Friday, August 31, 2012

A chair steals the republican show.

Okay folks, enough of the chair jokes. I will not lower myself into the cheap shot gutter with the rest of you folks on the Internet by making fun of Clint and his buddy, the chair. (At least the leader of the party liked Clint.)

There is no doubt, that thanks to Clint and the republicans, the chair is now the most famous piece of furniture in America. (Mitt, if you plan to run the country like you did your convention; I think we might be in some serious trouble.)
The chair was supposed to represent Obama, but I think that if Obama let the chair debate for him against Mitt, the chair will win. Actually, I would vote for the chair over Mitt. At least the chair has a stronger back bone than Mitt. And, unlike Mitt, we know that the chair will always stay the same.

But again, enough about the damn chair. The convention last night wasn't about the chair; it was about Mitt.

Having said that, I would like to make a public service announcement to Mitt Romney and his friends in the republican party: Ladies and gentlemen, the COLD WAR is over, and it has been over for some time now.
Mitt pretty much tried to bring it back in his speech last night by threatening Putin and the rest of the Russians. Honestly Mitt, I think that the Russians are too busy making money to care what some guy from Utah with the B9 like  movements have to say about their standing in the world. Mitt also let it be known that when he is president he will show The Supreme Leader and the rest of those Iranians who is boss. Good luck with that. I think that Mitt will find that if (and that's a big if) he finds himself occupying the most powerful position on earth; he will see that things are a little different when the realities of the world starts closing in on him. Those daily national security briefs will give him a quick reality check.   
But it's not only the cold war blunder; the repeating of the republican lies about Obama apologizing for America on foreign soil, (He did not) and the one about Obama raising taxes on the middle class (He did not) was a bit much, even for a republican giving a political speech.
Then, of course, there was this beauty:
"I have  a plan to create 12 million jobs."
Here are the FACTS:
"This sounds ambitious - but it's not impossible. To do this in his first term, as Romney promises, would require creating 250,000 jobs per month for four years. In July, the economy added 163,000 jobs. There are not signs that that number will shoot up by 100,000 jobs per month anytime soon, but the economy has gone through periods of such job creation, most recently during the Clinton administration. And as the Washington Post points out, Moody's Analytics predicts 12 million jobs by 2016, no matter who sits in the Oval Office. Romney says he'll get there through spending cuts and lower taxes."
I watched Mitt's speech last night, and now I regret it. Not because of how bad it was, but because it's an hour of my life that I will never get back.
I should have just read Jonathan Bernstein's article in the Post.  
Mitt Romney’s speech Thursday, as I think Nate Silver tweeted halfway through, was a generic Republican speech — perfect for the generic Republican candidate he’s been since Day One of his second White House run.

Everything in it was perfunctory: the biographical section (which was weirdly interrupted by a digression into Neil Armstrong and the space race and by a call-out to every elected Republican woman they could scrape up — the whole thing seemed to have a case of attention deficit disorder); the five-point economic program; the foreign policy section; the stirring rhetoric at the end; and, certainly, the delivery.

No, that’s not an entirely bad thing. If there was a great moment in it, I sure didn’t hear it; several nice lines, but none that resonated. Perhaps the only memorable thing at all was a nice story about his parents’ romance, but it was surely no match for, say, the story of Chelsea Clinton falling off the bed when she unlearned gravity. Romney’s life story, as he told it, was appealing enough — striking off on his own rather than following in his father’s footsteps, a story that was a dead ringer for George Herbert Walker Bush’s life story except for the war heroism and the real adventurism in Bush’s move to Texas. But, again, that’s okay.

The theme of this convention wasn’t to sell the American people on Mitt Romney, much less his rarely-mentioned plans for public policy. No, even during the parade of testimonials to Romney that took up much of today’s proceedings, Romney himself was only occasionally the focus — the Olympic athletes did an excellent job of selling patriotism, but only sometimes appeared to remember that the point was to humanize Romney.

Both of those themes showed up in Romney’s speech tonight, and while he’s not capable of really making them soar — and, again, the structure of the thing failed to really bring it out very well anyway — they were probably good enough. Not that it means that Romney will necessarily win, but it does probably mean that he will get what he could coming out of the convention, moving a bit closer to achieving whatever the fundamentals of the contest would predict.

A generic speech and a generic convention for a generic Republican candidate."

It all makes you kind of long for the chair.  






Sandy Flucker said...

I cant wait until next week. It's going to be a blast.

2012 DNC Convention Schedule, Opening Day
in Charlotte NC (at venue that shall not be named)
*no delay for the Yellowstone caldera super-volcanic explosion*

2:00 PM - Juma and Choom lighting with several Christian crucifixions
4:00 PM – Opening Flag Burning Ceremony.

4:05 PM – Singing of “Gawd Damn America ” led by Rev. Jeremiah Wright.

4:10 PM – Pledge of Allegiance to Obama.

4:15 PM – Ceremonial ‘I Hate America’ led by Michelle Obama.

4:30 PM – Tips on Dodging Sniper Fire, Hillary Clinton.

4:45 PM – RAP duet ‘Whitey Is A Racist’ sung by Luis Farrakhan and Sheila Jackson-Lee.

5:00 PM – UFO Abduction Survival Tips, VP Joe Biden. The body behind the grin.

5:15 PM – Nancy Pelosi presents speech on ‘Ethics in Politics.’.

5:30 PM – Eliot Spitzer Speaks on “Keeping Your Ho Quiet”.

5:45 PM – Tribute to All 57 States.

6:00 PM – Marriage ceremony for 300 homosexual couples

6:30 PM – Consecration of the Sacrament, 100 abortions performed live on stage

7:00 PM – Keynote Speaker: Klinton the Rapist

11:00 PM – pile onto private jets for jaunt down to Atlanta’s strip bars

Anonymous said...

"Having said that, I would like to make a public service announcement to Mitt Romney and his friends in the republican party: Ladies and gentlemen, the COLD WAR is over, and it has been over for some time now."

Ok Jane Fonda - You have got to watch something a tad improved than Rachel/AL and Tingles. You are left woefully uninformed.

I guess you didn't hear about the squadron of Russian Nuclear Bombers in Alaskan airspace

or the Russian Nuclear sub in the gulf of Mexico during June and July

Or Putin who is getting more flexibility from Obama if he gets re-elected Arming Up:

Or Russia seeking to build a naval base in Cuba and Vietnam.

If the "cold war is over" I guess Obama has already surrendered.

Wesley R said...

Wingnuts are in trouble. Their attempts to block the vote in Ohio and Texas have been struck down. The more people vote the less chance they have to win seats and The Whitehouse.


I'm sure you caught Romney say that only an 'American' can bring the economy back.

James said...

@ Wesley R:
Voter fraud is the only way Obama can win.

McBeaver said...

Obama:“This is my last election. After my election, I have more flexibility.”

Medvedev:“I understand. I will transmit this information to Vladimir.”

What do you think those guys were talking about, Field?

Flexibility regarding what?

Why can't President Obama be "flexible" before the election? Do the American people not like "flexibility"?

I'd like to hear your take on it.

Anonymous said...

"Why can't President Obama be "flexible" before the election? Do the American people not like "flexibility"?

I'd like to hear your take on it."

Forget it. Field won't talk about that. He's an Obamaholic and they don't speak negatively of their God.

Sayodamnnara said...

No, it's not the "wingnuts" in trouble. It's you'se "gimme dat" Democrats. This country has allowed too many peoples in, who can't support themselves. Hell. Obama even invites them in. "Sure, we'll feed you all!"

The people who PRODUCE, are tired of giving to the leaches. Blacks are paying for this, too. want more leaches, so the working man has to pay.

This is a "No Win" situation.

I'm moving out of this cesspool, hopefully by December.

I hope to see you all implode.

Anonymous said...

Field, Artur Davis is my hero. He has enormous courage and speaks his mind. NOw that is Field Negro behavior, not HN behavior.

