His latest article about Obama's speech was a head- scratcher. Not because he didn't like it, but because of the reasons he gave for not liking it.
"Why was the President’s speech at the DNC convention kind of boring?
Especially when it's this President? Remember that sense of drama there used to be whenever he was about to do some talking? Yet let’s face it, most of us were more titillated in anticipation of Mitt Romney’s speech than Obama’s.
It’s easy to forget how novel Obama’s way of making a speech was just four years ago for someone in the Oval Office. Bill Clinton’s Southern speaking flavor was notorious, but hardly unknown at 1600 Pennsylvania. America had heard a similar sound from Jimmy Carter, not to mention Lyndon Johnson in his more buttoned-down moments.
Obama brought the black English “flava” to the Presidency. Who would have even imagined, as recently as six years ago, a State of the Union addresses sprinkled with the floating speech melodies of the black church? Who would have imagined a President who, with all of his dignity and even reserve, can speak with a faint but perceptible hint of the street?
It was easy to drift into thinking of that melody as lyrics. The humble honesty we hear in the black sound — hiphop, Morgan Freeman, Chris Rock — can come off as a statement in itself. Many, for instance, might be hard-pressed to remember just what black rock star academic Cornel West actually says. What moves people is the funky way that he says it.
Obama got by on that kind of thing to a certain extent in the old days. But like songs that get overplayed and jokes that run stale, the novelty in Obama’s gift of gab has worn off for most of us.
It’s great that his oratorical gifts helped get him elected. But after four years we just hear him talking, again. Comedians do imitations. Reality has caught up to “24” and “Deep Impact”: the President is black and kind of sounds like it. We’ve moved on.
Now what we need from the man is content over form, and at the convention he underperformed on that.
“Explainer-in-Chief,” the media has dubbed Bill Clinton for his masterful bullet-point refutation of the Republicans’ nonsense charges against Obama. But why in the world isn’t the President himself the explainer-in-chief?
Why can’t a former law professor, who could even give a tease in his speech about how being American entails not only rights but responsibilities, give us as good a teaching as Clinton did?
“Think about this,” Clinton often said before launching into a careful elucidation. It’s Obama who should have done more of this. He’s got enough gray hair and gravitas now to do that without seeming pedantic. The black cadence would even help rub out any possible air of Adlai Stevenson, just as Clinton’s down-home accent does for him.
Yet many people still thrill viscerally to Obama’s rising intonations because it reminds them of being in church. There is even a whole book about to be published about how Barack Obama talks, written by people to whom this mindset is likely not alien.....

"Black English flava"? Did he really write that? "Bust a move"? Yes, I think he did. McWhorter's incoherent and silly article was a serious waste of his time not to mention the folks who took the ten minutes or so out of their time to read it. When he writes about people liking the "funky way" that Obama says things you have to wonder where he gets his motivation for such crap. Is he simply trying to impress his white editors by showing them that he has some insight into black thought? If he is, using seventies lingo-- that is both silly and stereotypical-- to help his readers reaffirm their stereotypes was lazy and superficial on McWhorter's part.
Right now I am thinking that I just might have to make that call to the "Drop Squad" after all.
Obama last night gave the same speech he’s delivered repeatedly to zero effect over the last two years. Why, then, given the failure of his previous deliveries of the same speech, did he repeat it on this most important night, when the purpose of the speech was not, as in the past, to push his policies, but to get himself re-elected?
Answer: it’s all he’s got. And since the election really revolves around the fear and loathing of the left half of the country for the right half of the country as evil greedy racist woman-hating white men, it doesn’t matter what he says, with or without Black English flava.
To put it another way: being an empty black suit doesn’t hurt you, if over half the country loves empty black suits.
This Democratic convention has shown the Democrats as they really are, a party whipping themselves into a frenzy of grievance that justifies seeing their fellow Americans as both evil and a free-cash machine.
To the alienated, leftist mind, the United States is simultaneously Satan and Santa, the source of all the evil in the world and the source of all goodies; who is, moreover, evil precisely because he is withholding the goodies that it is in his power easily to give.
Obama's message of Hope and Change has turned into: "The system is rigged. America is unjust. Opportunity is dead. You didn’t build that."
