low to avoid the truth. We dont want to know about Obamas transgender nanny or his snorting coke, we want to know what the hell he has done to the economy and how he has made it worse and who can help us fix the country not destroy it with personal whacked out agendas.
Heres what Obama was doing around the time the Romney story was made up by the Post. More and more info is coming out about Obama, do you really want to keep playing these games? Well, never mind, I guess democrats have no choice as everything they have touched has turned to garbage.
What was Obama doing? :
1) Bullying a little girl to the appreciative laughter of his classmates.
2) Referring to a black college classmate he thought was acting too white as an Uncle Tom.
3) Soaking up the culture in Indonesia, where he lived from 1967 – 1971.
4) Reading from the Koran in a Muslim school where he joined in on the Muslim prayers.
5) Eating a dog in hopes of gaining its powers.
6) Absorbing wisdom from his transgender nanny.
7) Hanging out with either his uncle, the drunk driver, or his aunt, the leech, both of whom are now in America illegally.
8) Being taught by his Communist mentor Frank Marshall Davis, who was actually a member of the Communist Party USA.
9) Spending some quality time with his hut-dwelling, druggie half brother George.
10) Snorting coke.
Mission Accomplished. Now we have them thinking killing their babies is a civil right and fighting to be able to do so.
Heh-Heh.....What a bunch of easily manipulated maroons.
Planned Parenthood believes that reproductive rights are deeply connected to civil rights for all Americans,” Planned Parenthood continues. “We have long stood with lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender people in the struggle for full equality – many of whom turn to Planned Parenthood for health care, information and education – and today we join LGBT communities to celebrate President Obama’s commitment to equality.”
wane you always stand by a lie because it is what most commie negroes do.you see every thing about you is a lie you are an affitnitave action half assed negro lawyer by the door.i use to introduce school bullies to mr.rock and this seemed to make them think twice about who to bully.now i introduce bullies to mr.bullit which is a permanent cure for bulling.there is no such thing as homosexual marriage because it does not meet the definition of one man and one woman so call it some thing else like queers united.i call negro rioting target pratice.wane why don't you and your posse come to central maine for some rioting because we have endless forests just for that type of fun.
YOu receive so many comments EVERY SINGLE DAY that I've never commented myself. So today I will. I've enjoyed all your posts so far. That is all. Jenny
I see where his sisters are coming from. Their brother rose above Willard's gang's attack to live a life of adventure and courage. He didn't stay his bullies victim and his family don't want him remembered as one because of political bloodsports. I'd feel the same for my brother.
I'm rather surprised that no-one's brought up what the ramifications would have been said had it come out that in his senior year a young Barry Obama had led an ad-hoc gang of black youths in a similar unprovoked attack on a white boy. Poxnews would have to bring herr bekkk back to cover that.
Whitey, "I'm rather surprised that no-one's brought up what the ramifications would have been said had it come out that in his senior year a young Barry Obama had led an ad-hoc gang of black youths in a similar unprovoked attack on a white boy. Poxnews would have to bring herr bekkk back to cover that."
2:41 PM
Not true. It would be the same. Everybody knows that Fox is fair and balanced news. YOU leftists just have a problem with honest fair balanced Truth! YOU have a problem "accepting" the truth. YOU must live in Cali or Philly.
Lisa Elaine said...
Wait a minute, holding someone down and cutting off their hair is not bullying - it's ASSAULT And BATTERY, and FLIPPER should have been charged with a felony. Then he'd have to carry that felony around with him his whole life, and he wouldn't be able to run for pres today.
Exactly! But, his daddy had money, and money buys honey.
Anybody did that to any boy around here, you can be sure the cops will be called and a complaint of assault and battery made.
Any lawyer will add on as well restriction of liberty cuz they held him down, and anything else that will apply. And I'm sure this was initiated by those folks.
But, I'm sure the daddy intervened immediately and made things right $$$$$$$$$$. So nothing was done.
I've seen these sort of things happen here in this day and age, so believe me I know what I'm talking about
In a small town where someone has money, the cops, the lawyers, the court will be very apprehensive of going against that good ole boy.
It would be an uphill and perhaps futile battle. So it's really best to take the money and hush:)
the laubers are aggrieved that john would be used to further a political agenda. and the "the portrayal of john is factually incorrect."
field negro said...
And please folks, spare us the Rasmussen polls. You might as well give us a quote from FOX NEWS. Latest natonal poll has O up by 8 points.
please field negro, spare us polls that over sample democrats.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
I see where his sisters are coming from. Their brother rose above Willard's gang's attack to live a life of adventure and courage. He didn't stay his bullies victim and his family don't want him remembered as one because of political bloodsports. I'd feel the same for my brother.
I'm rather surprised that no-one's brought up what the ramifications would have been said had it come out that in his senior year a young Barry Obama had led an ad-hoc gang of black youths in a similar unprovoked attack on a white boy. Poxnews would have to bring herr bekkk back to cover that.