I swear. Sometimes you are 180 degrees from logic and reason.

Anonymous said...

"I'm moving out of this cesspool, hopefully by December"

Me too, by the middle of next year. Black Run America has no future.

Kersey said...

"Black Run America has no future."

The United States of America is nothing more than a loose confederation of present-day South Africa's, with tax-paying (white people) serfs keeping alive once-thriving metropolises that, were they left to stand on their own devices, would die overnight.

They limp along on the redistribution of white tax-revenue to support a Black political class (the only way to create a Black middle class is through government jobs) ensconced in power because no one dares challenge them in court.

President Empty Chair said...

As you all probably know by now, as of this morning, President Obama had no scheduled plans to visit Louisiana -- the state hit hardest by Hurricane Isaac. That is, until newly minted GOP nominee Mitt Romney announced immediately after his convention that he would visit the storm-ravaged area. Romney's there now as I write this and not long after his trip was announced, liked a jilted suitor on the chase, President Obama announced he would squeeze in some time for a similar visit.

Obama obviously didn’t care about visiting Louisiana because it can do nothing to help his reelection bid. Obama is nothing if not mercenary when it comes to holding on to power, so why visit a state stupid, racist, and misguided enough to give Romney all of its electoral votes.

But as he's done for the last 20 days; today, Romney out-flanked Obama, announced his visit, and forced Obama into a defensive crouch where he had to change his selfish plans.

Bottom line: This morning, Mitt Romney led and President Empty Chair was forced to follow.

And it's a beautiful thing.

But why doesn’t Obama visit right away? Today? There's no doubt a presidential visit would put a spotlight on the disaster, which in turn would likely boost donations to the Red Cross when those donations are needed most.

Answer: You remember that whole mercenary thing I mentioned earlier about Obama? Here's the president's schedule as of now -- here's a look at President FailureTeleprompter's priorities during and after a storm the took lives:

Tuesday 8/28: “Obama To Discuss Cost Of Education During Fort Collins Visit At CSU”

Tuesday 8/28: “Obama Reaches Out To Students In Ames [IA].”

Wednesday: 8/29: “In Charlottesville [VA], Obama Makes Appeal To Young Voters.”

Friday 8/31: “Texas Bound” -- To be fair to the president, this is an official visit with the troops marking the two-year anniversary of the end of the war in Iraq. How fortunate for Obama this opportunity arises to play Commander-in-Chief the very day after the close of the GOP convention.

Saturday 9/1: Iowa again for a campaign stop.

Sunday 9/2: Campaign stop in Colorado.

Monday 9/3: Campaign event in Ohio.


“According To White House Press Secretary Jay Carney, The President Canceled A Campaign Trip To Cleveland, Ohio In Order To Make The Gulf Coast Visit. He Will Travel From Toledo, Ohio To Louisiana.” -- “Obama Alters Campaign Trip To Travel To Hurricane Zone.”

You sure you can make the time, Mr. President? We don't want to get in the way of your quest to rain four more years of damage on this country, or anything. And I hear the golfing is pretty sweet in Michigan this time of year.

By the way, Romney was scheduled to visit the crucial swing state of Virginia today and instead chose to burn a crucial campaign day in a state he's sure to win.

Damnit, Clay said...

Are you kidding, field? Obama PROMISED to close Gitmo. end the wars, and to be "the most transparent "Administration ever".

We were promised, as Americans, to be able to read all Executive Legislation", BEFORE it was signed. LIE.

Pelosi told us, without blinking a Botoxed eye, "We'll have to sign OBAMACARE", "to see what's in it."

Another lie.

We're still in Afghanisfuck, and the troops we are training are killing our boys a a record-rate.

Your boy is a miserable failure.

California Girl said...

Sandy, you're an idiot.

Last night's RNC "festivities " were an embarrassment.

I hope the Romney campaign is chagrined.

Can you imagine the Republican outcry if Cling Eastwood 's shenanigans had been directed towards the Repubs?

Better yet, picture Jane Fonda speaking to "Invisible. Mitt". We'd never hear the end of that.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

1 day after klancon 2012 and all anyone remembers is 'OLD MAN YELLS AT CHAIR" Great job republiklan

Dumb Asses said...

Obama....he says that Chicago Well, thats pretty damn sad. No wonder white folks shoot black folks, at the least damn provocation.It rpresents the White American fear of the Black' tenden cies: Something the Black MSM won't show you:

NOW. You refute this stuff.or STFU.

Raul said...

Obama obviously didn’t care about visiting Louisiana because it can do nothing to help his reelection bid. Obama is nothing if not mercenary when it comes to holding on to power, so why visit a state stupid, racist, and misguided enough to give Romney all of its electoral votes.

That's how he rolls, like denying federal assistance to Texas during the terrible wild fires they had this spring, sending the planes to Mexico instead! He knows who his enemies are. He is a cancer in the heart of America that must be cut out.

Whitey's Racket said...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...
1 day after klancon 2012 and all anyone remembers is 'OLD MAN YELLS AT CHAIR" Great job republiklan

Keep telling that to your potential client pool, Whitey. It's good for business.

SNL will not decide this election. Obama is toast. Burnt toast.

Anonymous said...

Yet more 'fauxperts' on nearly every subject. Strange how they never offer up their cv or years of OTJ...just pronouncements.
As if.

While some in the GOP see aristocracy as the penultimate of human achievements...most of us recall the glorious heroic brave bush as somehow a lesser being. Along with the son of Doocy, the smaller Russert, Ben Son of Quayle....etc.
Going from riches is not a success story. Going from Jim Crow induced poverty to President...that is a success story.
And, most Americans could care less about your whines and wails about his skin colour.


Puking Melanin said...

Sorry. I just got home from fishing.

Now: Lemme try again:

Dumb Asses said...
Obama....he says that Chicago is cool. Well, thats pretty damn sad. No wonder white folks shoot black folks, at the least damn provocation.It rpresents the White American fear of the Black' tenden cies: Something the Black MSM won't show you:Dumb Asses said...
Obama....he says that Chicago Well, thats pretty damn sad. No wonder white folks shoot black folks, at the least damn provocation.It rpresents the White American fear of the Black' tenden cies: Something the Black MSM won't show you:

let's play:

California Man said...

California Girl said...
"I hope the Romney campaign is chagrined."

Let me guess California Girl, you're divorced, manless, living on external assistance, and deeply resentful of people happier than you.

Obama fills a void in your life, the star of a silly fantasy where he is the one who really cares about you.

Sad, and seemingly harmless, but your indulgence (along with millions of other lonely, personality-challenged women) is destroying America, brick by brick.

There's no honor in ruining it for the rest of us. Although honor is not your thing, is it? At least maybe you could think of the country your children and grandchildren will have to inhabit.

Danny Ocean said...

"Strange how they never offer up their cv or years of OTJ..."

Really Mold? What sites do you frequent where commenters post their cv's before offering an opinion?

Where the hell do you live? Are you posting from a PC in the rec room of a mental institution?

Anonymous said...

California Girl said...

Sandy, you're an idiot.

Last night's RNC "festivities " were an embarrassment.

I agree, if I were a liberal I would be mortified at the nonsense I have been spouting in support of the worst US president ever and how a simple dialogue exposes the whole farce that is called the Democrat party.

I hope the Romney campaign is chagrined.

Can you imagine the Republican outcry if Cling Eastwood 's shenanigans had been directed towards the Repubs?

Better yet, picture Jane Fonda speaking to "Invisible. Mitt". We'd never hear the end of that.

Come on Jane, it's normal for Liberals and the liberal media to target Anyone and everyone that disagrees with them, especially conservatives. Have you forgotten all of a sudden the names and nasty things you wished would happen to Bush?

Obama is an Empty Chair president. It is just another version of empty suit and it was perfect.

Save some of your fake outrage and energy for you weep when Obama loses re-election and everything does turn around.

Anonymous said...

SNL will not decide this election. Obama is toast. Burnt toast.