It's now Fear and Loathing. And who is to blame? You guessed it, his politcal opponents. Republicans are the people who rigged the system. They’re trying to take away your rights to vote, to health care, to education, to housing. They hate women, gays and immigrants. They don’t pay their fair share and they’re un-American.
Hate, hate, hate.
The wild, outlandish claims that America is corrupt, Republicans are super-villains and Obama is a super-hero were made by every speaker over three raucous nights. A president, a first lady, a former president, a sitting vice president, top members of Congress, labor leaders, celebrities, fathers, mothers, sons and daughters, blacks, whites, Latinos—all stayed on the scorched-earth message softened only by homilies to Obama.
Something shocking is happening to the Democratic Party. Its committed adherents are whipping themselves into a frenzy of grievance that justifies seeing their fellow Americans as both evil and a free-cash machine.
Instead of a guarantee of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, our culture would be reshaped by a growing collectivist power, vested in the state, that would command ever more resources and control. The claim of “leveling the playing field” is, in reality, a plan to control the outcome.
Obama promised to unite the country and, his lie exposed, is now determined to win re-election by any means necessary. He may succeed.
They don’t want to unite America. They want to conquer it.
Barack Obama did build that.
Obamadriguez knew about the disastrous jobs report, he was like a punctured balloon. He knew it was the worst report of 2012 that keeps going backwards. Recovery started before the stimulus was passed, ever since it's been one baby step at a time over the cliff.
This really, really sucks.
Field the more Obama lies the more baptist preacher he becomes, it's been going around the web but as for rock star, he's spinal tap now not the rolling stones. He even said the same thing they did. No - we are downgrading are stadium sizes to get closer to the people and because it might rain, yeah that's it, it looks like rain.
I watched about two hours of the DNC convention and was struck by how the Democratic party has been transformed into a party of the hard left wing. I saw people holding signs that said “Arab Americans for Obama,” “Brazilian Americans for Obama” “Mexican Americans for Obama” and a group of homosexuals jumping up and down under the now ubiquitous rainbow gay flag. No more plain old Americans, but a balkanized collection of grievance groups. Then there was the booing of God and the rejection of Israel. This was not the same party of as short a time ago as Bill Clinton’s in the ’90s. I don’t recall any past DNC convention looking like or having the same feel as this one. It was utterly alien and revolutionary.
Gallup polls are no longer trustworthy - The thugs in the off white house have re-opened a lawsuit from 2009 in retaliation because of bad polling numbers so they probably have caved to the dictator.
"Dealing With Unfavorable Polls the Chicago Way
When Gallup released a poll showing Romney leading the Manchurian Moonbat 48–43, the powers that be were not pleased:
[T]he White House … asked that a Gallup staffer “come over and explain our methodology,” which was apparently perceived as a subtle threat.
A Gallup official said in an email he thought Axelrod’s pressure “sounds a little like a Godfather situation.”
“Imagine Axel[rod] with Brando’s voice: ‘I’d like you to come over and explain your methodology… You got a nice poll there… would be a shame if anything happened to it….’”
Sure enough, failure to come up with numbers more pleasing to the Regime resulted in punishment:
[W]hen Gallup declined to change its polling methodology, the Obama administration’s Justice Department revived a 2009 whistle-blower lawsuit against the firm by joining the suit, a senior Gallup official alleges.
The suit was filed by former Gallup employee Michael Lindley, who claims the firm violated the False Claims Act by overcharging the federal government for its services.
You know something is fishy when Obama et al. make a stink about overspending.
If we are still Americans, we won’t tolerate being ruled by these thugs indefinitely."
I have little patience for supposedly sophisticated people who voted for Obama four years ago and now complain about what he and his gargoyles are doing to the country. Anybody halfway informed about the political landscape of this country, and where Obama came from in that landscape, and who is advisors and influences were, knew that he was not some sort of slightly-left-of-center, mainstream, border-state Democrat circa 1996. Maybe suburban golf-playing dentists and soccer moms have an excuse for being fooled, but any political journalists who were taken in by Obama’s ghostwritten “bipartisan” rhetoric and smooth style into believing the man was anything other than what he has been in office—well, such a person should consider a career selling shoes. I agree that Obama is a talented politician, and as intelligent as the average Harvard Law School graduate, but to say that his skills and charisma are “unmatched” is nothing more than a lame excuse for one’s own foolishness in voting for him. What Obama is, is the most talented and intelligent BLACK politician the country has ever seen. And, in fact, he’s only half-black by birth, and is entirely white by upbringing and education.