Do you realize in your pandering attempts you make no sense? The false story you wonderously attribute such graphic detail and fill the minds and mouths of those involved with rhetoric that you wish were true leaves you grasping at false analogies. As it already has been proven the story is fabricated, yet even on the made up details the "kid" involved was the same race as Romney. So how does that compare with another made up straw story of "what if" Obama and a gang of thugs attacked a white kid? First off, you live in fantasy land, Obama grew up completely white and surrounded by whites. The only other Black girl he went to school with HE bullied.
Next, Democrats are like little magpies. We don't care about all of this bullshit. It is totally irrelevant.
Lets talk about he economy, jobs, highest debt in our nation ever, downgrading of our credit rating, unemployment, cronyism, lack of law enforcement, what is happening to black majority democratic run cities like Detroit, Birmingham and the economies and unemployment in these places. The huge increase in those on disability and collecting foodstamps, why Obama can only run on nonsense and promises of borrowing more to give to those who he needs votes from.
It's like a bunch of pre-teens are in the white house and running Obama's campaign. Time to grow up and talk job performance and not stupid fake stories. Only democrats care about holding someone to standards, they themselves are free from having no morals.
Democrats are taking classes on how to better play the race card. Can you imagine if white politicians did this. What a disgusting party. As if they aren't experts at this and its ALL they say.
"President Obama carried two-thirds of Hispanic voters in 2008 and currently enjoys 90 percent approval among black voters -- and yet, the House Democrats brought in a messaging expert to train them on racial messaging this week.
Wiley taught the House Democrats how to identify "racially coded" Republican rhetoric, and how to use "race explicit" messages to appeal to white voters while retaining the support of minority voters. You can read more about the training here. "
hey fn:
if lark has lupus
will you feel badly/guilty for what you posted today?
men are so visual fickle and cruel
that makes me even prouder to be a lesbian
i will adore my wife and janet jackson and pam grier forever
no matter how they may ever look
I love the all the klan press' scandalized posturing about bringing up Willard's 18 year old "youthful indiscretion" (leading a violent gang attack against a helpless classmate); the week after they helped team Rmoney try to divert their dog-on-roof problem by hitting Obama for tasting dog-a-que when he was 7. If hypocrisy were petroleum the gop-kkk would be OPEC.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
I love the all the klan press' scandalized posturing about bringing up Willard's 18 year old "youthful indiscretion" (leading a violent gang attack against a helpless classmate); the week after they helped team Rmoney try to divert their dog-on-roof problem by hitting Obama for tasting dog-a-que when he was 7. If hypocrisy were petroleum the gop-kkk would be OPEC.
Klan press? Who are you with the Nazi Socialist party you vile dingbat. The dog on the roof nevre was an issue for anyone but idiots like you. Little tip for you, dogs love sticking their head in the wind, they love riding in the back of trucks. You and your type look for shit because you are so disgustinly inept, incompetent and pathetic that you coudl never get by on what you accomplish, only on how bad you could make someone else look. The world hates people like you.
You are nothing more than a professional racist living off the industrial racism complex. Another words, a turd. Develop some morals and standards and live by them instead of excuses and then you can judge someone else.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"I love the all the klan press' scandalized posturing about bringing up Willard's 18 year old "youthful indiscretion" (leading a violent gang attack against a helpless classmate); the week after they helped team Rmoney try to divert their dog-on-roof problem by hitting Obama for tasting dog-a-que when he was 7. If hypocrisy were petroleum the gop-kkk would be OPEC."
Yeah, yeah, the pre-teen eternal idiot speaks again. The country is 16 Trillion in Debt and you want to talk about someone giving a dog a ride on a roof?
Unemployment is at 14-16 % counting those who the labor department convienantly says are no longer looking and you want to talk about dogs on the roof?
Our credit rating was downgraded due to debt and no solution to unfettered spending and you want to talk about a dog on a roof?
You are a mindless idiot who like most democrats has no clue of priority and is thus incompetent.
@2:41, no need to state the obvious, that's why Prez Obama hasn't come up yet.
My public high school had a few bullies. But we also had some authentic tough guys who were not bullies, didn't need to be bullies, & these guys could be enlisted to wreak vengence on kids like Mitt Romney in gym class. The gym teacher, aware of what was planned, delayed in coming out of the office.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Desert! She looks better; has a great body; and probably lives on some island where the weather is great.
Awwwwwwwwwww!Thnx! You know it!!!
aaaaaaaand.... I have cupcakes in the oven ;p
Field, so sorry about Lark. you have been looking for her for several years. i saw the youtube interview and said WTF, lol. just terrible.
hollywood is just plain evil
so glad you have Mrs field, you made a good choice
I think she looks like this because she has Lupus... I'm not sure it has anything to do with skin lightening creams or anything.
see more child stars athttp://duckhits.com/9254/8-former-child-stars-stuck-with-their-kid-faces
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