12:07 AM
You just made another racist remark in post-racial America, you idiot.

Anonymous said...

I don't appreciate some of you FN posters disrespecting Clint Eastwood. He is an icon who is to be respected.

How could you not show deep respect for this man?

PilotX said...

"Going from riches is not a success story. Going from Jim Crow induced poverty to President...that is a success story."

Good point. Funny how Anne keeps trying to convince us they were poor college studens who had to sell the private jets to pay for stuff. Ha! The gop is a joke.

PilotX said...

Wow, the trolls are out tonite. Must have already had sex with their sister and drunk up all the shine. Must be a sad existance in the trailer park. Especially the one with the South African fascination. I say go move there already since this blah run nation is too much for you to handle.
Anyhoo, strange how the repubs deny any knowledge of the bush years. A recent prez, vice prez and vice prez nominee not only didn't have speaking roles they were no shows. Really strange. Almost as if they admit bush and the repubs fucked up the country during their 8 years of hell and want us all to forget. Also trying to make us forget palin's dumb ass. Yes people, you repubs like your stupid and it was only 3 1/2 years ago so most of us sane folks remember. Even mittens' magic underwear, didn't know they sold them at costco, can't change history though they are really really trying.
Field, mittens trying to bring back the cold war isn't a surprise seeing as how he thinks he loves in the 50's. The man says he watches the keystone cops. Damn shame how they ruined a perfectly good political party.

Barry said...

PilotX said...
"Going from riches is not a success story. Going from Jim Crow induced poverty to President...that is a success story."

Obama was never poor. He never experienced "Jim Crow". His mother was a highly paid government employee. His grandparents sent him to the most expensive private prep school in Hawaii.

You are completely clueless, dude.

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

"Keep telling that to your potential client pool, Whitey. It's good for business."

I keep telling you nons; the last thing I need is more work. I turn down clients with good cases week after week because there's just one of me and so very many like you out there in positions of power over woman and minorities who bring your hatepanic to work. I haven't advertised in over a decade now and the work still constantly walks in my door.

Chains Biden said...

PilotX said...
Anyhoo, strange how the repubs deny any knowledge of the bush years.

Bush was a disaster for the Republicans. They have moved on, and reaffirmed a commitment to conservative principles.

I am absolutely certain the democrat convention in 2016 will make no mention of Obama or Biden. They will be distancing themselves as far as possible from this trainwreck of an administration, just like Hillary is doing now.

Anonymous said...

Allright, OK, I was Wrong - Queenie is a Doctor after all. She looks a little tired in her skirt.

Anonymous said...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"I keep telling you nons; the last thing I need is more work."

I pray for the day your business of legalized extortion goes the way of the slave trade.

There's a special place in hell for shysters like you.

Auster said...

It is worth remarking that the Hispanics and other minority politicians who spoke at the Republican convention were people of actual ability and accomplishment, like Sen. Marco Rubio (R.-Fla) and Gov. Susan Martinez (R.-N.M.).

Which raises the question: what Hispanics of ability and accomplishment do the Democrats have? There are none. Because Hispanic Democrats are people who got where they are, not through ability and work, but through ethnic favoritism and corruption.

It’s the same principle that guides literary feminists in the academy keep to pushing worthless female authors, but not worthy female authors such as Emily Dickinson. The very reason feminists are not interested in Emily Dickinson is that she is worthy. Pushing her would not advance their cause, which is to elevate female authors because they are female, not because they are good.

Under the rule of leftism, ability is a mark against you; accomplishment is a mark against you; good character is a mark against you. Because the very purpose of leftism is to bestow advantages on those who have not deserved them, i.e., on those who are incapable, who have not accomplished anything, and who have bad character.

This is why the mere social safety net, aimed at helping citizens in difficulty, is not enough for today’s liberals. Instead, every conceivable and inconceivable entitlement must be granted to people who by any rational calculus should not be getting such entitlements—sex change operations for convicts; free birth control for every woman in America, life-time jobs for minorities who are incapable of doing those jobs, subprime mortgages for illegal aliens, and on and on and on.

Modern liberalism is systematic injustice. Leftism is the political expression of evil.

Anonymous said...

Pilot X hard at work refueling his plane, gotta give him credit, looks like hard work.

Anonymous said...

FN: Thanks for the sidebar warning: "Unhinged trolls" indeed infesting your comments section. The right-wing-nuts; sincerely ignorant repugnican "trolls" who occasionally pull their heads out of their asses and post here are laughable, but scary and dangerous: It WAS hitler who refined the art of repeating lies: "The bigger lie repeated often enough soon becomes accepted as fact..."
May ten thousand camel fleas inhabit their crotches; may their arms be too short to scratch.

Anonymous said...

Whitey's Conspiracy said...

"Keep telling that to your potential client pool, Whitey. It's good for business."

I keep telling you nons; the last thing I need is more work. I turn down clients with good cases week after week because there's just one of me and so very many like you out there in positions of power over woman and minorities who bring your hatepanic to work. I haven't advertised in over a decade now and the work still constantly walks in my door.

Almost like the ads for you can have a scooter at no cost to you, we will bill the government directly through medicare.

We call them pieces of shit ambulance chasers in another part of town. Preying on the mindless, weak and useless.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

FN: Thanks for the sidebar warning: "Unhinged trolls" indeed infesting your comments section. The right-wing-nuts; sincerely ignorant repugnican "trolls" who occasionally pull their heads out of their asses and post here are laughable, but scary and dangerous: It WAS hitler who refined the art of repeating lies: "The bigger lie repeated often enough soon becomes accepted as fact..."
May ten thousand camel fleas inhabit their crotches; may their arms be too short to scratch.

Repeating lies, yup - that's the founding principal of today's USA Peoples socialist democratic party.

Next time read a book you tick infested gerbil, it was Goebbels and Saul Alinsky who Obama and Bill Ayers studied who worship people like the Nazi's and use their propaganda techniques.

Mack Lyons said...

"Allright, OK, I was Wrong - Queenie is a Doctor after all. She looks a little tired in her skirt. "
"Pilot X hard at work refueling his plane, gotta give him credit, looks like hard work."


PilotX, you don't need to live in a trailer park to have a trailer park mentality. These poor sons of bitches are simply beside themselves that some nigger could be far more accomplished in their daily life than they could ever hope to be. That's gotta burn them like nothing else. No wonder they indulge in the "All Black People Are Ghetto Hoodlums/Thugs/Welfare Cases" fantasy.

PilotX said...

Hip hop Mike didn't even get an invitation or creds to the convention. So much for raisiing millions and getting a bunch of house seats. And worse of all he was replaced by a white idiot. What message does that send?

PilotX said...

"That's gotta burn them like nothing else. No wonder they indulge in the "All Black People Are Ghetto Hoodlums/Thugs/Welfare Cases" fantasy."

I hear ya Mack. the more things change. At least they can't lynch me like their grandaddies did so if all they can do is write stupid shit on the internet things are getting better.As Mold says, the least successful of whites always fall back on the "at least I'm not a n*%%er" and they always have. In their moonshine addled minds we can never do anything right. Go to school, work hard and get a good job you're just an affirmative action story or if you don't succeed you're get it. Man, I just laugh at these fools because they prove day after day there is no such thing as white supremecy. I work with too many white dudes to even entertain the idea they're somehow superior to us.

Bob said...

America will see itself for real next week: white, black, brown, yellow, men, women, young, old, straight, gay. Democrats don't need to look for tokens to gather a representative selection of Americans.

Anonymous said...

Man, I just laugh at these fools because they prove day after day there is no such thing as white supremecy

Irony at it's finest.

Anonymous said...

Bob said...

America will see itself for real next week: white, black, brown, yellow, men, women, young, old, straight, gay. Democrats don't need to look for tokens to gather a representative selection of Americans.