I watched the DNC in its entirety all 3 nights and was struck by how much they resembled the GOP way back in the day.
President Obama is not perfect but I'll take his policies and those of the DNC any day over the selfish, self -involved mean-spirited platform of the RNC.
Daniel F. said... And, in fact, he’s only half-black by birth, and is entirely white by upbringing and education.
How much education does it take to be entirely "white" by education? Because I've got 1 more than his 3, so does this make me "white"?
Your last statement is one of he dumbest I've read on this blog among recent posts which I hear are pretty damn dumb these days.
"And who is to blame? You guessed it, his politcal opponents. Republicans are the people who rigged the system. They’re trying to take away your rights to vote, to health care, to education, to housing. They hate women, gays and immigrants. They don’t pay their fair share and they’re un-American."
I couldn't have said it better myself.
Dr..Reine said...
How much education does it take to be entirely "white" by education? Because I've got 1 more than his 3, so does this make me "white"?
No, I was referring to the fact he was raised by a family and went to school with primarily white children. He was always the only black kid in his school.
I assume your "1 more than his 3" means degrees, but I can't imagine what they might be in for someone who is so obviously stupid.
field negro said...
"I couldn't have said it better myself. "
Because contrary to your moniker, you are, as someone put it yesterday, the biggest House Coon for the democrat party on the internet.
Jig, Field, jig.
Judged against his past speeches, I'd give the Prez 2.5 blahs out of 4. This entire speech, not to mention the rest of the convention, was focused like a laser-beam on the swing vote (independentish white women married to republiklan men, and any and all Latinos this time around) while Rawmoney's still trying to get generic republiklan support out of his base. The latest poll of polls shows that Obama actually got Mitt's bump out of the klan convention. That should be about it for any challenger, but this is a post citizens united world, and Obama is black in America, so nothing's in the bag 'til it's official.
California Girl said...
President Obama is not perfect but I'll take his policies and those of the DNC any day over the selfish, self -involved mean-spirited platform of the RNC.
It's mean-spirited to want to promote opportunity for everyone while maintaining the safety net for those who need it?
I think it's mean spirited to try to make people dependent on an unsustainable system that in the end will leave them with nothing.
Whitey's Conspiracy said...
"so nothing's in the bag 'til it's official."
you're in the bag. what a tool. klan this, klan that. you can't possibly believe the shit you write.
When all is said and done, and the American people can look back at both conventions, all they're gonna remember is that Clint Eastwood dissed Obama and the DNC was a fetid freakfest.
Romney by 7 points.
After Clinton's speech the election is a wrap. The wingnuts can spend all the money they want but as long as Clinton goes on the road stating facts about their economic policies and job records the Republicans have no leg to stand on. As bad as things look now on the job front, under the Obama watch their have been more private sector jobs created then under under 'both' Bush presidents combined. Google for yourself wingnuts. One thing I agree with the article is why Obama's people cant explain things like Clinton. People loved the speech because they've been waiting for someone to call the Republicans out on their bullshit.
Dano, did u see this?
"And who is to blame? You guessed it, his politcal opponents. Republicans are the people who rigged the system. They’re trying to take away your rights to vote, to health care, to education, to housing. They hate women, gays and immigrants. They don’t pay their fair share and they’re un-American."
Well, at least they don't hate Blacks. That's very important to know.
"..all they're gonna remember is that Clint Eastwood dissed Obama.."
Oh yes, the chair. Kind of sums up the folks on the right.
Actually, the chair probably had the highest IQ in that hall. :)
Wesley R said...
as long as Clinton goes on the road stating facts about their economic policies and job records the Republicans have no leg to stand on
Because who wouldn't believe Bill "I did not have sex with that woman" Clinton?
field negro said...
"Oh yes, the chair. Kind of sums up the folks on the right."
It was an epic diss, the meaning of which is resonating across America, because it fits so well.
He will be remembered as the Empty Chair.
If Obama wins, it'll be because of Bill Clinton decided to win, not Obama. And, Clinton just might do that!
Obama is one of the poorest and least effective Presidents in American history....bar none!
After listening to his speech, Obama has not changed as a President or a person since he took office, imo.
This country is in a lot of trouble when it comes to leadership. Never before has America needed a great leader than now, but none are to be found.
Field, "Actually, the chair probably had the highest IQ in that hall. :)"
You are one insulting MoFo. We don't play that disrespectful shit down South. Why don't you come down to visit?
field negro said...
Dano, did u see this?
Of course not. Why would I waste my time on the arcana of left-wing propaganda site?
And the fact is, 99.5% of the people who vote won't waste time on such inanities either.
The deal is this: Do you think Americans will choose the party of Dirty Harry or the party that booed God?
Book it.
"If Obama wins, it'll be because of Bill Clinton decided to win, not Obama. And, Clinton just might do that!"
Sad, wasn't it? Obama still looks like Clinton's bag boy:
"The deal is this: Do you think Americans will choose the party of Dirty Harry or the party that booed God?"
That is a very good point. I bet that most Americans will choose Dirty Harry over a bunch of anti-God abortionists any day.
We cannot afford to have our country run by an anti-God, anti-Christian, anti-Church party.
you talk about the things that you think are important and I described in my speech, my commitment to a strong military unlike the president’s decision to cut our military. And I didn’t use the word troops, I used the word military. I think they refer to the same thing.
You notice this became the latest talking point for Obama, right after the Seals came out against him, after he gave a speech to the military and they just stood there in awkward silence, after polls showed Romney has overwhelming support of the troops and Obama not so much.
You want to know why? The military live with tough hard truth, they don't want to have sunshine blown up their ass, their lives depend on it. Look at the left with this ridiculous theme, now Obama cares about the troops because he mentioned them in a speech. Well while Obama was campaigning Romney was in West Point and he did Mention that he will not cut the military. The question is do you really beleive this bullshit are you that dumb or are you just as bad a spinmeister as they are?
Obama will NEVER have the majority of the troops vote, he is the first gay president, he subjected the military to debauchery, they die because of his weak willed liberal policies restricting return fire..
Liberals are despicable
Think Progress - forgot that was a Soros funded propoganda site. Holy batshit crazy batman, I looked at a few articles over there, no wonder why this country is going to shit with liberals holding the house and the senate since 2007 followed by Obama and his radical Czar army in 2009....it's like watching a bunch of children who get a smidgen of information and then proceed to indulge in discussions on aliens, bigfoot, conspiracies. NO wonder why they have to be takers instead of creators, they are nucking futs.
I'm Republican. I have nothing against Mexican people! Or black people! Or any kind of people! So long as they pull their weight. Maybe instead of asking us why all these so-called diverse people are not Republicans, maybe you should ask them why they don't support the party for the people who do the work and pay the bills. Maybe it's their problem, not ours, that they identify with a president who is tearing down everything I grew up with.
Whoever you blame, I don't see why I should change my beliefs just because somebody with a different color skin doesn't like them. I don't like Barack Obama's beliefs, but he won't change them on my account. Why is it that the guy with the white skin has to change his mind, not the guy with the other kind of skin? Or why can't we just respect the fact that some of us have one set of beliefs - others have different beliefs - and let us all compete on voting day and may the best team win? Why do you liberals always have to be dragging race into it? Makes me think that it's you guys, who are always blaming just one race for everything that's wrong with America, who are the real racists.
What you want is a country where everybody looks different, and everybody thinks the same. That's what you call diversity. No thanks. You work hard, you pay your way, you quit asking for handouts, and you're American enough for me.
8.1% Unemployment? Stop shittin Barry.
Somehow the labor force declined by 368,000 people, which is a paradox since according to the household survey 119,000 jobs were lost in August, yet at the same time the unemployment rate dropped AND 9,000 of the 96,000 jobs added came from the resolution of a utility strike. Yep. Not new hires. Just people who decided to get back to work.
Just 87,000 jobs added in August a lot of P/T a lot of waiters and servers. Turn back from the corner joe, we aint followin no mores
I thought he showed a quality we haven't had enough of from him: anger.