Yup, it's a veritable freakfest but all those in senior positions in fact just about all the speakers are lily white - wonder why? Has it always been this way? Will they let the CBC speak to America? That would be nice, especially Federica and her great hats, Hank Johnson about islands tipping over..on second thought they better stay away from anyone under indictment or being investigated for crimes..all-right never mind stick with the white guys.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

Hip hop Mike didn't even get an invitation or creds to the convention. So much for raisiing millions and getting a bunch of house seats. And worse of all he was replaced by a white idiot. What message does that send?

That you are a slave on the plantation for your white limousine liberal masters who don't like hip hop or any other ethnic tribal practices.

PilotX said...

"America will see itself for real next week: white, black, brown, yellow, men, women, young, old, straight, gay. Democrats don't need to look for tokens to gather a representative selection of Americans."

Yep, in 2008 the dems held the most diverse convention in history while the repubs held the least diverse convention in recent history. I believe 2012 was even less diverse. I'm not a dem but I prefer their conventions because it looks more like the real America and not the one ,ittens and the rest of the old white men pine for that never existed in the first damned place. If you're not a white, straight and Christian male no need to apply to the repubs. Mittens' mormon faith even believes god is a blue eyed 6'2" white male taht lives on a mysterious planet. Wonder if he wears magic undies too.

Anonymous said...

PilotX, you don't need to live in a trailer park to have a trailer park mentality. These poor sons of bitches are simply beside themselves that some nigger could be far more accomplished in their daily life than they could ever hope to be. That's gotta burn them like nothing else. No wonder they indulge in the "All Black People Are Ghetto Hoodlums/Thugs/Welfare Cases" fantasy.

Yes, that's it, everyone is besides themselves that Black's in America are just the pinnacle of culture, elegance, education and wealth. Yes, you hit the nail right on the head. We all can't wait to move into a Black neighborhood and have our tax rates and insurance reduced because everyone in that neighborhood is so prosperousm hard working and well adjusted.

I heard you don't even have to lock your doors in neighborhoods like this and if you don't take care of your property the whole block lends a hand and pitches in to make sure everyone lives in a nice safe environment. Sounds like Mayberry.

You know how it is, if the majority of people you meet are nice, polite, cordial, non violent, educated, speak clearly and concisely, know how to communicate, considerate of others, know how to control impulses for the good of the community, aren't self serving demanding impolite curs, then you begin to think most people like them are the same. More often than not they prove you right. Isn't it wonderful?

PilotX said...

"I hate this thing when you have one [person of color], and everybody just fixates on one -- and the goal is to create many," said Steele.

Diversifying the GOP isn't just good PR: it may be necessary for the party's national viability. The Republican base has gotten whiter and whiter, but whites are shrinking as a percentage of the overall electorate, which could spell trouble for Mitt Romney in November. The Republican nominee is doing so poorly with non-whites -- a recent poll even put his share of the black vote at 0 percent -- that, as reported in the National Journal, he will probably need to win three of every five white voters in order to win the White House. ("This is the last time anyone will try to do this," a Republican strategist told the Journal, of trying to win the presidency with a primarily white coalition.)

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

"America will see itself for real next week: white, black, brown, yellow, men, women, young, old, straight, gay. Democrats don't need to look for tokens to gather a representative selection of Americans."

Yep, in 2008 the dems held the most diverse convention in history while the repubs held the least diverse convention in recent history. I believe 2012 was even less diverse. I'm not a dem but I prefer their conventions because it looks more like the real America and not the one ,ittens and the rest of the old white men pine for that never existed in the first damned place. If you're not a white, straight and Christian male no need to apply to the repubs. Mittens' mormon faith even believes god is a blue eyed 6'2" white male taht lives on a mysterious planet. Wonder if he wears magic undies too.

Oh I don't know there are a heck of a lot of accomplished minorities on the republican side. But someone not so bright and incompetent won't get in just because they are of a special color. From what I see, this isn't so true on the democratic side. Ask the empty chair man.

Anonymous said...

Diversifying the GOP isn't just good PR: it may be necessary for the party's national viability. The Republican base has gotten whiter and whiter, but whites are shrinking as a percentage of the overall electorate, which could spell trouble for Mitt Romney in November. The Republican nominee is doing so poorly with non-whites -- a recent poll even put his share of the black vote at 0 percent -- that, as reported in the National Journal, he will probably need to win three of every five white voters in order to win the White House. ("This is the last time anyone will try to do this," a Republican strategist told the Journal, of trying to win the presidency with a primarily white coalition.)

So what should he do? Promise handouts like Obama? Drop his N's when he speaks and eliminate all laws for illegal aliens to get votes? Why aren't some minorities able to see that endless handouts are ending as it has all been spent and the rule of law is what made this country great. Take that away and you have a third world nation, as we are seeing today.

PilotX said...

Steele also called the GOP's approach to voter ID laws "one of bad optics and bad messaging," which contributes to a sense among minorities that Republicans are antagonizing them, and consequently harms the GOP's outreach efforts.

"The way we have talked about it and the way we have, in some cases, bragged about it has been tone-deaf and irresponsible," Steele said, referring to comments like those of Mike Turzai, a Republican lawmaker in Pennsylvania who said that the state's voter ID law would help Mitt Romney carry the state in November. "Elections mean things, especially to the people who take the time to exercise their rights under the Constitution. When that's undermined by frivolous laws or harmful laws, I think that's harmful to the system."

No wonder they canned his ass. He is against harmful and unnecessary voter laws and wants to increase the number of people of color. Oh yeah, he had to go. And not so much as an invitation to the party. Too bad this negro still doesn't see when he's not wanted. I don't even like Mikey but I'm insulted at the guy they hired to replace him, I guess just any ole white guy would do uh?

PilotX said...

Damn, now wingnut trolls are calling the duly elected President of the United States an empty chair guy. Wow, it used to be the most powerful job on the planet but now since a blah man sits in the position it's just an empty chair. White supremecy must be a heavy burden for these simpletons to carry. Then again when you live in a trailer and have to screw your 300 lb. sister for amusement I'd probably be a little bitter at successful negroes too because uncle daddy always told me I'm better than them. I feel your pain Jethro

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

Damn, now wingnut trolls are calling the duly elected President of the United States an empty chair guy. Wow, it used to be the most powerful job on the planet but now since a blah man sits in the position it's just an empty chair. White supremecy must be a heavy burden for these simpletons to carry. Then again when you live in a trailer and have to screw your 300 lb. sister for amusement I'd probably be a little bitter at successful negroes too because uncle daddy always told me I'm better than them. I feel your pain Jet

Oh for goodness sake it's "supremacy", stop calling people stupid and embarrassing yourself if you can't even spell the damn word.

It still is the most powerful position on the planet and just look what Obama has done to it. He doesn't get a pass because he is half black. He is so incompetent it isn't even funny any longer. He makes Carter look like a powerhouse of a president at this point.

Now, let's make this clear, no one is bitter against anyone who is successful, I applaud them. Even if they are just a pilot, that's much better than not working or demanding a handout. However I do not give credit to affirmative action no talent hacks JUST because they are Black. Anyone can game a system set up to boost you, but only you can show if you have skills talent or intellect. Suffer no fools, even if they are black and demand a special pass. It will just make us a nation of janitors, again as we see around us everyday. Imagine, District heads of schools who cannot read, hired because they are Black....

By the way, I do have a trailer, you can't really live in it though, although you could sleep in the boat cabin - Well not YOU but theoretically so don't take that as an invite. Oh and I don't have any fat sisters, they are all fit and trim in my family, in fact none of them like greasy foods and pork rinds. That's animal feed to them. Do you have any sisters? Do they talk to you?

As for what you said about Uncle/Daddy telling you that you were better than Negroes, I don't understand a word of that Ebonics slop. So, try and read what you have written next time to see if you make any sense. You can do better, I am sure of it.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

Steele also called the GOP's approach to voter ID laws "one of bad optics and bad messaging," which contributes to a sense among minorities that Republicans are antagonizing them, and consequently harms the GOP's outreach efforts.