& how about Gabby Giffords' Pledge of Allegiance? Wow. To come back from happened to her & radiate such joy at being alive, every word she spoke carrying the double meaning of love of country & the personal courage & resilience to learn again how to speak it. I felt honored to witness it.
Dr.Reine said...
Daniel F. said... And, in fact, he’s only half-black by birth, and is entirely white by upbringing and education.
How much education does it take to be entirely "white" by education? Because I've got 1 more than his 3, so does this make me "white"?
Your last statement is one of he dumbest I've read on this blog among recent posts which I hear are pretty damn dumb these days.
They say the average person only uses 1/10th of their brain during a lifetime, you are definitely not an average person.
I have to tell you, Field, your blog has been infected. May I suggest a four pack of Raid aerosol insect bombs? Wal Mart sells them for less than $6.00.
"You are one insulting MoFo. We don't play that disrespectful shit down South. Why don't you come down to visit?"
Down there all the time. In fact, I will be down there again very soon. I always love visiting the South. My in laws are there. Do u have a special party planned for me? I will be in Louisiana. Please come and visit. My Mother-in-law makes a mean gumbo.
"I have to tell you, Field, your blog has been infected. May I suggest a four pack of Raid aerosol insect bombs? Wal Mart sells them for less than $6.00."
Majii,I am afraid that won't help. I am going to have to hire Orkin. :)
Bob said...
I thought he showed a quality we haven't had enough of from him: anger.
& how about Gabby Giffords' Pledge of Allegiance? Wow. To come back from happened to her & radiate such joy at being alive, every word she spoke carrying the double meaning of love of country & the personal courage & resilience to learn again how to speak it. I felt honored to witness it.
Anger? Anger? That's a racist dogwhistle if I have ever heard one.
Geez now I sound like a moonbat.
"how about Gabby Giffords' Pledge of Allegiance? Wow."
The only way they could bring themselves to do the Pledge of Allegiance was to drag a gunshot victim out to lead it who they had tried to use for political propaganda. Wow.
majii said...
I have to tell you, Field, your blog has been infected. May I suggest a four pack of Raid aerosol insect bombs? Wal Mart sells them for less than $6.00.
3:23 AM
what would fn be without the loving words of trolls?
BTW, what kind of name is "majii?" It sounds Asian but that probably is not the case.
Dear Mr Field, would you mind explaining what the "Drop Squad" is, or was?
I just don't get this "Drop Squad" bit, but maybe it's because I respect and love Mr. McWhorter. He is a scholar, intellectual, half-white, and tells the truth like it is, without fluff.
In other words, he's a real strong black man with a backbone. Obama is not. But most people, including Blacks, know that.
Don't get me wrong, I am down for the cause, the "right" Black cause. Do you see what I mean?
Damn, FN, you got a real infestation of trolls on this one.
What the hell are you doing that gives you such respect?
This is the quality of person democrats get to represent them:
That's Yvette Clarke, Congressman from Brooklyn on the The Colbert Report. (She's Jamaican no less.) A partial transcript (starting at 3:54 in the linked clip):
Yvette Clarke: “I would say to them: set me free!”
Stephen Colbert: “From … ?”
YC: “Slavery.”
SC: “Slavery. Really. I didn’t realize there was slavery in Brooklyn in 1898.”
YC (knowing nod): “I’m pretty sure there was.”
SC: “Sounds like a horrible part of the United States, that kept slavery going until 1898!”
YC: “Uhhh … “
SC: “Who would be enslaving you, in 1898 in New York?”
YC: “The Dutch.”
SC: “The Dutch. Those sneaky Dutch bastards!”
YC (nodding again): “Exactly.”
SC: “Okay! Excellent.”
No wonder Black people vote democrat.
Anonymous Vermin Jordan said...
"how about Gabby Giffords' Pledge of Allegiance? Wow."
The only way they could bring themselves to do the Pledge of Allegiance was to drag a gunshot victim out to lead it who they had tried to use for political propaganda. Wow.
I think someone overheard the Mooch saying "all this for a flag"
DerFarm said...
Damn, FN, you got a real infestation of trolls on this one.