Yes and speaking of harming people. Eric Holder said during his testimony on Voter ID:

Holder said:
“Let’s be frank, much of the anthropological data [the Justice Department] has acquired concludes that people of certain ethnicities are simply biologically incapable of obtaining voter identifications.”

He actually said that when responding to questions about why the Department of Justice (DOJ) continues to file lawsuits deigned to stop voter registration roll updates and the enforcement of state laws requiring voter identification.

So essentially America has to allow horrific criminal activity and voter fraud because Eric Holder thinks minorities are too stupid to obtain an ID designed to protect our republic.

Now to a Conservative, this guy would have been fired for incompetence and drummed out as being racist and voter ID laws would go forward with short buses provided for those who don't have ID (not many - all government handouts require ID) . But somehow I bet he is still your boy and you will find a way to excuse him, blame someone else AND still demand the ability to cheat in elections.

PilotX said...

Ha! This inbred troll is suggesting you can become President of teh United States by way of affirmative action. Ha! Maybe I'll sign up for 2016 since it's impossible to get duly elected as a blah man. The other 43 dudes were rightfully placed because they were white. Makes you wonder why white guys weren't against affirmative action when it benefitted them? We were kept out of jobs and schools because of our color while white idiots got jobs and promoted because of their color. Well i'm glad that's over and we can get jobs running the free world because of our dark skin. Must such being white because life is just so unfair, so unfair that the son of a governor who himself ran for president may lose to an affirmative action hire. Then again if AA is successful enough to elect a prez that shit needs to stay.
Is it possible to have an inferiority complex while being a white supremecist? Hmmmmm, I guess the trailer park crowd is proof of this.
For those not bright enough to understand English and only speak trailer trash I'll try to help this one time.

Uncle: the brother of one's father or mother.

Daddy: father

Uncledaddy: the brother of one's father or mother and father. Term often used to describe the male procreator of red necks, hillbillies and trailer dwellers. Most common in West Virginia, Mississippi, Georgia, Florida or wherever poor dimwits gather to watch nascar and fly confederate flags.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

" Ha! This inbred troll is suggesting you can become President of teh United States by way of affirmative action. Ha! "

Have you ever seen Obama's resume? One term senator who didn't even work? He voted present 93 times, he got elected by disqualifying his opponents who were certain to beat him in the popular vote. Not exactly highly qualified to run for the presidency. Maybe it was the community organizer and Acorn connections that got the media behind him.

How has he applied all those skills? Not so good ehh?? Not working out so well is it.

"Maybe I'll sign up for 2016 since it's impossible to get duly elected as a blah man.

If it is impossible to get elected as a Black Man why would you sign up? Are you White?

"The other 43 dudes were rightfully placed because they were white. Makes you wonder why white guys weren't against affirmative action when it benefitted them? "

Maybe you should learn how to spell benefited and supremacy before you consider a run at the presidency even if you don't think a Black Man can be "duly elected".

"We were kept out of jobs and schools because of our color while white idiots got jobs and promoted because of their color. Well i'm glad that's over and we can get jobs running the free world because of our dark skin."

No YOU were not. You were coddled since the beginning of your life. It's the law. You were given a 50 yard start in the race of life. The past of others has no bearing on you or anyone else today, other than as nothing more than a frivolous excuse for failure or your racism. Or you are over 50 years old. Are you?

"Must such being white because life is just so unfair, so unfair that the son of a governor who himself ran for president may lose to an affirmative action hire. Then again if AA is successful enough to elect a prez that shit needs to stay."

This is more Ebonics slop. Not very cogent, are you angry or is this your best? I'll have to ignore this as it is gibberish.

"Is it possible to have an inferiority complex while being a white supremecist? Hmmmmm, I guess the trailer park crowd is proof of this."

Whatever floats your root beer. Again to help it is "supremacist". You really should spell that word right at least, it's almost like someone calling you "da stoopid"

Hope that helps you live with the inadequacies you clearly feel a burning desire to justify.

"For those not bright enough to understand English and only speak trailer trash I'll try to help this one time"

Uncle: the brother of one's father or mother.

Daddy: father

You funny man, you might want to revisit your original sentence structure. Because you said it as if you were talking about yourself.

"I'd probably be a little bitter at successful negroes too because uncle daddy always told me I'm better than them".

I would like to give you credit but that last post was really sloppy, your Ebonics is awful. But don't give up, keep trying even with "biological limitations" as Holder says, you can push yourself to the max with a little furrow wrinkling of your brow.

Glad I can help.

PilotX said...

Oh this shit is funny, I got a 50 yard head start in life. Well, maybe since my parents weren't first cousins I guess so. Like they say in th etrailer park, you can pick your nose but you can't pick your parents. Makes me wanna almost feel sorry for the poor white males who start the race 50 yards behind me. Too bad I didn't even need that 50 yards. If shit is so hard here for you white dudes you may want to think about going back to Europe. Maybe you can join the Nazis or something.

Anonymous said...

Only at the Democratic convention will you find Felons who needed a judge's permission to attend.

PilotX said...

BTW troll, you may be new but if you wanna continue to have communication pick a name and stick with it. I know that you're scared to be bested by a blah person and all but hey it's just the internet. Kinda punkish for a white SUPREMACIST aren't ya?

PilotX said...

In an opinion by Judge Peter Economus, a federal court agreed with the Obama campaign on Friday that the Ohio anti-voter law must be suspended:

“A citizen has a constitutionally protected right to participate in elections on an equal basis with other citizens in the jurisdiction.” In Ohio, that right to participate equally has been abridged by Ohio Revised Code ‘ 3509.03 and the Ohio Secretary of State’s further interpretation of that statute with regard to in-person early voting. In 2005, Ohio expanded participation in absentee balloting and in-person early voting to include all registered Ohio voters. Now, “in-person early voting” has been redefined by the Ohio legislature to limit Plaintiffs’ access to the polls. This Court must determine whether preliminary injunctive relief should be granted to Plaintiffs on their claim that Ohio’s restriction of in-person early voting deprives them of their fundamental right to vote. Following Supreme Court precedent, this Court concludes that Plaintiffs have stated a constitutional claim that is likely to succeed on the merits. As a result—and as explained below—this Court grants Plaintiffs’ motion for preliminary injunction.

Amusingly, the court’s opinion relies on the Supreme Court’s infamous decision in Bush v. Gore to reach this holding, citing Bush‘s statement that “[h]aving once granted the right to vote on equal terms, the State may not, by later arbitrary and disparate treatment, value one person’s vote over that of another.”

PilotX said...

CHART: Republican Presidents’ Depressing Record On Wage Growth | Wage growth has failed to keep up with record-setting corporate profits, and wages as a percent of gross domestic product reached an all-time low after the Great Recession, as BusinessInsider’s Henry Blodget noted today. Wages as a percentage of the economy have fallen precipitously since their peak in the 1960s, when the minimum wage reached its maximum buying power and the middle class was strongest. Interestingly, Republican presidents, whose failed supply-side policies have led to given them significantly weaker job creation records than their Democratic counterparts, have presided over the three steep declines in wages as a percentage of the economy, as this chart from ThinkProgress’ Adam Peck shows:

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

Oh this shit is funny, I got a 50 yard head start in life. Well, maybe since my parents weren't first cousins I guess so. Like they say in th etrailer park, you can pick your nose but you can't pick your parents. Makes me wanna almost feel sorry for the poor white males who start the race 50 yards behind me. Too bad I didn't even need that 50 yards. If shit is so hard here for you white dudes you may want to think about going back to Europe. Maybe you can join the Nazis or something.

Is that what they say in the trailer park? "Makes you wanna almost kinda of?" If you say so.

Hmmmm, I wonder. Which is worse? Those people having possible inbred parents or knowing your mother was a slut and you don't have any idea who your father is with many potential daddies? Poor people, I couldn't imagine being saddled with either of those scenarios. I'll have to ask you all about them another time. Maybe that's why trailer parks are next to your neighborhood and you seem to know so much about them, as you say in every single post. I guess you are the trailer park Do you like fat white chicks? I heard there are a lot of those kind of castoffs in trailer parks who will even go with black guys.

Anyway, who said it was hard? Who is complaining about race? You are the one who whines about every little thing in life and ties it to race. Glad to hear you didn't need that head start and never checked the African American Box when you applied for anything or took tests (pardon me I just sneezed bullshit) Otherwise you might be a hypocrite, but good for you.

PilotX said...

Wah wah wah, it's so hard being white. You blah people get everything handed to you on a silver platter. Unlike my granduncledaddy/grand wizard I actually have to compete for a job and not just have it handed to me. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to my, well don't have a roon in a trailer, um corner of the trailer and cry! Rush was right about you people!

Anonymous said...

Blogger PilotX said...

BTW troll, you may be new but if you wanna continue to have communication pick a name and stick with it. I know that you're scared to be bested by a blah person and all but hey it's just the internet. Kinda punkish for a white SUPREMACIST aren't ya?

Yes I must be terrified. You are so macho and manly. Perhaps you could point out precisely where you "bested" anyone? Oh wait is this the Negro Game of the dozens? I say witty things and you call me a supremacist or something like that and then imply I am weak and you are strong....hmmmmm. I haven't seen this type of behavior from a Negro before. I wonder what it all means.

I also wonder why you demean yourself self, naming yourself as a "blah" person, I get that Santorum supposedly said that, but if you despise him and he said it, aren't you in effect degrading yourself by calling yourself exactly what he did?

Well, don't mind me, some people have this tendency to think about things. Carry on.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

Wah wah wah, it's so hard being white. You blah people get everything handed to you on a silver platter. Unlike my granduncledaddy/grand wizard I actually have to compete for a job and not just have it handed to me. IT'S NOT FAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm going to my, well don't have a roon in a trailer, um corner of the trailer and cry! Rush was right about you people!

Sir you sound unhinged and seem to be severely projecting. You probably notice most accomplished people avoid affirmative action recipients. They aren't the ones crying for inclusion or diversity or for tests to be eliminated because they cannot pass them. They aren't the ones who can not get ID, even though many are poor and underprivileged, in fact come to think of it illegal aliens get ID easier than black people do..hmmmmm. That's embarrassing. What is the reason you say Blacks can't get a simple paid for photo ID? Should we hook them up with an illegal alien who could maybe help them fill out the paperwork?

You seem to be wired incorrectly, perhaps that is why you are an Obama supporter. You are certain he would have made things better, he knows how, if only the White people didn't stop him from thinking of good policies.


To stick with the theme, set up an empty chair in the corner of your room, Make it president and it will do a better job than Obama because it wont' be borrowing money you can never possibly pay back, just to buy some votes. Make sure it's a dark chair so you aren't tempted to blame a light one on someone else.

Anonymous said...

TILL UNSOLVED! STILL UNREPORTED BY THE MAINSTREAM MEDIA! Imagine for one second that three openly homosexual members of Mitt Romney’s church all died at once. Imagine all three deaths occurred immediately after Romney became a major contender for the nomination. Imagine two of those people were killed execution style. It would be the biggest news story in America. Yet the media censored these deaths at Obama’s church.

Two openly gay members of the black liberation mega-church attended by Barack Obama for twenty years were murdered. A third died of an AIDS related illness. All three deaths occurred in late 2007 after Obama became a major contender for the Democratic presidential nomination.

The media has been hiding this story from the public.

Bland was murdered execution-style on November 17, 2007;
Young was murdered execution-style on December 24, 2007;
Spencer reportedly died of septicemia, pneumonia, and HIV on December 26, 2007.

Unknown said...

Hi.,I saw your posted informations,It was really Informative news to all peoples,Well for me it was useful news.Thanks for sharing this info.

kredyt konsolidacyjny

field negro said...

Anon@6:35AM, those black helicopters aren't real.:)

These wingnuts are totally unhinged. It's actually kind of funny. Color arousal will do that to you.

Anonymous said...

Irony at it's finest.

2:11 AM


Anonymous said...

Without affirmative action, someone like PilotX would not have become a pilot.

Kingnut said...

Bob said...
"America will see itself for real next week: white, black, brown, yellow, men, women, young, old, straight, gay. Democrats don't need to look for tokens to gather a representative selection of Americans."

But isn't that what you just listed, a bunch of tokens? If you have to make a show of all your various identity categories, that's what they are: tokens.

The Republicans had plenty of Hispanic and Black representatives. Plenty of women too. They were given prominent speaking roles because they are accomplished, successful people.

Where are the democrat's accomplished minorities? Why don't they have any successful black or hispanic governors or congressmen? Even the half black guy at the head of the party isn't doing very well.

The reason is that they are all tokens. They are all there only because they are black, or hispanc, or female, or a sexual deviant.

The Republicans advance people based on talent and ability. As talent and ability are found in all types of people they have a natural diversity.

The democrats advance non-white people solely on the the basis of their identity. They have a false diversity where their people may look different, but are united by ideological conformacy and a general lack of substantive accomplishment. They don't have to do anything, being black/hispanic/female/gay is enough. Indeed, if they were accomplished, that would ruin the whole thing. People would talk about their ability rather than their identity, and the whole spoils system might collapse.

The end game of the democrat ideology is an atomized society where power is doled out based on identity, and people are judged not on their own merits but soley by what group they belong to. That is not freedom. That is not America. That is a nightmare.

Dr. Nuwang said...

Without affirmative action, someone like PilotX would not have become a pilot.

And because of your continued reliance on "white privilege", you'll never live the upper middle class existence PilotX lives.

PilotX said...

"Even the half black guy at the head of the party isn't doing very well."

I think you mean commander in chief and most powerful man on the planet but hey, why split hairs.

"The democrats advance non-white people solely on the the basis of their identity"

Unlike repubs who had to find a blah female RUNNING for congress to get representation. Funny, the dems have how many women of color in congress?

"people are judged not on their own merits but soley by what group they belong to. That is not freedom. That is not America. That is a nightmare."

I agree but that is exactly what republicans do. For evidence of this check out the trolls here, maybe your self too, that believe all people of color are somehow inferior and don't deserve the jobs they earned. Irony is lost on conservatives.

PilotX said...

"Without affirmative action, someone like PilotX would not have become a pilot.

And because of your continued reliance on "white privilege", you'll never live the upper middle class existence PilotX lives."

C'mon Doc, you know these types, undereducated and underemployed whites who believe the problem with their existance is that someone else is responsible for their plight. They didn't get the job because it was "given" to a less qualified blah person or woman. These fools have no idea about the qualifications of the person they think "stole" their rightful place but sppout knowingly. I notoice this alot about white males, they feel they are the final authority on everything when oftentimes they are woefully uneducated about the topics they fail to understand. Just listen to Rush and blame others for your failure. I won't even get into the decades of unqualified white males who got pilot jobs over more qualified people of color and women, hell they even PAID for their training instead of hiring qualified people of color and women. Sometimes you just have to feel sorry for some of these guys.

PilotX said...

"The Republicans advance people based on talent and ability. As talent and ability are found in all types of people they have a natural diversity."

What diversity? The party is over 90% white? That's diverse to you? Sarah Palin was advanced based on her talent and ability? If that's the case you need to stop bragging about repub talent and ability. Then again listening to some repubs like Todd Akin, Louie Gomert, Virginia Foxx, Michelle Bachmann and Jan Brewer it's kinda hard for a person with an IQ about 25 to not be seen as a genius in the gop. Natural diversity, Ha! no wonder these dimwits are repubs.

PilotX said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
PilotX said...

"And because of your continued reliance on "white privilege", you'll never live the upper middle class existence PilotX lives."