What the hell are you doing that gives you such respect?
10:53 AM
People like you never ceases to amaze me. Isn't it obvious that Mr. Field is patient, tolerant, and believes in "freedom of speech"?
Has it 'ever' occurred to you that Mr. Field embraces, welcomes and loves all human beings, regardless of opinions or IQ or zip code? He even invited a person needing much love over to his in-laws house in LA. down South. Now, that is the Love of Christ in his heart.
In other words, he does not care what side of the tracks, trailer park, city or suburb you are from. Mr. Field is the true American that America needs but unfortunately today he is the 'only' one thus far. Hopefully, some of you will catch his love-fever.
So Pleaseeee. Don't try to turn him into somebody else like you.
Bill Clinton at the DNC "I’m fixin' to tell..." I guess he really does have negro tendencies...
"People like you never ceases to amaze me. Isn't it obvious that Mr. Field is patient, tolerant, and believes in "freedom of speech"?"
Mr Field is cool on the outside and unknown on the inside. God bless America.
A bunch of geese is a gaggle. A bunch of lions is a pride, a bunch of chimps is a troop.
What do you call a bunch of violent Negroes? African Americans
Field is a good guy. He has the potential to be half-White. I am sure if he were to contact Prof. Henry Louis Gates at Harvard it would be proven that Field is half-White. That makes him a credible black man and unbiased in his posts.
BTW, I hear that Prof Gates once again has been arrested for breaking and entering. Some Negroes never learn.
This is not an indictment of Mr. Field, though it 'could' be of Dr Reine and PilotX. It is obvious from their comments that neither have an ounce of white blood in them.
Thanks for the link, anon. As a bm it is very disheartening to see Negroes acting like animals in heat.
A poster on the thread of that link described my peeps in that video best:
"untermenschen". That's German for 'sub-human.' I sometimes wonder where the hell do these Negroes come from. I mean, they don't quite seem real, let alone human. Yeah, I AM talking about AAs in my race. They ARE animals and I don't want anything to do with them.
As Chris Rock said on stage a few years ago, "There are black folks, and then there are n****rs. They have got to go!" There is no doubt in my mind that that day is coming where EVERYBODY, regardless of race will remove these half-human destructive violent ignoramuses. The sooner the better.
And I think that's what they want because they are miserable beings with no place in a civilized society. They belong in the jungles. They are disgusting.
Obama “promise” expires after one day. Thursday night, Obama said “I will NEVER turn Medicare into a voucher”, but “back in Washington, his Health and Human Services Department is launching a pilot program that would shift up to 2 million of the poorest and most-vulnerable seniors out of the federal Medicare program and into private health insurance plans overseen by the states.” Obama’s promises go bad faster than his dog-and-arugula leftovers.
"What do you call a bunch of violent Negroes?"
I thought the preferred media euphemism was "teens" or "youths"
The book "1984" was a condemnation, Barry, not a handbook.
As Chris Rock said on stage a few years ago, "There are black folks, and then there are n****rs. They have got to go!"
Chris Rock retired the "Black Folks and Niggas" sketch for the same reason Dave Chappelle walked away from his own comedy show: both comedians saw their material being used to confirm and validate the biases and prejudices of folks such as yourself. A black comedian's work shouldn't be used as a license to gleefully indulge in your own prejudiced stupidity.
There is no doubt in my mind that that day is coming where EVERYBODY, regardless of race will remove these half-human destructive violent ignoramuses. The sooner the better.
Wasn't it the Ku Klux Klan that once dedicated itself to that very purpose? Not that they did a good job of it, but scores of those aforementioned "n****rs" sure were scared when they were in their prime, weren't they?
Damn, FN, you got a real infestation of trolls on this one.
What the hell are you doing that gives you such respect?
Personally, I still think there's one or even two trolls behind the madness, probably someone the Field crossed in his day job. The majority of trolls tend to be transient, but the Field's trolls are dedicated to one place.
@MackLyons, Field asked me if I had anymore troll spray left, but I think don't think the troll spray is potent enough. He needs elephant tranquilizers for his trolls. I'm just saying.
Couple of boos for the Pledge of Allegiance. Those warped souls must be from the Sovereign Nation of Idaho.
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