Then again Doc maybe it's not so much white privilege but the small thinking of conservatives. They don't seem to be able to hold complex thoughts and have to simplify the world for it to make sense to them. Examples abound right here. That's why any successful blah person is an AA recipient because to them white=good blah=bad. If you read the gop platform it is very anti-science because science is hard and requires study and understanding but a belief in the invisible man in the sky is easy so which one do they prefer? Just look at their heroes, GWB, Palin, Rush, Hannity, Brewer. The dumber they are the bigger stars they are in conservoworld. They really hate smart blah people so in their minds they have to diminish their accomplishments to make themselves feel better. Kinda sad when you think about it.

PilotX said...

"Even the half black guy at the head of the party isn't doing very well."

And let's not forget that businesses have experienced record profits and the stock market is doing quite well. Then again the market historically does better during a dem administration. You would think you business minded repubs would know that.

Anonymous said...

You would think anemic growth and tens of millions of people out of work is doing well.

As long as those government checks keep coming and that EBT gets recharged (hey - it's the first of the month!), everything is great.

Democrats have no clue.

Kingnut said...

PilotX said...
"What diversity? The party is over 90% white? That's diverse to you?

What is wrong with being white? The point was that there were plenty of hispanic, black and female faces in leadership postions in the Republican party. White people voted for them because they are able and talented. We are talking Governors and Senators here, not actors and community organizers.

Democrats have no such minority talent. They vote for minorities because they are minorites, not because they have any ability to run the country. They depend on scaring minority voters away from Republicans and paying them off with handouts.

It is the democrat party that is based on tribal politics. Republicans are considered individuals, not representatives of some group vying for advantage over other groups.

And don't white people have legitimate interests too? Isn't it explicitly racist to criticize Republicans for being too white? They cannot out pander democrats when it comes to minorities, not without becoming racist practitioners of identity politics like the dems are.

Minority Republicans are treated like equals. Minority democrats are treated liked mascots.

PilotX said...

President Obama has been very good for America’s businesses. Last year, in fact, the Fortune 500 made a record $824 billion, topping the previous record set before the Great Recession:

The Fortune 500 generated a total of $824.5 billion in earnings last year, up 16.4% over 2010. That beats the previous record of $785 billion, set in 2006 during a roaring economy. The 2011 profits are outsized based on two key historical metrics. They represent 7% of total sales, vs. an average of 5.14% over the 58-year history of the Fortune 500. Companies are also garnering exceptional returns on their capital. The 500 achieved a return-on-equity of 14.3%, far above the historical norm of 12%.

PilotX said...

"Minority Republicans are treated like equals. Minority democrats are treated liked mascots."


"The point was that there were plenty of hispanic, black and female faces in leadership postions in the Republican party"

Double bullshit. How many people of color ar ein leadership positions in the gop? How many blah females? There is nothing wrong with being white but it seems in the gop there is definitely something wrong with being a person of color. Numbers don't lie, Mike Steele says it himself, you guys need to do a better job at diversity. 90%+ white in a diverse country like this is not a good look. Dress it up however you want the repubs are virtually all white and your excuses don't change that fact. And further it is insulting to the smart and talented peoplel of color in the dem party to use man coulter's line "our blahs are better than theirs". If you don't believe the gop uses people of color as mascots I have two words for you, Star Parker.

Anonymous said...

Pilot X Said..

"Unlike repubs who had to find a blah female RUNNING for congress to get representation. Funny, the dems have how many women of color in congress?"

There you go again making my point for me. Republicans select people of any race or color, but require competence and integrity and most of all intelligence.

Have you ever actually listened to any of the Women from the CBC? Do you have any idea how many members are under criminal/ethics violation investigations?

You are either a fool or in denial.

Anonymous said...

Don't Worry Mooch and the Chair are already planning the big move, they are buying a 35 Million Mansion in Hawaii so they have a place to live when the mayflower truck arrives after they lose the election.

PilotX said...

. "Republicans select people of any race or color, but require competence and integrity and most of all intelligence."


Oh shit Field, your trolls are INSANE! Sarah Palin is chosen for her intelligence? Oh dear god, this country is in trouble if repubs breed because they seem to actually believe their own bullshit. Louie Gomert is intelligent? Todd Aiken? Michelle Bachmann? Alan West? Virginia Foxx? GWB? GTFOH!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh well, I needed a good laugh. Two words, Star Parker. Don't forget Jan Brewer or that witch chick O'Donnell.

Anonymous said...

MascotX is a dedicated idiot. It is a waste of time to present him with facts or rational arguments.

President Crony said...

PilotX said...
President Obama has been very good for America’s businesses.

So you are saying Obama has been very good for the 1%, while saying he is good for the 99%. Hmmm.

Anonymous said...

President Crony said...

PilotX said...
President Obama has been very good for America’s businesses.

So you are saying Obama has been very good for the 1%, while saying he is good for the 99%. Hmmm. are gonna make that guy who genetically has a small brain short circuit he doesn't do logic.

Anonymous said...

"Don't Worry Mooch and the Chair are already planning the big move, they are buying a 35 Million Mansion in Hawaii so they have a place to live when the mayflower truck arrives after they lose the election."

He is getting ready to start his 30 year gig as official King of the Negroes.

Hangers on like PilotX will send him a cut of their EBT payments each month, as he and Michelle spend their golden years living in luxury, never having worked a job other than President, where he golfed more than anything else, and left the country with an extra $6 trillion in debt.

There has to be a hell for such people.

Anonymous said...

Star Parker -Founded the Coalition on Urban Renewal and Education, this interjects concepts of free enterprise and individual merit into debates about poverty, exposes the failures of entitlement programs and liberal government ..

Well, let's look around now. How are those majority democrat run Black cities doing? The ones that have a White taxpaying base left are hangin on, the ones that don't, can't seem to make it in any sense of the word.

I would say seeing the failure of liberal policies for all minorities in comparison - she is a genius.

PilotX said...

"Finding myself laughing at U.S Republican convention. They put U.S in this recession, trillions in debt and blame Obama for not fixing it"

This from Pat Cash. Dude was my favorite tennis player when I was a player in high school and college but now I like dude even better. Ha!

Anonymous said...

Blogger PilotX said...

"Finding myself laughing at U.S Republican convention. They put U.S in this recession, trillions in debt and blame Obama for not fixing it"

This from Pat Cash. Dude was my favorite tennis player when I was a player in high school and college but now I like dude even better. Ha!

Well don't mind us if we aren't surprised you admire a man who plays with fuzzy balls and both of you are economic idiots.

Democrats called Barney Frank/Nancy Pelosi are what caused the global economic meltdown.

It is real simple, no matter how many votes you need to buy you cannot lend money to minorities who have no credit, no cash, no skills, no education, little future except minimum wage labor jobs and expect the loans to be paid back.

Barney Franks most successful effort was to impose what were called "affordable housing" requirements on Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac in 1992. Before that time, these two government sponsored enterprises (GSEs) had been required to buy only mortgages that institutional investors would buy--in other words, prime mortgages--but Frank and others thought these standards made it too difficult for low income borrowers to buy homes. The affordable housing law required Fannie and Freddie to meet government quotas when they bought loans from banks and other mortgage originators.

At first, this quota was 30%; that is, of all the loans they bought, 30% had to be made to people at or below the median income in their communities. HUD, however, was given authority to administer these quotas, and between 1992 and 2007, the quotas were raised from 30% to 50% under Clinton in 2000 and to 55% under Bush in 2007. Despite Frank's effort to make this seem like a partisan issue, it isn't. The Bush administration was just as guilty of this error as the Clinton administration. And Frank is right to say that he eventually saw his error and corrected it when he got the power to do so in 2007, but by then it was too late.

It is certainly possible to find prime mortgages among borrowers below the median income, but when half or more of the mortgages the GSEs bought had to be made to people below that income level, it was inevitable that underwriting standards had to decline. And they did. By 2000, Fannie was offering no-downpayment loans. By 2002, Fannie and Freddie had bought well over $1 trillion of subprime and other low quality loans. Fannie and Freddie were by far the largest part of this effort, but the FHA, Federal Home Loan Banks, Veterans Administration and other agencies--all under congressional and HUD pressure--followed suit. This continued through the 1990s and 2000s until the housing bubble--created by all this government-backed spending--collapsed in 2007.

Anonymous said...

Man shot while lining up for his kicks.

They don't say if the "man" was a Black Fellow, just list the names, what do you think?

Montre Bradley was the guy who was shot and his cousin, Diontaye Thompson, says "You can see how the world is like changing, people killing over sneakers."

Kingnut said...

PilotX said...
How many people of color ar ein leadership positions in the gop?"

Well, let's look at who has received prominent roles of late in the Republican party:

Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico

Nikki Haley, Governor of South Carolina

Bobby Jindal, Governor of Louisiana

Brian Sandavol, Governor of Nevada

Marcio Rubio, Senator, Florida

Ted Cruz, Senator, Texas

Tim Scott, Congressman, South Carolina

Allen West, Congressman, Florida

Other than that fake black guy in the White House, what minority democrats are there in such prominent postions in the democrat party? How many are anywhere near the quality of these people?

The Republicans have elected four minority governors. The democrats have only one, "Coup" Deval Patrick of Massachusetts.

The Republicans have more minority governors than democrats do. They have more female governors than democrats do. They are talented and able people that shatter the democrat myth that minorites need white assistance in everything.

These are the leaders of the future. When your constituents see which party really offers them a shot as equals, they will abandon the socialist plantation in droves.

Liberalism is on it's last legs. Nobody wants to be a loser forever.

Anonymous said...

PilotX said...

"And because of your continued reliance on "white privilege", you'll never live the upper middle class existence PilotX lives."

Then again Doc maybe it's not so much white privilege but the small thinking of conservatives. They don't seem to be able to hold complex thoughts and have to simplify the world for it to make sense to them.

This is rich coming from a man who posts about record stock market earnings saying it is a GOOD thing, while not having the economic intelligence to understand it is all fictional and inflated caused by Quantitative easing. I am not even going to try and explain how the economy works to you, but you are in for a rude awakening when you find that "upper middle income" (since when is a pilot upper middle class? ) isn't worth much. See prices of consumables ? Have any clue why? Do you know what stagflation is?

I doubt it.

You will see another Stock Market rise very quickly, you will also see your dollar dropping like a rock in value, your salary and savings will be diminished and it wont be because of creators, it will be because of the democrat machine and their inept economic policies all designed to fool idiots like you - it's working and obviously easy.

Anonymous said...

@pilot X - I know this is way, way over your economic literacy for as you said your world is a very simplistic one made up of race and limited capacity to handle any but the most basic of thoughts driven by your emotions, but what do you think it means when gold AND silver overtake stocks? Do you really still think Obama has done wonderfully for the economy and show gains in the Dow Jones as your proof?

Maybe the grills you have will come in handy after all.

"A very noisy gappy day with much larger volume than in recent days (which all dried up in the afternoon session until the close - for the heaviest volume day in a month) in US equities. European comments lifted us early in a correlated-risk-on manner until Bernanke's speech which hit markets like a meteor - stops were run up and down - but by the close equities and the USD ended fractionally lower from pre-Ben (notably up on the day to save the month for the Dow), Gold considerably up from pre-Ben, Treasury yields down notably from pre-Ben. Near six-month highs in Gold and five-month highs in Silver were the real movers today - with their largest gains in two months. VIX ended marginally lower at 17.5% (-0.3vols); credit was very thin today and tracked stocks in general (though less volatile); USD ended the week -0.5% which matches Oil's +0.5% on the week as Copper underperformed. Silver has overtaken Stocks as the Year-to-Date winner once again..."

PilotX said...

Speaking of tokenism are we to assume Rick Perry is the best and brightest? Michele Bachmann? And lastly Herman Cain? Cain is the best blah person that party can produce? If that's so they need to go back to the drawing board because we see the game. The GOP scrapes the bottom of the barrel when they look for people to make them look not so racist. Apostle Claver, Francis Rice, Star Parker and Jesse Lee Peterson know the game. They are not bright people and would not make a way in the dem party so they just spout anti-Obama rhetoric and use the word "plantation" alot and flash they're on Sean Hannity's show. They say stupid shit like "Dr. King was a Republican" which is easily disproven but they know their base is hungry for a blah person that criticizes other blah especially the prez and facts mean nothing to these people so it's easy to become a star and even write book while being a no talent hack. These fools are so dull they think we can't see right through them. Hell, we even had a tard here saying there were "numerous" blah people at the gop convention when by all accounts it was virtually all white. Oh well, we knew they were dumb when they re-elected W.

PilotX said...

I know this is way over your head troll but don't try to communicate with me unless you have a consistent name. Even dumbass kingnut can figure out how to make a name.

field negro said...

PilotX, you are right; I don't think that my trolls are very smart. :(

KickTheEmpty Chair said...

PilotX said...

I know this is way over your head troll but don't try to communicate with me unless you have a consistent name. Even dumbass kingnut can figure out how to make a name.

OK Pilot. If this helps your neurons grasp concepts more easily, I shall choose a name.

So now, with that minor distraction out of the way; what is it that you were going to say about the economy?

Anonymous said...

PilotX, "Finding myself laughing at U.S Republican convention. They put U.S in this recession, trillions in debt and blame Obama for not fixing it"

Isn't that the reason Obama was elected, to fix the economy, along with a united America? He has done neither and you want to blame Bush for Obama's shortcomings?

Everyone knows Bush set up the recession. But Obama came along and promised "change" and make things better. He has made things worse, esp when it comes to the economy and racial harmony.

He has been a loser...the worst President ever, which is very very unfortunate because we live in a racist society and Obama is Black. He has made things worse for us Blacks by his unbelievable weakness and incompetence--which, by the way, is what most Whites think of a bm anyway.

PilotX, you need to STFU and stop trying to hang on to Bush who left almost 4 years ago. You talk like Obama has done NO wrong when he has been a total F...k-up. You are TNB, which is disgusting and embarrassing.

Any Negro who votes for Obama is voting AGAINST themselves. Obama, through his behavior toward us, has damn near told black folks to go to hell. And you and Field are busy talking about what's wrong with Romney and Ryan? GTFOH.

Anonymous said...

Field, "PilotX, you are right; I don't think that my trolls are very smart. :("

4:51 PM
You are still being loyal to Obama who doesn't give a shit about us. So what could you possibly know anything about being smart? What you see in trolls is what you see in yourself.

Anonymous said...

In PilotX's book an Accomplished Black Man = an Uncle Tom

Anonymous said...

PilotX, has it occurred to you that "blah" is the name given to us by a racist Republican by the name of Santorium?

Why have you adopted the name he gave us? Are you that accepting of any name given to us by Whites?

You are more offensive than the white jerk who called us "blah people". You are a sickening ignoramus and disgrace to our race.

PilotX said...

Stick around kick, we may get to chat afterall.
Wow kingnut, you named a whole 8 people of color in the gop. Hell they may be up to double digits in a few decades. The dems hold a large advantage in female, blah and latino members of congress. There are more blah female dem members of congress than in the entire gop? Thanks for the info. You should really nbe proud. Methinks the old white racist party, the gop, is on its last legs. I mean dude, how the hell can a party that wants to ban contraception be relevant in the 21st century? Good luck with that.

PilotX said...

Btw kick, what do you do for a living since were getting all introduced and all.

Timothy said...

I find it so entertaining reading some of these REPUB/TEABAGGER COMENTS. You got a totally f**** up candidate who lies about anything and everything. Your party and the people who follow it are with out a doubt the worst this country has to offer.
You actually think your guy's going to take the WH?
You actually think the House and Senate are yours this year?
Think again jerks!!

Timothy said...

Why are angry whites on his blog? If you're having problems with what's being said and the views of others...get the F*** off the site.

Unknown said...

This is so exciting for you! I can’t wait to watch this. Thanks for letting us know about this! Good luck!

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